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Minutes - 2023 - City Council - 03/28/2023 - Regular
EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES March 28,2023 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 5:39 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: PIKE, BAUN, RUSSELL. Absent: GINDLESPERGER. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. ADDITIONS,DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: Baun moves to approve the amended agenda. Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 5. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports:No report. B. City Hall Department Supervisor: 1. City Treasurer,Financial Reports for February 2023 C. Eagle Police Department:No report. D. City Attorney:No report. 6. ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA ♦ Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff,or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. ♦ Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning& Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Week of the Young Child Proclamation: A proclamation for the City of Eagle declaring April 1-7, 2023, as Week of the Young Child in the City of Eagle,Idaho.(JWP) C. *License Agreement for Temporary Use Between the City of Eagle,Hawkins Companies LLC and Rees Properties, Inc: A License Agreement for Temporary Use Between the City of Eagle,Hawkins Companies LLC and Rees Properties,Inc.for the City to utilize Lot 9 within Lakemoor Commercial Subdivision for the Eagle Spring Arts and Craft Fair on April 1,2023. (BLA) D. *Vietnam Veterans Recognition Day Proclamation: In observance of the anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War, we reflect on the valor of a generation that served with honor. A Proclamation by the City of Eagle declaring March 29,2023,as Vietnam Veterans Recognition Day. (JWP) Mayor introduces the item. Baun requests to remove items C and D. Pike moves to approve items 5A and B. Seconded by Russell. PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2023\CC-03-28-23min.docx C. *License Agreement for Temporary Use Between the City of Eagle,Hawkins Companies LLC and Rees Properties,Inc: A License Agreement for Temporary Use Between the City of Eagle,Hawkins Companies LLC and Rees Properties,Inc.for the City to utilize Lot 9 within Lakemoor Commercial Subdivision for the Eagle Spring Arts and Craft Fair on April 1,2023. (BLA) City Attorney,Villegas requests Council approve the license agreement subject to the two revisions he has requested of Hawkins Company. Bann moves to approve consent item 6C with the agreement updated. Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. D. *Vietnam Veterans Recognition Day Proclamation: In observance of the anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War, we reflect on the valor of a generation that served with honor. A Proclamation by the City of Eagle declaring March 29,2023,as Vietnam Veterans Recognition Day. (JWP) Mayor introduces the item. Councilmember Baun reads the Proclamation into the record, declaring March 29, 2023, as Vietnam Veterans Recognition Day. Russell moves to approve consent agenda item 6D. Seconded by Pike.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 7. ALL PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS PUBLIC HEARINGS:Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m. ♦Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. ♦Public hearing testimony time limits: Individuals testifying are allotted three (3) minutes for non-repetitive testimony. ♦Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest. A. A-06-22/RZ-06-22 & ZOA-01-22 — Annexation and Rezone with a Development Agreement and Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Establish Development Standards and Processes for the Avimor Planned Development Zoning District—Avimor Development, Spring Valley Livestock,and First American Title as dual beneficiary trust: The applicant is requesting an annexation and rezone from RP (Rural Preservation — Ada County Designation), RR (Rural Residential — Ada County designation), Multiple Use Zone (Boise County designation), and Al (Prime Agriculture — Gem County designation) to A-P-D-DA (Avimor Planned Development with a Development Agreement) and a zoning ordinance amendment to establish development standards and processes for the Avimor Planned Development Zoning District. The 17,522 acre site is anticipated to include up to 8,761 dwelling units and approximately 860,000 square feet of commercial and retail uses. This application includes a development agreement, economic impact report, master wastewater study, a municipal water and pressurized irrigation system master plan, a master drainage report, grading and hillside development standards, and a habitat management plan. The 17,522 acre site is located on both the east and west side of Highway 55, approximately 3 miles north of Dry Creek Road in Ada, Gem, and Boise Counties. (MNB) Mayor introduces the item. Pike states that he has read the emails that were submitted. Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2023\CC-03-28-23min.dmx Mayor Pierce states that his ex-parte is the same as the previous meeting. People in the community wish to speak regarding the matter,but he has declined as it is an open application. Russell has received additional emails since the last hearing, they have been forwarded to include into the record. Baun states his ex-parte statement is the same as the last public hearing, there is nothing additional to disclose. Mayor states that that the public hearing remains open. Curt Smith,2502 West Timber Drive,Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Smith provides a handout for review. States that he compiled the testimony from the Planning and Zoning, City Council meetings into a spreadsheet. He provides an overview of the findings based on this review. Over 90% of the testimony shows that the Eagle residents are opposed to the annexation. He encourages Council to deny the application. C.I. Smith, 1154 North Purple Sage Way, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Smith states that there is a difference between hearing and listening. He does not believe that the Council is listening. Both the outside firm and the Planning and Zoning Commission have been opposed to the annexation. Over 90% of the testimony taken last week was con, he feels if a citywide poll was taken it would be the same result. He requests the Council to vote against the annexation. Michael Hope, 737 West Headwaters Drive Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Hope is using his wife's 3 minutes to testify tonight. Mr. Hope supports the annexation but has 2 conditions to his support. He does not agree that Avimor should be in control of future code conditions. He recommends that Council adopt the Planning Departments conditions suggested at the last meeting. He suggests a review of the financial plans should be carried out, to review and update the analysis. Mr. Hope additionally comments for clarification, all of Ada County pays for schools and the fire district, and therefore does not have financial impact to the city. Jeff Stucker, 2255 East Halsey Drive, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Stucker reviews a PowerPoint presentation from 2019, which he feels is very relevant today. Eagle wants to control the foothills, more commercial, less residential development and to honor our Eagle Comprehensive Plan. He comments on the Comprehensive Plan process and the amount of public input obtained with the creation of the 2017 Plan. Kyle Stone, 1394 North Crosswater, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Stone reviews the "Big Dig" that was undertaken in Chicago.The only people that benefited were the developers and the traffic was not improved. After listening to the Avimor presentation, he does not feel that the vision that is being sold by Avimor is what the residents want. The residents do not want this development. Mark Butler, 1675 East Bishop Way, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Butler is in favor the annexation. Speaking as a Planner, he knows that Eagle's code is very controlling. He would rather have Eagle control the development rather than any other County. He encourages the Council to represent the 33,000 people that live in Eagle. Kim Hyde, 734 Harvey Lane, Eagle, Idaho. She has lived here half a century. Ms. Hyde discusses the number changes in the landscape that have occurred during that time. Discusses the changes in not only the transportation system, but the impact on wildlife that growth has caused. She does not want the annexation. Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2023\CC-03-28-23min.docx Jeff Kimpson, 257 South Silverwood Way, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Kimpson is opposed to the annexation. It will create a tax burden to cover the financial insufficiencies of the developer and believes that this is a financial bailout for the developer. The estimated build out is over 37 years, that calculates to approximately 235 houses a year, which is ten times the amount that developers have been able to do so far in Avimor. He questions why the developer thinks that they will be able to build at this rate to justify the financial numbers. He does not believe that the donation of land is a sufficient offset to the cost to construct the buildings which would result in the burden being shifted to the taxpayers. Janet Buschert, 235 West Floating Feather Road, Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Buschert is opposed to the annexation. She believes it will stress the finances of the City and potentially diminish the level of services when resources are stretched to meet the needs of Avimor. Having said this, Ms. Buschert believes that staff conditions 5, 7 and 8 should be complied with rather than altered as requested by the applicant. It is important that Avimor comply with the recommendations of the PPRC. The control of pathways in Avimor should not remain with the ASO. Theresa Yragui, 1462 North Echo Creek Place, Eagle, Idaho. Yragui is opposed to the annexation. She does not feel that it is fiscally responsible currently. Current build out projections extend to 37 years. It would be prudent that an analysis at early and mid-phases of this development and under varying economic conditions be required. While the annexation meets the letter of the law, it does not meet the spirit of the law. No one would expect that property miles away would be able to be annexed. The school district burden would be felt by all residents. James Brown, 1116 North Triathlon, Eagle, Idaho. It appears that many residents are opposed