Minutes - 2022 - City Council - 11/22/2022 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 22,2022 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER, PIKE, RUSSELL. Absent; BAUN. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. ADDITIONS,DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: A. City Staff requests.:None B. Mayor or City Council requests.None 5. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: Gindlesperger provides a report from the Library Board meeting including the results of a recent survey. Pike reports on the Urban Renewal Agency meeting,they recently had an audit conducted with positive results. He also reports on the Eagle Sewer District meeting and a long-range planning efforts. He also reports on the Eagle Senior Center. Russell reports on the Eagle Senior Center Board meeting,the recently hired accountant attended as well. They are still conducting a review on accounts and will be recommending best practices for future operating procedures. She also reports on the new transportation program. B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: 1. City Treasurer's Report: Financial Reports for October 2022 C. Eagle Police Department:None D. City Attorney:None 6. PUBLIC COMMENT 1: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time.This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter,land use application,or comment on a pending application or proposal.Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. None 7. ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA • Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor,a Councilmember,member of City Staff,or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion.Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. • Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff,Planning&Zoning Commission,or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims against the City. B. Minutes from October 25,2022.(TEO) C. Minutes of October 27,2022.(TEO) D. Minutes of November 1,2022.(TEO) E. Minutes of November 9,2022.(TEO) F. Reappointment to the Design Review Board: In accordance with Resolution 20-03, Mayor Pierce is requesting Council Confirmation of the reappointment of Terry Sayer to the City of Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-11-22-2022min.docx Eagle Design Review Board.Ms. Sayer will be serving a three(3)year term that will expire in November 2025,nunc pro tunc. (JWP) G. FPUD-09-22 & FP-14-22—Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Carrara Estates Subdivision No.1 —Cantlon Holdings LLC and TC Chase LLC: Cantlon Holdings LLC and TC Chase LLC, represented by Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions, LLP, are requesting final development plat and final plat approvals for Carrara Estates Subdivision No. 1, a 50-lot(40-buildable, 10-common)residential planned unit development. The 24.93 -acre site is located on the north side of West Floating Feather Road approximately 2,280-feet west of North Eagle Road. (DLM) H. FP-12-22—Final Plat for Pescara Estates Subdivision—801 BTH,LLC: 801 BTH,LLC, represented by Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions, LLP, is requesting an annexation, rezone from RUT(Rural-Urban Transition—Ada County designation)to R-E-DA(Residential- Estates with a development agreement), and preliminary plat approvals for Pescara Estates Subdivision, a 10-lot (8-buildable, 2-common [1-private road]) residential subdivision. The 16.34-acre site is located on the south side of East Beacon Light Road,approximately 630-feet west of the intersection of East Los Luceros Drive and East Beacon Light Road at 801 East Beacon Light Road. (DLM) I. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Denial of CU-10-22—Building Height Exception — North 45 Investments, LLC: North 45 Investments, LLC, represented by Walter Lindgren with Lindgren: LaBrie Architecture, is requesting conditional use permit approval for a building height exception to 54-feet,6-inches.The request is in association with a proposed four(4) story mixed use building. The .96-acre site is located on the east side of South Olde Park Place between West State Street and West Aikens Road at 45 and 75 West State Street and 64 and 96 South Olde Park Place. (MJW) J. Development Impact Fee Study Scope of Work with HECO Engineers:Approve the Scope of Work with HECO Engineers to update the cost for park development in the 2017 Development Impact Fee Study in an amount not to exceed$4,000.(NBS) K. Agreement for Independent Contract Instructor Between the City of Eagle and Shelly Schwers:An Independent Contract Instructor Agreement between the City of Eagle and Shelly Schwers to instruct Pickleball classes. Compensation shall be at a rate not to exceed 70% of the total revenue generated.(DWK) Pike moves to approve consent agenda items 7A-K.Seconded by Russell.GINDLESBERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; RUSSELL AYE;ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None A. Proposed Eagle Shooting Sports Park: Staff is requesting City Council to review the draft Request for Qualifications for the proposed Eagle Shooting Sports Park. (NBS) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects, Nichoel Baird-Spencer reviews the draft request for qualifications. Council has no further direction on the request for qualification and staff is to move forward with the distribution. Council decides to hear New Business and Executive Session next. 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM:Cost Share Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Dennis Baker: Cost Share Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Dennis Baker for the construction of Phase 2 and 3 of Pamela Baker Park in an amount not to exceed $540,000.(NBS Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-11-22-2022min.docx Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects, Nichoel Baird-Spencer reviews cost share agreement. She notes a scrivners error in the recitals regarding the acres involved, and that will be corrected. Gindlesberger moves to approve new business item 10 A action item Cost Share Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Dennis Baker: Cost Share Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Dennis Baker for the construction of Phase 2 and 3 of Pamela Baker Park in an amount not to exceed $540,000 action item. Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION:74-206(1)An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds(2/3)vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: (f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement; Pike moves to go into executive session 74-2006(1) (f)To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement; Seconded by Russell. GINDLESBERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; RUSSELL AYE; ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Council enters executive session Discussion of pending/threatened litigation. Council exits executive session A. ACTION ITEM: Action regarding pending/threatened litigation. No action. 9. ALL PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS PUBLIC HEARINGS:Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m • Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law.The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council.This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. • Public hearing testimony time limits:Individuals testifying are allotted three(3)minutes for non-repetitive testimony. • Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest. A. RZ-07-18 MOD/CU-03-18 MOD2/PPUD-02-18 MOD — Development Agreement Modification and Planned Unit Development Modification for Molinari Park Subdivision— Molinari Park Development, LLC: Molinari Park Development, LLC, represented by Walter Lindgren with Lindgren :LaBrie Architecture, PLLC, is requesting development agreement modification and planned unit development modification approvals to modify the development agreement concept plan and preliminary development plan site plan associated with the multi- family portion of Molinari Park Subdivision. The 24.6-acre site is located on the south side of East Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-11-22-2022min.docx Plaza Drive approximately 300-feet east of the intersection of South 2nd Street and East Plaza Drive. (MJW) This item was continued from the October 25, 2022, and November 9, 2022, City Council meeting(s). Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Zoning Administrator Vaughan applicant is requesting Pike moves to continue item 9A RZ-07-18 MOD/CU-03-18 MOD2/PPUD-02-18 MOD — Development Agreement Modification and Planned Unit Development Modification for Molinari Park Subdivision — Molinari Park Development, LLC: to the December 13, 2022 Council meeting. Seconded by Russell.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM:Cost Share Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Dennis Baker:Cost Share Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Dennis Baker for the construction of Phase 2 and 3 of Pamela Baker Park in an amount not to exceed$540,000.(NBS Moved above 11. PUBLIC COMMENT 2: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter, up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing and land use items.Comments regarding Public Hearing and land use items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s)in accordance with Idaho Code.At times,the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters(excluding Public Hearing and land use items)during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3)minutes Mayor introduces the item. Tom Wajectk 2852 S. Lake Vista Lane asks if the City is currently any negotiation for a sale of easement near Tomahawk Lane. Tom Daly (make sure name) 2834 S. Lake Vista Lane asks if there is a final plan for phase 3 of Pamela Baker Park that can be viewed. 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: -moved above 74-206 (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: (f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement; A. ACTION ITEM: Action regarding pending/threatened litigation. Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-11-22-2022min.docx 13. ADJOURNMENT: Gindlesperger moves to adjourn. Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted: """"',•.,,,� T Y E. OS , MC = } . x • F. CITY CLERK ' � • APPROVED: •••* ,**,<, J SO PIERCE ►s Ye.' AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-11-22-2022min.docx r CGI14)z, City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-III P898: 1 Check Issue Dales:11/82022-11/21/2022 Nov 21,2022 1O:44AM Report Criteria: Report type:GL deice Ba nk.Bank account:.82007705" Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Description Check Isere Date Number Payee GL Account Account Tile Amount 39834 11/122022 39834 Winoo Foods 111522 STAFF DAY 01b182-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS Thankful for our employees day 46.92 Total 39834: /8.92 39836 11/172022 99835 Home Depot Credit Services 1010820 23-0414.03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES wasteaml 2725 11/17/2022 39835 Moms Depot Credit Services 1064322 800434-58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA sv shop office repair 651.89 11/172022 39835 Hone Depot Credit Services 10951 23-0487-01-00 SV REGIONAL SPORTS COMP,SHOP sy shop plumbing 381.55 11/172022 39835 Home Depot Credit Services 10869 23-0414-03.