Minutes - 2015 - City Council - 06/09/2015 - RegularSCANNED EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes June 9, 2015 PRE -COUNCIL AGENDA: 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 1. Valley Regional Transit: FY2016 Budget Request and the VRT Annual Report — Kelli Fairless, Executive Director presents a power point and discusses the same. Discussion on the structure of the VRT and their funding. We are accountable to local government through membership on the Board and working with local government. We are responsible for public transportation and transportation services. Discusses the Large Urban Federal Funding, the Small Urban Federal Funding and the Local Funding. All Federal funds require a local match. Provides an overview of their local services and the transportation service survey. Our overall ridership trends to be younger. Provides an overview of the Hwy 44 Express and the Vehicle Sharing program. We are currently conducting analysis of Western Ada County and Canyon County service. General discussion. 2. Museum Quarterly Report: Museum Curator, Alana Dunn: the catalog of photos and archives are now online for public access. I would like to start a small Museum Library and I am currently working on a Museum brochure. These two projects help make the public aware of the Museum. I'm meeting this week with Caitlin, Parks/Rec, on the Harvest Festival. This is the 3'd year and working with Parks/Rec we could make it much larger. We are working on transcribing all of the oral histories I have and eventually I would like to put these online for public access. Discussion on revamping the planters in front of the Museum. General discussion. 3. Mayor and Council Reports: McFarland: I have been working on the budget. We are over $2,000 on our legal budget which has to do with the litigation this year. I looked at the amount of time that Council Members have contacted the City Attorney between September and April; Mark and I each have 23.1 hours, Stan 33.2 hours and 109 hours for Jeff. I think we need to have some protocol for how this is managed. I would like this to be on a future agenda and discuss how we are going to manage this. Stan: On a follow up to that, I think if we are going to do that I would like to see those figures for the last three years and compare those to what we are doing now and what we did before. I would also like to look at the contract because I was under the impression if it was normal city business there was a flat contract. I would like to see what the bills are for. General discussion. Mayor: Discusses a meeting he attended today with ACHD on the Highway Distribution Account. The City's Highway Distribution Account goes directly to ACHD. Butler: Discusses the State Street/Eagle Road Stakeholders Committee. Kunz provides an update on the Stakeholders Committee meetings. I am in the process of collating the data and making sure that we are still working on the survey data collation and other things. I am not wasting people's time. I'm working towards convening the first Stakeholders meeting by the end of June but there were some delays that were beyond my control. General discussion. Kunz: There have been some allegations leveled with respect to my involvement or facilitation of this effort and I'm wondering if I could read into the record the allegation that has been leveled and my response to it. I will leave the name of the individual out who has leveled the Page 1 K: TOUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\.CC-06-09-I5n in.doc allegation but given the people in the audience I think it is important that people understand that I have been the subject of a number of criticisms and allegations. Because one of the people in the audience this evening is directly being smeared by the same tactic I would like to read if permissible a very short letter that was sent out by Councilman Butler this morning with my response. Is that acceptable legally? City Attorney McLain: From a legal perspective as far as whether or not it is part of the Pre - Council Agenda item is somewhat questionable so I would defer to the Mayor who is running this meeting. I don't have any legal issues per say but it does not seem to be the appropriate forum and time for this kind of discussion. Mayor: I don't doubt the validity of your comments Councilman. What I fear is that we are going to end up in a he said she said and an emotional discussion which will not serve the City. Kunz: I would like to respond to that. I was specifically led to believe via a chain of emails that occurred today on a number of issues that a certain Councilman intended to raise this issue during the Pre -Council Reports and more to the point that they intended to propose a modification to the agenda for tonight's Council meeting to add an agenda item that I be removed as the Facilitator of the Eagle Road State Street Intersection Study effort. As a result of those emails I think it is directly germane. I came prepared to this meeting to report on that and I think I have every right to share the allegation that has been leveled against me and the other individual and I have every right to read my response so that everyone in the audience understands the character assassination and smear tactics that are going on here. City Attorney McLain: Mr. Mayor if I may offer a suggestion. At this point it is a speculate measure so why don't we wait for the meeting to come in and if such a motion is made to amend the Agenda to have that topic item then it is up to the Council to decide whether they want to entertain this conversation. I think right now it is a little premature until we figure out whether or not such an action or motion will be made. Kunz: I just want to say for the record that I flatly deny in all respects and as vehemently as I can I vehemently deny the allegation that has been made against me in this regard. Ridgeway: I would like to apologize to everyone that put me in this chair. I travel a lot and yesterday I missed a meeting because I had the wrong time on my calendar. I'm sorry that I wasn't here to represent the people of Eagle who elected me. 4. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: None 5. City Attorney Report: None INVOCATION: REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reynolds calls the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: MCFARLAND, BUTLER, KUNZ, RIDGEWAY. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Reynolds leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. SERVICE RECOGNITION: Page K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area!CC-06-09-15min.doc A. VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH — JUNE: The City of Eagle recognizes the importance of volunteerism and is taking a moment to thank those who selflessly give of themselves to the community. A plaque will be displayed in the lobby recognizing these outstanding volunteers. Lou McMullen: Long-time Eagle resident and Library volunteer Lou McMullen first began helping at the Library with a Friends of the Library Book Sale in 2001. For years she volunteered in the Library's Cataloging Department, processing hardbacks and paperbacks with other volunteers (Beverly Merrill and Julia Davis). For the past two years, Lou worked as part of the Seed Collection team, repacking seeds into small packets (in 2014, the Seed Collection team distributed over 8,000 seed packs) and ensuring that each packet has a copy of the growing instructions. Lou is dependable and flexible, volunteering at all hours of the day. Lou's positive attitude and all-around joy of life makes her popular with the Library staff and other seed volunteers. Mayor presents Lou McMullen with the Volunteer of the Month Proclamation. A proclamation of the City of Eagle declaring June 10, 2015 as Lou McMullen Day in the City of Eagle for her dedication and volunteerism. Lou's name will be added to the plaque that is displayed in the lobby recognizing outstanding volunteers. B. Scout Troop 077: Service recognition for their participation in the 2015 Eagle