Minutes - 2018 - City Council - 05/22/2018 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL Meeting Minutes May 22, 2018 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ridgeway calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GOLD, PITTMAN, MITCHELL. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. SERVICE RECOGNITION: A. The City would like to honor the 15 years of service of Detective Marlon McCowan as an Ada County Sheriffs Officer. Mayor introduces the issue and thanks Detective Marlon McCowan for his years of service to the City of Eagle. Chief Calley presents Detective Marlon McCowan with a 15 years of service plaque and provides an overview of Marlon's duties as a detective. Chief Calley: provides an overview of the details on the Monthly Report that the Mayor and Council are receiving. Discusses the individual components of the report. General discussion. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT: None This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. 6. ACTION ITEM: ADDITIONS, DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: A. City Staff requests. None B. Mayor or City Council requests. None 7. ALL CONSENT ITEMS ARE ACTION ITEMS CONSENT AGENDA: • Consent Agenda items are routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. • Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Page 1 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-05-22-18,om.doc Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims against the City. B. Minutes of April 24, 2018. C. Minutes of May 8, 2019. D. DR -17-18 – Common Area Landscaping within Brookwav Subdivision – Trilogy Development: Trilogy Development, represented by Wendy Shrief with JUB Engineers, is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within Brookway Subdivision. The 61.34 -acre site is located on the west side of North Lanewood Road approximately 468 - feet south of West Beacon Light Road at 2503 North Lanewood Road. (WEV) E. Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law for A-01-18/RZ-01-18 & PP - 01 -18 – Hazen Ranch Subdivision – Bristol Company: Bristol Company, represented by Shawn Nickel with SLN Planning, is requesting an annexation, rezone from RUT (Rural -Urban Transition – Ada County designation) to R -E- DA (Residential -Estates with a development agreement), and preliminary plat approvals for Hazen Ranch Subdivision, a 17 -lot (17 -buildable) residential subdivision. The 35.18 -acre site is located on the east side of North Meridian Road at the southeast corner of West Caliber Court and North Meridian Road at 2044 and 2400 North Meridian Road. (WEV) F. Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law for A-02-18/RZ-02-18 – Annexation and Rezone from RUT (Rural -Urban Transition – Ada County Designation) to R -E (Residential -Estates) – Rov and Natasha Flook: Roy and Natasha Flook are requesting an annexation with rezone from RUT (Rural -Urban Transition – Ada County designation to R -E (Residential - Estates). The 5 -acre site is located on the north side of West Beacon Light Road at the northeast corner of the intersection of West Beacon Light Road and North Hartley Road at 6606 West Beacon Light Road. (WEV) G. PD -01-18 – Parcel Division – Rov and Natasha Flook: Roy and Natasha Flook are requesting approval of a parcel division for the creation of two (2) parcels. The 5 -acre site is located on the north side of West Beacon Light Road at the northeast corner of the intersection of West Beacon Light Road and North Hartley Road at 6606 West Beacon Light Road. (WEV) H. Resolution No. 18-15 (Piccadilly Village Subdivision Vacation): A resolution of the Eagle City Council to vacate the 40 -foot wide setback line shown adjacent to the west property line of Lot 12, Block 1, Piccadilly Village Subdivision. The .60 -acre site is located on the south side of East Hill Road between South Wooddale Ave and East Piccadilly Lane. (WEV) Bastian moves to approve the Consent Agenda as is. Seconded by Pittman. Bastian: AYE; Gold: AYE; Pittman: AYE; Mitchell: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None 13. ACTION ITEM: EXECUTIVE SESSION: 74-206. EXECUTIVE SESSIONS — (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall Page 2 J:1COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area1CC-05-22-18,om.doc be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: A. 74-206(c) To acquire an interest in real property which is not t owned by a public agency. Historical property. Bastian: pursuant to I.C. 74-206(c) I move to go into executive session to discuss an interest in real property. Seconded by Gold. Bastian: AYE; Gold: AYE; Pittman: AYE; Mitchell: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Council goes into Executive Session at 5:45 p.m. Council discusses historical property. Council leaves Executive Session at 6:10 p.m. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m. Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal- testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. A. ACTION ITEM: RZ-06-17 & PP -07-17 — Senora Creek Subdivision No. 4 — Michael Stephenson: Michael Stephenson, represented by Matt Schultz, is requesting a rezone with a development agreement from R -E (Residential -Estates) to R -3 -DA (Residential with a development agreement) and preliminary plat approval for Senora Creek Subdivision No. 4, a 9 -lot (6 residential, 3 common) residential subdivision. The 2.64 -acre site is located on the west side of North Park Lane, approximately 1,025 -feet south of the intersection of North Park Lane and West Floating Feather Road at 889 North Park Lane. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. PZ Administrator Vaughan displays a power point presentation and provides the Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Matt Schultz, representing the applicant, provides Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Michelle Macaw, 4242 W. Prickly Pear, the single story homes will directly affect me. This is right in line with all of the little farms. Discusses the subdivision next her that has impacted noise and traffic. General discussion. Mayor is there anyone else who would like to testify. Robert Stave, 4231 W. Briar Rock Court, my property is in the Copperfield Subdvision which is zoned R2 and they are putting net to me a subdivision zoned R3. General discussion. Another concern I have is the drainage, the water table is high. Matt Schultz this is only 6 lots. This is a mix of R2 and R3, discusses the lot sizes and the drainage. Single story homes is are offer to the neighbors to make it better. General discussion. Page 3 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Tanporary Minutes Work Arca\CC-05-22-18.om.doc General Council discussion. Mayor closes the Public Hearing General Council discussion. Matt Schultz discusses the drainage on the property. General discussion. Bastian moves to approve RZ-06-17 & PP -07-17 Rezone with Development Agreement and Preliminary Plat Senora Creek Subdivision No. 4 with an addition to the Development Agreement by adding 3.6 on P. 11 of 18 to read: "all homes shall be single story not to exceed 30', and then Site Specific Conditions #4 and #5 on P. 12 of 18 will be stricken. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: Ordinance No. 793 (Flook Annexation and Rezone): An ordinance annexing certain real property situated in the unincorporated area of Ada County, Idaho, and contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Eagle, to the City of Eagle, Idaho; changing the zoning classification of said real property described herein from RUT (Rural -Urban Transition) to R -E (Residential -Estates); amending the zoning map of the City of Eagle to reflect said change; directing that copies of this ordinance be filed as provided by law; and providing an effective date. The 5 -acre site is located on the north side of West Beacon Light Road at the northeast corner of the intersection of West Beacon Light Road and North Hartley Road at 6606 West Beacon Light Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. PZ Administrator Vaughan provides the Council an overview of the Ordinance. Bastian moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #793 be considered after being read once by title only. Seconded by Gold. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... Bastian moves that Ordinance #793 be adopted. Bastian reads the title of the ordinance into the record. Seconded by Gold. BASTIAN: AYE; GOLD: AYE; PITTMAN: AYE; MITCHELL: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES B. ACTION ITEM: PD -02-18 — Parcel Division — J -U -B Engineers: J -U -B Engineers, represented by Wendy Shrief, is requesting approval of a parcel division for the creation of two parcels. The 7.34 -acre site is located at the terminus of North Cobblestone Lane approximately 1,412 -feet north of the intersection of North Cobblestone Lane and West State Street at 489 North Cobblestone Lane. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. PZ Administrator Vaughan displays a power point and provides the Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Bastian: exits the Council Chambers at 6:55 p.m. and returns at 7:00 p.m. Wendy Shrief, representing the applicant, provides the Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Page 4 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-05-22-18,om.doc General Council discussion. Gold moves to approve PD -02 -18 -Parcel Division -J -U -B Engineers striking Site Specific Condition #3 and modifying #6 and #7 to reflect what the PZ Administrator Vaughan has written. Seconded by Mitchell. General Discussion. Bastian: for the record I want the motion to include the written statement now before us. Gold concurs. Second concurs. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 11. PUBLIC COMMENT: NONE This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter, up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing items. Comments regarding Public Hearing items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s) in accordance with Idaho Code. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters (excluding Public Hearing items) during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. 12. REPORTS: A. Eagle Arts Commission Budgeting Report: Mayor introduces the issue. Jane Kramer, we have done a preliminary budget that has not been submitted. Provides an overview of the Arts Commission projects for FY 17/18 and FY 18/19. B. Mayor and Council Reports: Pittman: Reports on the Parks, Pathway and Recreation Commission meeting. The Gazebo concert at Heritage Park starts May 31St Mitchell: Reports on the Library Board Meeting. Mayor: Reports on the Saturday Market and the permit for closing 2nd Street. Tomorrow the Recreation/Community Enhancement will be fully staffed in the Parks Recreation. Reports on ribbon cutting ceremony. Gold: No report Bastian: No report C. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: 1. City Clerk: Monthly Financial Report for April 2018. City Clerk: The Monthly Report for April was emailed to you and is in your packet. I will stand for any questions you may have. No questions. 2. IT Report: Devonte discusses password security. Council thanks Devonte and John for their patience working with them. D. City Attorney Report: No report Page 5 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Ana\CC-05-22-18.om.doc 13. ACTION ITEM: EXECUTIVE SESSION: MOVED TO BEFORE PUBLIC HEARINGS 74-206. EXECUTIVE SESSIONS — (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: A. 74-206(c) To acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency. Historical property. 14. ACTION ITEM ADJOURNMENT: Mayor: I will take a Motion to Adjourn. So moved by Bastian: Seconded by Gold. Mayor: Seeing no opposition, we are adjourned. Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted: SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: AA STAN RIDGEWAY MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 6 J:\COUNCILUWNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-05-22.16.om.doc EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP RZ-06-17 & PP -07-17 — Senora Creek Subdivision No. 4 — Michael Stephenson May 22, 2018 NAME PLEASE PRINT ADDRESS TESTIFY YES/NO PRO/ CON NEUTRAL x` �, U r Sharon Bergmann From: Bill Vaughan Sent: Friday, June 08, 2018 11:10 AM To: Sharon Bergmann Subject: RE: CC Minutes May 22nd Sharon — here are conditions 6 and 7 that I assisted with: 6. The applicant shall provide an agreement between the City and Property owner that requires the extension of central water to Parcel 2 prior to the City Engineer signing any final plat for Parcel 1. The agreement shall stipulate that the existing home shall be connected to the central water system at the owner's expense upon failure of the well. Additional well(s) and or re -drilling of the existing well is prohibited. The agreement shall be reviewed and approved by the Mayor prior to execution by City. Upon execution, the agreement shall be recorded in the Ada County Recorder's Office prior to the City Clerk signing the parcel division record of survey. 7. The applicant shall submit payment to the City for all engineering and legal fees incurred for reviewing this project, prior to the City Clerk signing the parcel division record of survey and/or upon receipt of an invoice by the City, whichever occurs first. f4iffiam E. 'Vaugfian, AICD foningAdininistrator (a) C�5 ph.: (208) 939-0227 fa.r,.