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Minutes - 2023 - City Council - 06/27/2023 - Regular
EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 27,2023 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER, PIKE, BAUN (remote attendance), RUSSELL. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. ADDITIONS.DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: 5. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council: Gindlesperger reports on the Library Board meeting, they had a presentation from Avimor representatives regarding the library services on site. Pike reports on the Urban Renewal Agency meeting, and states that the City's Economic Specialist, Tammy Halcomb gave a presentation on building activities in Eagle. The URA will be working on their upcoming budget in forthcoming meetings. Russell reports on activities at the Eagle Senior and Community Center. Metro Meals on Wheels continue to provide lunch services on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Bingo play has been expanded for after each of those meals. The bridge and pinocle groups continue to meet. Live music was provided on Thursday as is tradition. B. Department Supervisor: 1. City Treasurer,Financial Reports for May 2023 C. Eagle Police Department:No report D. City Attorney:No report 6. PUBLIC COMMENT 1: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time.This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter,land use application,or comment on a pending application or proposal.Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. No one choses to speak. 7. ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS- CONSENT AGENDA ♦ Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor,a Councilmember,member of City Staff,or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion.Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. ♦ Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff,Planning&Zoning Commission,or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of June 13,2023.(TEO) C. Minutes of June 15,2023.(TEO) D. Independent Contract Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Mike Olsen Photography: An Independent Contract Agreement between the City of Eagle and Mike Olsen Photography for Eagle Fun Days. Compensation shall be at a rate of$1,000.00 for photography services. (JDH) E. Independent Contract Instructor Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Lisa Foster: An Independent Contract Instructor Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Lisa Foster in Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-27-23min.docz teaching Voice Over Acting Classes. Compensation shall be at a rate of 70% of the total revenue generated by registration. (KRD) F. Independent Contract Instructor Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Jack Drew: An Independent Contract Instructor Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Jack Drew for Teaching Soccer Camps.Compensation shall be at a rate of 70%of the total revenue generated by registration fees.(LKB) G. DR-18-23-Apartment Buildings lincl. 1,000-SF Retaill,and Common Area Landscaping within Molinari Park Subdivision - Silverado Management: Silverado Management, represented by Walter Lindgren with Lindgren:Labrie Architecture, is requesting design review approval for three (3) apartment buildings (one — 61,423-SF [including 1,000-SF retail], one — 82,686-SF,one—87,807-SF)and common area landscaping within Molinari Park Subdivision.The 7.16-acre site is located on the south side of East Plaza Drive approximately 1,200-feet east of the intersection of South 2nd Street and East Plaza Drive at 401 East Cedar Ridge Street. (ERG) H. DR-24-23-Office Business and Professional)Building in Eagle Island Crossing-Aspire Realty Group: Aspire Realty Group, represented by Walter Lindgren with Lindgren:Labrie Architecture, is requesting design review approval for a 5,886-square foot office (business and professional) building within Eagle Island Crossing. The 0.55-acre site is generally located northeast of State Highway 44 and North Fisher Park Way at 62 North Fisher Park Way within Eagle Island Crossing(Lot 9, Block 2,Arts West Subdivision No. 2). (ERG) 1. DR-25-23 - Two Building Wall Signs for Aspire Realty Group - Aspire Realty Group Aspire Realty Group, represented by Walter Lindgren with Lindgren: Labrie Architecture, is requesting design review approval for two halo illuminated building wall signs. The 0.55-acre site is generally located northeast of State Highway 44 and North Fisher Park Way at 62 North Fisher Park Way within Eagle Island Crossing(Lot 9,Block 2,Arts West Subdivision No. 2).(ERG) J. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of RZ-04-17 MOD2&PP/FP- 01-22-Development Agreement Modification and Combined Preliminary and Final Plat for Bronco Acres Subdivision - Mustang Crossing Eagle, LLC: Mustang Crossing Eagle, LLC, represented by Stephanie Hopkins with KM Engineering, LLP, is requesting a development agreement modification and combined preliminary/final plat approvals for Bronco Acres Subdivision (a re-subdivision of a portion of Lots 1 and 9, and all of Lot 4, Block 2, Flint Estates Subdivision), an 8-lot (7-commercial, 1-residential/flex space) mixed use subdivision. The 9.84- acre site is located at the northeast corner of North Park Lane and State Highway 44. (MJW) K. Easement Agreement associated with Arvory Crest Subdivision No. 2 - AG Essential Housing : Staff is requesting approval of an easement agreement associated with Arvory Crest Subdivision No. 2. The easement agreement is for the installation, maintenance, repair, replacement, use, and operating an underground water line or lines associated with the City of Eagle's Municipal Water System. The 31.49-acre site is located at the southeast corner of State Highway 16 and West Floating Feather Road. (MJW) L. Memorial Bench for Ada Marie Larsen: Request for Council approval of a memorial bench to be located on the North Channel Center greenbelt. (ELZ) M. Refection of Bids - Eagle Road Waterline - Veolia Connection: Staff is recommending Council reject all informal bids received for the Eagle Road Waterline - Veolia Connection as all bids received exceeded the maximum allowed for informal bidding process. (KRA) N. Addendum No. 1:Avimor Master Water Plan: Clarification of irrigation plan.(NBS/NMS) Avimor Water Master Plan Addendum 1 Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Russell moves to approve consent agenda items 8A-N. Seconded by GINDELSPEGER. GINDLESBERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE; ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None Page 2 KACOUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06.27-23min.docx Mayor moves the new business items to be heard at this time as it is prior to 6:00 p.m. 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: DR-26-23 - One Bar/Retail Building and One Multi—tenant Commercial Buildine within Palmetto Plaza - TERM Investments, LLC: TERM Investments, LLC, represented by Rebecca Forster, is requesting design review approval for two buildings [one 1,920-SF bar/retail building and one 9,284-SF multi-tenant commercial building] within Palmetto Plaza. The 1.1-acre site is located on the southeast corner of East Plaza Drive and South Palmetto Avenue at 781 East Plaza Drive (Lot 17, Block 3, Merrill Subdivision No. 2). (BAW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Mark Butler, 1675 W. Bishop Way Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Butler reviews the recommendation by the Design Review Board, and the modifications to the proposal that have been made based on their comments. Planner 11, Barb Williams reviews the revised landscape plan and elevations that were submitted. Reviews items for special consideration. General discussion between Council and the applicant representative regarding weight capacity on roof top, landscaping, roofing material, trash enclosure. BRS Architect representative for the applicant(name not provided). Identifies the roofing as an asphalt material in charcoal. The specifics of the covered patio have not been determined at this time. The renderings are conceptual in nature and not intended to be as-builts. There are a number of items that will be in the construction documents. Discussion. Gindlesperger moves to approve new business item 11A DR-26-23 - One Bar/Retail Building and One Multi—tenant Commercial Building within Palmetto Plaza to include the conditions in the original staff report, as well as item 15 to include the weeping crabapple trees and 16 to change the 4 trees on the north side to columnar trees. Seconded by Russell. Discussion. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. ACTION ITEM: DR-27-23 - Master Sien Plan for Palmetto Plaza, Including Three Buildine WallSiens for Sturman's - TERM Investments, LLC: TERM Investments, LLC, represented by Rebecca Forster, is requesting design review approval for a master sign plan for Palmetto Plaza, including three building wall signs for Sturman's. The 1.1-acre site is located on the southeast corner of East Plaza Drive and South Palmetto Avenue at 781 East Plaza Drive (Lot 17, Block 3, Merrill Subdivision No. 2). (BAW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Planner II, Barb Williams states that the changes incorporated reflect brick and the requested changes to the monument sign. Russell moves to approve new business item 11B DR-27-23 - Master Sign Plan for Palmetto Plaza, Including Three Building WallSigns for Sturman's to include the original site-specific conditions as to include the elevations presented tonight and the new sign design. Seconded by Pike. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 3 I(:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-27-23min.docx 9. ALL PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m ♦ Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council.This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. ♦ Public hearing testimony time limits: Individuals testifying are allotted three (3) minutes for non-repetitive testimony. ♦ Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest A. RZ-18-22/PP-23-22 - Rezone and Preliminary Plat for Silvercreek Subdivision - Ea0e River Development, LLC: Eagle River Development, LLC, represented by Dave Yorgason, is requesting a rezone from A (Agricultural) to R-2-DA (Residential with a development agreement [in lieu of a PUD]) and preliminary plat approvals for Silvercreek Subdivision,a 53-lot(4 1-buildable, 12-common)residential subdivision. The 65.39-acre site is located on each side of West Mace Road approximately 1,740-feet west of the intersection of West Windbreaker Lane and West Mace Road at 1522 and 1811 West Mace Road. (MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Dave Yorgason 14254 W. Battenburg Boise, Idaho representing Eagle River Development LLC, reviews the application and requests amendments to site specific conditions of approval. Mike Williams, Planner III reviews the staff report and site-specific conditions of approval and makes notes of items for special consideration. Mayor opens the public hearing. Baun asks for clarification regarding the natural features analysis and the requirements needed for those who conducted the analysis. Discussion regarding fencing type and floodway development. Mr. Yorgason addressing questions regarding landscaping, floodway and fencing questions. The consultants that performed the natural features analysis do possess the requirements required in City Code. Mayor closes the public hearing. Discussion. Pike moves to approve 10A RZ-18-22/PP-23-22 - Rezone and Preliminary Plat for Silvercreek Subdivision Eagle River Development with the agreement from the applicant that all site-specific conditions have been met and will comply with all federal laws. Adding 3.7C fencing style for animal protective fencing that meets the code. Seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE...MOTOIN CARRIES. B. *ZOA-02-23 - Subdivision Ordinance Amendment (Ordinance 897) - City of Eagle: An ordinance of The City of Eagle, Ada County Idaho, Repealing Title 9 "Land Subdivisions", Chapter 4 "Required Improvements", Section 1-6 "Trail and Pathway Regulations", and enacting a new Section 1-6 "Pathway and Trail Regulations"; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date. (WEV) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-0627-23min.docx Bill Vaughan, Zoning Administrator reviews the amendments to Title 9 regarding Trail and Pathway Regulations. Mayor opens the public hearing. No once choses to speak. Mayor closes the public hearing. Pike moves,pursuant to Idaho Code,Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that Ordinance#897 be considered after being read once by title only.Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. Pike moves that Ordinance#897 An ordinance of The City of Eagle,Ada County Idaho, Repealing Title 9 "Land Subdivisions", Chapter 4 "Required Improvements", Section 1-6 "Trail and Pathway Regulations", and enacting a new Section 1-6 "Pathway and Trail Regulations"; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date be adopted. Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER: AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN: AYE; RUSSELL: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. 11. PUBLIC COMMENT 2: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter, up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing and land use items.Comments regarding Public Hearing and land use items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s)in accordance with Idaho Code. At times,the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters(excluding Public Hearing and land use items)during this allotte time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3)minutes. 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 74-206 (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session.There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: Gindlesperger move pursuant to I.C. 74-206(1)that the City of Eagle convene an Executive Session for the purpose of(f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation,or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. Seconded by. GINDLESPERGER: AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN: AYE; RUSSELL: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. Council enters executive session. Discussion of pending/threatened litigation. Council exits executive session. A.ACTION ITEM: Action regarding pending/threatened litigation. No action taken. Page 5 KACOUNCIL\MINUTES\Temponry Minutes Work Area\CC-06-27-23min.dotx 13. ADJOURNMENT: Russell moves to adjourn. Seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted: ���` cPC:LE•..•• Q p,T E •. a• C SBORN,CMC c j �• Q: CITY ERK •�••. ;`.•'p� APPROVED: S N PIERCE OR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 6 KACOUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-27-23min.docz EAGLE CITY COUNCIL June 27, 2023 PUBLIC COT VAT 1 SIGN-UP Time is allotted on the agenda at the beginning and end of the council meeting. Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual. TESTIFY PRO/CON or NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL i5 (� 7A - i o1() Sf1LLArvT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL June 27, 2023 PUBLLQ,CMT 1 SIGN-UP Time is allotted on the agenda at the beginning and end of the council meeting. Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 9, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10B SUBJECT: ZOA-02-23 - Subdivision Ordinance Amendment (Ordinance 897) - City of Eagle TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 9, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10B SUBJECT: ZOA-02-23 - Subdivision Ordinance Amendment (Ordinance 897) - City of Eaale TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL o n '° °i d D N ° m• 37 3 n > > o c y < n c' w o C f 3 . J m 3 1 A a f w N o m N D o' °o m .° O '^ m x m ^ 3 T N ° ' N d o m m f v c o m n n wa 3. _ m x f. . 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RORTH EAST PERSPECTIVE _ ( i SOUTHEAST 1'ERSVECIlVt 7 Revised Multi-tenant Building Elevations II fIT11E1E1�' FIE1111�11�1JLFUTQjE TEM�NT� FI 1 E1 1 �1111tt AITrrn 1 1 South elevation — L, I C: 1.. T } L FI111ETEIAIT flT11ETE m FUTtllETEIIANT� FYIYIE1E1111 ftlltltFlElAA1 ' k �. { iJL I North elevation 8 4 7/5/2023 Revised Multi-tenant Floor Plan J in TT- -70 G7 G7 CU I IJi I I 0 G _.G 13 9 Revised Multi-tenant Roof Plan 1 I f t } P 10 5 7/5/2023 Revised Multi-tenant Building Perspectives MUM EAST PERWIM --- 11 Design Review Board Recommendation • On June 8, 2023, the Eagle Design Review Board voted 5 to 1 (Mihan recused; Grubb against) to recommend denial of this application based on the Board's deliberation provided on page 11 of the Design Review Board Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. 12 6 7/5/2023 Revised columns/roof overhang -- Y-0' r-1' xa-0• S-0' - r-0' - I --ate- -gas-- 13 Revised Roof overhang W 14 7 7/5/2023 Increased the columns from 6" to 18" Are there footings — if there are, they are in the 20' setback No footings — how do the columns relate to the surrounding grade? L y I a o n a o 0 15 Windows/Awnings/Signage Alignment } r. r e 'X i i 16 8 7/5/2023 Detailing on the front is not the same on the back 17 Lights offset from main entry door --- 17 , b 18 9 1 f 0 a f • Dead/dying tree and tree that has been removed 0 U a; ewes f o_,a �e 0 11• t ' A Missing tree PARCEL A PA Dead/dying tree \�;7fiY/IAt�fipiYM�wT ,; .. _ �.. i \�itlfig7fi77f2Zfii77W[q �., 0 O ! 1 1 7/5/2023 Trash enclosure details For enclosure details plans refer to A4.1—there is no A4.1 in the submittal documents. They are proposing Galvanized Corrugated metal panels for the gates. iAFR! s_.. iEpE ywiEN�.Nb u-0CIXJPY, _-- - ra+.nwiu4o It 'MMB�EE_ \�..�i. iRE0F410[tErwiyhy Epl wsEaiKs.wp 4tM.UFF� .r.,.... Fn'O EIE vwlgrEb�W MwlExW bwW'sCUVWSi 21 End of Presentation 22 11 7/5/2023 Presentation to Design Review Board 23 Issues of Special Concern • Proposed building architecture deferred to the Board • Floor plan of multi-tenant building showing columns on east and west elevations • Details of trash enclosure • Tree mitigation • Ground mounted mechanical unit on bar/retail building • Cross access/cross parking agreement • Trash enclosure agreement • Ingress/egress for adjacent properties 24 12 7/5/2023 Issues of Special Concern • Proposed building architecture deferred to the Board • Floor plan of multi-tenant building showing columns on east and west elevations • Details of trash enclosure • Tree mitigation • Ground mounted mechanical unit on bar/retail building • Cross access/cross parking agreement • Trash enclosure agreement • Ingress/egress for adjacent properties 25 Bar/Retail Building Perspectives oil �TMW@E7 PEgEPEC/�E �iM PEREPEC7IVR !lSI4�Lf . �TMEAST PERSPECTIVE 26 13 7/5/2023 Multi-tenant Building Colored Elevations ---- -- Win r,nncme OPT, 27 Issues of Special Concern • Proposed building architecture deferred to the Board • Floor plan of multi-tenant building showing columns on east and west elevations • Details of trash enclosure • Tree mitigation • Ground mounted mechanical unit on bar/retail building • Cross access/cross parking agreement • Trash enclosure agreement • Ingress/egress for adjacent properties 28 14 7/5/2023 Columns on East/West Bldg Elevations — SSC#2 s .. SO 29 Issues of Special Concern • Proposed building architecture deferred to the Board • Floor plan of multi-tenant building showing columns on east and west elevations • Details of trash enclosure • Tree mitigation • Ground mounted mechanical unit on bar/retail building • Cross access/cross parking agreement • Trash enclosure agreement • Ingress/egress for adjacent properties 30 15 7/5/2023 Trash Enclosure Elevations — SSC#3 PLAZA DRIVE _ Wes,..`:: •.,..<....< 1 1 �I L J e•�.� l�r 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 I r I 1 1 1 I 1 ( i I I 4167Mf IMI(•IG 1 1 31 Issues of Special Concern • Proposed building architecture deferred to the Board • Floor plan of multi-tenant building showing columns on east and west elevations • Details of trash enclosure • Tree mitigation • Ground mounted mechanical unit on bar/retail building • Cross access/cross parking agreement • Trash enclosure agreement • Ingress/egress for adjacent properties 32 16 7/s/2o23 Tree mitigation — SSC#4 PLAZA DRIVE If the City approves the removal of the tree and does not require mitigation,no --- -__- _- - additional trees are required. _ -OR- If the City approves the removal of the tree and does require mitigation, the applicant shall be required to provide a revised landscape plan showing an additional 8-caliper inches of tree(4,2-inch caliper trees)planted on site. The `^ revised landscape plan shall be reviewed and approved by staff prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. a -OR- If the City approves the removal of the tree and does require mitigation, the applicant may opt to pay an in lieu fee into the tree fund in the amount of $1,400.00(8-caliper inches x$175.00 per caliper inch). The payment to the tree fund shall be received by the City prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. ... � I OR PARCEL A "bO"0, i PARCEL B _ Any other combination of planting additional trees on site and/or a contribution to �l J� ; • I the tree fund as may be approved by the City. A revised landscape plan and/or contribution to the tree fund shall be reviewed and approved and/or submitted to the City prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate or commencement of any construction/demolition on the site,whichever occurs fast. 33 Issues of Special Concern • Proposed building architecture deferred to the Board • Floor plan of multi-tenant building showing columns on east and west elevations • Details of trash enclosure • Tree mitigation • Ground mounted mechanical unit on bar/retail building • Cross access/cross parking agreement • Trash enclosure agreement • Ingress/egress for adjacent properties 34 17 7/5/2023 Ground mounted mechanical on bar/retail — SSC#5 G }\1 C0 tL. 'tii. 41 -V \'Y Y 0 , `\ 700 \ .\ 35 Issues of Special Concern • Proposed building architecture deferred to the Board • Floor plan of multi-tenant building showing columns on east and west elevations • Details of trash enclosure • Tree mitigation • Ground mounted mechanical unit on bar/retail building • Cross access/cross parking agreement • Trash enclosure agreement • Ingress/egress for adjacent properties 36 18 7/5/2023 Agreements — SSC#'s 6, 7, and 8 ..., _ ►ARCEIA 37 Issues of Special Concern • Proposed building architecture deferred to the Board • Floor plan of multi-tenant building showing columns on east and west elevations • Details of trash enclosure • Tree mitigation • Ground mounted mechanical unit on bar/retail building • Cross access/cross parking agreement • Trash enclosure agreement • Ingress/egress for adjacent properties 38 19 7/5/2023 Landscape plan -- --- PLAZRRME C PARCEL PARCELS - l 39 Bar/Retail Building Elevations — East and West P. ROT ELEVATION _. WEST ..�..�. ELEVATION 40 20 7/5/2023 Bar/Retail Building Elevations — North and South I NORTH ELEVATION -." .... i ,.....