Minutes - 2017 - City Council - 08/15/2017 - SpecialEAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes August 15, 2017 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ridgeway calls the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: KUNZ, BASTIAN, PRESTON, SOELBERG. Bastian is absent. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Ridgeway leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: None This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. 5. ADDITIONS, DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: None 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m. Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. A. Fiscal Year 2017/2018 Budget Public Hearing: Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor presents his Budget power point and discusses the same. Discussion on the July 2017 changes to the published Budget. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Gwen Ryza, 2330 E. Halsay Dr., I have lived here 6 years and the first place we visited was the Library. I feel in love with children's area and programs. My family has participated in the programs. Last summer I discovered my love for reading. Please don't lose the funding as it could prevent children like me to lose these experiences. Jeanie Farnworth, 1471 N. Watson Ave, I'm here to support the Library. I have lived in Eagle since 1959. Discusses the Library when it was located where the Museum is today. I was also involved with The Friends of the Library and I volunteer every week at the Library. I believe we all need a sense of community and that is what the Library does. I give my support and I ask for your support. Maggie Galt, 701 Evergreen St., I have lived in Eagle since 1994 and I have been involved in the Eagle Senior Citizens Center. I believe the Budget has in it additional Page 1 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-15-17bdgt mtng ph.doc funding for transportation for seniors. Discusses the transportation available for seniors in Eagle. I totally agree and support the City's FY 17/18 Budget. Discusses the times for the senior's transportation, the meals and the activities at the Eagle Senior Center. Jack Swain, 1540 E. River Glen Ct., we have lived here 12-13 years. Discusses the live long learning that the Library provides. Beth Landis, 1540 E. Rivers End Ct, I'm speaking in favor of the Library and the Library Budget. Thank you for listening to us. Not everyone has accesses to technology. Discusses how she uses the Library how a lot of things the Library provides she can't get online. Discusses the educational programs she has attended. I ask you to keep full support of the Library. Hal Chapman, 1761 E. Summercove Ct., Meridian, I worked at the Eagle Library and I am now retired. I work with The Friends of the Library. Discusses his use of the Library. Jane Kramer, 238 Story Brook Way, I do endorse the proposed Budget for 17/18. Our City is growing and we need to keep on top of projects. Connie Davis, 6066 N. Castleton Ln., I started going to the Library as a stay at home Mom. Discusses the activities that the family participated in. I use the Library for access to the internet and this was particularly helpful when I was looking for employment. I am in full support of the Library. Steve Guerber, 3316 W. Skywood Lane, we moved to Eagle in 1980. As a former Mayor and Councilmember, I can understand your challenges. The discussion is always taxes. Discusses the increase of taxes over the years and the different taxing entities that make up the total tax bill. Discusses the decisions of the past that has let the City grow. Eagle has the 2"d or 3"h lowest tax rate in the State. People are happy with the downtown, the entrance signs, the nice parks, a nice Library, a greenbelt, and etc. Residents will be happy with you when you enhance the place they live. I encourage you play catch up where you are behind. Betty Miller, 959 Preakness, I am supporting the Library and I have also been a volunteer at the Library. There are always things going on and not just for kids. Discusses the variety of programing. Underneath all of this it is a chance for people to get to know each other. The Library is a community gathering place. Ron Viano, 704 N. Nicklaus Lane, I want to speak in favor of the budget and the 3%. Eagle has become a great community. Discusses the parks and