Minutes - 2023 - City Council - 06/01/2023 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES June 1,2023 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER,PIKE,BAUN,RUSSELL.ALL PRESENT. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pierce leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. ADDITIONS,DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Mayor Pierce calls for a motion to include the executive session on the agenda. Pike moves to approve.Seconded by Gindlesperger.GINDLESPERGER AYE;BAUN AYE; PIKE AYE; RUSSELL AYE; ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM Resolution 23-13-A Resolution of the City of Eagle adopting the City of Eagle Digital Access Master Plan,and providing an effective date. (NBS) This matter is being re-agendized to conduct a roll call vote. Mayor Pierce introduces the item and explains a roll call vote is needed to approve the Resolution, as it was not done when it was brought before Council at the prior regular meeting. He asks the Council if they would like to discuss the item prior to making the motion. No member of Council chooses to discuss the item. Baun moves to approve.Seconded by Russell.GINDLESPERGER AYE;PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE; ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. Discussion Regarding the Fiscal Year 2024-2028 Capital Plan. (NBS) Nichoel Baird-Spencer,Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects,gives a presentation of the Capital Plan projections for the upcoming fiscal year. General discussion amongst the Mayor, Council,and Ms. Baird-Spencer regarding project prioritization and funding allocation. 6. *EXECUTIVE SESSION: 74-206 (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds(2/3)vote of the governing body.An executive session may be held: Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\M INUTES\CC-06-01-23minsp.docx Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Baun move pursuant to I.C. 74-206(1) that the City of Eagle convene an Executive Session for the purpose of (a) To consider hiring a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, wherein the respective qualities of individuals are to be evaluated in order to fill a particular vacancy or need. This paragraph does not apply to filling a vacancy in an elective office or deliberations about staffing needs in general; and (f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE; ALL AYE... MOTION CARRIES. The Council enters into executive session. Discussion of pending/threatened litigation. The Council exits executive session. A. *ACTION ITEM: Action regarding pending/threatened litigation. No action is taken. 7. ADJOURNMENT: Gindlesperger moves to adjourn. Seconded by Baun. GINDLESPERGER AYE; BAUN AYE; PIKE AYE; RUSSELL AYE;ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned at 5:01 p.m. Resp lly submitted: LAURA LIAMS ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK II APPROVED: JAL O PIERCE MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\M INUTES\CC-06-01-23minsp.docx FY 2024-2028 Capital Maintenance Priority Ranking-COMBINED SCORES 4/20/23 FY23 CM a Project Name Details Combined Fy24-28 FY 24-23 Rank H.Russell 4/18/23 C.Baun 4/24/23 B.Pike 4/18/23 Gindlesperger 4/20/23 1st Round 2nd Round Comments/Change from Score FY23 Rank Rank Department:IT Staff:Devonte Goodman City Hall Servers 1 g. 2024 City Hall Servers Year Requested:2024 1 2 Priority:High 1 1 1.3 1 • 1 No Change Amount Requested:$95K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2024 Department:IT Staff:Devonte Goodman 2027 City Hall Servers 2 g 2027 City Hall Servers Year Requested:2027 2 t 2.3 No Change Priority:High 3 2 2 Amount Requested:$95K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2027 Department:IT Staff:Devonte Goodman 2023 City Hall Servers 3 u 2023 City Hall Server Year Requested:2023 3 1 Priority:High 3 4 2.8 2 No Change Amount Requested:$95K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2023 Department:Public Works Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss Jackson House 5 G Jackson House Year Requested:2023 5 Priority:Planned FY 2023 6 5 4 5.0 increasedl Amount Requested:$100K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2023 Department:IT Staff:Devonte Goodman 2024 Backbone Infrastructure 6 u 2024 Backbone Infrastructure Year Requested:2024 6 ~ Priority:High 4 6 8 6.0 4increased 1 Amount Requested:$118K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2024 Department:Public Works .u'. Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss 9 a 2024 Equipment Replacement 2024 Equipment Replacement v Year Requested:Annual 9 9 9 10 9.3 5 6 increased 3 Priority:Planned Replacement Amount Requested:$1.2K IIIDepartment:IT 2025 Backbone Infrastructure 12 2025 Backbone Infrastructure Year Requested:2025 Priority:High 11 5 12 12 10.0 6 increased 5 Amount Requested:$SK FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2025 Department:Public Works _ ' 2024 Vehicle Replacements 11 € 2024 Vehicle Replacement Year Requested:2024 Priority:Annual Replacement 10 13 11 10 11.0 p increased 3 Amount Requested:$50K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2024 Department:LRP&P&Public Works Staff:Nichoel Baird Spencer Heritage Park Renovation Design&Engineering 13 I Heritage Park Design&Eng Year Requested:2023 12 Priority:Planned Replacement 13 12 11.3 increased 4 Amount Requested:$450K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2023 Department:Public Works Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss Library Roof Replacement Library Roof Year Requested:2023 8 12 16 15 12.8 10 10 increased 6 Priority:Planned Replacement Amount Requested:$150119K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2024 Department:IT Staff:Devonte Goodman 2026 Backbone Infrastructure 18 2026 Backbone Infrastructure Year Requested:2026 15 7 Priority:High 18 17 14.3 13 increased 6 Amount Requested:$16K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2026 Department:IT Staff:Devonte Goodman Plotter Replacement 14 Plotter Replacement Year Requested:2026 13 22 14 14 15.8 11 13 increased 1 Priority:Planned Replacement Amount Requested:$12K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2026 Department:Public Works Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss Orville Krasen Park Playground OK Park Playground Year Requested.2022 4 27 7 25 Priority:Planned FY 2022 15.8 13 13 decreased 6 Amount Requested:$130K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2023 Department:LRP&P _.. Staff:Nichoel Baird Spencer 2023 Floodway/Property Protection 17 n 2024 Floodway Protection Year Requested:Annual 14 il Priority:Partnership 20 17 16 16.8 12 increased 2 Amount Requested:$10K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2024 Department:IT <000 Chambers Audio/Recording 15 Year Requested:2023 16.8 15 • 15Chamber Recording 31 10 15 11 t Priority:High No Change Amount Requested:$80K FY 23.27 PLAN YEAR:2024 Department:LRP&P&PW Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss S Heritage Parke Renovation Heritage Park Renovation Construction 22 u Year Requested:2024 11 22 21 18.0 16 17 Construction 18 increased 5 a Priority:Planned Replacement Amount Requested:$3M -- FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2025 Department:Public Works Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss 2025 Vehicle Replacements 21 2025 Vehicle Replacement Year Requested:2025 19 14 21 18 18.0 18 17 increased 4 Priority:Annual Replacement Amount Requested:$60K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2025 Department:LRP&P Staff:Nichoel Baird Spencer • 2024 Floodway/Property Protection 19 2024 Floodway Protection Year Requested:Annual 16 21 19 18 18.5 17 1 No Change Priority:Partnership Amount Requested:$10K ,. .. FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2024 Department:Public Works Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss 2 Trolley Maintenance NEW. Trolley Year Requested:FY24 7 15 50 2 18.5 23 19 No Ranking 3 Priority:Required Repair Amount Requested:$60K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:Not Programmed FY23 CM a Project Name Details Combined Comments/Change from Fy24-28 FY 24-Yg Rank H.Russell 4/18/23 C.Baun 4/24/23 B.Pike 4/18/23 Gindlesperger 4/20/23 1st Round 2nd Round Score FY23 Rank I Rank j` Department:Planning&Zoning — _ _ ______ Staff:Bill Vaughan FEMA Trail Repair 44A 7 FEMA Repair 4A Year Requested:2023, 29 35 7 7 19.5 18 21 decreased 14 r Incomplete in FY 21,22,&23 Priority:FEMA Repair Amount Requested:$272.3K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2023 Department:LRP&P Staff:Nichoel Baird Spencer 2025 FIoodway/Property Protection 24 82025 FIoodway Protection Year Requested:Annual 20 22 24 23 22.3 22 22 increased 2 Priority:Partnership Amount Requested:$10K - -- FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2025 : Department:Public Works .._..____,.,.. Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss Kr City Hall Parking Lot 20 City Hall Parking Year Requested:2024 25 26 20 20 a. Priority:Planned Replacement 22.8 18823 decreased 2 Amount Requested:$20K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2024 Department:Public Works Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss g�g Library Parking Lot /� +y/� 23 g+ Library Parking Year Requested:2024 21 30 24.3 21 24 E Priority:Planned Replacement 23 23 decreased 1 Amount Requested:$50K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2025 Department:LRP&P Staff:Nichoel Baird Spencer 2026 Floodway/Property Protection y IF'. 