• (208) 938-3854 web: rityofeagfe.org From: Sharon Bergmann Sent: Friday, June 08, 2018 10:28 AM To: Bill Vaughan <bvaughan@cityofeagle.org> Subject: CC Minutes May 22nd Bill — I would like a copy of the motion you drafter for CC on PD -02-08 Parcel Davison —JUB Engineers. Thanks Sharon k. Bergmann, CMC Cl ty Clerk/Treasurer City of Eagle P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, Idaho 83616 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page; 1 Check Issue Dates: 5/9/2018 - 5/21/2018 May 21, 2018 02:01 PM Report Criteria: Report type: GL detail Bank. Bank account = "82007705" Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 25574 05/09/2018 25574 Eagle Mini Storage 1 ch 07-0462.69-00 MISCELLANEOUS 76.00- 76.00 - Total 25574: 76.00- 25716 05/17/2018 25716 Alsco 1 ch 23-0442-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 48.45 48.45 Total 25716: 48.45 25717 05/17/2018 25717 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 23-0414-03.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 26.16 26.16 05/17/2018 25717 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 60-0438-11.00 CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 16.56 16.56 05/17/2018 25717 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 60-0434-58-00 RPR/MTNC-LINES-METERS-ETC 4.80 4.80 05/17/2018 25717 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 23.69 23.69 05/17/2018 25717 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 60-0434-58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 249.00 249.00 05/17/2018 25717 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 5.61 5.61 05/17/2018 25717 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 60-0438-11-00 CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 12.72 12.72 05/17/2018 25717 Home Depot Credit Services 2 ch 60-0434.26-00 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 4.53 4.53 05/17/2018 25717 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 13,48 13.48 05/17/2018 25717 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 60-0438-11-00 CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 6.56 6.56 05/17/2018 25717 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 60-0438-11-00 CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 4,18 4.18 05/17/2018 25717 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 5.71 5.71 05/17/2018 25717 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 60-0438-11-00 CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 30.64 30.64 05/17/2018 25717 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 60-0436-11-00 CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 2.10 2.10 05/17/2018 25717 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 13.94 13.94 05/17/2018 25717 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 15.87 15.87 05/17/2018 25717 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 15.12 15.12 Total 25717: 450.67 25718 05/17/2018 25718 Idaho Child Support Receipting 1 ch 23-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENT 150.00 150.00 05/17/2018 25718 Idaho Child Support Receipting 2 ch 23-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENT 165.00 165.00 Total 25718: 315.00 25719 05/17/2018 25719 Key Bank - HSA 1 ch 06-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 475.00 475.00 05/17/2018 25719 Key Bank - HSA 2 ch 22-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 150.00 150.00 05/17/2018 25719 Key Bank - HSA 3 ch 09-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 110.00 110.00 05/17/2018 25719 Key Bank - HSA 4 ch 20-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 250.00 25000 05/17/2018 25719 Key Bank - HSA 5 ch 13-0217-10.00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 100.00 100.00 Total 25719: 1,085.00 25720 05/17/2018 25720 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 158.31 158.31 05/17/2018 25720 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 06-0420-05-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 49.00 49.00 05/17/2018 25720 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 06-0420-05-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 140.33 140.33 05/17/2018 25720 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 06-0420-05-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 94.98 94.98 05/17/2018 25720 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 47.26 47.26 05/17/2018 25720 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 11-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 20.97 20.97 City of Eagle Invoice Invoice Check Check GL Account Issue Date Number Payee 05/17/2018 25720 Staples Credit Plan 05/17/2018 25720 Staples Credit Plan 05/17/2018 25720 Staples Credit Plan 05/17/2018 25720 Staples Credit Plan 05117/2016 25720 Staples Credit Plan 05/17/2018 25720 Staples Credit Plan 05/17/2018 25720 Staples Credit