Minutes - 2023 - City Council - 02/09/2023 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES February 9,2023 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: GINDLESPERGER,PIKE,BAUN,RUSSELL. Present: Gindlesperger,Pike,Baun,and Russell.A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. PUBLIC COMMENT 1: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda.At times,the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, land use application,or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak,the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3)minutes. No one in the public chooses to speak. 5. NEW BUSINESS: A. 4CTIONITEM.• Discussion of First Ouarter Fiscal and Capital Proiect Review.(NBS) Nichole Baird Spencer,Director of Long-Range Planning,provides a PowerPoint presentation regarding an update on the first quarter fiscal and Capital Plan. Baird Spencer recommends a FY 23—Quarter 2 review meeting with Council on April 20, 2023. Eric Ziegenfuss,Public Works Director, states that the OK Park project could be moved to the next budget year with no concerns regarding public safety. General discussion amongst the Council and Baird Spencer. Pike makes a motion to transfer the offset from the TRL-CM-11 request to the library air unit and push the OK Park project to the next Capital Plan. Seconded by Russell.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. ACTION ITEM: ACHD Integrated Five Year Work Program Recommendations.(NBS) Baird Spencer provides a PowerPoint presentation regarding an overview of the ACHD Integrated Five Year Work Program recommendations. General discussion amongst the Council and Baird Spencer. Council recommends removing staff recommendations#5 from the Roadway and Intersection Project list. Council member Baun left the meeting at 4:57 p.m. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\CC-02-09-23min.docx Baird Spencer suggests to the Council that they continue this item to the Tuesday regular meeting on February 14, 2023. Deputy Clerk,Csencsits mentions that we are looking to reschedule the joint meeting with Council and the other boards and commissions to March 1,March 2, or March 8,2023. 6. ADJOURNMENT: Gindlesperger moves to adjourn. Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. R=spectfully submitted: tHN. CSENCSITS, Id-CMCT DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED: JAS N IERCE MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\CC-02-09-23min.docx Community Programs F F of G r ' 14e ✓C C� C y`C C yy .CC e` COp �e Q� i y11 �� 4P ti 44 +4 O QOq ,aC 4J el M Project Request Qar P R O O ° .°° leO` Staff Responses/Description Old&Park Place Extension Unprogrammed This is a City owned project we are asking ACHD to assist in 1 Extend Old Pork Place from Aikem Street to to NO Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes NO Yes the finalization of design and to include it in the bid and Plaza Drive construction plans for Eagle&State Street Aiken greet Extension Delayed by ACHD The City is requiting ACHD budget this project tin FY 25 to Extend Old Park Place from Aikem Street so to correspond with the State&Eagle Improvements and that 1 Plaza Drive Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes ACHD work with the City to get appraisals for land acquisition.The City and URA have set aside nearly$1M for this project. Idaho Street(Kestrel to Stierman)Unprogrammed Project is in the City's comprehensive plan and Capital Plan, Extended Idaho Street west of Eagle to Kernel and partner agency is the EURA. Project provides alternative to 1 east of the Senior Cemer to$riermon Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes State Street through downtown and is close to Eagle Elementary SH44 a Fisher Crosswalk Unprogrammed The City is experiencing a significant amount of 1-walking at Install Enhanced Ped/Bike crossing into Eagle Island this location.The Crossing is in the City's plan there are two 2 State Park -^es Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes schools to the north and a commercial center.The State is working to install extend the greenbelt on the south side in front of the park. 1 st Street Festival Street The City is requesting ACHD partner with the City on this 2 Design and construct Ist street from Aikem to Idaho :'es Yes NO Yes Yes NO Yes NO Yes project.Project is in the City's comprehensive Plan and the Street as a festival street with rolled curbs,paver capital plan for funding between FY24-Design and FY26 sidewalks and planters. Construction. F SH-16 v:-- City's plan address a x-Ing at SH-16 not an at grade nstrua ped/bike Bridge or signal 3 Yes YES Yes Yes NO YES NO NO NO intersection.Star Middle is located to the east of the intersection.SH-16 is a high volume road Slob Street w.of Edgewood •,. Ped/Bike safety in DT Eagle is important and the City's 4 Fix&Smooth Sidewalks No Yes Yes Yes Yes No NO NO I NO comprehensive plan calls for enhancing and protecting I pedestrians.Close to Eagle Academy Eagle Middle School he section of Hill