Minutes - 2018 - City Council - 03/27/2018 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL Meeting Minutes March 27, 2018 INVOCATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER: Council President Bastian calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GOLD, PITTMAN, MITCHELL. All present. A quorum is present. Mayor Ridgeway is present by telephone conference. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Bastian leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: NONE This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. 5. ADDITIONS. DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA; INCLUDING THE CONSENT AGENDA: A. City Staff requests. Planner Williams removes Items #O and #P from the Consent Agenda for discussion. B. Mayor or City Council requests. None 6. CONSENT AGENDA: • Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. • Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. Page 1 1:\COUNCLI \MINUTI S\Temporary Minutes Work At .ACC -3-27- 18min do A. Claims against the City. B. Second Amendment to Memorandum of Agreement with Cloud Berry, LLC, and White Sturgeon, LLC: This second amendment to the MOA was requested by the applicant and will serve as an exhibit in the existing Development Agreement regarding their land development and well construction requirements. (MJW) C. Appointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission: Mayor Ridgeway is requesting Council confirmation of the appointment of Diane McLaughlin to fulfill a vacated term. Ms. McLaughlin's term will expire January 2020. (SR) D. Minutes of March 13, 2018. (SKB) E. Lease Agreement Renewal for Sno-Cone Vendors to sell product at, Guerber Park from May 1 — August 31, 2018. Company name is Ice Haus, (TW) F. Lease Agreement for New Sno-Cone Vendor to sell product at the Ada/Eagle Snorts Complex from May 1 — August 31, 2018. Sports Complex — Trailhead Ice. (TW) G. Lease Agreement Renewal for Sno-Cone Vendors to sell product at, Merrill Park from May 1 — August 31, 2018. Company name is Ice Haus. (TW) H. Lease Agreement Renewal for Sno-Cone Vendors to sell product at, Heritage Park from May 1 — August 31, 2018. Company name is AM Enterprises. (TW) I. Re -appointment to the Parks. Pathways and Recreation Commission:, In accordance with Resolution 17-34. Mayor Ridgeway is requesting Council confirmation of the re -appointment of Scott Marshall to the Commission. Mr. Marshall will be serving three (3) year term that will expire in March 2021. (SR) J. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for A-03-17 & RZ-07-17 -, Annexation and Rezone from RUT (Rural -Urban Transition — Ada County Designation) to R -E -DA (Residential -Estates with a Development Agreement) — Ryan Wilhite: Ryan Wilhite, represented by Marks Land Surveying, Inc., is requesting approval of an annexation with rezone with a development agreement from RUT (Rural -Urban Transition — Ada County Designation) to R -E -DA (Residential -Estates with a development agreement). The 5 -acre site is located on the south side of West Beacon Light Road approximately 600 -feet east of North Ballantyne Lane at 1825 West Beacon Light Road. (WEV) K. Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law for FPUD-02-18 & FP -02-18 - Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Lanewood Subdivision No. 3 — Brighton Investments. Inc.: Brighton Investments, Inc., represented by Kent Brown, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Lanewood Subdivision No. 3, a 66 -lot (58 buildable, 8 common), residential subdivision. The 26.6 -acre site is located on the northeast side of the intersection of West Floating Feather Road and North Lanewood Road at 5247 West Floating Feather Road. (WEV) Page 2 1:\COUNCIL\MINUTI:S\Temporary Minutes Work Area \CC-3-27-Igmin.doc L. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for FPUD-04-18 & FP -04-18 — Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Feldspar Subdivision — Eagle Single Family, LLC: Single Family, LLC, represented by John Rennison, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Feldspar Subdivision, a 19 -lot (12 buildable, 7 common) residential planned unit development. The 3.44 -acre site is located on the east side of North Taylor Street approximately 950 -feet north of the intersection of West State Street and North Taylor Street at 368 North Taylor Street. (WEV) M. DR -02-18 - Medical Office Building within Ashbury Business Park Subdivision No. 1— Dr. Scott Lewis and Cheri Lewis:, Dr. Scott Lewis and Cheri Lewis, represented by Jay Rice with Advantage Architecture, is requesting design review approval to construct a 7,342 -square foot medical office building. The 0.79 -acre site is located on the north side of Chinden Boulevard and the west side of North Meridian Road within Ashbury Business Park Subdivision No. 1 (Lots 3 and 4, Block 1) at 3254 and 3268 West Bavaria Street. (WEV) N. FP -02-17 - Final Plat for Tandem Ridge Subdivision — Tandem Ridge, LLC: Tandem Ridge, LLC, represented by Bryan Appleby, P.E., with Rennison Engineering, is requesting final plat approval for Tandem Ridge Subdivision, a 29 -lot (24 -buildable, 5 -common) residential subdivision. The 1.98 -acre site is located on the east side of North Horseshoe Bend Road approximately 120 -feet south of West Goose Creek Road at 12000 North Horseshoe Bend Road. (WEV) 0. FPUD-01-18 & FP -01-18 — Final Development Plan and Final Plat for, Snoqualmie River Subdivision No. 1 — White Sturgeon. LLC: White Sturgeon, LLC, represented by Justin Martin, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Snoqualmie River Subdivision No. 1, a 37 -lot (28 buildable, 9 common) residential planned unit development. The 26.69 - acre site is located on the west side of North Palmer Lane and south side of West Decathlon Street. (WEV) P. FPUD-05-17 & FP -20-17 — Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Snoqualmie Falls Subdivision No. 10 — White Sturgeon. LLC: White Sturgeon, LLC, represented by Justin Martin, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Snoqualmie Falls Subdivision No. 10, a 35 - lot (29 buildable, 6 common) residential planned unit development. The 15.67 -acre site is generally located south of Floating Feather Road, between Linder Road and Palmer Lane, at the terminus of West Striker Drive. (WEV) Q. PD -02-17 — Parcel Division — Ryan Wilhite: Ryan Wilhite, represented by Colleen Marks with Marks Land Surveying, Inc., is requesting approval of a parcel division for the creation of two (2) parcels. The 5 -acre site is located on the south side of West Beacon Light Road approximately 600 -feet east of North Ballantyne Lane at 1825 West Beacon Light Road. (WEV) R. Resolution No. 18-08 (Gebran Vacation — Westover Lakes Subdivision): A resolution of the Eagle City Council to vacate the public utility, irrigation, and drainage easements between Lots 11 and 12, Block 3, Westover Lakes 1'age 3 1:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Arca\CC-3-27-I8min.doc Subdivision as shown on the attachments hereto; and providing an effective date. (WEV) Pittman moves to approve the Consent Agenda Items #A thru #R, taking out Agenda Items #0 and #P. Seconded by Gold. Bastian: AYE; Gold: AYE; Pittman: AYE; Mitchell: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 60. FPUD-01-18 & FP -01-18 — Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Snoqualmie River Subdivision No. 1 — White Sturgeon, LLC: White Sturgeon, LLC, represented by Justin Martin, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Snoqualmie River Subdivision No. 1, a 37 -lot (28 buildable, 9 common) residential planned unit development. The 26.69 -acre site is located on the west side of North Palmer Lane and south side of West Decathlon Street. (WEV) Bastian introduces the issue. Planner Williams, staff is requesting to provide a clarification. The application calls out that it is a 37 lot which is 28 buildable 9 common lots. This is a clerical error, it should read "82 lots, 70 buildable and 12 common lots. This is the phase associated with Snoqualmie River No. 1. General discussion. Pittman: I would motion that we amend the requested FPUD-01-18 & FP -01-18 — Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Snoqualmie River Subdivision No. 1 to read that there will be 82 lots, 70 buildable and 12 common. Seconded by Mitchell. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 6P. FPUD-05-17 & FP -20-17 — Final Development Plan and Final Plat for, Snoqualmie Falls Subdivision No. 10 — White Sturgeon, LLC:, White Sturgeon, LLC, represented by Justin Martin, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Snoqualmie Falls Subdivision No. 10, a 35 -lot (29 buildable, 6 common) residential planned unit development. The 15.67 -acre site is generally located south of Floating Feather Road, between Linder Road and Palmer Lane, at the terminus of West Striker Drive. (WEV) Planner Williams, on this item it is an approval for Snoqualmie Falls Subdivision No. 10, one of the conditions of approval that was associated with that plat is that they were required to provide privacy fencing adjacent to two lots located within Lincoln Park Subdivision. The applicant has worked with adjacent neighbors who testified at the hearing and he is here to present the fencing that is proposed at that location. It is required that the Council approve the fencing. Justin Martin, representing White Sturgeon, LLC., this is just about the fencing. Displays a power point and provides the Council an overview the fencing issue. General discussion. Planner Williams: there needs to be two motions. One for the fence and the other for the final development plan. Gold moves to approve 1,487 lineal feet of privacy fencing for the final development plan for Snoqualmie Falls Subdivision No. 10. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Page 4 1:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-3-27-I8min.doc Pittman: I would like to make a motion on FPUD-05-17 & FP-20-17—Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Snoqualmie Falls Subdivision No. 10. that it be approved. Seconded by Gold. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NONE 11. REPORTS: B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: Planner Williams reports on the rising river. 1. City Clerk/Treasurer: February 2018 Monthly Report. I will stand for any questions that you have. Council has no questions. C. City Attorney Report: No report. A. Mayor and Council Reports: Pittman reports on the Kiwanis Food Drive. Bastian calls a recess at 5:45 p.m. Bastian reconvenes the meeting at 6:00 p.m. 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m. • Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. • Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest. A. RZ-10-15 MOD — Modification to Development Agreement — TPC Brooklyn Park Investors. LLC: TPC Brooklyn Park Investors, LLC, represented by John Rennison, is requesting a modification to the rezone development agreement (Instrument #2016-091680) associated with the approved Eagle Lakes Subdivision. The request for modification is to allow drive-through uses within the Eagle Lakes Subdivision commercial area. The 75 -acre site is generally located on the south side of State Highway 44, approximately 1,129 -feet west of the intersection of State Highway 55 and State Highway 44. (WEV) Bastian introduces the issue. Planner Williams displays a power point and provides Council an overview of the application. John Rennison, representing the applicant, displays a power point and provides Council an overview of the application in regards to just the drive-through. General discussion. Bastian opens the Public Hearing Bastian: no one has signed up on the sign-up sheet and no one in the audience wishes to testify. Page 5 1:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-3-27-I8mm (1,.c. Bastian closes the Public Hearing General discussion. Gold moves to approve including the use of a donut shop in the. Discussion. Gold withdraws the motion. Bastian moves to approve RZ-10-15 MOD — Modification to Development Agreement — TPC Brooklyn Park Investors, LLC and with an addition on Page 5 a donut shop be permitted and the number of drive-through within this develop added to the Development Agreement be limited to two drive-through. Motion dies for lack of a second. Motion is opened for discussion. General discussion. Mitchell moves to approve RZ-10-15 MOD—Modification to Development Agreement—TPC Brooklyn Park Investors, that we allow the two drive-throughs, limited to two drive-through with the option of a donut shop. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. Bastian: AYE; Gold: AYE; Pittman: NAY; Mitchell: AYE: MOTION CARRIES 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. DR -29-11 MOD - Modification to the Master Sign Plan for a Multi -tenant Building. including A Building Wall Sign for Sodalicious — Mike Bevans - Sodalicious: Mike Bevans with Sodalicious, represented by Virginia Cunningham with Golden West Signs, is requesting design review approval to modify the master sign plan for a multi -tenant building, including one (1) building wall sign for Sodalicious. The 0.74 -acre site is located on the east side of North Fisher Park Way approximately 200 -feet north of State llighway 44 at 94 North Fisher Park Way. (WEV) Bastian introduces the issue. Planner Williams displays a power point and provides the Council with an overview of the application. Virginia Cunningham, Golden West Signs, representing the application. I gave two packets to the Council. If Council would look at the photos of the wall signs. Virginia discusses these types of signage together with the types of signs presented by Planner Williams. Also discusses the types of signs proposed for this building. General discussion. Bastian: Is there anyone in the audience that would like to testify? Michael Bevans, some of the things that have been said against the company I object to. Discusses the signs that are already on the Master sign. It is my understanding that there is not a permit to put up the sign. Our landlord approves the sign that we put up. General discussion of the Sodalicious sign and the Master Sign Plan. Bastian: The hearing is closed. General discussion on the City Code in regard to signs. Page 6 1:\COUNCIL\MINUTPS\Temporary Minutes Work Arca\CC-3-27-18min.doc Pittman: DR -29-11 MOD -Modification to the Master Sign Plan for a Multi -tenant Building, including A Building Wall Sign for Sodalicious. My Motion would be: As the representative for Sodalicious had asked that the original logo sign be allowed to be placed on the building itself and taking out the tan rectangle shadow box that they were requiring and not have that be a requirement and also striking from the Multi -tenant Monument Sign on DR -81-07 of the MOD, Letter F, the last sentence be struck, all tenants shall use 1/8" routed, aluminum letters painted flat or mat black and I would also indicate that the Master Plan stand, that the backgrounds should be what the City Code is requiring. Discussion. Seconded by Gold. Discussion. Bastian: AYE; Gold: AYE; Pittman: AYE; Mitchell: AYE: MOTION CARRIES B. Ordinance No. 790 (Wilhite Annexation and Rezone): An ordinance annexing certain real property situated in the unincorporated area of Ada County, Idaho, and contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Eagle, to the city of Eagle, Idaho; changing the zoning classification of said real property described herein from RUT (Rural -Urban Transition) to R -E -DA (Residential -Estates with a development agreement); amending the zoning map of the City of Eagle to reflect said change; directing that copies of this ordinance shall be files as provided by law; and providing an effective date. The 5 -acre site is located on the south side of West Beacon Light Road approximately 600 -feet east of North Ballantyne Lane at 1825 West Beacon Light Road. (WEV) Bastian introduces the issue. Planner Williams discusses Ordinance No. 790. Mitchell moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #790 be considered after being read once by title only. Seconded by Gold. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Mitchell moves that Ordinance #790 be adopted. City Attorney McLain reads the title of the ordinance into the record. Seconded by Gold. BASTIAN: AYE; GOLD: AYE; PITTMAN: AYE; MITCHELL: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 10. PUBLIC COMMENT: None This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter, up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing items. Comments regarding Public Hearing items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s) in accordance with Idaho Code. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters (excluding Public Hearing items) during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Page 7 J. COUNCIL MPvZTES Temporary Minutes Work Area CC-3-27-I8min.doc 11. REPORTS: These reports were moved to before the Public Hearings. A. Mayor and Council Reports: B. Citv Hall Department Supervisor Reports: C. City Attorney Report: 12. ADJOURNMENT: Gold moves to adjourn. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted: SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: STAN BASTIAN COUNCIL PRESIDENT •. ,,• F E r;''• ' ` �O C:.• ,iyORg•i • '; o F: SEAL . TqT.'';... Q.sC �•.• "'PE Of '......1,11...•`. AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WWW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. I'agc 8 1:\COUNCII.\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Arca\CC-3-27-I8min.doc M = Manual Check, V = Void Check City of Eagle Check Register - Detail Eagle -City Hall Page: 1 Check Issue Dates: 3/14/2018 - 3/26/2018 Mar 26, 2018 04:16PM Report Criteria: Report type: GL detail Bank.Bank number = 2 GL Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Payee Description Number Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount AASLH 25293 03/18 03/26/2018 25293 AASLH webinar class poli 200030290 1 07-0461-03-0 CONFEREN 40.00 40.00 Total 25293: 40.00 ACS -Advanced Control Systems 25294 03/18 03/26/2018 25294 ACS -Advanced Con scada program 31312 1 60-0434-19-0 TELEPHONE 382.00 382.00 Total 25294: 382.00 Ada Community Library 25251 03/18 03/14/2018 25251 Ada Community Libr Record ID 22726 FEBRUARY 1 06-0435-03-0 OPEN ACCE 19.95 19.95 03/18 03/14/2018 25251 Ada Community Libr Record ID 39146 FEBRUARY 2 06-0435-03-0 OPEN ACCE 96.00 96.00 Total 25251: 115.95 Albert Luscher 25295 03/18 03/26/2018 25295 Albert Luscher utility final -1545 UTILITY FIN 1 99-0107-00-0 CASH CLEA 24.53 24.53 Total 25295: 24.53 Allegra 25296 03/18 03/26/2018 25296 Allegra museum brochur 104950 1 07-0462-33-0 PUBLICITY- 147.97 147.97 Total 25296: 147.97 Alsco 25252 03/18 03/14/2018 25252 Alsco library customer# LBO1158117 1 06-0464-05-0 CUSTODIAL 83.81 83.81 Total 25252: 83.81 25297 03/18 03/26/2018 25297 Alsco customer #00681 LBO1158562 1 23-0442-03-0 CUSTODIAL 106.78 106.78 Total 25297: 106.78 Alta Planning & Design 25298 03/18 03/26/2018 25298 Alta Planning & Desi Eagle, ID Trails 00-2017-009- 1 19-0467-06-0 TRAIL MAST 4,500.00 4,500.00 03/18 03/26/2018 25298 Alta Planning & Desi Eagle, ID Trails 00-2017-009- 1 19-0467-06-0 TRAIL MAST 2,046.80 2,046.80 Total 25298: 6,546.80 Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 25299 03/18 03/26/2018 25299 Analytical Laboratori water testing 51407 1 60-0434-82-0 WATER TES 64.00 64.00 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check City of Eagle Check Register - Detail Eagle -City Hall Page: 2 Check Issue Dates: 3/14/2018 - 3/26/2018 Mar 26, 2018 04:16PM GL Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Payee Description Number Sequence GL Account Account Tide Amount Amount 03/18 03/26/2018 25299 Analytical Laboratori water testing 51408 1 60-0434-82-0 WATER TES 32.00 32.00 Total 25299: 96.00 Ann Veloso 25253 03/18 03/14/2018 25253 Ann Veloso Travel per diem 022718 1 06-0463-00-0 TRAVEL & M 352.00 352.00 Total 25253: 352.00 AutoSort 25300 03/18 03/26/2018 25300 AutoSort 2018 spring activi 99575 1 17-0422-06-0 PRINTING -D 2,636.75 2,636.75 Total 25300: 2,636.75 Baird Oil 25301 03/18 03/26/2018 25301 Baird Oil public works CL58748 1 23-0417-02-0 GAS AND OI 233.04 233.04 03/18 03/26/2018 25301 Baird Oil water dept CL58748 2 60-0420-01-0 FUEL & LUB 244.99 244.99 03/18 03/26/2018 25301 Baird Oil bldg dept CL58748 3 13-0417-02-0 FUEL COST 44.86 44.86 Total 25301: 522.89 Baker & Taylor 25254 03/18 03/14/2018 25254 Baker & Taylor print vendor proc 4012150971 1 06-0450-01-0 PRINT VEND 83.80 83.80 03/18 03/14/2018 25254 Baker & Taylor books 4012150971 2 06-0450-00-0 BOOKS 1,161.52 1,161.52 03/18 03/14/2018 25254 Baker & Taylor print vendor proc 4012151969 1 06-0450-01-0 PRINT VEND 73.45 73.45 03/18 03/14/2018 25254 Baker & Taylor books 4012151969 2 06-0450-00-0 BOOKS 651.20 651.20 03/18 03/14/2018 25254 Baker & Taylor print vendor proc 4012155092 1 06-0450-01-0 PRINT VEND 100.00 100.00 03/18 03/14/2018 25254 Baker &Taylor books 4012155092 2 06-0450-00-0 BOOKS 1,176.06 1,176.06 03/18 03/14/2018 25254 Baker & Taylor print vendor proc 4012161029 1 06-0450-01-0 PRINT VEND 75.65 75.65 03/18 03/14/2018 25254 Baker & Taylor books 4012161029 2 06-0450-00-0 BOOKS 943.25 943.25 Total 25254: 4,264.93 Barbara Sterling 25163 03/18 03/14/2018 25163 Barbara Sterling utility prompt pay UTILITY REF 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 75.00 75.00 Total 25163: 75.00 Bart Carrico 26164 03/18 03/14/2018 25164 Bart Carrico utility prompt pmt UTILITY REF 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 75.00 75.00 Total 25164: 75.00 Batteries Plus 25165 03/18 03/14/2018 25165 Batteries Plus light bulbs 117-119079- 1 23-0414-03-0 MATERIALS 199.00 199.00 Total 25165: 199.00 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check City of Eagle Check Register - Detail Eagle -City Hall Page: 3 Check Issue Dates: 3/14/2018 - 3/26/2018 Mar 26, 2018 04:16PM GL Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Payee Description Number Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Benjamin Johnson CONTRACT 69.40 69.40 1 18-0416-01-0 25063 157.77 157.77 03/18 03/14/2018 25063 Barbara Sterling utility prompt pay UTILITY REF Total 25063: 10.00 2 06-0435-03-0 OPEN ACCE 30.98 25255 3 06-0435-03-0 OPEN ACCE 28.00 28.00 03/18 03/14/2018 25255 Benjamin Johnson utility prompt pay UTILITY REF Total 25255: 1,765.45 1,765.45 Big T Recreation 26166 03/18 03/14/2018 25166 Big T Recreation guerber park rep 3173 Total 25166: Bill or Rae Ann Hollingsworth 25167 03/18 03/14/2018 25167 Bill or Rae Ann Holli utility prompt pmt UTILITY REF Total 25167: Billing Document Specialists 25168 03/18 03/14/2018 25168 Billing Document Sp water billing docs 46033 Total 25168: Boise Blues Society 26266 03/18 03/14/2018 25256 Boise Blues Society 2018 EAC Grant 2018 EAC G Total 25256: Boise Office Equipment 25302 03/18 03/26/2018 25302 Boise Office Equipm Maintenance Agr 1560393 03/18 03/26/2018 25302 Boise Office Equipm Maintenance Agr 1575604 Total 25302: Boise Public Library 25257 03/18 03/14/2018 25257 Boise Public Library Record ID 23663 FEBRUARY 03/18 03/14/2018 25257 Boise Public Library Record ID 21922 FEBRUARY 03/18 03/14/2018 25257 Boise Public Library Record ID 50110 FEBRUARY 03/18 03/14/2018 25257 Boise Public Library Record ID 17727 FEBRUARY 03/18 03/14/2018 25257 Boise Public Library 4th QTR TVLA C IH353 Total 25257: Brandon Johnson 26258 03/18 03/14/2018 25258 Brandon Johnson mileage reimburs 031218 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 75.00- 75.00- V 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 75.00 75.00 75.00 1 23-0449-02-0 EQUIPMENT 337.63 337.63 337.63 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 