� ,.. §$WTH 'ELEVAT A 41 Bar/Retail Building - Floor and Roof Plans .. � «. ui-- I. Ctm) f ...... __._..... r 7' 42 21 7/5/2023 Multi-tenant Building Elevations — North and South . N01101 EIEVAl10M . 43 Multi-tenant Building Elevations — East and West t IEEST Bly:;gN m q EAEI Y NEVAl10M 44 22 7/5/2023 Multi-tenant Building — Floor Plan 77 -- : -- - - - - -- ------I - - b L r W -_--- - 45 Multi-tenant Mezzanine — Floor Plan i ! Ci e,.yxc V++4 f 1 : 7. q o _ _o ©. 13 _of 46 23 7/5/2023 Multi-tenant Building - Roof Plan 47 Bar/Retail Building Perspectives V$rNM ST iEREP[CTIVE iM PIRSKCTNE �urauR�E ' iREART KRENCVAK 48 24 7/5/2023 Multi-tenant Building Colored Elevations ALI min rennet�e wteewu 49 25 7/5/2023 MASTER SIGN PLAN FOR PALMETTO PLAZA, INCLUDING SIGNAGE FOR STURMAN'S D R-27-23 Eagle City Council Meeting June 27, 2023 1 Site z 1 7/5/2023 Revised Landscape plan PLAz"°'""E showing monument sign 4 locations V PARCEL A PARCEL B - -� i 4 3 Revised Bar/Retail Building Elevations — East/West i East elevation i ); ... i West Elevation 4 2 1 Revised Bar/RetailBuilding Elevations • • --rR �d4•R2 Sr6 1'/irs RRi \ South elevation North elevation •r7 Ir ei. R/r i5/9L� 'RL /ra/e/ erm'+ese n•P ii I � ' ' • Mob • • • s ri .,. 0-10 °- :. _..... ..... IN 1:1 FW s»s::x:•asi::::::zsxr..... 4....- ..,..X .,Z..rx.-::m:^:::x.:s»: •:s7:: :ra :r: ^�r {.. _ ............... 3E ti :'siiiiiiiiiFril:?siiiii .':vh:::i .. � _ _ ..........»..........»....................................................... Y.:•7. ::1•:.Yt':. "S'L"d 'ice•• ASLt'� h:ti.:Y.:❖. l:l•' 4.:•:7. �o c,rs,,sr W'� ,:, rr:v�• >s,�.. s�z,. sve. -/... cc we�sr'f•�z �$.sc •��, � � �rl atr t:.. - td Kati 'Y,fi3tti[I(llll � �IIIlI1tI�TlU '� CiTIT1�I�'TR7 �ilIi(IUiillil Iili_Il�iillil • St: ./ 1• Sy • h Z' St5 C •6 S S 7/5/2023 Revised Landscape plan showing monument sign locations PLAZA DRIVE A I a ,••. PMICELA LOUNGE ds PATIO \. Cab 77 VIEW 7 Master Sign Plan Criteria Master sign Plan for Palmetto Plaza SECTION A-General Approval Requirements: 1. Any tenant of the building Interested In applying for exterior building signage and monument sign tenant panels shall be required to submit signage plans to tthhe Building Wall Signs: Architectural Control Committee(the"ACC for prior written approval.A City of Eagle deslgn revlt sign applicatlon accompanied y written approval by the ACC shall be 1.Materials may consist of metal,aluminum,plastic,acrylic,or similar material. submitted tothe City for review.No exterior building signage or monument sign tenant 2.No Internal Illumination of any sign shall be permitted.Halo illumination,external panels will be installed prior to receipt of City approval and a CIty of Eagle sign permit.In Illumination,punch through,or a combination of all shall be permitted. cases of any conflict between Eagle Clty Code and the criteria specified herein,the more P B restrictive requirements shall apply. 3.Signage Is limited to the areas identified on the building elevations. 2. All permits for tenant's signs and their installation shall be obtained by tenant,or their 4.Signs above the store fronts shall be centered top to bottom and side to side. representative,and shall conform to all local building and electrical codes as well as 5.Total area of the signage shall not exceed 10%of the area of the building face 5teria set forth hereafter. 3. All tenant signs shall be designed,constructed and installed at tenant's expense. (based on tenants lease space 6.Tenant logos,colors,font,etc.c.ownership are permitted. 4. No exposed conduit,brackets,fasteners or wiring of any type will be permitted.No Sign Placement: exposed raceways will be permitted. 5. All Signs shall meet Underwriter Laboratories and National Electrical Code requirements. SECTION B-Number,Location,Design and Construction of Signs: Monument Signs: 1. Flood lights used to Illuminate monument signs shall be screened or located so they do If approved heed to not shine onto any roadway or any nearby property. 2. Two monument signs are permitted.The monument signs will be8-feettall measured modify elevations from the sign base[o the top of sign but In no rase shall be permitted to be(kigher than 12-feet measured from the elevation at the centerline of the adjacent street if placed on a berm.The total sign area of tenant panels shall not exceed 50-square feet per side of the monument sign. 3. The monument signs will be externally illuminated by 3,000 Kelvin maximum LED ground SECTION C-Miscellaneous Requirements: mounted light fixtures(two on each skde of the signj. 3.Tenant shall,at the termination of the lease,remove Tenants sign and repair any 4. The monument sign will be used by the tenants located in the buildings. damaged area and restore the building to its original condition when Tenant's sign S. The color of all tenant panels shall be black background and white copy and/or logo with was erected.This work to be performed at Tenants expense. colors of chosen by tenant. 4.All other temporary signage,as may be permitted by Eagle City Code,shall be 6. All tenant Panels shall be constructed with pan channel aluminum primed and painted allowed. black with semi-gloss finish. 8 4 7/5/2023 Design Review Board Recommendation • On June 8, 2023, the Eagle Design Review Board voted 6 to 0 (Mihan recused) to recommend denial of this application based on the Board's deliberation provided on page 7 of the Design Review Board Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. 9 10 5 1 Building , • East , • West --- WEST ELEVATIQN nriun a nie[ nsus/s --- � �eul{ural r.w/u ie ./u■ ■nsws ■/a ■u w Building • ns — North and South n■m an ru m NORTH ELEVATHM =•T����� � 1 � ems_ _ e[Y eeR/ee 7e■ [Ye{eC eRe � Oe■ see/R[ ■e■ ■///�■ /Ri 7/5/2023 Multi-tenant Building Potential Wall Sign Locations IIQ TM �I.YIC r.tuuu 13 Two Monument signs LOUNGE i , .. - MCD \\;` 4 T)F� IhI tFpi i \•� - '� VIEW s 'i, �,'' It 14 7 7/5/2023 Master Sign Plan Criteria Master Sign Plan for Palmetto Plan SECTION A-General Approval Requirements: 1. Any tenant of the buildingintererted In applying for exterior building signage and monument sign tenant panels shall be required to submit signage plans to the Building Wall Signs: Architectural Control Committee(the"ACC")for prior written approval.A City of Eagle design review sign application accompanied by written approva m the ACC shall be 1.Materials may consist of metal,aluminum,plastic,acrylic,or similar material. submitted to the City for review.No exterior bui,dingsignage or monument sign tenant 2.No internal illumination of any sign shall be permitted.Halo Illumination,external panels will be installed prior to receipt of City approval and a C(ty of Eagle sign permit.In illumination,punch through,or a combination of all shall be permitted. rases of any conflict between Eagle Clty Code and the criteria specified herein,the more P B Pe restrictive requirements shall apply. 3.Signage is limited to the areas identified on the building elevations. 2. All permits for tenant's signs and their instailation shall be obtained by tenant,or their 4.Signs above the store fronts shall be centered top to bottom and side to side. representative,and shall conform to all local building and electrical modes as well as S.Total area of the signage shall not exceed 10%of the area of the building face criteria set forth hereafter. 3. All tenant signs shall be designed,constructed and Installed at tenant's expense. (based on tenants lease space c,ownership(. 6.Tenant logos,colors,font,etc.are permitted. 4. No exposed conduit,brackets,fasteners or wiring of any type will be permitted.No Sign Placement: exposed raceways will be permitted. S. All Signs shall meet Underwriter Laboratories and National Electrical Code requirements. SECTION B-Number,Location,Design and Construction of Signs: Monument Signs: 1. Flood lights used to illuminate monument signs shall be screened or located so they do ..