how important they are to the City. People who come to visit are impressed with our parks. Discusses tackling past projects that need to be done and improving the greenbelt. Mike Huffaker, 1415 S. Hidden Island Pl., my wife and I have lived here 14 years. I am here tonight to generally support the budget and the 3% increase and I am happy that these funds are going to support the pathways. Discusses the damage and the repairs that need to be done to the greenbelt and the pathways. When I was on the City Council people wanted to have an adequate police department, a library and to have a pathway system. I want to support the budget. I think it is a privilege to live here. Melissa Rodabaugh, 220 N. Eagle Rd., my family moved here about a year ago. We home school our children and we found the Library. My children are at the Library several times a week and participate in the programs. My daughter volunteers at the Library. We are in support of the Library. Page 2 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area \CC-08-15-17bdgt mtng ph.doc Jack Rodabaugh, 220 N. Eagle Rd., I liked the Library because I can check out a lot of books and I love all of the programs there. My favorite is all of the books. My brother, sister and I ride our bikes to the Library. I got to know all of the people there. Natsha Palmer, 871 N. Grey Pebble Way, my sister lives in Austin, Texas and she is jealous of the Library. My daughter wants to go to the Library every day. The Library is very important to my family. The books are amazing and the inter -library loan is great. Discusses the summer programs at the Library. It is critical that we support the Library and give them whatever they want. My kids know that they have a safe place to go. Ryan Rodabaugh 220 N. Eagle Rd., I want to add my support. What you have going on is Americana. Before I lived here it was too chancy to let my kids ride to the Library. We are new here and are grateful citizens. I know that the Library is paid for by taxpayers. We appreciate being a part of this community. The Library has been tremendous resource for our family as we do home school. Analisa Rodabuaghm, 220 N. Eagle Rd., I am on the Teen Advisory Board at the Library and I attend programs with my siblings. I have met a lot of great friends through the Library and the Librarians are just wonderful there. Pat Miller, 959 Preakness, after I saw the Budget I was very impressed. You all need to be complimented on what you did with snow event. Sacha Timmons, I do work at the Library and I am also a patron at the Library. I do not have a computer or a smart phone at home so I depend on the Library. Discusses the programs at the Library. I want to compliment all of you on the budget. I am very proud to live in Eagle. Andy Mortenson, 569 Stienuan Way, I sit on the Board of Trustee of the Library. The quality and experience of the Library is exceptional and it is because of the leadership of Steve. We are lucky to have him. Alex Maden 803 Arlington Drive, I have big family, a family of 7. The Library means a lot to my family. I moved here from Arizona and we did have a big Library. Discusses the programs at the Library, they are extraordinary. The Library is a big resource. My brothers go to the Library every week to participate in the programs. I would appreciate it if you would continue to fund the Library. Bernard Echanow, 4150 W. Bolton Drive, I just wanted to give my general support to the budget. We have only been here about a year and a half. I am very impressed by the amenities, including the Library, that the City is providing plus the sense of community. Mayor has also read the names of people who are pro/con but do not wish to testify. Most which are in favor of the Library. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Mayor reopens the Public Hearing Mayor: we do have two written correspondence that I have asked Mr. Vaughan to read into the record. Mr. Vaughan reads a letter from Russ and Janet Buschert dated August 11, 2017 and an email from Amy Butner dated August 8, 2017 who are in support of the Budget and the Library. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Page 3 J:\COUNCIL\MINIMS\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-15-17bdgt mtng ph.doc Soelberg: I am in favor of the budget as proposed and I am in favor of taking the 3% increase. Discusses the need for the City to hire an Economic Development person to assist the City in attracting commercial business into the City. I would like to see us hire someone to work specifically in economic development. I would like to hear assurances that this going to happen in the next 6 months, 3 months. I propose adding an additional $100,000 to the existing $100,000 in the budget for Economic Development. I am really happy with the changes the Mayor has made in the last 2 years as to the budget and I'm happy with the way everything has been handled. I commend the Mayor, he has done a very good job with the staff and the City. Mayor discusses economic development in the City and hiring or contracting an economic development person. Preston: I would like to echo Councilman Soelberg's comments and agrees to doubling the existing Budget for economic development. The URA has also mentioned having an economic development person. I'm also in favor of the 3% increase, it does not represent any significant burden on our residents and I like the fact that it has been targeted to Parks and Pathways. Kunz discusses the memo setting out the proposed changes to the budget. Thanks everyone for coming to the Public Hearing. Discusses property taxes and home/land value. Also, I would say that I am not convinced that we need to take the 3% in order to meet the level of service requirements and everything else that the citizens of Eagle have told us that they wanted. General discussion. Soelberg moves to table the Ordinance until the next regularly scheduled Council meeting on the 22i1. Discussion. Soelberg: Both the Budget and the Ordinance. I would like to have Mr. Bastian weigh in on this and I would like to review further. Mayor: we have a motion and no second. Motion fails for lack of a second. General discussion. Preston: I would like to move that we pass this tonight, the Ordinance and the Budget with the changes that were specified. Mayor we have a Motion do we have a second? So, without a second to the motion we will add Ordinance #782 and the Budget to the agenda of our August 22nd meeting. Al. Ordinance No. 782 — An Ordinance entitled the Annual Appropriation Ordinance for the City of Eagle, Idaho, for the fiscal year 2018 commencing October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 2018, appropriating sums of money in the aggregate amount of $25,039,953.00 to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities of the City of Eagle for said fiscal year, specifying the object and purposes for which such appropriations are made and the amount appropriated for each object and purpose; authorizing the certification to the County Commissioners of Ada County, Idaho, to levy and assess a sufficient tax upon the taxable property in the City; providing for the filing of a copy of this Ordinance with the Office of the Secretary of State as provided by law; providing for publication and providing an effective date. Page 4 J:\COUNCIL\MINIJTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area CC-08-15-17bdgt mtng ph.doc 7. PUBLIC COMMENT: None This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter, up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing items. Comments regarding Public Hearing items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s) in accordance with Idaho Code. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters (excluding Public Hearing items) during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. 8. ADJOURNMENT: Soelberg moves to adjourn. Seconded by Kunz. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted: SHARON K. BERGMANN �r CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: I STAN RIDGEWAY MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WWW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 5 J:.COUNCILMIMJTES.Temporary Minutes Work Area•CC-08-15-17bdgt mtng ph.doc NAME PLEASE PRINT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP Fiscal Year 2017/2018 Budget Public Hearinj! August 15, 2017 ADDRESS TESTIFY PRO/ CON YES/NO NEUTRAL z i L"In ze� 2� c, '7 lil� L�l , /1-Z 4-v, J 6p�- 6 C' O01(',� O' 13E S'3713 /�V! Si /'07 ��� ������: s Ie �� yes �� �,���:�-�.•� LIP paf2-T -PTZ, X -Z to c) v1 LZ G'o' -2 2.L '12 z i L"In v EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP Fiscal Year 2017/2018 Budget Public Hearing 1 I , August 15, 2017 � � / 115, zy U!