Plan Total 25720: 190.62 2 ch 25721 GAS AND OIL 235.73 05/21/2018 25721 A Company, Inc - BOI Total 25721: 227,76 227.76 25722 05/21/2018 25722 AAF International Total 25722: 25723 05/21/2018 25723 ACS -Advanced Control Systems Total 25723 25724 05/21/2018 25724 Ada County Landfill Total 25724 25725 05/21/2018 25725 Ada County Sheriffs Dept. Total 25725: 25726 05/21/2018 25726 Alsco Total 25726; 25727 05/21/2018 25727 Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 05/21/2018 25727 Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Total 25727; 25728 05/21/2018 25728 Baird Oil 05/21/2018 25728 Baird Oil 05/21/2018 25728 Baird Oil Total 25728 25729 05/21/2018 25729 Billing Document Specialists Check Register - Transparency Version Check Issue Dates: 5/9/2018 - 5121/2018 Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Sequence GL Account Account Title 2 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 1 ch 12-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 1 ch 14-0413.05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 2 ch 23-0413-05-00 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 3 ch 60-0434-15-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 1 ch 60-0434-15-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 ch 23-0449.01-00 BLDGS/STRUCTURES MTNC & REPAI 1 ch 23-0414-11-00 HVAC MAINTENANCE 1 ch 60-0434-19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS Page: 2 May 21, 2018 02:01 PM Invoice Amount Check Amount 86.97 86.97 6.79 6.79 38.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 45.84 45.84 47.70 47.70 5.29 5.29 780.76 300.00 300.00 172.85 172.85 172.85 382.00 382.00 1 ch 23-0414-02-00 MIS MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS 2288 22.88 22.88 1 ch 01-0416-09-00 LAW ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT 192,889.18 192,889.18 192,889.18 1 ch 23-0442-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 58.33 58.33 58.33 1 ch 60-0434-82-00 WATER TESTING - MO, QTR. YR 64,00 64.00 1 ch 60.0434-82-00 WATER TESTING - MO, QTR, YR 32,00 32.00 96.00 1 ch 20-0426-00-00 GAS/OIL 190.62 190.62 2 ch 23.0417-02-00 GAS AND OIL 235.73 235.73 3 ch 60-0420-01-00 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 227,76 227.76 ,�Zs�i[ 1 ch 60-0416-06-00 BILLING SERVICES 1,416.09 1,416.09 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 3 Check Issue Dates: 5/9/2018 - 5/21/2018 May 21, 2018 02:01 PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 25729. 1,416.09 25730 05/21/2018 25730 Boise City Attorney's Office 1 ch 01-0416-05-00 PROSECUTOR 5,340.20 5,340.20 Total 25730: 6.34020 25731 05/21/2018 25731 Boise Office Equipment 1 ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 506.22 506.22 05/21/2018 25731 Boise Office Equipment 1 ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 76.34 76.34 Total 25731: 582.56 25732 05/21/2018 25732 Boise Small Engine 1 ch 23-0420-00.00 MTNC/REPAIR EQUIPMENT 128.29 128.29 Total 25732: 12829 25733 05/21/2018 25733 Bonnie Cichosz 1 ch 09-0467-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 30.00 30.00 Total 25733 30.00 25734 05/21/2018 25734 Brian or Tami Endicott 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 10.59 10.59 Total 25734; 10.59 25735 05/21/2018 25735 Christopher or Amy Harmon 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 12.08 12.08 Total 25735: 12.08 25736 05/21/2018 25736 Connie Knighton 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 59.82 59.82 Total 25736: 59.82 25737 05/21/2018 25737 Core & Main LP 1 ch 60-0438-08.00 CAPITAL METER SETS 4,261.20 4,261.20 05/21/2018 25737 Core & Main LP 1 ch 60-0438-08-00 CAPITAL METER SETS 4,031.20 4,031.20 Total 25737: 8,292.40 25738 05/21/2018 25738 DigLine 1 ch 60-0416-04-00 DIG LINE 240.57 240.57 Total 25738, 240.57 25739 05121/2018 25739 Drugfree Idaho 1 ch 01-041649-00 DRUGFREE IDAHO 82.74 82.74 Total 25739: 82.74 25740 05121/2018 25740 Eagle Chamber Of Commerce 1 ch 11-0422-01-00 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 15.00 15.00 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Check Issue Dates: 5/9/2018 - 5/21/2018 Page: 4 May 21, 2018 02:01 PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 25740: 15.00 25741 05/21/2018 25741 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 23-0446-04-00 UTILITIES 10.07 10.07 05/21/2018 25741 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 01-0413-16-00 UTILITIES CITY HALL 40.36 40.36 05/21/2018 25741 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES 20.09 2009 05/21/2018 25741 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES 20.09 20.09 