----- not shine onto any roadway or any nearby property. 2. Two monument signs are permitted.The monument signs will be 8-feet tall measured from the sign base to the top of sign but In no case shall be permitted to be higher than 12-feet measured from the elevation at the centerline of the adjacent street if placed on a berm.The total sign area of tenant panels shall not exceed 50-square feet per side of _..._.. the monument sign. 3. The monument signs will be externally illuminated by 3,000 Kelvin maximum LED ground SECTION C-Miscellaneous Requirements: mounted light fixtures(two on each side of the sign(. 3.Tenant shall,at the termination of the lease,remove Tenants sign and repair any 4. The monument sign will be used by the tenants located in the buildings. damaged area and restore the building to Its original condition when Tenants sign S. The color of all tenant panels shall be black background and white copy and/or logo with was erected.This work to be performed at Tenant's expense. colors of chosen by tenant. 4.All other temporary signage,as may be permitted by Eagle City Code,shall be 6. All tenant panels shall be constructed with pan channel aluminum primed and painted allowed. black with semi-glossfinish. 15 End of Presentation 16 8 7/5/2023 Multi-tenant Building — Floor Plan "a c r i tt ---_-__v� ..� ....__-�_- _,- TT-r= ----- 17 9 7/5/2023 IN,x- VED A Preme min- 1 > Introduce Site REEK > Application Details > Issues or Concerns > Staff Report & Conditions of Approval 2 1 7/5/2023 Site Introduction: > 65.39 +/- acres a > Annexed in City of Eagle > Adjacent to development ! along existing Mace Road 3 Applications 1. Re-Zone with DA 2. Preliminary Plat 4 2 7/5/2023 Re-zoning with DA EEK > Requesting R-2-DA Residential - R-2 is consistent w/ surrounding developed area - DA puts limits and constraints to ensure it is built as approved > Justification stated in Staff Report and Application Narrative 5 77 z.7 FUTURE LAND USE 6 3 7/5/2023 Re-Zoning with DA EK • Neighborhood residential Land Use in Comp Plan is 2-4 du/A • R-2 Residential is allowed zone • Consistent with development in the area • Requesting less than 1 du/A = less density than allowed # of homes • Comply with the City Comprehensive Plan & Future Land Use Map Silvercreek Summary > Comp plan allows 2-4 du/A > Developed in 2 phases > 41 total residential units in phase 1, max 55 units = less than 1 du/A > Luxury estate custom homes > Well thought design: • Compatible lot sizes to comparable developments (all lots 1h acre or greater) • Private, gated streets similar to neighborhoods in the area (satisfies Eagle Fire) • Set aside phase 2 area until resolve floodway area s 4 7/5/2023 Phase 2 l Concept Boundary i 9 Open Space REEK > Approx. 14 acres of open space > 21.4% of total site > Ponds > Pedestrian-friendly separated sidewalks with street trees & Pathway > Additional open space in future 2nd phase with preliminary plat 10 5 7/5/2023 Sample Homes: > SF Luxury estate custom homes > Variety - > Quality homes with nice amenities and quality architecture 13 Ilk 11 Private Streets REEK ✓ All internal streets are private ✓ Consistent with other neighborhoods in the area ✓ Unique area with no cut through to adjacent parcels ✓ Marketing to luxury custom homebuyer ✓ Fire Department approval ✓ Additional Dues to pay for maintenance I o SILVERCREEK SUBDIVISION 12 6 7/5/2023 Neighbor feedback REEK > Neighborhood Meeting: - Discussions of Support, Opposition and Neutral - Listened to their comments and made adjustments where possible - Many liked the overall design of the subdivision, open space and marketing to luxury custom home buyer > Questions / Concerns: - Homes - Utilities - Piping& cleaning existing irrigation ditches - Fencing - Traffic 13 Traffi c REEK > Island Woods Drive / Mace Road History - City established planned densities for the Eagle Island Area - City Comp Plan shows Mace as a collector road - Designed & built as collector width to accommodate current and future growth > Traffic Analysis: - Studied remaining acres to develop - Allowable densities about 1.5 du/a - We are requesting less than 1 du/a q g d *170 remaining acres to develop x 1.5 du/a x 65 acres w ✓Allowed 95 homes ✓ Requesting only 41 units now,max 55 units _. 4 14 7 7/5/2023 Traffic REEK > Mitigation: - Paying impact fees to help enable ACHD's Capital Improvement Plan - Along our frontage, widening Mace Road and installing sidewalks on both sides of Mace Road (safer routes for bikes and pedestrians) - Reduced density for this site compared to maximum density allowed to further mitigate traffic impacts > Summary: - City planned for this area to develop with limited densities - Studied existing and future traffic - Adequate capacity with capacity remaining for future development > Agree with ACHD staff report with conditions of approval 15 Future Phase 2 > Open and Transparent > Approximately 20 acres > Large portion within floodway today > Years of analysis ` > There is some developable area today > Our plan: resolve new floodway & be consistent with phase 1 I > In development agreement for phase 2: =- - same density and additional open - -- space % as phase 1 - max 14 added lots = total up to 55 - new preliminary plat required 16 8 7/5/2023 P&Z Decision �lLA'FNCRL-EK Recommend Approval with one change ➢ Condition 3.9: adding under Maximum Lot Coverage: • "50% for single level homes" 17 CONCLUSION ti1LV EiRCRLL•K ry,�- . -'N: -. Excited to bring this quality development to Eagle Agree with P&Z Commission decision, the staff report and conditions of approval Request approval 18 9 7/5/2023 CREEK Thank You 19 I i � i SILVERCREEK SUBDIVISION Rmvawn EAGLE.IDAMO PRELIMINARY PLAT LANDSCAPE PLAN 20 10 7/5/2023 i •a �y:.'r 4 I ' �ii --_ - - _ -- OL100 21 SILVERCREEK SUBDIVISION-PREUNIMM PLAT ►ROJECT SIZE ? - •T� — -- # uwnxeK 22 11 7/5/2023 :. .. F .. --Ind\ _-.. _.�. -..._ .,.,.z Ir -.� � � � - 'L— ._.__..._.._y-._ _._ - _•_._ $r�r,� I \ i E fir•,.-._..—._-.�.._._.._.._ __. . 23 1 _ _..•._. _._ C.201- 24 12 7/5/2023 .p.. :._ Of _ c.M 25 - - -.._._._.._..-. -------------- ----------------- i� 1 'ia t Ft 26 13 7/5/2023 . ��F"-�.��e• � � y��,�^_ .:-Cap -W-'-_ ,,� \ as SILVERCREEK SUBDIVISION EAGLE.IDAHO PRELIMINARY PLAT LANDSCA►E►LAN a�A� 27 TREE MnKMTION NOTES _...y. WnGATION LEGEND .r. XX iI .1 ;r �! t p o i. rmto 28 14 7/5/2023 J 1\" KNTIGATM LEGEND, xx MOM ill, t ,... '' V���" �^,_Yt• \� E."� Mtn' v r ...._ ....-AREA ONE _--.:.. TMtt 29 NWIIGAT!�LEGEND - xx Qom- - x 02 N F < r N elm TMU 30 15 7/5/2023 W QWQ N F W < Qy<y ' WgY6 'MICIANON LEGEND T XX 31 Staff Report Agree with staff report and request one additional change: ➢ Condition 14: Pathways and Trails Requested change: Applicant is not required to construct Pathway"B", but shall provide a 25-wide easement to a allow for future pathway construction. 