Minutes - 2023 - City Council - 07/11/2023 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES July 11,2023 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER, PIKE, BAUN, RUSSELL. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. ADDITIONS,DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: 5. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council: Pike reports on the change in the meeting time for Sewer District meetings. The District participated in Eagle Fun Days activities. Russell provides an update from Valley Regional Transit, providing information on the Eagle On Demand program. It is currently a free program, after September a fee will be associated with the On Demand module. In the minutes posted,the Valley Regional Transit Executive Board moved to deny the appeal from Eagle Senior Citizens Inc.to reinstate their previous role in the program. Mayor Pierce reports on Eagle Fun Days, it was very well attended. B. Department Supervisor:No report. C. Eagle Police Department:No report. D. City Attorney:No report. 6. PRESENTATION: A. Update from ACHD on the Downtown Eagle Mobility Improvements (State Street and Eagle Road Intersection). Cody Homan, Sr. Project Manager with ACHD. Mr. Horman reviews the quadrant intersection to improve safety and mobility. The project will occur in two phases and occurring in 2024 and 2025. Discusses public outreach and coordination with the businesses and the City. ACHD is committed to full coordination with the City,businesses, and landowners to mitigate construction impact. General discussion. 7. PUBLIC COMMENT 1: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time.This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, land use application,or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Megan Hoisin,242 N. Flower Place, owner of Sweet Tea. Ms. Hoisin discusses how her business has been negatively impacted by the building construction at the corner of State and Eagle Road, I i` as well as the potential impact with the upgrades just discussed by ACHD. Ms. Hoisin would like to know what the City is going to do to help and support small businesses. She is concerned about the size of the businesses being constructed and how parking will be addressed.Ms.Hoisin inquires if a parking garage, could be constructed to address some of the concerns. The extension of sidewalks and bike lanes is of great importance. The livelihood of businesses is being impacted. Amy Richey, 123 Aikens,Eagle,Idaho,owns two businesses on Aikens. Ms. Richey feels that not connecting Aikens Street to 2' Street is a huge mistake. The impact on construction on Eagle and Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-11-23min.docx State Street has hurt walk in traffic dramatically. The closure of the Wild West coffee house has been far reaching even for her businesses. How are small businesses going to survive the current construction and the upcoming State and Eagle intersection impact. She is hoping for better communication,coordination, and timing. Discussion. Steve Glasgow, 132 State Street and 160 Aikens,Eagle,Idaho. He has recently purchased property on Aikens. Mr. Glasgow believes that it would be beneficial to punch Aikens through and would be willing to enter into discussion on that matter.He believes it will greatly benefit Eagle as a whole to improve that traffic flow and wants to invest in the community. Mayor Pierce discusses different ways the City would work with the businesses. Discussion. 8. ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA • Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor,a Councilmember,member of City Staff,or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion.Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. • Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff,Planning&Zoning Commission,or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of June 8,2023. (TEO) C. Minutes of June 22,2023. (TEO) D. Minutes of June 27,2023. (TEO) E. Minutes of June 29,2023.(TEO) F. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of CU-02-23-Building Height Exception and Waivers of Front Setback and Accessory Dwelling Unit Maximum Square Footage-Greg Andersen: Greg Anderson,represented by Jay Gibbons, is requesting conditional use permit approval for an accessory building height exception to 32-feet, 1.5-inches,waiver of the accessory dwelling unit(ADU) maximum square footage, front setback waiver, and fence waiver. The 0.7- acresite is located on the northwest corner of South Parkinson Street and East Dunyon Street at 2344 East Dunyon Street. (MJW) G. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of RZ-18-22/PP-23-22 — Silvercreek Subdivision — Eagle River Development, LLC: Eagle River Development, LLC, represented by Dave Yorgason, is requesting a rezone from A (Agricultural) to R-2-DA (Residential with a development agreement [in lieu of a PUD])and preliminary plat approvals for Silvercreek Subdivision, a 53-lot (41-buildable, 12-common) residential subdivision. The 65.39- acre site is located on each side of West Mace Road approximately 1,740-feet west of the intersection of West Windbreaker Lane and West Mace Road at 1522 and 1811 West Mace Road. (MJW) H.DR-21-23—Common Area Landscaping within Willowbrush Subdivision—TH Lost River, LLC: TH Lost River, LLC, represented by Antonio Conti with Ackerman-Estvold, is requesting design review approval for the common area landscaping within Willowbrush Subdivision. The 5.39-acre site is located on the southwest corner of North Park Lane and West Beacon Light Road at 2795 North Park Lane. (BAW) I. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of DR-26-23—Palmetto Plaza— One Bar/Retail Building and One Multi—tenant Commercial Building within Palmetto Plaza — TERM Investments, LLC: TERM Investments, LLC, represented by Rebecca Forster, is requesting design review approval for two buildings [one 1,920-SF bar/retail building and one Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-11-23min.docx 9,284-SF multi-tenant commercial building] within Palmetto Plaza. The 1.1-acre site is located on the southeast corner of East Plaza Drive and South Palmetto Avenue at 781 East Plaza Drive(Lot 17, Block 3,Merrill Subdivision No. 2). (BAW) J.Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of DR-27-23—Master Sign Plan for Palmetto Plaza,Including Three Building Wall Signs for Sturman's—TERM Investments, LLC:TERM Investments, LLC, represented by Rebecca Forster, is requesting design review approval for a master sign plan for Palmetto Plaza, including three building wall signs for Sturman's. The 1.1-acre site is located on the southeast corner of East Plaza Drive and South Palmetto Avenue at 781 East Plaza Drive(Lot 17, Block 3, Merrill Subdivision No. 2). (BAW) K. Memorial Bench for Fe Limbo Recla: Request for Council approval for a memorial bench to be located on the South Chanel of the river. (ELZ) Mayor Pierce introduces the items. Gindlesperger moves to approve consent agenda items A-J. Seconded by RUSSELL. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE; ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None 10. ALL PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m. • Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council.This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. • Public hearing testimony time limits: Individuals testifying are allotted three (3) minutes for non-repetitive testimony. • Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest A. A-08-22/RZ-10-22/CU-09-22/PPUD-06-22/PP-16-22 - Annexation, Rezone, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Plat for Shetland Point Subdivision- Steve Arnold: Steve Arnold with A Team Land Consultants is requesting an annexation,rezone from R1 (Residential—Ada County designation)to R-3-DA- P (Residential with a development agreement — PUD), conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Shetland Point Subdivision, a 13-lot (11-buildable, 2-common)residential planned unit development. The 5.10-acre site is located on the west side of North Park Lane approximately 400-feet south of the intersection of West Floating Feather Road and North Park Lane at 1025 North Park Lane. (MJW) S Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Steve Arnold representing A Team Land Consultants, reviews the application, and areas of special concerns. David Nielson, owner and applicant of the property. Mr. Nielson addresses concerns raised during the neighborhood meeting. Discussion regarding density,traffic,piping of the drainage ditch and how each are being proposed to be addressed. The Development Team believes that the development is consistent with those in the surrounding area. Mike Williams, Planner III reviews the staff report and items for special considerations. Mayor Pierce opens the public hearing. Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-11-23min.docx Greg Schatzl, 1484 Willow Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Schatzel has submitted written comments as well. He is concerned with the covering of the wildlife canal. There is a great safety concern with covering the canal especially with the close proximity to the children at the high school. The proposed density is too high and essentially row housing. He would prefer one home per acre. A petition has been submitted with well over 80 people opposing this application. This Council was elected to represent current residents and would hope they will do so. Michael Stephens, 875 Park Lane, Eagle, Idaho. The visual impact of the layout proposed doesn't make sense for the proposed area. With the small setbacks imposed, it smacks of a San Francisco type development. David Nielson rebuts testimony regarding the piping of the canal and the results of the meeting that was held with the Ditch Company. He notes that several of the signatories on the petition are high school students. Mayor closes the public hearing. General discussion. Planner III, Williams addresses the setback question posed by the Council. Baun moves to approve action item 10A,with the following striking site specific condition #14 relative to pressurized irrigation. Seconded by Pike.Discussion. Baun withdraws the motion. Second concurs. Baun for action item 10A A-08-22/RZ-10-22/CU-09-22/PPUD-06-22/PP-16-22 - Annexation, Rezone, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Plat for Shetland Point Subdivision to re-open the public hearing for testimony regarding elevations only, and have the applicant come back with elevations at August 8th meeting. Second concurs. Discussion. Baun corrects to be heard at the July 25th meeting. Second concurs. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. A-03-23/RZ-04-23 - Annexation and Rezone From RR (Rural Residential - Ada County Designation) to PS (Public/Semipublic) - City of Eagle: The City of Eagle, represented by Daniel Miller, is requesting annexation and rezone from RR(Rural Residential — Ada County designation) to PS (Public/Semipublic) for one (1) 10.01- acre parcel (Parcel No. R331410200). The 10.01- acre site is located at the intersection of West Equest Lane and State Highway 16 at 8600 West Equest Lane. (DLM) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Daniel Miller, Planner III, reviews the application. Mayor opens the public hearing. No one choses to speak. Mayor closes the public hearing. Pike moves to approve action item 10 B A-03-23/RZ-04-23-Annexation and Rezone from RR (Rural Residential - Ada County Designation) to PS (Public/Semipublic). Seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-11-23min.dock C. PU-01-23 - Valnova Planning Unit Master Plan (PUMP) No. 2 - City of Eagle: The City of Eagle, represented by Daniel Miller, is requesting approval of Planning Unit Master Plan (PUMP) No. 2 as part of the Valnova Planned Development. PUMP No. 2 consists of 81.06-acres and is proposed to designate the land as Regional Open Space (ROS), pursuant to Eagle City Code Title 1 1 A and in accordance with the amended and restated development agreement associated with the Spring Valley/Valnova Development. The 81.06-acre site is generally located on the northeast corner of State Highway 16 and Equest Lane. (DLM) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Daniel Miller, Planner III, reviews the application. Mayor Pierce opens the public hearing. No one choses to speak. No one choses to speak. Mayor Pierce closes the public hearing. Bann moves to approve action item 10C PU-01-23 - Valnova Planning Unit Master Plan (PUMP) No. 2 to include site specific conditions of approval as identified by staff. Seconded by Pike. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. D. PU-02-23 - Valnova Planning Unit Master Plan (PUMP) No. 3 - City of Eagle: The City of Eagle, represented by Daniel Miller, is requesting approval of Planning Unit Master Plan (PUMP) No. 3 as part of the Valnova Planned Development. PUMP No. 3 consists of 603.04-acres and is proposed to designate the land as Regional Open Space (ROS), pursuant to Eagle City Code Title 11A and in accordance with the amended and restated development agreement associated with the Spring Valley/Valnova Development. The 603.04-acre site is comprised of (2) parcels and is generally located on the east side of Willow Creek Road, approximately three and a half miles north of the intersection of Beacon Light Road and Willow Creek Road. (DLM) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. • Daniel Miller, Planner III, reviews the application. Discussion for clarification. Mayor opens the public hearing. No one choses to speak. Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects,Nichoel Baird Spencer notes that an additional noise study has been included as a condition of approval. Pike moves to approve action item 10D PU-02-23 - Valnova Planning Unit Master Plan (PUMP)No.3 for the 603.04 acres with site specific conditions 1-14 striking 10. Seconded by Russell. Discussion.Pike amends to state that the conditions are accepted as proposed by staff. Second concurs. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for A-03-23/RZ-04-23 - Annexation and Rezone From RR (Rural Residential - Ada County Designation) to PS (Public/Semipublic) - City of Eagle: The City of Eagle, represented by Daniel Miller, is Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-11-23min.docx requesting annexation and rezone from RR (Rural Residential — Ada County designation) to PS (Public/Semipublic) for one (1) 10.01-acre parcel (Parcel No. R331410200). The 10.01- acre site is located at the intersection of West Equest Lane and State Highway 16 at 8600 West Equest Lane. (DLM) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Daniel Miller,Planner III,addresses items 10 A, B and C. Staff will need to revise the findings to reflect actions taken tonight. Discussion. Russell moves to approve new business item 11A action item Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for A-03-23/RZ-04-23 - Annexation and Rezone from RR (Rural Residential-Ada County Designation)to PS(Public/Semipublic)City of Eagle to include the site specific conditions as provided by staff that were approved tonight. Seconded by Pike. ALL AYE. B. ACTION ITEM: Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for PU-01-23 - Valnova Planning Unit Master Plan (PUMP) No. 2 - City of Eagle: The City of Eagle, represented by Daniel Miller, is requesting approval of Planning Unit Master Plan (PUMP) No. 2 as part of the Valnova Planned Development. PUMP No. 2 consists of 81.06-acres and is proposed to designate the land as Regional Open Space (ROS), pursuant to Eagle City Code Title 11A and in accordance with the amended and restated development agreement associated with the Spring Valley/Valnova Development. The 81.06-acre site is generally located on the northeast corner of State Highway 16 and Equest Lane. (DLM) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Gindlesperger moves to approve new business item 11B Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for PU-01-23 - Valnova Planning Unit Master Plan (PUMP) No. 2 - City of Eagle to include the approved site specific conditions of approval as identified by staff tonight. Seconded by Baun. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. C. ACTION ITEM: Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for PU-02-23 - Valnova Planning Unit Master Plan (PUMP) No. 3 - City of Eagle: The City of Eagle, represented by Daniel Miller, is requesting approval of Planning Unit Master Plan (PUMP) No. 3 as part of the Valnova Planned Development. PUMP No. 3 consists of 603.04-acres and is proposed to designate the land as Regional Open Space (ROS), pursuant to Eagle City Code Title 11A and in accordance with the amended and restated development agreement associated with the Spring Valley/Valnova Development. The 603.04-acre site is comprised of(2) parcels and is generally located on the east side of Willow Creek Road, approximately three and a half miles north of the intersection of Beacon Light Road and Willow Creek Road. (DLM) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Pike moves to approve 11C action item Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for PU- 02-23 - Valnova Planning Unit Master Plan (PUMP) No. 3 - City of Eagle with the recommendations provided by staff. Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07.11-23min.docx D. ACTION ITEM:: Ordinance 900-Repealing Title 4 Chapter 4 Motor Vehicle Emissions Control: An Ordinance Of The City Of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho, Repealing Title 4 Public Health And Safety; Chapter 4 Motor Vehicle Emissions Control, Of The Eagle City Code In Its Entirety, Due To The Passage Of New State Legislation Regarding The Same; And Providing An Effective Date. (TEO) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Baun moves,pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that Ordinance#900 be considered after being read once by title only. Seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Baun moves to approve action item 11D that Ordinance#900 An Ordinance Of The City Of Eagle,Ada County,Idaho,Repealing Title 4 Public Health And Safety; Chapter 4 Motor Vehicle Emissions Control, Of The Eagle City Code In Its Entirety,Due To The Passage Of New State Legislation Regarding The Same; And Providing An Effective Date. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER AYE;PIKE AYE;BAUN AYE;RUSSELL AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 12. PUBLIC COMMENT 2: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter, up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing and land use items.Comments regarding Public Hearing and land use items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s) in accordance with Idaho Code. At times,the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters(excluding Public Hearing and land use items)during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3)minutes. No one choses to speak. 13. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 74-206 (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session.There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: (a) To consider hiring a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, wherein the respective qualities of individuals are to be evaluated in order to fill a particular vacancy or need. This paragraph does not apply to filling a vacancy in an elective office or deliberations about staffing needs in general; and (f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement; Gindlesperger move pursuant to I.C.74-206(1)that the City of Eagle convene an Executive Session for the purpose of(a) to consider hiring a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent,wherein the respective qualities of individuals are to be evaluated in order to fill a particular vacancy or need. This paragraph does not apply to filling a vacancy in an elective office or deliberations about staffing needs in general; and(f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-11-23min.docx likely to be litigated. Seconded by Russell . GINDLESPERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE;RUSSELL AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Council enters executive session. Discussion regarding hiring a public officer,employee,staff member or individual agent,wherein the respective qualities of individuals are to be evaluated in order to fill a particular vacancy or need and pending/threatened litigation. Council exits executive session. A.ACTION ITEM: Action regarding pending/threatened litigation. No action. 