Clean-up Day by Deputy Shawn Thomas and the Eagle Police Department. Chief Calley presents Scout Troop 077 with an Eagle Police Chiefs Special Recognition Award for their participation in the 2015 Eagle Clean-up Day. 5. ADDITIONS, DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: None 6. PUBLIC COMMENT: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Harry Moore, I arrived a little early and I heard the comments regarding Eagle and State Street. I am on the Residential Stakeholder Committee and we have had no communication since our meeting in January and I'm here tonight to find out what the status is. Secondly I would like to comment on the large number of A signs that have started to appear again in downtown Eagle. This afternoon at Aiken and Eagle Road there were 5 signs on the corner. Lastly, I use Hill Road a lot and I hope that we are going to do a lot xeriscaping to limit the amount of water usage. General discussion. Naomi Preston, 380 E. Trailside, I had an issue that came up today and I am pretty upset about it and dismayed at the behavior of a member of our Council. I would like to read this email from Mark Butler to Mayor Reynolds "I was just called by a citizen who was told that Jeff is intentionally delaying the State Street Eagle Road Study in hopes of Naomi Preston winning a council seat in November, to have her involved as a Council member making the recommendation to ACHD." I don't know where this rumor came from. Councilman Kunz and I have never been in conclusion on anything. In fact we have butted heads in some of the meetings and respectfully we have agreed to disagree but have always come to a conclusion in the Business Owners meeting. I would like to read Councilman Kunz's response to Councilman Butler "I flatly deny the allegation that I am intentionally delaying the State Street Eagle Road Page 3 K:ICOUNCIUMINUTES\Teinporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-09-I5rnin.doc study in hopes of Naomi Preston winning a council seat in November, to have her involved as Council member making the recommendation to ACHD." Who specifically is responsible for this allegation? I was up here a couple of Council meetings ago and folks on the Council insinuated that I was using innuendo. I would point out that Councilman Butler is using innuendo on City time in City email without even contacting the source. I am very much offended and upset and I am also going to talk to my attorney about this. I don't think this is proper and I think the attacks on Councilman Kunz are not valid and it just happens to be an election year and I will leave it at that. Butler: would you read my whole email? I think you stopped before the end. Naomi reads the remainder of Councilman Butler's email "I have been perplexed as to why it has been drug out s00000 incredibly long, as well as many in our community who are perplexed and frustrated also. I will bring this up in reports and we may need an action item to remove him from this task due to his lack of follow through and alleged questionable integrity on this issue, if true." I've been involved in the Stakeholder Committee, as have been others in here, and the integrity of Councilman Kunz is above reproach and I think if you would talk to anyone on any of these committees they would agree with me. This is a highly difficult project and to be throwing arrows from the sidelines in an election year is really obvious Councilman Butler. I just find it really discouraging that you are taking pot shots at citizens and Council people. Jane Kramer, 57 Ranch Drive, I have another envelope of signatures from concerned citizens concerning eminent domain acts that are taking place in this town. 7. CONSENT AGENDA: • Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. • Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Volunteer of the Month Proclamation — A proclamation of the City of Eagle declaring June 10, 2015 as Lou McMullen Day in the City of Eagle for her dedication and volunteerism! C. Noise Waiver request: Bill McCarrel, with The Gathering Place, is requesting a noise waiver for July 10 & 11, 2015 until 1:00 a.m. to accommodate Fun Day activities at his outdoor beer garden located in his parking lot at 50 E. State St. D. Addendum to Contract for Services: An addendum to the "Market Manager" contract to include the coordination of vendors for the Heritage Park Concert Series and providing compensation for said services. (MA) E. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for RZ-01-15 & PP -01-15 — Development Agreement Modification (Development Agreement in lieu of a PUD) and a Preliminary Plat for Liberty Park Subdivision — Liberty Park LLC.: Liberty Park, LLC, represented by Nancy Merrill, is requesting modification of the executed development agreement (Ada County instrument number #113089276, associated with RZ-08-03 MOD3 & RZ-04-12), and preliminary plat approval for Liberty Park Subdivision, a 23 -lot (15 -residential, 2 -commercial, and 6 -common) subdivision. The 4.89 -acre site is located at the Page 4 K:\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-09-15min.doc ossmIN southeast corner of W. Flint Drive and N. Park Lane and 3555 W. Flint Drive. (WEV) F FP -04-15 — Final Plat for Cedarfield Subdivision No. 1 (aka Gateway) — Corev Barton Homes. Inc.: Corey Barton Homes, Inc., represented by Kent Brown, is requesting final plat approval for Cedarfield Subdivision No. 1, a 68 - lot (64 -buildable, 4 -common) residential subdivision. The 12.57 -acre site is generally located at the southwest corner of E. Sadie Drive and N. Echohawk Way. (WEV) G. Minutes of May 12, 2015. H. Minutes of May 26, 2015. I. Tree Inventory and data entry Personal Services Contract: Personal Services Contract to inventory, record, and evaluate all City of Eagle owned trees. (MA) J. FPUD-05-15 & FP -06-15 — Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Snoqualmie Falls Subdivision No. 7 — Horseshoe Flats, LLC. Horseshoe Flats, LLC, represented by Ben Thomas with Civil Innovations, PLLC, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Snoqualmie Falls Subdivision No. 7, a 48 -lot (42 buildable, 5 common) residential subdivision. The 30.93 -acre site is generally located south of Floating Feather Road, between Linder Road and Palmer Lane, at the terminus of West Nordic Drive. (WEV) K. Minutes of June 3, 2015. *L. Request for the City Council to authorize the Mayor to execute an amended fee waiver agreement between the City of Eagle and Eagle River LLC (agreement formerly between the City of Eagle and CWI) to allow a $14,025.00 redemption for allocation towards paving 525 -feet of greenbelt pathway located along the north side of the north channel of the Boise River on the east side of Merrill Park. (WEV & MA) *M. Eagle Parks and Recreation Director Mike Aho is requesting City Council authorization for the expenditure of $14,025.00 for paving 525 -feet of greenbelt pathway located along the north side of the north channel of the Boise River on the east side of Merrill Park. The funds are proposed to be expended from the operational reserve fund. (MA) McFarland moves to approve the Consent Agenda, Items #A - #M. Seconded by Butler. McFarland: AYE; Butler: AYE; Kunz: AYE; Ridgeway: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES .. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Mayor: We have several items here, Discussion on Election of Councilmen by Districts, Discussion on Assignment of Council Seats, Discussion on Change in Number of Council Seats, Discussion on Council -Manager Plan and Discussion on a combination. I'm thinking that it may be wise to defray the first four until the new Council is seated in January. General discussion. Ridgeway: We have all of these proposals on the agenda and people are here to comment on them so I think we should take public comment. Mayor: I tend to agree with you. I don't think we have time to do this to change the government. General discussion. Al. Discussion on Election of Councilmen by Districts per IC 50-707A. Public Comment will be taken on this item. "Ilm4N Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor opens Public Comment Page 5 KXOUNCIL\MINUTES,Tcmporary Minutes Work AreaCC-06.09-15rnin.doc Mathew May, 1839 N. Longridge Pl, I am a Ph.D. Candidate in Public Policy & Administration at Boise State so I have done a lot of research. In terms of District it is the Federal requirement that they have to be done according to population. Discusses what happens when you have a low voter turnout like Eagle has. I don't see the need to lower the threshold of Council. There are a lot of variables involved in switching to this system for very low benefit. I'm not sure it is that big of an issue where the Councilmembers live. Foad Roghani, 175 S. Rosebud Lane, everything Mathew said I agree with. Why do we need a City Manager and why do we need to put this additional burden on the tax payer? I don't see any benefit to the citizens. What are the reasons behind the proposals? Mayor closes Public Comment A2. Discussion on assignment of Council Seats per IC 50-707. Public Comment will be taken on this item. Mayor introduces the issue. City Attorney McLain provides an overview of the State Code in regards to the assignment of Council Seats. Mayor opens Public Comment Mathew May, 1839 N. Longridge Pl, out of all of proposals tonight, this is the one that I find least objectionable but I probably would not support this. Discusses how this would work. This gives special interest groups a way to get someone on the Council. Naomi Preston, 380 E. Trailside, I would like to echo what the City Attorney said about opening the door for special interest groups. There is an Eagle Business Alliance that is trying to collect funds and get candidates elected. I would like to see it kept the way it is now. Foad Roghani, I agree with everything that Mathew May said. Mayor close the Public Comment *A3. Discussion on Change in Number of Council Seats per IC 50-707. Public Comment will be taken on this item. Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor opens Public Comment Mathew May, 1839 N. Longridge P1, again this is not a change that I would support. I don't think Eagle has the population base to add other seats to the Council. This may be something the City wants to consider in the future especially when Spring Valley builds out. Foad Roghani, I agree with everything that Mathew May said. Mayor closed the Public Comment A4. Discussion on Council -Manager Plan of municipal government per IC 50-801. Public Comment will be taken on this item. Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor opens Public Comment Mathew May, 1839 N. Longridge Pl, once again this not a change that I would support. There is a place for Council -Manager position. As a voter this basically shields the administration of the City from my ability to hold it accountable at the election and this is not a power I would like to Page 6 K:`COUNCIL MINUTESqemporary Minutes Work Arca'CC-06-09-15min.doc give up. I believe the citizens are smart enough to know when the City is managed poorly and they will vote somebody out. I do believe that if this is a change worth having then it is worth running on and engaging the citizens in a discussion. I am opposed to this for Eagle. General discussion. Foad Roghani, I agree with everything that Mathew May said. Theresa Johnson, 3417 N. Croft Way, I have worked for City's that have excellent City Managers and some not so great. I'm torn on this issue and the 6 years really bothers me. I do think it is a little early. Maybe when the City gets bigger you may have to think about this. General discussion. A5 Discussion on a combination of Al, A2, A3, and A4. Public Comment will be taken on this item. Mayor introduces the issue. City Council discussion. Kunz: I am in favor of tabling this until after the first of the year and maybe we work on it over the two years once the new Council is seated in January 2016 and see what we want to do if anything. Mayor: would you like to make that a motion? Kunz: I would so move. Seconded by Ridgeway. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES B. Discussion of Mayor and Council salaries. Mayor introduces the issue. Ridgeway: We should really take a look at the salaries to make sure that the salaries are where they are supposed to be. After being the Council President for 6 months I would like for us to entertain the differential between the Council President and the Councilmembers which is $2,100 per year. If there has to be a differential I would like to see that be about $600 and I would like to take the other $1,500 and add it to the Councilmembers salary. Discusses what would happen if the Council President has to become the acting Mayor which is a full time job. Is it in Idaho Statute that in a period of time that the Council President receives a salary equal to the Mayor's salary? City Attorney McLain: If the Mayor steps down or is unable to perform his/her duties then the Council President does step in as Interim Mayor and at that time the Council determines whether to keep that Council President as Mayor and/or appoint someone else and then fill the vacant Council spot. When that decision is made then certainly that Council President would take on the role as Mayor and of course the salary of the Mayor. General Council discussion on Mayor and Council salaries and having the salaries reflect the COL that City employees have received for the past two years. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. A. RZ-02-15 — Rezone from R-4 (residential) to CBD (central business district) — Shawn Nickel: Shawn Nickel is requesting a rezone from R-4 (Residential) to CBD (Central Business District). The 0.137 -acre site is located on the west side of North Eagle Road approximately 500 - feet north of West State Street at 203 North Eagle Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Page 7 K:'COUNCIUMINUTES,Ternporary Minutes Work Area,CC-O6-09-15rain.doc Mayor: Does anyone on Council have any exparte contact to declare? None Mayor: Does anyone on Council have any potential or actual conflict of interest? None Shawn Nickel provides Council an overview of this request for rezone. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the application with a Development Agreement which Mr. Nickel has agreed to and Mr. Nickel has also agreed to the Conditions of Approval. The Staff has also recommended approval. Provides an overview of the request for rezone. Mayor opens the Public Hearing No one has signed up to speak and no one in the audience wishes to speak. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Butler moves to approve RZ-02-15 — Rezone from R-4 (residential) to CBD (central business district) based upon the writings in the Findings and with the Commissions recommended conditions. Seconded by Kunz. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES General discussion on exparte contact. B. Urban Renewal Agency (URA) Redevelopment and Improvement Sub Project — Heart of Eagle Beautification Plan — Eagle Urban Renewal Agency: The Eagle Urban Renewal Agency represented by Todd Lakey with Borton-Lakey Law and Policy, is requesting City approval of a redevelopment and improvement sub project called the Heart of Eagle Beautification Plan. The sub project area is within the Eagle Urban Renewal District and proposed pursuant to the Eagle Urban Renewal Plan for the Downtown and East End Urban Renewal Project. The sub project area is generally located at and near the southwest corner of State Street and Eagle Road. The Agency plans to acquire the property on the SW corner of Eagle Road and State Street and has leased the property to the west. The Agency plans to demolish the existing old structures and construct a public parking facility and other improvements on the properties that are part of this sub project. Mayor introduces the issue. Bonnie Harper, I am standing in for Mr. Lakey. Mr. Lakey and I presented this plan to the Planning and Zoning Commission and received approval. Provides Council an overview of the Heart of Eagle Beautification Plan. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Staff doesn't have any comments in regards to this plan. Provides Council an overview of the actions of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mr. Chad Lamer, Spink Butler, representing the Smith's in regard to this matter, the Smiths are opposed to this project. We don't believe this plan complies with Idaho Code 52-008(b). The Smiths disagree about the content that was prepared by Ms. Harper and this plan needs to conform to the Comprehensive Plan. Discusses the Comprehensive Plan in reference to the 4 corners. General discussion. Naomi Preston, 380 E. Trailside, I have been bringing up the issue of the downtown needing more parking for 4 -5 years. Councilman Ridgeway has stated that we don't need any more parking downtown. The Goldmans offered their property for lease for parking. Now you are taking private property on the other side of Eagle Road where it is not needed. I am not in favor of this. I would rather see a business go in there. General discussion. Jane Kramer, 57 Ranch Drive, I agree with Naomi. There are large companies interested in that corner. We are at the Letter of Intent scenario. There was a proposal for using the other corner Page 8 K:ICOUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area1CC-06-09-ISrnin.doc for parking but it fell on deaf ears. I also have a problem with you making plans for property that you do not own. Susan Roghani, 175 S. Rosebud Lane, we have a person who works for us who wants this property and he wanted to turn it into a French restaurant. He was told some very derogatory things about the property by a Councilmember. This property really belongs to the woman who owns it and not to the City. This is the United States and you should not take away people's rights and their possessions Theresa Johnson, 3417 N. Croft Way, I have stayed non vocal about this. To vote on a parking lot that is not zoned for parking seems out of order for me. I do take issue with taking property from someone for something like this. General discussion. Harry Moore, 314 N. Everafter Way, I heard a lot of comments going both ways but I haven't heard when this project is going to start. Mayor: I think you will have to bring this up at the next Urban Renewal Agency meeting which is Friday, July 12th at 1:00 p.m. here in the Freedom Room. Foad Roghani, 175 S. Rosebud Lane, I have talked to numerous people and everyone believes that this corner is as bad as the other corners. The uglier of the buildings is gone, the Tri -City Meats. In my opinion this is more a conflict of personalities with the owner of the building and the City. I agree with what my wife said. Bonnie Harper, I want to stress that the agencies primary goal is to remove blight in this part of town and this is authorized under State Code. This is consistent with Agencies Plan that has been in place since 2007 and had a lot of public testimony. Discusses the intersection design. The Comp Plan is a guiding plan for the City. This project would be a great improvement for the City. Mayor closes the Public Hearing General discussion. McFarland moves to approve the Urban Renewal Agency (URA) Redevelopment and Improvement Sub Project — Heart of Eagle Beautification Plan. Seconded by Butler. Discussion. McFarland: AYE; Butler: AYE; Kunz: NAY; Ridgeway: NAY: MAYOR: AYE: MOTION CARRIES B.1 Resolution 15-19 — Adopting the Eagle Urban Renewal Redevelopment and Improvement Sub Project "Heart of Eagle Beautification Plan: A resolution of the City of Eagle, Idaho, adopting the Eagle Urban Renewal Area Redevelopment and Improvement Sub Project "Heart Of Eagle Beautification Plan", and providing for an effective date. Mayor introduces the issue. Kunz: URA Attorney Todd Lakey has proposed the addition of a 5th Whereas. The 5th Whereas proposed reads as follows: "WHEREAS, the Sub Project is located in a deteriorated or deteriorating area as previously found by the City Council in Resolution 07-03 and the City Council continues to support that determination." Butler moves to approve Resolution 15-19 with the item Councilman Kunz just read be included and this Resolution is adopting the Eagle Urban Renewal Redevelopment and Improvement Sub Project "Heart of Eagle Beautification Plan. Seconded by McFarland. ,0.14, McFarland: AYE; Butler: AYE; Kunz: NAY; Ridgeway: NAY: MAYOR: AYE: MOTION CARRIES Page 9 K:,COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Arca,CC-06-09-I5rnin.doc C. ZOA-01-15 — Zoning Ordinance Amendment — City of Eagle: The City of Eagle is proposing to amend Eagle City Code §8-2-3 to classify "Parking Lot, Parking Garage, Government" as an allowed use in certain zones and to amend Eagle City Code §Section 8-1-2 to establish a definition for the same. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughan provides the Council an overview of the Zoning Ordinance Amendment. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Chad Laimer, Spink Butler, 251 Front Street, discusses the permitted uses and the opportunity of the City to hold public comment on land that they own. If I understand the process there is not a need for the URA to go through the process of submitting their sub project plans for approval to either the City Council or the P&Z. I would argue that you want the public process. The Planning Commission got it right. I would ask you to entertain the conditional use process. Mayor closes the Public Hearing General discussion. Butler moves to approve ZOA-01-15 — Zoning Ordinance Amendment as recommended by staff with the P's for permitted be placed in the Ordinance as shown by staff. Seconded by McFarland. McFarland: AYE; Butler: AYE; Kunz: NAY; Ridgeway: NAY: MAYOR: NAY: MOTION FAILS General discussion. Kunz moves that we amend Ordinance No 733, Section 2, to show the land use entitled Parking Lot, Parking Garage, Governments everywhere it is shown as a P for permitted use to be changed to C for conditional use. General discussion. Kunz: I am one step ahead. General discussion. Butler moves for reconsideration. Seconded by McFarland. Discussion AYE; Butler: AYE; Kunz: AYE; Ridgeway: NAY: MOTION CARRIES McFarland: Butler moves that this item be put on the June 23rd meeting. Discussion. McFarland. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES General discussion. Seconded by *C1. Ordinance 733 - A Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Eagle City Code Title 8 "Zoning", Chapter 1 "Zoning Interpretation and Definitions", Chapter 2 "Zoning Districts and Maps", Section 3 "Schedule of District Use Regulations"; And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. Hill Road Extension Landscape Design — City of Eagle: The City of Eagle is requesting review and recommendation on the Hill Road extension landscape design. The approximately 1 - mile long roadway extension will connect the terminus of Plaza Drive to a realigned Hill Road at State Highway 55. Mayor introduces the issue. Greg Baer, Baer Design Group, I would like to thank you for letting us work with the City on this project. We have been working with Staff and Design Review on this landscape plan. Page 10 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area CC-06-09-15min.doc Design Review has approved the plan. Displays a power point and discusses the same. Discussion on the deduct alternates if the cost was over budget. General discussion. Zoning Administrator Vaughan discusses the historic street lights in the medians. General discussion. McFarland I move that we remove Alternate Deduction #1 if needed when we come down to the bidding process. Seconded by Butler. McFarland: AYE; Butler: AYE; Kunz: AYE; Ridgeway: AYE: MOTION CARRIES City Attorney McLain: We don't need an Executive Session. I wanted to let this Council know that the Court got back with us regarding the Petitioner's Motion to Dismiss Without Prejudice and the hearing is set for July 9t1i. 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 67-2345 (f) Pending & Threatened Litigation — Laguna Pointe Homeowners Association LLC. v. City of Eagle: Executive sessions -- When authorized. (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: A. I.C. 67-2345 (0 To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement. 