32 16 7/5/2023 CONCLUSION Excited to bring this 1 quality development to Eagle Agree with the staff I report and conditions of approval with one requested change a Request approval 33 17 1 SILVERCREEK SUBDIVISION RZ-18-22/PP-23-22 June 27,Eagle City Council Public Hearing Applicant: Eagle River Development, LLC Address: P.O. Box 1752 Eagle, ID 83616 Represented by: Dave Yorgason Phone: 208-850-1070 E-mail: dyorgason6@gmail.com 7/5/2023 Project Summary Eagle River Development, LLC, represented by Dave Yorgason, is requesting: • A rezone from A (Agricultural) to R-2-DA (Residential with a development agreement [in lieu of a PUD]) and preliminary plat approvals for Silvercreek Subdivision, a 53-lot (41-buildable, 12- common) residential subdivision. • The 65.39-acre site is located on each side of West Mace Road approximately 1,740-feet west of the intersection of West Windbreaker Lane and West Mace Road at 1522 and 1811 West Mace Road. 3 i Vicinity Map 4 2 7/5/2023 Preliminary Plat Landscape -- Plan t i 5 Preliminary Plat HE =c= � t 6 3 7/5/2023 Site Data Total Acreage of Site—65.39-acres Total Number of Lots—53 Residential—41 Commercial—60 Industrial—0 Common—12(inclusive of three 3] private street lots] Total Number of Units—41 Single-family—41 Single-family attached—0 Duplex—0 Multi-family—0 Total Acreage of Any Out-Parcels—0 7 SiteData ADDITIONAL SITE DATA PROPOSED REQUIRED Dwelling Units Per Oros Acre .84-dwdhng unds/acre 1.004weDwg uwts/scre nuo inmm (as hatited by the development agreattem) Methanol Lot Size 21,785-square fat 17,0004quare feet Minimum Lot Width 102-fat 75-fat Minton Street FroatW 66-feet 35-fat Total Acreage of Common Area 14.00-acres 13.08acres(minima) Open Space Percent of Site as Common Area 21.41% 20%(minimum) Open Space Emept that,a rd"m ECC Semen 9-3-8 (C)the City my requirea"tional public .W.priwae park or open epeoe 11-huet in PUDt m in nb&visiw with I I or more loft. Percent of Common Area Opal 20.001/1(2.Bactes) 15%(2.1acres minimum) Space as Active Open Space 8 4 7/5/2023 Issues of Special Concern • Proposed density and future re-subdivision of Lot 33 and 34, Block 1 • Reduced buffer area • Setbacks • Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) requirements • Subdivision Lot and Block numbering • PPRC recommended pathway locations • Idaho Power relinquishment letter 9 Proposed density and future re-subdivision of Lots 33 and 34, Block 1 3.1 The maximum density for the Property shall not exceed 55- V dwelling units and the maximum density of the roperty shall not exceed 1.00 dwelling unit per acre(excluding floodway). 3.1.1 Lots 33 and 34,Block 1,Silvercreek Subdivision may be re-subdivided with a maximum of 14 buildable lots(included within the maximum 55-dwelling units). 3.1.2 Owner shall submit a new preliminary plat application (as required pursuant to Eagle City Code)for the City to conduct public hearings and ensure compliance with this Development Agreement. 3.1.3 In the event Lots 33 and 34, Block 1, Silvercreek I Subdivision are re-subdivided,the required open space located within the re-subdivided area shall be proportionately equal to or greater than the open space provided within the originally - recorded subdivision,or approximately 21.4 percent. 3.1.4 Due to the uncertainty, of the timing to complete the floodplain study associated with reestablishing a new floodway i line,Owner shall have three(3)years from the date of the final plat recordation of Silvercreek Subdivision-Phase 1,to submit I a final plat application associated with the Silvercreek Subdivision-Phase 2(consisting of Lot 33 and/or Lot 34,Block 1,Silvercreek Subdivision) 10 5 7/5/2023 Reduced Buffer Area 3.5 Owner shall not be required to construct a buffer area (pursuant to Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-7[J][4][a]) within the portion of Lot 19, Block 1, located between West Mace Road and Lot 78, Block 1, Mace River Ranch Subdivision No. 4. f The"buffer area"shall be defined as a common lot located f between the residential lots within the subdivision and the right o wa line o the adjacent roadwa. f Y f 1 Y 11 Setbacks Condition of Development #3.9 Front 30-feet(living) 38-feet(front-load garage/where sidewalk is present)* Rear 30-feet Interior Side 10-feet(first story)5-feet(each additional story) Street Side 20-feet Maximum Lot Coverage 40%(50%for sinjzle-story dwellings and associated accessory structures) * A single-family dwelling unit that utilizes a side entry garage shall be permitted to a have a 5-foot reduction of the front-load garage setback 12 6 7/5/2023 Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) Requirements Conditions of Development 3.13 Owner shall provide a report or analysis of any proposed changes to wetlands located on the Property and any such change shall be contingent upon approval by the Army Corps of Engineers,Idaho Fish&Game Department(if applicable) the Idaho Department of Water Resources(if applicable),Ada County,and any other appropriate governmental agencies,ana shall be in accordance with the Eagle Comprehensive Plan and City Code.Owner agrees all development and improvement of the Property shall comply with rules and regulations pertaining to regulated wetlands prior to submittal of a final plat application. 3.14 Owner shall comply with all applicable provisions of Title 10,Flood Control,of the Eagle City Code. 3.15 Owner shall provide an approved Land Use Change/Site Development Application from Boise River Flood Control District No.10 prior to submittal of a final plat application. Site Specific Conditions of Approval 11.Provide a revised preliminary plat with a new plat note which states,"Silvercreek Subdivision is located within a Special Flood Hazard Area(SFHA)as identified on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps(FIRM)panel numbers 16001C0142J and 16001C0161J,(in effect at the time of final plat approval)and are subject to the regulations of Eagle City Code Title 30 Flood Control.Sheet flooding can and will occur and floods of greater magnitude may inundate areas outside identified floodplain and floodway boundary lines."The revised preliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal of a final plat application. (ECC 10-1-8-5[E]) 12.Provide a revised preliminary plat with a new plat note which states,Along the South Channel of the Boise River,there shall be a 25-foot wide riparian zone easement measured landward from the mean high water mark of the river in which no improvement is permitted and riparian vegetation shall be maintained in it natural state for the protection and stabilization of the riverbank and that the removal of trees or other vegetation is regulated."The revised preliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal of a final plat application.(ECC10-1-8-5[F]) 13.The applicant shall submit a floodplain development permit application.The floodplain development permit application shall be reviewed and approved by the Floodplain Administrator and the City Engineer prior to commencement of any grading within the site.(ECC 10-1-7) 13 Subdivision Lot and Block Numbering 4. Provide a revised preliminary plat showing the areas of the subdivision located north of West Mace Road as separate blocks with the lot numbering based on those separate blocks. The revised preliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal of a final plat application 14 7 7/5/2023 Parks, Pathways, and Recreation Commission's Pathways Recommendation, dated November 18, 2022 6. Provide a revised preliminary plat showing the pathway locations and widths in conformance with the Parks, r' Pathways, and Recreation Commission's recommendations as outlined within the Trails and k, Pathways Superintendent's memo dated November 18, 2022. The revised preliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal of final plat application. (ECC 9-4-1-6) 15 Idaho Power Relinquishment Letter 19. Provide a relinquishment i'`` letter associated with the 20-foot- , wide Idaho Power easement (Ada County instrument #8631302), prior to submittal of a final plat application. I� - --------------------- -- - A 16 8 7/5/2023 Staff Recommendation If the rezone (with development agreement [in lieu of a PUD]) and preliminary plat are recommended for approval, staff recommends the conditions of development on page 4, site specific conditions of approval provided on page 7, and the standard conditions of approval provided on page 34. 