75.00 75.00 75.00 1 60-0416-06-0 BILLING SE 1,372.14 1,372.14 1,372.14 1 21-0424-00-0 PERFORMIN 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1 18-0416-01-0 CONTRACT 69.40 69.40 1 18-0416-01-0 CONTRACT 157.77 157.77 227.17 1 06-0435-03-0 OPEN ACCE 10.00 10.00 2 06-0435-03-0 OPEN ACCE 30.98 30.98 3 06-0435-03-0 OPEN ACCE 28.00 28.00 4 06-0435-03-0 OPEN ACCE 25.00 25.00 1 06-0430-02-0 LYNX! COU 1,765.45 1,765.45 1 22-0413-13-0 TRAVEL AN 289.94 289.94 City of Eagle Check Register - Detail Eagle -City Hall Page: 4 Check Issue Dates: 3/14/2018 - 3/26/2018 Mar 26, 2018 04:16PM GL Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Payee Description Number Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 25258: 289.94 Cable One 25169 03/18 03/14/2018 25169 Cable One shop acct#11291 SHOP 03/18 1 23-0440-02-0 UTILTIES 84.53 84.53 Total 25169: 84.53 25259 03/18 03/14/2018 25259 Cable One acct# 118530120 FEB 2018 1 06-0464-02-0 UTILITIES 66.94 66.94 Total 25259: 66.94 Carol Berry 25260 03/18 03/14/2018 25260 Carol Berry PLA Library Train PLA 2018 1 06-0463-00-0 TRAVEL & M 352.00 352.00 Total 25260: 352.00 Caselle, Inc. 25170 03/18 03/14/2018 25170 Caselle, Inc. on line pmts supp 86212 1 18-0416-01-0 CONTRACT 272.00 272.00 Total 25170: 272.00 CENGAGE Learning 25261 03/18 03/14/2018 25261 CENGAGE Learnin BOOKS 63259115 1 06-0450-00-0 BOOKS 42.68 42.68 03/18 03/14/2018 25261 CENGAGE Learnin BOOKS 63259962 1 06-0450-00-0 BOOKS 48.28 48.28 03/18 03/14/2018 25261 CENGAGE Learnin BOOKS 63260744 1 06-0450-00-0 BOOKS 41.98 41.98 Total 25261: 132.94 CenturyLink 25171 03/18 03/14/2018 25171 CenturyLink Emergency Lines EMG LINES 1 01-0413-19-0 TELEPHONE 105.59 105.59 03/18 03/14/2018 25171 CenturyLink ACCT 208-939-1 MERRILL PK 1 23-0452-04-0 UTILITIES 73.98 73.98 03/18 03/14/2018 25171 CenturyLink Museum 208-939 MUSEUM 2/ 1 07-0462-52-0 MUSEUM U 223.90 223.90 Total 25171: 403.47 25303 03/18 03/26/2018 25303 CenturyLink 208-939-2669 87 EAGLE MUS 1 18-0417-01-0 INTERNET & 230.24 230.24 03/18 03/26/2018 25303 CenturyLink Emergency Lines EMERG PU 1 01-0413-19-0 TELEPHONE 105.59 105.59 03/18 03/26/2018 25303 CenturyLink Heritage Pk -208- HERITAGE P 1 23-0450-04-0 UTILTIES 73.98 73.98 Total 25303: 409.81 Chad Crocker 25304 03/18 03/26/2018 25304 Chad Crocker utility final -1362 E UTILITY FIN 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 33.28 33.28 Total 25304: 33.28 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check City of Eagle Check Register- Detail Eagle -City Hall Page: 5 Check Issue Dates: 3/14/2018 - 3/26/2018 Mar 26, 2018 04:16PM GL Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Payee Description Number Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Christian Horak 25172 03/18 03/14/2018 25172 Christian Horak utility prompt pmt UTILITY REF Total 25172: Christina Coats 25305 03/18 03/26/2018 25305 Christina Coats per diem-IRPA 2018 IRPA P Total 25305: CIT 25173 03/18 03/14/2018 25173 CIT xerox lease 31555734 Total 25173: 25262 03/18 03/14/2018 25262 CIT library copier leas 31588086 Total 25262: City Of Eagle 25174 03/18 03/14/2018 25174 City Of Eagle acct#3613.01 BM BMX -WATE Total 25174: Coleen Hulbert 25175 03/18 03/14/2018 25175 Coleen Hulbert utility prompt pmt UTILITY REF Total 25175: CompuNet, Inc. 25176 03/18 03/14/2018 25176 CompuNet, Inc. Software Support 110470 Total 25176: Constance McIntyre 25177 03/18 03/14/2018 25177 Constance McIntyre utility prompt pay UTILITY REF Total 25177: Corbin Maxey LLC 25263 03/18 03/14/2018 25263 Corbin Maxey LLC deposit for 06-27- 062718 Total 25263: Core & Main LP 25306 03/18 03/26/2018 25306 Core & Main LP water dept suppli 1514570 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 75.00 75.00 1 22-0413-13-0 TRAVEL AN 127.25 127.25 127.25 1 18-0416-01-0 CONTRACT 11.90 11.90 11.90 1 06-0416-02-0 PHOTOCOPI 274.25 274.25 1 23-0454-04-0 UTILITIES 93.69 93.69 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 75.00 75.00 1 18-0416-01-0 CONTRACT 1,280.00 1,280.00 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 75.00 75.00 75.00 1 06-0455-00-0 CLASSES & 187.50 187.50 187.50 1 60-0438-11-0 CAPITAL CO 334.50 334.50 City of Eagle Check Register - Detail Eagle -City Hall Page: 6 Check Issue Dates: 3/14/2018 - 3/26/2018 Mar 26, 2018 04:16PM GL Check Check Invoice Check Invoice Period Issue Date Number Payee Description Number 03/18 03/26/2018 25306 Core & Main LP water dept suppli 1518032 03/18 03/26/2018 25306 Core & Main LP hex bolt - new lin 1541200 03/18 03/26/2018 25306 Core & Main LP water dept suppli 1544495 03/18 03/26/2018 25306 Core & Main LP water dept suppli 1556468 Total 25306: 40.94 40.94 9 11-0217-07-0 EXEC DEPT Craig Ezekiel Brasher 81.88 10 13-0217-07-0 BLDG DEPT 158.82 25307 11 14-0217-07-0 P&Z DEPT H 274.16 274.16 03/18 03/26/2018 25307 Craig Ezekiel Brash Design Review B MARCH 201 Total 25307: D&B Supply 25178 03/18 03/14/2018 25178 D&B Supply HANDTRUCK 1048913 Total 25178: De Lage Landen Financial Svc 25179 03/18 03/14/2018 25179 De Lage Landen Fin Copier leases 58310016 Total 25179: Delta Dental of Idaho 25264 03/18 03/14/2018 25264 Delta Dental of Idah water -dental MARCH 201 03/18 03/14/2018 25264 Delta Dental of Idah library -dental MARCH 201 03/18 03/14/2018 25264 Delta Dental of Idah P&R Admin MARCH 201 03/18 03/14/2018 25264 Delta Dental of Idah public works MARCH 201 03/18 03/14/2018 25264 Delta Dental of Idah clerks -dental MARCH 201 03/18 03/14/2018 25264 Delta Dental of Idah IT -dental MARCH 201 03/18 03/14/2018 25264 Delta Dental of Idah community enh-d MARCH 201 03/18 03/14/2018 25264 Delta Dental of Idah trails -dental MARCH 201 03/18 03/14/2018 25264 Delta Dental of Idah exec -dental MARCH 201 03/18 03/14/2018 25264 Delta Dental of Idah Bldg Dept -dental MARCH 201 03/18 03/14/2018 25264 Delta Dental of Idah pz dental MARCH 201 03/18 03/14/2018 25264 Delta Dental of Idah city council - dent MARCH 201 Total 25264: Demco, Inc. 25265 03/18 03/14/2018 25265 Demco, Inc. special supplies 6328371 Total 25265: Dennis Holte 25180 03/18 03/14/2018 25180 Dennis Holte plumbing inspecti FEB 2018 IN Total 25180: Derek T. Smith M = Manual Check, V = Void Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 1 60-0438-11-0 CAPITAL CO 201.02 201.02 1 60-0438-11-0 CAPITAL CO 30.40 30.40 1 60-0434-26-0 TOOLS AND 20.46 20.46 1 60-0438-11-0 CAPITAL CO 436.38 436.38 1 01-0413-02-0 DESIGN RE 100.00 100.00 1 23-0414-03-0 MATERIALS 73.96 73.96 1 18-0416-01-0 CONTRACT 1,223.83 1,223.83 1 60-0217-07-0 WATER DEP 314.40 314.40 2 06-0217-07-0 LIBRARY HE 368.46 368.46 3 22-0217-07-0 HEALTH INS 175.20 175.20 4 23-0217-07-0 HEALTH INS 271.34 271.34 5 12-0217-07-0 CLERK DEP 370.52 370.52 6 18-0217-07-0 HEALTH INS 134.26 134.26 7 09-0420-25-0 INSURANCE 40.94 40.94 8 20-0217-07-0 HEALTH INS 40.94 40.94 9 11-0217-07-0 EXEC DEPT 81.88 81.88 10 13-0217-07-0 BLDG DEPT 158.82 158.82 11 14-0217-07-0 P&Z DEPT H 274.16 274.16 12 01-0217-07-0 GEN ADMIN 40.94 40.94 1 06-0420-05-0 MATERIAL P 174.01 174.01 174.01 1 13-0416-09-0 PLUMBING 1 13,435.50 13,435.50 City of Eagle Check Register- Detail Eagle -City Hall Page: 7 Check Issue Dates: 3/14/2018 - 3/26/2018 Mar 26, 2018 04:16PM GL Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Payee Description Number Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 25308 03/18 03/26/2018 25308 Derek T. Smith P&Z Meetings MARCH 201 1 01-0413-01-0 P&Z COMMI 100.00 100.00 Total 25308: 100.00 Devan Howe 25181 03/18 03/14/2018 25181 Devan Howe UTILITY PRMPT UTILITY REF 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 75.00 75.00 Total 25181: 75.00 DigLine 25182 03/18 03/14/2018 25182 DigLine digline monthlyfe 57969 -IN 1 60-0416-04-0 DIG LINE 177.92 177.92 Total 25182: 177.92 Drugfree Idaho 25183 03/18 03/14/2018 25183 Drugfree Idaho EMPLOYEE ASS 6631 1 01-0416-49-0 DRUGFREE 82.74 82.74 Total 25183: 82.74 Eagle Auto Repair 25309 03/18 03/26/2018 25309 Eagle Auto Repair LOF 10691 1 23-0417-01-0 VEHICLE MT 27.94 27.94 Total 25309: 2794 Eagle Nazarene Church 25310 03/18 03/26/2018 25310 Eagle Nazarene Ch dry creek trail-sta STAGE REM 1 19-0465-02-0 DRY CREEK 1,570.00 1,570.00 Total 25310: 1,570.00 Eagle Sewer District 25184 03/18 03/14/2018 25184 Eagle Sewer District 10.0660.1 Eagle 660 CIVIC L 1 01-0413-16-0 UTILITIES Cl 144.00 144.00 03/18 03/14/2018 25184 Eagle Sewer District Guerber Park 28. GUERBER P 1 23-0449-04-0 UTILITIES 36.00 36.00 03/18 03/14/2018 25184 Eagle Sewer District Museum 5.0160. MUSEUM 3/ 1 07-0462-52-0 MUSEUM U 36.00 36.00 03/18 03/14/2018 25184 Eagle Sewer District 10.0222.1 Parks - PARKS 3/18 1 23-0450-04-0 UTILTIES 18.00 18.00 03/18 03/14/2018 25184 Eagle Sewer District Merrill Park Utiliti PARKS 3/18 2 23-0452-04-0 UTILITIES 18.00 18.00 Total 25184: 252.00 25266 03/18 03/14/2018 25266 Eagle Sewer District LIBRARY 1.1005. 030118 1 06-0464-02-0 UTILITIES 216.00 216.00 Total 25266: 216.00 Eagle Water Co. 25185 03/18 03/14/2018 25185 Eagle Water Co. acct#31206000 6 637 SHORE- 1 23-0452-04-0 UTILITIES 53.80 53.80 03/18 03/14/2018 25185 Eagle Water Co. acct#31218000 6 637 SHORE- 1 23-0452-04-0 UTILITIES 53.80 53.80 03/18 03/14/2018 25185 Eagle Water Co. acct#31207000 ci 660 CIVIC L 1 01-0413-16-0 UTILITIES Cl 40.36 40.36 03/18 03/14/2018 25185 Eagle Water Co. acct#31205800 O ARBORETU 1 23-0446-04-0 UTILITIES 10.07 10.07 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check City of Eagle MATERIAL A 13.99 Check Register - Detail Eagle -City Hall Check Issue Dates: 3/14/2018 - 3/26/2018 1 60-0434-58-0 RPR/MTNC- Page: 8 Mar 26, 2018 04:16PM GL Check Check acct#31210000 Ii 02012018 Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Payee Description Number Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 03/18 03/14/2018 25185 Eagle Water Co. acct#31201200 a EAGLE RD# 1 23-0455-04-0 UTILITIES 20.09 20.09 03/18 03/14/2018 25185 Eagle Water Co. acct#51203400 E EAGLE RD# 1 23-0455-04-0 UTILITIES 20.09 20.09 03/18 03/14/2018 25185 Eagle Water Co. acct# 61201600 GUERBER P 1 23-0449-04-0 UTILITIES 53.80 53.80 03/18 03/14/2018 25185 Eagle Water Co. acct#61201400 G GUERBER-L 1 23-0449-04-0 UTILITIES 53.80 53.80 03/18 03/14/2018 25185 Eagle Water Co. acct#31208400 MUSEUM 3/ 1 07-0462-52-0 MUSEUM U 8.25 8.25 03/18 03/14/2018 25185 Eagle Water Co. acct#31220900 pl PLAZA 3/18 1 23-0455-04-0 UTILITIES 20.09 20.09 03/18 03/14/2018 25185 Eagle Water Co. acct# 71202300 SPORTS CO 1 23-0454-04-0 UTILITIES 20.09 20.09 Total 25185: 03/14/2018 25188 Evan's Building Cen shop supplies 230034 03/18 03/14/2018 25188 354.24 25267 MATERIAL A 13.99 13.99 1 60-0434-58-0 RPR/MTNC- 03/18 03/14/2018 25267 Eagle Water Co. acct#31210000 Ii 02012018 Total 25267: MATERIALS 16.16 16.16 1 23-0414-03-0 Elec Controls & Instrumentals, LLC 1.72 1.72 25186 MATERIALS 2.16 2.16 1 23-0414-03-0 MATERIALS 03/18 03/14/2018 25186 Elec Controls & Instr electric inspectio FEB 2018 IN Total 25186: MATERIALS 17.47 17.47 1 23-0414-03-0 Eric Ziegenfuss 17.65 17.65 1 60-0434-26-0 TOOLS AND 25187 5.18 2 60-0434-68-0 UNIFORMS - 18.39 18.39 03/18 03/14/2018 25187 Eric Ziegenfuss Facility Dude Uni PER DIEM D Total 25187: 1 23-0414-03-0 MATERIALS 9.68 9.68 25311 MATERIALS 3.60 3.60 1 23-0414-03-0 MATERIALS 03/18 03/26/2018 25311 Eric Ziegenfuss IRPA per diem 2018 IRPA P Total 25311: MATERIALS 23.90 23.90 1 23-0414-03-0 Evan's Building Center 4.40 1 60-0434-26-0 TOOLS AND 25188 3.67 1 23-0414-03-0 MATERIALS 36.78 36.78 03/18 03/14/2018 25188 Evan's Building Can GREENBELT DO 229992 03/18 03/14/2018 25188 Evan's Building Cen HYDRANT PAIN 229994 03/18 03/14/2018 25188 Evan's Building Cen shop supplies 230010 03/18 03/14/2018 25188 Evan's Building Cen shop supplies 230034 03/18 03/14/2018 25188 Evan's Building Can shop supplies 230219 03/18 03/14/2018 25188 Evan's Building Cen shop supplies 230220 03/18 03/14/2018 25188 Evan's Building Can shop supplies 230313 03/18 03/14/2018 25188 Evan's Building Cen shop supplies 230358 03/18 03/14/2018 25188 Evan's Building Can shop