Minutes - 2023 - City Council - 02/14/2023 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES February 14,2023 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER, PIKE, BAUN, RUSSELL. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. ADDITIONS DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: A. City Staff requests:None B. Mayor or City Council requests:None 5. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: Pike reports on the interviews conducted for the vacancies on the Urban Renewal Agency. He also reports on the Eagle Sewer District meeting,they are working on a long-range plan. Russell states that that there was no Senior Center Board meeting this week. The next meeting is scheduled for March. Mayor Pierce reports on the pedestrian bridge over the North Channel and the next phase which will involve the craning of the bridge. A report is also reported on the Three Cities River Crossing. B. Department Reports: 1. City Treasurer,Financial Reports for January 2023. C. Eagle Police Department:No report. D. City Attorney Report: No report. 6. PUBLIC COMMENT 1: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time.This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, land use application,or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Tom York, 703 North Foudy Place Eagle, Idaho. Mr. York comments on a website that is a harbinger of partisan misinformation. He believes that there is ill intent behind the social media posts that clearly disregard that. Burk Mantell,4690 Hartley Road, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Mantell provides a picture of a pickup full of pallets for a bonfire. He believes that the Council is not enforcing City regulations on the BLM property.There are vehicles leaving ruts,bonfires are being lit and garbage is being dumped on the property. Mr. Mantell feels that there is gross negligence by the Council for not enforcing the regulations on this property. Frankie Edgar,wishes to speak about the Senior Center lease. Mayor Pierce explains no public comment will be taken specifically about the lease, however if people wish to speak about it, they can in the Public Comment 2 section after Council action has been taken. Nancy Marshall, 740 Palmetto Drive, Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Marshall suggests moving the Senior Center lease agreement item up on the agenda due to the large number of people in attendance interested in the item. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-14-23min.docx Mayor Pierce states that with the agenda item being listed later on the agenda, he is concerned about people who may have decided to wait to attend the meeting until later to hear discussion on that time,knowing it was at the end of the agenda. 7. ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA ♦ Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor,a Councilmember,member of City Staff,or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion.Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. ♦ Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff,Planning&Zoning Commission,or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of January 10,2023.(TEO) C. Minutes of January 24,2023.(TEO) D. Reappointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission : In accordance with Resolution 20-03, Mayor Pierce is requesting Council Confirmation of the reappointment of Diane McLaughlin to the Planning and Zoning Commission.Ms.McLaughlin will be serving a three (3)year term that will expire February 2026.(JWP) E. Reappointment to the Urban Renewal Agency:In accordance with Resolution 20-03,Mayor Pierce is requesting Council Confirmation of the reappointment of Mark Butler to the Eagle Urban Renewal Agency.Mr.Butler will be serving a two(2)year term that will expire February 2025.(JWP) F. Appointment to the Urban Renewal Agency: In accordance with Resolution 20-03, Mayor Pierce is requesting Council Confirmation of the appointment of Francie Agrusa to the Eagle Urban Renewal Agency. Ms. Agrusa will be serving a four (4) year term that will expire January 2027. (JWP) G. Appointment to the Urban Renewal Agency: In accordance with Resolution 20-03, Mayor Pierce is requesting Council Confirmation of the appointment of Teri Ledoux to the Eagle Urban Renewal Agency. Ms. Ledoux will be serving a vacated term that will expire August 2024.(JWP) H. Service Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Trout Architects: A Service Agreement between the City of Eagle and Trout Architects to provide a detailed structural historic preservation report of the historic Orville Jackson House in an amount not to exceed $10,500.00. (ACD) I. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of CU-15-22-Waiver of Eagle City Code Section 8-3-3(B)(2)-Gary Brookshier:Gary Brookshier is requesting conditional use permit approval to permit the installation of a decorative concrete fence/wall adjacent to an arterial street. The 1.18-acre site is located on the northeast corner of the intersection of West Chinden Boulevard and South Locust Grove Road at 1557 West Hempstead Drive (Lot 14, Block 8,Banbury Subdivision No.6).(MJR) J. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of CU-17-22-Waiver of Eagle City Code Section 8-3-3(B)(2) - Leonard and Cara Butler: Leonard and Cara Butler are requesting conditional use permit approval to permit the installation of a decorative concrete fence/wall adjacent to an arterial street.The 1-acre site is located on the northeast corner of the intersection of West Chinden Boulevard and South Locust Grove Road at 1401 West Hempstead Drive(Lot 11,Block 8, Banbury Subdivision No.6). (MJR) K. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of RZ-07-18 MOD/CU-03-18 MOD2/PPUD-02-18 MOD - Development Agreement Modification and Planned Unit Development Modification for Molinari Park Subdivision: Molinari Park Development, LLC,represented by Walter Lindgren with Lindgren Labrie Architecture,PLLC, is requesting development agreement modification and planned unit development modification approvals to modify the development agreement concept plan and preliminary development plan site plan associated with the multi-family portion of Molinari Park Subdivision. The 24.6-acre site is Page 2 KACOUNCIL\MINUTEATemporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-14-23min.docx located on the south side of East Plaza Drive approximately 300-feet east of the intersection of South 2nd Street and East Plaza Drive. (MJW) L. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of A-04-22/RZ-04-22/CU-04- 22/PPUD-02-22/PP-08-22 - Carp Ranch Subdivision: Gemshore Eagle RE, LLC, represented by Stephanie Hopkins and/or Kevin McCarthy, P.E.,with KM Engineering, LLP, is requesting an annexation, rezone from RUT (Rural-Urban Transition — Ada County designation)to R-1-DA-P(Residential with a development agreement—PUD) and R-3-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement — PUD), conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Carp Ranch Subdivision, a 77-lot (70- buildable, 7-common)residential planned unit development. The 36.18-acre site is located on the south side of West Floating Feather Road approximately 500-feet west of the intersection of North Cove Colony Way and West Floating Feather Road. (MJW) M. Development Agreement Associated with RZ-06-22/CU-07-22/PPUD-04-22/PP-10-22 - Shinale Creek Subdivision: Staff is requesting approval of the development agreement associated with the rezone from A-R(Agricultural-Residential)and R-2-DA(Residential with a development agreement)to R-2-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement—PUD). The City Council approved the associated rezone, conditional use permit, and planned unit development applications on August 23, 2023 (RZ-06-22/CU-07-22/PPUD-04-22/PP-10-22). (MJW) N. Development Agreement Modification Associated with RZ-07-18 MOD Molinari Park Subdivision: Staff is requesting approval of the development agreement modification associated with Molinari Park Subdivision. The City Council approved the associated development agreement modification application on January 10, 2023 (RZ-07-18 MOD). (MJW) O. Boise River Crossing Easement Agreement Between the City of Eagle and the Idaho Department of Lands: An Easement Agreement between the City of Eagle and the Idaho Department of Lands for the purpose of constructing,using and maintaining a pedestrian green belt bridge over the Boise River.There is an administrative fee in the amount of$300.00.(NBS) P. DR-73-22 - Demolish Three Existing Buildings and Build a New Building For Eagle Gateway Mixed Use - The Pacific Companies: The Pacific Companies, represented by Walter Lindgren with Lindgren Labrie Architecture, PLLC, is requesting design review approval to demolish three buildings and to construct a new building for Eagle Gateway, a three story mixed use building consisting of restaurant, retail, office, personal improvement, personal services,wine bar,and 17-residential units(66,000-SF total[12,090-SF 1 st Floor with 10,835-SF parking, 24,423-SF 2nd Floor, and 20,062-SF 3rd Floor]). The 0.704-acre (total) site is located on the southeast corner of East State Street and South Eagle Road at 11, 51, 67, 83, and 91 East State Street(Lots 1-5,Block 3, Eagle Townsite). (BAW) Q. DR-74-22-Master Sign Plan for a Multi-tenant Mixed Use Building for Eagle Gateway- The Pacific Companies: The Pacific Companies, represented by Walter Lindgren with Lindgren Labrie Architecture, PLLC, is requesting design review approval for a master sign plan for a multi-tenant mixed use building for Eagle Gateway. The 0.704-acre (total) site is located on the southeast corner of East State Street and South Eagle Road at 11,51,67, 83,and 91 East State Street(Lots 1-5, Block 3, Eagle Townsite).(BAW) R. DR-59-14 MOD -Modification to the Proposed Streetscape and Building Elevations for a Commercial/Residential Building - Yesterday Properties, LLC: Yesterday Properties, LLC,represented by Walter Lindgren with Lindgren Labrie Architecture, is requesting design review approval to modify the streetscape along North 2nd Street and to make minor modifications to the commercial/residential building. The 0.17-acre site is located on the southeast corner of North 2nd Street and East Idaho Street at 166 North 2nd Street. (BAW) S. DR-45-02 MOD2 - Modification to the Streetscape in Front of an Existing Office/ Residential Building, Including the Removal of Existing Trees - Yesterday Properties, LLC: Yesterday Properties, LLC, represented by Shawn Nickel, is requesting design review approval to modify the streetscape in front of the commercial/residential building by removing Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-14-23min.docx existing trees. The 0.17-acre site is located on the east side of North 2nd Street approximately 150-feet north of East State Street at 148 North 2nd Street. (BAW) T. Resolution 23-05-Amending and Restating the Volunteer Policy: A resolution of the City of Eagle, Idaho adopting the amended and restated City of Eagle Volunteer Policy and providing an effective date.(TEO) U. *DR-76-22 - One Entry Feature and One Subdivision Entry Monument Sign for Benari Estates Subdivision-Eagle 1 LLC: Eagle 1 LLC,represented by Laren Bailey, is requesting design review approval for one entry feature and one subdivision entry monument sign for Benari Estates Subdivision.The 35.29-acre site is located at the northeast corner of West State Street and North Ballantyne Lane at 1770 West State Street. (ERG) V. *DR-75-22 - Common Area Landscaping within Benari Estates Subdivision - Eagle 1 LLC : Eagle 1 LLC,represented by Laren Bailey,is requesting design review approval for the common area landscaping within Benari Estates Subdivision. The 35.29-acre site is located at the northeast corner of West State Street and North Ballantyne Lane at 1770 West State Street. (ERG) W. *DR-13-17 MOD3 - Common Area Landscaping within Pamela Baker Park, including Future Phasing- The City of Eagle: The City of Eagle, represented by Rodney Evans with Rodney Evans and Partners, is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within Pamela Baker Park including future phasing. The 23.05-acre site is located on the northeast corner of East Fishing Creek Drive and East Colchester Drive at 850 East Fishing Creek Drive and 801 East Laguna Shore Lane.(ERG) Baun asks for item D to be removed. Pike requests that items E, F, and G be removed from the consent agenda.Mayor Pierce removes item P. Laren Bailey, 4824 West Fairview Avenue, Boise, Idaho, requests item V be removed from the Consent Agenda. Gindlesperger moves to approve item 7 Consent Agenda items excluding items B,E,F,G,P, V. Seconded by Bann. Gindlesperger corrects the motion to exclude D, not B. Second concurs. GMLESPERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE; ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. D. Reappointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission : In accordance with Resolution 20-03,Mayor Pierce is requesting Council Confirmation of the reappointment of Diane McLaughlin to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Ms. McLaughlin will be serving a three(3) year term that will expire February 2026. (JWP) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Baun seeks clarification on the City's process for consideration for re-appointment and if there are term limits in Eagle. Tracy Osborn,City Clerk reviews the City's appointment policy and the processes associated with the same. Baun moves to approve Consent Agenda item 7D Reappointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE... MOTION CARRIES. E. Reappointment to the Urban Renewal Agency: In accordance with Resolution 20-03, Mayor Pierce is requesting Council Confirmation of the reappointment of Mark Butler to the Eagle Urban Renewal Agency. Mr. Butler will be serving a two (2)year term that will expire February 2025. (JWP) Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-14-23m1n.docx F. Appointment to the Urban Renewal Agency: In accordance with Resolution 20-03, Mayor Pierce is requesting Council Confirmation of the appointment of Francie Agrusa to the Eagle Urban Renewal Agency. Ms. Agrusa will be serving a four(4) year term that will expire January 2027. (JWP) G. Appointment to the Urban Renewal Agency: In accordance with Resolution 20-03, Mayor Pierce is requesting Council Confirmation of the appointment of Teri Ledoux to the Eagle Urban Renewal Agency. Ms. Ledoux will be serving a vacated term that will expire August 2024. (JWP) Mayor introduces the item. Pike reviews the interview