Minutes - 2023 - City Council - 08/08/2023 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES August 8,2023 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER, PIKE, BAUN, RUSSELL. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Boy Scout Troop 77 leads the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. ADDITIONS,DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: Baun moves to accept the amended agenda. Seconded by Pike. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 5. RECOGNITION: A. Certificate of Appreciation to the Eagle Scouts for their courage and selfless act to rescue one in need. On behalf of the Council, Mayor Pierce presents certificates to the Scouts who participated in the rescue. 6. PRESENTATION: A. *Director of Ada County Highway District, Bruce Wong expresses his appreciation to the Council and Mayor for their support of the Idaho Patriot Thunder. Director Wong thanks the Council for the use of the flags that line the drive for the Idaho Patriot Thunder event. This is the 13th year of the event, and it was a resounding success. Mayor Pierce is presented with tokens of appreciation. 7. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council: Pike reports on the Urban Renewal Agency meeting and states that the preliminary budget for the upcoming fiscal year was reviewed. Mayor Pierce states that Seven Oaks Elementary is updating their playground equipment. This is a school district decision,but he is aware of the matter and has attending a meeting just today on the same. B. Department Supervisor:No report C. Eagle Police Department:No report D. City Attorney:No report 8. PUBLIC COMMENT 1: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time.This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter,land use application,or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. No one chooses to speak. 9. ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA • Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor,a Councilmember,member of City Staff,or a citizen requests an Page 1 C:\Users\hcsencsits\Desktop\CC-08-08-23min(002).docx item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion.Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. • Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff,Planning&Zoning Commission,or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of July 11,2023.(TEO) C. Minutes of July 13,2023.(TEO) D. Minutes of July 25,2023.(TEO) E. Minutes of July 31,2023.(TEO) F. DR-31-23 — One Subdivision Entry Monument Sign for Molinari Park Subdivision — GWC Capital: GWC Capital, represented by Landon Northey, is requesting design review approval for one subdivision entry monument sign for Molinari Park Subdivision. The 23.06-acre site is located on the south side of East Plaza Drive approximately 300-feet east of the intersection of South 2nd Street and East Plaza Drive. (ERF) G. DR-32-23 — Three Halo Illuminated Building Wall Signs and One Monument Sign for Premier Storage—Eagle Highway Storage dba Premier Storage: Eagle Highway Storage dba Premier Storage, represented by Terry Brown with Lytle Signs, is requesting design review approval for three halo illuminated building wall signs and one monument sign for Premier Storage. The 6.41-acre site is located on the south side of West State Street approximately 560-feet west of the intersection of South Payette Way and West State Street at 1653 West State Street. (ERF) H. DR-33-23 — Multi-tenant Office Building in Lakemoor Subdivision No. 8 — DRB Investments: DRB Investments, represented by James Marsh with CSHQA, is requesting design review approval to construct a new two (2) story, 15,500-square foot office (medical/dental and business/professional) building. The 2.329-acre site is located on the southeast corner of East Eagles Gate Drive and North Eagle Road at 79 East Eagles Gate Drive(Lot 1,Block 10,Lakemoor Subdivision No. 8). (BAW)E I. DR-34-23 — Master Sign Plan for a Multi-tenant Office Building within Lakemoor Subdivision No. 8 — DRB Investments: DRB Investments, represented by James Marsh with CSHQA, is requesting design review approval for a master sign plan for a multi-tenant office (medical/dental and business/professional)building.The 2.329-acre site is located on the southeast corner of East Eagles Gate Drive and North Eagle Road at 79 East Eagles Gate Drive(Lot 1,Block 10,Lakemoor Subdivision No. 8). (BAW) J. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of A-08-22/RZ-10-22/CU-09- 22/PPUD-06-22/PP-16-22 - Annexation, Rezone, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Plat for Shetland Point Subdivision-Steve Arnold: Steve Arnold with A Team Land Consultants is requesting an annexation,rezone from R1 (Residential— Ada County designation) to R-3-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement — PUD), conditional use permit,preliminary development plan,and preliminary plat approvals for Shetland Point Subdivision, a 13-lot (11-buildable, 2-common) residential planned unit development. The 5.10-acre site is located on the west side of North Park Lane approximately 400-feet south of the intersection of West Floating Feather Road and North Park Lane at 1025 North Park Lane. (MJW) K. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of A-11-22/RZ-13-22 — Annexation and Rezone for Old Valley Road Retail Flex Park—West Old Valley,LLC: West Old Valley,LLC,represented by Nicolette Womack with Kimley-Horn,is requesting an annexation with rezone from RUT(Rural-Urban Transition—Ada County designation)to MU-DA(Mixed Use with a development agreement in lieu of a conditional use permit)for a retail and flex space mixed use development.The 7.97-acre site is located at the northeast corner of West Old Valley Road and North Linder Road at 4526 and 4648 West Old Valley Road. (MJW) L. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of RZ-02-20 MOD —Linder Senior Apartments — Intermountain Pacific, LLC/dba Elton Development: Intermountain Pacific, LLC/dba Elton Development, represented by Hethe Clark, is requesting a development agreement modification(development agreement in lieu of a conditional use permit), for a 130+/- unit senior living facility and 18+/-senior cottage units. The 10.44-acres site is located on the east Page 2 C:\Users\hcsencsits\Desktop\CC-08-08-23min(002).docx side of North Linder Road approximately 90-feet south of the intersection of West Temple Drive and North Linder Road at 6910 and 6940 North Linder Road. (MJW) M. Authorization to Utilize ARPA Funds for Payroll Software Enhancement: Staff is seeking approval for the use of ARPA funds in an amount not to exceed $2,000 to purchase the miExcel add-on to our Employee Payroll module. (KR) N. Independent Contract Instructor Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Kristina Schmid: An Independent Contract Instructor Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Kristina Schmid to provide instruction for planning wilderness recreation activities such as camping, backpacking, survival and safety. Compensation shall be at a rate of 70% of the total revenue generated by registration fees. (HAY) O. Service Maintenance Agreement Between the City of Eagle and DataWorks Plus: Staff is requesting Council to authorize the Mayor to execute the maintenance agreement between the City and DataWorks plus.The term of the agreement is 12-months and shall not exceed$780.00.(DNG) P. ** Appointment to the Urban Renewal Agency : In accordance with Resolution 23-17, Mayor Pierce is requesting Council Confirmation of the appointment of Peter Lofas,Mr.Lofas will be serving a three(3)year term that will expire August 2026. (JWP) Gindlesperger asks for item 9G to be removed to discussion. Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Pike moves to approve consent agenda items A-P, excluding G. Seconded by RUSSELL. GINDLESPERGER, AYE; PIKE, AYE; BAUN, AYE; RUSSELL, AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. G. DR-32-23 — Three Halo Illuminated Building Wall Signs and One Monument Sign for Premier Storage—Eagle Highway Storage dba Premier Storage: Eagle Highway Storage dba Premier Storage, represented by Terry Brown with Lytle Signs, is requesting design review approval for three halo illuminated building wall signs and one monument sign for Premier Storage. The 6.41-acre site is located on the south side of West State Street approximately 560-feet west of the intersection of South Payette Way and West State Street at 1653 West State Street. (ERF) H. DR-33-23—Multi-tenant Office Building in Lakemoor Subdivision No. 8—DRB Investments: DRB Investments,represented by James Marsh with CSHQA,is requesting design review approval to construct a new two (2) story, 15,500-square foot office (medical/dental and business/professional) building. The 2.329-acre site is located on the southeast corner of East Eagles Gate Drive and North Eagle Road at 79 East Eagles Gate Drive(Lot 1,Block 10,Lakemoor Subdivision No. 8). (BAW) Gindlesperger does not believe that an automated sign in this area will be harmonious in the neighborhood. Russell concurs and states that the lighting would be detrimental in that location. Baun concurs. Gindlesperger moves to approve action item 9G DR-32-23—Three Halo Illuminated Building Wall Signs and One Monument Sign for Premier Storage removing the automated portion of the sign at the highway. Seconded by Baun.Discussion. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. *ACTION ITEM: ACHD FY 2024-2028 Integrated Five-Year Work Program: Staff will provide an overview of the ACHD draft FY 2024-2028 Integrated Five-Year work program and request City Council direction. (NBS) This item was continued at the August 3, 2023, City Council Special meeting. FY 24-28 ACHD Integrated Five Year Work Program Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Page 3 C:\Users\hcsencsits\Desktop\CC-08-08.23min(002).docx Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects, Nichoel Baird-Spencer seeks Council direction on the response that has been drafted for consideration regarding the ACHD Five Year Work Program. Discussion regarding project requests and timelines. Baun moves to move forward on action item 10A ACHD FY 2024-2028 Integrated Five- Year Work Program, as identified. Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. As it is before 6:00 p.m., new business item A is moved up on the agenda. 12. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: Ordinance 901 - Amending Mayor and Council Salaries Effective January 1,2024: An Ordinance of the City Of Eagle, Idaho, Amending Section 1-5-3, Eagle City Code, To Provide For Annual Salaries For The Mayor And Council, And Providing An Effective Date. (TEO) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. City Clerk, Tracy Osborn reviews data provided to the City Council on June 29, 2023 regarding Mayor and Council salaries in neighboring Idaho municipalities and others in Idaho of comparable size. Reviewed the history of staff increases vs Mayor/Council salaries increases. General discussion. Baun and Russell confirm that the last time an increase for Mayor and Council was approved was in 2019, (effective date 2020). Pike states that he is not in favor of the increases as he believes that public service is more of a calling rather than a job. He does support cost of living raising when the opportunity is given to do that, but he is not in support of the raises presented tonight. Mayor Pierce states that the proposed increase provides a living wage for someone who holds the position to provide a living wage for those who serve in the full-time capacity as Mayor. Baun mentions that the minimal amount provided to Council ends up being cents on the hour in light of the hours dedicated to the office. The annual Council salary presents a slight offset for someone who would be working a full-time job as well as serving on Council. Discussion. Baun moves,pursuant to Idaho Code,Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that Ordinance#901 be considered after being read once by title only. Seconded by Russell. THREE AYE; ONE NAY(PIKE)... MOTION CARRIES. Baun moves that Ordinance#901 be adopted. An Ordinance of the City of Eagle,Idaho, Amending Section 1-5-3,Eagle City Code,To Provide For Annual Salaries For The Mayor And Council,And Providing An Effective Date. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER,AYE; PIKE,NAY; BAUN,AYE; RUSSELL,AYE.THREE AYE. ONE NAY(PIKE)...MOTION CARRIES. 11. ALL PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS PUBLIC HEARINGS:Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m. • Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council.This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. • Public hearing testimony time limits: Individuals testifying are allotted three (3) minutes for non-repetitive testimony. Page 4 C:\Users\hcsencsits\Desktop\CC-08-08-23min(002).docx • Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest A. Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget Hearing: An Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2024 commencing on October 1, 2023, and ending September 30, 2024, appropriating sums of money to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities of the City of Eagle for said Fiscal Year. (KR) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. City Treasurer, Kellie Rekow reviews the proposed budget. Discussion regarding department budgeting practices,current and proposed personnel staffing in the current and proposed fiscal year and revenue projections. Mayor Pierce opens the public hearing. Candice Hopkins is on the Library Board and is in favor of the proposed budget for the Library. Ms. Hopkins reviews the services provided by the library and what an asset to the community. Mayor closes the public hearing. Gindlesperger moves to approve item 11A Fiscal Year Budget 2023-2024 in the amount of$52,012,582. Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER, AYE; PIKE, NAY; RUSSELL, AYE.THREE AYE-ONE NAY(PIKE)... MOTION CARRIES. 11 A.1. Ordinance No. 906: An Ordinance entitled the Annual Appropriation Ordinance for the City of Eagle, Idaho, for the Fiscal Year 2024 commencing October 1, 2023, and ending September 30, 2024. (KR) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Baun moves,pursuant to Idaho Code,Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that Ordinance#906 be considered after being read once by title only. Seconded by Russell. THREE AYE,ONE NAY(PIKE): MOTION CARRIES. Baun moves that Ordinance#906 An Ordinance Entitled The Annual Appropriation Ordinance For The City Of Eagle,Idaho,For The Fiscal year Beginning October 1,2023, And Ending September 30,2024,Appropriating The Sum Of Money In The aggregate Amount Of$52,012,582 To Defray All Necessary Expenses And Liabilities Of The City Of Eagle For said Fiscal Year; Specifying The Objects And Purposes For Which Said Appropriation Is Made; Authorizing A levy Of A Sufficient Tax Upon The Taxable Property In The City;Providing For Repeal Of Conflicting ordinances; Providing For The Filing Of A Copy Of This Ordinance With The County Commissioners And The office Of The Idaho Secretary Of State; Providing For Publication;And Providing An Effective Date be adopted. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER,AYE; PIKE,NAY; BAUN, AYE; RUSSELL,AYE.THREE AYE-ONE NAY(PIKE).MOTION CARRIES. B. A Public Hearing to Consider the City of Eagle's Intent to Recover One Percent (1%) of the City's Forgone Property Tax Balance. (KR) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. City Treasurer, Kellie Rekow reviews the statutory process to recover 1% forgone, and provides an explanation of foregone. Discussion. Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\202 3\CC-08-08-23 m i n.d ocx Pike states that it is in the best interest of the City to take the foregone as the levy rate is so low. It is a complicated topic and somewhat unique to Idaho. During COVID the City was very conservative and feels that now is the time to go ahead and take the foregone. Mayor opens the public hearing. No one chooses to speak. Mayor closes the public hearing. Baun moves to approve action item 10B to recover 1% of the City's foregone property tax balance in the amount of $47,258. Seconded by Pike. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 10 BA. Resolution No. 23-25—Declaration of the Intent to Recover One Percent (1%) of the Citv's Forgone Property Tax Balance: A resolution of the City of Eagle declaring the intent to recover one percent(1%)of the City's Forgone Property Tax balance, $47,258. (KR) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Baun moves to approve Resolution 23-25 A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle, Idaho, Declaring The Intent To Recover One Percent(1%) Of The City's Forgone Property Tax Balance In The Amount Of$47,258 For Fiscal Year 2024. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER, AYE; PIKE, AYE; BAUN, AYE; RUSSELL, AYE. ALL AYE... MOTION CARRIES. C. PP-24-22 — Terra View Commercial Subdivision — Terra View, LLC : Terra View, LLC, represented by David Sterling, P.E., with Ardurra, is requesting preliminary plat approval for Terra View Commercial Subdivision, a 63-lot (62-commercial, 1-multi-family) mixed use subdivision. The 58.6-acre site is located at the northeast corner of State Highway 16 and West Beacon Light Road. (MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. David Sterling representing Terra View LLC reviews their application. Planner III, Mike Williams reviews the staff report and matters for special consideration. Mayor Pierce opens the public hearing. No one choses to speak. General discussion. Pike moves to approve action item 11C PP-24-22—Terra View Commercial Subdivision — Terra View, LLC : Terra View, LLC, represented by David Sterling, P.E., with Ardurra, is requesting preliminary plat approval for Terra View Commercial Subdivision, a 63-lot (62-commercial, 1-multi-family) mixed use subdivision. The 58.6- acre site is located at the northeast corner of State Highway 16 and West Beacon Light Road, with site specific condition #5 with the lot separated out for ITD. Seconded by Russell. Discussion . Williams requests clarification of the motion, to read approval the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended standard and site-specific conditions of approval. Pike concurs with what staff stated. Second concurs. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 6 C:\Users\hcsencsits\Desktop\CC-08-08-23min(002).docx D. RZ-01-23 & PP-01-23—Capella Estates Subdivision—Laren Bailey : Laren Bailey is requesting a rezone from A (Agricultural) to R-3-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement — PUD), conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Capella Estates Subdivision, a 122-lot (108-buildable, 13-common 1- common drive) residential planned unit development. The 54.24-acre site is located on the north side of West State Street across from the intersection of North Riverview Street and West State Street. (MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Dave Yorgason reviews the application for Capella Estates Subdivision and discusses the compromises they have been able to reach based on meetings with neighbors. Yorgason requests a slight modification to site specific condition 24. Planner III, Mike Williams reviews the staff report and matters for special consideration. Mayor Pierce opens the public hearing. No one choses to speak. Christopher Clark, 1800 E. Shaw Mountain Road, Boise, Idaho. Mr. Clark owns property adjacent to the proposed development park of the original Downing Downs. Mr. Clark is requesting a utility easement 5' on each side of lot 11 and 12 to access public sewer and water. He has submitted documentation to for Council consideration that is included in their packet tonight. Mr. Clark has been unsuccessful in negotiating an easement with the developer. An additional handout is provided for Council consideration regarding his utility easement request. Rhoda Brunelli, 1208 W. State Street, Eagle, Idaho and is representing the Edwards Family. The proposed entrance for this application is within 18' of their property. The number of trips per day will drastically impact their daily