� j V� Vj ow, cXk VV00D Y�s (T� 7v-, t-, vc C, L ;°,v.' V 0 0 zy _ / / � �A '}2 ----------------------- Stan Ridgeway rc ��/� J? From: eaglecity Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2017 10:12 AM To: Council; Steve Bumgarner Subject: FW: Library funding/City Council Meeting Sharon K. Bergmann, CMC Cl ty Clerk/Treasurer City of Eagle P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, Idaho 83616 From: adr62776@aol.com [mailto:adr62776@aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2017 4:45 PM To: eaglecity <eaglecity@cityofeagle.org> Subject: Library funding/City Council Meeting To whom it may concern: I heard recently that there will be some discussion regarding the library funding during the next budget meeting. I won't be able to attend but I would like to tell you what the library means to me and my family. As a stay-at-home mom of two who has only been living in Eagle for 14 months, the toddler and preschool story time classes have been my savior since last fall. Without a hefty price tag, my kids learn to behave and participate in a class setting, develop their fine motor skills, and interact with other kids. It gives me a chance to talk to other adults. I can also get books and videos to help reinforce what I am trying to teach my kids, not to mention all the fun stories. My son particularly enjoys getting the super hero books! And on top of this, I can check out cake pans to make their birthdays even more special. My son will be attending preschool in two weeks and will no longer be able to go the classes, although I will continue to take my daughter. And as they both grow, I plan on attending the age-appropriate classes in the summer and throughout the year. I look forward to them joining the reading club. My husband and I have been reading to our kids since they were born. They love books. And while we are happy to buy them, in this age of digital everything, I hope to show them how great the library is and what a wonderful resource it can be — especially to go to be a part of a community. The library and its programs are beyond valuable; therefore, it's vital to keep it going the best way we can. Sincerely, Amy Butner 314-517-1413 August 11, 2017 Subject: Upcoming Budget Finalization Eagle City Council Eagle, Idaho 83616 Greetings Council Members, First, thank you for all that you do. I can only begin to imagine how much work is actually involved in doing the job of being a City Council Person. Thank you so much. My husband and I are unfortunately unable to attend the August 15 meeting because we will be seeking to hold down camping spots for the great "Apoceclipse" on August 21. Otherwise we would definitely be there. As 33 -year residents of Eagle, we stand in firm support of two specific pieces of the proposed budget - taking the 3% increase and supporting the library budget as proposed. During the downturn in the economy many shortcuts were taken across governmental boundaries, for good reason. But now we have a good-sized park system, for example, in significant need of repair. And we have other Public Works items in need of attention as well. Part of the attraction to Eagle as a community is its parks, the greenbelt and very good general services. If these fall out of repair it is a significant detriment to our reputation and therefore the future of the City. We fully support taking the 3% increase in taxes for the upcoming fiscal year. And we do this understanding that it probably doesn't (particularly given the need to repair the greenbelt) add to services during the coming year. As one additional comment on this 3% addition, I cannot tell you how many individuals I've heard at Comprehensive Planning Workshops (thank you, City of Eagle) talk on the side about the importance of maintaining a quality "posture" as we plan for Eagle's future. Continuing the potential levy as allowed is a minimal step toward assuring this while continuing to situate us with just about the lowest taxes across the valley. Second, we fully support the Library budget for the coming year. There is just no way (if we want to continue to foster a true and open society) that libraries are not a part of that! Yes, things can be accessed over the Internet. But, not nearly everyone has that access! And the community built through this brick and mortar edifice cannot be underestimated. Programs provided by the