05/21/2018 25741 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES 43.91 43.91 05/21/2018 25741 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 23-0447-04-00 UTILTIES 14.62 14.62 05/21/2018 25741 Eagle Water Co. 1 c 23-0449-04-00 UTILITIES 53.80 53.80 05/21/2018 25741 Eagle Water Co. 1 c 23-0449.04.00 UTILITIES 53.80 53.80 05/21/2018 25741 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 23.0450-04-00 UTILTIES 10.07 10.07 05/21/2018 25741 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 23-0452-04-00 UTILITIES 53.80 5380 05/21/2018 25741 Eagle Water Co, 1 ch 23-0452-04-00 UTILITIES 53.80 53.80 05/21/2018 25741 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 07-0462-52-00 MUSEUM UTILITIES 8.25 8.25 05/21/2018 25741 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 23-0453.04-00 UTILITIES 14.62 14.62 05/21/2018 25741 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES 24.59 24.59 05/21/2018 25741 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES 10.07 10.07 05/21/2018 25741 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 44.95 44.95 05/21/2018 25741 Eagle Water Co 1 ch 23-0448-04-00 UTILITIES 20.09 20.09 05/21/2018 25741 Eagle Water Co 1 ch 23.0455.04-00 UTILITIES 20.09 20.09 Total 25741 517.07 25742 05/21/2018 25742 EARS2U-Attn, Tosha Strickland 1 ch 22.0417-00-00 SECURITY DEPOSITS 100.00 100.00 Total 25742: 100.00 25743 05/21/2018 25743 Franz Witte Landscape 1 ch 23-0415.06.00 TREE FUND 300.00 300.00 Total 25743: 300.00 25744 05/21/2018 25744 Geoffrey A Edwards 1 ch 17.0416-00-00 CONTRACTS -PERMITS 135.00 135.00 Total 25744: 135.00 25745 05/21/2018 25745 Greg Foley 1 ch 60-0420-01.00 FUEL S LUBRICANTS 13.57 13.57 Total 25745: 13.57 25746 05/21/2018 25746 Hawkins Companies 1 ch 01-0203-01-01 BONDS DEPOSITS PAYABLE 42,000.00 42,000.00 Total 25746: 42,000.00 25747 05/21/2018 25747 Idaho Correctional Industries 1 ch 01-0465-17-00 FURNITURE - MISC 4,491.00 4,491.00 Total 25747: 4,491.00 25748 05/21/2018 25748 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES 1128 11.28 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number Payee 05/21/2018 25748 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 05/21/2018 25748 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 05/21/2018 25748 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 05/21/2018 25748 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 05/21/2018 25748 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 05/21/2018 25748 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 05/21/2018 25748 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 05/21/2018 25748 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 05/21/2018 25748 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 05/21/2018 25748 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 05/21/2018 25748 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 05/21/2018 25748 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 05/21/2018 25748 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 05/21/2018 25748 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 05/21/2018 25748 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 05/21/2018 25748 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 05/21/2018 25748 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 05/21/2018 25748 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 05/21/2018 25748 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Total 25748 Check Register - Transparency Version Check Issue Dates: 5/9/2018 - 5/2112018 Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Sequence GL Account Account Title 1 ch 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 23.0441-02-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 23-0441-02.00 UTILITIES 1 ch 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 23-0449-04-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 23-0441-02-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 23-0452-04-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 23-0441-02-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 23-0440-02-00 UTILTIES 2 ch 60-0416-08-00 SHOP UTILITIES 1 ch 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 23-0441-02-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 23-0453-04-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 60-0434-60-00 POWER Page: 5 May 21, 2018 02:01 PM Invoice Check Amount Amount 5.36 5.36 8.31 8.31 7.85 7.85 40.94 40.94 93.26 93.26 50.05 50.05 29.03 29.03 329.01 329.01 30.86 30.86 10.80 10.80 161.25 161.25 6.10 6.10 5.24 5.24 70.74 70.74 23.58 2158 5.46 5.46 231.02 231.02 7.02 7.02 129.29 129.29 1,256.45 25749 05/21/2018 25749 K&T Maintenance 1 ch 07-0462-53-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 66.19 66.19 05/21/2018 25749 K&T Maintenance 1 ch 06-0464.05-00 CUSTODIAL 1,849.38 1,849.38 05/2112018 25749 K&T Maintenance 1 ch 23-0443-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 789.54 789.54 05/21/2018 25749 K&T Maintenance 1 ch 23-0442-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 2,001.68 2,001.68 05/21/2018 25749 K&T Maintenance 2 ch 23-0440-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 102.66 102.66 05/21/2018 25749 K&T Maintenance 3 ch 60-0416-08-00 SHOP UTILITIES 51.34 51.34 Total 25749. 