Minutes - 2018 - City Council - 12/11/2018 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL Meeting Minutes December 11, 2018 INVOCATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ridgeway calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GOLD, PITTMAN, MITCHELL. Bastian is absent. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Ridgeway leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. SERVICE RECOGNITION: A. Water Department recognition. Completion of digital conversion for meter reader's project. (SR) Mayor recognizes the Water Department staff for their work on the conversion of the water meters which will be now be read digitally, and the Mayor and Council presents Staff with a plaque of appreciation. Bastian is present at 6:35 p.m. 5. Presentation by Valley Regional Transit -Service change along SH -44. (NBS) Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Baird -Spencer introduces Steven Hunt with VRT. Steven Hunt, VRT, displays a power pointe presentation and provides Council an over of the Valley Regional Transit -Service change along SH -44. General discussion. 6. PUBLIC COMMENT: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Ryan Koons, 735 Floating Feather, discusses the importance of water in the City of Eagle. 7. ADDITIONS, DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA; INCLUDING THE CONSENT AGENDA: City Staff Requests: None Mayor or City Council Requests: None Page 1 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-12-11-18.doc 8. ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS CONSENT AGENDA: • Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. • Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims against the City. B. Minutes of November 27, 2018. (SKB) C. Resolution No. 18-40 Archiving Records. (SKB) D. Resolution No. 18-42 Archiving Records. (SKB) E. Resolution 18-49 - Republic Services CPI increase: A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle, Idaho, Amending Republic Services Fee Schedule Pursuant To The Solid Waste Contract Recycling Collection Services As Stated In Section 4.2 A. "Customer Rates — Establishment" And Providing For Effective Date. (SR) F. Change order for Dry Creek Trail: Change order striking S -911-05A Retaining Wall ($19,300) and adding a Block Retaining Wall Lump Sum in the Amount of $17,143. (NBS) G. First Amendment to Easement Agreement for Revel Eagle Monument Sign Placement: An amended easement agreement between the City of Eagle and Riverside Senior Development Company, LLC to provide for the placement of a monument sign for Revel Eagle (aka Eagle Senior Living Facility) located on the south side of East Riverside Drive approximately 250 - feet east of East Shore Drive near the northeast corner of Reid W. Merrill Sr. Community Park and within the access easement to the Eagle Senior Living Facility. (WEV) H. Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law for FPUD-06-18/FP-06-18 — Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Brookwav Subdivision No. 2 — Heartland Homes: Heartland Homes, represented by Kent Brown with Kent Brown Planning Services, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Brookway Subdivision No. 2, a 36 -lot (27 -buildable, 9 - common) residential subdivision. The 14.72 -acre site is located on the west side of North Lanewood Road approximately 565 -feet north of the intersection of West Venetian Drive and North Lanewood Road. (WEV) Page 2 J:\000NCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-12-11-18.doc I. FP -18-18 — Final Plat for Woodcreek Estates Subdivision — SMKM, LLC: SMKM, LLC, represented by Wendy Shrief with J -U -B Engineers, Inc., is requesting final plat approval for Woodcreek Estates Subdivision, a 9 -lot (6 - buildable and 3 -common) residential subdivision. The 4.03 -acre site is located at the terminus of West Enchantment Street, North Cobblestone Lane, and North Cobblestone Way at 489 North Cobblestone Lane. (WEV) J. RZ-10-15 MOD3 — Modification to Development Agreement — TPC Brooklyn Park Investors, LLC: TPC Brooklyn Park Investors, LLC, represented by John Rennison, is requesting a modification to Condition of Development #3.6 of the rezone development agreement associated with the approved Truman Cove Subdivision. The 75 -acre site is generally located on the south side of State Highway 44, approximately 1,129 -feet west of the intersection of State Highway 55 and State Highway 44. (WEV) K. Scope of Work for West Park — HECO Engineers: Approval of the scope of work, cost estimate, and the notice to processed for HECO Engineers to prepare engineering and construction drawings for the infrastructure within the 34.57+/- acre West Eagle Park. The site is located south of Floating Feather approximately 2,000 feet east of Park Lane at the intersection of Meridian Road and Floating Feather Road. (NBS) L. State and Local Agreement & Scope of Work for Eagle Road Pedestrian/Bike Bridge — ITD & TO/Horrocks Engineers: Approval of the State and Local agreement with ITD for the TO/Horrocks Engineers scope of work, cost estimate, and the notice to processed to prepare engineering and construction drawings for the pedestrian/bicycle