Minutes - 2017 - City Council - 11/28/2017 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL
Meeting Minutes
November 28, 2017
1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ridgeway calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
telephone conference. All present. A quorum is present.
3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Ridgeway leads the Pledge of Allegiance.
This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding
concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding
subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions
regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to
give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, or comment on a pending
application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council
requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes.
Tom Brangle, 2475 N. Sun Valley Place, I'm wondering if there is an update on the
Chevron property? I'm curious of what to do when I see something. Mayor provides an
update on the Chevron property. Mayor: Chief Calley can you report on this? General
Chief Calley discusses "See Something, Say Something". General discussion.
A. City Staff requests. None
B. Mayor or City Council requests. Kunz: #6F Minutes of the November 14, 2017
meeting are not yet available so I would ask that these be pulled from the Consent
Agenda and continued to the next meeting.
• Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one
motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a
Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be
removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the
Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined
by the City Council.
• Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval
from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design
Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda
approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise.
A. Claims against the City.
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B. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CU-03-17/PPUD-02-17/PP-02-
17 — Feldspar Subdivision — Eagle Single Family, LLC: Eagle Single Family,
LLC, represented by John Rennison, P.E., with Rennison Engineering, is requesting
conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat
approvals for Feldspar Subdivision, a 20 -lot (12 -buildable, 8 -common) residential
planned unit development. The 3.44 -acres site is located on the east side of North
Taylor Street approximately 950 -feet north of the intersection of West State Street
and North Taylor Street at 368 North Taylor Street. (WEV)
C. DR -46-17 — Two Monument Signs for Lilac Springs Subdivision — Coleman
Homes: Coleman Homes, A Toll Brothers Company, represented by Craig Lunsford
with YESCO, is requesting design review approval to construct two monument signs
for Lilac Springs Subdivision. The 64 -acre site is located on the northwest corner of
West Floating Feather Road and North Lanewood Road. (WEV)
D. DR -49-17 — Master Sign Plan for Ashbury Business Park Subdivision No. 1
- Brighton Corporation: Brighton Corporation, represented by Kameron Nauahi,
is requesting design review approval for a master sign plan for Ashbury Business
Park Subdivision No. 1. The 1.74 -acre site is located on the northwest corner of
North Meridian Road and West Bavaria Street approximately 400 -feet north of West
Chinden Boulevard. (WEV)
E. Minutes of October 24, 2017. (SKB)
F. Minutes of November 14, 2017. (SKB)
Soelberg moves to approve the Consent Agenda Items #A thru #E. Seconded by
Kunz. Bastian: AYE; Preston: AYE; Kunz: AYE; Soelberg: AYE. ALL AYES:
Mayor: we cannot have our Public Hearings until 6:00 p.m. With the Councils'
approval, I would like to move to #9. New Business. This is not a public hearing but
with Council's approval we allow the public to give input. Council concurs.
A. Transportation Grant Application Approval and Prioritization: Staff is
requesting the City Council's approval and prioritization on the FY 2019-2023 Funding
Programs to COMPASS and the 2018 LHTAC Programs. (NBS)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Planner Baird -Spencer displays a power point and provides Council an overview of the
transportation projects and grant application approval and prioritization. General
Rick Tholen, 751 W Headwaters Drive, I'm here on behalf of 2,500 of the residents that
live between the North Channel on the Boise River and the Bench along Eagle Road.
Our residents do not have access to downtown unless the go to Merrill Park or walk
along the highway and across the bridge. A study of this crossing was commissioned
three years ago. Discusses the study. Discusses the priority
Nancy Sorres, 1016 N. Harbor Way, discusses the Eagle Road Bridge area. In order to
access both sides of you have to cross Eagle Road. We have no access to downtown.
General discussion.
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8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m.
Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public
may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City
Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that
application or matter.
