Findings - CC - 2018 - DR-41-18 - Common Area Landscaping In Park Lane Estates SubdivisionBEFORE THE EAGLE CITY COUNCIL IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION ) FOR A DESIGN REVIEW FOR THE COMMON ) AREA LANDSCAPING WITHIN PARK LANE ) ESTATES SUBDIVISION FOR CHAD BOWERS ) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW CASE NUMBER DR -41-18 The above -entitled design review application came before the Eagle City Council for their action on October 23, 2018. The Eagle City Council having heard and taken oral and written testimony, and having duly considered the matter, makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; FINDINGS OF FACT: A. PROJECT SUMMARY: Chad Bowers, represented by Jesse Buster with Stack Rock Group, is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within Park Lane Estates Subdivision, a 23 -lot (18 -buildable, 5 - common) residential planned unit development. The 13.08 -acre site is located on the southeast corner of West Beacon Light Road and North Park Lane at 2686 North Park Lane. B. NOTICE OF AGENCIES' REVIEW: Requests for agencies' reviews were transmitted on August 7, 2018, in accordance with the requirements of the Eagle City Code. D. HISTORY OF RELEVANT PREVIOUS ACTIONS: On May 24, 2000, the final plat for Whitehorse Subdivision was recorded at Ada County (Instrument # 100039886). On July 24, 2018, the City Council approved an annexation, rezone with development agreement from RUT (Residential -Urban Transition — Ada County designation) to R -2 -DA -P (Residential with a development agreement — PUD), conditional use permit, preliminary development plan and preliminary plat for Park Lane Estates Subdivision(A-04-17/RZ-08-17/CU-13-17/PPUD-07- 1 7/PP-08-17). E. COMPANION APPLICATIONS: None Page 1 of 14 K:U'lanning Ikpt Eagk Applicatiuns11)A20181DR-41.18 Park Lary Estates Sub IS ccidocx F. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE MAP AND ZONING MAP DESIGNATIONS: COMP PLAN ZONING LAND USE DESIGNATION DESIGNATION Existing Neighborhood Residential (Transition Overlay) RUT (Rural -Urban Transition Single-family residence — Ada County designation) and agriculture Proposed No change R -2 -DA -P (Residential with a Single-family residential development agreement — subdivision PUD) North of site Agricultural/Rural RUT (Ada County Agriculture designation) South of site Neighborhood RUT (Rural -Urban Transition Single-family residence Residential (Transition — Ada County designation) and proposed See One Overlay) and R -2 -DA (Residential with Subdivision a development agreement) East of site Neighborhood R -2 -DA (Residential with a Lockey Subdivision Residential (Transition development agreement) Overlay) West of site Neighborhood R1 and RUT (Estate Ripcord Ranch Residential Residential and Rural -Urban Subdivision and a single - Transition — Ada County family residence on an designations) unplatted parcel G. DESIGN REVIEW OVERLAY DISTRICT: Not in the DDA, TDA, CEDA, or DSDA. H. EXISTING SITE CHARACTERISTICS: The site has an existing single-family residence, three structures, and mature trees. I. SITE DATA: Total Acreage of Site — 11.23 -acres Total Number of Lots — 23 Residential — 18 Commercial — 0 Industrial — 0 Common — 5 Total Number of Units - 18 Single-family — 18 Duplex — 0 Multi -family — 0 Total Acreage of Any Out -Parcels — 0 J. GENERAL SITE DESIGN FEATURES: Landscape Screening: The northern property line is located adjacent to West Beacon Light Road which is classified a minor arterial. Pursuant to Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-7(J)(4)(b), a fifty foot (50') wide buffer area is Page 2 of 14 K:1Planning DeptTaglc Applications1Ih120I81DR•41-18 Park Lane Lsl tcs Sub LS ccf.docx required adjacent to minor arterials. The western property line is located adjacent to North Park Lane which is classified as a collector. Pursuant to Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-7(J)(4)(a), a thirty-five foot (35') wide buffer area is required adjacent to collectors. A five to eight foot (5' to 8') high berm, decorative block wall, cultured stone, decorative rock, or similarly designed concrete wall, or combination thereof with landscaping shall be provided within these buffer areas. Open Space: A total of 2.35 -acres of open space (inclusive of planter strips) is provided within the residential subdivision. The common areas are proposed to contain the required buffer areas adjacent to North Park Lane and West Beacon Light Road. There are small common lots located on each side of West Morgan Creek Street and adjacent to West Charles Court. There is also an open space lot (Lot 17, Block 1) located between the lot containing the existing dwelling unit (Lot 11, Block 1) and the southern boundary. The preliminary engineering plan, date stamped by the City on May 22, 2018, shows a 5 - foot wide sidewalk located within this lot. Storm Drainage and Flood Control: Specific drainage system plans are to be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. The plans are to show how swales, or drain piping, will be developed in the drainage easements. Also, the CC&R's are to contain clauses to be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer and City Attorney, requiring that lots be so graded that all runoff runs either over the curb, or to the drainage easement, and that no runoff shall cross any lot line onto another lot except within a drainage easement. Utility and Drainage Easements, and Underground Utilities: The preliminary planned unit development plan (lot dimensions), date stamped by the City on May 22, 2018, identifies and delineates an 18 -foot wide public utilities, irrigation, and drainage (PUID) easement located adjacent to the public right-of-way. The remaining PUID easement widths are identified and delineated as being 12 -feet in width. Fire Hydrants and Water Mains: Hydrants are to be located and installed as required by the Eagle Fire District. On-site Septic System (yes or no) — Yes — the existing home is served by a potable well and septic system. Preservation of Existing Natural Features: The site contains mature trees located in proximity to the existing residence. The applicant is not proposing to remove any of the existing trees. Eagle City Code Section 9-3-8 (B) states that existing natural features which add value to residential development and enhance the attractiveness of the community (such as trees, watercourses, historic spots and similar irreplaceable assets) shall be preserved in the design of the subdivision. Preservation of Existing Historical Assets: Staff is not aware of any existing historical assets on the site. If any historical artifacts are discovered during excavation or development of the site, state law requires immediate notification to the state. K. BUILDING DESIGN FEATURES: N/A L. LANDSCAPING DESIGN: Retention of Existing Trees and Preservation Methods: There are mature trees near the existing home that will be retained. Tree Replacement Calculations: N/A Page 3 of 14 K:11'lanning Dept11iaglc Applications\Dr120181DR-41.181'ark lane Estates Sub IS cci.do.0 Proposed Tree Mix (Species & Number): To be reviewed by the Design Review Board. Street Trees: Street trees are proposed along Alexander Way, West Charles Court, and West Morgan Creek Road. Maintenance Provisions and Proposed Irrigation Methods: Automatic irrigation required. Transition Zones: N/A Parking Lot Landscaping: N/A M. TRASH ENCLOSURES: N/A N. MECHANICAL UNITS: N/A O. OUTDOOR LIGHTING: A landscape plan and lighting cut sheet showing the location, height, and wattage has been received by the City and complies with Eagle City Code Section 8-4-4-2. P. SIGNAGE: Q. No signs are proposed with this application. A separate design review application is required to be reviewed and approved by the Zoning Administrator prior to issuance of any building permits. PUBLIC SERVICES AVAILABLE: A preliminary approval letter from Eagle Fire Department has been received by the City. A water service approval has not been received to date. Approval of the water company having jurisdiction will be required prior to issuance of a building permit. R. PUBLIC USES PROPOSED: None S. PUBLIC USES SHOWN ON FUTURE ACQUISITIONS MAP: No map currently exists. T. SPECIAL ON-SITE FEATURES: Areas of Critical Environmental Concern - none Evidence of Erosion - no Fish Habitat - no Floodplain - no Mature Trees — yes — adjacent to West Park Lane in proximity to the existing residence Riparian Vegetation - no Steep Slopes - no Stream/Creek - no Unique Animal Life - unknown Unique Plant Life - unknown Unstable Soils - unknown Wildlife Habitat - unknown U. SUMMARY OF REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PLAN (IF REQUIRED): Not required. V. AGENCY RESPONSES: The following agencies have responded, and their correspondence is attached to the staff report. Andeavor (fka Tesoro Logistics NW Pipeline) Eagle Fire Department Eagle Parks, Pathway, and Recreation Department Page 4 of 14 K:1Planning Dept1Eagk Applications1)r\2018U)R-41-18 Park Lane Estates Sub LS ccrdocx Idaho Transportation Department W. LETTERS FROM THE PUBLIC: None received to date. STAFF ANALYSIS PROVIDED WITHIN THE STAFF REPORT: A. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map (adopted November 15, 2017), designates this site as the following: Neighborhood Residential Suitable for single-family residential. Densities range from 2 units per acre to 4 units per acre. Residential Transition Overlay Residential development that provides for transition between land use categories and uses. Commonly requires a transition/change in density, lot sizing, and building scaling with a specific parcel or project. Base densities may be reduced or units may be clustered to increase open space within a portion of a site when property is in this overlay. Neighborhood design will be paramount in this overlay to ensure appropriate transition between uses. See specific planning areas for further description. 6.6.1 Village Planning Area Uses/Design b. Densities should decrease as distance increases from the Village Center. The overall densities in the Village Planning Area and in the Neighborhood Residential designation, south of Beacon Light Road, should average 1-2 units per acre. B. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT CONDITIONS OF DEVELOPMENT WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: 3.4 The conditions, covenants and restrictions for the Property shall contain at least the following: (a) An allocation of responsibility for repair and maintenance of all community and privately owned landscaping, pressurized irrigation facilities, and amenities. The owner shall provide an operation and maintenance manual including the funding mechanism as an addendum to the CC&Rs and the repair and maintenance requirement shall run with the land and that the requirement cannot be modified ant that the homeowners association or other entity cannot be dissolved without the express consent of the city. (b) A requirement for all fencing located adjacent to open space and corner lots to be open -style such as wrought iron, extruded aluminum (looks identical to wrought iron), or three -rail - type wooden decorative fencing. All other fencing (ie. dog-eared cedar fencing, vinyl, chainlink) shall be prohibited. (c) A requirement that in the event any of the CC&Rs are less restrictive than any government rules, regulations or ordinances, then the more restrictive government rule, regulation or ordinances shall apply. The CC&Rs are subject to all rules, regulations, laws and ordinances of all applicable government bodies. In the event a governmental rule, regulation, law or ordinance would render a part of the CC&Rs unlawful, then in such event that portion shall be deemed to be amended to comply with the applicable rule, regulation, law or ordinance. 3.5 Usable park amenities such as, pathways, picnic tables, gazebos, and/or similar amenities as determined by the City Council shall be provided within the open space areas. Landscape plans showing open space amenities shall also be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board prior to submittal of a final development plan/final plat. Page 5 of 14 K: Planning Ihpt1Eagle Applications\DA20181DR-II-181'ark lane Estates Sub I ti ccf.doot C. PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PRELIMINARY PLAT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: 5. Any fencing located adjacent to common area open spaces and on the street side of all corner lots shall be an open fencing style such as wrought iron or other similar decorative style, durable fencing material (privacy fencing shall be required adjacent to the east property line of the property located at 2522 North Park Lane). Specific buffer area fences and decorative walls may be allowed as otherwise required in ECC Section 8-2A-7 (J). 12. The developer shall provide shade -class trees (landscape plan to be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board) along both sides of all streets within this development. Trees shall be placed at the front of each lot generally at each side property line, or as approved by the Design Review Board. The trees shall be located within an 8 -foot wide landscape strip between the 5 -foot wide concrete sidewalk and the curb. Prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat the applicant shall either install the required trees, sod, and irrigation or provide the City with a letter of credit for 150% of the cost of the installation of all landscape and irrigation improvements. Trees shall be installed prior to obtaining any occupancy permits for the homes. A temporary occupancy may be issued if weather does not permit landscaping. Partial reduction of the surety may be permitted for any portion of the development that is completed, including street trees that have been installed. On-going surety for street trees for all undeveloped portions of the development will be required through project completion. D. ZONING CODE PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: • Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-1: GENERAL APPLICABILITY: This article applies to all proposed development located within the design review overlay district which shall include the entire city limits, and any land annexed into the city after the date of adoption hereof. Such development includes, but is not limited to, new commercial, industrial, institutional, office, multi -family residential projects, signs, common areas, subdivision signage, proposed conversions, proposed changes in land use and/or building use, exterior remodeling or repainting with a color different than what is existing, exterior restoration, and enlargement or expansion of existing buildings, signs or sites, and requires the submittal of a design review application pursuant to this article and fee as prescribed from time to time by the city council. • Eagle City Code Section 8 -2A -7(J)(4): Major Roadways b. Any road designated as a minor arterial on the transportation and pathway network plan in the Eagle comprehensive plan: A minimum of fifty feet (50') wide buffer area (not including right of way) shall be provided with the following plants per one hundred (100) linear feet of right of way: five (5) shade trees, eight (8) evergreen trees, three (3) flowering/ornamental trees, and twenty-four (24) shrubs. Each required shade tree may be substituted with two (2) flowering/ornamental trees, provided that not more than fifty percent (50%) of the shade trees are substituted. A minimum five foot (5') high, maximum eight foot (8') high, berm, decorative block wall, cultured stone, decorative rock, or similarly designed concrete wall, or combination thereof shall be provided within the buffer area. The maximum slope for any berm shall be three feet (3') horizontal distance to one foot (1') vertical distance. If a decorative block wall, cultured stone, decorative rock, or similarly designed concrete wall is to be provided, in combination with the berm, a four foot (4') wide flat area shall be provided for the placement of the decorative wall. Chainlink, cedar, and similar high maintenance and/or unsightly fencing shall not be permitted. Page 6 of 14 K: Planning Ikptll:agk ApplicationADA2.0181DR-41.181 'ark (.ane Estates Sub LS cct doi. • Eagle City Code Section 8 -2A -7(M)(3): Parkway Strips, Separated Sidewalks, and Street Trees: 3. Within residential developments one shade class (class II) tree selected from the approved tree list in subsection Q of this section shall be located on both sides of all streets within the eight foot (8') wide landscape strip between the sidewalk and the curb. Trees shall be planted at the front of each lot generally located on each side lot line corner with the distance between trees to be a minimum of thirty-five feet (35') and a maximum of eighty feet (80') of street frontage. • Eagle City Code Section 9-3-10: Fences Any fencing located adjacent to common area open spaces and on the street side of all corner Tots shall be an open fencing style such as wrought iron or other similar decorative style, durable fencing material. Specific buffer area fences and decorative walls may be allowed as otherwise required in subsection 8-2A-7.1 of this code. Chainlink, cedar, and similar high maintenance and/or unsightly fencing shall not he permitted within the above designated areas. A section within the subdivision CC&Rs shall he created for the regulation of fences to this effect. (Ord. 566. 5-15-2007) E. DISCUSSION: • The landscape plan shows street trees at the front of each lot that are less than 35 -feet apart. Eagle City Code Section 8 -2A -7(M)(3) requires trees to he planted at the front of each lot generally located on each side lot line corner with a distance between trees to be a minimum of 35 -feet and a maximum of 80 -feet of street frontage. The applicant should be required to provide a revised landscape plan showing the street trees to be located at each side lot line with the distance between trees to be a minimum of 35 -feet to maximum of 80 -feet. The revised landscape plan should be reviewed and approved by staff prior to approval of the final plat application. • The landscape plan shows solid fencing adjacent to Lot 10 and 12, Block 1, which are common areas. Eagle City Code Section 9-3-10 and preliminary development plan and preliminary plat site specific condition No. 5 requires open style fencing adjacent to common area open space. The applicant should be required to provide a revised landscape plan showing opening style fencing adjacent to Lots 10 and 12, Block 1. The revised landscape plan should be reviewed and approved by staff prior to approval of' the final plat application. • The landscape plan shows a planter in the center of the cul-de-sac with a streetlight; however. no plantings or ground cover are identified. The applicant should be required to provide a revised landscape plan showing plantings and/or ground cover that will be located within the planter in the center of the cul-de-sac. The revised landscape plan should be reviewed and approved by staff and one member of the Design Review Board prior to approval of the final plat. • The landscape plan shows a cul-de-sac at the end of West Charles Court with curb. gutter, sidewalk, and street trees. The approved preliminary plat required a stub street to Lot 11, Block 1, which is not reflected on the landscape plan. The applicant should be required to provide a revisal landscape plan showing a stub street to Lot 11, Block 1, as indicated on the preliminary development plan and preliminary plat and remove the sidewalk, street trees, and solid fencing shown in that location. The revised landscape plan should be reviewed and approved by staff and one member of the Design Review Board prior to approval of the final plat application. • Staff defers comment regarding the common area landscaping to the Design Review Board. STAFF RECOMMENDATION PROVIDED WITHIN THE REPORT: Based upon the information provided to staff to date, staff recommends approval with the site specific conditions of approval and the standard conditions of approval provided within the staff report. Paac 7 of 14 K U'Iunn,ng Dept lb agk Apphx aunn,11 ni?n I MDR -41 1 h Park 1 .mc 1 .L. Le. Sub 1 S Lt.! Joe. PUBLIC MEETING OF THE BOARD (September 13, 2018): A. A meeting to consider the application was held before the Design Review Board on September 13, 2018. The Board continued the application to the September 27, 2018 meeting. B. Oral testimony in opposition to the application was presented to the Design Review Board by no one. C. Oral testimony in favor of the application was presented to the Design Review Board by no one (not including the applicant/representative). BOARD DELIBERATION: (Granicus time 31:00) On September 13, 2018, upon completion of the applicant's and staff's presentations, the Board discussed during deliberation that: • The Board expressed concern regarding the required stub street to Lot 11, Block 1, and the proposed landscaping within this area. • A revised landscape plan addressing the staff recommended site specific conditions of approval and the concerns raised during the Board's meeting should he provided prior to the next Design Review Board meeting. PUBLIC MEETING OF THE BOARD (September 27, 2018): A. A meeting to consider the application was held before the Design Review Board on September 27, 2018, at which time the Board made their decision. B Oral testimony in opposition to the application was presented to the Design Review Board by no one. C. Oral testimony in favor of the application was presented to the Design Review Board by no one (not including the applicant/representative). BOARD DELIBERATION: (Granicus time 18:10) On September 27, 2018, upon completion of the applicant's and staff's presentations, the Board discussed during deliberation that: • The Board is in favor of the applicant's revised landscape plan, date stamped by the City on September 27, 2018. with the additional changes required by the site specific conditions of approval provided herein. • The Board determined a solid fence along the north property line of Lot 11, Block 1, was appropriate. If and when Lot 1 1, Block 1, redevelops, the portion of the fencing located adjacent to the common lot (Lot 12, Block 1) will be replaced with open style fencing. — 1,ot 11 Common Lot I Page 8 of 14 K J'Iann,n I /opt \Laek Apphc.m„m\Itt1'_It18\Uk-41 11, 1',111 1 am 1 states Sub 1' cut dm:, BOARD DECISION: The Board voted 5 to 0 (Brasher and Sayer absent) to recommend approval of DR -41-18 for a design review application for the common area landscaping within Park Lane Estates Subdivision for Chad Bowers, with the site specific conditions of approval and standard conditions of approval provided within their findings of fact and conclusions of law document, dated October 11, 2018. PUBLIC MEETING OF THE COUNCIL: A. A meeting to consider the application was held before the City Council on October 23, 2018, at which time the Council made their decision. B. Oral testimony in opposition to the application was presented to the City Council by no one. C. Oral testimony in favor of the application was presented to the City Council by no one (not including the applicant/representative). COUNCIL DECISION: The Council voted 4 to 0 to approve DR -41-18 for a design review application for the common area landscaping within Park Lane Estates Subdivision for Chad Bowers, with the following Design Review Board recommended site specific conditions of approval and standard conditions of approval. SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Comply with all applicable conditions of A-04-17/RZ-08-17/CU-13-17/PPUD-07-17/PP-08-17. 2. Provide a revised landscape plan showing the street trees to be located at each side lot line with the distance between trees to be a minimum of 35 -feet to maximum of 80 -feet. The revised landscape plan shall be reviewed and approved by staff prior to approval of the final plat application. 3. Provide a revised landscape plan showing a stub street to Lot 11, Block 1, as indicated on the preliminary development plan and preliminary plat and remove the sidewalk, street trees, and solid fencing shown in that location. The revised landscape plan shall be reviewed and approved by staff and one member of the Design Review Board prior to approval of the final plat application. 4. The applicant shall submit payment to the City for all engineering and legal fees incurred for reviewing this project, prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate and/or upon receipt of an invoice by the City, whichever occurs first. 5. The applicant shall be required to comply with any applicable conditions placed on this application by the City Engineer. 6. Submit payment to the City for the Planning and Zoning plan review at the time of building permit submittal. 7. No signs are proposed with this application and none are approved. 10. If a pumphouse is proposed or required for the subdivision irrigation system, the applicant shall provide a revised site plan, landscape plan, and building elevations showing the location of the pumphouse, landscaping around the pumphouse, and building materials and colors. The revised site plan, landscape plan, and building elevations shall be reviewed and approved by staff and two members of the Design Review Board prior to issuance of a building permit for the pumphouse. 11. Provide a revised landscape plan showing the fence on the north property line of Lot 11, Block 1, to be a solid fence, including the portion adjacent to Lot 12, Block 1. A cash surety, for the cost of replacing the solid fence adjacent to Lot 12, Block 1, with a 5 -foot wrought iron fence to match the other open style fence within the development shall be submitted to the City. The revised landscape plan and cash surety shall be reviewed, approved, and submitted to the City prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. Page 9 of 14 K:1Planning DepMagic Applicalions11)1120181DR-d1-18 Park lane Estates Sub L5 ccl.docx 12. Provide a revised landscape plan showing the required stub street extended from the cul-de-sac to Lot 11, Block 1. The stub street shall be constructed to ACHD standards. No landscaping or street trees are permitted to be planted within this area. The revised landscape plan shall be reviewed and approved by staff prior to approval of the final plat application. NOTE: In the event a Standard Condition of Approval conflicts with a Site Specific Condition of Approval contained herein the Site Specific Condition of Approval shall control. STANDARD CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Ada County Highway District and/or the Idaho Transportation Department, including but not limited to approval of the drainage system, curbs, gutters, streets and sidewalks. A letter of approval from the highway district having jurisdiction shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of a Zoning Certificate for this site. 2. Idaho Department of Health & Welfare approval of the sewer and water facilities is required prior issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. 3. All permits from Central District Health, Eagle Sewer District & Eagle Fire District shall be secured prior to issuance of building permit or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. 4. Written approval of all well water for any shared or commercial well shall be obtained from the Idaho Department of Water Resources and shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. 5. Unless septic tanks are permitted, wet line sewers will be required and the applicant will be required to furnish the City Engineer with a letter from the sewer entity serving the property, accepting the project for service, prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. 6. The applicant shall submit a letter from the appropriate drainage entity approving the drainage system and/or accepting said drainage; or submit a letter from a registered professional engineer certifying that all drainage shall be retained on-site prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. A copy of the construction drawing(s) shall be submitted with the letter. 7. The applicant shall submit plans and calculations prepared by a registered professional engineer to handle the satisfactory disposal of all storm drainage on the applicant's site. Drainage system plans shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. The plans shall show how swales, or drain piping, will be developed in the drainage easements. The approved drainage system shall be constructed, or a performance bond shall be submitted to the City Clerk, prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. The lot shall be so graded that all runoff runs either over the curb, or to the drainage easement and no runoff shall cross any lot line onto another lot except within a drainage easement. All design and calculations shall meet the requirements of Ada County Highway District. Construction of the storm drain disposal system shall be complete before an occupancy permit is issued. 8. No ditch, pipe or other structure or canal, for irrigation water or irrigation waste water owned by an organized irrigation district, canal company, ditch association, or other irrigation entity, shall be obstructed, routed, covered or changed in any way unless such obstruction, rerouting, covering or changing has first been approved in writing by the entity. A Registered Engineer shall certify that any ditch rerouting, piping, covering or otherwise changing the existing irrigation or waste ditch (1) has been made in such a manner that the flow of water will not be impeded or increased beyond carrying capacity of the downstream ditch; (2) will not otherwise injure any person or persons using Page 10 of 14 K:Wlanning lkptlliaglc AppticationsU)r1201811)R-41- 18 l'ad: Lang Estates Sub LS ccfdocx or interested in such ditch or their property; and (3) satisfied the Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction. A copy of such written approval and certification shall be filed with the construction drawing and submitted to the City prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. 9. Encroachments including, but not limited to, landscaping, fencing, lighting, and/or pathways shall not be located within any easement or right-of-way for any ditch, pipe or other structure, or canal used for irrigation water or irrigation waste water without the express written approval of the organized irrigation district, canal company, ditch association, or other irrigation entity associated with such ditch, pipe or other structure, or canal. The applicant shall submit a copy of the written approval from the irrigation entity prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. 10. Street light plans shall be submitted and approved as to the location, height and wattage to the City Engineer (if applicable) prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. All construction shall comply with the City's specifications and standards. The applicant shall provide a recorded easement, acceptable to the City Engineer, for the purpose of installing and maintaining street light fixtures, conduit and wiring lying outside any dedicated public right-of-way, prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. The applicant shall pay applicable street light inspection fees prior to issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy. 11. Parking lot light plan shall be submitted and approved as to the location, height and wattage by the City Engineer. All construction shall comply with the City's specifications and standards. Lighting is required in the parking area and shall be properly illuminated to avoid accidents. Any lights used to illuminate the parking lot shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from the adjoining property. 12. The parking area shall be paved and shall be maintained in good condition without holes and free of all dust, trash, weeds and other debris. 13. One set of building plans, for any non single-family residential use, shall be submitted to the Eagle Fire Department for approval. An approval letter from the Eagle Fire Department shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. The letter shall include the following comments and minimum requirements, and any other items of concern as may be determined by the Eagle Fire Department officials: a. "The applicant has made arrangements to comply with all requirements of the Fire Department." b. The fire hydrant locations shall be reviewed and be approved in writing by the Eagle Fire Department prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. c. Minimum flow per hydrant shall be 1,000 gallons per minute for one and two family dwellings, 1,500 gallons per minute for dwellings having a fire area in excess of 3,600 -square feet, and 1,500 gallons per minute for non-residential uses (i.e.; Commercial, Industrial, Schools, etc.). Flow rates shall be inspected in accordance with all agencies having jurisdiction, and shall be verified in writing by the Eagle Fire Department prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. d. The proposed fire protection system shall be reviewed and approved by the Eagle Fire Department prior to issuance of a building permit or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. 14. Any recreation area, greenbelt area or pathway area along the Boise River, Dry Creek or any other area designated by the City Council or Eagle City Park and Pathway Development Committee for a path or walkway shall be approved in writing by the Eagle City Park and Pathway Development Committee prior to issuance of a building permit or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. Page 11 of 14 K: Planning Dept\Eagle Applications1Dr\2018\DR-4I-IB Park Lane Estates Sub LS cct.doci 15. Conservation, recreation and river access easements (if applicable) shall be approved by the Eagle City Park and Pathway Development Committee and shall be shown on the final plat prior to issuance of a building permit or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. 16. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of the Eagle City Code, pertaining to floodplain and river protection regulations (if applicable) prior to issuance of a building permit or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. 17. The applicant shall obtain written approval of the development relative to the effects of the Boise River Flood Plain (if applicable) from the Corps. of Engineers prior to issuance of a building permit or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. 18. The applicant shall obtain approval of the development relative to its effects on wetlands or other natural waterways (if applicable) from the Corps. of Engineers and the Idaho Department of Water Resources and/or any other agency having jurisdiction prior to issuance of a building permit or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. 19. Basements in the flood plain are prohibited. 20. The Americans with Disabilities Act, Uniform Building Code, Eagle City Code, and all applicable County, State and Federal Codes and Regulations shall be complied with. All design and construction shall be in accordance with all applicable City of Eagle Codes unless specifically approved by the City Council. 21. New plans, which incorporate any required changes, shall be submitted for staff approval. Staff may elect to take those plans to the Design Review Board and the City Council for review and approval. 22. Any changes to the plans and specifications upon which this approval is based, other than those required by the above conditions, will require submittal of an application for modification and approval of that application prior to commencing any change. 23. Any modification of the approved design review plans, including, but not limited to building design, location and details, landscaping, parking, and circulation, must be approved prior to construction/ installation of such changes. Failure to do so may result in the requirement to modify the project to comply with the approved design review and/or result in the inability to issue a final approval for occupancy of this project. 24. Any change by the applicant in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply with all rules, regulations, ordinances, plans, or other regulatory and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest advises the City of Eagle of its intent to change the planned use of the subject property unless a waiver/variance of said requirements or other legal relief is granted pursuant to the law in effect at the time the change in use is sought. 25. Approval of any Design Review shall expire without notice to the applicant on the date of expiration of the Design Review if construction has not started prior to that date, as stipulated in Eagle City Code (one year from approval date). 26. All ground -mounted accent lighting fixtures and monument sign lighting fixtures shall be screened from view with the use of landscaping (top of the fixture shall be no higher than the surrounding landscaping). The light source itself shall otherwise be screened as provided for within Eagle City Code. 27. The City's actions on the application does not grant the applicant any appropriation of water or interference with existing water rights. The applicant indemnifies and holds the City harmless for any and all water rights, claims in any way associated with this application. Page 12 of 14 K:U'lanning Ikptll:agk Applicalions'I)A2OI8U)R-4I-I8 Park Lane Estates yah IS cct.docx CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: 1. The Council reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of this proposed design review application (DR -41-18) with regard to the Eagle City Code Title 8, Chapter 2, Article A, DR Design Review Overlay District, and based upon the information provided with the conditions required herein, concludes that the proposed design review application is in accordance with the Eagle City Code and the Eagle Comprehensive Plan. 2. The Council reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of the proposed design review in terms of Eagle City Code 8-2A-13, "General Standards For Design Review" and has concluded that the proposed design review: A. Will function in conformance with the applicable strategies of the Eagle Comprehensive Plan and is in accordance with the regulations of this code since there are no inconsistencies with the comprehensive plan and subdivision landscaping is permitted with the approval of a design review application within the R -2 -DA -P (Residential with a development agreement - PUD) zoning district; B. Is of a scale, intensity, and character that is in harmony with existing conforming and planned development in the vicinity of the site since the proposed common area landscaping is designed per Eagle City Code landscape requirements and will complement the general vicinity; C. Is designed with adequate off street parking facilities in such a way as to not interfere with ingress/egress to the site and will serve the intended use so as to not cause conflict with adjacent uses as anticipated within the zoning district — Not applicable for a landscape plan; D. Will not interfere with the visual character, quality, or appearance of the surrounding area and City, and where possible, enhance the continuity of thematically common architectural features since the common area landscaping and buffer/berming complies with Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-7; E. Will have facades, features, and other physical improvements that are designed as a whole, when viewed alone as well as in relationship to surrounding buildings and settings — Not applicable for a landscape plan; F. Will not obstruct views and vistas as they pertain to the urban environment and in relation to artistic considerations since there are no structures proposed with this application; G. Will provide safe and convenient access to the property for both vehicles and pedestrians through patterned traffic circulation and connectivity to abutting development — Not applicable for a landscape plan; H. Is in the interest of public health, safety, and general welfare promoting a pedestrian friendly and walkable environment in balance with protecting a viable residential center in the area since the subdivision has been designed with sidewalks; and I. No signs are proposed with this application. All signs, if proposed, will be required to be harmonious with the architectural design of the subdivision, and will not cover nor detract from desirable architectural features. Page 13 of 14 K:U'Ltnning Dept agle ApplicationADA201MR-4I-I8 Park Lane Gdatcs Sub 1..S ccf.ducx DATED this 23ra day of October 2018. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE Ada County, Idaho Stan Ridgeway, Mayor ATTEST: Sharon K. Bergmann, Eagle . Bergmann, Eagle City C erk Reconsideration Notice: Applicant has the right, pursuant to Section 67-6535. Idaho Code. to request a reconsideration within fourteen (14) days of the final written decision. 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