Minutes - 2022 - City Council - 09/27/2022 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 27,2022 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER, PIKE, RUSSELL. Absent: BAUN All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. ADDITIONS,DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: A. City Staff requests.: None B. Mayor or City Council requests.None 5. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: Russell reports on the Senior Center Board meeting.The Board voted to outsource their accounting to a local CPA firm in Eagle, and the office manager hours were altered to reflect this change. This is a great step towards more positive budgeting decisions. They continue to work with Valley Regional Transit on the new scheduling software and addressing the "bugs" in the system. Gindlesperger reports that Arts Commission activities are currently paused as code revisions are forthcoming for Council consideration.If passed there will be changes in the organization, duties, etc. of the Commission. The Library currently has a survey out that people are encouraged to participate in. The Friends of the Library will be having their book sale soon. Funds go towards promoting the Eagle library and literacy in Eagle. The Library currently has a survey available and the community is encouraged to participate in it. B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: Trails Superintendent, Steve Noyes provides statistics on the miles of trail maintained by the City and currently in development. An update on greenbelt trail repairs is also provided. City Clerk Osborn reminds Council that the November 8th regular meeting will be bumped to November 9th so that Council Chambers can be used as a polling location. Also the October 31" Town Hall meeting will be moved to November 1st to avoid coinciding with Halloween. 1. City Treasurer,Financial Reports for August. C. City Attorney Report: No report D. Eagle Police Department: Chief Wilke provides the August monthly report. Council member Baun arrives at 5:42 p.m. 6. PUBLIC COMMENT 1: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time.This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter,land use application,or comment on a pending application or proposal.Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Tom Brengle, 2475 N. Sun Valley Place Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Brengle requests clarification on the a statement made by Council Member Pike during budgeting regarding the police budget, in relation to the collection of police impact fees and the criteria for the same in relation to budgeting and the comprehensive plan. He also seeks clarification something posted on social media regarding the extension north of Linder Road. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-27-22.docx Mayor Pierce explains the calculation of police impact fees,and how the standard identified in the comprehensive plan and the police capital impact fee plan are related. 7. ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA • Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor,a Councilmember,member of City Staff,or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion.Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. • Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff,Planning&Zoning Commission,or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of September 13,2022.(TEO) C. Minutes of September 15,2022. (TEO) D. Agreement for Independent Contract Instructor between the City of Eagle and Brick6 Creative, LLC dba: Abrakadoodle of Boise: An Independent Contract Instructor Agreement between the City of Eagle and Brick6 Creative, LLC dba: Abrakadoodle of Boise to instruct children's art programs. Compensation shall be at a rate not to exceed 50% of the total revenue generated. (TPL) E. Agreement for Independent Contract Instructor Between the City of Eagle and Kayli Doyon:An Independent Contract Instructor Agreement between the City of Eagle and Kayli Doyon to teach and introduce basic dance positions, technique, and movement. Compensation shall be at a rate not to exceed 50%of the total revenue generated. (TPL) F. Space Planning and Design Services Proposal-BRS Architects: Staff is requesting Council approval of a professional services proposal for space planning and design services associated with existing office space in the Clerk/Treasurer's area, in an amount not to exceed $3,750.00. Staff is recommending the use of ARPA funds for this expense. (TEO) G. Service Order#2 Addendum -Between the City of Eagle and Fatbeam: Change order to Service Order 2, item E, pertaining to the fiber extension from Eagle City Hall to Heritage Park. The change order addresses the upgrade in fiber count, and an additional 717 feel of fiber installation and also an upgraded fiber count, for a net change order request of an additional $58,400. ARPA funds will be utilized for the expense.(ELZ) H. Service Order #4 Between the City of Eagle and Fatbeam: A Service Order between the City of Eagle and Fatbeam: For the installation of conduit network located at Hill Road and traveling on State Street west to 2nd Streets. An amount not to exceed $42,910.00. ARPA funds will be utilized for the expense. (ELZ) I. Authorization of use of ARPA funds: Staff is seeking Council approval of the use of ARPA funds in an amount not to exceed$24,100,for the purchase of a used vehicle.The cost includes the monies related to the retrieval of the vehicle and the cost of possible repairs that may be required. (EZ) J. Joint Powers Agreement Between the Ada County Sheriffs Office and the City of Eagle for Law Enforcement Services: An agreement to provide law enforcement services for the City of Eagle for fiscal year 2022-2023, in an amount not to exceed $3,725,506.73. (JP) K. Appointment to the Eagle Library Board of Trustees: In accordance with Resolution 14- 19, Mayor Pierce is requesting Council Confirmation of the appointment of Brian Almon to the Eagle Library Board of Trustees. Mr. Almon will be serving a five (5) year term that will begin November 2022 and will expire October 2027.(JWP) L. Domestic Violence Awareness Month Proclamation: A proclamation for the City of Eagle declaring October 2022 as Domestic Violence Awareness Month in the City of Eagle,Idaho.(JWP) M. Service Agreement Between the City of Eagle and John Stocke, Inspect LLC: A service agreement between the City of Eagle and John Stocke, Inspect LLC, to provide plumbing inspections for the City of Eagle. (SJN) N. Service Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Electrical Controls and Instrumentals, LLC: A service agreement between the City of Eagle and Electrical Controls and Instrumentals, LLC,to provide electrical inspections for the City of Eagle.(SJN) Page 2 K:\COUNCIL.\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-27-22.docx O. Service Agreement Between the City of Eagle and RIMI, INC.: A service agreement between the City of Eagle and RIMI, INC, to provide mechanical inspections and to serve as a back-up Residential Plans Reviewer for the City of Eagle. (SJN) P. Service Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Rick Wenick: A service agreement between the City of Eagle and Rick Wenick,to provide building inspections for the City of Eagle. (SJN) Q. Request for Land Use Application Fee Waiver:The Eagle Fire Department is requesting City Council approval of a waiver of the conditional use permit application fee in the amount of $1,200.00 for the Eagle Fire Station #2. The facility is proposed to be located on the on the west side of North Horseshoe Bend Road approximately 500-feet south of Beacon Light Road at 12655 North Horseshoe Bend Road. (WEV) R. Request for Building Permit and Plan Review Fee Waiver: The Eagle Sewer District is requesting City Council approval of a waiver of building permits and plan review fees in the amount of$9,354.00 for the construction of the Eagle Sewer District Facility located at 100 South Urban Gate, Eagle. (SIN) S. Resolution No. 22-06: A resolution of the Eagle City Council to vacate a portion of the emergency vehicle access(EVA), and a portion of the utility easement located within Lots 56 and a portion of 65, Block 1 (Renovare Subdivision Phase 2) as shown on the attachment hereto; and providing an effective date. (MJW) T. Authorization of Use of ARPA Funds - Fiber Optic Project: Staff is requesting Council approval of dedication of ARPA funds in an amount not to exceed $125,000 for the purchase of fiber optic equipment. Approved purchasing procedures will be followed for all expenditures. (ELZ) U. Authorization of Use of ARPA Funds - Fiber Optic Project: Staff is requesting Council approval of dedication of ARPA funds in an amount not to exceed $140,000 for the purchase of fiber optic material.Approved purchasing procedures will be followed for all expenditures.(ELZ) V. Authorization of use of ARPA Funds - City Hall Expansion Office Equipment: Staff is requesting Council approval of dedication of ARPA funds in an amount not to exceed$15,000 for the purchase of office equipment for the City Hall expansion.Approved purchasing procedures will be followed for all expenditures. (ELZ) W. Mayor for a Day Proclamation: A proclamation declaring Olga Kasper Mayor for a Day for September 27,2022 in honor of her celebrating her 106th birthday on this day.(JP) Mayor introduces the item. Baun requests that item K be removed. Tom Brengle 2475 N. Sun Valley Place requests that item T and U be removed. Gindlesperger moves to approve consent agenda items A-W,excluding K,T and U. Seconded by Russell. GINDLESBERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE; ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. K. Appointment to the Eagle Library Board of Trustees: In accordance with Resolution 14- 19, Mayor Pierce is requesting Council Confirmation of the appointment of Brian Almon to the Eagle Library Board of Trustees. Mr. Almon will be serving a five (5) year term that will begin November 2022 and will expire October 2027. (JWP) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Baun states that as there has been some expressed concern on the nomination, he would like clarification on the process. Mayor Pierce states that when interviews are conducted, the interview panel is comprised of himself, a Council liaison, a Department Supervisor and a member of the existing board. For the Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-27-22.docx openings on the Library Board the interview panel included the Library Director,the Chairman of the Library Director and Council liaison Gindlesperger and six or seven applicants were interviewed. Baun moves to approve item 7K. Seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. T. Authorization of Use of ARPA Funds - Fiber Optic Project: Staff is requesting Council approval of dedication of ARPA funds in an amount not to exceed $125,000 for the purchase of fiber optic equipment. Approved purchasing procedures will be followed for all expenditures. (ELZ) U. Authorization of Use of ARPA Funds - Fiber Optic Project: Staff is requesting Council approval of dedication of ARPA funds in an amount not to exceed $140,000 for the purchase of fiber optic material. Approved purchasing procedures will be followed for all expenditures. (ELZ) Mayor Pierce introduces the items. Tom Brengle 2475 N. Sun Valley Place asks about the Biarri contract and the status of the master plan. Mayor Pierce states that as these 2 purchases are not related to Biarri, it would be more appropriate to address the matter at a later time,perhaps during a public comment portion of the meeting. Baun moves to approve consent items 7 T and U. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None A. Eagle Sports Park Complex: Council review of the 30% Engineering and Design for the Eagle Sports Complex.(NBS) Mayor introduces the item. Director of Long Range Planning and Projects, Nichoel Baird Spencer reviews the draft engineering and design. General discussion. 9. ALL PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS PUBLIC HEARINGS:Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m • Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law.The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council.This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. • Public hearing testimony time limits:Individuals testifying are allotted three(3)minutes for non-repetitive testimony. • Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest. A. VAC-04-22 — Vacation to the Final Plat of Lilac Springs Subdivision No. 2 — Aaron Ulrich:Aaron Ulrich,represented by Jeremy Martin with Pioneer Pool and Spa,Inc.,is requesting to vacate 2-feet of the 12-foot rear yard public utilities,lot drainage,and Lilac Springs Homeowners Association, Inc. pressurized irrigation facilities easement located within Lot 11, Block 7, Lilac Springs Subdivision No. 2. The 13,895-square foot site is located south side of West Venetian Drive approximately 185-feet northwest of the intersection of West Walton Pond Drive and West Venetian Drive at 5853 West Venetian Drive. (MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-27.22.docx Planner III Mike Williams reviews the staff report and areas of special consideration. Mayor opens the public hearing. No one choses to speak. Mayor closes the public hearing. Pike moves to approve 9A VAC-04-22 Vacation to the Final Plat of Lilac Springs Subdivision No. 2 from the 12' down to 10' feet relinquishing the 2'. from Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. PP-15-21 MOD —Amberly Ranch Subdivision Modification — Core Building Co.: Core Building Co., represented by Rick Perez, is requesting a modification to the preliminary plat approvals for Amberly Ranch Subdivision, a four lot (3-buildable, 1-common) residential subdivision totaling 7 acres, to remove the requirement to extend central water service to the site. The 7-acre site is located approximately 640 feet west of the intersection of West Beacon Light Road and North Ballantyne Lane. Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Travis Perry, 3945 W. Wellhouse Ct. representing Core Building Co. reviews the application. Discussion regarding Firewise landscaping,non-combustible building materials. Planner II,Morgan Beesaw reviews the staff report and areas for special consideration. Mayor opens the public hearing. Craig McClintock, 3054 W. Caliper Ct.. Mr. McClintock is the Lateral 78 Manager. They are working with an engineer to make repairs Lateral 78. Ada County Highway District is planning some repairs on Beacon Light that will facilitate of these repairs and are working with Lateral 78. The repairs are required to ensure water delivery to over water uses served by Lateral 78. They are in support of the request by Amberly Ranch as to deny it would negatively impact the needed repairs. Ben Petzinger 4411 N. Croft. Mr. Pettinger is in favor of the application. To require the extension and hook up to municipal water would only encourage more development. Mayor closes the public hearing. Discussion among the Council Baun moves to approve action 9B, PP-15-21 MOD — Amberly Ranch Subdivision Modification specifically changing existing site specific #16 with #17. Specifically, central water shall be required to be extended to the site providing for fire hydrants as required by approved standard condition #6, rather than that the following condition shall apply. Exterior materials shall be non-combustible, to be expanded to meet the 2018 IFC requirements for noncombustible siding. Item B and C shall remain the same. Item D shall remain the same, adding that the landscape plan shall be reviewed and approved by a Firewise specialist. Seconded by Pike. Discussion. Clarification that it is a new site specific condition, rather than a revision. Pike clarifies that the 2 hour fire wall from the garage to the living space goes all the way up to the class A roof.Motion maker agrees.Second concurs. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-27-22.docx C. ZOA-03-22-Title 11A Ordinance Amendment ( Ordinance 884) -City of Eagle: An ordinance o the City Of Eagle, Ada County Idaho, amending Title 11A, Chapter 2, Section 3, "LAND USE STANDARDS"; Chapter 2, Section 4, Paragraph A, "GENERAL SETBACK STANDARDS" and Table 2.2 "SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS"; Chapter 4, Section 4, Paragraph VV, "Shooting Ranges/Gun Clubs(Indoor)";Chapter 8,Section 13,Paragraph D,"NOTICE REQUIREMENTS";Chapter 13A, Section 6,"RULES AND DEFINITIONS";Chapter 13C, Section 2,"STREETS AND ALLEYS"; Chapter 13C, Section 4,"EASEMENTS"; Chapter 13C, Section 6, "PUBLIC SITES AND OPEN SPACES"; Chapter 13D, Section 1, Paragraph 1, Subsection 3, "CURBS AND GUTTERS"; providing a severability clause;and providing an effective date.(DLM) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Planner III,Daniel Miller reviews the zoning ordinance amendment. Discussion Mayor opens the public hearing. Kenneth Hebert 2396 W.Buckhorn Ct. Mr. request clarification if this only applies Spring Valley. He feels that Spring Valley should be required to abide with Eagle. Clarification is provided that the proposed changes bring the Spring Valley code into alignment with other current sections of Eagle City Code. Discussion for clarification regarding application status. Mayor closes the public hearing. Pike moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance#884 be considered after being read once by title only. Seconded by Baun. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. Pike moves that Ordinance#884 be adopted. An ordinance o the City Of Eagle,Ada County Idaho, amending Title 11A, Chapter 2, Section 3, "LAND USE STANDARDS"; Chapter 2, Section 4, Paragraph A, "GENERAL SETBACK STANDARDS" and Table 2.2 "SINGLE- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS"; Chapter 4, Section 4, Paragraph VV, "Shooting Ranges/Gun Clubs (Indoor)";Chapter 8, Section 13, Paragraph D, "NOTICE REQUIREMENTS"; Chapter 13A, Section 6, "RULES AND DEFINITIONS"; Chapter 13C, Section 2, "STREETS AND ALLEYS"; Chapter 13C, Section 4, "EASEMENTS"; Chapter 13C, Section 6, "PUBLIC SITES AND OPEN SPACES"; Chapter 13D,Section 1,Paragraph 1,Subsection 3,"CURBS AND GUTTERS"; providing a severability clause;and providing an effective date. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER: AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN: AYE; RUSSELL: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. D. RZ-08-22/CU-08-22/PPUD-05-22/PP-13-22-Rezone from A(Agricultural) to R-3-DA- P (Residential with a development agreement - PUD), Conditional Use Permit,Preliminary Development Plan, and Preliminary Plat for Benari Estates Subdivision - Eagle 1, LLC: Eagle 1 LLC, represented by Laren Bailey, is requesting a rezone from A (Agricultural) to R-3- DA-P (Residential with a development agreement - PUD), conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Benari Estates Subdivision, an 88-lot (77- buildable, 11-common)residential planned unit development. The 35.29-acre site is located at the northeast corner of West State Street and North Ballantyne Lane at 1770 West State Street.(MJW) Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-27-22.docx Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Dave Yorgason somewhere Battenburg representing Eagle 1 LLC reviews the application. Planner III,Mike Williams reviews the staff report and areas for special consideration. Mayor opens the public hearing. Mary Lou Terpenning 1852 Herford Dr. Eagle Idaho. They had spoke with the developer asking for a 2' concrete footer, and the 6' fence to be placed on top. She would like that requirement included in the conditions of approval. Ms. Terpenning would like clarification on the stub street placement and if it is actually necessary. Andrew Knight, 1492 W. Powder Ct. Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Knight would like the home levels to match those of western boundary of existing Pine Ranch's subdivision as a condition of the development agreement. Mr. Knight provides a handout for review. The developer is asking for a deed restriction for the homeowners of Pine Ranch in order for the developer to agree to the height restriction. He is asking Council to not make the deed restriction a requirement. Salli Bolthouse, 1588 W.Deadwood Street Eagle,Idaho. She appreciates the compromise that has taken place during this process,and the interaction with the developers. Dale Bolthouse 1588 W. Deadwood Street Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Bolthouse appreciates the process and a good compromise on a number of issues.There is concern with the traffic increase especially near the common lot in Pine Ranch. They are hopeful that the traffic calming device is effective. Karl Vogt 1432 W.Deadwood Ct. Eagle,Idaho. Signage directing construction traffic away from their subdivision entrance would be helpful. Tom Barrieau 1397 Hereford Dr. Eagle,Idaho. He is in support of the project, it has been handled very professionally when the developer met with the neighbors. Kenneth Hebert 2396 W. Buckhorn Ct.Eagle, Idaho. Mr.Hebert questions if the stub street could be used a temporary open space. Also asks if the larger lots that abut the larger more agricultural lots be allowed less restrictive CC&R's. Greg Dye 1534 W. Yellowstone Ct. Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Dye wants to make sure that the traffic calming devices will be installed on Deadwood Ct. Dave Yorgason rebuts testimony, provides clarification on the fencing, CC&R restrictions, the requirement of a stub street and building architecture. Comments on the stub street requirements. Tom Ferch 577 W. Rush Ct. Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Ferch is a transportation planning coordinator for Ada County Highway District. Mr.Ferch discusses interconnectivity and the policy of Ada County Highway District. . Discussion for clarification regarding construction entrance signage, traffic calming, abutting lot restrictions, fence height and allowed redundancy of architecture. Mayor closes the public hearing. Discussion amongst Council. Gindlesberger initiates discussion regarding matching lot lines, the rule of 5, 3, 4 for architecture and the request regarding fencing. Pike comments on site specific 24 and 25 prior to building permit.He would support the rule of 3 for architecture restrictions.Baun concurs with 24 and 25 prior to building permit,rule of three and the solid fencing prior to building permit. He does not feel that they need to match the number of stories in the abutting neighborhood. Russell concurs with Council member Baun. Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-27-22.docx Planner III Williams provide suggests adding the rule of 3 to be added to the conditions of development vs in the site specific conditions of approval. Suggesting the following language: Condition of Development 3.4 (d) adding (d) No similar front elevation (utilizing the same architectural style or color) of any residential dwelling shall be duplicated: within three (3) lots measured from each side lot line;Directly across the street and within three(3)lots(measured from each side lot line); and Directly behind any lot and within three(3) lots(measured from each side lot line) Williams also suggested, based on the discussion this evening amending the following to the site specific conditions of approval 23-25 (added language reflected as underline), and adding site specific condition 26 and 27: 23. The applicant shall construct traffic calming devices (chicanes) along West Deadwood Street at the entrance to Van Engelen Estates Subdivision. The applicant shall provide a revised planned unit development/preliminary plat showing the location of the traffic calming devices (chicanes)prior to submittal of a design review application.The traffic calming devices(chicanes) shall be reviewed and approved by ACHD prior to installation. 24. The applicant shall install solid privacy fencing along the north property line at the terminus of the stub street.The privacy fencing shall be constructed prior to the issuance of building permits City Clerk signing the final plat. 25. The applicant shall construct the solid privacy fencing along the north and east property lines prior to the issuance of building permits construction of street improvements during the first phase. 26. The applicant shall provide a revised preliminary development plan/preliminary plat showing the location of the ACHD required stub street located between West Yellowstone Court and the north property line prior to submittal of a design review application. 27. The applicant shall construct an eight foot(8')high fence(as measured from the Bakers Acres Subdivision side of the fence)along the north property line. The eight foot(8')high fence shall be composed of a two foot(2') high concrete wall with a six foot(6') high privacy fence located on top of the concrete wall. Discussion. Baun moves to approve RZ-08-22/CU-08-22/PPUD-05-22/PP-13-22 — Rezone from A (Agricultural) to R-3-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement-PUD), Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Development Plan, and Preliminary Plat for Benari Estates Subdivision with the following conditions of approval either existing and/or amended: #23 traffic calming measures that are ACHD approved, add to that an revised preliminary plat will be submitted, showing the calming measures prior to submittal to Design Review. #24 solid fence basically adjust the timing to say prior to building permit.#25 same thing,change timing to prior to building permit.#26 Applicant shall submit a revised preliminary plat with stub streets prior to Design Review application,there will be a lot ranges—actually it will be submitted prior to final plat. #27 Construct a 6' high foot fence with a 2' base block wall,so it is 6' on top of the base prior to final plat as measured from Bakers Acres. Adding to condition 3.4 d the rule of three associated with external elevation as noted by Planner Williams description. Seconded by Pike.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: SH-44 Grade Separated Crossing Report: Review and Acceptance of the SH-44 Crossing Study: Pre-Concept Report including the stakeholders recommendation. Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Director of Long Range Planning and Projects,Nichoel Baird Spencer reviews the study. Discussion among Mayor,Council and staff. Page 8 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-27-22.docx Baun moves to accept the report and move forward with the scoping of the Edgewood alternative and get rid of the Palmetto alternative. Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 11. PUBLIC COMMENT 2: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter, up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing and land use items.Comments regarding Public Hearing and land use items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s)in accordance with Idaho Code. At times,the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters(excluding Public Hearing and land use items)during this allotte time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3)minutes Tom Brengle,2475 N.Sun Valley Place Eagle,Idaho. Mr.Brengle is asking about the deliverables from Biarri and an update on the Master Plan for fiber. Public Works Director, Eric Ziegenfuss states that the Master Plan has been drafted and is being reviewed and edited, it is currently in its third revision. Mayor Pierce states that the business plan is still under construction. They City is conducting a survey to seek interest from the Community, and will be taking that information and using in to draft 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 74-206 (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: (f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation,or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement; Baun moves to go into Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)(f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Council enters executive session. Discussion of pending/threatened litigation. Council exists executive session. A. ACTION ITEMS Action regarding pending/threatened litigation. —No action. Page 9 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-27-22.docx 13. ADJOURNMENT: Baun moves to adjourn. Seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. ,,,,�gggg UI,,,,,, Res ectfully submitted: ti E . , TRACY . OSBORN, CMC • a. • Q' CITY ERK "s�•:o W c.:•C APPROVED: '•, it St ,,, J PIERC MA AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 10 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-27-22.docx cCJi, (0119- 0 0 0 0 0 w 0 w 0 w 0 w 0 w 0 0 0 0 0 V N a t0 CO 00 CO CO w t0 w to w t0 w t0 N t0 CO CO .a t0 ,� N N N N N a j A A A j or tD I) m C C7 N N N N N tltlll O N A p N w p N p N p N N N O al N 0 i5 O O M 00000 0 N 0 N N N N 0 m F o N N N N N w N w N w N w N w N N N w N W tp N CO t0 CO CO CO V j . DC CO(,,I CO ((CD�1 wNt� (NtO� A cow w cot�t .'. (tw(�0� .. 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N II g 0 0 Ca N X O -0 O 0 v CD O N al co Z m n .4 N .— .- 0 0 x m m _o z & m Z -1 c X) c 2> D F co 6) o r — A 7 am > < N § O o c $ 0 C) o a , o 8 8 x x m to 6 C m m K ro N D m m D F <O 7 w y a vm m r _O N 7 m a 0 <O CD m N r m 0 z ...I N O N (0 Ft; cD 0 Q cD O1 cD a m N v CD g 7. -o. 7 cn m c N T N O N NJ N A V 3 � N m NJ NJ N O N W W O 7 N CO cVT cVl) O C ut k EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 27, 2022 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9A SUBJECT: VAC-04-22—Vacation to the Final Plat of Lilac Springs Subdivision No.2— Aaron Ulrich: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 1 of 2 more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 27, 2022 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9A SUBJECT: VAC-04-22—Vacation to the Final Plat of Lilac Springs Subdivision No. 2— Aaron Ulrich: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 1 of 2 more on back SL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 27, 2022 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9B SUBJECT: PP-15-21 MOD—Amberly Ranch Subdivision Modification—Core Building Co.: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL / 3C1`1,3' w _ u.ie,t1L0,,se c.A . Prrienfi tr6J 22,tr7 I , L391 N 'r\a-t- W /a au o,�,/ G� �� 1 LA-ViDCOIL/04; 44 /e ? IL- &S Um/6 /11c-CCN%CCIK _rD Fc3h/ //eD > r vy// Gam{ s'l � 4 ,.►r -C E 't 1Q 1 of 2 more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 27, 2022 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9B SUBJECT: PP-15-21 MOD—Amberly Ranch Subdivision Modification—Core Building Co.: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 1 of 2 more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 27, 2022 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9C SUBJECT: ZOA-03-22—Title 11A Ordinance Amendment( Ordinance 884)—City of Eagle: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 1 of 2 more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 27, 2022 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9C SUBJECT: ZOA-03-22—Title 11A Ordinance Amendment(Ordinance 884)—City of Eagle: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 1 of 2 more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 27, 2022 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9D SUBJECT: RZ-08-22/CU-08-22/PPUD-05-22/PP-13-22—Rezone from A(Agricultural) to R-3-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement-PUD), Conditional Use Permit,Preliminary Development Plan, and Preliminary Plat for Benari Estates Subdivision—Eagle 1,LLC: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL n gl4216/Ve4 31 ilia uej, OR,w- ti62,4f& (10,0t bft(*V-NA JE. c5-1p\6-6/uL N- • __,_ EP A6)6/0 ) 3'/).- (Afr 144v0cr Dvv iU w72aL •e t<< Mvecc \ 9 ZO Qow ict N-eA, -1h-r Q \--\0/4_ vo R.) POLAJAbt Ct /0 KaP Yet/lows-40/1e C4 Nio Ale ()Vire- / �► // (//sm / S- G�, Pct.()do- Cr- yl *9?/14).C5. 