Minutes - 2023 - City Council - 05/09/2023 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 9,2023 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER, PIKE, BAUN, RUSSELL. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pierce leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. ADDITIONS.DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: A. City Staff requests: Baun moves to modify consent agenda items T and U by adding the term per month to the description (in regard to payment amounts). Seconded by Russell. ALL AVE...MOTION CARRIES. B. Mayor or City Council requests: None 5. RECOGNITION: A. Mayor Pierce will Present the Soaring Citizen Award to Stan Bastian for his 20 Years of Service to the Eagle Community. Mayor Pierce recognizes Stan Bastian for his years of dedication and service to not only the City of Eagle but to the College of Western Idaho and the State of Idaho. Mr. Bastian served multiple terms on the Eagle City Council, as well as an Idaho State Representative and the College of Western Idaho Board. Mr. Bastian comments on his service and how proud he is of how the community has grown and thrived. He thanks his family for their support over the years and for their attendance this evening. 6. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: Gindlesperger reports on the Eagle Arts Advisory Committee meeting.There are a number of recommendations that will be coming forward for Council approval including a Call to Artist for the City Hall Gallery and for the Art is Small Event. Pike reports on the Urban Renewal Agency meeting which was attended by Ada County Highway District. ACHD provided a report on upcoming projects in Eagle. He also reports on the Eagle Sewer District meeting. The Valnova Sewer Project is beginning and is a standalone project being funded by the CID, and upon completion it will be turned over to the Sewer District for operation. Mayor Pierce mentions that the Eagle Saturday Market kicked-off last weekend, as well as the Eagle Friends of the Library book sale. B. Department Supervisor Reports: City Clerk Osborn reports that the Ada County Landfill is looking at potentially increasing their price per ton by 25%, bringing it to $36.25/ton. These fees have not been formally adopted to date but are potentially on the horizon for this fall. Director of Long Range Planning and Projects, Nichoel Baird-Spencer states that the Council has been provided with the most recent draft of the Capital Projects and Maintenance Plans. They will be before the Council at their May 181 meeting. C. Eagle Police Department: Sgt Justin Elliot reviews the duties of the newly created Community Service Officer. D. City Attorney Report: None Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-05-09-23min.docz 7. PUBLIC COMMENT 1: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time.This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, land use application,or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. No one chooses to speak. 8. ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA ♦ Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor,a Councilmember,member of City Staff,or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion.Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. ♦ Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff,Planning&Zoning Commission,or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Subscription Service Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Baker & Taylor: A Subscription Service Agreement between the City of Eagle and Baker & Taylor for the company's CollectionHQ and ESP collection maintenance services,in an amount not to exceed $9,720 annually for CollectionHQ and $3,240 for ESP.(SJB) C. Service Order Between the City of Eagle and Fatbeam: A Service Order between the City of Eagle and Fatbeam for the installation of conduit network located at Floating Feather just east of Foresto Bellow Way and east of North Moon Bellow Way known as Joint Trench #1. Joint Trench#2 will travel underground on Floating Feather Road just east of North Park Lane ending west of Meridian Road.An amount not to exceed$42,280.ARPA funds will be utilized for the expense. (ELZ) D. Independent Contract Instructor Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Andrea Wilcox: Independent Contract Instructor Agreement between the City of Eagle and Andrea Wilcox to teach cooking and nutrition classes. Compensation shall be at a rate of 70% of the total revenue generated by registration. (KRD) E. Independent Contract Instructor Agreement Between the City of Eaele and Landon Soelberg: Independent Contract Instructor Agreement between the City of Eagle and Landon Soelberg to teach dance classes. Compensation shall be at a rate of 70% of the total revenue generated by registration. (KRD) F. Addendum B to the Service Level Agreement for Electronic Transaction Access by the City of Eaele for the use of Access Idaho's Payment