Findings - CC - 2023 - RZ-04-18 MOD2 - Development Agreement Modification [Development Agreement in Lieu of a PUD] for Bellemeade Subdivision BEFORE THE EAGLE CITY COUNCIL IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION ) FOR A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ) MODIFICATION [DEVELOPMENT ) AGREEMENT IN LIEU OF A PUD] ) FOR MADERA DEVELOPMENT,INC. ) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW CASE NUMBER RZ-04-18 MOD2 The above-entitled development agreement modification (development agreement in lieu of a PUD) application came before the Eagle City Council for their action on February 14, 2023, at which time public testimony was taken and the public hearing was closed. The Council made their decision at that time. The Eagle City Council, having heard and taken oral and written testimony, and having duly considered the matter,makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; FINDINGS OF FACT: A. PROJECT SUMMARY: Madera Development, Inc.,represented by Mary Wall and Jon Breckon with Breckon Land Design,is requesting a modification to the rezone development agreement associated with the approved Bellemeade Subdivision. The request is to modify the front yard setback identified in the previously approved Condition of Development 3.4.The 10.99-acre site is located on the north side of West Flint drive at the northeast corner of West Flint Drive and North Park Lane at 3850 West Flint Drive and 312 North Park Lane. B. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: The rezone development agreement modification request was received by the City of Eagle on December 22,2022.A revised setback exhibit was received by the City on January 13, 2023. C. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Notice of Public Hearing on this application for the Eagle City Council was published in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and the Eagle City Code on January 27, 2023. Notice of this public hearing was mailed to property owners in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and Eagle City Code on January 27, 2023. The site was posted in accordance with the Eagle City Code on January 22,2023. D. HISTORY OF RELEVANT PREVIOUS ACTIONS: On September 7, 2004, the City Council approved a comprehensive plan amendment to change the land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map from Residential One (up to one dwelling unit per acre) to Mixed Use and a rezone from A-R (Agricultural-Residential) to MU-DA (Mixed Use with development agreement) for Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, and Lots 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9, Block 2,of Flint Estates Subdivision(CPA-03-03 and RZ-08-03). On September 27, 2005, the City Council approved a conditional use permit, preliminary development plan and preliminary plat for Bellemeade Planned Unit Development for Tom Ricks and John Wood(CU-07-05/PPUD-03-05/PP-09-05). Page 1 of 6 K TI=ing Dept\Eagle App1ications\RZ&A\2018\RZ-04-18 MOD2-Bellemeade DA MOMWorking Files\RZ-04-18 MOD2 Bellemeade DA MOD2 ccf doc On September 26, 2006, the City Council approved a preliminary plat extension of time for Bellemeade Planned Unit Development,to be valid until September 27,2007(PPUD-03-05 EXT). On May 8, 2007, the City Council approved a design review for the common area landscaping for Bellemeade Subdivision for Tom Ricks(DR-87-06). On May 8, 2007, the City Council approved a design review for the signage for Bellemeade Subdivision for Tom Ricks(DR-88-06). On November 20, 2007, the City Council approved a final development plan and final plat for Bellemeade Subdivision for Tom Ricks(FPUD-02-07&FP-05-07). On October 28, 2008, the City Council approved a modification to the development agreement associated with Arts West Subdivision and surrounding properties(RZ-08-03 MOD). On January 13, 2009, the City Council approved a final plat extension of time for Bellemeade and Bellewood Planned Unit Developments,to be valid until November 20,2009 (EXT-22-08). On December 1, 2009, the City Council approved a second final plat extension of time for Bellemeade and Bellewood Subdivisions,to be valid until November 20,2010(EXT-22-09). On December 14, 2010,the City Council approved a third final plat extension of time for Bellemeade and Bellewood Subdivisions,to be valid until November 20,2011 (EXT-12-10). On June 14, 2011, the City Council approved a second modification to the development agreement associated with Arts West Subdivision and surrounding properties(RZ-08-03 MOD2). On May 26,2015, the City Council approved a development agreement modification and preliminary plat approval for Liberty Park Subdivision (formerly known as Bellemeade Planned Unit Development)(RZ-01-15/PP-01-15). On November 17, 2015, the City Council approved a development agreement modification and preliminary plat modification for Liberty Park Subdivision(RZ-01-15 MOD/PP-01-15 MOD). On November 13,2018,the City Council approved a rezone with a development agreement(in lieu of a PUD) and preliminary plat for Bellemeade Subdivision for Madera Development, Inc. (RZ-04- 18/PP-03-18). On May 28, 2019, the City Council denied a modification to Condition of Development #3.4 of the executed development agreement(Ada County instrument#2019-089961). Page 2 of 6 KAPlanning Dept\Eagle Applicatioes\RZ&A\2018VtZ-04-18 MOD2-Bellemeade DA MOMWorking Files\RZ-04-18 MOD2 Bellemeade DA MOD2 ccf doc E. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE MAP AND ZONING MAP DESIGNATIONS: COMP PLAN ZONING LAND USE DESIGNATION DESIGNATION Existing Mixed Use MU-DA(Mixed Use with a Lot 1 and 2,Block 1,Flint development agreement) Estates Subdivision Proposed No Change No Change Single-family(attached and/or detached)residential subdivision North of site Public/Semi-Public PS (Public/Semipublic) Eagle High School South of site Mixed Use MU-DA(Mixed Use with Single-family residence and Development Agreement Warrior Park Subdivision [in lieu of a PUD]) East of site Neighborhood Residential A-R(Agricultural- Flint Estates Subdivision Residential) West of site Mixed Use MU-DA(Mixed Use with Springhouse Subdivision Development Agreement [in lieu of a PUD]) F. DESIGN REVIEW OVERLAY DISTRICT:Not in the DDA,TDA,CEDA or DSDA. G. TOTAL ACREAGE OF SITE: 10.99-acres H. APPLICANT'S STATEMENT OF JUSTIFICATION FOR THE REZONE MODIFICATION: See applicant's justification letter, date stamped by the City on December 22, 2022, attached to the staff report and incorporated herein by reference. I. PUBLIC USES SHOWN ON FUTURE ACQUISITIONS MAP:No map currently exists. J. NON-CONFORMING USES:None are apparent on the site. K. AGENCY RESPONSES: The following agencies have previously responded with the original application (RZ-04-18/PP- 03-18) and their correspondence is attached to the staff report and is incorporated herein by reference: Ada County Highway District Andeavor Central District Health Department of Environmental Quality Eagle Fire Department Eagle Sewer District Idaho Department of Fish and Game Idaho Transportation Department Page 3 of 6 KAPlaoning Dept\Fagle Applications\RZ&A\2018UtZ-04-I8 MOD2-Bellemeade DA MOMWorking Files\RZ-04-I8 MOD2 Bellemeade DA MOD2 ccf doc L. LETTERS FROM THE PUBLIC:None received to date. THE CITY COUNCIL RECEIVED AND REVIEWED THE FOLLOWING STAFF ANALYSIS PROVIDED WITHIN THE STAFF REPORT AND ADOPTS THE STAFF REPORT AS PART OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S FINDINGS OF FACT: A. ZONING CODE PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: 0 Eagle City Code, Section 8-24 Schedule of Building Height and Lot Area Regulations for the MU(Residential)zone: Zoning Maximum Front Rear Interior Street Maximum Minimum Minimum District Height Side Side Lot Lot Area Lot Covered (Acres Or Width I* Sq. Ft.)G And H* 5,000 50' G.All front load garages shall be set back a minimum of 25 feet from the back of sidewalk. B. DISCUSSION: • The applicant is requesting a rezone development agreement modification to reduce the front setback for the garage and living space areas on lots fronted by a detached sidewalk. The applicant's request is to reduce the previously approved setback to the garage from 31-feet to 26-feet and reduce the setback to living area from 31-feet to 21-feet. Pursuant to Eagle City Code Section 8-6-5-5(A)(3),setbacks for modified lot sizes shall conform to the closest compatible base zone identified in Eagle City Code Section 8-24. The required setbacks within the MU(Mixed Use)zone are as follows: Front 20-feet Rear 20-feet Side 7.5-feet Street Side 20-feet Maximum Coverage 50% Condition of Development#3.4 addressing the setbacks was approved as follows: 3.4. Front: 31-feet(Lots fronted by a detached sidewalk) 25-feet(Lots fronted by an attached sidewalk) Rear: 15-feet Interior Side: 0-feet/5-feet(if detached) Street Side: 21-feet(living),31-feet(garage) Maximum Lot Coverage:60% The development may contain 60% single-story dwellings (with a maximum plate height of 10-feet and maximum building height of 25-feet)and 40%two-story dwellings.The two-story dwellings shall be located along the northern property line and within the center housing area of the subdivision. Page 4 of 6 KAPlanaing DeptTagle Applications\RZ&A\2018\RZ-04-I8 MOD2-Belleneade DA MOMWorking Files\RZ-04-18 MOD2 Belletneade DA MOD2 ccf doc The front setbacks were based on providing a minimum of 25-feet between the garage and the back of the sidewalk to allow for the parking of vehicles without overhanging the sidewalk. The subdivision is constructed with no attached sidewalks, therefore, a specific front setback for lots fronted by an attached sidewalk is no longer required. The applicant's proposed front setbacks along with the previously approved rear setback, side setback, and