lives and the enjoyment of their home. Because of the difference in elevation, headlights will shine into their home. There is only one entrance to the proposed site and all traffic will run by their home—construction traffic and residential traffic once development is complete. Olani Beil, 1436 W. Powder Court, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Beil is frustrated with ACHD. The entrance should be moved to improve safety on the east side of the Edwards project. Margo Clark, 1800 E. Shaw Mountain Road, Boise, Idaho. Ms. Clark owns neighboring property. She states that they have not threatened litigation against the applicant, they only want the utility easement. Ms. Clark reiterates they are just seeking their legally right to a utility easement so that their property. Jennie Nuesse, 1352 W. Yellowstone, Eagle, Idaho. It is her hope that ACHD will consider the traffic calming safety measures for the end of the street. Becky Fitzpatrick, 1517 W. Powder Court, Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Fitzpatrick is frustrated with the process. She is pleased that ACHD is considering the calming measures. The density is too high. The impact the Edwards family is too high. With one way in and one way out it is too much for the roadway to bear and the impact to State Street traffic will be significant. Kurt Smith, 2502 W. Timber Drive, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Smith is requesting Council deny the rezoning of the property. It is one of the last agricultural properties in downtown Eagle, which is what makes Eagle unique. With applications that have already been approved, when is Page 7 C:\Users\hcsencsits\Desktop\CC-08-08-23min(002).docx enough, enough? Perhaps the Council could utilize some of their reserve monies to purchase agricultural land to preserve it would be a good investment for Eagle. Karl Vogt, 1432 W. Deadwood Court, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Vogt states there are three lines underground on the Murphy property to reflect a no-dig easement. Those lines run from Dry Creek Ditch with irrigation for three entities. Mr. Vogt has a safety concern with a gap in the sidewalk in front of the Edwards property. Steve Hiatt, 1022 W. State Street, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Hiatt has submitted a letter stating his concerns.He does not have access to his property on the north side of the development without going through a creek. Mr. Hiatt is concerned with the impact to neighbors, and they should be given consideration. Kay Mathy, 1615 Hereford, Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Mathy wants to ensure that there is a walking access to get access to the canal headgates. She expresses surprise that that the Clarks would want to build on their property as it is very small and the proximity to the canal is very close. Dave Yorgason rebuts testimony. The dog park size is approximately Y2 acre. Yorgason addresses traffic calming and capacity. Discusses mitigation options for the Edwards Family and their property. Mr. Yorgason discusses access to the Clark property and what the developer had proposed, but no mutually agreeable solution was achieved. Discusses site assess, several options were looked at with ACHD and the access proposed is the safest alignment. They will continue to work with the Edwards family for buffering and/or landscaping solutions, they understand the impact and will continue to work towards a solution. Discussion. Mayor closes the public hearing. Discussion amongst Council and staff. Baun discusses the balance with in-fill projects regarding buffering, green space, traffic calming there will always be challenges, but for the most part he is impressed with the proposal. Gindlesperger appreciates the applicant being mindful of Council's previously expressed concerns regarding in-fills. She would like to see the dog park enhanced as an amenity. Russell appreciates the lower density proposed vs the higher density that would be allowed on the property. Russell moves to approve item 11D RZ-01-23 & PP-01-23 — Capella Estates Subdivision to include all of the site-specific conditions as stated revising condition#24 to include the ACHD traffic calming. Seconded by Gindlesperger. Discussion. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. E. Development Agreement for RZ-15-21 — Modification Associated with Amberly Ranch Subdivision—Travis Perry: Travis Perry, represented by Rick Perez, is requesting a modification to the rezone development agreement associated with Amberly Ranch Subdivision. The request is to modify the required width of the sidewalk located along West Beacon Light Road identified in the previously approved Condition of Development#3.9. The 11.8-acre site is located on the southwest corner of West Beacon Light Road and N.Ballantyne Lane. (MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Staff is requesting this item be remanded back to staff. Baun moves to remand this item back to staff. Seconded by Pike.Discussion.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 8 C:\Users\hcsencsits\Desktop\CC-08-08-23min(002).docx 12. NEW BUSINESS: Item 6A was moved forward on the agenda. B. ACTION ITEM: Ordinance 905—Annexation and Rezone from RR(Rural Residential - Ada County Designation) to PS (Public/Semipublic) — 8600 West Equest Lane: An ordinance of the City of Eagle annexing certain real property situated in the unincorporated area of Ada County, Idaho, and contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Eagle, to the City of Eagle, Idaho, changing the zoning classification of said real property described herein from RR(Rural Residential)to PS (Public/Semipublic); amending the zoning map of the City of Eagle to reflect said change; directing that copies of this ordinance be filed as provided by law; and providing and effective date. The 10.01-acre site is located at the northeast intersection of West Equest Lane and State Highway 16 at 8600 West Equest Lane. (MJR) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Baun moves,pursuant to Idaho Code,Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that Ordinance#905 be considered after being read once by title only. Seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. Baun moves that Ordinance #905 An Ordinance Annexing Certain Real Property Situated In The Unincorporated Area Of Ada County, Idaho, And Contiguous To The Corporate Limits Of The City Of Eagle, To The City Of Eagle, Idaho; Changing The Zoning Classification Of Said Real Property Described Herein From Rr (Rural Residential) To Ps (Public/Semipublic); Amending The Zoning Map Of The City Of Eagle To Reflect Said Change; Directing That Copies Of This Ordinance Be Filed As Provided By Law; And Providing An Effective Date be adopted. Seconded by Pike. GINDLESPERGER, AYE; PIKE,AYE; BAUN,AYE; RUSSELL,AYE.ALL AYE... MOTION CARRIES. C. ACTION ITEM: Eagle Shooting Sports Park: TRS to present plans for Phases 1 & 2 (archery) for the Eagle Shooting Sports Park.Request to approve phased notice to proceed. (NBS) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects, Nichoel Baird-Spencer provide a history for the project including community outreach efforts to date, the noise and transportation studies and additional project benchmarks. Dana Borgquist with TRS provides and overview of the process to date. A noise study has been conducted, he reviews the findings of the study and recommended changes. Borquist reviews the transportation study, findings state that the roadways will operate within ACHD volume thresholds on both weekday and weekends. Reviews the environmental study findings for biological,cultural and wetlands. Discusses Phase 1 and 2 of the project and seeks Council approval. Discussion. Baun moves to approve action item 12C to approve the notice to proceed for phases 1 and 2. Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 9 C:\Users\hcsencsits\Desktop\CC-08-08-23min(002).docx 13. PUBLIC COMMENT 2: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter,up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing and land use items.Comments regarding Public Hearing and land use items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s)in accordance with Idaho Code. At times,the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters(excluding Public Hearing and land use items)during this allotte time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3)minutes. No one choses to speak. 14. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 74-206 (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session.There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: Gindlesperger move pursuant to I.C. 74-206(1)that the City of Eagle convene an Executive Session for the purpose of(f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER: AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN: AYE; RUSSELL: AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. A. ACTION ITEM: Action regarding pending/threatened litigation. Russell moves to direct the city attorney to give Ms. Sharp 10 calendar days to remove personnel belongings and to execute the judgement after 10 days. Seconded by Baun. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES 15. ADJOURNMENT: Gindlesperger moves to adjourn. Seconded by Baun. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. Re pectfully submi ed: OF RP OR •.� ' • CY BORN,CMC `n CITY C ERK :leSEAL *; =, J1••:;PoRATf1)';.• APPROVED: OF ID ,R,, SO PIERCE AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 10 C:\Users\hcsencsits\Desktop\CC-08-08-23min(002).docx Cc. glg(zoi3 ^p�OFT,.