Findings - CC - 2018 - A-03-17 & RZ-07-17 - Annexation & Rezone From Rut To RedaBEFORE THE EAGLE CITY COUNCIL IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION FOR AN ANNEXATION AND REZONE FROM RUT (RURAL -URBAN TRANSITION) TO R -E -DA (RESIDENTIAL -ESTATES WITH A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT) FOR FOR RYAN WILHITE FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW CASE NUMBER A-03-17 & RZ-07-17 The above -entitled rezone application came before the Eagle City Council for their action on March 13, 2018, at which time public testimony was taken and the public hearing was closed. The Eagle City Council, having heard and taken oral and written testimony, and having duly considered the matter, makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; FINDINGS OF FACT: A. PROJECT SUMMARY: Ryan Wilhite, represented by Marks Land Surveying, Inc., is requesting approval of an annexation with rezone with a development agreement from RUT (Rural -Urban Transition — Ada County Designation) to R -E -DA (Residential -Estates with a development agreement). The 5 -acre site is located on the south side of West Beacon Light Road approximately 600 -feet east of North Ballantyne Lane at 1825 West Beacon Light Road. B. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: A Neighborhood Meeting was held on site at 6:00 PM, on Monday, November 27, 2017, in compliance with the application submittal requirement of Eagle City Code. The application for this item was received by the City of Eagle on November 30, 2017. C. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Notice of Public Hearing on the application for the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission was published in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and the Eagle City Code on January 9, 2018. Notice of this public hearing was mailed to property owners within three -hundred feet (300 -feet) of the subject property in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and Eagle City Code on January 4, 2018. The site was posted in accordance with the Eagle City Code on January 26, 2018. Requests for agencies' reviews were transmitted on December 4, 2017, in accordance with the requirements of the Eagle City Code. Notice of Public Hearing on the application for the Eagle City Council was published in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and the Eagle City Code on February 26, 2018. Notice of this public hearing was mailed to property owners within three -hundred feet (300 -feet) of the subject property in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and Eagle City Code on February 20, 2018. The site was posted in accordance with the Eagle City Code on March 3, 2018. D. HISTORY OF RELEVANT PREVIOUS ACTIONS: On August 9, 2016, the Eagle City Council approved a parcel division for the property to the south of the subject property (PD -01-16). Page 1 of 6 K:\Planning Dept Eagle Applications\RZ&A\2017\A-03.17 & RZ-07-17 Wilhite cclldocx E. COMPANION APPLICATIONS: PD -02-17 — A parcel division application to allow for the property to be split into to two (2) separate parcels. F. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE MAP AND ZONING MAP DESIGNATIONS: Existing Proposed COMP PLAN DESIGNATION Estate Residential No Change North of site Agriculture/Rural South of site East of site Estate Residential Estate Residential ZONING DESIGNATION RUT (Rural Urban Transition - Ada County designation) R -E -DA (Residential - Estates with a development agreement) A -R -DA (Agricultural Residential with a development agreement) R -E (Residential -Estates) R -E -DA (Residential - Estates with a development agreement) West of site Estate Residential R -E (Residential -Estates) LAND USE Single-family dwelling Parcel Division Vigne d' Aquila Subdivision Single-family dwelling Single-family dwelling Single-family dwelling G. DESIGN REVIEW OVERLAY DISTRICT: Not located within the DDA, TDA, CEDA, or DSDA. H. TOTAL ACREAGE OF SITE: 5 -acres I. APPLICANT'S STATEMENT OF JUSTIFICATION FOR THE REZONE: See attached applicant's justification letter dated November 30, 2017 (attached to the staff report). J. APPLICANT'S STATEMENT OF JUSTIFICATION OF A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT: See attached applicant's justification letter dated November 30, 2017 (attached to the staff report). K. AVAILABILITY AND ADEQUACY OF UTILITIES AND SERVICES: The applicant is requesting that the existing single-family dwelling continue to be served by an existing individual well and septic system. L. PUBLIC USES SHOWN ON FUTURE ACQUISITIONS MAP: No map currently exists. Page 2 of 6 K:\Planning Dept agle Applications\RZ&A\2OI7\A Ol 17 & RZ-07-17 Wilhite cc[ducx M. SPECIAL ON-SITE FEATURES: Areas of Critical Environmental Concern — No Evidence of Erosion — No Fish Habitat — No Floodplain — No Mature Trees — Yes — Located in proximity to the existing dwelling and accessory structures. Riparian Vegetation — No Steep Slopes — No Stream/Creek — No Unique Animal Life — Unknown Unique Plant Life — Unknown Unstable Soils — No Wildlife Habitat — No N. NON -CONFORMING USES: The existing single-family dwelling is located within the required front -yard setback for the R -E zone. A condition of development will be placed within the development agreement addressing this. O. AGENCY RESPONSES: The following agencies have responded and their correspondence is attached to the staff report. Comments, which appear to be of special concern, are noted below: Ada County Highway District Central District Health Department City of Eagle Parks, Pathways, and Recreation Department Eagle Fire Department Farmers Union Ditch Company Idaho Transportation Department P. LETTERS FROM THE PUBLIC: None received to date. STAFF ANALYSIS PROVIDED WITHIN THE STAFF REPORT: A. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: 6.3 Land Use Designations The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map (adopted November 15, 2017), designates this site as the following: Estate Residential A single family residential area transitioning between agriculture and conventional residential uses. Densities range from 1 unit per 2 acres to 1 unit per 5 acres. Small scale agriculture and horticulture uses are encouraged. Density may be limited due to the limited availability of infrastructure and roadway capacity. Page 3 of 6 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Apphcations RZ&A\2017\A-03-17 & RZ-07.17 Wilhite cel docx B. ZONING ORDINANCE PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: • Eagle City Code, Section 8-2-1 Districts Established Purposes And Restrictions: The following zoning districts are hereby established. For the interpretation of this title the zoning districts have been formulated to realize the general purposes as set forth in this title. In addition, the specific purpose of each zoning district shall be as follows: R -E RESIDENTIAL -ESTATES DISTRICT: To provide opportunities for very low density residential land use compatible with the topography and public service capacities. Gross density shall not exceed one single-family dwelling unit per two (2) acres. DA DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT: This designation, following any zoning designation noted on the official zoning map of the city (i.e., C -2 -DA), indicates that the zoning was approved by the city with a development agreement. Specific provisions, as may have been incorporated within the development agreement, are applicable to development within this zoning designation. C. DISCUSSION: • The applicant is requesting annexation and rezone of the property to facilitate a parcel division (PD -02-17). The parcel division record of survey (ROS), date stamped by the city on November 30, 2017, shows a shared access easement providing access from West Beacon Light Road to the existing parcel, the proposed new parcel, and two parcels to the south. The applicant is requesting that the gravel driveway contained within the existing access easement be permitted to be utilized until the redevelopment of any of the four properties currently utilizing the driveway. • In regard to the parcel division application (PD -02-17), the applicant should be required to address all site specific conditions of approval and standard conditions of approval of the parcel division application and present a mylar ready for signature by the City Clerk prior to the adoption of an ordinance for annexation and rezone of the property. • The existing single-family dwelling appears to be located within the required front yard setback for the R -E zone. The existing structure is recognized as a nonconforming use, and may be allowed to exist as -is through the approval of the development agreement. Any new construction on the parcel identified as "Parcel A" on the parcel division Record of Survey should conform to the setbacks of the R -E zone. STAFF RECOMMENDATION PROVIDED WITHIN THE STAFF REPORT: Based upon the information provided to staff to date, staff recommends approval of the requested annexation and rezone from RUT (Rural -Urban Transition — Ada County designation) to R -E -DA (Residential -Estates with a development agreement) with conditions to be placed within a development agreement as provided within the staff report. PUBLIC HEARING OF THE COMMISSION: A. A public hearing on the application was held before the Planning and Zoning Commission on February 5, 2018, at which time testimony was taken and the public hearing was closed. The Commission made their recommendation at that time. B. Oral testimony in opposition to the application was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission by no one. Page 4 of 6 KAN:inning Dept\Eagle Applications\R%AA\?017\A-03-17 & RL.07. 17 Wilhite ccl.docx C. Oral testimony in favor of the application was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission by two (2) individual (other than the applicant/representative) with the following comments: • The proposal would help maintain the rural feel of the Beacon Light Road area. D. Oral testimony neither in favor nor in opposition to the application was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission by one individual with the following concerns: • Buffering should be required adjacent to the new parcel. COMMISSION DELIBERATION: (Granicus time 1:52:38) Upon closing the public hearing, the Commission discussed during deliberation that: • The proposed annexation and rezone is appropriate for the area based on the requested zoning being in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. • There was no opposition to the proposed annexation and rezone. COMMISSION DECISION: The Commission voted 5 to 0 to recommend approval