25750 05/21/2018 25750 Kiley Shaw Total 25750 25751 05/21/2018 25751 Knife River Co. - Southern ID Div Total 25751: 25752 05/21/2018 25752 Lisa Wiseman Total 25752: 25753 05121/2018 25753 M2 Automation & Control Ser; Total 25753 1 ch 09-0467-02.00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 1 ch 19-0465-02-00 DRY CREEK PROJECT 1 ch 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACTS -PERMITS 1 ch 23-0416-05-00 ALARM MONITORING 4,860.79 200.00 200.00 200.00 107,511.84 107,511.84 107,511.84 72.00 72.00 72.00 316.50 316.50 316.50 25754 05/21/2018 25754 MASTERCARD 1 ch 01-0462-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 29.65 29.65 05/21/2018 25754 MASTERCARD 2 ch 12-0413-12-00 PERSONNEL TRAINING 398,00 398.00 05/21/2018 25754 MASTERCARD 3 ch 01-0462-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 106;63 106.63 0512112018 25754 MASTERCARD 4 ch 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET & PHONE SERVICES 50.00 50.00 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Check Issue Dates: 5/9/2018 - 5/21/2018 Page: 6 May 21, 2018 02:01 PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 05/21/2018 25754 MASTERCARD 5 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 70.96 70.96 05/21/2018 25754 MASTERCARD 1 ch 22-0413-13-00 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM 421.84 421.84 05/21/2018 25754 MASTERCARD 2 ch 23-0413-05-00 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 421.84 421.84 05/21/2018 25754 MASTERCARD 3 ch 09.0467-05-00 GENERAL EVENTS 34.69 34.89 05/21/2018 25754 MASTERCARD 4 ch 17-0423-00-00 RECREATION SUPPLIES 17.97 17.97 05/21/2018 25754 MASTERCARD 5 ch 09-0467-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 70.18 70.18 05/21/2018 25754 MASTERCARD 1 ch 01-0462-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 69.09 69.09 05/21/2018 25754 MASTERCARD 2 ch 10-0467-01-00 PUBLICITY - PRINTING 74.00 74.00 05/21/2018 25754 MASTERCARD 1 ch 20-0424-00-00 SPECIAL EVENTS 14.84 14.84 05/21/2018 25754 MASTERCARD 1 ch 11-0422-02-00 STAFF RELATIONS 536.90 536.90 05/21/2018 25754 MASTERCARD 2 ch 11-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 10.15 10.15 05/21/2018 25754 MASTERCARD 3 ch 01-0462-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 37.43 37.43 0512162018 25754 MASTERCARD 1 ch 14-0413-13-00 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 67.21 67.21 05/2112018 25754 MASTERCARD 2 ch 01-0413-25.00 MISCELLANEOUS 10.00 10.00 05/21/2018 25754 MASTERCARD 1 ch 23-0415-01-00 REPUBLIC SRVS-ADD PROGRAMS 121.50 121.50 05/21/2018 25754 MASTERCARD 2 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 176.00 176.00 05/21/2018 25754 MASTERCARD 3 ch 60-0434-58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 17.82 17.82 05/21/2018 25754 MASTERCARD 4 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 33.00 33.00 Total 25754: 2,789.70 25755 05/21/2018 25755 MSBT Law 1 ch 01.0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 3,780.35 3,780.35 05/21/2018 25755 MSBT Law 1 ch 60-0416-01-00 LEGAL SERVICES 190.00 190.00 05/21/2018 25755 MSBT Law 1 ch 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 5,175.70 5,175.70 05/21/2018 25755 MSBT Law 2 ch 01-0413-33-00 ATTORNEY FEE -CHARGE DEVELOPE 228.00 228.00 05/21/2018 25755 MSBT Law 1 ch 01-0413-33-00 ATTORNEY FEE -CHARGE DEVELOPE 38.00 38.00 05/21/2018 25755 MSBT Law 1 ch 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 1,082.36 1,082.36 05/21/2018 25755 MSBT Law 1 ch 01-0413-33-00 ATTORNEY FEE -CHARGE DEVELOPE 1,883.80 1,883,80 05/21/2018 25755 MSBT Law 1 ch 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 228.00 228.00 Total 25755, 12.606.21 25756 05/21/2018 25756 Orkin/Sawyer Inc. Total 25756: 25757 05/21/2018 25757 P&B Contractors, LLC 05/21/2018 25757 P&B Contractors, LLC Total 25757: 25758 05/21/2018 25758 Pacific Steel & Recycling Total 25758; 25759 0512112018 25759 Petty Cash - Museum Total 25759 25760 05/2112018 25760 Shelley Overbey 1 ch 23-0442-01-00 BLDG MAINTENANE & REPAIR 270.00 270.00 270.00 1 ch 23-0414-02-00 MIS MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS 3,000.00 3,000.00 2 ch 23-0452-01-00 BLDG/STRUCTURES MTNC & REPAIR 2,500.00 2,500.00 5,500.00 1 ch 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 15.27 15.27 15.27 1 ch 07-0462.31.