supplies 230377 03/18 03/14/2018 25188 Evan's Building Cen shop supplies 230407 03/18 03/14/2018 25188 Evan's Building Can KEYS -WATER D 230438 03/18 03/14/2018 25188 Evan's Building Cen GLOVES-WATE 230438 03/18 03/14/2018 25188 Evan's Building Can shop supplies 230447 03/18 03/14/2018 25188 Evan's Building Can water dept 230454 03/18 03/14/2018 25188 Evan's Building Cen shop supplies 230455 03/18 03/14/2018 25188 Evan's Building Cen shop supplies 230573 03/18 03/14/2018 25188 Evan's Building Cen shop supplies 230584 03/18 03/14/2018 25188 Evan's Building Cen shop supplies 230590 03/18 03/14/2018 25188 Evan's Building Cen shop supplies 230727 03/18 03/14/2018 25188 Evan's Building Cen shop supplies 230757 03/18 03/14/2018 25188 Evan's Building Can water dept 230817 03/18 03/14/2018 25188 Evan's Building Can shop supplies 230831 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 1 06-0464-02-0 UTILITIES 20.09 20.09 1 13-0416-25-0 ELECTRICA 14,668.74 14,668.74 14,668.74 1 23-0413-05-0 TRAVEL & P 183.00 183.00 183.00 1 23-0413-05-0 TRAVEL & P 127.25 127.25 1 20-0423-02-0 MATERIAL A 13.99 13.99 1 60-0434-58-0 RPR/MTNC- 8.45 8.45 1 23-0414-03-0 MATERIALS 21.86 21.86 1 23-0414-03-0 MATERIALS 16.16 16.16 1 23-0414-03-0 MATERIALS 1.72 1.72 1 23-0414-03-0 MATERIALS 2.16 2.16 1 23-0414-03-0 MATERIALS 19.44 19.44 1 23-0414-03-0 MATERIALS 27.76 27.76 1 23-0414-03-0 MATERIALS 17.47 17.47 1 23-0414-03-0 MATERIALS 17.65 17.65 1 60-0434-26-0 TOOLS AND 5.18 5.18 2 60-0434-68-0 UNIFORMS - 18.39 18.39 1 23-0414-03-0 MATERIALS 8.83 8.83 1 60-0434-15-0 OFFICE SUP 6.98 6.98 1 23-0414-03-0 MATERIALS 9.68 9.68 1 23-0414-03-0 MATERIALS 3.60 3.60 1 23-0414-03-0 MATERIALS 3.20 3.20 1 23-0414-03-0 MATERIALS 16.55 16.55 1 23-0414-03-0 MATERIALS 23.90 23.90 1 23-0414-03-0 MATERIALS 4.40 4.40 1 60-0434-26-0 TOOLS AND 3.67 3.67 1 23-0414-03-0 MATERIALS 36.78 36.78 City of Eagle Check Register - Detail Eagle -City Hall Check Issue Dates: 3/14/2018 - 3/26/2018 Drainage fees DRAINAGE 2 1 01-0413-31-0 ENGINEERI 800.00 800.00 Page: 9 Mar 26, 2018 04:16PM GL Check Check dev/eng fees ENG FEES- Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Payee Description Number Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 03/18 03/14/2018 25188 Evan's Building Cen water -Lexington 230837 1 60-0438-11-0 CAPITAL CO 23.99 23.99 Total 25188: 311.81 Everbank Commercial Finance 25189 03/18 03/14/2018 25189 Everbank Commerci Canon Plotter 5074172 1 18-0416-01-0 CONTRACT 216.16 216.16 Total 25189: 216.16 Ferguson Enterprises #3007 25190 03/18 03/14/2018 25190 Ferguson Enterprise CEU CLASSES - 0677333 1 60-0434-22-0 TRAVEL -MT 180.00 180.00 03/18 03/14/2018 25190 Ferguson Enterprise IeXINGTON PAR 5999637 1 60-0438-11-0 CAPITAL CO 12.77 12.77 Total 25190: 192.77 Final Kicks-Attn: Wayne Ebenroth 25191 03/18 03/14/2018 25191 Final Kicks-Attn: Wa SECURITY DEP SECURITY D 1 22-0417-00-0 SECURITY D 100.00 100.00 Total 25191: 100.00 FLEET FEET-Attn: Brandon French 25192 03/18 03/14/2018 25192 FLEET FEET-Attn: WINTER WARRI DEPOSIT RE 1 22-0417-00-0 SECURITY D 87.50 87.50 Total 25192: 87.50 Ground -FX 25268 03/18 03/14/2018 25268 Ground -FX remove and repla 1512 1 19-0469-02-0 PLAYGROU 37,180.00 37,180.00 Total 25268: 37,180.00 25312 03/18 03/26/2018 25312 Ground -FX playchip install -p PARK PLAY 1 19-0469-02-0 PLAYGROU 50,836.00 50,836.00 Total 25312: 50,836.00 Hannah or Lance Manning 25193 03/18 03/14/2018 25193 Hannah or Lance M utility final -463 n UTILITY FIN 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 75.00 75.00 Total 25193: 75.00 HECO Engineers 25194 03/18 03/14/2018 25194 HECO Engineers Drainage fees DRAINAGE 2 1 01-0413-31-0 ENGINEERI 800.00 800.00 03/18 03/14/2018 25194 HECO Engineers dev/eng fees ENG FEES- 1 01-0413-31-0 ENGINEERI 14,166.00 14,166.00 Total 25194: 14,966.00 Heinz Built Homes 25195 03/18 03/14/2018 25195 Heinz Built Homes plan deposit refu PLAN DEP R 1 13-0413-29-0 BUILDING P 250.00 250.00 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check City of Eagle Check Register - Detail Eagle-City Hall Check Issue Dates: 3/14/2018 - 3/26/2018 Page: 10 Mar 26, 2018 04:16PM GL Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Payee Description Number Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 25195: 250.00 Hoff Companies-Attn: Brian Hoff 25313 03/18 03/26/2018 25313 Hoff Companies-Aft banbury meadow BANBURY M 1 01-0203-01-0 BONDS DEP 28,950.00 28,950.00 Total 25313: 28,950.00 Holly or Don Halweg 25196 03/18 03/14/2018 25196 Holly or Don Halweg utility prompt pmt UTILITY REF 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 75.00 75.00 Total 25196: 75.00 Home Depot Credit Services 25269 03/18 03/14/2018 25269 Home Depot Credit water -tools 1062217 1 60-0434-26-0 TOOLS AND 31.23 31.23 03/18 03/14/2018 25269 Home Depot Credit water -tools 1583071 1 60-0434-26-0 TOOLS AND 9.97 9.97 03/18 03/14/2018 25269 Home Depot Credit water -tools 2023920 1 60-0434-26-0 TOOLS AND 17.47 17.47 03/18 03/14/2018 25269 Home Depot Credit repair maint 2063177 1 23-0414-03-0 MATERIALS 19.49 19.49 03/18 03/14/2018 25269 Home Depot Credit water repair/main 2560650 1 60-0434-58-0 RPR/MTNC 15.75 15.75 03/18 03/14/2018 25269 Home Depot Credit water - tools 3063099 1 60-0434-26-0 TOOLS AND 25.85 25.85 03/18 03/14/2018 25269 Home Depot Credit water - tools 4063002 1 23-0414-03-0 MATERIALS 140.84 140.84 03/18 03/14/2018 25269 Home Depot Credit water repair/main 5560981 1 60-0434-58-0 RPR/MTNC 67.22 67.22 03/18 03/14/2018 25269 Home Depot Credit capital constructi 55756528 1 60-0438-11-0 CAPITAL CO 30.34 30.34 Total 25269: 358.16 HR2 Inc 25314 03/18 03/26/2018 25314 HR2 Inc AJ Cormier-BAT 3420 1 23-0413-04-0 TRAINING 700.00 700.00 Total 25314: 700.00 IDABO 25197 03/18 03/14/2018 25197 IDABO bldg cont-biddle, 4726 1 13-0413-12-0 TRAINING & 650.00 650.00 Total 25197: 650.00 Idaho Child Support Receipting 25288 03/18 03/16/2018 25288 Idaho Child Support Patrick W Hanco CHLD SUPP 1 23-0217-08-0 GARNISHME 150.00 150.00 03/18 03/16/2018 25288 Idaho Child Support Eric L. Ziegenfus CHLD SUPP 2 23-0217-08-0 GARNISHME 165.00 165.00 Total 25288: 315.00 Idaho Correctional Industries 25198 03/18 03/14/2018 25198 Idaho Correctional I ENVELOPES 028609 1 01-0413-05-0 OFFICE EXP 229.75 229.75 Total 25198: 229.75 25270 03/18 03/14/2018 25270 Idaho Correctional panels for clerk's 028707 1 01-0416-35-0 ADMINISTR 1,175.00 1,175.00 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check City of Eagle Check Register- Detail Eagle -City Hall Page: 11 Check Issue Dates: 3/14/2018 - 3/26/2018 Mar 26, 2018 04:16PM GL Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Payee Description Number Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 12.24 12.24 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220637268 BMX TRACK 1 23-0454-04-0 Total 25270: 6.65 6.65 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220142241 1,175.00 25315 23-0441-02-0 UTILITIES 8.79 8.79 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220631106 03/18 03/26/2018 25315 Idaho Correctional I office chair 028731 1 01-0465-17-0 FURNITURE 499.00 499.00 03/18 03/26/2018 25315 Idaho Correctional I carol bus cards 028732 1 13-0413-05-0 OFFICE EXP 30.00 30.00 03/18 03/26/2018 25315 Idaho Correctional I molly bus cards 028732 2 60-0434-15-0 OFFICE SUP 30.00 30.00 Total 25315: -,Sq nn Idaho Humane Society, Inc. 25199 03/18 03/14/2018 25199 Idaho Humane Soci HUMANE SOCIE MARCH 201 1 01-0416-06-0 IDAHO HUM 5,438.67 5,438.67 Total 25199: S AIR R7 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 25200 03/18 03/14/2018 25200 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220047319 SIGN LTS 3/ 1 23-0455-04-0 UTILITIES 5.46 5.46 Total 25200: 5 dR 25316 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220180610 1ST ST PRK 1 23-0441-02-0 UTILITIES 12.24 12.24 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220637268 BMX TRACK 1 23-0454-04-0 UTILITIES 6.65 6.65 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220142241 BRIDGE 03/1 1 23-0441-02-0 UTILITIES 8.79 8.79 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220631106 BROOKWO 1 60-0434-60-0 POWER 1,420.73 1,420.73 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220582824 EAGLE RD L 1 23-0441-02-0 UTILITIES 139.72 139.72 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220348528 EAGLEFIEL 1 60-0434-60-0 POWER 349.29 349.29 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct# 222302247 GOOSE CR- 1 23-0454-04-0 UTILITIES 6.42 6.42 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220315185 GRN BROO 1 23-0454-04-0 UTILITIES 16.76 16.76 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220052547 GRNBRK BL 1 23-0454-04-0 UTILITIES 399.71 399.71 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#222335130 GRNBRK RE 1 23-0454-04-0 UTILITIES 184.62 184.62 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220223256 HILL ROAD 1 23-0449-04-0 UTILITIES 626.15 626.15 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#222148824 HILL/EDGE 1 23-0441-02-0 UTILITIES 39.28 39.28 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220647023 HORSESHO 1 23-0455-04-0 UTILITIES 11.40 11.40 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220624510 LEGACY 031 1 60-0434-60-0 POWER 489.59 489.59 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct# 220377568 LEXINGTON 1 60-0434-60-0 POWER 207.91 207.91 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220412371 MAIN 3/18 1 23-0441-02-0 UTILITIES 1,865.48 1,865.48 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220412371 MAIN 3/18 2 23-0450-04-0 UTILTIES 77.96 77.96 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220412371 MAIN 3/18 3 23-0449-04-0 UTILITIES 5.24 5.24 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220412371 MAIN 3/18 4 01-0413-16-0 UTILITIES Cl 1,135.80 1,135.80 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220412371 MAIN 3/18 5 23-0448-04-0 UTILITIES 18.58 18.58 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220412371 MAIN 3/18 6 23-0455-04-0 UTILITIES 13.51 13.51 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220412371 MAIN 3/18 7 07-0462-52-0 MUSEUM U 83.73 83.73 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220571587 MERRILL PK 1 23-0452-04-0 UTILITIES 233.48 233.48 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220461767 PED TUNNE 1 23-0455-04-0 UTILITIES 6.10 6.10 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220048568 RANCH 3/18 1 23-0441-02-0 UTILITIES 5.24 5.24 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220095494 SHOP 03/18 1 60-0416-08-0 SHOP UTILI 47.24 47.24 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#220095494 SHOP 03/18 2 23-0440-02-0 UTILTIES 94.49 94.49 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr acct#222021869 ST LTS 03/1 1 23-0441-02-0 UTILITIES 51.28 51.28 03/18 03/26/2018 25316 Idaho Power Co. -Pr aacct#22067453 STIERMAN 3 1 23-0453-04-0 UTILITIES 6.78 6.78 Total 25316: 7,564.17 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check City of Eagle Check Register - Detail Eagle -City Hall Page: 12 Check Issue Dates: 3/14/2018 - 3/26/2018 Mar 26, 2018 04:16PM GL Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Payee Description Number Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Idaho Regional Ballet, Inc. 25271 03/18 03/14/2018 25271 Idaho Regional Ball 2018 EAC Grant 030818 Total 25271: Ingram Book Company 25272 03/18 03/14/2018 25272 Ingram Book Camp books 33438556 03/18 03/14/2018 25272 Ingram Book Comp books 33487597 03/18 03/14/2018 25272 Ingram Book Comp books 33487598 Total 25272: Intermountain Gas Company 25317 03/18 03/26/2018 25317 Intermountain Gas 660 Civic Lane -Ci CITY HALL 3 03/18 03/26/2018 25317 Intermountain Gas shop-acct#10419 MARCH 201 03/18 03/26/2018 25317 Intermountain Gas mUSEUM 777-38 MUSEUM 03 Total 25317: International Code Council Inc 25201 03/18 03/14/2018 25201 International Code idaho residential 1000008704 