bridge over the North Channel of the Boise River on the west side of Eagle Road (SH -55). (NBS) M. Resolution 18-50 — Approving Addendum to the State and Local Agreement for the Eagle Road Ped/Bike Bridge: Establishing the Local Highway Technical Assistance Council as the contract administrator for the project and directing the mayor to sign. (NBS) N. Mace Trail Contract Change Order: Approve a change order to the contract with JUB Engineer for the preparation of a property boundary description for the easement with Mace River Ranch Subdivision for the Eagle Road Bike/Pedestrian Bridge engineering and construction. (NBS) Pittman removes Item #8F and Item #8L from the Consent Agenda. Mitchell moves to approve the Consent Agenda removing Items #8F and #8L. Seconded by Gold. Bastian: AYE; Gold: AYE; Pittman: AYE; Mitchell: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Page 3 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-12-11-18.doc 8F. Change order for Dry Creek Trail: Change order striking S -911-05A Retaining Wall ($19,300) and adding a Block Retaining Wall Lump Sum in the Amount of $17,143. (NBS) Pittman, I pulled this tonight because sometimes Consent Agenda items are known to the public. I want Nichole to provide an overview of the project and the cost savings. Planner Baird -Spencer discusses the Dry Creek Trial and the City's saving on the project. Pitman moves to approve the Change order for Dry Creek Trail. Seconded by Gold. Bastian: AYE; Gold: AYE; Pittman: AYE; Mitchell: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES L. State and Local Agreement & Scope of Work for Eagle Road Pedestrian/Bike Bridge—ITD & TO/Horrocks Engineers: Approval of the State and Local agreement with ITD for the TO/Horrocks Engineers scope of work, cost estimate, and the notice to processed to prepare engineering and construction drawings for the pedestrian/bicycle bridge over the North Channel of the Boise River on the west side of Eagle Road (SH - 55). (NBS) Pittman: I wanted Nichole to explain what she is requesting as far as the Scope of Work on the Eagle Road Pedestrian Bike Bridge and what she is asking for. Baird -Spencer provides an overview of agreement and scope of work for the Eagle Road Pedestrian Bike Bridge. Pittman moves to approve Item #8L State and Local Agreement & Scope of Work for Eagle Road Pedestrian/Bike Bridge—ITD & TO/Horrocks Engineers. Seconded by Gold. Bastian: AYE; Gold: AYE; Pittman: AYE; Mitchell: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None 10. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m. Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. 11. NEW BUSINESS: A. *ACTION ITEM - Presentation by Tim Farrell of Mountain Waterworks regarding the proposed purchase of Eagle Water Company by Suez Water. Mr. Farrell is proposing that the City of Eagle hire him as an intervenor to protest the sale on the City of Eagle's behalf. Mayor introduces the issue. Mr. Farrell is out of town at another meeting. Mayor: I would like to call a special meeting at noon on Friday for this presentation. General discussion. Council concurs to have a Special Meeting on December 14th at 9:00 a.m. Page 4 l:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-12.11-18.doc 12. PUBLIC COMMENT: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter, up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing, items. Comments regarding Public Hearing items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s) in accordance with Idaho Code. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters (excluding Public Hearing items) during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Judy Dahl, 735 N. Echo Hawk Way, discusses how the community would benefit from the City buying Eagle Water Company, water rights and the aquifer. General discussion. Brent Dittrich, 10601 N. Horseshoe Bend Road, it is unfortunate that the residents in the 90's weren't interested in buying Eagle Water Company. Suez is foreign company out of France. Discusses how the quality of water could fall, customer service and water rates. I will leave my contact information and will be willing to help in any way I can. Jane Rowling, 582 Palmetto Drive, I'm glad the Council is on this issue. This took everyone by surprise. Lots of people don't understand this issue. Discusses the rates, the chemical content of Suez water and if the PUC process can be delayed. General discussion. Deena Oppenheim, Everlasting Way, I chose my home because of Eagle Water which has a high quality of water. My concern is the quality of the water. Discusses the rates, amending the deal, timeline of submitting comments to the PUC, and a transition plan. General discussion. Darrell Farnsworth, I'm with Eagle Water. For 46 years Eagle Water was trying to get a rate increase. Robert is selling the company. Discusses the water quality. I have some questions I would like to leave for the Council to answer. General discussion. (Mr. Farnsworth did not leave any questions for the Council) Tim Adams, 238 E. Mission Drive, I've been a customer of Eagle Water for 37 years. Discusses water rates. I prefer Suez operate the system. 13. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: Mitchell reports on the Senior Center Board meeting and the van use. Gold reports on the ACHD meeting and the Arts Commission meeting. Bastian reports on the Sewer District meeting. Page 5 1:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-12-11-18.doc Mayor reports on Country Christmas. B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: 1. City Clerk/Treasurer Bergmann: Monthly Report for November 2018. You received the monthly report by email and it is also in your packet. I will stand for any questions that you may have. C. City Attorney Report: No Report 14. ADJOURNMENT: Bastian moves to adjourn. Seconded by Gold. Mayor: are there any objections to adjournment? Seeing none we are adjourned. Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted: SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER APP134VED: G STAN RIDGEWAY MAYOR v• • • �1, , ; . • 0.1-` j, T12 ,,,,,,,,,,'•, AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 6 1 \COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-12-11.18 doc 3') ,`7-7-12 ) u(3 t1--') S`>4 -(r 1-1 7-1/66 A"Pi ; IV, C 4 r. rl ( Lf.) r'- r� �` �4' T /fie 64, i-/( /3t i!J(ic,i j) C 4) r A /7 5,7;TE 13,f2( a 42-1/-1cr C� The City will make reasonable accommodations for anyone attending this meeting who require special assistance for hearing, physical or other impairments. Please contact the City Clerk's Office at (208) 939-6813 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting date and time. Page 3of3 11 ) ) City of Eagle Report Criteria Report type GL detail Bank Bank account = "62007705' Check Register - Transparency Version Page 1 Check Issue Dates' 11/28/2018. 12/10/2618 Dec 10 2018 03 31PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 27359 12 032018 12 03 2018 27359 Aspen Apartments. LLC 27359 Aspen Apartments. LLC 1 ch 60-0416-07-00 SHOP LEASE 2 ch 23-0440-00-00 SHOP LEASE 875 00 875 00 1 700 06 1,700 06 Total 27359 2.575 06 27360 12 03.2018 27360 De lege Landen Financial Svc 1 ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 1,223 83 1.223 83 Total 27360 1.223 83 27361 12/03/2018 27361 Holly Csencsits 1 Ch 21-0425-00-00 COMMUNITY EVENTS 26 34 26 34 Total 27361 26 34 27362 12/03/2018 27362 Idaho Child Support Receipling 12/03/2018 27362 Idaho Child Support Receipling 1 ch 23.0217-06.00 GARNISHMENT 2 ch 23-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENT 165 00 165 00 150 00 150 00 Total 27382 315 00 27363 12/03/2018 27363 Kellie Rekow 1 ch 21-0425-00-00 COMMUNITY EVENTS 31 64 31 64 Total 27363 31 64 27364 12/03/2018 27364 Key Bank - HSA 12/03/2018 27364 Key Bank - HSA 12/03/2018 27364 Key Bank - HSA 12/03/2018 27364 Key Bank - HSA 1 ch 17-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 2 ch 09-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 3 ch 20-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 1 ch 06-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 175 00 175 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 350 00 350 00 Total 27364 625 00 27365 12/03/2018 27365 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 12103/2018 27365 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 12/03/2018 27365 Regence Blueshield o1 Idaho 12/03/2018 27365 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 12/03/2018 27365 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 12/03/2018 27365 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 12/03/2018 27365 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 12/03/2016 27365 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 12/03/2016 27365 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 12,03/2018 27365 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 12;03/2018 27365 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 12/03/2018 27365 Regence Blueshield o1 Idaho 12 03:2018 27365 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 1 ch 11-0217-07-00 EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 2 ch 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 3 ch 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 4 ch 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 5 ch 13-0217-07-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 6 ch 18-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 7 ch 20-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 8 ch 23-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 9 ch 01-0217-07-00 GEN ADMIN HEALTH INSURANCE 10 ch 26-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 11 ch 17.0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 12 ch 09-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 13 ch 60.0217-07-00 WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 698 34 698 34 4,327 35 4,327 35 3,860 47 3,860 47 5,244 99 5.244 99 2,944 77 2.944 77 1,242 71 1.242 71 1,107 39 1.107 39 2,85164 2,85164 474 84 474 64 416 10 416 10 1,219 23 1.219 23 424 36 424 36 4,260 79 4.260 79 Total 27365 29.072 78 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number Payee 27366 12.03/2018 27366 TIAA Commercial Finance Total 27366 27367 12/03/2018 27367 United Her tage-Group Dept 12/03 2018 27367 United Heritage -Group Dept 12/03/2018 