45-0-?,surrAveix-Rcedet -rro cu( Akifra4) 141-A-- 73evier- e044r-Ls __--5 , F 0c u.Se__ /5 tJ. .e_46Lutf cod 3( /‘2 R3e---776/,t 8 A) y4'5 ivy ;4-L K" ( 3)- Deel/t/Ped L e 2 ne<,,, --(k.,<. ( 1 of 2 more on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 27, 2022 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9D SUBJECT: RZ-08-22/CU-08-22/PPUD-05-22/PP-13-22—Rezone from A (Agricultural) to R-3-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement-PUD),_Conditional Use Permit,Preliminary Development Plan, and Preliminary Plat for Benari Estates Subdivision—Eagle 1,LLC: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 1 of 2 more on back Project Report September 27tl', 2022 Page 1 System Table Now Includes Spring Valley Pump i City of Eagle Public Trail System Public System Now Greenbelt Pathway 11.23 4.08 15.31 8-feet wide or wider,separated from motorized vehicle traffic Other MukhUser 11.D0 5.40 5.40 Sineletrark narrow,mi-ultuser trails Bike Only D,(10 4,65 4.65 Optimized for Sped)ir Bicycle Uses--often one-way or Downhill Only City Mainiaine;lr As 11.26'MEI 25,36 M:4esyt put Aic bails and palns.uy:hlanyyed byl.:ly olln:: Sri thyrm aimed by City 7.46 fy��a 19.81 M.I:ntnn:r3l n:nl M,t::,6!,3l:y lIOA'.,It,M .I o:nnl,,r.I rt. 45-17 M-I.!:.. ur;I,N;.v Giemtbeh fraftk Counters -Average Day 1,432 There ore four counters on the mom Greenbelt System;Garden City Border of the North Channel,at the Avervee hearth 43,422 Merrill Pork Bridge Highway 44 at Dry Creek,and or the Boise Border on the South Channel.tech counter Annual Trend 521,066 averoges2.2-miles away from the next closest counter.Many users go uncounted Pathway Development - -r. Under Cbnebuarbn' Developments with aNprirrb Proceed or City proletts Pubis Teeth in Development Developments in the approval worms of City projects 10-Foot Sidewalks as Development: '•. These adequately serve os low-stress 2-way bike/ped trowl ..:. :.._ 41.7S Potential Undeveloped Easements City has an option to build a trail on these properties Bike Park Eager 7.91 Mainly Bike Optimized on 63 T acres(included in oboe.data) Ada County 896 Mix of Bike Optimized and Multi-user,Multi-directional on 244 ocres(not included,not in City limits) Other Facilities t'a.ree:n wren„n law lanes 4h.41 Bike lanes and Shonows 9daa.Ys 268.00 Motor vehicle lanes delineatedbysharrows where bicycles how equal right-of-way Canal Influence Caned impacted Greenbelt Cone;adjacent rails with shared access,recorded easements and written informal agreements Percent of Greenbelt System Percent of the existing and developing Greenbelt pathwaysimpacted by corrals end Ditch Companies Page 2 FEMA Repairs n. . -."- Update �, ., Site 1—Mace River _ Ranch Bank and Pathway -4 �'� :i • ` te4 ...r. - _ -`•.e 4 ms.-."+s. , , • Page 3 t e —17" f 'A-�` 1lir - fix` r�4WWieZ. „,_ 7 47,:art,,it.,'''''''::.„‘.-:,;.. , . , '''-11mitotr,r,,,,,,'„ ,,,-,, - , ...„ mv..,,,,....,•,•_, 7. ` yrT,{ Y ham. 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' - ,' '''''S"'' • 4• ea • . 4,1 - • • ' 4,4 4 411816., ' a 1 - , ,. ., , . . ,..•.4"; - ... . • '' it(r.,• N" ••.' t."" "'tit • . •,„ .N.• •• .,.. .e.. -- "' - •', - , .• ...- ' 444,4 ' ``PO .4 ' •is.' - ' , • 4,4_,,..;•,0"-.:::•., -. ' • • k4* - •,•' , -4 ''. '10k fp .-ir,"7,9„...i.„:,••••„:.;. ...: - ,, ,'-";"'..4.-.,,.'^r •Y_ ,!.. - , . . '....•••-•---.t.'"' ' • -. ' ;..,,, - ,, -- ' . .. . . _. ,, •1 / ..".-;'_:.., . -." , . .• .,- .- • -- • . In , 4 - • ., ... ' .. • .,. ' ''.•.:44,..4.11*-.Page 8 • ,....,.. .,.„,..„„„,,, .,...di ..„.. . .. , ....,,,' ,..;‘,.4.1. .,.. •,,..", ,a, . .,,../ . • .. . • t5"7 . : .r." ' l'Y'.'' ''''' s - . . • .. . . , ... ..,, ;Tr.,* .'-',,.' '.' ....„ •.'ggi,..,!„,' . ,, • , "N.-• ,,. .,, . ,•, !ici, ,,, / -:,-,- ":!..q.p'-",-...„Lii,;,:om4:.1--,.••••,:,'- 4.64. . ! ...i.,..„„, .,' . it,•. ',!' '/1 - --''''!;44!, ''''': !`-7.1r....... .,..31,1•7:iii' --..,,,,,,,--'.-• ,,', ii! , !! 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' Page 10 Site 8—Eagle River Apartments to River District Pathway Only • ' ,.. .'ci t. 1-1 • 1, , 1 , . as - rt , 3Y c. ` sue f k s> X `�, n • .Y* s s. i c ' ': � a•.. ' ' r c , te,:4t � a c.a .-'f ,.- • 1. w * T ;ro t• �q' h °i"x '•r `. '-C < A,;• = ar -".xir'c; ` . . ' . ;g 1 ; .. r. ' ' z 1 rrar s Page 11 t,' ,p ev n d)ii .. - l l _.mod.. - 1��r- Y$'1 1 ,- ,a At Y .�tiz i Y*�yT. /{r�.4-y ''fly - F5"T� - y �. • Page 12 ..•y G' -- ;:. - * '..., _ .I 4`� 1 - I. 1y'I; it - —,._- _._fir :• r' . ._r, y F `� *ta a, a .... - i3 Site 8 Ride Video.MOV Page 13 Site 13-1—Truman Cove near Woods Park Bank Only .. ,..wedif".w" a -m4 .r ' '` it i It e i -• Y r s S. ;lik 1 i �1t��'iy E. R r h R �, y ..y .,,,,..;•e, ,. ,.. . _ . .�aa 1, • '�� . • • . , - . ' Page 14 /")tr r -` N Itiok sK , ,,. -, ,, . r. .,,,,, ,: ‘,„ ..,, .,.s . :.,.......,....:. ...„,„.,„.„......., -..--4.'''-- ,, Il a;+ y J ir_•. - 'Y . - Page 15 FEMA Repairs Update Site 13-2—Truman Cove near Woods Park \`f Bank Only 1Y 1 kz5 ,4 . Ir M ,. ate" t a ++'''�e r , 'fix __ ` . . 5; - .a. Page 16 -. .,.•. ,L.• :. '•-.. It- '.!-"2.,. ‘.'' .. . ',- ----- . . •,.,4,,,,, ,,, . ,. -' fe,-'' ,'•---'' . ,. d ,..... .„_,,,,.....- ,, 41/IPAA,;,--,% ..4.-,,,,,,,-'',..„: ;.,,I, "4 4 •‘. r4. .' -\-O. ,Illt.riakr•-vii4'1,,t;',”--V111-,,1.74i. ..4.:, .- ;..0.--R.! •`' •*-;- ,e,...,, -* t "'"N'451.-1,-)4 ,W - 214 -;'"--',? ••-: - • -. - . •-1,-., -,,,..- ,--- ,-- 4 ' .,'.... I i h • ' o.,,---w-,.:-Y,.,t•_': ' - ..r. .,,,'"'J.-.;.-• -AY,. ' , - Pir , r ;A ,‘ %...sir-':,4118111,--Nk '''''' -- - '' :40:' . • ' 'f.-:.r''' '4''‘' -' ''''', . ...ikr" -,-. ., -•e - -'---. „.;,4i.'• 4*--.74i,-.. ,,,,,;,•-;.--. 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' i;''Az". • „' .. • ,." , ....h.. ... ;,PA. -.0,V' • . -...„. - - • ' • .-- ...- •• • • , .... .„: • • ._ •••• . • • •• ..• . . Ad, ..." '.I-''' . • . . . • .. , , - - . , . • ., , . - ' , . . Page 18 • ••iik •'):0".. _., ; A ,.. '--,!..,''',V•!:•....1 .'"'; ,r .' I.••:.' . ..„ . i , , • . ., .. •, _ ....._ ..., i -....,... , _ - .04.,..-. ....... 4 .a. AM* .001111W 44..„ -..- '.. . Page 19 FEMA Repairs Update Site 3—Garden City Border Pathway Only „ ,,,, q,. —: ,p;"-''''''"•1 \ /• , '' ‘til,, ' ' •:, '1,‘-i-f'1'''''.;'i,s‘,:iz, ' irkitil# , ----'',, Aik; I '., 4,,;Is.,'4..''\i, ' l'j'Y} ''''''.s.1' ';',.‘ ' $14:' eal A.,,,, --!•` • _ it ,.-..-,:-_-_-: --",,,.. ",4--"..s. „i,‘,•••.. :-.'. ' ..t.k. 010.1....... •_ ''' ....... ',MG.Al.. '' ..‘. , '..,,,,,,,st .,,...,..... ph ^.(14k..,... :,,,t's'.. alik:1.--,4",:ta... • • , I \ . . . . ' , • .. . ^... — Page 20 , . • .. . . '1'.1...... .^..2' . .. . . * .ii -•• : _ . .--.- ,3' ''''''' ••'••: •.., t•-• !'•ii"..1Siii*ii• ,,,,,*/0,. - 1". 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'..-- Ifainatk'-')L,... •-•a-, ."' r. *-:.--n --= . • air4 'V • .a.K -.. . .... Page 24 -., i Fes • a:_i--;.-,:-:..-, -- j --.7 a te : Site 3 Ride Video.MOV Page 25 a ' e 4 i' r :dnp 6 --,',r4',.-.Z.k ',,,,,, tl.' ,,..e.f..'"-:'-;2010 ''.11'7( - S y 4 _;1• - _ • . . -< a..i 5,__gal M,. f 7. •„ 4 'b .e Page 26 ,- NetW-t s, e2 ;.tc'8 , .,r ri�1'rm'n"" I_4tic y Y ,a0 at63 ,4'41 ,,, s 82 i"W 116`2 .5, r;V ag110 It 836 I 0' United 5tat er`. .� °Y .f hs � !; 1 - K / r iiik a t — ." 'ji V �' Aram 6s-2 $ • ; e "V `An f Page 27 Project Balances Total Project Cost $1,397,020 FEMA Public Assistance Grant Reimbursement $552,210 FEMA Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant $642,787 Total Expected Reimbursement $ 1,194,997 Reimbursed to Date $435,570 In Reimbursement Process $629,583 Not yet Available for Reimbursement $ 129,844 r Page 28 The New Dry Creek Canal Trail • 1.3-mile 10-foot-wide concrete Greenbelt Regional pathway that is our first built in agreement with the New Dry Creek Ditch Company. • Partnership with four new developments that will construct the pathways at no cost to the City.It will connect to several miles of Community pathways within those developments. • The.3-mile Stags Crossing section has just been constructed,and the.2-mile Snoqualmie section near Floating Feather was completed early this year. _ f ea r con Light Rd. ��� " -. .. 4 - r- seyHilt V ' anewood Rd. Stags ®tossing,' Pa met_ % G: - New Dry Crseek Cana i Floating " oo . 4 \-____-___. ____-__.-- : ,- . ,, , , • - Igla Page 29 Beacon L qht Rd -J.a Ski,. i A c--- . _41. .7 f)iiiiitt\ •(`. erg Ii! MI � y]t •`,d4 , • _ • R\. • 4', Y -, Page 30 i ?o- M .t2 PS^r—e Ry ✓ WYr L 'XE £�� �� "Y e: v ✓.x aM� Fyn .82 p p f.£e *x4 j r{ J 9y.' . x4 i Y k 9-0'kN Y Sir ; i �.. I t1 ,,. i%"�� ;.. ,. k.��,.>' ern. ,. .�, ��. Page 31 I • • »y ? Page 32 Irrigation Partnerships Paying Off for Ditch Companies . '"kiklir .,- -.41 _ , --.2- .. , ‘.., .. . 4 ,-.,'.. •:.0. ' 4:01;.,•.mj .*'...-1. ,,iftik.., •i.,,4;',,,! ,,,y1 . ":4.—,_...... , 4.4 ''.i'4 ,;" 'itt.' .1 k .. .... It.....= - - , .0..• .1„,, ,,) . , ,. • k - .,... . .....,.. . - --.... _,...J.i.? • • ......, , , . - - • c-- 7,,e. Ilk 7-...- ., .,...„. ...„ ... .., ..... . .i• _,.. '.-.r.*:ie.:::, — ,. . .,... ..., „,. , - ***'4,1:1.7t.'4•.. .. ... . ... . ..... .., . .:„.;:::.;......' ...-..:-... .-- :'-',-- s--'-.-' - , .. - . 'r--44----;)-,. ..;„ ,,,..,!,'. 30'-',7,-::';„-,-----.-4-.. . :,,•-,...-4-vt-i-.1 .,.... ,..-4-- --- ,-4,1„.tr-,--„-; .-- •-. ..-,t, ;,,,.., ,ii.:..k. - ,-. ,-4,,,,..i0.4,-... ., 4... :.r.ti • Page 33 END OF REPORT Steve Noyes Trails and Pathways Superintendent City of Eagle snoyes@cityofeagle.org Cell(208)921-3726 ; ,aiabs,.;''''',*,-:'t;g..:Z: ',Afipr,',;.,, • ', : .••••• ,,---T,;;4,vi- ,--•.:f • - - •-:',',:**1-.....i --:'i.;:;.,r,-••• . . , . -- •*---, - :F,-,1',•:',•,•fr-,f-j,-„:, , . • . . . . .'**".::'",i;',..,--•**" **'''',‘-'.. .,,*:,;•.;';;;-•-".."-:::,',','••„*••••:-•, . 1,-,:,•.•Z•:•':::-: -. - • . --',-..*,..':'...::::-.•' '•.:-;..,_.....• "-.,::.•,-.-*.•.,:,:,.i:.,-..,:.. ; , -.,.. .•;•..00'.•;-',-.; '"-:-7.'4,5.:"1:;'•-•".--•*::.."*.,•:.* • .;.-.,•.••.',••-•••=7:>•:'•:-:..-•'•••••: ''.. -...-:''''.-•.,-. .-' . . - . . . r. , .. _-!...... .-: :.,,,!...:-, ..','.i'.--...;:i2.,;..-!;:-..:?•"1.•• *. 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[: is -Aix f v, ,fie ` w �''0.`f * . . - . , , - vT 44,0446, r i }r 1 a aQ *E 1 -yb -,,: .. k ia` :2 '• , i • -• r _�, 'may A . , -Ai '- 1.. ,;-?i,t;%.,„". -4;e4.-it.i,,,,4::. •-•., *.:'•,...',.',-t �, fiery.+• +,i ), ,K J•.,;+, . t .. iF F J✓' '."J P mil"` Page 36 �4-c^ fir_ � s '',- ; , z� �" `.•.‘,.,..7,1f2;47-12,-,V.z.,_1,-„.„... —-..,ttir ',''''.....3•-•-7;2 .; .0.,..05.,...-,Iztltilit.4*,:,-.,,,„ • ' 4- ` -+� .z r• .A a`" ._: act... r ;., "M 1. b , „ ... .4, , . , , ... . -. .-._. - . :_,... - ••.- -- , •.,_ ,.. . ..„.„..... ,. „. ,..„.,.... _ _ . . . .. _ . _ , ..._ - -1400...- . .• , , •,.. ‘,. . -,.....: .,„ . , 44,,,„ _ . .... • , .., ... ..... . , ........ - , , t , .......„, .... . ii,..-., r �• - ''rP Page 37 'Sy 0 F E,qC AUGUST 2022 POLICE REPORT to (Released September 20, 2022) iiiiift ,, (t•".....,:. .. ..,,,,WIMW Itlei,.. ' ' -"'''''`IgillitiowilleiMillo....4040 ,,,,i4, , ...t. „‘ - ,.,,, iv POLICE Case Report Types 41111 2022 Offense • Person Crimes=murder,manslaughter, Reported' rape/sodomy,assault,intimidation and P 2019 2020 2021 Aug YTD Projected kidnapping offenses • Property Crimes=robbery,burglary, Total Crimes (#) ' 579 596 521 47 382 526-601 larceny/theft,arson,destruction of property,counterfeiting,fraud, Person 149 103 143 13 102 embezzlement, blackmail and stolen property offenses Property 213 226 185 21 133 • Society Crimes=drugs/narcotics, gambling, pornography,prostitution and Society 217 267 193 13 147 weapons law violations Crime Rate 18.52 19.64 15.11 (#/1000 population) No.of arrests 1 Total al DUI Mo Avg=22 *Projected 2022 Crimes Range is based on Jan-Jun averages from years 2019-2022. Crimes Reported by Month and Type 29 ss — tl 24 Person Property .