Minutes - 2017 - City Council - 10/30/2017 - Special (3)EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes October 30, 2017 Bastian: since we were in a Special Meeting with an Agenda that was printed here, we do need to adjourn that Special Meeting. I move that we adjourn the Special Meeting Seconded by Kunz. Mayor: Is there any opposition? Seeing none we are officially out of the previous meeting. (Special Meeting - Executive Session). Mayor: Thank you for being patient with us. We were in another meeting and this is a Town Hall Meeting, October 30, 2017. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ridgeway calls the meeting to order at 6:13 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: KUNZ, BASTIAN, PRESTON, SOELBERG. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Ridgeway leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. TOWN HALL MEETING: The City of Eagle is suggesting a new format for the October town halL Although town halls are open for anyone to voice their opinion, we are asking that people share positive experiences with the City Eagle, their neighbors and businesses in Eagle. Let's try to focus on why we all call Eagle Home. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, each speaker should limit their presentation to three (3) minutes. If time permits, and after all attendees who wish to address the City Council have done so, the City Council may invite rebuttals or engage in additional discussions with the attendees. Each speaker is to be treated with the utmost respect, courtesy and afforded the right to speak without interruption. The intent of our town hall meeting is to create a friendly community spirited forum where by the Eagle community may express their views openly and freely. May we suggest this is a gathering of neighbors openly speaking with neighbors, and we hope everyone will feel welcome to participate. Mayor introduces the issue and reads a letter from a resident who has enjoyed the planters throughout the City and has also enjoyed each summer seeing the flowers, bird feeders and sun flowers at Wild West. This makes our town look better. Bastian discusses Naomi overseeing creating the berm with flowers and bushes at the corner of Eagle and State Street. So, I would like to also compliment her leadership in beautifying the City. Mayor I would like to recognize our four candidates. I would encourage everyone to get out and vote next week. We have Jill and Miranda, Robert and Kenny here so good luck. Jane Kramer provides an update on the Beautify Eagle Project and displays overheads of the signs. The Wayfair signs are complete and we are waiting for the supports that will attach them to the light poles. Discusses the areas where they will be placed. Discussion on the motorhome located behind the Gathering Place and the City's weed abatement program. Page I 1: COUNCIL MINUTES Temporary Minutes Work Area CC-I0-30-I7spmin.doc Jill Mitchell, I love lots of things about Eagle. I really appreciate how the Eagle Market has rejuvenated and it has become really robust again. I also appreciate how interactive the trails and parks are, we had input from a lot of people. Discussion on having solar panels on city buildings. Miranda Gold, I to love a lot of things about Eagle particularly our downtown and how walkable and beautiful it is. Discusses how walkable and beautiful the downtown is with the Wayfair Signs Project, the market and the flowers. I also enjoy working on the URA. I like the potential our downtown has in bring in more small shops and diverse business to increase our vibrancy in our downtown area. I love all the things downtown is able to host and make Eagle a nice community. Maggie Galt, I am very active in anything I can be in. I would like to commend the Mayor and Council for all the good work they have done to make me proud to live in Eagle. I appreciate the way the Mayor and Council reacted to some of the rude people who were here last week and I was very embarrassed for them. I really appreciated your patience you had with them. I also, being active on the Board of the Senior Center, I appreciate all that you have done for the Center and the older citizens of Eagle. Mayor discusses the new Plaza Drive Extension and the outside exercise equipment that is designed for older citizens and people with disabilities. It is a one mile walk from the Senior Citizens Center around the Plaza Drive Extension. Discusses the land on the south side that is 300' long and 50' wide that ACHD said we could enter into a cooperative agreement with them and they would donate the property to the City. The City could put a pickle court on each side and a bocce ball court in the center. Bob Koellisch, there is so much to love about Eagle, it is a beautiful place and that is why I choose to move my family here. We want to keep the rural feel to Eagle. The other thing that I love about Eagle is the fact we honor our Veterans with the Field of Honor. This is a