to the annexation.He would rather keep Eagle as it is without change. The Mayor and Council should represent the people of Eagle not the developers. Mr. Brown believes that the Council should abide by the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Council has a moral and legal obligation to represent the residents wishes. Gary Riggs, 1244 South Lake Point Way, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Riggs is concerned that there should be two separate rules: one set for Eagle City and Avimor. This is a big concern for him. Mark Deglinnocenti, 1183 Pebble Beach Way, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Deglinnocenti is concerned with the financial impact. The fiscal impact analysis is over two years old and believes that it should be updated before voting on annexation. Additionally,he does not believe commercial zones in the foothills is what the Eagle residents want. He is against annexation. Jane Kramer, 1600 Shellpoint Avenue, Middleton, Idaho. Ms. Kramer is opposed to the annexation. Ms. Kramer seeks clarification on the conditions the applicant is in opposition to, as there appears to be a discrepancy between the letter from Givens Pursley and the document. Cindy Longnecker,Allen 1116 North Triathlon, Eagle,Idaho. Ms. Allen speaks to the impact of property taxes and compared surrounding property taxes by looking at neighboring cities. Eagle's property taxes are very low, and she wants them to stay that way. She is opposed to the annexation. Frank Celsnak, 455 West Oakhampton Drive, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Celsnak speaks to the development of Banbury Meadows and subsequent development of adjacent properties. He encourages the Council to value the input of all the residents of Eagle when making their decision. Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2023\CC-03-28-23min.docx Scott Siewert, 6285 West French Glen Court, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Siewert has submitted e- mailed comments also. There is only one reason Avimor wants to annex into Eagle, and that is to abuse the citizens and to offer little or nothing in return. It is the responsibility of the Council to protect the residents from this skullduggery. Anyone who votes against the Planning and Zoning recommendation would endanger their political careers. Mary Hunter, 173 North Sierra View Way, Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Hunter is opposed to the annexation. She inquires if the Council wants to keep their jobs,as it is obvious that the people are against annexation. Thus far Avimor has underperformed, regarding building and selling homes. Between 2009-present they have averaged 54 home per year; however, they are projecting 237 per year. If annexed, city services would still have to be provided. What will happen if they do not build out as projected. It is critical to re-run the financial statement prior to acting on the annexation. Rebecca Nevarez,601 North Racing Water Way,Eagle,Idaho. Ms.Nevarez is concerned with the financial projections presented by the applicant. The assumptions and risk factors for five and ten years were not presented in the applicant's presentation. It is her hope that a forensic financial analysis is done, based on certain conditions and risk factors. Without that information she is opposed to moving forward with the annexation. End of signups. Gary Riggs, 1244 South Lake Pointe Way, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Riggs seeks clarification on the water service agreement. Discussion regarding the roadway and traffic expansion on Willow Creek. Tom York, 703 North Foudy Place, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. York feels that it is vital to control the area of impact, especially in the foothills. What are the consequences if it is not annexed? Eagle is not irresponsible. There has been a lot of misinformation pushed out by social media via a non-profit. There has been a lot of fear sewn to the people of Eagle regarding this application. A lot of work has been done in the Comprehensive Plan that has planned for this. If annexed, Avimor would need to be part of Eagle, not a separate island. Time donated: Jane Rohling, 582 West Palmetto Drive, Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Rohling reminds the Council that one of the first actions taken was to sell The Landing. The reason that Council member Pike changed his mind about this was because of a petition, he encourages him to listen to all of the testimony and the survey of SOS Eagle. After review of State Code there is nothing that prohibits the issuance of a survey to the people. Time donated: Bill Morrison, 19650 North McCleod Way, Boise, Idaho. Eagle has the site and the vision to plan for the future of the foothills. The Comprehensive Plan speaks to the development of the foothills that speaks to its unique features. Avimor could be a partner vs. a competitor in this vision. He believes the benefits outweigh the status quo. The expansion of the trails and pathways would be of benefit to the residents. He recommends approval of the application. Steven Jeffries, 152 North Falling Water Avenue,Eagle,Idaho. Mr.Jeffries believes that there should be a balance of risk vs benefit. Avimor will develop whether annexed or not. What is the risk to Avimor? If annexed the City would incur more risk than the City. Mr. Jeffries believes that unless the balance of risk is greater for Avimor the annexation should not occur in order to protect the interests of the City. Russ Buschert, 235 West Floating Feather Road, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Buschert was part of the group that put the survey together. The City could hire a company to do a survey and to do it Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2023\CC-03-28-23min.docx well. The Council has the luxury to delay this decision for another year or more based on the public sentiment. Annexation is irreversible. City Attorney, Victor Villegas provides clarification regarding Idaho State Code regarding the Idaho Local Land Use Planning Act. Debra Nelson, 601 West Bannock Street, Boise, Idaho, representing Avimor provides rebuttal to testimony. At the previous meeting, city staff had requested an additional review process. Avimor has agreed to the process. Ms. Nelson reviews the proposed language in 11 B for a subarea plan approval process. COMPASS has not taken into account of actual trip capture, trip generation is an average of 20% below averages, nor did it to take into account the transportation expansion improvements. ITD has stated that the mitigation is sufficient. Concern was expressed regarding services as the City does not actually provide sewer, schools, fire and EMS services, she addresses her comments to those services that the City does provide: water, police, library services and parks. The applicant believes that the advantages of annexation include the following: provides the City control of the City's Comprehensive Plan area; implementation of the City's design guidelines, advances the transportation improvements, preservation of open space and public access. Eagle relies on one-time fees and with annexation, it would expand the one-time feel collection horizon another 30 years to allow the City time to better address costs of services. The property is contiguous to the existing city limits, it complies with the comprehensive plan. The applicant is in agreement with three of the four staff recommended conditions of approval that were suggested at the March 13, 2023, meeting including conditions 15 ( sub-area planning process), 16 (the allowance of Eagle Police to co-locate at Eagle Fire location) and 17 (public easement access to 1-mile of special use trails for every 200 additional residential units). The applicant is requesting the proposed condition regarding Eagle Trail Standards be stricken and that the applicant be required to comply with trail standards as proposed by Avimor in Title 11 B. Discussion. Planner III, Morgan Bessaw makes herself available should the Council have questions. Staff has reviewed the modifications to conditions discussed and they address several of the items of concern reviewed at the previous meeting. Mayor Pierce states that public testimony will be taken on the new information presented tonight, but only on those items. Kim Hyde, 734 Harvey, Eagle, Idaho. If trails and parks are opened for Eagle residents, is there adequate parking. What happens if their wells run dry? Mike Hope, 737 West. Headwaters Drive,Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Hope questions how Avimor will fund the infrastructure they keep promising. Jeff Stucker, 2255 West Halsey Drive,Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Stucker would like confirmation that what he heard was accurate, in that as long as development is continuing, that this is a cashflow positive to the City regardless of the timeline for buildout. Chris Hadden, 909 North Morley Green Place, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Hadden seeks clarification on trails access can be restricted whether annexed or not annexed. Is there supporting documentation that the assessed value of Avimor residents will be similar to that of Eagle. Margret Moses, 6070 West Piaffe Court,Eagle,Idaho. Ms.Moses asks if a surety bond would be submitted to ensure the infrastructure would be paid for. Page 6 K:\COU NCI L\M I N UTES\z23\CC-03-28-23mi n.dmx Luke Lowe, 711 Eagle Hills Way, Eagle, Idaho. If annexed how quickly would the expansion of the law enforcement coverage be implemented, in regard to officers and building construction. Deb Nelson provides additional clarification. There is space for additional trailhead parking and additional parking at Little Gulch and Rocky Canyon will be built. Should the water needs not be met, they would not be able to construct further. Brad Phannmueller 18454 N.McLeod Way provides information regarding access to the trails. Nelson, address inquiries regarding bonding, which is required at the preliminary plat stage. The law enforcement contract with the city would be expanded to include services in Avimor. Discussion. Jeff Bower 601 W. Bannock Boise,Idaho. Provides input regarding fire district requirements. Discussion amongst Ms. Nelson, Mr. Phannmueller and Council regarding the funding mechanism for the stewardship fund, the application of city levy rates if annexed, the Eagle Sewer bond fee would not apply as Avimor is not served by Eagle Sewer District,water rights, and quality, roadway improvements, capital improvements for public safety, pathways and trails and public access to the same. Sonija Delighten Kittleson and Associates 101 S. Capital Ste. 600 Boise, Idaho. ACHD has made the decision to keep Beacon Light to three lanes so the expansion of Arie Way it will allow the roadway to operate at a more adequate level. Dave Eberle 3648 N. Willowbaugh Lane states that the early payoff of the DEQ loan could result in a cost savings. General discussion. Planner III, Morgan Bessaw states that the applicant has agreed to the conditions of approval excluding the pathways/trails condition they are seeking modification to. She makes herself available for questions. Mayor closes the public hearing. Mayor calls a 5-minute recess. B. A-14-22/RZ-19-22 — Annexation and Rezone for Avimor Village One — Avimor Development: Avimor Development is requesting an annexation, rezone from PC (Planned Community—Ada County designation)to A-P-D(Avimor Planned Development) for Avimor Village One (portions of Avimor Subdivision No. 1, Avimor Subdivision Nos. 4-11, and Avimor Townhomes North Subdivision). The approximately 657-acre site is already developed with a mix of uses and is located on the east side of Highway 55, approximately 3 miles north of Dry Creek Road in Ada County. (MNB) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Mayor opens the public hearing for item 7B. This public hearing is for existing Avimor Subdivision No. 4-11. The sign-up sheets provided included both items, but we wanted to make sure that the public has the opportunity should they wish to address anything additional at this time. Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2023\CC-03-28-23min.docx City Attorney, Victor Villegas states that item B cannot be acted on separately from item A. They are complimentary applications. Debra Nelson 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, Idaho. This is the 675 acres of Village I. Nelson asks that all of the testimony and presentations that were previously heard for item A, be included in the record for this item as well. Planner III, Morgan Bessaw states that this application would not be subject to the development agreement. Mayor opens the public hearing. Margaret Moses 6070 W. Piaffe Ct. Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Moses asks for clarification whether the two applications can be acted on separately. City Attorney provides clarification that the path to annexation for item B is through item A. Christopher Hadden 909 N. Morley Green Place Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Hadden questions the legitimacy of annexation A,based on the note to the plat granting consent for annexation. The homeowners were denied their I It amendment rights to protest the annexation due to the note on the plat. The homeowners were not made aware at closing of the consent to annex. He believes an injustice was done to the homeowners and believes that either annexation B or C would have been appropriate. Ed Gast 5571 W. Hobwood. Mr. Gast owns a home in Avimor, and states that he was walked through the pre-annexation process twice during the purchase process of his home and was fully aware of the matter. Debra Nelson states that the note on the plat carries forward with the home ownership. While it does provide consent, it does not negate their ability to attend and provide testimony regarding the application. Discussion regarding the provision and funding of EMS and Fire District services. General discussion. Pike requests that the Fire Chief and Police Chief speak to the impact to services. Fire Chief,Tyler Lewis, Eagle Fire Department. The Eagle Fire District and the City of Eagle are separate taxing districts. Avimor was brought into the Eagle Fire District in 2006. Discussion of cost of services and impact fee collection for services and facilities. Eagle Police Chief, Ryan Wilke, Ada County Sheriff's Office. There have been many discussions to co-locate with Eagle Fire District in a fire safety building. Discussion regarding the provision of services and staffing for both current city limits needs and that of Avimor. Discussion regarding budgeting for law enforcement services, levels of service in the Comprehensive Plan, Capital Plan and perceived deficiencies. Nelson speaks to the analysis that was factored into the economic impact study conducted by the applicant. Mr. Eberle addresses the calculation utilized in the analysis. General discussion. Mayor closes the public hearing on item B. Page 8 K:\CO U NCI L\M I N UTES\2023\CC-03-28-23 m i n.d x a Bann moves to continue items A and B to March 30te at 6:00 p.m. Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 8. ADJOURNMENT: Pike moves to adjourn. Seconded by Baun. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted: 11 IV "' ""'••,,� E 1 E •. p% Y W. 86RN,CMC CITY CLkkK = W r . oco • APPROVED: ...•sCP,,���. J SO PI RCE MA R AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. 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C t m to W Y O O N O r` 0 O U C U 7 H n \ F U g K m U y U O tr #10 CITY OF EAGLE — CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-IN SHEET March 13, 2023 A-06-22/RZ-06-22 & ZOA-01-22 —Annexation and Rezone with a Development Agreement and Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Establish Development Standards and Processes for the Avimor Planned The applicant is requesting an annexation and rezone from RP (Rural Preservation — Ada County Designation), RR (Rural Residential — Ada County designation), Multiple Use Zone (Boise County designation), and Al (Prime Agriculture — Gem County designation) to A-P-D-DA (Avimor Planned Development with a Development Agreement) and a zoning ordinance amendment to establish development standards and processes for the Avimor Planned Development Zoning District. The 17,522 acre site is anticipated to include up to 8,761 dwelling units and approximately 860,000 square feet of commercial and retail uses. This application includes a CU-18-22 Summers pzf.pdf Stadium View Sub pzf.pdf development agreement, economic impact report, master wastewater study, a municipal water and pressurized irrigation system master plan, a master drainage report, grading and hillside development standards, and a habitat management plan. The 17,522 acre site is located on both the east and west side of Highway 55, approximately 3 miles north of Dry Creek Road in Ada, Gem, and Boise Counties. A-14-22/RZ-19-22 — Annexation and Rezone for Avimor Village One — Avimor Development: Avimor Development is requesting an annexation, rezone from PC (Planned Community — Ada County designation) to A-P-D (Avimor Planned Development) for Avimor Village One (portions of Avimor Subdivision No. 1, Avimor Subdivision Nos. 4-11, and Avimor Townhomes North Subdivision). The approximately 657-acre site is already developed with a mix of uses and is located on the east side of Highway 55, approximately 3 miles north of Dry Creek Road in Ada County. NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ADDRESS TESTIFY? (Y/l) PRO/CON �.� -emsA4 U �v con ff_�C�lls qA I ( l C_--, Dgvt rJ D2/JWSt►.V-_ tAAG u Avz-` N bra -- ACT Testimony continued from 03/13/2023 2,?22 e`-� J.0 IrkS, Zf Lv 'V Testimony continued from 03/13/2023 #11 CITY OF EAGLE — CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-IN SHEET March 13, 2023 A-06-22/RZ-06=22 & ZOA-01-22 —Annexation and Rezone with a Development Agreement and Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Establish Development Standards and Processes for the Avimor Planned The applicant is requesting an annexation and rezone from RP (Rural Preservation — Ada County Designation), RR (Rural Residential — Ada County designation), Multiple Use Zone (Boise County designation), and Al (Prime Agriculture — Gem County designation) to A-P-D-DA (Avimor Planned Development with a Development Agreement) and a zoning ordinance amendment to establish development standards and processes for the Avimor Planned Development Zoning District. The 17,522 acre site is anticipated to include up to 8,761 dwelling units and approximately 860,000 square feet of commercial and retail uses. This application includes a CU-18-22 Summers pzf.pdf Stadium View Sub pzf.pdf development agreement, economic impact report, master wastewater study, a municipal water and pressurized irrigation system master plan, a master drainage report, grading and hillside development standards, and a habitat management plan. The 17,522 acre site is located on both the east and west side of Highway 55, approximately 3 miles north of Dry Creek Road in Ada, Gem, and Boise Counties. A-14-22/RZ-19-22 — Annexation and Rezone for Avimor Village One — Avimor Development: Avimor Development is requesting an annexation, rezone from PC (Planned Community — Ada County designation) to A-P-D (Avimor Planned Development) for Avimor Village One (portions of Avimor Subdivision No. 1, Avimor Subdivision Nos. 4-11, and Avimor Townhomes North Subdivision). The approximately 657-acre site is already developed with a mix of uses and is located on the east side of Highway 55, approximately 3 miles north of Dry Creek Road in Ada County. NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ADDRESS TESTIFY? (Y/1) PRO/CON Lad f, 6'1'\j a (y Ic �_ 139`� U' P K-0 1 w 22_ L N w 6 nt f<, j �ZC ' r ' Testimony continued from 03/13/2023 #1 CITY OF EAGLE — CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-IN SHEET March 28, 2023 A-06-22/RZ-06-22 & ZOA-01-22 —Annexation and Rezone with a Development Agreement and Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Establish Development Standards and Processes for the Avimor Planned The applicant is requesting an annexation and rezone from RP (Rural Preservation — Ada County Designation), RR (Rural Residential — Ada County designation), Multiple Use Zone (Boise County designation), and Al (Prime Agriculture — Gem County designation) to A-P-D-DA (Avimor Planned Development with a Development Agreement) and a zoning ordinance amendment to establish development standards and processes for the Avimor Planned Development Zoning District. The 17,522 acre site is anticipated to include up to 8,761 dwelling units and approximately 860,000 square feet of commercial and retail uses. This application includes a CU-18-22 Summers pzf.pdf Stadium View Sub pzfpdf development agreement, economic impact report, master wastewater study, a municipal water and pressurized irrigation system master plan, a master drainage report, grading and hillside development standards, and a habitat management plan. The 17,522 acre site is located on both the east and west side of Highway 55, approximately 3 miles north of Dry Creek Road in Ada, Gem, and Boise Counties. A-14-22/RZ-19-22 — Annexation and Rezone for Avimor Village One — Avimor Development: Avimor Development is requesting an annexation, rezone