Minutes - 2019 - City Council - 02/12/2019 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL Meeting Minutes February 12, 2019 INVOCATION: NONE 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ridgeway calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GOLD, PITTMAN, MITCHELL. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Ridgeway leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. SERVICE RECOGNITION: Volunteer of the Month Janet Mandel: The City of Eagle is pleased to present the Volunteer of the Month award to Janet Mandel. Janet has selflessly volunteered her time to care for our Firewise Garden located at the Ada/Eagle Sports Complex. We can proudly thank Janet for the beauty that the Firewise Garden has added to the bike park. We are delighted to call Janet a member of our community and hope she continues the good work. Gold reads the Janet Mandel Proclamation. Mayor introduces Janet Mandal and presents her with the Volunteer of the Month plaque and the Proclamation of the City of Eagle declaring Februaryl3, 2019 as Janet Mandel Day in the City of Eagle for her dedication and volunteerism while serving this community. Pittman: the next presentation that we have is a Proclamation for Cabin Fever Reliever Day. Pittman reads the Proclamation. The Mayor presents the Proclamation to Larry Raganet, Project Manager for Kids First Cast. 5. Mayor: we are going to go into Executive Session. Pittman moves to go into Executive Session and move Executive Session and up to #5 on the Agenda. Seconded by Mitchell. Pittman moves pursuant to I.C. 74-206 Executive Session, an Executive Session which members of the public are excluded and an action item to communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. Seconded by Mitchell. Mayor we have two motions. A Motion to Amend the Agenda. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES A Motion to go into Executive Session. Bastian: AYE; Gold: AYE; Pittman: AYE; Mitchell: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Page 1 1:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-12.19min.doc EXECUTIVE SESSION: 74-206. EXECUTIVE SESSIONS—(1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: A. "ACTION ITEM" (f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement. Council goes into Executive Session at 5:40 p.m. Council leaves Executive Session at 6:15 p.m. 6(5.) PRESENTATION: Kurt Folke, CPA, Quest CPA's, Audited Financial Statement Year End September 30, 2018. Mayor introduces the issues. Kurt Folke, Quest CPA's, presents the Financial Statement for Year End September 30, 2018 and provides an overview of FY 17/18 audit report. General discussion. 7(6.) PUBLIC COMMENT: None This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. 8(7.) ADDITIONS, DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: INCLUDING THE CONSENT AGENDA: City Staff Requests: PZ Administrator Vaughan requests to move #11a to #C1. Mayor or City Council Requests: None 9(8.) ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS CONSENT AGENDA: • Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. • Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Page 2 1:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-12.19min.doc Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims against the City. B. Re -Appointment to the Eagle Historic Preservation Commission: Mayor Ridgeway is requesting Council confirmation of the re -appointment of Zach Pence to the Commission. Mr. Pence will be serving a three (3) year term that will expire in February 2022. (SR) C. Appointment to the Industrial Development Corporation: Mayor Ridgeway is requesting Council confirmation of the appointment of Kenny Pittman to the Industrial Development Corporation. Councilmember Pittman will be serving a three (3) year term expiring February 2022. (SR) D. Appointment to the Industrial Development Corporation: Mayor Ridgeway is requesting Council confirmation of the appointment of Dr. Jill Mitchell to the Industrial Development Corporation. Councilmember Mitchell will be serving a two (2) year term expiring February 2021. (SR) E. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and Final Order for AA -03- 18 — Appeal of Zoning Administrator's Decision regarding denial of a demolition permit — Kittric Guest: Kittric Guest is appealing the Zoning Administrator's decision regarding the denial of a demolition permit. The .16 - acre site is located on the north side of East Idaho Street approximately 150 - feet east of Eagle Road at 154 East Idaho Street. (WEV) F. Janet Mandel Day Proclamation: A proclamation of the City of Eagle declaring February 13, 2019 Janet Mandel Day in the City of Eagle for her dedication and volunteerism while serving this community. (SR) G. Cabin Fever Reliever Day Proclamation: A proclamation declaring February 16, 2019 Cabin Fever Reliever Day. Presented to Kids First Cast, Inc., a non-profit organization whose goal is to get kids active through fishing and other outdoor activities. (SR) H. Minutes of January 22, 2019. (SKB) I. Minutes of January 28, 2019. (5 KB) J. Minutes of January 31, 2019. (SKB) K. Resolution No. 19-08 Adopting the City of Eagle's Records Retention Policy. (SKB) L. Adoption of the Draft Final Report of the City of Eagle Compensation and Classification -The Mercer Group. (SR) M. Eagle Ped/Bike Bridge: Approval of an Easement Agreement between Mace River Ranch Owners Association and the City of Eagle for a paved public pathway and bridge across the north channel of the Boise River through and across a portion of Lot 2, Block 1 of Mace River Ranch Subdivision No. 1. (NBS) N. Agreement for Special Services: Mayor Ridgeway is requesting approval of Agreement for Special Services provided by White, Peterson, Gigray and Nichols P.A., to provide legal services for the construction and maintenance of a greenbelt pathway. (SR) Page 3 1:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-12-19min.doc O. Resolution No. 19-10 Authorizing the destruction of Semi -Permanent Records. (SKB) P. Minutes of February 6, 2019. (SKB) Bastian moves to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Gold. Bastian: AYE; Gold: AYE; Pittman: AYE; Mitchell: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 10(9.) UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NONE 11(10.) PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m. Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. A. "ACTION ITEM" CU -10-05 MOD — Church Building Addition/Modification to Conditions of Approval — Eagle Church of the Nazarene: Eagle Church of the Nazarene, represented by Matt Garner with Architecture Northwest, PA, is requesting conditional use permit modification approval for a church building addition, to remove the expiration date associated with previously approved conditional use permit application, and to lease the on-site ball fields to an entity/organization other than the church. The 21.38 -acre site is located on the south side of West State Street approximately 210 -feet east of North Riverview Street at 1001 West State Street. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Pittman recuses himself as he is a member of the Nazarene Church. Mayor: is there anyone else that needs to recuse themselves. None Matt Garner, Architecture Northwest, PA, representing the applicant, provides Council an overview of the project. General discussion. Zoning Administrator Vaughan displays a power point presentation and provides the Council an overview of the project. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Wayne Swanson, 985 W. State Street, I am here to talk about the ball diamond that they want to turn over to an entity that wants to have more ball games. They did this before and there were games and practices every night. Discusses preparation of the fields which becomes a dust bowl over my property, the concession trailers that setup next his shop and after hour use of the property. This will be invading the privacy of our home. General discussion. John Ord, 5874 N. Applebrook Way, Boise, Idaho, addresses the signs, discusses the ballfields, the installation of speed bumps. We address concerns as fast as we can. We have an agreement with West Valley for another five years. General discussion. Page 4 1:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-12-19min.doc Mayor: is there anyone else that would like to testify on this issue? Seeing none I refer this to the Council. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Al. "ACTION ITEM" DR -29-99 MOD2 — Church Building Addition and Parking Lot Expansion for Eagle Church of the Nazarene - Eagle Church of the Nazarene: Eagle Church of the Nazarene, represented by Matt Garner with Architecture Northwest, PA, is requesting design review approval to construct a 2,160 -square foot building addition and a parking lot expansion for the Eagle Church of the Nazarene. The 21.38 -acre site is located on the south side of West State Street approximately 210 -feet east of North Riverview Street at 1001 West State Street. (WEV) General discussion. Mayor: Do we have a motion to continue Items #10A and #10A1 until our next regular meeting? So moved by Bastian. Seconded by Gold. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES B. "ACTION ITEM" A-08-18 & RZ-13-18 — Annexation and Rezone From RUT (Rural -Urban Transition — Ada County Designation) To MU -DA (Mixed Use with a Development Agreement) and R -2 -DA (Residential with a Development Agreement) — Hoot Nanney Farms, Inc. (Michal and Bill Dixon): Hoot Nanney Farms, Inc. (Michal and Bill Dixon), represented by Caleb LaClair, P.E., with T -O Engineers, is requesting an annexation and rezone from RUT (Rural -Urban Transition — Ada County designation) to MU -DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement) and R -2 -DA (Residential with a development agreement). The 89.85 -acre site is located on the east side of State Highway 16 at the northeast corner of the intersection of State Highway 16 and West Floating Feather Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Caleb LaClair, representing the applicant, provides Council an overview of the project. Planner Williams displays a power point presentation and provides Council an overview of the project. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor: is there anyone in the audience that would like to testify? Seeing none I refer this to the Council. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Bastian moves to approve A-08-18 & RZ-13-18—Annexation and Rezone From RUT (Rural -Urban Transition—Ada County Designation) To MU -DA (Mixed Use with a Development Agreement) and R -2 -DA (Residential with a Development Agreement)—Hoot Nanney Farms with a change on Page 16 Item 3.11, down about half way "Eagle shall have", cross out 45 and put in 90 days to consider the offer notice. Seconded by Pittman. General discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Page 5 1:\COUNCEL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02.12-19min.doc C. "ACTION ITEM" RZ-14-18 — Rezone from A -R (Agricultural -Residential) to R -E (Residential -Estates) — SLN Planning: SLN Planning, represented by Shawn Nickel, is requesting a rezone from A -R (Agricultural -Residential) to R -E (Residential -Estates). The 4.33 -acre site is located on the north side of West Floating Feather Road approximately 440 -feet east of the intersection of North Meridian Road and West Floating Feather Road at 2924 West Floating Feather Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Shawn Nickel, representing the applicant, provides Council an overview of the project. General discussion. Planner Williams displays a site plan of the property and provides Council an overview of the project. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor: is there anyone in the audience that would like to testify. Seeing none I refer this to the Council. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Gold moves to approve RZ-14-18—Rezone from A -R (Agricultural -Residential) to R- E (Residential-Estates)—SLN Planning. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES C1(11A) "ACTION ITEM" PD -03-18 — Parcel Division — SLN Planning: SLN Planning, represented by Shawn L. Nickel, is requesting approval of a parcel division for the creation of two parcels. The 4.33 -acre site is located on the north side of West Floating Feather Road approximately 440 -feet east of the intersection of North Meridian Road and West Floating Feather Road at 2924 West Floating Feather Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Planning and Zoning Administrator discusses installation of a solid fence and prohibit fencing along the road frontage. General discussion. Pittman moves to approve PD-03-18—Parcel Division—SLN Planning with a note that there would be no closed style fencing allowed on the frontage of Floating Feather Road. Seconded by Gold. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES D. "ACTION ITEM" CU -04-18 MOD—Equipment Rental and Sales Yard Use—Doug Newell: Doug Newell is requesting approval of a conditional use permit modification to modify previously established site specific conditions of approval No. 5 and No. 6 and to request waivers (to permit the use of chain link fencing and to permit a portion of the site to remain gravel) pursuant to Idaho Code 67-6512(f). The 1.39 -acre site is located on the south side of East State Street approximately 285 -feet east of the intersection of South Academy Avenue and East State Street at 1445 East State Street. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Doug Newell, representing the applicant, displays site photos and provides Council an overview of the project. General discussion. Page 6 1:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-12-19min.doc Planner Gero displays a power point presentation and provides Council an overview of the project. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor: is there anyone in the audience that would like to testify. Seeing none. Mayor closes the Public Hearing General discussion. Gold moves to approve CU -04-18 MOD—Equipment Rental and Sales Yard Use— Doug Newell and to add conditions to #5: to extend the SimTek polyethylene fencing south to the rear property line and to require matching slates in the chain link fencing in the rear property line, the color of the slates to match the color of the SimTek polyethylene fence and to remove all barb wire and to extend the SimTek polyethylene fence on the west side and the east side all the way to the south rear side fence and #6. To allow the gravel; to accept the staff recommendation on the gravel. Seconded by Mitchell. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES D 1. "ACTION ITEM" DR -02-97 MOD -Modifications to an Existing Commercial Building, Including the Exterior Building Elevations and Landscaping - Eric Tate: Eric Tate, represented by Doug Newell with ALC Architecture, is requesting design review approval to convert an existing 6,250 -square foot auto auction facility to an equipment rental and sales yard use. The 1.39 -acre site is located on the south side of East State Street approximately 2850feet east of the intersection of South Academy Avenue and East State Street at 1445 East State Street. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Gero, discusses Site Specific Conditions that needed to be addressed. General discussion. Bastian moves to approve DR -02-97 MOD convert an existing auto auction facility to an equipment rental and sales yard including modification to exterior building elevations and landscaping with a modification of Item #4 Site Specific Condition of Approval Item #4 on Page 16, change Item #4 to fencing to mirror the previous motion and replace Item #4 with Item #5 and #5 to be stricken. Seconded by Gold. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES D2. "ACTION ITEM" DR -62 -18 -Building Wall Sign and Monument Sign for Tates Rents -Eric Tate: Eric Tate, represented by Doug Newell with ALC Architecture, is requesting design review approval to construct a building wall sign and monument sign for Tates Rents. The 1.39 -acre site is located on the south side of East State Street approximately 285 -feet east of the intersection of South Academy Avenue and East State Street at 1445 East State Street. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Gero displays the sign plans and provides Council an overview. General discussion. Page 7 1:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02.12.19min.doc Mitchel moves to approve DR -62 -18 -Building Wall Sign and Monument Sign for Tates Rents -Eric Tate striking Site Condition #4. Seconded by Gold. General discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Mayor calls a recess at 8:15 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 8:25 p.m. E. "ACTION ITEM" RZ-13-05 MOD5—Modification to the Development Agreement Third Modification (Instrument No. 2018-030159)—Cloud Berrv, LLC: Cloud Berry, LLC, represented by Justin Martin, is requesting a modification to the executed development agreement (Instrument No. 2018-030159) to modify the memorandum of agreement (Exhibit H) associated with the construction of the municipal well. The 623.9 - acre site is generally located approximately 1,850 -feet north of State Highway 44 between Linder Road and State Highway 16. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Justin Martin, representing the applicant, provides Council an overview of the project. Planner Williams provides Council an overview of the project. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor: is there anyone in the audience that would like to testify. Seeing none. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Bastian moves to approve RZ-13-05 MOD5—Modification to the Development Agreement Third Modification (Instrument No. 2018-030159). Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES El. "ACTION ITEM" FPUD-13-18 & FP -15-18 — Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Snoqualmie Falls Subdivision No. 11 — White Sturgeon, LLC: White Sturgeon, LLC, represented by Justin Martin, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Snoqualmie Falls Subdivision No. 11, a 38 -lot (32 -buildable, 6 - common) residential planned unit development. The 19.7 -acre site is located on the south side of West Nordic Drive approximately 1,300 -feet east of North Palmer Lane. (WEV) E2. ACTION ITEM: FPUD-17-18 & FP -21-18 — Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Snoqualmie Falls Subdivision No. 12 — White Sturgeon, LLC: White Sturgeon, LLC, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Snoqualmie Falls Subdivision No. 12, a 38 -lot (32 -buildable, 6 -common) residential planned unit development. The 19.7 -acre site is located on the south side of West Nordic Drive approximately 1,300 -feet east of North Palmer Lane. (WEV) Bastian moves that we allow El and E2, #11 and #12, to go forward, to be constructed. General discussion. Planner Williams I would request that Final PUD and Final Plat approval of #E1 and #E2 associated with Snoqualmie Falls #11 and #12. So moved by Bastian. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Page 8 1:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-12-19min.doc F. ACTION ITEM: ZOA-02-18—Zoning Ordinance Amendment — City of Eagle: An ordinance of the City of Eagle, Ada County Idaho, amending Title 8, Chapter 3, Section 5, Paragraph J, "Oil and Gas Extraction", Subsections 5(J) and 8 "Waiver" and amending Paragraph K, " Oil And Gas Post -Extraction" Subsection 7 "Waiver"; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date. The City of Eagle is conducting public hearings to consider amending the permit application requirements and waiver sections relating to oil and gas extraction and post -extraction activities within City limits. Mayor introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughan displays the Ordinance and provides Council an overview. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Shelly Brock, distributes a handout to the Council, 877 W. Chaparral Road, we are thrilled with what you have done and the changes are well done. Discusses LUPA. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Pittman moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #794 be considered after being read once by title only. Seconded by Gold. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Pittman moves that Ordinance #794 be adopted. Pittman reads the title of the ordinance into the record with the following changes being made: rd paragraph: that 7 lines down we strike "City Engineer or independent third party as designated by the" and also in the same paragraph towards the bottom strike "by the City Council" and in the same sentence strike the word "the" and after "City" strike "staff, the City", and in the same sentence strike "designated". Seconded by Mitchell. BASTIAN: AYE; GOLD: AYE; PITTMAN: AYE; MITCHELL: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 12(11.) NEW BUSINESS: A. PD -03-18 — Parcel Division — SLN Planning: SLN Planning, represented by Shawn L. Nickel, is requesting approval of a parcel division for the creation of two parcels. The 4.33 -acre site is located on the north side of West Floating Feather Road approximately 440 -feet east of the intersection of North Meridian Road and West Floating Feather Road at 2924 West Floating Feather Road. (WEV) Moved to Item #10C1. Page 9 1:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-12-19min.doc 13(12.)PUBLIC COMMENT: NONE This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter, up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing items. Comments regarding Public Hearing items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s) in accordance with Idaho Code. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters (excluding Public Hearing items) during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. 14(13.) REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: Bastian: Reports on the Eagle Sewer District Meeting. Gold: Reports on the Arts Commission Meeting. Pittman: Reports on the PPRC interviews for committee members. Mitchell: Reports on the Senior Center. 1. Discussion of Town Hall dates: April 29, July 29, and September 30. General discussion. Council concurs with these dates. Mayor: reports on the BLM Land Task Force. B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: None C. City Attorney Report: City Attorney Villegas discusses House Bill #27 and LUPA. General discussion. 15(14.) EXECUTIVE SESSION: 74-206. EXECUTIVE SESSIONS — (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: B. "ACTION ITEM" (f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement. MOVED TO ITEM #4 ON THE AGENDA Mayor: we do have an Action Item under Executive Session. I would entertain a couple of motions. One motion was to disband the subcommittee that we had appointed to direct our attorneys in the IPUC case. Page 10 1:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-12-19min.doc Gold moves that we dissolve the subcommittee that we previously created regarding the IPUC process. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Gold moves that we follow the direction of our attorneys. Seconded by Mitchell. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 16(15). ADJOURNMENT: Mitchell moves to adjourn. Seconded by Pittman. Mayor: are there any objections to adjournment? Seeing none we are adjourned. Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted: SHARON K. BERGMANN f CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: STAN RIDGEWAY MAYOR ,,, , ti OFF' * • SPI5 •• �Y �L\ vo 0 • ,� OF ID.,.%' tttttttttttttttt' AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WWW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 11 1.\CDUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC•02.12.19min doc EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING A-08-18 & RZ-13-18 — Annexation and Rezone From RUT (Rural -Urban Transition — Ada County Designation) To MU -DA (Mixed Use with a Development Agreement) and R -2 -DA (Residential with a Development Agreement) — Hoot Nanney Farms. Inc. (Michal and Bill Dixon) February 12, 2019 NAME TESTIFY PRO/ CON PLEASE PRINT ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL CA_Lce) LA.CLA,2 33Z Ns gEIDApMoef. VAS OA Pa, LTES Peo EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING RZ-14-18 — Rezone from A -R (AQricultural-Residential) to R -E (Residential - Estates) — SLN Planninp. February 12, 2019 NAME TESTIFY PRO/ CON PLEASE PRINT ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL U ,)C Y (, e5 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING CU -10-05 MOD — Church Building Addition/Modification to Conditions of Approval — Eagle Church of the Nazarene February 12, 2019 NAME PLEASE PRINT (//��' " .; —v)v) o C of d C <"!t<<,/ ADDRESS f sIgibf ti Q g.ott h-ojU la\i TESTIFY PRO/ CON "ES/NO NEUTRAL. ho EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING CU-04-18 MOD — Equipment Rental and Sales Yard Use — Doug Newell February 12, 2019 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING ZOA-02-18 — Zonin2 Ordinance Amendment — City of Eaile February 12, 2019 NAME PLEASE PRINT < i ) f1 r1e//j L j.' J ADDRESS 7`%'G; "1/4 (� ) Ycc��z�r��c CJ TESTIFY PRO/ CON YES/NO NEUTRAL City of Eagle Report Criteria: Report type: GL detail Bank Bank account = "82007705" Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 1 Check Issue Dates: 1/23/2019 - 2/11/2019 Feb 11, 2019 02:33PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 27748 02/01/2019 27748 Aspen Apartments, LLC 02/01/2019 27748 Aspen Apartments. LLC Total 27748: 1 ch 23-0440-00-00 SHOP LEASE 3,684.68 3,684.68 2 ch 60-0434-50-00 SHOP LEASE 1,750.00 1,750.00 5,434.68 27749 02/01/2019 27749 Delta Dental of Idaho 1 ch 18-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 134.26 134.26 02/01/2019 27749 Delta Dental of Idaho 2 ch 01-0217-07-00 GEN ADMIN HEALTH INSURANCE 40.94 40.94 02/01/2019 27749 Delta Dental of Idaho 3 ch 13-0217-07-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 175.20 175.20 02/01/2019 27749 Delta Dental of Idaho 4 ch 20-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 68.24 68.24 02/01/2019 27749 Delta Dental of Idaho 5 ch 09-0420-25-00 INSURANCE 68.24 68.24 02/01/2019 27749 Delta Dental of Idaho 6 ch 07-0217-07-00 MUSEUM HEALTH INSURANCE 40.94 40.94 02/01/2019 27749 Della Dental of Idaho 7 ch 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 293.33 