03/18 03/14/2018 25201 International Code edu code - bldg d 1000085403 Total 25201: Jeremy Friton 25318 03/18 03/26/2018 25318 Jeremy Friton book reimbursem REMIBURSE Total 25318: Jesse Walz 25319 03/18 03/26/2018 25319 Jesse Walz Eagle driver Stan 4623 Total 25319: Jodi or Robert Konop 25202 03/18 03/14/2018 25202 Jodi or Robert Kono utility deposit refu UTILITY REF Total 25202: Johan or Karen Kurver 25203 03/18 03/14/2018 25203 Johan or Karen Kur utility prompt pmt UTILITY REF Total 25203: K&T Maintenance 25204 03/18 03/14/2018 25204 K&T Maintenance museum cleaning 3057 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 1 21-0424-00-0 PERFORMIN 1,872.32 1,872.32 1,872.32 1 06-0450-00-0 BOOKS 9.26 9.26 1 06-0450-00-0 BOOKS 24.30 24.30 1 06-0450-00-0 BOOKS 9.26 9.26 1 01-0413-16-0 UTILITIES Cl 651.66 651.66 1 23-0440-02-0 UTILTIES 212.68 212.68 1 07-0462-52-0 MUSEUM U 107.47 107.47 971.81 1 13-0413-28-0 RESOURCE 93.00 93.00 1 13-0413-12-0 TRAINING & 800.00 800.00 893.00 1 60-0434-22-0 TRAVEL -MT 40.00 40.00 40.00 1 19-0469-15-0 RC CARS 398.00 398.00 398.00 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 75.00 75.00 75.00 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 75.00 75.00 1 07-0462-53-0 CUSTODIAL 66.19 66.19 City of Eagle Check Register- Detail Eagle -City Hall Page: 13 Check Issue Dates: 3/14/2018 - 3/26/2018 Mar 26, 2018 04:16PM GL Check Check Check Amount 1 06-0464-05-0 Invoice Period Issue Date Number Payee Description Number 03/18 03/14/2018 25204 K&T Maintenance Library Cleaning 3058 03/18 03/14/2018 25204 K&T Maintenance SENIOR CENTE 3059 03/18 03/14/2018 25204 K&T Maintenance shop cleaning-pu 3060 03/18 03/14/2018 25204 K&T Maintenance shop cleaning-wa 3060 03/18 03/14/2018 25204 K&T Maintenance CITY HALL 3060 Total 25204 25320 Invoice GL Account Title Invoice Amount Check Amount 1 06-0464-05-0 03/18 03/26/2018 25320 K&T Maintenance museum cleaning 3063 03/18 03/26/2018 25320 K&T Maintenance Library Cleaning 3064 03/18 03/26/2018 25320 K&T Maintenance SENIOR CENTE 3065 03/18 03/26/2018 25320 K&T Maintenance shop cleaning-pu 3066 03/18 03/26/2018 25320 K&T Maintenance shop cleaning-wa 3066 03/18 03/26/2018 25320 K&T Maintenance shop cleaning -pa 3066 Total 25320: Kanako or Mori Mesgarzadeh 25205 03/18 03/14/2018 25205 Kanako or Mori Mes utility deposit refu UTILITY REF Total 25205: Key Bank - HSA 25289 03/18 03/16/2018 25289 Key Bank - HSA HSA Contribution HSA 031618 03/18 03/16/2018 25289 Key Bank - HSA HSA Contribution HSA 031618 03/18 03/16/2018 25289 Key Bank - HSA HSA Contribution HSA 031618 03/18 03/16/2018 25289 Key Bank - HSA HSA Contribution HSA 031618 03/18 03/16/2018 25289 Key Bank - HSA HSA Contribution HSA 031618 Total 25289: Kristina Case 25206 03/18 03/14/2018 25206 Kristina Case spring 2018 rec g 991 Total 25206: Log Cabin Leather 25321 03/18 03/26/2018 25321 Log Cabin Leather pins 995085 Total 25321 Louis Germano 25322 03/18 03/26/2018 25322 Louis Germano Design Review B MARCH 201 Total 25322: M2 Automation & Control Sery 25323 03/18 03/26/2018 25323 M2 Automation & C Library -reader err 9066 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title Invoice Amount Check Amount 1 06-0464-05-0 CUSTODIAL 1,849.38 1,849.38 1 23-0443-03-0 CUSTODIAL 994.98 994.98 1 23-0440-03-0 CUSTODIAL 102.66 102.66 2 60-0416-08-0 SHOP UTILI 51.34 51.34 3 23-0442-03-0 CUSTODIAL 1,216.68 1,216.68 1 07-0462-53-0 CUSTODIAL 66.19 66.19 1 06-0464-05-0 CUSTODIAL 1,849.38 1,849.38 1 23-0443-03-0 CUSTODIAL 994.98 994.98 1 23-0440-03-0 CUSTODIAL 1,216.68 1,216.68 2 60-0416-08-0 SHOP UTILI 51.34 51.34 3 23-0443-03-0 CUSTODIAL 102.66 102.66 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 75.00 75.00 75.00 1 06-0217-10-0 HSA CONTR 475.00 475.00 2 22-0217-10-0 HSA CONTR 110.00 110.00 3 09-0217-10-0 HSA CONTR 100.00 100.00 4 20-0217-10-0 HSA CONTR 250.00 250.00 5 13-0217-10-0 HSA CONTR 100.00 100.00 1,035.00 1 17-0422-06-0 PRINTING -D 945.00 945.00 945.00 1 07-0464-08-0 GIFT SHOP 73.25 73.25 1 01-0413-02-0 DESIGN RE 50.00 50.00 50.00 1 23-0414-02-0 MIS MTNC & 146.00 146.00 City of Eagle Check Register- Detail Eagle -City Hall Page: 14 Check Issue Dates: 3/14/2018 - 3/26/2018 Mar 26, 2018 04:16PM GL Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Payee Description Number Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 25323 MAG Small Engine 25324 03/18 03/26/2018 25324 MAG Small Engine trails -tow behind 1 232294 Total 25324: Maria Way GENERALE 24.38 24.38 2 09-0467-05-0 25207 233.89 233.89 3 22-0413-08-0 LEGAL ADV 99.00 03/18 03/14/2018 25207 Maria Way utility final -5113 UTILITY FIN Total 25207: 70.96 70.96 6 09-0463-21-0 PROFESSIO Marie J. Schrillo 7 09-0463-19-0 TRAINING 225.00 225.00 25325 PUBLIC REL 86.69 86.69 9 22-0413-14-0 PROFESSIO 03/18 03/26/2018 25325 Marie J. Schrillo multi level drawin 031618 Total 25325: FIELD TRIPS 100.00 100.00 1 23-0413-04-0 MASTERCARD 25.00 25.00 1 14-0413-14-0 PROFESSIO 225.00 25208 2 18-0416-01-0 CONTRACT 50.00 50.00 1 01-0462-01-0 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD dollar tree - com 4770-REC 3/ 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD easter egg event 4770-REC 3/ 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD job posting 4770-REC 3/ 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD staples - office 4770-REC 3/ 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD easter program s 4770-REC 3/ 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD membership due 4770-REC 3/ 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD 2018 IRPA cont -J 4770-REC 3/ 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD appreciation gift - 4770-REC 3/ 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD IRPA membershi 4770-REC 3/ 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD IRPA conference 4770-REC 3/ 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD Asana climbing - 4770-REC 3/ 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD IBOL Cert Exam- 4804-3/18 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD APA - Emily Gero CLERKS -47 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD mailchimp CLERKS -47 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD CC Meetings COE 03/18 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD staff meeting COE 03/18 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD video on demand COE 03/18 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD IT Cables & Band IT -03/2018 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD online class textb MUSEUM 3/ 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD small museum as MUSEUM 3/ 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD appreciation toke MUSEUM 3/ 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD personal-paypal MUSEUM 3/ 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD Rob Hollerman - NOYES-4796 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD Hollerman - Airfar NOYES-4796 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD pond supplies PW -03/18 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD airport parking - c PW -03/18 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD rental car fuel -co PW -03/18 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD rental car-confere PW -03/18 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD All Way Signs PW -03/18 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD gem state metals PW -03/18 03/18 03/14/2018 25208 MASTERCARD baggage fees -co PW -03/18 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 146.00 1 23-0420-00-0 MTNC/REPA 150.87 150.87 150.87 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 69.60 69.60 69.60 1 17-0416-00-0 CONTRACT 1.144.00 1.144.00 1,144.00 1 09-0467-05-0 GENERALE 24.38 24.38 2 09-0467-05-0 GENERALE 233.89 233.89 3 22-0413-08-0 LEGAL ADV 99.00 99.00 4 22-0413-05-0 OFFICE SUP 15.89 15.89 5 09-0467-05-0 GENERALE 70.96 70.96 6 09-0463-21-0 PROFESSIO 50.00 50.00 7 09-0463-19-0 TRAINING 225.00 225.00 8 22-0413-29-0 PUBLIC REL 86.69 86.69 9 22-0413-14-0 PROFESSIO 50.00 50.00 10 22-0413-12-0 TRAINING 225.00 225.00 11 17-0423-02-0 FIELD TRIPS 100.00 100.00 1 23-0413-04-0 TRAINING 25.00 25.00 1 14-0413-14-0 PROFESSIO 225.00 225.00 2 18-0416-01-0 CONTRACT 50.00 50.00 1 01-0462-01-0 PUBLIC REL 191.22 191.22 2 11-0422-01-0 COMMUNIT 348.00 348.00 3 01-0413-25-0 MISCELLAN 10.59 10.59 1 18-0418-01-0 OPERATION 69.24 69.24 1 07-0462-34-0 RESEARCH 44.00 44.00 2 07-0461-03-0 CONFEREN 20.00 20.00 3 07-0464-07-0 VOLUNTEE 35.30 35.30 4 07-0462-69-0 MISCELLAN 50.95 50.95 1 20-0422-00-0 TRAINING 425.00 425.00 2 20-0422-01-0 TRAVEL/PE 550.50 550.50 1 23-0414-02-0 MIS MTNC & 10.59 10.59 2 23-041'3-04-0 TRAINING 80.50 80.50 3 23-0413-04-0 TRAINING 29.65 29.65 4 23-0413-04-0 TRAINING 215.88 215.88 5 23-0414-02-0 MIS MTNC & 74.64 74.64 6 23-0414-03-0 MATERIALS 36.91 36.91 7 23-0413-04-0 TRAINING 50.00 50.00 City of Eagle Check Register- Detail Eagle -City Hall Page: 15 Check Issue Dates: 3/14/2018 - 3/26/2018 Mar 26, 2018 04:16PM GL Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Payee Description Number Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 25208: ADMINISTR 250.32 250.32 2 06-0420-04-0 25273 155.44 155.44 3 06-0420-05-0 OFFICE SUP 03/18 03/14/2018 25273 MASTERCARD Administration 4762 - FEB 2 03/18 03/14/2018 25273 MASTERCARD marketing 4762 - FEB 2 03/18 03/14/2018 25273 MASTERCARD supplies 4762 - FEB 2 03/18 03/14/2018 25273 MASTERCARD paypal fees 4762 - FEB 2 03/18 03/14/2018 25273 MASTERCARD computer equipm 4762 - FEB 2 03/18 03/14/2018 25273 MASTERCARD books 4762 - FEB 2 03/18 03/14/2018 25273 MASTERCARD media 4762 - FEB 2 03/18 03/14/2018 25273 MASTERCARD classes & events 4762 - FEB 2 03/18 03/14/2018 25273 MASTERCARD books 4762 - FEB 2 03/18 03/14/2018 25273 MASTERCARD classes & events 4762 - FEB 2 03/18 03/14/2018 25273 MASTERCARD postage 4820 FEB 18 03/18 03/14/2018 25273 MASTERCARD books 4820 FEB 18 Total 25273: Melissa Major 25209 03/18 03/14/2018 25209 Melissa Major utility deposit refu UTILITY REF Total 25209: Melodie or Robert Vonch 25210 03/18 03/14/2018 25210 Melodie or Robert V utility final -2576E. UTILITY FIN Total 25210: Meridian Library District 25274 03/18 03/14/2018 25274 Meridian Library Dis Record ID 28568 FEB 2017 03/18 03/14/2018 25274 Meridian Library Dis Record ID 12764 FEB 2017 Total 25274: Michael Eadie 25211 03/18 03/14/2018 25211 Michael Eadie utilty deposit refu UTILITY REF Total 25211: Microsoft 25212 03/18 03/14/2018 25212 Microsoft Office 365 E010057ZZI Total 25212: Midwest Tape 25275 03/18 03/14/2018 25275 Midwest Tape media 95874541 Total 25275 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 1 06-0420-01-0 ADMINISTR 250.32 250.32 2 06-0420-04-0 MARKETING 155.44 155.44 3 06-0420-05-0 OFFICE SUP 362.34 362.34 4 06-0435-00-0 CREDIT CAR 5.00 5.00 5 06-0440-02-0 COMPUTER 44.66 44.66 6 06-0450-00-0 BOOKS 203.93 203.93 7 06-0450-04-0 MEDIA 517.93 517.93 8 06-0455-00-0 CLASSES & 484.11 484.11 9 06-0450-00-0 BOOKS 344.97 344.97 10 06-0455-00-0 CLASSES & 539.70 539.70 1 06-0420-10-0 POSTAGE 37.47 37.47 2 06-0450-00-0 BOOKS 973.10 973.10 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 75.00 75.00 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 35.25 35.25 1 06-0435-03-0 OPEN ACCE 13.99 13.99 2 06-0435-03-0 OPEN ACCE 20.00 20.00 33.99 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 75.00 75.00 1 18-0418-01-0 OPERATION 4,380.00 4,380.00 1 06-0450-04-0 MEDIA 39.99 39.99 City of Eagle Check Register - Detail Eagle -City Hall Check Issue Dates: 3/14/2018 - 3/26/2018 Page: 16 Mar 26, 2018 04:16PM GL Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Payee Description Number Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Mike Olsen Photography, LLC 25213 03/18 03/14/2018 25213 Mike Olsen Photogr 1st qtr 2018 sport 1003 1 17-0416-00-0 CONTRACT 125.00 125.00 Total 25213: 125.00 MSBT Law 25276 03/18 03/14/2018 25276 