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES pw supplies 3.39 11/172022 39835 Home Depot Credit Services 14186 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES slap-DIY Shim plc 280.78 11/172022 39835 Home Depot Credit Services 14209 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES ant brass/adjustable stamp-pw 88.77 11/17/2022 39836 Hone Depot Credit Services 3014930 23-0114-04-00 HOLIDAY LIGHTING clahbnas lights 955.20 11/172022 39835 Horne Depot Cede Services 3190557 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES pw atop 25.18 11/17/2022 39835 Homo Depot Credit Services 5014688 80-0434.2800 TOOLS.EQUIPMENT AND SUPPS water depl-concrete mbi-Grey0bne 143.80 11/172022 39835 Horne Depot Credit Services 513575 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES sv stop roof repair 28.29 11/172022 39835 Home Depot Credit Services 6010302 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES P.erpphes 32.23 11/17/2022 39836 Home Depot Credit Services 6022518 60-0434.58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA snogalmle PRV repair 12.59 11/17/2022 39835 Home Depot Credt Services 80861 60-0434-56-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA sv shop w0Mr healer pads 87.17 11/17/2022 39835 Home Depot Credit Services 7065015 60.0434-26-00 TOOLS,EQUIPMENT AND SUPPS water depl loos-sledge hemmer 44.98 11/17/2022 39895 Home Depot Credit Services 90/5297 23-0414.03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Mason house 4.58 11/17/2022 39835 Home Depot Credit Services 9022161 23-0414-03.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES ay shop roof repair 53.72 11/172022 39835 Home Depot Credit Services 9022188 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES city hag electrical wok 356.38 Toth 39835' 3,11673 39838 ' 11/172022 39838 Idaho Chad Support Recelptin9 CHILD SUPP 11182 23-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENT 9003628 138.48 Total 39838: 242.30 39837 11/172022 39837 Idaho Power Co.-Processing CV FACILITIES 10202 23-0440.02-00 UTILITIES Spring Valley 102022 103.88 11/172022 39837 Idaho Power Co.-Processing CV FACILITIES/0/202 23-0440-02-00 UTILITIES Shop PW 10/2022 59.92 11/17/2022 39837 Idaho Power Co.-Processing Cl, FACILITIES 10/202 23.0442-04-00 UTILITIES City Hall 102022 1.687.52 11/172022 39837 Idaho Power Co.-Processing CB FACILITIES 10/202 80-0434-50-01 SHOP UTILITIES Water Shop 102022 29.913 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Vereicn-III Page: 2 Check Issue Dabs:11/8/2022-11/21/2022 Nov 21,2022 10'44AM Chock Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Description Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Amount TNe Amount Total 39837: 1,881.28 39838 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 0513-OCT 2022 17-0422-00-00 TRAINING-PROFESSIONAL DEVELOP CPR/AED/Flret Aid Class 435.00 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 0513-OCT 2022 09-0487-05-00 GENERAL EVENTS monster mash supplies 4246 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 0513-OCT 2022 09-0487.06-00 GENERAL EVENTS monster mash supplies 143.58 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 0513-OCT 2022 09-0467-06-00 GENERAL EVENTS dry Ice-coo sler mash 5.79 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 0513-OCT 2022 09-0467-05-00 GENERAL EVENTS morabr mash decorations 78.88 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 0513.00T 2022 09-0487-05-00 GENERAL EVENTS master mesh decorations 11.78 1i/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 0513-OCT 2O22 09-0467-05-00 GENERAL EVENTS monsterrnash poxes 80.00 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 0513-OCT 2O22 09-0467-05-00 GENERAL EVENTS monster mesh food 19.05 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 0513-OCT 2O22 09-0487-05-00 GENERAL EVENTS monabrrash decorations 25.00 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 0613-OCT 2022 09-04137-05-00 GENERAL EVENTS decoration, 70.67 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 0513-OCT 2022 09-0467-06-00 EAGLE HARVEST FEST harvest fest decor 69.24 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 0513-OCT 2022 09-0487-08-00 EAGLE HARVEST FEST harvest feet deco 105.96 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 0513-OCT 2022 09-0487-06-00 EAGLE HARVEST FEST harvest feat dear 105.98 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 0513-OCT 2022 09-0467-05-00 GENERAL EVENTS monster mesh decorations 136.00 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 1137-PWOCTOBE 23-0413-04-00 TRAINING arbor training 210.00 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 1137-PWOCTOBE 23-0413-04.00 TRAINING hoes license-Ziegenlues 113.30 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 1137-PW OCTOBE 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES pkpNsuppliea 208.41 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 1137-PW OCTOBE 23-0413-04-00 TRAINING 2022 NRPS PIeypgerd certification-Hancok 575.00 11/17/2022 99838 MASTERCARD 1137-PW OCTOBE 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES eighttoNRPS playground training 301.96 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 1728-MUSEUM OC 07-0481-03-00 CONFERENCES B SEMINARS online conleereoe 50.00 ' 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 2486-PZ OCT 20222 14-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES ASFPM Memberahip-Beww 176.00 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 3577-COE OCT202 11-0422-01-00 COMMUNITY/STAFF RELATIONS pubes relations-COE pens 168.18 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 3577-COE OCT202 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES sell trlklp entered stamp 11.49 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 3677-COE OCT202 11-0413-06-00 OFFICE EXPENSES standing desk met-PIO 69.99 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 3577-COE OCT202 18-0413-01-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES dry erase boards-IT 51.78 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 3677-COE OCT202 01-0462-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS CC Meeting 177.02 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 3677-COE OCT2O2 07-0462-34-00 RESEARCH MATERIAL museum reseed,malarial 44.01 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 3677-COE OCT2O2 09.0487-07-00 EVENT EQUIPMENT PURCHASES BluapN speaker system bundle/cover-rev 823.92 11/17/2022 3903E MASTERCARD 3577-COE OCT202 11-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES wrist pal-PIO 14.95 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 3677-COE OCT202 19-0162-01-00 CAPITAL MAINTENANCE SET ASIDE offs supplies 46.47 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 3577-COE OCT202 01-0482-01.00 PUBLIC RELATIONS m meeting 126.14 11/17/2022 09838 MASTERCARD 3577-COE OCT202 