Processing Portal: The City of Eagle currently uses the Access Idaho portal to allow for customer payments to be make online directly by the customer. In conjunction with our existing payment option, PayPort, this additional option,Prompt Pay,allows City employees to send a prepopulated payment link by text message and/or email directly to the customers at their request. (KR) G. Authorization of Payment to Governmentiobs.com (dba:NEOGov) a Job Postine Website: Staff is seeking Council authorization for the expenditure of funds not to exceed $1,107.60 for a 12 month subscription to governmentjobs.com.ARPA funds may be available for this expenditure. (TEO) H. Authorization of Payment to Government*obs.com (dba: NeoGov) for Subscription Services Relating to Recruiting, Onboarding and Evaluation: Staff is seeking Council authorization for the payment of subscription fees in an amount not to exceed $14,433 for services through September 30,2023.ARPA funding may be available for these costs. (TEO) I. DR-08-23 - Common Area Landscaping within Shingle Creek Subdivision - Cook Brothers Construction,Inc.: Ben Semple with Rodney Evans+Partners, LLC, representing Cook Brothers Construction is requesting design review approval for the common area landscaping within Shingle Creek Subdivision. The 4.41-acre site is located on the north side Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-05-09-23min.docx of State Highway 44 approximately 400-feet west of the intersection of West State Street and State Highway 44 at 2500 West State Street. (ERG) J. DR-10-23 - Common Area Landscaping within Soaring Feather Ranch Subdivision - Little Feather,LLC: Little Feather, LLC, represented by Jay Gibbons with South, Beck and Baird Landscape Architecture, is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within Soaring Feather Ranch Subdivision. The 17-acre site is located approximately 2,000-feet south of Beacon Light Road between North Linder Road and North Park Lane at 4807 West Little Feather Lane. (BAW) K. DR-11-23 - Common Area Landscaping within Kingswood Subdivision - LGPD Utah, LLC: LGPD Utah, LLC represented by Jay Gibbons with South, Beck, and Baird Landscape Architecture, is requesting design review approval for the common area landscaping within Kingswood Subdivision. The 38.81-acre site is located on the west side of North Linder Road approximately 1,430-feet north of the intersection of North Linder Road and West Floating Feather Road. (ERG) L. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of PP-20-22-Preliminary Plat for Valnova Lot 51 Subdivision (a re-subdivision of Lots 19 and 51 of Spring Valley Subdivision No.1) - GWC Capital, LLC: GWC Capital, LLC, represented by Landon Northey, is requesting preliminary plat approval for Valnova Lot 51 Subdivision (a re- subdivision of Lots 19 and 51 of the Spring Valley Subdivision No. 1) a 50-lot(41-buildable, 9-common [7-community open space, 2-private alleys]) subdivision. The 23.14-acre site is generally located approximately 3/4-mile northeast of the intersection of State Highway 16 and Equest Lane(approximately 1 mile north of Beacon Light Road and Linder Road intersection). (DLM) M. Findings of Fact and Conclusion of Law for the Approval of CU-01-23 — 1275 West Beacon Light Road —George Fischer: George Fischer is requesting conditional use permit approval for a waiver of Eagle City Code (8-2-4) setback requirements in anticipation of a parcel division and to permit an existing accessory structure to exist upon a parcel without a principal dwelling(ECC 8-1-2).The 5.85 acre site is located on the south side of Beacon Light Road, at the intersection with Skyview Lane,approximately 0.4 miles east of Ballantyne Lane at 1275 West Beacon Light Road. (MNB) N. Development Agreement Associated with A-13-22/RZ-17-22 — Colleen Marks: Staff is requesting approval of the development agreement associated with the annexation and rezone from RR(Rural Residential-Ada County designation)to R-E-DA(Residential-Estates with a development agreement).The 10.99-acre site is located on the north side of West Flint drive at the northeast corner of West Flint Drive and North Park Lane at 3850 West Flint Drive and 312 North Park Lane.The City Council approved the annexation and rezone on February 14,2023. (MJW) O. FP-18-22—Final Plat for Skyview Subdivision—Lennar Homes of Idaho: Lennar Homes of Idaho, represented by Dave Yorgason, is requesting final plat approval for Skyview Subdivision,a l 14-lot(120-single family attached, 16-common,and 5-private road)residential subdivision. The 15.36-acre site is located at the northwest corner of State Highway 44 and North Park Lane at 101 North Park Lane.