MSBT Law General FEBRUARY 1 01-0416-02-0 CITY ATTOR 3,971.66 3,971.66 03/18 03/14/2018 25276 MSBT Law PZ general - FEBRUARY 2 01-0416-02-0 CITY ATTOR 7,707.47 7,707.47 03/18 03/14/2018 25276 MSBT Law PZ developer cos FEBRUARY 3 01-0413-33-0 ATTORNEY 3,306.00 3,306.00 03/18 03/14/2018 25276 MSBT Law WATER FEBRUARY 4 60-0416-02-0 MISC LEGAL 456.00 456.00 Total 25276: 15,441.13 Naomi Preston 25214 03/18 03/14/2018 25214 Naomi Preston beautify downtow 1/2 VOLUNT 1 19-0465-03-0 BEAUTIFY 39.35 39.35 Total 25214: 39.35 National Benefit Services, LLC 25215 03/18 03/14/2018 25215 National Benefit Ser library COBRA/H 639920 1 06-0461-23-0 COBRA AD 69.48 69.48 03/18 03/14/2018 25215 National Benefit Ser cobra HRA Admi 639920 2 01-0415-23-0 HRA ADMIN 69.47 69.47 Total 25215: 138.95 25326 03/18 03/26/2018 25326 National Benefit Ser HRA - Reimb - Li CP183003 1 06-0461-23-0 HRA BILLIN 26.74 26.74 Total 25326: 26.74 Owyhee Publishing 25327 03/18 03/26/2018 25327 Owyhee Publishing web printing 02849 1 17-0422-06-0 PRINTING -D 2,854.80 2,854.80 Total 25327: 2,854.80 Pamela Thompson -DBA Bagpipe Luau 25216 03/18 03/14/2018 25216 Pamela Thompson- Eagle wingspan # EW1-18 1 01-0416-50-0 NEWSLETT 1,360.00 1,360.00 Total 25216: 1,360.00 Patricia Sterling 25217 03/18 03/14/2018 25217 Patricia Sterling utility deposit refu UTILITY REF 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 75.00 75.00 Total 25217: 75.00 Paul or Diane Jewell 25218 03/18 03/14/2018 25218 Paul or Diane Jewell utility deposit refu UTILITY REF 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 75.00 75.00 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check City of Eagle Check Register- Detail Eagle -City Hall Page: 17 Check Issue Dates: 3/14/2018 - 3/26/2018 Mar 26, 2018 04:16PM GL Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Payee Description Number Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 25218: DATABASES 1,375.00 1,375.00 1 06-0450-03-0 Pitney Bowes 1,440.00 1,440.00 1 06-0450-03-0 MAGAZINES 25290 3,378.81 03/18 03/21/2018 25290 Pitney Bowes Acct 0017048597 3305608437 Total 25290: Platt Electric Supply 25219 03/18 03/14/2018 25219 Platt Electric Supply city hall P738820 Total 25219: Post Drilling, Inc. 25220 03/18 03/14/2018 25220 Post Drilling, Inc. Lexington Hills W 374 Total 25220: Purchase Power 25328 03/18 03/26/2018 25328 Purchase Power ACC#8000-9000- 032018 POS Total 25328: Quality Art 25277 03/18 03/14/2018 25277 Quality Art classes & events PS00041068 Total 25277: Ralph Woodard 25221 03/18 03/14/2018 25221 Ralph Woodard utility final UTILITY FIN Total 25221: Raquel or James Troescher 25222 03/18 03/14/2018 25222 Raquel or James Tr utility deposit refu UTILITY REF Total 25222: Recorded Books Llc 25278 03/18 03/14/2018 25278 Recorded Books Llc databases 75603834 03/18 03/14/2018 25278 Recorded Books Lie magazines - digit 75621077 03/18 03/14/2018 25278 Recorded Books Llc magazines - digit 75621184 Total 25278: Recreation Today of Idaho, LLC 25223 03/18 03/14/2018 25223 Recreation Today of park maint 180036 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 75.00 1 18-0416-01-0 CONTRACT 432.03 432.03 1 23-0414-03-0 MATERIALS 148.92 148.92 148.92 1 60-0438-11-0 CAPITAL CO 6,750.00 6,750.00 6,750.00 1 01-0413-07-0 POSTAGE 500.00 500.00 500.00 1 06-0455-00-0 CLASSES & 168.32 168.32 168.32 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 45.63 45.63 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 75.00 75.00 1 06-0450-06-0 DATABASES 1,375.00 1,375.00 1 06-0450-03-0 MAGAZINES 1,440.00 1,440.00 1 06-0450-03-0 MAGAZINES 3,378.81 3,378.81 1 23-0414-02-0 MIS MTNC & 105.71 105.71 City of Eagle Check Register - Detail Eagle-City Hall Check Issue Dates: 3/14/2018 - 3/26/2018 Page: 18 Mar 26, 2018 04:16PM GL Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Payee Description Number Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 25223: 105.71 25329 03/18 03/26/2018 25329 Recreation Today of guerber park exp 18080 1 19-0469-10-0 GUERBER P 107,000.00 107,000.00 Total 25329: 107,000.00 Republic Services #884 25224 03/18 03/14/2018 25224 Republic Services # city hall trash-3-0 0884-000878 1 01-0413-16-0 UTILITIES Cl 169.78 169.78 03/18 03/14/2018 25224 Republic Services # Glass Recycling - 0884-000878 1 23-0415-01-0 REPUBLICS 1,093.04 1,093.04 Total 25224: 1,262.82 25279 03/18 03/14/2018 25279 Republic Services # LIBRARY TRAS LIB MARCH 1 06-0464-02-0 UTILITIES 169.78 169.78 Total 25279: 169.78 25291 03/18 03/21/2018 25291 Republic Services # 3-0884-0027385 0884-000878 1 23-0452-04-0 UTILITIES 178.52 178.52 03/18 03/21/2018 25291 Republic Services # 3-0884-0027385 0884-000878 2 23-0449-04-0 UTILITIES 178.52 178.52 03/18 03/21/2018 25291 Republic Services # 3-0884-0035993 0884-000878 1 23-0454-04-0 UTILITIES 119.03 119.03 03/18 03/21/2018 25291 Republic Services # 3-0884-0049581 0884-000878 1 07-0462-52-0 MUSEUM U 87.74 87.74 Total 25291: 563.81 Rick G. Wenick 25225 03/18 03/14/2018 25225 Rick G. Wenick inspections INSP FEB 20 1 13-0416-13-0 BLDG INSIDE 5,258.00 5,258.00 Total 25225: 5,258.00 Rimi, Inc.- Terry Medley 25226 03/18 03/14/2018 25226 Rimi, Inc.- Terry Me Plan Review FEB 2018 PL 1 13-0416-14-0 PLAN REVIE 4,649.00 4,649.00 03/18 03/14/2018 25226 Rimi, Inc.- Terry Me Mechanical Inspe MECH FEB 2 1 13-0416-11-0 MECHANICA 19,663.72 19,663.72 Total 25226: 24,312.72 Rob Hollerman 25227 03/18 03/14/2018 25227 Rob Hollerman per diem-Trails C PER DIEM -T 1 20-0422-01-0 TRAVEL/PE 220.75 220.75 Total 25227: 220.75 Robert Grubb 25330 03/18 03/26/2018 25330 Robert Grubb Design Review MARCH 201 1 01-0413-02-0 DESIGN RE 50.00 50.00 Total 25330: 50.00 Robert J. Koellisch 25331 03/18 03/26/2018 25331 Robert J. Koellisch PZ Meetings MARCH 201 1 01-0413-01-0 P&Z COMMI 50.00 50.00 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check City of Eagle Check Register- Detail Eagle -City Hall Check Issue Dates: 3/14/2018 - 3/26/2018 Page: 19 Mar 26, 2018 04:16PM GL Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Payee Description Number Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 25331: 50.00 Robert R. Schafer 25332 03/18 03/26/2018 25332 Robert R. Schafer Design Review B MACH 2018 1 01-0413-02-0 DESIGN RE 100.00 100.00 Total 25332: 100.00 Roberta or Kurt Marshall 25228 03/18 03/14/2018 25228 Roberta or Kurt Mar utility deposit refu UTILITY REF 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 75.00 75.00 Total 25228: 75.00 Robin Kraft 25333 03/18 03/26/2018 25333 Robin Kraft utility final -1993 UTILITY FIN 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 16.13 16.13 Total 25333: 16.13 Rocky Mountain Valves & Automation 25229 03/18 03/14/2018 25229 Rocky Mountain Val new PRV for Lexi 2007-6834 1 60-0438-11-0 CAPITAL CO 1,527.00 1,527.00 Total 25229: 1,527.00 Ron Tschepen 25230 03/18 03/14/2018 25230 Ron Tschepen utility final -5902 UTILITY FIN 1 99-0107-00-0 CASH CLEA 5.15 5.15 03/18 03/14/2018 25230 Ron Tschepen utility final UTILITY FIN 2 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 47.13 47.13 Total 25230: 52.28 Sam or Alivia Whitaker 25231 03/18 03/14/2018 25231 Sam or Alivia Whita utility deposit refu UTILITY REF 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 75.00 75.00 Total 25231: 75.00 Sandi Gonzales 25232 03/18 03/14/2018 25232 Sandi Gonzales utility deposit refu UTILITY REF 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 75.00 75.00 Total 25232: 75.00 Scholastic Library Publishing 25280 03/18 03/14/2018 25280 Scholastic Library P books 16590873 1 06-0450-00-0 BOOKS 234.00 234.00 Total 25280: 234.00 Shred -it - USA 25334 03/18 03/26/2018 25334 Shred -it -USA sHRED IT-cust# 8124307215 1 01-0413-05-0 OFFICEEXP 406.27 406.27 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check City of Eagle Check Register - Detail Eagle -City Hall Page: 20 Check Issue Dates: 3/14/2018 - 3/26/2018 Mar 26, 2018 04:16PM GL Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Payee Description Number Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 25334 Solitude Homes OFFICE SUP 25336 57.96 03/18 03/26/2018 25335 Solitude Homes 6735 W Stadium 032318 REF Total 25335: 64.97 SOLV Bus Solutions Safeguard 233439 OFFICE EXP 25233 03/18 03/18 03/14/2018 25233 SOLV Bus Solutions City Checks 380308 Total 25233: Library supplies Southwest Idaho RCBD Council 03/18 25336 25234 03/18 03/26/2018 25336 Southwest Idaho R dues 2405 Total 25336: 03/18 Staci Sundquist 25337 03/18 03/26/2018 25337 Staci Sundquist utility final -5401 UTILITY FIN Total 25337: Staples Credit Plan OFFICE SUP 57.96 57.96 1 01-0413-05-0 26234 64.97 64.97 1 01-0413-05-0 OFFICE EXP 10.99 03/18 03/14/2018 25234 Staples Credit Plan Library supplies 2007266711 03/18 03/14/2018 25234 Staples Credit Plan gen office supplie 2008185441 03/18 03/14/2018 25234 Staples Credit Plan pens - gen office 2008633351 03/18 03/14/2018 25234 Staples Credit Plan water -office supp 2012271001 03/18 03/14/2018 25234 Staples Credit Plan gen office supplie 2012271001 03/18 03/14/2018 25234 Staples Credit Plan gen office supplie 2012271001 03/18 03/14/2018 25234 Staples Credit Plan pz supplies 2012568581 03/18 03/14/2018 25234 Staples Credit Plan water -office supp 2012568581 03/18 03/14/2018 25234 Staples Credit Plan gen office supplie 2012568581 03/18 03/14/2018 25234 Staples Credit Plan gen office supplie 2012568751 03/18 03/14/2018 25234 Staples Credit Plan gen office supplie 2018012031 03/18 03/14/2018 25234 Staples Credit Plan water -office Supp 2018012031 03/18 03/14/2018 25234 Staples Credit Plan trails 2018012031 03/18 03/14/2018 25234 Staples Credit Plan Misc - URA -reim 2018012031 03/18 03/14/2018 25234 Staples Credit Plan water -office supp 2018977431 03/18 03/14/2018 25234 Staples Credit Plan gen office supplie 2024074991 03/18 03/14/2018 25234 Staples Credit Plan gen office supplie 2024301151 03/18 03/14/2018 25234 Staples Credit Plan pz supplies 2024301151 03/18 03/14/2018 25234 Staples Credit Plan Museum office su 33141 Total 25234: Stephen Averill 25235 03/18 03/14/2018 25235 Stephen Averill utility deposit refu UTILITY REF M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 1 13-0413-29-0 ELECTRICA 210.00 210.00 1 01-0413-06-0 DUPLICATIO 115.28 115.28 1 01-0413-14-0 PROFESSIO 500.00 500.00 1 99-0107-00-0 CASH CLEA 58.42 58.42 1 06-0420-05-0 OFFICE SUP 57.96 57.96 1 01-0413-05-0 OFFICE EXP 64.97 64.97 1 01-0413-05-0 OFFICE EXP 10.99 10.99 1 60-0434-15-0 OFFICE SUP 71.99 71.99 2 01-0413-05-0 OFFICE EXP 71.99 71.99 3 01-0413-05-0 OFFICE EXP 5.98 5.98 1 14-0413-05-0 OFFICE EXP 50.49 50.49 2 60-0434-15-0 OFFICE SUP 40.98 40.98 3 01-0413-05-0 OFFICE EXP 17.65 17.65 1 01-0413-05-0 OFFICE EXP 3.49 3.49 1 01-0413-05-0 OFFICE EXP 181.84 181.84 2 60-0434-15-0 OFFICE SUP 32.56 32.56 3 20-0422-02-0 OFFICE SUP 23.48 23.48 4 01-0413-25-0 MISCELLAN 7.99 7.99 1 60-0434-15-0 OFFICE SUP 3.50 3.50 1 01-0413-05-0 OFFICE EXP 230.08 230.08 1 01-0413-05-0 OFFICE EXP 88.98 88.98 2 14-0413-05-0 OFFICE EXP 19.98 19.98 1 07-0462-31-0 OFFICE SUP 163.95 163.95 1,148.85 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 75.00 75.00 City of Eagle Check Register- Detail Eagle -City Hall Check Issue Dates: 3/14/2018 - 3/26/2018 Page: 21 Mar 26, 2018 04:16PM GL Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Payee Description Number Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 25235: 75.00 Steve Guerber 25338 03/18 03/26/2018 25338 Steve Guerber pz meetings MARCH 201 1 01-0413-01-0 P&Z COMMI 50.00 50.00 Total 25338: 50.00 Steve Nash 25236 03/18 03/14/2018 25236 Steve Nash Edu Code Conf p PER DIEM 0 1 13-0413-13-0 TRAVEL & P 228.00 228.00 Total 25236: 228.00 Straightline Enterprises, Inc. 25339 03/18 03/26/2018 25339 Straightline Enterpri Eagle Sports Co 2017020 1 19-0469-15-0 RC CARS 10,000.00 10,000.00 Total 25339: 10,000.00 Talena Baer 25340 03/18 03/26/2018 25340 Talena Baer Design Review B MARCH 201 1 01-0413-02-0 DESIGN RE 100.00 100.00 Total 25340: 100.00 Terry