17 Planning Commission Recommendation On May 15, 2023, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission voted (4 to 0, Wright absent) to recommend approval of this application with the conditions of development, site specific conditions of approval, and standard conditions of approval provided on page 26 of the Planning and Zoning Commission Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. is 9 7/5/2023 End of Presentation 19 Comprehensive COMP PLAN ZONING LAND USE DESIGNATION DESIGNATION Existing Neighborhood Resideadal A(Agricultural) Singlo-family residence and Plan Map agriculture Designation & Proposed No Change R-2-DA(Residential with a Single-family residential Development Agreement(m lien subdivision A a PUD> Zoning Map North of site Neighborhood Residential A(Agricultural) Agriculture Designation South of site Neighborhood Residential R-2-P(Residential—PUD) South Channel of the Boise River and vacant parcel East of site Neighborhood Residential R-2-DA-P(Residential with a Two(2)single-family development agreement—PUD), residential subdivisions(Mace A(Agricultural),A.B. River Ranch No.4,and Warms (Agricultural-Residential),and R- Edge No.3)and single-family 2-DA(Residential with a residential banes on large development or-) parents. West of site Neighborbood Residential RUr(Residential—Ada County Single-family residence and designation)and A(Agricultural agriculture 20 10 DRAFT ORDINANCE NO.897 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAGLE,ADA COUNTY IDAHO, REPEALING TITLE 9"LAND SUBDIVISIONS", CHAPTER 4 "REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS", SECTION 1-6 "TRAIL AND PATHWAY REGULATIONS,AND ENACTING A NEW SECTION 1-6 "PATHWAY AND TRAIL REGULATIONS;PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE;AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,the City of Eagle, Idaho is a municipal corporation organized and operating under the laws of the State of Idaho; and WHEREAS,pursuant to Chapter 65,Title 67, Idaho Code,the City of Eagle has the authority to adopt, establish and amend a Subdivision Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council have determined that good cause exists for amending the Eagle City Subdivision Ordinance to protect the public health and safety and the aesthetic quality of the City; and WHEREAS,the proposed changes to the Eagle Subdivision Ordinance are in accordance with the City of Eagle Comprehensive Plan; WHEREAS, it is the intent of the City of Eagle Council to provide Eagle citizens with a network of bicycle and pedestrian routes that promotes health and allows mobility, alternate transportation and recreation on public trails and pathways; and NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE,Ada County,Idaho; Section 1: That Title 9, Chapter 4, Section 1-6, be, and is hereby repealed in its entirety, and is hereby amended with the following text to be added: 9-4-1-6: PATHWAY AND TRAIL REGULATIONS: A. Intent: The placement of Pathways and Trails are intended for management of motorized and non-motorized forms of use,to provide safe,convenient, and aesthetic alternative travel routes to common destinations such as schools,parks, shopping centers, etc., and to promote economic development and recreation options in areas that allow it. The following factors will be considered in the placement of any Pathway or Trail: the utility, need, and impact to existing neighborhoods; soils and hydrology; erosion potential; impacts to native wildlife habitat; special status plant; wildlife species; cultural resources; compliance with the City of Eagle Comprehensive Plan; compliance with the City of Eagle Pathways and Trails Master Plan; compliance with any approved Open Space, Wildlife Mitigation Plan, or similar document for the development; design as it relates to both crime prevention and function; and the responsibilities of ownership and maintenance. Pagel of 7 PAPublic Meetings Presentations\2023-City Council\CC-06-27-23\ZOA-02-23 Ord 897 PZ rec.docx B. Pathway and Trail Terms: 1. Pathways: Facilities that are designed to improve connectivity throughout the Pathway system and developments. The term Pathways shall refer to those facilities that are regulated and managed by the City or depicted in the City's Pathways and Trails Master Plan. 2. Trails: Facilities that are designed to improve connectivity throughout the Trail system and development. Trails shall have an open space and trail planning/funding process approved by the City. Trails shall be managed by the party outlined in the approved open space and trail planning/funding process. 3. Trailhead: A designated area used for access to Pathways or Trails that may include vehicle parking, bike parking,restrooms, and other facilities related to trail use. 4. Regional Pathways and Trails: Facilities that are intended to provide regional connectivity throughout the City. 5. Community Pathway: Facilities that are intended to provide routes to and through developments connecting to or providing linkage to regional facilities, arterials and collectors that provide alternative transportation features, or adjacent developments. 6. Neighborhood Pathways: Facilities that are intended to be integrated into the design of common area open spaces within neighborhoods and provide connectivity on a neighborhood scale. 7. Tread: the finished usable surface of a pathway or trail: a. Hard Surface: Refers to tread materials such as concrete, asphalt,pavers, and rigid permeable composites. b. Natural Surface: Refers to tread materials made of stone and other natural materials that have been engineered for specific applications such as gravel, and road mix. c. Native Surface: Refers to tread materials made from non-engineered materials, such as native soil or aggregate. C. Management and Regulations: 1. All Trails and Pathways that are not deemed to be private, by the City, shall have public access. 2. Such access shall be perpetual and non-revocable but may be relocated by the landowner so long as the connectivity provided by the original access is not materially affected. 3. Pathways within a platted area shall be identified on the plat with a note, creating a public access easement for the pathway. 4. Details for pavers and rigid permeable composites, used on a pathway, shall be approved by the City. 5. Trails shall be surveyed or provided with a center line in GIS or CAD format with a defined area in the attribute, i.e., width and type of trail, and conform to City data Page 2 of 7 PAPublic Meetings Presentations\2023-City Council\CC-06-27-23\ZOA-02-23 Ord 897 PZ rec.docx standards. 6.All Trails shall have an open space and trail planning/funding process approved by the City. This process shall include: a. Standardized application and review process for new or modified Trails and open space projects. b. A defined funding and management structure for implementation and maintenance of the trail/pathway system in perpetuity. c. If an open space and trail planning/funding process is created after the subdivision has been approved by the City, City approval is required. D. Pathways: 1. Signage: a. Within public access easement(s) granted to the City;the City shall reserve the right to display signage. b. The physical form including materials, placement, and messaging of any signage that the developer or HOA wishes to display within the public access easement(s) granted to the City, or signage placed within a five hundred feet(500') of a City-managed pathway with messaging directed to pathway users, must be approved in writing by the City. c. Developer shall add language to the governing documents of the development (i.e CCR's, charters, bylaws, etc.)that ensures signage will not be placed in any area that would otherwise mislead the public regarding their right to public access of the Pathways. 