A. RZ-09-00 MOD2 — Modification to Development Agreement — Old Town I,
LLC, Mark Butler: Old Town I, LLC, Mark Butler, is requesting a development
agreement modification to modify condition of development #2.6 (Ada County
instrument # 101099270) associated with the allowed uses permitted on the commercial
lots (Lots 12 and 14, Block 1) located within Piccadilly Village Subdivision. The 2.36 -
acre site (consisting of two lots) is located on the southeast and southwest corners of
East Hill Road and South Echohawk Lane at 207 and 220 South Echohawk Lane.
Mayor introduces the issue.
Mayor: does anyone have any conflict of interest or ex parte contact? Seeing none.
Planner Williams displays a power point and provides an overview of the project for the
Council. General discussion.
Mark Butler, representing the applicant, discusses the signed addendum. There is a day
care that is ready to go in. Discusses the location of the day care and a restaurant.
General discussion.
Mayor opens the Public Hearing
Ken Hunter, 2637 E. Piccadilly way, I didn't know about the day care. Discusses the
concerns about having a day care. General discussion.
Mark Butler discusses the day care location.
General discussion.
Ron Saenz, 2619 E. Piccadilly, I also just became aware of the day care. This is a short
access area and I am concerned about the amount of the traffic.
Mark Butler: this is my own project and I would like to be able to meet with these
residents and I'm asking you to continue this to after the other Public Hearings.
Mayor: we will continue this items to after the other public hearings.
B. CU-08-17/PPUD-04-17/PP-04-17 — Snouualmie River Planned Unit
Development — White Sturgeon, LLC: White Sturgeon, LLC, represented by Justin
Martin, is requesting conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and
preliminary plat approval for Snoqualmie River Subdivision, an 82 -lot (70 -buildable, 12 -
common) residential planned unit development. The 26.69 -acre site is located on the
west side of North Palmer Lane approximately 800 -feet south of the intersection of
North Palmer Lane and West Floating Feather Road. (WEV)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Planner Williams displays a power point and provides Council an overview of the
application. General discussion.
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Justin Martin, representing the applicant, displays a power point and provides Council an
overview of the project. General discussion.
Mayor opens the Public Hearing
Mayor: is there anyone who would like to speak. Seeing none.
Mayor closes the Public Hearing
Bastian moves to approve CU-08-17/PPUD-04-17/PP-04-17 — Snoqualmie River
Planned Unit Development_White Sturgeon, LLC with the following changes Site
Specific Conditions: Item #13 on Page 15 of 22, reads "overhead utilities on site
shall be removed" striking the word "should" and the second change is on Page 21
of 22 Item #M under Parks and Open Space, line 34 and 35, a green belt, strike
"green belt" and a pathway will provide the public a safe and efficient way to move
through the development. Seconded by Preston. Discussion. ALL AYES:
C. RZ-13-05 MOD4 — Modifications to the Original Development Agreement:
Cloud Berry, LLC, represented by Justin Martin, is requesting a modification to the
development agreement (Instrument #106161990) associated with the R -2 -DA -P
(Residential -up to two units per acre with a development agreement - Planned Unit
Development) zoning classification for the Legacy Development. The 623.9 -acre site is
generally located approximately 1,850 -feet north of State Highway 44 between Linder
Road and State Highway 16. (WEV)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Planner Williams displays a power point and provides the Council an overview of the
application. General discussion.
Brian McCall, 2396 S. Valley High, outside the City Limits. I'm here on behalf of the
applicant Cloud Berry. Provides Council an overview of the entire project and discusses
the phases. Discusses the amendments and the modifications and to restating them into
one document. Discusses the changes.
Mayor opens the Public Hearing
Mayor does anyone want to speak to this issue?
Colette Piocos, 6294 W. Street, discusses the type of homes proposed.
Justin Martin, representing the applicant, discusses the tables in regard to the types of
homes. General discussion.
Colette Piocos, I seem to be the only homeowner that received the notice because I am
within 300'. Nobody else in our development received this notice. Why is that?
General discussion.
Mayor closes the Public hearing
General Council discussion.