12. ADJOURNMENT: McFarland moves to adjourn. Seconded by l3utler . ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted: SHARO K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER PROVED: /Ll/L4UZJ fEAMES D. REYN6LD$ MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT CITY HALL UPON REQUEST. I'agr I I K COUNCIL MINUTLS Tanporar Mmwrs Wad Area CC-O6-O')-15nun doe 5I,1_bt- it iLc((' Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, //K-4.7" Signature /C: 14.(44'7,/ Printed Name CC (2, /gOr -/ej • Address Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Z6-e-1—Gf- /6 i Printed Name .-.6.? if7<)C//// //11 Address 4605/.:9./s" --- Date Resident/ Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature .etch Printed Name k 1 Dlia-/ Address Li' [0/ 1D Date I Residents Area of impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, NC<C: - Printed Name /O2//2/4/ / Address Date ResidentArea of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name `--7 .33 5 the r l) 33(16 Address Date Resident _ Area of Impact v Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Printed Name 40(-0 N DC�c��31 .�= 3 FA&LIEL 8s64 Address cao/cx,,/2_0\5- Date/ Resident rea of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hail 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature m(2..lc-AikP M;11or Printed Name lx) na.\flaAAA pf -rni Address 22,4; Date Resident JL Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. 1 respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. S- cerely, \IVar0/7 Signature \W\CCA S'k0 GOeVi L - Address 5v� e) Date Reside rea of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Printed Iia ne Address PAI) Date IAV Resident rea of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, l,avrj,mo �9/( Printed Name a")�Vv ye)(\eAyt�5Address� Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, I Signature ! Printed Name VLO5 k Ca -013\C__ 0 Address (4- 30) - ?(? Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. At, V 641 &Ile fccL* l Printed Name a> w qvcitc-1--e_r 'Pr Address --S—1S Date 1•"r -- Resident A ea of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Defciellidievi 'VYzs W A__TJLa'. 3i't Address Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature 1 PIZOI[Ja � IN b Printed Name tt (1,66 Address J Date Resid J11 (Q Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employh' . Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature o ! ?'ry Printed Name /Q -i £ Address sils Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Q -Q Signature font Q Printed Name Address or9,5 goi5 Date Resident 1` Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature 1 (camoFf Printed Name 5. 5'e_v& i6 t"? Le /D '3 I Address 617-7, S Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Printed Name Z '1 - l a Address Date 6\ -\r - Resident/ Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, )////21,4", 472/,1,v1/4— Signature ritut� /I (�Aleia.-/t, 76/(1 Printed Name L/ s VA/7 /ln Address -/5 Date Resident ,Area of Impact ` Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. re5i V1' CA -4 (S Printed Name /--N-5 izt ers ikb re Address d )56/ ( 4 Date ResidentLArea of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Si: nature lP_AP Mc - i Y}'1 piz Printed Name 53`1 iA) , (J a- ham pto r, E a.c Address Date Resident Lb Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, 1._ k:/../ Signaturk, •'*.+' 47' VIRLL \OURS Printed Name A(/ :r g3C,l(p Address lev, ,..........._ r D Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature I` /iy r`1 Printed Name Address Dat (.f , X536/6 Resident/K Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, A1 Signature b } C, ,r, -ti esek. Printed Name 539 vu awl Address c -i l / L� Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, 61166 Signature Printed Name .s-01) Chap ai i/'. r,' 1 l' Address '-i -r.� Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, -0ui (e4 Signature J E/ -ci bP.-fl� Printed Name (o4(S oan V(1L. ke Address 1 2.'I5 Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name &a- 7E1441 0-/ 6-3 6 i6 Address Cr- 5>-/ Date Resident/ Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature /' e -c- _SY\ecci_iveiz- Printed Name Address Date Resident ' Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, ok560,9,0)-t- Signature 11 y-a.Ai\a/ore Z\QxS Printed Name Address Date H'9; 5 bye, .iw ifl -0,1.,z iLP33' b 51 2-111 Resident Q Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. 1 respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, die I .AlivA7n� Signa 4re nop(x.ELt-9 Printed Name It -1K 52k2 ,�'� E°e1b 8-3",a 40. I Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, /21,1 Signature 14.la r - S . (or-�p i( Printed Name 205 c-I`-t`8-1—A"G.r. w1 �giG Address c� 57U, If - Date Resident ✓ Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Z-1/ Printed Name Z�%� -reokre C� tR3C'lC Address C/Z / Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employe Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, .4' Si dature 7-7)' v Pri ed Name /57S L1,J LWA.571Aik. C9,36il6 Address slrir Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Printed Name 4S7 i< 41%"5441,v, ( L- e yle Address --2 -%5 Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name fqg ' C5-e1�,,—e ' lam, Address Date Resident c_ Areaof Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Q.\\\\( Printed Name 7.(7t1-- W • \7'1 Address Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, iZt/4, / tr ftignature i K(vtc& p I otf�l Printed Name 11i-8 F• ���� � e(1 Address 5J2 JioIC Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, iiVai4et Signature rt 1,7 cA_ Printed Name /94,( -- Address 5/z//S Date r-2 <ei Or%cam. oz l'G Orh o a �)Z 714 £L Ej/e j 23,6/i Resident .Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature L L Printed Name t-ri) Address 5/2 S Date .03.e\)<, Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name 765 CovC-C,L N)y SLE Address IDS /23/2 c,5 Date Residentea of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease ail endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, )\_A Signature \o,L Printed Name i'd{cy(cui-k � � tc�oe3c( � Address -' . 2015 Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature I�cf� Printed Name L1g70 4 e c f• f_,Lr it) 7G1% Address 5(Z Date S// Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, c7P/4;/ Signature ‘MC.61/6 Printed Name JOy/ 4), (2,09/4,40 27' r-- ersAysi Address Date ResidentArae of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. 5h(t (/ Printed Name LI 10 `"I�u(c4 : -.e_ 4a -A ri) Address S- fl- f� Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, C si ure ,XS/// Printed Name ift90 Address fu/7 Date q_6 /o • k".7 Yef Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Since Sie•ture Printed Name /77 S 14S tw are Address 5rgc r(S--- Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name 4P/ e -.7c/‘ Address 3---/2_ 7 1 -- Date Resident JC Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signat re ff#1(eej Printed Name %/aCZ �l� o� i Ci&)e-Y1 Address Date Residents Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature % T Pri te4- d Name ci_ ..---) ____i r✓ Address Date / Resident Area of Imp gLt upness or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature ✓ J q. S-1 C1 S nr l 1 \.(\ Printed Name \ )C1 C'1 C 03\cl Address CD' 2)) S Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. 2Jcicrc( iesJ- Printed Name 13;1 \&) V-4)c_Ict Clac?)\E Address Date Resident/ _ Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Printed Name o,c\ C(9Le__ Address Sig Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Printed Name kLs- Z.i t j2 Address S12—k Date 7 Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my iax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature _ Jfc orc --0(..y-\ 1 Printed NameIV-- DIE v 4 Address L)/(6 ,/ J 1/ Da _e Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name <-2 16- - gJi/ Address Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, 1 ' l Signature Vlr� Printed Name Address Date Resident v' Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature 4‘ck \C"\\,Ir,\-C (- Printed Name "Rei �nzS .