27367 United Heritage Group Dept 12/03/2018 27367 United Her tage-Group Dept 12/032018 27367 United Heritage Group Dept 12/03/2018 27367 United Heritage -Group Dept 12/03/2018 27367 United Henlage-Group Dept 12/03.2018 27367 United Heritage -Group Dept 12/03/2018 27367 United Heritage -Group Dept 12/03/2018 27367 United Heritage -Group Dept 12/03/2018 27367 United Heritage -Group Dept 12/03/2018 27367 United Heritage -Group Dept 12/03/2018 27367 United Heritage -Group Dept 12)03/2018 27367 United Heritage -Group Dept 12)03/2018 27367 United Heritage -Group Dept 12/03/2018 27367 United Heritage -Group Dept Total 27367 27368 12/03/2018 27368 Verizon Wireless 12/03/2018 27368 Verizon Wireless 12/03/2018 27368 Verizon Wireless 12/03/2018 27368 Verizon Wireless 12/03/2018 27368 Verizon Wireless 12/03/2018 27368 Verizon Wireless 12/03/2018 27368 Ver zon Wireless 12/03/2018 27368 Verizon Wireless Total 27368 27369 12/10/2018 27369 ABC Stamp Co Total 27369 27370 12,10/2018 27370 ACS -Advanced Control Systems Total 27370 27371 12 10'2018 27371 Ada County Highway District Total 273:1 27372 12 10 2018 27372 Ada County Sheriffs Depi Check Register • Transparency Version Page 2 Check Issue Dates 11/28/2018 - 12/10/2018 Dec 10. 2018 03 31PM Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Sequence GL Account Account Tulle Amount Amount 1 ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 216 16 1 ch 60-0217-07-00 WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 2 ch 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 3 ch 13-0217-07-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 4 ch 09.0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 5 ch 07.0217-07-00 MUSEUM HEALTH INSURANCE 6 ch 26-021707-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 7 ch 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 8 ch 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 9 ch 17-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 10 Ch 26-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 11 ch 23.0217.07.00 HEALTH INSURANCE 12 ch 18-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 13 ch 20.021707.00 HEALTH INSURANCE 14 ch 01.0217.07.00 GEN ADMIN HEALTH INSURANCE 15 ch 06.0217.07.00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 16 ch 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 1 ch 13-0413-19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 2 ch 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET & PHONE SERVICES 3 ch 06-0464-03-00 TELEPHONE 4 ch 17-0422-05-00 COMMUNICATION 5 ch 09-0463-24-00 TELEPHONE -COMMUNICATION 6 ch 23-0413.07-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 7 ch 20-0422.06-00 CELL PHONE 8 ch 60-0434-19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 157 48 183 02 113 78 32 23 1701 59 55 183 02 284 65 108 84 39 71 163 40 68 14 95 51 7 39 26 56 36 07 160 06 105 42 52 71 184 67 52 71 307 26 105 42 187 23 1 ch 60-0434-15-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 25 71 1 ch 60-0434-19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 382 00 216 56 215 16 157 48 183 02 11378 32 23 17 01 59 55 183 02 284 65 108 84 39 71 163 40 68 14 95 51 7 39 26 56 36 07 1,576 36 160 06 105 42 52 71 184 67 52 71 307 26 105 42 187 23 1.15548 25 71 2571 382 00 382 00 1 ch 01-0203-00-00 ACCTS PAYABLE-ACHD IMPACT FEE 188.336 00 188,336 00 188,336 00 1 ch 01-0416-09-00 LAW ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT 230.335 70 230 335 70 Total 27372 230 335 70 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page 3 Check Issue Dates 11/28/2018 - 12/10/2018 Dec 10 2018 03 31 PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoke Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 27373 12/10/2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10,2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10.2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10/2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10/2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10.2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10.2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10/2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10/2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10/2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10/2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10 2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10/2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10/2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10/2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10/2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10/2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10/2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10/2016 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10/2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12110/2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10/2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10/2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10/2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10/2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10/2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10/2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10/2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10/2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 