Minutes - 2023 - City Council - 04/25/2023 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 25,2023 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER, PIKE, BAUN, RUSSELL. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pierce leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. ADDITIONS.DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: NONE 5. PRESENTATION: A. Valley Regional Transit(VRT): A representative from VRT will report on ridership. Steven Hunt with Valley Regional Transit, reviews accomplishments for fiscal year 2022, as well as ridership trends and challenges anticipated in the year ahead. Ellaine Clegg, CEO of Valley Regional Transit reviews the 160 On-Demand Lunch beginning in May in the City of Eagle. Discusses the Better Bus Initiative which involves better routes, stops and rides. 6. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council: Gindlesperger reports on the Historic Preservation Commission meeting. They have hired Steve Trout to do a historic review of the Jackson House once the City is able to access the structure.His services will be partially paid for with grant funding.Baun reports on the Eagle Canyon Endurance equestrian ride that was held this weekend.The proceeds from the ride went to the Woman's and Children's Alliance.Mayor Pierce reports on the Spring Fling Clean up,approximately 150 people volunteered to help with pre-work within the parks for the upcoming season. B. Department Supervisor: 1. City Treasurer, Financial Reports for March 2023 and Quarter Ending March 31,2023. City Clerk,Tracy Osborn states that the Treasurer has asked for a couple Thursday workshops that will be for presentations by contracted service providers for their budget requests for fiscal year 2023/2024.Osborn also provides an update on the AmeriBen project.They are finalizing the review of job descriptions and then will begin the external compensation analysis phase. Director of Long- Range Planning and Projects has provided the Capital Maintenance and Capital Projects prioritization draft for review and provides an update on the next steps in the process. C. Eagle Police Department:No report D. City Attorney:No report 7. PUBLIC COMMENT 1: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time.This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter,land use application,or comment on a pending application or proposal.Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. No one choses to speak. 7. ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-25-23min.docx ♦ Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor,a Councilmember,member of City Staff,or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion.Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. ♦ Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff,Planning&Zoning Commission,or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of March 28,2023.(TEO) C. Minutes of March 30,2023.(TEO) D. Minutes of April 5,2023.(TEO) E. Minutes of April 11,2023.(TEO) F. Independent Contract Instructor Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Ashley Christensen: Independent Contract Instructor Agreement between the City of Eagle and Ashley Christensen to provide Workout Classes. Compensation shall be at a rate of 70% of the total revenue. (KRD) G. Independent Contract Instructor Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Abigail Takeuchi: Independent Contract Instructor Agreement between the City of Eagle and Abigail Takeuchi to provide Self-Empowerment Classes. Compensation shall be at a rate of 70% of the total revenue. (KRD) H. Pyrotechnic Public Display Contract Between the City of Eagle and Fireworks & Stage FX America,LLC dba Fireworks America: A Pyrotechnic Public Display Contract between the City of Eagle and Fireworks & Stage FX America, LLC dba Fireworks America. Compensation shall not exceed$20,000.00. (JDH) 1. Second Amendment to Park Vendor Lease Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Treasure Valley Tropical Sno Dealership LLC: A Second Amendment to Park Vendor Lease Agreement between the City of Eagle and Treasure Valley Tropical Sno Dealership LLC to provide temporary vendor services at Merrill Park from May 1,2023,to September 30, 2023. (TEO) J. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of A-14-22/RZ-19-22 — Annexation and Rezone for Avimor Village One — Avimor Development: Avimor Development is requesting an annexation, rezone from PC (Planned Community — Ada County designation) to A-P-D (Avimor Planned Development) for Avimor Village One (portions of Avimor Subdivision No. 1, Avimor Subdivision Nos. 4-11, and Avimor Townhomes North Subdivision). The approximately 657-acre site is already developed with a mix of uses and is located on the east side of Highway 55, approximately 3 miles north of Dry Creek Road in Ada County. (MNB). K. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of A-06-22/RZ-06-22 &ZOA- 01-22 — Annexation and Rezone with a Development Agreement and Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Establish Development Standards and Processes for the Avimor Planned Development Zoning District — Avimor Development, Spring Valley Livestock, and First American Title as dual beneficiary trust: The applicant is requesting an annexation and rezone from RP (Rural Preservation — Ada County Designation), RR (Rural Residential — Ada County designation), Multiple Use Zone (Boise County designation), and Al (Prime Agriculture— Gem County designation) to A-P-D-DA (Avimor Planned Development with a Development Agreement)and a zoning ordinance amendment to establish development standards and processes for the Avimor Planned Development Zoning District.The 17,522 acre site is anticipated to include up to 8,761 dwelling units and approximately 860,000 square feet of commercial and retail uses. This application includes a development agreement, economic impact report, master wastewater study, a municipal water and pressurized irrigation system master plan, a master drainage report, grading and hillside development standards, and a habitat management plan. The 17,522 acre site is located on both the east and west side of Highway 55,approximately 3 miles north of Dry Creek Road in Ada,Gem,and Boise Counties. (MNB) L. Eagle Road Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge Change Order No.01: Professional Engineer Stamp and Time Extension for Knife River in the amount not to exceed $4,500.00. (NBS) Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04.25-23min.docx M. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of FPUD-10-22 & FP-16-22 - Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Millstone Farm Subdivision No.1 - Seddie Eagle I, LLC: Seddie Eagle I, LLC, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Millstone Farm Subdivision - Phase 1, a 103-lot (90-buildable, 13-common), residential subdivision. The 41.78-acre site is located at the northwest corner of North Palmer Lane and West Floating Feather Road.(MJW) N. Development Agreement Associated with RZ-04-18 MOD2-Madera Development,Inc.: Madera Development,Inc.,represented by Jon Breckon and Mary Wall with Breckon Land Design, is requesting a modification to the rezone development agreement associated with the approved Bellemeade Subdivision.The request is to modify the front yard setback identified in the previously approved Condition of Development 3.4. The 10.99-acre site is located on the north side of West Flint drive at the northeast corner of West Flint Drive and North Park Lane at 3850 West Flint Drive and 312 North Park Lane. (MJW) O. Lease Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Eagle Rodeo Inc.: A Lease Agreement between the City of Eagle and Eagle Rodeo Inc.to utilize City owned property for the Eagle Rodeo. (JWP) P. Temporary Noise Ordinance Waiver Request: Eagle Rodeo is requesting a noise waiver for the dates of June 7-June 10,2023,for the Eagle Rodeo event being held between 5:00 p.m.- 12:00 a.m.(TEO) Q. Resolution No 23-10-Public Utilities,Lot Drainage,and Pressurized Irrigation Facilities Easement Vacation: A resolution of the Eagle City Council to vacate the rear yard public utilities, lot drainage,and pressurized irrigation facilities easement located within Lots 3, 4, and 5, Block 4 (AMENDED PLAT OF RINGO RIDGE ESTATES SUBDIVISION NO.1) as shown on the attachments hereto; and providing an effective date. (MJR) R. EXT-02-23 - Final Plat Extension of Time Associated with Molinari Park Subdivision No.2 - Molinari Park Development, LLC: Molinari Park Development, LLC, represented by Nick Bruyn of KM Engineering, is requesting a one(1)year extension of time for the final plat of Molinari Park Subdivision No.2,a 71-lot(59-buildable, 12-common),mixed-use subdivision. The 6.5-acre site is located at the south side of East Plaza Drive approximately 300-feet east of the intersection of South 2nd Street and East Plaza Drive. (MNB) S. Master License Agreement for Installation and Disposition of Underground Fiber-Optic Conduit Systems: A Master License Agreement for Installation and Disposition of Underground Fiber-Optic Conduit System between the City of Eagle and Ada County Highway District. (ELZ) Janet Buschert requests items J&K. Baun item R. Pike removes item O. Gindlesperger moves to approve consent agenda items A-S, excluding J, K, O and R. Seconded by Pike. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. J. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of A-14-22/RZ-19-22 — Annexation and Rezone for Avimor Village One — Avimor Development: Avimor Development is requesting an annexation, rezone from PC (Planned Community — Ada County designation) to A-P-D (Avimor Planned Development) for Avimor Village One (portions of Avimor Subdivision No. 1, Avimor Subdivision Nos. 4-11, and Avimor Townhomes North Subdivision). The approximately 657-acre site is already developed with a mix of uses and is located on the east side of Highway 55, approximately 3 miles north of Dry Creek Road in Ada County. (MNB). K. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of A-06-22/RZ-06-22 & ZOA- 01-22 — Annexation and Rezone with a Development Agreement and Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Establish Development Standards and Processes for the Avimor Planned Development Zoning District — Avimor Development, Spring Valley Livestock, and First American Title as dual beneficiary trust: The applicant is requesting an annexation and rezone from RP (Rural Preservation — Ada County Designation), RR (Rural Residential — Ada County Page 3 IC:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-25-23min.docx designation), Multiple Use Zone (Boise County designation), and Al (Prime Agriculture — Gem County designation) to A-P-D-DA (Avimor Planned Development with a Development Agreement)and a zoning ordinance amendment to establish development standards and processes for the Avimor Planned Development Zoning District.The 17,522 acre site is anticipated to include up to 8,761 dwelling units and approximately 860,000 square feet of commercial and retail uses. This application includes a development agreement, economic impact report, master wastewater study, a municipal water and pressurized irrigation system master plan, a master drainage report, grading and hillside development standards, and a habitat management plan. The 17,522 acre site is located on both the east and west side of Highway 55,approximately 3 miles north of Dry Creek Road in Ada, Gem, and Boise Counties. (MNB) Russ Buschert,235 West Floating Feather Road,Eagle,Idaho. Mr. Buschert inquires where in the findings it speaks to who is responsible for creating, controlling and maintaining the trails in Avimor. Janet Buschert, 235 West Floating Feather Road, Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Buschert poses questions regarding the water system associated with Avimor that references the water system agreement and eligible items for reimbursement.Clarification is sought on the definition of late comer fees as well as what are special facilities that may be eligible for reimbursement. Buschert states that as the water agreement can be amended, perhaps the findings should be reflective of these two possible areas for reimbursement. Mayor Pierce and City Attorney Villegas provide clarification regarding late comer fees and the effectiveness of the late-comers agreement. Planner III, Morgan Bessaw, addresses the question regarding trails. There are currently no trails within Avimor that the City has accepted maintenance responsibility for,nor any easements within Avimor. As plats come forward with trails identified,decisions would be made at that time by the Council regarding easements and maintenance of the same. Baun moves to approve consent items 8J and K.Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. O. Lease Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Eagle Rodeo Inc.: A Lease Agreement between the City of Eagle and Eagle Rodeo Inc.to utilize City owned property for the Eagle Rodeo. (JWP) Council Member Pike asks for the Eagle Rodeo representative to address questions regarding traffic. Mathew Woodington, 8382 Foothill Road, Middleton, Idaho. Mr. Woodington states that they are working with Idaho Transportation Department,Eagle Police and Idaho State Police to ensure that safety measures are in place to mitigate traffic issues as much as possible. Pike moves to approve consent agenda item 80. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GMLESPERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE; ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. R. EXT-02-23 - Final Plat Extension of Time Associated with Molinari Park Subdivision No.2 - Molinari Park Development, LLC: Molinari Park Development, LLC, represented by Nick Bruyn of KM Engineering, is requesting a one(1)year extension of time for the final plat of Molinari Park Subdivision No.2, a 71-lot(59-buildable, 12-common), mixed-use subdivision.The 6.5-acre site is located at the south side of East Plaza Drive approximately 300-feet east of the intersection of South 2nd Street and East Plaza Drive. (MNB) Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-25-23min.docx Council Member Baun asks for the reason for the extension request. Planner II1, Morgan Bessaw states that no infrastructure is currently in place for Phase 2 and thus the request for the extension. Landon North, 12369 Explorer Drive, Boise, Idaho, with GWC. The reason for the extension request is due to economic conditions. Phase 1 is currently under construction,and it is their hope to break ground on Phase 2 in September of this year with completion in June, which would align with the one-year extension request before Council tonight. Baun moves to approve consent agenda item 8R. Seconded by Russell.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: Agreement for Operation of the RC Cars Track Between the City of Eagle and Eagle Hills Racing Association: An agreement to permit the Eagle Hills Racing Association to hold radio-controlled car racing events,make improvements,and provide maintenance at the Ada/Eagle Sports Complex RC Cars Track. (STN) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Superintendent of Trails and Pathways, Steve Noyes provides a brief overview of the contract. Staff is asking for a minor change to the contract before them tonight,adding the condition that the City maintain the electrical and irrigation for the site. After speaking to the Public Works Director, it was decided that these items were best left under the City's prevue. Pike asks if Eagle Hills Racing Association is a new entity or one that the City has previously partnered with.Noyes states that some of the participants in the group are the same, but some are new as well. Pike moves to approve action item 9A Agreement for Operation of the RC Cars Track Between the City of Eagle and Eagle Hills Racing Association with amendment to 8A of the electrical and irrigation support through the City. Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 10. ALL PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS PUBLIC HEARINGS:Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m ♦ Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law.The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council.This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. ♦ Public hearing testimony time limits:Individuals testifying are allotted three(3)minutes for non-repetitive testimony. ♦ Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest. A. PP-20-22 -Preliminary Plat for Valnova Lot 51 Subdivision (a re-subdivision of Lots 19 and 51 of Spring Valley Subdivision No.1) - GWC Capital, LLC: GWC Capital, LLC, represented by Landon Northey, is requesting preliminary plat approval for Valnova Lot 51 Subdivision (a re-subdivision of Lots 19 and 51 of the Spring Valley Subdivision No. 1) a 50-lot (41-buildable,9-common[7-community open space,2-private alleys])subdivision.The 23.14-acre site is generally located approximately 3/4-mile northeast of the intersection of State Highway 16 and Equest Lane(approximately 1 mile north of Beacon Light Road and Linder Road intersection). (DLM) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Page 5 KACOUNCIL\MINUTEWemporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-25-23min.docx Landon Northly, 12639 Explorer Drive Ste. 125,Boise,Idaho. Mr.Northly reviews the preliminary plat application. This is a review of the preliminary plat for Valnova Lot 51, a re-subdivision of lots 19 and 51 of the Spring Valley Subdivision. The application contains 41 buildable lots with 9- common lots. The first community park of the project is also located within the application before Council tonight. General discussion regarding the private alleys and public access to the community park. Planner III, Daniel Miller reviews the staff report and areas for special consideration including fire access easement, wayfinding signage and addressing, the future park site and architecture compliance. Discussion Mayor opens the public hearing. No one chose to speak. Landon Northly provides clarification regarding the bollard use for fire access and the requirements established by Star Fire District. Discussion. Mayor closed the public hearing. Baun moves to approve PP-20-22 - Preliminary Plat for Valnova Lot 51 Subdivision (a re- subdivision of Lots 19 and 51 of Spring Valley Subdivision No.1). Seconded by Russell.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. CU-01-23 - Waiver of Eagle City Code Section 8-2-4 - George Fischer: George Fischer is requesting conditional use permit approval for a waiver of Eagle City Code (8-2-4) setback requirements in anticipation of a parcel division and to permit an existing accessory structure to exist upon a parcel without a principal dwelling(ECC 8-1-2). The 5.85 acre site is located on the south side of Beacon Light Road, at the intersection with Skyview Lane, approximately 0.4 miles east of Ballantyne Lane at 1275 West Beacon Light Road. (MNB) Mayor introduces the item. George Fischer, 1275 West Beacon Light Road,Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Fischer reviews the request for a conditional use waiver. Planner 11I, Morgan Bessaw reviews the staff report and areas for special consideration. General discussion. Mayor opens the public hearing. No one chose to speak. Mayor closes the public hearing. Gindlesperger moves to approve action item 10B CU-01-23 - Waiver of Eagle City Code Section 8-2-4 - George Fischer. Seconded by Pike. Discussion. Gindlesperger amends to include the site-specific conditions 1-4. Second concurs. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 6 KACOUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-25-23min.docz B1.ACTION ITEM. PD-01-22-Parcel Division-George Fischer: George Fischer is requesting approval of a parcel division for the creation of two parcels. The 5.85-acre site is located on the south side of Beacon Light Road, at the intersection with Skyview Lane, approximately 0.4 miles east of Ballantyne Lane at 1275 West Beacon Light Road. (MNB) Mayor introduces the item. Planner III,Morgan Bessaw reviews the application and areas of special concern. Baun moves to approve PD-01-22 - Parcel Division - George Fischer. Seconded by Russell. Discussion.Bann amends to state that water and sewer hook ups will not be required.Second concurs.