library extend far beyond the Internet and into a "touch and feel" world that provides critical learning to our young people. Good friends and neighbors who dispute these values should just set foot inside the doors of the library this summer. Recently I visited to donate a book we had read and no longer needed, and every computer was busy. Extra spots with experiences for young kids were all busy. And programs were happening in the conference room. This may be one of the most central and important spots in our city. We definitely should not fund it at any less a degree than proposed. You definitely cannot get all of this on the Internet! We hope you'll vote to take the 3% increase in levy rate and to support the library budget. Best of Regards, Russ and Janet Buschert C- C Memorandum To: Mayor From: Sharon K. Bergmann, City Clerk/Treasurer Date: August 9, 2017 Re: Budget Changes — AFTER PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 8/9/17 Changes to the Budget REVENUE — Updates: Carry Forward - $2,590,036 increased $683,432 to $3,273,468 Property Taxes - Up dated July Values - $1,827,976 increased $87,360 to $1,836,712 Franchise Fees - $699,000 decreased $676,000 Library O & M - $20,000 decreased $18,232 to $1,768 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION — Updates: Reserve Fund - $1,880,689 increased $225,000 to $2,105,689 Future Property Purchase - $876,811 increased $225,312 to $1,102,123 Auditor Contract - $11,600 increased $600 to $12,200 General Fund Transfer to Museum - $85,244 increased $5,000 to $90,244 General Fund Transfer to Capital Projects Fund - $682,600 increased $212,000 to $894,600 Trail Repairs — 3% property taxes $85,805 increased $255 to $86,060 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND — Updates: P/R FY 17/18 Projects — Added RC Car Funding - $22,000 P/R Trails Projects — Added $190,000 PUBLIC WORKS — Updates: Library O & M - $20,000 decreased $18,232 to $1,768 MUSEUM — Updates: Added Annual Exhibit line item - $5,000 PARK FUND — Updates: Carry Forwarded - $2,936,454 increased $287,154 to $3,223,608 SAMPLE MOTION: I move to approve the changes to the FY 17/18 Budget that are stated in the 8/3/17 Memo from the City Clerk to the Mayor and which have been discussed by Council. EXI,CUTIVE BUDGET SUMMARY - REVISED BUDGET 8/9/2017 REVENUES - GENERAL FUND FY 17/18, FY 16/17 % CARRY OVER FUNDS FROM FY 16/17 $ 3,273,468 $2,568,500 27% $56,000 100% PUBLIC WORKS $236,503 RESERVE ACCOUNTS Three month reserve for quarterly expenses $1,880,689 Operating Account $1,000,000 TOTAL RESERVE ACCOUNTS $2,880,689 $1,842,186 $1,330,8051 $3,172,991 2% -25% -9% RESTRICTED FUNDS - GENERAL FUND $ 1,839,712 CITY RESTRICTED FUNDS $468,180 $507,886 -8%0 FLEET MANAGEMENT $112,000 $56,000 100% PUBLIC WORKS $236,503 $203,600 16% TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS $816,683 $767,486 6% Property Taxes &- Penalty/Interest $ 1,839,712 $1,695,331 9% Personal Property Tax Reimbursement $ 8,463 $8,463 0 State Sales Tax $ 357,769 $296,634 21% State Revenue Sharing $ 1,628,590 $1,419,221 15% Liquor Tax $ 376,367 $321,816 17% Franchise Fees $ 676,000 $644,000 5% Building Dept Fees $ 1,515,800 $1,429,675 6% Building Dept Inspections $ 620,000 $605,000 2% Planning and Zoning Fees $ 211,500 $152,675 39% Misc Permits and Fees $ 156,168 $163,603 -5%0 Misc Other Revenue $ 97,900 $135,420 -28% 0% $ 7,488,2691 $6,871,838 9% GRANTS $150,0001 $150,0001 0% 1 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE: $14,609,1091 $13,530,8151 8% EXPENDITURES - GENERAL FUND FY 17/18 FY 16/17 General Administration RESERVE ACCOUNTS $ 74,132 32% 3rd Quarter Reserve -Quarterly Expenses $2,105,689 $1,880,689 12% Operating Account $1,000,000 $1,330,805 -25% Future Purchase of Land Reserve $0 $247,500 -100% Future Property Purchase $1,102,123 $876,811 0% Transportation Related Projects $140,500 $140,500 0% TOTAL RESERVE ACCOUNTS $4,348,312 $4,476,305 -3% CITY RESTRICTED FUNDS $468,180 $658,208 -29% CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $350,272' $4,665 7409% CONTRACTS (police, legal, etc) $3,318,887 $2,840,260 = 17% PERSONNEL $57,600 $45,982 25% ADMINISTRATION $317,897 $362,655 -12% TRANSFERS OUT - TO DEPARTMENTS $1,523,612 $1,419,407 7% GRANTS $150,0001 $150,000 0% TOTAL GEN FUND EXPENDITURES: $10,S34,7601 $9,957,482 6% Executive Clerks Dept Building Dept Planning and Zoning Dept