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Minutes - 2023 - City Council - 01/24/2023 - Regular
EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 24,2023 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER, PIKE, BAUN, RUSSELL. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. ADDITIONS.DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: A. City Staff requests.:None B. Mayor or City Council requests.None 5. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: Gindlesperger reports on the Historic Preservation Commission meeting. They will be seeking grants from the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) for a downtown survey. They are also preparing to do a review of the Jackson House when it is vacated. The Library Board voted to begin utilizing the former meeting room into a family room. The Library recently became certified as a Family Place Library and this space will now be geared towards those activities. Russell reports on the Eagle Senior Center Board meeting, there is currently a vacancy on the Board. The current Board President is meeting with the accounting firm to review their services. Additionally, the Board is working with Valley Regional Transit during the transportation safety investigation that is being conducted. Baun reports on the Parks Pathways Recreation Commission meeting. B. Department Supervisor: Director of Long Range Planning and Projects states that staff is seeking a special February 9`'to review year to date expenses and revenue received by the City,as well as a workshop on the ACHD integrated 5-year work plan. 1.) City Treasurer,Financial Reports for December 31, 2022 and 1st Quarter Report for FY22-23. (KR) C. Eagle Police Department: None D. City Attorney Report: None 6. PRESENTATION: A. Audit Report for Fiscal Year Ending September 30,2022: Kurt Folke, Quest Kurt Folke with Quest CPA reviews the audit report. He commends staff for their accuracy and stewardship and proceeds to review the findings. 7. PUBLIC COMMENT 1: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time.This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, land use application,or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak,the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3)minutes. Steve Bender, 1235 N. Seven Oaks Place Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Bender has questions about the maintenance schedule of the dog park. Mayor Pierce states that staff is working out the hydroseed schedule and will be making announcements via social media once that is finalized. Mr. Bender asks for clarification on the relationship between the City and the Senior Center,as he had thought Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-24-23m1n.docx that it was an agency of the city. Mayor Pierce states that the Senior Center is a 501c(3),and they lease the building from the City for$1 per year. 8. ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA ♦ Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff,or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. ♦ Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Resolution No 23-02 - Update to the Water Department Supplemental Standards for Public Works Construction: The City of Eagle Water Department is requesting approval of the updated 2023 City of Eagle Supplemental Standards to bring them in line with current materials and procedures. (KRA) B. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of PP-12-12-Preliminary Plat for Valnova Lot 17 Subdivision- GWC Capital,LLC: GWC Capital,LLC, represented by Landon Northey,is requesting preliminary plat approval for Valnova Lot 17 Subdivision(a re- subdivision of Spring Valley Subdivision No. 1) a 201-lot (188-buildable, 13-common [7- community open space, 1-regional open space, 5 -private alleys])subdivision. The 61.65-acre site is generally located approximately 3/4-mile northeast of the intersection of State Highway 16 and Equest Lane (approximately 1 mile north of Beacon Light Road and Linder Road intersection). (DLM) C. Performance Agreement for Lakemoor Subdivision No. 8 Between the City of Eagle and DRB Investments,LLC.(BAW) Baun requests item 8A be removed. Gindlesperger moves to approve consent agenda items B-C. Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE...ALL AYE..MOTION CARRIES. A. Resolution No. 23-02 - Update to the Water Department Supplemental Standards for Public Works Construction: The City of Eagle Water Department is requesting approval of the updated 2023 City of Eagle Supplemental Standards to bring them in line with current materials and procedures. (KRA) Baun requests the item be tabled to address some questions he has on the supplemental standard update. Perhaps a special meeting could be scheduled to discuss them. Bann moves to table item 8A to a later date. Seconded by Pike. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Comprehensive Plan Review: Staff will present to the Council a summary of the Council workshops and request direction for next steps regarding the Comprehensive Plan. (NBS) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects reviews the workshop sessions and seeks directions for future steps. Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-24-23min.docx Council expresses their appreciation to Director Baird-Spencer for the work on this project. They would like to discuss this in more detail in a workshop setting to provide further direction. 10. ALL PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS PUBLIC HEARINGS:Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m. ♦Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council.This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. ♦Public hearing testimony time limits: Individuals testifying are allotted three(3)minutes for non-repetitive testimony. ♦Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest. A. A Public Hearine to consider new and/or increased fees for Buildine,City Administration,Parks and Recreation and Water Departments.(KR) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. City Treasurer, Kellie Rekow provides an overview of the proposed fee schedule and stands for questions. Mayor Pierce opens the public hearing. No one choses to speak. Mayor closes the public hearing. A.1. ACTION ITEM: Resolution No.23-01 -Fee Schedule Update for the Building,Citv Administration,Parks and Recreation and Water Departments: A resolution amending Fee and Deposit Schedules for the Building, City Administration, Parks and Recreation, and Water Departments in accordance with Eagle City Code Section 1-7-4 to update and establish new fees charged for services; and providing an effective date. (KR) Bann moves to approve Resolution 23-01 Fee Schedule Update for the Building,City Administration,Parks and Recreation and Water Departments. Seconded by Pike. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE; ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. CU-15-22-Waiver of Eagle City Code Section 8-3-3(B)(2)-Gary Brookshier: Gary Brookshier is requesting conditional use permit approval to permit the installation of a decorative concrete fence/wall adjacent to an arterial street. The 1.18-acre site is located on the northeast corner of the intersection of West Chinden Boulevard and South Locust Grove Road at 1557 West Hempstead Drive(Lot 14,Block 8,Banbury Subdivision No.6).(MJR) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Gary Brookshire, 1557 N.Hemstead, reviews the conditional use permit application. Matthew Rumsey,Planner 1, reviews the staff report and areas for special consideration. Discussion. Mayor Pierce opens the public hearing. Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-24-23m1n.docz Bob Van Arnem, 3049 S. Whitepost Way,Eagle,Idaho. Mr.Van Arnem would like Council to consider placing requirements so that the fencing approved not only tonight,but should future fencing be proposed in this location along Chinden so that it would be consistent in design, height, and color for a uniform appearance along the southern border of Banbury subdivision. Mr. Brookshire states he believes that other homeowners in this subdivision are looking at his application to see how it goes before they bring their request forward. General discussion. Mayor closes the public hearing. Discussion amongst Council. Baun moves to approve action item 10B CU-15-22-Waiver of Eagle City Code Section 8-3- 3(B)(2)with adding the site specific condition to go through Design Review.I agree that the fence is in a good location,but I think having Design Review look at it will provide consistency with the look of it,and we set somewhat of a precedent of what will look good and hopefully set a standard for the rest of them. Seconded by Pike. Discussion.Bann amends to add site specific recommended conditions 3 and 4 from the Commission. Second concurs. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. C. CU-17-22-Waiver of Eagle City Code Section 8-3-3(B)(2)-Leonard and Cara Butler: Leonard and Cara Butler are requesting conditional use permit approval to permit the installation of a decorative concrete fence/wall adjacent to an arterial street.The 1-acre site is located on the northeast corner of the intersection of West Chinden Boulevard and South Locust Grove Road at 1401 West Hempstead Drive(Lot 11,Block 8,Banbury Subdivision No.6).(MJR) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Leonard Butler, 1401 W. Hempstead, Eagle, Idaho,reviews the conditional use permit application. Matthew Rumsey, Planner I, reviews the staff report and areas for special consideration. Mayor Pierce opens the public hearing. Robert Bond, 1008 W.Newfield Dr.,Eagle,Idaho. Mr. Bond has concerns with the irrigation easement. The berm was originally installed by Harvey Hoff when the subdivision was created. It becomes a question of landscape ownership and maintenance. As a homeowner in Banbury, there is a concern that two homeowners dictating a direction of the entire subdivision. He is requesting denial of the application. James Baits, 1453 W. Hempstead,Eagle,Idaho. Mr. Baits is on the Homeowners Association Board and states that an ACC review is being required. Discusses easements and additional overview by the Homeowners Association. Mayor closes the public hearing. Bann moves to approve 10C CU-17-22-Waiver of Eagle City Code Section 8-3-3(B)(2)- Leonard and Cara Butler incorporating site specific conditions of approval#3 and #4. Seconded by Pike. Discussion. Gindlesperger states that her overriding concern is with the "patchwork"appearance of fencing,whereas with the previous application it was a corner lot and would attach to an existing pane. It is for that reason she will be voting against. THREE AYE; ONE NAY(Gindlesperger). MOTION CARRIES. Page 4 KACOUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-24-23nnin.docz D. CPA-01-22-Comprehensive Plan Land Use May Amendment-Cedar Creek Wealth: Cedar Creek Wealth, represented by Nicolette Womack of Kimley Horn, is requesting a comprehensive plan amendment to change the land use map designation from Neighborhood Residential to Mixed Use.The 22.73-acre site is located on the northwest corner of the intersection of East Beacon Light Road and State Highway 55. (MNB) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Conner Skeen,representing Cedar Creek Wealth,provides a brief overview of Cedar Creek Wealth and the application being brought forward for consideration. Pike states that he viewed a podcast about this application, but it will not impact his ability to be impartial on this application. Baun states that he received a mass mailer regarding the same,his viewing of it will not impact his ability to be impartial on the application. Nicolette Womack, 100 W.Iowa Street,Boise,reviews the comprehensive plan amendment application. AJ Osborne, 4270 N. Triple Ridge. Mr. Osborne reviews the challenges with the site location based on Idaho Transportation Department and Eagle requirements. Morgan Beesaw,Planner III,reviews the staff report and areas for special consideration. Mayor Pierce opens the public hearing. Reuben Ortega, 151 N. Lost Canyon Place. Mr. Ortega is an attorney and works for Cedar Creek. He supports the development;the developer has put a lot of expenses and time into the development to bring this forward. The developer is a local Eagle resident who develops in several states and is proud to bring this development forward. Antonio Gonzalez does not want to testify but is in favor. Benjamin Gonzalez does not want to testify but is in favor. Calcy Acevez, 843 N. Eagle Hills Way, is part of the Cedar Creek Executive Team and is also a resident and volunteer in the Eagle Community, as is Cedar Creek. Ms. Acevez has been involved in several self-storage developments in the valley. Over the years she has been involved in addressing the shortage of storage facilities. Alex Christin does not want to testify but is in favor of the application. Hunter Case does not want to testify but is in favor of the application. Ila Ebehardt does not want to testify but is in favor of the application. Arielia Walker, 502 N. Brookside Lane, Eagle, Idaho. They are adjacent to the development and are partners in the project through the contribution of 5 plus acres of land. They are in support of the development and feel that Cedar Creek is the best option for the neighborhood. Ms. Walker discusses the challenges with people trespassing on her property and feel that RV storage vs. high density residential would be an excellent path forward for development. Wendy Mullin,406 W.Valentino, Eagle,Idaho. Ms. Mullin is in favor of the development, believing that the roadway and sidewalk improvement will improve safety in the neighborhood. Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-24-23min.docx Bob Barnes, 3502 N. Brookside Lane,Eagle,Idaho. The development will create a manicured space for the neighborhood and will provide a sound barrier to the highway. It is a better solution than high density housing. Ed Sloan,4243 N. Brookside Lane,Eagle,Idaho. Mr. Sloan is opposed to the application. This is not harmonious for the current neighborhood. The proposal is a 23-acre storage development. He believes it will increase traffic by those accessing the facility. There is currently no mixed use in the area,and he does not feel that the application meets the Comprehensive Plan. Gary Davis,2452 E. Beacon Light Road, Eagle,Idaho. He lives adjacent to this project. He will be negatively impacted by the development. The development will impact his view shed,and negatively impact traffic,which is already bad,for those coming to the site. Mr. Davis was not contacted by Cedar Creek regarding the proposal. Greg Ramp,2533 E. Boomer Lane. Mr. Ramp owns 50%of the land between Brookside Lane and the Beacon Light. He is opposed to the development. There will be light and noise pollution from the site and traffic will be increased. He is concerned with the potential increase in crime including homeless campouts. Roxanne Shaffer does not wish to testify but is against the application. Tom Shaffer does not wish to testify but is against the application. Sky Blue does not wish to testify but is against the application. Gail Sela,3405 N.Brookside Lane,Eagle, Idaho. When moving from Alaska they did a great deal of investigating to find the property they ended up purchasing. She believes that she will be most impacted by the proposal. Her entire view shed will become the side elevation of the building,and her property value will plummet. Laura Lethowitz does not wish to testify but is against the application. Steven Havis does not wish to testify but is against the application. Ken Vince Bergkamp, 3405 N. Brookside Lane,Eagle,Idaho. When investigating the purchase of their property,they did review surrounding property. The proposal is a bad plan. Mr. Bergkamp comments on a handout that was distributed by Cedar Creek that states that some RV traffic will be reduced until after Beacon Light. Beacon Light Road will be inundated by the traffic,and this is not the way to try and preserve the creek. Courtney Nielson does not wish to testify but is against the application. Garret Foshay, 13327 N. Horsebend Road. Mr. Foshay is in opposition of the plan. He does not feel the project is beneficial to the community. Eagle has developed with intent,and he encourages the Council to continue to do so. Travis Brown, 6233 W. Braveheart St.Eagle, Idaho. He is impressed with the amount of time and investment that went into the project and is in support. Eric Tildon does not wish to testify but is against the application. Julie Miller does not wish to testify but is against the application. Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-24-23min.docx Shawn Miller,2588 E. Boomer Boise, Idaho. Mr. Miller reads comments from the Planning and Zoning Commissioners in which they state they are unable to recommend approval of the application and the reasons for the same. The negative impact to Brookside Lane remains. Carl Irminger does not wish to testify but is against the application. Patty Miller does not wish to testify but is against the application. Louis Miller,4560 E. Old Pearl Lane, Eagle, Idaho. The traffic at the intersection will not improve with the trailers going in and out of the proposal. Having a large storage facility framing the Payette River Scenic Byway sign by Beacon Light will be an eyesore and is not how we want the entrance of Eagle to be. He is requesting denial of the application. States that he also did not receive additional contact from the developer. Nichoel Huffaker, 11068 Musket Street,Boise,Idaho. Is not against the storage unit but is opposed to cutting down some of the trees on the site. There is a great horned owl currently nesting on the sight. She would like the plan changed to preserve the owl. Lance Wurzbachre,2427 E. Beacon Light Road,Eagle,Idaho. Traffic is already bad,the changes to Brookside will be a huge negative impact to current residents. He is not opposed to the storage units, it's the changes to Brookside. States that he was not contacted by the developer. Brian Kendall,2583 E. Deer Point Ct. Eagle,Idaho. Traffic is already bad especially from Friday to Sunday but with the addition of a storage unit it will cause an increased traffic hazard to cross Beacon Light to access the units. Joe Kozlowski„4425 Brookside Lane, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Kozlowski is concerned with how traffic flow will be impacted with the addition of storage units. Jenifer O'Donnell,4033 N.Brookside, Eagle,Idaho. She is in opposition of the proposal. Many people live and farm on the properties in the existing neighborhood. It would be a poor entry point into the City of Eagle. Traffic safety is one of the most concerning aspects of the proposal. Karen Haach, 535 Los Luceros Lane, Eagle,Idaho. Ms. Haach is in agreement with the comments regarding the need for responsible development. More thoughtful approvals of developments should be done rather than patchwork approvals. Kathy Pennisi,3675 N. Saddleman Place,Eagle,Idaho. Brookside Planning area came into being in 2007 and she spoke out against it at that time. She feels this area is rural and should never be considered as a commercial option. Ms. Pennisi would like to see data regarding traffic safety. It is a great idea,but a bad location. Sky Blue,4033 N. Brookside Lane,Eagle,Idaho. Mr. Blue believes that trust is important, should the Comprehensive Plan be changed,will the next processes ensure that the traffic will be addressed? He feels that the plan to address the safety on Brookside should be addressed prior to the zoning change. Amber Worthington,4201 N.Brookside Lane, Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Worthington is opposed to the development. They will be impacted by the traffic not only for those accessing the site, but those using it as a cut through. Safety is a concern for pedestrians and traffic,as well as the aesthetics of the buildings. Jodie Shuman, 172 S. Young Lane,moved to Eagle 12 years ago. Ms. Shuman is a paralegal for Cedar Creek. She questions where the compromise or the meeting in the middle is made. It is a Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-24-23min.docx challenging decision to be made. This company has Eagle's best interest at heart and feels that the facility will be of a benefit to the community. Tessa Osborne,4270 N. Triple Ridge Place,Eagle, Idaho. Being a long-time resident,change is inevitable in our community. The comprehensive plan shows commercial up this corridor, and believes the neighbors are ill informed. The proposed use is the quietest option,vs an apartment complex. Progress can be painful but sometimes we need to be part of the solution. Kenny Hubert,2396 W. Buckhorn Court,. Eagle,Idaho. He feels the comprehensive plan should be followed. Brookside Planning area states that commercial should be in the northern area. Mr. Hubert questions the land use process as to the amendment coming forward before the annexation. AJ Osborne,CEO of Cedar Creek properties. Mr. Osborne thanks everyone for coming out and the time. The application to Council tonight is only the comprehensive plan amendment. 40% of their land is useless because of conditions placed by other jurisdictions. Everyone has spoken to the opposition of the placement of the road,however the road placement is not in their control. There is no public access to Dry Creek, it is on private property. They are proposing to allow public access to Dry Creek. Cedar Creek is seeking the comprehensive plan amendment so they can use the property they have purchased. It is their hope to bring forward the best possible outcome to all people involved. Discussion. Director of Long Range Planning and Projects, Baird Spencer provides a clarifying statement that Beacon Light Road is designated as arterial. Mayor closes the public hearing. Discussion amongst the Council. Bann moves to approve item 10D CPA-01-22-Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendment-Cedar Creek Wealth and adding additional text to include that while multi use at this location is to be limited to low intensity-low traffic generation commercial. Seconded by Russell. Discussion.Baun amends to include the examples of storage,limited office and commercial. Second concurs. Discussion.THREE AYE...ONE NAY (GINDELSEPERGER).MOTION CARRIES. E. A-04-22/RZ-04-22/CU-04-22/PPUD-02-22/PP-08-22-Annexation and Rezone from RUT(Rural-Urban Transition-Ada County Designation)to R-1-DA-P(Residential with a development agreement-PUD)and R-3-DA-P(Residential with a development agreement- PUD),Preliminary Development Plan,Preliminary Plat,and Conditional Use Permit for Carp Ranch Subdivision-Gemshore Eagle RE,LLC: Gemshore Eagle RE, LLC, represented by Stephanie Hopkins and/or Kevin McCarthy, P.E.,with KM Engineering, LLP, is requesting an annexation,rezone from RUT(Rural-Urban Transition—Ada County designation)to R-1-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement—PUD)and R-3-DA-P(Residential with a development agreement—PUD),conditional use permit, preliminary development plan,and preliminary plat approvals for Carp Ranch Subdivision, a 77-lot(70-buildable, 7-common) residential planned unit development. The 36.18-acre site is located on the south side of West Floating Feather Road approximately 500-feet west of the intersection of North Cove Colony Way and West Floating Feather Road. (MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Stephanie Hopkins representing Gemshore Eagle RE presents the application. Mike Williams, Planner III,reviews the staff report and areas for special consideration. Page 8 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-24-23min.docx Mayor Pierce opens the public hearing. Steve Bender, 1235 N. Seven Oaks Place Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Bender questions the density requested, as well as the density noted in the staff report. He does feel that the proposed roundabout would reduce the speed of traffic. A road to connect Cove Colony with this subdivision would be better served for connectivity vs.the pathway requested. He believes in the recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission and states that Council should concur with it. Scott Parker does not wish to testify but is against the application. Michelle Bryan,3423 W. Barefoot Street,Eagle,Idaho. Her property abuts this property. She has not been successful with meeting with the developer. It has been very frustrating getting information from the developer, as well as ACHD. Making Barefoot a through street would just make a thoroughfare. Protecting the trees is a priority,and it is also their hope that construction hours would be regulated. Nick Fowers, 861 N. Cove Colony Way, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Fowers echoes what the previous speaker said. The changes requested by Planning and Zoning Commission are not reflected tonight, and it is very frustrating. It increases the density unacceptably. The proposed community pool will be right next to his property. It is inconvenient to the residents of the Colony and should be placed elsewhere. Scott Klein, 3188 W. Wind Court,Eagle, Idaho. Mr.Klein concurs with the other speakers. The density is still an issue. He believes that Wind Court should remain as a stub street. Bob Luffel, 1141 N. Cove Colony Way,Eagle,Idaho. He would like the pathway to remain. He supports the recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission and asks that Council support it. Josh Elliot does not wish to testify but is against the application. Chad Neil, 1101 N.Ripple Creek Place, Eagle, Idaho. Mr.Neil does not feel that the developer is being forthright with their dealings regarding the development. John Rush does not wish to testify but is against the application. Lori Robertson, 1142 N. Ripple Creek Place,Eagle,Idaho. There have been four meetings on this application and if feels like none of the requests have been addressed. They are not opposed to the connection but would like a gate or something. She supports the Planning and Zoning Commission recommendations regarding reduced density. Kenny Hebert,2936 W. Buckhorn Court,Eagle,Idaho. Mr. Hebert attended the Planning and Zoning Commission meetings and there was significant public attendance. The pool location and connectivity are addressed. Brian Lake,3479 W. Barefoot,Eagle, Idaho. The effort and hours invested by the residents that will be affected has been huge. There has been a lot of personal sacrifices by those people affected. He questions why the Planning and Zoning Commission recommendations have not been incorporated. Was a compelling reason given by the developer for the hundreds of hours of investment by the residents for the changes requested? Page 9 