-- Society 30 — - 22 25 - - 20 14 . 15d io May June July Aug 23 11, 10 21 24 , 18 , 22 11 s *DUI Arrests include Cited May June July Aug May June July Aug May June July Aug Police Activity2 Monthly ALL May June July Aug No.of mental hold cases Average 2021 2022 2022 2022 2022 mo avg=2 Citizen calls for 650 6,505 608 633 695 662 service(CFS) ._IIII_EIIIILI--—— Proactive Policing 1,222 14,815 1,255 1,220 1,190 1,221 Select call types(#) Code 3 CFS4 27 229 25 26 37 21 May June July Aug Alarm 43 528 39 48 41 43 All Code 3 Response Time I(minaecr mo avg=4:00 Crash response 63 664 66 69 62 56 School check 19 311 18 15 13 31 _ — Traffic stop 476 4,655 447 544 481 433 Welfare check 45 509 42 40 47 52 3:46 4:05 4:52 3:18 'Offense Reports are compiled from NIBRS RMS,2Police Call data reflects calls within the City of Eagle and May June July Aug all dispatched calls with an Eagle Deputy.3Monthly averages are based on Apr-July2022,°Code 3 calls - represents ALL incidents that are routed at Priority 3.Priority 3 calls require an immediate emer.enc res.onse. ,,a,.,,,.,x.,,, P mili , r . ....."---........."....,_, ...—e—N—...• lir THE CITY OF - r .! ''.� EAGLE Eagle e Sports its ,r g p rz. 0 ,, Complex t ' '� Update Nichoel Baird Spencer,MCRP,AICP CC Presentation September 27, 2022 Director of Long-Range Planning&Projects nbardL cityofeagje_ow History • Originally part of the Spring Valley Planned Community • 2021 Identified by new owner to be kept at so-acre lots and sold off • Preliminary Feasibility completed in November of 2021 • Community Open House and User Groups Spring 2022 • Purchase of Koepen Property Summer 2022 • Preliminary Engineering 30% Design lillritc... 2 9/29/2022 Eagle Sports Complex Location , t " ! Approximately • • 96 Acres in • 1 -. '/'"' total ) • Potential Trailhead . xauor Ike f . r 9, ice_ y�' r • 1--- —•1 85Ar.,./ I. — . —, outparcel 3 g/zg/zozz Eagle Sports Complex Option 1: P re I i m i n a ry Feasibility- November 2021 • Ballfields-baseball/softball o 12 fields-8 baseball,4 softball n , i E y I - OPTION 3 , ,' w o Facilities sufficient in size host . :. I f . ''' S- .. a ,-,,f-2-4, regional Tournaments - '� +„ _ - • Grass fields-Balance of the property in open t = U t Vie,,.. fields that can accommodate football,soccer, pm ,;rt ° __ = x-- �.�..•. o lacrosse city leagues and potential 1 and la rc _ " As` ga; i regional needs I . . o V� .' , s`t' • Parking • a -"' - - ' _ , o Establish a parking program that - - / ..,„ _ ' allows shared use but is mindful of the i Pr " •• need to proactively program all it 1 Jr a o - aspects of the park , ., y o Athlete pick-up/drop-off area :r'- !, .; - • Two centralized gathering areas(1 with ther ., v O ` /� Y baseball/softball fields and one with the i /� LEGEND: h9T9T�.t1-�T other grass fields. I ),.o..„,a„ -- ---- o Centralized bathroom ,r .v ..•• o Snack/concessionfacilities /` n / —I o Picnic Shelters/reservable shelters ALLIANCE CONSULTING �` ' C I •t ( �•�•� ^•.•..^•........ o Field maintenance(Striping,rakes,etc.) \ I rt / 1 % ..''''''., -- and concessions storage area -% .' i r,�.. .y, '� �~• ""S . o Tot Lots-small child play area q}` - •f !v • r' -AI _ C ] Pathway-Looped path within the park along _� - q. �] °`°.NC the Farmers Union Canal r ' + L..T, .; SITE REAL • Trailhead-Small(ped/bike only)parking with access to BLM,Big Gulch,and commercial ri6 r ;• ', 'zx i area in the Spring Valley project " Y1 d� ht, 0 ''1 -r Nor FOR • Meeting/Tournament Organization Facility: CONSTRUCTION CO` '' .. REVIEW ONLY Space for club and tournament meetings. I _ . -� Option 2 Includes: i r'} .1„,''''' „,• x ... • Community Recreation Center �.� 3 R ..•.sue., . 7 `�'� a .•.. • �'••�•'x'""— o Olympic Sized Pool OPT. o Multi-purpose Hard Surface courts .. 9/29/2o22 Eagle Sports Complex https://www.cityofeagle.orgh944/Eagle-Regional-Sports-Park 'I 3o% ' �, - Preliminary Design I )91''''''417 F 1-1 • o II I ALLIANCE CONSULTING :% Rom- `A / 17 .., ua ..--- Ia - mwan e CRY NI FAM SITE PIM ,'' ^•••• In _ ...z. ,,, ....__ , , ___.. ......._ C e ee—,'�: / "`. , I- .�: ti ,,.-....:.... I o �/ / \ __ i (�.__ % ......,�... .—.. C..0 »...�.e.qw NOT FOR / C•:� CONSTRUCTION / """' "" LE ..+----. REVIEW ONLY f, 9/29/2o22 Eagle Sports Complex 3o% Preliminary Engineering • Plan Evolution at 3o%Design: / i.--- - a)Removal of the Recreation Center i `- • Floodway channelization&Storage r.� c�1a • Utilization of road as levy . ` Storage at SHa6 culvert ° ) \ `• • Opportunity to relocate interior to SV L_I I ��f""� __ 1 a) ng&., t i ' •$ 5 rts cr — /f` —— l fiel} %! • ! : Iiii cture_ ent h3�. i ices4. C i... ♦ ) rail i / CS ° \' ° I a I "�� • Changes can be done if City and FU canal y ;�'K, % come to an agreement about canal / ° _ ''‘.' 4 easements / _ . o I f S)Trailhead Expansion Parcel / I ALLIANCE CONSULTING • with direct connection Offer of an w I - ii , I lrceno ...,.arm.,. , expanded Trail head to SV&BLM systems - egi i- ..- ..... 1 ,`„ / :`y_ , �„�„°, Project Status: O1""" • 3o%Engineering Complete .„ - • �� "'""' r.�m,� • Utilities discussions \ •,, ; —- ���—_ • Idaho Power [o►a 2 y ... ._,. ..- • Eagle Sewer District .. ���f '� + '=m • • Transportation Study 1� `'Y�/ ......� C..1 .-..,:...w. NOT FOR #1.,\ --_ =: C::] °•••- CONSTRUCTION • lTD access at SH-i6 ( // =v_.__ .e.. REVIEW ONLY • Connectivity to Aerie Way j • / -- >oY �`-'t Construct 4 eastern most fields in time eme...,,..,-,.. .,,..-,,4 ___ m-^» Cl.l for Spring 2023 Baseball Season. ,9h9h022 Eagle Sports Complex PPRC Review: August 18, 2022 • Overall support for the project—support of aggressive construction timeline • Expressed desire to retain or at least look for a new location for a recreation/community center including a pool • Want the City to completely remove the floodway and retain the recreation/community center • How long to construct the recreation/community center? Beyond 2027 likely • Expressed desire to install lighting and PA system the fields as part of construction • Installation of shade tarps in center area of the quads • Consider turf oppose to grass for flat fields (expansion on the shoulder seasons) • Equestrian pull-thru parking at the trailhead • Underpass of the State Highway • Infrastructure capacity limitations/Need to integrated into discussion with ITD on SH-i6 North Study 7 9/29/2022 Eagle Sports Complex Funding Impact Fee Reimbursements Feasibility Study: $ 48,865 2017 Eagle Park Preliminary Engineering: $274,800 Impact Fee Capital Geotech Report: $14,o89 Plan identifies a total Land Acquisition: $2,000,000 CIP Value for a Transportation Study: $39,600 "Sports/Ballf;eld Complex at $4.95M Total Committed to Date: $2,377,354 Balance Remaining: $2.57M 8 9/29/2o22 Eagle Sports Complex Staff is requesting Council direction on the changes to the park plan and lay out and any comments as the consultant moves toward so% design. IT% \ Questions? ...yawiw. /?\` Eagle Sports Complex—Spring Valley 10/17/2022 w�O1 rxr`' LILAC SPRINGS SUBDIVISION NO. 2 — VACATION OF �, refA PORTION OF A PUBLIC UTILITIES, LOT DRAINAGE, H *, "; AND LILAC SPRINGS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION PRESSURIZED IRRIGATION DRAINAGE EASEMENT OGLE, VW' VAC-02-22 Eagle City Council Public Hearing August 15, 2022 City Staff: Morgan Bessaw,Planner II Phone: 208-489-8786 E-Mail: 1 Vicinity Map: 7 The 13,895-square foot site is located /116 ,, .1 south side of West .> . • / a . 7 Venetian Drive t•. . <� approximately 185- feet northwest of the intersection of West ' 1Pt . / A ' -� Walton Pond Drive and West Venetian N ,: Drive at 5853 West �„ Venetian Drive. , ti� le 4t EL '"M< ..$cy�e 7' 2 2 1 10/17/2022 Project Y ...gram cat �, ::,;a, ,a w w. ,ACt Summary: n ;b .;. y �� I & s 12 " Aaron Ulrich, represented by k " •�' - �,0.1•' +1 i..`• '"'i• 's Fg cE .{ Jeremy Martin with Pioneer .1 ;J ,z `so vA 1 •:r:: : ' Pool and Spa, Inc., is 1; / .; r ;�:� "' . "'• requesting to vacate 2-feet of �y e�oc't f/ �, • �$,rryfi 9 1�,, the 12-foot rear yard public �j M f j :� 8 utilities, lot drainage, and ., ,i 'rt4?. �t..9f ,c .� Lilac Springs Homeowners ••,r 4 •. Association, Inc. pressurized '6 +fie c ,o , irrigation facilities easement .. ' 4, s .h located within Lot 11, Block 7, �.,y4' '�, !�;'�s°�'o�,. Lilac Springs Subdivision No. �.: ,�0. ,0 CP J''' ; /�y`.^' 2. ' Ne°• $' if' Z.P. 63 S LILAC SPRINGS S1 SD. NO. ma Discussion: • The applicant is requesting to vacate 2-feet of the 12-toot wide public utilities, lot drainage, and lilac !- Springs Homeowners Association, Inc. pressurized irrigation facilities easement located within Lot 11. Block 7. Lilac Springs Subdivision No. 2. The request is to allow for the construction of a swimming pool within the backyard area. • Per Eagle City Code 9-3-6,total widths for public utilities and drainage easements shall not be less than ten feet(10'). • The City has received all the required relinquishment letters. t 1 2 10/17/2022 Recommendation: If the proposed vacation to the final plat of Lilac Springs Subdivision No.2 is approved,the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall be required to provide a relinquishment letter from the Lilac Spring Homeowners Association prior to a resolution of vacation being approved by the City Council. 2. The applicant shall submit payment to the City for all engineering and legal fees incurred for reviewing this project,prior to a resolution of vacation being approved by the City Council. s 5 3 10/17/2022 1110 kis, 7.... AMBERLY RANCH _. . .,.. ....,. . 7 „, „., ,"• t , Application Modification Request I 1 1 About Amberly Ranch Amberly Ranch isa Rural Residential Property on Beacon iff, Light in Eagle,ID surrounded by !� Rural Ranchette Homes on).Acres of Land. _ - ._ No surrounding properties have �"' �•"'-cam _ City Water.The nearest City 'b _ _ - • f. '-.+.•Yrrli .-, - teetawonnection[sover'1,600 .,,� __ '°_ • • feet water connewnNBallantyneLn. - ''^ �"� The Amberly Ranch Subdivision'' : - Is a7 acre parcel with an existing _a... "k-1.,...,........,_ """-----------_. Home that was approved for 3 - __ _. ^ ?S total lots withl additional - - - --' - • common area lot All Lots meet i,„ the existing land use 3 Acreilli mi nimum requirement. •- 1{ v This meeting is to request i conditional approval to not be ' • requi red to extend Municipal ,- - ' "-..". cs 1- water for fire hydrants as - 3 As- .. requiredby Standard 16 in the t,9 _. - C. development of the Amberly rt,, ..,, :'� � - Ranch Subdivision. - - ... �'• 2 1 10/17/2022 Amberly Ranch PRELIMINARY PLATFOR 0`.' li Proposed AMBERLY RANCH SUBDIVISION(RE-PLAT)LOCATED m S Layout _ w - ,.. ,�..z "..o,.N o .. LEGEND The Amberly Ranch ''— Subdivision includes =_ numerous - - i -z- I g improvements below. Updated and improved ! _ i Irrigation,alleviating __ __ issues for homeowners s % •_ g and developments L�. 