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. C. Development Impact Fees for Parks Amendment to the City of Eamle Development Impact Fee Study and Capital Improvement Plan for Parks to consider an increase in the development impact fee for parks in excess of 5%.(NBS) Mayor introduces the item. Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects, Nichoel Baird Spencer provides a brief overview of the recommendation from the Development Impact Fee Advisory Committee. City Engineer,Mike Davis reviews the state code requirements,history of park impact fees and the review of the analysis done to arrive at the Council tonight for consideration.Based on the increases in construction costs and land values,the proposed park impact fee is $2,080.00. Discussion regarding the population figure utilized, in relation to the initiation of the analysis vs the newly released COMPASS figures. Mayor opens the public hearing. No one chose to speak. Mayor closes the public hearing. Bann moves to approve action 10C Development Impact Fees for Parks. Seconded by Pike. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: Beacon Light Road(Linder Road to SH-16): Provide a recommendation to ACHD on the number of potential lanes on Beacon Light Road west of Linder Road.(NBS) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects,Nichoel Baird Spencer provides a history on Beacon Light Road decisions by the City and seeks current Council direction. Discussion regarding commercial and residential development and traffic patterns. Mayor inquires if anyone from the public would like to speak. Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-25-23min.docx Cheryl Bloom, 2153 N. Holllybrook Place, Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Bloom would like to see the road to remain three lanes. Ms. Bloom was one of the stakeholders of the Friends of Beacon Light, as well as part of the lawsuit to keep it to three lanes. School bus safety is of concern if it were to be widened to five lanes. She would prefer to have it remain three lanes. Bann action item10A direct staff send a letter to ACHD reflecting a 5-lane Commerical/Residential arterial west of Linder and a 3-lane rural arterial east of Linder Road to include bike lanes. Seconded by Russell.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. ACTION ITEM: Ordinance 895: Zoning Ordinance Amendment for the Creation of Title 11B-City of Eagle:An ordinance of the City of Eagle,Ada County Idaho,adding a new Title 11B"Avimor Zoning Ordinance",Chapter 1 "ZONING DISTRICT AND INTERPRETATION/DEFINITIONS",Chapter 2 "LAND USE DISTRICTS".Chapter 3 "DESIGN REVIEW",Chapter 4"SPECIFIC USE STANDARDS",Chapter 5"OFF STREET PARKING AND LOADING",Chapter 6"NON-CONFORMING USE", Chapter 7"ZONING ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT",Chapter 8 "AREA OF CITY IMPACT",Chapter 9"HISTORIC PRESERVATION",Chapter 10 "MINIMAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE",and Chapter 11 "LAND SUBDIVISIONS",and providing an effective date.(MNB) Mayor introduces the item. Planner 111,Morgan Bessaw states this Ordinance is related to the Avimor approval taken at a previous meeting and makes herself available for questions. Bann moves,pursuant to Idaho Code,Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that Ordinance#895 be considered after being read once by title only. Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER: AYE;PIKE NAY BAUN: AYE; RUSSELL: AYE: THREE AYE: ONE NAY(PIKE).MOTION CARRIES. Bann moves that Ordinance#895.A Zoning Ordinance Amendment for the Creation of Title 11B-City of Eagle: An ordinance of the City of Eagle,Ada County Idaho,adding a new Title 11B"Avimor Zoning Ordinance",Chapter 1 "ZONING DISTRICT AND INTERPRETATION/DEFINITIONS",Chapter 2 "LAND USE DISTRICTS",Chapter 3 "DESIGN REVIEW",Chapter 4"SPECIFIC USE STANDARDS",Chapter 5 "OFF STREET PARKING AND LOADING",Chapter 6"NON-CONFORMING USE",Chapter 7"ZONING ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT",Chapter 8"AREA OF CITY IMPACT",Chapter 9"HISTORIC PRESERVATION",Chapter 10"MINIMAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE",and Chapter 11 "LAND SUBDIVISIONS",and providing an effective date. be adopted. Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER: AYE; PIKE NAY; BAUN: AYE; RUSSELL: AYE: THREE AYE,ONE NAY(PIKE).MOTION CARRIES. 11. PUBLIC COMMENT 2: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter, up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing and land use items.Comments regarding Public Hearing and land use items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s) in accordance with Idaho Code. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters(excluding Public Hearing and land use items)during this allotte time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3)minutes 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION:74-206(1)An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections Page 8 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-25-23min.docx of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds(2/3)vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: (f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement; Gindlesperger move pursuant to I.C.74-206(1)that the City of Eagle convene an Executive Session for the purpose of(f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation,or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. Seconded by Bann. GINDLESPERGER: AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN: AYE;RUSSELL: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. Council enters into executive session. Discussion of pending/threatened litigation. Council exits executive session. A. ACTION ITEM: Action regarding pending/threatened litigation.No action. B. *ACTION ITEM: Pending/threatened litigation action item regarding settlement agreements between Elie Phillips Design and Red Couch Creative Inc. and City of Eagle. Pike moves pursuant to action item 13B regarding settlement agreements between Elie Phillips Design and Red Couch Creative Inc. and City of Eagle we move forward with the direction to enter into the settlement agreement. Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE. ALL AYE... MOTION CARRIES. 13. ADJOURNMENT: Gindlesperger moves to adjourn. Seconded by Baun. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted: 7a. "' •. TRACY _6—sfBbRN, CMC ' K' CITY CLERK o ,fio O APPROVED: AS N PIERCE MAJOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 9 I(ACOUNCIL\MINUTEWemporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04.25-23min.dotx EAGLE CITY COUNCIL April 25, 2023 PUBLIC COMMENT 1 SIGN-UP Time is allotted on the agenda at the beginning and end of the council meeting. Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual. TESTIFY PRO/CON or NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL April 25, 2023 PUBLIC COMMENT 1 SIGN-UP Time is allotted on the agenda at the beginning and end of the council meeting. Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL April 25, 2023 Time is allotted on the agenda at the beginning and end of the council meeting. Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual. TESTIFY PRO/CON or NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL April 25, 2023 gLALL COMMENT 2 SIGN-IJP Time is allotted on the agenda at the beginning and end of the council meeting. Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 11, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10A SUBJECT: PP-20-22 - Preliminary Plat for Valnova Lot 51 Subdivision (a re-subdivision of Lots 19 and 51 of Spring Valley Subdivision No.1) - GWC Capital,LLC: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 11, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10A SUBJECT: PP-20-22 - Preliminary Plat for Valnova Lot 51 Subdivision (a re-subdivision of Lots 19 and 51 of Spring Valley Subdivision No.1) - GWC Capital, LLC: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 11, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10B SUBJECT: CU-01-23 - Waiver of Eagle City Code Section 8-2-4 - Georze Fischer: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 11, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10B SUBJECT: CU-01-23 - Waiver of Eagle City Code Section 8-2-4 - George Fischer: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 11, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10C SUBJECT: Development Impact Fees for Parks: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 11, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10C SUBJECT: Development Impact Fees for Parks: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL more on back < Q 0 Update Valley Regional Transit .............. City _. rt of Eagle Date: U � D A VRT Update • FY 2022 Accomplishments • Headwinds/Advances • Ridership Trends • 160 On Demand Launch -- • Better Bus Initiative (�)vall.yregionaltransit 2022 ift Accomplishments 095 CPO Q Successful Competitive Grant eWw Cycle BUILDING A BETTER $10.57 M State Street RAISE State Street $20M Low-No Capital Project Progress Broke ground or completed Orchard lot expansion f Fairview transit islands valleyregionaltransit 2022 FREQUENT Frequency:15 min.peak(or more often) Accomplishments Route uns all day LOCAL = Frequency:30 min. STOP ID Completed key studies Routeuns:allday Kuna Public Transportation Study 0 1 4 Frequency:mute-dependent 00 rc h a rd Facility Master Plan Route runs times):peak-only(morning and evening commute times) 40 Bus Stop Typology* 5 Regional Vanpool Study* Integrated Mobility Plan* 2,, USARRIVAL *Finalized in earl 2024 eFORMATION y INFORMATION �� valleyregionaltransit Headwinds/ Advances • Cost Increases: • Wages/fuel/insurance • Service Changes: • Restructure lower performing service • Increased Directly Generated Revenue: • Fares & Advertising • Fleet Electrification: • Cleaner/Quieter • Charging challenges, valley,;;,,,,transit 2022 Ridership Update Fiscal Year Fixed Route and OnDennand Ridership 100,000 2 0 2 2: 't 13% 90,000 80,000 2023: '' 20% 70,000 60.000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 �o�FP �PFP �O;�P �JPe, P`�PJ PPG PQP�� �PJ >JaE. ,J�-� JCJo� ot�P C valleyr-w naltransit —FY21 —FY22 —FY23 6 160 On-Demand Launch • 1 Fi Sein e 1 Heaph i . 