IC:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-24-23min.docx Valerie Klein, 3188 W. Wind Court,Eagle, Idaho. She like many others that are in attendance are dismayed that the recommendations from Planning and Zoning Commission were not incorporated. She hopes Council will concur with the Commission. Tonya King,3146 W. Wind Court,Eagle,Idaho. They did their due diligence prior to purchasing their property, and it has changed numerous times since the purchase. She requests that the Council agree with the recommendations from the Planning and Zoning Commission. The placement of the roundabout will slow down traffic. The proposed placement of the pool will create a safety hazard and should be moved. They are in hopes that Council will listen to the voice of the residents. Arsen Saakyan, 3464 W. Wind Street,Eagle,Idaho. Saakyan is frustrated that no changes have been incorporated into the proposal tonight. If the through street is allowed, it will negatively impact the little tight knit subdivision. He is baffled that the recommended changes have not been incorporated. Jan Barker, 1134 N. Creek Water Way,Eagle,Idaho. The disregard for compromise is mind blowing. It is disrespectful to the process and the time the residents have invested in attending the meetings. Stephanie Hopkins rebuts testimony. They do not get clear direction regarding Barefoot, so they are seeking direction from Council. Regarding the density,the location of the open space lots is something they are trying to highlight tonight as the plan conforms with the density in the area. They feel they are transitioning well from Creekwater to The Colony. Discussion. Mayor closes the public hearing. Discussion amongst Council. Bann moves to approve action item 10E A-04-22/RZ-04-22/CU-04-22/PPUD-02-22/PP-08-22 -Annexation and Rezone from RUT(Rural-Urban Transition-Ada County Designation)to R-1-DA-P(Residential with a development agreement-PUD)and R-3-DA-P(Residential with a development agreement-PUD),Preliminary Development Plan,Preliminary Plat, and Conditional Use Permit for Carp Ranch Subdivision with the following changes to conditions of approval adjust 19 to remove 1 buildable lot. Striking 20,21,22 relative to 13 the PPRC recommendation,make it an 8' dirt path not a regional pathway to be maintained by the HOA.Add site specific condition 23 requiring them to move the pool from the existing location west to lot 3 block 10 west of that location. Seconded by Russell. Discussion.Amend to drop it down to 69 lots,to not exceed 2 units per acre. Second concurs.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. F. CU-14-22-Eagle Fire Station No.2-Eagle Fire Protection District : Eagle Fire Protection District,represented by Tamara Thompson with The Land Group, Inc., is requesting conditional use permit approval for a new emergency services facility,waiver of minimum lot coverage, and a change of nonconforming use based on the size of property. The 4.40-acre site is located on the west side of North Horseshoe Bend Road approximately 500-feet south Beacon Light Road at 12655 North Horseshoe Bend Road. (MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. This item will be re-noticed for a future public hearing. Page 30 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-24-23min.docx 11. NEW BUSINESS: A. Valley Regional Transit—FY 2023 On-demand Transit: Valley Regional Transit will present the on demand transit program and project timeline for service within the City of Eagle for fiscal Year 2023. (NBS) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Steven Hunt reviews an on-demand ridership program that would be offered 8:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. It is estimated that potential ridership is between 90-180 trips per week. Discussion. A.I.ACTION ITEM: Valley Regional Transit Cooperative Agreement: Approval of the Fiscal Year 2023 Cooperative Agreement with Valley Regional Transit for fiscal year 2023 in the amount not to exceed $ 97,647 (general assessment of$17,960, special assessment of$9,700 for senior transit and a service assessment up to$93,316). (NBS) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Director Baird Spencer, notes scrivener corrections to the agreement that have come to light tonight. There are 3 pieces total amount before Council tonight is$120,976. Russell moves to approve in an amount to not exceed $120,976 with the amendments to the exhibit as discussed tonight. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE...ALL AYE..MOTION CARRIES B. ACTIONITEM: Shooting Sports Park Request for Oualifications: Staff will review the submittals of qualifications received, the selection team's recommendation, and request Council direction on contract negotiations. (NBS) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Director Baird Spencer reviews the submittal and seeks direction from the Council as to next steps. Bann moves to approve item 11B and go into contract negotiations with TRS Design Services. Seconded by Gindlesperger.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES C. ACTIONITEM:Resolution No.22-12:Authorization of denial of Public Records Request for failure to submit payment of good faith estimate fees. (TEO/KC) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. City Clerk Tracy Osborn reviews the resolution for Council consideration. Baun moves to approve action item 11C Resolution No.23-04 A Resolution of The City Of Eagle, Idaho, Authorizing The Denial Or Partial Denial Of Public Records Requests For Which Full Payment Of The Good Faith Estimate Is Not Received Within 10 Working Days From The Date Of The Letter. Seconded by Pike. Discussion. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE; ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. D. ACTION ITEM: Ordinance No. 894 - An Ordinance of the City of Eagle, Amending Title 1, "Administrative", Chapter 7 "Municipal Finances", Section 1"Depository for City Funds",Section 1 "Depository for City Funds".(KR) Page 11 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-24-23min.docx Mayor Pierce introduces the item. City Clerk Osborn provides a brief overview of the ordinance for consideration. Bann moves, pursuant to Idaho Code,Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that Ordinance#894 be considered after being read once by title only. Seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. Baun moves that Ordinance#894 be adopted. An Ordinance of The City Of Eagle,Ada County Idaho,Amending Title 1,"Administrative",Chapter 7"Municipal Finances", Section 1 "Depository For City Funds",Providing For Codification; And Providing An Effective Date. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE; ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. E. ACTION ITEM: Resolution No. 23-03 - Amendine Title 1, Municipal Funds: A Resolution of the Cit of Eagle, directing the City Treasurer to keep monies belonging to or in the care of the City of Eagle in the following depositories as allowed in Idaho Code 50-1013 and in accordance with Eagle City Code Title 1, Chapter 7, Section 1. (KR) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Baun moves to approve Resolution No. 23-03 - Amending Title 1, Municipal Funds: A Resolution of the Cit of Eagle,directing the City Treasurer to keep monies belonging to or in the care of the City of Eagle in the following depositories as allowed in Idaho Code 50-1013 and in accordance with Eagle City Code Title 1, Chapter 7, Section 1. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE; ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 12. PUBLIC COMMENT 2: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter,up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing and land use items. Comments regarding Public Hearing and land use items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s) in accordance with Idaho Code. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters(excluding Public Hearing and land use items) during this allotte time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak,the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3)minutes. Steve Bender, 1235 N. Seven Oaks Place,Eagle,Idaho.Mr.Bender is concerned with the investing practices of First Interstate Bank to ensure that ESG investing. He suggests the City Treasurer contact the Idaho State Treasurer to look into the matter further. 13. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 74-206 (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session.There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: (f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement; Page 12 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-24-23min.docx Bann move pursuant to I.C. 74-206(1)that the City of Eagle convene an Executive Session for the purpose of(f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement; Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER: AYE;PIKE AYE; BAUN: AYE; RUSSELL: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. Council enters executive session. Discussion of pending/threatened litigation. Council exits executive session. A. ACTION ITEM: Action regarding pending/threatened litigation. No action taken. 13. ADJOURNMENT: Gindlesperger moves to adjourn. Seconded by Pike. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted: G��••••.'t •. •, • �• ,— : TRACY E. , CMC = i %J C-1) y�• ft •O� CITY CLE '•,J ••••••...:�•• ti APPROVED: J O PIERCE MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W WW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 13 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-24-23min.docx EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 24, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10A SUBJECT: A Public Hearing to consider new and/or increased fees for Building, City Administration, Parks and Recreation and Water Departments. TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 1 of 2 more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 24, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10A SUBJECT: A Public Hearing to consider new and/or increased fees for Building, City Administration, Parks and Recreation and Water Departments. TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 1 of 2 more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 24, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item lOB SUBJECT: CU-15-22 - Waiver of Eagle City Code Section 8-3-3(B)(2) - Gary Brookshier: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL WCO) �&—, W�—f-P['-_Vj rz—( 1 of 2 more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 24, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10B SUBJECT: CU-15-22 - Waiver of Eagle City Code Section 8-3-3(B)(2) - Gary Brookshier: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 1 of 2 more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 24, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10C SUBJECT: CU-17-22 - Waiver of Eagle City Code Section 8-3-3(B)(2) - Leonard & Cara Butler• TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 1 of 2 more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 24, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10C SUBJECT: CU-17-22 - Waiver of Eagle City Code Section 8-3-3(B)(2) - Leonard & Cara Butler: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL on arj t r U Js s 1 of 2 more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 24, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10D SUBJECT: CPA-01-22 - Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendment - Cedar Creek Wealth: TESTIFY PRO/ CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL - p w, Ca E,Foo sIood 6, Ro 1:5 MD evi V �t ct J S f 0 bey aml� G°V)ja 1e-"7- n p✓"O 6j, �c Li cufla 1 w 'cl C,+ I �G ,j c�fk„wed c A��x C✓�S-fia.-� - l u �l� tic ArG ' �V✓l �' �P (� �� c636� o sv Arre%a 1 ,"ookS,'c1 t In �o;5 t cowy ✓ i'�� .. �b F2rn� 3 s fro more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 24, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10D SUBJECT: CPA-01-22 - Comprehensive Plan Land Use May Amendment - Cedar Creek Wealth: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 42,43 /V• ,(j/�ovf-�i rLv Lev /�/ 2-g52 E BeuCvn 14J L���2� Fa Ae 110 f� ' C � � V1 _ ;Lim V G D l(c &17 11-( 0) % I cu / godw A-7 Aw 3 L10 l b rt*ks e. � 10 fie BO�` J 3 y s •✓ S 1+10,o e, t.^1'fq-.t, / /W 1337 3k') D �. 6-T 7 Qerr 13 0 i �--- Z 3 3 WL�tz? v a 1,,e a Own 5q` , roo K,5 ;cue- LA) A)O rr l e., lI l d e Boot I i 63711 �j o,\\ tN�I��t r =V\b (-'0 t� more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 24, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10D SUBJECT: CPA-01-22 - Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendment - Cedar Creek Wealth: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL `�cv1,t I b �- . I D I► ' C eve ? 24Z-7 '. $:Acv �+4�C� Wv�-2�3ac,��� aGL� NL> Cv� J y c1 zS (�s32�a' s� ,do ,:, —�, C� MU UU3 2 N i3noultr "4 Ln1 S � r s , CL ` e �S more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 24, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10D SUBJECT: CPA-01-22 - Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendment - Cedar Creek Wealth: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME lease prino ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 24, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item IOE SUBJECT: A-04-22/RZ-04-22/CU-04-22/PPUD-02-22/PP-08-22 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT (Rural-Urban Transition - Ada County Designation) to R-1-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement - PUD) and R-3-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement - PUD), Preliminary Development Plan, Preliminary Plat, and Conditional Use Permit for Carp Ranch Subdivision - Gemshore Eagle RE, LLC: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL ,!