great tradition and should continue. One thing that we don't even think about is the transparency that we have by being able to watch all city meetings on line. Kenny Pittman, I too love this community. I have been here for over 16 years and a resident of Idaho/Treasure Valley for the last 40 years. Eagle to me is one of my first loves, just the people, the comradery and how people are just nice to one another in the streets. Everyone is talking, shaking hands and giving hugs. I also wanted to personally thank all of you that serve the community. Dean Martin, Idaho is the best State in the Country and Eagle is the best City in the State. I'm really proud of the Council and really proud of our Planning Staff. I'm with Pacific Partners and we are excited to get Eagle Lakes into construction. The flowers are beautiful and Plaza Street is a huge improvement. Mayor discusses the new self -watering hanging baskets that will be put downtown next year. Discussion on the flowers and grasses along Hill Road. Bastian: I served on the Council in 1992 the first year and I spent 20 years, 4 terms, and then did some other things and the came back. I have to tell the current Council and the Mayor that I enjoy working with them. They are Statesmen. We have disagreements we are not bitter in our disagreements. We are not personal. We just simply discuss the Page 2 J: COUNCIL\MINUTES Temporary Minutes Work Area CC-I0-30-17spmm doc issues and then we take a vote and however it turns then we are all settled and move on. I think that is really great. Soelberg: I have a comment since this is our last public forum. I wanted to echo Mr. Bastian's comments. The reason I joined City Council was that I found there was a little bit of lack of civility going on with the Council itself and with the Council and public really talking with each other. The two years we have been here we have always been respectful to the public and each other. There are a couple of hopes I have for the future. Discusses hiring an Economic Development Coordinator that has been funded this fiscal year. We need to diversify the economic base in a way that makes sense. I would like to see the Wayfaring signs similar to what we have for all of our trails systems. I would like to see our trail systems well marked especially where the parking areas are and some updated maps. Mayor: I was at the Treasurer Valley Partnership meeting today and we discussed taxes. Roughly $2,000,000 that the City brings in funds the Police Department. We also discussed highway districts and elections. Bastian: our Chief reports that we have a very low rate of crime. At one time, we as a Council looked at having our own police department and when we started researching we found it really costs a lot of money for space, equipment, vehicles and everything that goes with it. We decided we would have a negotiated agreement with Ada County and Ada County Sheriff's Department is basically our Police Department. Patrick Calley is our Police Chief and the officers that are here are dedicated to the City of Eagle and do a great job. Chief Calley provides an overview of the crime rates in Eagle. We have a new traffic officer and a new detective. We will continue to be the Police Department and continue to work every day with great diligence to operate with ease and efficiencies and make everything safe. General discussion. Kunz discusses economic development. In addition to the Coordinator the City needs to have an economic development plan. Discusses more diversity with the new commercial development and transportation issues. Bastian: I have been chosen to be the Chair of the Urban Renewal Agency and one of the things that we are going to focus on is the property owners and the citizens. What do the citizens want? We are going to do a survey to find out what the citizens want and we are also and we are also very interested in what the property owners want, vacant property in particular. Lastly, we want to look at owners of businesses who are now in Eagle and how can we help them and what are some of the things that we can do to beautify the City even more and help local owners. Mayor: displays overheads on ACHD's Oct 2017 Mayor's Winter Operations Briefing and discusses the same. Discusses the preparations that the City has made in the case there is sever snow fall this winter. 5. ADJOURNMENT: Bastian moves to adjourn. Seconded by Soelberg. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Page 3 1:•COUNCIL\MJNUTES Temporary Minutes Work Area CC-I0-30-17spmin.doc Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Res ectfully submi ed: SHAROk. ERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: STAN RIDGEWAY MAYOR tossilesee .••%4G t,AGLF ' ►, .•••••••. ��`'•, �, Qpit A rii. 4 % 1 • s 0 -. neivs, 4? i Ismoissss. AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WWW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 4 J: COUNCIL\MINUTES Temporary Minutes Work Area CC- I0-30-17spmin.doc