Road between HSB and SH-55 is a vital Create pull our lane or off network drop off area connection between the commercial(WinCo Complex)and recreational(optimist park&eagle Sports complex area east 5 TBri NO Yes Yes No Yes NO No No of the SH-55 and Downtown Eagle including schools,library and Guerber Park.The area has significant topographic issues and has a unsafe travel surface with no sidewalks and limited striping. Bailantyne(SH44 to FF)^d:u- 6 Const Ion ped/bike improvements NO Yes TBD NO I Yes I Yes I NO I NO NO Project is the City's comprehensive plan Park Lane(FF to BL Rd.) Unprogrammed ACHD programed the southern section of this road for 7 Develop a pion for ped bike on this corridor serving No Yes Yes Yes NO NO NO NO NO planning.This project is in the City's plan for ped/Bike Eagle High School to the south,including crossings. improvements. S 1I....—d Sidewalk Existing sidewalk gap is the result of undeveloped Construct sidewalk on w.side NO Yes No NO NO NO NO NO NO properties.There is sidewalk on the east side Lak&brook Crossing Lkprogrvnmed Install striped crossing at E.Coleshester Lokebrook ACHD has previously chosen the"no build"alternative but 9 Way No No NO NO Yes NO Yes NO NO stated the use of local funding as an ACHD project was their concern,City is asking for ACHD perception in the Study that is led by Eagle and ITD. FF a SH-55 This is a larger question for the City about installing ped/bike ? Install No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No tall ped/bike bridge over the highway crossings at at-grade intersections. Historically very underutilized.This is within 1-mile of an elementary school and a park. Hill a SH-55 This is a larger question for the City about installing ped/bike ? Install ped/bike bridge over the highway NO No Yes NO (Yes Yes Yes NO NO crossings at at-grade intersections. Historically very underutilized.This is within 1-mile of a park. stab Street Ped/Bike safety in DT Eagle is important and the City's Install ped crossings and increase flags,fix steep comprehensive plan calls for enhancing and protecting X slopes on ock of sidewalks NO NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO NO pedestrians,Staff recommend that this review occur after the State and Eagle intersection improvements.This is a low cost fix Dickey Drive Project is not in the City's plan and the closest civic use is X Install sidewalks in existing neighborhood No NO No NO Yes NO NO NO NO Guerber Park in which there is access to without traveling down Dickey Drive (Eagle Hills Way X Imtall sidewalks on the w.side of Eagle Hills Way s. NO NO NO Yes NO NO NO NO NO Sidewalks exist one.Side of the road. Road is a local street of IF Roadway& Intersection Projects ..A o P Project Request Q°� _ Staff Responses/Description [IOn under Rd.@ Saguaro This are experiences significant congestion and safety issues Convert Ped/Bike to Standard Signal during the AM&PM school releases the existing ped signal 1 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes is not stopping all legs of traffic and people continue to pull out in front of young children.ACHD is currently designing the expansion of Linder Road from SH-44 to FF this project should be included into that design. Beacon Light Road SH-16 to SH-55.r-w^ - The City has requested a study from ACHD for the past 7 Convert from Study request to roadway safety years to develop an agreed upon cross section to Beacon 2 design including Peal/Bike Yes Yes TBD Yes Yes TBD Yes No Yes Yes /Bike Light Road that would address both width and ped/bike amenities.The recent death at SH-55&BL Rd. If further support and rational to move this request from a study to a Combine programmed project. into a Beacon Light&SH-55 Might be a good project but larger planning is needed. single Install Enhanced Ped/Bike crossing There are no ped/bike facilities on SH-55 or Beacon Light project 2 Yes No Yes TBD No NA NA Yes Yes No Yes Road.Consider merging with the cross-section study for the rest of Beacon Light Road. Need to look at off-network connections as Interim connectivity. Brookside&SH-55 Brookside is the future grade separate interchange for access in the Foothills-contained in both the City's 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NA NA Yes Yes No Yes comprehensive plan,ACHD's NW Foothills Plan&the Dry Creek Development agreement.Enhanced crossing allows for ped/bike to utilize Brookside Lane(local road)for Install Enhanced Ped/Bike crossing connection to Beacon Light Road oppose to the SH-55. Hill SH-55 to HSB unp,ogram",Pd The section of Hill Road between HSB and SH-55 is a vital connection between the commercial(WinCo Complex)and recreational(optimist park&eagle Sports complex area east Combine 4 No Yes Yes Yes TBD Yes No Yes No Yes Yes of the SH-SS and Downtown Eagle including schools,library into a and Guerber Park.The area has significant topographic single issues and has a unsafe travel surface with no sidewalks and limited striping. project Hill Road&HSB This project should be added