(MJW) P. FP-02-23-Final Plat for Farmstead Landing Subdivision No.1 -WH Eagle 80,LLC: WH Eagle 80, LLC, represented by Bailey Engineering Inc., is requesting final plat approvals for Farmstead Landing Subdivision No.l, a 65-lot (52-buildable, 13-common) residential subdivision. The 33.35-acre site is located on the north side of West Floating Feather Road between North Park Lane and North Linder Road. (MNB) Q. FPUD-01-23 & FP-04-23 — Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Benari Estates Subdivision No. 1—Eagle 1,LLC: Eagle 1, LLC,represented by Laren Bailey, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Benari Estates Subdivision No. 1, a 49-lot (39-buildable, 10-common), residential subdivision. The 19.21-acre site is located on the northeast corner of West State Street and North Ballantyne Lane at 1770 West State Street. (MJW) R. Resolution 23-09 - Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map Amendment: A resolution by the Eagle City Council to amend the text and the Future land Use Map within the Page 3 KACOUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-05-09-23min.docx City's 2017 Eagle is Home Comprehensive Plan to modify the uses identified in both the Brookside and Guerber Planning Areas and to include portions of Pamela Baker Park within the Future Land Use Map. (MNB) S. FP-01-23 - Final Plat for Maile Meadows Subdivision - Thomas Maile: Thomas Maile is requesting final plat approval of Maile Meadows Subdivision, a 2-lot residential subdivision (re-subdivision of a portion of Lot 11, Academy Place Subdivision). The 5.21-acre site is located on the south side of the terminus of West Rush Road at 885 West Rush Road. City Council approved the preliminary plat on October 11,2022. (DLM) T. * Prosecution Services Agreement-Gem County: An agreement between the City of Eagle and the Gem County Prosecuting Attorney for Prosecution Services in those portions of the City of Eagle located within Gem County. The agreement will not exceed $250.00 per month and will be in effect through September 30,2023. (VV) U. *Prosecution Services Agreement-Boise County: An agreement between the City of Eagle and the Gem County Prosecuting Attorney for Prosecution Services in those portions of the City of Eagle located within Boise County. The agreement will not exceed $750.00 per month and will be in effect through September 30,2023. (VV) V. Resolution 23-14 - Declaration of surplus personal property (House at 8285 W. Eauest Ln);A resolution of the City of Eagle, Idaho declaring personal property surplus; declaring a minimum sales price; authorizing the disposal of surplus property; authorizing the City Clerk to publish notice and providing an effective date. (VV/NBS) W. Resolution 23-15-Declaration of Surplus Personal Property (Garage at 8285 W.Eauest Ln.): A resolution of the city of Eagle, Idaho declaring personal property surplus; declaring a minimum sales price; authorizing the disposal of surplus property; authorizing the City Clerk to publish notice and providing an effective date. (VV/NBS) X. Desi!n/Build Contract with TRS Range Services: A contract with TRS Range Services for the design and development of the Eagle Shooting Sports Park located on approximately 85- acres on parcel number S022011050 located on Willow Creek Lane approximately 3.5-miles north of the intersection of Beacon Light Road and Willow Creek Lane. Initial approval is not to exceed$500,000. (VV/NBS) Mayor introduces the Consent Agenda. Baun requests item 8X and City Attorney requests items 8T and 8U to be taken off the Consent Agenda. Gindlesperger moves to approve consent agenda items A-X,excluding T,U and X. Seconded by Pike. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. T. * Prosecution Services Agreement-Gem County: An agreement between the City of Eagle and the Gem County Prosecuting Attorney for Prosecution Services in those portions of the City of Eagle located within Gem County. The agreement will not exceed $250.00 per month and will be in effect through September 30,2023. (VV) U. *Prosecution Services Agreement-Boise County:An agreement between the City of Eagle and the Gem County Prosecuting Attorney for Prosecution Services in those portions of the City of Eagle located within Boise County. The agreement will not exceed$750.00 per month and will be in effect through September 30,2023. (VV) Mayor introduces the items. City Attorney, Victor Villegas introduces Erick Thompson with the Gem County Prosecutor's Office. Erick Thompson, 306 E. Main Street, Emmett, Idaho. Mr Thompson has over 15 years of prosecution experience. He has prosecuted for Canyon County as well. His office is currently Page 4 KACOUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-05-09-23min.docx providing services in the cities of Emmett,Horseshoe Bend and Idaho City as well as Gem County. He already has experience in both Gem and Boise County courts. His office stands ready to provide prosecution services for the City of Eagle. Gindlesperger moves to approve items 8T and U. Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. X. Desien/Build Contract with TRS Ranee Services: A contract with TRS Range Services for the design and development of the Eagle Shooting Sports Park located on approximately 85- acres on parcel number S0220 1 1 050 located on Willow Creek Lane approximately 3.5-miles north of the intersection of Beacon Light Road and Willow Creek Lane. Initial approval is not to exceed$500,000. (W/NBS) Mayor introduces the item. Baird-Spencer requests that the contract be changed to remove item paragraph 11 subsection E, as the provision is not applicable. Baun moves to approve consent item X with the adjustment to paragraph 11 subsection E with the changes as identified by staff. Seconded by Pike. Discussion. Bann confirms that the section shall be stricken.Second confirms. GINDLESPERGER AYE;PIKE AYE;BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Mayor calls a seven-minute break. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None 10. ALL PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public hearings will not begin prior to 6.00 p.m ♦ Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law.The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council.This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. ♦ Public hearing testimony time limits: Individuals testifying are allotted three(3)minutes for non-repetitive testimony. ♦ Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest. A. A-08-22/RZ-10-22/CU-09-22/PPUD-06-22/PP-16-22 - Annexation, Rezone, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Plat for Shetland Point Subdivision - Steve Arnold: Steve Arnold with A Team Land Consultants is requesting an annexation,rezone from R1 (Residential—Ada County designation)to R-3-DA-P(Residential with a development agreement — PUD), conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Shetland Point Subdivision, a 13-lot (11-buildable, 2-common) residential planned unit development. The 5.10-acre site is located on the west side of North Park Lane approximately 400-feet south of the intersection of West Floating Feather Road and North Park Lane at 1025 North Park Lane. (MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Planner III,Mike Williams requests the item be remanded back to staff. Pike moves to remand item 10A. Seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. CU-01-21/PPUD-01-21/PP-02-21 — Torrente Secco Subdivision — Thomas Coleman: Thomas Coleman,represented by Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions, LLP, is requesting a conditional use permit,preliminary development plan,and preliminary plat approvals for Torrente Page 5 I(ACOUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-05-09-23min.dotx Secco Subdivision, a 659-lot(613-residential [391-single family, 222-duplex], 6-commercial, 39- common,and 1-elementary school site)mixed use planned unit development.The 276.75-acre site is located at the southeast corner of West Beacon Light Road and North Palmer Lane between West Beacon Light Road and West Floating Feather Road at 6397 West Beacon Light Road and 6868 West Floating Feather Road. (MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions, 1029 N.Rosario,Meridian,Idaho,representing Thomas Coleman. Ms.McKay reviews the history of the site and the current application before the Council for consideration tonight. Ms. McKay reviews the variety of lot sizes, open space, and trails. Discussion regarding required road improvements and phasing of the same. Planner III, Mike Williams reviews the staff report and areas for special consideration. Mayor opens the public hearing. Darcy Hart,P.O.Box 1304,Eagle,Idaho. Ms. Hart is the developer of Staggs Crossing. They are looking forward to working with the applicant on the pathway connection. The addition of the school site is also welcome. The internal flow is very well thought out. Ms. Hart is testifying as a business owner and developer as well as an Eagle resident. Dong Henderson, 6404 Beacon Light Road, Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Henderson is testifying on behalf of herself and her husband,Art. They have concerns regarding the large number of lots and where the water comes from to service those residents. Ms. Henderson states that they are concerned about the potential negative impact to their wells with the increase of development. In addition, the adverse impact of traffic will be vast, it is already a challenge to access Beacon Light and the addition of this development would increase the problem. As existing residents, they do not want to offset the cost of the development with their taxes.They are opposed to the development. Jan Combe, 6440 W. Beacon Light Road, Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Combes is seeking clarification on access to the site, public use of the parks and the fate of the house that is on the west side of the site. She would like to ensure access to the headgates for irrigation is addressed. Ms. Combe inquires what kind of businesses will be allowed in the mixed use. Discusses the road improvements. Becky McKay provides rebuttal on testimony. Eagle Municipal Water will be