Minutes - 2018 - City Council - 10/29/2018 - Town HallEAGLE CITY COUNCIL Town Hall Meeting Minutes October 29, 2018 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ridgeway calls the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: GOLD, PITTMAN, MITCHELL, BASTIAN. Bastian is absent. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Ridgeway leads the Pledge of Allegiance. The City of Eagle is pleased to invite all Eagle residents to attend the town hall meeting. The Mayor and City Council welcome your input and look forward to answering any questions that you may have. Have a suggestion? We'd love to hear from you! Like what's happening? Great! Let us know! Have a concern...we want to hear those as well! We wish this to be an open discussion inspired by the interests of all of the people of our wonderful community. Stop by to visit with your elected officials. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, each speaker should limit their presentation to three (3) minutes. If time permits, and after all attendees who wish to address the City Council have done so, the City Council may invite rebuttals or engage in additional discussions with the attendees. Most items are eligible for discussion, however, due to the public hearing regulations associated with land use applications, discussion/testimony of any pending application before the City must be reserved for the date of the officially scheduled public hearing noticed for City Council or the Planning and Zoning Commission. Each speaker is to be treated with the utmost respect, courtesy and afforded the right to speak without interruption. The intent of our town hall meeting is to create a friendly community spirited forum where by the Eagle community may express their views openly and freely. May we suggest this is a gathering of neighbors openly speaking with neighbors, and we hope everyone will feel welcome to participate. Mayor introduces the Town Hall meeting and also provides an overview of the growth in Eagle since 2000. Mayor provides an overview of the discharge of firearms in the City limits and RV parking in front of homes, also boats, trailers and etc. 4. GENERAL DISCUSSION: A. Code Enforcement violations. Discharge of firearms. Joan Mantel reads her letter dated October 29, 2018 into the record. Goggle Earth: Harley Lane and BLM Land is on display. Discussion on which areas are in the City; the M3 property and the Area of Impact. Discussion on the impact of growth to the City. Page 1 kCOUNCIL MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area \ CC -10-29- I 9tvenhall.doc Discussion on the BLM land: M3 development, roads, ATV riding, trash, shooting, city infrastructure, signage, installing trash cans, a shooting range, Discussion on water and sewer capacity and fees. Discussion on the future plans for the City, how do people find out the meetings, are there ways for residents to have their voice heard if they can't attend the meeting and sewer treatment plant. Discussion on a 5 or 10 year plan or a phase in plan. Discussion on mailing a post card with a notice of every meeting. Discussion on the Ada County cell tower that was between City residential properties. Discussion on researching area publications for use by the City. Discussion on curb side green composting carts and a new glass dumpster. General discussion on the Library. Parking. 5. ADJOURNMENT: Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted: SHARON K. BERGMANN ) CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: STAN RIDGEWAY MAYOR ,,r,,,,I,,,,,,,, GLE ' •r� /:••;* st! - ' `1 • • C CC : U . 0 / , • V ' • ' „,I'', AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WWW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page_ J CUL .CIL MINLt i S l emlxaary Minutes Work Arca CC-1O-29-19tunhall doc 9 -- AP' TOWNHALL MEETING October 29, 2018 Joan Mantel, 4690 Hartley Rd., Eagle , ID I have owned this property since 1991. It borders the BLM on the North. Very few people used to shoot ground squirrels and doves and I could ride my horse without fear of being shot or have my horse shy at the sudden appearance of a bike, loud ATV or motorcycle. Those days will never return without CONFLICT RESOLUTION PLANNING and respectful citizens. I began picking up trash because I like to leave this area better than I found it and it gives me more peace of mind when I'm in natural surroundings. The road would need maintenance before shooters could easily access a different part of BLM in Little Gulch away from surrounding homes. Rain and snow inspire monster trucks with monsters tires that churn deep gullies in the hills. I know orange clay pigeon shards are biodegradable but there is a constant new supply marring the natural beauty of the area. I thank the many shooters who pick up their brass, empty shells and targets, and also clean up after other slothful shooters. It was very gross picking up piles of dead and rotting birds and buckets full of broken liquor and beer bottles on many occasions. Some shooters have used exploding targets. Night brings out other users who leave campfire remains, assorted beverage containers and fast food wrappers. They interrupt my sleep with loud yelling and loud heavy beating "music" and some drive cars with loud mufflers. I even found a homemade marijuana pipe in the cheat grass not far from a campfire. When I confronted one young man cutting circles on the hilltop with his loud pickup he said, "Everyone is doing it!" and thank goodness everyone is not doing it. The idea of a curfew is good and I hope it can be enforced. Some people really do enjoy looking at the view quietly at different times of the day and night. Again I thank the various shooters, dog walkers, hikers, joggers and equestrians who help to keep the area clean. I am certain there are many good ideas here this evening for CONFLICT RESOLUTION. c 10/23/2018 Sterling Codifiers, Inc. 5-3-5: CAMPERS, MOTOR HOMES, TRAILERS AND STORAGE CONTAINERS: A. Parking Certain Vehicles: It is unlawful for any person to park any of the following defined vehicles on any street in the city for more than seventy two (72) hours, except in accordance with provisions of this section: 1. Camper: A separate vehicle designed for human habitation and which can be attached or detached from a motor vehicle. 