maximum lot coverage are as follows: Front: 31-feet(Garage) 21-feet(Living) Rear: 15-feet Interior Side: 0-feet/5-feet(if detached) Street Side: 21-feet(living),31-feet(garage) Maximum Lot Coverage: 60% As required,the 31-foot garage setback provides 25-feet located between the front of the garage and the back of sidewalk. The 21-foot setback for the living area is in conformance with Eagle City Code Section 8-2-4. STAFF RECOMMENDATION PROVIDED WITHIN THE STAFF REPORT MEMORANDUM: Based upon the information provided to staff to date, if the Council approves the requested setback, staff recommends Condition of Development#3.4 be modified as provided within the staff report. PUBLIC HEARING OF THE COUNCIL (Public Hearing Audio/Video Record): https://eagle- id.granicus.com/player/clip/1687?view id=l&redirect=true&h=9ced55115a3b2637 ldceed32bdbcdfbf A. A public hearing on the application was held before the Eagle City Council on February 14, 2023, at which time testimony was taken and the public hearing was closed. The Council made their decision at that time. B. Oral testimony in favor of the application was presented to the City Council by no one (not including the applicant/representative). C. Oral testimony in opposition to the application was presented to the City Council by no one. COUNCIL DECISION: The Council voted 4 to 0 to approve RZ-04-18 MOD2 for a modification to Condition of Development #3.4, for Madera Development, Inc, with the following staff recommend Condition of Development#3.4 modification: 3.4 The setbacks and lot coverage shall be as follows: Front: 31-feet(Garage) 21-feet(Living) Rear: 15-feet Interior Side: 0-feet/5-feet(if detached) Street Side: 21-feet(living), 31-feet(garage) Maximum Lot Coverage: 60% The development may contain 60% single-story dwellings (with a maximum plate height of 10-feet and maximum building height of 25-feet) and 40% two-story dwellings. The two-story dwellings shall be located along the northern property line and within the center housing area of the subdivision. Page 5 of 6 KAPlanning DeptTagle Applications\RZ&A\2018\RZ-04-18 MOD2-Bellemeade DA MOD2\Working Files\RZ-04-I8 MOD2 Bellemeade DA MOD2 ccf.doc CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: 1. The Council reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of this proposed rezone modification (RZ-04-18 MOD2) with regard to Eagle City Code Section 8-7-5 "Action by the Commission and Council", and based upon the information provided concludes that the proposed rezone is in accordance with the City of Eagle Comprehensive Plan and established goals and objectives because: a. The MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement in lieu of a PUD) zoning district is consistent with the Mixed Use designation as shown on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map; b. The information provided from the agencies having jurisdiction over the public facilities needed for this site indicates that adequate public facilities exist, or are expected to be provided, to serve all uses allowed on this property under the proposed zone; c. The MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement in lieu of a PUD) zoning district is compatible with the PS (Public/Semipublic) zone and land use to the north since the area is developed with a high school(Eagle High School); d. The MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement in lieu of a PUD) zoning district is compatible with the MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement in lieu of a PUD) zone and land use to the south since that area has been developed with residential homes and West Flint Drive is located between the two(2)developments; e. The MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement in lieu of a PUD) zoning district is compatible with the A-R(Agricultural-Residential)zone and land use to the east since that area is a vacant parcel and may be developed with a density of up to four dwelling units/acre; f. The MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement in lieu of a PUD) zoning district is compatible with the MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement in lieu of a PUD) zone and land use to the west since the property is developed with a residential subdivision and is buffered from the subject property by North Park Lane and a landscape buffer; g. The land proposed for rezone is not located within a "Hazard Area" or "Special Area" as described within the Comprehensive Plan; and h. No non-conforming uses are expected to be created with this rezone. DATED this 281'day of February 2023. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE Ada County, Idaho J on erce,Mayor ATTEST: CUQ.•'• P�E •••;O a Q' K; Ca racy Vs m'Eagle City. €: Page 6 of 6 KAPlanning Dept\Eagle Applications\RZ&AMI M-04-I8 MOD2-Bellemeade DA MODMorking Files\RZ-04-18 MOD2 Bellemcade DA MOD2 ccf.doc