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Minutes - 2023 - City Council - 11/28/2023 - Regular
EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 28,2023 I. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER, PIKE, BAUN, RUSSELL. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. ADDITIONS,DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: Nichoel Baird-Spencer, Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects, requests that 11B be removed from the agenda and rescheduled to a date and time that will better accommodate ITD's availability. 5. PRESENTATION: A. Jake Fruhlinger, from the Idaho National Guard,will be Presenting on the Guard's Integrated Readiness Training(IRT)program. Mayor Pierce introduces Mr.Fruhlinger. Jake Fruhlinger,Cultural Resource Manager and Tribal Liaison with the Idaho National Guard. Fruhlinger provides a brief history of the Civil-Military Programs and specifically Innovative Readiness Training Program (IRT). He reviews the benefits of said programs in military readiness community partnerships and the provision of quality services. General discussion regarding qualifying partnerships, the requirements of community applications and responsibilities of both partners(the military and the community). Pike asks a question that was submitted to him by an Eagle resident,Jane Oliver.The question is: "A resident would be interested if, due to reported recruitment shortfalls, will illegal migrants be prepared for conscription, if needed?". Mr. Fruhlinger replies that in order to participate the individuals must be members of the military and that the qualification would not be waived. Discussion regarding potential Eagle projects. 6. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council: Gindlesperger reports on the Eagle Public Library Board meeting and the statistics to date. Avimor representatives have met with the Library Board regarding future library space. Gindlesperger also reports on the Friends of the Library annual seasonal sale. Pike reports on the Urban Renewal Agency. A reimbursement agreement was approved for the Pacific West Communities for utilities improvements, in the Jovino's and Starbucks area. Pike reports that a presentation on Capital Improvement and Projects was also given by Nichoel Baird Spencer to the Agency. Russell states that all programs, exercise classes, and meals are still occurring during the interior renovation period at the Eagle Senior Center. Russell discusses the upcoming change in costs that Metro Meals on Wheels will be implementing. Russell seeks Council permission to work with staff on the creation of an Eagle City Hall Citizens Academy the concept is to showcase the inner workings of City Hall to the Community. She will work with staff to bring a concept plan forward, for Council consideration if there is no objection. Council states no objections. Pierce states that the Eagle Food Bank will be moving into the Senior Center as they lost their previous location. It will be a convenience for those seniors Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2023\CC-11-28-23min.doa utilizing the services. Eagle Kiwanis also delivers food from the Eagle Food Bank to the food box at Sisters Villa. B. Department Supervisor:No reports 1. City Treasurer,Financial Reports for October 2023. (KR) C. Eagle Police Department: Ada County Sheriff, Matt Clifford compliments the City on their efforts to seek Office of Highway Safety grant funding for two new deputies. D. City Attorney:No report. 7. PUBLIC COMMENT 1: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time.This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter,land use application,or comment on a pending application or proposal.Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak,the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Mayor introduces the item. Brent Sturgill, 1983 N.Rivington Way,Eagle,Idaho. Mr.Sturgill relays a conversation he had with a friend of Mayor Pierce regarding derogatory texts that were sent out. Mr. Sturgill inquires if Mayor Pierce will issue an apology to Mr.Pike. He does not feel that a debate would be beneficial. Carol Venable, 1230 N. Hiltonhead Way, Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Venable is representing Eagle Senior Center Inc., now meeting in the Eagle Hills Church. She is here tonight to get information on what is happening in Eagle just like other interested citizens. Rebecca Roth, 4514 W. Briar Rock, Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Roth is a longtime resident of Eagle. She is dismayed with the conduct of this election and campaign. She has received threats and personal attacks. The attacks and unprofessional behavior of seated Council members does not serve the best interests of the City and residents,and is not a reflection of the Eagle community values. It is important to maintain a level of professionalism and civility in our public disclosure. Robert Trimble, 5750 Val Cross, Eagle, Idaho. He moved here 4 years ago from California and he does not want Eagle to become the state that he left. He thanks the Mayor and Council for the opportunity to address them. Mr.Trimble would like to see a debate,it does a disservice to the candidate who refuses to commit to one. Lori Ruddick 536 Mango Dr.,Eagle,Idaho. Ms.Ruddick provides a brief biography of herself and her family.She loves the Eagle community,and actively works to be a good neighbor. She does not feel that there has been transparency or accountability in the current administration. Mayor Pierce has never been a supporter of local police;it has taken Brad Pike to highlight the insufficiencies and seek ways to address them. The conduct of Mayor Pierce's campaign has been distasteful. Peter Robbins, 138 S. Vandries, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Robbins requests the installation of no parking signs along Old Valley Road between Linder Road and Baxter Way. Old cars, trash trailers and garbage trucks line the roadway. In addition to these vehicles being an eyesore, it has caused visibility and safety issues when driving on Old Valley. Page 2 K:\COU NO L\MIN UTES\2023\CC-11-28-23 m in.doa Scott Keene, 567 W. Two Rivers Drive, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Keene thanks Mr. Pike for his service while with the fire department. He would very much like for a debate to get a better idea on where Mr.Pike stands on a number of items. John Klaver, 1665 W. Woods Gulch, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Clower moved from Hollister, California, was a business owner, and served in law enforcement. He knew Brad from Hollister. Brad is conservative man and a Christian. While in Hollister,Brad led a grass roots campaign to improve roadway safety and took it all the way to the State. It was his success that led people to encourage Brad to run for office. Mr.Clower is concerned with the negative campaign conduct of Mayor Pierce, and believes the Mayor is lying in the statements being made regarding Brad Pike. Laurie Gail 2914 S. Windward Way, Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Gail has been attending Coffee with the Mayor, at these meetings she has learned about grants being used to build the bridge over the Boise River, park safety improvements, the fiber optic program and other city related improvements. She has appreciated the transparency in city activities. Greg Oshay, 3425 S. Island Fox, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Oshay was a Chief Officer with a Fire Department,he often reported to elected officials. He feels that all of the Council has done a service to the community. He thanks the Mayor for his leadership and the Council for the job they have done. Hilda Garcia, address unintelligible. There is an inversion of the truth with the negative comments regarding Mayor Pierce. She thanks Mayor Pierce for meeting her family personally regarding the Avimor annexation and for his honesty. Ms. Garcia expresses concerns with the conduct of election, SOS Eagle's involvement in campaigning and the support Mr. Pike is receiving from the left. Ruth Patton, 1921 E. Stoneybrook Ct., Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Patton states that when the Senior Center lease was cancelled, on February 14th Mayor Pierce said "if you don't like what I'm doing,you can see me at the ballot box."Ms Patton states:"I will see you at the ballot box." Mark Butler 1675 E.Bishop Way,Eagle,Idaho. Mr.Butler expresses his respect for both Pike and Pierce, however he does feel that Pierce is the correct choice for Mayor. Looking back over what has been achieved over the last four years, he believes that Pierce deserves another four years as Mayor. Tammy Pike, 1905 N. Synergy Place, Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Pike states that Mayor Pierce needs to stop saying things about Hollister. People will come out and prove the lies. It is unfortunate that the Council has weighed in with so much hate. She looks forward to a forthcoming apology from Mayor Pierce for the lies he has perpetuated. Joel Anderson, 1424 Hereford Dr.,Eagle,Idaho.Mr.Anderson provides first hand knowledge of Brad's tenure in Hollister. He believes that Brad has always been a servant leader,as evident with his career in the fire department and he has a deep concern for people's well-being. Anderson notes that Brad started a grass roots effort to improve safety. Mr. Anderson's firsthand experience with Brad in Hollister was that he was approachable,attentive,authentic, compassionate,caring collaborative,dedicated,ethical forward-thinking,transparent,sensible, hardworking, logical,upstanding,and has a deep commitment to public safety. Brian Almon, 864 N. Player Ave, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Almon believes that each campaign is guilty of negativity; it is something that has been going on since John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were name calling. Eagle is where he wants to raise his children and hopes we can Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2023\CC-11-28-23min.docx move on from the campaign acrimony and keep Eagle a community where we raise our children and our children want to raise their's here as well. Mr. Almon thanks the Mayor and Council for their public service. William Ziebell, 4365 W. Springhouse Dr., Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Ziebell is the founder and publisher of the Eagle Chronicle. He submits editions of the Chronicle, a campaign card, and a thumb drive of a pod cast to the Clerk. Mr.Ziebell states that he founded the Eagle Chronicle to educate himself about the happenings in town. Mr. Ziebell is dismayed by the vitriol being spewed and takes issue with the Mayor's campaign lies being perpetuated. He believes the people have the right to disagree with how the city has been run.Mr.Ziebell does not like how the Mayor governs on certain things,and believes that is his right. Jim McFarland, 1925 N. Sensation, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. McFarland comments that this is not a Town Hall meeting and seeks clarification on protocol. He hopes that at the conclusion of the election that healing can take place and that the winner can bring the city back together. Patrick Chapman, 1570 N. Prestwick Way, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Chapman states that he personally has gone out and spoken on behalf of Jason's campaign and that he only speaks to the issues. He does not direct personal attacks towards Pike. Chapman states that there is transparency,and questions why aren't people attending the Wednesday Coffee with the Mayor events to get their questions and concerns addressed. Keely Morris, 551 N. Eagle Hills Way, Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Morris offers an apology for her behavior while giving testimony previously. She has lived here a long time and she loves this town and does not want it to degrade to people attacking other people. Devon Miller, 427 Old Park, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Miller states that the negative back and forth between campaigns is just an inevitable part of the election process these days. You must fight aggressively and fiercely to win on conservative issues. To criticize one another for negative campaign procedures is naïve. Kurt Smith, 2502 W. Timber Dr., Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Smith wishes to discuss the rates for Hardin Sanitation. The current contract does not allow for increases, except for certain exceptions. His bill went up 23%. Mr. Smith has reached out to the City regarding the matter, he was directed to Mark Fulwiler but has yet to receive a response that adequately meets his concerns. He would like the City to investigate the matter. Dwight McCardy,689 W.Calamine Ct.,Eagle,Idaho. He is here to support Mayor Pierce. He believes that Pierce's transparency and openness has been evident for example he gives out his cell phone,makes himself available for individual meetings,as well as the weekly Coffee with the Mayor. 8. ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA • Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor,a Councilmember,member of City Staff,or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion.Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. • Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff,Planning&Zoning Commission,or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. DR-37-23 - Change of Use, Including Modifications to the Exterior Building Elevations and Landscaping - Jason Coylar: Jason Coylar, represented by Chuck Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2023\CC-11-28-23 m in.doa Tookey with Maxey Tookey Architects, LLP, is requesting design review approval to convert an existing 22,875-square foot warehouse and storage building to a multi-tenant flex space and automotive repair building,including modifications to the exterior building elevations and landscaping. The 1.6-acre site is located on the south side of East State Street approximately 270-feet west of intersection of East State Street and South Edgewood Lane at 1447 East State Street. (ERF) C. DR-46-23 - Multi-tenant Office (Medical and Dental/Business and Professional) Building-Mike Spencer: Mike Spencer,represented by Jessica Petty with 12.15 Design, LLC, is requesting design review approval to construct a new two(2)story, 9,723-square foot multi-tenant office (medical and dental/business and professional) building. The 1- acre site is located on the south side of East State Street approximately 75-feet east of the intersection of East State Street and South Young Lane at 577 East State Street. (ERF) D. DR-47-23 - Master Sign Plan for 577 East State Street, including Building Wall Signage and a Multi-tenant Monument Sign for Ascend Dental - Tyson Gray and Tiffany Larson: Tyson Gray and Tiffany Larson, represented by David Moorhouse with McCarter Moorhouse, is requesting design review approval for the master sign plan for 577 East State Street, including the building wall signs and multi-tenant monument sign for Ascend Dental. The 1-acre site is located on the south side of East State Street approximately 75-feet east of the intersection of East State Street and South Young Lane at 577 East State Street. (ERF) E. DR-50-23-Office(Business and Professional)Building within Ashbury Business Park Subdivision No.1-James Clyde:James Clyde,represented by Jason Martin,is requesting design review approval of a 3,978-square foot office(business and professional)building. The 0.41-acre site is located on the northwest corner of West Bavaria Street and North Meridian Road at 3226 West Bavaria Street (Lot 1, Block 1, Ashbury Business Park Subdivision No. 1). (BAW) F. DR-51-23 - One Building Wall Sign for the James Clyde Office Building - James Clyde : James Clyde, represented by Jason Martin, is requesting design review approval to construct one building wall sign for the James Clyde office building. The 0.41-acre site is located on the northwest corner of West Bavaria Street and North Meridian Road at 3226 West Bavaria Street(Lot 1,Block 1,Ashbury Business Park Subdivision No. 1).(BAW) G. State and Eagle Intersection Improvements: Change Order No. 3 with Baer Design in the amount of$20,680.00 for changes in Approvals & Construction Documents, Bid & Award Phases,and Construction Administration associated with the project being done in phases by Ada County Highway District(ACHD). Including an extension of the contract through September of 2026.(NBS) H. Findings of Fact and Conclusion of Law for the Approval of FPUD-04-23 & FP-07- 23—Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Soaring Feather Ranch Subdivision —Dillon Ludlow: Dillon Ludlow, represented by Katie Miller with Bailey Engineers, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Soaring Feather Ranch Subdivision, a 32-lot(29-buildable, 3-common), residential subdivision. The 17-acre site is located approximately 2,000 feet south of Beacon Light Road between Linder Road and Park Lane at 4807 Little Feather Lane. (MJW) I. Findings of Fact and Conclusion of Law for the Approval of FPUD-02-23 & FP-06- 23 — Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Shingle Creek Subdivision — Mike Cook: Mike Cook, represented by Kent Adamson, P.E., with RiveRidge Engineering Company is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Shingle Creek Subdivision,a 12-lot(9-buildable, 3-common),residential subdivision. The 4.41-acre site is located on the north side of State Highway 44 approximately 400-feet west of the intersection of West State Street and State Highway 44 at 2500 West State Street.(MJW) J. Amended Subscription Service Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Baker & Taylor: An Amended Subscription Service Agreement between the City of Eagle and Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MIN UTES\2023\CC-11-28-23min.do« Baker&Taylor for the company's CollectionHQ and ESP collection maintenance services, in an amount not t exceed$10,498 annually for CollectionHQ and$3,499 for ESP. (SJB) K. Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Blackstone Audio, Inc.: An Agreement between the City of Eagle and Blackstone Audio, Inc. for the subscription to Blackstone Unlimited in an amount not to exceed$9,500 annually. (SJB) L. Appointment to the Eagle Library Board of Trustees: In accordance with Resolution 23-17, Mayor Pierce is requesting Council Confirmation of the appointment of Sarah Hayes to the Eagle Library Board of Trustees. Ms. Hayes will be serving a five (5) year term that will expire September 2028,nunc pro tunc.