3 Wnco Food 9ae feet' Servire 4 Al>e�ns-FaQe Poad' Avadablr 5 Wre Foods.C1Rden O MON-rNl B dNard 000 aM-SOO.M 6 Eagle Co U1 . o.o.m.m 1 Eagle Pdblk lbraq %/ ....,,...,. 8 Eagle PoA afire OnUemand 9 6iAe island Stale Pad May: On-Demand �� © a.,. d.n.a... to Fnendsl,Pad .o,.vi.o... P eo.c aa.m V. It Fklltage Pad ..9,�w»M . Owll(.. Pad service in Eagle and a� 3 S C.CAWWPa* 14 Bid Mend Pad I to regional centers 15 a,44il1 a,pteridean ❑a"FX❑a l5 5,vnl ltik's hkddun _ hkdirzl Center MERIDIAN L' 11 raq&Bumh "(IS {A',/4 1 a Pass outlet Ten Mlle fl , Park&Rlde -- O VgII@yf@glO Oltrq t131Y C valleyregionaltronsit ` valley r.BETTER BETTER BETTER REGIONAL rec n R B s —BUS = BUS a BUS �J V I ' STOP - .� transit „..�,,. >±OUTES RIDES °iD ' :OURCF.�4LLFVCONM1FCT 2.0 PREMIUM/FREQUENT N A valley BETTERBUS regional transit BETTER BETTER BUS BUS L '�E, ROUTES STOPS BETTER REGIONAL BUS RAIL �- -; RIDES - FREQUENCY 1 min. . . 11 I . 1 i II I . 1 15 min. . . 11 1 . 1 4� A •+!� it A�4 yi � Y� _ ti' 't - Y. .'. r .t .x . Ya l" OGGC) v�.e .sym�ariw�y.•aiw.e m.rrr SUPPLEMENTAL 7Rd INFORMATION °°"_'"` min.peak(or more often) day L2min.+ ...day 1 4 :fand cy:route-dependent 2 mn ns:peak-only(morning ing commute times) BUS ARRIVAL °-^-�• INFORMATION Next Steps p May: Draft FY2023 budget May: Public outreach ; Jun: Draft Final budget and service changes j Aug: VRT Board considers final service changes �valleyregionaltransit s-� hhbb.. -1 Nit. Thank you. Questions? Elaine Clegg eclegg@rideVRT.org vaI ley regionaltransit GWC ® CAPITAL VALNOVA Lat 51 Rreliminary Flat VA L N 5/8/2023 GWC. CAPITAL 5/8/2023 slide 3 Located within the Valnova Community ia Y rJ 3 Planned Unit Master Plan #1 (PUMP #1) — --_7 --- 2022 Approved PUMP No.1 Included: iAA316R PU.N LEGEND [, I i . 1,005.91 acres of land Demonstrated how the plan is m consistent with the Amended and Restated Development Agreement —_ (2014) Established where residential and non-residential uses will be located. 1 Lot 51 e SPRING VALLEY ' G W C MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN ..--...yam... 4 2 5/8/2023 slide 5 Community Features Parks,regional trails, community trails,and natural trails � t.EGEND nt Va 4 1\ �ag . Lot 51 5 ;tide 6 Community and Regional Open Space Community Open Space, Regional Open Space and Habitat Areas of Special Concern total 505.07 acres (over 50%of PUMP No. 1) JQ r iF r W it r --� Lot 51 �j 6 3 5/8/2023 Large Lot Plat - Subdivision No. 1 j Organizes the PUMP No. 1 land area into 53 individual parcels that can be further improved - or subdivided through the typical subdivision process. The Subdivision No. 1 Large Lot Plat ---- included: • 25 Parcels for future re-subdividing (residential and non-residential uses) _ 21 Common Lots for HOA owned and L-- ---- maintained parcels for Parks, Community _ I _ Centers,Drainage Facilities, Regional and Community Open Space Parcels,and Public i --� .Lot 51 Facility parcels that will be dedicated to public utility agencies upon completion of improvements. } • 7 Parcels for future roadways that will be dedicated to ACHD upon improvements being completed. �- 7 slide 8 VALNOVA - Re-Subdivision of Large Lot 51 VALNOVA SUBDIVISION RF.-SI%RDI\7SION OF LOT 19:1ND 51.DIdX'K I SPRING V I LLFY'SLBDII'ISION NO.I Rraldrnl/al Orvrlopnrrnl P/if 1/AfIN 1 RY PLAT i C 0 � 8 4 5/8/2023 slide 9 VALNOVA - Lot 51 0� 4•,_ { O " r r ��' �,T'ea PPG �'�+``�;.�- ,5�,*•I/ • P y�9c 46,. •� per I t* •'�a�. J� 11. ii• 0®+yY 1 q....•.....A 9 0 Illustrative Site Plan ri 1Rf �, 3' This.II vI.b-pI r,n.n,-d d for • °'° ' < ��� �� This µan 5 Ic change - ® ux; LOT51 SITE PLAN 8 VALNOVA 10 5 1 _ oor WC ® CAPITAL THANK YOU Fk •" "� "�. O y• �! NN i F' GWC Imo_ ® • CAPITAL MCI"U'un 5/8/2023 slide 14 VALNOVA Lot 51 Land Use Designations 2 v. 2a 21 41 43 1 r 7? a LLJ I, 1,H4 16 17 PLANNING DESIGNATION TABLE LOT ryF'f TOTAL '4cRrAor F.m 13 slide 15 Approved PUMP Plan for Lot 51 A 'A."ATTACHED a8 units per gross acre LCT 19 yP \ GLE,=ILY SPECIAL LOTS COS -A -7 cNM--0f the W—SFSL lard 1.-0... L SF3 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED P.,g........ AFF�RrIVECI FOUP FLAP,' 14 7 5/8/2023 ,7 Overall Land Use Plan M F r- ��----�--I � � • � DI-OVERALL LAND USE PLAN ALLIANCE CENSCONSULTINGSPRING VALLEY W C PLANNING UNIT MASTER PLAN Nl 15 8 5/8/2023 �°� TF,'' VALNOVA LOT S1 SUBDIVISION Project Summary: The applicant, GWC Capital, LLC, represented by Landon Northey, is O �A RE-SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 51 8i: 1J OF F'" 'T' SPRING VALLEY NO. 1) PP-20-22 Eagle City Council Public Hearing April 25, 2023 City Staff: Daniel Miller,Planner III Phone: 939-0227 E-Mail: - • • - Approval of the preliminary plat associated with Valnova Lot 51 Subdivision. 5/8/2023 �- s � -,_�--� —N.. � s� SPRING k • "ft � VALLEY \ �NNING UNIT MASTER PLAN#1 BOUNDARY _I I __ Fj BEACON LIGHT RD. o � z f H W Y.44 J w s _1E I H WY.2e 3 OVERVIEW: 1 — Spring Valley: 6,017.00 acres NORTHERN PLANNING AREA \I I � __J Water Tank Power --—- ' C PLANNING AREA n Sub-Station _ J SOUTHERN I PIAMI AMIA I PLANNING AREA _ NN111G HIGHWAY MIXED USE I \ _ MNNING AREA L I \—I eIIJ NM � --- I I �-- Q MIN�GMFRA"J�— w l-,-- PLANNING LEGEND A W THIN PUM-1 h PLuiNMG AREA wRE 1 I ._.__.... aIXLARD L4ti[���—1 HIOMVAY MIXED USE ROAD ROW ONLY SiG GULCH Z6-ACRES SOl?NWESTERN ]STSIACRE. NORTHERN 316 AS ACRES SOUTHERN ISSSSACRE6 PUMP EI SUR-TOTAL I—SI ACRES 4 4 2 5/8/2023 --7 Spring Valley: 6,017.00 acres _ I �—, PUMP No. 1: 1,005.91 acres NORTHERN PLANNING AREA Water Tank _ Power ,RIG N LCHMEA 0- Sub-Station _ J — —— uT>t[nH PLANNINGAREA SOUTHERN RU wNNING ARE JI HIGHWAY MIXED USEPLANNING AREA , h ` j--— PLANNINLµ REANING ��EGENREw wnHlN Puuv.I eWiuD 4N[ �T—, MIXED USE ROAD ROW ONLv BIG GULCH 28T.%ACRES SOUTHWESTERN AT IV ACRES NORTHERN 2T64e ACRES SOUTHERN 1SS.SSACRES PUMP Al SUB TO— I,005.St ACRES 5 I NORTHERN PLANNING AREA I I RIG GULCH PLANNING AREA — I `/ \ I SOVMERN PLANNING AREA _PLANNING 1�11�JJJ `\ II1� HIGHWAY MIXED USE j % PLANNINGAREA 14 41 b I J iNID r_j ,, -sW-=TERN PLANNING MEAT Portions of the Valnova Lot 51 -..—��T' Subdivision are within both the Big Gulch & Southern Planning Areas of PUMP No. 1 6 3 5/8/2023 ----- -- ---� PUMP No. 1: Overall Land Use Map 1 F — �i a PUMP No. 1 Units: ' Total Approved Units:2 PP ,199 Units r- 1 8 4 5/8/2023 ---------� j ' j �— PUMP No. 1 Village Center: _ I /if r_ 1 � 9 7F --------� --' PUMP No. 1 Village Center: The Big Gulch Planning Area will have an urban feel at what is being called the village center with appropriate landscape, monumentation, signage and place-making features integrated into the design of the area. The heart of the Big Gulch Planning Area is planned near the intersection of Linder Road and Spring Valley Parkway and will include several interconnected Neighborhood Centers providing for employment, shopping, recreational, and housing opportunities. Housing, commercial/office uses, roadways and landscape will tend to be arranged in formal patterns with tree- lined Spring Valley Parkway and pedestrian scale amenities. Buildings along the main arterial roadway may be close to the roadways to create pedestrian-friendly areas with sidewalks, street trees and benches. Shared surface parking areas and parking garages will be encouraged at the sides and rear of buildings or within building clusters, to reduce large areas of paving. On-street parking will be provided where sufficient right-of-way exists. The architectural character will create an interesting visual experience as one travels through the community. The village center is planned to contain a central park,a community recreation center and water amenities around which the highest density of commercial and residential development will be located. This area will have businesses, restaurants, civic uses and possibly residential integrated with office/retail. Parking will be dispersed in the interior of the parcels and along the streets to minimize the visual impact of large conventional parking lots and to create a pedestrian-friendly environment. 10 5 5/8/2023 ----- -- PUMP No. 1: i, % Street & Circulation Plan P ' � iP -- ROADWAY CLASSIFICATION LEGEND Z r FOOTHILLS PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL FOOTHILLS MINOR ARTERIAL COLLECTOR LOCAL SECONDARY ACCESS ROAD 11 ?r' --------� _� PUMP No. 1: t Open Space Plan bzn Regional Open Space Community Open Space k 0 WWTP 12 6 5/8/2023 Project Summary: BOUNDARY OF PUMP NO. 1/ SPRING VALLEY SUB.NO. 1 --- _ i VALNOVA LOT 51 SUBDIVISION y3 ... IT 13 Project Summary: BOUNDARY OF PUMP NO.1 SPRING VALLEY SUB.NO.1 i VALNOVA LOT 51 SUBDIVISION TOTAL SIZE:23.14-ACRES 50 TOTAL LOTS • 41 BUILDABLE ' • 9 COMMON • 7 OPEN SPACE • 2 PRIVATE ALLEYS ; � 1 17.31 ACRES OF OPEN SPACE (74.81%OF THE SITE) 14 14 7 5/8/2023 Comprehensive and Zoning Map Designations: Comprehensive Plan Designation: Zoning Designation: Existing: Foothills Residential R-1-DA Foothills Residential R-1-DA Proposed: (No Change) (No Change) North of site: Foothills Residential R-1-DA South of site: Foothills Residential PS(Public/Semi-Public) East of site: Foothills Residential R-1-DA West of site: Foothills Residential R-1-DA is 15 PLAT: A3 s - _ Ld BLOCK 2 ---' Glencara Parkway _ i n 16 16 8 5/8/2023 PLAT: _ y UCIt 1 BLOCK A .Jf �O f � d «o*. i� BLOCK 2 Glencara Parkway SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED(SF3): 16 5,620 sq.ft.minimum lot size required 5% 4,240 Sq.ft.minimum lot size proposed 10 du/ac max.allowable 5.62 du/ac max. proposed 17 PLAT: BL ocK A { t d/7 - 7 � r BOCK Glencara Parkway SINGLE-FAMILY ATTACHED(SFA):23 No minimum lot size requirement i,/UU Sq.IL. nunirnurn Wt i[ze pruposed 18 du/ac max.allowable 10.65 du/ac proposed 18 9 5/8/2023 PLAT: .._ u��aa a. F .d' BLOCK 2 pt �. - Glencara Parkway SINGLE-FAMILY SPECIAL LOT(SFSL):2 3,000 sq.ft.minimum lot size required .,roposed 12 du/ac max.allowable 6.45 du/ac proposed 19 PLAT: l� _ s l � � •�BLOCKI �Y t i ,ems S s tf•_ BLOCK2 f. r Glencara Parkway BUILDABLE LOTS:41 /, SF3: 16 n SFA:23 SFSL:2 *ALL41 BUILDALBE LOTS ARE WITHIN THE BIG GULCH PLANNING AREA 20 20 10 5/8/2023 PLAT: BLOCK 7 T BLOCK ®dr` Glencara Parkway COMMUNITY OPEN SPACE(COS)LOTS: 7 17.31-ACRES TOTAL(74.81%) 13.44-ACRES WITHIN BIG GULCH PA ®3.87-ACRES WITHIN SOUTHERN PA 21 PLAT: n 'LOM' r s 4 Lai� 701-d k � I Ord a BLOCK 2 Glencara Parkway OPEN SPACE EASEMENTS: PEDESTRIAN ACCESS EASEMENT(2) EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS EASEMENT(1) 22 22 11 5/8/2023 PLAT: M`�Ks,re .,__. _ ::. 