from PC (Planned Community — Ada County designation) to A-P-D (Avimor Planned Development) for Avimor Village One (portions of Avimor Subdivision No. 1, Avimor Subdivision Nos. 4-11, and Avimor Townhomes North Subdivision). The approximately 657-acre site is already developed with a mix of uses and is located on the east side of Highway 55, approximately 3 miles north of Dry Creek Road in Ada County. NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ADDRESS TESTIFY? (Y/N) PRO/CON Ea�le,1 D CSC: ce (J ��- 5 i c�4 A r1r) J J S�I n L�'► > 7 3 5 , C r,.L ��nlnric' �7� C C- Z 727 W N'-Sh eod�`P r � ►/qg IV. w u/c,y C ON K. SfK1A 4— /— , rd '33to Ly Lida LoAqcNr-(37&4 5 Lai(-e- � ky— Zi e,� 00 Jr l x b 54 S D 1 �cy i J ;� UDiv, r�o/ YX) i �V4 #2 CITY OF EAGLE — CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-IN SHEET March 28, 2023 A-06-22/RZ-06-22 & ZOA-01-22 —Annexation and Rezone with a Development Agreement and Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Establish Development Standards and Processes for the Avimor Planned The applicant is requesting an annexation and rezone from RP (Rural Preservation — Ada County Designation), RR (Rural Residential — Ada County designation), Multiple Use Zone (Boise County designation), and Al (Prime Agriculture — Gem County designation) to A-P-D-DA (Avimor Planned Development with a Development Agreement) and a zoning ordinance amendment to establish development standards and processes for the Avimor Planned Development Zoning District. The 17,522 acre site is anticipated to include up to 8,761 dwelling units and approximately 860,000 square feet of commercial and retail uses. This application includes a CU-18-22 Summers pzf.pdf Stadium View Sub pzf.pdf development agreement, economic impact report, master wastewater study, a municipal water and pressurized irrigation system master plan, a master drainage report, grading and hillside development standards, and a habitat management plan. The 17,522 acre site is located on both the east and west side of Highway 55, approximately 3 miles north of Dry Creek Road in Ada, Gem, and Boise Counties. A-14-22/RZ-19-22 — Annexation and Rezone for Avimor Village One — Avimor Development: Avimor Development is requesting an annexation, rezone from PC (Planned Community — Ada County designation) to A-P-D (Avimor Planned Development) for Avimor Village One (portions of Avimor Subdivision No. 1, Avimor Subdivision Nos. 4-11, and Avimor Townhomes North Subdivision). The approximately 657-acre site is already developed with a mix of uses and is located on the east side of Highway 55, approximately 3 miles north of Dry Creek Road in Ada County. NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ADDRESS TESTIFY? (Y/N) PRO/CON COVI 8s6i6 7 5� 7 ST/e P.n1,n,_Av C� 4�er"Nt C' CON 3 1z ew Aawl_� 4A A6-Lv r 3sJ N K ,4u/4-S( ccuj( 3 cc C/o tkij,� Fcoc;-r'e � 1 l �� 1 nl ��o C�v► a rs I N J t /7 L J�Li J �v��P/� �-W,►► ��7�'b-� ;_i�l ;� C: L l� KF rar2�ciC.- C( ° C Gv- 40 cco kj v L V / n /y4 :Z N �L �•o c� G-�- V ," #3 CITY OF EAGLE — CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-IN SHEET March 28, 2023 A-06-22/RZ-06-22 & ZOA-01-22 —Annexation and Rezone with a Development Agreement and Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Establish Development Standards and Processes for the Avimor Planned The applicant is requesting an annexation and rezone from RP (Rural Preservation — Ada County Designation), RR (Rural Residential — Ada County designation), Multiple Use Zone (Boise County designation), and Al (Prime Agriculture — Gem County designation) to A-P-D-DA (Avimor Planned Development with a Development Agreement) and a zoning ordinance amendment to establish development standards and processes for the Avimor Planned Development Zoning District. The 17,522 acre site is anticipated to include up to 8,761 dwelling units and approximately 860,000 square feet of commercial and retail uses. This application includes a CU-18-22 Summers pzf.pdf Stadium View Sub pzf.pdf development agreement, economic impact report, master wastewater study, a municipal water and pressurized irrigation system master plan, a master drainage report, grading and hillside development standards, and a habitat management plan. The 17,522 acre site is located on both the east and west side of Highway 55, approximately 3 miles north of Dry Creek Road in Ada, Gem, and Boise Counties. A-14-22/RZ-19-22 — Annexation and Rezone for Avimor Village One — Avimor Development: Avimor Development is requesting an annexation, rezone from PC (Planned Community — Ada County designation) to A-P-D (Avimor Planned Development) for Avimor Village One (portions of Avimor Subdivision No. 1, Avimor Subdivision Nos. 4-11, and Avimor Townhomes North Subdivision). The approximately 657-acre site is already developed with a mix of uses and is located on the east side of Highway 55, approximately 3 miles north of Dry Creek Road in Ada County. NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ADDRESS TESTIFY? (Y/N) PRO/CON 63 Cone ( s � AJ �1 r)r� G f)AN atA kfil A\V-1 l All. e #4 CITY OF EAGLE — CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-IN SHEET March 28, 2023 A-06-22/RZ-06-22 & ZOA-01-22 —Annexation and Rezone with a Development Agreement and Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Establish Development Standards and Processes for the Avimor Planned The applicant is requesting an annexation and rezone from RP (Rural Preservation — Ada County Designation), RR (Rural Residential — Ada County designation), Multiple Use Zone (Boise County designation), and Al (Prime Agriculture — Gem County designation) to A-P-D-DA (Avimor Planned Development with a Development Agreement) and a zoning ordinance amendment to establish development standards and processes for the Avimor Planned Development Zoning District. The 17,522 acre site is anticipated to include up to 8,761 dwelling units and approximately 860,000 square feet of commercial and retail uses. This application includes a CU-18-22 Summers pzfpdf Stadium View Sub pzf.pdf development agreement, economic impact report, master wastewater study, a municipal water and pressurized irrigation system master plan, a master drainage report, grading and hillside development standards, and a habitat management plan. The 17,522 acre site is located on both the east and west side of Highway 55, approximately 3 miles north of Dry Creek Road in Ada, Gem, and Boise Counties. A-14-22/RZ-19-22 — Annexation and Rezone for Avimor Village One — Avimor Development: Avimor Development is requesting an annexation, rezone from PC (Planned Community — Ada County designation) to A-P-D (Avimor Planned Development) for Avimor Village One (portions of Avimor Subdivision No. 1, Avimor Subdivision Nos. 4-11, and Avimor Townhomes North Subdivision). The approximately 657-acre site is already developed with a mix of uses and is located on the east side of Highway 55, approximately 3 miles north of Dry Creek Road in Ada County. NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ADDRESS TESTIFY? (Y/N) PRO/CON Af13 4 7:: tj r.- 41 bh� 51S� 0 IV V,� �U�� �L/ 1cJ''^lk� 1 �G�NN►KN I�� � � v N " r LOJ c �L VIA v + (p 2 fY 6;,l �-7 rCCAK- T S cv T � �'Cc,J�v�--� �� c L� �� �s G � rc7 N 7IAk 0- fv Coo COW 7 #5 CITY OF EAGLE — CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-IN SHEET March 28, 2023 A-06-22/RZ-06-22 & ZOA-01-22 —Annexation and Rezone with a Development Agreement and Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Establish Development Standards and Processes for the Avimor Planned The applicant is requesting an annexation and rezone from RP (Rural Preservation — Ada County Designation), RR (Rural Residential — Ada County designation), Multiple Use Zone (Boise County designation), and Al (Prime Agriculture — Gem County designation) to A-P-D-DA (Avimor Planned Development with a Development Agreement) and a zoning ordinance amendment to establish development standards and processes for the Avimor Planned Development Zoning District. The 17,522 acre site is anticipated to include up to 8,761 dwelling units and approximately 860,000 square feet of commercial and retail uses. This application includes a CU-18-22 Summers pzf.pdf Stadium View Sub pzf.pdf development agreement, economic impact report, master wastewater study, a municipal water and pressurized irrigation system master plan, a master drainage report, grading and hillside development standards, and a habitat management plan. The 17,522 acre site is located on both the east and west side of Highway 55, approximately 3 miles north of Dry Creek Road in Ada, Gem, and Boise Counties. A-14-22/RZ-19-22 — Annexation and Rezone for Avimor Village One — Avimor Development: Avimor Development is requesting an annexation, rezone from PC (Planned Community — Ada County designation) to A-P-D (Avimor Planned Development) for Avimor Village One (portions of Avimor Subdivision No. 1, Avimor Subdivision Nos. 4-11, and Avimor Townhomes North Subdivision). The approximately 657-acre site is already developed with a mix of uses and is located on the east side of Highway 55, approximately 3 miles north of Dry Creek Road in Ada County. NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ADDRESS TESTIFY? (Y/N) PRO/CON All I W1 50 t1tr-1 D CO C6 01 Vv�� 7N, �+� vt �oS i � � � � CJ D �a �c'(�vv► � C�� OL DA N 37 7 1 0 ry a AA ^ r >3 lv S �v� ,VXQV � � SIJd� .wf-b� Ca Al 144-�T co [JI)o(freekf) N GOV a #6 CITY OF EAGLE — CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-IN SHEET March 28, 2023 A-06-22/RZ-06-22 & ZOA-01-22 —Annexation and Rezone with a Development Agreement and Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Establish Development Standards and Processes for the Avimor Planned The applicant is requesting an annexation and rezone from RP (Rural Preservation — Ada County Designation), RR (Rural Residential — Ada County designation), Multiple Use Zone (Boise County designation), and Al (Prime Agriculture — Gem County designation) to A-P-D-DA (Avimor Planned Development with a Development Agreement) and a zoning ordinance amendment to establish development standards and processes for the Avimor Planned Development Zoning District. The 17,522 acre site is anticipated to include up to 8,761 dwelling units and approximately 860,000 square feet of commercial and retail uses. This application includes a CU-18-22 Summers pzf.pdf Stadium View Sub pzf.pdf development agreement, economic impact report, master wastewater study, a municipal water and pressurized irrigation system master plan, a master drainage report, grading and hillside development standards, and a habitat management plan. The 17,522 acre site is located on both the east