the existing improvements to 4 Convert stop sign to standard signal No Yes TBD Yes TBD Yes NA Yes No Yes Yes HIII Road&Horseshoe Bend Park Lane @ Cordon RONNIE!! This are experiences significant congestion and safety issues 5 Convert Ped/Bik Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes e to Standard Signal during the AM&PM school releases the existing ped signal is not stopping all legs of traffic and people continue to pull _ out in front of young children. Park Lane&SH-44 unp,og,ammed Oil The construction of this intersection through the development process created a narrow and insufficient road considering the demand of the high school.The Road needs 6 Yes Yes Yes TBD Yes No No Yes No No Yes expanded and additional turn lanes add for the west bound movement to SH-44.The Insufficient capacity of this intersection is creating cut through traffic in residential areas. Three Cities River Crossing Unprogrammed ACHD has previously chosen the"no build"alternative but Asking 7 Yes Yes Yes TBD Yes Yes NA NA Yes TBD TBD stated the use of local funding as an ACHD project was their for ACHD concern,City is asking for ACHD perception In the Study that participate is led by Eagle and ITD. on Palmer Road&SH4 Staff is concerned about the further signalization of the 8 Yes No Yes TBD TBD No No Yes No Yes No State Highway system.A signal at Palmer would provide Convert stop sign to Signal better access and meet ITD spacing standards. Dry Creek&SH-55 Signalizing at this intersection is in Inconsistent with the Install Signal&enhanced Ped/Bike crossing City's plan,the NW Foothill Transportation Plan and the Dry X No No No TBD No NA NA NA Yes No No Creek Development agreement.It will require a waiver of ITD policy and will increase the numbers of signal per mile on SH-55. Janice Drive&SH-55••s,. SH-55 is a limited access Highway with intersection spacing X Install new signalized Intersection No NO No TBD No NA NA NA Yes No No at 1-mile.This access point would break that spacing and Do Not introduce an intersection not in alignment with Beacon Prioritize Light Road. Mace Road Extension•,i,h This request would require a new public road through Eagle Island State Park.The IP&R does not support a full access X No No TBD TBD TBD NA NA TBD No Yes No public road through the park.Additionally,the access to Connect Mace Road to Fischer Parkway&Linder Linder would place additional traffic at unsignalized Road intersection on a high mobility corridor. ipo I ' • dw -e r A. dw do I i The Goal of the Capital Plan : To provide the City - citizens, elected official, and staff - a road map for major investments and maintenance within the City that is transparent, collaborative and fiscally constrained. History o Larger projects were briefly funded as a "strategic annual goal" (multi-year set- y Year aside) but not a consistent practice ' o Capital Fund created in 2018 ,,, ,,, o Limited use Average o No Capital Maintenance """ Request 0 1-year appropriation cycle $3,000,000 0 2021 adopted 1st 5-Year Capital plan eai Fund o Cross-Departmental prioritization Average ,,, ,,, o Funds Maintenance before expansion o Provides 5-year window for project 2020 2024 2025 development/funding plan o Annual public involvement Why a Q 1 Update? Y o Outcome of the City's Capital Planning Process o Quarterly updates give the Council an understanding of the City's current fiscal health o Identifies areas that are performing better/worse than expected o Keep the Council aware of actual vs. forecasted dollars o Provides a means for evaluating the investment priorities and achievability of projects o Allows the City to talk about pivoting/changing priorities o Provides an opportunity for the community to hear how the City is managing the capital plan & the budget after adoption The City's Budget o City of Eagle of Eagle's budget is based on two main funding types o Carry Fo rwardi Restricted: Money not spent or saved from the previous fiscal year(s) o Carry Forward - This money is how the City funds itself at the beginning of the fiscal year o Capital Fund - Mixture of General Fund and outside sources o ARPA Funds - one-time funds o Impact Fees - restricted funds o Reserved Funds - restricted funds o Forecasted Funding: Money the City anticipates receiving over the fiscal year o Property Taxes o Planning & Building Revenue o State Revenue Sharing & Liquor o Franchise Fees Ideal vs . Reality o Ideal: 0 25% of our revenues and 25% of our expenditures would occur each quarter, o $15.1 M of Revenue & Expenditures each quarter o Reality: o Estimated Carry forward ($6.5M) o Capital Plan Restricted Carry Forward ($7.5M) Available at beginning of FY: o ARPA Funds Restricted ($2M after fiber) Money we know we have, but some is restricted o Reserved Funds ($2.3M Water, $2.89M Fiber) o Revenue Sharing & Liquor ($4.4M) Available at Quarterly: o Franchise Fees ($1 M) Predictable but limited to market. o Property Taxes (January & July- $4.5 M) Quarter 2& Quarter 4 Available at 2x a year: Predictable but limited distribution o Building/Planning Revenue Based on market/building permit: o Impact Fees Restricted ($5.4M Restricted) Most volatile funding source. .,.,... ity Budget Model C ity B udgeting Model user hens --"'"'���� --►� Administration Property Taxes � � -� Library .