12/10/2018 27373 Ada County Treasurer 1 ch 01-0413.29.00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01-0413-29-00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01-0413-29-00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01.0413.29.00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01-0413-29-00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01-0413-29-00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01-0413.29-00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01-0413-29-00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01-0413-29-00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01-0413-29-00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01-0413-29-00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01.0413.29-00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01-0413-29-00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01-0413-29-00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01-0413-29-00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01-0413.29-00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01-0413.29.00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01-0413-29-00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01-0413-29-00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01-0413-29-00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01-0413-29-00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01-0413-29-00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01-0413-29-00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01-0413-29-00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01.0413-29-00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01.0413.29.00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01-0413-29-00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01-0413-29-00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01-0413-29-00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 1 ch 01-0413-29-00 REAL PROPERTY TAXES/CITY 6 50 6 50 6 50 6 50 6 50 7 00 6 50 7 00 6 50 6 50 6 50 7 00 6 50 6 50 7 00 6 50 6 50 6 50 8 00 10 50 6 50 7 00 7 50 6 50 6 50 23 50 6 50 7 50 7 00 9 00 6 50 6 50 6 50 6 50 6 50 7 00 6 50 7 00 6 50 6 50 6 50 7 00 6 50 6 50 7 00 6 50 6 50 6 50 8 00 10 50 6 50 7 00 7 50 6 50 6 50 23 50 6 50 7 50 7 00 9 00 focal 27373 225 00 27374 12 10/2016 27374 Alana Dunn 1 ch 01-0461.0100 CONTINUING EDUCATION 3.282 00 3.282 00 total 27374 3.282 00 27375 12/10/2018 27375 American Water Works Assoc 12/10/2018 27375 American Water Works Assoc 1 ch 60-0434-23-00 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 2 ch 60.0434.23.00 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 86 00 86 00 86 00 86 00 Total 27375 172 00 27376 12/10.2018 27376 Analytical Laboratories, Inc 1 ch 60-0434-82-00 TESTING 1210 2018 27376 Analytical Laboratories. Inc 1 ch 60-0434-82-00 TESTING 64 00 48 00 64 00 48 00 Total 27376 112 00 27377 12 10 2018 27377 Baird Oil 12 10 2018 27377 Baird Oil 12.10 20113 27377 Baird Oil 1 ch 20 0426-00-00 GAS/OIL 2 ch 60-0420-01-00 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 3 ch 23-0417-02-00 GAS AND OIL 154 65 197 21 169 19 154 65 197 21 169 19 City of Eagle Check Register • Transparency Version Check Issue Dales 11/28/2018 • 12/10/2018 Page 4 Dec 10 2018 03 31 PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 27377 27378 12/10/2018 27378 Boise City Attorney's Office 1 ch 01.0416-05-00 PROSECUTOR Total 27378 27379 12/10/2018 27379 Boise Office Equipment 1 ch 18.0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 521 05 5 500 46 5,500 48 5.500 48 76 34 76 34 Total 27379 76 34 27380 12/10/2018 27380 BVEP 1 ch 01-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 2 500 00 2.500 00 Total 27380 2,500 00 27381 12/10/2018 27381 Carissa De -Guzman 1 ch 14.0413-06-00 DUPLICATION/PUBLISHING/PRINTIG 67 50 67 50 Total 27381 67 50 27382 1.2/10/2.010 27382 CIT 1 ch 18.0416.01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 98 03 98 03 Total 27382 98 03 27383 1210/2018 27383 City Of Eagle 12'10/2018 27383 City Of Eagle 12/10/2018 27383 City Of Eagle 1 ch 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 23-0454.04.00 UTILITIES 1 ch 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES 104 14 158 38 41 43 104 14 158 38 41 43 Total 27383 303 95 27384 12/10/2018 27384 CompuNet Inc 12/10/2018 27384 CompuNet Inc 1 ch 18-0418-01 00 OPERATIONAL RESERVE 1 ch 18-0416-01.00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 181 95 181 95 3,840 00 3,840 00 Total 27384 4.021 95 27385 1210/2018 27385 Connect 4 Solutions LLC 1 ch 09-0467-03-00 CHRISTMAS MARKET 500 00 500 00 Total 27385 500 00 27386 12/10 2018 27386 Core & Main LP 12102018 27386 Core & Main LP 1 ch 60-0438-09-00 METER REPLACEMENT PROGRAM 1 ch 60-0438.08.00 CAPITAL METER SETS 436 84 436 84 9 312 56 9 312 56 Total 27386 9,749 40 27387 12/1012018 27387 Corey Bolen 1 ch 22-0417-00-00 SECURITY DEPOSITS 100 00 100 00 Total 27387 100 00 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number Payee 2/388 12+10/2018 27388 Corporate Technologies Total 27388 27389 1210/2018 27389 Crestpotnt LLC Check Register - Transparency Version Page 5 Check Issue Dates 11/28/2018 - 12/10/2018 Dec 10. 