providing water for the development. There are sufficient water rights associated with the development, no additional wells will be drilled for this site, and they do not anticipate negative impacts on domestic wells. There will be no driveways to Beacon Light. Jeff Bower,601 W.Bannock,Boise,Idaho. Mr.Bower addresses their desire to pay their fair share for their impact to the state highway system, they suggest that Council add the term "pay their proportionate share"to site specific condition 14. Discussion between Council and the applicant. Mayor closes the public hearing. Baun appreciates the efforts made by the applicant regarding open space, connectivity, schools, and density. It is a fantastic application. Gindlesperger and Russell agree with the single-story requirements for the duets. Russell believes that it is very well thought out. Pike would like some strongly worded letters sent for the signal like out at Palmer to encourage the installation in a timely manner and suggests the encouragement of the grassland installation at the schools to encourage Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-05-09-23min.docx use of it vs the parkland. The connectivity of the pathways is a critical component. He is in favor of the project. Baun moves to approve action item 10B CU-01-21/PPUD-01-21/PP-02-21 — Torrente Secco Subdivision with the following adding site-specific condition#14 adding proportionate share to the requirement and allowing for 15' setbacks in all duets and limiting all duets in the subdivision to one story.Adding the natural area to the east to be a deed restricted lot and a recommendation for a conservation easement in the future. Seconded by Gindlesperger. Discussion. Bann amends to add site specific condition #29 that the open space or riparian area adjacent to Dry Creek be set aside deed restricted with a recommendation of a conservation easement in the future. Second concurs.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 11. NEW BUSINESS: None 12. PUBLIC COMMENT 2: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter, up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing and land use items.Comments regarding Public Hearing and land use items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s)in accordance with Idaho Code. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters(excluding Public Hearing and land use items)during this allotteD time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3)minutes No one chooses to speak. 13. EXECUTIVE SESSION:74-206(1)An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section.The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds(2/3)vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: (f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement; Baun move pursuant to I.C.74-206(1)that the City of Eagle convene an Executive Session for the purpose of(f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement; Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER: AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN: AYE; RUSSELL: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. The council enters into executive session. Discussion of pending/threatened litigation. The Council exits executive session. A. ACTION ITEM: Action regarding pending/threatened litigation. No action taken. Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-05-09-23min.docx 14. ADJOURNMENT: Gindlesperger moves to adjourn. Seconded by Baun. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted: ,,��•.��•�••�c• 0,��, • Q, �.C� • O TRACY SBORN CMC = . O CITY CLERK " Y '• o . lJ Q, . ••....••c� % APPROVED: 7 It,*,.list`',,,,, A='Z�tt- N PIERCE S E OR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 8 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-05-09-23min.docx EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 9, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10B SUBJECT: CU-01-21/PPUD-01-21/PP-02-21 —Torrente Secco Subdivision—Thomas Coleman: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL po i;,,, Adl TD lfgkhr�t-t) 640 Neg,,,, L, l� lfc4 Z�1 le ye C47�1 1 nc d 1 e m-�. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 9, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10B SUBJECT: CU-01-21/PPUD-01-21/PP-02-21 —Torrente Secco Subdivision —Thomas Coleman: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 9, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10B SUBJECT: CU-01-21/PPUD-01-21/PP-02-21 —Torrente Secco Subdivision —Thomas Coleman: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 9, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10B SUBJECT: CU-01-21/PPUD-01-21/PP-02-21 —Torrente Secco Subdivision —Thomas Coleman: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 9, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10B SUBJECT: CU-01-21/PPUD-01-21/PP-02-21 —Torrente Secco Subdivision—Thomas Coleman: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 1 Community Service Officer 5-9-2023 f. Duties Include: • Conducts education and enforcement for parking offenses and/or abandoned vehicles. • Responding to cold calls for service such as thefts,vandalisms, burglaries,frauds, etc. • Collects evidence and processes basic crime scenes for patrol and detectives as requested by supervisors. Maintains crime scenes. • Assists detectives as needed. • Investigates lost/found property such as bicycles, wallets, etc. and attempts to make contact with the owner. • Conducts assistance to include disabled motorists,traffic control,tow requests, etc. • Deploys traffic radar trailer as needed. • Delivers administrative paperwork. ADD A FOOTER O2 . 