process that was conducted for the openings on the Urban Renewal Agency. He encourages people who were not recommended for appointment to continue to seek to serve elsewhere in the City,they were all very good candidates. Pike moves to approve Consent Agenda 7 items E, F and G. Seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. P. DR-73-22 - Demolish Three Existing Buildings and Build a New Buildine For Eagle Gateway Mixed Use- The Pacific Companies: The Pacific Companies, represented by Walter Lindgren with Lindgren Labrie Architecture, PLLC, is requesting design review approval to demolish three buildings and to construct a new building for Eagle Gateway, a three story mixed use building consisting of restaurant,retail, office, personal improvement, personal services, wine bar,and 17-residential units(66,000-SF total[12,090-SF 1st Floor with 10,835-SF parking,24,423- SF 2nd Floor, and 20,062-SF 3rd Floor]). The 0.704-acre (total) site is located on the southeast corner of East State Street and South Eagle Road at 11, 51, 67, 83, and 91 East State Street(Lots 1-5, Block 3,Eagle Townsite). (BAW) Mayor Pierce asks staff to make a brief statement on the application regarding the reduction of required parking spaces,and the parking in-lieu fees. Barb Williams, Planner II, provides an overview of the recommendation from the Design Review Board. Discussion amongst the Council. Pike moves to approve item 7P DR-73-22 - Demolish Three Existing Buildings and Build a New Building for Eagle Gateway Mixed Use- The Pacific Companies. Seconded by Russell. THREE AYE...ONE NAY(Baun). MOTION CARRIES. V. *DR-75-22-Common Area Landscaping within Benari Estates Subdivision-Eagle 1 LLC : Eagle 1 LLC, represented by Laren Bailey, is requesting design review approval for the common area landscaping within Benari Estates Subdivision. The 35.29-acre site is located at the northeast corner of West State Street and North Ballantyne Lane at 1770 West State Street. (ERG) Lauen Bailey, 4824 West Fairview Avenue, Boise, Idaho, representing Eagle 1 LLC. Mr. Bailey is seeking relieve from some of the conditions placed on the application by the Design Review Board. Emily Gero, Planner II, discusses the recommended conditions of approval and provides clarification on the staff report. Discussion. Bann moves to approve Consent Agenda item 7V DR-75-22 Common Area Landscaping within Benari Estates Subdivision Eagle 1 LLC with the following conditions: Condition #2 Page S K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-14-23m1n.docx relocate the pole under the Ballantyne section but can wait until such time as King Fisher goes in and they can to do the north south connection to Old State and Condition#15 shall be stricken. Seconded by Gindlesperger. Discussion. Bann clarifies to state bury the power under Ballantyne and keep the pole in place until such time that King Fisher goes in and then that will be buried. Second concurs.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: ACHD Integrated Five Year Work Program Recommendations. (NBS) Mayor introduces the item. Nichoel Baird Spencer, Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects. Staff is seeking final approval of the recommendations that were discussed at the February 9" meeting prior to forwarding them to ACHD. General discussion. Baun compliments Director Baird Spencer for her work on this. Baun would like to see number 1 and 2,under roadway intersection projects,be switched. Bann moves to approve action item 8A ACHD Integrated Five Year Work Program Recommendations with the change made to Roadway and Intersection Projects 1 and 2 being switched in order. Seconded by Pike.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 9. ALL PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m ♦ Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law.The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council.This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. ♦ Public hearing testimony time limits:Individuals testifying are allotted three(3)minutes for non-repetitive testimony. ♦ Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest. A. VAC-03-22 - Vacation to the Amended Final Plat of Ringo Ridge Estates Subdivision - James Hoover,Travis Kuntz,and Juan Morales:James Hoover,Travis Kuntz,and Juan Morales are requesting a vacation of the 12-foot public utility, streetlight,drainage,and irrigation easement located on the westernmost property lines of Lots 3, 4, and 5, Block 4, Amended Plat of Ringo Ridge Estates Subdivision. The 0.69-acre site (consisting of all three lots) is located on the west side of East Mariposa Drive, approximately 125-feet north of the intersection of East Mariposa Drive and East Sadie Drive. (WEV/MJR) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Matthew Rumsey, Planner I,reviews the staff report and areas for special consideration. Mayor opens the public hearing. No one choses to speak. Mayor closes the public hearing. Bann moves to approve action item VAC-03-22-Vacation to the Amended Final Plat of Ringo Ridge Estates Subdivision - James Hoover, Travis Kuntz, and Juan Morales. Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. VAC-04-22-Vacation to the final plat of Riversend Subdivision No.2-Mark and Carissa Summers: Mark and Carissa Summers are requesting to vacate 2-feet of the 12-foot rear yard Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02.14-23min.docx public utilities and Riversend Neighborhood Association irrigation easement located within Lot 19, Block 9, Riversend Subdivision No. 2. The .40-acre site is located on the south side of East Riversong Drive approximately 50-feet north of the intersection of East Garden Brook Drive and East Riversong Drive at 1225 East Riversong Drive.(MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Mark Summers, 1225 East Riversong, Eagle, Idaho, reviews the application and the conditional use application that follows. Council will hear information on items B and C simultaneously but will be making separate motions. Mike Williams,Planner III,reviews the staff report and areas for special consideration for items B and C. Mayor opens the public hearing. Jerry Blair, 1453 East Rivers End Drive, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Blair is concerned with the change in the setbacks and objects to the change. He does not feel that this precedent should be set. Ellen Elder, 1758 South Aspen River Way,Eagle,Idaho.Ms. Elder provides a handout for Council consideration. She served on the HOA Board previously. She is opposed to both applications,the vacation,and the waiver. She believes the common space should be protected from both an access and an aesthetics point of view. Ms. Elder would like the setbacks to remain unchanged. Discussion for clarification regarding the waiver being retained within the property owner's lot. Mark Summers, 1225 East Riversong Drive, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Summers states that the HOA is requesting Council approval prior to the submittal to the architectural review committee. Mr. Summers discusses different options for the building structure placement. Their intentions are good,they are trying to do the right thing and go through the appropriate processes. Mayor closes the public hearing. Discussion amongst the Council. Russell moves to approve public hearing item 911 VAC-04-22 - Vacation to the final plat of Riversend Subdivision No. 2 - Mark and Carissa Summers. Seconded by Gindlesperger. Discussion. Russell amends to include Planning and Zoning recommended conditions site specific conditions#1 and#2. Second concurs.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. C. CU-18-22 Waiver of Rear Setback - Mark and Carissa Summers: Mark and Carissa Summers are requesting conditional use permit approval for a waiver to reduce the rear setback from 25-feet to 10-feet on Lot 19, Block 9,within Riversend Subdivision No. 2. The .40-acre site is located on the south side of East Riversong Drive approximately 50-feet north of the intersection of East Garden Brook Drive and East Riversong Drive at 1225 East Riversong Drive. (MJW) Pike moves to approve 9C CU-18-22 Waiver of Rear Setback- Mark and Carissa Summers including the site specific#3 which requires the approval from the architectural design at the time of submitting.Seconded by Russell.Discussion.Pike amends state site specific condition #5,not#3. Second concurs. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-14-23min.docx D. PP-14-22 - Stadium View Center Subdivision - Margie and Jerron Porchia: Margie and Jerron Porchia are requesting preliminary plat approval for Stadium View Center Subdivision, a 10-lot (8-buildable [5-residential, 2-commercial], 2-common) mixed use subdivision. The 2.56- acre site is located on the west side of North Horseshoe Bend Road approximately 130-feet south of intersection of West Bonita Hills Boulevard and North Horseshoe Bend Road at 10201 North Horseshoe Bend Road.(MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Margie Porchia, 7670 West Colt Drive, Boise,Idaho,reviews the application. Mike Williams,Planner III, reviews the staff report and areas for special consideration. Mayor opens the public hearing. No one choses to testify. Margie Porchia states that the new preliminary plat has been delivered. Mayor closes the public hearing. Baun moves to approve item 9D PP-14-22 - Stadium View Center Subdivision - Margie and Jerron Porchia with all site specific recommendations approved by Planning and Zoning with #18 replaced with, required mitigation plan in lieu of CEP. Seconded by Gindlesperger. Discussion. Baun amends his motion to keep #18 as striken. Second concurs. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. E. A-13-22/RZ-17-22 - Annexation and Rezone from RR to R-E-DA - Colleen Marks: Colleen Marks is requesting an annexation with rezone from RR(Rural Residential -Ada County designation)to R-E-DA(Residential-Estates with a development agreement). The 1.00-acre site is located on the east side of North Hawk Wing Lane approximately 300-feet north of the intersection of West Homer Road and North Hawk Wing Lane at 4940 North Hawk Wing Lane. (MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Colleen Marks, 5300 West Hill Road,Boise,Idaho,presents her annexation and rezone request. Mike Williams,Planner III, reviews the staff report and areas for special consideration. Mayor opens the public hearing. No one choses to speak. Mayor closes the public hearing. Gindlesperger moves to approve item 9E A-13-22/RZ-17-22 - Annexation and Rezone from RR to R-E-DA- Colleen Marks with site specific conditions#3.1 to #3.6. Seconded by Pike. Discussion. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. F. RZ-04-18 MOD2 - Madera Development, Inc.. Madera Development, Inc., represented by Jon Breckon and Mary Wall with Breckon Land Design, is requesting a modification to the rezone development agreement associated with the approved Bellemeade Subdivision. The request is to modify the front yard setback identified in the previously approved Condition of Development 3.4. Page 8 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-14-23min.docx The 10.99-acre site is located on the north side of West Flint drive at the northeast corner of West Flint Drive and North Park Lane at 3850 West Flint Drive and 312 North Park Lane. (MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Jon Breckon with Breckon Land Design, representing Bellameade Subdivision reviews the application. Mike Williams,Planner III, reviews the staff report and areas for special consideration. Mayor opens the public hearing. No one choses to speak. Mayor closes the public hearing. Baun moves to approve action item 9F RZ-04-18 MOD2 - Madera Development, Inc. with site specific conditions #3.4 being changed to staff recommendation. Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: Ovioid Settlement Participation: The State of Idaho has reached an agreement to participate in additional nationwide opioid settlements with three chain pharmacies —Walmart,CVS and Walgreens—and two opioid manufacturers—Teva Pharmaceutical Industries and Allergan. Staff is requesting authorization for the Mayor to sign Subdivision Participation Forms for each of the pharmacies and both of the manufacturers. (KR) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Tracy Osborn, City Clerk provides an overview of the opioid settlement and requests Council direction. Gindlesperger leaves the dais briefly. Baun moves to authorize the Mayor to sign the subdivision participation form for Walmart, CVS and Walgreens,Teva Pharmaceutical Industries and Allergan. Seconded by Russell. PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE; THREE AYE; ONE ABSENT (Gindlesperger)...MOTION CARRIES. Gindlesperger returns to the dais. B. *ACTION ITEM:Action Regarding Continuation or Termination of the Lease Agreement Between the City of Eagle and the Eagle Senior Citizens Inc. (a Non-Profit). (JWP) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Russell discusses her experience as the Valley Regional Transit(VRT) liaison and the budgeting associated with the Senior Center and VRT.Also discusses the safety related issues associated with transportation. VRT recently cancelled the agreement with Eagle Senior Board,and they will not be operating all the transportation directly. Page 9 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-14-23min.docx Mayor Pierce believes that perhaps it is time for the City to take up programming for our Seniors. He has discussed with staff about programming activities for the Seniors and increasing those activities rather than leaving it in the hands of the current non-profit.Discussion. Pike discusses the opportunities this could provide. Change can be hard but exciting at the same time. General discussion regarding the current lease agreement,recent safety related events at the Senior Center facility. Discussion. Baun moves for action item lOB,termination of the lease agreement between the City of Eagle and Eagle Senior Center. Seconded by Gindlesperger. Discussion. Baun clarifies that by terminating does not mean that they are terminating the program,in fact what they are trying to do is to adjust the program and expand on the program.The intent is to terminate the existing program,to alter it so that it is a more sustainable program over time. Right now,from a fiscal perspective,it is not sustainable and has not been from many years.The ability of the City to support that,now makes it sustainable over the long term, and we can expand the programs there. The existing programs will continue with additional programming from the City.The intent is to make the Senior Center significantly better than what it currently is now. Russell states that there is a significant volunteer group currently at the Senior Center and they will be an important resource as well moving ahead. Discussion... ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 11. PUBLIC COMMENT 2: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter,up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing and land use items.Comments regarding Public Hearing and land use items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s) in accordance with Idaho Code. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters(excluding Public Hearing and land use items)during this allotted time.Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak,the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3) minutes Linda Weston, 4661 West Escalante, Eagle, Idaho. Weston states that there have been a number of unusual instances throughout the year with Board members fighting terminal illnesses. They had hoped to reorganize and move forward, and they don't feel they have been given a chance to do so. It is her hope to work with the City on how to move forward in the next 120 days. Sharon Helpie, 11747 West Ellen River Drive,Eagle,Idaho. Ms. Helpie is part of the Fit and Fall exercise group. She believes that the current Board should be given a chance. Debbie Arnold, 2991 East Clear Creek, Eagle, Idaho. It sounds like you intend to support the seniors in all aspects.Ms.Arnold states that if the City wants to do more for the seniors and improve the facilities and the activities, then she hopes they do so. The reassurance of retaining certain services and programs is very important. James Wheeler, 2119 North Carmen Way, Boise, Idaho. Mr. Wheeler is a veteran that has served his country and has enjoyed spending time with his friends at the center. There are people in the network that can improve in the operations. If they are included in part of the decision making, they would be great resources for input that would help improve operations. He is offering to assist the City with these changes he would be willing to help. Rain Merry,827 East Riverside Drive,Eagle,Idaho. The Senior Center has changed and improved her life. The programs have been beneficial to so many people. The volunteer opportunities at the center keep people active. There may still be liabilities involved even if the city takes over programming. Page 10 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-14-23min.docx Ruth Patten. 1921 East Stonybrook Court,Eagle,Idaho. Ms. Patten feels that the senior center has a lot to offer. If the City takes over the Senior Center, how will that change with no bylaws nor officers on the Board? There are so many things that they are currently working on. What does that look like? She would like the seniors to be involved in the running and give them a chance to get things in order. Nancy Marshall, 1740 Palmetto Drive, Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Marshall discusses the initial land donation for the current Senior Center building and the programming of the facility. Mary Hunter, 173 North Sierra View Way, Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Hunter speaks to the amendment of an agenda to add the Senior Center item and feels that the timing was disappointing. She states that the Comprehensive Plan should include language to prioritize senior citizens. Mayor Pierce explains the process regarding contracts and the appropriate process. Thelma Morgan, 772 North Edgewood Lane, Eagle, Idaho. She would encourage the City to advertise the Senior Center. She had to be convinced to go and they have a great exercise class which she attends. Carol Villable, 1230 North Hilton Headway, Eagle, Idaho. She is currently on a committee that is working on the bylaws. The new board has been working very hard to address the concerns brought up tonight. She hopes that the Council will reconsider the termination. Lisa Lavin, 1779 North Winnow Beach,Eagle,Idaho. Ms.Lavin is the president of the Eagle Food Bank. She offers to collaborate with the seniors and meeting the needs they may have. There are several volunteers with the food bank and perhaps some of those people could help with other programs. Anne Holmes, 9027 West Sloan Street. Ms. Holmes ran for the Board of Directors to represent those that are disabled. She has sight issues and has been able to bring up transportation issues that exist to those that are disabled. Another instance was that the back door has accessibility issues which have finally been addressed. There are several other matters which she believes should be addressed. It had been her hope to be able to do those things while on the Board. Without the transportation provided by the Senior Center,she would not be able to get out. She is very thankful for the programming that is offered, it enriches her life. Gail Whitsett, 6095 North Hill Pointe Way, Star, Idaho. She donated several thousands of dollars to the Senior Center several years ago. She suggests that a forensic audit of the Senior Center should be done. Ms. Whitsett inquires what the plan will be for the Senior Center,they would like to see what is planned. Shirley Perkins, 10741 West Waterway,Garden City,Idaho. She cautions the that not all programs run well at the other centers. Helen Wright, 2196 East Courtland Drive. She asks about how the transition will work. Mayor Pierce states that they want to work together with the Parks and Recreation Department and discuss how to move forward. 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 74-206 (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session.There shall be a roll call vote on the motion Page 11 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-14-23min.docx and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: (f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement; Pike moves pursuant to I.C.74-206(1)that they enter into an Executive Session for the purpose of(f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement; Seconded by Bann. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Council enters executive session. Discussion of pending/threatened litigation. Council exits executive session. A. ACTIONITEM.- Pending/threatened litigation action regarding 127 S. Eagle Road and 97 W. Aikens. Mayor introduces the item. Baun moves to have legal counsel initiate eviction proceedings regarding the property at 127 S. Eagle Road and 97 W. Aikens. Seconded by Gindlesperger. Discussion. Mayor Pierce gives a history of the land purchase. In September of 2021, the City entered into a contract with the landowner after negotiations to basically pay them one million dollars for the property. The agreement also allowed the owner to remain in the residence for a year, rent free. This was mutually decided after negotiations between both parties. After the year was over, the original owner had not vacated, and so as required by the agreement, the City provided 30 day notice to vacate. The original owner's attorney contacted the City requesting an extension, which the city granted through the end of January 31, 2023, with the understanding that there would be no further extensions granted. It is time to begin moving forward with this property, it belongs to the people of the City of Eagle. It's disappointing that it's come to this, but it has been 15 months since the purchase,and we need to move forward. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 13. ADJOURNMENT: Russell moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bann. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. Page 12 IC:\000NCIL\MINUTEATemporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-14-23min.docc Respectfully submitted: ��• � �. `� ••. 'lei P • �0 TRACY E. RN, CMC CITY CLERK APPROVED: *•••'S�P��.�' tA*N PI RCE OR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. 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D > O O O O 3 DD EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 14, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9A SUBJECT: VAC-03-22 - Vacation to the Amended Final Plat of Rinao Ridae Estates Subdivision - James Hoover, Travis Kuntz, and Juan Morales: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 14, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9A SUBJECT: VAC-03-22 - Vacation to the Amended Final Plat of Ringo Ridge Estates Subdivision - James Hoover, Travis Kuntz, and Juan Morales: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 14, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9B SUBJECT: VAC-04-22 - Vacation to the final plat of Riversend Subdivision No. 2 - Mark and Carissa Summers: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL S. As ���.J �s L)YV t '10 5 r,- `Utis &; more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 14, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9B SUBJECT: VAC-04-22 - Vacation to the final plat of Riversend Subdivision No. 2 - Mark and Carissa Summers: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 14, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9C SUBJECT: CU-18-22 Waiver of Rear Setback - Mark and Carissa Summers: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 14, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9C SUBJECT: . CU-18-22 Waiver of Rear Setback - Mark and Carissa Summers: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 14, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9D SUBJECT: PP-14-22 - Stadium View Center Subdivision - Margie and Jerron Porchia: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 14, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9D SUBJECT: PP-14-22 - Stadium View Center Subdivision - Marzie and Jerron Porchia: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 14, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9E SUBJECT: A-13-22/RZ-17-22 - Annexation and Rezone from RR to R-E-DA - Colleen Marks: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 14, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9E SUBJECT: A-13-22/RZ-17-22 - Annexation and Rezone from RR to R-E-DA - Colleen Marks: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 14, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9F SUBJECT: RZ-04-18 MOD2 - Madera Development, Inc.: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 14, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9F SUBJECT: RZ-04-18 MOD2 - Madera Development, Inc.: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YESAO NEUTRAL more on back ce,a 1►y la:, ZYde,F., Y?Yv' "$ Preparing for a pallet bonfire - '{ in the Eagle Foothills inside Eagle city limits during extreme fire danger time Sept. 2022. �F lir 0 Jason Pierce CI .y Of Eagle Council Members: Mayor P.O. Box 1520 Charlie Baun Eagle, Idaho 83616 Melissa Gindlesperger 208-939-6813 Brad Pike Helen Russell February 15,2023 Ada County Highway District Attn: Board President Pickering 3775 Adams Street Garden City, Idaho 83714 SUBJECT: City of Eagle Recommendation on 2024-2028 IFYWP Dear Board President Pikering & Commissioners, Thank you for the opportunity to provide the City of Eagle's project requests for the 2024-2028 Integrated Five-Year Work program(FYWP). The City wants to commend the District on their on-line comment/ mapping system and public participation process. This public participation tool allowed the City to review and prioritize our citizen's requests and provide direction to the Ada County Highway District's (ACHD) without conducting a redundant public input/request for the City's recommendation to the district. In the past these redundancies have discouraged or frustrated participants and caused confusion about the role of the City in ACHD's process. The City appreciates ACHD's efforts to keep the City's top priority projects funded. The City would like to emphasize the need to keep the Aikens Street Extension in the IFYWP and for it to return to the ACHD FY 24 Budget. The Aikens Street Extension has been in the planning and design stages for nearly a decade, is a critical connection and provides significant benefit to Downtown Eagle. Once the State Street and Eagle Road Intersection improvements are completed in FY 2024 &2025, access to this part of Downtown Eagle will be further limited with a series of one-way entrances and dead ends. The City of Eagle and the Eagle URA are committed to working with ACHD to move this project forward to construction. As this is the last Economic Development Project in ACHD's plan, the City has moved the project to the Community Program's List but please know this a very important project to the City. The City and Eagle URA are committed to helping implement and fund the enhancements that make it fit with the other project that the District and City are developing in Downtown Eagle. The following list is the City's recommendation for the agency requests for the 2024-2028 IFYWP: Page 1 of 6 KAPlanning DeptWCHD\Five Year Work Plan\2023\2024-20281FYWP Council Request lel.docx Roadway & Intersection Projects FY 24-28 City Score Project Request Project Details Programmed Eagle Rd. & State St. Construct a quadrant intersection, including specific local system improvements,as recommended in the Eagle Rd and State St Intersection Concept Study. The project includes studying the 2nd and State Street intersection and the Plaza Drive and Eagle Road Intersection to determine best management/treatment to reduce back ups on State St during AM,PM,and lunch peaks. Programmed Floating Feather Rd. & Linder Rd. Install a multi-lane roundabout in accordance with the 2016 CIP. Programmed Linder Rd.,SH 44/Floating Feather Rd. Widen Linder Rd to 5 lanes,with curb,gutter,sidewalk,and bike lanes in accordance with the 2016 CIP.The project includes construction of a multi-lane roundabout at Linder Rd and Floating Feather Rd(IN217-03)and bridges#1021 and#1022(MA214-03). Programmed Linder Rd., Chinden Blvd. (US 20/26) SH 44 (State St) Widen Linder Rd.to 5/7-lanes,with curb,gutter,sidewalk, and bike lanes in accordance with the 2012 CIP.The project should include a grade separated greenbelt crossing of Linder Rd.at the north channel of the Boise River. Linder Rd. @ Saguaro This area experiences significant congestion and safety Convert Ped/Bike to Standard Signal issues during the AM&PM school releases the existing ped signal is not stopping all legs of traffic and people continue 1 to pull out in front of young children. ACHD is currently designing the expansion of Linder Road from SH-44 to FF