� `.� % J ••••� Capital Projects ,s1 � Building Permits& Fees �'` (savings) ~ • — ' — ' City Functions t u i �,- -• Contracts Looked Account Reserves Only Interest Where are we after Q1 : o Revenue: o $2.27M received o Expenditures: o $3.067M spent o Difference: o Spent $794,071 more than we received. o Offset by carry forward, this is one of the functions of carry forward o Carry Forward is calculated as part of the annual budget process o Auditor strongly recommends the City retain 3-4 months of operating in carry forward Building Permits Residential Building Permits from 1999 to Current Average Rank of Bldg Permits by QTR by Growth Period o Beginning to see changes o Q1 building permits have become a bit unstable since 2018 o Commercial has off set residential in FY23 Q1 o A strong Q2 & Q3 is possible o Keep Tracking: Don't want to wait to identify an issue in Q3 or Q4 Pre-Res Res Post-Res Covid ??? 0 : 0 • MQ2 MQ3 Building Permit Indicators Q1 Issued 40 units Residential11 forecasted in FY23) Q1 average over - •. 1 been of : . received $299,000 in Commercialpermits, - • 61 111 forecasted in the FY 23 • • • - - from FY 22 !1 Commercialoff set a weaker than anticipated residential 86 Variation Q1 to Q2 86 Variation Q2 to Q3 Largest lyrincrease Largestlyrincrease Average Q1 Permits 34 Average Q2 Permits 68 (2017) (2018) Largest lyr decrease Largest 1yr decrease (2018) -45 -49 (2020) Average Volatility -3 _ Average Volatility 11 98 Variation Q3 to Q4 84 Variation Q4 to Q1 Average Q3 Permits Largest 1yr increase 30 Average Q4 Permits Largest 1yr increase 65 355 (2018) (2020) Largest 1yr decrease Largest lyr decrease -14 -44 Average Annual New (2013) (2017) SF Permits Average Volatility -14 Average Volatility -4 Quarterly Reviews = Ability Prepare to Pivot or Pause Why we established the capital planning process & Capital Fund: Decreases vulnerability during economic uncertainty The FY 23 Capital Plan has $7.08M is General Fund & $4.56M in ARPA — These are flexible dollars- able to be moved and reallocated based on need. FY 23-Q1 Capital Maintenance Status Spent/ Project No. Rank Description FY 23 Budget Committed %Complete Comments PW CM-15 1 OK Park $ 130,000.00 $ - 0.00% Ok Delaying needs additional$50K to move forward IT CM-7 2 Servers $ 8,500.00 $ - 0.00% Will only buy if needed PW CM-17 3 Jackson House $ 90,000.00 $ - 0.00% Waiting on SHPO funding TRL CM-11� 4 FEMATrail Repair#4 $ 226,000.00 $ - 0.00% incomplete in FY 21,22,&23 requesting delay to FY 26 TRL CP-4 5 N.Channel Bank Repairs $ 550,000.00 $ 25,000.00 4.55% Design completed,critical issue PW CM-16 6 Equipment Replacement $ 2,500.00 $ - 0.00% FY23- Q1 PW CM-1 7 Heritage Park $ 613,000.00 $ 59,000.00 9.62% Bathroom/Fiber hub design-taken in house PW CM-18 8 Library Air Unit Upgrade*Funded inARPA $ 90,000.00 $ - 0.00% Funded through ARPA,needs an additional 11K,critical Issue TP CM-1 9 Flood Protection $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 100.00% Committed grant match,if received $ 1,720,000.00 $ 94,000.00 $ 1,626,000.00 Committed but Unspent Dollars $ 61,000.00 Additional Requests/cost overages How do we fund additi onal requests? • Plan Update 0 9 sew 0 • FY 23-Q1 Capital Projects Status Spent/ Project No. Rank Description FY 23 Budget Committed %Complete Comments T&P CP-1 1 State&Eagle Intersection $ 851,400.00 0 0 Savings only T&P CP-3 3 Eagle Road Fed Bike Bridge $ 3,300,000.00 $ 3,300,000.00 100.00%$800,000 from Impact fees, balance from Capital, reimbursement is accounted for in the budget PW CP-2 3 City Owned Shop $ 350,000.00 $ - 0.00%Savings only T&P CP-6 7 Olde Park $ 600,000.00 $ 3,156.25 0.53% HECO Design work,Site survey P&R CP-2 8 Regional Sports Park-Land Purchase $ - $ 995,000.00 Unplanned Excess land cost that are not eligible under impact fees P&R CP-8 9 Foothills Shooting Range $ 500,000.00 $ 16,556.25 3.31%Traffic Study T&P CP-2 10 Aikens Street Extension $ 680,000.00 $ - 0.00%Waiting on Landowners&ACHD P&R CP-2 13 Parks,Trails&Open Space Master Plan $ 100,000.00 $ - 0.00%City fund$50k only balance is developer contributions No Numbe 13 Parks Impact fee update $ 3,700.00 $ 2,312.50 62.50% Funded through Impact fees PW CP-9 18 Mace $ 136,800.00 $ 11,461.25 8.38% HECO Design work PW CP-11 20 Pamela Baker $ 276,200.00 $ 80,000.00 28 96%Capital commitment,balance was to be impact fees. SV Park impacted funding,City needs to fulfill pump/irrigation in FY23 T&P CP-12 22 1 Linder Road(SH 44 to FF) $ 40,000.00 $ 39,600.00 99.00%Committed Baer Design Contract T&P CP-10 31 Three Cities River Crossing $ 25,000.00 $ - 0.00% Originally part of GEN CP-1,separated for project tracking TRL CP-1 No Rank Phase 2 EISP Trail Design $ 370,000.00 $ 0.00% Project on hold TRL CM-2 No FEMA Trail Repairs $ 676,491.00 $ 100.00%Complete