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Soelberg moves to approve RZ-13-05 MOD4 — Modifications to the Original
Development Agreement (Instrument #106161990), First Modification and Second
Modification — Cloud Berry, LLC. Seconded by Preston. ALL AYES: MOTION
8A.RZ-09-00 MOD2 — Modification to Development Agreement — Old Town I,
LLC, Mark Butler:
Mayor: Mr. Butler would you like to continue this (#8A)?
Mark Butler: yes, continue this to the December 12`h meeting.
Bastian moves to continue RZ-09-00 MOD2 — Modification to Development
Agreement to the December 12th City Council meeting. Seconded by Soelberg.
A. Transportation Grant Application Approval and Prioritization: Staff is
requesting the City Council's approval and prioritization on the FY 2019-2023 Funding
Programs to COMPASS and the 2018 LHTAC Programs. (NBS)
Planner Baird -Spencer: going back to where we were, the staff is asking for the Council
to direct staff to make applications, establish the match rate that you want to recognize in
each of these applications, prioritize the application for Compass and then make sure on
the record that we agree to operation and maintenance if anything is constructed.
Discusses the speed study at the bridge and the ratings.
Discussion on rating the projects and the grant matches.
Bastian moves that we approve the 2017 Staff Prioritization Recommendation with
the following priorities: that the Pedestrian/Bike Bridge crossing the north channel
of the Boise River be #1. ($315,000), that #2. Be the Pedestrian Crossing of SH -44
between Eagle Road and Edgewood Lane ($25,000), #3. would be the
CFI/Pedestrian Crossing Study ($2,000). Seconded by Preston. Kunz: there are
two things that need to be in that motion: directing staff to make the necessary
recommended applications and a verbal agreement that we will take on the
operating and maintenance costs of the recommended projects if the grants are
approved. Bastian: I accept that as an amendment to the motion. Second concurs.
This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding
concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any
matter, up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public
Hearing items. Comments regarding Public Hearing items need to be made during
the open public hearing for said item(s) in accordance with Idaho Code. At times, the
City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters
(excluding Public Hearing items) during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all
who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to
three (3) minutes.
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Scott Gridley, 2039 N. Luge, discusses the Legacy Development across from his house.
I have a future Legacy Development at the back of my property. How do I go about
getting involved when the project is developed? General discussion.
A. Mayor and Council Reports:
Mayor: reports on the Election and the Request for a Recount. Also discusses
Economic Development plans.
Bastian: reports on the Sewer District meeting.
Preston: Reports on the new Wayfair Signs in downtown Eagle.
Soelberg: No report
Kunz: No report
B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports:
Chief Calley: distributes the monthly report for October and discusses the same. Reports
on the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics. General discussion.
PZ Administrator Vaughan: Distributes the Task Report for the Aikens Street
Extension landscape architect and discusses the same.
City Clerk Treasurer Bergmann: No report
C. City Attorney Report: No report
12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: §74-206 - When authorized. (1) An executive session at
which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and
only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall
identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session.
There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the
minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the
governing body. An executive session may be held:
A. 74-206(c) to acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a
public agency; possible purchase of municipal park land.
Bastian: pursuant to Idaho Code moves to go into Executive Session in accordance
with I.C. 74-206(1)(c) To acquire interest in real property which is not owned by
the agency; possible purchase of municipal park land. Seconded by Preston.
Bastian: AYE; Preston: AYE; Kunz: AYE; Soelberg: NAY: MOTION
Council goes into Executive Session at 8:45 p.m.
Council discusses possible purchase of municipal park land.
Council leaves Executive Session at 9:10 p.m.