293.33 02/01/2019 27749 Detla Dental of Idaho 8 ch 23-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 230.40 230.40 02/01/2019 27749 Delta Dental of Idaho 9 ch 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 233.22 233.22 02/01/2019 27749 Delta Dental of Idaho 10 ch 26-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 134.26 134.26 02/01/2019 27749 Delta Dental of Idaho 11 ch 11-0217-07-00 EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 122.82 122.82 02/01/2019 27749 Delta Dental of Idaho 12 ch 17-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 68.22 68.22 02/01/2019 27749 Delta Dental of Idaho 13 ch 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 368.46 368.46 02/01/2019 27749 Della Dental of Idaho 14 ch 60-0217-07-00 WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 298.02 298.02 Total 27749: 27750 02/01/2019 27750 Idaho Child Support Receipting 1 ch 23-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENT 02/01/2019 27750 Idaho Child Support Receipting 2 ch 23-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENT Total 27750 27751 02/01/2019 27751 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 02/01/2019 27751 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 02/01/2019 27751 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 02/01/2019 27751 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 02/01/2019 27751 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 02/01/2019 27751 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 02/01/2019 27751 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 02/01/2019 27751 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 165.00 150.00 2,276.55 165.00 150 00 315.00 1 ch 60-0434-60-00 POWER 347.37 347.37 1 ch 01-0413-16-00 UTILITIES CITY HALL 944.69 944.69 2 ch 23-0441-02-00 UTILITIES 1.933.08 1,933.08 3 ch 23-0450-04-00 UTILTIES 165.33 165.33 4 ch 23-0449-04-00 UTILITIES 5.24 5 24 5 ch 07-0462-52-00 MUSEUM UTILITIES 69.31 69.31 6 ch 23-0448-04-00 UTILITIES 18.26 18.26 7 ch 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES 12.79 12.79 Total 27751 3,496.07 27752 02/01/2019 27752 Key Bank - HSA 02/01/2019 27752 Key Bank - HSA 02/01/2019 27752 Key Bank - HSA 02/01/2019 27752 Key Bank - HSA 02/01/2019 27752 Key Bank - HSA Total 27752: 27753 02/01/2019 27753 Regence Blueshleld of Idaho 1 ch 17-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 2 ch 06-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 3 ch 18-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 4 ch 20-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 5 ch 09-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 66.67 66 67 350.00 350.00 50.00 50.00 66.67 66.67 118.66 116.66 650.00 1 ch 60-0217-07-00 WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 5,362.78 5,362.78 4, City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number 02/01/2019 02/01/2019 02/01/2019 02/01/2019 02/01/2019 02/01/2019 02/01/2019 02/01/2019 02/01/2019 02/01/2019 02/01/2019 02/01/2019 02/01/2019 Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 2 Check Issue Dates: 1/23/2019 - 2/11/2019 Feb 11. 2019 02:33PM Invoice Invoice Payee Sequence GL Account 27753 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 2 ch 14-0217-07-00 27753 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 3 ch 12-0217-07-00 27753 Regence Blueshietd of Idaho 4 ch 20-0217-07-00 27753 Regence Blueshietd of Idaho 5 ch 07-0217-07-00 27753 Regence Blueshietd of Idaho 6 ch 17-0217-07-00 27753 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 7 ch 09-0217-07-00 27753 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 8 ch 11-0217-07-00 27753 Regence Blueshietd of Idaho 9 ch 13-0217-07-00 27753 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 10 ch 06-0217-07-00 27753 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 11 ch 18-0217-07-00 27753 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 12 ch 26.0217-07-00 27753 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 13 ch 01-0217-07-00 27753 Regence Btueshietd of Idaho 14 ch 23-0217-07-00 Total 27753: 27754 02/01/2019 02/01/2019 02/01/2019 02/01/2019 02/01/2019 02/01/2019 02/01/2019 02/01/2019 02/01/2019 02/01/2019 02/01/2019 02/01/2019 02/01/2019 02/01/2019 27754 27754 27754 27754 27754 27754 27754 27754 27754 27754 27754 27754 27754 27754 Total 27754: United Heritage -Group Dept, United Heritage -Group Dept. United Heritage -Group Dept. United Heritage -Group Dept. United Heritage -Group Dept. United Heritage -Group Dept United Heritage -Group Dept United Heritage -Group Dept. United Heritage -Group Dept. United Heritage -Group Dept. United Heritage -Group Dept. United Heritage -Group Dept. United Heritage -Group Dept United Heritage -Group Dept. 27755 02/11/2019 27755 ACS -Advanced Control Systems Total 27755: 27756 02/11/2019 27756 Ada County Highway District Total 27756: 27757 02/11/2019 27757 Ada County Utility Coordinating C Total 27757: 27758 02/11/2019 27758 Alexander Clark Printing 02/11/2019 27758 Alexander Clark Printing Total 27758 1 ch 07-0217-07-00 2 ch 09-0217-07-00 3 ch 23-0217-07-00 4 ch 20-0217-07-00 5 ch 13-0217.07-00 6 ch 01-0217-07-00 7 ch 18-0217-07-00 8 ch 60-0217-07-00 9 ch 12-0217-07-00 10 ch 08-0217-07-00 11 ch 14-0217-07-00 12 ch 11-0217-07-00 13 ch 26-0217-07-00 14 ch 17-0217-07-00 Invoice GL Account Title P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE MUSEUM HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE GEN ADMIN HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE MUSEUM HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE GEN ADMIN HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE Invoice Check Amount Amount 6,630.46 6,630.46 4,861.07 4,881.07 1,226.82 1,226.82 903.86 903.86 2,180.19 2,180.19 470.58 470.58 861.29 861.29 2,706.25 2,706.25 4,207.32 4,207.32 2.115.33 2.115.33 533.93 533.93 610.92 610.92 2,283.24 2,283.24 34,954.04 23.86 23.86 31.26 31.26 127.09 127.09 17.34 17.34 111.08 111.08 7.39 7,39 67.60 67.60 153.16 153.16 180.32 180.32 243.15 243.15 270.61 270.61 56.31 56.31 53.83 53.83 91.86 91.86 1,434.86 1 ch 60-0434-19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 382.00 382.00 382.00 1 ch 01-0203-00-00 ACCTS PAYABLE-ACHD IMPACT FEE 155,585.00 155,585.00 155,585 00 1 ch 60-0434-23-00 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 50.00 50.00 50.00 1 ch 13-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 919.99 919.99 1 ch 13-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 130.56 130.56 1,050.55 27759 02/11/2019 27759 Alsco 1 ch 23-0442-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 64.30 64,30 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number 02/11/2019 27759 Alsco Total 27759 Payee 27760 02/11/2019 27760 Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 02/11/2019 27760 Analytical Laboratories. Inc. Total 27760: 27761 02/11/2019 27761 Applied Concepts. Inc 02/11/2019 27761 Applied Concepts. Inc Total 27761. 