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 42.38 42.38 42.38 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 31.49 31,49 City of Eagle Check Check LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS Issue Date Number Payee 3 ch 14-0413.08-00 LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS Total 25760: 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS 25761 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS 05/21/2018 25761 Shred -it - USA Total 25761: 01-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADVERTISING/PUBLICATION 25762 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS 05/21/2018 25762 Stericycle Environmental Solution Total 25762: 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS 25763 05/21/2018 25763 Steve Vandermeer Total 25763: 25764 05/21/2018 25764 Straightline Enterprises, Inc Total 25764. 25765 05/21/2018 25765 Susan Gait Depew Total 25765: 25766 05/21/2018 25766 Tammy Gordon Total 25766: 25767 05/21/2018 25767 Terri Frostrom Total 25767. 25768 05/21/2018 25768 The Idaho Statesman 05/21/2018 25768 The Idaho Statesman 05/21/2018 25768 The Idaho Statesman 05/21/2018 25768 The Idaho Statesman 05/21/2018 25768 The Idaho Statesman 05/21/2018 25768 The Idaho Statesman 05/21/2018 25768 The Idaho Statesman 05/21/2018 25768 The Idaho Statesman 05/21/2018 25768 The Idaho Statesman 05/21/2018 25768 The Idaho Statesman Total 25768: 25769 05/21/2018 25769 Treasure Valley Coffee 05/21/2018 25769 Treasure Valley Coffee Check Register - Transparency Version Check Issue Dates: 5/9/2018 - 5/21/2018 Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Sequence GL Account Account Title 1 ch 01-0413-05.00 OFFICE EXPENSES Page: 7 May 21, 2018 02:01 PM Invoice Check Amount Amount 31.49 109.56 109.56 1 ch 23-0415-01-00 REPUBLIC SRVS-ADD PROGRAMS 1,216-66 1,216.66 1 ch 99.0108-00-00 CASH CLEARING -ACCOUNTS REC 1 ch 19-0469-15.00 RC CARS 1 ch 17-0416.00-00 CONTRACTS -PERMITS 1 On 12-0413-13-00 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 1 ch 09-0467-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 1 ch 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS 2 c 01-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADVERTISING/PUBLICATION 3 ch 14-0413.08-00 LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS 4 ch 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS 5 ch 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS 6 ch 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS 7 ch 01-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADVERTISING/PUBLICATION 8 ch 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS 9 ch 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS 10 ch 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 250.00 250.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 720.00 720.00 24200 242.00 242.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 99.56 99.56 256.00 256.00 90.20 90.20 91.76 91,76 91.76 91.76 125.30 125.30 99.56 99.56 87.08 87.08 94.88 94.88 98.00 98.00 1,134.10 148.50 148.50 75.00 75.00 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 8 Check Issue Dates: 5/9/2018 - 5/21/2018 May 21, 2018 02:01 PM Check Check Invoice GL Account Issue Date Number Payee Check Amount 200.00 200.00 Total 25769: 200.00 25770 223.50 05/21/2018 25770 T-Zers Shirt Shop Inc. Total 25770 473.74 25771 05/21/2018 25771 Verizon Total 25771: 473.74 25772 23-0417-01-00 05/21/2018 25772 Verizon Wireless Total 25772: 25773 05/21/2016 25773 Walter Laurence Huntsman Total 25773- 25774 05/21/2018 25774 Zayo Group, LLC Total 25774. Grand Totals Dated: Mayor: City Council: Report Criteria: Report type: GL detail Bank. Bank account = "82007705' Invoice Sequence Invoice GL Account Invoice GL Account Title Invoice Amount Check Amount 200.00 200.00 200.00 1 ch 18.0417-01-00 INTERNET & PHONE SERVICES 223.50 1 ch 60-0434-68-00 UNIFORMS - LAUNDRY 473.74 473.74 473.74 1 ch 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC & REPAIR 138.60 138.60 1 ch 01-0413-19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 240.44 240.44 240.44 1 ch 09-0467-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 200.00 200.00 200.00 1 ch 18.0417-01-00 INTERNET & PHONE SERVICES 776.26 776.26