14. ADJOURNMENT: Russell moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bann. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. Res ectfully submitted- TRACY RN,CMC ? p i / v t ta CITY CLCLERK >-: 1 ,7 KSQ _ APPROVED: v J yr. O S * V" sss ' JA,ON 'IERCE MA i ' AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 8 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-11-23min.docx ACHD to mote Eagle Rd and State St Project Update and Coordination Cody Homan, PE Sr. Project Manager 1 t�-. st t';vxd_:_._-4 •_ 1 Star st eer 1 • — -�, a - ; Proj ect ct Overview , � ii i j. 1 j 1 I 11 i , ' 1` 2 1 7/31/2023 Project Importance — This is a substantial and important project for Downtown Eagle — There will be construction impacts — ACHD is committed to full coordination with the City, businesses, landowners, etc. 3 Project Status --Design is substantially complete — Right-of-Way is ongoing — Construction split into two phases — Phase 1 - 2024 — Phase 2 - 2025 --Phasing plan developed with the City's input and recommendations — Could have been too much work in one construction season — Have construction start sooner � `> — Less impact overall to businesses and public • — Phase 1 will provide increased capacity to allow detours to be more effective for Phase 2 4 2 7/31/2023 Phase 1 Street 1 I -- Construction scheduled for !! it ---- early 2024 - fall 2024 1 --Eagle Rd, SH-44 to the canal I i1 — State St and Plaza Dr intersection I j — Plaza Dr, Eagle Rd to 2nd St U Plaza Drive I Lam - — State Stand 2nd St intersection W jv_� ,- r 1 5 1 r I 1 t Air 5 Phase 2 — Construction scheduled for fall 2024 - fall 2025 -- Eagle Rd, the canal to State St -- State St, Olde Park PI to 2nd St -- Olde Park PI, State St to Aikens St -- Aikens St, Olde Park PI to Eagle Rd 1 State Street State Street u 1!' Ni -, 'i I Liw.,_, Aiken StrAet \ yr---, , '.-- -----..-------"'"'' ''''"" *-- ---^" `•'^ — Air 3 7/31/2023 Construction Impacts -- Staging and traffic control plans are submitted by the contractor for approval — Ideal to include reasonable restrictions in the bid documents -- Closed roads and intersections — Due to concrete paving and/or space limitations, full closures will be needed -- Access shall be maintained unless previously agreed 7 Mitigating Construction Impacts lncentivized construction contracts to complete work early -- Direct coordination with businesses — Erin Johansen - ACHD Business & Community Relations Coordinator -- Providing signage on how to access businesses -- Continually updating the project website — Anticipated work — Detour routes — Regular on-site construction meetings to answer questions directly — Drone videos and photos }° 4 8 4 7/31/2023 BUSINESS m_=:- Examples April 29 tl�r�l May 10 a 2019 suPiP►o�r JAH State Street,ClenwootlStreet tu?? .Stree! . CONSTRUCTION ,f t. rlh aoaaastsea Motto 'V0 thuojk se, n �� r� cT�t)rT� E3i IIN. S S r ..ON r I ,, fre. a sw.vx.. �'r.."""" w w..,.rr rs,. rnr.,. ;,;;, We understand that road construction can present challenges for you and your" business.ACHD will do the ' "'`""' following to help things go as smoothly as possible: '"...... t Keep businesses accessible Provide leaflets/maps as needed 4*S h O' gc Limit interruptions to ingress/ Provide additional roadway _• 1 ,,, i t•s egress and coordinate with signege in construction zone to ;. businesses in advance direct traffic to driveways - Purchase an item from your favorite participating Provide businesses with Encourage construction workers construction Information and to frequent nearby businesses State Street business between April 29 and May 10! . - - email updates ++ a • I Ott `. Use the hashlag IIShopState on r .�-' t facebook and check in at your s1.." . favorae state Street stores to be - entered into a drawing. "` Participating° ` - - _ Businesses r.�r z4„ .:;w. 9 Working Together /— ACHD, City, and EURA staff are and will continue to coordinate and provide updates -- We are asking for your help with ongoing outreach and coordination ,— Please let us know your ideas, questions, what other information we may provide, etc. s'' r - + Ss a :r s �., lL t o- :, �:e'* .. .. „� ..; tt a s §� � a, gar ... 10 5 7/31/2023 Questions 11 -- t 1' . i 1 ... ,,,, , .“.i.,-,, • 2.2" 1-- :.• . \ ..„_.,..., EAGLE ROAD \,(.,-,-,„. , .„.„ ,, „Or, . c, EAGLE ROAD r u„,„ v.to -• 4 um0--'''' ti.i. Is,I,t4 \.0.,„„ ..,....-, 1..., r,:7:7--- 1 ,,,------ • ..„-] / ' 7 a N___ .. -, •.,,..)-, . A, 12 6 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL July 11, 2023 PUBS EN' IGN-UP Time is allotted on the agenda at the beginning and end of the council meeting. Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual. TESTIFY PRO/CON or NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL f\f/\ela 1-10 tO&A(A ZL1L- Flocr PL I e-e Cc I Z.3 c. �il g c�- . yes /& v 4i/fr EAGLE CITY COUNCIL July 11, 2023 PUBLIC COMMENT 1 SIGN-UI Time is allotted on the agenda at the beginning and end of the council meeting. Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL July 11, 2023 PUBLIC COMMENT 2 SIGN-UP Time is allotted on the agenda at the beginning and end of the council meeting. Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual. TESTIFY PRO/CON or NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL July 11, 2023 PUBLIC COMMENT 2 SIGN-UP Time is allotted on the agenda at the beginning and end of the council meeting. Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 11, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10A SUBJECT: A-08-22/RZ-10-22/CU-09-22/PPUD-06-22/PP-16-22 - Annexation, Rezone, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Plat for Shetland Point Subdivision - Steve Arnold: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 5, hapv ) V 5 7 7/11/1 W\ 51fl iC4 C)CQ.IIC C.CCI More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 11, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10A SUBJECT: A-08-22/RZ-10-22/CU-09-22/PPUD-06-22/PP-16-22 - Annexation, Rezone, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Plat for Shetland Point Subdivision - Steve Arnold: TESTIFY PRO/ CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL More on back // EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 11, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10B SUBJECT: A-03-23/RZ-04-23 - Annexation and Rezone From RR (Rural Residential - Ada County Designation) to PS (Public/Semipublic) - City of Eagle: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 11, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10B SUBJECT: A-03-23/RZ-04-23 - Annexation and Rezone From RR (Rural Residential - Ada County Designation) to PS (Public/Semipublic) - City of Eagle: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 11, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10D SUBJECT: PU-02-23 - Valnova Planning Unit Master Plan (PUMP) No. 3 - City of Eagle: TESTIFY PRO/ CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 11, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10D SUBJECT: PU-02-23 - Valnova Planning Unit Master Plan (PUMP) No. 3 - City of Eagle: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 11, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10C SUBJECT: PU-01-23 - Valnova Planning Unit Master Plan (PUMP) No. 2 - City of Eagle: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 11, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10C SUBJECT: PU-01-23 - Valnova Planning Unit Master Plan (PUMP) No. 2 - City of Eagle: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL More on back 7/31/2023 71/1z3 \\ tS ob‘ �S ..c\% \ ea . t` cad �\a�,, g \ , 1 Application Request 1. Building Lots:11,one existing and ten new lots. 2. Density:2.16/acres. 3. Comp Plan allows 2-4 units per acre 4. We modified the plan and reduced lots due to neighbor concerns(19 to 11),no specific road layout changes were discussed nor promised as suggested in Mr.Schatzel's letter. 5. The properties adjacent to this site that have not been developed have the same transitional zoning as this property 6. Existing Zoning is R-1,we are requesting R-3-DA-P. 7. Numerous examples of previous developments approved with similar density if hot more in the near vicinity. 8. Development team:A Team Land Consultants is the developer.David Nielsen and his partner are the financer. We have over 27 years of experience developing in Idaho. 9. Public Roadways:29-foot section with 5-foot detached on the north and 8-foot pathway to the south. 10. CC&R's along with an HOA will control the development 11.We will have language in the CC&R's addressing the CEP 12. A public easement for the pathway along south will be provided so it can be extend d.' 13.The drain will be piped so the pathway can be located within the easement ', 14.The irrigation district has given tentative approval pending a detailed plan to pipe the drain. 15. PI will be provided to all lots,a waiver of PI no longer requested,at the request of staff we purchased the additional water right. •TM .. 2 1 7/31/2023 Traffic Concerns: ► ACHD has approved this at a staff level because of the small amount of traffic generated from the site. ► The site is estimated to generate approximately 100 additiona grips per day. ► The site will generate 10 trips per day in the peak hour traffic, r 1 trip every 12 minutes. ► ACHD has recommended and approved the new road location. 3 Density ► There are numerous examples of equal or greater density in the very near vicinity. Approving this density is consistent with previous approvals granted by the City Council. ► Examples of previous approvals with similar density, smaller lots or even greater density include Farmstead, Senora Creek, Legacy, and Monticello, to name a few. ► All those have similar if not smaller lots that what is proposed with Shetland Point. ► The comp plan allows greater density, up to 4 units/acre, which we originally proposed. ► We listened to neighborhood concerns and dropped the density to 2.16/acre ► Common sense planning pushes higher densities along collectors and arterials (Park Ln and Floating Fether). / ► If we were to follow good planning principles, we w d have a greater density, but we listened to the neighbor od and dropped our density. 