and west side of Highway 55, approximately 3 miles north of Dry Creek Road in Ada, Gem, and Boise Counties. A-14-22/RZ-19-22 — Annexation and Rezone for Avimor Village One — Avimor Development: Avimor Development is requesting an annexation, rezone from PC (Planned Community — Ada County designation) to A-P-D (Avimor Planned Development) for Avimor Village One (portions of Avimor Subdivision No. 1, Avimor Subdivision Nos. 4-11, and Avimor Townhomes North Subdivision). The approximately 657-acre site is already developed with a mix of uses and is located on the east side of Highway 55, approximately 3 miles north of Dry Creek Road in Ada County. NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ADDRESS TESTIFY? (Y/N) PRO/CON 01 ��s Sivodd 0&,),1 F-4 1, 1C1>,,1o,6,-4s r_G5m1,v1s,&o(< Al' #10 CITY OF EAGLE — CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-IN SHEET 2g March , 2023 A-06-22/RZ-06-22 & ZOA-01-22 —Annexation and Rezone with a Development Agreement and Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Establish Development Standards and Processes for the Avimor Planned The applicant is requesting an annexation and rezone from RP (Rural Preservation — Ada County Designation), RR (Rural Residential — Ada County designation), Multiple Use Zone (Boise County designation), and Al (Prime Agriculture — Gem County designation) to A-P-D-DA (Avimor Planned Development with a Development Agreement) and a zoning ordinance amendment to establish development standards and processes for the Avimor Planned Development Zoning District. The 17,522 acre site is anticipated to include up to 8,761 dwelling units and approximately 860,000 square feet of commercial and retail uses. This application includes a CU-18-22 Summers pzfpdf Stadium View Sub pzf.pdf development agreement, economic impact report, master wastewater study, a municipal water and pressurized irrigation system master plan, a master drainage report, grading and hillside development standards, and a habitat management plan. The 17,522 acre site is located on both the east and west side of Highway 55, approximately 3 miles north of Dry Creek Road in Ada, Gem, and Boise Counties. A-14-22/RZ-19-22 — Annexation and Rezone for Avimor Village One — Avimor Development: Avimor Development is requesting an annexation, rezone from PC (Planned Community — Ada County designation) to A-P-D (Avimor Planned Development) for Avimor Village One (portions of Avimor Subdivision No. 1, Avimor Subdivision Nos. 4-11, and Avimor Townhomes North Subdivision). The approximately 657-acre site is already developed with a mix of uses and is located on the east side of Highway 55, approximately 3 miles north of Dry Creek Road in Ada County. NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ADDRESS TESTIFY? (Y/1) PRO/CON � 'J Coro JA_�,_L,} l=v,.�A LT SC ,^� qA- \ G I ( t G F✓�U "DgVIVO DtA'W1W w` CA^X-4 i>►v tv CT �� ICITY OF EAGLE — CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING #1 PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-IN SHEET March 13, 2023 A-06-22/RZ-06=22 & ZOA-01-22 —Annexation and Rezone with a Development Agreement and Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Establish Development Standards and Processes for the Avimor Planned The applicant is requesting an annexation and rezone from RP (Rural Preservation — Ada County Designation), RR (Rural Residential — Ada County designation), Multiple Use Zone (Boise County designation), and Al (Prime Agriculture — Gem County designation) to A-P-D-DA (Avimor Planned Development with a Development Agreement) and a zoning ordinance amendment to establish development standards and processes for the Avimor Planned Development Zoning District. The 17,522 acre site is anticipated to include up to 8,761 dwelling units and approximately 860,000 square feet of commercial and retail uses. This application includes a CU-18-22 Summers pzf.pdf Stadium View Sub pzf.pdf development agreement, economic impact report, master wastewater study, a municipal water and pressurized irrigation system master plan, a master drainage report, grading and hillside development standards, and a habitat management plan. The 17,522 acre site is located on both the east and west side of Highway 55, approximately 3 miles north of Dry Creek Road in Ada, Gem,and Boise Counties. A-14-22/RZ-19-22 — Annexation and Rezone for Avimor Village One — Avimor Development: Avimor Development is requesting an annexation, rezone from PC (Planned Community — Ada County designation) to A-P-D (Avimor Planned Development) for Avimor Village One (portions of Avimor Subdivision No. 1, Avimor Subdivision Nos. 4-11, and Avimor Townhomes North Subdivision). The approximately 657-acre site is already developed with a mix of uses and is located on the east side of Highway 55, approximately 3 miles north of Dry Creek Road in Ada County. NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ADDRESS TESTIFY? (Y/N) PRO/CON r. 91 "D coo '� y K - PC, Z C) 97 -')k'\j9Z; N 3 6711 4/4/2023 A AVI MOR Eagle City Council—March 28, 2023 A. oft" tot Oltx. ._, A. , . r� �v a 1 AVIMOR ✓" , Master lend Use Plan _. r Legend LpI , I> f ! r , Land Use DistnCls l j --! ---r--� Ei--� _ ----- �' Elo l_� _r . - _ _1 2 1 4/4/2OI3 Illustative Sub-Ares Plan Sub Use DieVict Legend Avinior 1. Subdivision Land Use Map: compliance with Master Land Use Plan and Sub Area Plan 2. Parks, Pathways, and Facilities Map: compliance with Master Open Space Plan 3. Conservation Director Approval:compliance with Habitat Management Plan V -A 1 4. Prowect Totals: provide running totals for units, Sub Use District Le open space, and conservation land 5. Transportation Studies: show traffic impacts are mitigated; provide construction truck traffic plan 6. Services: show area is served by essential public Subdivision Land Use Map 2 4/4/2023 Transportation Mitigation ' Replace the at grab McLaod ,ntersecti bnnrth ofdright-in/right- outv55 and Development. � /Your Safety Your Mobility �pTPoeT rqM o[D^n'mer Wry Complete by occupancy of ccess for th NB access with rI ht-In rI htout on 1,450 residences In the Avimor pmen construct grade se.rated i I Your Economic Opportunity nay wLe+==.a y access cxiooer u.xau Dr.Grade Construct a grade separated Complete by occupancy of Separated Intersection intersection at the realigned 2,200 residences in the Avimor crM n SH55/Avimor Drive intersection Development. cxr or e>ek eeu(,c..wc WideningSHSS Realign SH 55 plus widen to 2lanes in Complete by occupancy of r Rl u,noawtc Canyon +d each direction from north of the 2,200 residences in the Avimor Way canyon(approximately MP 51.5)to Development. north of McLeod Way(approximately MP54.0) RE:nas xx/Rx 2x axaoxx R•m,e Dex Ms.Reu,•,, Potential full access;construct NB and Complete with final platting of SB right-turn and left-turn lanes; adjacent subdivision phase. ia:n wnmR rerfineM+ne.eoe,erere+aa.pgwtbn ror.nR•.nb,.:,e rs.o^a er tK.mMo• subject to sight distance standardsPearl Road Access �..leata Tnnspananon paDMen<nt N+waYee wtx•Nmor br vyeral years yo tlrveb0 M1an+ponatnn Construct NB left-turn lane Complete with final platting of ^n�wn„eeeb use Du IOux Bute R1 Iddetmr•b:.nrcy e.u Ihro n1. mare adjacent subdivision phase �vnry,ne:mnunv.na mn'�¢ue me>nan.on>i varry anwasme eewanrentwnr^e to tk .—I.-I .e.^a 11 �. Widen SH55 to 2 lanes in each ffD When conditions warrant and s�mxnemmn•mDonmbe ewNa tmr a.0 Rwn tnr vmraabr.of me x.,e Mw m•u.nD 1 direction from 1,500 R north of funding is available "'"`PO^atlo"oewn�rm. Brookside Lane(approximately MP 48.7)to north of the canyon (approximately MP 51.5) contaa:ne ere lar<xancmn:eo•r te,aub.m:axoxesa-Ray. Complete improvements to ITD When conditions warrant and SH55/SH44 intersection to address funding is available �{�-n—T;'�� growth in regional traffic volumes V" 9 I'�^"" Complete widening of SH55 to three FTD When conditions warrant and v"+ca't E. lanes and other necessary funding is available rtn-nm,rt T improvements to address growth in w^^ew aoa o•v�opa.nv xr.KO M,n•aer ... •- vem regional traffic volumes 5 Public Comments on City Services Water Police Library Parks J'— F• r LE � l ,_ LPUB T_. 6 3 4/4/2023 Annexation Now Benefits the City • Control of City's Comprehensive Plan Area x • Implementation of City's Design and Development Standards �s • Requirements in Development Agreement for max density, public infrastructure • Preservation of open space and public access to trails • Advances transportation improvements • Economic benefits to City budget 4 7 6.14 EAGLE FOOTHILLS PLANNING AREA 6.4.3(b):"Provide for a broad spectrum of - housing types including apartments, townhouses,condominiums,single family attached, manufactured homes,affordable housing,and large acreage developments:' ,'% :—' 7 1 • 6.4.3(C):"Allow for planned activity centers and nodes to provide commercial and i non-residential needs within the City;discourage � the development of strip commercial" 1 �j f • 5.7(0):"Emphasize the important economic role that outdoor access and recreation has for city residents, preserving and enhancing open space �y as an amenity and economic attractant:' • 5.7(P):Capitalize on Eagle's great proximity and �V accessibility to recreation and outdoors.Provide opportunities for residential, retail,and technology-based offices near the river e annl annm Are MKT r8, greenbelt and Eagle Foothills 8 4 4/4/2023 Annexation Now Benefits the City • Control of City's Comprehensive Plan Area • Implementation of City's Design and Development Standards • Requirements in Development Agreement - A for max density, public infrastructure • Preservation of open space and public access to trails • Advances transportation improvements • Economic benefits to City budget 9 Development Agreement Requirements DLVELOPSIEN T AGREEMLM (AN'LMOR) 2.3 New residential units capped at 8,761 THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT(thin Agreesuti,l")is cnr nd int.by1 bGtwce. City°(Eaglc a muncip.l n pea ion mgm,i,.d and waling We,the S.t of Idol..by and d—gh i,s M—,I"Cin'1;Minn,Ikeehq ,c LLC,m Idnhe limited liablliry.;—y 3.11 Design and construct roadways,transportation C'Ma er Drveloper"g and spring Vaney Livewock C«npny.htc..=Idaho nnpmmion:and Fi , Americo.Title Ituurance C'ompwy,a Nebmske ev ninon,w Tm a of the LAW R—ficiury improvements Trust Nn 9%2 which Tmst was cmm i panuam n the S.bd,vid Tms,Ag,mtrtem dated(—k. 9.3011_'and emnattusly shown ofl—W.(clot g.AW.amended Icnll«tisely,1he'01—'-i thu _......._...NN3 INe'Agrceneat DaD"1. 3.2 Provide water rights and water service infrastructure RECIT.AIS A. Capitnlind 1—used in this Agnr:trcm arc dcf d in!iimt 1. 3.3.1 Fund and construct expansion of the sewer treatment D. Nut.Developer.