�JC t;,o (fv yj g , CL �(9l N - CvvE Bob LwvIe'l I�'-� l N, GovpG t3tt�,W41�-pn IJ 7-7�, 3- 3�i C C� C 7qa Z " -1-z�P more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 24, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10E SUBJECT: A-04-22/RZ-04-22/CU-04-22/PPUD-02-22/PP-08-22 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT (Rural-Urban Transition - Ada County Designation) to R-1-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement - PUD) and R-3-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement - PUD), Preliminary Development Plan, Preliminary Plat, and Conditional Use Permit for Carp Ranch Subdivision - Gemshore Eaele RE, LLC: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 24, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10E SUBJECT: A-04-22/RZ-04-22/CU-04-22/PPUD-02-22/PP-08-22 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT (Rural-Urban Transition - Ada County Designation) to R-1-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement - PUD) and R-3-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement - PUD), Preliminary Development Plan, Preliminary Plat, and Conditional Use Permit for Carp Ranch Subdivision - Gemshore Eagle RE, LLC: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME lease prino ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 24, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10E SUBJECT: A-04-22/RZ-04-22/CU-04-22/PPUD-02-22/PP-08-22 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT (Rural-Urban Transition - Ada County Designation) to R-1-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement - PUD) and R-3-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement - PUD), Preliminary Development Plan, Preliminary Plat, and Conditional Use Permit for Carp Ranch Subdivision - Gemshore Eagle RE, LLC: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 24, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10F SUBJECT: CU-14-22 - Eagle Fire Station No. 2 - Eagle Fire Protection District: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME leaseprint) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 24, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 1OF SUBJECT: CU-14-22 - Eagle Fire Station No. 2 - Eagle Fire Protection District: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME lea�s�eJ print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 2-42-7 more on back 1 CITY OF EAGLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REVIEW UPDATE January 23,2023 Nichoel Baird Spencer MCRP,AICP � T Director of Long-Range Planning&Projects EAGLE nbaird@cityofeagle.org PLANNING PROCESS & PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Council: Let s Amend the Plan, Review This is not a required Committee rocess ,oC Staff:"Are we oil l� O ' spying the same ect Development thing;' mil~ Consultants Q Staff Projects Jp prehensive Plan Committee Q Focus Groups Staff:^How do y�Cd' Presentations&Workshops with Council we get to here?' 2Q City Committees,Commissions&Boards o� �c Public Outreach&Adoption Community Outreach&Open Houses .. Presentation for Special Interest Group Community Open House Public Hearing Process 2/8/2023 Review Committee Recommendation: June 23, 2022 City Council Workshops: October 6 & October 13, 2022 � ■1 ON Eagle Is Dur HOME,We are a annmunity that envisions a,lr fi.r onomica 1 RE WE ALL Via LIYFB A highly Ilwble Chy CHILDREN&FAMILIES:A M1IAINTAIN P RURAL AREA: STRC�':: loaf successfully balances new unity ro milted to its Auniqu<community that An econcmica�y strong and growth with Me rural and support of children and maintains a rural resitlentlal balanced community. SAYING natural teatur<s that make our families. and agrkulturalarea wiMin lh< DISTINCT DDWNTOW N: City unique. DNERSIFIED EMPLOYMENT: communlry.EStabNsh a clear A mined use C t•r loaf oral edg<Ihat we wish t0 dyren- TRANSDORTATION:A system of Provide diversilietl tmployment maintain. includes both residential and ' ME THING? well-Connected and user- oppartunities(or all citizens. r.mm<rcial uses to provitl<a friendly roadways and DIRECT G0.0WTM: enter for commerce.cullurn, Review of the Eagle is HOME Vision MOUSING ODDORTUNITtES: pathways that balance regional Movide housing opportunitie5 Assign and direct growth into and social/ckuen interaction.A transportation needs with for all demographic groups. appropriate areas and densRks true main street with small town livability and Me needs of oral as designates by this plan. charm. and non-m««iced users. ECONOMIC`USTAINAPIUTY: WELL-DESIGNED ACTIVfTy BALANCED COMMUNITY: A cammunity lacused on ENVIRONMENT4L CENTERS: 4 community Iliac balances annnmir sus[alnabiliry,the Statement and discussion of terms andSTEWARDSHIP:An Create nGtlei that benefit Ih< residential antl rommercul � nmentall aware ability for the city to continue commons aM het to y to fund,improve and Support N P crea growth and encourages mixed cammunity wiM distinctive RseR,including infrastructure, meaningful places. use aRNlty centers. pagcies f«the roomgls.the Boise River antl the community parks,and trails without the MULTI-GENERATIONAL: LOCAL: at large. use of building permit fees, Amulti-generational Foster antl Support local Impact fees and Zoning fees. cgmmunlN planning for the businesses.Ensure 5ignmcant ACTIVE COMMUNITY:4 needs of our rititens hom residential land area to community lacused on youUr to retirement. allow businesses[o grow within recreation,open space,and the City. parks. 4 2 1 SUMMARY OF WORKSHOPS Staff provided a summary of the discussion at the City Council workshops, we are asking for City Council review of the summary and the following themes for amending the plan: 1 ) Broaden to a City-wide/Cross Departmental Plan 2) Cross-Reference 3) Focus on Sustainability — Essential Public Services vs. Quality of Life 4) Realistic Expectations & Timelines 5) Move Away from HOME Theme BROADEN TO A CITY-WIDE/CROSS DEPARTMENTAL PLAN Change the focus of the plan from the historic land-use focus that is primarily utilized by the land use entitlement process to a City-wide plan that coordinated goals policies and strategies across all City departments, while retaining land use as a single chapter. Pros: Cons: -All the City's goals and visions are in a 'Not all departments are ready or have single document a plan "Narrows focus to "City services" -Does not keep up with changes to "Helpful in Capital Planning- joining parting organizations projects and prioritization -Requires EVERYONE to be engaged & -Easier for the public to find reference the plan 1 CROSS-REFERENCE In lieu of establishing separate or unique policies for partner agencies or service not directly under the City's jurisdiction, use the plan to direct users to the document adopted by those agencies. This will reduce redundancies, conflicts, and reduce the size of the City's document. Pros: Cons: Removes redundancies and conflicting -May impact unique City policies policies -Defers to another jurisdiction's direct- Streamlines the plan what if we don't agree? Directs users to the agency with Requires the public to go to another jurisdiction place to get information FOCUS ON SUSTAINABILITY Use the plan to establish implementable policies to guide City investment and budgeting. Utilize the plan to identify essential public service and quality of life investments. The plan would be constrained by the fiscal realities of the City and tie the plan to the City's capital planning efforts. Pros: Cons: Clearly articulates to the citizens the 'There will be conflicts "wants vs. needs" City's fiscal capacity Requires the City to evaluate all -Prioritizes needs over wants investments 'Ties the comprehensive plan and capital -May require City to state that they can plans together not afford a project -Ties land uses decisions to the financial 'May result in either lower levels of capacity of the City service or changes in land uses within the City 1 REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS &TIMELINES Re-frame the timeline of the Plan to focus on a 5-1 0-year horizon and with processes in plan for annual reviews and 5-year rewrites. Pros: Cons: ■Keeps plan relevant 'Some items will require/need a longer ■Keeps public aware of planned updates timeline i.e. population & transportation ■Brings all projects into a similar timeline Doesn't guarantee a change isn't needed/done ■Brings the plan to the public more often, -May lead to more amendments addresses changing population MOVE AWAY FROM HOME THEME The 2017 Plan was structured around the theme of HOME: Healthy, Optimist, Multi-faceted and Economically viable. Some see the theme as stale & irrelevant Pros: Cons: ■Reduces conflict with new branding "Life -Significant branding base Done Right" -Do we need a theme? `Clean slate for new plan Shifts focus from HOME and the multi- tiered vision statement 2/8/2023 NEXT STEPS Establish a purpose & needs statements for the rewrite -Defining essential public services & quality of life provisions within the City's planning RRedraft the HOME vision • - 17 Purpose Statement -Why are we amending? Create a single overarching vision and plan for the City of Eagle that establishes realistic goals and expectations for the provision of all City services in a changing and growing City. Needs Statement- What does the plan need to do? Provide citizens a plan and funding strategy that identifies and prioritizes the provision of essential public services while also identifying fiscally viable opportunities to enhances citizens quality of life. The plan will communicate the City's vision for the future guided by the ability of the City to fund the desired vision. PU Have we captured why we are RPOSE : NEEDS STATEMENTS amending the12 6 2/8/2023 Essential Services: Services essential to (Quality of Life: Services that increase daily living: water, food housing, and livability but are not essential to daily safety. living • Housing Opportunities Environmental Stewardship • Direct Growth Active Community • Transportation Children and Families/Multi- generational • Economic Sustainability Diversified Employment • Strong Economy Maintain a Rural Area • Water, food, housing, and safety Well designed activity centers • Distinct Downtown Can we define . I DEFINE ESSENTIAL SERVICES service vs.quality-of-life 13 Redraft the Vision Statements focusing on: Simplifying Consolidating Refreshing Is this work of staff, consultant, or a Council workshops? Does this require a public outreach meeting? Is this needed before moving forward to a scope of work? DRAFTRE VISION - - in the .. we . - 14 7 2/8/2023 Which of the following tasks does council wish to move forward with? • Establish a purpose & needs statements for the rewrite • Defining essential public services & quality of life provisions within the City's planning • Redraft the HOME vision statements How is this work accomplished and when is it done? Staff is requesting council ( OUNOL DIRE(TION direction on next steps 8 1 OF TNr. WAIVER OF EAGLE CITY CODE SECTION ° 8-3-3 B 2 .. p CU-15-22 Eagle City Council Public Hearing January 24, 2023 City Staff: Matthew Rumsey,Planner Phone: (208)939-0227 E-Mail: Project Summary Gary Brookshier is seeking conditional use permit approval to permit the installation of a concrete fence/wall adjacent to an arterial street. 1 Vicinity Map T '.A I � r 7-6 coin `:'l-4, ilp S•E Site Plan , I 2/8/2023 MWIN Total Acreage of Site 1.18-acres 0.85-acres(37,0000-square feet) Percentage of Site Devoted to Building Coverage 7%(approximately) 35%(maximum) Percentage of Site Devoted N/A N/A �IZ�ng Spaces frspaces(including 4 covered) 2-spaces(including1 covered) ®.■_' No change 30-feet(minimum) ®-■No change 30-feet(minimum) Interior Side Setback ■.,No change 15-feet(minimum) etback No change 30-feet(minimum) Fills I r l) 3 1 Issues of Special Concern Eagle City Code Section 8-3-3(B)(2) requires new fencing located adjacent to arterial streets be open style Chinden Boulevard is identified as a principal arterial street per the comprehensive plan Site Specific Conditions of Approval 1. A fence permit is required prior to construction. The proposed fence shall not be constructed within any part of the 0-foot wide irrigation and utility easement as annotated on the plat of Banbury Subdivision No.6. 3. The applicant shall submit a Design Review application to be approved by the Design Review Board and City Council prior to the issuance of a fence permit. 4. The applicant shall provide a letter from the Banbury Subdivision's Architectural Control Committee approving the proposed fence/wall upon the submittal of a fence permit. 1 x Staff Recommendation If the conditional use permit is approved, staff recommends the site specific conditions of approval on of the Staff Report and standard conditions of approval on of the Staff Report. Planning Commission Recommendation On November 21, 2022, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission voted 3 to 0 (Guerber & McCauley absent) to recommend of CU-15-22 with the site-specific conditions of approval, and standard conditions of approval beginning on page 6 of the Planning and Zoning Commission Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. 