(JWP) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Baun moves to approve consent agenda items A-L. Seconded by PIKE. GINDLESBERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE; ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None 10. ALL PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS PUBLIC HEARINGS:Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m • Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law.The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. • Public hearing testimony time limits: Individuals testifying are allotted three (3) minutes for non-repetitive testimony. • Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest A. A-01-23/RZ-02-23/CU-03-23/PPUD-02-23/PP-02-23 — Annexation, Rezone, Conditional Use Permit,Preliminary Development Plan,and Preliminary Plat for Everton Subdivision — TH Lost River, LLC: TH Lost River, LLC, represented by Stephanie Hopkins, with KM Engineering, LLP, is requesting an annexation, rezone from RUT (Rural-Urban Transition — Ada County designation) to R-1-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement — PUD), R-4-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement — PUD), R-6-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement — PUD), and C-2-DA-P (General Business District with a development agreement — PUD), conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Everton Subdivision, a 241-lot (212-residential [138- single family, 74-single-family attached], 11-commercial, 18-common) mixed use planned unit development. The 76.85-acre site is located at the northeast corner of State Highway 44 and North Palmer Lane. (MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Stephanie Hopkins,with KM Engineering, 5725 Discovery Boise, Idaho, representing TH Lost River, LLC. Ms. Hopkins reviews the application, and the requested changes to the site specific conditions and the development agreement provisions. Planner III, Mike Williams reviews the staff report and areas for special consideration. Mayor Pierce opens the public hearing. Jerod Moyle, 737 N. Longhorn Dr., Eagle, Idaho. He is part of Lincoln Park Subdivision. He would like to ensure that the fencing that was approved at Planning and Zoning makes it into Council's approval. He would also request that streetlights be eliminated or Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2023\CC-11-28-23 m i n.d ocx minimized to decrease light pollution into their subdivision. Moyle states that working with Tresido has been a pleasant experience. Manuela Walter, 1327 N. Marconia Ave, Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Walter lives in Legacy. She hopes that the light is installed at Palmer before any construction begins; it already poses a traffic challenge in that area. She believes that lower density should be sought. Ms. Walter would like to see more green space rather than ponds. Legacy already has a problem with non-subdivision residents utilizing their amenities. If the proposed subdivision had their own park amenities perhaps then people wouldn't have a tendency to use Legacy's. She also questions the placement of stub streets in the proposal. Dave Yorgason, 14254 W. Battenburg, Boise, Idaho. Yorgason is part of the development team and provides rebuttal. Yogason states that they will continue to work with the abutting neighbor with lot size transition as well as fencing. They agree that two stub streets may not be necessary. The developer does not feel that a concrete pathway is logical due to the damage that will be caused when maintaining the ditch. The Developer is requesting the requirement be changed to gravel and reduced in width to 6'. Ms. Hopkins discusses open space amenities and the importance to the Developer of the townhome design. General discussion. Mayor closes the public hearing. Baun expresses concern with the ponds vs usable green space. He would like to reduce some density and one of the stub streets, and feels the 8' wide pathway is needed. He does think there should be a reduction of lots on the east side, perhaps two lots, recommends only one stub street, and discusses abutting fencing. Gindlesperger concurs with Baun's comments, but seeks clarification on his statements regarding ponds. Russell is in agreement with the reduction in the streetlights and using bollard lights at pathways, and is in favor of removing the alley load and going to front load. Discussion regarding open space, traffic counts on Palmer, timing of the signalization installation and streetlights. Pike expresses concern with the high-density portion at the south end of the development. The high density,plus the commercial component near the highway,will be a lot of excess vehicles in that area. He suggests that perhaps a dog park be added as has been requested in previous developments, perhaps a percentage of the green space could be allocated to that amenity. General discussion regarding density transition between commercial and residential. Baun moves to approve action item 10A A-01-23/RZ-02-23/CU-03-23/PPUD-02- 23/PP-02-23 — Annexation, Rezone, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Development Plan, and Preliminary Nat for Everton Subdivision — TH Lost River, LLC with the following site-specific conditions: #4 for the language to be adjusted based on staff recommended language. Site specific condition #8 transition drop one unit in north and one in south and only one stub street. Site specific condition #12 streetlights based on the recommendation from staff, to reduce streetlights to the corner sections and the bollards for the trails. Site specific condition #11: solid fence on the rear east lot line transitions so it matches the 6' change. Site specific condition #6 front load, basically change the rear load to the front load option. Site specific condition #7 revise condition to the 31' lot setback for the garage. For the development agreement provision 11.12, keep the 8' pathway and keep the 10' Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MIN UTES\2023\CC-11-28-23min.docx cement surface on the southside of the trail. Have the applicant come back with a revised greenspace map showing a reduction in the number of ponds replaced with active green space. Seconded by Gindlesperger. Discussion. THREE AYE; ONE NAY (Pike) (based on density). MOTION CARRIES. 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: Storm Water Drainage Easement for 166 North 2nd Street (DR- 59-14 MOD — Mixed Use Building) — Yesterday Properties, LLC: Yesterday Properties, LLC,represented by Shawn Nickel,is requesting approval of a storm water drainage easement between the property owners of 166 North 2nd Street and 310 East State Street(Eagle Senior Center).The 0.17-acre site is located on the southeast corner of North 2nd Street and East Idaho Street at 166 North 2nd Street. (BAW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Planner III, Barbara Williams briefly reviews the drainage agreement. Pike moves to approve new business action item 10A Storm Water Drainage Easement for 166 North 2nd Street (DR-59-14 MOD — Mixed Use Building) — Yesterday Properties, LLC:. Seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. ACTION ITEM: State Highway 16 Reevaluation: Presentation by Idaho Transportation Department seeking the Council's recommendation on the State Highway 16 Reevaluation Project. (NBS) This item is tabled. 12. PUBLIC COMMENT 2: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter,up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing and land use items.Comments regarding Public Hearing and land use items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s)in accordance with Idaho Code.At times,the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters(excluding Public Hearing and land use items)during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3)minutes. Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Mark Butler, 1675 E. Bishop Way, Eagle, Idaho. Butler clarifies a statement earlier tonight. He voted for Stan Ridgeway 8 years ago, for Mayor. He did not vote for Stan in this last election; he voted for Jason. Butler expresses his concerns with the election and the disingenuousness of some of the tactics. Discussion. 13. EXECUTIVE SESSION:74-206(1)An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3)vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: A. ACTION ITEM: Action Regarding Pending/Threatened Litigation. Page 8 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2023\CC-11-28-23 m i n.d o cx Executive session was not needed. 14. ADJOURNMENT: Baun moves to adjourn. Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. OOOOOOOOOOO 4 R•spectfully submitted: .••`' CNt�•OP '•., •. cis • • T N CY E.OSBORN,CI iI : S CITY CLERK J, o9A SEq L el 11 ••PRATED\..•• * APPROVED: F ••. ..•• • .''•., I OpDP" %% OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO J PIERCE MA• •R AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WWW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 9 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2023\CC-11-28-23min.docx EAGLE CITY COUNCIL November 28, 2023 PUBLIC COMMENT 1 SIGN-UP Time is allotted on the agenda at the beginning and end of the council meeting. Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual. TESTIFY PRO/CON or NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL Re4 - rti1/4-(11‘ 11 M3 NtykKyfi, v-11,7 ) ? )11kA ,Ar, . LA) . RIZ--640i)r 6aJt-.5r-p.-1 AA)-41/2A4-0-kitlp gnu( rock_ 1)r- 4<YeC /14 ML,1 5 -5z 1D(U--Zo ss / Ccii 5-6 .7 (,vi) Pf vvE- ,V,fiLs )w) A-Zsba -v Wi/W ry6e (91266, - 1033 A) chooc_9, Ye_S tstok (.1 4,)Ichf ?-)8 6 , \) A )•-) -. s po-r 449 V-1-Lie—A_ /6 / A I/5A ///4-06-7z / )4) ki /dr/2 IV6-51 / /6- EAGLE CITY COUNCIL November 28, 2023 PUBLIC COMMENT 1 SIGN-UP Time is allotted on the agenda at the beginning and end of the council meeting. Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 28, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10A SUBJECT: A-01-23/RZ-02-23/CU-03-23/PPUD-02-23/PP-02-23 — Annexation, Rezone, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Development Plan, and Preliminary Plat for Everton Subdivision — TH Lost River, LLC: TESTIFY PRO/ CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL J:ered4 e 757 L4„,0\1J1Iry 2LJ More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 28, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10A SUBJECT: A-01-23/RZ-02-23/CU-03-23/PPUD-02-23/PP-02-23 — Annexation, Rezone, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Development Plan, and Preliminary Plat for Everton Subdivision — TH Lost River, LLC: TESTIFY PRO/ CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL More on back 12/8/2023 INNOVATIVE READINESS TRAINING PROGRAM (IRTI LAKE FRUHLINGER IDAHO NATIONAL GUARD AND OFFICE OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT CULTURAL RESOURCES MANAGER AND TRIBAL LIAISON September 2018 1 BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE OF CIVIL-MILITARY PROGRAMS 8 December 2023 2 1 12/8/2023 BACKGROUND OF CIVIL-MILITARY PROGRAMS • In the 1992 Presidential Campaign-candidate Bill Clinton challenged Americans with his"Rebuild America" initiative.As President,he challenged the DoD to search for innovative programs,which would serve American communities in need and provide realistic military training benefits. • Also in 1992,the Senate Armed Services Committee(SASC)echoed the President by directing DoD's increased involvement to help meet domestic needs. • In June 1993,the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs established the directorate for Civil-Military Programs.The energy behind this initiative came from President Clinton's call to"Rebuild America"and the NDAA of 1993. 8 December 2023 3 PURPOSE OF CIVIL-MILITARY PROGRAMS • Improve military readiness while simultaneously providing quality services in the areas of Engineering, Medical/Healthcare/Human Services,and Transportation to communities throughout America. • Partnership program between requesting community organizations and the military,therefore resource support is a"shared"responsibility. • Authorization to provide assistance that is incidental to military training gg c gri C7 rI' 0 4 ^wY ...naeFW �eF 8 December 2023 4 2 12/8/2023 MEDICAL CAPABILITIES • Health Exams *t • Dental • Exams _ � '- • Surgical • Optometry • Exams jew • Prescriptions _. • Glasses �•�r• • Laboratory '"" 'tt'"'�" all • Immunizations • Public Health 'r _ "_ ►`�,' tf • Veterinary 4, .• Behavioral Health 8 December 2023 5 LOGISTICS CAPABILITIES ■ Transportation ■ On Road ■ Off Road di; • Cargo Movement • Military Airlift • Bussing • Military Personnel • Drivers to Transport Military Personnel Support IRT • Communication • NIPR/SIPR Connection • Satellite `Tr � • Radio/Phone SFr 8 December 2023 6 3 12/8/2023 FOOD SERVICE CAPABILITIES • Mass Feeding and Military Personnel Bed down • Goal of IRT is to replicate deployment conditions and utilize internal assets • Mobile Kitchen Trailer (MKT) is capable of feeding 550 personnel per meal and the Deployable Ready(DRMKT) is capable of feeding approximately 1,000 personnel per meal. • Most ARNG units are equipped with a MKT;DRMKTs are staged throughout the U.S.by region • Coordinate Bed down for ARNG support personnel on IRT missions 1 t 7:- „-„, T. . 0.- Ito 0.1 8 December 2023 7 IRT IS NOT AN AUTHORITY FOR. • Projects with limited military training value • Law enforcement • Response to natural or manmade disasters • Commercial development • Meeting DOD requirements other than training or readiness 8 December 2023 8 4 12/8/2023 COMMUNITY REQUIREMENTS • Community Application Requirements - Community Application found at - Copy of newspaper ads which were published twice on rwo separate dater - Affidavit of Publication - Medical/Engineering/Transportation Attachment depending on the scope of the project - Statement of non-competition(Attachment D) - Hold Harmless Agreement(Attachment E) - Environmental study if required - Additional documents for Organizations not listed in 32 USC 508 or OASD's het of organizations determined eligible: • Exemption Determination Letter from the IRW S dated within 10 years.Current letters of affirmation can be obtained at: • Copy of the organization's bylaws • Copy of the organization's articles of incorporation • Land Title and Property Deed • Community Timeline - I OCT FY-I:Community Application Due to OASD - NOV-MAR FY-I:Units initiate communication with the community in order to develop Service Application - 15 AUG FY-1:All Service Applications submitted,budget built,notify Community of project approval - OCT-SEP FY:Project Performance Window - 30 OCT FY+I:AAR Due from community 8 December 2023 9 COMMUNITY APPLICATION TIPS Applications most appealing to the Services: • Aligned with military mission essential tasks • Submitted in Sep for planning/budgeting cycles • Complete application • Low risk for schedule change(clear property ownership, National Environmental Policy Act compliance documentation complete,etc.) • Involve flexible scope and complexity(multiple skill sets working together, logistics challenges of remote locations,etc.) • Create opportunities for joint,total force,and interagency teams to train together • Create opportunities to integrate with community personnel and resources (as we would do with our allies or hosts during deployments or during a domestic disaster response) Community projects are neither prioritized nor selected by urgency or merit. OASD(M&RA) determines organization eligibility&advertises opportunities. Services select projects based on military training requirements. 8 December 2023 10 5 12/8/2023 IRT QUESTIONS? Contact Information: Jake Fruhlinger IDNG Tribal Liaison 208-272-4192 Jake.c.Fruhlinger.nfg@army.mil 8 December?03 11 6 ovtAL C 4/• ,� \vs q :,„,,,,;,,„„„tT" ,� � ' �'�' o d Innovative Readiness Training (IRT) w yf� „.„ ewe 9FQ4y 54 ° �, C '., 'L. ;.P.' •„,tea: t -to • -Icy x __,...r f , illirl .:.,-, l'tk, 2,„., - LLI ,.,; „,, ',, , ..,,igi•''',.,:4 : - ' dlik N.,.,,...•'.'' .,,. ', k4;::' 41'. 