27762 02/11/2019 27762 Association Of Idaho Cities Total 27762: 27763 02/11/2019 27763 Baird 011 02/11/2019 27763 Baird OiI 02/11/2019 27763 Baird OiI Total 27763 27764 02/11/2019 27764 Batteries Plus Total 27764: 27765 02/11/2019 27765 Boise City Attorney's Office Total 27765 27766 02/11/2019 27766 BVEP Total 27766 27767 02/11/2019 27767 CenturyLink 02/1112019 27767 CenturyLink Total 27767 27768 02/11/2019 27768 City Of Eagle Total 27768 27769 02/11/2019 27769 Community Planning Association Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 3 Check Issue Dates: 1/23/2019 - 2/11/2019 Feb 11. 2019 02:33PM Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 1 ch 23-0442-02-00 MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS 64.30 64.30 128.60 1 ch 60-0435-56-00 WATER TESTING 64.00 64.00 1 ch 60-0435-56-00 WATER TESTING 48.00 48.00 112.00 1 ch 23-0480-22-00 SPEED CLAMING TRAILERS 8,365.20 8,365.20 1 ch 23-0480-22-00 SPEED CLAMING TRAILERS 19,156.00 19,156.00 27.521 20 1 ch 60-0434-22-00 TRAVEL-MTNGS-EDUCATION 39 00 39.00 39.00 1 ch 23-0417-02-00 GAS AND OIL 177.88 177.88 2 ch 20-0426-00-00 GAS/OIL 185.63 185.63 3 ch 80-0420-01-00 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 222.85 222.85 586.36 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 536.25 53625 536.25 1 ch 01-0416-05-00 PROSECUTOR 5,500 46 5,500.46 5.500.46 1 ch 26-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 1,000.00 1.000.00 1.000.00 1 ch 01-0413-19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 106.89 106.89 1 ch 07-0462-52-00 MUSEUM UTILITIES 224,51 224.51 331,40 1 ch 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 103.56 103.56 103.56 1 ch 14-0413-35-00 OROTHO PHOTOGRAPHY 6,284.00 6,284.00 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page- 4 Check Issue Dates: 1/23/2019 - 2/11/2019 Feb 11, 2019 02:33PM Check Check Issue Date Number Total 27769. Payee 27770 02/11/2019 27770 Core & Main LP 02/11/2019 27770 Core & Main LP Total 27770: 27771 02/11/2019 27771 Craig Ezekiel Brasher Total 27771: 27772 02/11/2019 27772 Custom Care Cleaners Total 27772 27773 02/11/2019 27773 D&B Supply 02/11/2019 27773 D&B Supply Total 27773 27774 02/11/2019 27774 Dennis Holte Total 27774 27775 02/11/2019 27775 DigLine Total 27775: 27776 02/11/2019 27776 Eagle Auto Repair Total 27776. 27777 02/11/2019 27777 02/11/2019 27777 02/11/2019 27777 02/11/2019 27777 02/11/2019 27777 02/11/2019 27777 Total 27777. Eagle Sewer District Eagle Sewer District Eagle Sewer District Eagle Sewer District Eagle Sewer Distnct Eagle Sewer District 27778 02/11/2019 27778 Eagle Water Co. 02/11/2019 27778 Eagle Water Co. 02/11/2019 27778 Eagle Water Co 02/11/2019 27778 Eagle Water Co. 02/11/2019 27778 Eagle Water Co. 02/11/2019 27778 Eagle Water Co. Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title Invoice Amount Check Amount 6,284.00 1 ch 60-0438-08-00 CAPITAL METER SETS 8,722.56 8,722.56 1 ch 60-0434-26.00 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 87.12 87.12 8,809.68 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 50.00 50.00 50.00 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 95.00 95.00 95.00 1 ch 23-0460-00-00 TOOLS 129.97 129.97 1 ch 23-0460-00-00 TOOLS 193.94 193.94 323.91 1 ch 13-0416-09-00 PLUMBING INSPECTIONS 12,441.00 12,441.00 12,441.00 1 ch 60-0434-44-00 DIG LINE 34.01 34.01 34.01 1 ch 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC & REPAIR 110.97 110.97 110.97 1 ch 01-0413-16-00 1 ch 23-0449-04-00 1 ch 07-0462-52-00 1 ch 23-0450-04-00 2 ch 23-0452-04-00 1 ch 23-0454-04-00 1 ch 23-0446-04-00 1 ch 01-0413-16.00 1 ch 23-0455-04-00 1 ch 23-0449-04-00 1 ch 23-0449-04-00 1 ch 23-0452-04-00 UTILITIES CITY HALL UTILITIES MUSEUM UTILITIES UTILTIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES CITY HALL UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES 144,00 144.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 36.00 36.00 288.00 10.07 10.07 40.36 40.36 20.09 20.09 53.80 53 80 107.60 107.60 53.80 53.80 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page 5 Check Issue Dates: 1/23/2019 - 2/11/2019 Feb 11, 2019 02.33PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 02/11/2019 27778 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 23-0452-04-00 UTILITIES 53.80 53.80 02/11/2019 27778 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 07-0462-52-00 MUSEUM UTILITIES 8.25 8.25 02/11/2019 27778 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES 20.09 20.09 02/11/2019 27778 Eagle Water Co 1 ch 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 20.09 20.09 Total 27778: 387.95 27779 02/11/2019 27779 Etec Controls & Instrumentals. LL 1 ch 13-0416-25-00 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR 14,009.49 14,009.49 Total 27779: 14,009.49 27780 02/11/2019 27780 Elsberg Studios, LLC 1 ch 26-0413-19-00 COMMUNICATIONS 3.937.50 3.937.50 Total 27780: 3,937.50 27781 02/11/2019 27781 EPSCO 1 ch 23-0480-03-00 GUERBER PARK POWDER COATING 784 00 784.00 02/11/2019 27781 EPSCO 1 ch 23-0480-03-00 GUERBER PARK POWDER COATING 980.00 980.00 Total 27781: 1,764.00 27782 02/11/2019 27782 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 42 99 42.99 02/11/2019 27782 Evan's Budding Center 1 ch 60-0434-58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 19.26 19.26 02/11/2019 27782 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 8.27 8 27 02/11/2019 27782 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 12.87 12.87 02/11/2019 27782 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 56.96 56 96 02/11/2019 27782 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES .62 .62 02/11/2019 27782 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 20-0423-01-00 UNIFORMS 14 71 14.71 02/11/2019 27782 Evan's Budding Center 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 18 56 18.56 02/11/2019 27782 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 6.06 6.06 02/11/2019 27782 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 20-0423-02-00 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 10.27 10 27 02/11/2019 27782 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 16.71 16 71 02/11/2019 27782 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 12.13 12.13 02/11/2019 27782 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 60-0434-58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 15 62 15.62 02/11/2019 27782 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 29 34 29.34 Total 27782: 264.37 27783 02/11/2019 27783 Farmers Union Ditch Co.. Ltd. 1 ch 23-0416-01-00 FARMERS UNION-ASSESSMENT/FEE 857.60 857.60 Total 27783: 857.60 27784 02/11/2019 27784 Ferguson Enterprises #3007 1 ch 60-0434-58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 42.36 42 36 Total 27784. 