1 g End of Presentation Site Specific Conditions of Approval 1. A fence permit is required prior to construction. 2. The proposed fence shall not be constructed within any part of the 10-foot wide irrigation and utility easement as annotated on the plat of Banbury Subdivision No.6. 3. The applicant shall submit a Design Review application to be approved by the Design Review Board and City Council prior to the issuance of a fence permit. 4. The applicant shall provide a letter from the Banbury Subdivision's Architectural Control Committee approving the proposed fence/wall upon the submittal of a fence permit. 2/8/2023 COARP PLAN ZONING DESIGNATION DESIGNATION Large Lot R 1 P(Residential—PUD) Single-family home No change No change No change - Large Lot R-1-P(Residential—PUD) Single-family home South of ile Mixed Use Community(Meridian C-C(Community business district—City of Agriculture Comprehensive Plan) Meridian designation) - Large Lot R-1-P(Residential—PUD) Single-family home 6110kLarge Lot R-1-P(Residential—PUD) Single-family home 13 7 1 WAIVER OF EAGLE CITY CODE SECTION x 8-3-3(B)(2) CU-17-22 GLE, 1V� Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing January 24, 2023 City Staff: Matthew Rumsey,Administrative Clerk II Phone: (208)939-0227 E-Mail: Project Summary Leonard and Cara Butler are seeking conditional use permit approval to permit the installation of a concrete fence/wall adjacent to an arterial street. 1 Vicinity Map � - � .'„.. .�G. •� tip, < a � � Site Plan 2/8/2023 Site Data SITE DATA PROPOSED REQUIRED Total AcreageofSite ,_1.0-acres 0.85-acres(37,000Osquare feet) Percentage of Site Devoted to Building Coverage Percentage Of Site Devoted to Landscaping Number of Parking Spaces Front Setback Rear Setback Interior Side Setback Street Side Setback 7%(approximately) 3546(maximum) N/A N/A 6-spaces(including 4 covered) 2-spaces(including 1 covered) No change 30-feet(minimum) No change 30-feet(minimum) No change 15-feet(minimum) No change 30-feet(minimum) 5 .A �t 6 3 1 Issues of Special Concern • Eagle City Code Section 8-3-3(B)(2) requires new fencing located adjacent to arterial streets be open style • Chinden Boulevard is identified as a principal arterial street per the , comprehensive plan L7 Site Specific Conditions of Approval 1. A fence permit is required prior to construction. 2. The proposed fence shall not be constructed within any part of the 10-foot wide irrigation and utility easement as annotated on the plat of Banbury Subdivision No.6. .e. -3. The applicant shall submit a Design Review application to be approved by the Design Review Board and City Council prior to the ,—issuance of a fence permit. 4. The applicant shall provide a letter from the Banbury Subdivision's Architectural Control Committee approving the proposed fence/wall upon the submittal of a fence permit. 1 Staff Recommendation If the conditional use permit is approved, staff recommends the site specific conditions of approval on of the Staff Report and standard conditions of approval on of the Staff Report. Planning Commission Recommendation On November 21, 2022, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission voted 3 to 0 (Guerber & McCauley absent) to recommend of CU-17-22 with the site-specific conditions of approval, and standard conditions of approval beginning on page 6 of the Planning and Zoning Commission Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. 2 1 End of Presentation Site Specific Conditions of Approval 1. A fence permit is required prior to construction. . The proposed fence shall not be constructed within any part of the 10-foot wide irrigation and utility easement as annotated on the plat of Banbury Subdivision No.6. 3. The applicant shall submit a Design Review application to be approved by the Design Review Board and City Council prior to the issuance of a fence permit. 4. The applicant shall provide a letter from the Banbury Subdivision's, Architectural Control Committee approving the proposed fence/wall upon the submittal of a fence permit. 2/8/2023 COMP PLAN ZONING DESIGNATION DESIGNATION Large Lot .._.. e. R-1-P(Residential—PUD) Single-family home y lam No change No change No change Large Lot R-1-P(Residential—PUD) Single-family home Mixed Use Community(Meridian C{(Community business district—City of Agriculture Comprehensive Plan) Meridian designation) Large Lot R-1-P(Residential—PUD) Single-family home 6. Large Lot R-1-P(Residential—PUD) Single-family home 13 7 2/8/2023 F, s T# Beacon Light Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment January 24, 2023 Kimley>>)Horn 1 Corporate office is located and operated out of the Eagle, ID 80 S Cottonwood Creek Ct, Eagle, ID, 83616 Meet Our Founders t AJ Osborne Ron Osborne Sam Whitaker CEO President CFO N Slwmen an Amer<anemewene✓. O.nerA:El�N aryl<r.a<aorageeM i+e San WMxWcummuyM N! us<>rs. r. tx who o«n CoFarricr,0.esae.vdeea.Gees uedneyemr arr Crsc Fnm<W nrrnper AI:se14:.�onyc ponfdw Wma^..Gon nas xen a..Nnuenml kaon +JMaa a ane.rmr�.dYpa aw 60 d ra..5lr]n�LL,x�darensrnr<.:an n +r un br w«5ye«: dC.adarLM WeeMr ras rae ar C.ar hs compankrCmroCn-e.Wcann. He uema on0e+51wekrd louperoure Cr-kWeNN aia Bmorww MokVya Y a¢enoorlclalMs.ana�]eemarer BnamdDrxurs nneq Me aaM vearx as the Crv'u.e wh<ve Sam mural a..,ae, ., c vt.n w ena.,<ai s,«�a.erW uK r,,,R.,,a a wwc�v ar.ewrkrra ne< seer+a.da+a ie.no a<w=ate^.wrr�,.arc�rdemarw w GM Svrere 4.»<suo• w.naxr-- 5th Generation 4th Generation 5th Generation Eagle, ID Resident Meridian, ID Resident Meridian, ID Resident 2 2/8/2023 *Owned and Operated from Eagle, ID Cedar Creek Introduction Overview • Cedar Creek is a vertically integrated,real estate private equity firm specializing in Q the acquisition,development,andTI� management of self-storage facilities. • We own and operate multiple portfolio companies that drive shareholder value through operational synergies among Q w our entities. ! Location • Cedar Creek is headquartered in Boise, Idaho supported by a team of50+ employees. Origin MILLION MILLION • DOORS Our team has been actively acquiring and $300 2■3 10�000 operating self-storage facilities since 2004 low— i „ s I i= s m •_ w . ai4 s..�` Conceptual Project 4 2 2/8/2023 BROOKSIDE LANE r 1�rII111►11R1MAAn'•; ........�A° �es�iillf Conditioned Storage Concept 5 Conceptual Design 6 3 2/8/2023 .w - f .--. K E tl� L7 Brookside - Conceptual Design -AM k yri i _ t Conceptual Design 8 4 2/8/2023 11.3.1 AMENDMENT PROCESS Arty person applying for a Comprehensive Plan map or text amendment should submit a justification letter for the amendment which letter shall include the following: A. A specific description of the change being requested. B. Specific information on any property(s)involved. C. A description of the condition or situation which warrants a change being made in the Plan. D. A description of the public benefit(s)that would occur from such a change in the Plan and an explanation of why the public would need any such benefit(s). E. An explanation of why no other solutions to the condition or situation which warrants a change in the Plan are possible or reasonable under the current policies of the Plan. F. A detailed list of all applicable comprehensive plan goals.policies and objectives that the proposed change would help implement or policies that must also be amended as part of the proposed change. G. A proposed development plan for any and involved if a specific development is planned at the time the request for the amendment Is being made. H. An analysis showing the estimated impact that the proposed change is expected to have on existing and planned infrastructure. I. If the amendment will Impact more that the applicant submitting the application a detailed description of the efforts made to inform other parties potentially Impacted by the change of the application. 1. Any other data and information required by the City for their evaluation of the request. 9 D. A description of the public benefit(s) that would occur from such a change in the Plan and an explanation of why the public would need any such benefit(s). ftwo Expand Parks& Increase Storage Expand Future Pathways Regional Safer Roads with Improved Natural Sound Options in the Neighborhood Trail System Brookside Streetscape on Barrier from Area Services in Mixed Connectivity Along Realignment Beacon Light Highway Noise Use Area Dry Creek Increased with Facility Pedestrian and Bike Safety 10 5 2/8/2023 FUTUTRE EGEND MIRED-USE I I I I TRAIL SIDEWALK v -�TRAILHEAD CONNECTION c: 11 �p l VIEW 2 12 6 2/8/2023 E.:11-11" tion of why no other>oll.tl_ttu to the condition or situation which warrants a change in the ossible or reasonable ul the current policies of the Plan. FLOOD HAZARD MAP _wEN�tYppMcd� i 5 •; No 11. itqhi Id � tAr x rr E D a Point 13 EAGLE IS HOME CHAPTER City of Eagle 2017 Comprehensive Plan R t Brookside Realignment $1.2 million+ a (1,500 linear ft) CONCEPTUAL FUTURE ROA D WAYS \\ -OUILT Br PGBIK ACi(NCV 00.AT TIMEa DEVFLOVMFN( t SCNOOI.S ..,,,.,,�, � ,. SECONMIV FA A05 TOM BUILT W REDEAWL (Nt OaCUM VABRS WFR ANC 4IL( WAT(R .n SiING MRC ANO WOE LOT EAGLE OTT_M Pl NN(D PANK AND RIDE LOT ICIM X 0) ' ® CONCEPTUAL FUTURE ROADWAY NETWORK 14 7 2/8/2023 Adult respite care center C Amusement or recreation facility,outdoor(only) C Animal boarding with outside runs C Animal clinic,animal hospital,or veterinary office C Bed and breakfast establishment C Church C 41 . Club or lodge or social hall C Contractor's yard or shop C Daycare center C Drug and alcohol treatment facility C Dwelling,single-family detached(1 du/5 acres) P Beacon Sewer $3.9 million+ Kennel,commercial C Extension Nursery,retail C (4,400 linear feet) Residential care facility C School,public or private C Storage facility,self-service-outdoor only C Winery C 15 Allowed/Conditionally Allowed Uses Mobile Home Park C Planned Unit Development C C C Single-Family Attached C Single-family dwelling(new)(1-4 du/acre) P P P P Two-family dwelling C Bed and Breakfast Facility C C C Daycare Center C C C C • Church C C C C Commercial entertainment facilities(outdoor) C C Communication Facilities C C • Convenience store with no fuel service C C C C _ . Emergency Services C C C C P Kennel C C C C Nursery,plant materials P C C C Beacon Sewer $3.9 million+ Nursing/convalescent home C C C C Extension Winery C C (4,000 linear feet) School,public or private C C C C P 16 8 2/8/2023 =de,.,Id of all applicable comprehensive plan goals,policies and objectives that the proposed help implement or policies that must also be amended as part of the proposed change. • Section 6.15.1 Brookside Planning Area an area of transition from the State Highway system to the foothills. Transportation need to look at a new mix of land uses that buffer and transition the large lot development from the highway. • Section 6.15.1.A calls for a true mixed-use area with residential, office and community commercial to serve the incorporated residential and neighboring residential uses. • Section calls for establishing a parallel collector along HWY 55 to remove future highway access. • Section 6.15.1, 6.15.2.F and 6.15.3.A,B&C calls for working with ITD. ACHD and City of Eagle to resolve access limitations in the area in a consolidated fashion. • Section calls for pedestrian connections to Dry Creek. • Policy 6.4.3.Q supports the city in consideration of annexinq any parcels of land allowed to be annexed by Idaho Code 50-222. 17 Section Section - • - • Section - •n Section Policy . 4 • Section •n Section Section • • Section Section - • - - Section - •n Section Section 18 9 2/8/2023 =111,hendment will impact more that the applicant submitting the application a detailed description rts made to inform other parties potentially impacted by the change of the application. 14,000 Postcard Mailers Pre-App Parks&Pathway Commission Neighborhood Meeting PZC Hearing&Public Presentation Pre-App Workshop Noticing Flier for EHS Mountain Bike Group Met w/City,ACHD,&ITD Neighborhood Meeting application Submitted on Safety Improvements Door to Door Outreach x2 Workshop totaling 400+doors Voluntary Meeting w/Dry Creek HOA Voluntary Neighborhood Meeting The Ranch Podcast Appearance CC Hearing&Public Noticing 19 the amendment will impact more that the applicant submitting the application a detailed description of the efforts made to inform other parties potentially impacted by the change of the application. Dry Creek HOA Meeting CLASSSelf Storage , r • ❑� ❑r. Facifity 13 PAGE «,mz—!,P.— rrudar.vra tsWai ■r':-..�:� Postcard i ....s.m«RnM nR nufDAR fa.ilrt.JI M JM-rarM r�and d—Rnrd tip ll.vi.l Orly M a i I e rs ` u.•rvm�of•he hear rnRr hinu!:hnn nwn by enm� WMn:OrycnN aieluMrw ai.. n .n„oft el�r raa um a rr arnr.�. WE NEED' 20 10 2/8/2023 =11fthendment will Impact more that the applicant submitting the application a detailed description rts made to inform other parties potentially Impacted by the change of the application. Project Website, Podcast & Petition Locally Owned& Neighborhood Locally Operated. Meeting �. Beacon Light Qno nonw. Self Storage EoisodeM Bain D83714 AJ Osborne Development j`. _ 'CR i 4f�la iY f%si ■ _ SUPPORT THISDEVELOPMENT OWN ` two 21 7 N FUTUTPE MIXED-USE 1 22 11 2/8/2023 Requested Action ` s - Zw 23 24 12 Approval of the Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment "° �. � c� ,-,. "-;� ' 7 x ,1 - .