Findings - CC - 2023 - DR-27-23 - Master Sign Plan for Palmetto Plaza, incl. Three Building Wall Signs for Sturman's BEFORE THE EAGLE CITY COUNCIL IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION ) FOR A DESIGN REVIEW FOR A ) MASTER SIGN PLAN FOR PALMETTO ) PLAZA,INCLUDING THREE BUILDING ) WALL SIGNS FOR STURMAN'S FOR ) TERM INVESTMENTS,LLC ) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW CASE NUMBER DR-27-23 The above-entitled design review application came before the Eagle City Council for their action on June 27, 2023. The Eagle City Council having heard and taken oral and written testimony, and having duly considered the matter,makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; FINDINGS OF FACT: A. PROJECT SUMMARY: TERM Investments, LLC, represented by Rebecca Forster, is requesting design review approval for a master sign plan for Palmetto Plaza, including three building wall signs for Sturman's. The 1.1-acre site is located on the southeast corner of East Plaza Drive and South Palmetto Avenue at 781 East Plaza Drive(Lot 17, Block 3,Merrill Subdivision No. 2). B. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: The City of Eagle received the application for this item on March 31,2023. C. HISTORY OF RELEVANT PREVIOUS ACTIONS: On September 15, 1997, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission approved the Rocky Mountain Fitness Center(DR-15-97). On June 8, 1999, the Eagle City Council approved Merrill Subdivision No. 1 and 2 (formerly Rocky Mountain Business Park FPUD-2 &3-99 and FP-7& 8-99). On June 22, 1999, the Eagle City Council approved the landscape and pathway plan for Rocky Mountain Business Park(DR-24-99). On October 24, 2000, the Eagle City Council approved a modification to the landscape and pathway plan for Rocky Mountain Business Park(DR-24-99 MOD). D. COMPANION APPLICATIONS: DR-26-23 (building application) and LLA-02-23 (lot line adjustment). E. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Downtown, Scenic Corridor,and Public/Semi-Public. F. ZONING DESIGNATION: CBD and MU(Central Business District and Mixed Use). G. DESIGN REVIEW OVERLAY DISTRICT: This site is located within the CEDA(Community Entry Development Area)overlay district. H. URBAN RENEWAL DISTRICT: Yes. Page 1 of 12 KAPlanning DeptTagle Applications\DrU023Talmetto Plaza MSP DR-27-23\Palmetto Plaza MSP ccf.docx I. SIGNAGE: Future Building Wall Signs Sign Data Proposed Required Wall Sign Dimensions Varies depending on tenant's font and too As limited within this application Area of Signage Varies depending on tenant's font and logo 10% of total area of building face (per leases ace Illumination Halo illuminated, external illuminated, Halo illuminated, external punch through, or combination of both illuminated, punch through, or combination of both Materials As limited within the master sign plan Metal, aluminum, acrylic, or similar material Sturman's Buildin Wall Signs south and south elevations Sign Data Proposed Required Wall Sign Dimensions 5' high x 5' wide N/A Area of Si na a 20-s uare feet 47-s uare feet maximum Illumination Halo illumination and punch through Interior-illumination prohibited illumination Materials Background: 3-inch thick aluminum Metal, aluminum, acrylic, or similar reverse pan channel sculpted cabinet, material illuminated with white LED, painted black,pegged off the face of the building 1 ,1/2" Text: punch through letters with white acrylic and overlaid with black premium vinyl, illuminated with LED. S: 2-inch thick aluminum reverse pan channel letter, illuminated with white LED,painted black,pegged off the face of the background I". Page 2 of 12 K:Tlanning Dept\Eagle ApplicationsOr\2023Talmetto Plaza MSP DR-27-23\Palmetto Plaza MSP ccfdocx Sturman's Building Wall Sin west elevation Sign Data Proposed Required Wall Sign Dimensions 2' 6"high x 2' 6"wide N/A Area of Si na a 6-square feet 79-s uare feet maximum Illumination Halo illumination and punch through Interior-illumination prohibited illumination Materials Background: 3-inch thick aluminum Metal, aluminum, acrylic, or similar reverse pan channel sculpted cabinet, material illuminated with white LED, painted black,pegged off the face of the building 1 y2„ Text: punch through letters with white acrylic and overlaid with black premium vinyl, illuminated with LED. S: 2-inch thick aluminum reverse pan channel letter, illuminated with white LED,painted black,pegged off the face of the background I". Two Monument Signs Sign Data Proposed Required Sign Dimensions 8' high x 7' 3"wide 15' hi h maximum Area of Si na a 27-s uare feet 140-s uare feet maximum Illumination Four ground mounted light fixtures (two on Interior-illumination prohibited each side of monument sign) Sign Landscaping 500-square feet(approximately) South 81-square feet(minimum) Palmetto Avenue 90-square feet(approximately)East Plaza Street J. AGENCY RESPONSES:None. K. LETTERS FROM THE PUBLIC:None received to date. THE CITY COUNCIL RECEIVED AND REVIEWED THE FOLLOWING STAFF ANALYSIS PROVIDED WITHIN THE STAFF REPORT AND ADOPTS THE STAFF REPORT AS PART OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S FINDINGS OF FACT: A. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: Protect and enhance the small town character of the City by requiring signage which is creative and distinctive,compatible with its surroundings,and an integral component of the style and character of the building to which it relates. Page 3 of 12 KAPlanning DeptTagle Applications0r\2023Talmetto Plaza MSP DR-27-23\Palmetto Plaza MSP ccf.docx B. ZONING CODE PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: • Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-2(B) The general theme of the Design Review Overlay District is to specify desirable building and landscape architectural styles and materials to create a sustainable and pleasing environment for residents and visitors alike. The architectural designs,materials,and graphics set forth in this article are complied to create a theme unique to the area called"Eagle Architecture". • Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-5(C) Areas Of Development: There are four (4) specifically defined areas of development within the Design Review Overlay District. The general purpose of each of those areas are described below. Any development which meets the criteria for design review, as set forth in this article,that is not within the specific areas described below,shall be required to comply with the general requirements of this article and not the specific requirements for the DDA,TDA,CEDA,and DSDA: 1. Downtown Development Area-DDA: The purpose of the DDA is to establish a distinct area regulated to fulfill the vision of the City Comprehensive Plan and to provide for activities conducive to a compact and concentrated downtown commercial center. 2. Transitional Development Area-TDA: The purpose of the TDA is to provide areas for public parking and service to the DDA and serve as an area for future expansion of the DDA as market demands grow. 3. Community Entry Development Area-CEDA: The purpose of the CEDA is to fulfill the vision of the City Comprehensive Plan by providing a sense of entry into Eagle and transitional development into the DDA. 4. Dunyon/State Development Area-DSDA: The purpose of the DSDA is to allow unique regulations specific to this district to facilitate the redevelopment of the area. Where any parcel lies within more than one(1)development area described above,the entire parcel shall be considered to be within the development area with the more restrictive requirements. However,the development of a parcel located within more than one(1)development area may be permitted using the criteria from each respective district provided the Design Review Board determines that the more restrictive criteria is not compromised and that the development is in harmony with the adjacent properties. • Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-6(A)(4) Signage for any project shall provide for business identification and minimize clutter and confusion on and off the site. a. The 'overall sign concept" for multi-tenant business centers to assure that it addresses the continuity between tenant sign design and building design; b. The reduction of hazards to motorists,bicyclists and pedestrians as may be caused by or partially attributable to the distraction and obstruction of improperly located and designed signs; c. The provision for effective and necessary business identification systems adapted to the building design; d. The continued maintenance of signs throughout their life;and e. The size, location, design, color, texture, lighting, landscaping, and hours of operations of all permanent signs and outdoor advertising structures or features to ensure that any such proposals Page 4 of 12 K:Tlanning Dept\Eagle Applications\DA2023Talmetto Plaza MSP DR-27-23\Palmetto Plaza MSP cc£dom do not detract from the function of, or design of,buildings, structures, surrounding properties, neighborhoods, or streets. • Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-8(B): Definitions: GRADE: The elevation or level of the street closest to the sign to which reference is made, as measured at the street's centerline, or top of curb if one exists, adjacent to where the sign is to be placed,or the relative ground level in the immediate vicinity of the sign if determined by the zoning administrator to be an accurate determination for grade with regard to the intent of this article. HEIGHT OF SIGN: The vertical distance measured from the grade to the highest point of a sign or any vertical projection thereof. Architectural elements used above any sign area may be excluded from the maximum height measurement if the city determines that said architectural elements add to the character of the sign and do not create an overbearing appearance in relation to the sign, building and area. • Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-8(C)(8)Automated Signs: b. Automated signs shall be prohibited in the downtown development area(DDA),the transitional development area(TDA), the community entry development area(CEDA), and in Residential and Public/Semipublic zoning districts. • Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-8(C)(13) Sign Illumination: a. The city must find that any illuminated sign permitted under the specific regulations within this article is designed such that brightness levels are controlled to assure a soft,subtle effective light in accordance with other city regulations intended to create and maintain the Eagle architecture theme,while encouraging energy efficient lighting. b. Illumination types, styles, and practices not listed herein shall be prohibited unless otherwise deemed by the design review board and city council to be consistent with the Eagle architecture theme. c. Floodlighting is permitted only through the use of incandescent,LED and high pressure sodium light sources. d. Exposed neon is permitted when used to create the sign letter(s) or as an architectural element as part of the sign design.A clear covering may be permitted for protection of the neon element. e. Halo illumination is permitted. f. Metal halide is not permitted as a light source for signage. g. All types of internal illumination is prohibited, except for automated signs and drive- through/drive-up service menu board signs as regulated in this article. C. DISCUSSION: • The applicant is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for Palmetto Plaza. Staff recommends the following changes to the document titled"Master Sign Plan for Palmetto Plaza" with text shown with underline to be added and text shown with strikethrough to be deleted. Master Sign Plan for Palmetto Plaza SECTION A-General Approval Requirements: 1. Any tenant of the building interested in applying for exterior building signage and monument sign tenant panels shall be required to submit signage plans to the Architectural Control Committee (the "ACC") for prior written approval. A City of Eagle design review sign application accompanied by written approval by the ACC shall be submitted to the City for Page 5 of 12 K:Tlanning Dept\Eagle Applications062023Talmetto Plaza MSP DR-27-23\Palmetto Plaza MSP ccf docx review.No exterior building signage or monument sign tenant panels will be installed prior to receipt of City pproval and a City of Eagle sign ep rm1t. be submit4ed to the Git�,fer-an),pr-epesed sign(s)for-G4y stag levAl r-AyipA.A.,And appFeval. A14 signs hall f llew the er-iter:,, sated herein. well as>r._1 Gil,,r.4e.In cases of any conflict between Eagle City Code and the criteria specified herein, the more restrictive requirements shall apply. 2. Eaeh Tenant within Palmetto Plaiza shall be required to howe a staff level de 9ft appheatien submit4ed for-the appFeval ef all building wall signs and ffleflument sign panels-. 3. All permits for tenant's signs and their installation shall be obtained by tenant, or their representative,and shall conform to all local building and electrical codes as well as criteria set forth hereafter. 4. All tenant signs shall be designed,constructed and installed at tenant's expense. 5. No exposed conduit, brackets, fasteners or wiring of any type will be permitted. No exposed raceways will be permitted. 6. All Signs shall meet Underwriter Laboratories and National Electrical Code requirements. SECTION B -Number,Location,Design and Construction of Signs: Monument Signs: 1. Flood lights used to illuminate monument suns shall be screened or located so they do not shine onto any roadway or any nearby property. 2. Two monument signs are permitted. The monument signs will be 8-feet tall, measured from the sign base to the top of sign but in no case shall be permitted to be higher than 12-feet measured from the elevation at the centerline of the adjacent street if placed on a berm. The total sign area of tenant panels shall not exceed 50-square feet per side of the monument sign. 3. The monument signs will be externally illuminated by 3,000 Kelvin maximum LED ground mounted light fixtures(two on each side of the sign). 4. The monument sign will be used by the tenants located in the buildings. 5. The color of all tenant panels shall be black background and white copy and/or logo with colors of chosen by tenant. 6. All tenant panels shall be constructed with pan channel aluminum primed and painted black with semi-gloss finish. guidelines listed under-the eity guidelines for-signs in seefien 8,A thr-la 1 and r s or-dinanees. Building Wall Signs: 1. Materials may consist of metal,aluminum,plastic, acrylic, or similar material. 2. No internal illumination of any sign shall be permitted. Halo illumination, external illumination, punch through,or a combination of all both shall be permitted. 3. Signage is limited to the areas identified on the building elevations. 4. Signs above the store fronts shall be centered top to bottom and side to side. 5. Total area of the Signage shall not exceed 10%of the area of the building face(based on tenant's lease space or ownership). 6. Tenant logos,colors,font,etc.are permitted. Page 6 of 12 KAPlanning Dept\Eagle Applications0r\2023Talmetto Plaza MSP DR-27-23\Palmetto Plaza MSP ccf.docx Sign Placement: F FUTURE TENANTftlftlRETENENT f! W- Wi-FTEXAN fill On PERSPECTIV4 I fUTHETFNAIT fUTURETENANI FUTURE TENANT fUTURITINANI fUTVIFTEllli . [E0T JT RQM PERSPEC'IVF !P SECTION C -Miscellaneous Requirements: 1. Tenant shall, at the termination of the lease,remove Tenant's sign and repair any damaged area and restore the building to its original condition when Tenant's sign was erected. This work to be performed at Tenant's expense. 2. All other tem oraEy signage, as may be permitted by Eagle City Code, shall be allowed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION PROVIDED WITHIN THE STAFF REPORT: Based upon the information provided to staff to date,if the requested design review application is approved, staff recommends the site specific conditions of approval and standard conditions of approval provided within the staff report. PUBLIC MEETING OF THE BOARD: A. A meeting to consider the application was held before the Design Review Board on June 8, 2023, at which time the Board made their decision. BOARD DELIBERATION: Upon completion of the applicant's and staff s presentations,the Board discussed during deliberation that: • Based upon the Board's recommendation of denial of the associated design review application for the buildings (DR-26-23), the Board determined that approval of the master sign plan application would be premature at this time. Should the materials,textures, colors, and/or architecture of either building change,the master sign plan criteria,monument sign elevations,and building wall signs for Sturman's should be modified to reflect any changes made to the two buildings associated with DR-26-23. BOARD DECISION: The Board voted 6 to 0(Milian recused)to recommend denial of DR-27-23 for a design review application for a master sign plan for Palmetto Plaza,including three building wall signs for Sturman's,as stated within their findings of fact and conclusions of law document,dated June 22,2023. Page 7 of 12 K:Tlanning Dept\Eagle Applications\DA2023Talmetto Plaza MSP DR-27-23\Palmetto Plaza MSP ccf.docx PUBLIC MEETING OF THE COUNCIL: A. A meeting to consider the application was held before the City Council on June 27,2023,at which time the Council made their decision. COUCEL DELIBERATION: Upon completion of the applicant's and staff s presentations,the Council discussed during deliberation that: • The Council is in favor of the modified building elevations and monument sign elevations and recommended the master sign plan criteria reflect the new building and monument sign elevations. COUNCIL DECISION: The Council voted 4 to 0 to approve DR-27-23 for a design review application for a master sign plan for Palmetto Plaza, including three building wall signs for Sturman's,with the following staff recommended site specific conditions of approval and standard conditions of approval with underline to be added by the Council and text shown with strikethrough to be deleted by the Council. SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The following shall be the master sign plan for Palmetto Plaza: Master Sign Plan for Palmetto Plaza SECTION A-General Approval Requirements: 1. Any tenant of the building interested in applying for exterior building signage and monument sign tenant panels shall be required to submit signage plans to the Architectural Control Committee(the "ACC") for prior written approval. A City of Eagle design review sign application accompanied by written approval by the ACC shall be submitted to the City for review. No exterior building signage or monument sign tenant panels will be installed prior to receipt of City approval and a City of Eagle sign permit. In cases of any conflict between Eagle City Code and the criteria specified herein,the more restrictive requirements shall apply. 2. All permits for tenant's signs and their installation shall be obtained by tenant, or their representative, and shall conform to all local building and electrical codes as well as criteria set forth hereafter. 3. All tenant signs shall be designed, constructed and installed at tenant's expense. 4. No exposed conduit, brackets, fasteners or wiring of any type will be permitted. No exposed raceways will be permitted. 5. All Signs shall meet Underwriter Laboratories and National Electrical Code requirements. SECTION B -Number,Location,Design and Construction of Signs: Monument Signs: 1. Flood lights used to illuminate monument signs shall be screened or located so they do not shine onto any roadway or any nearby property. 2. Two monument signs are permitted. The monument signs will be 8-feet tall, measured from the sign base to the top of sign but in no case shall be permitted to be higher than 12-feet measured from the elevation at the centerline of the adjacent street if placed on a berm. The total sign area of tenant panels shall not exceed 50-square feet per side of the monument sign. 3. The monument signs will be externally illuminated by 3,000 Kelvin maximum LED ground mounted light fixtures(two on each side of the sign). Page 8 of 12 KAPlanning Dept\Eagle Applications\Dr\2023\Palmetto Plaza MSP DR-27-23\Palmetto Plaza MSP ccf.docx 4. The monument sign will be used by the tenants located in the buildings. 5. The color of all tenant panels shall be black background and white copy and/or logo with colors of chosen by tenant. 6. All tenant panels shall be constructed with pan channel aluminum primed and painted black with semi-gloss finish. T ,! x► s UNGE&PATIO I I I I PALMETTOPlaza Ew Building Wall Signs: 1. Materials may consist of metal,aluminum, plastic, acrylic,or similar material. 2. No internal illumination of any sign shall be permitted. Halo illumination, external illumination, punch through,or a combination of all shall be permitted. 3. Signage is limited to the areas identified on the building elevations. 4. Signs above the store fronts shall be centered top to bottom and side to side. 5. Total area of the signage shall not exceed 10% of the area of the building face (based on tenant's lease space or ownership). 6. Tenant logos,colors,font, etc. are permitted. Sign Placement: Page 9 of 12 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Dr\2023Talmetto Plaza MSP DR-27-23\Palmetto Plaza MSP ccf.docx i T 1 ;, �FT11NFIEIIII,' (IT1T PMTH 8rATM I 1 1[TEIIII 1 QI E1'�I' RAN H. F H4 #. 1 SOUTH PERSPECTIVE ® ® FF 1 m11 m f TUIETEIANTI FUT RE TENANT FUTURETENANT FUTUHTEIANT oil Nil �# NORTH PERSPECTIVE SECTION C -Miscellaneous Requirements: 1. Tenant shall, at the termination of the lease, remove Tenant's sign and repair any damaged area and restore the building to its original condition when Tenant's sign was erected. This work to be performed at Tenant's expense. 2. All other temporary signage, as may be permitted by Eagle City Code, shall be allowed. 2. A sign permit is required prior to the installation of any signs on this site. 3. Ensure that the proposed monument sign locations do not impede the traffic vision triangle. 4. The new building elevations and monument sign elevations,date stamped by the City on June 20,2023, are approved. Page 10 of 12 KAPlanning Dept\Eagle Applications\Dr\2023\Palmetto Plaza MSP DR-27-23\Palmetto Plaza MSP ccf docx NOTE: In the event a Standard Condition of Approval conflicts with a Site Specific Condition of Approval contained herein the Site Specific Condition of Approval shall control. 1. A building permit/zoning permit shall be required prior to construction of any sign which is not attached to a building with an active building permit. 2. Approval shall expire without notice to the applicant on the date of expiration of this Design Review, as stipulated in Eagle City Code(one year from approval date). 3. The Americans with Disabilities Act, Uniform Building Code, Eagle City Code, and all applicable County, State and Federal Codes and Regulations shall be complied with. All design and construction shall be in accordance with all applicable City of Eagle Codes unless specifically approved by the City Council. 4. New plans which incorporate any required changes shall be submitted for staff approval. Staff may elect to take those plans to the Design Review Board and the City Council for review and approval. 5. Any changes to the plans and specifications upon which this approval is based,other than those required by the above conditions,will require submittal of an application for modification and approval of that application prior to commencing any change. 6. Any change by the applicant in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply with all rules, regulations, ordinances, plans, or other regulatory and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest advises the City of Eagle of its intent to change the planned use of the subject property unless a waiver/variance of said requirements or other legal relief is granted pursuant to the law in effect at the time the change in use is sought. 7. Any modification of the approved design review plans must be approved prior to construction/installation of such changes. Failure to do so may result in the requirement to modify the project to comply with the approved design review and/or result in the inability to issue a certificate of completion for this project. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: 1. The Council reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of this proposed design review application (DR-27-23) with regard to the Eagle City Code Title 8, Chapter 2, Article A, DR Design Review Overlay District, and based upon the information provided with the conditions required herein, concludes that the proposed design review application is in accordance with the Eagle City Code and the Eagle Comprehensive Plan. 2. The Council reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of the proposed design review in terms of Eagle City Code 8-2A-13(B)(2)(i),and has concluded: i. The building wall signage and monument signage will be required to be harmonious with the architectural design of the buildings, and will not cover nor detract from desirable architectural features. Page 11 of 12 KAPlanning Dept\Eagle Applications0r\2023Talmetto Plaza MSP DR-27-23\Palmetto Plaza MSP ccf.docx DATED this 111 day of July 2023. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE Ada County,Idaho J son erce,Mayor ATTEST: • pRATf': *�: racy E. (Eagle City Cle ` •••'••STATE O���•`�. ,r�twrrrnaatttt'�, Page 12 of 12 KAPlanning Dept\Eagle Applications\13A2023Walmetto Plaza MSP DR-27-23\Palmetto Plan MSP ocfdocx