4 2 7/31/2023 Examples of Previously Approved Projects SHETLAND POINT SUBDIVISION • Iaim was. ktii EMSMEV w- aY mg He 11115 bin MIMS War EallW •Te1 M 5 Development Experience: A Team Land Consultants ► We have 27 years of development experience. ► We have done hundreds of development projects throughout the Treasure Valley and Valley County. ► Project examples are, Legacy, Redstone, Colony Subdivision and Spring Valley Subdivision that is just now taking off. ► We know how to develop, and the investment team knows how to finance the project. You are not dealing with rookies as stated by a neighbor in some of the written comment. ► Still, with our experience, we would never suggest a project is a "slam dunk" as stated by the neighbor. We have a clause in our development contract that states will we cannot, nor will we ever guarantee a project / approval. There are too many moving parts. It would be reckless to suggest so. 6 3 7/31/2023 Neighborhood Meeting Map 7 Preliminary Plat • • - . • iff SKIM _ MOM.SS aNani cu rrB . ..`.,A.y�....._..s,.,. r. p,v 8 4 7/31/2023 Landscape/Pathway Plan /-, --- • • • • ± 5.401410 POW MONISM • . of. rva.mso APO Ott „. 9 Looking South • . • 40v 10 1014it',..131,906 .r _ • • — • nip4, t fit* Aw4 _ e,j" • 5 7/31/2023 Looking West • ;" "C 'bi k.i. +FYI fl+ A, ,- i ,{ 11 Looking East ah. • 444, • 12 6 7/31/2023 Looking North F' Ai r . �` tit � talPi ..r` 4 • ,IPA 1?I Shetland Point Subdivision Ey sr. 14 7 7/31/2023 . . , . ,. 4. '4.4 4.4:„0" ' ..,.5-I1:0. •''''' Jr 4 ' . , Al4.'''' • , *' •a ' eC- / •J,* , ,* ' T. ,1 ' r ' r . , * . , It: vv-' 7 15 ... Neighborhood Meeting .., ., March 29, 2022 ., SIGN IN SHEET PROJECT NAME: Date* •,, s''''''''' 1.,. ,.,-.: 4.4,, IV .-‘,..1 , ,,r.. •:;.,I,f'c',..Z. i':.1 g' . ‘,...'.;''''''. '":.!ru..•'.. t:A'l',`,. ., -2... ,„,, 6.....; Issues Discussed: 1. R-3 Density 2. Two Story houses \ . 3. Lost Views 4. Tiling of the ditch and water rights disruption , . 5. Purchase of the property by neighbors ...--- --- 'iet.14's: Z 4 wte, 16 8 7/31/2023 Neighborhood Meeting March 29, 2022 Original Design 17 Neighborhood Meeting #R u Modified Design 18 9 7/31/2023 . ; 1 -.. '':',.,..-.4.,...:,...,-4.244'---- - . ' .1:.,i ' 'I, ,---- :A.`.--1,_ ..'iiiil ildr_ / ` `yC t. r, _ R gelstad ftesidenee 19 + The`Chich of '• � 1 '� " ax ` !Jesus of�fetl JJ f 9g -. • ng � J� ' f„fir ms • ` v a , , ' #1` t 1 1 r. Monticello • �� � I 250. i 11,,114111/1‘444, .$ \ka." ';:. ._— r 644141444111144, it, : , b ,...... 20 10 7/31/2023 ter, r .• - -tifti t �.r ' .,, . r ��pv lets'+.. rie++07.AI • 21 rwr • 5000 SF structural footprint (70'x 70') • Add 250' of distance on all sides • Total lot width x depth is 570' x 570' (250' + 70' +250') • Equivalent of 5000 SF structure centered on 7.46 acres 570' .....�. 11 7.46 Acres 70' • 250' • 5000 5F 1.81 . 22 11 7/31/2023 • i Y,, -,� ti t., „ 4� • dix # > . � ' tea' ak 23 iii — ..?.- ..., „. 411611r,. '...,..,,. --^-.... , #.....i3. A om" ' .4 i T 7* e~ r t...-; ~ k � .:r T -. ' * k s , % , a i� N• sa. 3 Ai/ , 7,..k , - ,7' • '0 -_- • > *•. . . ,,,,, ....,. isittitio.7.3„ i• 4 . , . . ,-,- --. s ,..., . -,. ..„ 24 12 7/31/2023 ,,,,„:„„.„,•. Density ..,r., ..., .. , •.... . . ..... , . - -.-..-- -lidi -.- . .--,.- •-,----.,„ \ ,,,.,......„..,,...:., - "wail i,. 2, .4r „t„,_ LEGEND . ., ZONE .-. AREA -, ,1 -- ,,,_. 111.....-'311 ''-'' : .. ' :'t'..'- CV T'.' '1 . ?..415 ' . - v -- , . , 1 ; ..,.... .-.77. 4'L' „..... ,—,„,.t .,. , •----,-- -.....---, , ' ',., -, .... ..,....,_ ..., '' A' ' ,.. I., '',.' rili.•,... I 1:1 ab, . ,,„..,--7- ;----:, --: • axial.41-gi-...,. 7,/-- :,.., „„, , . ,,, -•' !-,,,,r_C- v'-1.=`' •,,, --4--,!t.L.,-,gra; ,,...„,... -- ,,. ,v'L.,.4•.-0,... ,.,. -,„„,,,,L• , , • 0•..ft..,.1.*:*.7 7.7, , . ---. , ....- . . .-*•4...“..- =, ,, ,.:4,7"-..q. .---- ..... : 1!-,,i ' '•"•--,k,''''''e ... . 25 .,. Homestead Senora LCopperfield ............., Creek ....;,„„,,,,, 'L ' ,. 1. -OA;• --- iiiir".0. i.p.".... ,_, I' - t,„,,,, . . . , . ......_ . -31 .4'...4 ,r- .... . .., 7 ' ::::47:' 26, 13 7/31/2023 • ..4101 io • 27 Silver Creek Park Lane Henry's Fork Bella Terra I Estates Monticello ,• N _ �.• Estates Loche r Lomond ; ' �' }*r 28 14 7/31/2023 t. • 0 .... S y i 4✓ 4 pra e 29 _ a Other considerations • 30 15 7/31/2023 Drainage Ditch • Wildlife disruption • Danger to students • Hazard to maintain • Sump pump drainage • 31 32 16 7/31/2023 Precedent for Piping \ . r ,•0 n . ,,;r' is ii + ► 1 • Y /` _i. Ito w Oil Z.77 ..-:. . 33 Precedent for Piping ,IN k, , ., _ _ _, ,,, ,,. . ... -.., , „su ,......„ ,.. , . . _...._,....,, N,44 .4 ,44 . _ �S . ... . ... _ „..,. .. , . ,,,,..., , ,, 4 f ' — 7.' itilc iv•)'''. '"7 '',-'..J‘ 1 r........., . . ., , ,..,,,,,,,,,..,.. , , , , . „,..... .- ..„,.... ..„.. 7 77 34. 17 7/31/2023 Danger to Students j=m Harmful Effects and Effective Solutions of Open Drains That are Seriously Eye-opening Conserve Energy Future Reducing hazards to people and animals on reclamation canals US Dept of Interior Solutions for Open Drainage in or around your apartment community Common Floor Canal and Ditch Safety Pheonix,AZ city code Open drains in the devastating repercussions and vulnerable areas Smart Water Magazine Open Channels and Drains Sustainable Sanitation and Water 35 Hazards of Open Ditches • Spread of disease and pathogens • Road deterioration • Contamination of water sources • Breeding site for mosquitos • Soil erosion • Debris collection • Difficult to maintain 36 18 7/31/2023 Benefits to piping the ditch • Easier to maintain • Less of an attraction to explore • Less build-up of debris • Fewer mosquitoes, pathogens, noxious weeds • Aesthetically more pleasing than a large open ditch • Allows for non-motorized pathway system • Promotes health and fitness • Provides a pathway for safe mobility • Makes Eagle a more livable community 37 t The end result of the April 12 meeting was that Drainage District#2 decided it did not want the liability of granting permission to cover the canal. It deferred the decision,and thus the liability,to the controlling local jurisdiction. So currently Ada County,but if the City of Eagle annexes the property,then the City of Eagle would have to decide whether to grant the Applicant permission to cover the canal and accept liability,or keep it like it is. - Greg Schatzel, neighbor \ ., ,,,,,\, 77' 38 19 7/31/2023 Sump pump drainage • We will add a cleanout S:. 39 Traffic Area Traffic Counts 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 1 ,000 10,000 5,000 1 Q „,FQ FQ �e cad\ >°¢ S�`e 594e d 0,.' �' a tea`c .?°c Sao; 40 20 7/31/2023 Traffic .. • 24 hour counts at Park Ln / Floating Feather= 1957 • 7-9 AM= 236 (one vehicle every 31 seconds) • 4-6 PM= 149 (one vehicle every 48 seconds) • Vehicle trips per household per day- 10 trips • New homes - 10 homes )' • 10 trips x 10 homes= 100 additional trips per day • 10%count during 7-9 AM= 10 (one vehicle every 12 min) • 10%count during 4-6 PM= 10 (one vehicle every 12 min) 41 1/4 THANK YOU 42 21 7/31/2023 43 Efforts to Oppose: • Mr. Schatzel stated to Steve Arnold and me, "I will fight you every step of the way" "I know exactly how to get this project denied" • Days after the neighborhood meeting, Mr. Schatzel met with a' i Vy official to discuss opposition to the project. • Mr. Schatzel has worked hard to organize a neighborhood opposition. An email was created with our address, 1025parklane@gmail.com, to facilitate the submission of neighbor opposition. • Mr. Schatzel allowed the April 11 City Council meeting to proceed la into the night and then pointed out the clerical error on the date., • Mr. Schatzel attended our Drainage District#2 board meeting to astert' his opinion that high school kids will be injured and die in the covered ditch. • Prior to our May 23 rescheduled meeting, Mr. Schatzel pointed out that our posting sign was too low to the ground. We reschedujed again. • Mr. Schatzel falsey represented that the Drainage ' ch#2 board did not want to have the ditch piped. 44 22 9f 1t2v23 7/11/23 "KOEPPEN PROPERTY" (14 o ANNEXATION AND REZONE i * to p 1GLE TflQ' A-03-23/RZ-04-23 Eagle City Council Hearing July 11, 2023 1 Project Summary: The City of Eagle is requesting: • Annexation; and • Rezone from RR (Rural Residential — Ada County Designation) to PS (Public/Semipublic) for Parcel No. R3344130200 2 2 1 7/31/2023 Vicinity Map: p, Site 4 i r4' I' 1 Y6 .* _ .-,ri 141... ,f. dam" ''llt a . 1 r. .La '« Ate` r...�t 4ti4 X'i ; 4 *A`f rig 4i,...‘ ,.. tx-rA IL . .....,.t. 1,11-_:,t42,4-...:,.7;7,47-., S -7.- s r ,. Sr 1 : l }�`. -- .. *. x�' I-��"...s.?�JIi4� . �.5_ ;f {;fit,� ,kx ,.4'�«��,� r. 44, ......x.. n , , "fr, e: � 'u + .aX 3 3 Relevant History: • The City of Eagle purchased this +/-10-acre property (Parcel No. R3344130200) on May 6, 2022, with the intent of utilizing the land for development of a portion of the future proposed regional sports park. • The former owners then leased the property back from the City for a term. The property was evacuated on June 09, 2023. • This property is not part of the Valnova/Spring Valley/M3 development since it remained under private ownership at the time the original Valnova owner purchased and began the process of annexing and entitling the land, thus it is not subject to the Valnova development agreement or Title 11A. 4 4 2 7/31/2023 Comprehensive Plan & Zoning Map Designation: COMP PLAN ZONING LAND USE DESIGNATION DESIGNATION Existing Foothills Residential RR(Rural Residential Ada Residential Dwelling County Designation) Foothills Residential Proposed PS(Public/Semipublic) Future Regional Sports Park (No Change) North of site Foothills Residential R-1-DA(Residential) Undeveloped Land Southwest of site Foothills Residential R-1-DA(Residential) Future Regional Sports Park Southeast of site Foothills Residential R-1-DA(Residential) Future Regional Sports Park East of site Foothills Residential R-E(Residential-Estates) Future Regional Sports Park West of site Foothills Residential RR(Rural Residential-Ada Residential Dwelling County Designation) s 5 Comprehensive Plan Designation: Large Lot Foothills Residential: Foothills • Unique combination of land uses � .