17-0422-05-00 COMMUNICATION survey monkey 74.00 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 3677-COE OCT202 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC 8 REPAIR mule tires 921.33 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 3577-COE OCT2O2 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS basketEMi colored wristbands 99.95 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 3577-COE OCT2O2 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES wrMand0 for airbag 15.99 11/17/2022 30838 MASTERCARD 3677-COE OCT2O2 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC 8 REPAIR trolley plebs 23.69 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 3577-COE OCT2O2 07-0482-34-00 RESEARCH MATERIAL museum exhibit raamh book 31.39 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 3577-COE OCT202 07-0482d6.00 MUSEUM PROGRAMS harvest fest-museum party begs 7/.95 ti a. 1 City o/Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-III Page 3 Check Issue Dales:11/8/2022-11212022 Nov 21,2022 10:44AM Check Check Invoice Number Invoke Invoice GL DescriptIon Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account T88 Amount 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 3577-COE OCT202 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC 8 REPAIR retums-pub voice 107.38- 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 4812-TT OCT2022 18-0419-02-00 EQUIPMENT ergonomic keyboard 58.98 . 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 4812-IT OCT 2022 18-0419-02-00 EQUIPMENT wireless manse 37.03 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 4812-IT OCT 2022 18-0419-02-00 EQUIPMENT fullelze wireless mouse 43.48 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 4812-7 OCT 2022 18-0419-02-00 EQUIPMENT HDMI Adapter-ergonomic keyboard-nl0nitor 280.00 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 4812-IT OCT 2022 18-0419-02-00 EQUIPMENT nonitor,headph0nes 522.98 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 4812-IT OCT2022 18-0413-04-00 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM Info-Tech Conference 2,500.00 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 4812-IT OCT 2022 18.0419-02-00 EQUIPMENT (phone dwr5ers-fast charge pack 218.58 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 4812-IT OCT2022 /8-0419-02-00 EQUIPMENT display riser,labels 37.72 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 4812-IT OCT 2022 18-0018-02-00 EQUIPMENT headset wlih microphone 1,248.11 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 4812-IT OCT2022 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES m iMimp 97.99 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 4812-IT OCT 2022 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS remarkable cab 2.99 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 4812-IT OCT 2022 18b119-02-00 EQUIPMENT IT equipment 134.03 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 5249-PW OCT2022 23-0449-01-00 BLDGS/STRUCTURES MTNC&REPAI 9ue4bel park shed supplies 279.23 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 6249-PW OCT 2022 23-0414-02-00 MSC MTNC 8 REPAIR GROUNDS he road irrigation supplies 130.48 11/172022 39898 MASTERCARD 5249-PW OCT2022 23-0480-00-00 TOOLS jack stands 154.88 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 5249-PW OCT 2022 23-0414-03.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES ups return 13.38 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 6248-PW OCT 2022 234449-01-00 SLOGS/STRUCTURES MTNC 8 REPAI Ganbin building supply-gue/ber park shed 379.21 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 5330-BLDG OCT 20 13-0413-12-00 TRAINING 8 CERTIFICATION RENEW commercial bldg insp slam-Buck 241.00 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 5330-BLDG OCT20 13-0413-12-00 TRAINING&CERTIFICATION RENEW permit tech eabn-wamer 230.00 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 5439-CLERKS OCT 12-0413-13-0 TRAVEL&PER DIEM Ceselle Travel/Lodging 728.34 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 5439-CLERKS OCT 80-0434-22-00 TRAVEL-MTNGS-EDUCATION Caaelle Travel/Lodging 253.34 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 5454-WATER OCT 60-043453-03 PERMITS AND FEES extension filing fee 60.00 11/172022 39898 MASTERCARD 5803-PW OCT202 23-0413-04-00 TRAINING Hofel/rentel car-PW training 813.02 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 7348-ITOCT2022 18-041904-00 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM ITiravel/raining 381.12 11/17/2022 39838 MASTERCARD 7899-CLERK OCT 2 12-0413-13-00 TRAVEL&PER DIEM Clerk-training/travel 354.00 11/172022 39838 MASTERCARD 9731-REC OCT 202 17-0422-10-00 BACKGROUND CHECKS Soccer background checks 13.25 Total 39838' 14,803.90 39839 11/172022 39839 Republic Services 6884 0884-001282771 23-0442-04-00 UTILITIES City Hall Contract 112022 298.00 11/172022 39839 Republic Services I/884 0884-001282882 23-0452-04-00 UTILITIES Merrill 11/2022 450.24 11/172022 39839 Republic Services 6884 0884-001282882 23-0449-04-00 UTILITIES Guerber Park 112022 988.15 11/172022 38839 Republic Services 8884 0884-001282939 23-0421-01-00 SANITATION SERVICES City Hall112022 85.85 11/172022 39839 Republic Services 0884 08134-001282959 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES Sports Complex 112022 382.07 11/17/2022 39839 Republic Services 11884 0881-001283002 23-042/-01-00 SANITATION SERVICES City Hall Glees 10/2022 1,364.86 11/17/2022 39839 Republic Services 6884 0884-001284168 23-0440-02-00 UTILITIES SV Step 10/2022 701.20 Total 38839: 4,257.96 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-III Page 4 Check Issue Dates:11/82022-11212M2 Nov 21.2022 10.44AM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Description Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account AcmuM Title Amount 39840 11/172022 39840 Staples Credit Pen 3151185011 01-0413.05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES gen here supplies 88.54 11/172022 39840 Staples Credit Plan 3154065331 08-0420-05-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES library paper 54.82 