Bastian moves to adjourn. Seconded by Soelberg. ALL AYES: MOTION
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Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
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RZ-09-00 MOD2 — Modification to Development Agreement — Old Town I,
LLC, Mark Butler
November 28, 2017
CU-08-17/PPUD-04-17/PP-04-17 — Snogualmie River Planned Unit
Development — White Sturgeon, LLC
November 28, 2017
RZ-13-05 MOD4 — Modifications to the Original Development Agreement
(Instrument #106161990), First Modification (Instrument #109008326) and
Second Modification (Instrument #113024773) — Cloud Berry, LLC
November 28, 2017
2017 Staff Prioritization Recommendation 9Q
COMPASS Project Development: Est. Cost Min. Match Rec. Match
Pedestrian Crossing of SH -44 between Eagle Roa cland
Project development application to conduct a study of a dedicated
grade separated ped/bike crossing of SH -44 connecting the Eagle River
$ 50,000
$ 3,670
Edgewood Lane Study
Development to Downtown Eagle.
Communities in Motion Implementation: Est. Cost Min. Match Rec. Match
CFI/Pedestrian Crossing Study
Complete a pedestrian crossing study and educational campaign for the
$ 10,000
$ 734
SH -44 & SH -55 half CFI intersection scheduled for construction in 2021.
Edgewood and SH -44 Intersection
aeCGRf:,..,.,, !RtP.g,...iAR t .. ............ fFe....,.,..:..,. F ght., install signal
$ 4,350
$ 319
warning signs and reflective back plates.
COMPASS Federal Funding: Est. Cost Min. Match Rec. Match
Install a protected shoulder on the east side of SH -55 From Colchester to
Interim Ped/Bike Improvement on SH -55 (Eagle Road)
the north side of the north channel of the Boise River (Eagle River
$ 315,000
$ 23,111
Pedestrian/Bike Bridge crossing the north channel of the
$ 1,299,000
$ 95,347
Boise River
Install a separate pedestrian and bicycle bridge on the West side of the
$ 187,000
$ 13,725
1) Construction/Engineering Docs
SH -55 Bridge crossing the north channel of the Boise River. Project
2) Environmental Review & ROW Permits
development completed in 2016.
$ 30,000
$ 2,202
3) Construction & Contingency
$ 1,008,000
$ 73,987
1 23,', S
LHTAC - Children Pedestrian Safety: Est. Cost Min. Match Rec. Match
Fill gaps on Edgewood Lane sidewalk and bike lanes to complete the
Edgewood Lane Ped/Bike Improvements $ 168,000 $ 12,331
connection between Boise River Greenbelt and Guerber Park.
$ 1,846,350 $ 135,512 $ 171,458
Park Lane & SH -44 Intersection TBD TBD
SH -44 and Eagle Island State Park (Fisher Parkway) TBD TBD
Pedestrian Signal Ranch & Eagle $ 78,000 $ 5,725
�6 /� � � 7 7
Community Engagement
• US Bank Forgery
• Community Safety with
T -Sheets Employees
• Guerber Park Policing
• Construction Crew
Crime Prevention
• LETR Board Meeting
• Lunch at Eagle
Detective Shaffer, Detective
McCowan, and Chief Calley...
Recipients of Mountain West Bank's
Hometown Heroes Award!
• EPD Outreach @
Guys Read Program at
Eagle Christian Pre-
Eagle Elementary (8)
School (2)
State XC Race @
• Cycling Without Age
Kick -Off Party
Rotary Club Luncheon
• Rolling Hills Public
Detective Updates
Charter School Police
Bowl for Kid's Sake
with Big Brothers Big
• Hallelujah Farms
Sisters of America
Ribbon Cutting
Eagle Fire Open
• Halloween Police
Operations for Trick-
Mountain West Bank
or Treaters
Ribbon Cutting &
• Eagle Sports Complex
Hometown Heroes
K9 Demonstration
• Eagle High Drug
Tip -a -Cop for LETR for
Education Classes (2)
Special Olympics
Red Ribbon Rally at
Boise Capitol Steps
Eagle Hills Elementary
Red Ribbon Week
Kick -Off Assembly
Sgt. Olsen teaches TIP
Detective Shaffer, Detective
McCowan, and Chief Calley...
Recipients of Mountain West Bank's
Hometown Heroes Award!
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