42.36 27785 02/11/2019 27785 Geoffrey A Edwards 1 ch 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACTS -PERMITS 225.00 225.00 Total 27785: 225.00 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number 27786 02/11/2019 27786 02/11/2019 27786 02/11/2019 27786 02/11/2019 27786 02/11/2019 27786 02/11/2019 27786 02/11/2019 27786 02/11/2019 27786 Total 27786: Payee HECO Engineers HECO Engineers HECO Engineers HECO Engineers HECO Engineers HECO Engineers HECO Engineers HECO Engineers 27787 02/11/2019 27787 Horton, Sheri Total 27787: 27788 02/11/2019 27788 Idaho Department of Labor Total 27788: 27789 02/11/2019 27789 Idaho Humane Society, Inc. Total 27789. 27790 02/11/2019 27790 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Total 27790: 27791 02/11/2019 27791 Idaho Rural Water Assoc. Total 27791 27792 02/11/2019 27792 02/11/2019 27792 02/11/2019 27792 02/11/2019 27792 Total 27792: Intermountain Gas Company Intermountain Gas Company Intermountain Gas Company Intermountain Gas Company 27793 02/11/2019 27793 International Code Council Inc Total 27793: 27794 02/11/2019 27794 James Hassman Total 27794: 27795 02/11/2019 27795 Jason or Elaine Adams Check Register - Transparency Version Page. 6 Check Issue Dates: 1/23/2019 - 2/11/2019 Feb 11. 2019 02:33PM Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account 1 ch 01-0416-07-00 1 ch 60-0434-42-00 1 ch 01.0413-31-00 1 ch 60-0438-05-02 1 ch 01-0468-14-00 1 ch 08-0438-37-00 1 ch 01-0413-31-00 1 ch 01-0413-31-00 Invoice GL Account Title Invoice Amount Check Amount CITY ENGINEERING 1,628.50 1,628.50 ENGINEERING SERVICES 1,930.82 1,930.82 ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG 38.75 38.75 INTERCONNECT GREENBROOK 5,380.00 5.380.00 TRAIL REPAIR 658.75 658.75 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 2,639.75 2,639.75 ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG 12,450.00 12,450.00 ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG 15.508.00 15,508.00 1 ch 12.0413.13-00 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 1 ch 01.0415-28-00 UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS 1 ch 01-0416.06-00 IDAHO HUMANE SOCIETY 1 ch 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 60-0434-22-00 TRAVEL-MTNGS-EDUCATION 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 2 ch 01-0413-16-00 UTILITIES CITY HALL 07-0462-52-00 MUSEUM UTILITIES 60-0416-08-00 SHOP UTILITIES 23-0440-02-00 UTILTIES 1 ch 13-0413.28-00 RESOURCE MATERIALS 1 ch 60-0220.00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 40,234.57 27.74 27.74 27.74 1,064.90 1,064.90 1,064.90 5,833.33 5,833.33 5,833.33 5.25 5.25 5.25 840 00 840.00 840.00 607.11 607.11 113.27 113.27 78.09 78.09 156.20 156.20 954.67 13.95 13.95 13.95 41.56 41.56 41.56 13.27 13.27 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 7 Check Issue Dates: 1/23/2019 - 2/11/2019 Feb 11. 2019 02.33PM Check Check Issue Date Number Total 27795: Payee 27796 02/11/2019 27796 Johan or Karen Kurver Total 27796 27797 02/11/2019 27797 John or Julie Cantlon Total 27797: 27798 02/11/2019 27798 Johnstone Supply Total 27798 27799 02/11/2019 27799 Joyce or Godon Wheeler Total 27799. 27800 02/11/2019 27800 J -U -B Engineers, Inc. Total 27800. 27801 02/11/2019 27801 02/11/2019 27801 02/11/2019 27801 02/11/2019 27801 02/11/2019 27801 02/11/2019 27801 Total 27801 K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance 27802 02/11/2019 27802 Kendra or Nate Kafka Total 27802: 27803 02/11/2019 27803 Linda Kahn Total 27803. 27804 02/11/2019 27804 Lisa W+seman 02/11/2019 27804 Lisa Wiseman Total 27804: Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 99-0107-00.00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 25.0438-01-00 EAGLE ISLAND ST PK CONNECTION 1 ch 07-0462.53-00 1 ch 06-0464-05-00 1 ch 23-0443-03-00 1 ch 23-0440-03-00 2 ch 60-0434-50-01 3 ch 23-0442-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES CUSTODIAL CUSTODIAL SERVICES CUSTODIAL SERVICES SHOP UTILITIES CUSTODIAL SERVICES 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 1 ch 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACTS -PERMITS 1 ch 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACTS -PERMITS Invoice Amount 8.40 3.37 68.37 28.78 Check Amount 13.27 8.40 8.40 3 37 3.37 68 37 68.37 28.78 28.78 8,179.00 8,179.00 66.19 2,774.07 1,492.47 154.00 77.00 1,82502 38.55 4.06 96.00 60.00 8,179.00 66.19 2,774.07 1,492.47 154.00 77.00 1,825.02 6,388.75 38.55 38.55 4.06 4.06 96.00 60.00 156.00 27805 02/11/2019 27805 Louis Germano 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 100.00 100.00 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 8 Check Issue Dates: 1/23/2019 - 2/11/2019 Feb 11. 2019 02•33PM Check Check Issue Date Number Total 27805 Payee 27806 02/11/2019 27806 Mike Olsen Photography. LLC Total 27806 27807 02/11/2019 27807 Molly Kathleen Thurston Total 27807 27808 02/11/2019 02/11/2019 02/11/2019 02/11/2019 27808 NAPA Auto Parts 27808 NAPA Auto Parts 27808 NAPA Auto Parts 27808 NAPA Auto Parts Total 27808: 27809 02/11/2019 27809 National Benefit Services, ILC 02/11/2019 27809 National Benefit Services, LLC 02/11/2019 27809 National Benefit Services, LLC 02/11/2019 27809 National Benefit Services. LLC Tolal 27809. 27810 02/11/2019 27810 Nichoel Baird Spencer Total 27810: 27811 02/11/2019 27811 Norco Inc 02/11/2019 27811 Norco Inc Total 27811: 27812 02/11/2019 27812 Oxarc. Inc. Total 27812 27813 02/11/2019 27813 Pioneer Title Company Total 27813: 27814 02/11/2019 27814 Purchase Power Total 27814. Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 09-0463-12-00 PROMOTIONS 1 ch 13-0416-26-00 PERMIT TECH SERVICES 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 2 ch 1 ch 2 ch 23-0417-01.00 VEHICLE MTNC & REPAIR 20-0423-03.00 TOOLS 20-0423-03-00 TOOLS 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 01-0415-23-01 HRA ADMIN FEE 06-0461-23-01 COBRA ADMIN FEE 01-0415-23-01 HRA ADMIN FEE 06-0461-23-01 COBRA ADMIN FEE 1 ch 14-0413-13-00 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 1 ch 23-0460-00.00 TOOLS 2 ch 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 1 ch 60-0434-59-00 CHEMICALS 1 ch 25-0438-01-00 EAGLE ISLAND ST PK CONNECTION 1 ch 01-0413-07-00 POSTAGE 27815 02/11/2019 27815 Rick G. Wenick 1 ch 13.0416-13-00 BLDG INSPECTOR Invoice Amount 150.00 Check Amount 100.00 150.00 150.00 1,251.84 1,251.84 14.97 38 49 5.50- 13.57 69.48 69.47 69.48 69.47 1,251.84 14.97 38.49 5.50- 13.57 61.53 69.48 69.47 69.48 69.47 277.90 195.39 195.39 195.39 37.15 37.15 37.15 37.15 74.30 240 60 240.60 240.60 200 00 200.00 200.00 601.00 601.00 601.00 5,456.00 5,456.00 City of Eagte Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 9 Check Issue Dates: 1/23/2019 - 2/11/2019 Feb 11, 2019 02:33PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 27815_ 27816 02/11/2019 27816 Rimi, Inc.