• ; )0 4 O t{N O 9GLE I;. Jason Pierce City of Eagle Council Members: Mayor P.O. Box 1520 Charlie Baun Eagle,Idaho 83616 Melissa Gindlesperger 208-939-6813 Brad Pike Helen Russell Ada County Highway District Commissioners Attn: President Pickering 3775 Adams St. Garden City,ID 83714 6-1\q\l//5 Au gust 8,2023 Re: FY 24-28 IFYWP&Budget Comments ert) opippaiii" Dear Commissioners, 11100"-- The Eagle City Council has reviewed the FY 24 to 28 IFYWP and provides the following comments: The City appreciates the continued commitment to increased regional circulation within our community. Projects like the Eagle and State Intersection,Linder Road,and Floating Feather Road are much needed projects that benefit Ada County beyond Eagle,providing needed regional connections. These projects while in Eagle are truly regional projects and should not be represented as a benefit solely to the City of Eagle. The City does not need a 5-lane Linder Road,the region does. As the roadway authority for the City of Eagle, the City has concerns and growing frustration with the lack of support and prioritization of the projects that make Eagle a unique community and ensure that our shared citizenry is receiving the services they want and pay for. Most of the projects currently funded or in the IFYWP have been in ACHD's five-year plan well beyond five-years,most have been in the IFYWP for the better part of a decade.The "new" projects to the program have been in the City's top 5 priority requests for over decade. By the time these "future"construction projects are completed they will be nearly 20-years in the making. It has become clear that ACHD does not consider local want,commitment,prioritization,or even funding when prioritizing projects. For over a decade the City of Eagle has expressed concern about circulation in Downtown Eagle,proposing projects to increase local connectivity, economic viability, business growth, and access to services and community events. Projects like the Aikens Street Extension, Olde Park Place Extension,Idaho Street Extension, and State and Eagle Intersection have remained on the City's prioritization list for years with limited ACHD movement. In 2013, the City requested only 6 projects for consideration: Plaza Drive Extension,Aiken Street Extension, 1st Street, Idaho Street Extension,and Olde Park Place Extension. Only one of those projects has been completed. Three years ago, the City began a formal capital planning process to help prioritize City investment. Of the 25 funded in the FY 24-28 City of Eagle Draft Capital Plan 10 are projects associated with ACHD or major roadway studies in Eagle. Through this process the City has set aside or earmarked over$4 million in funding as catalyst to supplement ACHD projects in the City. Transportation is a priority of the City; the City is willing to financially support the projects the City prioritizes. The City has set aside$200K in FY 24 to begin a study and design process to establish a cross-section and right-of- way plan for Beacon Light and Floating Feather Roads. The study is to address safety concerns, ped/bike Page 1 of 4 K:\Planning Dept\ACHD\Five Year Work Plan\2023\Draft Commisioner Ltr 8-7-23.docx provisions, and roadway transition as expressed by our citizens, and most recently the ACHD Commission. The support expressed to the City from ACHD is that your staff will sit on a committee, that is not enough. The City cannot and should not be completing transportation studies and design work that may or may not be adopted and implemented by ACHD. ACHD should lead these efforts, but that request has fallen a deaf ear for over a decade, the initial request for ACID to address Floating Feather road was in 2013 with Beacon Light Road requested in 2014. Why is a multi-purpose entity funding or supplementing a single purpose roadway entity? Because that is how local projects get done. ACHD has more funding sources than the City for transportation with tax authority, impact fee authority,and special license fees. The ACHD model does well in managing regional needs but fails to address local needs, The City of Eagle does not believe the voters in 1973 that implemented ACHD thought they would give up local projects that built community to focus on just regional arterials. According to ACHD's own reporting through 2021, the City of Eagle represents 8% of the districts citizenry but we pay nearly 11% of the taxes and impact fees ACHD collects. Through FY 2021 Eagle received less than 80% of the City's proportionate share of funding in projects. After pointing out this discrepancy in FY 2022 ACHD stopped preparing the jurisdictional reports that provided accountability and transparency in funding. The City askes ACHD to reflect on what they can do to better serve not just the regional arterial network but the local network within the communities of the citizens they are elected to serve.The Draft IFYWP funds over$600K in bikeway signage projects in FY 25 and FY 26 that are not a priority of the City. The City requests this funding be reprogramed to support the higher ranked and long-awaited projects like the Aikens Street Extension and the Olde Park Place Extension. The City of Eagle provided ACHD our project request over 6-months ago but was given less than 3-weeks to reply to the draft document. Increased engagement with the City through workshops or discussions over the past 6- months could have created a plan that the City could endorse, but instead we are left to make requests at the last moment when a public hearing is pending. We ask the Commission's support of the City's requests and reprioritizations. If you have any questions,please don't hesitate to contact Mayor Pierce directly. Sincerely, Jason Pierce,Mayor Brad Pike,Council President Melissa Gindlesperger,Pro-Tem Charlie Baun, Councilmember Helen Russell, Councilmember Cc: Director Wong,ACHD Justin Lucas,ACHD Kristy Inselman,ACHD Page 2 of 4 K:\Planning Dept\ACHD\Five Year Work PIan\2023\Draft Commisioner Ltr 8-7-23.docx City of Eagle Funded Capital Projects FY 24-FY 28-FOR TRANSPORTATION-DRAFT Project FY 24-28 Requested FY23 Plan Reserve Transfer by FY 24 Rank Project Name Carry GF by Year Impact fees Outside funding Total Project Balance No. Amount Years Year Forward/Savings o d. d. Three Cities River 1n , <+ v 100,000.00 z 0- Crossing(3CRX) $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00 FY24 $ $ $ F- FY 24 $ 162,000.00 $ - $ - $ - FY 25 $ - $ - $ - $1,013,000.00 ii State&Eagle 1 o Intersection $ 1,013,000.00 $ 851,000.00 FY26 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,026,000.00 oD ~ FY 27 $ - $ - $ - $ - FY 28 $ - $ - $ - $ - FY 24 $ 16,000.00 $ - $ - $ - FY 25 $ - $ - $ - $ - d. 3 a Olde Park Extension $ 600,000.00 $ 584,000.00 FY 26 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 600,000.00 cel ~ FY 27 $ - $ - $ - $ - FY 28 $ - $ - $ - $ - FY 24 $ - $ - $ - $ - N FY 25 $ 65,000.00 $ - $ - $ 113,000.00 C. Aikens Street 6 a Extension $ 745,000.00 $ 680,000.00 FY26 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 858,000.00 a ~ FY 27 $ - $ - $ - $ - FY 28 $ - $ - $ - $ - FY 24 $ - $ - $ - $ - 0s Linder Road FY 25 $ 15,000.00 $ - $ - $ - ri d7 Underpass @ N. $ 15,000.00 $ - FY 26 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 15,000.00 cc Channel FY 27 $ - $ - $ - $ - FY 28 $ - $ - $ - $ - FY 24 $ 400,000.00 $ - $ - $ - IN FY 25 $ 400,000.00 $ - $ - $ - d. Linder Road 10 " $ 1,200,000.00 $ - FY26 $ 400,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,200,000.00 'oil (SH-44 to FF) ~ FY 27 $ - $ - $ - $ - FY 28 $ - $ - $ - $ - FY 24 $ - $ - $ - $ - FY 25 $ 30,000.00 $ - $ - $ `o - d Excess ROW-State 16 o Street $ 30,000.00 $ - FY26 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 30,000.00 w FY 27 $ - $ - $ - $ - FY 28 $ - $ - $ - $ - FY 24 $ - $ - $ - $ - FY 25 $ - $ - $ - $ - u, Idaho Street 18 o Streetscape $ 600,000.00 $ - FY26 $ 100,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ 600,000.00 w Improvements FY 27 $ - $ - $ - FY 28 $ 500,000.00 $ - $ - $ - Page 3 of 4 K:\Planning Dept\ACHD\Five Year Work Plan\2023\Draft Commisioner Ltr 8-7-23.docx FY 24 $ $ $ $ - FY 25 $ - $ - $ - $ - ` O. 1st Street Festival 20 o Street $ 1,147,000.00 $ - FY26 $ 100,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ 600,000.00 w FY 27 $ 413,000.00 $ - $ 87,000.00 $ - FY28 $ - $ - $ - $ - FY 24 $ - $ - $ 200,000.00 $ - 0o cr.' 25 $ - $ - $ - $ 23/39 " Ped/Bike Studies- $ 200,000.00 $ - FY26 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 200,000.00 o6 fF&BLRds. ~ ~ FY27 $ - $ - $ - $ - FY 28 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,650,000.00 $2,215,000.00 Plan Years GF by Year Impact fees Reserve Transfer by Outside funding FY 24-28 FY 23 Year Total Requested Carry Forward FY 24 $ 578,000.00 $ - $ 200,000.00 $ - FY25 $ 510,000.00 $ - $ - $1,126,000.00 FY 26 $ 600,000.00 $ - $ - $ - FY 27 $ 413,000.00 $ - $ 87,000.00 $ - FY 28 $ 500,000.00 $ - $ - $ - Combined Total TOTAL $2,601,000.00 $ - $ 287,000.00 $1,126,000.00 $ 4,014,000.00 Page 4 of 4 K:\Planning Dept\ACHD\Five Year Work Plan\2023\Draft Commisioner Ltr 8-7-23.docx EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 8, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 11A SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget Hearing: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 4A 0 �' k.i L)oEf P1 Ca 40 kLlit-\\k Eqe '8361(o More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 8, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 11A SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget Hearing: TESTIFY PRO/ CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 8, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 11B SUBJECT: A Public Hearing to Consider the City of Eagle's Intent to Recover One Percent (1%) of the City's Forgone Property Tax Balance. TESTIFY PRO/ CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 8, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 11B SUBJECT: A Public Hearing to Consider the City of Eagle's Intent to Recover One Percent (1%) of the City's Forgone Property Tax Balance. TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 8, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 11C SUBJECT: PP-24-22 — Terra View Commercial Subdivision — Terra View, LLC TESTIFY PRO/ CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 8, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 11C SUBJECT: PP-24-22 — Terra View Commercial Subdivision — Terra View, LLC TESTIFY PRO/ CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 8, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 11D SUBJECT: RZ-01-23 & PP-01-23 — Capella Estates Subdivision — Laren Bailey TESTIFY PRO/ CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL J // / (,- itr e/,4 ,Soo c slr..w (P/01444,.40.