■I{, .c��l� SSE- I - 1 2/8/2023 •M - x T. '� `F. t I���f I s• • r ql r — LIGHT ROAD r' AOV� II s _' •�:. .fir�; t'.,� �Y - Existing Conditions 25 REGIONAL OPENSPACE OVERLAY- PROFESSIONAL OFFICE/BUSINESS PARK TRANSITION OVERLAY FOOTHILLS RESIDENTIAL DOWNTOWN COMMUNITY CENTER AGRICULTURE/RURAL VILLAGE/COMMUNITY CENTER ••%•''••,' SCENIC CORRIDOR ESTATE RESIDENTIAL =COMMERCIAL FLOODWAY LARGE LOT INDUSTRIAL NEI HBORHOOD PUBLIC/SEMI-PUBLIC COMPACT BLM PARK INFILL/HIGH DENSITY EAGLE ISLAND SPECIAL USE AREA J C 4 fp m E Beacon-Light R L LJ � z E • Use Map 26 13 2/8/2023 Zoning A(Agricultural) A-R(A9ricultura1-Residential) BP(Busines,Parb) _ C-,(Neighborhood Business) A,-,DA ea(General Business) �. C-3(High—,Budnes,) ' R-2 Ceo(Central Business) .'� L-0(Limited Office) R-E l w M-,(Light IndustriaU E S ( �ra MU(Missed Use) ----- — --- 4 PS=DA PS(PubliclSemiaublic) R-,(Residential) R 3:DA`-P L �� R-2(Reudentia R'2 DA P` 3 R-2-P R-3(Residenq tial) R DA-P R-a(Reddentlaq R-5(Residential) DA R-9(Residential) R 4 DA R-10(Residential) R-12(Resrd—tial) R-15(Residential) Co-3 R-E(Residential-Estateq 1-DA reD i r X Zoning I • 27 ZONING COMPATABILITY MATRIX CITY 20NINGct ssjr1[AT10W Residential DiAr— Neighbor CcnnaI Agrialturaf Resldenlial Limited Commercial howl General Nighvray Business Lighl Industrial ReaW E%tradive Public/Semi M— AgriwlWral Resitlenlial "Me R-Bto 0111ce Airport Ouwness Business 1Wsiness DistrictIndusMal Park Industral Industrial Public Use FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNAMNSi A Ap R-E R-3 R�2 R-3 R4 R-5 R-30 L.0 GA C-1 C-2 C�3 CBD Ml) (WAI) (M2 M-3 PS MU A risultural/Dural X X X uoUnlls''r` % X X X X % X X % % X % X X % Estate Residential % X X X % X % % X Nd nbomooa' X X x z x X z X comwa X X x x x X I X I X.L X I X X I X.I.X.1 X I X X X X Miretl Vse' %I x I X X X Zoning Compatibility Matrix 28 14 2/8/2023 Before You Tonight • Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment Future Applications • ACHD ROW Vacation • Annexation/Rezone • Development Agreement 29 4dMAP 9. nA*��EI�sE„IywcE rRAA PROPOSED NETWORK EXISTING NETWORK „r w,....Im.a^4•• .. —PAVED PANIwnrs . _� NAt URAL w,.,•mr..r✓.r..rr.�.n.r. SUNEACC tNAILS _„ CXISIIN41RP0.HE 4D .m.w.w..we vr. M PROPOSED NETWORK •••• CIA-- ........wAL rw.w.r.wrwi.rn.wr ' n.cr�rw w.wea..'r rwwn. Klncv e—o EAGLE CUpRI[X1R _- r� ..vMcrR w..m nwww.nwr,.w' WA ICR TRAIL M1nWAY BNIDGES CAIIAL PAIIIWAY VR smw.vR,..r w.e,.ylu PROPOSED SPOT IMPROVEMENTS - NA111RALSUREACETRAIL IMPROVCMENI • PANIWAY DpIDGEUNDER • P I A PAIS .A— A M N)VIL CNI Ye G $E -ti ^ j rC - ® IMPRUVLD l HNILIR:.AD 4.... IN BOUNDARIES •.QA GLE+,� .t`"''"'"' �y PATHWAY UNDERVA55 c. YUEEAL;LE .......... BILMLAND ........... .. Lpp A/ YH r U IiC TUrn•.r rlr..arrw...i C IY PApKS ;4 S �LV4V NI ERS YR+ILs .. ,,o M WATF w RAIL IMR-EKENTS ....... • .ir, � 9 lrwrev SP t � � 9 .�Y � "`\ �• • uw w�.,....a.,m.v n.v 1�l�1 L'•I i JU 15 2/8/2023 H. An analysis showing the estimated impact that the proposed change is expected to have Dn eusling and planned a+a5tructure. «i3 a,dnpr..,,sm;rrr wy,n,nrnr ' Your Safety Your Mobility IDAHO TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT a 10,Mx9MR•noise,I0 R1)0).]01x ,,fir•' a„ Your Economic Opportunity j2ro033s8300•!to it.M.gor lanuery 9.2023 C.Findings for Consideration 'sory`lvonun:sb ac.v,m,a'rens"c prm!n,nn ar:rendnrerxbchomp.the lSnd use desgnprrorr on the CI\Y of Eagle -.-ny d E"s Frxpra Lent Use Flop"Uxad[rein'ore.sorrro M the hndnps M ttrnsrderorurr lM1ot re Oru:Kr n v rtrerrnN rWren N m ews h dnreaspnrenr agMceamisl The Cv.-rn v Morgan Be,..,Planner 111 nddlrarer hndnps Mr'xr,sitlerafw:onto n re,+ens p^yet'Arc rade,p4xnrenl ryplr�af:on 660 f Civic L. fagle,ID 83616 D. Site Specific Condttions of Approval Re:Beacon Lght and Bmukslde Future Land Use Map Amendment s eppii anon is 1pr a mmpreMnsiro plan mep emendmenf:o chenpe tM lend uae de$pnafion on Hie rrry of Eeple's Future Land Use Map only.Site spai oond bons of,ppm,,l w l be esreelrahed as part Dear Ms.Bessaw. of me were davalo—aet doll-Hon. 1. ACHD plan acceptenoe and vintRcatron of Impact fans are reguxed prior to ie s—of a bu,id.np Idaho Transppria[ion Uepar[men[(ITp)appreciates[Ns opponuni[y to pruvitle comnsents regardlnR the Reacon liRhr Fermat and Rmokside Future land Use Map Amendment for the City of Eagle,Idaho.ITD does not object to the proposed 2. Co ly will NI Stallard CandBions of Approval. Future Land Use Map amendment as It would remove Brookside La-'s direct access to SH-55. slncereN./ �! Oven �II ITD—Di Rrict 3 Development Services Coordinator 31 Development Impact Assessment Ego= .. =1 WWrebay. L 11: ) —_._. F a21 a—.W e r Traffic Impacts eneevr v tan12 awsm ` a m_sm tnm.sm to n]7 l Tuesday.FM]8 ' ats or Yory inow Drys )] .erred•a»S�wr pavr an •r 1 p00 Sr p don Av. enptP , OneWay Pate lr•eld TeU� DDS 32 16 2/8/2023 33 esri 34 17 2,2 98 ® Median Hweehold iNa CaRiu In�on,c Median Nut Wwn, Income Median Aqa sss $94,332 ��, fweaawm, Medan n�.Rn.eweln«,n,n tom, ' F.DLICATION asaea.�+ EMPIOVMFNI wnrce cellar ",JYpbma Sara College tease � �T 12% 6196 >+ abecenar Mgh Safwd fLtltulw'yCraa/Ruf jj q/ Unempbymem Gradwte Degree a im m a 1 Q p Rate HOUSRHOID INCOME y^"''"' Oamt 4n :OrEem Man o as Market Analysis 2/8/2023 Existin °r• i < r a- w • MeridianStorage 35 • LEED certified buildings needs to score 40-49 points out of 110 points t • Storage units potentially LEED Silver at 50 points • LEED Checklist for residential only 12 P points based on current contractor 16 ... practices in the valley • The construction assumptions in the ^' article do not match how our facility will be N" constructed LEED • I iA. 36 18 2/8/2023 ___ Imm BROOKSIDE LANE Enclosed Self Storage Concept BROOKSIDE LANE 37 i i y Conceptual Site Plan 38 19 2/8/2023 a. Existing Conditions: The IISM identifies a new residential collector road(dashed blue line Chown 1 from Beacon Light Road along the sites north property line and intersects Brook;ide Lane �'I tPr R �fi " µ.loss Cox. ► f Via\ J �CJt�apt • F �e .. Lo 39 ____C 4tof_Eagle 2017 Comprehensive Plan jel 't _ BrooM>Me L.r,e .1 Ilm..1 I on.IrucYbn I CONCEPTUAL FUTURE ROADWAYS \! corwxr ro rr.l.rroxFnr xn,u j mXrn�s _� 15 .sr xc ruu.No«ior•o* F '- vuruEo wa.nnomos inr lcw msnl .nclt crrc CONCEPTUAL FUTURE ROADWAY NETWORK 40 20 2/8/2023 EAGLEtS1010E C-IAPTERd -t5A5U fYlly Y r e • •, .•.` vNucMc l 3 3 � � UwY]IVFE PApGf'' (� e. EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES 41 EAGLt♦S HOME-CHAViER S L� ojecietl io w 25,OD0- 53.500tlenY i (r r PROJECTED 2050 DAILY TRAFFIC VOLUMES ti iFa .. s.S00.]0. �20.00025,050 J. ia•Wo.is. _.. 35,ow.53.o00 ..... �. i PROJECTED 2040 TRAFFIC VOLUMES 42 21 2/8/2023 EAGLE IS HOVE CHAPTERS l[ f t , _T - � ® PRIORITIZED PROJECTS w 43 :-MBE CHAPTER City of Eagle-2017 Comprehensive Plan ......... ImbMENINrN .. .. cabeuNan • MASTER STREET MAP TYPOLOGIES a9 44 22 2/8/2023 Applicant Team CONNER SKEEN AJ OSBORNE Cedar Creek Wealth Cedar Creek Wealth Eagle,ID Eagle,ID 0 0 BRAD ANDERSON Cedar Creek Wealth MICHAEL O'REILLY,PE Eagle,ID Kimley-Horn BA Boise,Idaho NICOLETTE WOMACK,AICP Kimley-Horn Boise,Idaho 45 23 1 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT CPA-01-22 Eagle City Council Public Hearing January 24, 2023 City Staff: Morgan Bessaw,Planner III Phone: 208-489-8786 E-Mail: 'f Project Summary: Cedar Creek Wealth, represented by Nicolette Womack of Kimley Horn, is requesting a comprehensive plan amendment to change the land use map designation from Neighborhood Residential to Mixed Use. 1 Vicinity Map: The 22.73-acre site is located on V w the northwest corner of the intersection of m East Beacon Light Road and State r+ Highway 55. 3 • This application is only for a Comprehensive Possible Site Plan: Plan Future Land Use Map amendment.Any future applications for annexation,rezoning,or site-specific development will be processed and noticed separately. • The applicant is proposing to construct: • Enclosed climate controlled self-storage building(64,970 SF) • 5 drive-up storage buildings(64,675 SF) • 5 Boat/RV storage buildings(107,345 SF) • A truck wash and dump area • All perimeter buildings will be enclosed and fenced with landscaping. • The only open-air storage buildings will be .Y located internal to the site,unable to be seen from the rights-of-way. • An additional commercial pad is also proposed on the westerly portion of the parcel. • A pedestrian pathway along the creek would be provided,exact location TBD. • The design would include relocating Brookside Drive along the westerly boundary of the property. 4 1 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Designations: CO IMP PLAN ZONING LAND USE DESIGNATION DESIGNATION Existing N eighborhood RUT(Rural Urban Und-eloped Residential Transition Ada CountyAgr cultural/Ru • Proposed Mixed Use No Change Future storage or v' other similar use Neighborhood RUT(Rural Urban L rge lot residential NeiNorth of a site residential and Transition—Ada County and agricultural Agricultural/Rural Designation) .+s , r, jJ.. South of =hood `_'(Residential)and A- Gas station and single 1WMixed-U,e Residential) Site .1 and R(Agri cu Itural family residential 1 Designation)East of site Residential(Non- RR(Rural Residential— Residential(Maryglen farm sub area) Ada County Sub.2) West of Agricultural RUT(Rural Urban Large lot residential sit. Residential Transition—Ada County and agricultu ral e 4 •I1�5... Neighborhood Residential is suitable for single family residential. Densities range from 2 units per acre to 4 units per acre. Mixed-Use is suitable for a mixture of uses including limited office,limited commercial and residential. Residential densities within the designation is up to 20 units per acre but density will be determined on a site by site basis.Uses should complement and not take away from downtown Eagle.Development within this land use designation should be required to proceed through the PUD and/or development agreement process.See the planning area text for a complete descript on of the site specific uses. Brookside Planning Area : • The site is located within the Brookside Planning Area,an area of transition between the Eagle Foothills to the north and the rural areas along Beacon Light Road. The Brookside Planning Area is designated for mixed-use combining residential, office, and limited retail within a community center as designated in the Foothills Planning Area. • The Comprehensive Plan envisions the Brookside Planning Area with a frontage/internal access road connecting from the northern intersection of Brookside Lane and State Highway 55 to a newly re-aligned Brookside Lane and Beacon Light Road intersection,which is what the applicant is proposing. • The Comprehensive Plan encourages all of the area property owners to coordinate and cooperate with the affected agencies (ITD, ACHD, and Eagle) to address the site's .�'.��3ce• \ limitations with Brookside Lane to avoid a situation where the �� Sail 9 Brookside Planning Area may be limited to existing residential I3 land uses. �!, r+ ' a .'71 1 Special Designations: • The site has approximately 1,400 feet of linear frontage along State Hwy 55, which is located within the designated Scenic Corridor. • Approximately four acres of the site is located within the floodway of Dry Creek, approximately 3 acres are located within the 1%annual chance special flood hazard area, and approximately 12 acres are located within the 0.2%annual chance floodplain, which is outside the special flood hazard area. • The majority of the area located within the area of special flood hazard is being proposed to remain as open space and to include a greenbelt pathway along Dry Creek. ° Trails Master Plan The City's Trails Master Plan !� envisions a pathway along Dry DRY CREEK RD Creek in the same location that the applicant is proposing. BEACON LIGHT RD 77 S..Oaks Sports Complex Elementary FLOATING FEATHER I* ~�� 1 Fiscal Impact Analysis: (Comparative fiscal analysis is based on 44 residential units constructed on the same timeline) DEVELOPER DATA TABLE r�•aoe�ao 0 0 Flex Spam Total:22,500 Stomp Space TOW,255,752 9 mendment Process: Per the existing Comprehensive plan, any person applying for a comprehensive plan map amendment shall provide the following justification: A.A specific description of the change being requested. B.Specific information on any property(s)involved. C.A description of the condition or situation which warrants a change being made in the Plan. D. A description of the public benefit(s) that would occur from such a change in the Plan and an explanation of why the public would need any such benefit(s). E.An explanation of why no other solutions to the condition or situation which warrants a change in the Plan are possible or reasonable under the current policies of the Plan. F. A detailed list of all applicable comprehensive plan goals, policies and objectives that the proposed change would help implement or policies that must also be amended as part of the proposed change. G. A proposed development plan for any land involved if a specific development is planned at the time the request for the amendment is being made. H. An analysis showing the estimated impact that the proposed change is expected to have on existing and planned infrastructure. I.If the amendment will impact more than the applicant submitting the application a detailed description of the efforts made to inform other parties potentially impacted by the change of the application. J.Any other data and information required by the City for their evaluation of the request. io 1 1 On October 3, 2022, the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended denial of the application after they determined that applicant was unable to justify the four criteria required for Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendments highlighted below: 6--iL I�I� ................. 