2. Pet Waste Stations and Trash Receptacles: a. For the health and safety of the public, pet waste bag stations and trash receptacles may be required by the City within public access easement(s) granted to the City. b. Shall be maintained by the property owner or the City as determined by the City. 3. Location: a.The City shall require general conformity with the City's Pathways and Trails Master Plan,the approved Open Space and Wildlife Mitigation Plan, or similar document for that development. In addition to conformity with the aforementioned plans, consideration shall be given for connectivity to the following facilities: (1) Schools; (2) Park areas and open space; (3) Other pathway and trail facilities, including nearby trailheads; (4) Nearby residential areas; Page 3 of 7 PAPublic Meetings Presentations\2023-City CounciRCC-06-27-23MA-02-23 Ord 897 PZ rec.docx (5) Public land; (6) Public and private transit facilities; and (7) Future subdivision phases. b. Pathways may be required to connect sites other than those noted above when there is evidence that a pedestrian/cyclist would otherwise be forced to travel alongside a designated arterial roadway, or other roadway that may be hazardous for non-motorized forms of travel, in order to reach the desired destination. c. Pathways may be required to connect to locations other than those noted above to adapt to the changing needs of the public or to mitigate bike/pedestrian hazards or safety concerns. d. Where environmental concerns are observed,the Pathway may be redesigned pursuant to the City's approval. 4.Design: The City will be responsible for approving the design of Pathways. While the City may exercise considerable discretion in determining the design of Pathways,the following minimum standards shall be followed: a. Those standards adopted by resolution of the City Council titled, "The City of Eagle Pathways and Trails Design and Construction Standards. b. For all Pathways maintained by the City, a minimum of a four foot(4')wide landscaped area, natural open space, area/building and fence setback, as measured from both edges of the path, shall be required, and will be owned by either the abutting property owner(s) or a homeowners' association unless accepted by a public entity. The four foot(4') wide landscaped area on either side of the pathway may be decreased to a minimum of two feet(2') wide (as measured from the edge of the tread to the easement line)when used in conjunction with a meandering pathway. However, the total width of the landscape area shall not be less than eight feet(8') (i.e.,two feet(2')on one side of the path and six feet(6') on the other). For safety purposes,planting material in this area is limited to three feet(3') in height. Exceptions may be granted by the City based on site limitations or alternative management guidelines. c. Alternative design(s)may be approved by the City. 5. Classifications: a. Regional: (1) The tread shall be a minimum of ten feet(10')in width. (2) Shall be constructed to the City Pathways and Trails Design and Construction Standards, unless otherwise approved by the City. (3) Shall be maintained by the City,HOA, developer, or property owner, as determined by the City. (4) Tread surface shall be determined by the City. (5) Shall include a twenty-five foot(25') wide public access easement for City maintained Pathways. All Pathways not dedicated to the City shall have an easement width of Page 4 of 7 PAPublic Meetings Presentabons\2023-City Council\CC-06-27-23\ZOA-02-23 Ord 897 PZ rec.docx a minimum of the tread width plus four feet(4') on each side unless the pathway is located within a public right-of-way,then an easement is not required. The City may grant an exception to the required easement width. (6) Adequate lighting for bridges and tunnels may be required as determined by the City. (7) To mitigate congestion along roadways related to regional pathways, off-street public parking may be required by the City. b. Community: (1) Shall be eight-foot(8') in width unless otherwise approved by the City. (2) Shall be constructed to the City Pathways and Trails Design and Construction Standards, Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction(ISPWC),or Ada County Highway District(ACHD) Sidewalk Standard as determined by the City. (3) Shall be maintained by the City,HOA,developer, or property owner, as determined by City. (4) Tread surface shall be determined by the City. (5) Shall include a twenty-five foot(25')wide public access easement for City maintained Pathways. All Pathways not dedicated to the City shall have an easement width of a minimum of the tread width plus four feet(4') on each side unless the pathway is located within a public right-of-way,then an easement is not required. The City may grant an exception to the required easement width. c. Neighborhood: (1) Shall be six feet(6') in width unless otherwise approved by the City. (2) Shall be constructed to the City Pathways and Trails Design and Construction Standards, Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction(ISPWC),or Ada County Highway District(ACHD) Sidewalk Standard as determined by the City. (3)Tread surface shall be determined by the City. d. Special Use Pathways: (1) Tread may vary in width depending on the location. (2)No required maximum grade shall be implemented. (3) Tread surface shall be determined by the City. E. Trails: 1. Location: a. While Trails do not require an approval by the City, whenever possible they should facilitate connectivity to: (1) Schools; Page 5 of 7 P:Wtblic MeeOngs Presenta6ons\2023-City CounciWC-06-27-23\ZOA-02-23 Ord 897 PZ rec.docx (2) Park areas and open space; (3) Other pathway and trail facilities, including nearby trailheads; (4)Nearby residential areas; (5) Public land; (6) Public and private transit facilities; and (7) Future subdivision phases. 2. Classifications: a. Regional: (1) Shall be constructed to the City Pathways and Trails Design and Construction Standards, Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction(ISPWC), or Ada County Highway District(ACHD) Sidewalk Standard,unless a different standard has been approved by the City. (2) The tread shall be a minimum of ten feet(10') in width. (3) Shall be maintained by the entity described in the City approved open space and trail planning/funding process. (4) Shall have public access the width of the tread. (5) The City may grant an exception to the required access width. b. Special Use Trails: (1) Tread may vary in width depending on the location. (2)No required max grade shall be implemented. F. Notwithstanding the above requirements, if a City-approved management plan such as a wildlife management plan or wildfire management plan or similar plan conflict(s) with any provisions of ECC Section 9-4-1-6, the approved management plan shall take precedence. G. Waiver: The council may waive or modify M of the standards or requirements of this section upon the determination that the proposed alternative will enhance the overall project; provided, however, that any such waiver shall not be injurious to public health or safety. Section 2: The provisions of this ordinance are hereby declared to be severable and if any provision of this act or the application of such provision to any person or circumstance is declared invalid for any reason,such declaration shall not affect the validity of remaining portions of this ordinance. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval, and publication as required by law. In lieu of publication of the entire ordinance, a summary thereof in compliance with Section 50-901A, Idaho Code, may be published. Page 6 of 7 PAPublic Meetings Presentations\2023-City Council\CC-06-27-23\ZOA-02-23 Ord 897 PZ m.docx Approved and adopted this day of , 2023. CITY OF EAGLE Ada County,Idaho JASON PIERCE MAYOR ATTEST: TRACY E.OSBORN CITY CLERK Page 7 of 7 PAPublic Meetings Presentations\2023-City Council\CC-06-27-23\ZOA-02-23 Ord 897 PZ rec.doex