Trails and Pathways Public Works IT Dept Park Rec Administration DEPARTMENT TOTAL TOTAL GEN FUND EXPENDITURES: FY 17/18 J FY 16/17 % WIDGET TOTAL - ALL FUNDS: 1 $25,039,9531 $21,815,674 15% $ 97,588 $ 74,132 32% $ 521,114 $ 451,028 16% $ 768,849 $ 728,606 6% $ 752,717 $ 686,102 10% $ 177,615 $ 140,876 26% $ 1,419,846 $ 835,251 70% $ 336,620 $ 268,279 25% $0 $ 389,060 1 -100% $ 4,074,349 1 $ 3,573,334 1 14% $13,530,8161 8% EXECUTIVE BUDGET SUMMARY STAND ALONE FUNDS W/FUNDING FROM GENERAL FUND FY 17/18 FY 16/17 % Revene Gen Fund Budget Budget Parks and Rec Administration $31,300 $214,264 $245,564 $0 0% Recreation Program $71,500 $155,564 $227,064 $201,961 12% Community Enhance $53,090 $82,463 $135,553 $170,027 -20% Museum $2,525 $90,224 $92,749 $81,312 14% Historice Commission $12,000 $2,250 $14,250 $9,750 46% Arts Commission $20,000 $50,000 $70,000 $60,010 17% City Hall Bond Fund $0 $105,300 $105,300 $103,550 2% Capital Projects $844,400 $894,600 $1,739,000 $1,092,659 59% Eagle Fun Days $22,662 $40,588 $63,250 $0 0% Totals: $1,057,477 $1,635,253 $2,692,730 $1,719,269 57% STAND ALONE FUNDS - NO FUNDING FROM GENERAL FUND Library Fund Revenue Property Taxes $1,282,846 $1,171,843 9% Other Revenues $81,450 $328,660 -75% Total Revenue $1,364,296 $1,500,503 -9% Reserve Fund $350,000 $300,000 17% Total $1,714,296 $1,800,503 -5% Expenses Operating Costs $1,351,066 $1,330,553 2% Restricted Funds $3,230 $119,950 -97% Total Expense $1,354,296 $1,450,503 -7% Reserve Fund $360,000 $350,000 3% Total $1,714,296 $1,800,503 -5% Park Fund Revenue Carryover $ 3,223,608 $2,361,710 36% IMPACT FEES New impact fees $ 594,779 $560,985 6% Other $ 251,500 $5,000 4930% $2,927,695 39% Total Revenue $ 4,069,887 Expenses Total Expense $ 4,069,887 1 $2,927,695 39% Pathway Fund Revenue Carryover $34,730 $0 0% IMPACT FEES New Impact Fees $145,420 $34,705 319% Bank Interest $200 $25 700% Total Revenue $180,350 $34,730 419% Expenses Total Expense $180,3501 $34,730 419% Water Enterprise Fui Revenue from operations $1,773,581 $1,563,289 13% Expenses from operations $1,773,581 $1,563,289 13% PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FY 16/17 - PROJECTS cc S'>5-87 (COMPLETED PROJECTS: PROJECT NAME FY 16/17 BUDGET ACTUAL COST NOTES Repaint and repair Park and Facility Signs 12,900 16,000 Carried over to FY 17/18 for Additional Funding Beautify Downtown Project 11,359 11,359 Carried over to FY 17/18 for Additional Funding Exterior Lights City Hall sensory replacement 17,000 17,000 10,000 Security Camera - Guerber Park 15,500 15,500 6,500 Sprinkler Upgrades -City Hall 10,000 11,369 5,000 Friendship Park Tennis Court repaving 50,000 56,300 1 $60,2001 Playground Cribbing replacement OK Park Library Concrete Repair Museum Patio Repair Merrill Park Concrete Painting Heritage Park Concrete Painting City Hall Down Spout Sealing of Flex Ground - Guerber Park Sprinkler Upgrades 30,000 3,495 4,995 4,880 3,700 2,933 1,000 7,597 1,400 Cost for this project was $3,495 remainder of funds used to additional projects - Total $30,000 Palmetto Wall Rebuild 35,000 33,000 Civic Lane Paving Project 37,200 37,488 Merrill Park Historic Rooster Display/Signage 30,000 16,704 To Date - Work in progress - City is paying for materials - Seventh Day Adventists Mens Group doing the construction Eagle Sports Complex Stq Shed 40,000 41,293 Merrill Park Fencing - $5,000 Repair/Additional Fence Sports Complex - $23,000 28,000 17,000 These funds were combined to fix the Merrill Park Fencing - not need for Sports Complex Landscaping Along Roads - Sports Complex 30,000 Determined that this project was not needed Ada/Eagle Sports Complex - New Bathroom 200,000 243,694 Will be completed by 9/30/17 FY 16/17 COMPLETED PROJECTS TOTAL: $546,959 546,707 PROJECTS CARRIED OVER TO FY 17/18 PROJECT NAME FY 16/17 BUDGET ACTUAL COST NOTES Sealcoat and fill cracks City Parking Lots 23,700 60,000 Carried over to FY 17/18 for Additional Funding Remove/replace sand, improve volleyball net-Guerber Park 7,000 8,000 15,000 19,000 Carried over to FY 17/18 for Additional Funding Drainage Ditch Repairs (19-0468-16-00) Carried over to FY 17/18 for Additional Funding Night Time Lighting Overhead Eagle Sign- Eagle Rd 10,000 15,000 Working on Project - Finished in FY 17/18 Self Watering Flower Pots 6,500 6,500 Additional decorations for Heritage Park 5,000 5,000 Will be used FY 17/18 TOTALS: 1 $60,2001 $120,500