7...,:-- - — - k` Highlights Real world training supporting america's communities • Joint service program that allows sharing of resources and manpower Mission: The IRT mission provides real-world training opportunities for service members and units to prepare them for • Includes all 50 states, three territories, and their wartime missions while supporting the needs of America's the District of Columbia underserved communities. • Enables communities in need of medical Overview: The Department of.Defense's IRT program is a U.S. mili- or engineering support to receive aid at tary reserve training opportunity that provides training and readiness no additional cost from Military Reserve for military personnel while addressing the needs of under.served components American communities. Through this program, military units refine their engineering, health care, diving, and transportation skills by • Provides real world training opportunities performing services and developing projects for communities that oth- for Military Reserve personnel otherwise erwise would not have the resources to conduct them on their own. unavailable Civil-military IRT is a partnership program between requesting com-munity organizations and the military, therefore resource IRT capabilities: support is a "shared" responsibility. Individual IRT projects provide commanders another option to meet their mobilization readiness • Medical care including dentistry, optometry, requirements, enhancing morale and contributing to military veterinary, and behavioral health recruiting and retention option to meet their mobilization readiness requirements, enhancing morale and contributing to military • Civil Engineer, construction and public recruiting and retention. works projects The purpose of the civil-military programs is to improve military readiness while simultaneously providing quality services to commu- • Planning and Logistical support to nities throughout America. These programs are in keeping with a long communities military tradition, leveraging training to benefit both units and their home communities. They are strongly supported by The Department • Learn more: http://irt.defense.gov of Defense (DoD), Congress, the states and communities. Learn more at www.nationalguard.m6il Current as of December 2017 Point of Contact: NGB Public Affairs at(703)601-6767 04, 111Zg a Brad Pike From: janeoliver69@gmail.com Sent: Friday, November 10, 2023 6:39 PM To: Brad Pike Subject: RE: Online Form Submittal: Email Brad Pike Maybe you misunderstood. I would like the question asked to the 11/14 City Council meeting with Nat'l Guard speaker. I am not able to attend. Thanks Jane From: Brad Pike<bpike@cityofeagle.org> Sent: Friday, November 10,2023 4:45 PM To:janeoliver69@gmail.com Subject: RE: Online Form Submittal: Email Brad Pike Hi Jane, I'm not the person that can answer this question. I believe contacting our state congressman, he would be able to help you. Valid question though. Brad From: noreply@civicplus.com<noreply@civicplus.com> Sent:Thursday, November 9, 2023 11:50 AM To: Brad Pike<bpike@cityofeagle.org> Subject: Online Form Submittal: Email Brad Pike Email Brad Pike Email City Council Member Brad Pike * Indicates a required field Name Jane Oliver Address 3255 W Crossley Ln City Eagle State ID Zip Code 83616-7285 Phone Number 2089398245 1 Email janeoliver69Ca)_gmail.com Please enter your message in the box below I am NOT able to attend but I would appreciate if you could ask this question please, A resident would be interested to know if, due to reported recruitment shortfalls, will illegal migrants be prepared for 1 conscription, if needed? / 1\.),_ J Email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. All e-mail messages and e-mail addresses sent to or received by City of Eagle e-mail accounts are subject to Idaho's Public Records Act, in regard to both release and retention, and may be released upon request, unless exempt from disclosure by law. 2 * C * O * * * * M * C.)o O 1; „,Nrn L- < D 0 0 Cr C rD 4'1 n Z N � � C)taftkim M a M-� CD co) 1:111 eD D r m O O zr c., 3 p0 ^> m D Z v v� 0 Efritoo- z >- _J , U Z z ; , G w F- z w Q � Cci<t 7 —U ww O <t<C cr) j., (Itie\IIII'll\I l 'ill 'il 'iliT w Z 0 w w " 2 m U ci w Z W Ce IX U a L >-: O WI Z cep LU 1- Z p CI i Z J - 22 I11 oi3 Q ODQo � 0 CL u_ o Q <t 13.a . t A ----7-- ,, „:::*.,,,,,ow ,.-,--)-- 42 , .c:7 - July 4, 2023 A Community Newspaper Inaugural Edition From the Publisher The History of Eagle Community and Senior Center It is my honor to present to you the Eagle Chronicle, Editor's.,Vote: The following letter was submitted by The termination of lease started with the Eagle City the world's first Chronicle Blockchain© based Stan Ridgeway of Eagle, Idaho. Stan served as Council agenda dated February 14,2023,which community newspaper.The Eagle Chronicle is a Eagle's Mayor from 2016 to 2020. He also served one stated,"Action regarding continuation or termination community sourced newspaper serving the City of term as a City Council member. His community of the lease agreement between the City of Eagle and Eagle, Idaho with traditional print and modern digital service includes two terms as president of the Eagle the Eagle Senior Citizens Inc. (a Non-Profit). (JWP)" formats. Please visit us at eaglechronicle.com. Senior Citizens Inc. ESC learned about this action four days prior to the William Ziebell meeting when the agenda was published. Many Founder and Publisher Eagle Senior Citizens Inc. (ESC) is a private non-profit seniors attended the meeting and testified against formed and certified by the Secretary of State on the termination action. Several years remained on The Annexation of Avimor August 28, 1987. Most people in the community refer the lease.The termination vote was 4-0 to terminate to our organization and the"Senior Center" not any the lease"without cause". Letter By ,bane framer, Middleton, Idaho different than a company doing business as(DBA). However,the discussion regarding the lease by Mayor Avimor is a planned unit subdivision of residential and During the 1980s a group of business leaders and Pierce and Council members was centered around citizens started a fundraising effort to build a financial issues and a tort claim filed byperson's commercial structures that spans over twenty a community and senior center to benefit the family who was injured and later passed away from thousand acres in the northern foothills of Ada, Boise community.Wayne Crosbyand a host of others and Gem counties in Idaho.Ada County approved the Y Y his injuries.The person riding the Valley Regional development within their county boundaries in 2007, formed a committee to raise enough money to Transit(VRT)van was not a member of ESC and was permitting approximately seven hundred structures to construct the community and senior center.The being transported by a VRT bus for medical be built.A few years later,the developers of Avimor committee raised $185,000 to build the center.When treatment. construction was almost complete,and the began courting nearby cities like Boise and Eagle with committee needed approximately$40,000 more to The City's discussion was kicked off by Council the idea of annexation. Boise declined, but as recently Member Helen Russell stating that,"she became as 2019, Eagle had numerous meetings with Avimor's complete the project,several community members g g Eagle's liaison to VRT last year and that led her to developer.When it was apparent that Eagle would signed a personal note with Idaho First Bank for begin attending Eagle Senior Center meetings." Ms. hold them to the standards of their buildingcode and $40,000 to complete the project.The project was Russell was a board member of VRT, however,there comprehensiveplan,Avimor withdrew their completed in 1988 when City Hall and the ESC moved P was no connection or logical reason for her to annexation application,stating that they'd wait for a into the building with ESC occupying the largest interfere with ESC,a private organization.This is Portion of the building.new Eagle administration before tryingagain.They, government overreach by an elected official. along with various associates, proceeded to donate The land was donated by Leona and C.L. House in huge sums of money to the campaigns of new March 1975 for the purpose of building a city hall and To date, ESC has not been questioned about the tort candidates running for positions of Mayor and Eagle senior center for the Eagle community. It was obvious claim and has learned that the claim will be pursued City Council in 2019 and 2021. that the two users of the building were distinct and through VRT's insurance company. ESC was also told different. ESC and the city co-occupied the building by VRT staff that their insurance carrier"strongly See Avimor'on Page 2 recommended"that VRT take over contracts for which was divided into two sections with two mailing addresses and two utility meters.310 State Street other senior centers and providers; however, ESC has Is Eagle turning into was the section used for City Hall and 312 State not seen anything in writing to back this statement. • Street was the section used for the ESC,with both In the end, ESC senior citizens had their Stockton, California? Yikes! transportation services reduced when VRT sections having their own entrances.The ESC section p Letter By famie Stone, Eagle, Idaho was the larger of the two sections including a terminated ESC's contract and entered into a new commercial kitchen. contract with the City of Eagle. It was the spring of 2020 and my husband had just left Ms. Russell began writing to organizations that ESC for an overseas deployment after nursing me back to Although the land was donated to the city,there was a stipulation that the city must build a city hall within had partnered with for years, including VRT, Meals on health from a serious illness, probably Covid. It was his Wheels and others,stating that she was a liaison from second deployment in just a little over a year.The 15 years.The building would not have been built without the fundraisingefforts bybusiness leaders the City to ESC.She was not the liaison;Council public high school where I worked in San Diego was member Brad Pike was the liaison. Ms. Russell made shut down and I was working remotely as best I could. and community members. Some committee and community members believe that the city did not statements regarding the ESC's finances that were Governor Newsom had also closed the beaches and false. Mayor Pierce also made statements regarding instituted a mandatory curfew. I felt like I was living in contribute financially to the project.The land was a gift and fundraisingpaid for the building. the Tort claim that it could impact the long-term another world,a police state. g. financial stability of the Eagle Senior Center.The real I slowly regained my health as the school year dragged The deed for the property was in the name of the City issue here is that the city was trying to take over a to an end; my husband still deployed overseas and of Eagle, however,some committee members and private non-profit organization that had functioned with things in California looking no better than at the elected officials during that time believed that the very well for 35 years.Again,government start of the pandemic, I made up my mind to spend my city was only holding the property in trust for the interference. summer vacation anywhere but California.The day ESC.The building was paid for by community leaders after my school year ended, I packed up my car Gracie and citizens, not the city. One final statement regarding finances,the Eagle Senior Citizens has maintained bank balances of well and hit the road,determined to put as much distance Since 1988,for a period of 35 years,the ESC has paid over$100,000.00 for years. Ms. Russell's statements between me and this new police state as possible. $1.00 per year for the lease. In 2006 when a new City about our finances are incorrect.The accounting firm I drove to Wyoming where I met my family and camped Hall was built and leased from the Hawkins whom Ms. Russell hired without board approval in Grand Teton National Park for a couple of days. Company,the entire Community and Senior Center stated that some of the documents presented to the Surprisingly,the park was packed. I imagine many like building was turned over to ESC. ESC at its own board were done by Ms. Russell and not the me were trying to escape from the crushing lockdowns expense and with community donations remodeled accounting firm. in urban cities across America. I then traveled to the building to its current standard.Also,during that time several members donated items to the ESC Later at a town hall meeting to discuss Eagle Senior Montana where I spent a couple of weeks on my Citizens Inc. and how the"City"could do what ESC sister's farm in western Montana.The big skies and including 2 pool tables,a piano,a sound system, clothingand other items sold in our boutique. does better, Mayor Pierce again stated that the lease open spaces soothed my troubled soul. I was free inwas terminated without cause but continued to make the wide-open space and fresh air. I basked in the Former Mayors Steve Guerber. Nancy Merrill and Jim statements that the ESC was in financial trouble. He quiet stillness of the mornings, inhaling the scent of Reynolds all signed long-term leases with ESC.A again discussed the tort claim, but failed to mention freshly cut alfalfa. newspaper article dated November 17,2006,covers that the City of Eagle was also named in the tort See`Mikes!'on Page2 the renovation of the building by the ESC at their claim. expense including some items donated to ESC and See`History'on Page 2 donor names. `Avimor' `History' In 2021,a group called SOS Eagle was formed. It is a studies that did not address the current economic At the same meeting Mayor Pierce also stated that non-partisan, non-profit organization of volunteers environment,SOS questioned if the annexation was Meals-on-Wheels had contacted the city and was who are dedicated to protecting the quality of life for reasonably necessary for the betterment of Eagle. willing to start providing meals five days a week. Eagle area residents.They tasked themselves with the Where Avimor meets Eagle's eastern boundary,there What we learned from Meals-on-Wheels was that challenge of informing citizens of important decisions are no structures or roads;just miles of open space, Council Member Russell had been communicating that affect the community.This came about because and nothing is planned there in the near future. SOS with Grant Jones,the executive director, regarding they were concerned that elected officials and outside Eagle questioned if the annexation wasn't also a ESC's operation.When Mr.Jones learned of the lease interests might be making rushed political decisions leap-frog attempt based on the miles of open terrain termination, he called Ms. Russell but she did not without appropriate community input or sufficient between the city and the Avimor development.The return his call. He was contacted by the Parks and financial and environmental impact analyses.At the only thing connecting the two entities is a state Recreation Director and was told that services would time,the potential annexation of Avimor was their highway.The Eagle City Council didn't discuss these continue as usual. Providing meals five days a week primary concern. points;they simply denied the request on June 8, was discussed but not feasible. In 2022,Avimor submitted a new application to the 2023. Meals-on-Wheels has a contract with Eagle Senior City of Eagle.The proposed project would take at least SOS Eagle expects to submit a Petition for a Judicial Citizens Inc. and not the City of Eagle.Again,an thirty-seven years to complete on approximately Review,though its outcome is highly uncertain. interference by Council Member Russell in the seventeen thousand acres of land. In 2023, Eagle There has never been an annexation of this operations of ESC. began conducting public hearings related to Avimor's magnitude in the history of Idaho,and there is little On February 17,2023, Mayor Pierce issued a annexation request.The City Council ignored public case law to reference.The petition will be structured newsletter"From the Mayor's Desk"stating many of testimony and survey responses that overwhelmingly so that the judge can focus solely on the intent of the same topics he and Council Member Russell opposed the annexation.They ignored existing annexation law in order to render a decision. discussed regarding the ESC's operation regarding recommendations of entities like Eagle's Planning& If nothing else,the Judicial Review may pave the way finances and a tort claim.Again,the lease was Zoning Commission and community partner for future groups of citizens who find themselves in a terminated without cause and the statements they COMPASS.They overlooked financial studies that similar situation. Most everyone will admit that were making were false. showed annexation would not be an overall benefit to growth is inevitable, but that it can be done the city or its residents. In May 2023,the Eagle City responsibly. Elected officials need to represent their Four months have passed,and we have relocated to Council approved Avimor's annexation request and communities, not developers or other outside the Eagle Hills Church at 651 N Eagle Rd, Eagle, ID. the 7,700 new homes that they plan to build. interests.At election time, look hard at your Seniors have suffered disruptions and degradation of services that resulted from the City of Eagle's SOS Eagle filed a Request for Reconsideration with the candidates. Learn who is supporting them termination of the Senior Center lease with ESC as City of Eagle.Their attorney questioned the validity of financially. Investigate their prior histories and well as government overreach and interference. Avimor's"A"category annexation request,since qualifications for the position they seek.Above all, Despite Mayor Pierce and the Council,we have roughly two hundred residents were excluded from fact check their statements. Do everything you can to managed to keep our remaining contracts with their request.This created a donut hole that could be protect your home,your community and your quality partners and are committed to the continuation of annexed by Eagle at a later date. Based on financial of life. important services for Eagle Seniors. `Yikes' From there, I made my way to Idaho to visit my folks in The failed recall of Governor Newsom prompted At the second meeting, I was prepared with my sign Boise. My father was battling prostate cancer and we some serious soul searching; my husband concluded for the media which read "Say NO to urban sprawl! didn't know how much longer he would be with us. I that California was a lost cause which would not be No Avimor! Don't Californicate Idaho!" (Having spent enjoyed weeks in the warm sunshine with parents, salvaged in our lifetimes. He did not want any more four decades in California, I had witnessed this kind siblings and extended family.We swam in my parent's of our hard-earned tax dollars going to support and of unrestrained growth firsthand.And it never turned pool, barbecued, played games,floated the river and subsidize programs that were bad policies and did out well.) Days turned into weeks, but finally the City attended the farmer's market. not align with our values. Council met to rule on the Avimor proposal. As my summer break wound down, I dreaded My father passed away in December 2021,and that Astonishingly,the City Council refused to listen to returning to California and its restrictions.The only sealed our fate.With my paternal grandparents both their constituents. Brad Pike was the only dissenting bright spot was a planned stop in Las Vegas to visit my Idaho born as well as my father,and having lived vote.We,the people,were sorely disappointed and daughter,son-in-law and granddaughter before previously in Idaho for a decade,our hearts and disheartened.The City Council's ruling is deeply heading home to begin the new school year again. minds turned to Idaho,and we concluded that this troubling and reminiscent of the"government"from The school year began in eerie solitude as I was great state would be our new home. which we and many others had fled. required to return to work in person, but no students We began searching in the