• Residential within the Eagle Foothills. • Balance of residential, non residential, and open space (developed and natural). Agriculture/Rural l "" Large Lot t Mixed Use '. Eagle is HOME Comprehensive Plan—Chapter 6—Land Uses 6 6 3 7/31/2023 Zoning Compatibility: ZONING COMPATABILITY MATRIX ClttZONINGCIA¢PCA11 Reudenbal Distntts Neighbor Central Agrrrultural Residential booted Commeroal hood General Highway Business light Industrial Heavy armature Public/Semi. Mixed Agricultural Residential Watt R-Gte Orrice Airport Business Business BusinesS District Industrial Park Industrial Industrial Public Use WNW AND USEDLSIGNA'iONS' AlI IAAS (Rog) R-1 R.2 R-3 RA R-5 R.10 (1.0) IC-A) (C.1) (C-3) (C.3) (CBD) (MAAI (MA1) IM'2) 1M.31 IN IMUI Agnsultsrel/1Wral X _ c X X X!x x x. x x % X X x X , x x i .argc tot X x X X ' Neighborlipdd' x X X X X X X c Compact i % x X X X X X X X 'htctd Use' X X X X 1 x . . r r,l„la.Co,ow.,.ls Cent x X x X x X X X ghborh000Center'' x x x ... X _..x X I .. .....% C et % X X % ` x X X nrr.%nit OrrrrR rr, it `- — x X x' Y X % ,n...�. _ X x x X X X X X 11 X Eagle is HOME Comprehensive Plan—Figure 6.8 Zoning Compatibility Matrix 7 7 Commission's Decision: On June 5, 2023, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission voted (5 to 0) to recommend approval of this application as presented within the Planning and Zoning Commission's Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. a 8 4 7/31/2023 End of Presentation 9 9 5 CC1JI(123 WITH PROPOSED STRIKE THRUS IN RED AND ADDITIONS HIGHLIGHTED AND UNDERLINED. PUMP NO. 2 PU-01-23 I July 11,2023 PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. All PUMP No. 2 Master plans,as approved or conditioned for approval,shall be used to evaluate and establish conditions of approval all P submittals within the Boundary of PUMP No.2. 2. Comply with all requirements of the Idaho Transportation Department.All Planning Unit Master Plan maps shall be updated consistent with ITD approvals. 3. No grading shall occur on the site, until the applicant has received approval from the City in accordance with the Spring Valley Grading and Hillside Development Standards. 4. The City shall submit a Conditional Letter of Map Revision(CLOMR) Floodplain Development Permit application to be reviewed and approved by FEMA the City Engineer and the City Floodplain Administrator prior to any commencement of development within the Special Flood Hazard Area,as identified by the Flood Insurance Rate Map Panel No. 16001C0130J,effective June 19, 2020. 5. The applicant shall design the joint trench with fiber optic conduit at the time of preliminary plat submittal as is needed to ensure that all development within Spring Valley can be serviced with fiberoptic interne service as the service becomes available to the area. 6. The applicant shall submit the proposed regional sports park to the PPRC for their recommendation prior to the submittal of a design review application. 7. The applicant(the City of Eagle),or its assigns, shall receive Design Review approval of all facilities, signage, landscape, and common areas to ensure the proposed park will be designed and constructed to be harmonious and appropriate in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity prior to the beginning of construction. 8. No development or permits shall be issued outside of the established boundary of PUMP No. 2 unless it is for an essential public facility (i.e. sewer, water, electrical, roads, or BLM access easements). These services shall remain subject to City approvals (i.e. grading, design review, and/or building permits). 9. The applicant(The City of Eagle)shall comply with Eagle City Code Section 11A-7-1(A)prior to a Certificate of Completion being issued. 10. The applicant(The City of Eagle)shall connect to the City of Eagle Water system for domestic water and to the Eagle Sewer District system for sanitary sewer when central services are available to the site. The applicant shall comply with the conditions of development established through the Eagle Sewer District. 1 WITH PROPOSED STRIKE THRUS IN RED AND ADDITIONS HIGHLIGHTED AND UNDERLINED. 1 1. All land uses and lots shall comply with the following and shall be subject to ECC 11A-2 at the time of development: PUMP ECC No.2 11A-2: Max. Description: Planning Land Use Density: Area: District: Regional Open Space: Regional Open Space is intended to serve the general public and may be adjacent to, or provide connection to,large scale regional open space within the City's North Eagle Foothills Planning Area. Regional Open Space may include many of the amenities provided in Community Open Space as well as active regional parks, regional trail corridors (such as the Big Gulch Regional Park, Trail and No S W* ROS Open Space Corridor), and large natural areas planned for Residential dedication as permanent natural open space as part of an Eagle Density Regional Park and Willow Creek Road Open Space Corridor. Regional Open Space may be owned and maintained by the City, the Spring Valley Community Association, a land trust or other conservation group or entity. 81.06 acres of Regional Open Space is proposed within PUMP No. 2 *SW=Southwestern Residential 2 WITH PROPOSED STRIKE THRUS IN RED AND ADDITIONS HIGHLIGHTED AND UNDERLINED. NIP NO. 3 PU-02-23 I July 11,2023 PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. All PUMP No. 3 Master plans,as approved or conditioned for approval,shall be used to evaluate and establish conditions of approval €er•-any and all P submittals within the Boundary of PUMP No. 3. 2. The applicant (The City of Eagle) shall comply with all requirements of the Ada County Highway District. 3. No grading shall occur on the site until the applicant has received approval from the City in accordance with the Spring Valley Grading and Hillside Development Standards. 4. The applicant shall be required to place a deed restriction and/or plat note on the Native/Undisturbed areas within the Habitat of Special Concern (HASC) areas identified to be preserved prior to the issuance of a certificate of completion . These preserved areas shall be identified to be managed and maintained as native and undisturbed areas and there shall be no alterations or modifications to these areas including,but not limited to,grading,drainage,landscaping, conventional maintenance. The specific wording shall be reviewed by the City Engineer and the City Attorney. prior to app .,l e f a fines l pla♦ a. Disturbance of the HASC areas for the sole purpose of the implementation and use of the shooting sports park and any natural trails shall be permitted.Any disturbance beyond what is required for the implementation and use of the shooting sports park and any natural trails shall be rehabilitated by the City. 5. No development shall occur nor shall any permits be issued outside of the established boundary of PUMP No. 3 unless it is for an essential public facility (i.e. sewer, water, electrical, roads, or BLM access easements). These services shall remain subject to City approvals(i.e. grading, design review, and/or building permits). 6. The applicant(the City of Eagle),or its assigns, shall receive Design Review approval of all facilities, signage, landscape, and common areas to ensure the proposed park will be designed and constructed to be harmonious and appropriate in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity prior to the beginning of construction. 7. The applicant(the City of Eagle),or its assigns, shall establish operations guidelines for the proposed shooting sports park that includes, but is not limited to, the designated uses and permissible on site activities, hours of operation, safety measures and requirements, emergency procedures, and general park operational guidelines,prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Completion. 8. The applicant (the City of Eagle), or its assigns, shall conduct subsequent noise tests on site, as is required to provide record that the design and operation of the proposed shooting sports park complies with requirements of Eagle City Code Section 11A-4-4(VV)(7)and Idaho State Statutes 55-2601 and 67-9201,prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Completion. 9. The applicant(the City of Eagle)shall comply with Eagle City Code Section 11A-7-1(A) prior to a Certificate of Completion being issued for the area proposed to be a shooting sports park. ns, shall obtain written approval from the Bureau of .k 3 WITH PROPOSED STRIKE THRUS IN RED AND ADDITIONS HIGHLIGHTED AND UNDERLINED. 11. The applicant shall obtain Central District Health(CDH)approval for the use of either an onsite septic system or "porta potties" prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Completion associated with the proposed shooting sports park. 12. If central sewer becomes available to the proposed location of the shooting sports park and the City decides to connect to central sewer at that time, the City shall annex into the Eagle Sewer District (ESD)and comply with the conditions of development established through the Eagle Sewer District. 13. The applicant(The City of Eagle)shall submit final design drawings of the proposed shooting sports park to the Eagle Fire Department for review and approval prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Completion. 14. All land uses and lots shall comply with the following and shall be subject to ECC 11A-2: at the time of preliminary plat approval: PUMP ECC No.3 11A-2: Max. Planning Land Use Description: Density: Area: District: Regional Open Space: Regional Open Space is intended to serve the general public and may be adjacent to, or provide connection to,large scale regional open space within the City's North Eagle Foothills Planning Area. Regional Open Space may include many of the amenities provided in Community Open Space as well as active regional parks, regional trail corridors (such as the Big Gulch Regional Park, Trail and No Southern ROS Open Space Corridor), and large natural areas planned for Residential dedication as permanent natural open space as part of an Eagle Density Regional Park and Willow Creek Road Open Space Corridor. Regional Open Space may be owned and maintained by the City, the Spring Valley Community Association, a land trust or other conservation group or entity. 603.04 acres of Regional Open Space (ROS) is proposed within PUMP No. 3 4 -7 M/2e23- 7//f/23 OF T 44,00)co `i; C> VALNOVA PLANNED UNIT MASTER o PLAN (PUMP) No. 2 * a,: * czE PU-01-23 Eagle City Council Hearing July 11, 2023 City Staff: Daniel Miller,Planner III Phone: (208)939-0227 E-Mail: dmiller@cityofeagle.org 1 Project Summary: The applicant (the City of Eagle) is requesting: • Approval of Planned Unit Master Plan (PUMP) No. 2 (PU-01-23) within the Valnova/Spring Valley development. PUMP No. 2 proposes to designate the land as Regional Open Space (ROS), in conformance with the requirements of Eagle City Code Title 11A. z 2 1 7/31/2023 Vicinity Map: s ��_ 1 VALNOVA DEVELOPMENT 9� ''-I a -j L---J .3.. (f.k.a.Spring Valley;M3) I - E-. BEACON LIGHT RD. 2 z q, HWY.44 I a _„ HWY.26 P i ., r. 3 3 OVERVIEW: 1 —i --- Spring Valley: 6,017.00 acres I NORTHERN PLANNING AREA SOUTHERN I PIANNING ARIA I r I HIGHWAY MIXED USE I ' -� I I ' PLANNING AREA r 1 - I I I I-' SOUTHWESTE- PUNNING AR� r w�a O90 I, 1P0.WG UM[ 4 4 2 7/31/2023 --_1 Previously Approved PUMP No. 1 NORTHERN ' PLANNING AREA 1 Water Tank ci I— Power I • /CIANNINGAREA BIG LCH `' Sub-Station 1-- -- --—�I _1 \ ( SOUTHERN SOUTHERN \ ••�`A� \ PLANNING AREA PLANNING ARCH I_—J �` f, I HIGHWAY MIXED USE 1 PUMP No.1 i--1 �_, ARE RI ANNIN(i A 1 Y1-- 1__ 1 H rot I—--! PLANNING AREA LEGEND ��. PLANNING AREA AREA Min..ALMA.t „ LI,r,-J�-- ... ..�.,,NNr.A,w NE.GEEO USE ROAD ROW O . Mt 54 GNCN NIT SS ACRES 5W1...WESTERN LOT.9N ACRES NORTHERN 2l6 CS ACRES SWINE. 1.55 ACRES PIMP..SO.TOTAL ZOOS So ACRES 5 5 OVE RVI EW:• Spring Valley: 6,017.00 acres PUMP No. 2: 81.06 acres NORTHERN PLANNING AREA _-—- 1__'PLANNING AREA SOUTHERN PLANNING AREA PREVIOUSLY APPROVED HIGHWAY MIXED USE PUMP NO.1 --_ I .. PLANNING AREA I 3 2 SOUTHWESTCRN e9F�. l7 _� -J PLANNING AREA ¢ N=, i -ko' p0 90 N .xu°o" �.� PROPOSED PUMPNO 2 6 6 3 7/31/2023 Vicinity M � t � , ab � , .. cltw� � 14rti c.. ♦,ice `., r 2� . a C�. � � + bF _ w_ I ILL ` , : i SH-16 * i . ; + 3T e4-1....-- -, 1 — 7 a Project History: Original Project Submittal —April 2006 (CPA,Annexation, Rezone with Development Agreement Conditional Use and PUD) • Project was not contiguous to the City Limits at the time of application • Land was not in the City's planning boundary/Comp Plan City-Wide Plan Amendment—Adopted February 2007 • Opposed to a stand alone amendment,the Council directed the City to complete the Foothills Subarea Plan for the area north of Homer Road and between SH-16&SH-55 • M3(previous developer)was allowed to retain their CPA application through the City's planning process. Approved Application — November 2007 City Council Approved the Pre-Annexation/Development Agreement (Establishing a process for the future annexation &rezone). City denied the Comprehensive Plan Amendment designating the property as"Foothills Residential." "Clouded" Entitlement Not approved to construct, additional work&studies to be completed to perfect the application. 8 8 4 7/31/2023 Necessary Project Specific Approvals - • FEMA CLOMR approval— February 2009 • Hillside & Grading Standards—November 2009 • Annexation & Rezone— November 2009 • Habitat Mitigation Plan —January 2011 • ECC Title 11: Planned Developments Chapter A: Spring Valley—January 2014 • Included a Zoning Ordinance Amendment&Design Review Applications Development Agreement Modification —January 2014 • Recognized the master plan approvals • Recognized ECC 11A • Established the process for development 9 9 Land Acquisition: • On December 20, 2022,the City Council finalized the transfer of this 84-acres of land from GWC Capital, LLC to the City of Eagle through a structured purchase and park impact fee reimbursement agreement. io 10 5 7/31/2023 Why a PUMP? A PUMP intends to recognize the size and the extended build-out of the project; it is a masterplan document. The PUMP is a "check" in the process to ensure that individual projects within the larger "Valnova Planned Community" are consistent with the requirements of the Development Agreement and Eagle City Code. A PUMP is not... • A comprehensive plan review—that was completed with the development agreement approval in 2007. • A subdivision - The PUMP alone does not allow for the division of property. • The last step in the approval process. 11 11 Project Summary: The parcels within this application are part of the Valnova (Spring Valley) development and are held to the terms of development with the recorded development agreement associated with the development and City Code Title 11A "Planned Developments." Valnova is zoned as R-1-DA and will remain as such. No re-zone is proposed nor is it required. Through this PUMP No. 2 application, the applicant is seeking approval to designate the land as Regional Open Space (ROS). 12 12 6 7/31/2023 Eagle City Code Section 11A-2-2: LAND USE DISTRICTS Regional Open Space: Regional open space is intended to serve the general public and may be adjacent to, or provide connection to, large scale regional open space within the city's North Eagle Foothills planning area. Regional open space may include many of the amenities provided in community open space as well as active regional parks, regional trail corridors (such as the Big Gulch Regional Park, trail and open space corridor), and large natural areas planned for dedication as permanent natural open space as part of an Eagle Regional Park and Willow Creek Road open space corridor. Regional open space may be owned and maintained by the city, the Spring Valley Community Association, a land trust or other conservation group or entity. (Ord. 710, 1-14-2014) 13 13 Project Summary: Eagle City Code Section 11A-2-3: LAND USE STANDARDS Districts Uses Open Space ROS Parks,Open Space,and Open Space Easements P Recreation Fields,Courts,and Other Sports Facilities P/C Pump Stations Maintenance Facilities Related to Open Space Uses A A=ACCESSORY USE P=PERMITTED USE P/C=USE EITHER PERMITTED BY RIGHT OR PERMITTED BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 14 14 7 7/31/2023 PARK CONCEPT*: - c _� REGIONAL SPORTS � � r �.4�a.�;: � ��z � .- *Preliminary concept I r y,.•, it ter`-� " provided only for context. ° `-' v d ! The design, layout,and irav 4 1 a4 ; potential specific uses within . ;. . d .• y are still to be finalized. :11/ ,�+ : , 0:, ` 16, 1 `^0J . i s:. N 3 'W a1; 4 r� rya 4 , #!' Vk , , *' d� 1. Y .IYo 4� ,,. t 4 �: F 15 Comprehensive Plan Designation: Foothills Residential y - . ,_, Foothills Residential: -� � • Unique combination of land uses 1 Foothills q , Residential within the Eagle Foothills. • Balance of residential, non- �_,, I residential,and open space t — f, , i ♦ (developed and natural). i a00 • No residential density should be ���cuia.e/Ru.ai granted for areas located within the floodway.These lands should • Large Lot be used for open space. \ _: -i Mixed Use Ea le is HOME Comprehensive Plan—Chapter 6—Land Uses 16 Eagle is HOME Comprehensive Plan—Chapter 6—Land Uses 16 8 7/31/2023 Comprehensive and Zoning Map Designations: Comprehensive Plan Designation: Zoning Designation: Existing: Foothills Residential R-1-DA Foothills Residential Proposed: (No Change) R-1-DA(No Change) Foothills Residential North of site: (Ada County Designation) RR(Rural Residential—Ada County Designation) South of site: BLM Land PS(Public/Semi-Public) RR(Rural Residential—Ada County Designation) East of site: Foothills Residential RP(Rural Preservation—Ada County Designation) RR Rural Residential West of site: (Ada County Designation) RUT(Rural Urban Transition—Ada County Designation) 17 17 SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. All PUMP No. 2 Master plans, as approved or conditioned for approval, shall be used to evaluate and establish conditions of approval for any and all preliminary plat submittals within the Boundary of PUMP No.2. 2. Comply with all requirements of the Idaho Transportation Department. All Planning Unit Master Plan maps shall be updated consistent with ITD approvals. 3. No grading shall occur on the site, until the applicant has received approval from the City in accordance with the Spring Valley Grading and Hillside Development Standards. 4. The City shall submit a Conditional Letter of Map Revision(CLOMR)Floodplain Development Permit application to be reviewed and approved by FEMA the City Engineer and the City Floodplain Administrator prior to any commencement of development within the Special Flood Hazard Area, as identified by the Flood Insurance Rate Map(FIRM)Panel No.16001C0130J,effective June 19, 2020. 5. The applicant shall design the joint trench with fiber optic conduit at the time of preliminary plat submittal as is needed to ensure that all development within Spring Valley can be serviced with fiberoptic internet service as the service becomes available to the area. 18 18 9 7/31/2023 SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 6. The applicant shall submit the proposed regional sports park to the PPRC for their recommendation prior to the submittal of a design review application. 7. The applicant(the City of Eagle),or its assigns,shall receive Design Review approval of all facilities, signage, landscape, and common areas to ensure the proposed park will be designed and constructed to be harmonious and appropriate in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity prior to the beginning of construction. 8. No development or permits shall be issued outside of the established boundary of PUMP No. 2 unless it is for an essential public facility (i.e. sewer, water, electrical, roads, or BLM access easements). These services shall remain subject to City approvals (i.e. grading, design review, and/or building permits). 9. The applicant (The City of Eagle) shall and obtain final plat approval comply with Eagle City Code Section 11A-7-1(A) prior to a Certificate of Completion being issued. 10.The applicant(The City of Eagle)shall connect to the City of Eagle Water system for domestic water and to the Eagle Sewer District system for sanitary sewer when central services are available to the site.The applicant shall comply with the conditions of development established through the Eagle Sewer District. 19 19 SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 14. All land uses and lots shall comply with the following and shall be subject to ECC 11A-2 at the time of development: PUMP ECC 11A- No.2 2:Land Max. Description: Density: Use Area: District: Regional Open Space:Regional Open Space is intended to serve the general public and may be adjacent to,or provide connection to,large scale regional open space within the City's North Eagle Foothills Planning Area. Regional Open Space may include many of the amenities provided in Community Open Space as well as active regional parks,regional trail corridors(such as the Big Gulch Regional Park,Trail and Open Space No SW ROS Corridor),and large natural areas planned for Residential dedication as permanent natural open space as part of Density an Eagle Regional Park and Willow Creek Road Open Space Corridor. Regional Open Space may be owned and maintained by the City,the Spring Valley Community Association,a land trust or other conservation group or entity. 81.06 acres of Regional Open Space is proposed within PUMP No.2 20 20 10 7/31/2023 SUMMARY: Through this PUMP No. 2 application, the applicant is seeking approval to designate the land as Regional Open Space (ROS), in conformance with Eagle City Code Title 11A and the Spring Valley development agreement. 21 21 SPORTS PARK - NEXT STEPS: • Complete construction documents for the regional sports park • Submit to the City Engineer for approval • Submit for a Flood Plain Development Permit • Submit a design review application • Comply with the requirements of ITD and ACHD • Comply with the requirements of the Eagle Sewer District 22 22 11 7/31/2023 Planning Commission Recommendation: On June 5, 2023, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission voted (5 to 0) to recommend approval of Planning Unit Master Plan (PUMP) No. 2 with the Site Specific Conditions of Approval found on page 18 and the Standard Conditions of Approval on page 20 of the Commission's Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law document. Additionally, staff requests that the Council consider the proposed language to the site specific conditions of approval outlined within this presentation. 23 23 End of Presentation 24 24 12 7 // 23 CO of '�r'�r. VALNOVA PLANNED UNIT MASTER .. ,``` ' o PLAN (PUMP) No. 3 �gG,xE �►� 0 PU-02-23 Eagle City Council Hearing July 11, 2023 City Staff: Daniel Miller,Planner III Phone: (208)939-0227 E-Mail: dmiller@cityofeagle.org 1 Project Summary: The applicant (the City of Eagle) is requesting: • Approval of Planned Unit Master Plan (PUMP) No. 3 (PU-02-23) within the Valnova/Spring Valley development. PUMP No. 3 proposes to designate the land as Regional Open Space (ROS) in conformance with the requirements of Eagle City Code Title 11A. 2 2 1 7/31/2023 -----r r---i ® -_--—.. Vicinity Map: s� ; 1-1 VALNOVA DEVELOPMENT > ___ --- Spring Valle M3 r� ! �- L- , (f.k.a. P 9 Y; ),' is BEACON LIGHT RD. a m Z q HWY.44 ' r To- t , s" ' -.c Mats,` 3 OVERVIEW: -1 - Spring Valley: 6,017.00 acres NORTHERN PLANNING AREA I I i --J 1 ANNING A - - -1PLANNNIGAREA -_ _- r 1 ,_.I SOUTHERN I I PLANNING AREA 1 HIGHWAY MIXED USE I ' I r PLANNING AREA I - -- L I NM i. -- 4 iI S N0 _ _J%OAWARRA 9ee F p_ J rmsu . t 4 4 2 7/31/2023 Previously Approved PUMP No. 1 '.. NORTHERN ' PLANNING AREA 1 Water Tank C \ Power \ 1 \ ''' BIG GULCH Ems• _ • e`IA NGAKA Sub Station I •�'" SOUTHERN SOU HE TRN -`Ark , PLANNING AREA PIANNING ARFA� I— J t•,• P\ I HIGHWAY MIXED USE. - PIANNINGAREA I PUMPNo.l I I 7' I 6... J .._ I II \_I A-I/ J .. I I ,1 J 3I .I _I- _ I Pt.NNIN G AF1`-.I r 1 — I•. 1 HQ- PLANNING AREA LEGEND H ///'''TI( 9r.�! KN..AREA AREA WITHIN PUMP.I .4-7 ...I HIOM4'Ar MIKE°LIM ROAD MOW ON, rot AND /� • BIG GULCr. NT 99 ACRES SOUTrrWESTERN IV 92 ACRE NOW-HERM 316.9 ACRE6 SOUTHERN I.55 ACRES PUMP.,5u6 TOT. I MS St ACRES 5 5 OVERVIEW: Spring Valley: 6,017.00 acres PUMP No. 3: 603.04 acres NORTHERN PLANNING AREA 1 BIG GULCH 1 1 _1 — 'PLANNING AREA PtA SOUINGTHERN EA PUMP No.31 I PUMP No.3 ' r • 1 I PREVIOMP NaIPROVEO HIGHWAY MIXED USE I PUMP PIQI r----- i PLANNING AREA L-I L 1 UU.0 NNO c' I I n Z 1SOUTHWESTERN r-- p,, J PLANNING AREA t 1= C moo, ,...., Q IQ _1N I 6 6 3 7/31/2023 7 , ;. ; Vicinity Map: ,r .11.,:.1 , %. '...:.12% e. ' ‘.r-'41r '11,4',., a, kts 41' r i. , ':• 0 r .�-0 1 ' ,,�4 tt ,,,, N -i ',.Ai 4,':.t, .:' .04--1 1.- : ' it, ..; ' -4: . (5, • - . 'w r_" r ..,7^ R ` f a' Sri 5 tY 7 l Project History: Original Project Submittal —April 2006 (CPA,Annexation, Rezone with Development Agreement Conditional Use and PUD) • Project was not contiguous to the City Limits at the time of application • Land was not in the City's planning boundary/Comp Plan City-Wide Plan Amendment —Adopted February 2007 • Opposed to a stand alone amendment,the Council directed the City to complete the Foothills Subarea Plan for the area north of Homer Road and between SH-16&SH-55 • M3(previous developer)was allowed to retain their CPA application through the City's planning process. Approved Application — November 2007 City Council Approved the Pre-Annexation/Development Agreement (Establishing a process for the future annexation&rezone). City denied the Comprehensive Plan Amendment designating the property as"Foothills Residential." "Clouded" Entitlement -Not approved to construct, additional work&studies to be completed to perfect the application. 8 8 4 7/31/2023 Project History: Necessary Project Specific Approvals - • FEMA CLOMR approval— February 2009 • Hillside & Grading Standards—November 2009 • Annexation & Rezone—November 2009 • Habitat Mitigation Plan —January 2011 • ECC Title 11: Planned Developments Chapter A: Spring Valley—January 2014 • Included a Zoning Ordinance Amendment&Design Review Applications Development Agreement Modification —January 2014 • Recognized the master plan approvals • Recognized ECC 11A • Established the process for development 9 9 Project History: • On June 10-11, 2022,the City and its consultant, Big Sky Acoustics, conducted an onsite noise study to quantify existing ambient conditions and gunshot sound levels. • On September 15, 2022,ACHD approved the transportation study associated with the development. • On June 2, 2022,the City and its consultant, Duran Environmental Consulting, LLC, completed an environmental study. • On September 27, 2022,the City Council approved a zoning ordinance amendment associated with Eagle City Code Title 11A(ZOA-03-22)that included revisions to the land use chart to include "Shooting Ranges/Gun Clubs(Outdoor)"as a use permitted by right through the planning unit master plan or permitted by conditional use permit as defined in the specific land use standards for that use." • On December 20,2022,the City Council accepted this 603.04-acres of land as a donation from GWC Capital, LLC. io 10 5 7/31/2023 Eagle Shooting Sport Park Milestone of the park outreach and project development. Date Milestone Title Description or Activity 2021 Foothills Recreation Plan' Citizen Committee review of environmental,cultural,and recreational user of public land in the foothills.Recognized the need for formal shooting sports facility. February 2022 User Group Meeting Nl" Discussion with various public and private users groups about interest in a shooting sports park. March 2022 Town Hall Meeting" Town hall meeting to hear thoughts on a potential shooting sports park. March 2O22 Public Survey' Open on-line survey to assess public interest in a shooting sport park. March 22,2O22 City Council Direction Complete Noise,Environmental and Transportation Studies for the Site per public comment. 0 Summer 2O22 Site Studies Completion of Noise,Environmental and Transportation Studies including a 3rd party review of the noise study. t August 29,2022 City Council Town Hall Meeting" City Council update on studies. October 25,2022 City Council Direction Presentation of studies and findings to the City Council.Council directed staff to finalize land 8 acquisition,funding,and RFQ for design/build. December 20,2022 Land Acquisition City receives donation of site and surrounding property. Winter 2O22-23 Review RFQ for Design/Build Firms Council issued a Request for Qualification for firms able to assist in the design/build process of the park. May 9,2O23 City Council Awards Contract City Council awards design/build contract to TRS Range Services.Includes structured timelines and required"Notices to Proceed"based on City required approvals. June 2O23 User Group Meeting f12" Overview of site changes based on studies.Specific plans for Phase 1&2(archery) Public Hearing on the Planning Unit Master Plan.Consistency with the Spring Valley/Valnova Tonight PUMP Hearing" Development agreement&code.Recommendation of approval from P&Z Commission July 19,2022 Community Open House' Overview of site changes based on studies.Specific plans for Phase 1&2(archery) Requires: Late Summer 2O23 NTP Site Alteration Requires PUMP approval i Requires Mass Grading Permit&compliance with Hillside and Grading Standards er Fall/Winter 2O23 NTP Vertical Construction City Design Review Approval aa (DR Board&City Council") Requires: 3 TBD Ribbon Cutting Archery Wildfire Mitigation Plan Approval Compliance with ECC 11A-7-1A LL Building Certificate of Completion "Public Participation meetings or City Meetings with formal public comment 11 Why a PUMP? A PUMP intends to recognize the size and the extended build-out of the project; it is a masterplan document. The PUMP is a "check" in the process to ensure that individual projects within the larger "Valnova Planned Community" are consistent with the requirements of the Development Agreement and Eagle City Code. A PUMP is not... • A comprehensive plan review—that was completed with the development agreement approval in 2007. • A subdivision -The PUMP alone does not allow for the division of property. • The last step in the approval process. 12 12 6 7/31/2023 Project Summary: The parcels within this application are part of the Valnova (Spring Valley) development and are held to the terms of development with the recorded development agreement associated with the development and City Code Title 11A "Planned Developments". Spring Valley/ Valnova is zoned as R-1-DA and will remain as such. No re-zone is occurring or required. Through this PUMP No. 3 application, the applicant is seeking approval to designate the land as Regional Open Space (ROS). 