2018 03 31PM Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 1 ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 6 616 50 6,616 50 6.616 50 1 ch 01-0203-01-01 BONDS DEPOSITS PAYABLE 85 384 50 85,384 50 Total 27389 85,384 50 27390 12 10/2018 27390 D&B Supply 12 1012018 27390 D&B Supply 1 ch 23-0460-00-00 TOOLS 1 ch 60-0434-68.00 UNIFORMS - LAUNDRY 14 99 14 99 87 99 87 99 Total 27390 102 98 27391 12/10/2018 27391 Delta Dental of Idaho 12/10/2018 27391 Delta Dental of Idaho 12/10/2018 27391 Della Dental of Idaho 12/10/2018 27391 Delta Dental of Idaho 12/10/2018 27391 Delta Dental of Idaho 12/10/2018 27391 Delta Dental of Idaho 12/10/2018 27391 Delta Dental of Idaho 12/10/2018 27391 Delta Dental of Idaho 12/10/2018 27391 Delta Dental of Idaho 12/10/2018 27391 Delta Dental of Idaho 12/10/2018 27391 Delta Dental of Idaho 12/10/2018 27391 Delta Dental of Idaho 12/10/2018 27391 Delta Dental of Idaho 1 ch 26-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 2 ch 23-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 3 ch 09-0420-25-00 INSURANCE 4 ch 14.0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 5 ch 17.0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 6 ch 18-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 7 ch 01-0217-07-00 GEN ADMIN HEALTH INSURANCE 8 ch 11-0217-07-00 EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 9 ch 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 10 ch 20-0217.07.00 HEALTH INSURANCE 11 ch 13-0217-07-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 12 ch 60.0217.07.00 WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 13 ch 06.0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 40 94 40 94 230 40 230 40 68 24 68 24 233 22 233 22 68 22 68 22 134 26 134 26 40 94 40 94 122 82 122 82 293 33 293 33 68 24 68 24 175 20 175 20 298 02 298 02 327 52 327 52 Total 27391 2.101 35 27392 12/10/2016 27392 Dennis Holle total 27392 27393 12/10/2018 27393 Dude Solutions Total 27393 1 cn 13-0416-09-00 PLUMBING INSPECTIONS 11,749 58 11,749 58 1 ch 18-0418-01-00 OPERATIONAL RESERVE 27394 17/10/2018 27394 Eagle Chamber Of Commerce 1 ch 20-0422-00-00 TRAINING 11,749 58 2,343 33 2,343 33 2,343 33 1500 1500 I otal 27394 15 00 27395 12 10 2018 2, 395 Eagle Pacific Associates LP 1 ch 01-0203-01-01 BONDS DEPOSITS PAYABLE 156.535 50 156,535 50 Total 2:395 156.535 50 27396 12 10 2018 27396 Eagle Sewer District 12 102018 2:396 Eagle Sewer District 12 10, 2018 27396 Eagle Sewer District 1 ch 01-0413-16-00 UTILITIES CITY HALL 1 ch 23-0449-04-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 07-0462-52-00 MUSEUM UTILITIES 144 00 36 00 36 00 144 00 36 00 36 00 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Dale Number Payee Check Register • Transparency Version Page 6 Check Issue Dates 11/28/2018. 12/10/2018 Dec 10 2018 03 31 PM Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account 12110/2018 27396 Eagle Sewer District 12/10/2018 27396 Eagle Sewer District 12/10/2018 27396 Eagle Sewer District Total 27396 1 ch 23-0450.04.00 UTILTIES 2 ch 23.0452.04.00 UTILITIES 1 ch 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES Invoice GL Invoice Check Account Title Amount Amount 27397 12/10/2018 27397 Elec Controls & Instrumentals LL 1 ch 13-0416-25-00 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR Total 27397 27398 12/10/2018 27398 Extreme Electric 1 ch 13-0413-29-05 ELECTRICAL PERMIT REFUND 18 00 18 00 36 00 18 00 18 00 36 00 288 00 14 590 21 14 590 21 14 590 21 6500 6500 Total 27398 65 00 27399 12/10/2018 27399 HDR Engineering Inc 1 ch 19-0465-02-00 DRY CREEK PROJECT 8,895 09 8,895 09 Total 27399 8.895 09 27400 12/10/2018 27400 Heartland Homes LLC 1 ch 60-0437-01-00 WATER SYSTEM EXPANSION 25 882 00 25,882 00 Total 27400 25 882 00 27401 12/10/2018 27401 HECO Engineers 12/10/2018 27401 RECO Engineers 12/10/2018 27401 HECO Engineers 12/10/2018 27401 HECO Engineers 1 ch 01-0468-14-00 TRAIL REPAIR - FLOOD DAMAGE 1 ch 01-0413-31-00 ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG 1 ch 01-0413-31-00 ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG 1 ch 01-0413-31-00 ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG 223 75 719 25 2.396 91 9 996 00 223 75 71925 2 396 91 9 996 00 Total 27401 13 335 91 27402 12/10/2018 27402 Holly Csencsits 12/10/2018 27402 Holly Csencsits 1 ch 12-0413-13-00 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 1 ch 21-0425-00-00 COMMUNITY EVENTS 21 04 21 04 26 34 26 34 Total 27402 47 38 27403 12'10/2018 27403 Idaho Bureau or Occupalionai Luc 1 ch 60.0434-22-00 TRAVEL-MTNGS-EDUCATION 62 00 62 00 Total 27403 62 00 27404 12/10/2018 27404 Idaho Correctional Industries 1 ch 14-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 55 00 55 00 Total 27404 55 00 27405 12.102018 27405 Idaho Geothermal LLC 1 ch 13-0413-29-00 BUILDING PERMIT REFUNDS 260 00 260 00 Total 27405 260 00 27406 12.10/2018 27406 Idaho Humane Society, Inc 1 ch 01-0416-06-00 IDAHO HUMANE SOCIETY 5,833 33 5.833 33 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page 