�; ,,• P(C^C.0 Address 177 (e. Resident Area of Impact (/ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Printed °V �A Address 51 l� I )°1/4 Sig Date Residen Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely,,/ jsjX14 &I ✓l/)fe'S Printed Name Signature AA) S g:36i. (, Address Resident .X Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board; Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name k- Address /3 Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, y ,7;;Atiso,t) Printed Name 44s A I/l‘xuS G� Address Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature v� hi/L/•9fif a-/'%/ 6;-- Printed Name k .1-0W PL. Address 1//-m Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. 1 respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. , l L4 Printed Name Address / 36 6 Ar- cialtce-L to ay , ec(de , ‹r"P ?-3 6 /,‘' 40-91/5 Date /aq/s Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed 1 Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature L2A- 1,-);e1R, Printed Name (-re, Address iit/a7/ Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, A Signature ( -( Printed Name l 3 5 .. � ,� ne ) iafre Address Date Resident. \\, Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signa \c'f ) 1;\! e- 5 Printed Name u e 6. r -e5 \,\kLu( Addressi L/ L� (k l� , Date I Resident /Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, � � J Sigr�'ature DaL.40.4t>. Eld4%0CA Lit/%1 Printed Name O4 L A4 e. . GNO-47— Address -47 Address Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, �..LeidkJ ce/VL ture Printed Name s\/01\,) c , G -- Address/ - /9---,q a Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed 1: • • Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely fid Si.n. etre ,P/ 4Lm 'Printed Name (770/d 6vV Address ic)R7)/S- Date 11 Residen Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, ignature itic7,4—e( Printed Name gevi)-/-4-4 Address 4p511 - Da Resident 7rea of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Signature v-AV\S Printed Name °\7 -Lk ‘eci(iqtA Address Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincgrel \.Siignature L �c Printed Name i l L'� ��• fid'�l1f Address 1✓^✓1Cif Date tit I, IC Resident Li Area of Impact I Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, / ' (' Signature l Lt( Printed Name / (4 k N O (c=SE�,-�.� Address Date Residents Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature 0714101/24,,.ce12Qi L. z �-‘. O( z- ` / e /l Printed Name 'S l 4/„S" 1 ,-/ 6.-4/1 '"GG,) • Address Date ed 0.16 Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature cylkliteL 040gLA Printed Name X81 iervNQ,i- Wcat% S1(� Address (-7 — C Date Resident \k Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Signature � -/1i -1161.11e:1---- z Printed Name (:123 The-ie(v‘‘eifCC- Address X30 51,S' Date Resident, Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. cA(r .fc Printed Name 12(3 (OA Address 3-(/) I ( ,S512) ( 15 Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, jjc'4 nature f.rV 1�,I Se rl (cu s ,i� Printed Nme itx ikve--11qJ 559)0(r) Address 1,111 Date ResidentArea of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, C J'' Signature /-tv., Prinf d 1Vame Address 7/, Lic74 g_et.eftnt,G - ? c -I Date Resident . Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, ignature (1\i C Nk\c l-1 t a6EI2g Printed Name 4ti W alvt6or� C1 . Address S 17,0 Date Resident k Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, --12-P P�l;iler Printed Name Lo.122roolv 137 o9 Address Date n { ResidentL Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, 76/ ignature i a d' Yf ✓t Printed Name 4131 -14), Si. Address I -/C date Resident/' Area of Impact c/14,‘ 'rn ce5' it 3 70 Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed, Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Signature L r, hr.� (i R �Printedamn� t'M: 8 P(, 03Ccc Address 4&—f Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, ign iv , r_ (k, Printed Name 1 Z4 1 i -114 Aut IA_ lAr Address 4 -1 -is M5- Date 1 Resident .4 Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, /;6 Signature 4d6-41 /Voct/2 Uta/i Printed ames� Usk, r� �.�( Zrc/ Address Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Since, 'nature I sL Printed Name J(/ vYtG Address. 4,3Ce Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, aJO _ . }( YI3 1 k)►Vva� Signature Printed Name Address Date Resident/ Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Printed Nam E OI°)5/..A7i --(Ai& (C.:, 1/6 �0 4.54q3 Coreutaka sc-3713 14,1L XS Address Date Resident v Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Xh/4),(-1-0 <-2 Printed Name Ic 71(90 536'6 ? Address 57/ 27/N Date Resident _ Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed x Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, %nature Printed Name ‘44-e-4-0"ri-7/) 571`• Address Dat 1 Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature 6 -f„, -2,v E-• Printed Name ac ye..3 e"Le/ycepsicAr Address 5/2-2./t Date Resident " Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature (9 i` c e Printed Name •l�.7-7 , C` -P tr 5 Address n--71 L( Date Resident _ Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employe _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Printed q /Q3 Na�f��y 1117e, (%(7 AddressRe( j-Qf Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed gow Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, signature Printed Name z P 8" � 7 D (P Address S/(5V/ Date Resident _ Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed X Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature 04,-.\3 9 Printed Name GI = ti o S C i\\ Address Dae v Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, 1 I V Sigture I VanL14L\ Printed Name 3 `i tI f). (-trn bff Address Date ResidentArea of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed�� Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, • --1 ( - Signatur,✓ La . -r ) , //I.' wr 5 Printed t/me 7L/ :r L. Address Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. A/� /rtia/� Printed Name CY Nif-1 tzecit 0002 Address 37/5 Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, ( /fifa Signature '3/7„a&i \(-10 ,,\( ��� -\\UCite_ir Printed Name .32 � W. MUYlI('Wa- Address PIVi Date SS1 (Ti Resident _ Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, 0.„ Signature kSQ Printed Name Address Date w 4;f-1 .\/Resident j Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Address 6- t<C-- Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employe Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, f Signature v1'\ , (\ (-‘, _] Printed Name lr" i-1 Address Date Ar- ir Resident _ Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Printed Name 2-I 17 S Address Date z2c Resident _ Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature r ' egiJ1 .7('„h1 Printed Name 4A CC3Zj,, Address cJ `/- d2 9 j Date Resident . Area of Impact usiness or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed X Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. incerely, \ �1 /� Sgna�t'ure ‘'Vi 4 QtA(^4-- Printed Name 73 (4 4..— Addrgss 7Z5; //( Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property OwnerEagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, rc� � Signature Gu Q. IThO1 L Zcl Printed Name C55 E. S -10.{e Address %/3 '/ � � Z✓/ Date zo3 Eaf1id., 9306 Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed X Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, /4(4,1 '6:-•14Ady Signature Printed Name Z Z `1 Z `( (S (e s S Address 1112(?i- Date Resident Area Of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature L k 5 Printed Name 0A)— S,W,NW A0Oct Address 14A 3v, DJ) `! Date Resident `s Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. PJ-kKicic. Fe Do)<Ik)((i Printed Name 2 2.cra_, g esS1\e2 �ol "°"P59 S'4. a Q� I d) l� o J 8 3 “'? b/ZC)I5 Date Resident Area Of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed cowN E2(.e Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. 1 respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, cik._ AL -e -06 --- Signature a4, if--- 5&it< Printed Name )3t2 F_. 0sdrJ,. 51. 83/t- Address '4;).9-1S Date Resident Area of Impact ZC Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Gk/Lt. Signature J7c.v\ - l Printed Name 6'-i-tr'r/ S--) w,c7 • E37/3 1 Address t4 -1.q- 1 Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, (767.€Signature Printed Name 3_13 Wj1. llosshc Address 64-(q-.20iS Date &JJ 831„c9 Resident Area of Impact i/Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, .1/01/.-I t _ i';'% 1.1 t Signature J _; r Eke? 1)01'1 /t 11 Printed Name 1 AddressLJ StaE; s3��t Date Resident Area Of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sin ,3T' y, Signature APAN) Printed Name Oke N (-/fl11,6 (1L kt:1/1t)(fr& OS.g Address *iIi� Datet 1 Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner (\ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, 1.4` 1 (i11.'IY� rv1 V< r` 1 Signature inte ame Address y /a 11A s Date ?3�'1 ResidentX Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. 1 respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name 313 -tuy. c5", Plo v 5 1,0„e_ 6),31,f Address -2_9-„Zvi Date Resident ]/Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signatu /4.-11J_)J 1 c -G Printed Name 11 /C,,, 2 3 <'v2;41 Address 42cf Date Resident _ Area of Impact 7 Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will -most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another el,ected position in the future. Sincerely, 11 Sigr to e Printed Name ( Z S � _>, 5�� a (U�� Address 7 Oath Resident _ Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner / Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Printed Name Address S-0- IS Date Resident Area of Impact, Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, c i nature `«'l, Printed Name // S 6/x/ /3z ~ //L %T/}/2 Address Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. 1 respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. nij p bl%lib,\D Dji__— Printed Name 41117 t-- pe___, Address 5A3j /— D14 ( Resident k Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, 77 Signature Printed Name /D's6 Address Date "9" /4 Ltj e Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, 12, )1.2" 6-_//i $9 .k Signature :2-1=-/(//fAS / / /r yfA$$ Printed Name Address Date n Resident /1 Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature ,� c 3/4(V L76- �U Printed Name /3 i,k)•��/��� Address Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Printed Name .3w Address r9 Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature, Printed Name �(C F. C(e7,-,rcrrck- Address Date/ Resident � Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Printed Name 375- G/ems Cr Address D Resided PJrea of Impact - Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Wi/Z) Signatk e Printed Name )( S Address Date C 7 30 Residents Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, �!C Signature Z<, Printed Name -D6/( GA/, Lrvi,a. Address ic Date Resident X53 S3O Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signa ure Printed Narie 1--\1 5JAtc I.( cd_ Address V C/24//4— DIte ResidentArea of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. [respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature s\J(ta)(kov\--rcio-r Printed Name 915- F ytisf $.-57Pf Address Date Resident Lrea of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature \ALOE( EANI) Printed Name 1Ct2- S• ?t,- -" Address c/2 Z//S-- Date Resident Area of Impact V Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature S4c Lid&q Printed Name 331, 1 W blAe6u/.10, Address 2 -/ Date 31 Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Printed Name .271" rProkcer D, . 3ki (.14° Address 5/221/ Date Resident L Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, './7/ Signature tic(VA Printed Name Address D 1 Resident 1. /-� Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed -Cc <=9(-) E 711 /9 766/ t(5- ) 161. fr t 67)j) ( -ei c_ c C(t✓ f cct( . ti 2-6 ati/HPI Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. !respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, /7Z- Signature /le:',1r— � 4%%/,f4j Printed Name Address Date 3]527 Resident of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name J -( 4 r rr� 1 1023 3 •C i/pzi,(161;( ea , C( � .� F-371 � ( Address S • ? - SI 2 3/1 Sr— Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed, Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, ,Siinature )1\_ Printed Nameef -)-) V, Address /2 2// .c D2i'te i Resident, Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature IlealK617 Printed Name t -3 r✓ L4061,11400 dot #) ( , AkeV d(LC I Address Date Resident, Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Al A Signature J1/(7 Printed Name 5q-%2 1601e � Address c". is Date Resident Area of Impact' Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, ,o(v Zth livu or) ture kScegveS d Name ?AM F, \Luc ( aq,0 . 5c2,0i10 Address. IS Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, a^/v Signature it,r044- J) ►? Y1 �. Printed Name /3l 6 Or e n %ayi/r) Address .S Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature 446 MCI Printed Name JT-61ZO27 /14(1f-• Address Date Resident ,Area of Impact g367/ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Si nature r� Printed Name \ L\\ \1\ Address Date 1 0 CR Resident \J Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Z -NA -4/3 Signature /j4 r/(n7/ ) Printed Name 107-e7 t41. ,A6vp( Address tip q Date Resident)L Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, J Signature is vo 10 "Printed Name ..// i (<'; i r{ �J Address 4// //3L` -/ S 7i/ Date ra. Ss C Resident = Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, ia.,L4 igrr ture a- (U'r e Snu ti -1-r, Printed N me M1.11-1(6 WAR:W(1 i Si. Address LJ'i) Dat Resident X, Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, C .1r1 EA'- Signat+ 1. C'1\- 2d L -Q ( .60K Printed Name Address d.-3,,,- Date �j Resident R Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Printed Name Address 1-//)sli cdzyv SV /1-(x__ j6, -UC--- Date I /nkrea Resident v of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. 'natire (-4{141 Printed Name (o 11 Cel 12, y Addres 2I Date ( 1f Resident j{\,, Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed %i' Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, 7 r/ Signature 7 Printed Name .• /y `/iZ (,i. 3 o Address Date Residen Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed K Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, 691. �r1 C' C1 --- k irI�J� Printed Name A Address 1-1/0--c1/0 Date Li ID Resident _ Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, s/ Signature eO(ICf Sit Printed Name SO j Address • Cl y/4 o/i s Date Resident 1 f/ 4e./„. X -3-t ,43q6/ Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, _.nature aILW I Printed Name a;6- ?Ag;Cd2e2ve-Piee Address /4Y,// Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed t Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, j1(i • nature -6I/ j/,wWIte,, Printed Name P v (iLL M. KCIa ' 01,1(f-64 Address zi —zt---i c Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. [respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, /Signature ' 6( -Ave St -W.( <u Printed Na e J 27 PAA -1-- RrLS Address 2 AAA-, 20 (5 Date / Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signaye et tits Printed Name 7y77 ftvtv W ft Address 577— /-2-1S' Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Printed Name '?A1)(it, Address 3("1 Date Resident rea of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. M' cir,(0 SignatiC 'es ture e(MI14/1/& Printed Name C zerfs7i t/fet,,) Address W2V7/--S— Dae Resident rea of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature (rL)d A Printed Name ply '(1'1c- E__ Address Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, \I At?, Signature /VC 4* Printed Name 720-1Rjr 1ir P : P Address r Date Resident c Area Of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature kAq_c Printed N me (404 "Ti,(4 A Ev'z, ,k Address 'LK) Date/ ResidentImpact _ of Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature I.� Printed Name 676 av Address ils Date Resident — Area of Impact v -b-7 -67 Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, e/ Printed Name (o�2s \,\J_ Address zg / Date cf (7i$ Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed /` Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Sign ture b Printed Name Lowc,,f)vyui cioDC Address 5/2e/ 20'Date lS e s (pco `1 Resident Xi Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature WUrcJbc 4 Printed Name (ICA (eck.."-c_ ( Address 5 /2 Ir Date Resident Area of impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Pro Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name Address s/2E/l5 Date Resident v --Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature <ArYLk-1.CC. `D T iYVI Printed Name grip 11. \A) \k).4K0 Address MCN�1.. ®1S Date V Resident Area of Impact Y., Business or • mmercial • roperty Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, V Att, AivA&Lt Signature4{- VriL ifi Printed Name qz)(A/Aue.�l Address C4DX") Date Resident ✓', Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed i, Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, —1;1_ 44o/\J Printed Name 1,-- ?i-2764-:: LT Address Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed — Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. - V a- ex - /2?//tc Signature 4M77c ��e%ice° Printed Name Vii)( idfk Address i - Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature ^�11 4'/'\ +/'?IC `mak Printed Name Address Z//5 Dat Resident] Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP EAGLE CITY COUNCIL June 9, 2015 RZ-02-15 — Rezone from R-4 (residential) to CBD (central business district) — Shawn Nickel NAME TESTIFY EXPERT ADDRESS YES/NO YES/NO PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 9, 2015 The public is encouraged to provide comment on this item. Discussion on assignment of Council Seats ver IC 50-707 Public comment is sought, but shall be limited to three (3) minutes per individual NAME (please print) FO<< CJ' 031, Q TESTIFY PRO/ CON or ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL J -17)(60 175 5- R.03‘x'A,L,(1 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 9, 2015 The public is encouraged to provide comment on this item. Discussion on Council -Manager Plan of municipal government per IC 50-801 Public comment is sought, but shall be limited to three (3) minutes per individual TESTIFY PRO/ CON or NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL ClaXe Lo< 4c, 0, e_ajie Loq Focj Ycd)--tc" )75 S EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 9, 2015 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP The public is encouraged to provide comment on this item. Discussion on a combination of Al. Al A3. and A4 Public comment is sought, but shall be limited to three (3) minutes per individual TESTIFY PRO/ CON or NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL /1 e i3 .� L �y r F- 0,314(,,,i \7 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 9, 2015 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP The public is encouraged to provide comment on this item. Discussion on Election of Councilmen by Districts per IC 50-707A Public comment is sought, but shall be limited to three (3) minutes per individual TESTIFY PRO/ CON or NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL II Oct Cf r -) 7i YIci'i, 175 s Rose L Cgak Drl PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 9, 2015 The public is encouraged to provide comment on this item. Discussion on assignment of Council Seats ner IC 50-707 Public comment is sought, but shall be limited to three (3) minutes per individual NAME (please print) tilhk7,,, i1%, roc -fel U u"~, ADDRESS 1C33 Al 4,2 173 s, J.cik=1)t,c1 L TESTIFY PRO/ CON or YES/NO NEUTRAL ccs PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP EAGLE CITY COUNCIL June 9, 2015 Urban Renewal Agency (URA) Redevelopment and Improvement Sub Proiect — Heart of Eagle Beautification Plan — Eagle Urban Renewal Agency NAME ( Aa1 TESTIFY EXPERT ADDRESS YES/NO YES/NO Y,S� . �-��� Yes Yes CC 6v --9--i5 Valley Regional Transit - Rider Survey* Many people rely on ValleyRide • Seven out of 10 riders rely on ValleyRide for all or nearly all of their transportation needs. • Nearly half of all riders do not have a driver's license • Half of all riders do not have access to a vehicle. ValleyRide has a loyal and growing base of riders • Over one-third (38 percent) of riders have been using ValleyRide for less than a year. • Over two-thirds indicate that their use of ValleyRide will stay the same or increase in the next year. • Nearly three out of five riders state that they will promote ValleyRide to friends and family members. Demographics • About 32 percent of Ada County and Canyon County residents are between ages 18-34. This age group accounts for half of the rider respondents. Travel behavior • Work is the most common trip purpose (52.8%) followed by school (29.9%), appointments (29.2% ) and shopping/errands (22.2%) • One-third of riders are new to ValleyRide (less than one year). One-fourth of riders have been riding for more than five years. Quality ratings • More than 3 of 4 respondents say they have always or mostly have a good experience riding the bus. • Four out of five respondents say they are very satisfied or satisfied with the overall service quality. • Attributes, such as cleanliness, availability of seats, safety, cost and value of service exceed rider expec- tations. • More than half the riders say the service does not meet their expectations for early morning, evening and Saturday service. *A total of 857 surveys were completed between April 28 -May 1, 2014. The overall margin of error is plus or minus 3.3 percent at a 95 percent confidence level. MOM valleyreg lona (transit Valley Regional Transit. Community Survey* Awareness and use is increasing • Awareness of ValleyRide is comparable to 2007 figures (94%). Awareness of Commuteride has doubled since 2007 (38%). • Nearly half of all residents report have a personal experience using public transportation in the Treasure Valley. This is significantly higher than in 2007, when just 37 % of those surveyed had ever used any local transit service. • Direct personal experience is higher among Ada County residents (53%) than among Canyon County res- idents (40%). Getting around the Valley • The three most important growth related issues were : traffic/congestion, inadequate public transporta- tion, and economy/unemployment. • When asked to compare transportation options in the Treasure Valley to other communities, respond- ents rated ease of walking and biking places on par with other communities. They rated ease of getting around by car to be better than other communities and the availability of public transportation to be worse than other communities. • The majority of residents (83.4 %) feel that there is at least some benefits to having a quality transporta- tion system in the valley. Benefits of a quality transit system • Out of 16 possible public transit benefits measured, reduced traffic congestion and providing transporta- tion choices were rated highest. These also were rated highest in a 2006 survey. • Residents agree that there is a value to having public transportation services available. However, they are less likely to agree that is a good way to spend tax dollars. • Nearly two out of five residents are strong supporters of public transportation. Combined with moder- ate supporters, nearly two out of three are supporters. • Just over one of three (37%) have generally positive attitudes towards the overall quality of service pro- vided. On the other hand, 31% have negative impressions of service compared with only 5% of riders. *A total of 405 surveys were completed between Aug. 18 -Sept. 7, 2014. The overall margin of error is plus or minus 4.9 percent at a 95 percent confidence level. valleyreg ionaltransit