this project should be included into that design. Beacon Light Road SH-16 to SH-55 _ The City has requested a study from ACHD for the past 7 Convert from Study request to roadway safety design including Ped/Bike years to develop a cross section for Beacon light Road that would address width,drainage,and ped/bike amenities. The recent death at SH-55&BL Rd.is further support and 2 rational to move this request from an unprogrammed study to a programmed project. This project should include phasing of improvements and crossings of the State Highway and connectivity to regional pathways and attractors. Brookside & SH-55 Install Enhanced Ped/Bike crossing Brookside is the future grade separate interchange for access in the Foothills-contained in the City's comprehensive plan,ACHD's NW Foothills Plan,&the Dry 3 Creek PC Development agreement. Enhanced crossing allows for ped/bike to utilize Brookside Lane(local road)for east/west for connection to Beacon Light Road and the Eagle Sport Complex with out riding in the SH-55 ROW. Hill SH-55 to Horseshoe Bend Road Unprogrammed The section of Hill Road between HSB and SH-55 is a vital Redesign the intersection to include ped/bike in this area and look at the connection between the commercial(WinCo Complex)and conversion from a all-way stop to signal.Previously ranked as No.1. recreational(optimist park&Eagle Sports complex)area 4 east of SH-55 and Downtown Eagle including schools, library/civic uses,and Guerber Park. The area has significant topographic issues and has a unsafe travel surface with no sidewalks and limited striping. Park Lane @ Carclon This are experiences significant congestion and safety issues Convert Ped/Bike to Standard Signal during the AM&PM school releases. The existing ped signal 5 does not stopping all legs of the intersection and people continue to pull out in front of young children. This intersection serves two public schools. K:\Planning Dept\ACHD\Five Year Work Plan\2023\2024-2028 IFYWP Council Request lel.docx Park Lane& SH-44 Unprogrammed The construction of this intersection through the Add a dedicated right-turn lane on Park Ln at SH 44 to reduce neighborhood cut- development process created a narrow and insufficient through traffic west of Eagle High School. Previously ranked at No.2. road considering the demand of the high school. The Road 6 needs expanded and additional turn lanes added for the west bound movement to SH-44. The insufficient capacity of this intersection is creating cut through traffic in residential areas to the west of Eagle High School. Three Cities River Crossing Unprogrammed ACHD has previously chosen the"no build"alternative but Study the potential of a new river crossing at SH-55 to the intersection of the US stated the use of local funding as an ACHD project was their 20/26 at the State of Idaho Campus.Previously ranked at No.6 concern. In June of 2022,the ITD Board sponsored the 7 project in the LRTP. City is asking for ACHD participation in the Study that is led by Eagle and ITD.Specifically,the City requests ACHD's consideration of local connectivity and the potential of ROW exchanges with ITD. Palmer Road & SH-44 ',z The City Council is split on this priority but generally feel 8 Convert stop sign to signal that ACHD and ITD should evaluate the signalization for benefits to local connectivity without impacting the state highway system. Community Programs FY 24-2a Project Request Project Details City Score Programmed Horseshoe Bend Rd and Floating Feather Convert intersection to an all-way stop and install pedestrian crossing markings Rd Pedestrian Crossing and signage. Programmed Horseshoe Bend Rd.and Shadow view St. Install an enhanced pedestrian crossing near the intersection of Horseshoe Bend (Bucktail Dr.) Pedestrian Crossing Rd.and Shadow view St. Programmed Horseshoe Bend Rd, State St. /Hill Rd. Complete a multi-use pathway on the east side of Horseshoe Bend Rd.,from State St.to Hill Rd.in accordance with the Northwest Boise Neighborhood Plan and Bike Master Plan. Project includes installation of a precast bridge, an enhanced pedestrian crossing(rectangular rapid flashing beacon)at Utahna St.(CM211-43), and installation of wayfinding and bikeway signage north to the Eagle Sports Complex and south to the greenbelt. Programmed Park Lane, (Floating Feather Rd to Beacon Reconstruct Park Ln to collector standards including curb,gutter, sidewalks,and Light Road) bike facilities in accordance with the Livable Streets Design Guide. Olde Park Place Extension Unprogrammed This is a City project we are asking ACHD to assist in the finalization of design Extend Old Park Place from Aikens Street so to Plaza Drive. and to include it in the bid and construction plans for Eagle&State Street. This Previously ranked as No. 1 in Economic Develooment requests 1 project provides benefit to the circulation and function of the State and Eagle Intersection and creates a quadrant road on the west side of Eagle Road similar to 2nd Street/Plaza Drive. This project is in the City's comprehensive plan,FY23- 27 capital plan and in ACHD MSM. The City has funding programmed, completed survey&preliminary design, and has obtained part of the ROW. Aiken Street Extension Delayed by ACHD Extend Old Park Place from Aikens Street so to Plaza Drive. The City is requesting ACHD budget this project tin FY 2S to correspond with the Previously programmed in the FY 21 to FY 25 IFYWP. City has placed project here as there is no longer an ECONOMIC State&Eagle Improvements and that ACHD work with the City to get appraisals 2 for land acquisition. The City and URA have set aside nearly$1M for this DEVELOPMENT SECTION project.This project is in the City's comprehensive plan,FY23-27 capital plan and was in ACHD IFYWP until October of 2022. City submitted a cost share application in 2020 and the City and Eagle URA have dedicated funds for the project. Page 3 of 6 K:\Planning Dept\ACHD\Five Year Work Plan\2023\2024-2028 IFYWP Council Request lel.docx Idaho Street (Kestrel to Stierman) Unprogramme Extended Idaho Street west of Eagle to Kestrel and east of The City is requesting ACHD partner with the City on the design,engineering and the Senior Center to Stierman. Previously ranked at No.2 in construction of Idaho Street. This project includes both roadway extension as Economic Development. well as installation of missing sidewalks o the existing roadway section. Project 3 is in the City's comprehensive plan and Capital Plan,the ACHD MSM,and the partner agency is the EURA. Project provides alternative to State Street through downtown and is close to Eagle Elementary. SH44 & Fisher Crosswalk Unprogrammed Install Enhanced Ped/Bike crossing into Eagle Island State Park. The City is experiencing a significant amount of J-walking at this location. The Previously ranked as No.8 in Community Proarams Crossing is in the City's plan there are two schools to the north and a 4 commercial center. The State is working to install extend the greenbelt on the south side in front of the park. The City is seeking ACHD support in the planning and engineering of the crossing and feels that local fundings through a City,ITD and ACHD application to the CIM implementation grants could fund the project. 1 st Street Festival Street Design and construct 1 st street from Aikens to Idaho Street as The City is requesting ACHD partner with the City on the design,engineering and a festival street with rolled curbs,paver sidewalks and planters. 5 construction of!sat Street Festival Street. The project would include reversing the direction of 1st street between Aikens Street and State Street,as shown in the State and Eagle Concept Study completed by ACHD. Project is in the City's comprehensive Plan and the capital plan for funding between FY24-Design and FY26 Construction. FF & SH-16 Crossing Study _,N The City is requesting ACHD and ITD work cooperatively with the City of Eagle Construct ped/bike bridge or signal and City of Star to address safety at this intersection. City's plan address a 6 crossing Ing at SH-16 not an at grade intersection. Star Middle is located to the east of the intersection.SH-16 is a high volume road and limited access expressway. State Street w. of Edgewood Fix&Smooth Sidewalks City is requesting ACHD analyze the existing sidewalks on State Street west of 7 Edgewood Lane to ensure ADA compliance. Ped/Bike safety in Downtown Eagle is important and the City's comprehensive plan calls for enhancing and protecting pedestrians. Project is near Eagle Academy. Ballantyne (SH44 to FF) Plan for the connection of ped/bike on the undeveloped section of Ballantyne 8 Construction ped/bike improvements between State Highway 44 and Floating Feather. Project is the City's comprehensive plan. Park Lane (FF to BL Rd.) Unprogrammed ACHD programed the southern section of this road for planning. This project is 9 Develop a plan for ped bike on this corridor serving Eagle High in the City's plan for ped/Bike improvements. School to the south, including crossings. Lakebrook Crossing Unprogrammed ACHD has previously chosen the"no build"alternative but stated the use of 10 Install striped crossing at E.Colchester Lakebrook Way local funding as an ACHD project was their concern,City is asking for ACHD perception in the Study that is led by Eagle and ITD. Page 4 of 6 K:\Planning Dept\ACHD\Five Year Work Plan\2023\2024-2028 IFYWP Council Request lel.docx While the City recognizes that the District is requesting priorities for consideration in the IFYWP, there were three projects from the public that the City has significant concern about as they conflict with the City's comprehensive Plan, ACHD's adopted plans, have not been properly discussed with the landowners, and/or create conflict in the larger regional system. We forward these to the district in hopes of providing some insight as to the City's rational for not including them in the prioritization process. The City Strongly Opposes the Following Roadway& Intersection Project Requests Dry Creek& SH-55 Signalizing at this intersection is in inconsistent with the Install Signal&enhanced Ped/Bike crossing City's plan,the NW Foothill Transportation Plan and the Dry Creek Development agreement. It will require a waiver of ITD policy and will increase the numbers of signal per mile on SH-55. Janice Drive & SH-55 SH-55 is a limited access Highway with intersection spacing Install new signalized intersection at 1-mile. This access point would break that spacing and introduce an intersection not in alignment with Beacon Light Road. Mace Road Extension This request would require a new public road through Eagle Connect Mace Road to Fischer Parkway&Linder Road Island State Park. The IP&R does not support a full access public road through the park. Additionally,the access to Linder would place additional traffic at unsignalized intersection on a high mobility corridor. Finally, the City would like to take this opportunity to request the following studies for consideration by ACHD. While the City understands that these requests are not part of the IFYWP process, these studies provide an opportunity for the City and ACHD to collaborate on projects of mutual benefit and provide both agencies and citizens the opportunity to identify projects that may be part of the IFYWP in the future. Study Requests Ped/Bike Crossings of Old State (Downtown Eagle) As the City has been working with AND to design and engineer the State& Eagle intersection the need for clearly identifiable crossings has come to the forefront. The ability to identify appropriate crossings and cross safely is of concern to the City. The City would like to have conversation with ACHD about how crossings are designed,what elements are effective,and how crossings impact way findings in the DT. This study would also look at existing crossing and markings including-flags,in-lane signage,and materials for crossings. Excess ROW Study-State Street Krasen St/Olde Park PI&Eagle Senior Center to Palmetto Ave) With the construction of the SH-44 Bypass in the 1990's AND became steward of the old state ROW through Downtown Eagle. As the City has grow the desire to visit downtown businesses and participate in community functions in downtown has grown also. The area between Olde Park Place and 2nd street is very constrained but the area to the east and west have a very large ROW that has resulted in speeding and enforcement issues.The City would like to request a cooperative study to evaluate uses for the excess ROW(beyond the current landscape)including public parking that would benefit and support the commercial uses in downtown while also reducing travel speeds. This concept is contained in the City's comprehensive plan and in the City's capital plan with funding available in FY 25. Page 5 of 6 K:\Planning Dept\ACHD\Five Year Work Plan\2023\2024-2028 IFYWP Council Request lel.docx Thank you for the opportunity to provide the City of Eagle's requests and prioritizations for the 2024-2028 ACHD IFYWP. The City appreciates its proactive working relationship with ACHD to plan for the transportation needs of our shared constituents. We look forward to working with ACHD to further enhance our transportation network. Sincerely, Jason Pierce Mayor cc: Eagle City Council Kristy Inselman,ACHD File Page 6 of 6 K:\Planning Dept\ACHD\Five Year Work Plan\2023\2024-2028 IFYWP Council Request lel.docx tf�It' DEMOLISH THREE EXISTING BUILDINGS AND BUILD A NEW BUILDING FOR EAGLE GATEWAY MIXED 1-4 * USE �GL F. Zn D R-73-22 Eagle City Council Meeting February 14, 2023 City Staff: Barb Williams,Planner II Phone: 939-0227 E-Mail: Aerial ji ■ �, � 4 � C .ty ' it d1 0, 3/6/2023 Three Buildings to be Demolished 402! ' � t 1 /P i I �lr I r 3 { E.STATE ST e q � � c w w r �, w ..- F-L 4 2 1 Building Elevations — North and South a.. .r? ■1� aria :. ��r F■? •ra 1 ■ 11 . 11■ II will Milli iil II A SOUTH ELEVATION " Building Elevations — East and West �ll�'ll■ 1111'. 11 P■- re � I1 1 First Floor/Garage/Parking ' I I Second Floor F .; I•� 1'1 �ilr ,� nnnu I I I I nulin� _ �11�II11 IIIIIIII Fm ' 1.10 � 1 Ia IIIY � 1=i 1 IIY - 1 1 1 1 Third Floor _gggrs:: P—e— e9e: WINE BAR �■�IIIIIIII� — a'�� IIIIIIII ' MR IIIIIIIII � IIIIIIII' -, � r H A I iE �� Ihliryll ;�i IY-yl a• ��j I111�� ;�j Lil a f , Roof Plan III 0 0 l u l I I oo I I °OI I °a 1 State and Eagle Intersection u' Looking east from Eagle Road on State Street f -. • . n, .. ..