end of FY 22 Rank i GEN CP-1 No Rank Unanticipated Projects/Opportunities $ 75,000.00 $ 0.00% Library Air Unit Upgrade'CM funded PW CM-18 APRA through APRA $ 90,000.00 0.00% Needs an additional$llk PW CP-15 ARPA Public Works Equipment(Mower) $ 125,000.00 $ 3,699.99 2.96% PW CP-17 ARPA(Public Works Vehicles $ 100,000.00 0.00% GEN CP-2 ARPA ITBD $ 934,000.00 $ 137,796.01 14.75% PW CP-14 ARPA ICity Fiber Utility $ 3,319,000.00 $ 944,933.99 28.47%Transferred to Fiber Fund,3 Exisitng Contracts Total Capital Fund $ 12,552,591.00 GF in Capital Fund $ 7,934,591.00 ARPA Fund in Capital Fund $ 4,568,000.00 Spent/Committed Capital Funds $ 4:448,086.25 $ 3,486,504.75 Unspent Capital Spent/Committed ARPA Funds $ 1086,429.99 $ 3,481,570.01 Unspent ARPA o Keep watching o Continue to be good stewards of the public money o Let's Chat Again: FY ?3- Q2 Review o April 20th Special Meeting Recommendations o Capital Plan Adjustments o Pause Capital Project at the Council's Direction o Maintenance increases o Library Air Unit +$11 K Off set from TRL CM-11 o OK Park +$55K requesting push to FY25 2024 - 2028 ' ► IFIVE - YEAR IFY WORK PROGRAM 1Jtl P CITY Q rFq R WORD OF EAGLE RECOMMENDATION I �, February 9, 2023 Nichoel Baird Spencer MCRP, AICP � ` THE CITY O Director of Long-Range Planning Projects E A�L E WHAT DOES THE INTEGRATED FIVE — YEAR WORK PLAN DO ? e INTEGRATES IMPLEMENTS INFORMS CREATES COORDINATES ,1w .tcyia ,tnc ImN..�_.,leiC Informs Creates Cvordi�raies road system's ACHD"s ACHD"s future transparency internally and construction, long range capital of planned with agency maintenance, plans and budgets activities partners to and operation, reports on that ensure good all in one place implementation cooperation and effort communication CITY + COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLANS COMMUNITIES IN MOTION 2.0 A C H D ' S PLANNING ACHD STRATEGIC PLAN FRAMEWORK & CITY ' S ROLE NEIGHBORHOOD CAPITAL PLAN MANAGEMENT IVIAITER PLAN PLAN IMPROVEMENT INTEGRATED FIVE-YEAR WORK PLAN, BUDGETS, & PROGRAM OF PROJECTS PROJECT SELECTION PROCESS I11 EXISTING PLANS ••••. INTEGRATED REQUESTS FIVE-YEAR WORK PLAN APPLICATIONS .• PROGRAMMING 100 ACHD Point Scale ROADS ' ► I : INTERSECTIONS Traffic Safety Annual Congestion 5o/a Benefit/Cost Ratio 10% METHODOLOGY Adopted Plan Implementation New Process: 15a/O Annual Safety Benefit/Cost Ratio 10% Increased: Partner • - Support Pavement Conditions • • - 5% Identified in the City's Plan . • Partner Agen Bridge Condition Support Level of Traffic Stress •• • Level of Traffic Stress 5% Priority Corridor/ Mobility Corridor ADA Compliance 10°/a 100 ACHD Po - COMMUNITY PROGRAMS Average Daily Identified in an Traffic(ADT) METHODOLOGY New Process: Adopted Plan Dlstsnce to Partner Agency � Increased: Support Z Partner . - . . . 15°k LevelIdentified in the City's Plan - _ <.. 0• - -s • Other Funding _ Distance to Schools 20% Disadvantaged Census Tracts ',, ` Distance to Civic Facilities/ 5% _ r.'f��,�;,y TransitfCommercial �.� �'?, Destinations Job + Population Density r ,„=31 15% Traffic Stress 10% I 1 I I I ' 1 ACHD PROJECT PRIORITIZATION (1111.'I I)rtx)f Jfiil11111!) & PROGRAMMING PROCESS City Prioritit- \Pto0CEisIV--iv -0- r� c.I nc.itnt•l uc n MY ITN"v1 V11) N.NM I N I(>1I 11 K HI W ITr)II<1\WNI ��i i r s "YW,• t•Iv .,FppY fVND� S ull I ur(nii;° ruil,r.i�,in•.,� 4Y— IFYWP •,., Ilo- Pla,a. � I'i4,I; N a `'�, nvnnnnll IVAII� til(•{'tN„ 1'krl•ftiti• a t v NiK KUI VI1)HvVNYI February UII IK IIMIM11 I'Itt III I I l(MCII K MAY 15, 2023 + — CAPITAL ALLOCATION ME TE/000LOGY W.9,.nv N oDtrpotronz nu Priontlzotlon is just one input In the programming process W_ PUBLIC Leveragedity the ACHD Process. 2t�?4-2028INTK,FATEU EUsed City Social FIVE-YEAR WORK PLAN Help Shape the Future of Your Community! Media • Newsletter to ACHD is updating the Integ!a[ed Pive-Yea!work Plan tIMNP),a planning document that helps determine the projects antl priorities What is the Integrated ACHD will pursue over the next five years and we want to hearFive-Year Work Plan? direct comments to . Interactive • — R—y—Work Plan(IFYWP) This Is a chance for residents to tell ACHD where they would like [o see projects,indutling roadway improvements,bicycle routes. Comment • • sidewalk adtlitions,intersection improvements and more. Tell us where you think projects are needed by submitting requests online! I he fim two yeam of the Repuesfs due by�onuory 8.1013. receivedCity comments • • will prioritize to inpli—rit prote� I/yau e<aa r<qurc with _ _ -�`,.kt'ii� Iorm mefk0[o yoo tall previ •us • • .'•k .08.38).6100 o.TTY k t800a�I35I9. CITY PLANS These recommendations have been compared to the City's comprehensive Plan and the City's FY 23 to FY27 Capital Plan to address opportunities for partnership and cost share. CATEGORIES OF PROJECTS : ✓PROGRAMMED PROJECTS ✓ROADWAY & INTERSECTION PROJECTS ✓COMMUNITY PROJECTS ✓ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS ✓Additional Studies & Requests (may includes request to ITD & City Depts.) 