5LoCK, i BLOCK 2 �r • Glencara Parkway PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION: f. 5'WIDE SIDEWALKS --- 5'WIDE DETACHED PATHWAYS FUTURE PATHWAYS(AS REQUIRED BY PUMP NO. 1) 23 Pathways and Trails: Staff reviewed the proposed application and a ` letter from the Trails and Pathways Superintendent rq stating that the proposed CP_ k t pathways and future e "�`•- - - J`'� __ improvements are in conformance with the prior approval of PUMP No. 1 is included with the staff ( iJ report. / Te P-PARKS,TRAILS AND OPEN SPACE PLAN i� .... * :, a: ,: k Q a C PLANNING SPRUNG NIT VALLEY 1,, 24 12 5/8/2023 PLAT: t �. BLOCK i �dY), d . •� I __ BLOCK 2 ®3' Glencara Parkway _ COMMON LOTS(PRIVATE ALLEYS): �3 2 25 PLAT: r LOT s,. LOT-1 `d10 9 . .1 BLOCK -Glencara Parkway _ 50 Total Proposed Lots • 41 Buildable • 16 SF3 • 23 SFA • 2 SFSL • 9 Common lots • 7 open space • 2 private alleys 26 13 5/8/2023 Items of Special Concern: • Fire Access Easement • Wayfinding Signage and Addressing • Future Park Site • Architectural Compliance 27 Items of Special Concern: • Fire Access Easement • Wayfinding Signage and Addressing • Future Park Site • Architectural Compliance 28 14 5/8/2023 Fire Access Easement: Site Specific Condition of Approval #8: The applicant shall install bollards at both ends of the emergency access easement that runs �'^` .,� r ' ' j J22 � across the eastern portion of Lots 18 and 23, — �►s_ `-"_ r Block 2, allowing the easement to be used by ' l s'^18 tC ' emergency vehicles only. The applicant shall 23 obtain approval of the bollards from the fire district with jurisdiction over the property prior is ' 3 i » yy� ses 1 ,I ~WA q to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy from Fes 5,^ g ;, 24 the City. 29 Items of Special Concern: • Fire Access Easement • Wayfinding Signage and Addressing • Future Park Site ,, Architectural Compliance 30 30 15 5/8/2023 Wayfinding Signage + Addressing: Eagle City Code Section 11A-13C-2-5(B)(13): Where private alleys provide the sole means of vehicular access to a residential dwelling, clear address wayfinding signage shall be located throughout the subdivision for use by emergency services and individual building addresses shall be included adjacent to each garage door within the alley or as approved by the fire district with jurisdiction. Site Specific Condition of Approval#9: The applicant shall submit approval from the fire district with jurisdiction over the property stating that adequate wayfinding signage throughout the residential portion of the subdivision (as required by the fire district) and building addressing at each unit that is accessed by an alley has been approved prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy from the City. If wayfinding signage is provided, the applicant shall submit a design review application for review and approval. 31 Items of Special Concern: • Fire Access Easement • Wayfinding Signage and Addressing kuture Park Site • Architectural Compliance 32 16 5/8/2023 Future Park Site: r CP PP Site Specific Condition of Approval #10: I The applicant shall submit a design review application that / PPs includes a detailed Community of the design Y Park improvements including a trailhead, parking (including a r Y minimum of (25) parking stalls for users of the trailhead), restrooms, clubhouse, recreational pool, sidewalks, ten- foot (10') wide minimum regional trails, shade pavilions, picnic tables, barbeque grills, trash receptacles, pet waste stations, benches, and passive turf areas within Lot 47, Block 2 for review and approval prior to the approval of •°"' the final plat application associated with Lot 47, Block 2. 33 33 Items of Special Concern: • Fire Access Easement • Wayfinding Signage and Addressing • Future Park Site • Architectural Compliance 34 17 5/8/2023 Architectural Compliance: Site Specific Condition of Approval#11: The single-family dwellings and any accessory structures shall be constructed in substantial conformance to the styles of architecture shown within the within the Valnova Pattern Book(Exhibit"A"). To assure compliance with this condition, the applicant shall create an architectural control committee (ACC) as a component of the development's CC&Rs.Provisions regarding the creation and operating procedures of the ACC shall be included in the CC&Rs and shall be reviewed and approved by the City attorney prior to the approval of the first final plat. The submittal of the building permit application to the City for each structure within the development shall be accompanied by an approval letter from the Architectural Control Committee. Building permit applications that do not have an approval letter attached will not be accepted. To assure compliance with the conditions of approval herein, the City reserves the right to deny, at its discretion, any building permit application that does not substantially conform to the design requirements as shown on the Exhibit W'. If a building permit is denied, the applicant shall have the right to appeal the decision to the Eagle City Council in accordance with Eagle City Code Section 11A-8-8-1. 35 PUMP Compliance: APPROVED PUMP NO.1: 38 BUILDABLE LOTS • 14 SF3 • 13 SFA • 11 SFSL COMMUNITY PARK LOT 51 SUB.PROPOSAL: / 41 BUILDABLE LOTS 16 SF3 • 23 SFA ti 2 SFSL �. COMMUNITY PARK 36 18 5/8/2023 PUMP Compliance: BOUNDARY OF PUMP NO. 1/ '_---_r SPRING VALLEY SUB.NO.1 - r VALNOVA LOT 51 SUBDIVISION PREVIOUS APPROVALS: -----� PREVIOUSLY APPROVED ----'SUBDIVISION APPLICATION ;- ; PREVIOUSLY APPROVED i____i LANDSCAPE PLANS(DR SUB.) , ;-----; PREVIOUSLY APPROVED (---- WWTP(DR SUB.) >-:- � r __r - 37 PUMP Compliance: BOUNDARY OF PUMP NO. 1/ SPRING VALLEY SUB.NO.1 VALNOVA LOT 51 SUBDIVISION PREVIOUS APPROVALS: ` I -----; PREVIOUSLY APPROVED t `' ----! SUBDIVISION APPLICATION ;-'--; PREVIOUSLY APPROVED 1 LANDSCAPE PLANS(DR SUB.) '-"-; PREVIOUSLY APPROVED I r---- WWTP(DR SUB.) C- ` i PLANNING AREA BOUNDARY +' 38 38 19 5/8/2023 PUMP Compliance: VALNOVA LOT 51 SUBDIVISION L23,1211:11.03-ac. a L22,BS:7.55-acres u L23,B3:4.03-acres L21,Bl:0.29-acres l7 L22,131:0.54-acres a l7 L18,Bl:0.11-acres Z coL21,B3:5.70-acres = L16,133:0.07-acres ---- L39,B3:61.65-ac. O L16,B3:9.%acres '^ a L34,B3:4.36-acres ,i L18,Bl:2.40-ac. Lu - 3 L9,131:3.81-acres _ I i L5,B3:8.40-acres O r� - LS,Bl:32.19-acres t ; 39 TRACKING SPRING VALLEY APPROVALS TO DATE: TOTAL ACREAGE)PRIOR APPROVALS) Requimd/Allowable through PUMP No.1 Approved to Date Re,,i,ingto Date %(unsumed _ Valnova 6,017.00 128.94 51888.06 2.1% PUMP N0.1 11005.91 128,94 876.97 12.8% Southw tem PA' 419.00 58.72 360.28 14.0% southern PA' 153.55 69.75 83.80 45.4% Northern PA' 276.49 276.49 0.0% Big Gukh PA' 267.95 047 M1.48 0.1% Wthm PUMP No.I TOTAL ACREAGE IF LOT 51 SUBDIVISION IS APPROVED Re uired/Allowable thmu hPUMP Nn.I roved to Date ReI­millg to Date Y(onsumed Valnova 6,017.00 152.08 5,864.92 2.5% PUMPNo.1 1,005.91 L52.08 964.91 11.1% Southwestem PA' 419.00 58.72 360.28 14.0% Southern PA' 153.55 74.32 79.21 45.4% NO hem PA' 276.49 - 276.49 0.0% Big Gukh PA' 267,95 19.04 248.91 7.1% Wthtn PUMP N0.1 40 20 5/8/2023 TRACKING SPRING VALLEY APPROVALS TO DATE: TOTAL BUILDABLE UNITS(PRIOR APPROVALS) Required/Allowable through Pr W No.1 Approved to D.- Remaining to Date 'n lonurmed Valnova 71160 188 6,972 2.6% PUMP No.1 2,199 188 2,011 LS% Southwestern PA' 449 449 0.0% southern PA' 192 lag 4 97.9% Nor lhern PA' 422 422 0.0% Big-.kI,PA' 1,136 1.116 0.0% TOTAL BUILDABLE UNITS IF LOT 51 SUBDIVISION IS APPROVED Re4-ed(Allowable throw hPUMP No.1 Approved to Dale Remainur to Dale %Consumed Valnova 7,160 229 6,931 3.2% PUMP No.1 2,199 229 1,970 t0.e% Southwestern PA' 449 449 0.0% Southern PA' 192 198 4 97.0% Northern PA' 422 422 0.0% Big Gulch PA' 1.136 41 1.095 3.6% '1Vdhln PUMP No.1 41 TRACKING SPRING VALLEY APPROVALS TO DATE: DENSITY(du/ac)(PRIOR APPROVALS) M PA Density'. triii,ii l l.i 1 r;1,11 J. Cur-t Density: V6Ygva 1.19 U.01 1.46 PUMP N0.1 2.19 0.19 1.46 Southwestern PA' 1.07 - - Southern PA' 0.95 1.22 2.70 Northern PA' 2.14 - Big Gulch PA' 5.24 - - •wtt..,.._.mp No.. DENSITY(du/ac)IF LOT 51 SUBDIVISION ISAPPROVED Maximum PA Demi[y' Current Density TOTAL): - ent Density: Valnova 1.19 0.04 1.51 PUMP Ne.1 2.19 0-23 1.51 Southwestem PA' 1.07 - - Southern PA' 0.96 1.22 2.53 Northern PA' 2.14 - - Big Gulch PA' 5.24 0.15 2.15 'tV.Thm PUMP No.I 42 21 5/8/2023 TRACKING SPRING VALLEY APPROVALS TO DATE: OPEN SPACE(PRIOR APPROVALS) Required Minimum through PUMP No.1(acres( Approved to Date(acres) Remaining to Date(aces( %O.S. ........ ..... V.1- 1,203.40 75.37 1,128.03 6.3% PUMP No.1 505.07 75.37 429.70 15% Southwestem PA' 16M27 26.53 133.74 17% Southern PA' 114.90 43.23 71.67 38% Northam PA' 124.41 - 124.41 0% Big Gulch PA' 105A9 5.61 99.88 5% 'Within PUMP NO.i 201^Open Space Re-rement for Spring Valley 140S Oonn Space Goal for Sonng Valley OPEN SPACE IF LOT 51 SUBDIVISION 15 APPROVED Re ulred Minimum thrar h PUMP No.1 acesApproved to Date acres Remaining to Date(acres) %O.S. Valnova 1,203.40 92.68 1,110.72 7.7% PUMPNo.1 505,07 92.69 412.39 18.3% Southwestem PA' 160.27 26.53 133.74 16.6% Southem PA' 114.90 47.10 67.80 41.0% Northern PA' 124.41 124.41 O.q% _...Rig Gulch PA' __......-105.49 19AS 86.44 18.1% '4l^fh;n F'JMO NO.1 43 Planning Commission Recommendation: On March 6, 2023, the Eagle Planning & Zoning Commission voted 4 to 0 (Guerber absent) to recommend approval of this application with the Site Specific Conditions of Approval found on page 2( and the Standard Conditions of Approval on page " of the Planning and Zoning Commission's Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. 44 22 5/8/2023 End of Presentation 45 Spring Valley: 6,017.00 acres ACREAGE: - I—, I NORTHERN PLANNING AREA I I LABIGNNI GULC NH 1 /IP AREA SOUTHERN I SOUINERN PLANNING AREA "A��3� f - - HIGHWAY MIXED USE PLANNING AREA 3/ rI--I (1_I _J PLANNING AR A�� I , A. Ha -- PLANNING AREA LEGEND ��--� PLANNING AREA AREA." PUMP/1 roLuxo uNe /-J-�, e111 uLCN 9S.E.USE RROADOW ONLY ACRES SOUTHWESTERN .