L. Sayer 25341 03/18 03/26/2018 25341 Terry L. Sayer Design Review B MARCH 201 1 01-0413-02-0 DESIGN RE 100.00 100.00 Total 25341: 100.00 Tetra Tech Inc. 25281 03/18 03/14/2018 25281 Tetra Tech Inc. HGMP Benefit co 51290048 1 01-0468-14-0 TRAIL REPA 3,390.00 3,390.00 Total 25281: 3,390.00 The Idaho Statesman 25237 03/18 03/14/2018 25237 The Idaho Statesma Trilogy Idaho -leg 3517809 1 14-0413-08-0 LEGAL ADS 101.12 101.12 03/18 03/14/2018 25237 The Idaho Statesma RFP -Comp & Cla 3524168 1 01-0413-08-0 LEGAL ADV 102.68 102.68 03/18 03/14/2018 25237 The Idaho Statesma Creighton Woods 3528462 1 14-0413-08-0 LEGAL ADS 94.88 94.88 03/18 03/14/2018 25237 The Idaho Statesma Ryan Wilhite - leg 3535652 1 14-0413-08-0 LEGAL ADS 85.52 85.52 03/18 03/14/2018 25237 The Idaho Statesma Bristol Co - Iegals 3546987 1 14-0413-08-0 LEGAL ADS 91.76 91.76 Total 25237: 475.96 25282 03/18 03/14/2018 25282 The Idaho Statesma Legal Ads 103548891-0 1 14-0413-08-0 LEGAL ADS 94.88 94.88 Total 25282: 94.88 Theresa Johnson M = Manual Check, V = Void Check City of Eagle Check Register- Detail Eagle -City Hall Page: 22 Check Issue Dates: 3/14/2018 - 3/26/2018 Mar 26, 2018 04:16PM GL Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Payee Description Number Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 25342 03/18 03/26/2018 25342 Theresa Johnson PZ Meeting MARCH 201 1 01-0413-01-0 P&Z COMMI 100.00 100.00 Total 25342: 100.00 Timmy's Tree Service, LLC 25238 03/18 03/14/2018 25238 Timmy's Tree Servic 699 E ranch drive 021418 1 23-0415-02-0 TREES- LITE 475.00 475.00 Total 25238: 475.00 T -Mobile 25283 03/18 03/14/2018 25283 T -Mobile ACCT#95626375 FEBRUARY 1 06-0450-07-0 HOTSPOT 414.26 414.26 Total 25283: 414.26 Trademark 25284 03/18 03/14/2018 25284 Trademark HPC Brochure - d 3249 1 10-0464-08-0 COMM ENG 765.00 765.00 Total 25284: 765.00 Trautman Lawn & Landscape 25239 03/18 03/14/2018 25239 Trautman Lawn & L monthly landscap 13352 1 23-0416-06-0 LANDSCAPE 18,750.00 18,750.00 Total 25239: 18,750.00 Treasure Valley Coffee 25240 03/18 03/14/2018 25240 Treasure Valley Coff Water/ice dispen 2160:054001 1 01-0413-05-0 OFFICE EXP 75.00 75.00 03/18 03/14/2018 25240 Treasure Valley Coff coffee/supplies 2160:054140 1 01-0413-05-0 OFFICE EXP 214.02 214.02 Total 25240: 28902 25285 03/18 03/14/2018 25285 Treasure Valley Coff Water 2160:054002 1 06-0420-01-0 ADMINISTR 21.80 21.80 Total 25285: 21.80 Trent J. Koci 25343 03/18 03/26/2018 25343 Trent J. Koci Design Review B MARCH 201 1 01-0413-02-0 DESIGN RE 50.00 50.00 Total 25343: 50.00 Trent Wright 25344 03/18 03/26/2018 25344 Trent Wright PZ Meetings MARCH 201 1 01-0413-01-0 P&Z COMMI 100.00 100.00 Total 25344: 100.00 Trevor or Sabrina Dundon 25241 03/18 03/14/2018 25241 Trevor or Sabrina D utility final -5919 UTILITY FIN 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 51.95 51.95 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check City of Eagle Check Register- Detail Eagle -City Hall Page: 23 Check Issue Dates: 3/14/2018 - 3/26/2018 Mar 26, 2018 04:16PM GL Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Payee Description Number Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 25241: AWARDS & 33.55 33.55 1 01-0462-02-0 Trophy House Pros 45.27 45.27 1 01-0462-02-0 AWARDS & 25242 113.21 1 01-0462-02-0 AWARDS & 32.19 03/18 03/14/2018 25242 Trophy House Pros plaques 47697 03/18 03/14/2018 25242 Trophy House Pros plaques 47713 03/18 03/14/2018 25242 Trophy House Pros plaques 47724 03/18 03/14/2018 25242 Trophy House Pros plaques 47744 03/18 03/14/2018 25242 Trophy House Pros name plates 47896 Total 25242: EXEC DEPT 30.37 30.37 12 06-0217-07-0 T-Zers Shirt Shop Inc. 12.33 12.33 25243 03/18 03/14/2018 25243 T-Zers Shirt Shop In public works unit 3433 Total 25243: Unique Management Services Inc 25286 03/18 03/14/2018 25286 Unique Managemen placements 459765 Total 25286: United Heritage -Group Dept. 26244 03/18 03/14/2018 25244 United Heritage -Gro water-vision/life MARCH 201 03/18 03/14/2018 25244 United Heritage -Gro pz vision/life MARCH 201 03/18 03/14/2018 25244 United Heritage -Gro clerks-vision/life MARCH 201 03/18 03/14/2018 25244 United Heritage -Gro library-vision/life MARCH 201 03/18 03/14/2018 25244 United Heritage -Gro bldg-vision/life MARCH 201 03/18 03/14/2018 25244 United Heritage -Gro public works-visio MARCH 201 03/18 03/14/2018 25244 United Heritage -Gro museum -vision/li MARCH 201 03/18 03/14/2018 25244 United Heritage -Gro parks & rec Admi MARCH 201 03/18 03/14/2018 25244 United Heritage -Gro trails-vision/life MARCH 201 03/18 03/14/2018 25244 United Heritage -Gro IT MARCH 201 03/18 03/14/2018 25244 United Heritage -Gro exec-vision/life MARCH 201 03/18 03/14/2018 25244 United Heritage -Gro library-vision/life MARCH 201 Total 25244: Valley Glass Boise, LLC 25245 03/18 03/14/2018 25245 Valley Glass Boise, guerber pk repair W02191140 Total 25245: Verizon 25246 03/18 03/14/2018 25246 Verizon monthly svc - veh 14450841 Total 25246: Verizon Wireless M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 1 01-0462-02-0 AWARDS & 33.55 33.55 1 01-0462-02-0 AWARDS & 45.27 45.27 1 01-0462-02-0 AWARDS & 113.21 113.21 1 01-0462-02-0 AWARDS & 32.19 32.19 1 01-0413-05-0 OFFICE EXP 10.00 10.00 1 23-0413-09-0 UNIFORMS 19.50 19.50 1 06-0420-12-0 DEBT COLL 35.80 35.80 1 60-0217-07-0 WATER DEP 146.05 146.05 2 14-0217-07-0 P&Z DEPT H 255.49 255.49 3 12-0217-07-0 CLERK DEP 187.16 187.16 4 06-0217-07-0 LIBRARY HE 250.48 250.48 5 13-0217-07-0 BLDG DEPT 134.21 134.21 6 23-0217-07-0 HEALTH INS 159.26 159.26 7 07-0217-07-0 MUSEUM HE 16.20 16.20 8 22-0217-07-0 HEALTH INS 75.53 75.53 9 20-0217-07-0 HEALTH INS 46.10 46.10 10 18-0217-07-0 HEALTH INS 67.33 67.33 11 11-0217-07-0 EXEC DEPT 30.37 30.37 12 06-0217-07-0 LIBRARY HE 12.33 12.33 1,380.51 1 23-0449-01-0 BLDGS/STR 115.00 115.00 1 23-0417-01-0 VEHICLE MT 138.60 138.60 138.60 City of Eagle Check Register - Detail Eagle -City Hall Check Issue Dates: 3/14/2018 - 3/26/2018 Page: 24 Mar 26, 2018 04:16PM GL Check Check 03/18 03/26/2018 25347 Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Payee Description Number Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 25247 Total 25347: 576.47 03/18 03/14/2018 25247 Verizon Wireless water dept 9802053585 1 60-0434-19-0 TELEPHONE 187.24 187.24 03/18 03/14/2018 25247 Verizon Wireless Park programs - r 9802053585 2 17-0422-05-0 COMMUNIC 29.11 29.11 03/18 03/14/2018 25247 Verizon Wireless bldg dept cell pho 9802053585 3 13-0413-19-0 TELEPHONE 160.06 160.06 03/18 03/14/2018 25247 Verizon Wireless comm enh - cell p 9802053585 4 09-0463-24-0 TELEPHONE 81.82 81.82 03/18 03/14/2018 25247 Verizon Wireless trails - phone exp 9802053585 5 20-0422-06-0 CELL PHON 105.42 105.42 03/18 03/14/2018 25247 Verizon Wireless IT dept 9802053585 6 18-0417-01-0 INTERNET& 105.42 105.42 03/18 03/14/2018 25247 Verizon Wireless public works - ph 9802053585 7 23-0413-07-0 TELEPHONE 187.24 187.24 03/18 03/14/2018 25247 Verizon Wireless clerks 9802053585 8 12-0413-19-0 COMMUNIC 27.32 27.32 03/18 03/14/2018 25247 Verizon Wireless Library cell phone 9802053585 9 06-0464-03-0 TELEPHONE 52.71 52.71 03/18 03/14/2018 25247 Verizon Wireless Parks and rec-Ad 9802053585 10 22-0413-19-0 TELEPHONE 80.03 80.03 Total 25247: dental -library MARCH 201 6 06-0217-07-0 LIBRARY HE 118.87 118.87 1,016.37 Vina A. Domingo 25345 03/18 03/26/2018 25345 Vina A. Domingo art wrap ART WRAP 1 21-0422-00-0 ART INSTAL 1,250.00 1,250.00 Total 25345: 1,250.00 Vortex 25346 03/18 03/26/2018 25346 Vortex Guerber Pk - pmt 995-A 1 08-0438-37-0 CAPITAL IM 316,942.37 316,942.37 Total 25346: 316,942.37 Waxie Sanitary Supply 25248 03/18 03/14/2018 25248 Waxie Sanitary Sup cleaning/paper su 77277230 1 23-0414-05-0 PAPER PRO 234.13 234.13 03/18 03/14/2018 25248 Waxie Sanitary Sup cleaning/paper su 77277303 1 23-0414-05-0 PAPER PRO 67.98 67.98 03/18 03/14/2018 25248 Waxie Sanitary Sup cleaning/paper su 77283558 1 23-0414-05-0 PAPER PRO 445.83 445.83 Total 25248: 747.94 25347 03/18 03/26/2018 25347 Waxie Sanitary Sup cleaning/paper su 77307105 1 23-0414-05-0 PAPER PRO 58.50 58.50 03/18 03/26/2018 25347 Waxie Sanitary Sup cleaning/paper su 77323014 1 23-0414-05-0 PAPER PRO 517.97 517.97 Total 25347: 576.47 Western Records Destruction 25287 03/18 03/14/2018 25287 Western Records D library document 0386841 1 06-0420-01-0 ADMINISTR 35.00 35.00 Total 25287: 35.00 Willamette Dental Insurance 25249 03/18 03/14/2018 25249 Willamette Dental In dental-p&z MARCH 201 1 14-0217-07-0 P&Z DEPT H 363.74 363.74 03/18 03/14/2018 25249 Willamette Dental In dental -clerks MARCH 201 2 12-0217-07-0 CLERK DEP 49.44 49.44 03/18 03/14/2018 25249 Willamette Dental In dental -Bldg dept MARCH 201 3 13-0217-07-0 BLDG DEPT 237.74 237.74 03/18 03/14/2018 25249 Willamette Dental In dental- public wor MARCH 201 4 23-0217-07-0 HEALTH INS 98.88 98.88 03/18 03/14/2018 25249 Willamette Dental In dental -trails MARCH 201 5 20-0217-07-0 HEALTH INS 49.44 49.44 03/18 03/14/2018 25249 Willamette Dental In dental -library MARCH 201 6 06-0217-07-0 LIBRARY HE 118.87 118.87 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check City of Eagle Check Register- Detail Eagle -City Hall Page: 25 Check Issue Dates: 3/14/2018 - 3/26/2018 Mar 26, 2018 04:16PM GL Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Payee Description Number Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 25249: Willima or Chase Patterson 25250 03/18 03/14/2018 25250 Willima or Chase Pa utility deposit refu UTILITY REF Total 25250: Zayo Group, LLC 25292 03/18 03/21/2018 25292 Zayo Group, LLC ACCT#017361 -1 2018030017 Total 25292: Grand Totals: Dated: Mayor: City Council: Report Criteria: Report type: GL detail Bank.Bank number = 2 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 918.11 1 60-0220-00-0 WATER/SER 75.00 75.00 75.00 1 18-0417-01-0 INTERNET & 764.81 764.81 764.81 ar ones Treasure Vaile ax_c Y EBR COFFEE i � BARB+ECUE PI eDVE3ntureS PHYSIC , °. LAR THE, Silver Bridge CPAs X Edgewood YES[O Eim—m c . F 8-2A-8: SIGN REGULATIONS: A. Applicability: 1. All Signs: Signs shall not be erected or maintained in any district as established by the zoning ordinance except those signs specifically enumerated in this article. 2. Undefined Or Unclassified Signs: To determine applicable regulations for any sign not specifically defined herein, the zoning administrator shall use the definition or classification within this article which most closely defines or classifies any such sign. 3. Architectural Compatibility: The number, area, and height of signs as outlined in this article are intended to be maximum standards which do not necessarily ensure architectural compatibility. Therefore, in addition to the enumerated maximum standards, the city shall give consideration to a sign's relationship to the overall appearance of the subject property as well as the surrounding area. 4. Materials And Appearance: It is the intent of this article to encourage interesting, creative, readable, effective, uncluttered, and well maintained signage. Sign materials and appearance shall be complementary to the building architecture and colors. The exhibits provided in the EASD book are examples of the types of sign designs envisioned for the Eagle architecture theme. 5. Nonconforming Signs: All signs in the entire city on the effective date hereof shall conform to this title upon any structural change to the sign, sign base, or building to which it is attached, or upon any change in the face or copy of the sign for the business to which such sign pertains if the use associated with the business is changed, except as provided for within subsection C1 6n, "Historic Signage", of this section. 