� � _ �'r a. � � .: _.lam f� I ■ 3/6/2023 Looking west from 1St Street on State.. Street 13 14 R. Looking northeast from Eagle Road 4 1 Design Review Board Recommendation • On January 12, 2023, the Eagle Design Review Board voted 3 to 0 (Lindgren and Mihan recused; Grubb and Duperault absent) to recommend ,-7ppr©vp of this application with the site specific conditions of approval and the standard conditions of approval provided on page 22 of the Design Review Board Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. End of Presentation . 1 Issues of Special Concern • Proposed building architecture deferred to the Board • Side setbacks deferred to the Board Streetscape completion along South Eagle Road and East State Street a • Tree removal and any required mitigation deferred to the Board • Interior parking lot landscaping deferred to the Board • Landscape island at terminus and within row of parking • Drive aisle width for covered parking area • Parking required on site/in lieu payment required `' '• Overhead utilities and poles • Lot line adjustment application to consolidate the 5 lots into a single lot 1 Issues of Special Concern • Side setbacks deferred to the Board • Streetscape completion along South Eagle Road and East State Street • Tree removal and any required mitigation deferred to the Board • Interior parking lot landscaping deferred to the Board • Landscape island at terminus and within row of parking • Drive aisle width for covered parking area • Parking required on site/in lieu payment required • Overhead utilities and poles • Lot line adjustment application to consolidate the 5 lots into a single lot Building Architecture �� �'~ii ■ 1 ��' car MIS i 4` Iu 1 1 Issues of Special Concern • Proposed building architecture deferred to the Board • Streetscape completion along South Eagle Road and East State Street • Tree removal and any required mitigation deferred to the Board • Interior parking lot landscaping deferred to the Board • Landscape island at terminus and within row of parking • Drive aisle width for covered parking area • Parking required on site/in lieu payment required • Overhead utilities and poles • Lot line adjustment application to consolidate the 5 lots into a single lot Side setbacks — deferred to Board ECC 8-2A-6(C)(3)(b) —shall be 0' so as to tie into adjoining structures P1 lq 7 ® e e . � e LU • I o ® • . 1 Issues of Special Concern • Proposed building architecture deferred to the Board • Side setbacks deferred to the Board • Tree removal and any required mitigation deferred to the Board • Interior parking lot landscaping deferred to the Board • Landscape island at terminus and within row of parking • Drive aisle width for covered parking area • Parking required on site/in lieu payment required • Overhead utilities and poles • Lot line adjustment application to consolidate the 5 lots into a single lot a i treetscape along Eagle Road and State Street O�• LLJ LLJ ji 4 11 • I Issues of Special Concern • Proposed building architecture deferred to the Board • Side setbacks deferred to the Board • Streetscape completion along South Eagle Road and East State Street • Interior parking lot landscaping deferred to the Board • Landscape island at terminus and within row of parking • Drive aisle width for covered parking area • Parking required on site/in lieu payment required • Overhead utilities and poles • Lot line adjustment application to consolidate the 5 lots into a single lot $ Tree removal and mitigation — SSC#2 Tf the City approves the removal of the trees and does not require itigation,no additional trees are required. R- • 1f the City approves the removal of the trees and does required mitigation; a She applicant shall be required to provide a revised landscape plan showing an additional 60-caliper inches of tree(30,2-inch caliper trees)and I8-feet of height tree(3,6-t'oot tall evergreen trees)planted on site. The revised landscape plan shall be reviewed and approved by staff prior to the issuance • • of a zoning certificate. R- f the City approves the removal of the trees and does required mitigation, e applicant may opt to pay an in lieu fee into the tree fund in the amount f$11,580.00(60-caliper inches x$175.00 per caliper inch and 18-feet x - . • 60.00 per vertical foot). The payment to the tree fund shall be received by the City prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. -OR- Any other combination of planting additional trees on site and/or a contribution to the tree fund as may be approved by the City. A revised landscape plan and/or contribution to the tree fund shall be reviewed and approved and/or submitted to the City prior to the submittal of a final plat I pplication or commencement of any construction/demolition on the site, `whichever occurs first. • 1 r Issues of Special Concern • Proposed building architecture deferred to the Board • Side setbacks deferred to the Board • Streetscape completion along South Eagle Road and East State Street • Tree removal and any required mitigation deferred to the Board • Landscape island at terminus and within row of parking • Drive aisle width for covered parking area • Parking required on site/in lieu payment required • Overhead utilities and poles • Lot line adjustment application to consolidate the 5 lots into a single lot nterior Parking Lot Landscaping Percentage • • • Light green area=51-parking spaces ° requires 10%interior landscaping • ° Blue area=interior landscaping If entire parking area is included in Icalculation,the applicant is showing ° 3%interior landscaping l01 ° 1 Interior Parking Lot Landscaping Percentage o Light green area=51-parking spaces s o requires 10%interior landscaping • Blue area=interior landscaping e If only the 16-parking spaces adjacent to the alley are included in calculation,the applicant is showing a 10%interior landscaping (01 ° +a Issues of Special Concern • Proposed building architecture deferred to the Board • Side setbacks deferred to the Board • Streetscape completion along South Eagle Road and East State Street • Tree removal and any required mitigation deferred to the Board • Interior parking lot landscaping deferred to the Board • Drive aisle width for covered parking area • Parking required on site/in lieu payment required • Overhead utilities and poles • Lot line adjustment application to consolidate the 5 lots into a single lot 1 Terminus and interior landscape islands — SSC#3 a o >q i '4 'O Issues of Special Concern • Proposed building architecture deferred to the Board • Side setbacks deferred to the Board • Streetscape completion along South Eagle Road and East State Street • Tree removal and any required mitigation deferred to the Board • Interior parking lot landscaping deferred to the Board • Landscape island at terminus and within row of parking • Parking required on site/in lieu payment required • Overhead utilities and poles • Lot line adjustment application to consolidate the 5 lots into a single lot 1 Covered parking drive aisle width — SSC#4 9 1 O 1 I E O 1� Issues of Special Concern • Proposed building architecture deferred to the Board • Side setbacks deferred to the Board • Streetscape completion along South Eagle Road and East State Street • Tree removal and any required mitigation deferred to the Board • Interior parking lot landscaping deferred to the Board • Landscape island at terminus and within row of parking • Drive aisle width for covered parking area • Overhead utilities and poles . 1 Parking Required on site/in lieu payment — SSC#S 57-parking spaces are to be constructed�N ith this development(35-covered.5-on site for guest, 10-on site.7-on street). 78-parking spaces are required to be constructed with this development(I 7-covered,5-on site for guest.56-on site or adiacent street). 'The applicant requested a 20"o parking reduction of the Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator did not approve of a 20%parking reduction for this development. SSC#5-Provide an in lieu payment in the amount of$119.700.00 for the 21-parking spaces not provided within this development. The in lieu payment shall be submitted to the City prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. Issues of Special Concern • Proposed building architecture deferred to the Board • Side setbacks deferred to the Board • Streetscape completion along South Eagle Road and East State Street • Tree removal and any required mitigation deferred to the Board • Interior parking lot landscaping deferred to the Board • Landscape island at terminus and within row of parking • Drive aisle width for covered parking area • Parking required on site/in lieu payment required • Lot line adjustment application to consolidate the 5 lots into a single lot 1 Overhead Utilities and Poles — SSC#6 w yR it , Issues of Special Concern • Proposed building architecture deferred to the Board Side setbacks deferred to the Board • Streetscape completion along South Eagle Road and East State Street • Tree removal and any required mitigation deferred to the Board • Interior parking lot landscaping deferred to the Board • Landscape island at terminus and within row of parking • Drive aisle width for covered parking area v Parking required on site/in lieu payment required • Overhead utilities and poles • 1 Lot Line Adjustment — SSC#7 mill Issues of Special Concern • Proposed building architecture deferred to the Board • Side setbacks deferred to the Board • Streetscape completion along South Eagle Road and East State Street—SSC#! • Tree removal and any required mitigation deferred to the Board —SSC#2 • Interior parking lot landscaping deferred to the Board • Landscape island at terminus and within row of parking—SSC#3 • Drive aisle width for covered parking area —SSC#4 • Parking required on site/in lieu payment required—SSC#5 • Overhead utilities and poles—SSC#6 • Lot line adjustment application to consolidate the 5 lots into a single lot— SSC#7 3/6/2023 jfFv J BENARI '.- ESTATES 1 EXPERIENCE: L C K R O C K • OVER 75 YEARS OF COMBINED EXPERIENCE • LOCAL, IDAHO-BORN DEVELOPMENT TEAM • OVER 35 SUCCESSFUL RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS C G PROJECTS: CONGER GROUP EAGLE MERIDIAN • ESTRADA MOVADO COMMUNITY • CORRENTE BELLO SOLTERRA BOISE VERADO DEVCO • MOXIE RIDGE EAST RIDGE • ELEVATION RIDGE STAPLETON • EAST VALLEY • BELMAR V BENAI • THE RIM ESTATE 2 1 3/6/2023 VICINITY MAP 1*74 f' ice► h. Ri BENARI ESTATES 3 CONDITION 2: UTILITY POLE We respectfully disagree with the Design Review Condition requiring us to place a single power pole underground for the following reasons: 1. Historical Location of the pole. 2. Code says that utilities can be required to be relocated along the frontage of the row. 3. We had to enter into a license agreement with ACHD to Landscape the Surplus Property. 4. Many users of the pole, telecom and fiber. 5. The poles to the north will most likely never be placed underground. BENARI ESTATES 4 2 3/6/2023 ACHD Property — J r! a y� 3' Ej J It 'j c6 CD � a, Typical Frontage Improvements r BENAK: ESTATES 5 FIL .Sidi Benari _. Polr ,y M Pole Benari .M s e y 2022 ZOOS BENARIESTATES 6 3 3/6/2023 m e Pole Historical ROW ate St Location BENAR, ESTATES 7 wo IS 1 C. I J� rf •�; (� 1 ACHD Property - _----- Typical Frontage Improvements` QY�4 BENARI ESTATES 8 4 3/6/2023 CONDITION 15: RUBBER MULCH MATERIAL IN THE PLAYGROUND We respectfully disagree with the Design Review Condition requiring us to use rubberized soft fall material rather than bark: Cities do this for regional parks—neighborhoods can't and will not be responsible to replace it. 1. Replacement Cost—$35k- $45k. 2. Short Life Span—replaced every 6-8 years. Gruber Park needed to be replaced after 6-7 years. 3. Cold dry climates-cause the material to wear out more quickly. 4. Concern about toxicity. The EPA is currently conducting two studies into the issue. HOA's do not have someone monitor the condition. 5. We propose bark soft fall material because it can be replaced easily and maintained annually by the HOA and will not be a long-term burden to the homeowners. �Qv BENARI ESTATES 9 REQUEST Remove the following conditions: Dr-75-22 Condition 2— Relocate Power Pole on the NE Corner of Ballantyne Lane. Condition 15 — Provide Revised plan showing "rubber mulch material in playground" m� BENARI .,.. .. Th a n k yo U _ - ESTATES 10 5 3/6/2023 Thankyou BENARI ESTATES 11 DR APPLICABILITY TO RESIDENTIAL 8-2A-1:GENERAL APPLICABILITY: This article applies to all proposed development located within the Design Review Overlay District which shall include the entire City limits,and any land annexed into the City after the date of adoption hereof.Such development includes, but is not limited to,new commercial,industrial, institutional,office,multi-family and single-family attached residential projects,signs,-,subdivision signage,proposed conversions,proposed changes in land use and/or building use,exterior remodeling or repainting with a color different than what is existing,exterior restoration,and enlargement or expansion of existing buildings,signs or sites,and requires the submittal of a design review application pursuant to this article and a fee as established by resolution of the City Council.Design review applications for a change in paint color are subject to review and approval by the City but otherwise shall not be required to comply in all respects to the requirements of this article. We argue that this area is not"common area"to the Benari Subdivision as it is not owned by the developer or the HOA.It is ACHD surplus land. BEENQA`lRI imm ESTATES 12 6 3/6/2023 COMMON AREA BENARI •: ESTATES SUBDIVISION D• Eagle-75-22 • February1 Phone: 939-0227 City Staff: Emily R.Gero,Planner 11 vp Lk W. 1110 1 Is , ��'.�t�■ s �r .o Z 1 3/6/2023 I 1 ( _ I • � `a , a •" a � — a 3 Landscape Plan Cont. i • I , I — tom- � �� ' - �"••-_.. '` � �. i n S a I p _ J J 2 1 4 Landscape Plan Cont. rip _ 1 — ,1A< v- N Ait F r `�'� r �C":•`." le�v� � ray"gr"�.�' a$:38 : � — �,�•��„ -� I I Fencing Plan 1�W s ..........��� a 3/6/2023 1 RAHr x�ewl� W= »- �» Mefas EEC ,... Cgb `S.. .:..... rr.�..�.... vacue tt. MO «. ... •rvsiac Mre.sec�nc.���w .t.em_crrcn LANDSGAR GALGJ..ATIONS aJ .� •� =VV--LOPIMT DATA AI04 �yG••••�•r� r� .... womm r.r. 4 4 3/6/2023 a 9 I+Comph'.ith ill applacabk cordmom of lu-1:-_1 CL'-D_-_I PPLT10)�`1 PP�IS_I. The L shall teak nvh.iCFiD and Idaho Pmsa w btn the m eked a laaawd u th.waheau c.xr ofYmh Hal x Lax and N'e.State Su maaalb�made to the—h uof-& HaHaonx Lm and rtmos'e the r le Iaated at the mMrau aaas of\aM Hallmnx Lace ca 4'nt Stue Saroet.]i ahe makad a and m thv Ixurm h min be bvud avd the rhr am shall wide ce fi WC S ard Idaho pone et d Chia.If the,d erk coo be:,'d nd le reams abe .shall rtsased u,.,b plan sb flE lh o.0 rld ponce and...b..ea located a the comer ok .d W.,Ld.and Rbt Sole So-e.m be located tmdaer.ad and pole remoaed turlodvE the remotW ofdx mahead mwnn laved fr®rbe ast vh m the.a.lade ofloM Ballalx Lax 1.The raved Lodacape pun shall be«sties e.i .d appro�eel b aeaff pain m submaml of tde frail plat applicmm -. IflT Can'app.:es the reren,al of the trees>rd doe;roe rrome am'addmmal mu_mdttr m add�vonal vein m rePured. Prmade a rn'.ed Imdxape plan shonim ahr Emz Grtcv-irbon'arae tree a vuo�mum of 6-fem all at the tore ofplaoawp.The re�iaed la—u plan shall be ram:�enM ani aggro•;eel h staff ad.me—bm of tde iJevan Rnirn'Bond ma io subwt'W of Ide final put application :. Pmsade a mooed twA.pe PLm abmnag the Tulip Tree.repucN oath a Cl—II shade nee a t&,mned m the Appmed]'ra h..I)ae m—d uodteapr plc aha h«limed d apposxd b-6 and tax meaabea of the Deaapt Rrtvn Ho.d watt w snbmnol of a imil plat appbcadm. ]ba 9eer?.-im.m.xa�mfYonrra.E;mran Glsa.V.xa L!rosaoreuara ueapadir nrrao �-r..rn ir.L dasa:opmna 3 ]. Pmade elea'adms fa ah cm'aed do4 Pali Eve emry and cohmva.Pomade a devil of the doe Dark fmcw¢sh.rwe the double eau mar e�nt ftt the dot tork.Thr eln arms ard decal shall be m'taned and appmed h sraff eel ore m®ba of doe Design Il.i.a'Hoard prior ro mbtnmil ofthe frail plat appdcmm B. All gwuod mouataed.amf.amaa.cabk,and phme bnatt shall be warned b],dw pang pe F.Mk Cin Code. 9. T appbcmt ahall..bran p,y wtdeCan'fa ill erag--%a.d legal teas iaa...df.—.gd.p,.,ptabd. oftaooaV caunWeanda cep.—.p ofm wa.ice by the C...td—arna fo.. 10.The appbcmr,Ul h rrpaered w ecmply nrth a applica k c.diams placed on duo appli—by the Cm Eugbeer. I1.submit pas'mml w the Ciq 1tt tin P1=,q aced Eowog plm m ien u the woe ofb Wdiq pen>tit tubmiml. 1:.\o..ad mounted mechanical taus.—papeaed n.h this appbcmm ci oax are appmal. id.Pau¢ill elmr�cal tunas,phox bo-aa,.c.laurel oo ehe buJ,Log w much the col.of the budding. 14.N.up.art aopowd nith the appficatim cd nine ne apposed. 16.Proa;de a aeriud uadac Ira shoo the Lry surface w be a rnbbea mWch material The¢-sved Iuda ahaB h m;rnM and med M ua8'and me membe of dr Dev linxa Hoard wr m mbwtd of tde final lu >Wli<arm. 16.Prmide elnadm shmsvn a cmered evauae a.ad th drew mnlb.d—,w tide shelkr f.readays mina the.mad The do utm shall I*— and oral b,.off and a member of the JR-1 Bawd watt m the aoorm'al of a final uut 17 ssde a amsed Imdx ohms a acerb ban heated mdm the do .The raved IaMu lac sha11 be mvxed rA oved b`.att tub-t.1 oflh frail 10 5 3/6/2023 - ,Qesign Review i • . • Recommendation On 1 Design Review : • . • voted 4 to (Merill Nay; Grubb and Duperault absent) to recommend pprovai of this application with the site specific conditions of approval and the standard conditions of approval provided on page I of the Design Review Board Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. 11 Sit ' Specific Condition • _. The apohcant shall tvrk nth aCf♦D and Idaho Posvrr to btm the ecerhead txttrr located at the northeast comer of Vorth Ballapnme Lane and Rest State Street includin¢removal of MEL [h overhead po.�cro sm¢to ltr t dr of Vorth Ballannne Lane and remove the pprcer pole located at the northeast<omm of Vorth Ballannne Lane and Rest State Street.If the o'ethrad po er and pole rn this location cannel he bunrd and the pole remmed the applcant shall prat ode corresppndence Gam aCFm and Idaho Prover affirrmn¢thu.If the overhead power can he boned and pole removrd thr applicant shall eWeFide a revrsed landscape plan shrntine the overhead pptvn and utilmes Located at the comer of VoM Ballannme Lane and\Vest State Street to be located urder¢romd and pole rrvroced lmcludin¢ih<remmal of thr overhead utilities lo_a[ed Gom the cast stde ie the most vde of Vorth Ballant}ne Lanei. he reused landscape plan shall be mretted and approved b<staff poor to submmal of the final plat apphcanon. 4 1Z 6 3/6/2023 CONDIT=2,POWER POLE it geaporta:The mill to have the single power pole and the wires associated with it moved undergmu � r� is-misnnahk for the fmlewme rea ., - o 1. The pole th torlcalty was ai the oppps,m'do of gallanlyne Lane lam the aerwri Nelghborhood.In 2010 t the road was rebated leer ng a plea of surplus land owned by A M".the pole wa r Wearent to ih Henari property H was across the street.Now it nets on a panel of MHO surplus land.Please ever to the Images below: S Pole s•'* Historical ROW la ` Location 1 Pole gurlarl y ski!411' 2. The cost associated with the relocation of a single pole at an intersection of two roadways Is excessive.Thr ae•, i poles north of this area that are on the frontage of countryside Estates will most likely never be placed underground do to the fact that the subdivision has already been developed. 3. There are multiple users of the utility pole not just Idaho Power,there are phone,cable and Fiber Optics sins.un file Ix,lk,Fast us will hive to Ixam under the two ruads scTaw ely Didbis n lu i fart the—L associated with the rebn construction tion of the pole rises exponentially,and the timing of cotruction would be 2022 2009 wmpletely out of our control. 13 a STATE Sr. _ k � . 14 7 3/6/2023 1 i.NO ide a reused landscape Dian shmtina the olayltronrld surface to be a robber mulch material The mined laodscaoe plan shall be mimed and wmoc an ed by staff d one member of tlx Denim Rea m Board mim to submittal of the final plat application 10# - T-EG 2-eN 2- 243H _ .. 3-LD l,3-GM, 3 L b VAW 5-EG • P a 9 RO PET KN5 _, x 5TAT1_011 PLAT - (SEE LDTL It21 ....r....«..... p ' 6-GM �•� 5-GM. - .tea rn....u.m..., Kae�.�,.¢,.w...w..,,..,w a,.,..er. � ... 4 443H B11 2-SM 5tM 2-SM - 2LG 44'JN 5-LD 3-VP I l5 Applicant CONDITION 15—PROVIDE REVISED PLAN SHOWING"RUBBER MULCH MATERIAL IN PLAYGROUND". Response: The developer is asking to use the hark soft fall material that was specified in the landuape plan and not be required to use rubberized soft fall material for the following reasons: 1. The product does not work well in cold dry climates such as Boise,in a few years it becomes hardened and can create a dangerous situation for children if it is not replaced.It is estimated that it will need to be replaced every 5—8 years.This can create a large financial burden for the HOA. 2. Replacement cost is a significant expense far an HOA and it most likely will not tse done in a timely manner creating a potentially hazardous situation for children at play.The replacement cost today is estimated at $38.W0 to$48,000. 3. Bark can be replaced for several hundred dollars and can be done at anytime that it is needed by the HOA or any landscaping company that is hired for other landscape maintenance. 4. There are several recent studies that have linked the rubberized playground Fall material to the poisoning of pets and waterways. z 16 8 . 1 End of Presentation Issues of Special Concern • Common Area Landscaping— Deferred • Overhead Utilities and Pole —SSC No. 2 • Tree Removal —SSC No. 3 • Tree height at planting—SSC No. 4 • Tulip Trees—SSC No. 5 • Tree Species—SSC No. 6 • Elevations for covered dog park gate entry and columns—SSC No. 7 Common Area Landscaping - Overhead Utilities and Pole—SSC No. 2 - Tree Removal—SSC No. 3 0 Tree height at planting—SSC No. 4 * Tulip Trees—SSC No. 5 • Tree Species—SSC No. 6 • Elevations for covered dog park gate entry and columns—SSC No. 7 Landscape Plan SSC No. 2 • Common Area Landscaping— Deferred • Tree Removal —SSC No. 3 • Tree height at planting—SSC No. 4 • Tulip Trees—SSC No. 5 • Tree Species—SSC No. 6 • Elevations for covered dog park gate entry and columns—SSC No. 7 SSC No. 2 .......... 3/6/2023 SSC • 0 Common Area Landscaping— Deferred Overhead Utilities and '• No. - Tree height at • No. Tulip No. Species* Tree No. . - Elevations for covered dog park gate entry and columns—SSC No. 7 23 SSC • 3. If the Gn•approves the rernotal of the trees atd does¢ot require mitigation,no additional trees are required. -OR- Ifthe City approves the rernotal of the trees and does regtrved tnitigatioq the applicmt shall be requircd to provide a wised Lt¢dscape plan shoni¢g an additional 231.-caliper inches of nee (I lti,2-inch caliper trees)plmted on site.the m-ued la¢dscape pla¢shall be retim'ed a¢d apprrn-ed by staff prior to the submittal of a final plat application. -OR- If the Cip approves the removal of the trees a¢d does required mitigation,the applicmt mar•opt to pap m in lieu fee imo the tree fiend in the attsovnt of 540,512.50(231.:-caliper inches x Sl?5.00 per caliper inch).The pa}•¢tent to the tree fiord shall be received M•the Cin prior to the subrmttal of a foul plat apphcatioa -OR- Any other combinatio¢of plmting addNo¢al trees on site atsdor a ca¢tribution to the tree fund as ma�be approved by the CiR•..1 retired landscape plan a¢d'or to¢tributio¢to the tree fund shall be mimed and approved atsdor s..................e Cih prior to the submital of a final plat application or commenceme¢t of mp corsstnrctiondemolitio¢w the site,ttiuchecer occurs first. • Existing Trees to be • • • • caliper Species:Tree Willow, Poplar, • Spruce, Austrian Pine,Western Red Cedar,and Ponderosa Pine Condition: Poor to Fair R}, 12 1 SSC No. 3 Cont. SSC No. 3 Cont.IM- 01 �. ° .. E ig - t 1 SSC No. 3 Cont. Aq i s S4NDM ?i E) SSC No. 3 All Al wu I=• e . _�a 3/6/2023 SSC • Common Area LandscapingDeferred Overhead Utilities and '• No. RemovalTree No. Tulip No. Species- Tree No. . - Elevations for covered dog park gate entry and columns—SSC No. 7 29 NOWIM i. Protide a raised landscape plan shooing the Emerald Grem.Arborvitae trees a minimum of 6-feet all at the tune of plantutg.The raised landscape plan shall be ret ietced and approved b�staff prior to submittal of the foul plat applicaton. _ L r : f, EVERGREEN TREES EC, EMERALD GREEN ARBORVITAE TVl1JA OCCIDENTALIS SMARACD' 15 GAL(5'-b'HT) 164 H5 HOOP51 BLUE SPRUCE PIGEA FUI*SEN5'HOOP511' b'-b'HT B!B 30 KG KARL Fl1GH5 HIMALAYAN CEDAR GEDRUS DEODARA KARL FUCH5' 6'-b'HT B48 90 VP VANDERWOLFS PINE PINI)5 FLEXIL15 VANDERWOLFS PYRAMID' 6'-b'HT BOB 45 WW WEEPING WHITE 5PRUGE PIGEA GLAUGA'PENDULA' V-b'HT BIB 56 30 15 3/6/2023 SSC • - Common Area Landscaping— Deferred Overhead Utilities and '• No. Removal- Tree No. height- Tree • No. Species- Tree No. . Elevations •r covered • •• park gate entry and columns—SSC No. 31 SSC • 5. Protide a raised landscape plan shonin¢the Tulip Trees replaced t�ith a Class II shade tree as idrntifted en the Appreced Trce list.The tensed landscape plan shall b<recinced and approved by staff and one member of the Design Rnine Boazd prwr to submittal 02 a final plat apphcahon- SHADE/STREEr TREES_(GLA55 II) FE FRONTIER ELM ULMUS'FRONTIER' 2"GAL BdB 28 GV GREEN VASE ZELKOVA ZELKOVA SERRATA'GREEN VASE' 2"GAL BdB 50 HB HERITAGE BIRCH BETULA NIGRA'GULLY' 2"GAL BQB 3 HL SKYLINE HONEYLOGUST GLEDITSIA TRIAGANTHOS INERMIS'SKYGOLE' �"GAL BdB 55 PS PACIFIC SUNSET MAPLE AGER TRUNGATUM x PLAT.'WARRENRED' 2"GAL BdB 34 TT TULIP TREE LIRIODENDRON TULIPIFERA 2"GAL BdB 68 32 16 3/6/2023 SSC No. • * Common Area • • — Deferred Overhead Utilities and '• No. Removal- Tree No. - Tree height at • No. Tulip No. Elevations for covered dog park gate entry and columns—SSC No. 7 33 6. Pro,de a revised landscape plan shoving the Frontier Elm and Green Vase Zelkova trees replaced mth a tree species as identified on the approved tree lsst within Eagle Cttv Code Section S-2--k- 7(Q)and Treasure Valley Sum Tree Gwde.The reused landscape plan shall be retiesved and approved by staff and one member of the Design Review Board prior to submittal of the Leal plat application. pf i t I U SiApE(STREET TREES(GLA55 II) FE FRONTIER ELM ULMr 'FRONTIER' 2"GAL B45 2H 6V GREEN VASE ZELKOVA ZELKOVA SERRATA'GREEN VASE' 2"CAL Bd B 50 HB HERITAGE BIRCH BETULA NIGRA'GULLY' 2"GAL B1B 3 HL SKYLINE HONEYLOCUST GLEDIT5IA TRIACANTH05 INERM15'SKYCOLE' 2`CAL BdB 55 P5 PACIFIC SUNSET MAPLE AGER TRUNGATUM x PLAT.'WARRENRED' 2"CAL 1360 34 TT TULIP TREE LIRIODENDRON TULIPIFERA 2"GAL B45 0B 34 17 1 SSC No. 7 • Common Area Landscaping— Deferred • Overhead Utilities and Pole—SSC No. 2 • Tree Removal—SSC No. 3 • Tree height at planting—SSC No. 4 • Tulip Trees—SSC No. 5 • Tree Species—SSC No. 6 SSC No. 7 Proxide elm-Atiow fm the co—ed dog park gate entry and coh=Ts,The eln�ations shall be min-d and appro%,ed bv staff and one rnernb�of the Design Re—Board prior To stibeirttal of the f 11 �r - �IIIII I�,�IIIIICIII , Ilj 3/6/2023 Summary 37 19 • Common Area Landscaping— Deferred • Overhead Utilities and Pole—SSC No. 2 • Tree Removal—SSC No. 3 • Tree height at planting—SSC No. 4 • Tulip Trees—SSC No. 5 �' • Tree Species—SSC No. 6 • Elevations for covered dog park gate entry and columns—SSC No. 7 1 OF Tt i; * * VACATION TO THE AMENDED FINAL PLAT OF RINGO RIDGE ESTATES SUBDIVISION No. 1 VAC-03-22 Eagle City Council January 14, 2023 City Staff: Matthew Rumsey,Planner I Phone: 939-0227 E-Mail: ' son Vicinity Map �1 ■ ��� 1 61 Plat Overview f` _ - k Project Summary James Hoover, Travis Kuntz, and Juan Morales are requesting: • A vacation of the 12-foot public utility, streetlight, drainage, and . irrigation easement located on the westernmost property lines of Lots 3, 4, and 5, Block 4, Amended Plat of Ringo Ridge Estates Subdivision. The 0.69-acre site (consisting of all three lots) is located on the west side of East Mariposa Drive, approximately 125-feet north of the intersection of East Mariposa Drive and East Sadie Drive. 1 Planning Commission Recommendation On December 5, 2022, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission voted (4 to 0, Wright absent) to recommend of this application with the conditions of development provided within the staff report. Planning and Zoning Commission's Recommendation If the council approves this application, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends the following site-specific conditions: 1. The applicant shall submit payment to the City for all engineering and legal fees incurred for reviewing this project, prior to the City Clerk signing the resolution of vacation and/or upon receipt of an invoice by the City, whichever occurs. 2. The applicant shall provide relinquishment letters from Sparklight Cable and Veolia Water of Idaho prior to a resolution of vacation being approved by the City Council. 3/6/2023 • of Presentation 7 4 1 RIVERSEND SUBDIVISION N0. 2 - VACATION OF A PORTION OF A PUBLIC UTILITIES AND RIVERSEND NEIGHBORHOOD SUBDIVISION ASSOCIATION * * IRRIGATION EASEMENT E 1 VAC-04-22 Eagle City Council Public Hearing February 14, 2023 City Staff: Michael Williams,CFM,Planner III' Phone: 208-489-8774 w E-Mail: Vicinity Map: The .40-acre site is located on the south side of East Riversong Drive approximately 50- feet north of the intersection of East Garden Brook Drive and East Riversong Drive at 1225 East Riversong Drive. � z . 