—A.— NORTHERN :1.Ai ACRE. SOUTHERN IS>.33 ACRE. PGM—SUB TGTAL —91 ACRES 46 46 23 5/8/2023 Spring Valley: 6,017.00 acres PUMP No. 1: 1,005.91 acres NORTHERN ' PLANNING AREA ' I _ I ANNI NG AREA SOUTHERN I 3WNG RN PLANNING AREA PIANNING AREA HIGHWAY MI XED DSt PLANNING AREA I � SOl17MWESTFRN� U=t_I PLANNING i-7 I¢ —� PLANNING AREA'-' LEGEND — PLANNIH�AREA AREAY.�TRINR„MP.1 _... QNLI BI�«HB.EaUSE ROAD�CRES V SOUTHWESTERN bT 9:AOREB NORTHERN $1000—ES PUMP BI SUB TOTAL 10J BI ACRES 47 47 LJ L BIG GULCH PA: 1 ; Total in SV:2,114.00 acres Total in PUMP#1: 153.55 acres Total in Lot 51 Sub:61.65 acres BIG G NORTHERN 91.9 acres remain in the Southern PA within PUMP No.l SOUTHERN PA: Total in SV:2,114.00 acres aLM /,'SOUTHERN LA D Total in PUMP#1: 153.55 acres I / Total in Lot 51 Sub:61.65 acres r 91.9 acres remain in the Southern PA within PUMP No.1 SOUTHWESTERN 1— BLM AND I i 48 24 5/8/2023 Spring Valley: 7,160 units, max. UNITS: -_ - - - I I NORTHERN PLANNING AREA I I -' Cl - I DDLABIGGULNNING ACHREA 0 \ 1 — � SOUTHERN �\ I AKA 1 1 DLANNING AREA PLUM CCC 1 HIGHWAY MIXED USE PLANNING AREA I �IAiw I----J II I ��DIANNING,AERN w I ti r---- � PLANNING AREA LEGEND P PUNNING AREA __'Pump" +EwwlTM IN uMP.I Bio YIXXED GSE ROAD4 ow oN.. BWi ACRE6 HWESTERN JD)81 ACRES NORTHERN 3)e...ACRES --R. 153.33 ACRES PUMP.I 6-0— I.W 1ACRE. Q9 49 Spring Valley: 7,160 units, max. PUMP No. 1: 2,199 units approved IJ i I NORTHERN PLANNING AREA I� \ �� LANNI MN-I ULCHARE i \ 1 � �.__ .eNG A ``\ SOUTHERN I �p sNNING AREA UTHFRN PLANNING AREA HIGHWAY MIXED U AREA PLANNING AREA - -1 I Q 1 1 PLANNING AREA LEGEND PUNNING AREA AREAW"HINPUMP.I CI AYIXEIUIE ROAD Row-11 BI GULCI V BOUTINrE M).SS ACRES BTERN 38).:ACRES SGUTNERN IU.SS AGREE PUMP.t SUBTOTAL I.WS SI ACRES 50 25 5/8/2023 Li Chi BIG GULCH PA: ' Total in SV:2,114.00 units _ Total in PUMP#1:153.55 units Total in Lot 51 Sub:41 units BIG G NORTHERN —T-= (XXXX)units remain the Big Gulch PA wrn PUMP No.I SOUTHERN PA: > V Total in SV: 2,109 units R`" ////SOUTHERN —LA o/ Total in PUMP#1: 192 units Proposed in Valnova Lot 51:0 units (4)buildable units remain the Southern PA within PUMP No.l SOUTHWESTERN LBLM AND I /-j V 51 Spring Valley: 0.50 du/ac base DENSITY: �_ I--- IJ NORTHERN PLANNING AREA � 1\ I BIG GULCH _IPLANNING AREA � L _ ___� � SOUTHERN f— SOUTHERN \\\\ PLANNING AREA p F PUNNING ARF J HIGHWAY MIXED USE 'PEA7T^J- AREA _D —�— � e 3 N r---I JSOUTHWESTER PLANNING AR PLANNING AREA LEGEND—rNlN vurvn vf%faxO fnxf ��--, BIG GULCH MI%ED USE R261 ACRES LY JSOUTHWESTERN —B]ACRES NORTHERN 1 0ACRES SOUTHERN 13333ACREE 52 26 5/8/2023 Spring Valley: 0.50 du/ac base - Spring Valley: 1.19 du/ac max. IJ 1 NORTHERN PLANNING AREA i 1 I BIG GULCH ;�; _IPUNNINGAREA __-__I r \ \ SOUTHERN OUU EAREA RN PNNING PLANNING JI HIGHWAY MIXED USE PLANNING AREA I _- \-I l - Q 3 �fSOVTMWESTERN Lit_ _J PLANNING AREAJI v, I PLANNING AREA LEGEND WITM NPGMP� AREA AREA BGGU 'XEO USE ROAO�ACuv ICN IV SOUTHWESTERN 92 ACRES NORTHERN ,NABACREB SOUTHERN t33.lS ACRES PUMP At SU&TOTAL 1o05.B1 ACRES 53 53 Lu I I RA, BIG GULCH NORTHERN; ,,% -r-= HLM SOUTHE I LAND BIG GULCH PA: —I Max.total density for Big Gulch PA in SV:0.96 du/ac SOUTHWESTERN Max.allowed density in Big Gulch PA in Pump No.: --- - 1.25 du ac LA o FA" Proposed density of Valnova Lot 51:3.04 du/ac r ' If(4)remaining approved lots are developed across the remaining 91.9 acres in the Southern PA of PUMP No.1,the density would be 1.25 du/ac 54 27 5/8/2023 PUMP No. 1: 505.07 acres total - ' Open Space Requirement for SV-20% OPEN 5 PAC E. - • Open Space Goal for SV.•40% NORTHERN PUNNING AREA �cif Rw GULCH <"1 ' —— ♦ ,} ANNING AREA _ ``� PLANNING VUNNRN �iNGEiRE J HIGHWAY MIXED E PLANNING ARIA,AREA 1 1 I M lr N —� ---� -- ----� 3� .J 1 R SOUTHW F.STE Rr, (PLANNING F- HL WITHIN PUMP RI A V PLANNING AREA LEGEND ,n !// ..._.............vw�NIHG AREA AREA rotWS uu[ r''rT ..._1 HIGHWAY MIXED USE ROM ROw ON�v PS ACRES rV ...TTUHIMESTERN WI 9.ACRES NORTHERN 3M.SACREE SOUTHERN 119.11 ACRES PUMP Rt SUBTOTAL 10S591 ACRES 55 55 Big Gulch PA: O.S.in PUMP#1:114.90-acres E O.S.%in PUMP#1:74.8% j O.S.%Required in PUMP#1: 15% Proposed Open Space in Valnova Lot 51: I BIG G 34.94-acres(56.7%) NORTHERN/i.� -r- I 80.0 acres the remaining 91.9 acres in the Southern PA of PUMP = --- No.would need to be designated as open space to meet the requirements of the approved PUMP No.1 BEM SOUTHER LBALND r SOUTHERN PA: _ I �-----I —' O.S.in PUMP#1:114.90-acres (SOUTHWESTERN r O.S.%in PUMP#1:74.8% J O.S.%Required in PUMP#1:15% BEM r I LAND Proposed Open Space in Valnova Lot 51: f 34.94-acres(56.7%) 80.0 acres the remaining 91.9 acres in the Southern PA of PUMP / No.would need to be designated as open space to meet the requirements of the approved PUMP No.1 56 28 1 s FISCHER CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CU-01-23 Eagle City Council Public Hearing April 25, 2023 City Staff:Morgan Bessaw,AICP CFM,Planner II I Phone: 939-0227 E-Mail: Project Summary George Fischer is requesting conditional use permit approval for a waiver of Eagle City Code (8-2-4) setback requirements in anticipation of a parcel division and to permit an existing accessory structure to exist upon a parcel without a principal dwelling (ECC 8-1-2). 1 Vicinity Map: he 5.85 acre site is located on -r11 t��. i- the south side of Beacon Light Road, at the intersection with . a- Skyview Lane, approximately 0.4 - �`'` �.•� ' miles east of Ballantyne Lane at FI ! 1275 West Beacon Light Road. ;. z i y ."c , Estate Residential A single-family residential are Change No Change Two(2)si4e-firmily transitioning between Parcels agricultural and conventional residential uses. Densities range \4ticulturaURural RUT(Rutal-Urban single-family residential from one unit per two acres to one unit per five acres.Small scale agriculture and horticulture subd�isiott(Pony Hollow uses are encouraged. Density may be limited due to the limited subdivision(Lighthouse availability of infrastructure and roadway capacity. 1 GeorgeRecord of Survey-Parcel Division W d Su...V T,bI, 90S for Fischer Unplatted Portion of Gov t Lot 4 of Section 5.Located in Lot 2.Block 1 of Perry S.bdi,W.n and an Township 4 North.Range I East.Boise Meridian. City of EagW Ada County.Idaho 2022 r i fi 1 Site g Layout .t -Ink Code Sections ECC 8-2-4:Schedule of Building Height and Lot Area for R-E Zone `. Zon `-. , Maximum Minimum Lot Area Minim District Height Note Conditions AT Ed,` Lot tAcres Or Square um Lot Covered F Feet)H" WidM And]* 1 R-E r r r ECC 8-1-2: Rules and Definitions: ACCESSORY USE OR STRUCTURE: A use or structure on the same lot with, and of a nature customarily incidental and subordinate to, the principal use or structure. In agricultural and residential zones accessory uses/structures include, but are no limited to, accessory dwelling units, detached carports and garages, pool houses and cabanas, amateur radio and satellite dish antennas, barns, corrals, stables, and similar uses and structures, including accessory storage buildings. In nonresidential zones accessory uses/structures include, but are not limited to, detached carports and garages, caretaker's quarters, guardhouses, microwave and satellite dish antennas, and similar uses and structures. 1 Conditional Use Permit: 8-7-3-1: Purpose and Interpretation of Conditional Use Exceptions or waivers of standards within Title 8 or Title 9, other than use, inclusive of the subject matter addressed by Section 8-7-4-2 or Section 9-6-3 "Variances" may be permitted through issuance of a conditional use permit. Conditional Use Permit: 8-7-3-2:GENERAL STANDARDS FOR CONDITIONAL USES: A. Will,in-fact,constitute a conditional use as established in Section 8-2-3 of this title(Eagle City Code Title 8)for the zoning district involved,or section 8-7-3-1(C)of this chapter,or as may otherwise be established by this title; B. Will be harmonious with and in accordance with the general objectives or with any specific objective of the Comprehensive Plan and/or this title(Eagle City Code Title 8); C. Will be designed,constructed,operated and maintained to be harmonious and appropriate in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and that such use will not change the essential character of the same area; D. Will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or future neighborhood uses; E. Will be served adequately by essential public facilities such as highways,streets,police and fire protection,drainage structures,refuse disposal,water and sewer and schools;or that the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use shall be able to provide adequately any such services. F. Will not create excessive additional requirements at public cost for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community; G. Will not involve uses,activities,processes,materials,equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons,property or the general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic,noise,smoke,fumes,glare or odors; H. Will have vehicular approaches to the property which are designed as not to create an interference with traffic on surrounding public thoroughfares;and I. Will not result in the destruction,loss or damage of a natural,scenic or historic-feature of major importance. 1 Discussion : • The applicant has submitted a companion application for a Parcel Division. The minimum parcel size shown on the parcel division record of survey, is 2.019-acres and meets the minimum lot size requirement for the R-E (Residential-Estates) zoning district. However,there is an existing structure on the northerly parcel (Parcel A) that will not meet the minimum rear setbacks within the R-E zone. • There is an existing structure on the southerly parcel (Parcel B) that is proposed to remain following the parcel division, however, it will encroach into the front setback and there will not be a residence on the parcel. No accessory structures are permitted without a primary structure (residence) in residential zones. • The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to waive Eagle City Code 8-2-4 to permit the non-conforming structures to remain in the setbacks until such time that they are removed. • The applicant is also requesting a waiver of Eagle City Code 8-1-2, which defines an accessory structure as "a use or structure on the same lot with, and of a nature customarily incidental and subordinate to, the principal use or structure," to permit the structure to remain on the new parcel until such time as a new residence is built on the parcel and the accessory structure is brought into conformance with ECC for accessory structures. Staff Recommendation : • If the Commission chooses to recommend approval of the application, staff recommend the following conditions included in your staff report: 1. The applicant shall submit payment to the City for any and all engineering and legal fees incurred for reviewing this project, prior to the issuance of a building permit and/or upon receipt of an invoice by the City, whichever occurs first. 