Treasure Valley so that we But the fight continues.There are many unanswered were allowed on campus. It was surreal. Eventually, would be close to my widowed mother and my two questions about this annexation and its legalities. I my sweet husband returned home from deployment younger siblings.We stumbled upon the community hope there is still recourse for our lovely community and some semblance of normalcy returned to my life. of Eagle and quickly fell in love with its charm and of Eagle, because now that Eagle is the second largest Things had to get better now that he was home, right? small-town feel.We found a lovely home in the community in Idaho (acreage wise),akin to Stockton, The months dragged on and students were finally beautiful community of Brookwood among the park- California, I fear it is only a matter of time before this allowed to return to campus in the spring. It was so like lanes. quaint small town is overrun by cars and people. good to have that human contact again,albeit from We settled into our home in the Spring of 2022 and Eagle was to be our forever home and it is so behind a mask, but at least the students were back at disappointing to have moved here and still be met quickly got involved in the community through with government leadership that ignores the voices school learning in person.That was something. church,the Eagle farmer's market and neighborhood However, many people were angry about Covid and events.As this would be our forever home and of the people. Shame on them! We all know how how things were handled.You could feel their seething community,we were all in. Stockton,California turned out. I hope this anger below the surface. More nonsense from the annexation does not portend the beginning of the In late fall, I was shocked and stunned to hear of the end for Eagle. Governor,and a recall effort was launched. proposed annexation of Avimor,some 18,000 acres My husband spent weekends attending meetings with north of Eagle,a good 10 plus minute drive from November is right around the corner! We haven't a conservative radio talk show host and grass roots downtown. I immediately got involved. I attended forgotten! From what I understand,the Mayor and volunteers strategizing and formulating a plan,going Planning&Zoning meetings and gave testimony.The two of the City Council member positions are up for door to door asking for support. Eagle Planning and Zoning committee recommended reelection.Vote for new leadership in November if to the City Council to NOT approve the annexation. you care about the quality of life in Eagle! The current Even though there was a lot of support for the recall of council is too similar to the tone-deaf leadership we Governor Newsom, ultimatelythe effort failed,and this This was very good news. just left behind. Better yet,throw your hat into the emboldened the governor even further.With taxes on I attended multiple city council meetings regarding ring and run for office.We need strong ethical voices the rise and more nonsensical and restrictive the Avimor annexation.The first meeting brought a that will preserve and fight to keep Idaho pure and measures being introduced into the legislature, my packed house. I passionately testified against the unadulterated, preventing Idaho from becoming husband really began questioning"why are we still proposal as I had previously at the P&Z meeting. another California. living in California?"Although it was our dream to Eagle citizens were overwhelmingly against the retire in San Diego and enjoy the ocean and perfect annexation.There were so many people wanting to weather,crazy leadership and policies were quickly testify that the City Council had to hold a second Expressed Views Disclaimer.Any views,thoughts,and opinions squeezing out the middle class, making life unbearable meeting to hear all of the testimony. expressed by the authors are solely that of the authors and do not reflect the views,opinions,policies,or position of the Eagle and calling into question the practicality of our dream. Chronicle,LLC. The Fw 1e Chronicle_ in iiio11rn1 Fiiition Ink,A 7(172 54D1EA8D4EE9C3C2F400627221D94D56F99UA97C07A7(F144F06D1 FFnS4FnFRC Cam_�_l --, < >-„y" • a e -� � tunic e A ( ;onimunity Newspaper August 18, 2o23 Vol. 1, No. 1 From the Publisher Got Water Rights? While the said water agreement did not bind or guarantee annexation,this was the precursor or first The Eagle Chronicle is a community sourced The driving force behind the Avimor step prior to their application.Avimor's application newspaper serving the City of Eagle, Idaho with Annexation for annexation was submitted the very next month in traditional print and modern digital formats. Please April 2022. visit us at eaglechronicle.com to submit your letters Letter By Christopher Hadden, Eagle, Idaho WHEREAS,the execution of this Agreement and announcements. does not bind the City of Eagle to annex the Avimor William Y. Ziebell What if there is more to the story of Avimor?What if and/or Sage developments;and Founder and Publisher the city paved the way for Avimor to grow Who is"Sage Development"you might ask which is exponentially? part of this agreement?Sage Development is another Citizen's Town Hall Meeting The Mayor and Council recently approved the 860-acre development that adjoins the Avimor Announcement By the Eagle Chronicle annexation of the Avimor Development in March 2023. Development and at some time in the future may In the final decision fully documented in the City of request annexation into the City of Eagle.The Eagle Findings, Facts and Conclusions;the City of agreement was signed by Todd McCauley,Sage The Eagle Chronicle will host a Citizen's Town Hall Eagle approved Avimor to build 7,700 homes over 37+ Investments LLC Manager who also serves on the City meeting on August 24,2023,from 7:00PM to 9:00PM at years. In the public hearings the mayor,council and of Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission. the Community Hall accessible through City Hall's city staff repeatedly stated that the Avimor developer Without this water agreement,Avimor would have south entrance.William Ziebell,our Founder and has its own water rights and that we needed to annex been limited in size, left in unincorporate Ada County Publisher,will be leading a conversation about critical Avimor on the premise to"control growth"or the issues facing the City of Eagle,a review of the city's Avimor development.That they would indeed and we can only conclude based on their 5-year water electionprocess,and a call for candidates for Mayor rights and their history of only completing just 900+ Y buildout regardless of annexation and that the City of homes in the last 14 years,that the Avimor and City Council. Eagle would financially benefit by annexing.So how did we get to this point? community would have been significantly smaller in size estimated at 2,000 homes. Eagle Community Foodbank It all started back in November of 2021 when an email The Mayor and City Council,by signing this (public records request#58-2022) between Mayor agreement, paved the way securing that the Avimor Announcement By the Eagle Chronicle Pierce and Dan Ritcher,Avimor Development Manager, revealed that the two of them appear to Development would get their 7,700 homes and 37+ year period to buildout.This agreement also opens The Eagle Community Foodbank needs your help to have been working on the Avimor WaterAgreement. the doors to any adjacent properties to be annexed fulfill their mission by providing food and financial Jump ahead to March of 2022,the water agreement sometime in the future. donations to care for members of our community. morphed into and was titled Avimor Development, They accept non-perishable food items(canned, LLC (Limited Liability Company) and Sage Investment boxed, bagged,or sealed)and household items such Partners, LLC,and City of Eagle. How The American People's as paper towels,toothbrushes,and toothpaste. This is where it gets interesting.The agreement does Rights Have Been Eroded and Non-perishable food and household donations can be state that Avimor and Sage must supply their dropped off in any of their donation barrels located respective developments with a potable water What We Can Do About It around town: system; Editor's Note: The following letter was submitted by • Eagle City Hall WHEREAS,Avimor and Sage must supply their Trish Reeves. Trish is the District 14 Captain for the • Eagle Public Library respective developments with a potable water Article V Convention of States. For more • Eagle Fire Station#1 (966 Iron Eagle Way) system;and information see conventionofstates.com/Idaho. • Idaho Youth Ranch • Idaho First Bank(560 E State St) The agreement also confirms that Avimor and Sage • Ideal Spine Health Center(950 E Riverside Dr) will donate the system to the City of Eagle; On June 21, 1788,our United States Constitution was ratified. Ratification required approval bytwo thirds They also accept donations of fresh produce on their WHEREAS,Avimor and Sage will donate and q PP 5t d assign to the City of Eagle Idaho Department of Water of the thirteen states,nine states approved it and the distribution days that are held on 1 &3 Thursdays Resources(" IDWR") Permit Nos.63-32061 and 63- remainder followed suit. In the Constitution the from 10 AM to 12 PM and 2'&4th Thursdays from 5 to Federal Government wasgranted eighteen 7 PM. 34281 and Application for Permit No. 63-34801;and g enumerated powers.These powers included the The Eagle Community Foodbank is at 149 W State What the agreement also states and confirms is power to levy taxes, regulate commerce,establish a Street,Suite 121 in Eagle,and their telephone number Avimor and Sage cannot legally apply for or own uniform law of naturalization,establish federal courts water rights for a "reasonably anticipated future establish and is(208)631-0702. (subordinate to the Supreme Court), need" ("RAFN").Avimor and Sage Development water maintain a military and declare war.The ratified For more information see right is only for 5 years buildout under their permit. constitution contained 1400 words.Today the eaglefoodbank.com/donations. Only a municipality can legally apply for and acquire a constitution we operate under contains 30,000 pages. RAFN water right allowing Avimor and Sage to build out over 37 years. The States created the Federal Government, not the SOS Eagle Satisfaction & other way around.The"elastic clause"in the WHEREAS,the anticipated timing of the Constitution,has allowed Federal powers to increase Candidate Poll phased build out of the Avimor and Sage by judges with agendas,while amendments have Announcement By SOS Eagle developments will exceed the IDWR-authorized diluted States powers.Today our Federal Government development deadlines for Permit Nos.63-32061 and allows open borders they were required to protect, 63-34281 and Application for Permit No.63-34801 ignores drug laws allowing Fentanyl to kill tens of The poll is intended to identify where citizens fall in resulting in a need for assurance of long-term options thousands,censors free speech,challenges our rights terms of their satisfaction of Eagle as it exists today. It to acquire or assist in the acquisition and to bear arms,allows the mutilation of our children. is short and will only take five minutes or less to development of water necessary for the Our Federal Government is out of control. It is past complete.As in the past,SOS Eagle will post the developments.This can be achieved by obtaining time for the States to reclaim self-governance. results for all to see,including the leadership at city water right authorization for reasonably anticipated hall. future needs(" RAFN");and So,what can we do about it?Article V of the Constitution provides the only peaceful solution to SOS Eagle respects your privacy. No personal WHEREAS,Avimor and Sage cannot legally this crisis. information will be shared. apply for or own water rights for a RAFN;and See`Article V'on Page 2 surveymonkey.com/r/CVXNN80 WHEREAS,the City of Eagle can legally acquire RAFN water rights;and Article V' When driving into Eagle,you initially felt like you'd left private or public.This has been evidenced and proven civilization and ventured into a secret,throw-back in without doubt this past year.As an example,federal It allows two ways the Constitution can be amended, time. Eagle was still a sleepy little farming community security organizations such as the CIA and FBI,and not rewritten,amended.Article V reads"Congress with a population of less than five thousand. Huge, even the Office of the President of the United States, when two-thirds of both houses shall deem it lush Oak and Catalpa trees dotted downtown.The have directed the censorship of citizens and necessary,or on the application of the Legislatures of buildings around Eagle Rd. and Hwy 44 were manipulated the information being distributed two-thirds of the States,shall call for a Convention for charming and reminiscent of past days.Sporadic through traditional and modern media organizations. proposing amendments." It takes 34 States to call a family farms still dotted areas in and around Convention,26 States to approve an Amendment and downtown.Quaint was often used to describe the Over the course of the past few years, I have watched 38 States to ratify.Over 400 applications have been town. with much concern and dismay about the impact of filed for Conventions,42 were able to reach such efforts,equating the activity as a close consensus over the exact wording of the resolution. There weren't a lot of amenities available to residents approximation of communistic control tactics All those Conventions have always agreed to a one back then.There was no Albertson's, no hospital,no reminiscent of the East Berlin Stasi operating during State,one vote rule.This precludes States with higher hotel,no middle or high school.The fire department the cold war era. I have pondered how this new populations having any advantage. None were a was comprised of volunteers. Doug's Burger Den Marxism or Wokeism utilizes media as a means of runaway. provided the only take-out option,though the old control to teardown hierarchies of power with the Trolly House at Edgewood and 44 offered hearty,sit- stated goal of dismantling and rebuilding western So,what role would Congress have in the down county meals. Orville Jackson's no longer had a culture from the ground up.The demolition is well Convention?Once the resolution to call a convention soda fountain, but did offer everything from Eagle underway and is impacting every aspect of my has been approved by the 34 States,Congress has no post cards to small farm implements and a pharmacy. inherited culture,religion,and ethnicity. It is gravely recourse. It must name the date and location of the There was a mom-and-pop grocery store,but the impacting my family and community.What I did not Convention only. If it slow walks this duty,the powers selection was limited.After a long day of work in expect when I started the Eagle Chronicle was to find revert to the States,and the States will name the date Boise,you'd often drive back to Albertson's at Gary media control tactics being utilized in Eagle, Idaho by and location for the Convention. Lane for the milk you absolutely had to have.City Hall my own city government. What role do the States play?The States name the was housed in a small portion of the newly This story starts tragically with a senior citizen fatality Delegates.They choose the number of Delegates and constructed senior center building,along with a few caused by an accident involving a Valley Regional instruct them in their role. If the Delegates don't portables behind it.The library was wedged in Transit(VRT)transport van. follow their instructions,the Delegate will be between the old barber shop and a restaurant. It was removed, replaced,and may face prosecution. Upon absolutely life changing when Smokey Mountain The transport van was owned, registered,insured, convening,the Delegates will agree on the rules by came to town a few years later and actually offered and maintained by VRT and operated by a VRT which the Convention will be run.With these checks delivery. certified driver licensed by the State of Idaho.The and balances in place,the possibility of a runaway While there were pockets of homes here and there, Eagle Senior Citizens, Inc. (ESC),operating under the Convention doesn't exist. Even if a State would subdivisions weren't prevalent at the time,though the Assumed Business Name of Eagle Senior Center,was an amendment to replace the Constitution, in contract with VRT.The contract governed propose P7likes of Island Woods, Eagle Hills and Melvin's Eagle transportation program moneys and service do you think 38 States well ratify such an idea? Highly Point would appear just a few years later. Many unlikely. people came to Eagle seeking larger pieces of land operations where ESC employed full-time drivers and where theycould build a home, have large animals, scheduled trips. In the current resolution that the 19 of the required 34 g states have agreed on three issues are to be farm part of the property or just have some`elbow The City of Eagle is not a party to any contract considered.They are term limits,not just for room.' Back then,you could purchase a five acre between VRT and ESC.The City of Eagle confirms this Congress, but for the Judiciary and the administrative parcel just outside of the downtown core for forty to by stating,"the City's association with the Senior staff. In a recent video Senator Feinstein was asked to fifty thousand dollars. Center nonprofit was simply to provide the nonprofit vote,she instead began reading a narrative,while her Wild asparagus used to grow along some of the a facility for a $1.00 a year lease,"on its Just the Facts! staff prompts her to"just sayaye". It is often the Eagle Senior Center webpage. P P J Y irrigation ditch banks that are abundant in Eagle. unelected staff of these elected officials who write the Every March, many would gather their baskets and The City of Eagle also states on this webpage that, laws and regulations that we are governed by.The sharp knives and walk those ditch banks.They'd "Due to recent safety and financial concerns,the City second issue is Fiscal Responsibility, how about a harvest what they found and happily take their of Eagle issued a 120-day