(hecer.aM C'iry Jnim to entat tm.this Agre«nen4 m be facility as needed to serve development rttmdctl in tltc rcd pmperty mords'uf Ada Cnumy,Idaho;lion C'unty.Idohu:w liw.Count>. Wells,pursuant m the p.mitms.f Idaho('ode,Ssnttms 50.22N:54301:69fi51Nf;67-651 I;vat 67/ 51 IA;Eagle City CW,,Title g;atW Ggle is Home,in o W 10 reciliu,te d,e w—mi°.,m.iny 3.5.1 Design and construct parks to serve the development d.f'm•�pltonufMrcwUmaMHuming(hdianca,uWd d°pmmo(heY,«t. 3.5.1 Reserve a minimum of50%overall open space and P mP<nY. "° "p«yandM"«D `I°p h"h` I�i� ghtmkel°°`h provide a minimum 20%open space in platted areas D. The Pjed is an cmcmion ofma Deeleper,"nits nd aogaing detel.p—, within the Village I Ara,.here Ad,C—ty npp—i a nu.t«pl+usedstmity tic eksgtcnt. All of the Village I A,ea ha rcmi,,d prelimirsmy p1m aWo,,l ptlrwant to the Ada Gamy moste, 3.5.1 Offer to dedicate parks over 5 acres to city Planned comtnomty dmdoptncm app,v LMmm,De°° pa and Oty dc.ire 1,continue the.nmc quality end vyle c,idem in the Village 1 Arca throughout the P jot. E. The Villas 1 Aare is nm nib,Y to this Agmems,.h u the intern,1-1.of IA 3.9 Donate land to school districts,fire, library as needed I Panindul ifdm Vlllagc I Ai..m 1a Uly,il 11,HlKs&,-n the pmcedurcs atd alwxhtr&of Title 11 H. F'. A pem..of the Property is w the Doi.C-.y Ph-W Cm nity,which Boise (:_hu nppmvcd m a mast«planned cotmmnuy.N e,Developer and C ay egrcc tK orca within the B i.C'°amy"im y Phu will p.d to be dev k pod in acnedanee with the DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT Al.-OR-Page l 10 5 4/4/2023 Annexation Now Benefits the City • Control of City's Comprehensive Plan Area • Implementation of City's Design and Development Standards s • Requirements in Development Agreement �[- , "', k for max density, public infrastructure u • Preservation of open space and public access to trails • Advances transportation improvements ^ >, • Economic benefits to City budget 11 r_----1- I -� JI F T --� -- - Lj -_ r- f is At 12 6 4/4/2023 Annexation Now Benefits the City • Control of City's Comprehensive Plan Area - • Implementation of City's Design and Development Standards • Requirements in Development Agreement for max density, public infrastructure • Preservation of open space and public access to trails z: 4 • Advances transportation improvements . • Economic benefits to City budget h 13 SH55/Avimor Drive Grade Separated Interchange 1 Ha1N 1 14 7 4/4/2023 Annexation Now Benefits the City • Control of City's Comprehensive Plan Area • Implementation of City's Design and Development Standards dk • Requirements in Development Agreement '''. for max density, public infrastructure • Preservation of open space and public access to trails • Advances transportation improvements • Economic benefits to City budget 15 Eberle Economic impact Study TABLE E—FOURTEEN NET FISCAL IMPACT•EAGLE 2023-2059 Revenue Commercial and Residential Property Tax S66,725,888 State Revenue Sharing $42,884,111 Franchise Fees $10,508,388 Permit Fees $26,252,997 Other Income Inc.Court Fines $374,799 Miscellaneous 58,872,062 Total Revenue S148,735,771 Expenses General Government $46,934,719 Public Safety $40,911,775 Parks and Streets $21,282,077 Culture and Recreation,Including Library $22,766,154 Capital Outlay $14,663,145 Debt Service Interest and Principal S1,173,909 Total Expenses $147,731,780 Net Fiscal Impact 51,003,992 16 8 4/4/2023 GP1 A AVIMOR I' { Ada County Planned ► � Community Spring Creek Brewery hl; _ Y` Community Center Heritage Park FFF 17 Annexation is Legal - - ---_ - - -� 2.4 Miles of Contiguity 19,LOT 1C.BLOCK 27 ANO LOT I,BLOCK 32 ARE SUBACT-0 A 13.00 Y001 AC U ft MMLN,IASIAIINI PER INSTRUMENT NR.2018-093283 OF ADA COUNTY i KWTDS. Awin., ONKL lA,yO 55 PfC, T o 1 459 n y or ! ' ��NL•e��`° w ■ Spring Valley DEVELOPER DEV '. Avimor Development, 9E33 WESTSTATEST LLC (NGINE_R9.3 TI=TR3.PW NFRS REEi parsE IDANo x46Hi 8015E,IDAHO YHON[13U8169 FAY 12D91639-6930y R( wrnnnr Ra - 5 1 , 18 9 Slide 17 Gp1 Givens Pursley, 1/15/2023 4/4/2023 Zoning Criteria are Met 1. The proposed zoning is in accordance with the comprehensive plan. 2. Comments from the applicable agencies establish adequate public facilities exist, or are expected to be provided. -A 3. The proposed zoning is compatible with the zoning and uses in the surrounding area. R_ 4. No undocumented nonconforming uses are „ . created. -j 19 Modifications to Conditions i A"-U1— sWh be ax.-:ed 4eg6('!ry 15.Title I IB shall br amended io mcot}wtate tux tevisiau implemeutua Gale Sk. .a.9-4-16.-lFail..A"Palhw.w.ROgUl N»n..—tl+ ayplw'«ble sub-area olamuna process as proposed bs•the AooLcmtt. padtwa!-Aaxdi j._.Hhi.t.llw..Av.ttwr Pleated-A vek>fatwta--f..aw a> raa.utmta.akwl by Ux pmkl .Padtways,gnat liecrattkut C'unauissa»..lean 16 In colnleclton wiW ApoLcaul's obliea0op undtt the IXs'elopt>Kul w{xdkatttee rid-ibeitttF si*Wd Agreement to donate a site to the Eagle Fire.Applicant shall provide for and 211 We co-locahou of Eagle Pohce at et>rh locauou If co-loeation 6. The Avimor Stewardship Orgarrizatiou IASO) shall include one is not feasible Applicant shall woh wiW tux Eagle Police to select a representative front Eagle City staff. mutually agreeable police station site to be donated to the Eagle Pohce 7. Master developer shall gram public access easements on all Department. existing trails and pathways within Avimor Phases 14-12 and within the 17.A�fcam shall provide oublic easemem access subject to the sauic rules Property.satst-provide-!!tc-C;iw--tighCs-ld-'ontne4-.af-public.-access, governing Oreratiau orogranwung and closures as arc applicable for Avimor midents.to l-nule of Special Use mils for every 200 easements-that-req u*e-xwdalicatiot*`tr-creatio't-a's v'.+Nt —.1toon additional residential units.Credit will be given for existing Special Use shall be approved by the Ca,and recorded in the real property nec.K4se1 Trails for which the aiblic is granted access. Fhe+'ea<X+a'l.ye��HIn44. a. If the applicant provides evidence showing any exclusive casement or legal right of any party that would preclude the granting of a public access easeneat inm the sae location,then the City requires a separate easement adjacent to the one originally conditioned. b. - lo �The City. of Eagle tray awstrswt.connect.or comiuute oaffi—'or_trads stabbed 1 the b wodar] of the.Pro1XR1..w'alkn-lkl".theses e b'eaMtatsl:pubW pathways as pan off future system expansion. and may authorize staff.contractors,or neighboring developers to facilitate such improvetnents within this-wr--+here)public—s easements-froata-bertr.dary-!o atw+6as Pubhw pathwayeasemuetur easetttent.er w parcels-a.cltded u.atty-publieacays agreexauN. S. The d—k>p.v - MOP wv ll aot. a the :awash of n.a.xtwa..a-e tar oFaNVpltblN-Ir lF-lo a.bgrorthat M�6YId-laGfeaSd "� -ih-IB�Il-rlgni(ed-M-H!!-dle trail vdha.a AiWdppHWaF 20 10 4/4/2023 A AVIMOR Thank You � e i t J. 21 11 cc 31 �z3 PERCENT A W O O O O O O O O o 0 0 0 o c v S2° N 4% m Z 96% o z W O nA r m Q 0 ^�^ CL W LA yr c n o � "a n Q 3% m 'G m n � Z O C2 b 97% n z ^ c H O n n 7% c� z z x m 93% Ln Z;o L aged Auow!lsal uall!JM Ou!uoZ gu!uueld l a16e3 I99Z xoq od uosuems uaj" £Z-uer-g I 016e3 9nu0 lsaaoMopegS 3 046Z auolS tie0 £Z-Uef-L I ue!pualN JO uoAueO N Z09L ANsnpueS Aliel £ZOZ/6/I Z a16e3 Id AalJalsO S L6K s661H auelN pue ueaO len £ZOZ/6/I I a16e3 Aeoniaone4O N L09I uaJO w!1 £ZOZ/6/I a16e3 10 ollag a1ouO M OOZI a!IIO uanalS £ZOZ/6/I I al6e3 any Aeg PlMw3 N IZLI uouow J9gleaH £ZOZ/9/I I ue!puaW AVM M3Inj100 N OK1, uasualioW N Uagoa EZOZ/6/I I 916e3 swoW a!uuog £ZOZ/6/I I a16e3 AeM zedol N ZSSI Jaylew allaueaf EZOZ/6/I I a16e3 a0>Ijoj g1noS M 94ZZ PAoII 4oing £ZOZ/6/I I uolalPP IN 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1 Frankie Edgar Eagle 1 1 Layne Lewis Eagle 1 1 Chad McCloud Meridian 1 1 Sheridan Hodson Meridian 1 1 Leslie K.Smith Eagle 1 1 Kathleen Ross Eagle 1 1 Bernard Ross Eagle 1 1 Chris Sagar Kuna 1 1 Sharon Wiggins Eagle 1 1 Curt Mardock Meridian 1 1 Gena Livensparasa Eagle 1 1 Gary Ripp Eagle 1 2 Susan Wendt Eagle 1 2 Shari Mulligan Eagle 1 2 Michelle Green Eagle 1 2 Jay Combs Eagle 1 2 Arlynn Hocker Nampa 1 2 Edward Bourdos Eagle 1 2 Matthew Rydzon Eagle 1 2 IShon Parks Eagle 1 2 Linda Kimmely Eagle 1 2 Steve Bender Eagle 1 2 Luella Ullom Eagle 1 2 David Savignane Eagle 1 2 Jeff Kimpson Eagle 1 2 Russ Busdert Eagle 1 2 Ed Hewitt Eagle 1 2 Rhonda Beak Eagle 1 2 Scot Tiernar Eagle 1 2 Joel Tramer Eagle 1 2 Cariol Voss Eagle 1 2 David Schwele Eagle 1 2 Rita Hanson Eagle 1 2 Jane Rohling Eagle 1 2 Ron Gamys Eagle 1 2 Rebecca Nevarez Eagle 1 2 Jerry D.Philips Eagle 1 2 Janie Philips Eagle 1 2 Cindy Wigton Eagle 1 2 Don Guy Eagle 1 3 Cynthia Ulrich Eagle 1 3 Valerie Paxton Eagle 1 3 Cheryl Reed Eagle 1 3 Margaret Moses Eagle 1 3 Kin Wingate Eagle 1 City Council Meeting Sign-in Sheets Page 1 Of 4 3 Stormy Nanor Boise 1 3 Jim Blochman Eagle 1 3 Zoe Duren Boise 1 3 Jeri Wolfe Eagle 1 3 Jim LaGrande Eagle 1 3 Gary Voss Eagle 1 3 Gordon Payne Eagle 1 3 Gregory Hansen Eagle 1 3 Carol Avelar Eagle 1 3 Ken Koliar Eagle 1 3 Amy Kollar Eagle 1 3 Tamie Bromley Middleton 1 3 Dave Alfora Eagle 1 3 Patrick Courtright Eagle 1 3 Rachel Storm Boise 1 3 Jean Bradley Eagle 1 3 Michael Giudia Eagle 1 3 Darrell Fugate Eagle 1 3 Steve Hawkins Eagle 1 3 Lynn McKee Eagle 1 3 Mike Weires Eagle 1 3 Elizibeth Roberts Eagle 1 3 Carol Caldwell Eagle 1 4 Mike Thomas Eagle 1 4 Jacob Zamora Eagle 1 4 Rhonda Zamora Eagle 1 4 Rebecca Roth Eagle 1 4 Christopher Hadden Eagle 1 4 Ryan Magryta Eagle 1 4 Jocelyn&Robert Thompson Eagle 2 4 Cynthia Riley Eagle 1 4 Mark Aldridge Eagle 1 4 Bret Garrigan Eagle 1 4 Liz Pane Eagle 1 4 Jessica Walker Eagle 1 4 Cathryn Brown Eagle 1 4 Kim R Hyde Eagle 1 4 Kevin Heytial Boise 1 4 Angela Shanl Eagle 1 4 Paul Blanton Boise 1 4 Joe Fasulla Eagle 1 4 Willy Laguingk Eagle 1 4 Stan Moss Eagle 1 4 Kurt Smith Eagle 1 4 Rich Montague Eagle 1 4 Michael Kilfoyle Eagle 1 4 Kim T Shiu Caldwell 1 4 Vincent Kane PO Box 1 4 Mke Turner Eagle 1 4 Jill Bradley Eagle 1 4 Brittony Giudici Eagle 1 5 Dan Corliss Boise 1 5 Margo LeRoque Eagle 1 5 Dave Leroque Eagle 1 5 Steven Luz Eagle 1 5 Keeli Morris Eagle 1 5 Ted Boam Eagle 1 5 Dave Spitzer Eagle 1 5 Kathryn Joslin Eagle 1 5 Ann Joslin Eagle 1 5 Linda Wozniak Eagle 1 5 Michale Hope Eagle 1 5 Brett Smith Eagle 1 5 Dillon Ladlor Eagle 1 5 Marilyn Kauffman Eagle 1 5 Jill Tremble Boise 1 City Council Meeting Sign-in Sheets Page 2 Of 4 5 Jamie Stone Eagle 1 5 Michele Foerstel Eagle 1 5 Greg Foestel Eagle 1 5 Cindy Longbeck-Allen Eagle 1 5 Peter Ledford Eagle 1 5 Carol Blair Eagle 1 5 IC I Smith Eagle 1 5 IJudy Dahl Eagle 1 5 1 Rebecca Venter Emmett 1 5 Paige Failer Eagle 1 5 Ryan Chester Eagle 1 5 Austin Hopkins Eagle 1 6 Ronald Johnson Eagle 1 6 Wendi Johnson Eagle 1 6 Midge Connor Eagle 1 6 John Lomid Eagle 1 6 Toni York Eagle 1 6 Stacy Carley Eagle 1 6 George Ruppel Eagle 1 6 IJim Lampiny Eagle 1 6 John Swaim Eagle 1 6 Virginia Campbell Boise 1 6 Jan Hartie Eagle 1 6 Mariln Schmidt Eagle 1 6 Kan Carljsajal Eagle 1 6 Jesus Carbajal Eagle 1 6 Carlol ShareK Eagle 1 6 John Sharek Eagle 1 6 Denis Kimpson Eagle 1 6 Arlen Dowdy Eagle 1 6 Carol Richel Eagle 1 6 Salli Bolthouse Eagle 1 6 Dale Bolthouse Eagle 1 6 Sam Alessi Eagle 1 6 Nancy Lewis Eagle 1 6 Mike Lewis Eagle 1 6 Steve Schaps Eagle 1 6 Judith Schwale Eagle 1 7 Mike Richard Boise 1 7 Shokoofeh Panahi Eagle 1 7 Kim Savignano Eagle 1 7 Alma Mardin Eagle 1 7 Mariah Courtright Eagle 1 7 Debra Aldridge Eagle 1 7 Meredith Hawkins Eagle 1 7 Charles Colvard Eagle 1 7 Janet Buschart Eagle 1 7 Sharon Kerr Eagle 1 7 Robert Kerr Eagle 1 7 Steve Basil Eagle 1 7 Michelle&Dell Colli Eagle 2 7 Mary Will Eagle 1 7 John Z Goriup Eagle 1 7 Mary AGoriup Eagle 1 7 Rebecca Fitzpatrick Eagle 1 7 Janet Rasmisser Eagle 1 7 Mikw Sherwood Eagle 1 7 Ron Vidergar Eagle 1 7 Beth Marion Eagle 1 7 Dan Frison Eagle 1 7 Sharleen Olsen Eagle 1 7 Dave Avelar Eagle 1 7 Stan Ridgeway Eagle 1 7 Lydia Aguirre Eagle 1 7 Janet Mather Eagle 1 7 Richard Nalthe Eagle 1 City Council Meeting Sign-in Sheets Page 3 Of 4 8 Teresa Yragui Eagle 1 8 Jennifer Hunt Eagle 1 8 Doug McGrew Eagle 1 8 Mark Cleaver Eagle 1 8 Heather Albert Eagle 1 1 8 Uni Albea Eagle 1 8 Cindy Bahera Eagle 1 8 Elizabeth Gray Eagle 1 8 William Ziebell Eagle 1 8 Nicole Draheim Eagle 1 8 Joni Hensley Eagle 1 8 Richard Talbut Eagle 1 8 Karen Sandeen Eagle 1 8 Dandra Sheehy Eagle 1 8 Marcus Sheehy Eagle 1 8 Jonathan Seel Eagle 1 8 Diane Seel Eagle 1 8 Harold Erb Eagle 1 8 Terence F.W.Hall Eagle 1 8 Jim O'Donnell Eagle 1 8 Dana Rebelin Eagle 1 8 Joan Maierbone Eagle 1 8 Lora Loveal Eagle 1 8 Dennis Colton Eagle 1 8 John Cacopardo Eagle 1 9 Eamonn Harter Eagle 1 9 David Englund Eagle 1 9 Better Frazier Eagle 1 9 Rodney Schriever Eagle 1 9 Leslie Schriever Eagle 1 9 Jim Magdich Eagle 1 9 Beth Landis Eagle 1 9 Gayle P.McKee Eagle 1 9 Marilon Terpanning Eagle 1 9 Garth Christenson Eagle 1 9 Barbara Dagle Eagle 1 9 Mark Dagle Eagle 1 9 Kathy Pennisi Eagle 1 10 Linda McCane Eagle 1 10 Don Garifre Eagle 1 10 Hijah Flgre Eagle 1 10 Gary Kunick Eagle 1 10 Sabrina Chambosse Avimore 1 10 Lori Gale Eagle 1 10 Craig Dunnigan Eagle 1 10 David Draheim Eagle 1 10 Tera Hudson Meridian 1 10 Shaune Hudson Meridian 1 10 James Sredhd Eagle 1 10 Jeff Nielson Eagle 1 10 Ray Caldwell Eagle 1 10 Jeff Stucker Eagle 1 11 Sally Giles Eagle 1 11 Kylw A Stone Eagle 1 11 Mark Butler Eagle 1 11 Dean Hastriter Eagle 1 11 Rita Dixon Eagle 1 11 Courtney Melson Eagle 1 Total 16 203 5 28 0 % 7% 93% City Council Meeting Sign-in Sheets Page 4 Of 4 3/24/2023 Jeff Stucker, resident Lessons from voters 2255 E I HalseyDrive Making a smooth transition of city leadership 208-724-8995 IN I Eagle, ID 83616 Election results and voter sentiment • High voter turnout for non- 22:43V .atlacouMyid.gm presidential election year: November 2019 Consolidates. 41.9% Election Eagle City ].471 41.9% V— Hera are the results fps' EAGLE CITY MAYOR. w a d,tf—contort select[M coots.[you _ r wan[totM rHop4own menu acme Jason V,er[e 3.919 0 52.8% Stan Ridgeway 2.670 35.9% Christopher Hadden 838 I11.3t;. 2 1 3/24/2023 Prominent themes in this election cycle 1. Eagle wants to control the foothills 2. More commercial, less residential development. 3. Honor our Eagle Comprehensive Planning process 3 Eagle wants to control the foothills Poll: Who should have control of.development in the foothills? Eagle Foothills Choose one: Q City of Eagle O Ada County 20 Oct 69 neighborhoods 4 2 3/24/2023 More Commercial, less Residential development Poll: As downtown and the Highway 44 corridor of Eagle are developed, what type of structures would you prefer? Commercial 95. Residential ■231 responses,October 20 Note: many comments said a third option for "mixed use" should have been included 5 Honor our Eagle Comprehensive Planning process • Open House comments • No clear consensus—wide variety of conflicting responses • Many comments prefer the current (2017) plan • Many comments say slow down the process 6 3 3/24/2023 Comparing 2017 Plan and Proposed Changes Current Proposed Eagle Comp Plan Compar,r u%rent and Pro o<ea` How do we protect this open space? FUTURE LAND USE 7 Eagle Comprehensive Plan • Typically 8 months to 2 years in process • Thousands of inputs • Dozens of authors • Good planning is what sets apart Eagle in the Treasure Valley Citizens are paying attention to planning and growth • Risks: zoning changes now would not include full participation and feedback from constituents 8 4 ,i Jeff Stucker, resident L e s s o n s f ro m voters 2255 E Halsey Drive Eagle, ID 83616 Making a smooth transition of city leadership 208-724-8995 . C.c. Exhibit L Development Conditions 1. Master Developer shall adhere to all requirements and conditions of the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD). 2. Master Developer will submit such applications regarding floodplain development permit review, design review, preliminary and final plat reviews, and/or any conditional use permits, if applicable, and any other applicable applications as may be required by the Eagle City Code 11 B, which shall comply with the Eagle City Code 11 B, as it exists at the time such applications are made except as otherwise provided with this Agreement. 3. Master Developer shall provide a "Heavy Truck Traffic Plan" with each preliminary plat application, to be followed by any vehicle or equipment over 8000 GVWR. The plan shall show all designated routes and hours of operation. The heavy truck traffic routes shall maximize use of highways and major arterials while minimizing use of smaller residential streets. The plan will also cite that compression braking is prohibited. Master Developer is responsible for communicating the approved plan to all sub-contractors and for monitoring compliance. 4. The applicant shall follow all conditions and recommendation of the City Engineer as outlined in their review comments dated 9/23/2022 RE: Avimor Wastewater Study, 9/26/2022 RE: Avimor Master Drainage Report, 12/09/2022 RE: Avimor Development Ordinance - Chapter 12, and 12/09/2022 RE Avimor Development Grading Guidelines and Hillside Development Standards except that Section I I(C)(5)(f) of the Hillside Grading Standards shall be amended to state: "To ensure property will be stabilized and properly revegetated in the event permitted mass grading work is unable to be completed, prior to beginning of mass grading operations the developer shall provide the City with an infrastructure assurance, i.e. a bond or a letter of credit, in the amount one hundred and fifty percent (150%) of the project engineer's estimate to carry out the slope stabilization and revegetation plan approved by the City under Section 11(C)(4)(a)(vii) above. The project engineer's estimate will be generated assuming the permitted mass grading work is stopped during the portion of the mass grading work where stabilization and revegetation would be most significant and shall take into account all costs for: (i) earthwork to repair all vertical cuts and abrupt interfaces within the permitted area to make the site slopes safe; (ii) revegetation; (iii) SWPPP compliance; and (iv) temporary piping (if any). Prior to the City's approval of the project engineer's estimate, the City may review the calculations and costs that form the basis of the project engineer's estimate to confirm adequacy and conformance with the approved slope stabilization and revegetation}plan and this} section". 5. ZOA 01 7++7,,����shall 1b amended C�—fTi^G C by r—e � Eagle" '_'J Code Seetion-7-4-16. Trail and pn��io„s nn applicable �TtC1Z—CCl'TCITCC �T1T-tCT applicable pathway standards within the Avimor- Planned Development Zone-c�S r-eeommended by the Dnrl Pathways, andReer-eation Commin �r r�rinr to Or-dinanee 895 being signed. 6. The Avimor Stewardship Organization (ASO) shall include one representative from Eagle City staff. 7. Master developer shall grant public access easements on all existing trails and pathways within Avimor Phases 4-4-12 and within the Property must l all C'f rtrai l and pathways events. All easements T e�l'1'1'Tr'oC modification o option to natisfi, this condition shall be appfoved by the City and recorded in the feal pfopefty feeofds of the eounl�,. a. If the applicant provides evidence showing any exclusive easement or legal right of any party that would preclude the granting of a public access easement in the same location, then the City requires a separate easement adjacent to the one originally conditioned. - b. Easement-provision language shall ine4ude the following: The City of Eagle may eonstr-uet,connect, or continue pathways or trails stubbed to the boundary of the Property within this (or- tnese� easement(s), publie pathways as part off future system expansion, and may authorize staff, contractors, or neighboring developers to facilitate such improvements within this 'or these)public access easements ffom a boundary to another- public pathway easement o easement or to par-eels includedin nrw public n ess n feement 8. The developer or HO A will not, i„ f maintenance i1T\:�'l=l"]-'�e—e'1— T 'V edifient. ehn e the ehnrn^toristies of an), publi^ trail to n degr,e,.e that M , «lug woudc increase or- the fitnessskill level required- o use the trail without City approval 9. No amendments related to the type of property or owners exempt from assessments under the Avimor Charter may be made without prior approval by the City. IO.To allow for the future installation of municipal fiber-optic cable, the applicant shall be required to install fiber-optic conduit lines and junction boxes along all new streets in accordance with the City's Fiber Master Plan. Upon completion of the installation of the municipal fiber-optic conduit lines, the applicant shall provide GIS coordinates of the locations of the municipal fiber-optic conduit lines. The municipal fiber-optic conduit lines shall be installed, GIS coordinates provided, and the fiber- optic conduit lines shall be dedicated to the City. I I.The applicant shall provide GIS shape files of the property being annexed to the City for their review and approval prior to the annexation ordinance being signed. 12.Avimor will continue to provide the Library dedicated space within the current and some of the future HOA community centers, as needed, for the Library to perform its customary functions for Avimor and Eagle residents. 13.Upon the Library's written request, Avimor will do one of the following: a. Avimor will donate a site to the Library for the Library to construct a public library facility within Avimor at a location mutually agreed to by Avimor and the Library. Avimor will donate this site to the Library when the Library is prepared and has funds to construct a library facility on the site; or b. Avimor will construct a library facility within Avimor at a location mutually agreed upon by Avimor and the Library and lease the facility to Library at market rent 14.Master Developer shall provide non-residential development (inclusive of existing nonresidential development) in the following target ranges at the build out intervals specified. a. Prior to issuance of the 750th single-family residential building permit by the City, 80,000 to 120,000 square feet of non-residential development shall be constructed. b. Prior to issuance of the 3,500th single-family residential building permit by the City, 260,000 to 340,000 square feet of non- residential development shall be constructed. c. Prior to issuance of the 8,700th single-family residential building permit by the City, 600,000 to 860,000 square feet of non- residential development must be constructed. 15.Title I IB shall be amended to incorporate the revisions implementing a sub-area planning�process as proposed by the Applicant. 16.In connection with Applicant's obligation under the Development Agreement to donate a site to the Eagle Fire, Applicant shall provide for and allow the co-location of Eagle Police at such location. If co-location is not feasible, Applicant shall work with the Eagle Police to select a mutually agreeable police station site to be donated to the Eagle Police Department. 17. Applicant shall provide public easement access, subject to the same rules governing operations, programming, and closures as are applicable for Avimor residents, to 1-mile of Special Use Trails for every 200 additional residential units. Credit will be given for existing Special Use Trails for which the public is granted access. GIVENS PURSLEY1.1.11 Attorneys and Counselors at Law March 27, 2023 City of Eagle Mayor and City Council 660 E Civic Lane Eagle, Idaho 83616 RE: A-06-22/RZ-06-22 & ZOA-01-22 and A-14-22/RZ-19-22 Dear Mayor Pierce and City Council Members: We provide this comment letter on behalf of Applicant in support of the above applications. At the City Council's March 13, 2023 public hearing on the above applications, City Planning Staff recommended four additional conditions be imposed if the Council elects to approve the applications.Those conditions are summarized below, and the Applicant's response to each is in red. 1. Revise Title 11B to utilize existing City Code regarding trails and pathways. Applicant opposes this condition for the reasons previously provided. 2. Determine if a sub-area plan process should be required in Title 11B. Applicant accepts this condition and has drafted language for inclusion in Title 11B to require City approval of sub-area plans prior to development. The proposed language is provided on Exhibit A (attached). Applicant will summarize the new language and the process and standards for approval of a sub-area plan at the March 28, 2023 Council hearing. 3. Require a donation of land to police if police and fire do not end up co-locating. Applicant accepts this condition and proposes the following language: "In connection with Applicant's obligation under the Development Agreement to donate a site to the Eagle Fire, Applicant shall provide for and allow the co-location of Eagle Police at such location. If co-location is not feasible, Applicant shall work with the Eagle Police to select a mutually agreeable police station site to be donated to the Eagle Police Department. 4. Determine if a condition requiring 2 miles of native surface trails for every 400 residential units should be required. Applicant accepts this condition and proposes the following language: "Applicant shall provide public easement access, subject to the same rules governing operations, programming, and closures as are applicable for Avimor residents, to 1-mile of Special Use Trails for every 200 additional residential units.Credit will be given for existing Special Use Trails for which the public is granted access." Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Deborah Nelson 2 Exhibit A Title 11B Sub-Area Plan Language New Definitions Added to Title 1111: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The City of Eagle 2017 Comprehensive Plan adopted pursuant to Resolution No. 17-24 in accordance with Idaho Code Section 67-6508. FIVE-YEAR PLAN:A conceptual plan prepared by the Master Developer pursuant to the Avimor Development Agreement depicting and summarizing Master Developer's anticipated development plans for the ensuing five year period that includes: (i) areas to be graded, (ii) major utility and roadway improvements, (iii) areas to be platted; (iv) anticipated Land Use District and Land Use Sub-District designations for areas to be platted; (v)approximate number of residential units to be constructed; and(vi) anticipated commercial development. SUB-AREA PLAN (SAP): A conceptual land use plan for a sub-area of the Master Land Use Map to provide development guidance by identifying: (i)the anticipated location and size of Sub- Use Districts for future development; (ii)general development sequencing; (iii)significant natural features and slopes greater than twenty-five percent; (iv) anticipated locations for regional or community facilities; and (v)the anticipated location of regional pathways and arterial street and collector streets for regional planning, design, and infrastructure continuity. Process for Approval of Sub-Area Plan Added to Title 11B: A. Sub-Area Plan: To facilitate regional planning and ensure compliance with the Master Land Use Map, at least every five (5) years, Master Developer shall submit a Sub-Area Plan for approval. The Sub-Area Plan will guide future development and adoption of specific Subdivision Land Use Maps as development occurs within the applicable Sub- Area Plan. When submitted for approval,Sub-Area Plans should generally address the area planned to be developed in the then-current Five-Year Plan.Master Developer may submit a Sub-Area Plan or plans for approval as frequently as desired and subsequent Sub-Area Plans may include lands included in prior-approved Sub-Area Plans. Except for the approved Village One Land Use Map and Boise County Phase 1 Subdivision Land Use Map, no area may be designated with a Sub-Use District through the approval of a Subdivision Land Use Map unless that area is included in an approved Sub-Area Plan. 1. Required Information and Materials: In support of a Sub-Area Plan approval, Master Developer shall submit the following: i. A conceptual plan, or plans, of the land within the applicable sub-area identifying: 1. The anticipated location, size, and estimated number of residential units of the individual Sub-Use District(s)within the sub-area; 3 2. General development sequencing within the sub-area, recognizing that different areas within a sub-area may be developed contemporaneously; 3. Anticipated location for regional or community public facilities, such as schools, emergency service facilities, and public parks; and 4. Anticipated location of regional pathways and arterial street and collector streets. ii. A slope analysis of the sub-area identifying slopes over twenty-five percent; recognizing that development of slopes over twenty-five percent is permitted where significant natural features are preserved and visual disruption is minimized.; iii. A map identifying significant natural features within the sub-area such as visually sensitive ridgelines and unique topographical or geologic formations; and iv. Approval letter from the Avimor Conservation Director stating the proposed Sub-Area Plan is in compliance with the habitat management plan and any conditions of development required pursuant to the habitat management plan. 2. Procedure For Approval of Sub-Area Plan: i. Administrative Review: Upon receipt of a request for a new or amended Sub-Area Plan and receipt of the required information and materials, the Administrator shall schedule a public hearing before the Commission, which hearing shall be held within sixty(60)days of the date of certification of a complete application. ii. Recommendation By Administrator: The Administrator shall prepare a recommendation on the Sub-Area Plan to the Commission. iii. Review By the Parks, Pathways, and Recreation Commission: The Administrator may refer the Sub-Area Plan to the City's Parks, Pathways, and Recreation Commission for review and recommendation. iv. Public Notice: The Administrator shall provide notice in accordance with the requirements of Section I IB-7-12 of this Title. v. Action By Commission/Findings: In reviewing the proposed Sub-Area Plan,the Commission shall consider the following: 1. General compliance with the Master Land Use Map; 4 2. General compliance with the Development Plans to preserve significant natural features and slopes over twenty-five percent, to the greatest extent possible, recognizing that development of slopes over twenty-five percent is permitted where significant natural features are preserved and visual disruption is minimized. 3. General compliance with the Comprehensive Plan's transect model of development encouraging more intense development clustered along roadways and flatter areas, recognizing that the Comprehensive Plan is a guideline and the neighborhood and community centers on the Master Land Use Map are smaller in scale. 4. Compliance with the Avimor Development Agreement. The Commission may recommend approval, conditional approval, disapproval,or tabling for a period not to exceed thirty-five(35)days. Such action shall occur within thirty-five (35) days of the date of the regular meeting at which the Sub-Area Plan is first considered by the Commission. vi. Action By Council: Within sixty (60) days after receipt of the Commission's recommendation and following the notice requirements as set forth in Section 11B-7-12 of this Title,the Council shall hold a hearing and make findings as required in Section 11B-7-10(B)(1)(v). The Council shall approve, approve conditionally, or disapprove the Sub-Area Plan within thirty (30) days of the public hearing conducted to consider the Commission's recommendation.Approved Sub-Area Plans shall be kept on file with the City to govern future development and allowed uses within the platted area. 3. Modifications to Approved Sub-Area Plan. Upon request by Master Developer, an approved Sub-Area Plan may be modified by the Council as part of a preliminary plat application so long as the modified Sub-Area Plan meets all of the approval criteria set forth in 11 B-7-10 (B)(1((v)(1)-(4). 5