1 Top calls for service: • Citizen assists • Abandoned vehicles • Traffic hazards • Stalled vehicles • Vehicle collisions with lane blockage ADD A FOOTER Call types: • 76 calls for service responses • 35.41 minutes per call • 165 Officer initiated • 11.27 minutes per call ADD A FOOTER O 5/16/2023 Questions? h ,! AA PW 5 3 1 or TORRENTE SECCO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT * CU-01-21/PPUD-01-21/PP-02-21 GL p _ice Eagle City Council Public Hearing May 9, 2023 City staff: Michael Williams,CFM,Planner III Phone: 939-0227 E-Mail: Applicant Information Applicant: Thomas Coleman Address: 1421 North Promontory Road Eagle, ID 83616 Represented by: Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions, LLP Phone: 208-938-0980 E-mail: beckym@engsol.org 1 Project Summary Thomas Coleman, represented by Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions, LP, is requesting: • A conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Torrente Secco Subdivision, a 659-lot (613-residential [391-single family, 222-single-famiy attached], 6-commercial, 39-common, and 1-elementary school site) mixed use planned unit development. • The 276.75-acre site is located at the southeast corner of West Beacon Light Road and North Palmer Lane between West Beacon Light Road and West Floating Feather Road at 6397 West Beacon Light Road and 6868 West Floating Feather Road. . Map , i r , • e41101 v�W1T E • 5/16/2023 AS • � I t • s i .4 (i reliminary 5 2{ ! evelopment • it • • ry f g • a f i 1 f f I i I I � 6 3 5/16/2023 Site Data Totalof Total • - of • • Industrial—• schoolElementary Total • - of attached Duplex—• s Total • - of 1 Site ADDITIONAL SITE DATA PROPOSED REQUIRED Data Dwelling Units Per Gross Acre 2.33-0welling units/acre(not 4.9dwellirrg units/acre(pursuant to inclusive of the commercial area) the executed development agreement) Minimum Lo[Size 3,967 square feet(MU) 5,000 square feet(MU) 4,037 square fee[(RA) 8,000 square feet(R-0) 4,113 square feet(R-2) 17,000 square feet(R-2) Except that a decrease of minimum lot size N a subdivision may be allowed if there is an offsetting increase of the same percentage m open space and a planned unit development is applied for and approved)—pursuant to ECC Section 8-6-6-5(A).The o(/sertlng increase of the required percentage in open space has been provided. Minimum Lot Width 35-feet(MU) 50-fat(mvrimum)(MU) 35-feet(R-0) 70-fat(minimum)(R-0) 35-feet(R-2) 75-foet(minimum)(A-2) Minimum Street Frontage 33-feet 35-feet Total Acreage of Common Area 76.92-Acres(inclusive of planter 52.66-acres(minimum) Open Space strips) Percent of Site as Common Area 29.9% 20%(minimum) OPen SPA (Active open Space 67.4%) Except mat accardmg m ECC section 9-} 8(C)me Ciry may require�ditionel public and/or private perk or opal space f ilitiea m PIIDs. 8 4 5/16/2023 Eagle 2007 Comprehensive (adopted February 2007) i 2007 COMP PLa�Deusitles: �'illaYz Czntzc SO-�crey rr 1��uuin acrz=800 units _ � Rz>iilznual Four:SSacrzs <t -t units acre=3�0 units I Residential 7�co:=i�-aaz t! =Uinti;iC12=�Id Ilnitl \illase Subtotal:1.SSa r'� Czuter I IO�o PCD Bonin: 1SS I Total De�'elo ment Potential: 1,709 i �zsidential Four I n UIlltS �Rzsideurial Tyco I 9 2007 Conceptual Plan«ithin DA: 1,324 Residential units 49 acres of\tiled use(non-residential) n.. (490 units deducted) u 37.2 acres of open space(101 o) 10 5 • 1 01-20-2007 Approved by the City Council 2007 Approval&DA Standards 1,824 units Max(4.9units/acre)(inclusive of Torrente Secco and Millstone Farm Subdivisions)* 132 acres at 2 units/acre=264 units 140 acres at 4 units/acre=560 units 100 acres at 10 units/acre=1000 units (Each acre of mixed use not used as residential;10 units are deducted from the total unit count) *Inclusive of the previously approved Millstone forms Subdivision(310-dwelling units) 10%Open Space 50%of non-buildable school site counts as open space Torrente Secco Subdivision is proposed with the following: 613 units(2.33 units/acre)* 55.53-acres at 10 units/acre—237 units(4.27 units/acre)(pro posed 77.27-acres at 4 units/acre—205 units(2.65 units/acre)(pro posed) 130.61-acres at 2 units/acre—171 units(1.31 units/acre)(proposed) • *Excludes commercial area i 017 Eagle is HOME Plan (odopted November 2017) fliee Center units acre=170 