notice to terminate the balanced budget for a change? Lastly, Federal bounty home. lease of the Eagle Senior Center building to the Eagle Overreach.The loosely worded clauses of Commerce, Senior Citizens, Inc."and that,"We are proactively and General Welfare in the Constitution need to be In Eagle s outlying areas,it wasn t uncommon for protecting our seniors,"and when "the lease with clarified.Subjective terms like"necessary and folks to keep a lead rope or two in their vehicles.They Eagle Senior Citizens, Inc. ends,the City will continue proper" need to be more clearly defined.This is what came in handy when you found a stray horse or cow to provide the same senior-focused activities..." has allowed the Federal Government to grow.The standing in the middle of the road,which seemed to above three issues will never be proposed by happen a lot. If you couldn't identify the owner,you'd Just because the City of Eagle makes these Congress.That is why we the people will do it for tie the animal up until you could come back,or slowly statements does not make them true. Nowhere on the them.Article V is about returning power to the walk it home to your pasture until someone came webpage does the City of Eagle provide any evidence people. May I remind you;we ARE the people. looking for it.Sometimes it took them a day or two to for their"safety concerns"or to justify their actions of realize that an animal was missing.You'd have to put "proactively protecting" Eagle's senior citizens by If you feel depressed, if you are fearful to speak up,or a sign out on the road to let folks know that you had a terminating the Eagle Senior Center building lease. willingly comply with unreasonable mandates,then stray in your pasture.When the owner came to collect Nor does it mention that the building ownership is in they have reached you with their poison and you are their animal,they'd bring some hay or a homemade legal dispute.What then is the purpose of using media no longer part of the solution. It is time to Stand Up, treat to express their thanks. New and lasting to spread misleading information? It is propaganda. Speak Up and Show Up. No more apathy,no more friendships were often formed through unlikely The Oxford English Dictionary defines propaganda as, excuses,or our Country is lost.Go to events like this. "The systematic dissemination of information,esp. in conventionofstates.com and sign the petition.Come to a Convention of States town hall,donate to Eagle has obviously changed greatly in the ensuing a biased or misleading way,in order to promote a support a local District and most of all become a years, but the community still holds to a lot of the particular cause or point of view,often a political volunteer to support our efforts to build a grassroots values that stem from its farming heritage. Residents agenda." army. are fiercely loyal to their town and despite its growth, The City of Eagle's Just the Facts!webpage is the concept of neighbor still exists. Eagle is still small "systematic dissemination of information."Where a enough that you can walk into a shop and be greeted "misleading"safety concern narrative is used "in Eagle Back Then by your name. It really is a great place to call home. order to promote a particular cause"to terminate the Letter By Jane Kramer, Middleton, Idaho building lease to achieve"a political agenda"where Media as a Tool of Wokeism the City of Eagle takes over senior citizen services. The City of Eagle is using propaganda for their stated The roads leading to Eagle back in 1990 were literally Letter By William Y. ,'iebell, Eagle, Idaho goal of dismantling and rebuilding services that have lined with miles of row crops and fields of grazing been in place for decades.This is how wokeism animals,along with an occasional gas station here and there. Hwy 44 and Eagle Road were the main These are extraordinary times for our republic in works. It demolishes anyone and anything in its way thoroughfares.There was no bypass back then,so Hwy terms of how the press,or media in modern parlance, and utilizes media as a tool to manipulate and 44 took all travelers through the center of town.This impacts citizens, business,and government. For the control;if you do not dutifully acquiesce you will be had to be endured if you wanted to continue on to Star first time in American history our government, canceled.Just like Eagle Senior Citizens, Inc. or to Boise. businesses and media are colluding for power and Think of the elderly in the impact. Now do something profit to control every aspect of American's about it! communicated or stored information whether ISSN 2993-5601 C1784EC42EF7417582963C0A188C42AA7E493E5DA7789FEC22E734AA4D248EC7 \ 'A `K�—ram_ � > ' ice ~ +�� \,Ea Chronicle V� A Community Newspaper September 29, 2023 Vol. 1, No. 2 transparency and the absence of respectful From the Publisher communication between the council and Hadden for Eagle City The Eagle Chronicle is a community sourced constituents. The past four years under Mayor Pierce Council newspaper serving the City of Eagle, Idaho with and Councilman Pike have continued the practice of traditional print and modern digital formats. Please discounting residents'concerns and interests. Former The following letter is a political announcement paid visit us at eagiechronicle.com to submit your letters Mayor Ridgeway will reverse this arrogant behavior for by the Committee to Elect Christopherlladden, and announcements. toward Eagle residents. Wendy Klesack, Treasurer. This issue of the Eagle Chronicle is made possible by Before he was elected to the council, Ridgeway As your next elected Eagle City Council Member,the the publication of two paid political announcements attended numerous meetings where Eagle residents City of Eagle needs to make some significant changes that come to you in longform letters directly from the were interrupted, berated,and harassed while giving to manage growth while focusing on low-density rural candidates. My goal is to provide you the reader with testimony before the council. It's the mayor's job to development and limiting construction in the Eagle detailed information and knowledge that enlightens make sure that doesn't happen.The mayor must foothills. I invite you the Eagle Citizen to read my your vote without the blatant manipulation being assure the taxpayers that they can come before their platform which I believe captures the current issues wielded by our government,social media,and elected representatives without fear of being rebuked we are facing and how I will work for you to resolve internet search for power and profit,which in this or intimidated.They should believe they will be heard them. publisher's view, is a direct threat to a stable and their views will not be discounted just because I'm a New Jersey native and at an early age moved to functioning government for the people and the they differ from their elected officials. Arizona which is where I met my wife,started a family continuation of our republic.The restoration of the Ridgeway has a long history as an elected official and and lived for 25 years. My wife and I fell in love with Fourth Estate is paramount in its capacity to vanquish in public service. Before coming to Idaho, he was the Idaho back in 2004 when we visited a family friend this threat.All that is necessary, is to restore its fealty Deputy Director of the Division of Vocational and knew immediately if we had the opportunity we and service to the republic by severing the people Rehabilitation. He retired in 2003 as the Deputy would love to move and raise our family in Idaho.We instead of the administrative state, political parties, Director of the Alaska Division of Insurance. He also visited Idaho several times before uprooting our special interest,and multinational corporations.This served two terms on the Juneau,Alaska Board of family,two children and a dog back in 2016.Since restoration is a peaceful path to enable our nation to Education and one three-year term on the Juneau moving to Idaho, I have been active in the Eagle continue to deliver on its promise of"One nation Assembly.Other community service includes being community by volunteering at my children's school, under God,with liberty and justice for all." President of the Eagle Senior Center,Chairman of held Boy Scout leadership roles, Reagan Republican William .T. Ziebell Headgate 72 irrigation lateral, member of a local Member and been involved in the City of Eagle Founder and Publisher rescue squad,in several ministries at his church,and politics. chairman of a local March of Dimes fundraiser. My professional background includes extensive Candidate Meet ? Greet Ridgeway is an Army veteran and received an management experience in corporate finance having Honorable Discharge in 1974. worked for JPMorgan Chase, Metris Bank, Express Announcement By the SOS Eagle Scripts Pharmaceutical' Mutual of Omaha Bank and Ridgeway holds a Master's Degree(MRA) in SOS Eagle is hosting a candidate Meet&Greet for the administration,and a Bachelor's Degree in Education most notably Honeywell.At Honeywell,a defense Eagle community on Monday,October 2,2023,at aerospace company, I have had the privilege of and has an extensive career as an administrator, 6:30pm.All nine candidates vying for the Mayor and traveling the world in my business travels as a Global managing large public and non-profit agencies. Council positions in November have been invited to Operations Manager for Honeywell Corporate Finance the event.They will each have five minutes to speak Ridgeway believes elected officials should be more responsible for yearly disbursements of over$3 billion about their campaigns before moving on to stations fiscally conservative when spending Eagle taxpayers' with direct oversight of a staff of 130. I feel my where residents can interact directly with them.This dollars. He believes Eagle has made some bad experience makes me uniquely qualified having will be a wonderful opportunity to learn more about investments recently and that Eagle taxpayers negotiated multimillion dollar contracts and having the candidates that want to represent Eagle for the eventually will have to foot the bill. Many current worked with state,federal and defense agencies. next four years. decisions were made and projects approved without going through proper procedures and without the city I currently run my own successful small business The gathering will take place at 173 N Sierra View Way doing its own,independent financial analysis of which allows me to understand the needs of Eagle, in Eagle. Please park on the west side of the street and both small and large. I presently run and own a proposals. bring a chair in case we run out.An assortment of remodeling contract business here in Eagle serving beverages and tasty morsels will be provided. Ridgeway believes in private property rights. He the Treasure Valley.As a lifelong conservative, I look believes property owners should have the right to use forward to the honor of serving the citizens of Eagle as their property as they desire as long as local laws are Eagle City Council member. Ridgeway for Eagle Mayor followed.The current administration seems to put more weight on developers'wishes rather than on the Commitment The following letter is a political announcement paid community as a whole. No consideration is given to I will not accept donations from special interests, for by Citizens to Elect Stan Ridgeway, Stan the doctrine of"who was here first" in the case of PACs,or developers. Ridgeway, Treasurer. building a shooting range near established housing. As your next Eagle City Council member, I work for Calling for Thoughtful Conservative Leadership Ridgeway also believes a strong leader would take a you. It's the responsibility of the Mayor and Council to and Logical Management Stan Ridgeway is different, more conservative approach to budgeting. protect and serve the interest of the public. My running for Mayor of Eagle to represent and The mayor should work with staff to determine each impression of the city council is"developer-friendly," listen to Eagle residents, not special interest. department's needs,and then seek input from each and this does not align with the interests of citizens During the past four years, Eagle elected officials council member before putting together the budget. hoping for Eagle to maintain its small-town charm. The process currently has the council determining seem to have based their decisions on special interest Citizens have a right to ask questions and even rather than what the long-term costs of those rulings how much they can raise the budget within the legal g g challenge through legal channels decisions made by will be in the future. Former Mayor Stan Ridgeway will limits,then looking for ways to spend the money. the city council and mayor.With Avimor,citizens have be a voice for Eagle residents. Ridgeway promises that That's not an efficient, balanced,and cost-effective filed a request for reconsideration which was denied your voice will be"heard" and,as in the past, he will way to budget. by this council and these citizens are now seeking a continue his passion of being a mayor who works for "As mayor, I will be more considerate and thoughtful judicial review of Avimor. I personally worked with the you. Eagle deserves a mayor who understands that in how I treat Eagle taxpayers in meetings and prior city council to ensure all citizens in Eagle directly decisions based on special interest can cost taxpayers proceed conservatively, as I did in the past, in how impacted by the largest annexation in Idaho history a great deal of money and can lead to indefensible elected officials treat taxpayer's money,"said were notified by mail.The current council is legal entanglements. Ridgeway. attempting to overturn this law in favor of a political Ridgeway was first elected to the city council in 2013, For more information,contact Stan Ridgeway at 949 PAC whom they received donations from: Builders served two years, and was then elected Mayor in 2015. 9514 or ridgewaymayor@yahoo.com. Association of Southwest Idaho. Ridgeway is drawn to public office by a lack of See`Hadden'on Page 2 Hadden ' that city government should exist to start and run prior. Yeah, I'm outta here,was my parting thought as businesses such as a shooting range,fiber optic I closed the door. It's time we elect a council that works for you!Your broadband and trolley transportation services.The Voice.Your Vote. Except that,on turning around, I wondered if I could current leadership's government overreach is get some idea of what was going on by having a look Public Safety illustrated by several city takeovers. Examples include at the North Tower. I arrived at the windows that the takeover of the Eagle Senior Center which was run faced north just as Jud Molisani did. He was 6'3" and I have listened to public feedback and am committed by the Eagle Seniors Citizens Inc. non-profit for over to keeping the City of Eagle a safe place to live, raise 30 years,the Eagle Arts Commission,and the Home weighed 290 pounds.A lifetime weightlifter,Jud our family,or retire forgenerations to come. I will be carried himself with confidence and an affable, Y y� Depot dispute over parking spaces.These lawsuits all proactive and forward thinkingwhen it comes to the authentic kindness that put you right at ease. He and I come at significant legal costs to the city budget. safety in our community.We have witnessed a 16% Other examples of overreach include the elimination stared out in disbelief as we surveyed the devastation increase in crime and have seen graffiti on our of the city Economic Development staff and takeover and billowing smoke spreading out from the North roadways. I will advocate for addingan additional 3 Tower not two-hundred feet away. Jud said,"There y of the budget for Library and Historic Preservation was an attack on the World Trade Center—in the deputies which will help keep us at the current service Commission. I support an extensive review of these levels with the addition of the Avimor annexation. boards,commissions,and the economic parking garage,actually—in 1993. I'm sure it's going Lookingforward, I support a comprehensiveplan p inputto be okay.Why don't you come back to the trading pp p development staff with direct from citizens to desk and sit this one out with us?" review to make any fiscally conservative impact fee determine what is best for our city. Forward looking, I adjustments to reach the Sheriff's recommended will promote the implementation of a city code of Jud's invitation meant a lot. I had just started here in service level increase from .74 to 1 deputy per 1,000 ethics to prevent future unwarranted takeovers, July.To decline the opportunity of building on our residents which would add 9-10 additional deputies in lawsuits,and potential government overreach. relationship,especially given the extreme 2024. Transparency is key in running a successful city circumstances unfolding before us,would be a loss. Growth government that is"for the people." Noting my hesitation, he repeated the invitation. "Thanks, man," I said. "But I'm going to head down." I acknowledge that"growth is inevitable" however it For more information, please visit "Okay,"Jud said,with a hint of disappointment. It's needs to be managed appropriately so as not exceed haddenforeagle.com or email time to move, I thought to myself. our infrastructure,schools,and city service capacity. haddenforeagle@gmail.com We have witnessed unprecedented growth in the last Passing Dan's office, I felt a tug at my back. I swung 4 years,and I have personally witnessed public around to find Dan, his hand still on me,attempting to testimony of hundreds of residents who were strongly September i1' 2001 zip the zipper on my backpack. "Your backpack was opposed to the 15,000+new rooftops while there open," he said. "What are you still doing here?" I were no new schools built and limited road Part One asked him. Dan held up his laptop in reply. "Has the improvements. I fully support an extensive latest trading systems source code on it."This was no comprehensive plan review in partnership with Letter By William .71 Niebell, Eagle, Idaho trivial matter,as Tradesoft—a competitor of Cantor citizens.We need to revisit city building codes and I was on the 84"'floor of Tower Two in the World