12 _ is / -.�h� G. +� ',r:•.S,$ Yy xi / ,-Y •' ' � �/ OPT' � BEACON LIGHT RD. ! This area is in high demand for self storage space, especially large boat and RV storage units, which a large portion of this facility will be dedicated to and designed for. This will help reduce some of the heavy traffic throughout town by getting RVs, boats, and trailers off the road until after Beacon light. We are also looking into numerous options to help make this area more safe and connected for pedestrian traffic. d •�� 4 e F yF, +q ray 1 e- 3`FFi` • 0e4• • • r ` 3 } ! 1 f January 18, 1 e l Y 1 1 Hello Neighbor- As native Idahoans, we have personally witnessed the tremendous growth the last + decades.We also know, this growth will only continue. ��. In 2020 we purchased the land on the corner of HWY 55 and Beacon Light. Land identified in the City's future comprehensive plan for mixed use. This was an opportunity for us to provide self-storage to our own community an underserved t� tUv market. It also allowed us to do something bigger and enhance the place we call home �ry hrough the preservation of Dry Creek adding a public walking path alongside it, provide C"� a safer intersection at Beacon Light and HWY 55, and protect the country aesthetics with carefully designed/completely enclosed barn-style architecture. We understand the fear of a neighboring development project.We want to assure you of 1 our dedication to our community, you our neighbors, the preservation of the current \t esthetic while also serving the community in roviding a service where_here is a IN shortage. ��,`� • y�S2� � , �;� x -1 l �`� 4 vf< - n� _� �')���\� We would like to extend a personal invitation for a project presentation and Q & A with you and other surrounding neighbors. Knowledge is power. It's important to us that you are provided the facts to make an informed opinion regarding our project. We look forward to meeting you and answering all your questions and addressing any potential concerns. i SUPPORT THIS DEVELOPMENT ��_.� _ �• Scan the QR code for more project 0N . information and to sign our petition. 2/8/2023 BROOKSIDE LANE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT FROM "NEIGHBORHOOD" TO "MIXED USE" Edward Sloan — 4243 N Brookside Lane Testimony in Opposition Why this is a Bad Idea Brookside Lane & Planning Area • Current Situation ----- Neighborhood Residential 5+ acre rural lots -t� i 1 • 3 y 2 1 2/8/2023 Huge Storage Project & Mixed Use designation is not Harmonious with the Neighborhood Not Limited Commercial as required 23 Acres -- Bad Idea 3 Cedar Creek Storage — Meridian �;- a S Acres K• i t r NP Fy I l M 4 2 2/8/2023 New Premier Storage Facility under construction Ballantyne/W. State, 4 acres. Also, one to be built at Avimor, Forge Construction is building 10 new facilities. 5 TRAFFIC Backed up to Hill road and down Beacon Light— Project would add more traffic at the intersection, on Beacon Light and Brookside Add in people trying to get in and out of the storage facility. A bigger mess! Bad Idea 6 3 2/8/2023 Crimea ! Industrial Storage facilities are a magnet for crime! They are mainly unmanned, with criminals renting storage units for drug deals and also breaking into adjacent units, cutting off locks or cutting through adjacent walls to get to other units. This will bring tremendous new crime to our quiet, safe, Brookside area. This will be a new challenge for Eagle Police! C E Eagle Zoning Map Note: 4 l 1. MU Zone z [n.yM+PIrW f+h�nym.8`.d E BI.' ,6�s R ;4 ^^nm 2. Community Ce n t e r REGIONAL OPENSPACE OVERLAY PROFESSIONAL OFFICE/BUSINESS PAR MIXED USE TRANSITION OVERLAY FOOTHILLS RESIDENTIAL DOWNTOWN 3.S c e n i c COMMUNITY CENTER AGRICULTURE/RURAL VILLAGE/COMMUNITY CENTER Corridor SCENIC CORRIDOR ESTATE RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL FLOODWAY LARGE LOT INDUSTRIAL ^-� NEIGHBORHOOD PUBLIC/SEMI-PUBLIC COMPACT BLM PARK 0 0.4750.95 7.9 Miles I I INFILL/HIGH DENSITY EAGLE ISLAND SPECIAL USE AREA S 4 2/8/2023 Chapter 10, Community Design The application did not address this requirement of enhancing the entrances and Scenic Corridors and Gateways to Eagle k_ 9 ❖ 6.15.1 - BROOKSIDE PLANNING AREA— EAGLE IS HOME PLAN "The Brookside Planning Area is designated for mixed-use combining residential, office, and limited retail" ❖ Currently the Neighborhood zoning appropriately restricts the type of uses allowed. But,If the MU designation is approved,a Storage Facility could be constructed on the site or a long list of other projects that do not meet the current zoning restrictions. Single use commercial should be discouraged in this area. The Storage Project does not meet the Brookside Planning Area/Foothills Planning Area requirements. ❖ The Eagle City Code defines what is allowed in the MU zone=Limited office, limited commercial,and residential. What is the definition of LIMITED, does this project meet that definition. •:• Limited Definition= "restricted in size amount or extent:few,small or short. •:• This project and code modification does not meet that requirement! Bad Idea 10 5 2/8/2023 BROOKSIDE SHEEP TRAILING --- I not compatible with a storage facilitv • t. z , t h e, l BAAAAAD IDEA 11 Request That Eagle City Council deny the COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT FROM "NEIGHBORHOOD" TO "MIXED USE" Good Idea 12 6 2/8/2023 Eagle Code — Mixed Use MU MIXED USE DISTRICT:To provide for a variety and mixture of uses such as limited office, limited commercial,and residential.This district is intended to ensure compatibility of new development with existing and future development. It is also intended to ensure assemblage of properties in a unified plan with coordinated and harmonious development which shall promote outstanding design without unsightly and unsafe strip commercial development. Uses should complement the uses allowed within the CBD zoning district.All development requiring a conditional use permit in the MU zoning district, as shown in section 8-2-3 of this chapter, shall occur under the PUD and/or development agreement process in accordance with chapter 6 or 10 of this title unless the proposed development does not meet the area requirements as set forth in section 8-6-5-1 of this title. In that case a cooperative development, in conjunction with adjacent parcels(to meet the minimum area requirements), shall be encouraged. Otherwise a conditional use permit shall be required unless the proposed use is shown as a permitted use in the MU zoning district within section 8-2-3 of this chapter. Residential densities shall not exceed twenty (20)dwelling units per gross acre. When a property is being proposed for rezone to the MU zoning district, a development agreement may be utilized in lieu of the PUD and/or conditional use process if approved by the city council, provided the development agreement includes conditions of development that are required during the PUD and conditional use process. (Ord. 673, 11-27-2012) 13 7 2/8/2023 R3 R, F-T-i w rwxurve.e�iet.xu ------ 1 I I I I 1 wxurWncr I w uxEroor sr j �� if � I Lim C;�Tm I I �I 1 r ASO ee� w•ti�e r q r 2 1 2/8/2023 Project Location & Adjacent Developments • MOIC4 ' et Y F10atin ' eather Rd m • FOOTHILLS RESIDENTIAL .. • �� AGRICULTURE/RURAL z ESTATE RESIDENTIAL LARGE LOT NEIGHBORHOOD j * .r " • •': COMPACT �"`:`! - """"• TRANSITION OVERLAY MIXED USE �'• •• t• i PUBLIC/SEMI-PUBLIC 4 2 1 Preliminary Plat & Zones Requested Buildable lots: 70 Common lots:6 Total lots: 76 R-1 District 0 +/-9 acres Buildable lots:7 • 0 Average lot size:41,128 square feet Q (0.94 acres) Density:0.78 units/acre R-3 District +/-27 acres QQ Q� Q Buildable lots:63 Common lots:6 a� 00 Q Average lot size: 12,384 square feet Density:2.3 units/acre ■ 0 0 Q 0 0 0 aooQ ao ota 0 0 ...... a� o a 0 0 0 sa 2/8/2023 Open Space and -------------- LONCEPTUA SUBJECT TO CHANGE PATHWAY AND TRAILS LEGEND KEYNOTES(TYPI(Al LOT LEGEND Amenities ' 7.7 acres qualified open space 3.11 acres active open space (40%) Internal pedestrian walkways and pathway adjacent to Drainage Ditch No. 14 Pathways ati r a a x a �3•. 7 z. NI 2/8/2023 �1 V .n 9 ------- Typical HomeElevations JP t " -:q- 10 5 2/8/2023 P&Z Commission • • . • 3.1 The maximum density for the Property shall be 1.82 2-42 dwelling units per acre (03 single- family lots). modified.Request that this DA provision be 11 cte a � e N.- ..J 12 6 2/8/2023 PATHWAY AND TRAILS LEGEND o. 71C S'8'CANAL PATHWAY NATURAL SURFACE -'.zXXYIi S'AOEWALK PAVED w/. xtrrgrsr. x r y 7 1 1 i L suxa Y ` C, t h' Y ff +E 13 P&Z Commission Recommendation 19, Provide a revised preliminary plat showing the five(5)buildable lots removed from the area located north of the New Dry Creek Ditch and two(2)buildable lots removed from the area located on the north side of West Retreat Street. The revised preliminary plat shall be provided prior to the submittal of a design review application Request that this condition be removed. 0. Provide a revised preliminary plat showing a roundabout located at the southem terminus of North Delehaye Avenue. The revised reliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal of a design review application. Request that this condition 14 7 2/8/2023 Carp Ranch Density:1.98 du/acre oq� Creek Water Density:2.28 du/acre s`4roE�, y Open Space lot �OntlirG E[n±HEr RDAp D 5**P`Er v l .Enur.nun .wit _ f W.IIMEEM<OURT i y 15 P&Z Commission Recommendation 21. Provide a revised preliminary plat showing a gate with a pedestrian Opening located at the terminus of North Peabody Avenue north of the New Dry Creek Canal.The revised preliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal of a design review application. Request that Council make a determination. 22. Provide a revised preliminary plat showing a common lot with an eieht foot (8') wide pathway located between Lot 2.Block 1,and Lot 1.Block 2.The revised prelimina�lat shall be provided Prior to submittal of a design review a�licat'onto submittal of a design review a�licat'on. Request that Council make a determination. 16 8 2/8/2023 a L_ ,.:.._ two STATE HIGHWAY 44 1/ SUBDIVISION � I I � - t W BMEfgq?sI - 1 1 THANKYOU zi I 1 ' 1 1 I I 1 - ' «-+..!►..ter..�,,,;,,��, � 1 f AGE F WGM 1 C 1 1 � 18 9 2/8/2023 xi o 0 , p O O_ p r � 0 00 0 a Q i 0 0 O O / p 0 p 0 O L, 0 0 O U7 t 19 additional Site Data Proposed Required Dwelling Units Per Gross.Acre 2.02-dwelling unitsacre ?02-dwelling units acre maximum(as limited by the development agreement) Minimum Lot Size 10,519-square feet(R-3) 10.000-square tect(R-3) 38,585-square feet(R-1) 37.000-square feet i R-I 1 Minimum Lot Width 75-feet(R-3) 75-feet(R-3) 159-feet(R-I) 100-feet(R-I) Minimum Street Frontage 30-feet 35-feet Total Acreage of Common Area Open 7.97-acres(inclusive of planter 6.91-acres(minimum) Space strips) Percent of Site as Common Area 23116 20".Io(minimum) Open Space Except that,according to ECC Section 9.3-8(CI the City ma) require additional public and or Private park or open space facilities in PUN Percent of Common Area Open Space 43.6 io(3.48-acres) 15 o(minimum)(1.16- as Active Open Space acres) 20 10 1 0 0 • • o • • 0 0 . 0 0 • o Rva�o� 4o� • do o o �Q • moo ai0 � a�oa�sa .' • 1' O O B O O O O O � ' City of Eagle FLUM —Adopted 2007 a-now sIMINNIAO-I"14 IN • \. .�OWN •;�• a .�; .� 1 of TN r. _ H ° CARP RANCH SUBDIVISION p A-04-22/RZ-04-22/CU-04-22/PPUD-02-22/PP-08-22 Eagle City Council Public Hearing January 24, 2023 City Staff: Michael Williams,CFM,Plann` Phone: 939-0227 E-Mail: Public Hearing — August 15, 2022 • On August 15, 2022, the Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing. Upon closing the public hearing they directed the applicant to provide the following information: • Contact ACHD regarding the extension of Barefoot Street. • Contact ITD regarding the requirement of proportionate share mitigation. • Contact EFD regarding the extension of Barefoot Street. The Commission remanded the application to staff to provide the applicant time to address the Commission's concerns. The application was re-noticed for tonight's public hearing. 1 Project Summary Gemshore Eagle RE, LLC, represented by Stephanie Hopkins and/or Kevin McCarthy, P.E., with KM Engineering, LLP, is requesting: • Annexation, Rezone with Development Agreement, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Development Plan, and Preliminary Plat approvals for Carp Ranch Subdivision, a 77-lot, (70-buildable, 7-common) residential planned unit development. • The 34.57-acre site is located on the south side of West Floating Feather- Road approximately 500-feet west of the intersection of North Cove Colony Way and West Floating Feather Road. Vicinity Map P +t C C 2/8/2023 i 1 ' i I r `` i COfiCtPTUrl4]U6/ttT TO CMPNOE �ni ay f� { w ;#ff j Ed tt i.