Minutes - 2022 - City Council - 10/27/2022 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES October 27,2022 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER, PIKE, BAUN, RUSSELL. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Gindlesperger moves to approve the amended agenda. Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 4. NEW BUSINESS: A. *ACTION ITEM: Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Eagle and Two Rivers Homeowners Association Inc.: A memorandum of understanding between the City of Eagle and Two Rivers Homeowners Association Inc. regarding an easement exchange. (VV) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. City Attorney, Victor Villegas provides and overview of the item and stands for questions. Gindlesperger moves to approve action item 4A Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Eagle and Two Rivers Homeowners Association. Seconded by Pike. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 5. WORK SESSION: A. Comprehensive Plan Work Session: Review and discuss Letter M - Multifaceted and E - Economically Viable. (NBS) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects, Nichoel Baird Spencer facilitates a discussion between Mayor and Council. Mayor Pierce departs at 4:00 p.m. Councilmember Baun assumes meeting chair of the meeting. 6. ADJOURNMENT: Gindlesperger moves to adjourn. Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES Hearing no further business,the Council,t��ting wa*Sljourned. ssss C)'......... Re ectfully submitted: :=�Q;: Oyu o / J .• TRACY E. RN, CMC i:• 0 c� 0 CITY CLE v ,:•...&, ••.... . APPROVED: Sr;.. ...S.„--) JSPIERCE OR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WWW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-10-27-22spmin.dock