Fitzgerald's eSpeed—would provide the technological development agreements to ensure that we see 20% linchpin for Euro Brokers'global business going p g Trade Center when the first plane hit. This is forward. I said, "At least you've got your priorities open space and eliminate builder land credits which part one of an account of how I survived. add more houses to a development. Development straight." agreements need to require developers to break- It was a Tuesday. I left my apartment on Thompson In the main lobby, Dan and I asked our facilities ground in 4 years or less and have reasonable build- Street and made my way to the subway at Houston. I manager,Jose Marrero,where we should exit. He out periods. Current and past administrations have remember on the southbound 9 noticing Barry Young reeled off multiple possibilities and pointed towards approved 30+year or open-ended agreements which from work and minutes later how he said goodbye to each. Confused, I said, "Jose,just tell me which door." will not work well for our community which changes his son as the boy departed for school at Chambers He pointed to the southern stairway and spoke over time.We should look to follow examples of other Street.At Cortlandt,our stop,the platform was decisively, "Take that one." cities who have faced the same challenges and have unusually backed up due to dozens of middle created codes that allow for managed growth.This schoolers eager for their morning tours of the World Dan and I set out.A subtle dread had come over me as type of change in our process would allow key Trade Center. I considered the daunting task of walking down 84 services to be inplace to support our population's floors. I made a point of noting the number on the PP P P In the lobby of the South Tower I stopped to watch sign as we passed each landing.The stairs were growth. Future development agreements should have the endless flow of people ascending the PATH conditions of approval and fees collected from adequate and utilitarian.While a few lights were out PP escalators.A large capacity express elevators whisked or flickering,and the walls were unfinished in builders that account for park or green space me to the 78th floor Sky Lobby and then a local took sections,the stairs worked.What struck me was how expansion, new schools as needed to prevent me the rest of the way to the 84th floor,where I overcrowding,and roadwayimprovements. calm and professional everyone was being as they p worked for Tradesoft, Inc. in the offices of Euro (mostly quietly)focused on our evacuation.While Fiscally Conservative Brokers as a systems engineer. I stopped at my desk there was urgency,there was also a sense that, to drop off my backpack and check my email,then despite whatever horrible thing was happening, it was Developers need to contribute more so the City of proceeded to my manager Dan White's office.While Eagle can maintain andgrow existingservices. happening to Tower One. g we waited, my co-worker Scott and I discussed the Economic development needs to be expanded to class I was taking at NYU.At 8:46 AM, a boom rang out. Around the 58th floor,a co-worker passed me on his address and attract the commercial sector while I turned and saw out the window that a wall of fire way up the stairs carrying a walkie-talkie. It was building upon the solvency of Eagle. I am concerned was rushing at us. "Bomb,everyone down!"someone blaring inaudibly. "Ron,where are you going?" I called about the financial health of our city and the current shouted,and Scott and I hit the floor. after him.Without turning, he stated without budget. In the past 4 years,our current leadership has explanation, "I'm heading back up." almost doubled the city budget, increasing it from After long moments of nothing happening, I got to my feet and trepidatiously crept out onto the trading At the 56thfloor, a woman's voice came over the $30M to$56M. However,the city has only added intercom. Everyone seemed to stopin their tracks to 4,000+ residents.What did our current city leaders do floor. I was met with an intense smell like jet fuel and Y with this increase in budget?They expanded City Hall could see drifting embers of what may have been listen. "Building One is in a state of emergency. for$3.5M+, bought a trolley, purchased a historic office paper floating down outside the west-side Building Two is secure."The announcer instructed us property for$2M without an appraisal,allocated $4M+ windows.Scott strode past me,asking, "Where's the to go back to our floors,then continued, "Power to to build the first phase of the Shooting Sports Park, emergency exit?" Dozens of people had the same idea the elevators has been restored." and committed the city to finance a 90+acre sports and had started their hurried walks towards the "F**k that!" I yelled. "Everyone, keep walking! Don't complex budgeted for$18M that will take years to stairway doors. stop until we're out!"A few people laughed nervously. complete. I promise the Citizens of Eagle to take a I told Scott I was going to hang back. He was Others nodded in agreement. Our column started common-sense approach to projects to determine incredulous."Are you sure?""I want to grab my down again but slowed in the approach to the 44th what the city can afford while prioritizing projects backpack and keys. I'll catch up," I assured him,then floor,where people were beginning to queue to one that are important to our community. hurried to my office. It was there that I made the first side for the Sky Lobby and an elevator trip up or of several choices that would save my life. down. Past the 44th floor,the stairwell became almost Government Overreach impassable due to those—also dead-set on getting to As a lifelong conservative, I support a small and Crazy as it sounds, I was thinking I should wait it out the Sky Lobby—making their way up. fiscally conservative government that listens and for a bit and go through my desk to see what I might want to take. Now that I was behind it, I dismissed the At the 43`d floor,the door to Morgan Stanley was open respects the sovereignty of Eagle citizens who they were people and loadinginto an elevator. Dan and I are duly elected to serve. I believe a truly conservative thought, grabbed my backpack and keys. Left P P approach for developing needed services for our everything else where it sat. Including my brand-new made our way forward thinking we'd found our way citizens is to attract entrepreneurs. I do not believe Ralph Lauren cardigan—purchased just the week down.The elevator was packed, but Dan pushed me in. "I'll find you outside," he called as the door closed. ISSN 2993-5601 K___., ___ u g Eag1Chronic1e A Community Newspaper October i3, 2023 www.eaglechronicle.com Vol. i, No. 3 From the Publisher Your Vote Counts Senior Center The saga of Eagle Senior Citizens Inc.continues with The Eagle Chronicle is a community sourced The following letter is a political announcement paid the City of Eagle filing its third version of a complaint newspaper serving the City of Eagle, Idaho with for by Citizens to Elect Stan Ridgeway, Stan demanding the Eagle Senior Center(ESC) repay traditional print and modern digital formats. Please Ridgeway, Treasurer. money it received from the city during the Covid-19 visit us on the web to submit your letters and As election dayapproaches,there is all sorts of pandemic. PP announcements. misinformation being shared on social media to sway The funding,to ESC's understanding,was pandemic There are 25 days until our local election.The Eagle yourvote for Mayor of Eagle. I inviteyou to doyour Chronicle has extended invitations to all mayoral and Y g funds that the City received from federal legislation research and learn the facts that underscore why we passed by Congress to keep community services city council candidates to submit letters to this need a familiar face in CityHall that is not incumbent going during the shutdowns. newspaper and we hope they will choose to do so Jason Pierce. before election day. The ESC and the City have already been to court Please visit the Ada County Elections website, Growth twice.The first hearing was to deal with the City's adacounty.id.gov/elections,for information on how During my tenure as your mayor between 2016-2020, filing a temporary restraining order to prevent ESC to register to vote,where to vote and other election my administration approved 2,040 building lots as from removing equipment owned by ESC. information. well as 631 apartments. The judge at this hearing ruled that there was no Since takingoffice in 2020,the current elected evidence presented by the City to issue a permanent President Reagan in his A Time for Choosing speech restraining order.Although this was a victory for the which aired on October 27, 1964,said that"The issue officials have approved over 15,300 building lots and of this election is whether we believe in our capacity at least 192 apartments which will equate to well over ESC,the city still blocked the ESC from removing all 42 000 new residents. its equipment. for self-government or whether we abandon the , American Revolution and confess that a little The City of Eagle is at a major crossroads! Do we In the second court hearing, ESC filed a motion to intellectual elite...can plan our lives for us better than continue with a Mayor and City Council who believe in dismiss the City's claim demanding$150,000 from the we can plan them for ourselves." the theory that you must keep growing or die,or do ESC.The judge stated that the lawsuit could go William 7. Ziebell you treat growth in the same way you manage your forward because,for purposes of the motion to Founder and Publisher own business affairs and your family's well-being? dismiss,he must determine whether the allegations in the complaint are true and whether that is enough to Well,we all know the answer.The City should be state a claim.The seniors still await their day in court. Election 2023 Citizens Town responsible and grow in a way that is sustainable and will not create financial hardship for us and our Why so many lawsuits?The City of Eagle wants to put Hall Meeting children's future. the Eagle Senior Center out of business,and it's using your taxpayer dollars to do it. Is that what you want Announcement by the Eagle Chronicle Have our overcrowded school issues been addressed? for our seniors?Is that what they want? Have our roads and transportation issues improved? The Eagle Chronicle in conjunction with SOS Eagle Did the City Council and Mayor listen to the people To wrap up, I'll end my thoughts where I started. will host the Election 2023 Citizen's Town Hall who elected them?Did they keep their election Please do your research.The facts don't lie,and YOUR meeting on October 3,2023,from 7:00PM to 9:00PM at promises? VOTE COUNTS! the Eagle Middle School. For more information,contact Stan Ridgeway at 949- An Idaho Press article dated November 5,2019, All nine candidates vying for the Mayor and Council 9514 or ridgewaymavoryahoo.com. announcing Jason Pierce as Eagle's new mayor read: positions in November will be invited to the event. They will each have two minutes to answer questions At an October candidate forum put on by the Eagle before moving on to stations where citizens can Chamber of Commerce, Pierce,a former small-business The Eagle Nov. 7 Election interact directly with them.West Ada School District owner,said rising density is Eagle's prime issue. Letter by Harold Erb, Eagle, Idaho Trustee Zone 4 candidates will also be invited to the "There is an ever-increasing amount of density,"Pierce event and provided with a station to meet with said, who wants to head that off by preserving bigger This season has been an over-the-top exciting time for citizens. me. I'm a huge fan of going out and socializing with lots with open space throughout the city. folks that are running for office. This will be a wonderful opportunity to learn more "Eagle is different than anywhere else,"he said. about the candidates that want to represent Eagle for The Eagle Nov.7 election is nonpartisan. the next four years. And yet,we have new neighborhoods popping up all That's why you don't see any Republican or Democrat over town with smaller and smaller lots that have party affiliation on campaign signs.You can verify this Eagle, Idaho looking more like Orange County, by Googling"Idaho Statute 50 3112". Eagle Mayoral and City California with each passing day. Council Poll Finances Idahoans vote for candidates in local elections based on the issues. Because of the unfortunate situation of the Covid-19 Announcement by SOS Eagle I have spoken with many of the candidates and even pandemic,many cities in Idaho and across the nation had a few laughs. This poll is a follow up to the one released in August experienced a financial boom,receiving millions of when we knew only a few of the candidates.Nine dollars to sustain city services as well as support local I have spoken with Jason Pierce and recently with have since filed for office and we'd like to know what businesses and non-profit groups during the Mary May. you are thinking today.The poll is short and will take shutdowns. I have lunched with Captain Marc and Christopher less than four minutes to complete.The results will be Hadden. released for all,including the leadership at city hall. The City of Eagle ultimately received more money As always,no personal information will be shared. than they could manage responsibly. In less than four I've recently spoken with Stan Ridgeway and Christina SOS Eagle respects your right to privacy. years,the city budget has doubled,the number of city Patterson. employees has doubled,the city fleet has doubled, surveymonkey.comir/WVGRN3Q and the mayor has given himself a 20%raise. I attended a recent Pierce, May and Kvamme meet and greet-fun and exciting. Elected officials and staff have repeatedly stated that Leading Edge Sharpening no financial analysis was done on many costly I attended a meet and greet with Pike, Ridgeway, p projects.And the Covid-19 funding has stopped. Captain Marc, Hadden, Imhoff and Patterson-fun and Ad by Steve the Sharpener exciting. I encourage you to take a close look at budget Take good care of the most important tool in your documents to review future financial commitments See'Election'on Page 2 kitchen! Leading Edge Sharpening will rescue your and the City's plan to accomplish their goals. dull knives with the best knife sharpening services in The numbers just don't add up. town. Better yet,we'll come to you.Call or text(208) 867-8025 to make an appointment. Election I watched the people queuing up and to my relief what I saw when my turn came to look; nor could I there was no panic, (again)just the orderly exit. look away(nor accept what my brain was telling me I Elections don't happen often but when they do it's a was seeing). Before stepping onto the escalator,the HOOT to participate. I listen to what the folks say and When the crowd had dispersed, I stepped from the alcove.All the windows on the lobby's east side had woman in front of me half-turned and met my eyes. In support those who keep their promises. Y been blown out. Several people appeared injured,and a tone of desperation she said,"I don't think I can take I feel sorry for those that can't or won't participate. anymore.""You can do this," I told her. I hurried over to see how I could help. Most had only You're missing quite a show,better than West Wing, y Yellowstone,Terminator or Titanic.95%`Rotten minor injuries and would be able to evacuate. One At the bottom,more guards were stationed and Tomatoes' if you know what I mean. gentleman, however,was worse off.Someone was directing people.The mall was a stark contrast from knelt at his side already tending to his bleeding leg. I this morning's commuter chaos. People were hustling Here's the thing,there is still time! I hope to see YOU offered to helpwalk the injured man down the stairs at the next meet and greet,candidate forum or through in a single file.The further we got,the more whatever get-together comes along. but he said he could go no further and would wait for upset the woman became. I put my arm around her medical help. I encouraged him to give it a try. He and each time she said,"I can't take anymore," I thanked me but declined. I begrudgingly left the two repeated back,"We're going to be okay,"or"Almost Pass the Resolution Pizza behind. there" Party The descent from the 44th floor was different than my While I still had no idea what was happening in the first descent from the 84th floor.While no one towers above us'the sight of Borders Books filled me Announcement by Convention of States understood what was happening,we all now knew with relief. My new companion, however,was pale and Attend the party for a presentation and discussion of that our lives were in danger. No more the question of cold,and I had to support her as we rose up the an Article V Convention of States. Learn what you can whether to evacuate or to go back to our floor.The escalators at 5 World Trade Center.Clearly,she was in easily do to help get the resolution passed in the 2024 path was clear,and it led down. shock.As we walked out onto Church Street,a female legislative session. Near the 28th floor I heard a commotion behind me. It police officer rushed up and took her by the arm."I'll was the kind of repeated outcry you hear when take care of her now,you're going to be okay,"she The party starts at 6:00PM on October 24,2023,at the someone cuts a line. I turned and found myself eye to said,echoing my mantra. Eagle Fire Station (Training Room) located at 966 E Iron Eagle Drive,Eagle, Idaho 83616. eye with my co worker, Ron. He was terrified. His eyes I walked away, my back to the World Trade Center, had the wild look of a man in retreat from some horror and at midblock started across the street towards St. Text your RSVP to Trish Reeves at(760)420-3185. he had witnessed. Last seen charging up the stairwell Paul's Chapel. I'd taken several steps before realizing with a walkie-talkie,he was now determination that I was standing in what looked like blood. I stood personified shouldering his way down. "Ron,what's in utter disbelief and watched as another female September 11, 2001 going on?" I shouted. He kept going without reply. This police officer peeled off pages from a newspaper, Part Twois not good, I thought. sheet by sheet,and laid them down,one by one upon I had descended ten more floors when a deep groan the street.As she did so,the white of each sheet Letter by William 5.Ziebell, Eagle, Idaho slowly saturated crimson red. Beyond her, I finally like that of metal under immense strain was heard saw, lay an airplane engine. Its cowling and huge I was on the 84th floor of Tower Two in the World and felt. In that long lingering moment,it seemed as if turbine were torn open,belly-up alongside a Trade Center when the first plane hit.This is part we'd paused in our walking and braced for our sundered section of wing the length of a car. . .All in two of an account of how I survived. collective unspoken fear—that the building was about the bald light of day,there at the southeast corner of As soon as the elevator started to move—lurching to come down upon us. I started praying the Our Church and Fulton.The blood on the pavement, I upward!