4a , ,_ti_ —�"" further down the r - i 1 .. 1 - irrigation canal. Nipz z L s ;, 11 1 _„-,_ I1 The addition of L!r Li - • ! Sidewalks and common -• .11 Y _ n ' area landscaping along r , `--- ir - BeaconLight. ;,�' C = ; Improved Fire access "'' J -- - . with asphalt ___ hammerhead. 3 Cost of Water - , it .- 1.> ,�i'Ti .1me { y • m. • Based on estimates by an engineer and two excavators, the cost of pulling Municipal Water approximately 2,800 feet Is$840,000 to$9u0,000. i r`xto. It is financially'Infeasible to {:S�r ' connect to Municipal Water. 1`'.4 .:t y When factoring all costs, • •s .-. • connecting to City Water off of �,7'S .J}E , ^ ' `,,1 A ;` ,'It Aft yli. a Beacon Light and in most Rural _ a Ranchette portions of Beacon -"` iA 'I'• � .. _ na Light and Floating Feather t s �� a #d ky '- does not work financially. �`, 1� - I ,} "- r 4i F.4e j r•-"fir it ; ) 4, If required to connect to ''**a,.s ^,,, i .-, S .., , y Municipal Water,most '`t `t-{- .s kes-1 .�. developments in this -3l• , Ranchette community will All Areas ��� ,• either not be feasible or require significant increases Highlighted have +r ( , in density to Justify connection costs,which goes No Municipal ..� - , tz against the intended large lot Water Connection :.roc �ar... . --- . L-y L y *3 f t use of this area. -.:L--i -+.--` _ :1i'ry��- 4 2 10/17/2022 Fire Safe Construction Given the financial Infeasibility of connecting -- / 1116,� Municipal Water,and in lieu of ' the required fire hydrant we propose the following fire safe '- construction practices. 2 hour fire rated wall assembly between the house and the �... - - 1111....111.1011111111 garage. III Any and all exteri0r • { !• construction materials I t required to be non- combustible. _ — Fire rated vents such as Brandguard. Firewtse Landscaping. 100 feet minimum distance between homes. 5 Plan Modification --�--- Request Basadondre finanoialtnteaatbillry, Oi connecting°Man ieipalWater,we reques[that an add itionalconditionbe _ - added tothaBite Specific Cond Mona ot approval It would be.Slte Specific ��� , Conditionofapproval417 and would I/a"ro. . • awe:"Municipal water shall'toll. _ ,�j 5 '�„„�, �.. requirod°be emended todreaublect .=:. sue«. , 4' 4 site providing°[firshydrantsae - required by Standard Conditionof ApprovalNumber18.'Dua°chsexisting water line baingover1800 feet tromU[e • `' ------ property and thaeubdtvtsionincluding9 residential lots.amditioneduponthe #a} following: •. �+ A.There shall be nmlmumdistanceo. 100fembe[wee adances B.Firewleeland png. - - - C.All exterior materials required rton-combue[ibla. D2 hour fire wall assembly be required • , i Uerweenitvmgspoee endgarage. _ - `Rarrv� • 3 10/17/2022 OF Tk,. . � AMBERLY RANCH SUBDIVISION w o Q G �I OniPi,r Twnns LIMINARY PLAT o is)�` PP-15-21 Eagle City Council Public Hearing September 27, 2022 City Staff:Morgan Bessaw,AICP,CFM,Planner II Phone: 939-0227 E-Mail: 1 F Project Summary: The applicant is requesting: • A modification to the preliminary plat approvals for Amberly Ranch Subdivision, a four lot (3-buildable, 1-common) residential subdivision to remove the requirement to extend central water service to the site. • The Preliminary Plat approval for Amberly Ranch Subdivision was originally approved by the City Council on March 8, 2022. 2 1 10/17/2022 Vicinity Map: The 7-acre site is located " approximately 640 feet west . ' :' ' ,4�y. �`' V4y of the intersection of West Beacon Light Road and NorthIN 4Ballantyne Lane. R _ :t._k , _ y 3 Preliminary Plat. PRELIMINARY PLAT 0• AMBERLY RANCH SUBDIVISION . PC w' .. IOGTFO IN GOV ERHMEH T LOi 3 OF SE CI ION 6 IZ GW m WNRAND1EASTROSEHROIA y . [ DAEuT,uD *N . - 1L c M—"wiF�w sisirs T m - - --.. 3744;e7:"itiliellr -j--- " --1 ' -:. ' .7- .I Jar& I 10 I _.1 --.-. . Mil - tr� .9�_ L� - -11— - — Total Acreage: 7-acres L- — Total Number of Lots: 4 - -�, �, .��:__,a ;ram .�:- :. w�_ 1111 1 -- --=_=`411= Residential-3 - - ....,.„,..-{4,,-,....,.._-_,._� - _jCommercial 00 -- Industrial-00 ' ""'"�`��'—�' Common —01 4 2 10/17/2022 Comprehensive Plan & Zoning Map Designation: COMP PLAN ZONING LAND USE DESIGNATION DESIGNATION Existing Estate Residential RUT(Rural-Urban Transition—Ada County Single family residential designation) Pi op Estate Residential(No change) R-E-DA(tesidentnal-Estate with a development Single family residential subdivision(Arrbeiy Rands) agreement) North of site Agriculture/Rural RUT(Rural-Urban Transition—Ada County Single family residential designation) South o(site Estate Residential RUT(Rural-Urban Transition—Ada County Single Family Residential designation) East of site Estate Residential R-E(Residential Estate) Single Family Residential West of site Estate Residential RUT(Rural-Urban Transition—Ada County Single Family Residential designation) 5 Comprehensive Plan Designation: Estate Residential --. -. .. .. .,, _a Agriculture/Rural -Os LI Estate Residential Estate Residential Designation: • Suitable primarily for single family residential development within areas on acreages that may be in transition from agricultural to residential use or may combine small scale agricultural uses with residential uses. Maximum density of up to one(1) unit per two (2)acres. Eagle is HOME Comprehensive Plan—Chapter 6—Land Uses 6 3 10/17/2022 Site Data for the R-E Zone ADDITIONAL SITE DATA PROPOSED REQUIRED Dwelling Units Per Gross Acre 1-unit per 2.33 acres 1-unit per 2.33 acres(per development agreement) Minimum Lot Size 87,000-square feet(2-acres) 1.8-acres Minimum Lot Width 271.05-feet 100-feet Minimum Street Frontage 106-feet 35-feet Total Acreage of Common Area None proposed None required in the R-E zone 0 Percent of Site as Common Area 0/ 0%required in the R-E zone 7 Zoning Compatibility: AA ___ --- ZONING COMPATABILITY MATRIX CITY TONINGCLASSIF!CATIONS' Residential Districts Neighbor Central Agnculrural Residential limited Commercial hood General HlgMvac Business Light Industrial Heavy Extractive Public/Semi- Mixed Agricultural Residential Estate B'6 to Office Airport Business Busi nest Business Distract Industrial Part lndostnal Industnal Public Use FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATIONS' A (AR R-E R-I R.2 R-3 RJ R-5 R'10 L 0 C Al (C.1 C 2 C 3 COD M t M-Al .2 M- PS gq A rirullural/Nu•ai EMEMEMIIIIIIMMEMIE oothills aaae©©e■�� -a- aaa©©©©©©11111111111111M111111111i11111111111MINI1111111111111111111a ���■■■■©©= �■�=��a©Downtown —��■■■■■© Village/Community Center'' 1_-_■■■■■©� �_©=Neighborhood C t sas _--■■■©©© Convnero at .-. :--'--....... i MM� _ Profess nal OH /Ru, tPart' ==�■ii --.. ..%............�x 2 Requires Annexation prior to development Eagle is HOME Comprehensive Plan—Figure 6.8 Zoning Compatibility Matrix 8 4 10/17/2022 Discussion : • In a letter dated September 21, 2022, the Eagle Fire Department submitted comments on the preliminary plat application requesting fire flow, hydrant numbers, and hydrany locations comply with the 2018 International Fire Code. • On March 8, 2022 the City Council conditionally approved the Amberley Ranch Preliminary Plat application with the following: An approval letter from the Eagle Fire Department shall be submitted to the City prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. The letter shall include the following comments and minimum requirements, and any other items of concern as may be determined by the Eagle Fire Department officials: a. The applicant has made arrangements to comply with all requirements of the Fire Department. b. The proposed fire hydrant locations shall be reviewed and be approved in writing by the Eagle Fire Department prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. c. Minimum flow per hydrant shall be 1,000 gallons per minute for one and two family dwellings, 1,500 gallons per minute for dwellings having a fire area in excess of 3,600 square feet, and 1,500 gallons per minute(i.e.;Commercial, Industrial,Schools,etc.). Flow rates shall be inspected in accordance with all agencies having jurisdiction,and shall be verified in writing by the Eagle Fire Department prior to issuance of any building permits. d. The proposed fire protection system shall be reviewed and approved by the Eagle Fire Department prior to issuance of a building permit. 9 Discussion Continued : • Since the time the original application was approved, the City has modified the zoning code to require all new development to extend water service regardless of the zoning unless the Council explicitly chooses to waive the requirement: • 8-2-1 R(Residential): . . . Centralized water and sewer facilities are required for all subdivision and parcel division applications submitted after the effective date hereof in all zoning districts except the city council may permit the use of individual well(s) and septic system(s) in the A, A-R and R-E zoning districts upon a determination that the public health, safety, and welfare will not be negatively impacted. 10 5 10/17/2022 Discussion Continued : The applicant is requesting the following additional site-specific condition of approval to remove the requirement to extend central water to the site: Municipal water shall not be required to be extended to the subject site providing for fire hydrants as required by Standard Condition Number 16, due to the existing water line being approximately 2890 linear feet from the property and the subdivision including three residential lots, conditioned upon: a. New homes exterior shall be constructed of non-combustible materials and have a 2 hour fire wall between living space and garage11111 b. There shall be a minimum distance of 100 feet between homes; and c. Landscape plantings, withing 30-feet of any home, shall meet fire wise standards. PIO Possible Actions: 1. If the requested preliminary plat modification is denied, no new conditions are required. 2. If the requested preliminary plat modification is approved, staff recommends the following language in lieu of the applicants proposed verbiage: ili dt Y•vci LL'i tills il:i..lie,2,i 1,1,2 vi:,ung for fire hydrants as required by approved Standard Condition Number 16. The following conditions shall apply: a. Exterior materials for all new development shall be non-combustible b. New residences shall have a 2 hour fire wall between living space an,clgarazs c. There shall be a minimum distance of 100 feet between homes d. Landscape plantings withing 30-feet of any home shall meet fire e gD standards. 12 6 10/17/2022 Conditions of Development: • 3.1 The maximum density for the Property shall be I unit per 2.3 acres. • 3.2 Applicant will develop the Property subject to the conditions and limitations set forth in this Development Agreement. Further,Applicant will submit such applications regarding floodplain development permit review,design review,preliminary and final plat reviews,and/or any conditional use permits,if applicable,and any other applicable applications as may be required by the Eagle City Code,which shall comply with the Eagle City Code.as it exists at the time such applications are made except as otherwise provided within this Agreement. • 3.3 The Concept Plan(Exhibit C)represents the Owner's current concept for completion of the project.As the Concept Plan evolves,the City understands and agrees that certain changes in that concept may occur.If the City determines that any such changes require additional public comment due to potential impacts on surrounding property or the community,a public hearing shall be held on any proposed changes in the Concept Plan,notice shall be provided as may be required by the City. • 3.4 Owner shall provide a"Heavy Thick Traffic Plan"(Exhibit E)to be followed by any vehicle or equipment over 8000 GVWR.The plait shall show all designated routes and hours of operation.The heavy truck traffic routes shall maximize use of highways and major arterials while minimizing use of smaller residential streets. The plan will also cite that compression braking is prohibited everywhere in Ada County. Owner is responsible for communicating the approved plan to all sub-contractors and for monitoring compliance. • 3.5 The conditions,covenants and restrictions for the Property shall contain at least the following: • (a) An allocation of responsibility for repair and maintenance of all community and privately owned landscaping,pressurized irrigation facilities, private streets,fencing,and amenities.The owner shall provide an operation and maintenance manual including the funding mechanism as an addendum to the CC&Rs and the repair and maintenance requirement shall run with the land and that the requirement cannot be modified ant that the homeowners association or other entity cannot be dissolved without the express consent of the city. • (b) All fencing shall he installed in accordance with Eagle City Code and the Eagle Architectural and Site Design Book.All other fencing(i.e.dog- eared cedar fencing,vinyl,chainlink)shall be prohibited. (c) A requirement that in the event any of the CC&Rs are less restrictive than any government rules,regulations or ordinances,then the more restrictive government rule,regulation or ordinances shall apply.The CC&Rs are subject to all rides,regulations,laws and ordinances of all applicable government bodies.In the event a governmental ride,regulation,law or ordinance would render a part of the CC&Rs unlawful,then in such event that portion shall be deemed to be amended to comply with the applicable ride,regulation,law or ordinance. 13 Conditions of Development: �.G Owner shall provide a detailed arborist report and an existing tree urentor}map identifying all existing trees located on site.The report shall identify,at a minimum,species,size,and health of the trees.The arborist report and map shall be provided with the submittal of a design review application.Owner shall provide a narrative indicating which trees will be incorporated into the design of the subdivision and which trees will be removed prior to removal of the trees.No trees shall be removed front the site prior to city approval of a tree removal plan. • 3.7 Owner shall submit a design review application showing at a minimum: 1)proposed development signage,2)planting details within the proposed and required landscape islands and all common areas throughout the development,3)all proposed fencing throughout the development,and 4)street lights.The design review application shall be reviewed and approved by the Eagle Desitm Review Board prior to the submittal of a final plat application. • 3.8 Owner shall place a 4'x8'subdivision sign(s)containing information regarding the proposed development.The subdivision sign(s)shall be located along each roadway that is adjacent to the Property.The subdivision sign(s)shall be located on the Property outside of the public right-of-way and remain clearly visible from the roadway. 14 7 10/17/2022 Site Specific Conditions of Approval: Comply with all conditions within the development agreement for annexation and rezone applications A-10-21/RZ-15-21. Comply with all requirements of the City Engineer. The applicant shall submit payment to the City for all engineering and legal fees incurred for reviewing this project, prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat and/or upon receipt of an invoice by the City,whichever occurs first. Plat notes shall be revised to be numbered. t The first plat note under"Standard Easement Notes"shall be revised to identify the street as private,not public,prior to submittal of the final plat application. The first plat note under"Private Street Notes"shall be revised to remove"driveway"so that it is clear access is being taken from a f private street(the name of the street may also be identified)prior to submittal of the final plat application. A new plat note shall be added to the preliminary plat stating"Irrigation water has been provided by Farmers Union Ditch Company in compliance with Idaho Code Section 31-3805(1)(b).Lots with in the subdivision will be entitled to irrigation water rights and/or shares i] and individual lots will remain subject to assessments from the applicable irrigation entities, to be paid through fees assess by the homeowner's association. The pressurized irrigation system shall be owned and maintained by the Amberly Ranch Subdivision Homeowner's Association,or it assigns." All living trees shall be preserved,unless otherwise determined by the Design Review Board.A detailed landscape plan showing how s the trees will be integrated into the open space areas or private lots(unless approved for removal by the Design Review Board)shall be provided for Design Review Board approval prior to the submittal of a final plat.Construction fencing shall be installed(pursuant to the ' Design Review Board's direction)to protect all trees that are to be preserved,prior to the commencement of any construction on the site. 15 Site Specific Conditions of Approval: The developer shall provide shade-class tiees(landscape plan to be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board)along both sides of all streets" within this development. Trees shall be placed at the front of each lot generally at each side property line,or as approved by the Design Review Board. Any and all drainage swales and/or seepage beds shall be placed so as to not interfere with the required placement of street trees.Prior to the City Clerk ', signing the final plat the applicant shall either install the required trees,sod,and irrigation or provide the City with a letter of credit for 150%of the cost of the installation of all landscape and irrigation improvements.Trees shall be installed prior to obtaining any occupancy permits for the homes. A ? temporary occupancy may be issued if weather does not permit landscaping.Partial reduction of the surety may be permitted for any portion of the 'k development that is completed, including street trees that have been installed. On-going surety for street trees for all undeveloped portions of the development will be required through project completion. To allow for the future installation of municipal fiber-optic cable,the applicant shall be required to install two(2)one inch and a quarter(1%")fiber-optic conduit lines along both sides of all public streets with a hand hold every 400 ft.Upon completion of the installation of the municipal fiber-optic conduit lines,the applicant shall provide GIS coordinates of the locations of the municipal fiber-optic conduit lines.The municipal fiber-optic conduit lines shall be f installed,GIS coordinates provided,and the fiber-optic conduit lines shall be dedicated to the City prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. The applicant shall provide GIS shape file of the subdivision(file type as approved by the Zoning Administrator)prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. Any fencing located adjacent to common area open spaces and on the street side of all corner lots shall be an open fencing style such as wrought iron or I. other similar decorative style,durable fencing material.Specific buffer area fences and decorative walls may be allowed as otherwise required in ECC !' FSection 8-2A-7(I). The Amberly Ranch Subdivision shall remain under the control of one Homeowners Association.(ECC 9-3-8[D][4]) `' Location and lighting specifications incorporating a"Dark Sky"style of lighting shall be provided to the City Zoning Administrator prior to the submittal 0 .' the final plat • Street name approval by the Ada County Street Name Committee has not been received to date.Approval from that committee is required prior to final plat approval. The applicant shall provide CC&Rs that the Homeowner's Association shall have the duty to maintain the pressurized irrigation system and all common landscape areas in the subdivision are maintained in a competent and attractive manner,including the watering,mowing,fertilizing and caring for shrubs and trees in perpetuity.(ECC 9-4-1-9[C][i1) li, 8 10/17/2022 PRELIMIRY PLAT -- NA AMBERLY RANCH SUBDIVISION __ W 0 .. __. LOCATED IN GOVERNMENT LOT 2 OF SECTION 6 ... TOWNSHIP/wan.,RANGE I EAST,WISE MERIDIAN • .- ' 'w�_«. -. ADA CDUNIr,IMNO wLr aou N a "' —__LEGEND s I — II e I _.._.. El �I` -' _�xw.� t �� - . '! • s ssz_ _ _ .ni2T� FIVER 17 9 W�.1z z W Cai.1{Z j 'S'2 a=i 4 i cF7�w�WO(�mWWW '.°J W W iV v2�U5w c � % me ° � ° 0 1 v)54°c4ezvU44 NI 0@v c camig = C.)p `'iU`i'�:a � W QgqppU N � i g W v ° a cL Q. FH°4. co nF '� a ¢1i! ao i �2. '' w Ea o xO = m▪ osEcry oti i r9, u .'Wxa,w g g .se. cS ° . ss �� U R v • ..4 F, p „Nr, omU � p V ,l S d d �E.") p� U °'O C , i € g U E C t0 o W y a va ca o �.I• w -99 U z 4 ?(O .tea °' °v >.� g Oe-�pp��{.{x�aaZaOWW'`^UO o o Oon 'e,tj o t','o a °' • < ° r = t ,,, N0dti4kJi 11 TI1 it ii., ,i! 2.,.. g U O F 4 F ¢ G ° .C I v 0. G o °4 o F U A L� U c '� a"°i -8 i §.c 72 al U O O ( Z Za raHYNU °i d R 0U:• 'V m a ° in � v �4 UNvQio ¢i di�o vdo ¢i6c ¢ i�i .95 Ww $ zQaars a:�¢`'415..olo 4 - M e;41 4 Oc/) AN° zU x Section 1:That Title 11A,Chapter 2,Section 3,be and is hereby amended,to read as follows with underline text to be added: 11A-2-3:LAND USE STANDARDS: Uses Districts See Land Use Village Mixed Use Commercial Residential Open Standards Center Space (Chapter 40fThis VC HMU MU CC NC RR ER SF1 SF2 SF3 SFZL SFSL SFA MFI MF2 COS ROS Title) Commercial: Shooting P/C P/C ranges/gun clubs (outdoor) Proposes to revise the allowance of Outdoor shooting ranges/gun clubs as a Permitted/Conditional Use within the Regional Open Space(ROS)and Community Open Space(COS)districts only. The use would be Permitted (P)if the land use is specified within a Planning Unit Master Plan (PUMP) submittal; Conditional Use(C)if not. ve Page 2 of 28 K'W1.,,,a Ikpi\E,&,AppllGtiwulSp,pp llry\Appliuuure\Zutiig ohN�wce AmevEmmp2022\IIA ZOA-03-22Sb,S and Allrys\ZOA0,22 lid,I IA-Awry.and SP't,SI d,,, .r7 O ate+ O N § C g 0 3 p � b U N Fr M M M "I Z c °c g >,>° a 3 F. D ° g.6>-g `o N� 6Ng of No of E d v o o °� N d O g g .. y c7 sa a Q � o � °�°' o °�° 6v d " 5 a • c.5w E W Wi' W .. r `• oa)N .. a ginN0 6 .. - m `o 0) � i 4 i �� u g.L A wwv 'aSvbpGa°: u wna5vbx~¢° w " n a 5 vb a C ^ a y :2 0 0 o N a) < b 2 V1 u 4.. Q E d N i O) ' W a,j °) a�Ti °'� 0 Si. .Xv. A •c-14 d c yE. A O o 0 o 00 Q 0 N N W -7,i,a p.C C F7 a `A O 8 v) cth (i ..... W .. .