2. A building permit will be required to be obtained from the City prior to any construction on either parcel. All future development on both parcels shall conform to Eagle City Code 8-2-4 regarding setbacks, lot coverage, and building height. 3. No expansion or modification of the nonconforming shed located on Parcel A shall be permitted and no additional structures shall be permitted within any setbacks. 4. The structure located on Parcel B is permitted to remain but shall not be expanded nor shall any new structures be permitted on site until such time that a residence i constructed on the property. At such time, the existing storage structure shall become the accessory structure and shall adhere to all requirements of the Eagle City Code related to accessory structures. 5/16/2023 Record of Survey-Parcel Division Rrir,r—1 sm,rr Ta Cle. for -u George Fischer _ Located in Lot 2.Block 1 of Pony Subdivision and an N r Unplatted Portion of Gov't Lot 4 of Section 5. .�......,. Township 4 North.Range 1 East.Boise Meridian. •. .__ City of Eagle.Ada County.Idaho 2022 _ - CMtl11CM.Misr. ..,...w....., rs. .. it N c wnwl M CRY C"m —4-- m." � CMMMaM N AM OMrllt I4oMM CMHka4.I CNy Ery1n»r Lin Taw RUE ...'. " CwINk.NM Nwrr,-! ..... .... f` LAND 11 6 1 BEACON LIGHT MASTER STREET MAP DESIGNATION i Flom �10 April 25, 2023 Nichoel Baird Spencer MCRP,AICP E CITY OF Director of Long-Range Planning& T���E Projects {L—" TONIGHT Talk about the current ACHD MSM Designation, ROW Preservation & Road Typologies Discuss the land uses along Beacon Light Road within the City's Plan Discuss current entitlements and potential impacts to retaining the current MSM designation. 5/8/2023 WHAT IS THE MASTER STREET 11 The MSM is an element - Transportation/ Use following purposes: • Define a shared vision of the future roadway network between ACHD and its partner agencies based on approved Comprehensive Plans and street typologies • Estab county-wide right-of-way preservation map • Establish an existing and future collector network map 1 1 Master Street Map Arterial Street Codes "ER:. MBM Arwiwis N V3 Sla,e System' N BB��N. IJ State System lNew Algnmenli' m k'FH: 9,F r MoWMy A 's' Tor d,A ModMy ArterialsM-1. (New Algnmenl) S� b 2 �ti Modhry Corridor(UrMar Swdy) %sKJ,nhal MotAty Arterial Resldenlal M1tobmry ArteraNNew Algnmentl DG2, -C., Trananionat Comma.w a ,IBLI-t+.BN2—BL3 BL4-2—BL4 3-!—^-BL5— - Pta-ea Commernal j a ' —Resldeneai FL1 .._ FC2-C--FL3` — w _.. FL4•--��_— FL5..= n� Negnoomo t Resa Nal ` —Town Canter BHada r —SH44 7-0 TS St� —trWustnal ISH44'6` ( h'4l5.� —RoraI —Artenal(No 1 des oared) -CHI-I-CHI-2'^CHI-3—CHI-4—CHI-7GHI6—CHI-7—GHI-B CHL9+ 9 .y 3 4 2 5/8/2023 ��anew �w ,Jl A Mn '"��` •.'�i rw+w svvra M•smw.w �� � ��7 Ga�.✓�J VC t�iar,No-e..mxm�ar..:>ww.nx.i,.. /y �l v>, ~� �'�-ro it J/ 2tullry 2dv-a.5 dro Irre�W M a.vrO l �.. � ry. WesdMalxundul0- 5 f r• v ° r�«,x�iw srin�y mr.,w on..r Nnare A dm � ,r,�,'rn anm�.re,� r P.n.pe n.e.ayann,r `!4� •,.+'� a,t..... Sao�.coriuw>m.�awov.ea _ aam vr«r.�ew Vedes an ien iti� `f lkru.oix _ �'! ��� __ `Wa�kZmeS minimum recomn�exse� __ '�w'� Mwnl,rapnpma —�-.e mnhrymrcn +e'iwpm r �r r4ruwn rrnanir. '-m nM4w liv/n W..q ue.txo lrrs4unau M.. 6 3 5/8/2023 1 CITY + TurnLNe paneraorn Nm. MGe uiNTrural �} J Mary trot afit a �1- "� / Mn rrN r<Mf 1 Tnvl'rvvr n Yl�i•. _ S' �E / � to Ce uyi'I IX1Meert mel'MiM lrevN Wet %� � 1 � rpi nttektl 81e,FnKk iUa ter fMR� ur,lca -,:aavn+ krotr d M*1R �' "'�„ / � yum c«urcr twbl,rw, ntenonN .�5l. � // �ynt.,a•wean,. . -,f`..w�"r` — la l BrJfrtr La. Ranvrvl4 rlM1tfurcuw .-.._wrHre• 7 COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITIES • • 1 1 I , ACHD STRATEGIC PLAN • POP 0.PN NFI 00 MPNPGFMENT MASTER 0.PN REP.INTEGRATED FIVE-YEAR I T R PROGRAMK PLAN BUDGETS, & PROJECTS 8 4 1 CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Planned Foothills Large Lot w, Access Transition Cie ll AgriculturoilRural Compact density I into Per 2 acres Up to 4-8 units/a re fransifioning to 5 acre lots 5-10 Acre lots Village--n Beacon Light Road a, 0 Beacon Light Road Center Mixed U-INon. residential J _ 1 Neighborhood Neighborhood Up to 2 units lacre wlTransition Up to 2 units per acre River Crossing/ fr,,, toning to Estate Res. High Mobility Corridor This area is comprised of three key components: VILLAGE CENTER 6 6 a.A research development ark educational campus, an or car orate ar c area es.gne to prow e su icient space or corporate headquarters in a park-like setting with ancillary commercial uses located in the Village Center;and Village Center:The Village Center is generally b.The village center should include suportingo�ffic�e located along the north and south sides of retail commercial hospitality,and civic useTe_s will ene it and support the non-residential uses,as well Beacon Light Road,extending from State as the larger residential area; Highway 16 East to Hartley Lane,as shown on the Future Land Use Map(Map 6.1). c.Office and restaurant uses with drive thrus are considered a supporting use to the corporate and All Non-residential uses will be focused in the campus uses.Office and restaurant uses that are aoorooriatelv designedand internally Oriente to the Village Center. larger development area may a consi ere on a case by case basis.(see Figure 6.9) d.Non-residential development in the northeast portion of the Village Center should be designed and oriented to capitalize on the needs of users of the future 22-acre Terra View Park. 1 PAST MSM REQUESTS TO ACHD 2013. City asked ACHD to support a divided corridor in order to support the planned commercial land uses along Beacon Light Road from SH-16 to Linder Road. lane Commercial Arterial west of Linder and 3-lane Rural Arterial east of Linder. 2015: City changed direction and asked ACHD to limit Beacon Light Road to 3-lanes between SH-16 & SH-55. • 83%of the day road (20 hours)function with 3-lanes • Land Uses were"rural"(5-acre lots) • Local roadway network should be developed to share the burden with Beacon Light Road Typology E.isting Prese—ion lanes L.— e \ 2016 & 2022 MSM Planned Commercial Arterial accordance with the ommission's direction e� nd intent,the Master ireet Map will reflect t ACHD will no long Residential Arterialoil reserve right of way e® r a proposed fire- acon Light ill instead p Rural Arterial et of right of wa ronly with develop;: NE to support the Commission decision t Rural Arterial Bacon Light Road from fate Highway 16 to MEIJI ate Highway 55 shall t exceed three lanes oraI Arterial ith primarily two travel nes and appropriate willrn lanes(2/24/2016) 1 SINCE 2016 ■2017: Completed the 2017 Eagle is HOME plan recommitting the City to providing commercial uses west of Lincler Road •Consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan,the City has entitled 135-acres of non-resideital uses on Beacon Light Road: ■Terra View—80 acres of commercial at the NE corner SH-16&BLR ■Dixon DA - 29.23acres of commercial on southside of BLR •Chevron -10 acres at SE Corner SH-16 & BLR ■Additional 14.87 acres under review on southside between Palmer Road & Hartley Lane ■2020-2023:City through the Capital Planning Process has identified a priority to balance residential & commercial uses to provide a more fiscally sustainable community •2016-2023:City has requested through the annual IFYWP for ACHD to work with the City to provide a specific cross section and ROW set aside for Beacon Light Road '2022:ACHD updated the MSM with the same language as 2016 •2023:ACHD has concerns about the impact of additional non-residential use within a 3-1ane Beacon Liqht REQUEST Direct Mayor and Staff to prepare a letter to ACHD providing clarification on the planned lanes for Beacon Light Road west of Linder: Continue with the current MSM designation Limit Beacon Light Road to 3-lanes between SH-16 & SH-55 OR Provide a letter to ACHD that reflects and supports the land uses within the City's Comprehensive Plan 5-lane Commercial/Residential Arterial west of Linder and 3-lane Rural Arterial east of Linder Development Impact Fee & Capital Improvements Plan 2023 Update II lit illli 1 � 1 I I, E • iibiwun itW r HECO V ENGINEERS 1 Purpose • Previous Update Completed In 2017 • Elements To Update ✓ Park Development Costs ✓ Land Values ✓ Existing Park Acreage o Compare To Adopted Level Of Service(3.3 Acres/1000 People) ✓ Projected Growth o New Acreage Of Developed Parks(Based On Maintaining Level Of Service) ✓ Impact Fee Amount ✓ Capital Improvement Plan • Update Is For Parks Only—Pathways Not Reviewed 2 1 Park Development Costs h • Previous 2017 Update Established Development Costs • Six Park Categories Cost Designation TyplCal Development A—Foothills Park Development Non-Irrigated,Natural Parks Located in the Foothills; May include established nature trails Non-Irrigated,Natural Areas Located in Floodways; B—Nature Park Development May include nature trails C—Lower Cost Development Sports Fields,Trails,Grass Play and Picnic Area II Add to Designation Q Restroom,Covered Picnic Area, D—Moderate Cost Development Paved Walks,Structures,Concession Area Add to Designation D:Playground and Exercise E—Higher Cost Development Equipment,Water Features Sports Courts F—Special Use Amenit Add to Designation E:Gazebo,Velodrome, ies Amphitheater Seatin 3 Park Development Costs • Cost Increase Based On Construction Cost Index(CCI) • Used RSMeans Cost Estimating Software • CCI (2016)= 