28 8. 2026 FIoodway Protection Year Requested:Annual 23 23 25.3 24 2 7 Priority:Partnership 28 27 increased 3 Amount Requested:$10K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2026 Department Public Works Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss _ Greenbelt Merrill Park 27 Greenbelt Merrill Year Requested:2023 22 3928.5 29 26 , Priority:Planned Replacement 27 26increased 1 Amount Requested:$180K r°" W...... FY 23.27 PLAN YEAR:2025 Department:Public Works co Eric Ziegenfuss Guerber Park Parking 25 G Guerber Parking Year Requested:2023 45 25 .8O 25 27 decreased 2 it Priority:Planned Replacement 25 24 29 Amount Requested:$70K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2025 Department:Public Works Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss es. 2 Merrill Park Parking Lot 29 Merrill Parking Year Requested.2024 34 28 29 28 29.8 26 . 27 increased Z rt. Priority:Planned Replacement Amount Requested:$50K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2025 Department:Public Works ' 4Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss 2023 Trail Maintenance 31 ` Ag 2023 Trail Maintenance Year Requested:2024 30 31 30.5 26 29 & Priority:Annual Planned Replacement 31 30increased 2 Amount Requested:$20K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2025 ' Department:Public Works _...... 6,' Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss 44 Trail Repair 26 v 44 Trail Repair Year Requested.2026 35 37 26 25 30.8 28 30 err Repair decreased 4 Amount Requested:$227K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2026 Department:Public Works Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss Sr.Center Parking Lot 43 ar Sr Center Parking Year Requested:2024 39 43 43 4 32.3 30 31 increased 12 F. Priority:Planned Replacement Amount Requested:$50K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2025 Department:Public Works ,.___....._..... Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss Picnic Table&Bench Replacement �t Increased] 39 . F 16 Picnic Tables&Benches Year Requested:2027 38 32.8 33 3 G iPriority:Planned Replacement 39 38 ~ Amount Requested:$11K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2027 Department:Public Works a Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss • Friendship Park Shelter Roof 33 u FriendshipRoof Year Requested:2023 26 41 33 32 33.0 31 33r c. Priority:Planned Replacement No Change Amount Requested:$7.5K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2025 Department:Planning&Zoning — Staff:Bill Vaughan Mace Trail Modifications 35 a Mace Trail Year Requested:2026 28 Priority:Planned Repair 36 35 34 33.3 32 34 increased 1 Amount Requested:$83K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2026 Department:Public Works Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss 2025 Trail Maintenance 34 '• 2025Trail Maintenance Year Requested:Annual 27 34 34 41 34.0 34 ' 35decreased 1 Priority:Planned Replacement Amount Requested:$11K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2025 Department:Planning&Zoning Staff:Bill Vaughan Lakemoor Trail y}'� 30 Lakemoor Trail Year Requested.2024 48 33 30 29 35.0 39 ' 36 decreased 6 Priority:Planned Replacement Amount Requested:$321K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2025 Department:Public Works Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss Ada/Eagle Sports Complex Parking Lot 36 Ada/EagleParking Year Requested:2024 36 38 36 35 36.3 36 37 decreased 1 Priority:Planned Replacement Amount Requested:$150K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2025 Department:Planning&Zoning Staff:Bill Vaughan Greenbelt Lonesome Dove to Edgewood 32 Greenbelt Lonesome Dove Year Requested:2023 46 40 32 31 38 decreased 6 37.3 35 Priority:Planned Replacement Amount Requested:$135K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2025 Department:Planning&Zoning Staff:Bill Vaughan r. Lonesome Dove Bridge Removal ryry 40 g Lonesome Dove Bridge Year Requested:2024 29 45 40 39 38.3 37 33 7 increased 1 Priority:Planned Replacement Amount Requested:$30K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2025 FY23 CM A Project Name Details Combined Fy24 28 FY 24-28 Comments/Change from Rank H.Russell 4/18/23 C.Baun 4/24/23 B.Pike 4/18/23 Gindlesperger 4/20/23 1st Round trsd Round ,- - - .. - Score FY23 Rank Ran,. Department:Public Works _- - _ _ _ +{ Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss q _ Friendship Park Tennis Courts 38 ° S Friendship Tennis Year Requested:2024 31 49 38.8 38 40 decreased 2 I Priority:Planned Replacement 38 37 i Amount Requested:$70K --- ..� FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2025 E Department Public Works Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss 2026 Trail Maintenance 42 2026 Trail Maintenance Year Requested:Annual 31 42 �y //�� Priority:Planned Replacement 42 46 4®.7 40 r--tr.Y In Cf@d9Ed 1 t.. Amount Requested:$31K f'^^u^M^-=- FY 23.27 PLAN YEAR:2026 Department:LRP&P - Staff:Nichoel Baird Spencer � 2027 Floodway/Property ProtectionMI 48 2027 Floodway Protection Year Requested:Annual 44 24 48 47 40.847 V 42 increased 6 Priority:Partnership Amount Requested:$101( FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2025 E Department:LRP&P Staff:Nichoel Baird Spencer i 4 2028 Floodway/Property Protection NEW' (y 2028 Floodway Protection Year Requested:Annual 48 Priority:Partnership 17 50 49 41.0 50 No ranking Amount Requested:$10K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:Not Programmed Department:Public Works - Friendship Park Playground Replacement 41 i Friendship Playground Year Requested:2024 C /g/� Priority:Planned Replacement 37 48 41 4� 41.5 41 c-4``i decreased 3 Amount Requested:$150 r-- FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2025 Department:Public Works K Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss Interior Sr.Center Paint 44 Ci Sr Center Interior Year Requested:2023 40 /� 45 n Priority:Planned Replacement 44 44 42 42.5 42 decreased 1 Amount Requested:$20K -___.... ,FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2025 Department Planning&Zoning i - Staff:Bill Vaughan Clear Creek Crossing 37 Clear Creek.Trail Year Requested:2026 eJ� Priority:Planned Repair 37 36 43.3 43 46 decreased 9 a.i. Amount Requested:$617K --------� FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2025 _ Department:Public Works - Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss N Exterior Sr.Center Paint 45 t Sr Center Exterior Year Requested:2023 41 S0 ,. a Priority:Planned Replacement 4S 43 44.8 44 47 decreased 2 Amount Requested:$25K .FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2025 Department:Public Works - - Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss Skate Bowl Replacement 46 Skate Bowl Replacement Year Requested:2025 42 50 p 45 /p�y E Priority:Planned Replacement 46 45 45.8 yip decreased 2 ° Amount Requested:$500K t ' FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2026 Department Public Works - - o Staff:Er c Ziegenfuss 2027 Trail Maintenance 47 2027 Trail Maintenance Year Requested:Annual 43 °$ Priority:Planned Replacement 47 47 48 4�.� 46 c`t decreased 2 Amount Requested:$8K - FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2027 Department:Public Works Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss SSr.Center Flooring Replacement NEW G Senior Center Flooring Year Requested:2024 50 50 a. Priority:Required Repair 50 44 48.5 48 - No ranking Amount Requested:$30K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:Not Programmed Department:Public Works ,n. Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss 2028 Trail Maintenance u 2028 Trail Maintenance Year Requested:Annual 47 48 s0 0 48.8 49 Si No ranking oa. Priority:Planned Replacement Amount Requested:$10K - -- FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:Not Pro:rammed Department:Planning&Zoning --- --- -- - - -- Staff:Bill Vaughan South Bank Trail Merrill Park to South Bank Trail Merrill Park to Eagle Road NEW u 8 Year Requested:2028 O Ea IeRoad 50 50 50 50.0 51 No ranking Priority:Upgrade Amount Requested:$1.15M ---- - FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:Not Pro:rammed o N a I ° 0 Q a) c o 2 u 00 W C 1.2 O LL ro CJ m E _o N in N. O cr m >- 9 N C Ls- _ _cLL allCr- al 0 C v C o O 3 V- E E ro N N 0C o 00 7 C 2 .0 a) O M C N a1 2 LL E n Co r+ r�o •} -a -o E a a' CD x _ _ LL v C ro C 2- .c 3 . o a 4 0) — a)C O y o ^ o u v u 00 111 CO m — o v CO ^ a cm ro v 0 a a) ° O p ro ` n E c >O o ap E c 0- Lh U p m ^ p 0 O uu a) E -aa) a cc N o2S a s y o •- ° "'' C rn > O } 03 U ra a W C -a ` Y N O 9 LL a o2{ c ° C a u 1) `>a 0 E C 00 C al U co ra L al > no E i C 'V1 O 73(1, E N yx Cl 'n a a) ?„ o1 C a O fi a m n1N d a u C v U i0 C N .c t N w. 4 c N N O V — C • o d .Q- O v a 7 , C C l0 J ` L C O o h0 0 N .0 C) H .0 a a o N C E 73 a n IF:, a val N a ra C C a L' C a E c V = C o 2 ^ ^ U ai) o 3 n a o o o Coi4. E '� a a Y ° °o o N a n o tz n 'ou � o n v c .� v o 0 0 0 0 ° 0 E 00 '�, ,r _C H m rWo 'C C •° "- 02S C7 u a', ` O 01 U a a a a a O O o 'x CI' n o m c t C to _ u -a a, v a, a, Cl R3 a u N v N. d• >. O N E _ C a, m 0 `v >• C. = _ _ ., ) ro a) m LO N J '> O N LL a C E L C C C C C u C) O _ > a V) 0 VT V) U V) Lt. 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