of A-03-17 & RZ-07-17 for an annexation and rezone from RUT to R -E -DA for Ryan Wilhite with the staff recommended conditions to be placed within a development agreement as provided within their findings of fact and conclusions of law document, dated February 20, 2018. PUBLIC HEARING OF THE COUNCIL: A. A public hearing on the application was held before the City Council on March 13, 2018, at which time testimony was taken and the public hearing was closed. The Council made their decision at that time. B. Oral testimony in opposition to the application was presented to the City Council by no one. C. Oral testimony in favor of the application was presented to the City Council by one (1) individual (other than the applicant/representative) who indicated: • The proposal would help maintain the rural feel of the Beacon Light Road area. D. Oral testimony neither in favor of nor in opposition to the application was presented by no one. COUNCIL DECISION: The Council voted 4 to 0 to approve A-03-17 & RZ-07-17 for an annexation and rezone from RUT to R -E- DA for Ryan Wilhite, with the following Planning and Zoning Commission recommended conditions to be placed within a development agreement: 3.1 Owner will develop the Property subject to the conditions and limitations set forth in this Development Agreement. Further, Owner will submit such applications regarding floodplain development permit review, design review, preliminary and final plat reviews, and/or any conditional use permits, if applicable, and any other applicable applications as may be required by the Eagle City Code, which shall comply with the Eagle City Code, as it exists at the time such applications are made except as otherwise provided within this Agreement. 3.2 The Concept Plan (Exhibit B) represents the Owner's current concept for completion of the project. As the Concept Plan evolves, the City understands and agrees that certain changes in that concept may occur. If the City determines that any such changes require additional public comment due to potential impacts on surrounding property or the community, a public hearing shall be held on any proposed changes in the Concept Plan, notice shall be provided as may be required by the City. Page 5 of 6 K:Whanning Dept\Eagle Applications \RZ&A\2017\A 03.17 & RZ-07-17 Wilhite ccl:docx 3.3 The existing single-family dwelling is recognized as a non -conforming use, and shall be allowed to exist as -is. Any new construction on the Property shall conform to the dimensional standards of the R -E (Residential -Estates) zone. 3.4 The gravel driveway contained within the existing access easement adjacent to the western property line is permitted to be utilized by the two parcels created by PD -02-17, and the two parcels created by PD -01-16, until the redevelopment of any of the four properties currently utilizing the driveway. 3.5 Owner shall address all site specific conditions of approval and standard conditions of approval of the parcel division application (PD -02-17) and present a mylar ready for signature by the City Clerk prior to the adoption of an ordinance for annexation and rezone of the Property. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: 1. The Council reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of this proposed rezone upon annexation (A-03-17 & RZ-07-17) with regard to Eagle City Code Section 8-7-5 "Action by the Commission and Council", and based upon the information provided concludes that the proposed rezone upon annexation is in accordance with the City of Eagle Comprehensive Plan and established goals and objectives because: a. The requested zoning designation of R -E -DA (Residential -Estates with a development agreement) is consistent with the Estate Residential designation as shown on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map; b. The information provided from the agencies having jurisdiction over the public facilities needed for this site indicate that adequate public facilities exist, or are expected to be provided, to serve all uses allowed on this property under the proposed zone; c. The proposed R -E -DA (Residential -Estates with a development agreement) zone is compatible with the A -R -DA (Agricultural -Residential with a development agreement) zone and land use to the north since that area is located across West Beacon Light Road and is a similar land use; d -f. The proposed R -E -DA (Residential -Estates with a development agreement) zone is compatible with the R -E -DA (Residential -Estates with a development agreement) zone and land uses to the south, east and west, since those properties contain similar land uses; g. The land proposed for rezone is not located within a "Hazard Area" or "Special Area" as described within the Comprehensive Plan; h. The existing house on the Property is located within the required front yard setback and is considered a non -conforming use, however, Conditions of Development have been included within the development agreement to address the continuation of the nonconforming use. DATED this 27th day of March, 2018. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE Ada County, Idaho tan Ridge ayor ATTEST: JSharon . Bergmann, , Eagle City Clerk �p.GLF - ..... oikkr.e• � .t.Q r • �, • • • • O • STATS‘-' Page 6 of 6 KAWlanning Dept\Eagle Appltwuons\RL&A\20I7\A-01-17 & R7-07-17 Wilhite ect.docx