0 1 E S D Q R E � M an M P p w G D °n ex�St�ng ted �°ns�� are �n fihe aes�gna . e�tS that �hr°vgh a n;ng °� Pr°1e {und�ng the beg�ngblish�ng f o stpon / hav r . ent;.�,e q be re e Yea ;11 be ,d med � Th �gtego Y '� �ri� each �� p ;� VV Wd Ili wl !1'� ' LII ri,Vlj If III dlh)I sill"�J�j IYI I '� V V AW d uid Ifw6 Illii�6i� ��bil" • r '• r ;Construct a quadrant intersection, including specific local system '.improvements, as recommended in the Eagle Rd and State St Project programmed to Intersection Concept Study.The project includes studying the 2nd and Eagle Rd.&State St. State Street intersection and the Plaza Drive and Eagle Road 2020.2022 2023 2024 be constructed in zoza. Intersection to determine best management/treatment to reduce back ups on State St during AM,PM,and lunch peaks. Floating Feather Rd. Project programmed to Install a multi-lane roundabout in accordancewith the 2016 CIP. 2022 2022-2023 2026 be constructed in &Linder Rd. 2026. Widen Linder Rd to 5 lanes,with curb,gutter,sidewalk,and bike lanes Project programmed to Linder Rd.,SH 44/ in accordance with the 2016 CIP.The project includes construction of ;2020-2021 2022-2023 2026 be constructed in Floating Feather Rd. a multi-lane roundabout at Linder Rd and Floating Feather Rd(IN217- 2026. 03)and bridges#1021 and#1022(MA214-03). Linder Rd.,Chinden Widen Linder Rd.to 5/7-lanes,with curb,gutter,sidewalk,and bike Project programmed to Blvd.(US 20/26)/SH lanes in accordance with the 2012 CIP.The project should include a 2024-2025 2026 Future be designed in 2024- grade separated greenbelt crossing of Linder Rd.at the north channel 2025. 44(State St) of the Boise River Horseshoe Bend Rd j• and Floating Feather Convert intersection to an all-way stop and install pedestrian crossing 2025 2026 Future Project programmed to Rd Pedestrian .markings and signage. be designed in 2025. Crossing Horseshoe Bend Rd. COMPLETE.Project As and Shadow view St. Install an enhanced pedestrian crossing near the intersection of 2020 2020 2020.2021 under (Bucktail Dr.) '..Horseshoe Bend Rd.and Shadow view St. construction/complete Pedestrian Crossing in FY 21. Complete a multi-use pathway on the east side of Horseshoe Bend Rd.,P, r from State St. to Hill Rd.in accordance with the Northwest Boise i Horseshoe Bend Rd, Neighborhood Plan and Bike Master Plan.Project includes installation i I Project programmed to of a precast bridge,an enhanced pedestrian crossing(rectangular 1 2021 2022 2025 be constructed in State St./Hill Rd. rapid flashing beacon)at Utahna St.(CM211-43),and installation of j 2025. 'wayfinding and bikeway signage north to the Eagle Sports Complex and south to the greenbelt. Install an enhanced pedestrian crossing and curb ramps on Eagle Rd. Project programmed to Eagle Rd.&Ranch Dr. 2024 2025 2026 be constructed in at Ranch Dr. 2026. Park Lane, Floatin 9( Reconstruct Park Ln to collector standards including curb, gutter, Feather Rd to Beacon sidewalks,and bike facilities in accordance with the Livable Streets 2025 2026 Future Project programmed to Light Road) Design Guide. be designed in 2025. Aikens St,Eagle Rd/ Extend Aikens Rd. east to 2nd St.from its current terminus and REMOVED FROMFY complete the street section with curb, gutter, and sidewalk in 2018-2019 2022 2024 23 Budget&Draft FY 02nd St accordance with the Eagle Rd.and State St.intersection concept study. 24 Budget sip, X-ing Park Lane Ped/Bike 292-�2022 HSB Ped X-ing Design 2025All 2021 Aikens hi State&Eagle Unprogrammed 282�2024C1° Bikeway signage 2025 Linder Widening 2824�823 � r rj �. Future��� ' Linder SH-44 to US � � �• � Fi„� HSB Ped � 20 26 a "" �' Improvements s / 1 k I - I i ..♦ ♦.fir.. i ' u !p� Bikeway signage � °� PROGRAMMED PROJECTS ROADWAY & INTERSECTION PROJECTS Projects within this program are primarily road and intersection widening projects with their associated bike and pedestrian infrastructure. Higher priority projects for ACHD focus on providing congestion relief and traffic safety. This program is the primary tool by which ACHD implements its 20-year Capital Improvement Plan, utilizing the key impact fee resources derived from this Plan. ROADWAY AND LNTfRSfCTION PROJfCTS ARf Hl6HLL6HTf0 /N YELLOW f v '' '� �' I 14 N1 W I Construct Hill Road between SH-55 and Horseshoe Bend Road with a similar To be cross section as Hill Road west of SH-55. Project should include detached completed Hill Rd,SH55 to with Hill Rd Hill Rd,SH55/Horseshoe 1 1 sidewalk,bike lanes. Intersection improvements to Hill Road and Horseshoe and Bend Rd Horseshoe Bend Rd Bend Road,way finding signage to the Ada/Eagle Sports Complex,Guerber Park and Downtown Eagle. Horseshoe Bend Rd. To be evaluated and Add a dedicated right-turn lane on Park Ln.at SH 44 to reduce neighborhood prioritized Eagle Improvements A: 2 5 Park Ln.