2. Motor Homes: A self-contained vehicle, designed for human habitation, with its own motor power, and with a passageway from the body of the home to the driver's and front passenger's seat. 3. Trailer: A vehicle without motor power designed for carrying persons or property on its own structure and to be drawn by a vehicle with motor power. The term trailer shall include coach, boat trailer, semitrailer, travel trailer or utility trailer. 4. Storage Or Shipping Container: A self-contained motorless enclosed structure designed for moving and/or storing property. No person shall park any such container upon a sidewalk, public street or highway within the Eagle city limits. B. Parking On Residential Streets: 1. Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, the parking of any vehicle on a street remains subject to regulation of parking established pursuant to the city or state traffic and zoning regulations. 2. Any vehicle may be parked on any street for a period not to exceed seventy two (72) continuous hours. C. Time Limit: At the expiration of the applicable time limit (72 hours) set forth in this section, a new time may begin only upon removal of the motor home, recreational vehicle, utility trailer, boat trailer or vehicle from the block, or five hundred feet (500') from the locations in which it was previously parked, whichever is farther, for a minimum of forty eight (48) hours. (Ord. 724, 10-28-2014) http://www.sterlingcodifers.com/codebook/index.php?book_id=609 1/1 10/23/2018 Sterling Codifiers, Inc. 8-3-2: SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS: In addition to all other regulations as specified in this title, the following provisions shall be adhered to: A. Conversion Of Dwellings To More Units: A residence may not be converted to accommodate an increased number of dwelling units unless: 1. The yard dimensions still meet the yard dimensions required by the zoning regulations for new structures in that district; 2. The lot area per family equals the lot area requirements for new structures in that district and the number of dwelling units per acre is Tess than or equal to the requirement in that district; 3. The floor area per dwelling unit is not reduced to less than that which is required for new construction in that district; and 4. The conversion is in compliance with all other relevant codes and ordinances. B. Temporary Buildings: Temporary buildings, construction trailers, equipment and materials used in conjunction with construction work only may be permitted in any district during the period construction work is in progress, but such temporary facilities shall be removed upon completion of the construction work. Storage of such facilities or equipment beyond the completion date of the project shall require a zoning permit authorized by the administrator. C. Parking And Storing Of Certain Vehicles: Automotive vehicles or trailers of any kind or type without current license plates shall not be parked or stored on any residentially zoned property other than in a completely enclosed building or carport. Further, no boats, motor homes or other recreational vehicles may be parked more than seventy two (72) consecutive hours in front of any residentially zoned property. One boat and one recreational vehicle may be stored in the side or rear yard. D. Enclosed Trash Areas: All trash and/or garbage collection areas for commercial, industrial and multi -family residential uses shall be enclosed on at least three (3) sides by a solid wall or fence of at least four feet (4') in height, and a solid wood gate on a metal frame shall enclose the fourth side, or shall be within an enclosed building or structure. Adequate vehicular access to and from such area or areas for collection of trash and/or garbage as determined by the administrator shall be provided. E. Conditional Use Mobile Home: Notwithstanding any other provision in this title, a mobile home occupied by a family member may be located upon a lot upon which a single-family dwelling already exists; provided, that a conditional use permit is applied for in accordance with section 8-7- 3-5 of this title, and the city council determines that the standards for the issuance of a conditional use permit set forth in section 8-7-3-2 of this title, are satisfied. (Ord. 298, 10-14-1997) http://wm.sterlingcodifiers.com/codebook/index.php?book_id=609 1/2 10/23/2018 Sterling Codifiers, Inc. F. Nursing/Convalescent Homes: Nursing/convalescent homes (which include senior assisted living facilities) shall be located adjacent to an arterial or collector roadway in zoning districts A, A -R, R -E and R. (Ord. 405, 1-23-2002) G. Portable Classrooms: Portable classrooms which are ancillary to a permanent school are permitted to be placed on the same lot with, or in proximity to the principal, permanent school building. Portable classrooms intended for stand alone use which are not accompanied by a permanent school building are not permitted. Portable classrooms shall be designed to be architecturally compatible with the principal, permanent school building. (Ord. 720, 6-24-2014) http://www.sterlingcodifiers.com/codebook/index.php?book_id=609 2/2