1 Project Summary: Mark and Carissa Summers are requesting to vacate 2-feet of the 12- foot rear yard public utilities and Riversend Neighborhood a. i Association irrigation easement located within Lot 19, Block 9, Riversend Subdivision o. 2. 3 Discussion: • The applicant is requesting to vacate 2-feet of the 12-foot wide public utilities and Riversend Neighborhood Association irrigation easement located within Lot 19, Block 9, Riversend Subdivision No. 2. The request is to allow for the onstruction of an attached garage within the backyard area. er Eagle City Code 9-3-6, total widths for public utilities and drainage easements shall not be less than ten feet(I W). • The City has received all the required relinquishment letters with the exception of the HOA approval. a 3/6/2023 Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendation: If the proposed vacation to the final plat of Riversend Subdivision No. 2 is4 approved, the .Planning and Zoning Commission recommended the following a conditions: 1. The applicant shall be required to provide a relinquishment letter from the Riversend Subdivision Neighborhood Association prior to a resolution of vacation being approved by the City Council. 2. The applicant shall submit payment to the City for all engineering and legal fees incurred for reviewing this project, prior to a resolution of vacation being approved by the City Council. 1 ° SUMMERS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CU-18-22 Eagle City Council Public Hearing February 14, 2023 City Staff:Michael Williams,CFM,Planner III Phone: 939-0227 E-Mail: mwilliams@cityofeagle.org IF Project Summary Mark and Carissa Summers are requesting conditional use permit approval for a waiver to reduce the rear setback from 25-feet to 10-feet on Lot 19, Block 9, within Riversend Subdivision No. 2. 1 Aerial Map w 1 r� a +l Vicinity Map: The .40-acre site is located on the south side of East Riversong Drive approximately 50-feet north of the intersection of East Garden Brook Drive and East Riversong Drive at 1225 East Riversong Drive. 3/6/2023 - 17,729-square feet 17,000-square feet(minimum) 23.8% 40%(maximum) N/A N/A ® .6 2-spaces(including 1 covered) 40-feet 25-feet(minimum) _-10-feet 25-feet(minimum) 12deet 10-feet(minimum) 234eet 35-feet 5 LayoutSite LOi a-aoo LOT t0 f f BLOCKY 1 BLOCK Y r SITE PLAN -�, 6 3 3/6/2023 uU _1-oh. _ : �.sm sevenae e+.sn cuw.non, �•�un�=true-o,: I I / / • • Zoning Maximum Front Rear Interior Street Maximum Minimum Minimum District Height Side Side Lot Lot Area Lot Covered (Acres Or Width I* Sq.Ft.)G And H* 00 - R-2 35' 30' 30' n El ff s7uar0 feet �5 1 8 4 1 Conditional Use Permit: 8-7-3-1: Purpose and Interpretation of Conditional Use A. Purpose: It is recognized that an increasing number of new kinds of uses are appearing daily, and that many of these and some other more conventional uses possess characteristics of such unique and special nature relative to location, design, size, method of operation, circulation and public facilities that each specific use must be considered individually. B. Interpretation Of Conditional Use: Any use which is permitted as a conditional use in a district under the terms of this title shall not be deemed' - a nonconforming use in such district, but shall, without further action, be considered a conforming one. C. Exceptions or waivers of standards within Title 8 or Title 9, other than use, inclusive of the subject matter addressed by Section 8-7-4-2 or Section 9-6-3 "Variances" may be permitted through issuance of a conditional use permit. Discussion : • The applicant is proposing to use the conditional us permit process to reduce the required rear yard setback associated with Riversend Subdivision from 25-feet to 10-feet. The rear yard of the subject property is located adjacent to a subdivision common lot (Lot 1, Block 9, Riversend Subdivision No.2. Pursuant to Eagle City Code Section 8-7-3-1(C), waiver of standards within Title 8 Zoning may be permitted through the issuance of a conditional use permit. • 1 Staff Recommendation : If the commission chooses to recommend approval of the application, staff recommends the following conditions: I. The applicant shall submit payment to the City for all engineering and legal fees incurred for reviewing this project prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy and/or upon receipt of an £ invoice by the City,whichever occurs first. The applicant is permitted to construct an attached garage as shown on the proposed garage addition exterior elevations,date stamped by the City on October 25,2022. 3. The following setbacks and lot coverage requirements shall apply for the subject property: • Front 25-feet • Rear 10-feet(north corner of the garage) • Side 10-feet(additional 5-feet/story for two-story structures) • Street Side Not Applicable t • Maximum Coverage 40% 4. The applicant shall obtain a zoning certificate from the City of Eagle Planning and Zoning Department prior to issuance of a building permit. 4 End of Presentation 1 Planning Commission Recommendation On January 3, 2023, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4 to 0 (Guerber absent) to recommend of the applications with the site specific conditions of approval, and standard conditions of approval provided on page 6 of the Planning and Zoning Commission Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. February 14, 2023 Mr. Mayor and Eagle City Council Members, This letter has corrections of content to the letter I presented to the City Council on February 8, 2023. 1 am a former Rivers End Neighborhood Association HOA Board member 2018-2021 and familiar with the CCR'S and challenges to our irrigation system. I oppose these two applications with two concerns. FIRST; U-18-22 Waiver of near Setback - Mark and Larissa Summers The current HOA Board President, Mr. Buckley, stated in his second month on the board, July 2021, that "the board is not obligated to implement the CCR'S". He had lived in Rivers End no more than four months at that time. Unfortunately for the subdivision, there are examples that support this continued philosophy. All purchasing homeowners in Rivers End sign an agreement to adhere to the CCR'S as a condition to purchase. The pathway to make changes to the home is to submit the ACCA to the HOA board, if denied, to appeal to the board and if appeal is denied then the homeowner may exercise the option to go to City Hall. The HOA board has the responsibility to maintain the standards of the subdivision with the CCR'S. The homeowner is requesting a change in setback 25 feet to 10 feet to build a garage. The homeowner has not submitted the required Architectural Change Committee Application (ACCA) to the HOA Board for review. The first application was to the City of Eagle for approval. The homeowner is not adhering to the CCR'S, a condition to purchase a home in Rivers End. September 28, 2022 A "NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING" HELD APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: A Neighborhood Meeting was held on site at 7:00 PM, on Wednesday, September 28, 2022, in compliance with the application submittal requirement of Eagle City Code. The application for this item was received by the City of Eagle on October 25, 2022 but was dated earlier. Neighborhood meeting had two homeowners attend. October 25, 2022 Homeowner Summers letter to Planning and Zoning stated: "Once we realized our mistake, we contacted the city of Eagle and the President of the Homeowner Association. Both entities have been extremely helpful, especially the city of Eagle." A key comment in this letter is "The HOA has indicated that other homes have added garages and they see no reason to deny ours if the city approves". Mr. Buckley, asked by the Planning and Zoning committee "Have other garages been added to homes in Rivers End? The HOA Board President answered "Yes". Information not provided was that both garages were built within the CCR'S setback on the property. Centrally located in this Rivers End common space is a 12-foot easement for utilities, drainage and irrigation. To vacate an additional two feet of this narrow common space that flows from an architectural fountain down a slope to the pond will narrow it further. There are no measurements on the application of the width of the common space but it appears not much more than15-20 feet wide down to the pond, with the streetside opening about 40-50 feet. There is no stated intent for the use of a 2-foot easement with this building project or a diagram of its requested location. Our irrigation pipe system is beginning to show its 18-year age. We had a major leak in this area on the corner about three years ago. It was found to be an inadequate pipe size that is installed throughout the subdivision and will be a recurring problem. This narrow common space with the irrigation pipe and other uses should not have more easements. It is very likely in the future to have to address underground irrigation pipe as it begins to fail. This is the only pathway to the pond for any service equipment. An example are trees falling into the ponds requiring equipment for removal. Also, not to establish a precedent for permitting easements into the Rivers End common space by homeowners. For these reasons I do not support vacating two feet of the common space for the application for easement from these homeowners. Concerns with the Eagle City Staff Report; D. Will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or future neighborhood uses: Special on site-features; Mature trees?Yes-located north, west and south of the residential dwelling. Steep Slopes? None, stream /creek P 20 STF RPT Common space access to the pond for future service needs should not be further limited with an additional easement. The trees were not discussed at Planning and Zoning Hearing. Are these private or common space trees? How many common space trees are endangered by this project? There is incline leading from the pond to the architectural fountain which returns water down this incline to the pond. 8. No ditch, pipe or other structure, or canal, or drain for irrigation water or irrigation waste water owned by an organized irrigation district, canal company, ditch association, drainage district, drainage entity, or other irrigation entity, shall be obstructed, routed, covered or changed in any way unless such obstruction, rerouting, covering or changing has first been approved in writing by the entity. A Registered Engineer shall certify that any ditch rerouting, piping, covering or otherwise changing the existing irrigation or waste ditch (1) has been made in such a manner that the flow of water will not be impeded or increased beyond carrying capacity of the downstream ditch; 3 r (2) will not otherwise injure any person or persons using or interested in such ditch or their property; and (3) satisfied the Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction. A copy of such written approval and certification shall be filed with the construction drawing and submitted to the City Engineer prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. P 22 STF RPT There is incline leading from the pond to the architectural fountain on E Riversong Dr which drains return water down this common space incline to the pond. This common space of undetermined width has a 12-foot easement within it already containing utilities, drainage and irrigation. Access to the west pond fountain for service had to come between homes because of limited pond access. On the east side, this common space, is the only accessible space to the east half of the pond. 9. Encroachments including but not limited to landscaping fencing lighting, and/or pathways shall not be located within any easement or right-of-way for any ditch, pipe or other structure, or canal, or drain, used for irrigation water or irrigation waste water without the express written approval of the organized irrigation district, canal company, ditch association, drainage district, drainage entity or other irrigation entity associated with such ditch, pipe or other structure, drainage or canal. The applicant shall submit a copy of the written approval from the irrigation entity, drainage district, or drainage entity prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. Please see above comments to item D and #8 D Will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or future neighborhood uses P. 41 This will encroach on the Rivers End Neighborhood Association Inc. Common Space and the function that it provides to the subdivision design and maintenance. In summary, after reviewing the timeline of the application; the interactions of the homeowners with the HOA Board President and additional board member, the personal support of the board members presented at the Planning and Zoning Hearing for these two applications, is of concern as it deviates from the CCR'S. Why are these two applications going to Eagle City prior to following the CCR'S? I oppose approval of these two applications to the Eagle City Council from Mark and Carissa Summers. I support the CCR'S and the protection of the Rivers End Common Space. Sincerely, Ellen Elder 4 1 OF Tfr,'; H ° STADIUM VIEW CENTER SUBDIVISION - O PP-14-22 CLF, Ip�' Eagle City Council Public Hearing February 14, 2023 k F City Staff: Michael Williams,CFM,Planner III Phone: 939-0227 E-Mail: Project Summary • Margie and Jerron Porchia are requesting preliminary pla approval for Stadium View Center Subdivision, a 10-lot (8 buildable [5-residential, 3-commercial], 2-common) mixed use subdivision. -* The 2.49-acre site is located on the west side of North Horseshoe Bend Road approximately 130-feet south of the intersection of West Bonita Hills Boulevard and North Horseshoe Bend Road at 10201 North Horseshoe Bend Road.' 3/6/2023 ` k STADIUM VIEW �.., n.�, `.• * '" '_ CENTER SITE� � - �I. .� ♦y' i 'i' , 4 4 oil! III lilt r. . 3 SITE __ --- v I z. \... ......_1 Map Sak:7.MAI .. 2 3/6/2023 PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR STADIUM VIEW CENTER SUBDIVISION A PARCEL Of' [AND LOCATED IN' THE NE LA OF THE SE 1 1 0f AV110\' 10. T 1N., R.IE., B.., C771' Of' h:AGI.F.. ADA COI"NTF, IDAHO 202i? tjA - E. jaw S `2" 5 TotalSite Data • - of 4• Total •- of • 1 Residential Total •e of -• Totalof • 1 6 3 1 Issues of Special Concern • Demolition of existing buildings (SSC #5) • Removal of overhead power (SSC #6) • Streetlight locations (SSC #7) • Plat note modifications (SSC #9-16) Site Specific Conditions of Approval 5. The existing buildings located within the property shall be removed prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat for Stadium View Center Subdivision Phase 1. 