11/17/2022 39840 Staples Credit Plan 3156815221 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES gen office supplies 94.27 11/172022 39840 Staples Credit Plan 3155815221 60-0434-15-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES water office supplies 23.48 11/172022 39840 Staples Credit Plan 3155815931 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES plotter paper 43.49 11/17/2022 39840 Staples Credit Plan 3157944391 80-0434-15-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES water Mice supplies-keyboard 39.99 11/17/2022 39840 Staple Credit Plan 3181020741 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES gen office supplies 88.02 11/172022 30840 Staples Credal Plan 3161248281 14-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES pc office supplies 52.09 11/17/2022 39840 Staples Credit Plan 3164744081 08-0420-05-00 OFFICE SUPPUES 9brerypaper 122.34 111172021 39840 Staples Credit Plan 3164746361 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES gen°IIKe supplies 33.20 11/172022 39840 Staples Cre0it Plan 3164746701 07-0462-31-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES keyboard 89.99 11/172022 39840 Staples Credit Plan 3184765301 14-041341800 OFFICE EXPENSES pa elm supplies 65.93 Tot9l39840, 785.97 39841 11/17/2022 39841 U.S.Bancorp Equipment Finance 488629333 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS Canted 10/30-111302022 3,590.29 Total 39841: 3.590.23 39842 11/172022 39842 Veoita Water Idaho 489 STIERMAN 10/ 23-0453-04-00 UTILITIES 489 STIERMAN 10/2022 74.27 11/17/2022 39842 Veolta Water Idaho 548 N EAGLE 1020 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES 548 N Eagle 10/2022 57.44 11/172022 39842 Vedl Water Idaho 750 RANCH 10202 23-0448-04-00 UTILITIES 750 RANCH 102022 32.62 11/172022 39842 Veolta Water Idaho CITY HALL 10/2022 23-0442-04-00 UTILITIES CITY HALL 102022 45.34 11/172022 39842 Veolia Water Idaho EXPANSION 10202 23-0453-00-00 UTILITIES EXPANSION 10/2022 87.67 11/17/2022 39842 Veolla Water Idaho RANCH 102022 237455-04-00 UTILITIES RANCH 10/2022 17.88 Total 39842: 315.22 39843 11/172022 39843 Zayo Group,LLC 2022110017361 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES account017361 1,347.82 Tab!391343. , 1,347.62 39844 11/172022 39844 MASTERCARD 5454-WATER-CON 80-043453-03 PERMITS AND FEES Dept of Water Resources Old of time-convenience fee 2.50 Total 39844: 250 • • City of Eagle' Chock Register-Transparency Verslon-III Page' 5 Check Issue Dates:11/82022-11212022 No921,2022 10A4AM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Destpiptim Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Ault Title Amount 39845 1121/2022 39845 ACS-Advanced Control Systems 37278 60-0434-19-00 TELECOMMUNICATIONSSCADA SCADA Progremoerefres 478.00 Total 39845: 478.00 39846 11212022 39846 Ada County Sheriffs Dept. 107308 01-0418.09-00 LAW ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT Polka Contract Services-Nov 2022 310958.89 Total 39848: 310,458.89 391347 11212022 39847 Alberteone/Saleway 809202-1025224318 06-0455-00-00 CLASSESB EVENTS Library Trvnk or Treat 150.94 11/21/2022 39847 Albarisorle/Safaway 809284-102622-018 01-0462-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS cc meetings 57.09 Total 39847: 208.03 39848 11/21/2022 39848 ANco U3012033504 08-0484.07-00 FLOOR MATS customer 1/006814-library mats 48.00 11/21/2022 39848 Alaca 1.8012033505 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS City Hall Mats 109.84 Total 39848: 157.84 39849 11212022 39849 Amazon Capital Services 110G-HWWOJ961 06-0420-05.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES Sharpies 27.48 11212022 39849 Amazon Capital Services 14CF-6JC7-YNPR 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS Family Achilles 98.31 11212022 39849 Amazon Capital Services 17C1-8VSJFVK3 08-0450.00.00 BOOKS Board game 289.93 112/2022 39849 Amazon Capital Services 10VH-WVDN-HWT 08-0420.05-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES St0ra9e cart 305.39 11/21/2022 39849 Amazon Capital Services 1JN8-OKK1-9TRK 06-0450.00-00 BOOKS Family Activities 852.35 11/21/2022 39849 Amazon Capital Services 1NMJ-7YVP-9R7L 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS Family Achilles 1,997.74 11/21/2022 39849 Amazon Capital Services 1 PVL-0KBN-737M 06-0420-05-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES Storage 527.96 11/21/2022 39849 Amazon Capital Services IPVR-3FOD-1KL4 08-0420-05-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES poet its 39.06 11/21/2022 39849 Amnon Capital Services 1069-MPDX-7LF3 08-0450-00-00 BOOKS Family Activities 1.556.78 11/21/2022 39849 Amazon Capital Services 1V19JDH0.67KR 06-0450-04-00 MEDIA games 37.94 11/21/2022 39849 Amazon Capital Services 1 WJL-Y114-VFF9 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS puzzles 142.73 11/21/2022 39849 Amazon Capital Services 1X39-BHIX-PWDG 08-0450-00-00 BOOKS FBmlly Activities 25.98 11/21/2022 39849 Arneson Capital Services /XNP-XJRT-CHWR 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS Family Activities 86.73 T010139819: 5,988.36 39860 11212022 39860 American Planning Association 344920-22102 14-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES Morgan Beesaw-344920 471.00 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-III Page: 6 Check Issue Dates:11/8/2022-11212022 Nov 21,2022 10:44AM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Description Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 39860: 471.00 39861 11/21/2022 39861 American Water Works Assoc. S014445 80-0434-23-00 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS Membership 2/1-01/312024 87.00 Total 39851: 8700 39852 11212022 39852 Analytical Laboratories,Inc. 94729 60-0435.58-00 TESTING-WK-MO-OTR,ANNUAL Tasting 76.00 11212022 39852 Analytical Loboralones,Inc. 94730 60-0435.58-00 TESTING-WK-MO-OTR-ANN0AL Testing 114.00 Total 39862: 190.00 I 39863 11212022 39853 ASFPM WILLIAMS RENEW 14-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES Michael Wltitams-Renewal app 500.00 Total 39853: 500.00 39864 11/21/2022 39854 Baker&Teykr 2037116377 0S-0450-00-00 BOOKS 424102 Library Books 428.95 11212022 39854 Bakers Taylor 2037118377 08-0450-01-00 PRINT VENDOR PROCESSING aaY0424102 Eagle Pudic Library Processing 4869 11212022 39854 Baker&Taylor 2037119125 08.0450-00-00 BOOKS 424102 Library Books 426.61 11212022 39854 Baku&Taylor 2037119125 06-0450-01-00 PRINT VENDOR PROCESSING eoi8424102 Eagle Public Library Processing 4779 11212022 39854 Baker&Taylor 2037127198 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS o 424102 Eagle Public Library Books 201.86 11212022 39854 Baker B Taylor 2037127198 06-0450-01-00 PRINT VENDOR PROCESSING wog/424102 Eagle Public Library Processing 21.69 II 11/21/2022 39854 Baker&Taylor 2037127464 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 424102 Library Books 142.38 11212022 39854 Baker&Taylor 2037127464 06-0450-01-00 PRINT VENDOR PROCESSING acda424102 Eagle Pudic Library Processing 405 11212022 39854 Baker&Taylor 2037135940 08-0050-00-00 BOOKS aocM424102 Eagle Puollo Library Books 490.61 11212022 39864 Baker&Taylor 2037135940 06-0450-01-00 PRINT VENDOR PROCESSING =21424/02 Eagle Pudic Library Processing 47.52 11/21/2022 39864 Baker&Taylor 2037139389 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS a5U424102 Eagle Public Library Books 138.91 11212022 39864 Barter&Taylor 2037139383 06-0450.01-00 PRINT VENDOR PROCESSING amW24102 Eagle Public Library Processing 17.01 Total 39854: 2,015.85 39866 11212022 39855 Billing Document Specialists 85028 80-n434 47-00 MAIL SERVICE-CUSTOMER BILLING billing does 2,223.80 Total 39855: 2,223.80 38856 11212022 39858 Boise Office Equipment 615121 CREDIT 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS credit used-615421 37.23- • City of Eagle Check Register-Transpare y Version-III Page' 7 Check Issue Dates:11/82022-11212022 Nov 21.2022 10:44AM Check Check invoke Number Invoice Invoice GL Desolation Check Issue Dale Number Payee GL Account Account Tide Amount 11/21/2022 38858 Boise Office Equipment IN2077645 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS Maintenance Agreement. 40.96 Total 39856: 3.73 39867 11212022 39857 BRS Architects 22084-01 19-0488-01-04 AREA,FACILITIES city hall Jerks office remodel 937.60 Total 39867: 937.60 99868 11/21/2022 39858 Brute Jorgens FINAL BILL REFUN 99-0107.00-00 CASH CLEARING-UTILITY BILLING Final Water BRl Refund 55.41 Total 391368: 5541 39869 11/21/2022 39859 Bryan Slowikowski FINAL BILL REFUN 99-0107-00.00 CASH CLEARING-UTILITY BILLING Final Water Bill Refund 20.10 Total 39859: 20.10 39860 11/21/2022 39880 Chad Johnson FINAL BILL REFUN 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING-UTILITY BILLING Final Water Bill Refund 11.58 Total 39880: 11.58 39881 11212022 39881 CIT 41116242 080416-02-00 PHOTOCOPIERS contract 690O0262164-000 274.25 Total 39861: 274.25 39882 11212022 36682 Co-Energy CL94000 23-0417-0200 GAS AND OIL public cocks 2,172.24 11212022 39882 Co-Energy CL94000 60-0420-01-00 GAS AND OIL water dept 335.88 11212022 39862 Co-Energy CL94000 09-0463-23-00 GAS/MILEAGE special events 79.98 Total39862: 2,588.10 39883 11/21/2022 39863 Camodo Security Solutions CSS 14307 18.0418-01.00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS Advanced Endpolnt Protection Premium Edition 4,500.00 Total 39883: 4,500.00 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-III Page' 8 Check issue Dales:11/82022-1121/2022 Nov 21,2022 10 44AM Check Check invoice Number Invoice Invoke GL Description Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Annunl 39864 11212022 39884 Cafe 9 Main LP R800410 60-0434-25-00 MFNC EOUIP-COPIERS/SOFTWARE Software Yeah Contract 2022 5.275.20 Total39864: 5,275.20 39866 11212022 39865 FMB SuPPIy 79080 23-0414.03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES supplies 215.94 Total 39885: 215.94 38886 11212022 39888 Dane Knickrehrn BOOK REFUND 11/ 08-0381-20-01 LOST ITEMS LOst0 Paid Returned book 12.00 Total 39868: 12.00 38887 11212022 39867 David Duperau0 NOVEMBER 2022 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO November 2022 50.00 Total 39867, 50.00 39888 11/21/2022 39888 David Havens FINAL BILL REFUN 99-0107-00.00 CASH CLEARING-U11LITY BILLING Final Water Bib Refund 57.28 Total 39868: 57.28 39889 4 I1212022 39889 Delta Dental of Idaho NOVEMBER 2022 11-0217-07-00 EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE exec-4M1a1 41.78 Te8139869: 41.78 39870 11212022 39870 Demon,Inc. 7214239 08-0420-04-00 MARKETING Bookmarks 789.69 11212022 39870 Demo,Inc. 7214769 08-0420-04-00 MARKETING Bookmarks 356.97 Total39870: 1,146.86 39871 11212022 39871 Diane Byun FINAL BILL REFUN 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING-UTILITY BILLING Final Water B01 Refund 78.37 Total 39871: 76 37 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-III Page: 9 Check Issue Dates.11/8/2022-11212022 Nov 21,2022 10:44AM Check Check Invoke Number Invoice Invoice GL Description Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Tide Amount 39872 1121/2022 39872 Dlgiine 0069419-IN 60-0434-44-00 DIG LINE Monthly feefof 278.63 Total 39872: 278.63 39873 11212022 39873 Druglree Idaho 10087 01-0416-46-00 DRUGFREE IDAHO City Hell-EAP 143.81 11/21/2022 39879 Drug/tee Idaho 10087 01-0413-52.00 DRUG TESTING,PRE-EMPLOYMENT dOT testing 9600 Total 39873: 230.81 39874 11212022 39874 Eagle Sewer District LIBRARY 11/2022 08-0484-02-00 UTILITIES LIBRARY 112022 234.00 T0tal39874: 234.00 39875 11212022 39876 EBSCO Information Services 1000193547-1 06-0450-08-00 DATABASES Novelist Select 1,026.00 Total 39875: 1,028.00 39876 11/21/2022 39876 Ednedolnc 117815 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS Meraki Systems Manager 1yr Sub 3.130.80 Total 39876: 3,130.80 39877 11212022 39877 Erin Tepper PROMP PAYMENT 80-0220-00.00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS Pr079p Payment Refund 100.00 Total 39877: 100.00 39878 11212022 39878 FMS Solutions LLC 466 01-0418-35-00 ADMINISTRATION RESERVES Radar Holsters,Eagle PD 598.00 Total 39878: 598.00 39879 11212022 39879 Front Line Flags 101-092 23-0414-08-00 SIGNS&SIGN REPLACEMENT Lightpole Banner Flags 2,015.00 Total 39879: 2.015.00 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-III Page: 10 Check Issue Dates:11/82022-11212022 Nov 21,2022 10:44AM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoke GL Description Check Issue Dale Number Payee GL A00011nt Account Tide Amoum 39880 11/21/2022 39880 FTF Media,LLC 74085 09-0463-12-00 PROMOTIONS promos for harvest fest 2022 32.00 Total 39880: 3200 39881 11/21/2022 39881 Gale 79622549 05-0450-00-00 BOOKS Aced/120484-books 69.74 11/212022 39881 Gale 79633006 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS A00/128484 22.50 11/21/2022 99881 Gale 79639104 08-0450-00-00 BOOKS Am/8126484-books 100.06 11/212022 39881 Gale 79643792 06-045000-00 BOOKS AcctA126484-becks 98.96 11/21/2022 39881 Gale 79844416 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS Aa78126484-books 94.48 11212022 39881 Gale 79644951 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS A0M128484-books 50.38 Total 39881: 436.10 39882 11212022 39882 Harris Mountain West-Idaho SRVCE5785 29-0444-01-00 BLDG MAINTENANCE 5 REPAIR HVAC Repair-City Hall 435.00 Total 39882: 435.00 39883 11212022 39883 HECO Engineers OCTOBER 2022 EN 01-0413-31-00 ENGINEERING FEES-DEVELOPERS en9 fees-developers 21,480.00 11/21/2022 39883 HECO Engineers OCTOBER 2022 G 01-0413.31-00 ENGINEERING FEES-DEVELOPERS grading/drainage permit fees 1,500.00 Total 39883: 22,980.00 11111 39884 11212022 39884 Idaho Correctional Industries 041577 11-0413-06-00 OFFICE EXPENSES Tammie's cards 90.00 11/21/2022 39884 Idaho Correctional Industries 041580 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES Generic Business Cards-From Counter 30.00 Total 39884: 60.00 39885 11212022 39885 Idaho Paver Co.-Processing Ctf LIBRARY 102022 06-0484-02-00 UTILITIES Library 2899 846.80 Total 39885: 848.80 39888 11212022 39886 Idaho Youth Soccer,LLC 19381 17-0423.00.01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS referee league Ices 815.00 Total 39886: 615.00 Coy of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-Ill Page: 11 Check Issue Dates:11/8/2022-11/21/2022 Nov 21,2022 10:44AM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Description Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account The Amount 39887 11212022 39887 Ingram Book Company 72528034 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS -Books 5.87 11/21/2022 39887 Ingram Book Company 72528035 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS aMC82074294 10.89 11212022 39887 Ingram Book Company 72526036 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS a01/12074294 222,24 11/21/2022 39887 Ingram Book Company 72549144 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS aoc5N2074294 1224 11/212022 39887 Ingram Book Company 72549146 06-0450.00-00 BOOKS accW2074294 Books 5.41 11212022 39887 Ingram Book Company 72549146 06-0450-01.00 PRINT VENDOR PROCESSING ao1a2074284 Books 1.98 11212022 39887 Ingram Book Company 72649147 08-0450-00.00 BOOKS aaU20742134 24.36 11212022 39887 Ingram Book Company 72549148 08-0450-00.00 BOOKS acW02074294 Books 16.94 11212022 39887 Ingram Book Company 72549149 08-0450-00-00 BOOKS acc82074294 17.58 11212022 39887 Ingram Book Company 72708522 08-0450-00-00 BOOKS acCEA2074294 17.73 11/21/2022 39887 Ingram Book Company 72706523 08-0450-00-00 BOOKS atcb/2074294 Books 3.98 11212022 39887 Ingram Book Company 72708524 06-0450.00-00 BOOKS eccb12074294 11.80 11212022 39887 Ingram Book Company 72708525 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS .4152074294 31.79 11/21/2022 39887 Ingram Book Company 72708526 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS ecc182074294 313.05 1121/2022 39887 Ingram Book Company 72708527 08-0450-00-00 BOOKS acc1132074294 75.87 Total 39887: 494.71 39888 11212022 39888 Intermountain Gas Company SHOP OCT 2022 60-0434-50-01 SHOP UTILITIES shop-aomM10419203749-Water 76.86 11/21/2022 39888 Intermountain Gas Company SHOP OCT 2022 23-0440-02-00 UTILITIES shop-aaM10419203749 PW 178.86 Total 39888: 255.51 39889 11212022 39889 Jacks Metal Works LLC 4350 23-0454-03-00 GROUNDS MTNC&REPAIR Dog Park.Dog Gates 4212.25 Total 39889: 4,212.25 39890 11/21/2022 39890 Joanne 0 Greer NOVEMBER 2022 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO November 2022 50.00 Total 39890: 50.00 39897 11212022 39891 Johnstone Supply 1164127 23-0444-01-00 BLDG MAINTENANCE&REPAIR unit heater for library garage 401.82 11/21/2022 39891 Johnstone Supply 0A00462 23-0444-01-00 BLDG MAINTENANCE&REPAIR CREDIT TAKEN 13.88- Total 39891: 387.94 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-III Page: 12 Check Issue Dales:11/8/2022-11212022 Nov 21,2022 10A4AM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Description Check Issue Dale Number Payee GL Account Account Tide Amount 39892 11/21/2022 39892 Kellle Rekow OFFICE SUPPLIES 01.0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES office supply reimb 99.66 1121/2022 39892 Kellie Rekow REIMB 111822 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES office supply reimb 47.23 Total 39892: 146.89 39893 11/212022 39893 Library Ideas,LLC 94301 00-045002-00 BOOKS-DIGITAL October Usage-Pay as you go 12.00 Total 39893: 12.00 39894 11/21/2022 39894 MASTERCARD 5181-UB 11/22 08-0463-00.00 TRAVEL&PER DIEM Ann Veloso Travel 298.18 Total 39894: 298.16 1 39895 11212022 39895 McCletchy Company 158920 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS&PUBUCAT/ONS pa legal notices 24504 Total 39895: 245.04 39898 1121/2022 39895 Midwest Tape 502828381 08.0450-04-00 MEDIA digital media 22.49 1121/2022 39898 Midwest Tape 502909680 06-0450-04-00 MEOW digital media 176.16 1121/2022 39898 Midwest Tape 502937001 08-0450-04-00 MEDIA digital media 291.10 111 1121/2022 39896 Midwest Tape 502973296 08-0450-04-00 MEOW digital media 121139 Total 39898: 617.44 39897 11/212022 39897 MSBT Law 75701 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY general 194.00 11/212022 39897 MSBT Law 75701 01-0413.33-00 ATTORNEY FEES-DEVELOPERS PZdev-avimoe 1,604.00 Total 39897: 1,698.00 39898 11/21/2022 39898 National Benefit Services,LLC CP332861 60-0433-23-00 HRA BUY-DOWN HRA bydown-water dept 170.90 11212022 39898 National Benefit Services,LLC CP3321361 14-0415-30-00 HRA BUY-DOWN buy down-PZ 1,54000 Tota139898: 1210.90 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-Ill Page: 13 Check Issue Dates:11//12022-1121/2022 Nov 21.2022 10,44AM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL 0850190o° Check Issue Dab Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 39889 1121/2022 39899 Normfork P.O.W. DEPOSIT REFUND 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS Deposit Refund stonier 100.00 Total 39099: 100.00 31900 11212022 39900 Oxam,Inc. 0031680987 60-0434-59-00 CHEMICALS Chemicals 361.94 Total 39900: 361.94 39901 11212022 39901 Pacific Office Aubrnalbn 696321 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS copier supplies 1,18831 Total 39901. 1,188.91 39902 11212022 39902 Personnel Plus 150839 17-0/20-10-01 SALARIES-PERSONNEL SERVICES Rec staff 10/152022 2457.25 Total 39902: 2,457.25 39903 1121/2022 39903 Republic Services 0884 0884-001284391 68-0464-02-00 UTILITIES Library 11/2022 201.73 Total 39903: 201.73 39904 1121/2022 39904 RME,Inc. 41328 81.0434-58.01 REPAIR AND MAINT.EQUIPMENT Fiber Hut Electrical 9,772.71 Total39904: 9,772.71 39906 11212022 39905 Robert Ankeny FINAL BILL REFUN 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING-UTILITY BILLING Final Water BM Refund 54.49 Total 39905: 64.49 38908 11212022 39908 Robert Grubb NOVEMBER2022 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRDCOMPENSATIO November102022 60.00 Total39906: 50,00 39907 11/21/2022 39907 Scholastic Inc. 43377870 06-0450-05.00 BOOKS Account 4244764 Books 20.15 City 01 Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-III Page'. 14 Check Issue Dates:11/82022-1121/2022 Nov 21.2022 1044AM Check Check Invoke Number Invoke Invoke GL Description Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 11/212022 39907 Scholastic Inc. 43401318 06-0450.00-00 BOOKS Acc0unl4244764 Books 60.45 Total 39907: 80.60 39908 11n1no22 39908 Shadow 60754 06-0420-06-00 UNIFORMS CkHhtn9 items library 465.52 Total 39908: 465.52 39909 11212022 39909 Silver Creek Supply 0007915717-002 23-0414-04-00 HOLIDAY LIGHTING Holiday Lighting 281.30 11212022 39909 Silver Creek Supply 0007915717-003 230414-04-00 HOLIDAY LIGHTING Holiday Lighting 13.29 11212022 39909 Sliver Creek Supply 00081343229-001 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALSANO SUPPLIES Supplies-Round Box Cover 43.92 11212022 38909 Sliver Creek Supply 0006604142-001 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALSAND SUPPLIES Irrigation Repair 39.78 1121/2022 39909 Silver Creek Supply 0009731604-001 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES PW Supplies/Parts 13.94 Total 39909: 39223 39910 1121/2022 39910 Spenkll9M Business 1790 E STATE 11/2 16-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 1790 E State 112022 116.59 11/21/2022 30910 Spark1l9M Business CITY HALL 112022 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES City Hall 11/2022 6.16 11212022 39910 SparkoghI Business DIG DVCS LIE 11/2 06.0484-02-00 UTILITIES Digital Devices Library 11/2022 5.82 11212022 39810 SpemkligM Business LIBRARY 11/2022 23-0444-01-00 BLDG MAINTENANCE&REPAIR Library 11/2022 73.24 T013139910: 201.81 39911 11/21/2022 39911 Sterling lend Development.Inc. SURETY-RENE PL 01-0203-01-01 BONDS DEPOSITS PAYABLE partial surety release•Rene Pace Landscaping 266.736.82 To18139911' 256,]30.82 39912 11212022 39912 Structural Edge 10266 13-0413-09-00 COMMERCIAL PLAN REVIEW construction documents 320.00 Total39012: 320.00 99913 11212022 99913 Stuart C Irby Co S013256828.001 61-0434.26-00 TOOLS.EQUIPMENT AND SUPPS Fiber Splicing Sleeve 260.00 Total 39913: 260.00 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-III Page: 15 Check Issue Dates:11/8/2022-1121/2022 Nov 21,2022 10:44AM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Description Check Issue Date Number Payee GLAcc0unt Account litre Arrlount 39914 11212022 39914 SWANK Movie Licensing USA 3279176 06-0420.11-00 SUBSCRIPTIONS 8 MEMBERSHIPS Eagle Pudic Library-3 year agreement 1.588.00 Total 39914: 1.568.00 39915 11212022 39915 Terry L.Sayer NOVEMBER 2022 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO November 2022 50.00 Total 39915: 50.00 39916 1121/2022 39918 Thomas Kllse/Crlmson Multimedia 009034 0130450-04-00 MEDIA -Mu19me0ia 953.67 Total 39918: 953.87 39917 11/21/2022 39917 Treasure Valley Lighting 8 Display 731 23-0414-04-00 HOLIDAY UGHTING Christens Lights 2022 Boom rental 850.46 Total 39917: 650.46 39918 11/21/2022 39918 UL/NE 158043137 06-0420-01-00 ADMINISTRATION Chrome Casters for wke shelves 1.122.17 Total 39918, 1,122,17 39919 11212022 39919 United Site Services 114-13395637 23-0421-01-00 SANITATION SERVICES household hazard waste 155.00 Total 39919: 155.00 39920 1121/2022 39920 Vaults Water Idaho 837 SHORE 10202 23-0452-04-00 UTILITIES 637 E Shore 102022 83.93 11/21/2022 39920 Veo9a Water Mahn CHASE FARM 102 60-0434-60-00 UTILITIES CHASE FARM 10/2022 1.804.82 Total 39920: 1,888.55 39921 11/21/2022 39921 Welter John Lindgren NOVEMBER 2022 01-0413.02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO November 2022 50.00 Total 39921' 50.00 COY of EeQle Check Register-Transparency Version-HI Page. 16 Check Issue Dates:1118/2022.11212022 Nov 21.2022 10:44AM Check Chock Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Desorption Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Aunt Tele Amount 39922 11/21/2022 39922 Wavle Sanitary Supply 81302865 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS wastebaskets 25.02 11/21/2022 39922 Wade Sanitary Supply 81331290 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS Mop/Bucket 305.88 11/21/2022 39922 Wavle Sanitary Supply 81331307 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS custodial supplies 1,935.00 11/21/2022 39922 Wavle Sanitary Supply 81331325 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS custodial supplies 168.94 Total 39922: 2,424.84 39923 11/21/2022 39923 Weslaco Records Destruction 46020 06-0455-00-00 CLASSES&EVENTS Shred Event 11/2022 1,050.00 Total39923: 1,050,00 Grand Totals: 899,084.58 Dated: Mayor: City Council: Repel Crltede: Report type:GL detail Ban k.Bank account a'82007705'