191.1 • CCI (2023)=273.0(Estimated) • Use Ratio Of CCI Values Current Cost= CCICurrent x Cost zote CC/zoib CCICurrent =1.43 CC/zme 4 2 ��. Park Development Costs • Current Development Cost Per Acre Current Development Park Description by Cost Cost/Acre Foothills Park Development $14,500 !Nature Park Development $23,000 Lower Cost Development $164,500 Moderate Cost Development $180,500 Higher Cost Development $248,500 Special Use Amenities $447,000 Note:Costs are rounded to nearest$500 5 Land Value • Categories Of Land Used In Analysis o Irrigated c Dry Foothill o Floodway • Land Valuation Sources Appraisals Completed Through Valnova/City Negotiations 6 3 Land Value • TBD N. Highway 16 • 28.44 Acres • Value$1,195,000 • Value/Acre=$42,000 PEA eel - + rc 7 Land Value • TBD Willow Creek Parcel 1 • 283.04 Acres • Value$2,970,000 • Value/Acre=$10,500 a 8 4 44 - 1-� Land Value • TBD Willow Creek Parcel 2 • 320 Acres • Value$2,400,000 • Value/Acre=$7,500 y: r k� 9 Land Value • Categories Of Land Used In Analysis o Irrigated o Dry Foothill o Floodway • Land Valuation Sources o Appraisals Completed Through Valnova/City Negotiations Acreage Value Value/Acre TBD N.Highway 16 28.44 $1,195,000 $42,000 Irrigated Land _ TBD Willow Creek 283.04 $2,970,000 $10,500 Foothills—Parcel 1 TBD Willow Creek 320.00 $2,400,000 $7,500 I Foothills—Parcel 2 10 5 Land Value • Categories Of Land Used In Analysis Used In Update o Irrigated $42,000 o Dry Foothill $7,500 o Floodway $7,500 • Land Valuation Sources o Appraisals Completed Through Valnova/City Negotiations Property Acreage Value Value/Acre TBD N.Highway 16 28.44 $1,195,000 $az,000 Irrigated Land TBD Willow Creek 283.04 $2,970,000 $10,500 Foothills—Parcel 1 320.00 $2,400,000 57,s00 TBD Willow Creek Foothills—Parcel 2 11 Land Value • Categories Of Land Used In Analysis Used In Update o Irrigated $42,000 o Dry Foothill $7,500 o Floodway $7,500 • Land Valuation Sources o Appraisals Completed Through Valnova/City Negotiations Property Acreage Value Value/Acre TBD N.Highway 16 28.44 $1,195,000 $42,000 Irrigated Land TBD Willow Creek 283.04 $2,970,000 $10,500 Foothills—Parcel 1 TBD Willow Creek 320.00 $2,400,000 $7,500 Foothills—Parcel 2 Note:City Of Boise—Land Value Estimated At$250,000/Acre City of Boise,Idaho Impact Fee Study and Capitaf Improvement Plans,February 16,2022 12 6 r. Existing City Parks • Existing Park Inventory DEVELOPED PARKS UNDEVELOPED PARKS Park Name Acres Park Name Acres Friendship Park 1.30 Mace Parlr 3.20 Arboretum Park 0.51 Pamela Baker Park 18.35 Plaza Drive Park 2.70 Charlie Wood Park 12.84 Orval Krasen Park 2.42 Eagle Regional Park(Valnova) 94.95 Heritage Park 0.45 Shooting Range/Foothill 603.04 Guerber Parke 15.20 Total Uncieveloped Parks -AiAlll Reid Merrill Park 8.92 River Access Linder 3.02 Pamela Baker Parke 4.67 Riverside Wildlife Park(Merrill) 9.60 Eagle Sports Complex 63.40 Total Developed Parks 112.22 13 •. Existing City Parks • Existing Park Value ✓ Use Park Development Costs For Each Park Category DevelopmentCurrent Park Description by Cost Cost/Acre Foothills Park Development $14,500 Nature Park Development $23,000 Lower Cost Development $164,500 Moderate Cost Development $180,500 HigherCost Development $248,500 Special Use Amenities $447,000 14 7 Existing City Parks • Existing Park Value ✓ Use Park Development Costs For Each Park Category ✓ Use Land Values Based On Land Type o Irrigated $42,000/Acre o Dry Foothill $7,500/Acre o Floodway $7,500/Acre 15 r r Existing City Parks • Existing Park Value ✓ Use Park Development Costs For Each Park Category ✓ Use Land Values Based On Land Type ✓ Total Value of Parks o Development Value: $15,283,320 o Land Value: $11,471,250(includes land value of undeveloped parks) o TOTALVALUE: $26,754,570 16 8 Existing City Parks • Existing Park Value ✓ Use Park Development Costs For Each Park Category ✓ Use Land Values Based On Land Type ✓ Total Value of Parks o Development Value. $15,283,320 o Land Value: $11,471,250(includes land value of undeveloped parks) o TOTAL VALUE: $26,754,570 ✓ Value PerAcre _$26,754,570 -112.22 Acres= $238,400/Acre 17 41 �, Existing City Parks • Existing Park Value ✓ Use Park Development Costs For Each Park Category ✓ Use Land Values Based On Land Type ✓ Total Value of Parks c Development Value: $15,283,320 o Land Value: $11,471,250(includes land value of undeveloped parks) o TOTAL VALUE: $26,754,570 ✓ Value Per Acre = $26,754,570 -112.22 Acres= $238,400/Acre ✓ Check Required Park Acreage To Maintain Level Of Service(LOS) o Current Population=33,960 o Req'd Park Acreage=33,960 x 3.3 Acres per 1000 People=112.07 Acres ✓ Surplus Acreage=0.15 Acres 18 9 Value of Existing Parks(by applying Land and Improvement Costs( Imp-terent Value By Catyory Bnakdorm of existing parka Mraa• Land Value A B C D E F U ndeesloped Parks(Land Value Only) Mace Park(1.hxi-loped) Pamela Baker Park(Undeveloped) Chadle Wood Park(Undeveloped) Eagle Regional Sports Park(Spring Valley) Shooting Sports Park/Foothill,Park(Spring Valley) Total Undevelo dA-,Owned Deveoped Parks FrkrMshe Park 1.30 $54,600 $234.15W j Arboretum Part 0.51 $21,420 $83,895 Plaza D-Park 2.70 5113,400 5444.150 Orval Krasso Park 2.42 $101,640 5436,830 Herdag.Perko, 0.48 S20,160 $1,250,000 Guerber Park 15.20 5638,400 56,7 Aoo said Merrill Park 9.92 $374,640 $2,216,620 RNer Access Linder 3.02 522,650 $369,460 Pamela Baker Park 4.67 $196,140 S842,935 Riverside Wik118e Park(Merrill 9.60 S72,000 $220,800 Eagle Sports C-Pill Skate Board Park 1.05 $37,875 $911.525 BMX Track(-uth)p" 6.00 545,000 $3811000 Bike Downhill Skills Course 10.10 $75,750 5146,450 ResemirSXe(outsldefence) 2.64 $19,800 S38,280 Hell Mary Trail Parcel 4.51 63.40 $33,925 $65,395 Low Rider Trall Parcel 7.42 $55,650 $107.590 Dog Park 2.00 S15AM S361,000 Velodrome Area 4.20 S31,500 $601" Tralh 21.48 1 $161,100 S311AW Toui Developed Park Lands,ar,es 112.22 511A71,250 $1,117,075 5590,260 $528,045 $2,786,920 $2,216,620 $8,0xiIAW Developed/ores Ra9d for P9Wlation o/ 33,960 112.0] Total M.Value Parlu $26,7S4,570 Developed Park Acreage S,nAm or Defklemy 0.15 Developed Park Acreage Deficiency 0.00 A-I Developed Parks per 1,000 3.30 Value to Cure Deficiencies So Per Am Value of Parks(Including Land Value) $2a8,400 Nk"E (121nsrrted V91u<-Cotpory'F"Improvement Cost untl-ex-"-ope to the small prep o/the park. (2)A.geValue $300,000 to-et for rcstroom and po4eig lot Dsln9-n-'D'Ints,=entCost(.(milerroSkpH Partf overestimates the voluf. 19 Projected Growth • Planning Horizon- 10 Years • Comprehensive Plan Growth Rate (4.5%year) • New Park Acreage Needed To Maintain LOS-61.97 Acres • Development Costs For the New Park Acreage-$14,773,648 DevelopmentYear Population Park Acres New Park Required Acres Costs 2022 33,960 112.07 2023 35,488 117.11_ 5.04 $1201,536 2024 37085 122.38 5.27 $1,256,368 2025 38754 127.89 5.51 $1,313,584 2026 40498 133.64 5.75 $1370,800 _ 2027 42,320 139.66 6.02 $1435,168 2028 _ 44224 145.94 628 $1497152 _ 2029 f 146,214 152.51 6.57 $1,566,288 2030 48,294 159.37 _ 6.86 $1,635,424 2031 50467 166.54 7,17 $1,709,328 2032 52738 174.04 7,50 $1,788,000 _ Totals 61.97 $14,773,648 Less Surplus 0.15 $35,760 _ Net Totals 61.82 $14,737,888 20 10 r Impact Fee Calculation Park Impact Fee Population(2032) 52,738 Population(2022) 33960 Population Increase(2023-2032) 18,778 21 Impact Fee Calculation Population(2032) 52,738 Population(2022) 33960 Population Increase(2023-2032) 18,778 New Developed Park Acreage Required 61.97 Ito meet Level of Service=3.3 acres/1000 people) Less Existing Surplus Acreage of Developed Parks 0.15 Net Acreage of New Developed Parks 61.82 22 11 Impact Fee Calculation Park Impact .. Population(2032) 52,738 Population(2022) 33.9 Population Increase(2023-2032) 18,778 New Developed Park Acreage Required 61.97 (to meet Level of Service=3.3 acres/1000 people) Less Existing Surplus Acreage of Developed Parks 0.15 Net Acreage of New Developed Parks 61.82 Value of Existing Parks per Acre $131,400 New Park Costs New Park Costs=61.82 Amesx$238,400 $14,737,888 23 Impact Fee Calculation Park Impact Fee Population(2032) 52,738 Population(2022) 33.9 Population Increase(2023-2032) 18,778 New Developed Park Acreage Required 61.97 (to meet Level of Service=3.3 acres/1000 people) Less Existing Surplus Acreage of Developed Parks 0.15 Net Acreage of New Developed Parks 61.82 Value of Existing Parks per Acre $238,400 New Park Costs $14,737,888 New Park Costs=61.82 Acres x$238,400 Impact Fee per Capita $14,737,888 $784.82 l Fcer=16,778 People Impact Fee per Residential Unit I,wme —..—St) $2,080 IF=$784.81 x 2.65 People/Household 24 12 Capital Improvement Plan Description2023-2032 Proposed Capital Improvement Plan Park Area Value Value Pamela Baker Park(Undeveloped) 18.35 City Owned $3,018,575 $3,018,575 Charlie Wood Park 12.84 City Owned $2,112,180 $2,112,180 Shooting Sports Park 84.0 City Owned $20,874,000 $20,874,000 Foothills Park(Spring Valley) 519.04 City Owned $7,526,080 $7,526,080 West Park Place(Terra View) 21.2 In Negnliatipns $3,487,400 $3,487,400 Mace Park 3.2 City Owned $577,600 $577,600 Eagle Regional Sports Complex(Spring Valley) 94.45 City Owned $23,470,825 $23,470,825 Eastside River Access Park 1.0 $7,500 $164,500 $172,000 Maintenance Facility(') City Owned $572,000 $572,000 Impact Fee Studies TBD Total Amount of CIP Improvements s .t 11) uoee:rdaimelwn<e Wi itr mast ne mnded wing P,ollort—e sna,e trnerla. haooctidlate—M1 In IF Popdadon Increase: 10,JJ8 Projected Population: 52,738 Proportionate SM1are in IF: 35.6Y. 25 Summary • Updated Impact Fee impact Fee $Per Residential Unit Park Impact Fee $2,080.00 Pathway Impact Fee(No Change) $330.50 Total Impact Fee 1 1 • Impact Fee History Impact Fee History Parks Pathway Total Impact Fee Initial Hofman Study,1999 $545.69 $0.00 $545.69 2004 Update $1,752.14 $0.00 $1,752.14 2011 Update $1,314.29 $0.00 $1,314.29 2017 Update $1,115.72 $330.50 $1,446.22 2023 Update $2,080.00 $330.50 $2,410.50 26 13 Fee Comparison • Source: City of Boise,Final Report—Amended Idaho Impact Fee Study and Capital Improvement Plans February 16,2022—Prepared By Galena Consulting City ParkimpactFee Eagle(DRAFT) $2,080 Boise(average) $5,455 Nampa _ $2,341 I Meridian $1,770 I Star $2,050 j Middleton $2,204 Caldwell $1,190 Kuna $939 27 14