units Compact Res.:30-acres 6 S units acre=240 units Nei2hborhood , 1 Issues of Special Concern • Storage Trunk Line (STL) fees • Setbacks • Timing of construction of amenities • Removal of silo and future personal wireless facilities location • Idaho Transportation Department proportionate share request Storage Trunk Line (STL) fees 4. The applicant shall pay the required $321,825.00 preliminary plat Storage Trunk Line fee along with the associated final plat Storage Trunk Line fee at the time of submittal of the first final development plan/final plat application. The applicant shall be required to pay the Storage Trunk Line fee (based on meter size) for the commercial uses and the school site at the time of application for building permit(s). (Resolution No. 08-09) 1 Setbacks 6.1'de required setbacks shall br as follows: Attached Sink-F'amilr Lots 3 9511-1 quare fat to 7 999-ronare fat within the R-2-DA R-4-DA.&hIC-DA: hlinimrw LM Siu. 3,967-squaw feel Maximum Lot Coycraec: 50 percent Minunnm La Width: 33-tat Fran Setback. 20-&ct 31-feet(front load garage) Rear Setback: 20-fat Side Setback 5-feet 04at(ttxnmon wall) Street Sidc Setback: 20-1ect Si [..Family Loss 8 000-snare feat to 16.999 sauam feet within the N 2 D 1 N i D &MC-DA- Minimum Lot Sim 8.000-square feet hfaximutn Lnt Coverage. 40 perata Minimum Lot Width: 704eet Front Setback: 20-fox 31-fat(front load gamac) 34-feet(front load garage Lots 44-52,Block 29) Rear Setback: 25-fat Side Setback: 75-fat(additional 5-feet/.ton) Street Side Setback: 2()-feet S' [-Family Lots 17 000-sonare W and above within the R-2-DA R-4-DA &MU-DA: Mumma La Sin, 17.000-square feet Maximum Lot Covemgc 4()pCra`ta1 Minimum Let W.,th 75-fit Front Setback: 30-fat 1-fect(front laud garage) 34-fat(front hmd gamgc Lots 2.0.Block 18.Lets 7 aul 8.Block 14) Rear Setback; 30-fat Side Setback: l afit(additional 5-f•ct/stor) Street Side Setback: 20-fat Commercial Lots: Maximum Lot Site 5.MO-square fat Maximum Let Coverage: 50 percent Front Setback 20-fmt Rear Setback 2t)-fect Sid:Setback 7.5-feet Street Sid:Setback: 20-fat z Timing of Construction of Amenities 9. The applicant shall be required to construct the"Central Open Area" located within Lot 43,Block 29,as shown on the preliminary plat/PUD. The"Central Open Area"shall be constructed with the amenities as identified on preliminary plat/PUD prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat for Torrente Secco Subdivision No.2. 10.The applicant shall be required to construct the following amenities with the associated subdivision phase: • Lot 1,Block 8—Playground equipment and covered sitting area(Phase 8) • Lot 1,Block 15—Splash pad(Phase 7) • Lot 1,Block 20—Playground equipment and covered sitting area(Phase 4) • Lot 1,Block 27—Covered sitting(Phase 1) • Lot 4, Block 29—Dog park(Phase 7) The amenities shall be constructed prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat for the associated subdivision phase. 1 Removal of silo and future personal wireless facilities location 13. The applicant shall be required to comply with Eagle City Code Sections 8-2-3 and 8-3-5(S) associated with the placement of a personal wireless facility. Idaho Transportation Department ( ITD) proportionate share request 14. The applicant shall enter into a Traffic Mitigation Agreement to address the required Idaho Transportation Department improvements. The applicant shall be required to provide a copy of the executed Idaho Transportation Department Traffic Mitigation Agreement to the City prior to the City Clerk signing the first final plat or prior to the issuance of any building permits, whichever occurs first. 1 Staff Recommendation If the conditional use permit, preliminary development plan and preliminary plat are approved, staff recommends the site specific conditions of approval provided on page 5 and the standard conditions of approval provided on page 29. Planning Commission Recommendation On April, 3, 2023, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5 to 0 to recommend of this application with the site specific conditions of approval and standard conditions of approval provided on page 24 of the Planning and Zoning Commission Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. 