7 Check Issue Dates: 11/28(2016 • 12/10/2018 Dec 10 2018 03 31 PM Check Check Issue Dale Number Total 27406 Payee 27407 12/10/2018 27401 Idaho Reroof & Repair Inc Total 27407 27408 12/1012018 27408 12/1012018 27408 12/10/2018 27408 12/10/2018 27408 12/10/2018 27408 12/10/2018 27408 Total 27408 Idaho Statesman -Advertising Idaho Statesman -Advertising Idaho Statesman -Advertising Idaho Statesman -Advertising Idaho Statesman -Advertising Idaho Statesman -Advertising 27409 12/10/2018 27409 IIMC Total 27409 27410 12/10/2016 27410 Jennifer Draper Total 27410 27411 12/10/2018 27411 Jeremy Fitton Total 27411 27412 12.10/2018 27412 Johnstone Supply Total 27412 27413 12/10/2018 27413 J -U -B Engineers. Inc Total 27413 27414 12/10/2018 27414 12/10/2018 27414 12/10/2018 27414 12 10 2018 27414 12 102018 27414 1210/2018 27414 Total 27414 K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance 27415 12 10 2018 27415 KO roofing Inc Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 23-0480-19-00 SR CENTER ROOF REPAIR 1 ch 14-0413-08-00 1 ch 01-0413-08-00 1 ch 01-0413-08-00 1 ch 14-0413-08-00 1 ch 01-0413-08-00 1 ch 01-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS LEGAL ADVERTISING/PUBLICATION LEGAL ADVERTISING/PUBLICATION LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS LEGAL ADVERTISING/PUBLICATION LEGAL ADVERTISING/PUBLICATION 1 ch 12-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 60-0434-68-00 UNIFORMS - LAUNDRY 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS ANO SUPPLIES 1 ch 25-0438-01-00 EAGLE ISLAND ST PK CONNECTION 1 ch 07-0462-53-00 1 ch 06-0464-05-00 1 ch 23-0443-03-00 1 ch 60.0434.50-01 2 ch 23-0440-03-00 3 ch 23-0442-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES CUSTODIAL CUSTODIAL SERVICES SHOP UTILITIES CUSTODIAL SERVICES CUSTODIAL SERVICES 1 ch 13-0413-29-00 BUILDING PERMIT REFUNDS Invoice Amount 11 937 50 Check Amount 5.833 33 11 937 50 11.937 50 325 34 325 34 256 00 256 00 105 80 105 80 88 64 88 64 39 76 39 76 121 08 121 08 936 62 --------- 11000 11000 29 40 42 39 9 02 912 54 110 00 29 40 29 40 42 39 42 39 9 02 9 02 912 54 912 54 132 38 132 38 3.698 76 3.698 76 1.989 96 1 989 96 10267 10267 205 33 205 33 2 433 36 2,433 36 8,562 46 210 67 21067 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number Total 27415 27416 1210%2018 27418 Kellie Rekow Total 27416 Check Register - Transparency Version Page 8 Check Issue Dates: 11/28/2018 - 12/10/2018 Dec 10 2018 03 31PM Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 1 ch 60-0434-22-00 TRAVEL-MTNGS-EDUCATION 21067 21 04 71 04 21 04 27417 12+10.2018 27417 Knife River Co - Southern ID Div 1 ch 19-0465-02-00 DRY CREEK PROJECT 95 692 00 95 692 00 Total 27417 95 692 00 27418 12/10/2018 27418 Krishna Case 1 ch 17-0422-02-00 ADVERTISING/MARKETING 1 110 00 1 110 00 Total 27418 1.11000 27419 12/10/2018 27419 Mike Beavers 1 ch 09-0467-03-00 CHRISTMAS MARKET 400 00 400 00 Total 27419 400 00 27420 12 10/2018 27420 Mike Olsen Pholography LLC 1 ch 09-0467-03-00 CHRISTMAS MARKET 150 00 150 00 Total 27420 150 00 27421 12.10/2018 27421 Molly Kathleen Thurston 1 ch 13-0413-30-00 PERMIT TECH SERVICES 15648 15648 Total 27421 156 48 27422 12/10/2018 27422 MSBT Law 12/10/2018 27422 MSBT Law 12/10/2018 27422 MSBT Law 12/10/2018 27422 MSBT Law 12/10/2018 27422 MSBT Law 12/10/2018 27422 MSBT Law 12/10/2018 27422 MSBT Law 12/10/2018 27422 MSBT Law 12/10/2018 27422 MSBT Law 12/10/2018 27422 MSBT Law 1 ch 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 1 ch 60-0416-01-00 2 ch 01.0413.33.00 ATTORNEY FEE -CHARGE DEVELOPE 1 ch 01-0416.02.00 CITY ATTORNEY 2 ch 01-0413-33-00 ATTORNEY FEE -CHARGE DEVELOPE 1 ch 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 1 ch 06-0416-01-00 LEGAL • CITY ATTORNEY 1 ch 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 1 ch 01-0413.33.00 ATTORNEY FEE -CHARGE DEVELOPE 1 ch 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 3.956 29 3 956 29 329 00 329 00 76 00 76 00 1,321 90 1.321 90 437 00 437 00 532 00 532 00 1.916 51 1 916 51 27 85 27 85 1,026 00 1.026 00 4 639 84 4 639 84 Total 27422 14.262 39 27423 12 10.2018 27423 NAPA Auto Parts Total 27423 1 ch 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC & REPAIR 77 11 77 11 77 11 27424 12,10,2018 27424 National Benefit Services LLC 1 ch 06-0461-23-01 COBRA ADMIN FEE 72 62 72 62 12 10,2018 27424 National Benefit Services LLC 2 ch 01-0415-23-01 HRA ADMIN FEE 72 63 72 63 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Check Issue Dales. 11/28/2018 - 12/10/2018 Page 9 Dec 10. 2018 03 31PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 27424 145 25 27425 12 10/2018 27425 Norco Inc 1 ch 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 79 20 79 20 Total 27425 79 20 27426 12 10 2018 27426 Northwest Tratt c Services. LLC 1 ch 09-0467-03.00 CHRISTMAS MARKET 575 00 575 00 Total 27426 575 00 27427 1210/2018 27427 Ralph E Flanagan 1 ch 09-0467-03-00 CHRISTMAS MARKET 15000 15000 Total 27427 150 00 27428 1.2110/2018 27428 Rebecca Michelle Calhoun 1 ch 09-0467-03-00 CHRISTMAS MARKET 75 00 75 00 f otal 27428 75 00 27429 12 10/2018 27429 Republic Services #884 12 10/2018 27429 Republic Services #884 1 ch 09-0467-05-00 GENERAL EVENTS 2 ch 07-0462-52-00 MUSEUM UTILITIES 186 06 186 06 82 74 82 74 Total 27429 288 80 27430 12/10/2018 27430 Richard Luster 1 ch 09-0467-03-00 CHRISTMAS MARKET 300 00 300 00 Total 2/430 300 00 27431 12. 10/2016 27431 Rick G Wenick 1 ch 13-0416-13-00 BLDG INSPECTOR - CONTRACT 5.720 00 5,720 00 Total 27431 5.720 00 27432 12 10/2018 27432 Rim; Inc Terry Medley 1 ch 13-0416-11-00 MECHANICAL INSPECTOR 11,198 93 11 19893 total 27432 11,198 93 27433 12 10/2018 27433 Rob Hollerman 1 ch 20-0423-01-00 UNIFORMS 100 00 100 00 Total 27433 100 00 27434 12 10'2018 2/434 Samuel Henry 1 ch 09.0467.03.00 CHRISTMAS MARKET 30 00 30 00 Total 27434 30 00 27435 12 10;2018 27435 Scott or Nikki Robertson 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 38 66 38 66 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page 10 Check Issue Dates: 11/28/2018. 12/10/2018 Dec 10, 2018 03 31PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 27435 38 036 27436 12/10/2018 27436 Sean Luster 1 ch 09-0467-03-00 CHRISTMAS MARKET 400 00 400 00 Total 27436 400 00 27437 12/10/2018 27437 Shred -it - USA 1 ch 01-0413.05.00 OFFICE EXPENSES 121 44 121 44 Total 27437 121 44 27438 12;111'2018 27438 Signs2u 1 ch 21-0422-00-00 ART INSTALLATION 2.762 00 2.762 00 Total 27438 2.762 00 27439 12/10/2018 27439 Silver Creek Supply 1 ch 20-0423-04-00 TRAIL MAP DESIGN/PRINTING 72 61 72 61 Total 27439 72 61 27440 12/10/2018 27440 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 26-0413-05-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 299 49 299 49 12/10/2018 27440 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 197 61 197 61 12/10/2018 27440 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 204 95 204 95 12/10/2018 27440 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 14-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 24 99 24 99 12/10/2018 27440 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 06-0420-05-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 94 98 94 98 12/10/2018 27440 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 206 18 206 18 12/10/2018 27440 Staples Credit Plan 2 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 31 99 31 99 12/10 2018 27440 Staples Credit Plan 3 ch 09-0463-11-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 70 46 70 46 12/10/2018 27440 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 22 98 22 98 12/10/2018 27440 Staples Credit Plan 2 ch 09-0463-11-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 49 15 49 15 12/10/2018 27440 Staples Credit Pian 1 ch 60-0434-15-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 20 48 20 48 12/10/2018 27440 Staples Credit Plan 2 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 386 59 386 59 12/10/2018 27440 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 13-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 26 97 28 97 12/10/2018 27440 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 07-0462-31-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 188 84 188 84 Total 27440 1,825 66 27441 12.10/2018 27441 Sterling Codifiers Inc 1 ch 01-0413-28-00 RESOURCE MATERIALS 500 00 500 00 Total 27441 500 00 27442 12/10/2018 27442 Trautman Lawn & Landscape 1 ch 23-0416-06-00 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE AGREEM 22,200 00 22,200 00 Total 27442 22.200 00 27443 12.10/2018 27443 Treasure Valley Lighting & Displa 1 ch 23.0414-04.00 HOLIDAY LIGHTING 1,095 00 1,095 00 Total 27443 1,095 00 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Dale Number Payee 27444 12/10/2018 27444 T-Zers Shirt Shop Inc 12/10/2018 27444 T-Zers Shirt Shop Inc Total 27444 27445 12/10/2018 12/10/2018 12/10/2018 27445 Valley Regional Transit 27445 Valley Regional Transit 27445 Valley Regional Transit Total 27445 27446 12 10/2018 27446 Vaughan Bill Total 27446 27447 12/10/2018 27447 VVaxie Sanitary Supply 1 otal 27447 27448 12/10/2018 27448 12/10/2018 27448 12/10/2018 27448 12/10/2018 27448 12/10/2018 27448 12/10/2018 27448 Total 27448 Grand Totals luted Mayas ',:ay Council Willamette Dental Insurance Willamette Dental Insurance Willamette Dental Insurance Willamette Dental Insurance Willamette Dental Insurance Willamette Dental Insurance Check Register - Transparency Version Page 11 Check Issue Dales 11/28/2018 - 12/10/2018 Dec 10 201B 03 31 PM Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Accounl Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 60-0434-68-00 UNIFORMS - LAUNDRY 1 ch 13-0413.30-00 PERMIT TECH SERVICES 1 ch 01-0413.14.00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 2 ch 01-0468-10-00 HY 44-VRT SRVCS ENHANCEMENT 3 ch 01-0468-10-01 EAGLE SENIOR SERVICES-VRT 1 ch 14.0413.13.00 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 1 ch 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 1 ch 23-0217-07-00 2 ch 13-0217-07-00 3 ch 14-0217-07-00 4 ch 20-0217.07-00 5 ch 17-0217-07.00 6 ch 12-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE Invoice Amount 78 00 493 99 Check Amount 78 00 493 99 571 99 12.371 00 12.371 00 19 683 00 19.683 00 9.500 00 9.500 00 27 54 38 44 98 88 185 34 445 92 49 44 157 15 49 44 41,554 00 27 54 27 54 38 44 38 44 98 88 185 34 445 92 49 44 157 15 49 44 986 17 1.042,744 71