13 13 Project Summary: Eagle City Code Section 11A-2-2: LAND USE DISTRICTS Regional Open Space: Regional open space is intended to serve the general public and may be adjacent to, or provide connection to, large scale regional open space within the city's North Eagle Foothills planning area. Regional open space may include many of the amenities provided in community open space as well as active regional parks, regional trail corridors (such as the Big Gulch Regional Park, trail and open space corridor), and large natural areas planned for dedication as permanent natural open space as part of an Eagle Regional Park and Willow Creek Road open space corridor. Regional open space may be owned and maintained by the city, the Spring Valley Community Association, a land trust or other conservation group or entity. (Ord. 710, 1-14-2014) 14 14 7 7/31/2023 Project Summary: Eagle City Code Section 11A-2-3: LAND USE STANDARDS Districts Uses Open Space ROS Parks,Open Space,and Open Space Easements P shooting Ranges/Gun Clubs(Outdoor) P/C P=PERMITTED USE P/C=USE EITHER PERMITTED BY RIGHT OR PERMITTED BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 15 15 SHOOTING SPORTS PARK CONCEPT*: 'AG! SHOO'ING SPORTS PARK DI C SIGN *Preliminary concept provided only for context. The Design, layout,and potential specific uses within _ 4 are still to be finalized. a. .g si> ya' v•dt . t.. y . :,..ram } � .,`;.* b✓ ' �' }• `F .41 16 16 8 7/31/2023 Comprehensive Plan Designation: Foothills Residential Foothills Residential: R • Unique combination of land uses % within the Eagle Foothills. s, • Balance of residential, non- residential, and open space (developed and natural). • No residential density should be • granted for areas located within �! �� the floodway.These lands should be used for open space. Eagle is HOME Comprehensive Plan—Chapter 6—Land Uses 17 17 Comprehensive and Zoning Map Designations: Comprehensive Plan Designation: Zoning Designation: Existing: Foothills Residential R-1-DA Foothills Residential Proposed: (No Change) R-1-DA(No Change) Foothills Residential North of site: (Ada County Designation) RR(Rural Residential—Ada County Designation) South of site: Agriculture/Rural&Foothills Residential RR(Rural Residential—Ada County Designation) RR(Rural Residential—Ada County Designation) East of site: Foothills Residential RP(Rural Preservation—Ada County Designation) R-1-DA(Valnova Development) West of site: Agriculture/Rural&Foothills Residential RR(Rural Residential—Ada County Designation) 18 18 9 7/31/2023 SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. All PUMP No. 3 Master plans, as approved or conditioned for approval, shall be used to evaluate and establish conditions of approval for any and all preliminary plat submittals within the Boundary of PUMP No.3. 2. The applicant (The City of Eagle) shall comply with all requirements of the Ada County Highway District. 3. No grading shall occur on the site until the applicant has received approval from the City Engineer in accordance with the Spring Valley Grading and Hillside Development Standards. 4. The applicant shall be required to place a deed restriction and/or ja4at note on the Native/Undisturbed areas within the Habitat of Special Concern (HASC) areas identified to be preserved prior to the issuance of a certificate of completion at the time of final plat submittal. These preserved areas shall be identified to be managed and maintained as native and undisturbed areas and there shall be no alterations or modifications to these areas including, but not limited to, grading, drainage, landscaping, conventional maintenance.The specific wording shall be reviewed by the City Engineer and the City Attorney prior to approval of a final plat. a. Disturbance of the HASC areas for the sole purpose of the implementation and use of the shooting sports park and any natural trails shall be permitted.Any disturbance beyond what is required for the implementation and use of the shooting sports park and any natural trails shall be rehabilitated by the City. 19 19 SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 5. No development shall occur nor shall any permits be issued outside of the established boundary of PUMP No. 3 unless it is for an essential public facility (i.e. sewer, water, electrical, roads, or BLM access easements). These services shall remain subject to City approvals (i.e. grading, design review,and/or building permits). 6. The applicant(the City of Eagle),or its assigns,shall receive Design Review approval of all facilities, signage, landscape, and common areas to ensure the proposed park will be designed and constructed to be harmonious and appropriate in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity prior to the beginning of construction. 7. The applicant (the City of Eagle), or its assigns, shall establish operational guidelines for the proposed shooting sports park that includes, but is not limited to, the designated uses and permissible on site activities, hours of operation, safety measures and requirements, emergency procedures, and general park operational guidelines, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Completion. 8. The applicant (the City of Eagle), or its assigns, shall conduct subsequent noise tests on site, as is required to provide record that the design and operation of the proposed shooting sports park complies with requirements of Eagle City Code Section 11A-4-4(VV)(7)and Idaho State Statutes 55- 2601 and 67-9201,prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Completion. 20 20 10 7/31/2023 SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 9. The applicant (The City of Eagle) shall submit a subdivision application and obtain final plat approval comply with Eagle City Code Section 11A-7-1(A) prior to a Certificate of Completion being issued. 10.The applicant (The Cit., f Eaglet itr shall obta r•tte -,l cr the Q, of Alcohol,Tobacco,and Firearms(ATF)prier tte-Feceiving a Certificate of Completion for the proposed shooting sports park. 11.The applicant shall obtain Central District Health (CDH) approval for the use of either an onsite septic system or"porta potties" prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Completion associated with the proposed shooting sports park. 12. If central sewer becomes available to the proposed location of the shooting sports park and the City decides to connect to central sewer at that time, the City shall annex into the Eagle Sewer District(ESD)and comply with the conditions of development established through the Eagle Sewer District. 13.The applicant(The City of Eagle)shall submit final design drawings of the proposed shooting sports park to the Eagle Fire Department for review and approval prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Completion. 21 21 SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Alcohol,Tobacco,and Fir arms(ATF)prior to receiug a-Gerti€ieate of Completion for the proposed shooting sports park. EAGLE CITY CODE 11A-4-4: vv Snooting Ranges Gun vistis t The app cant or G14ner snaii Obtain onn e r apprcva:horn the federal cureau"alcono tobacco a"c teams 4 `f gun sales or gun repac is conducted v ihin the race ity the o,+ner of the indoor shooing range she secure and maintain a vai,c federal firearms incise tom the ATF 22 22 11 7/31/2023 SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 14. All land uses and lots shall comply with the following and shall be subject to ECC 11A-2 at the time of preliminary plat approval: PUMP ECC 11A- No.3 2:Land Max. Description: Planning Use Density: Area: District: Regional Open Space:Regional Open Space is intended to serve the general public and may be adjacent to,or provide connection to,large scale regional open space within the City's North Eagle Foothills Planning Area. Regional Open Space may include many of the amenities provided in Community Open Space as well as active regional parks, regional trail corridors(such as the Big Gulch Regional Park, Trail and Open Space Corridor),and large natural areas No Southern ROS planned for dedication as permanent natural open spaceas Residential part of an Eagle Regional Park and Willow Creek Road Open Density Space Corridor. Regional Open Space may be owned and maintained by the City, the Spring Valley Community Association, a land trust or other conservation group or entity. 603.04 acres of Regional Open Space(RO5) is proposed within PUMP No.3 23 23 SUMMARY: Through this PUMP No. 3 application, the applicant is seeking approval to designate the land (603.04-acres) as Regional Open Space (ROS), in conformance with Eagle City Code Title 11A and the Spring Valley development agreement. 24 24 12 7/31/2023 NEXT STEPS (IF APPROVED BY COUNCIL): • Design/Build contractor will complete subsequent studies, design and engineering as recommended in the Traffic Impact Study, environmental study, and the noise study • Submit to the City Engineer for approval • Submit a design review application • Comply with the requirements of ACHD • Comply with all requirements of the Eagle Fire District • Obtain Central District Health approval 25 25 Eagle Shooting Sport Park Milestone of the park outreach and project development. Date Milestone Title Description or Activity July 19,2022 Community Open House" Overview of site changes based on studies.Specific plans for Phase 1&2(archery) Requires: E Late Summer 2023 NTP Site Alteration Requires PUMP approval C Requires Mass Grading Permit&compliance with Hillside and Grading Standards : a Fall/Winter 2023 NTP Vertical Construction City Design Review Approval (DR Board&City Council') `o Requires: TBD Ribbon Cutting Archery Wildfire Mitigation Plan Approval Compliance with ECC 11A-7-1A Building Certificate of Completion "Public Participation meetings or City Meetings with formal public comment 26 13 7/31/2023 Planning Commission Recommendation: On June 5, 2023, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission voted (4 to 1 — McCauley against) to recommend approval of Planning Unit Master Plan (PUMP) No. 3 with the Site Specific Conditions of Approval found on page 21 and the Standard Conditions of Approval on page 23 of the Commission's Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law document. Additionally, staff requests that the Council consider the proposed language to the site specific conditions of approval outlined within this presentation. 27 27 End of Presentation 28 28 14