6. Change Of Face, Copy And/Or Logo On Signs: For signs conforming to this article, a permit shall not be required for a change of face, copy and/or logo on any such sign, provided that the sign structure is not changed in any way and provided that the colors previously approved by the city are not changed. B. Definitions: If conflict arises between any definition in this section and any other definition within this title, the definition with the more specific and/or more restrictive definition shall control. Any other words or phrases not specifically defined shall be interpreted to give this article its most reasonable application. ANIMATED SIGN: Any sign which is designed and constructed to give its message through a sequence or progressive changes or parts or lights or degree of lighting, such as an electronic reader board. AREA OF THE BUILDING FACE: The general outer surface of an exterior wall of a building. The area of the building face shall be a total area of such surface, including the area of doors and windows which open into such face, if any. AUTOMATED SIGN: A sign with a fixed or changing display capable of displaying words, symbols, figures or images composed of, a series of light emitting elements or moving panels or parts; including, but not limited to: tripaneled, digital, electronic message boards, light emitting diodes (LED) signs or signs that in any other way move or create the illusion of movement. This definition does not include signs with copy that is manually changed. BANNER SIGN: Any sign made of lightweight fabric, plastic, or similar material. Governmental flags or emblems shall not be considered banner signs. CABINET SIGN (SCULPTED): A sign consisting of a translucent or nontranslucent panel containing sign copy which is affixed to a cabinet that is sculpted to form a nonsquare or nonrectangular decorative shape which provides interest to the sign, such as the shape of a logo, the shape of letters, or combination thereof. CABINET SIGN (STANDARD): A sign consisting of one or more translucent or nontranslucent panels containing sign copy, which are interchangeable and which are affixed to a box or cabinet that is generally square or rectangular in shape. CITY ENTRY SIGN: A permanent sign identifying the city of Eagle or the central business district. No business advertising is permitted on city entry signage. COMMUNITY EVENTS: Community sponsored events such as Eagle Fun Days, Eagle Saturday Market, First Friday, school sporting events, and similar city, chamber of commerce, Eagle Idaho Merchants Association, and school district type events, including events sponsored by any church/religious institution which has a city approved site within Eagle. CONSTRUCTION SIGN: An informational sign which identifies the architect, engineer, contractor, banking institution, or other individual or firms involved with the construction of a building, or announcing the character of the building or enterprise. COOPERATIVE BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION SIGN: A sign including multiple businesses, and which may or may not include directional information, that is to be constructed as a part of the "City Entry Statement Cooperative Sign Plan". DIRECTIONAL SIGN (OFF PREMISES): See definitions of Portable Off Premises Directional Sign and Subdivision Directional Sign (Off Premises). DIRECTIONAL SIGN (ON PREMISES): An on premises permanent directional sign which foremost contains words such as "Entrance", "Enter", "Exit", "In", "Out", or other similar words, or a sign containing arrows or characters indicating traffic directions and used either in conjunction with such words or separately. ` I itiP.tt � 4 � t Low n=W I Al t E' � r'r _ i� rr .Bis., ��� /•. i •aie �`'r iR'-� `�eT'�� try=^iis�"i�Y- i, , 1 SS � 1 T MOUNTAIN WEST { BANK J -r- t x . Al - 'T ' i t Pursuit i ,{ t x , J t x *fib J fyi^'c pp (� 4 �r- r P CD +n � ' I;Aa z � :yy1 �' 1fVr^ 1 Yl I ..Ilk, ,� r Z m wK..+ q}'�a s•4' `J• � y � k i e. :ld q ISA POSITION STATEMENTS — International Sign Association ISA knows regulations and ordinances can keep a community safe. It has created positions related to keyaspects of effective signage and work to promote a reasonable regulatory environment. .,\es heti s and On-Preanise Signs One of the main justifications that localities cite for their sign codes is their community's appearance, or aesthetics. Many sign code officials have been taught to view on - premise signs as unsightly. Some courts have been permissive in allowing local officials to base their restrictive local building_ ordinances on reasons of aesthetics. ISA believes that local officials may have some legal authority to regulate the aesthetic appearance of their communities, as established by U.S. Supreme Court precedent. However, ISA also believes that while this authority to regulate extends to the physical appearance of homes, trees, etc., it does not extend without limit to subjects which have constitutional rights, such as the commercial speech embodied in on -premise signs. ISA believes that the combination of words, symbols, colors, fonts, shapes, textures, etc, on commercial on -premise signs present a unique and recognizable message that is valuable to end users and potential customers. ISA also believes that the total presentation of a sign is its message, and aesthetic restrictions that limit this presentation could result in the loss of creative expression, loss of conspicuity and readability, and even result in de facto censorship of the commercial message. ISA believes that a good business will want to have an aesthetically pleasing sign in order to attract customers. ISA also believes that communities and businesses should work together to establish design review standards that promote well-designed and effective signs without censoring speech. Federal Lanham Trademark Act ISA believes that trademark usage plays a vital role in our consumer economy, as it allows consumers - at a glance - to form a familiar mental association with known information. The visibility, identity and brand recognition afforded by trademarked logos on signs plays a powerful role in consumer choice and the success of a business. It is difficult for a business to maintain its brane to look the same. This sort of regulation diminishes the importance that signs bring to the value of small businesses, restricts the message embodied in the overall presentation of the sign, unduly burdens consumer identification and choice, undermines the investment -backed ex ectations of mark h Iders, and subsequently limits the ability of usinesses to operate to their full economic poteri is . t a so could raise signs ican implications under First Amendment content neutrality requirements. With annual retail sales by franchised businesses estimated by the International Franchise Association to be $1 trillion, the financial implications of such regulations can be dire. Sign Contrast The International Sign Association (ISA) supports measures that preserve a high level of flexibility for designers and users of signage. Effective use of graphics, font styles and color combinations is fundamental to the visual appeal and inherent value of signs. Likewise, a ecive contrast represents an essential element of signage design. Because the methodology for defining and measuring contrast remains elusive, however, ISA opposes regulatory initiatives that would arbitrarily curtail the user's freedom to effectively and creatively communicate messages. g. Will provide safe and convenient access to the property for both vehicles and pedestrians through patterned traffic circulation and connectivity to abutting development; h. Is in the interest of public health, safety, and general welfare promoting a pedestrian friendly and walkable environment in balance with protecting a viable commercial center in the area; and i. Will have signs, if proposed, that are harmonious with the architectural design of the building and adjacent buildings, and will not cover or detract from desirable architectural features. C. Action By The City Council: Upon receipt of the recommendation by the Design Review Board, the City Council shall either approve, approve with supplementary conditions, remand to the Design Review Board for further consideration, or deny the design review application as presented. In lieu of adopting findings as outlined within subsection B of this section, the City Council may adopt the Design Review Board's findings. Within seven (7) calendar days after a decision has been rendered by the City Council, the Zoning Administrator shall provide the applicant with written notice of the action on the request. (Ord. 781, 8-8-2017) 8-2A-14: APPEALS: -- A. Administrative decisions may be appealed to the Design Review Board. An appeal fee, as may be adopted by resolution of the City Council, shall be required for any appeal. Appeals shall comply with the following: 1. Any such appeal shall be submitted within ten (10) calendar days after the written decision by filing with the Administrator a notice of appeal specifying the grounds for the appeal. The Administrator shall transmit to the Design Review Board all documents constituting the record upon which the appeal is based. An appeal stays all proceedings in furtherance of the action taken. 2. Within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of an appeal, the Zoning Administrator shall fix a date for the application to be heard and shall notify the appealing party and applicant, if not the appealing party, with no further notification being required. 3. The grounds for the appeal may address, but is not limited to, the following: a. Inconsistency with the required findings specified within subsection B of this article; b. Inconsistency with the purpose and objectives of this article; c. Lack of nexus between the requirement and the proposal; d. Discriminatory action; e. Unwarranted prevention of an allowed land use; f. Undue interference with the design integrity of the proposal; g. Prohibition or unwarranted restriction of building type or material; SIDE ELEVATION 12'- 0" A� FRONT ELEVATION @ SINGLE FACE REVERSE PAN CHANNEL LOGO WALL SIGN SCALE: 3/4" = V- 0" I NEW SINGLE FACE WALLSIGN WITH REVERSE PAN CHANNEL LETTERS FAB. METAL BACKGROUND WITH 4" RETURN PAINTED MED TEXTURE BEIGE TO MATCH BUILDING OVAL AREA OF BACKGROUND FACE TO BE PAINTED MATT RED (NO TEXTURE) INDIVIDUAL REVERSE PAN CHANNEL "SODALICIOUS" LETTERS WITH 2" RETURNS PAINTED BRUSHED SILVER METALLIC LETTER FACES TO HAVE BRUSHED ALUMINUM OVERLAYS CLEAR LETTERS BACK CARRIERS WITH RED LED HALO ILLUMINATION LETTERS TO BE STUD MOUNTED TO PROJECT 11/2' OFF BACKGROUND TO ALLOW FOR HALO LIGHTING INDIVIDUAL (NON -ILLUMINATED) "BUBBLES" TO BE ROUTED 1" HDU PAINTED BRUSHED SILVER METALLIC SIMULATED NIGHT VIEW PHOTOS SHOWN ARE TO APROXIMATE SCALE ONLY WNmiy1i/2017 �� 1 018 2" SIDE ELEVATION 121-011 OFRONT ELEVATION @ SINGLE FACE REVERSE PAN CHANNEL LOGO WALL SIGN l4 SCALE_ 314" = 1'- U" NEW SINGLE FACE WALLSIGN WITH REVERSE PAN CHANNEL LETTERS OVAL BACKGROUND TO BE ROUTED 118" ALUMINUM PAINTED MATT RED WITH 3/8" CONCEALED STUD MOUNTING WELD 318" NUTS TO PANEL BACK AS REQ'D WITH 318" ALL THREAD STUDS TO PROJECT 7111± OFF WALL INDIVIDUAL REVERSE PAN CHANNEL "SODALICIOUS" LETTERS WITH 2" RETURNS PAINTED BRUSHED SILVER METALLIC LETTER FACES TO HAVE BRUSHED ALUMINUM OVERLAYS CLEAR LETTERS BACK CARRIERS WITH RED LED HALO ILLUMINATION LETTERS TO BE STUD MOUNTED TO PROJECT I'A" OFF BACKGROUND TO ALLOW FOR HALO LIGHTING INDIVIDUAL (NON -ILLUMINATED) "BUBBLES" TO BE ROUTED 1" HDU PAINTED BRUSHED SILVER METALLIC project name & location SodaliciouS 94 n. fisher parkway #100 / Eagle, Idaho file name design 2017/Sodalicious/eagle/signage.pit manuf. file name PHOTOS SHOWN ARE TO APROXIMATE SCALE ONLY This arlwork is produced under federal copyright laws sales rep pv virginia I �■ x & cannot be reproduced in whole or in part without wrrtien permission of golden west advertising rac.. � 6 designer Stephen i PHOTOS SHOWN ARE TO APROXIMATE SCALE ONLY : authorized date approved complete date 1012612017' signature revision date ■ 4; :'M. wmm \1 i` wmm \1 Aw, [I 0 L-7