&SH 44 cut-through traffic west of Eagle High School. for possible Park Ln,SH-44(State St)/ inclusion Floating Feather Rd into future IFYWP updates. Construct a new bridge between SH 44 and US 20/26. City requests ACHD to assist in:*An origin and destination study(where are people coming from& going to). Potentially part of the upcoming Household Travel Study; * Inclusion of new Idaho State Campus on US 20/26 (Chinden) as an ACHD employement center; * Preliminary network modeling within the context of Commission Communities in Motion 2050 with specific considerations of:-A limited access selected the roadway-reduced number of local access points;-Impacts/Peak Hour Volume- 'no build" Three Cities River to-Capacity for SH-55(Eagle Road);-Impactes/Peak Hour Volume-to-Capacity option in 6 2 for SH-44(Glenwood Road);-Impacts/Peak Hour Volume-to-Capacity for the 2010.Any Three Cities River Crossing Crossing local arterial system on the Garden City/Boise Bench,Five Mile,Cloverdale further work Road,and Mountain View Drive. would need o Inclusion of Avimor and Dry Creek Planned Community at build out; to be o Cost benefit study and feasibility of a ROW exchange between ITD and completed ACHD for by ITD. existing SH-44 corridor from SH-55 across Glenwood bridge to US 20/26 (Chinden);and o Preliminary Cost Estimate as an ITD Project. Brookside&SH-55 NEW** Install Enhanced Ped/Bike crossing Beacon Light Road SH-16to SH-55 NEW** Beacon Light&SH-55 NEW** Convert from Study request to roadway safety Install Enhanced Ped/Bike crossing&pathway Dry Creek&SH-55 g g / ke to HSB Road NEW** des including Ped Bi Install Signal&enhanced mr /- t - - t Ped/Bike crossing Drive&SH-55 NEN' new signalized intersection Linder SH44 @ FF a..... - 2026 Construction FF Palmerto Ballonfyne '• Linder SH44 to FF 24-25 Design aP ' 2026 Construction Lis Park lane @ Cordon NEW** Hill Road&HSB Ni Linder Rd.@ Saguaro NEW** Convert Ped/Bike to Standard Signal Convert stop sign to Standard Signal Convert Ped/Bike to Standard Signal 2 State&Eagle Hill SH55 to HSB Palmer Road&SH-4 NEW"* Park Lane&SH-44 2024 Construction Not programmed Convert stop sign to signal Not Programmed Mace Road Extension 6 Linder SH44 to US 20/26 Connect Mace Road to Fischer 2025(Design) Parkway&Linder Road Not NP Not Programmed FY 24- 28 IFYWP Prioritization Staff � Recommendation Project Request 1 Linder Rd. @Saguaro '�: i. Floating � Convert Ped/Bike to Standard Signal expanded .e full signalization � Beacon Light Road SH-16 to SH-55!, LLJ 2 Convert from Study request to roadway safety design including Ped/Bike design stu• D Ada County 2 Beacon Light& SH-55 r';'EW " If Install Enhanced Ped/Bike crossing & pathway to HSB Rd 3 Brookside & SH-55 t'EI'✓ Install Enhanced Ped/Bike crossing 4 Hill SH-55 to HSB Unprogrammed signal ... to existing project 4 Hill Road & HSB NElh" LLJ Lon Eagle Improvements C: Park Ln,SH44 (State St)/Floating Feather R1 Convert stop sign to Standard Signal 5 Park Lane @ Cardon NE4'J"" Convert Ped/Bike To Standard Signal 6 be expanded to include Only asking to be a planning partner Park Lane & SH-44 Unprogrammed Three Cities River Crossing Unprogrammed a 8 Palmer Road & SH-4 NEW Convert stop sign to Signal X Dry Creek & SH-55 NEIh�" Install Signal& enhanced Ped/Bike crossing X Janice Drive 8. SH-55 NE 1✓°` Based onACHID's new criteriastaff Install new signalized intersectionrecommends this prioritization f• X Mace Road Extension NEW"' Roadway ; Intersection Projects Connect Mace Road to Fischer Parkway & Linder Road S e C h Q ea or v Q vs ar t n Q Ce �C p s C`g edes� a N ry ogCa� 'thin PC banes' � e �C`�`a • '�h`5 �C cafe �` s, b`ke s �°C th �ghest tes �° ro�ect eaes �vae s` �r�'P�° n PC °'� sa P , e ana � �a ;nc m�noe eaestC`a ov`s�on b`k , ects c°v a °then . st or p , s the 'P� ._. Bike / °ssin�s the b` .y �ogra ./� �► s C�MM�N�TY PR��Etrs ARP Olde Park Extension, Improve Aikens St.west of Eagle Rd.and extend Olde Park PL south to the Economic development program on hold.Projects Olde Park PI Extension, 1 Aikens St/Plaza Dr. Plaza Dr.and Eagle Rd.intersection. will move forward pending further funding allocation. Aikens St/Plaza Dr Idaho St.Extension, Per Eagle Council and ACHD Commission meeting, Kestrel Pl./Stierman Extend Idaho St.to Kestrel P1.from Stierman Way in accordance with the City City of Eagle to develop concept to present for Idaho St Extension, 2 2 Way of Eagle Comprehensive Plan. further consideration. Kestrel PI/Stierman Way Sidewalk safetq , ,N, fix grade separation at back of srdewaHr, nstaff State Street,(Sherman- curb at rear of side waHc to limit parking over sidewalk;install cubing at T./.—/—,.J.. J N-;—i.;«J( S--_St,62"d_-. 2 P to-2nd-Street) J.;—..'arj,,.. 1 41,. 1 to F.t..e I IPM P a pd.tes: Stierman fNay Park Lane,(Floating Eagle Improvements: Feather Rd to Beacon Reconstruct Park Ln to collector standards including curb,gutter,sidewalks, Park Ln, Floating Feather and bike facilities in accordance with the Livable Streets Design Guide. 6 5 Light Road) Partcially included SH-44 to Floating Feather. Rd/Beacon Light Rd S,•NN✓,J� O'y d„.yJ...I—d.. ,aJ"'Y".J, 'N—/ SH 44 Bike/ a»—;s—J.rl,I,, dl�; ,,✓a y,aJ� ��a.��J l tea, J,�J��,;a„ ., ;—Zo I S11-44(State St�Bike and 7 6 .,f J 14-1 7J o,.J EJy,.--J L.. ACI ID // rru a City-led effort SH 44(State St.)