� $oj�. ygs fah .r ri- / 1-4)'' .R))- --1,- \ kisS V\I - S' 5C. /*'Sk, --. ,,,F445 fi--}- 1 / r e t v� e �3 Uouj S vie c ire �` ` 1 (oAck A( 5 / t La 4; ‘ 4'- di I / 473G, k) r, 4 d + 7 0 iLs e . \./ Play CA rk • moo SA.a w hio�-� p p /g5 ec','"',N6.k1:-(tvu ..' .Q._WU t) )Q_W \ c‘c). 3.5 i 0--y(k \ley c 17 IJ - Yoc.,f,AA, C. I ZSv2 w. 7 < <M �3�le DI2, . . Ku l�l l L0.tU,L._ -- ‘-y.Q.-- c co iiv;ct,\,,,e) cv il-c.1,, 2_,-/ ii /u. Rye_t4c- t-tic,\/, Eci (e /UK C 0 A) / 1 q3Z I/� D��e�d� ye5 ?co w/ ?ei'c( V / — v7Ni° ht V ( J I / ---1--to?.e vV14,,),,ips- 142,0 c..i 0,,J.I.,,.A u fL v� / C C(C e Alre4 ('aC) w ,, ? ,.�-1-- i:0 IA/ Coy.,Ji 1, ,5 / l'rtV,e "4/77 i Z 14/ 'IA7?-91 Yl- / 1744 A c t-0 ff'i ( 9-?-. fr/m-Fe P.0 More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 8, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 11D SUBJECT: RZ-01-23 & PP-01-23 — Capella Estates Subdivision — Laren Bailey TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL k'cti frteepil . More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 8, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 11E SUBJECT: Development Agreement for RZ-15-21 — Modification Associated with Amberly Ranch Subdivision — Travis Perry: TESTIFY PRO/ CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 8, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 11E SUBJECT: Development Agreement for RZ-15-21 — Modification Associated with Amberly Ranch Subdivision — Travis Perry: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL More on back 9/12/2023 TERRA VIEW COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION # . - 1 IN t ; * „,,,-;;;;V-rn -,,,j Ji z rrireid f r.�e 4 � d 9 t 1 r • /d ,, —,..,,—. )i ';') N N. ' , 17; ''''''' %. n! A 1 v .�'., I 1 PROJECT H ISTO RY December 2008,City Council Approved Annexation and Rezone from RUT to MU- DA for the Terra View development for SB/CH Land Company,LLC. January 2009,City Council Approved the DA. October 2015,Terra View LLC Purchases Property 2019-2021 Staff level meeting with City to discuss concept layouts,park amenities,layout,Increased commercial area,etc. January 2022,City Council Approved Revised DA January 2022 City Council Approved Terra View Preliminary October 2022 City Council Approved Phase 1 Plat of Terra View Subdivision (Currently this phase is under construction) January 2023 City Council Approved Phase 2 Plat of Terra View Subdivision (Currently the Construction Plans are under agency review) October 2022 Held Neighborhood Meeting for Terra View Commercial and Submitted application to City. 2 1 9/12/2023 VICINITY MAP Project Location - " -�- 2 3 '� • .... .t. far ... > . �. i liet • "t ! "s= ' B; Ito �4 • ' �.'* r er ,k- BEACON LIGHT RD F 4, . 1 �+�'� • • • .•StyV1[ ��- - FLOATING FEATHER RD STAR d - t - t. - •. ' s a 6. 4 n a « ' ... Flu fir _ - . - , ; ..'ri• -. ....0 — 3 TERRA VIEW SUBDIVISION - PHASING PLAN A . . /' 1 s -4-- ' Ts 1 •----.../ r---`- ' L. 10 l a . e t e r f• = 1 i 2 1 9 LH . . 16 4 2 9/12/2023 EXHIBIT A - FROM APPROVED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT TERRA VIEW DEVELOPMENT AORENENT CONCEPT PLAN 7-2-7.-T: , , ' ''''t • ----, Q r.) I ,i ,.... ,,.. _J., . 1 ---z,,,,,„,/, i ; ".=•"-- •-_,A. 71;19 ! ;- 1 1 11 11 I , rm x Jr - _ I t I I \ :i.F.i0:"..2;'''': ir-2. ,....r" ...•, ' • , \ I . 1, '\\.,, /.,.` ;str•-......:_,, , \,,, / '1 , i 1 . \\ // /, _,,,,.....,..-- (., \ i,,/ '. ( „.."-\\ r, - , ..f.,•:,.......--,--.,---- I $ / Pir )LIJ ---1111.111111M1111111111111 --rtdif i i PROPOSED LAYOUT I --, AR FA AND LOT SUMMARY - 1 I TOTAL ACRES .58 6 AC . 1 MULTI-FAMILY .12 0 AC PUBLIC RIGHT-Or-WET .2 SAC 1 '- COMMERCIAL SAX SAC TOTAL LOTS 63 'J I I .; MULTI FAMILY' I I COMMERCIAL 62 ZONING 1. 2 3 4 8 1 I II EXISTING:MU CA MINIMUM LOT SIZE(SF) -ROPOSE11 MU-DA 1 1 7 6 I 11 COMMERCIAL .15 2.6 5F 1 . I 1 - 8 t2 1 1 AVERAGE LOT SIZE MLLTI PAANT, .12:AC COMMERCIAL .0 88 AC 1 \ 10 11 J. , - 21 •-b.„. - 16 420 I i'-.. L.,....._ ' - 17 - ,- 111-71 In _ . CI 11 ,1:1 2 7 8 11 12 15 15 IA 21-------- 25 Ems I, L__ 2. -, f,- 5 IF 29,.„,..--•-• 23 .. 28 II I ri 0__6 9 10 13 14 17 15'------- - 22 24 27 1113 504092.50 DOM.., ...Tit IN 1.3 C - , I 1 6 3 9/12/2023 PHASING PLAN PHASE 1 'I `-1-.._-PHASE 7 I I� _ \ ,,\1 , J N +wx J i' , , ila.....it PHASE 6 �' r 1" / PHASE 5 _ 1 r /.. 1l f PHASE 2 PHASE i J1 PHASE 4 ` , " }} 7 CONCLUSION: • Proposed Preliminary Plat for Terra View Commercial is in compliance with the City Comprehensive Plan and Development Agreement. • Follows the Development Agreement Master Plan • Extensive coordination with City of Eagle Staff on the DA and the proposed uses within the project. • We are in agreement with staff report and facts and finding. • We ask for City Council Approval of the Preliminary plat. rim 4 9/12/2023 - - 9 3,, A � r1 L If ,,„ ! ..:.1 'i ________/,.; . .: igell- 'it_ _ , :; 0...___J , -----.,k,. .y ii, ----1' , , - ././ .i ,„ 1 4 F! . 1 .....r...,i-. 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BLACKROCK HOMES Conger Group DevCo LLC Dave Yorgason Builder General Contractor Developer Development Consultant EXPERIENCE: PROJECTS: • OVER 100 YEARS OF COMBINED EAGLE MERIDIAN EXPERIENCE • ESTRADA • MOVADO COMMUNITY • CORRENTE BELLO • SOLTERRA BOISE • LOCAL, IDAHO-BORN DEVELOPMENT • MOXIE RIDGE • VERADO TEAM • EAST RIDGE • ELEVATION RIDGE • • EAST VALLEY STAPLETON • OVER 35 SUCCESSFUL RESIDENTIAL • SKYBREAK SUBDIVISIONS • BELMAR • THE RIM • EDINGTON 3 Site Location • 54.24 acres � -7fi� ��.i - - 7 t }, ,,-kv.,\s t •r ► ", .:;, '. 1 • Annexed f. Y _ , € ,. _k ; I , r • Infill development Q 'i`. , ; - A • Close to downtown r i I K ( +}� ii • Near recently ,,t ja Capella Estates 2 ',e_p;! - ; approved Benari Sub 0 " J fist, r i !ti i' 37 - .41 _ • t - '^"sir 3 W.,mj, ,{ /y'� x1A. miny #,• aiNNtito j, , 2 9/11/2023 Applications 1. Zoning with PUD & DA V! • ' 'tt-iiKrir.' .,k %` g ' 2. Preliminary Plat G.- L.e3It- ; _ r IF my 14 /$4,!: f„ g+- 15.0 d Y ' X; .. maid Capella Estates }' ,;� $' W � uft . 1 C �w. s + y 1RV. f.f( "�/441.1q;,' hilt i 4 � 0 1 �! i7 t ' , 411 a ,\. 4T9' y+�y VMGit,h ,.., 1 ..w A p --3t .7 , ,J. tr Nc 9 dual MI 44 t� l ° _ 5 Zoning • Requesting R-3 w/ PUD and DA i° ,,;,:oey:: • Justifications in staff report & 4 �y ' p application narrative54 $ '. �4 y _ *i.3*.Y J 'J J 4 4 �" • Comprehensive Plan & FLUM ,�; � : J J ri Vil , i 3 9/11/2023 Comprehensiveor or r Plan : o • Neighborhood Residential • Permits Up to 4 units per qt , Acre 1/444 • Approx.2 Units Per Acre • R3 Zone w/ DA - • Infill Development REGIONAL OPENSPACE OVERLAY PROFESSIONAL OFFICE/BUSINESS PARK MIXED USE TRANSITION OVERLAY FOOTHILLS RESIDENTIAL DOWNTOWN COMMUNITY CENTER AGRICULTURE/RURAL VILLAGE/COMMUNITY CENTER SCENIC CORRIDOR ESTATE RESIDENTIAL MI COMMERCIAL FLOODWAY LARGE LOT INDUSTRIAL NEIGHBORHOOD NI PUBLIC/SEMI-PUBLIC COMPACT BLM PARK INFILL/HIGH DENSITY EAGLE ISLAND SPECIAL USE AREA UI FUTURE LAND USE 6d7 Application Details Zoning with DA • R-3 Residential is allowed in Comp. Plan Zone • Comply with the City Comprehensive Plan & Future land Use Map • Requesting far less density than the maximum allowed • Development Agreement: Compatible Transition (density, lot sizes, etc.) 8 4 9/11/2023 Capella: Summary ,.� f 34ac c, jai r v �'y JJ • 108 total Residential units = 2 du/A ._. • Low end of the Comp Plan (2-4) e J;' • Density less than Benari J O 0�aa'a�.1; *tyi _ ° J.a , ,, • Single-family detached homes .,▪ ;;•• 4 a J J • 3 Phases of development 4'_ 0 d '4 • Well thought design: ▪? 4 ,,,,,' o Main entry: State Street 4 � ' o Secondary access: Connection to 4 J,) W. Yellowstone St. o Greater amounts of open space L114 '�,-.3 than required & Quality amenities 9 Amenities/ Open Space 141- ,Q is C7 4 4 ' 1. Approx. 14 acres of open space = over 25% (exceeds 20% Req'd) ° R.• .,' 2. Open Lawn area : � '" 3. Play Structures 4. Dog Park 4 ,; ..i° r 5. Pedestrian-friendly separated sidewalks, 4%4 . street trees, internal walking loops and 4 3 44 ‘'‘ pathway connections , a .i 6. Regional Pathway ' . ; j 4,14 3` 4 J 7. Seating benches 8. Attractive Landscaping and street buffers J 10 5 9/11/2023 Pathways ,+.41, t ii ' Pathway 10' Regional Pathway Sidewalk .,4, "' ' ' j " d i ,. :„ .,..... J , J ) , ri . , �_ .. J b J. e ' 1 ..1 11 u' * is^ *.. „4".. Homes 1 -,,,,-,::::7:-.1 _ , t., I ., ' Et] 1 .,, r. ., - t 1„ y.r.:.e „„ o . ytg& a s „:. ..' to® .. 7'�: "�i a''�}1 T z -«'tee 11iwi.:• a 7 F yt va + � '4 ,� G��ti �;� 12 6 9/11/2023 Neighbor Feedback • Neighborhood Meetings: • Several meetings with neighbors (large group and one-on-one) • Listened to their comments and made adjustments where possible • Discussions of Support, Opposition and Neutral • Many liked the changes that we made: similar to Benari, transitions, amenities, open space & pathways, and the proposed designs for the homes • Questions / Concerns: • Similar to Benari • Traffic and access for the site • Adjacent properties: Transition, existing trees, fencing and/or access 13 Traffic and Access Main entry on State Street • Aligns with Riverview Street to the south per ACHD requirement • Offset meets ACHD requirements for access location sy • Sufficient capacity in State Street Secondary Access laa ;., �t J�4-4 • W. Yellowstone Street (to be extended in future) ,;72-' d�-r � `' Changed internal layout design i. • circuitous route to try to reduce traffic cut through Pine Ranch .:-7 14 7 9/11/2023 Traffic and Access - TIS Summary 2025 Full Build Out Roadway Frontage Functional PM PM Peak Classification Peak Hour Hour Level of Traffic Service Count State 803-feet Minor Arterial 482 Better than Street "E" ❖ Acceptable level of service for a three-lane minor arterial is "E" (720 VPH). ❖ Only 66% of the Capacity of State Street will be used. ❖ State Street and SH 44 intersection -AM Peak = 1.1%, PM Peak = 1.4% 15 Traffic and Access Mitigation • ACHD not requiring offsite mitigation • Paying impact fees to help enable Capital Improvement Plan • Repairing / Adding sidewalk on State St (safer routes for bikes and pedestrians) • Reducing density for this site compared to max density allowed further mitigates traffic impacts ✓Accepted ACHD staff report with conditions of approval 16 8 9/11/2023 Transition to properties ....i„,,• .