—I realized my mistake.How is this even Father and asked God for the blessing of safe passage. realized,was the result of the wreckage before me. possible, I thought.Within moments,the door swept Our pace quickened.The sight of each sign numbering * * open,and I found myself back at the Sky Lobby. a floor lower than the last quickened our pace even Stepping forward, I noticed I was near the east-side I dedicate this story to my sister Evelyn Ziebell who more.The countdown of our descent.The impact of windows and that the other elevators were out of passed away on April 22,2000,and whose examples of pounding down dozens of flights of stairs in dress faith,tenacityand vivacityare with me everyday. A foreboding came over me and I thought to myself,I need to move as faras I can from these shoes was taking its toll on my right foot. I pushed Yaway through the discomfort and onward into pain telling I acknowledge Farrell Warner,a best friend,a best windows. myself,Embrace the pain. man and an awesome human being,for his editing I crossed to the west side of the lobby,where people and advice. I reached the bottom and passed through the door to were trying to push in through the same stairwell door the lobby. My soaring relief was immediately quashed; I also acknowledge Todd Gabriel,coach and mentor, that I'd passed by going down minutes before. I shook a horrible caustic stench like that of burnt plastic and whose encouragement caused me to write down and my head disbelief and stepped into the last alcove of kerosene overwhelmed me—as did what I saw:The to speak publicly about my story. local elevators on the right. I thought, This is not where elevators were scorched black and the enormous * * * I want to be. In that next moment, I heard and felt an window frames that looked out over Liberty Street no impact—as if from some incredible explosion—I felt the longer held glass. I am often asked how September 11,2001, has building rock and actually begin to sway;to the point Security guards stationed in the lobby were directing impacted me. that I feared we could topple over.And then the our exit.As I passed, I told a guard about the injured The basis of the impact is the attribution of my structure rebounded just as violently back the other gentleman in the 44th Sky Lobby. He said he'd let the survival to the Holy Spirit's gift of wisdom. way. People screamed,and I watched the elevator in firefighters know and motioned me onward. I rounded I have come to understand that life is meaningless, front of me jumping back and forth.The lights went a corner and saw the single-width escalator—now and that what matters is who we choose to be. out as the building undulated and then,after ten or stopped—that ran parallel to the east windows and twelve seconds,it finally settled.There was an In every aspect of our life, it is who we choose to be down into the World Trade Center Mall. People were that defines us,not in just the difficult or traumatic unexpected and complete silence. queued up in a funnel-shaped mob.You could feel the events,but in every interaction with our family, The kind of silence I will never in my life forget. apprehension in the air as people confronted yet friends, neighbors,and people in our communities as When you have no control of the circumstances and another delay. well as the choices that form the path in our life. think for long seconds that,surely, I'm about to die. . . Beyond the escalator was a group of firefighters. Christ has us covered through the cross, reconciling us And then you realize that,no, I'm not.That is when this Huddled for a briefing with their equipment on their to God. kind of silence comes. . .When Death has come and shoulders,they seemed eager to be let go for the Just as He forgives us, He tells use to forgive our gone. ascent. My gaze locked on the expression of one brother,"Until seventy times seven." firefighter,whose look of stoic determination is still It was broken moments later by soft crying.A flickering etched in my mind;nor will I ever forget his face. I believe that as long as we keep trying even in the of lights came back on to dissipate the darkness, I I was now closer to the escalator. People were face of repeated failure, He forgives us,"Until seventy could see and feel the dust all about me. People were times seven." reacting, I could hear them as they stepped into single coming to the same inescapable conclusion. file and got a clearer view down and out the windows. It is our responsibility to iterate,to be the best version Something terrifying had now occurred to our building There were audible gasps;some pointed while others of ourselves every day in every choice we make. as well. My adrenaline was jacked sky-high;no matter covered their mouths. I can't quite put into words what,I was going to get back out through that 44th floor stairway door.Yet,for now I held back. ISSN 2993-5601 AC21541274D1E9BA5A8E01F35A17ECEC143D511CFC10C88A7C065A6F57F30B6B rt , I . lip 1.,3 9 1 1:$ ' w1t et:: y AA fl 0 s ti g .... l r- >111 --. -:TossiiP,.-4,14 �� s (1111) id 11 W _ a Ooa 1 , CCII/ o en r/ ' '.. •° O '4 AS rA 7' S. City Council Presentation: Old Valley Road November 28, 2023 Peter Robbins peter@robbinsguitar.com 208-297-9320 Thank you for allowing me a few minutes to address the council. I am here to ask a favor. I am requesting that you pursue installation of No Parking signs along both sides of Old Valley Road between Linder Road and Baxter Way. Before you say this can't be done, let me explain why it should be done. When you drive home and enter your subdivision, what do you see? Do you see nice homes and well-manicured landscaping? When the residents of River Walk, my subdivision, enter our neighborhood we see a 280-unit apartment complex and a road littered with old cars, trash trailers, and a garbage truck. I know there is nothing that can be done about the apartments, but the real eyesore is the cars, trailers piled high with junk, and my personal favorite, the Treasure Valley Haul Away truck that is permanently parked along this short stretch of road. I have a few photos so you can see for yourself which I will give to you at the conclusion of my remarks. It is time to take care of this problem. So why should you bother with this request? 1. I would hope that you agree that trailers filled with garbage and trash trucks parked on any City of Eagle street bring the quality of life in our city down. If you don't agree with that let me know and I will work on getting a few trash trucks parked on your street. 2. Before construction was even started on the apartments, the people of River Walk asked the city for help and were rebuffed by the then sitting mayor and city council. The results of this were devastating to our community. This is an opportunity for you as the leaders of Eagle to make some small amends. 3. These parked vehicles pose a safety concern with visibility around Old Valley Road and more than once I have had to drive off the roadway onto the dirt shoulder to allow oncoming traffic to pass safely. This needs to be fixed. 4. The eyesore problem needs to be resolved. 5. While you may say this is a matter for the police or public safety department, or even another government agency, the fact is that this is a small road and has not and will not be patrolled sufficiently to solve the problem. The only solution is to not allow parking on this stretch of road. 6. And finally, fixing this problem is just the right thing to do. In conclusion, I don't know how it gets done, but you are the leaders of the city and our representatives. So please do the right thing and get no parking signs along Old Valley Road. Thank you for your attention. 12/8/2023 1 ' Everton . -.,J 7,. Planned Unit ? Development -y Annexation, Rezone j ,;,+ with DA, Preliminary 1 " - . .` J Development Plan and Preliminary Plat M10 1,,.:., City of Eagle 1 1 Project Location & Adjacent Developments S6 k « © PlO 1 ,„ .. as H 40". — ..:., Irt ; ..- : ,o"' f OPP 9- , ........\ 2 1 12/8/2023 Comprehensive Plan FOOTHILLS RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURE/RURAL ESTATE RESIDENTIAL WV State LARGE LOT NEIGHBORHOOD COMPACT TRANSITION OVERLAY MIXED USE MIN PUBLIC/SEMI-PUBLIC 3 Preliminary Plat & Zones Requested R1(7.98 acres): 12 buildable lots R4(46.46 acres): 126 buildable lots R6(13.53 acres): 74 buildable lots C2(10.86 acres): 11 buildable lots Common lots: 15 Common driveway lots:3 Total buildable lots: 223 O Total lots: 241 L? 9 e 'e e e o e Q dd 4 2 12/8/2023 , (------1- 1 :.. ..._ ' 1 ., .. ------:- ' \ 1 I ( i 1 . \ !f f 1 , fr,, 1 .... ,, .-.) i''‘ '' li 1.-- '-• `1,-' '-,''' ,, A,,•,...6...4" -.--- ` , I r I 5 — - , • — . - ---- 1—-----! Open Space and , .r, ,.. . .., ,........ : i Amenities 22.97 acres qualified open space (29.88%) ...• , 12.71 acres active open space (16%) Internal pedestrian walkways and pathways adjacent to canal 1 t . • and drainage ditch et,----- --rfri'l. •=--*::-- ) , _.. . . , . . -- -- --- ., .:" T ':r:_,_,:,• . : - ,.. - ... .. , , , . ''••` '' .,„ t 1, ,''• t4', 1- -1.' '••••'• ' '''',`...2...Ltt,‘,. ....- ', - '-. . - , - . ..•,_- . i -74 , ' ',.., • 6 3 12/8/2023 i ���-sir'' e:i.�!1 e �� ,� ... �_ t„.....__ per---� �. , .,:,1:1 -, .,..„.„- ,. ,...,, .- . , . . ......., 4.,,..c.r. ,, "..,-...-*4.7.---..,7; ` ,i/r ` . #. 1 - r-` '. e Y V ,m anY / . Y rt 7 iW.a yuv:tvsiSuu�ttimm Y sw .. ..--. - �a doavCCVt �"- '` . -;,- 1 PATHWAY AND TRAILS LEGEND 1. , , �r.iOL'_ 10'PATHWAY-PAVED I I I ��Mi 6'PATHWAY-PAVED � i .`�®.�....•> a.w.....•.�..,,n ..�•�.+�•"'?t-11 <11111111N 12'CANAL PATHWAY-NATURAL SURFACE MAINTENCE ROAD-NATURAL SURFACE ( ems' I x rr. ‘I ,�..,.,) I I I KEYNOTES rr/ EXISTING CANAL TO REMAIN OPEN 11 2 EXISTING DRAINAGE DITCH TO REMAIN OPEN 8 4 12/8/2023 Typical Home Elevations— Front Load Townhomes m 414 -411111 . 100 * 9 Typical Home Elevations .4 • • • • • 10 5 12/8/2023 Typical Home Elevations rcf w+aS„ 11 Typical Home Elevations 12 6 12/8/2023 DA Provision 3.1 3.1 The maximum density for the Property shall be 3% dwelling units per acre (43S-single-family detached and 74 sin•le-famil attached dwellin>s). Proposed Revision:"The maximum density for the Property shall be 3.11 dwelling units per acre(137 single-family detached and 74 single-family attached dwellings)." Site Specific Condition #8 g. Provide a revised preliminary plat which shows . . . • . ....,I..^a (') removed along the east property line between the drainage ditch and the Middleton Mill Canal.The lot sizing within the R-1-DA-P zoning district shall be a minimum of 33.295-square feet.The revised preliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal of final development plan and final plat applications.(ECC g-3-31GJ) Proposed Revision: "Provide a revised preliminary plat which shows one(1)residential lot removed along the east property line between the drainage ditch and the Middleton Mill Canal.Replace omitted lot with a stub street,location to be coordinated with ACHD and upon future redevelopment of property to the east. The lot sizing within the R-1-DA-P district shall be a minimum of 22,504-square feet.The revised preliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal of final development plan and final plat applications." 14 7 12/8/2023 - c—�: DA Provision 3.1& , :. ' Site Specific Condition#8 I I. °r ' r ;,�; -r ! Minimum lot size of 22,504 I F--, square feet in the R-1 district • l 1 i ( i r: ) I , • * 7-- -, t.....3 ' Rd j Omit one buildable lot and replace with a future stub street per ACHD recommendation i 15 DA Provision 3.12-PPRC { ' . _0 > 3.12 "Owner shall comply with all pathway l "` . requirements as identified in Exhibit"F" A 12'naturalprovided within the Parks,Pathways, Q © „ and Recreation Commission surface I P T - Recommendation memorandum dated, '`"` 1 May 23,2023.All pathways shall be B=8'concrete -, constructed prior to the City Clerk C=Concrete lead- t signing the final plat for the phase ins `'z associated with the required improvement. D=Dog waste receptacles Revise Exhibit"F": E=10'concrete ` - 6'pathways where 8'pathways F=Cul-de-sac � p y terminus "$_ were previously recommended G=10'concrete Q (Pathways indicated as type „B„) 0 3 b ,, - 10' natural surface pathway Q— /f� south of the drainage ditch instead of 10'concrete T 16 8 12/8/2023 Site Specific Condition #6 6. .rovsit. •- - ... ..a.' .lat showing a north-south alley providing access to the single-family attached dwelling units located wit tin ; v • _. . • -lion shall be reN iew ed and approved by ACID prior to submittal of final development plan and final plat app tca i -s. -- '''-"""'-" — 71-e--- — ..`-..../.:' .".;;:-•:':--t•-•---::::-.-_- _,.____ . I .,.. i?.'"I 4--:.:%‘'L--4,:.. ' .''. 1 1 ..__..'''.',, ',.;',..,,:-.'""*T''+.-___1:4114-1_4241.7•17 -9; -::::;'"A-1;:-.7-1,{31' I m 1 H-- ..., ' • ```' ' `-I--, _- . f - 1.1 '<e.__;,'._ -, ' '' . '--I L.._.1.4 s,:.i. 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' la::: 11 "\,.„ SWEET PINE SIREET Nr...V 18 9 12/8/2023 '� MU1ER DRIVE � Alley Load Parking Example � I - +. __ ■ I_®r [Ego® ALLEY LOAD HOUSING PARKING 1 NI — \- FI IIW .-,,a PARKING <o ® tRIYE\MAY PARKING I I� S BORDERING STREET PARKING(PER EAGLE CITY CODE) 34 . I _ �t'� (� �1 TOTAL PROVIDED PARKING SPACES R -.-- F+'_ g -I--k® ;- !i �I� ®) I - MI I I - -- 0-l- ®--- , I ;V �� \I) SWEET PINE STREET 19 Parking Availability �� - , ® � ®I+ g r ( r • I Imo. ®--._ -'i� � ® -; ��,� l-:I' g . , ,t... (..., P t ' ALLEY LOAD HOUSING PARKING FRONT LOAD HOUSING PARKING AcE P>P.vr, -r. 1 InoRoca..c ,nce ... Tc'AE PPn .. u. TOTAL PARKING DIFFERENCE +34 SPACES •.I \ ALLEY LOAD SWEET PINE STREET FRONT LOAD SWEET PINE STREET .:P 20 10 12/8/2023 Site Specific Condition #6 • • I Site Specific Condition #7. The required setbacks shall be as follows: R-I Zone: Front: 30-feet Its mg area) 32-feet(front-load garage) Rear: 30-feet Side: 15-feet(first story)5-feet(each additional stoix l Street Side: 30-feet Maximum Lot Coverage:35°6 Request to revise the front R-4 Zone: setback to 31-feet in Front: ,0_teit11iv(living area) conformance with Eagle City 32-feet(front-load garage) Code Rear: 15-feet Side: 5-feet)first story)5-feet(each additional story) Street Side: 20-feet Maximum Lot Coverage:50 R-6 Zone(Sin:le-family attachednexcludina Block 2): Front: 20-feet(living area) 32-feel(front-load garage) Rear: 15-feet Side: 5-feet 10-feet for common wall) Street Side: 20-ket Maximum Lot Coverage:N/A 22 11 12/8/2023 Summary of Requested Revisions DA PROVISION 3.1 Proposed Revision:The maximum density for the Property shall be 3.11 dwelling units per acre(137 single-family detached and 74 single-family attached dwellings). SITE SPECIFIC CONDITION#8 Omit one buildable lot and replace with a future stub street per ACHD recommendation. DA PROVISION 3.12 Proposed Revision:Revise Exhibit"F"to include 6'pathways where 8'pathways were previously recommended (pathways indicated as type"B").Require 10'natural surface pathway south of the drainage ditch instead of 10'concrete(Pathways indicated as type"G"). CONDITION#6 Strike condition to coincide with proposed layout incorporating front-load townhomes. CONDITION#7 Revise condition to include 31-foot front setback to garage. 23 ' • t o- a THANK YOU =s ' , ,„. , . i1^1 24 12 12/8/2023 I I I J� Li Natural Features Analysis HYDROLOGY THE SITE IS WELL—DRAINED WITH SLOPES MAINLY RANGING FROM 0% TO 8% WITH STEEPMER SLOPES ALONG THE DRAINAGE DITCHES AND CANALS. STORMWATER RUNOFF FROM THE SITE DOES INFILTRATE AND THEN PERCOLATE THROUGH THE SOIL BEFORE IT HAS THE OPPORTUNITY TO COLLECT IN SHALLOW DEPRESSION OR LEAVE THE SITE (SEE FLOW ARROWS ON PLAN). THE MIDDLETON MILL DITCH RUNS EAST TO WEST NEAR THE NORTH PART OF THE PROPERTY. THE DITCH WILL BE RELOCATED PER THE JURISDICTION STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS. THERE ARE NO KNOWN GROUNDWATER ISSUES OR FL000PLAINS LOCATED ONSITE. ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER AND DIRECTLY IN THE CENTER OF THE PROPERTY ARE TWO IRRIGATION DITCHES THAT WILL BE PIPED PER THE JURISDICTION STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS. UDIL5 SOILS SURVEY FOR ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, CLASSIFIES 1NL SOIL WITHIN THE SItE AREA AS .IMBERLY—BEETVILLE SANDY LOAM AND URBAN LAND BEETVILLE LOAM. KIMBERLY—BEETVILLE SANDY LOAM AND URBAN LAND BEETVILLE LOAM ARE WELL—DRAINED SOILS THAT ARE TYPICALLY FOUND ON SLOPES RANGING FROM 0% TO 2%. KIMBERLY—BEETVILLE SANDY LOAM SOIL IS COMPOSED OF SANDY LOAM FROM 0 TO 43 INCHES AND GRAVELLY SAND FROM 43 TO 60 INCHES. URBAN LAND BEETVILLE LOAM SOIL IS COMPOSED OF LOAM FROM 0 TO 11 INCHES, SANDY LOAM 11 TO 41 NCHES, AND STRATIFIED LOAMY SAND 10 GRAVELLY LOAMY FINE SAND FROM 41 TO 60 INCHES. TOPOGRAPHY THE SUBJECT SITE HAS GENERALLY UNIFORMED SLOPE'S RANGING FROM ±0.5 TO ±8.0%. STEEPER SLOPES ARE FOUND ALONG THE BANK OF THE MIDDLETON MILL DITCH AND CANALS. THE CURRENT PERCENTAGE BREAKDOWNS ARE AS FOLLOWED: 0%-8% SLOPE 89.9% OF SITE 8%-15% SLOPE 02.8% OF SITE 15%-25% SLOPE 01.6% OF SITE 25% AND ABOVE 05.7% OF SITE SEE PLAN FOR VARIOUS SLOPE CALLOUTS. ��NAT UAL:TarUREsA AwLs 25 Natural Features Analysis THE SITE'S VEGETATION IS A MIXTURE OF LANDSCAPE BEDS, LAWN AND MATURE DECIDUOUS AND CONIFEROUS TREES TYPICAL OF A RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY, AND PASTURE/LAWN GRASSES THAT ARE TYPICAL OF AN ARID TO SEMI—ARID ENVIRONMENT AND `FARM FIELD. I aro ->�.gprp5�. a "FNSITIVF PLANT AND WV DI rr SPECIES PER THE REPORT INCLUDED WITH THIS APPLICATION, THE IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME INDICATED THAT THERE IS NO RECORD OF ANY SPECIAL—STATUS PLANT OR ANIMAL SPECIES RECORDED WITHIN 0.5 MILES OF THE SITE. THE SITE HAS ALREADY BEEN DISTURBED DUE TO ADJACENT SUBURBAN DEVELOPMENT OR AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, LEAVING LITTLE INTACT NATIVE HABITAT FOR NATIVE PLANT OR TERRESTRIAL WILDLIFE POPULATION ACTIVITIES. LIISTORIC RFSOIIRCFS BASED ON THE ADA COUNTY HISTORIC SITE INVENTORY. THIS PROPERTY DOES NOT APPEAR TO CONTAIN ANY HISTORICAL STRUCTURES. I / •1AZARDOUS AREAS NO KNOWN HAZARDOUS AREAS. NATURAL FEATURES IMPACT NATURAL FEATURE IMPACTS TO THE SITE WILL BE CONSISTENT WITH THOSE ASSOCIATED WITH TYPICAL SINGLE FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL LAND DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION. SEVERAL NEW ROADS, ASSOCIATED BERMS, AND DRAINAGE PONDS WITH LANDSCAPING WILL BE CONSTRUCTED THROUGHOUT THE DEVELOPMENT. ALL RUNOFF FROM THE NEW ROADS WILL BE CAPTURED AND TREATED ON SITE. ROADWAY AND PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT WILL IMPACT THE EXISTING VOLUNTEER WEEDS AND SHRUBS. ALL IMPACTED VEGETATION WILL RE REPLACED WITH APPROVED VEGETATION AS SHOWN ON THE LANDSCAPE PLAN. THERE IS AN EXISTING CANAL ON SITE. MIDDLETON MILL DITCH, WHICH WILL REMAIN OPEN BUT THE FLOW PATH WILL BE RELOCATED PER JURISDICTION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS. THE EXISTING IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE DITCHES WILL BE REMOVED FROM SITE AND PIPED AS NECESSARY PER JURISDICTION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS. ALL JTILITIES WILL REMAIN ONSITE AND WILL BE EXTENDED TO EACH NEW LOT AS NECESSARY AND AS APPROVED VIA CIVIL CONSTRUCTION PLANS. IT IS ANTICIPATED THAT GROUNDWATER WILL NOT BE ENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION AND WILL BE PROTECTED FROM STORM WATER BY DEQ'S REQUIRED SEPARATIONS STANDARDS. NO OTHER IMPACTS ARE ANTICIPATED. 1'.aruPAL_,:,ruses ANALrsl 26 13 12/8/2023 Natural Features Analysis ALYSSA YENSEN,P.L.A. PROFESSIONAL OVERVIEW LANDSCAPE MANAGER I;• *: _ _ qrG 17. e f public 31 C LI 't- --ier experience a pa.ial:zes res=de-t:al prtl__ts I-a senor protect r4rrager tv tI exper:erce -^'raragiIg al' levels cf (project ie_igr arc- _�ny;ructl I:. :^.,/ ',.enser,ha srgn',cart erper erne "rc'.c.d r,g Lsr.- rct I.ri _rr tc, .,cl,erTnatIc 5.1te plarrirC arr_J rercer:ig cnr;_rt scup rig., FI3I r t g ,agency roo.rd',natl r Ors r ti r cU r- lert rrt'3rt ,s ' ar1rrlstratior-, J ar ts allatl r rnanagenant e tIr.,e-• ng�' F 2 r , - REGISTRATION EDUCATION 27 I o \ I f � r r ) i_ is r Cl ;�.._.,. 28 14 12/8/2023 f Conceptual Phasing Plan EA 4 — P\AN5E1 .11c ,1.,I �I:.; 1st phase—31 residential lots,8 common 2nd phase—44 residential lots,2 common ,, ,A, ,1 11,2 'Hill I 3rd phase—36 residential lots,5 common, 7 commercial lots P5°' 1 0 I f *° ; 4th phase—31 residential, 2 common I g j L,I 5th phase—38 residential,4 commercial lots 0 6th phase—32 residential lots 5 -- 29 9 1 llir 111 i i r—w I 1 a w (! I f.'0`r 'I� mo � w.. ;v n ,.......j4d,,,.....--1- 30 15 12/8/2023 . • '-e'raoM Cr(In WEw PE1N.P[ncF.YF PM1NO-,P. i.• { ) o '0 0 ___e'HOOP •N. ,' rTv¢ • - - P PLwH.V,.au.P TEEM w.O.New NON EDP YE PP.0-16. 1 r[ ..._° i rrci p0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,, 0 11 7 0l,�0�.. '0 Or00 C)'C: 1,1 0 oil olo o c o oio 0 0 0, o tom - . It —.�yNRIMItiq Ewa{ 3 ! .� , r O S'r' 1 I O 0 1 1 0 : ...+.--'"'"� 1,aii, a T. _: jaw 1 ,� E� —._ 1CCOLTJPESHONE WRLL REFERENCE PHOTOS 16rP ClE E'MElELFEN EP fRENCF PHOTO C `JJ TMII ,-' , 0 O .c 0 I I ' I 0 © � - °�,'}J , , ,gIniniMil I I I o � _ o o © o wib 0 .mo o � - . I()p J JI 0 C) `, S SOPPED CION FENCE W TN ""� oC�- LP't 76 STAINED CEO. PccEPENCE PHOTO 18 YLEER VEW IESETAL TOP Pp,T,ENC,PHOTO 0 ' �• iPR■Rstl or .�• lYthi o • 0 0 o 0 CD O 31 PUD— Dimensional Standards ,,,- - - R-1 R-4 R-6 Side Yard 15' 7.5' 5' 15' 5' 5' Rear Yard 30' 25' 20' 30' 15' 20' P *' alb' a m, �P. g` eP a. R-1 R-4 R-6 7a. •E$ * w :_: ..vo 35% 40% 60% 35% 50% 60% R-1 R-4 R-6 37,000 SF 8,000 SF 1,600 SF . ., C P.4 ;N s 22,500 SF 6,000 SF 2,880 SF ,':. t�� . ." .,'r: R-1 R-4 R-6 't 100' 70' 20' " �;rirt,, ,, 100' 50' 30' •,a7',1,:`,... L, 4,*, was mac'.` :. ` tl ,< .s.. Hz.,. .RO R-1 R-4 R-6 1.0 unit/acre 4 units/acre 6 units/acre 1.5 units/acre 2.7 units/acre 5.5 units/acre 32 16 • 12/8/2023 Site Specific Condition #16 . 'ro . - - - 't•r• .tat showing Lot 14.Block 4.and Lots 2 and 11.Block 8.removed, The revised preliminary plat sha s o . t the required street frontage(35-feet). The revised preliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal of a.esr - . • xUGGltS OUT tI� I R to0 ��41.09®I010e010CD, 0 160CK al.., 3 N1DIXITONMtl CANAL 1B10(K 1k _ G O©O t. At 0 sr as is 0 B3 p' n i rwtroAtr srxter �� �t .. o � F z 0 c. I e �' —'d is rzB . a - 4 + i C}e �_ a 0 . a 1E j Site Specific Condition #23 23.Owner shall work with the City to establish a Conservation and Education Program(CEP)Funding Plan associated with Everton Subdivision.The CEP Funding Plan shall he executed by the Owner and City prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat.(ECC 8-6-7[BJl ;lz 34 17 12/8/2023 ACHD Condition d. Staff Comments/Recommendations: The applicants proposal to extend Alidade Avenue into the site and construct a stub street,Muller Drive,to the site's east property line meets District policy and should be approved as proposed. The applicant should be required to construct two additional stub streets to the east:one on the north side and one on the south side of the Middleton Mill Canal due to the potential for future development of the large lots located directly adjacent to the site to the east. The applicant should be required to install a sign at the terminus of all three stub streets stating that. "THIS ROAD WILL BE EXTENDED IN THE FUTURE." A cul-de-sac turnaround is not required at the terminus of Muller Drive,as it does not extend greater in length than 150-feet. If the two additional stub streets that are required to be constructed to the east are greater in length than 150-feet,then the applicant should be required to construct a temporary cul-de-sac turnaround at the terminus of the stub streets. The temporary turnaround should be paved and constructed to the same dimensional standards as a standard cul-de-sac turnaround. If the turnaround extends onto a buildable lot,the entire lot shall be encumbered by the easement and identified on the plat as a non-buildable lot until the street is extended. 12. Construct two additional stub streets to the east:one on the north side and one on the south side of the Middleton Mill Canal. 35 18 12/8/2023 IltEVERTON SUBDIVISION 101 A-01-23/RZ-02-23/CU-03-23/PPU D-02-23/PP-02-23 Eagle City Council Public Hearing November 28, 2023 City Staff: Michael Williams,CFM,Planner Ill Phone: 939-0227 E-Mail: 1 Project Summary TH Lost River, LLC, is requesting: • TH Lost River, LLC, represented by Stephanie Hopkins, with KM Engineering, LLP, is requesting an annexation, rezone from RUT (Rural-Urban Transition — Ada County designation) to R-1-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement — PUD), R-4-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement — PUD), R-6-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement — PUD), and C-2-DA-P (General Business District with a development agreement — PUD), conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Everton Subdivision, a 241-lot (212-residential [138-single family, 74-single- familyattached], 11-commercial, 18-common) mixed use planned unit development. • The 76.85-acre site is located at the northeast corner of State Highway 44 and North Palmer Lane. 2 1 12/8/2023 Vicinity Map , x �x MIN ;*4 e - 3 Preliminary a� ,\. Plat : :..E.F. br.,,,....., ,, -1.).--"''..-: r t '¢ wry/ . = , .:w.r�� ,1`m:--- [{�"}�4;'� t' 0 \ _'' =\. f 0.:�T.'j 1 4 2 12/8/2023 Site Data Total Acreage of Site — 76.85-acres Total Number of Lots— 241 Residential—212 Commercial—11 Industrial—0 Common—18(inclusive of 3 shared driveways) Total Number of Units— 212 Single-family—138 Single-family (attached)—74 Multi-family—0 Total Acreage of Any Out-Parcels—0 5 Additional Site Data Proposed Required Site Data Dwelling Units Per Gross Acre 3.02dwelling units/acre(not inclusive of the 2.98dwelling units/acre(as limited by commercial area) the development agreement) Minimum Lot Size 2,880-square feet(R-6) 1,600-square feet(R-6)8,000-square 6,050-square feet(R-4) feet(R-0)37,000-square feet(R-1) 22,504-square feet(R-I) 1,300-square feet(C-2) 21,792-square feet(C-2) Except that a decrease of minimum lot size in a subdivision may be allowed if there is an offsetting increase of the same percentage in open space and a planned unit development is applied for and approved)—pursuant to ECC Section 8-6-6-5(A).The offsetting increase of the required percentage in open space has been provided Minimum Lot Width 30-feet(R-6) 20-feet(minimum)(R-6) 50-feet(R-4) 70-feet(minimum)(R-4) 130-feet(R-1) 100-feet(minimum)(R-1) 110-feet(C-2) 25-feet(minimum)(C-2) Minimum Street Frontage 30-feet 20-feet(R-6) 0-feet 35-feet(R-1 and R-4) Total Acreage of Common Area 20.87-Acres(inclusive of planter strips) I4.02-acres(minimum) Percent of Site as Common Area 27.1% 20%(minimum) Except that,according to ECC Section 9-3-8(C) the City may require additional public and/or private park or open space facilities in PUDs Percent of Common Area Open Space as Active Open 61%(12.81-acres) 15%(minimum)(2.1-acres) Space 6 3 12/8/2023 Issues of Special Concer • C-2 (General Business District zonin• desi•nation and uses Conditio of Development #3.5) ' • Storage Trunk Line Fees (SSC #4) • Access to the single-family attached dwellings (SSC#6) � _: • Setbacks (SSC #7) • Transition to Lincoln Park Subdivision (SSC #8) • Fencing and streetlights (SSC #s 11 and • Existing building removal (SSC #13) „� • Lots with shared driveways (SSC #16). 7 C-2 (General Business District) 3,5 Except for the limitations and allowances expressly set forth above below and the other terms of this Agreement.the Property can be developed and used consistent with the C-2(General Business District)land uses allowed by the Eagle City Code Section 8-2-3 "Official Schedule of District Regulations",existing at the time a design review application or conditional use permit application(whichever the case may he)is made for individual building use. The following uses which are shown as"P"permitted or`•C"conditional uses under the C-2 zoning designation within Eagle City Code Section 8-2-3"Official Schedule of District Regulations."shall be prohibited uses on the Property: • Automotive body shop • Automotive gas station or fuel islands • Automotive gas station service shop • Automotive repair • Building supply outlet • Cabinet shop • Coffee roasting facility ♦ • Commercial entertainment facilities(outdoor) • Contractor's yard and'or shop • Convenience store with fuel service • l.ive entertainment events • Machine shop • Storage fenced area • Tire shop,including recapping • Truck and equipment repair and sales(heavy) • Welding,tool shop • Woodworking shop 8 4 12/8/2023 Storage Trunk Line Fee (STL) 4. The applicant shall be required to pay the required $185.843.44 preliminary plat Storage Trunk Line fee along with the associated final plat Storage Trunk Line fee at the time of submittal of the first final plat applications. Also, the applicant shall be required to pay the Storage Trunk Line fee (based on meter size) for the commercial uses at the time of application for building permit(s). In the event the City adopts water system development fees y p prior to submittal of a final plat application the payment of the STL fees shall not be required. The required water system development fees shall be paid prior to the issuance of each building permit 9 �,"x v,` , ewi, saa-ssa-;- 2e •:••.-at... 4.v-.w a ma..,_. . i+ar .s .aa n.. Access to the single-family attached dwellings' 6. Provide a revised preliminai ` plat showing a north-south alle providing access to the single family attached dwelling units • located within Block 2. The alley location shall be reviewed and ._ r approved by ACHD prior to submittal of final development }/ Ir plan and final plat applications l .1 10 5 12/8/2023 Setbacks R1W c. aiM • 1 East.r.r Us r *--. .�- f. . - r V C,.nT['• ....-=ten -.. .all -••• ..' ....- .. nor ,�.,�'•rEr..in ift>v:N. .j.lt EF10.TaL- •{re,T✓, -.r C -iC. N. •.-.,1tElGT�1 :^.C. SC-':,: >r£^ .E•:TE.MI.Y. +£ •t Cs: .9 TYPICAL 47' R.O.W. LOCAL STREET 11 gaa R-1 Zone: R-6 Zone(Single-family attached)(excluding Block 2): ' a• Front: 30-feet(living area) Front: 20-feet(living area) 32-feet(front-load garage) 32-feet(front-load garage) Rear: 30-feet Rear: 15-feet Side: 15-feet(first story)5-feet(each Side: 5-feet(0-feet for common wall) additional story) Street Side: 20-feet Street Side: 30-feet Maximum Lot Coverage:N/A r Maximum Lot Coverage:35% a' R-4 Zone: R-6 Zone(Single-family attached)(Block 2): Front: 20-feet(living area) Front: 20-feet(living area) 32-feet(front-load garage) Rear 5-feet Rear: 15-feet Side: 5-feet(0-feet for common wall) Side: 5-feet(first story)5-feet(each additional story) Street Side: 20-feet Maximum Lot Coverage:N/A Street Side: 20-feet g . ` Maximum Lot Coverage:50% ' 6 12/8/2023 Transition to Lincoln Park Subdivision 8. Provide a revised preliminary plat which shows one (1) residential lot removed along the east property line _ ` m north of the Middleton Mill Canal and two (2) lots removed along the east property line between the drainage ditch and the Middleton Mill Canal. The lot sizing within the R-1-DA-P zoning I district shall be a minimum of 33,295- square feet. The revised preliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal Ga of final development plan and final plat f Ga • applications. (ECC 8-3-3[G]) 13 Fencing and Street Lights 11.Provide a revised fence plan showing all fencing 12.The applicant shall provide a revised Site Plan Exhibit—Street located adjacent to common areas and the street side Lighting showing streetlights located at the following locations: of all common lots to be in conformance with Eagle o Street.intersection of Morehouse Avenue and Sweet Pine City Code Section 9-3-10.The revised fence plan shall o Intersection of Sweet Pine Street and Harvest Hill be submitted prior to submittal of a design review Avenue. application. o Midblock on Muller Drive in alignment with the common areas(Lot 24,Block 3 and Lot 16,Block 7). o Intersection of Red Boot Drive and Harvest Hill Avenue. o Midblock on Red Boot Drive at the midpoint of Lot 26, Block 6. o Intersection of Red Boot Drive and Morehouse Avenue. o Intersection of Morehouse Avenue and Eagledale Street. o Midblock of Eagledale Street between N.Alidade Avenue and Harvest Hill Avenue. o Intersection of Eagledale Street and Harvest Hill Avenue. o Intersection of Harvest Hill Avenue and Ruggles Street. o Ruggles Street in alignment with Lot 7,Block 9. o Intersection of Ruggles Street and Morehouse Avenue. o Intersection of Morehouse Avenue and Cavendale Drive. o Intersection of Harvest Hill Avenue and Cavedale Drive. The revised Site Plan Exhibit—Street Lighting shall be submitted prior to submittal of a design review application 14 7 12/8/2023 Existing Building Removal 13. Provide a revised preliminary plat (existing conditions) map showing all the existing structures and stable located within the site to be removed. A revised preliminary plat (existing conditions) map shall be provided prior to submittal of a design review application. The existing structures and stable shall be removed prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. 15 Lots with Share Driveways • • =` rah r5') � �'�.I F 7�� a I; � : 1 ( w �.� • BOCK A "S 16 8 12/8/2023 Shared Driveway 16. Provide a revised preliminary plat showing Lot 14, Block 4, and Lots 2 and 11, Block 8, removed. The revised preliminary plat shall show all buildable lots with the required street frontage (35-feet). The revised preliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal of a design review application. 17 Staff Recommendation If the annexation and rezone with development agreement (in lieu of a PUD) are approved, staff recommends the conditions of development on If the preliminary plat is approved, staff recommends the site specific conditions of approval on of the Staff Report and standard conditions of approval on of the Staff Report. 18 9 12/8/2023 t Planning Commission Recommendation gsE On October 2, 2023, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission voted 3 to 0 (McLaughlin absent) to recommen' of the applications with the conditions o development, site specific conditions of approval, and standard conditions of approval provided on page 21 of the Planning and Zonin• Commission Findings of Fact and 0 tC. 10.ns.4>©f..Lava 19 End of Presentation 20 10 12/8/2023 Comprehensive Plan Map Designation & Zoning Map Designation COMP PLAN ZONING LAND USE DESIGNATION DESIGNATION Existing Neighborhood Residential,Residential RUT(Rural-Urban Transition-Ada County Single-family residence and agriculture Transition Overlay,and Scenic Corridor designation) Proposed No Change R-I-DA-P,R-4-DA-P,and R-6-DA-P Single-family(attached and detached) (Residential with a development agreement- residential and commercial planned unit PUD)and C-2-DA-P,R-4-DA-P development North of site Neighborhood Residential R-2-DA-P(Residential with a development Single-family residential subdivisions agreement-PUD) (Snoqualmie Falls Subdivisions part of the Legacy development) South of site Professional Office/Business Park and RUT(Rural-Urban Transition-Ada County Single-family residential subdivision Scenic Corridor designation) (I-Ionalee Subdivision) East of site Neighborhood Residential,Residential RUT(Rural-Urban Transition-Ada County Single-family residences located within an Transition Overlay,and Scenic Corridor designation) unplatted parcel and a single-family residential subdivision(Lincoln Park Subdivision) West of site City of Eagle RUT(Rural-Urban Transition-Ada County Proposed Cascade Springs Subdivision Mixed Use and Residential Transition designation) (Single-family detached and attached Overlay residential),proposed Fountain Park City of Star Subdivision,single-family residence,and agricultural properties Commercial,Mixed Use,and Neighborhood Residential 21 11