- Terry Medley 02111/2019 27816 Rimi, Inc.- Terry Medley Total 27816 27817 02/11/2019 27817 Robert Grubb Total 27817: 27818 02/11/2019 27818 Robert R. Schafer Total 27818: 27819 02/11/2019 27819 SPF -Specialty Plastics & Fab, Inc. 02/11/2019 27819 SPF -Specialty Plastics & Fab, Inc. Total 27819. 27820 02/11/2019 27820 State Insurance Fund 02/11/2019 27820 State Insurance Fund 02/11/2019 27820 State Insurance Fund 02/11/2019 27820 State Insurance Fund 02/11/2019 27820 State Insurance Fund 02111/2019 27820 State Insurance Fund 02/11/2019 27820 State Insurance Fund 02/11/2019 27820 State Insurance Fund 02/11/2019 27820 State Insurance Fund 02/11/2019 27820 State Insurance Fund 02/11/2019 27820 State Insurance Fund 02/11/2019 27820 State Insurance Fund 02/11/2019 27820 Slate Insurance Fund 02/11/2019 27820 State Insurance Fund 1 ch 13-0416-11-00 MECHANICAL INSPECTOR 1 ch 13.0416-14-00 PLAN REVIEW - CONTRACT 16,299.24 4,964.53 5,456.00 16,299.24 4,964.53 21, 263.77 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 50.00 50.00 50.00 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 100.00 100.00 100.00 1 ch 60-0434-59-00 CHEMICALS 32.88 32.88 1 ch 60.0434-59-00 CHEMICALS 31.00 31.00 63 88 1 ch 13-0415-24-00 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 1,602.11 1.602 11 2 ch 09-0420-24-00 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,966.45 1,966.45 3 ch 01-0415-24-00 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 47.85 47.85 4 ch 14-0415-24-00 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 4,436.77 4,436 77 5 ch 23.0433-24-00 WORK COMP 2.700.04 2,700.04 6 ch 11.0415-24-00 WORKERS COMP EXEC DEPT 85.70 85.70 7 ch 17-0420-24-00 WORK COMP 3,161.34 3,161.34 8 ch 20-0420-24-00 WORK COMP 1,157.16 1,157.16 9 ch 60-0433-24-00 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 3,519.15 3,519.15 10 ch 01-0415-24-01 WORK COMP/BOARDS-COMMISSION 160.12 160.12 11 ch 07-0420-24-00 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 151.40 151.40 12 ch 06-0461-24-00 WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION 945.11 945.11 13 ch 18-0415-24-00 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 113.55 113.55 14 ch 12-0415-24-00 WORKERS COMPENSATION 189 25 189 25 Total 27820: 20,236.00 27821 02/11/2019 27821 State of ID -Occupational Licenses 1 ch 60-0434-23-00 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 30.00 30.00 Total 27821: 30.00 27822 02/11/2019 27822 Sterling Codifiers, Inc 1 ch 01-0413-28-00 RESOURCE MATERIALS 170.00 170.00 Total 27822. 170.00 27823 02/11/2019 27823 Talena Baer 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 50.00 50.00 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 10 Check Issue Dates: 1/23/2019 - 2/11/2019 Feb 11. 2019 02•33PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 27823 50.00 27824 02/11/2019 27824 Tates Rents 1 ch 23-0414-04-00 HOLIDAY LIGHTING 170.31 170.31 Total 27824: 170.31 27825 02/11/2019 27825 Terry L. Sayer 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 100.00 100.00 Total 27825: 100.00 27826 02/11/2019 27826 The Gallery at Finer Frames 1 ch 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACTS -PERMITS 180.00 180.00 Total 27826: 180.00 27827 02/11/2019 27827 The Sherwin Williams Co. 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 51.62 51.62 02/11/2019 27827 The Sherwin Williams Co. 1 ch 60-0434-58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 337,19 337.19 02/11/2019 27827 The Sherwin Williams Co. 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 438.66 438.66 Total 27827: 827.47 27828 02/11/2019 27828 Trautman Lawn & Landscape 1 ch 23-0416-06-00 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE AGREEM 22.200.00 22.200.00 Total 27828 22,200.00 27829 02/11/2019 27829 Treasure Valley Coffee 02/11/2019 27829 Treasure Valley Coffee 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 76.00 76.00 143.78 143.78 Total 27829. 219.78 27830 02/11/2019 27830 Trent J. Koci 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 50,00 50.00 Total 27830: 50.00 27831 02/11/2019 27831 Verizon Wreless 02/11/2019 27831 Verizon Wireless 02/11/2019 27831 Verizon Wreless 02/11/2019 27831 Verizon Wireless 02/11/2019 27831 Verizon Wreless 02/11/2019 27831 Verizon Wreless 02/11/2019 27831 Verizon Wireless 02/11/2019 27831 Verizon Wireless 02/11/2019 27831 Verizon Wireless 1 ch 23-0414-02-00 MIS MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS 2 ch 13-0413-19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 3 ch 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET & PHONE SERVICES 4 ch 06-0464-03-00 TELEPHONE 5 ch 17.0422-05-00 COMMUNICATION 6 ch 09-0463-24-00 TELEPHONE -COMMUNICATION 7 ch 23-0413-07-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 9 ch 20-0422-06-00 CELL PHONE 10 ch 60-0434-19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 212.95 160.10 105.46 52.73 254.81 52.73 187.30 105.46 187.30 212.95 160.10 105.46 52.73 254.81 52.73 187.30 105.46 187.30 Total 27831: 1,318.84 27832 02/11/2019 27832 Waxie Sanitary Supply 02/11/2019 27832 Waxie Sanitary Supply 1 ch 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 2,305.47 1 ch 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 81.65 2,305.47 81.65 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 11 Check Issue Dates: 1/23/2019 - 2/11/2019 Feb 11, 2019 02.33PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 02/11/2019 27832 Waxie Sanitary Supply 1 ch 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 309.51 309.51 02/11/2019 27832 Waxie Sanitary Supply 1 ch 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 174.46 174.46 02/11/2019 27832 Waxie Sanitary Supply 1 ch 23-0414-05.00 PAPER PRODUCTS 174.46 174.46 02/11/2019 27832 Waxie Sanitary Supply 1 ch 23-0414.05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 522 24 522.24 Total 27832: 3.567.79 27833 02/11/2019 27833 Zions Bank 1 ch 54-0480-82-00 INTEREST BOND PAYMENT 16,264.22 16,264.22 Total 27833: 16,264.22 Grand Totals: 450,787.56 Dated Mayor. City Council: Report Criteria: Report type GL detail Bank Bank account = "82007705"