- ' fi f� vta 6 3 1 Site Data Total Acreage of Site — 34.57-acres Total Number of Lots— 77 Residential—70 Commercial—0 Industrial—0 Common—7 Total Number of Units— 70 Single-family—70 Single-family (attached)—0 Multi-family—0 Total Acreage of Any Out-Parcels— 0 Site Data ( Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendation) Total Acreage of Site — 34.57-acres Total Number of Lots— 70 Residential—63 Commercial—0 Industrial—0 Common—7 Total Number of Units— 63 Single-family—63 Single-family (attached)—0' Multi-family—0 Total Acreage of Any Out-Parcels— 0 2/8/2023 Additional Site Data Proposed Required 2.02-dwelling units/acre 2.02-dwelling units/acre maximum(as limited by Dwelling Units Per Gross Acre the development agreement) 1.82-dwelling units/acre maximum(as limited by the development agreement)(Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation) 10,519-square feet(R-3) 10,000-square feet(R-3) Minimum Lot Sim 38,585-square feet(R-1) 37,000-square feet(R-1) 4 Minimum Lot Width 75-fat(R-3) 75-fat(R-3) 159-fat(R-1) 100-feet(R-1) 30-feet 35-feet Minimum Street Frontage 7.97-acres(inclusive of phumer strips) 6.91 acres(minimum) Total Acreage of Common Area Open Space 23% 20%(minimum) Percent of Site as Common Area Open Space Except that,according to ECC Section 9.3-8(C)the City may require additional public and/or private park or open space f drtiesin PUDs ilk IS%(mmnmum)(I.16acres) 91 Percent of Common Area Open Space as Active Open Space 43.6%(3.48acres) Cj Planning • Specialnd Zoning Commission's Issues of Density • calmingTraffic on • D- 1 Through • Creekwater Subdivision Additional pathway within a common lot between Cove Colony Subdivision and North D- 10 5 1 Marathon Pipeline • 4. Provide a revised preliminary plat showing the 16.5' pipeline easement located within Lot 1, Block 2, to be located within a common lot. The area south of the easement maintained may be platted as a buildable lot. The revised preliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal of final development plan and final plat applications. Front setback based on location of sidewalk R-1(Residential)zoned area: R g Front 31-feet(living and/or side entry garage) 36-feet(front-load garage) Rear 30-feet Interior Side 15-teet(first story) 5-feet(each additional story) Street Side 30-feet Maximum Lot Coverage 33% R-3(Residential)zoned area: Front 3I-feet(living and/or tl��f�7 side entry garage) 36deet(front-load garage) Rear 25-feet Interior Side 7.5-feet(first story)5-feet(tack )' additional story) Street Side 20-teet .. Maxinnun Lot Coverage 400% 1 Site Specific Conditions of Approval 19. Provide a revised preliminary plat showing the five(5) buildable lots removed from the area located north of the New Dry Creek Ditch and two (2) buildable lots removed from the area located on the north side of West Retreat Street. The revised preliminary plat shall be provided prior to the submittal of a design review application. 20. Provide a revised preliminary plat showing a roundabout located at the southern terminus of North Delehaye Avenue. The revised preliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal of a design review application. 21. Provide a revised preliminary plat showing a gate with a pedestrian opening located at the terminus of North Peabody Avenue north of the New Dry Creek Canal.The revised preliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal of a design review application. 22. Provide a revised preliminary plat showing a common lot with an eight foot (8') wide pathway located between Lot 2, Block 1, and Lot 1, Block 2. The revised preliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal of a design review application. a Preliminary Plat 1 Pressure Irrigation location 7.Provide a revised preliminary plat showing the pressure irrigation line located within Lots 2.23.and �., 27,Block 6,to be located within the required 5-toot interior side lot line easement.T'he revised preliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal of .� final development plan and final plat application,. (E3CC 9-3-6) Staff Recommendation If the annexation and rezone with development agreement are approved, staff recommends the conditions of development on If the conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat are approved, staff recommends the site specific conditions of approval on of the Staff Report and standard conditions of approval on of the Staff Report. 1 Planning Commission Recommendation On October 17, 2022, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4 to 1 to recommend of the applications with the conditions of development, site specific conditions of approval, and standard conditions of approval provided on page 15 of the Planning and Zoning Commission Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. End of Presentation 1 Comprehensive Plan Map Designation & Zoning Map Designation NeighborhoodIlk— COMP PLAN ZONING LAND USE DESIGNATION DESIGNATION Existing Residential with a RUT(Rural-Urban Transition—Ada Agricultural OverlayTransition Proposed No Change •• R-3-DA-P(Residential Single-Family Residential with a development agreement— Subdivision OverlayNeighborhood Residential with a R-E(Residential-Estates) Single-Family Residential North of site Transition NeighborhoodSouth of site Residential with a .• OverlayTransition PUD) Subdivision No.2[currently under construction]) East of site Large Lot Residential R-I(Residential) Single-Family Residential (Colony Subdivision) West of site Neighborhood Residential ivith a R-3-DA(Residential with a Single-Family Residential(Creek TransitionOverlay Pubtic/Semi-Public (Public/Semi-Public) Mgh School West Barefoot Street ConnectivityA • CHAPTER 8:TRANSPORTAT'ION 8.4.1 Roadway Strategies ' • P: Local and collector streets through residential neighborhoods are recommended to provide �. connectivity while being designed to preserve the character of the surrounding neighborhoods through appropriate design techniques.including street width,traffic calming,and traffic control.The goal of the local street system is to provide for local circulation within Eagle and not for regional traffic. Cul-de-sac streets and private streets should be discouraged.In order to provide this connectivity, new develo ments should be required to stub access to a jacent undeveloped or underdeveloped parcels consistent with ACID road spacing standards.All new developments should be reviewed for appropriate opportunities to connect to local roads and collectors in adjacent developments. 1 Eagle City Code Section 9-3-2-1 LOCATION AND DESIGN: Street and road location and design shall conform to the following standards: A. Street Location And Arrangements: When an official street plan or comprehensive development plan has been adopted, subdivision streets shall conform to such plans. C. Stub Streets: Where adjoining areas are not subdivided, the arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall be such that said streets extend to the boundary line of the tract to make provisions for the future extension of said streets into adjacent areas and shall have a cul-de-sac or temporary cul-de- sac. A reserve street may be required and held in public ownership. a ACHD Report July 18, 2013 Site Specific Conditions of Approval 11. Construct one stub street to the east, Barefoot Drive, located approximately 470 feet south of the north property line, as proposed. Construct one offset turnaround at the terminus of the cul-de-sac if approved by the fire department. If the fire department does not approve the use of the offset turnaround then construct a standard cul- de-sac turnaround at the terminus of the stub street. Install a sign at the terminus of the stub street stating that, "THIS ROAD WILL BE EXTENDED IN THE FUTURE." 1 CITY OF SHOOTING SPORTS PARK RFQ RESPONSES �.Y~�rrral ,r'j�11�14^•i January 24, 2023 E Ci Nichoel Baird Spencer,MCRP,AICP EAGLE ^ Director LRP&P WHERE IS THE PROPOSED SHOOTING SPORTS PARK? Approximately Macro sit( lrlcated 3-miles north of Beacon Light Road on N. Eagle Road. `a'te of Idaho Donation Donation 2/8/2023 WHY HERE? Directs shooting on to a single site that is regulated and has controlled access Ability to control land uses surrounding the Site-Foothills Land Use Plan 80-acres site within 300-acre parent parcel Natural Basin-Able to control access to the site and keep site contained. No land Acquisition Cost-Site was donated to the City Overall property larger than shooting sports uses- allow for open space preserve and buffers Majority of the Site will be a Habitat Management Area Emmett Ronqe� Private Club Stopped counting at `J 3.39-miles from DT �1 00 21-miles from shomes within 1.5-miles a DT Eagle jiWill It ate Club -homes within 1.5- "41-1 ,o. iij Public IF&G Blacks Creek- 6-homes within 1.5- miles 29-miles from DT Eagle -mile: 2 homes, 1-mile:9 homes, 1.5-miles: 28 nl 39 Total Homes within 1.5-miles ;i(� 1 H I STO RY: 2020: Cooperative planning with the BLM Plan identified the need to address shooting sports in the Eagle Foothills •Complaints about conflicting uses,noise,uncontrolled access to public lands,and garbage and trash 2021: City Contracted with Range Design Services for a site evaluation&concept design for two locations •BLM R&PP Site(W.of Willow Creek Road) • Private Site(E.of Willow Creek Road) • City approached by landowner about donation of the private site:80-acre range within 600-acre parcel 2022: City Evaluation Process: • February 2022:Law Enforcement Discussion February 2022:User Group Meeting March 2022: Public Open House On-line Survey Public Comment on Shooting Sports Park Council directed 3 studies to be completed(Cultural/Environmental,Noise,&Transportation) October 2022: City Council presentation of finding from studies(Cultural/Environmental,Noise,&Transportation) Direction to move forward in drafting an RFQ for design build—limited to available funding November 2022:City Council Approval to Release RFQ December 2022:City accepts 603.04-acre land donation,inclusive of 80-acre site SOLICITATION OF QUALIFICATIONS Tentative Schedule of Events Dead Deadhilc for ituestions/Inquiries • . . . I �I Contract • 1 REVIEW OF RESPONSES The City received one response to the request for qualifications from: Total Range Solutions, LLC The proposal was evaluated by the City's review committee: Councilman Baun Councilman Pike Tim Oren(Citizen) Chief Wilkie City Staff Proposal was evaluated by the rubric established in the RFQ: • Average Score was 96.3 out of 100 possible points COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Committee finds that otal Range Services, LLC is qualified to complete the design-build work as outlined in the RFQ. Additional information that should be reviewed prior to finalization of a contract: • Review of financial capacity and bonding: This should be reviewed and required as part of the contract negations process. • Review of experience with lead mitigation: This should be reviewed as a specific of the contract negotiations process. • Encourage increased public participation during design:The committee recommends that increased public participation during site design and mitigation planning be considered as part of the contract negotiation process. The Committee recommend that the City begin contract negotiations with Total Range Design Services, LCC for the shooting sports park and a draft contract be brought to the Council for consideration. 2/8/2023 This action does not approve construction or bind the council to move forward to construction. Additional council action will be required for: • Land use approval through a PUMP application • Contract approval before the expenditure of City funds Staff recommends that the contract negotiations include: • A Notice to Proceed structure, establishing triggers for each stage of the contract • A robust public information process • Limitations on expenditures based on current city appropriations & committed funding EAR 5 2/8/2023 Valley Regional g1 AgreementCooperative Q G Eagle City Council January 24, 2023 3 �. 1 Valley Regional Transit FY2O23 Cooperative Agreement j Presentation Purpose , • Discuss On-Demand transit program to inform FY2023 cooperative agreement ' '� • • 1 vall•yreg ions ltransh 2 1 2/8/2023 On-Demand Transit Eagle Background Eagle as a Crossroads • Long-term transit investments connect Eagle to Boise, Meridian and Star • State Street Corridor planning is continuing Boise Meridian • Public outreach and council input identified 60 minutes. Population opportunity for on-demand service =1wa l leyregiona!transit Image from . ValleyConnect 2.0 3 On-Demand Transit Background Annual Cooperative Agreement • Defines support VRT provides to Eagle • Individual contribution requests • General Assessment • Service Contribution • Capital Assessment • Special Assessment N 11D� walleyregionaltransit 4 2 2/8/2023 On-Demand Transit Background Service Contribution - On-Demand Mon Demand • Available to general public • Monday-Friday Sam - 5pm • "Curb-to-Curb" service in Eagle • Regional Connections: • Saxton & State Ulm • Village at Meridian • St Luke's Meridian ,, • Coordinated with transportation of seniorsR..k Ride 'I valleyregionaltransil 5 0 City of Eagle Key Destinations --- - -- - - Q Saxton&State ©Eagle On Demand Service I O O 0 Area Saint Lukes Meridian 111 w 9 ©Complex Saxton Q 0 The Village at Meridian and State O v Map of- On Demand Service Area • Available to general public 7VIIIa,e• Monday-Friday 8am - 5pm aeran • "Curb-to-Curb" service in Eagle • Coordinated with transportation of seniors St Luke's • Ridership potential 90-180 trips/week Meridian 6 3 2/8/2023 Thank you. Questions? Stephen Hunt Chief Development Officer shunt@valleyregionaltransit.org walleyiywnalfransil "'