1 1 5/16/2023 1 zl COMP PLAN ZONING LAND USE fi Ah A DESIGNATION DESIGNATION Existing Village and Community MU-DA(Mixed Use with a Vacant property and Center,Compact Residential, development agreement),R-2-DA Agriculture • • • and Neighborhood (Residential with a development Residential agreement)and R-4-DA (Residential with a development • • ; agreement) • • Proposed No Change No Change Residential and Commercial Planned Unit Development • North of Village and Community RUT(Rural-Urban Transition- Agriculture and Single-Family site Center,Compact Residential, Ada County designation),RI Residences • . and Large Lot Residential (Estate Residential-Ada County • • designation),and R-E-DA (Residential-Estates with a development agreement) South of Neighborhood Residential R-2-DA-P(Residential with a Proposed Legacy Development site development agreement-PUD) East of site Neighborhood Residential R-2-DA-P(Residential with a Taanebaum Subdivision and development agreement-PUD) Proposed Stags Crossing Subdivision West of Site Village and Community RUT(Rural-Urban Transition- Vacant property,Agriculture, Center,Compact Residential, Ada County designation),MU-DA and Proposed Millstone Faun and Neighborhood (Mixed Use with a development Subdivision and Snoqualmie Residential agreement,R-4-DA(Residential Basin Subdivision with a development agreement) and R-2-DA-P(Residential with a development agreement-PUD) 22 11 1 TORRENTE SECCO SUBDIVISI PRELIMINAR) AND PLANNED UN ELOPMENT APPLICATIONS EAGLE CITY C.; \CIL PUBLIC HEART May 9, 20211 Vicinit Ma ' � '` IIY•11�111.1 5/16/2023 ' g 10 1 I&VA • f t `WOit;�P�11117 eYd/@d° TORRENTS SECCO SUBDIVISION 3 MU-DA R�U`' T ------- R MU-D A -0; A 11 0 -4 R2-DA-P MU-DA R2 n Y', r R2-DA-P R4DA --------------- R2-DA-P .......... R2 A P �i xz�c� -- TORRENTE SECCO SUBDIVISION 4 2 5/16/2023 - Rz�A-I R2 W-0 �-0IE-• }_+k,---• I I`fd!►....�C___•_ ,E,; RI-DA s R2-DA TV ,ram t I a - i Imo' Trig I�,y'.,..,, im AA gip. _ - -- 5 04 1 r', TORRENTE SECCO SUBDIVISION I- .,..a. O =- EAGLE.IDANO PRELIMINARY PLAT LANDSCAPE APE PLAN _. 6 3 5/16/2023 I ri raoroaeo rexsnluul•�n�w�r nw' � �-- �wcurnwr'aar - TORRENTE SECCO SUBDMSION 7 FA • B 1 p I C 4E arm I 13 , I1I p, J.O O , I LQ I 4 5/16/2023 CentralAmenities . • Area acres b. Community . - with FitnessRoom, . . . Great Room arid Parking Area Swimming Pool Facility b. Playground Equipment -.• Volleyballii. Covered Barbeques and Picnic Areas io Sand ExtensivePond and Interconnected Linear Open Spaces,,vith an Pathway Network P. Pocket Parks with Playground Equipment, Paths Splash Pad and Other Active Amenities ill Ten-foot-wide Multi-use Pathway along the Dry Creek Canal with Park Benches and Open Lawn Areas D•• Park 9 TORRENTE SECCO ONE-TIME FEES-613 SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES Description Cost per DU Total Parks $1,115.72 $683,936.36 Pathway Impact Fees $330.50 $202,596.50 Police Impact Fees $111,00 $68,043.00 Fire Impact Fees $897.00 $549,861.00 Total City Impact Fees $2,454.22 $1,504,436.86 Hookup Fees $1,115.00 $683,495.00 Storage and Trunk Line Fees $2,100 00 $1,287,300.00 Water Construction Equivalency Fees $400.00 $245,200.00 Total City Water Fees $3,615.00 $2,215,995.00 ACHD Impact Fee(Single-family) $3,493.00 $1,365.763.00 ACHD Impact Fee(Single-family Attached) $2,118.00 $470,196.00 ONE-TIME FEES PER UNIT Single-family Detached $9,562.22 $3,738,828.02 Single-family Attached $8,187.22 $1,817,562.84 TOTAL ONE-TIME FEES' $5,556,390.86 •Does not trxwde oulid,n9 puma fees 10 5 5/16/2023 TORRENTE SECOO SUBDIVISION-EAGLE,IDAHO TORRENTE SECCO-SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL .. PROJECTED YEARLY TAX GENERATION AT BUILDOUT(USING 2023 TAX RATES) 613 SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES Q AVERAGE VALUATION OF$750.000 00 (WITHOUT HOMEOWNERS'EXEMPTION) Taairp District Levy Rate Jurisdiction An—I Tax Rate at Buldout 0.001414784 ADA COUNTY $650446.91 0.000076176 EMERGENCY MEDICAL $35021.92 0.000441743 ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DIST $203091.34 0.001093829 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.2 $502807.BB 0.00041889 EAGLE CITY $192.492-73 0.000017445 STAR CEMETERY 58020.34 0,000895034 EAGLE FIRE 5411491. O.ODW13418 EAGLE SEWER $6,168,93 0.00001356 MOSQUITOAaATEMEWr SB .21 0.000078612 COLLEGE OF WESTERN IDAHO 538141.8 0.004463281 $2 051 998. TORRENTE SECCO SUBDIVISION-SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PROJECTED YEARLY TAX GENERATION AT BUILDOUT(USING 2023 TAX RATES) 013 SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES @ AVERAGE VALUATION OF 5825,00DAO (WITH HOMEOWNERS'EXEMPTION) N41 District Levy Rate Jurisdiction Annual Taz Rate at BuWou 1 4 78 4 ADACOUNTY $542039.126176 EMERGENCY MEDICAL $291941743 ADA COUNTY HIGHWAYDIST $169242.7993829 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.2 $419073,211869 EAGLE CRY 5717445 STAR CEMETERY5034 EAGLE FIRE13418 EAGLE SEWER1356 MOSQUITO ABATEMENT 55,195.1 0.000075612 COLLEGE OF WESTERN IDAHO 11822 0GD4463291 $1 709 999. 11 V 12 6 1 TORRENTE SECCO - Sampl Elevation O TORRENTE SECCO - Sampl Elevation 1 TORRENTE SECCO - Sampl Elevation r y� s . . .................. TORRENTS SECCO - Sampl Elevation T i 1 _ t auk 1 TORRENTE SECCO -Sample Elevation i e tWN i t W t . TORRENTE SECCO -Sample Elevation A u h ; • 1 TORRENTS SECCO -Sample i Elevation TORRENTS SECCO -Sample I Elevation i y 1 . 1 TORRENTE SECCO -Sample Elevation I 5=. TORRENTS SECCO -Sample Elevation RI 5/16/2023 • " rA • - - • f \ 1 t 23 r ,gyp ky c ��} IIIII I � IF 24 12 5/16/2023 7117, LT MT ..` y il ,�,J' eems,r � ,•ti - -� ¢ � '�. � ,�-m. .4 25 TORRENTE SECCO SUBDIVISION O n EAGLE.IDAHO PRELIMINARY PLAT LANDSCAPE PLAN -- 26 13