& ACHD shared request with ITD in spring 2019.ITD SH-44(State St)and Fisher Pkwy Pedestrian indicated project could be completed when pathway Fisher Pkwy Pedestrian 8 7 Crossing Install an enhanced pedestrian crossing on SH 44(State St)at Fisher Pkwy. extended with SH 44 expansion. Crossing Lakebrook Ln and Colchester St i To be evaluated and prioritized for possible inclusion Lakebrook Ln and 9 8 Pedestrian Crossing Install a crosswalk and signage on Colchester St at Lakebrook Ln. into future IFYWP updates. Colchester St «r � ' Park Lane(FF to BL) Lanewood Sidewalk NEW*" y. Not programmed Construct sidewalk on w,side • Eagle Middle School NEW** .r Create pull out lane or off • FF(Palmer to Park) Eagle Hills Way NEW''* move to roadways network drop off area Construct sidewalk on w.side i FF&SH-55 NEW** 7 FF&SH-16 NEW** ``'"`*"' park one(SH-44 to FF) Ballantyne(SH-44 to FF)NEW** Construct ped/bike Bridge Construct ped/bike Bridge or 2026(design) Construction ped/bike signal i Dicky Drive NEW Ranch&Eagle Crossing Construct sidewalk IYr Construction 201 Hill Road&SH-55 Construct ped/bike Bridge SH-44&Fisher Crosswalk r i Not programmed St Street NEW** - Sn oth sidewalks Idaho Street(Kestrel to Stierman) SH-44 x-ing Not Programmed Removed by City s Review Ped X-ings and Flags NEW <. ' •. Lakebrook x-ing i� �r • not programmed FY 24-28 IFYWP Prioritization Staff Recommendation Project Request Olde Park Place Extension Unprogrammed 1 Extend Old Park Place from Aikens Street so to Plaza Drive Aiken Street Extension Delayed by ACHD Please 1 Extend Old Park Place from Aikens Street so to Plaza Drive Economic Developmentprojects Idaho Street(Kestrel to Stierman)Unprogrammed projects. • • • • • - • • • projects 1 Extended Idaho Street west of Eagle to Kestrel and east of the Senior Center to Sherman partnership SH-44&Fisher Crosswalk Unprogrammed 2 Install Enhanced Ped/Bike crossing into Eagle Island State Park 1 st Street Festival Street 2 Design and construct 1st street from Aikens to Idaho Street as a festival street with rolled curbs,paver sidewalks and planters. FF&SH-16 NFW _ 3 Construct ped/bike Bridge or signal 4 State Street w.of Edgewood NBV Fix&Smooth Sidewalks Based on ACHD's new criteria staff 5 Eagle Middle School Create pull out lane or off network drop off area recommends this prioritization f• 6 Ballantyne(SH44 to FF)NFIV^ ProgramsCommunity Construction ped/bike improvements 7 Park lane(FF to BL Rd.) Unprogrammed Develop a plan for ped bike on this corridor serving Eagle High School to the south, including crossings. adding Excess ROW Study in Lonewood Sidewalk NF i� • Programs: • • • 25 in 8 Construct sidewalk on w.side _ 9 Lakebrook Crossing Unprogrammed Install striped crossing at E.Coleshester Lakebrook Way 7 FF&SH-55 NEW Install ped/bike bridge over the highway Does the City wantto request multiple Hill&SH-55 NFIN crossings of Payette liver Scenic Install ped/bike bridge over the highway State Street X Install ped crossings and increase flags,fix steep slopes on ack of sidewalks Dickey Drive NEW" Staff does not • • these projects • X Install sidewalks in existing neighborhood time X Eagle Hills Way NFW" Install sidewalks on the w.side of Eagle Hills Way s.of FF Next Ste . ACH D comment period closes: Wednesday, Feb. 15 o tions: Approve as presented Make changes and approve Table for final action on Tuesday, February 14 QUESTIONS ? �, THE C1 OF EAGLE 0 E C S N Q R E E 0 M CE ed Q �s oc • ar��y r • 5 � rim tie E rep e C arr` a and ,th ease `ts • this prop r AND t° `rcr are . . fis v��th�r s betwee ar area Pr°�ecfis `arr�rg PC°sec rersh�p rharce fierfi�a�. and use p rfi�r�ty or part vrty fi° e merfi p° h their of opp° �d rot Pda C° • c deve`op s, the°vg• a� areas that `"�°v `vafie ecorom` by c�t!e pofiert` �ack�rg ,`t by pr . dert�f`e, erfi�f y`rg�ct�re `s t° be b� � Pro'ects � orts► �d . r�Casfir • aced /` �,. . ef'� e key � e art�c`p •,; �,, �'j •,r/her akj�y b .ect �n th'S � �•�`� easor erfi , new pr°� � �►il r eve�opm rogrammed p .��► d has n°t p ND ars NL�G�jEQ �N RE N j A Y f°r 3,ye O�E�tS ARE HIG categ° E�ElpPMENT �� RONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACHD PRIOR Ecomomic Development Extend Arkens Rd. east to 2nd St.from its current terminus and complete the street section with curb, gutter, and sidewalk in accordance wrth the Eagle Rd. and State St. rntersectron concept ''�ogrammed Aikens St,Eagle Rd/02nd St study. 2018.2019 2022 2023-2024 Improve Arkens St.west of Eagle Rd.and extend Olde Park PL south to the Plaza Dr.and Eagle Rd. Not Not Not i Olde Park Extension,Aikens St 1 Plaza Dr. intersection. Programmed Programmed Programmed Extend Idaho St. to Kestrel PI. from Sherman Way rn accordance with the City of Eagle Not Not Not Idaho St.Extension, Kestrel Pi.!Sherman Way Comprehensive Plan. Programmed Programmed Programmed e _.� Idaho Street Extension VS" , 74 4 ► .Moor- If -low • ` i w r { s - i T DT Mobility Improvements Per City Request Ole Park Place Extension Not pr. . w r w ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS