Minutes - 2018 - City Council - 10/09/2018 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL Meeting Minutes October 9, 2018 INVOCATION 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ridgeway calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GOLD, PITTMAN, MITCHELL. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Ridgeway leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PRESENTATIONS: A. ACTION ITEM A. Republic Services representative Rachele Klein proposes changes to current programs and offering additional services in 2018/2019. Mayor introduces the issue. Rachele Klein, Republic Services, distributes a handout to Council and provides Council an overview of proposed change to current programs and the additional services in 2018/2019. General discussion. Proposed Changes Discussion Items: Unlimited Trash, Spring Clean Up, and Fall Leaf Recycling. General discussion. Council concurs to add the leaf recycle bins and water bottle/light weight plastic recycle bins. Council accepts the proposed changes. Rachele will bring forward for Council a grant for funding the Orange Bag Program. B. Mayor and Council recognize Barbara Williams for her 20 years of service to the City. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT: None This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. 6. ADDITIONS, DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA;. INCLUDING THE CONSENT AGENDA: City Staff Requests: None Mayor or City Council Requests: None Page 1 J:,COUNCILNINUTES,Tanporary Minutes Work Area,CC-10-09-18min.doc 7. ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS CONSENT AGENDA: • Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. • Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims against the City. B. White Cane Safety Day Proclamation: The City of Eagle proclaims October 15, 2018 White Cane Safety Day to promote awareness and understanding of persons with vision loss and blindness who travel with the white cane, while celebrating their accomplishments and independence. (SR) C. Prosecuting Attorney Agreement Fiscal Year 2018-2019 — Addendum No. 4: An agreement between the City of Eagle and the City of Boise for the provision of City Prosecutor / Criminal legal services for an amount not to exceed $66,005.49 annually. (SR) D. Domestic Violence Awareness Month Proclamation. (SR) E. Agreement for Building Inspector Services between the City of Eagle and Rick Wenick for fiscal year 2018-2019. (SN) F. Agreement for Mechanical Inspector Services and Back-up Residential Plans Reviewer for Fiscal Year 2018-2019. (SN) G. DR-40-18—Common Area Landscaping within Woodcreek Estates Subdivision—SMKM LLC—Keith Bucher: SMKM, LLC, represented by Keith Bucher, is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within Woodcreek Estates Subdivision, a 9 -lot (6 -buildable, 3 -common) residential subdivision. The 4.03 -acre site is located at the terminus of West Enchantment Street, North Cobblestone Lane, and North Cobblestone Way at 489 North Cobblestone Lane. (WEV) H. FP-11-18—Final Plat for Hazen Ranch Subdivision— Bristol Company: Bristol Company, represented by Shawn Nickel with SLN Planning, is requesting final plat approval for Hazen Ranch Subdivision, a 17 -lot (17 -buildable) residential subdivision. The 35.18 -acre site is located on the east side of North Meridian Road at the southeast corner of West Caliber Court and North Meridian Road at 2044 and 2400 North Meridian Road. (WEV) I. Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law for FPUD-11-18 & FP-13-18—Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Snoqualmie River Subdivision No. 2—White Sturgeon, LLC: White Sturgeon, LLC, represented by Justin Martin, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Snoqualmie River Subdivision No. 2, a 79 -lot (68 -buildable, 11 -common) residential planned unit development. The Page 2 J:''COUNCILMINUTES,Tanporary Minutes Work Are&CC-10-09-I8tnin.doc 29.24 -acre site is located on the west side of North Palmer Lane and south side of West Decathlon Street. (WEV) J. Minutes of September 25, 2018. (TO) K. Resolution No. 18-31 Authorizing Destruction of Public Records. (SKB) L. Resolution No. 18-33 Authorizing Archiving of Public Records. (SKB) M. Resolution No. 18-36 Authorizing Archiving of Public Records. (SKB) N. Resolution No. 18-37 Authorizing Destruction of Temporary Records. (SKB) O. Resolution No. 18-38 Authorizing Archiving of Public Records. (SKB) Cheryl Bloom pulls Item #7H from the Consent Agenda. Pittman moves to approve the Consent Agenda as presented Items #A through #O with the exception of Item #H which will be pulled for discussion. Seconded by Mitchell. Bastian: AYE; Gold: AYE; Pittman: AYE; Mitchell: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES H. FP-11-18—Final Plat for Hazen Ranch Subdivision— Bristol Company. Mayor introduces the issue. Cheryl Bloom discuss a setback notation that was to be noted on the final plat. Also discusses irrigation access and a pipe being blown out. Planner Williams discusses the setbacks of 30' with no waivers and discusses the irrigation access which is not part of this application. General discussion. Mike Newell, discusses access to this property for irrigation. General discussion. Bastian moves to modify Plat Note #1 that Lots #5 - #8 of Block #1 of the Hazen Ranch Subdivision be a minimum of 30' from the rear of the house. General discussion. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Mayor: I have another presentation. Tonight, we approved White Cane Safety Day Proclamation and I would like to read this Proclamation. I would ask Emma Wydell to come forward. Mayor presents Emma Wydell with the Proclamation. Emma makes a few remarks. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NONE 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m. Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. A. ACTION ITEM: CU-04-18—Equipment Rental and Sales Yard—Eric Anderson: Eric Anderson is requesting conditional use permit approval for an equipment rental and sales yard use located within a M-1 (Light Industrial District). The 1.39 -acre site is located on the south side of East State Street approximately 285 -feet east of the intersection of South Academy Avenue and East State Street at 1445 East State Street. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Page 3 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area1CC-10-09-18min.doc Eric Anderson provides Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Planner Williams displays a power point presentation and provides Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Is there anyone in the audience that didn't sign up that would like to testify? Seeing None. Mayor closes the Public Hearing General Council discussion. Pittman moves to approve CU-04-18—Equipment Rental and Sales Yard to include a parking waiver for 31 spaces Seconded by Gold. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES B. ACTION ITEM: City of Eagle Fee Schedule: A public hearing in accordance with Idaho Code 63-1311A to consider the establishment and/or the amendment of fees for Special Events Permits, Master Sign Plan Modifications, Pressurized Irrigation Waiver Reviews, Tree Fund In -lieu Fees, within the city. (NBS) Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Baird -Spencer provides Council an overview of the Fee schedule and discusses Resolution 18-34. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Is there anyone in the audience that didn't sign up that would like to testify? Seeing None. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Mitchell moves to approve City of Eagle Fee Schedule. Seconded by Gold. Bastian: AYE; Gold: AYE; Pittman: AYE; Mitchell: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: AA-01-18—Appeal of Zoning Administrator's Decision regarding non-compliant use of property—Joseph Thomason: Pursuant to Eagle City Code Section 8-7-4(1), Joseph Thompson is appealing the Zoning Administrator's Decision to require the cessation of all automotive sales, automotive repair, and automotive storage on the property located at 2511 E. Hill Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughan provides Council an overview of decision regarding non- compliant use of property and the basis of Joseph Thompson's appeal. Displays a vicinity map. Page 4 J:'COUNCIL,MINUTES\Tanporary Minutes Work Area`CC-10-09-18min.doc Joseph Thompson, 2511 East Hill, I don't offer automotive repair or automotive sales and automotive storage. Occasionally I will sell a vehicle. I think there has been a little confusion. I would like to work with the City to follow City Code. General discussion. Zoning Administrator Vaughan displays pictures of the vehicles on the property. General discussion on the vehicles. Further general discussion. Bastian moves to deny AA-01-18—Appeal of Zoning Administrator's Decision regarding non-compliant use of property—Joseph Thompson. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYES MOTION CARRIES ... B. ACTION ITEM: Ordinance 804 (Hazen Ranch Subdivision): An ordinance annexing certain real property situated in the unincorporated area of Ada County, Idaho, and contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Eagle, to the City of Eagle, Idaho; changing the zoning classification of said real property described herein from RUT (Rural -Urban Transition) to R -E -DA (Residential -Estates with a Development Agreement); amending the zoning map of the City of Eagle to reflect said change; directing that copies of this ordinance be filed as provided by law; and providing an effective date. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Gold moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #804 be considered after being read once by title only. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES .. Gold moves that Ordinance #804 be adopted. Gold reads the title of the ordinance into the record. Seconded by Bastian. BASTIAN: AYE; GOLD: AYE; PITTMAN: AYE; MITCHELL: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES C. ACTION ITEM: Resolution No. 18-34: A resolution amending and combining the fee and deposit schedules for City Administration, Parks & Recreation, Planning & Zoning, Library, and Water in accordance with Idaho Code 63-1311A and adopting a fee schedule for city fees in accordance with Eagle City Code and providing an effective date. (NBS) Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Baird Spencer provides Council an overview of the Resolution. Bastian moves to approve Resolution No. 18-34 A resolution amending and combining the fee and deposit schedules for City Administration, Parks & Recreation, Planning & Zoning, Library, and Water in accordance with Idaho Code 63-1311A and adopting a fee schedule for city fees in accordance with Eagle City Code and providing an effective date. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Page 5 J: COUNCIUMINUTESaentporary Minutes Work AreWCC-10-09-18min.doc D. ACTION ITEM Presentation: Foundation for Ada and Canyon County Trail Systems (FACTS) request for project planning funding for a Greenbelt Connection to Eagle Island State Park. FACTS also request approval to act as agent for the purpose of obtaining three required easements. It is requested that the Mayor be authorized by the City Council to approve a Memorandum of Understanding for this purpose. (Noyes) Mayor introduces the issue. Steve Noyes, Trails Coordinator, displays a site plan and a power point presentation, I have a funding request. Provides Council an overview. General discussion. Further discussion on funding and a MOU. Bastian moves that we authorize the Mayor to approve a contract with JUB Engineering to develop a connection of Eagle trails with Eagle Island State Park for $24,826.00. Seconded by Pitman. General discussion. Bastian: AYE; Gold: AYE; Pittman: AYE; Mitchell: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES E. Information Only: Introduction of Verizon/Citv of Eagle Ground Lease Agreement for a telecommunication utility structure (35 -foot tall cell tower) - Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC: Verizon Wireless LLC is requesting City consideration of a ground lease for the installation of a telecommunication utility structure (cell tower) on City -owned property. The property is located on the east side of Horseshoe Bend Road approximately 1/2 -mile north of Floating Feather Road at 3151 East Greenbrook Street. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughan displays a site plan and provides Council an overview of the proposed Verizon Wireless Ground Lease Agreement for a telecommunication utility structure (35 -foot tall cell tower). General discussion. 11. PUBLIC COMMENT: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter, up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing items. Comments regarding Public Hearing items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s) in accordance with Idaho Code. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters (excluding Public Hearing items) during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Bob Van Arnem: Rachele called me about trash in August and we talked about the recycling starting early and unlimited trash. I really don't want the City to negotiate the unlimited without getting something in return. Discuses green waste. General discussion. Page 6 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temnporary Minutes Work Area\CC-I0-09-18min.doc Hank Allen, 687 W. Rush Court, I testified a couple weeks back about the Verizon Wireless with Ada County. We have 8 signatures from residents that are opposed to having a cell tower in their back yard. Tonight, I hear another cell tower going in. I would propose to create an ordinance for where cell towers would go in the City and create a zoning area. Emmett has an ordinance. General discussion. Christie Hodge, 2622 Big Sky Place, last month several of us attended about a cell tower close to our homes in the County. I want to thank you for getting the letter out to Ada County. We did a door to door and an online petition. People in the community are concerned about the ordinances. Discusses the Emmett ordinance and discusses the differences. Discusses forming a committee to update City Codes. General discussion. Natalie Feuerstein, 1420 W. Ashberry Ridge Drive, discussion on the BLM Land and the sign posted with "No Shooting". General discussion. 12. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: Mitchell reports on the Senior Center meeting. Bastian and Gold report on the URA meeting. General discussion. Gold reports on the Eagle Arts Commission meeting. Mayor: I'm meeting with the Arts Commission on Thursday. Discusses combining the Arts Commission and the Historical Preservation Commission. The City of Boise has changed theirs to the Arts and History Commission. Bastian discusses the URA having a public meeting with City Staff attending to discuss the URA purchasing property. General discussion. Mayor discusses the noise at the Bike Park in regard to the new RC Race Cars and the loud speaker. I think this is a good use of this Park. The BMX has improvements. B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: Planner Baird -Spencer: The Dry Creek trail is paved. Discussion on finishing the approaches and the lighting. C. City Attorney Report: 13. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 74-206. EXECUTIVE SESSIONS — (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: (b) To consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student; Former employee complaint Page 7 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area1CC-10-09-18min.doc Bastian moves pursuant to I.C. to go into Executive Session 74-206(l)(b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public -school student; Former employee complaint. Seconded by Gold. Bastian: AYE; Gold: AYE; Pittman: AYE; Mitchell: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Council goes into Executive Session at 9:05 p.m. Council discusses former employee complaint. Council leaves Executive Session at 10:00 p.m. 14. ADJOURNMENT: Gold moves to adjourn. Seconded by Pittman. Mayor: are there any objection to adjournment? Seeing none we are adjourned. Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted: JSHARON K. BERGMANNf rL 4%••'.•..''•. ';tiAGLk- CITY CLERK/TREASURER Se. e°,i A rf i` V• ••� •0- APPROVED: '" ••\.),:-: A,,,,:,Z..47 • it 1242 ... .. ,„‘,T•.• 71G ,• STAN RIDGEWAY """ MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 8 J COU\CII. MIM, IIS I emporan Minutes W'od Arra ( ('-IO-W-18mm doe Eagle Solid Waste Services Propose Program Changes Prepared 10-2018 by Rachele Klein R REPUBLIC eo3 SERVICES • Unlimited Trash - Qualify by trash cart, cans and up to 10 bags/week - Bags would still be unlimited during seasonal programs • Spring Clean Up • Fall Leaf Recycling • Week After Christmas • Spring Clean Up - Move to First Week of April Each Year • Fall Leaf Recycling - 6 weeks instead of 4 • mid-October through November 2019 • Republic Services covers cost 1st year and presents data to City to determine effectiveness. - 2 leaf -only drop sites in Ea le • 30 -yard roll -off boxes �l z-=� (2-/ o • "contractor dumping prohibited" Republic Services Confidential EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING CU-04-18—Equipment Rental and Sales Yard—Eric Anderson October 9, 2018 NAME PLEASE PRINT it -P /Lnpi-J-) TESTIFY PRO/ CON ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL //? Ftie,7 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING City of Eagle Fee Schedule October 9, 2018 NAME TESTIFY PRO/ CON PLEASE PRINT ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL City of Eagle Report Criteria: Report type. GL detail Bank Bank account = "82007705" (c Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 1 Check Issue Dates: 9/26/2018 - 10/5/2018 Oct 05, 2018 04:28PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 26862 09/27/2018 26862 Albertsons/Safeway Total 26862 26863 09/27/2018 26863 Boise Basin Quitters Total 26863: 26864 09/27/2018 26864 Canssa De -Guzman Total 26864 26865 09/27/2018 26865 CENGAGE Learning Total 26865 26866 09/27/2018 26866 Craig Ezekiel Brasher Total 26866 26867 09/27/2018 26867 Louis Germano Total 26867 26868 09/27/2018 26868 MASTERCARD 09/27/2018 26868 MASTERCARD 09/27/2018 26868 MASTERCARD 09/27/2018 26868 MASTERCARD 09/27/2018 26868 MASTERCARD 09/27/2018 26868 MASTERCARD 09/27/2018 26868 MASTERCARD 09/27/2018 26868 MASTERCARD 09/27/2018 26868 MASTERCARD 09/27/2018 26868 MASTERCARD 09/27/2018 26868 MASTERCARD 09/27/2018 26868 MASTERCARD 09/27/2018 26868 MASTERCARD 09/27/2018 26868 MASTERCARD 09/27/2018 26868 MASTERCARD 09/27/2018 26868 MASTERCARD 09/27/2018 26868 MASTERCARD 09/27/2018 26868 MASTERCARD 09/27/2018 26868 MASTERCARD 09/27/2018 26868 MASTERCARD 09/27/2018 26868 MASTERCARD 09/27/2018 28868 MASTERCARD 1 ch 06-0455-00.00 CLASSES & EVENTS 44.87 44.87 44.87 1 ch 21-0425.00-00 COMMUNITY EVENTS 80.00 80.00 80.00 1 ch 14-0468-11-00 OTHER 500.00 500.00 500.00 1 ch 06-0440-00-00 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 6,600 00 6.600.00 6.600.00 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 50.00 50 00 50 00 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 100.00 100.00 100.00 1 ch 12-0413-13-00 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 406.35 406.35 1 ch 26-0413-05-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 594.89 594 89 2 ch 26-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 420.00 420.00 3 ch 26-0413-12-00 TRAINING 1,895.00 1,895.00 4 ch 26-0413-13-00 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 511.09 511.09 5 ch 26-0413-13-00 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 342.21 342.21 6 ch 01-0462-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 115 18 115.18 7 ch 01-0413-37-00 BACKGROUND CHECK-PERMITS/LIC 28 28 28 28 1 ch 09-0467-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 15.80 15.80 2 ch 09-0467-05-00 GENERAL EVENTS 131.86 131.86 3 ch 09-0463-21-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 225.00 225.00 1 ch 01-0462-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 126.00 126.00 1 ch 18-0416.01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 1,350.00 1.350.00 2 ch 06.0440-02-00 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT (SMALL) 88.06 88.06 3 ch 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC & REPAIR 116.45 116.45 1 ch 06-0463-00-00 TRAVEL & MEETINGS 62.00 62 00 1 ch 06-0463-00-00 TRAVEL & MEETINGS 881.68 881.68 1 ch 06-0420-05-01 MATERIAL PROCESSING SUPPLIES 708,95 708.95 2 ch 06-0440-02-00 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT (SMALL) 628.79 628.79 3 ch 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 989.49 989.49 1 ch 06-0420-10-00 POSTAGE 5.06 5.06 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 921.71 921.71 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number 09/27/2018 26868 09/27/2018 26868 09/27/2018 26868 09/27/2018 26868 09/27/2018 26868 09/27/2018 26868 09/27/2018 26868 09/27/2018 26868 09/27/2018 26868 09/27/2018 26868 09/27/2018 26868 09/27/2018 26868 09/27/2018 26868 09/27/2018 26868 09/27/2018 26868 09/27/2018 26868 09/27/2018 26868 09/27/2018 26868 09/27/2018 26868 09/27/2018 26868 Total 26868 Payee MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD 26869 09/27/2018 26869 Robert Grubb Total 26869 26870 09/27/2018 26870 Robert R Schafer Total 26870 26871 09/27/2018 26871 Rocky Mountain Electric Total 26871. 26872 09/27/2018 26872 Talena Baer Total 26872. 26873 09/27/2018 26873 Terry L. Sayer Total 26873 26874 09/27/2018 26874 Trent J Koc� Total 26874 26875 09/27/2018 26875 T-Zers Shirt Shop Inc 09/27/2018 26875 T-Zers Shirt Shop Inc Check Register - Transparency Version Page. 2 Check Issue Dates: 9/26/2018 - 10/5/2018 Oct 05, 2018 04:28PM Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account 2 ch 23-0417-01-00 3 ch 23.0413.05-00 1 ch 22.0413-29-00 2 ch 17-0423-00-00 3 ch 17-0423-00-00 4 ch 09.0467-03.00 5 ch 17-0423-00.00 6 ch 17-0423-00-00 1 ch 17-0423.00-00 2 ch 17-0422-02-00 3 ch 17.0423-00-00 4 ch 17-0422-02-00 5 ch 17-0423-00-00 6 ch 17-0423-00-00 7 ch 09-0467-05-00 1 ch 60-0434-22-00 2 ch 12-0413-13-00 3 ch 60-0434-22-00 4 ch 60-0434-22-00 5 ch 12-0413-13-00 Invoice GL Account Title VEHICLE MTNC & REPAIR TRAVEL & PER DIEM PUBLIC RELATIONS RECREATION SUPPLIES RECREATION SUPPLIES CHRISTMAS MARKET RECREATION SUPPLIES RECREATION SUPPLIES RECREATION SUPPLIES ADVERTISING/MARKETING RECREATION SUPPLIES ADVERTISING/MARKETING RECREATION SUPPLIES RECREATION SUPPLIES GENERAL EVENTS TRAVEL-MTNGS-EDUCATION TRAVEL & PER DIEM TRAVEL-MTNGS-EDUCATION TRAVEL-MTNGS-EDUCATION TRAVEL & PER DIEM 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 1 ch 06-0420-01-00 ADMINISTRATION 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 1 ch 60-0434-68-00 UNIFORMS - LAUNDRY 1 ch 23-0413-09-00 UNIFORMS Invoice Amount 14.00 25 00 19.11 22.36 431.21 167 70 2217 157.23 26.94 2 -00 141.76 119.40 58 49 30 99 12.99 25.00 25.00 406.35 185.03 61.67 50 00 100 00 520.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 Check Amount 14.00 25 00 19 11 22 36 431 21 167.70 22.17 157.23 26.94 2.00 141.76 119 40 58.49 30.99 12.99 25.00 25.00 406 35 185.03 61.67 12,518.25 50 00 50 00 100 00 100 00 520 00 520.00 50 00 50.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 304.00 304.00 84.00 84.00 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page. 3 Check Issue Dates: 9/26/2018 - 10/5/2018 Oct 05, 2018 04 28PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 26875. 388 00 26876 10/01/2018 26876 Idaho Child Support Receipting 1 ch 23-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENT 10/01/2018 26876 Idaho Child Support Receipting 2 ch 23-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENT 165 00 150 00 16500 150 00 Total 26876 315.00 26877 10/01/2018 26877 Key Bank - HSA 10/01/2018 26877 Key Bank - HSA 10/01/2018 26877 Key Bank - HSA 10101/2018 26877 Key Bank - HSA 1 ch 06-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 2 ch 09-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 3 ch 17-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 4 ch 20-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 350.00 350.00 50 00 50.00 175.00 175.00 50_00 50 00 Total 26877 625 00 26878 10/01/2018 26878 Regence Blueshietd of Idaho 10/01/2018 26878 Regence Blueshietd of Idaho 10/01/2018 26878 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 10/01/2018 26878 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 10/01/2018 26878 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 10/01/2018 26878 Regence Blueshietd of Idaho 10/01/2018 26878 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 10/01/2018 26878 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 10/01/2018 26878 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 10/01/2018 26878 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 10/01/2018 26878 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 10/01/2018 26878 Regence Blueshietd of Idaho 10/01/2018 26878 Regence Blueshietd of Idaho 1 ch 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 2 ch 20-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 3 ch 18-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 4 ch 11-0217-07-00 EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 5 ch 01-0217-07-00 GEN ADMIN HEALTH INSURANCE 6 ch 26-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 7 ch 23-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 8 ch 17-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 9 ch 09-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 10 ch 13-0217-07-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 11 ch 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 12 ch 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 13 ch 60-0217-07.00 WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 3,860.47 3,860.47 1,107.37 1,107.37 1,242 71 1,242 71 698 34 698 34 474 64 474 64 416.10 416.10 2,851.64 2,851.64 1,219.24 1,219.24 424 37 424 37 2.753 96 2.753 96 4,075 70 4,075.70 4,516 61 4,516 61 4,260.79 4,260.79 Total 26878: 27,901 94 26879 10/01/2018 26879 Robin Collins 1 ch 26-0413-13-00 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 302 50 302 50 Total 26879: 302.50 26880 10/01/2018 26880 United Heritage -Group Dept 10/01/2018 26880 United Heritage -Group Dept 10/01/2018 26880 United Heritage -Group Dept 10/01/2018 26880 United Heritage -Group Dept 10/01/2018 26880 United Heritage -Group Dept 10/01/2018 26880 United Heritage -Group Dept 10/01/2018 26880 United Heritage -Group Dept 10/01/2018 26880 United Heritage -Group Dept 10/01/2018 26880 United Heritage -Group Dept 10/01/2018 26880 United Heritage -Group Dept 10/01/2018 26880 United Heritage -Group Dept, 10/01/2018 26880 United Heritage -Group Dept 10/01/2018 26880 United Heritage -Group Dept. 10/01/2018 26880 United Heritage -Group Dept 1 ch 09-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 2 ch 17-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 3 ch 26-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 4 ch 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 5 ch 07-0217-07-00 MUSEUM HEALTH INSURANCE 6 ch 13-0217-07-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 7 ch 23-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 8 ch 20-0217-07.00 HEALTH INSURANCE 9 ch 26-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 10 ch 18-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 11 ch 01.0217-07-00 GEN ADMIN HEALTH INSURANCE 12 ch 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 13 ch 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 14 ch 60-0217-07-00 WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 27.39 27.39 76 65 76.65 54 69 54 69 231 09 231.09 16 20 16 20 12438 12438 151.25 151.25 57 48 57.48 34.04 34 04 67.33 67.33 7.39 739 211.80 211.80 178.97 178 97 151.00 151.00 Total 26880 1,389.66 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number Payee 26881 10105/2018 26881 Ada County Highway Distract Total 26881: 26882 10/05/2018 26882 Dennis Nolte Total 26882: 26883 10/0512018 26883 Elec Controls & Instrumentals. Lt. Total 26883: 26884 10/05/2018 26884 10/05/2018 26884 10/0512018 26884 10/05/2018 26884 10/0512018 26884 10/0512018 26884 Total 26884 K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance 26885 10/05/2018 26885 Rick G Wenick Total 26885 26886 10105/2018 26886 Rimi, Inc.- Terry Medley 10/05/2018 26886 Rimi, Inc - Terry Medley Total 26886. 26887 10/05/2018 26887 ACS -Advanced Control Systems Total 26887: 26888 10/05/2018 26888 Ada County Emergency Mgmt Total 26888 26889 10/0512018 26889 Alsco Total 26889 26890 10/0512018 26890 Arthur Jensen Total 26890. Check Register - Transparency Version Page 4 Check Issue Dates: 9/26/2018 • 10/5/2018 Oct 05, 2018 04'28PM Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title Invoice Amount Check Amount 1 ch 01-0203.00-00 ACCTS PAYABLE-ACHD IMPACT FEE 178,994.00 178,994.00 178,994.00 1 ch 13-0416-09-00 PLUMBING INSPECTIONS 9.482 63 9,482 63 9,482.63 1 ch 13-0416-25-00 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR 10.407.40 10,407.40 10,407.40 1 ch 07-0462-53-00 1 ch 06-0464-05-00 1 ch 23-0443-03-00 1 ch 23-0440-03-00 2 ch 60-0416-08-00 3 ch 23-0442-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES CUSTODIAL CUSTODIAL SERVICES CUSTODIAL SERVICES SHOP UTILITIES CUSTODIAL SERVICES 1 ch 13-0416-13-00 BLDG INSPECTOR - CONTRACT 1 ch 13-0416-11-00 MECHANICAL INSPECTOR 1 ch 13-0416-14-00 PLAN REVIEW - CONTRACT 1 ch 60-0434-19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 1 ch 01.0413-14.00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 1 ch 23-0442-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 684.59 684.59 924.69 924.69 712 92 712.92 38 50 38.50 38.50 38.50 608 34 608 34 3,007.54 5,178.00 5,178.00 10,064.64 5,459.72 5,178 00 10,064.64 5,459.72 15,524 36 382.00 382.00 382.00 2,467.50 2,467.50 2,467 50 58 33 58.33 58 33 6 40 6 40 6 40 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number 26891 10/05/2018 26891 Austin Smith Payee Check Register - Transparency Version Page 5 Check Issue Oates: 9/26/2018 - 10/5/2018 Oct 05. 2018 04 28PM Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 Total 26891 75.00 26892 10/05/2018 26892 Baird Oil 10/05/2018 26892 Baird Oil 10/05/2018 26892 Baird Oil 1 ch 20-0426-00-00 GAS/OIL 2 ch 23-0417-02-00 GAS AND OIL 3 ch 60-0420-01-00 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 177 49 241 35 328 72 177 49 241 35 328 72 Total 26892. 747 56 26893 10/05/2018 26893 Baker & Taylor 10/05/2018 26893 Baker & Taylor 1 ch 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 2 ch 06-0450-01.00 PRINT VENDOR PROCESSING 114 39 114 39 1 08 1.08 Total 26893 115 47 26894 10/05/2018 26894 Base Line Irrigation Solutions 1 ch 23-0416.08.00 BASELINE MANAGER AGREEMENT 1.684.00 1,684 00 Total 26894 1.684 00 26895 10/05/2018 26895 BclI & Patsy Lodge 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 75 00 Total 26895 75 00 26896 10/05/2018 26896 Boise Office Equipment 1 ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 1,555 13 1,555 13 Total 26896 1,555 13 26897 10/05/2018 26897 Brushworks Signs & Graphics, LL 1 ch 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC & REPAIR 105 00 105 00 Total 26897 105 00 26898 10/05/2018 26898 BVEP 1 ch 26-0413-19-00 COMMUNICATIONS 1,000 00 1,00000 Total 26898 1,000 00 26899 10/05/2018 26899 Carmella Libnzzi 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75 00 Total 26899 75 00 26900 10/05/2018 26900 Chris & Cindy Miller 1 ch 60.0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 75 00 Total 26900: 75.00 26901 10/05/2018 26901 City Of Eagle 1 ch 60-0416-09-00 ROOM -BOARD CITY HALL 3,200 00 3,200 00 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page 6 Check Issue Dates' 9/26/2018 - 10/5/2018 Oct 05, 2018 04:28PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 26901 3,200.00 26902 10/05/2018 26902 City 01 Eagle 1 ch 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 97 71 97 71 10/05/2018 26902 City Of Eagle 1 ch 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 2.452 61 2,452.61 10/05/2018 26902 City Of Eagle 1 ch 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES 598.24 598 24 Total 26902: 3,148.56 26903 10/05/2018 26903 Clair and Marquita Eberhardt 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 75 00 Total 26903. 75.00 26904 10/05/2018 26904 Commercial Tire 1 ch 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC & REPAIR279 61 279 61 Total 26904: 279.61 26905 10/05/2018 26905 Community Planning Association 1 ch 01-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 3,297 00 3,297.00 Total 26905 3.297.00 26906 10/05/2018 26906 CTC Business 1 ch 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET & PHONE SERVICES 383 00 383 00 Total 26906 383 00 26907 10/05/2018 26907 D & A Door and Specialties 1 ch 23-0454.01-00 BLDGSISTRUCTURES MTNC & REPAI 461 00 461 00 10/05/2018 26907 D & A Door and Speciatties 1 ch 23-0454-01-00 BLDGSISTRUCTURES MTNC & REPAI 126 00 126.00 Total 26907 587 00 26908 10/05/2018 26908 David Callister 1 ch 01-0203-01-01 BONDS DEPOSITS PAYABLE 83,325 00 83,325 00 Total 26908 83, 325.00 26909 10/05/2018 26909 De Lage Landen Financial Svc 1 ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 1,223.83 1,223 83 Total 26909. 1,223.83 26910 10/05/2018 26910 Delta Dental of Idaho 10/05/2018 26910 Delta Dental of Idaho 10/05/2018 26910 Delta Dental of Idaho 10/05/2018 26910 Delta Dental of Idaho 10/05/2018 26910 Delta Dental of Idaho 10/05/2018 26910 Delta Dental of Idaho 10/05/2018 26910 Delta Dental of Idaho 10/05/2018 26910 Delta Dental of Idaho 10/05/2018 26910 Delta Dental of Idaho 10/05/2018 26910 Delta Dental of Idaho 1 ch 12.0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 2 ch 60-0217-07-00 WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 3 ch 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 4 ch 23-0217.07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 5 ch 17-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 6 ch 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 7 ch 18-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 8 ch 01-0217-07.00 GEN ADMIN HEALTH INSURANCE 9 ch 20-0217-07.00 HEALTH INSURANCE 10 ch 09-0420-25-00 INSURANCE 293.33 293 33 298.02 298 02 327.52 327.52 230.40 230.40 68.22 68.22 233.22 233.22 134.26 134.26 40 94 40.94 68 24 68 24 109 18 109.18 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page 7 Check Check Issue Date Number Payee 10/05/2018 26910 Della Dental of Idaho 10/05/2018 26910 Delta Dental of Idaho 10/05/2018 26910 Delta Dental of Idaho Total 26910 26911 10/05/2018 10/05/2018 10/05/2018 26911 DEQ 26911 DEQ 26911 DEQ Total 26911 26912 10/05/2018 26912 Don & Eke Warrnenhoven Total 26912 26913 10/05/2018 10/05/2018 10/05/2018 26913 26913 26913 Total 26913. Dude Solutions Dude Solutions Dude Solutions 26914 10/05/2018 26914 Dylan & Erika Schneider Total 26914 26915 10/05/2018 26915 10/05/2018 26915 10/05/2018 26915 10/05/2018 26915 10/05/2018 26915 10/05/2018 26915 10/05/2018 26915 Total 26915 Eagle Sewer District Eagle Sewer District Eagle Sewer District Eagle Sewer District Eagle Sewer District Eagle Sewer District Eagle Sewer District 26916 10/05/2018 26916 Electro -Chemical Devices Total 26916 26917 10/05/2018 26917 Emily Allen Total 26917 26918 10/05/2018 26918 10/05/2018 26918 10/05/2018 26918 10/05/2018 26918 Evan's Budding Center Evan's Building Center Evan's Budding Center Evan's Building Center Check Issue Dates: 9/26/2018 - 10/5/2018 Oct 05. 