„,,,,a.f..,, . • . .•., 4, 4 4 • ' • Infill = Site is surrounded 4 Q `,... • Illustrate transitions and 4''' ". j ...-.•)..._ -'7: coordination .--,. • -- -..----,_---.4•.44%,-,-.;-:4_'' -'-Pik . ' 0 . . 4 4)trap-xatmera,!C;. , , •0 4'4, , ,...4.„...,4,4 1 , ' ' . -,.... L.-- Q . v.4:1111illw t."-'' • '' crt' .441. r . ,,„....4. L ,,..., \ , ''.: 1 17 Pine Ranch . ..„.. _...-• , _______ ........ .r _......_ ,,_...:........:.....„,........„. -.4. '' ''‘ 4441 16.648 ' . 1 ,,,,1 .........,7.,. . sM1 --,----1 20 917 2 . •2 17,050.0 41,, „'*40,0f? i• i ' 2 ' • -,-.-,,,--...,-;',..,-,•;;',. ,•,- N-t.J. Q, ,'-''i^x-f--- 4'''' '4 -,.-71-.:,, .,, , i 1; ..„,",.,..;,,, ,..,,,, ,,,,,, .,, ) 4 : 5 , , 1 •,-050 3 1 - 16.5961 „,.., , c :4 4853 17.050 P 6 Original Updated 18 9 9/11/2023 Pine Ranch 13.982_r........ __,..:....,_....:_._1 : i 6,648 Condition 4: Remove 1 lot in Block 5 e=, 1 i 1 • We will comply. • Plan to make lots wider (as shown), and 2 ; 2 3 i 1 1.050 trade a lot with interior adjustments so ,:85593 17.0 6; 350 we don't lose one lot 4 :. i 4 5 ..L 1 17,997 . ... '. 5 , 6 Updated 19 miNIMPPlirE.„.fetoido,, T1,7 a ' I i Murphy Property • a .... 0 0, . Q . •4 . 1 I 10 , , . kso .. - -: !,, , , .„.,, , -4114 4 qi ,.te dJ I " a ,...-,r 4.,.• , (;) ' ,,.. ---- ,.. . ,itl,g,,,i to" I t.... ,..i.., ,ttti . •-t: - !t • '-'1— .' 1 '• '-ti '1.) '2). '..!) '..t 't,0' 14 :•0--"-,:..0 t j 20 10 9/11/2023 NEIGHBORING PROPERTY TO NORTH COMPOSfIL , - FFNCF ; I I Vt4t,'W V.:44.4\#V.A44440*4 6' 1 SECTION NORTH BOUNDARY 21 Murphy Property Condition 5: Revised by P&Z 54. • Require taller buffer with combination 6' tall fence on top of „?.. • 3 _ 2' tall berm E ,011 Q 22 11 9/11/2023 Clark Property 0. ,_.., Ili _J N�i y a • Iq "a $ s /.*a , �W� Y :17Ye e s 9- c ..,,,"n 23 Sedlacek Property a -, III Ilw LJ tY�YY 3 y,� 24 12 9/11/2023 Stiburek Property s 'a h ...„„ : :.- 4 ::64°c) j 04)::4.4) ,I :,.- ',:'::11611.,',.-2.., :7:1,1,,,i...:' . . : a� ' 4 i Imp 0 woo,. . ' as �+,,✓ 7:qy"'.... s €.. 4 -x)N is Wj 4V a -rt (41 - + it" a3 ��view`,/^ �� : ,1 v ? w l049 25 �sx y ' ' i s at' gam# jai � $� .. � �,� .r e�.. � F ♦ x Hiatt Property ':- ` - f. ' � FLQWAY y-- ' , ...,-,'- ' ' amhb.- , '-':. . ::.-I 1., i'l J l 1. _ b4 9. 3 4 } 17 �y ,44i rr, 1 Y t eases V=Y. i� i $ *. .. rq ;i • 26 13 9/11/2023 Hiatt Property Condition 6: Provide access easement • Currently accesses property Pia ,.,' • 2nd access at the time of re-development "�"°""Y 41- ' • Agree to comply with condition A ,, 27 Edwards Property L.y aq�f 4 J J J . y. - 4t. ' ,c. — la ,,, -„,- ,,,: ,t,.. -:„ .i :,t �. , it. ,......,..., - ,s , , ,..: -.: ri,H,:,,, , ..._ ..1 , , , _, ,er- , , ,,,,,„„t..... .,...„,-;--,,,,,,-,-.:- .,,,,,,,,. ,,,, - , 4 it * "xF,�i -' " ram � JJ Q . .� agM- . ' _, '` malt,at • • � C C7 Q Y --* _ 71111‘1; :;,/ tito j +» , ! ,, . ,-,, , ..1 , , r .- \' mew _ ffiti - ' ,_ - ' ',1. 28 14 9/11/2023 Edwards Buffer rt 4 *„t444, • Followed up with ACHD wri .R- . , .a .. , • Access cannot be moved (must align) • Discussed buffer options, including ,, J „ = • Adding more trees • Solid fence y • Creative ideas • Will continue to work with neighbor ., of through Design Review - . ,;- r0 : 29 Transition Summary 0 . :: -� 3 R. 3 0 3 WJ 4 40 .0 o '' • Infill = Site is surrounded aQ ' • Coordinated with neighbors C-- -+! i', 4— :w iq; 3J s. 4`4 on variety of issues, including: " '� ' w. 0 4— )-4 4` ny_-3 :r--.ryJy�aa ,8J A CO transition lot sizes, fencing • o � Q4.. a• 34 dJ3 and access '' J J�JJ • Limited, but tried to help 3 , where reasonably possible rJ43 J i.: o? 0,4 30 15 9/11/2023 P & Z Recommend Approval 1 . Rear setbacks homes on West border: 30 feet (DA condition 3.5) 2. Max Lot Coverage: 50% (DA Condition 3.5) ➢ Reasons: More flexibility in challenging housing market Allow single-level homes 31 Staff Report ✓ Agree with staff report and P&Z Commission decision ✓ Request one change to staff report: Condition 24: Traffic calming into Pine Ranch The applicant shall be required to install a traffic calming measure on West Yellowstone Street at the entrance from Van Engelen Estates No. 1 Subdivision. The traffic calming measure shall be approved by ACHD (including location) be installed prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. 32 16 9/11/2023 Conclusion J; ,J J J`)`��JJJ • Met with & listened to neighbors • J ;J J • Made adjustments to address • i n' 1 { Y JJ Jr• I� ,- concerns where feasible ,J _ �� .1 J J 4 4 A .4 .xl j• J, J S 1 •-S.t a.J •i • Agree with the staff report and - , > 4 4 -y conditions of approval with ,; ; - J���_- -*-4, A 1 change as noted ..• . ;- .,-�'` ,�,a� , • Request approval as presented • . �. , , ,, n<,� +* JJ' r ✓ 9 ,,,,, rtik, c! ab, 4 n 33 Thank You secoterobtRav�u0B4 34 17 9/11/2023 • . ... _ _ 1 . 3 L-3.3, O'g' 73 3-0 4-3 f'10 3; .4) ' 3 3 49 • 4 *A $ 4e)4# 44 4) • 4 : 4 0 4 4 N...", 0 '`.-.. -;;.,0 Qa• P ..),-........ , — : ' *4° — 4 J.)," '''4•4(4 , • : 40'. 0 • •-) • / • •' • 0 4 .. ; 1 ...„ 1 ' ' p",1,13 ‘ ;, ,10#) '..,Z7-7.'", • ..,). - ..... .,J ' e 0 :•• -...)'. 0 .i. ..)' 4 , i 4•;-4 ,••, --4.—'-'-4 OViti -,-4 3 5 -"14- =r;-.-CAMI.I.A.EFIATga.MAISMSION _,, iii -;'114/Aiai.j41141" I 1' ,... r------------.7,-;;;;-r-t-4 ; 0 . ' 1 .. , x zlo. id 2 2• , z ° z z 1 w I It4' i,1 L,,J i RI i . 1 , __ • Pr-I 3 6 18 9/11/2023 .1.,E ,0 tbp f�e 4 ., :� I' UPDATED 1 I » .: . .., Q o 8 a a W Q W I Zz �'WQ 2 , a rc l w W u u ffaz a o __ t-.......__.. 37 0 Ad.-Prop..,,sw� 6„a,z.,zs P� • II ..w. ..-...- .. i i :es- ..., ._� f i 38 19 9/11/2023 Clark Property 'C',.•::,' > 1 i , . -- ..... ,,., ;, 0, ip.:„....,, a'•.' , i w.i �'' �d >{j . ,( s a. r a il— o. 39 Clark Property • Existing Access Easement i �. N 40 20 9/11/2023 Pine Ranch 1 )3 Ike + I Ir J "esa u i`J ts, I j +,s}>r Asa 'j atr.�',A I i. Original Updated 41 > ; ; ''.'il . :'''" : : ; I O... : , ryil * t. ' it t,{r;';i,:Hi'ti9il ° 11 4 r ygYIIi i t 1.7 ,k _, ,?' --r) f. 3 - ,4 .. ,. • Rb'!1 r=yam ,� k• , «,, s i= * ,1 y S..7 .F?i _tea"i. l i^ . 42 21 9/11/2023 Edwards Property )yy(J i. ( lsY , `^f „ate. ,4::`A „Y Sj •,� w.,� 51' 44 t. A41* 1 ' *Ili i' NJ'44 ' ,,'''', r1F.''' ]� iorS/ y� A� d ;• >ti yy ply" � E '1,'' '''S.- JyJ IJ 9 tapx� '.,:� ii, �r� q• . if...:., �Y 3ya -i+# rf`•CrIt J.:— .-- .-)a LA/� 1 43 4 r r 10,,.144:Rk 4,1k4.):11*4...*,.,4 °# . hw . .. :.F f '• � �' : Y .r4„.k ..1•lid `#..x y• 44 22 CG 8t'f23 Cta'- It is requested that the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law be amended to include the following: 1. The final plat shall provide for the running of underground single residential service sewer and water lines through the adjacent side lot public utility easement areas which are required to be located on either side of the common boundary lines between proposed Lots 11 and 12 of Block 1 so that service lines can be installed for the benefit of the property having a street address of 1230 W. Hereford Dr. (Tax Parcel S0508244200)to connection points on the main public sewer and water lines located within the public utility easements or right of way in front of Lots 11 and 12.As part of the foregoing requirement,the owner of Tax Parcel S0508244200, and not the Applicant, shall be responsible for all costs attributable to the installation, maintenance, and hook up of the private portion of such residential service sewer and water lines from the main service lines to the boundary line of SO508244200. 2. The northwest corner of Lot 11 of Block 1 is subject to a 30 by 60 foot ingress/egress, maintenance and utility easement area for the benefit of the property having a street address of 1230 W. Hereford Dr. (Tax Parcel S0508244200) and Lot 11 and Capella Estates Subdivision fencing or gates may not block the easement area and the easement recorded on July 7, 2019 as Instrument No. 200019-064025 and corrected by document recorded December 12, 2022, as Instrument No. 2022-100458; and its impact should be referenced within the following notes to be set forth on the plat map for the subdivision. A. Lot 11 of Block 1 is servient to a perpetual ingress egress and utility easement (for the benefit of property lying to the north),recorded on July 7,2019 as Instrument No.200019- 064025 and corrected by document recorded December 12,2022,as Instrument No.2022- 100458. Fencing on Lot 11 of Block 1 should not block or otherwise interfere with the use of the easement area to which Lot 11 of Block 1 is servient and a gate may not be placed by the servient landowner closer than the eastern edge of the 30' by 60' easement area. B. Lot 11 of Block 1 and Lot 12 of Block 1 are subject to and are participants in a maintenance agreement for an ingress egress easement recorded on July 7, 2019 as Instrument No. 2019-064025 and corrected by document recorded December 12, 2022 as Instrument No. 2022-100458. C. The ingress egress easement over Lot 8 of Bakers Acres Subdivision was granted solely for driveway purposes for the benefit of the real property then comprising Tax Lot S0508244500 recorded December 12, 1989 as Instrument No.8962338. The ingress egress easement may not be used to access any part of the Capella Estates Subdivision. CG 8�i!/Z3 E.ruk ncll' IEd'*be-''cls Our Family has lived in this home (at 1208 W. State St., Eagle, ID) for over 50 years and the proposed plan by the developers for the entrance of the Capella Subdivision will make our home unlivable. The main entrance to the subdivision is within 18' of our property line, with our house situated in the same southwest section bordering their entrance. With the Capella development, replacing the farm land that has always surrounded us, the traffic around our home will not just be limited across the front of our property, along State St„ but now will add an estimated 1731 trips per day, within 18' directly along the west side of our property. It was further broken down to an estimated 128/hr AM peak and 173/hr PM Peak, according to the Capella application Traffic Study: Sec. 4.1.1 (of 206), Last week we finally had our first meeting with the developers, specifically Mr. Bailey and Mr. Yorgasen, and found that they have no clear solution to alleviate the noise and light from directly impacting our daily living. With the elevation drop coming down into their entrance from State St., the light and noise will be focused directly at the level of our windows in the living, bedroom, and bathroom areas of our home at all hours day and night. The most obvious solution would be to build a landscape berm to prevent the lights and noise from impacting our home. When this was brought up, we were told that they are restricted on the height of a berm due to the width of the area between the required sidewalk and the property line; (ex: 5:1 - For every 5' in width, you can go 1' high). What that tells us is that the entrance is so close to our home there isn't even room for a berm with enough height to resolve the impending issues that the traffic will bring; that being light and noise. Should this come up during City Council Meeting: During our meeting with Laren and Dave, we talked about the open fence code for their common area and mentioned to them that we do not want to be boxed in (by having them go solid fencing along their entrance). We also stated we did not want vinyl fencing along the west side, but rather the Simtek fencing that they are placing on the border of Mr. Murphy's property to the rear of the Capella Subdivision. They said they would look at options. While the sheer addition of 107 homes and the traffic that comes with it is a huge concern to us, an added concern is that today this is their only proposed entrance into the subdivision period. This means that they are also planning to utilize this same area right next to our home, as their construction entrance over the 3 years they are estimating to complete this project. In the beginning that means added heavy machinery and construction equipment, and the ground-jarring that will accompany creating its infrastructure, a constant battle with the dirt and dust permeating the air and engulfing our home, our pond, our animals, and our landscape, and will diminish our ability to enjoy our property. We would also like to understand the exact nature of how the water will be brought to our property, and how we will utilize this new "system" given our water rights within the New Dry Creek Ditch Company. _� u +< j r 14 r .. _f_ .,, x a, yx, 1 rk .mow °' ,,ray rr' ,- ,• r, --, 4 s_3 "a',4 -a . s 4 «a4 t ,*„4",t,•,,.410#.11gizf‘k$ 1,,tgt4V.i4. ,,••v..1,,-4,„--.4,-.*;,,,t } + �x w.t n r• ran } 7 '.-4''''''''. ' ::'' ,: -e`rr' `' `'4,F `� ,. s; 4 ''"' r'-h k k' 9�� 1 , 5;.' 5'r, . .-.FFg ,44 ), Ma44,1 v * gm '�3 e + ,. a 9r • ` .� �tor' 4* . .. R 1 e . s•�"" ! • 4 t T. . t a i. * ter ; . . f , r. �+'"`� " * +t m 's -7 ,r-� - r `,tr1 ,.yiy t j yam; A, , r. M1 �.. " ' » r ,.a,t- fP _ A. L. t - £=r, fitw �, h ..rj / ,.ate. " OW- *011" "'" :' f , 4,_...., - . . ' "--. ' '-' - - . - - « - -" Pat:''N p yy t 7► w - tz, 44eall , „� i♦fit .+a .4* '� } ¢ f a Vic-sit ati c. `; `S 4 E" 3 1 t lf s, k . 4. 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''� ` ,� yam} 1 `'Fiy .. � cxr' ' s • mow. tw '` „ + �,,' ' e �y, ,� �+t -., `‘ ,�' 4 ., Fy` LL i 7, gti alp , i a t + - ,." � Z � y�t��� -ikP 9�'"if''�.`k 0yt@i, tK `MP+.• y},,,� � y Y9 • n il 441, s '3 p 'c"`s�.�! �.a M!'' 'fir yk 4t v �Cg -+ ur `' "S, i"h ;---, , '!s ' "`x t, Ya+`w''. =j . ad - 7 - `� 4 3 A`g, q K i Mt 1 0( •` A, }j f` , ^4_ , ,jam'} x> ,O S �9 Ty ) �y 'z4,. 44 ki �i � .M1dS $ r ''� �R. i. f +.bird/� ' ".•. A -4 .�.fle �, , , t 1'j e �iiF 1 ... .. , ,.. „... ,„„. . . ,,,, „:„.. ,...„. ....,..,:„.. . 14 .* x . .......,,,,...„., A � r • e �I l z ti d xii! .:aL flf .. • Propert • Mat,ching4e Ed rmr, .j a Oe *. a q.i Adjacent...' ---;.. : -.- '- _ -- . , . a rdke '' .L: - _ . • + fix„ a ace' "" y .-. J. �: * a : 'y. „try • +' • - , MY $ ` se a' ,r if - . -• an w I li w -a wl y-. ! { % Mir . -. r �. rr IIi" 4 k} '.. ,, k: , , [ -., r ' 'b. , a. inik t ei ,-....„, .....j‘":v.. . '; 1 , , . , , .., .. c• ' ' r , . „ . 4 01 0 CI 4 eii , 013 ' n I .1 0., .,,,,,,, ....- - ,,:,, . * , i , ,, :, , .1., , . ,. ,. ,r . j„,,,,, ,,,,,,,,..„,r 1 ' iior , ,, . , . . . . , , , ... . 4. it . . . 1 . ,,,,,, i .., _ ,, .,..1. . ,„..„.... ,,„, -4,,, , ,,, , ,,: , .. .• -- . '' gi, 19111t,' ' '' ea" .,...16r ,ts +may 11,,... t^ , - 0114 al' '. ! -b) i � ., 1°,antta SItc►attjot; On July 19, 2023,the SportOtt°jk City of Eagle held an Project 6 Design update open house on the Eagle Shooting Sports Park located on Willow Creek Road approximately 3 miles north of Beacon Ohntetvw of Updated Site Design Light Road. To broaden oc'nryre nffye�.elnpmentmeh inpx,Milesu+nex public participation, the w Overview of Pi writ Funding ew:; nm wrw;.,�,rtecity,ew,. City is providing all the � documents from the open house online and is accepting comments through JULY 31, 2023. This packet provides all the materials from the open house and a short context for each station. Comments can be returned to Eagle City Hall (660 E. Civic Lane) or emailed to nbaird@cityofeagle.org. *Please note that the City requires all comments to include the name and address of the person providing comments. AU comments are due back to the City glip Eagle Shooting Sports Park by July 31,2023 mus Open House Comment Sheet ""'" --:"""':' Having reviewed the 2022 concept plan,the recommendations from the noise, transportation,and environmental studies,do you feel the 2023 plan addresses the studies'recommendations? 0 I have read the Audies and information on the City's website:wy+w cityofe gle org/1943/Eagle Shooting Sports Park S{etion.' Having reviewed the funding program,plans for Phase 1&2,the timeline,and required reviews,do you understand the scope of the project relative to funding?Do you have recommendations for how to fund the project? 7 I am Interested In serving on the project funding committee. Having reviewed the preliminary plans for the archery ranges,do you have any concerns or comments that should be considered? The City requires all conenent to include the nanm an widows of pewees receding comment: Name: Email Address: How did you hear about this meehng? ❑Email ❑City Webeite❑Social Media❑Other: All comments are due back to the City by Eagle Shooting Sports Park July31.2023 MN Open House Loumon!Sheet '''.3('-;55,t-T - i ri:--—----"' H j4_____, , .„.....:,,,,_ ,.:-.,,,_ ,- r -,,,,, -, . • ,,,,,,,,,,,A S , 40A -'il- -..Ty -, if 'a 0.,, ., ".?j,it,'"4„, "- -' ,-,, v;-.). for-li4,,k ..-,' 5 (� .UJA a`1 , ` , i ([0 S t l O Petri/4rSeaCoetr Station 1 provides a comparison between the 2022 preliminary concept and the site changes to the park design based on the noise, transportation and environmental studies completed by the City.This includes descriptions of the recommendations from each study and an example of a three-sided shooting house. Construction for archery is currently the only funded portion of the plan. ENT KIOSK \ F. GAE -psTRoon N. j� ❑ •o r❑ s v❑ �ej, ARCNERr COURSE • 00 TO 100 r / A'� n�opauN r oo ' • � _ �a o ARCHERY ` ''�FIRINc ER ® FAct�'Tv . 1 �, E caA❑E❑ExTENT❑ RREA FI NGNnRETGU ,p„ TURN-AROUND AREA SECURE GATE FOR �� LAW ENFORCEMENT AREA a ^` k r � t �� 3,, w`+ < d„< c.a.aem I' Y 2830^mr ��o�J..o«ens F al........a .,• —.............A --.�.,... ..,.. i � , , .2 � =.. .=---_:l..,r_,.—=—.— IL* 0. • o b \`' 2870 .. ` o' ''0 ' 9'30% _....,... ....._ ....�..- i \\ 281 o e . ,yno1` � i m ..VC �o OA� \\ zio v w. ° M we • • N L'S / 2950\ / ? • ry/i 1. •/---, "A, 291°2s� ''''''' S''''''\::. —7 s— ...W ,,.eoE,.,.«E. • • • • • • 300�00, a TA..r„..w.o l'g� O 1 i g % ,,.:, ;I.':4, \X//..) Er-..iSr i i a , a 1 ,,,, RIOixGS \) C.COM Al x....�..........«s.,.m,.,w....+ww..IP�.h-+w.M.....cw.,.,. \l 8' o —.... OAR m a ...,n.x. 293p h 1 n.:. . . ..,.w...w..m�.�:.w.n. wrl .;1.:..... ����;—„T. 1-1 r � PROPOSED OVERV OVERVIEW E AAAA_ +mr PR / i ri ,4 i �— / _ iN" i q�p A Ali 1 ". a .. a s EAGLE SHOOTING SPORTS PARK - PROPOSED FIRING LINE COVERS (CONCEPTUAL) Statioft2 77pe4e & 1. wmecirtOirsill Station 2 provides an overview of the phased development of the park. Construction for archery is currently the only funded portion of the plan. This station included the major milestones completed on the overall project including public participation and formal public comments. The major milestone graphic includes any requirements in future phases of the project. Finally,this station provided an overview of the draft FY 24-28 Capital Plan for the project. Funding is limited and the phased construction of the park will be contingent on finding outside funding sources. Construction for archery is currently the only funded portion of the plan. 111 Eagle Shooting Sport Park PHASE 1-DESIGN A-.Cowen a Public Pamnpeuarl Public Involvement Scope,'Meetings TONIGHT II cast owner,form,away tad E.ah g.nsunnlen la tn.Ht,comaelm.sans uremmm mom caroi.x.a.rsax vo•. 8 B.General SIN Constrticlon a..a,.,x.„„n.IPra mar m«eg g.r..i sit.cmananxm ene.r«,.n Rnae.n e.r.rasa.e.m.rw.rah 8 E evend la aten.r.p. eMPam.n....., «ra.aran.sarFi«.eapar r.a.i«amane nn.age.e,h.n.a. 4 PHASE 2-ARCHERY RANGE CONSTRUCTION �• !WIC Archery Range-rero Rough grads ran.and enp Areaery c Covs ron1:4Xp sirs xFlrish surraras nneugn gees rpno pit 1.t ea««aa maw tern«lee PHASE S-PISTOLS RIFLE RANGE FrrHlc Range Censtructen Rough m rice Nay am seam drain into aubliC rang. w Fty amnion - Panong lot .psvrng Ste fencing and finenM weak Clear m layout ranges k and aide Poem a agex fi nx«pP g Range 8 Pim.mews roads eed wro PHASE h ore meth,'and Norm drain into re ranges EE ASHOTOURANGE Shotgun Rangu t. C5lym Oter M ineA ranges Rough grub range surfaces RangeRange bed*,Install la surface roma and Pe.I>A PHASE S-EDUCATION/CLASSROOM BUILDING clenleem aulHtng Nolen Lemma mem eunaben w en arts Ran n parr.,'o Rough s Fin.area around bukfing LAW ENFORCEMENT RANGE situ g I a Eagle Shooting Sport Park • C=r• Milestone Title Descnptio_Acliv ___-_____ FgythOla Rs ewarema Plan' User."Mesa.Pas T 0ea1141441WS• sN4FC Svnay -R Cams.Tema Maw Meeeys14.1 FF User Group Meetlng st• Prarrrrirg Unit Master Pan Approval• Overview°(site changes based on studes Jury 19,2023 Community Open House Timing e f undh,of Protect Additional work aryl Sites to be corimWted Specify pans for Phase 1 8 2(ArcherO Required before Notice to Proceed. PU Approver(completed-July 11,20231 Late Summer 2023 NTP Site Alteration for Archery B Grading Council City Archery Preliminary Pans' S Mass Grading Permit Compliance with Hillside and Grading Standards Requires before Notice IC Proceep: City Design Review Approval (DR Board S City Connor) Fall/Winter 2023 NTP Vertical Construction of Archery Health Department approval of portebb resboa E m ACM Rightnf-way Dedication ACHD Access Pam. Requires/ TBD Completion of Archery Construction Compliance with ECC I1A-7-IA Operational Guidelines for Archery Range Building Certificate of Completion RtgCire a7 Appm4rtatron ofFunAHgs TDB CouncIAPpro0M Scope of Wade (DeperMent en Feging)Rigs,Pistol B Shotgun Ranges City Design Review Approval (DR...B Coy CnweM) Z Wildfire Mitigation Plan Approval by Eagle Fve gsbiel 4 Post Construction Noise Study Building Certificate of Completion 'Public inc.,'or City,ioetio s oim kernel poi.comma r FY 2024-2028 CAPITAL PLAN l.i OOTHILLe NOTING THE CITY OF EAGLE RANGE Department:LRP&P&Public Complete•design-bui d of a+/-85-acres shooting sports pa k(archery,pis el, rifle&shotgun).City in under contract for the design end phased construction Works of the Phase 1&2 of the park(archery).The City has committed$500K to date Staff:Nichoel Baird Spencer& (11X)kr design and tM ercMry range in FY23.It is•nekipaed to carry forward $300K from FY 23. The timeline for construction if full funding is achieved is Eric Ziegenfuss 9 monehe.Dw to the limited timeline for construction this p jest is a good- $70K Preliminary Design quick.r,faster,smarter p jest that helps bolster she Ciry's Parks LOS while larger p jests are developed. This p jest is to have an annual eat aside of $4.5M Construction $500K, Council has directed•funding committee be established to pursue $1.2M Outside Foundation Match match dollars from publidprivata entities.Once pertnerslfunds ere found th< p jest un move<owerd construction. Project is imp«t Fes dgrbM up to Construction FY24-FY28 Post.The park impact fee fund was diminished in 2022 and will need time to recover before it will be able to support this project.Cry has committed $500,000 to date on studies and des.gn.Cent/wig ea outside partnerehipa, Man Years General Fund Impact Outside Source Total: FY 24 $250,000.00 $ $250,000.00 $ FY 25 $250,000.00 $ $ $ FY 26 $250,000.00 $ $ $ $2,800,000.00 FY 27 $250,000.00 $ $ $ FY 28 $250,000.00 $ $ $ ^- '� t te. For additional Information:h6ps4/Hvww.cityoteagle orgJL9431Eagle-Shoop n_sports-Park 3 a io ladre Station 3 is an overview of the preliminary design plans for the static and 3-D archery ranges that are currently funded in Fiscal Year 23. Council approval of these designs coupled with a grading permit are required before site alternation (grading)can begin on the site. A City design review application, health district review of temporary toilets, and an ACHD access permit is required before beginning vertical construction (see major milestones from station 2). 1. • __— ,__ -��� ,, v � �., L // ,w3..,__e_.__._s lj _Li o�oa 4` i oo• e^� wo o *� - ""\N" 1 (,, /7,-,-2, ,,,, / „i1W,,,‘,../,/,,, • ---- --1\\ \?;'" 1 ' 1, ' 4,--'-7--2-i? t*',295. 1 . ' 4'*,,,/ \'` AL..4.VV -ikl-it '' wc.-4. 1 --1,..f.tr.,=.1 v.,: .r.\\„.......:17 ..._______„\ , .i g T 1\'h --_, ',.,';''''' ''?/._4.>(°.,,„ if li F. ..... ....�.a,.y....ma,..,.,e.e.w+. ro,..e s...e.r wv.e,.,.w ' � U 1` _" I PROPOSED SITE \\`�` ( re.reer WERVIESV ..w,—em+e..... e..b.s.en�,..a..me.......cxo.wm....r,,.... a C5 a , • t EAGLE SHOOTING SPORTS PARK — STATIC ARCHERY RANGE x. 0 O p -k a i n L ws • \ Static Archery Course 16-20 lanes �� S- ''T ?` tAt '��1�Y - ' rT,fNY.{. _ JS6 $£y ..,... y'., 1 - rya .n , s � ,, , i ..A -,-; , ....._.,„_..;.,---i":::,...ii,.-.-i.-,,... ... "'"' emu. y #_ A Example of static targets _ ,I, Example of 3-D Range f k 4; ,it ,,!<<11 .4.7, .. . ,,.. .. ,. . . . ..,:,,,,.. :..,..,........6..,,,„,„e,itk... ... , ....t.,:,,,.. ..„ .. ..,,...:•-•k:',I.,...„:441-!..1:•••••".--"..!,.''''•:,.4";'."•:•4.t,•1,1.-k!=.;:f.."!i 7,-/.,!'••--,'",,,;•,'i'84•••••!'!.., ....."4..;.- Y it C r s{�r F_;g^i t Y a ,� -•t ra .- r: 4, .: .,„.„-, _•• ,•, ...„,„ _.,4v,„,,,,, _...-.„, •,,„ ..,...: ..„, `� #..1 ` i q i{r e f} i•— , � ',., - e!i; j ;••'.i< 3N a dl,'�{$,. `�1� x`��f • ,{• ` .a r i-..-� ct " rt r f - ; • 1,a{ *'4.• , a. -, a . ._i♦ 1 �' • l t' ;!S, a3 a .t'- ..� ,e f wi F 4, ! r tl a F F thy' ,' �y S}'r 4. �� ^/� � ' 45., 1�K. € `*E?°4. ,kat$F,-,, "fie' r - - Y' 1 9!.,G Example of 3-D Target s x t, fi .} x.; �'` ; :,� •r .h' Example of ## 3-D Target tip . '''' -`',.: -, . , .,i, - ...:-''';' .-,,,--r t ,--,.‘,-...'1 r 4 . M is lq- .... 9 Ail, . . .„„,74-4 --,' 1,.. ;#1,4. - . i, , ^1 r * ii. Example of 3-D Targets �.f+Ai,.d+..ic S b.".✓tt !�-*'- ` i � k ' •�` t ii �i r HvA4t',de're� ?PDT;. "'` X v " f;},� ,i P {, i ,t"S!t't ,ri14jf,,`, t,t Y ,. •k • _ ,,,.!��' it e+s�! t. Y M d -q - / {�, ,i. fi .y� . „.i^ , h" .+ .+f'� +fir 4. ` 3t.e,'Sr . r <Z,1:''Y'J ..ts .,...A..:‘, '•t s �y •+B.�•Af ... �. tip' M •_ �.! tA i .� ,,,-,..... 7 "*.7,-i„.....:,......„,;',,,,,• ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,.....,40kii.tfA- , i , ..,,,..,',,,,, 4. ifet.....n.1,10.; ' I n Map Layers _�_. : R 4 . • Range 1 route X .. .- .`, 06/29/23,11:57 AM '- 9 ' + x Q Coordinates 43?6... Copy `. 0 XX dg x Elevation '} • fie 2.978 ft 'T x 9 4z le n F,.., ,, x Q tirra Hide on map rtt =. X x. Distance ,0989 yds !C Eli ' •G e ' ii ?e, . • eJ ., GShare d to Edit Delete x- \ x * -r.• Folder . Ad -y Preliminary 3-D Course layouts 9 f3- 1 Z.c ,,....... ......,. ,. .,,, Shooting ,.. ..,. .• ports ar : , •U ate k „, ,„, . !. .. . Dana Borgquist 1 i . d, • Findings from the 3 studies • Phase 1 and 2 • Archery Range, Roadway and 3D Archery Course Review v `- August 8,2023 2 2 1 9/11/2023 Introduction 3� Summer 2022 Site Studies completed (Noise, Transportation and Environmental). May 9, 2023, City Council Awards Contract June 29, 2023, User Group Meeting #2 July 19, 2023, Community Open House August 8,2023 3 3 Site Studies Findings/Conclusions ity A 4 2 9/11/2023 Noise Study (Ineffective Mitigation Measures) Findings Recommended Change • Restricting firearms • Will not(noticeably) change noise levels by nearby residents (+3)dBA • Eliminating 150-yard range • Eliminating half of the ranges would only result in approximately(-3)dBA • Increasing berm height • Will not change the sound levels Range Update August 8,2023 5 5 Noise Study(Mitigation Measures/Best Management) Findings Recommended Change • Limit hours of operation • 7 P.M. nightly(or dark if earlier) • Relocate and reorient Shotgun Range • Shotgun Range has been moved to N.E.(See next slide) • • Construct a firing shed for all ranges Plan to build 3-sided shooting structures • Perform second sound study after gun range is built Range Update August 8,2023 6 6 3 9/11/2023 Shotgun Range 2022 vs. 2023 2022 2023 ram.-. k SI1 fl 17 �rpt7i �� 4 r 4),. , l ♦ I 1 Range Update ate+- , • =. qc..d;�aaa �------�_,.,_ •ugust 8,202.3 7 7 Transportation Conclusion • Projected to generate a total of 97 daily trips on a typical weekday and 159 daily trips on a typical Saturday. • The roadway segment of Willow Creek Road just south of the site will"operate within ACHD volume thresholds in the weekday and Saturday AM and PM peak hours. • The shooting range will have one driveway access on Willow Creek Road that will operate acceptably as a two-way stop-controlled intersection during the weekday and Saturday AM and PM peak hours.Additionally,the access does not warrant any turn lanes and meets ACHD requirements for access spacing and sight distance. • From Kittelson &Associates Range Update August 8,2023 8 8 4 9/11/2023 Environmental Findings Recommended Change • Biological • Slickspot Peppergrass (threatened) was found within area boundary but not within project area. • Cultural • No adverse effect on historic properties or cultural resources. • Wetland • No concerns, or Waters of the United States, are likely to occur within project. Range Update August 8 2023 9 9 o n Phase 1 and 2 , to to Update , 8 { 7 ail _. 10 5 9/11/2023 Phase I Phase 1 Progress Design&Public Participation • Survey and Geotech complete.Civil Survey,Geotech and Civil Design Public Involvement Scoping Meetings design is almost ready for submittal 30%Design Documents • Civil design will be submitted for 60%Design Documents grading permit.SWBB application in Cost Estimate for full build out process Presentation to the City General Site Construction • Documents will be 60%complete(if not Secure site with signs and temporary fencing more) Site layout of ranges Clear and layout ranges • Clear and layout archery static and Cutin primaryaccess road primary access road and one 3D range Range Update August 8,2023 '•1 11 Phase Phase 2 Progress Static Archery Range • Once grading permit is issued, we will Rough grade range and parking lot begin grading static archery range, Archery rangefinal grading/finish surfaces parking lot and roadway. Archery Range 3D course • We will then go to design/review for approval to begin pouring concrete Rough grade walking path and target placement locations and placing materials on site. Finish grade walking paths and target locations Range Update August 8,2023 12 12 6 9/11/2023 Phase 2, Static Archery Parking Lot , .ry i O // ze- 0 i / el \''t-,z '35, i`` --STATIC ARCHERY RANGE PROPOSED 'Y O ACCESS ROM) ,,`q. RAN4E ENTRANCE \`` 'U y SEE SNEET ES... 2`t. 1�. `S, 4Zo '... y h '4 cRF , 'irR blo Range Update August 8,2023 13 13 Summary -= - uff We continue moving forward after _, hearing from the user group and open -7 '� house participants. We hope to begin work by the end of August. • ,�., �,:,,, Questions? * Range Update August 8,2023 14 14 7 9/11/2023 Dana eorggwst M1 danab®trsrangeserv_ices.com https://www.trs ra n geservi ces.co , tat ,:v. v _ • _-tea �. . ..^tta> w a;_`7 s<r'^"' w,n ,r`;�sn a a ,P:,d°A r..'*, x. 5 .,'•.:t P ntia4` ,, a st8 20,25 15 15 8