6. The overhead power located internal to the site shall be removed prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat for Stadium View Center Subdivision Phase 1. 7. Provide a revised preliminary plat showing streetlights located at the intersection of Lot 10, Block 1, and Horseshoe Bend Road and at the intersection of Lot 10, Block 1, and Lot 6, Block 1. The revised preliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal of a final plat application. 1 Site Specific Conditions of Approval (Plot notes) 9. Provide a revised preliminary plat with plat note#10 revised to state,"This development is subject to covenants,conditions,restrictions(Instrument No. )."The revised preliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal of a final plat application. 10.Provide a revised preliminary plat with plat note#13 referencing the Idaho Right To Farm Act, removed from the plat.The revised preliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal of a final plat application. 11. Provide a revised preliminary plat with plat note#14 removed. The revised preliminary plat shall be provided prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. 12.Provide a revised preliminary plat with plat note#15 revised to state,"Lots 6 and 10,Block 1, contain drive aisles providing access to the subdivision. Each property owner within the subdivision is conveyed A)the perpetual right of ingress and egress over the drive aisles,B) that such perpetual easement shall run with the land,and C)that the restrictive covenant for maintenance of drive aisles cannot be modified and the property owners'association or other entity cannot be dissolved without the express consent of the City."The revised preliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal of a final plat application. Site Specific Conditions of Approval 14. Provide a revised preliminary plat with plat note#18 revised to state,"Irrigation water has been provided by the Farmers Union Canal Company in compliance with Idaho Code Section 31- 3805(1)(b). Lots within the subdivision will be entitled to irrigation water rights and/or shares and individual lots will remain subject to assessments from the Farmers Union Canal Company, to be paid through fees assessed by the property owner's association. The pressurized irrigation system shall be owned and maintained by the Stadium View Center Subdivision Property Owner's Association,or its assigns. The revised preliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal of a final plat application. 16. The applicant shall be required to obtain the proper permit and subsequently abandon the existing septic system and drainfield located on-site. Upon removal the applicant shall provide documentation from the subdivision contractor indicating the septic system and drainfield we properly abandoned prior to the City Clerk signing the first final plat. s ..Y 1 Site Specific Conditions of Approval (Commission recommended modifications) 13. D,. id a revised preliminary .iat identi6ing Lot 9 Bloel 1 as a common let. Alert note #16 shall be Fevosed t64 4R$R "I ts 6,9.and 10. Block 1, are common lots to be wAned and maintained by c-ontain a blanket public uWityT-"i , . .-ition easement.-The r-evised preliminai:y plat shall be pr-ovided prior-to subm ittal of a final plat application. 15. Provide documentation from the subdivision contracto Idaho Department of Water Resources IDS WR) indicating the individual wells located on the site are permitted for irrigation use were PreperlI-aened. The individual wells shall not be utilized for potable use. The documentation shall be provided prior to the City Clerk signing the first final plat. 18. Omqler shall wArk with tlu- Ciiv to establish a GonseFvatien and Edueation Pr-ogrmn (CEP) FundingFunding Plan associated with Stadium View CeHter- Subdivision. The CEP Plan shall be executed by ihe Owner And th*e-Ci;N' Oefli signing the final plat. Staff Recommendation e If the preliminary plat is approved, staff recommends the site specific conditions of approval on of the Staff Report and standard conditions of approval on of the Staff Report. Planning Commission Recommendation On January 3, 2023, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4 to 0 (Guerber absent) to recommend of the applications with the conditions of development, site specific conditions of approval, and standard conditions of approval provided on page 9 of the Planning and Zoning Commission Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. End of Presentation 3/6/2023 COMP PLAN ZONING LAND USE DESIGNATION DESIGNATION Existing Commercial C-1-DA(Neighborhood Business Single-family dwelling District with a development agreement) Proposed No change No change Mixed use subdivision North of site Commercial C-3(Highway Business District) Single-family dwelling and a contractors yard South of site Mixed Use MU-DA(Mixed Use with a Vacant property(proposed development agreement) Quarry Village mixed use development) East of site Neighborhood R2(Residential—Ada County Single-family residential Residential/Public/Semi-Public designation)and RP(Rural subdivision(Bonita Hills Preservation—Ada County Subdivision)and a cemetery designation) West of site Mixed Use MU-DA(Mixed Use with a Vacant property(proposed development agreement) Quarry Village mixed use development) 1 J 8 • CD 0 F ti4 44i is i Am �° i firth 1 F 1 or ANNEXATION AND REZONE FROM RUT ( RURAL-URBANTRANSITION - ADA * COUNTY DESIGNATION) TO R-E-DA GZE IvPc (RESIDENTIAL-ESTATES WITH A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT A-13-22 & RZ-17-22 Eagle City Council Public Hearing February 14, 2022 City Staff: Michael Williams,CFM,Planner III Phone: 939-0227 E-Mail: a Project Summary Colleen Marks is requesting: • An annexation and rezone with development agreement of Lot 3, Block 1, Garrigan Estates Subdivision, from RUT (Rural-Urban Transition — Ada County designation) to R-E-DA (Residential-Estates with a development agreement). • The 1.00-acre site is located on the east side of North Hawk Wing Lane approximately 300-feet north of the intersection of West Homer Road and North Hawk Wing Lane at 4940 North Hawk Wing Lane. 3/6/2023 vF f' I Y- m, 43-43-51-47'N 116'74'46.80 3 Lot Line MINOR Adjustment ,tF! 4 2 3/6/2023 0 . • • • GA RRI GA N ESTA TES SUBDI VIS/ON NO.2 A RE-SUBDIVISION OF PORTIONS OF LOTS 2.••S.BLOCK 1,GARRIGAN ESTATES SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE SW 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 26.T.W.RAW.,B.Y.. CITY OF EAGLE.ADA COUNTY.IDAHO 2017 __�_.�__�_ A, _�__ f aP�AY• tlAM' ma.va / mPAYTt W. +AY� /�, -- !;' •\ `Cf iy IC9_ � / .,l�Y� �5 '•i Pao- 'I� +� 1: p, id89i5SF �A \�\ Fj JL r, °< ty < if e t N �i^' Nmgl . t — — � b";t y .: .,�•..�,.r J^nor`a^ pppp---- wW a srp I .......�..,.�.�„ __7 wu Ro unwnro N�sy—ri T— ___________—:+✓____.__�__ ......_s. 10.LOT A IS A NON-81ALDAB.E LOT TO BE MAINTAINED BY ITS OWNER PER CITY OF EAGLE REQUIREMENT. Planning Commission Recommendation On December 5, 2022, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission voted • 1 So & So absent) to recommend of this application with the conditions of A I development provided on page 15 of the Planning and Zoning ing Commission Findingsof • Conclusions ofLaw of 3 1 Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendation 3.1 Owner will develop the Property subject to the conditions and limitations set forth in this Development Agreement.Further,the Owner will submit such applications regarding lloodplain development permit review, design review, preliminary and final plat reviews,and/or any conditional use permits,if applicable,and any other applicable applications as may be required by the Eagle City Code,which shall comply with the Eagle City Code,as it exists at the time such applications are made except as otherwise provided mvith this Agreement. .2 The Concept Plan(Exhibit B)represents the Owners current concept for completion of the prgject.As the Concept Plan evolves, e City understands and agrees that certain changes in that concept may occur.If the City determines that any such changes require ditional public comment due to potential impacts on surrounding property or the commwmity,a public hearing shall be held on any "proposed changes in the Concept Plan..notice shall be provided as may be required by the City. 3.3 The Owner shall address the site specific conditions of approval of the lot line adjustment(LL.A-05-22)and present a record of ey mylar ready for signature by the City Clerk prior to the adoption of an ordinance for annexation and rezone ofthe Property. .4 Upon recordation of the lot line adjustment(L,LA-05-22)no additional dwelling units shall be constructed on the site. 3.5 No structures shall be constructed within the 215-foot wide building setback as identified on the Garrigan Estates Subdivision No. 2 final plat and the recorded building setback document(Instrument#9 09106). .6 Owner shall dedicate a landscape m-aintenance easement area(in favor of die mromerty owner of 4951 North Hawkerest lane) 'thin the easter rtion of Lot 6 Block t Garriean Estates Subdivision No.2 roposed to be included with the Pro err as art of i of Eagle a #LLA-05-22.The Owner shall record the landsca maintenance easement area.U on recordation t the ndsca maintenance easement area the recorded document should be noted on the lot line ad usunent record of survev prior to ordation. End of Presentation 3/6/2023 • • In Aft • � ' • COMP PLAN ZONING LAND USE DESIGNATION DESIGNATION Agnculture/Rural RR(Rural Residential—Ada Countv Single-family residence Existing designation) No Change R-E-DA(Residential-Estates with a No change Proposed Development Agreement) Agriculture/Rural RR(Rural Residential—Ada County Single-family,residence(Garrigan North of site designation)and R-E-DA(Residential- Estates Subdivision)and vacant lot(Lot Estates with a Development Agreement) 9,Block 1 Garrigan Estates Subdivision No.2) Agriculture/Rural R-E-DA(Residential-Estates with a Non-buldable lot(Lot 6,Block 1, South of site Development Agreement) Garrigan Estates Subdivision No.2) z Agriculture/Rural R-E-DA(Residential-Estates with a Non-buldable lot(Lot 6,Block 1, _ East of site Development Agreement) Garrigan Estates Subdivision No.2) Agriculture/Rural R-E-DA(Residential-Estates with a Vacant lot(Lot 7,Block 1,Garrigan West of site Development Agreement) Estates Subdivision No.2) 9 5 3/6/2023 Bellemeade Subdivision EAGLE, IDAHO 1 M Bellemeade H, Subdivision EEr T` layout EE �l ------------------ 2 1 3/6/2023 The required setbacks within the MU(Mixed Use)zone are as follows: Front 20-feet Rear 20-feet Side 7.5-feet Street Side 20-feet Maximum Coverage 509 o Condition of Development 43.4 addressing the setbacks was approved as follows: 3.4. Front: 31-feet(Lots fronted by a detached sidewalk) 25-feet(Lots fronted by an attached sidewalk) Rear: 15-feet hiterior Side: 0-feet 5-feet(if detached) Street Side: 21-feet(living).31-feet(garage) Setbacks for MU zone & Setbacks in DA 3 fhe setbacks and lot coverage shall be as follows: Front: 9tfevr(Lots fronted by a detached sidewalk)21-feet(living),31-feet(garage) 25-feet(Lots fronted by an attached sidewalk) Rear: 15-feel Interior Side: 0-feef/5-feet(if detached) Street Side: 21-feet(living),31-fat(garage) Maximum Lot Coverage: 60% i i 'v.STONE NOOSE LN.(PRIVATE) Proposed Revisions to Setbacks 4 2 3/6/2023 � F Approved Renderings for Bellemeade 5 ,c Looking South along Park Avenue t a e Sd�; ::d�Q. wf ldt• .. � .w 6 3 3/6/2023 TP N Y�� Looking North along Park Avenue ki 16 + 7 View east = and west from the w; r entry road �� ,x ,S 8 4 1 _ r r1t Play structure and gazebo t. � • • - • y f � � 3/6/2023 Entry to the Bellemeade Subdivision g re. +s�A' IJ K. a� nh 11 Thank You! 12 6 3/6/2023 Large Conifers F.. along Flint Drive M.Y�'} ,''ahp��;�rt•�•.4rA'�w Rry`��Jt;-d`n"R'f ". 13 7 1 pr REZONE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ° MODIFICATION _ RZ-04-18 MOD2 Eagle City Council Public Hearin February 14, 2023 City Staff: Michael Williams,CFM,Planner III Phone: 939-0227 E-Mail: Applicant Information Applicant: Madera Development, Inc. Address: 5565 West Floating Feather Road Eagle, ID 83616 Represented by: Mary Wall and John Breckon with Breckon Land Design Phone: 208-376-5153 E-mail: mwall@breckonld.com 1 Project Summary Madera Development, Inc., represented by Mary Wall and Jon Breckon with Breckon Land Design, is requesting a r modification to the rezone development agreement associated with the approved Bellemeade Subdivision. The request is to modify the front yard setback identified in the previously approved Condition of Development 3.4. The 10.99-acre site is Located on the north side of West Flint drive at the northeast corner of West Flint Drive and North Park Lane at 3850 West x Flint ve and 312 North -k Lan . nity Map ..� N z � e 1 Setback Exhibit Staff Report Clarification • The applicant is requesting a rezone development agreement modification to reduce the front setback for the garage and living space areas on lots fronted by a detached sidewalk. The applicant's request is to reduce the previously approved setback to the garage from 31-feet to 26-feet and reduce the setback to living area from 31-feet to 21-feet. 1 Condition of Development #3.4 - 3.4. Front: 31-feet(Lots fronted by a detached sidewalk) 25-feet(Lots fronted by an Rear: 15-feet Interior Side: 0-feetl5-teet(if detached) Street Side: 21-feet(Iiving 1-feet. a . Maximum Lot Coverage: 60° The development may contain 60%single-story dwellings(with a maximum plate height of 10 feet an maximum building height of 25-feet)and 40%two-story dwellings.The two-story dwellings shall be located along the northern property line and within using ar STAFF RECOMIVIENDATI( N:`u If the Council approves the requested setback,staff recommends Condition of Development#3.4 be modified with strike through text to be deleted by the Council and underline text to be added by the Council as follows: • 3.4. Front: 31-feet (Garage) 2123-feet(Lets&ented by an aaLwhed side )w Rear: 15-feet Interior Side: 0-feet/5-feet(if detached) Street Side: 21-feet_ livin ),31-feet garay�c) Maximum Lot Coverage: 60 The development may contain 60% single-story dwellings(with a maximturt plate height of 10-feet and maximum building height of 25-feet) and 40% two-story dwellings. 'The two-story dwellings shall be located along the northern property line and within the center housing area of the subdl 'sion. , 1 End of Presentation Setbacks within the MU ( Mixed Use) Zoning District The required setbacks within the MU (Mixed Use) zone are as follows: Front '10-feet Rear 20-feet Side 7.5-feet Street Side I,- feet Maximum Coverage 50%