2018 04 28PM Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 11 ch 11.0217-07-00 EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 12 ch 13-0217-07-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 13 ch 26-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 60-0434-53-01 PUBLIC WATER DRINKING FEES 60-0434-53-01 PUBLIC WATER DRINKING FEES 60-0416-10-00 STATE REVOLVING LOAN PAYMENT 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 18-0418-01-00 OPERATIONAL RESERVE 23-0413-04-00 TRAINING 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 06-0464-02.00 1 ch 01-0413-16-00 1 ch 23-0449-04-00 1 ch 07-0462-52-00 1 ch 23-0450-04-00 2 ch 23-0452-04-00 1 ch 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES UTILITIES CITY HALL UTILITIES MUSEUM UTILITIES UTILTIES UTILITIES UTILITIES 1 ch 60-0434-59-00 CHEMICALS 1 ch 06-0455-00-00 CLASSES & EVENTS 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 23.0414-02-00 MIS MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS 23-0414-02-00 MIS MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS 60-0434-68.00 UNIFORMS - LAUNDRY 20-0423-02-00 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES Invoice Amount 122.82 175.20 40.94 5.456.00 3,900 00 110,918.08 75.00 6,216.45 1,450 00 3,390.00 75 00 Check Amount 122 82 175 20 40 94 2,142 29 5,456.00 3.900.00 110,918.08 120,274.08 75 00 75.00 6,216.45 1,450.00 3,390.00 11,056 45 75 00 75.00 216 00 216 00 144 00 144.00 36.00 36 00 36 00 36.00 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 36 00 36 00 445 46 81.46 65.43 827 60.69 29.66 504 00 445 46 445.46 81.46 81 46 65 43 8 27 60 69 29.66 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number Total 26918 Payee 26919 10/05/2018 26919 Extreme Electric Total 26919 26920 10/05/2018 26920 Greg Foley Total 26920. 26921 10/05/2018 26921 ICRMP Total 26921 Check Register - Transparency Version Page 8 Check Issue Dates: 9/26/2018 - 10/5/2018 Oct 05, 2018 04:28PM Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 1 ch 13-0413.29.05 ELECTRICAL PERMIT REFUND 1 ch 60-0420-01-00 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 1 ch 01-0413-10-00 INSURANCE - PROPERTY 164.05 325 00 325 A0 325 00 12.75 12.75 1275 23,824.00 23,824.00 23,824.00 26922 10/05/2018 26922 Idaho Chapter PRIMA 1 ch 60-0434-22-00 TRAVEL-MTNGS-EDUCATION 150.00 150.00 10/05/2018 26922 Idaho Chapter PRIMA 1 ch 12-0413-12-00 PERSONNEL TRAINING 50.00 50.00 10/05/2018 26922 Idaho Chapter PRIMA 1 ch 23-0413.04-00 TRAINING 50 00 50.00 250 00 Total 26922 26923 10/05/2018 26923 Ingram Book Company 1 ch 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 4 63 4 63 Total 26923 4.63 26924 10/05/2018 26924 James Wescott 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75 00 Total 26924 75 00 26925 10/05/2018 26925 Jenna Peterson 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75 00 Total 26925: 75.00 26926 10/05/2018 26926 Jessica & Hal Whiting 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 199.14 199.14 Total 26926 199.14 26927 10/05/2018 26927 Jim Kissinger 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 75 00 Total 26927 75.00 26928 10/05/2018 26928 Joanna Etter 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75 00 Total 26928. 75 00 26929 10/05/2018 26929 John & Jackie Maas 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page 9 Check Check Issue Date Number Total 26929 Payee 26930 10/05/2018 26930 Johnstone Supply Total 26930 26931 10/05/2018 26931 Jonathan Gillen Total 26931 26932 10/05/2018 26932 Joshua & Amber Montgomery Total 26932: 26933 10/05/2018 26933 10/05/2018 26933 10/05/2018 26933 10/05/2018 26933 10/05/2018 26933 Total 26933 K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance 26934 10/05/2018 26934 Karen Veloz Total 26934 26935 10/05/2018 26935 Kari Coltins Total 26935 26936 10/05/2018 26936 Library Ideas. LLC Total 26936 26937 10/05/2018 26937 Lon & Michelle Rose Total 26937 26938 10/05/2018 10/05/2018 10/05/2018 10/05/2018 26938 M2 Automation & Control Sery 26938 M2 Automation & Control Sery 26938 M2 Automation & Control Sery 26938 M2 Automation & Control Sery Total 26938 Check Issue Dates: 9/26/2018 - 10/5/2018 Oct 05. 2018 04:28PM Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 1ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 06-0464-05-00 CUSTODIAL 23-0443-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 23-0442-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 60-0416-08-00 SHOP UTILITIES 23-0440-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 06.0450.05-00 MEDIA - DIGITAL 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 23-0442-01-00 BLDG MAINTENANE & REPAIR 23-0442-01-00 BLDG MAINTENANE & REPAIR 23-0444-01-00 BLDG MAINTENANE & REPAIR 23-0480-21-00 SECURITY CODE SYSTEM CH Invoice Amount Check Amount 75.00 115.20 115 20 115.20 75.00 75.00 75 00 75.00 75 00 75.00 924.68 924.68 497 49 497.49 808.34 608.34 38 50 38.50 38_50 38.50 2,107 51 62 29 62.29 62.29 75 00 75 00 75.00 7,365.00 7,365.00 7,365.00 9 11 9 11 9 11 119.00 119.00 608.00 608 00 450.00 450.00 858.87 858.87 2.035.87 26939 10/05/2018 26939 Mark & Jamie Bailey 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 75.00 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page. 10 Check Issue Dates: 9/26/2018. 10/5/2018 Oct 05, 2018 04-28PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 26939: 75.00 26940 10/05/2018 26940 MASTERCARD 10/05/2018 26940 MASTERCARD 10/05/2018 26940 MASTERCARD 10/05/2018 26940 MASTERCARD 10/05/2018 26940 MASTERCARD Total 26940 26941 10/05/2018 26941 Maxfield & Ashtee Perkes Total 26941. 1 ch 06-0461-29-00 EMPLOYMENT TESTING 2 ch 06-0420-01-00 ADMINISTRATION 3 ch 06-0450-04-00 MEDIA 4 ch 06-0455-00-00 CLASSES & EVENTS 1 ch 06-0420-10-00 POSTAGE 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 26942 10/05/2018 26942 Nancy & Timothy Langford 1 ch 60.0220.00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS Total 26942 26943 10/05/2018 26943 Nicole Kittle 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 84.84 84.84 852 24 852 24 789.45 789 45 2,072 87 2,072.87 31 52 31 52 3,830 92 9 52 9.52 9 52 75.00 75 00 75 00 75 00 75 00 Total 26943 75 00 26944 10/05/2018 26944 Peak Alarm Company 1 ch 23-0445-01-00 BLDG MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 106.44 106.44 Total 26944 106 44 26945 10/05/2018 26945 Phil & Rhonda Hugues 1 ch 99.0107.00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 45.49 45 49 Total 26945 45 49 26946 10/05/2018 26946 Quest CPAs PLLC 10/05/2018 26946 Quest CPAs PLLC 1 ch 01.0416-08-00 CITY AUDITOR 2 ch 60-0434-45-00 AUDITOR SERVICES 2.501 00 549.00 2.501.00 549 00 Total 26946 3,050 00 26947 10/05/2018 26947 Rachael Pedersen 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 44 06 44.06 Total 26947: 44.06 26948 10/05/2018 26948 Randatl and Erica George 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 Total 26948. 75.00 26949 10/05/2018 26949 Raoul Bashir 1 ch 60-0220-00.00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page. 11 Check Issue Dates: 9/26/2018 - 10/5/2018 Oct 05, 2018 04 28PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 26949 75.00 26950 10/05/2018 26950 Recorded Books LIc 1 ch 06-0450.05-00 MEDIA - DIGITAL 1,375.00 1,375 00 Total 26950 1,375 00 26951 10/05/2018 26951 Richard & Linda Thomas 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 Total 26951 75.00 26952 10/05/2018 26952 Richard & Robin Miller 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 75 00 Total 26952 75 00 26953 10/05/2018 26953 Rocky Mountain Electric 1 ch 23-0443-01-00 BLDG MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 312 40 312 40 Total 26953 312 40 26954 10/05/2018 26954 Rusty Coffelt 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75 00 Total 26954 75 00 26955 10/05/2018 26955 Sandra & Glen Mason 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 75 00 Total 26955 75 00 26956 10/05/2018 26956 Scott Stewert 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 75 00 Total 26956 75 00 26957 10/05/2018 26957 Signs by Tomorrow 1 ch 23-0414-08-00 SIGNS & SIGN REPLACEMENT 326 50 326.50 Total 26957. 326 50 26958 10/05/2018 26958 Silver Creek Supply 1 ch 23-0480-06-00 BASELINE FLOW CONTROLS 2,268.01 2,268.01 Total 26958 2,268.01 26959 10/05/2018 26959 Stacy & James Wingate 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 75.00 Total 26959 75 00 26960 10/05/2018 26960 Stephen & Patricia Jordan 1 ch 60-0220.00.00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75 00 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 12 Check Issue Dates: 9/26/2018 - 10/5/2018 Oct 05, 2018 04:28PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 26960 75.00 26961 10/05/2018 26961 Tasha Walker 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 Total 26961: 75.00 26962 10/05/2018 26962 Tawny & Gabriel Maldonado 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 75.00 Total 26962 75.00 26963 10/05/2018 26963 The Sherwin Williams Co 1 ch 23-0414-02-00 MIS MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS 97.50 97 50 Total 26963 97 50 26964 10/05/2018 26964 TIAA Commercial Finance 1 ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 216.16 216 16 Total 26964' 216 16 26965 10/05/2018 26965 Timothy Wolf 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 Total 26965 75 00 26966 10/05/2018 26966 Titan Water and Drain LLC 1 ch 13-0413-29-04 PLUMBING PERMIT REFUND 1.490 93 1,490 93 Total 26966 1.490 93 26967 10/05/2018 26967 T -Moble 1 ch 06-0450-07-00 HOTSPOT 411 28 411 28 Total 26967 411.28 26968 10/05/2018 26968 Towne Concrete Construction, LL 1 ch 23.0418-03-00 MEMORIALS MTNC/REPAIR 600 00 600 00 Total 26968 600.00 26969 10/05/2018 26969 Trautman Lawn & Landscape 1 ch 23-0416-06-00 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE AGREEM 18.750.00 18,750.00 Total 26969 18,750.00 26970 10/05/2018 26970 United Site Services 1 ch 23-0448-04-00 UTILITIES 191.52 191 52 Total 26970 191.52 26971 10/05/2018 26971 USA Today -Subscription Processi 1 ch 06.0450.03.00 MAGAZINES & NEWSPAPERS 337.05 337.05 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 13 Check Check Issue Date Number Total 26971. 26972 10/05/2018 26972 Verizon Total 26972 Payee 26973 10/05/2018 26973 Verizon Wireless 10/05/2018 26973 Verizon Wireless 10/05/2018 26973 Verizon Wireless 10/05/2018 26973 Verizon Wireless 10/05/2018 26973 Venzon Wireless 10/05/2018 26973 Verizon Wireless 10/05/2018 26973 Verizon Wireless 10/05/2018 26973 Verizon Wireless 10/05/2018 26973 Verizon Wireless Total 26973 26974 10/05/2018 26974 Waxie Sanitary Supply Total 26974 26975 10/05/2018 26975 Wendy & Jason James Total 26975. 26976 10/05/2018 26976 10/05/2018 26976 10/05/2018 26976 10/05/2018 26976 10/05/2018 26976 10/05/2018 26976 10/05/2018 26976 Total 26976 Willamette Dental Insurance Willamette Dental Insurance Willamette Dental Insurance Willamette Dental Insurance Willamette Dental Insurance Willamette Dental Insurance Willamette Dental Insurance Check Issue Dates: 9/26/2018 - 10/5/2018 Oct 05, 2018 04 28PM Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC & REPAIR 1 ch 13-0413.19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 2 ch 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET & PHONE SERVICES 3 ch 06-0464-03-00 TELEPHONE 4 ch 09-0463-24-00 TELEPHONE -COMMUNICATION 5 ch 17-0422.05.00 COMMUNICATION 6 ch 23-0414-02.00 MIS MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS 7 ch 23-0413-07-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 8 ch 20-0422-06-00 CELL PHONE 9 ch 60-0434-19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 1 ch 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 1 ch 60-0220-00.00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 23-0217-07-00 2 ch 12-0217-07.00 3 ch 17-0217-07-00 4 ch 06-0217-07-00 5 ch 13-0217-07-00 6 ch 20-0217-07-00 7 ch 14-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE Invoice Amount 138 60 Check Amount 337.05 138.60 138.60 159 86 159.86 10522 105.22 52.61 52.61 81 63 81 63 188 97 188 97 200 05 200 05 186.85 186 85 105.22 10522 18685 18685 1,267.26 1.283.78 1,283 78 1,283 78 75 00 75 00 75 00 98 88 98 88 49.44 49 44 157 15 157 15 118.87 118 87 237.74 237.74 49 44 49.44 363.74 363.74 1,075 26 Grand Totals. 588,375.51 City of Eagle Dated: Mayor: City Council: Report Criteria: Report type. GL detail Bank.Bank account ="82007705" Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 14 Check Issue Dates: 9/28/2018 -101512018 Oct 05, 2018 04:28PM