-3 % T & g 3 2 y <'d Q C �V>w 9r0 _43 < g CDD E w 0 - / g 2 I O d U x = `8O o , W 6 2. 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'1 d cw° 3 6' s .. d 6 y 2$'$ w G o 2 4 0• § 0. € u . o f u o 0 •2 w o- :Y ` ciiflih . y " C F " V O C b y 'g am O .D l' s . a, L o :2 8$ m▪ E _ v ,d',�, O > ,� w m'� `8 c 9, 0 8 t .5 c i' g E d H °cC ' :6 ;. g ° o :o -8 c g• c '' `- w ,.� U Sou d▪ $ v, 5 .d v•i 0 8 :$'� 2.8 N 2 — 3 : y - - L = r ' $ t01, c o • C y 5 a� � o � 8 g •,)• 8 0 �o4 n w y ',- a' g ou 6' c to. Bra g8 x S dr ,., o ° ° .5 2 . - >ii.U, w° 0s .ob ai 5 o H to. e`S 83 T .5 v o •3 4 .E > s 3 2 'v 0 °,.$ °o"I h ° w =i .2, H< ° 'e• E.o q, ' OO e'� -8 .� 'g . W' g .E c, > ,s O c ,s -. 02.5. .• •> ,_ $ ca.c 30• � N 1 °' c m �,� v 6 8 .E aa � q� '�. � d:�c'e °' F S. a�s� 1 `3 „ �c' L� a • •ss'o'C 0 s N - 'e3 y V is O 'ad" y O H <; `a3 > g . 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Co z 0 U V a.g o m .£ d U d 4 d U 10/17/2022 Benari Estates Eagle City Council September 27, 2022 1 Benari Estates • Introduce Site • Site History & Application Details • Issues or Concerns • Staff Report & Development Agreement/ Conditions of Approval 2 1 10/17/2022 Site Introduction : • 35.29 acres • Annexed in Eagle City limits ^ , - _ v ) • Close to downtown ISenari sI ue 4 i • - ...- .*, i . Estates 4r '- 1 QE uuene Church { �i� area .. � , , .111V// o, . 3 Applications : 1. Zoning with PUD & DA 2. Preliminary Plat 4 2 10/17/2022 Zoning Val 4 -;-3 s- i ..� • Requesting R-3 Residential w/ PUD and Development Agreement i '• DA puts limits and constraints to ▪ = * , I i $ JJi JJ ,J. ensure it is built as approved ' • s , • t 'its.� I ^ _ . • Justification stated in Staff Report J ;r y 1J J yJ i and Application Narrative x°;'� 1 -- l • Comp Plan is Neighborhood i .44 Residential 5 In r .. .omer RD te W B1.1,J,L tj 4_.- .__ Reawn Usta Rd . . x z illik Watla, — , FWamtEnaG c Rd2, £FinuB2 tcahe'Rd 214* z l-- 011 r cit r' doge 8�r�,. V z REGIONAL OPENSPACE OVERLAY1 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE/BUSINESS PARK MIXED USE TRANSITION OVERLAY FOOTHILLS RESIDENTIAL DOWNTOWN L' COMMUNITY CENTER AGRICULTURE/RURAL VILLAGE/COMMUNITY CENTER } SCENIC CORRIDOR ESTATE RESIDENTIAL NBCOMMERCIAL FLOODWAY LARGE LOT INDUSTRIAL NEIGHBORHOOD I•PUBLIC/SEMI-PUBLIC COMPACT BLM PARK 6 3 10/17/2022 Application Details : Zoning with DA • R-3 Residential is allowed zone • Comply with the City Comprehensive Plan & Future Land Use Map • Requesting less density than maximum allowed • Dev Agreement: Compatible transition (density, lot sizes, etc) 7 Site History: Previous application: • Requested R-4 zone r Estate Lots • 133 homes (3.77 du/acre) • 2 lot types, Village and Estate , -.,,•,, • Reduce lot sizes • Reduce lot standards (setbacks, etc) i '4 • Private streets r f---�; .44 • 24%open space r. • yw J • City Council decision: Denied :... v''' • Made changes based on feedback • �. 8 4 10/17/2022 Benari Estates: Summary • 77 total residential units: (Reduced from 133 homes) - -- 10 J J J". • Low end of allowed density in Comp Plan (2-4) • Single-family detached homes . \ j • Developed in 2 phases ,) 1 J J'' , J J�, y3' • Well thought design: •p. v • Main entry: State Street ,, • Secondary access: Eastern stub street required Be' o IIP - J JJ is W. Deadwood Ct. to satisfy EMS i; ; • Connecting street to east with circuitous route N: for traffic calming and serve minimal number ,. -� of homes : •• Greater amounts of open space than required u..,- • Quality amenities 9 Amenities: __ 1. 8.16 acres of open space =Approx 23.4% f' ✓exceeds 20% required h J -ira .q -p- I `2. Play Structures ,,,, ,i, }� '. .''' j,.l,J 3. Dog Park t;. •. i;I, . J 4. Pedestrian-friendly separated sidewalks .r J ,, with street trees & Pathways connections i• -' J ,,' �✓ � � ,J J 1. J N "Wir 5. Seating benches J °ti '' ,�,, _ 1 '� "' 6. Open Lawn Areas �•`:,;.: � ' 7. Attractive landscaping, including frontages ��.< � ~'�`' = 10 5 10/17/2022 fr S Benari Estates Amenities: „ : :; • Connecting pathways i 6i , ,• J``J-+ .)"� `' • Approved by Eagle PPRC i' • IL - :;1 : ,..t • A s:uii - ' t 1 i s * K • Pathway and Sidewalk Plan il',i, rr -S OMachcd 5rmnak :-';e! •; el. r •" . Q ' . ,a f t.,.0- war ..7 11 Sample Homes: • Single family detached homes �E t • Variety, Quality homes with nice -- - -t�__-- ` amenities and quality architecture • . . ._n Z rt ntii Fr-171 i lk 1. i.y.' x. _• 12 6 10/17/2022 Neighbor feedback • Neighborhood Meetings: • Several meetings with neighbors (large group and one-on-one) • Listened to their comments and made adjustments where possible • Discussions of Support, Opposition and Neutral • Many liked the changes that we made: the revised layout, transition, amenities, open space and pathways, and the proposed designs for the homes • Questions / Concerns: • Traffic and access • Transition to the north and east 13 Traffic and Access: • Stub street to north: • We listened to the neighbors and did not show access to north • ACHD disagrees: require stub street in case of future development • City of Eagle supports ACHD in connecting neighborhoods 77 i Imo._ -. . .yam l,. 14 7 10/17/2022 Traffic and Access: Main Entry is State Street • Secondary access = Eastern stub street (W. Deadwood Ct.): • required and creates neighborhood connectivity • Adding main access on Ballantyne studied (ACHD and 3rd party traffic engineer): • Right-in Right-out Option: "Not warranted, either no access or full access" • will increase cut through traffic (primarily to avoid intersection State & Ballantyne) • State Street can handle the capacity.... ONLY Level of Service B • is not required by ACHD or Eagle Fire 7 77, z- - Ii • Changed internal layout design • circuitous route = very rarely used by Benari to east - • further reduce cut through traffic # NW • kept pathway access to Ballantyne for pedestrian . and bike accesses A • 15 CUT THROUGH TRAFFIC NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES . J e s I y z I I' ^.- .. •r _ tt ' .... ',e1 li, ",-:1-', . ' ' . ,t 1 414i1121 kl, litiki b _ �� ¢ CNt ,""i^ BENARI State Street ESTATES 16 8 10/17/2022 CUT THROUGH TRAFFIC NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES J k N R at t r LiC� -__. __.._._ .. ' I:� 11 Imo.^ I E 1_J L 1-1 i n a , a r2 •, u t J : J . - 1711-11 1114 Jif"4' ' .--S _ ova/ A ,.if ' w�. -W __ BENARI State Street ESTATES 17 Traffic and Access: ✓Moved access to State Street ✓Did not add a 2nd access on Ballantyne: • Not warranted • will increase cut through traffic • is not required by ACHD or Eagle Fire • State Street can handle the capacity= ONLY Level of Service B • Neighbors: mixed opinions on wanting Ballantyne access • Negatives far outweigh any potential positives ✓To further address neighbor's traffic concerns • changed internal layout design to reduce cut through traffic • kept pathway access to Ballantyne for pedestrian and bike accesses ,/Mitigation: • Paying impact fees to help enable ACHD's Capital Improvement Plan • Widening Ballantyne per ACHD staff report • Repairing/Adding sidewalk on Ballantyne and State St (safer routes for bikes and pedestrians) • Reducing density for this site compared to max density allowed further mitigates traffic impacts ✓Accepted ACHD staff report with conditions of approval 18 9 10/17/2022 Transition to existing neighborhoods North: • Widened our lots adjacent to existing larger lots • Buffer due to Ag use: • Elevated & Solid sound reducing fence (same as along arterial roads) • Committed to upgrading landscaping (cannot be a condition) East: • Bigger lots & Fewer number of lots adjacent to existing homes • Rear setbacks increased 19 A NEIGHBORING PROPERTY TO NORTH o ao 6'HT. p �Q COMPOSITE 0 Q d FENCE 4 D404ap N / 0 SECTION - NORTH BOUNDARY ��j� SCALE: NOT TO SCALE Y BENARI ESTATES 20 10 10/17/2022 J I 1 '' '': NEIGHBORING 2 PROPERTY 4 TO EAST 6 j -- 'illi" IN 7 jt `pt .,, , .'- ,1 ' \ �¢‘ BENARI E S TAT F.S 1 • - 21 NEIGHBORING PROPERTY TO EAST J .. I /,r • Y iiiik i■ • •'a�: m 47r/ , a'a r,. _. .: TV ; ' II :, :r " " ' , - , AlAk __ - BENARI State Street ESTATES 22 11 10/17/2022 NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES r d x _< iir ‘L.,, /114 � � " 0 , -7---7--'4-- _ e s. 'o-�r ' ',,. it ' BENARt ESTATES 23 Fencing • West and south (Ballantyne & State): Solid, sound reducing fencing • North border: Solid & elevated, sound reducing fencing • Eastern border: Solid, tan vinyl fencing • Internal lots: Solid, tan vinyl fencing • Internal common areas: MI open style wrought iron -. - 1, 1 24 12 10/17/2022 Development Agreement • Rear setbacks homes on east border: 30 feet • Max Lot Coverage: 50% Reasons: More flexibility in challenging housing market Allow single-level homes 25 P&Z Decision ✓ Recommend Approval with conditions/changes: • Re-zone / DA condition 3.4 (b): delete vinyl restriction • Pre-plat condition #4: Lot coverage = 50% • additional setbacks along eastern border, AND.... • add traffic calming on eastern border stub street • install fencing prior to city clerk signing plat/ construction of street improvements (#24 & #25).... 26 13 10/17/2022 Requested change V Agree with all P&Z recommended conditions except timing for conditions #24 & 25 • Request: install fence on North & East border prior building permit • Why: • Purpose to stop builder debris and trash • Need to establish grading first and install pressure irrigation before fence installed 27 Conclusion • Met with & listened to neighbors -.., • Made adjustments to layout to i address density and design concerns iv {u �J " • Agree with the staff report and g conditions of approval except - °. ..-� - • Adjust timing install fence (#24& 25) J to be prior to building permit ^!f • • Request approval as presented • y 4-4' i t 28 14 10/17/2022 Thank You 29 ............ ........._ . . i ..... 4 ION — I 1 :1:•' -. " ' ". • 1 " ,..4,..__r_,. .,___-7-.7;-;L.: •1".. '1,, 4" '4'. • .1*'''''' , ..... ' Nr.'ci.',0?--'.,-4'ti--;-.40', • .e -re t,' ', a - BENARI ESTATES SUBDIVISION • . ..•."... EAGLE, IDAHO PRELIMINARY PLAT LANDSCAPE PLAN p4;71772 3 0 15 10/17/2022 .. ................ J .� v+l 3 J a ul 11 . a NW E J Jj.1l _ 1 s,ft -44- - ,o 4 t7'.,' - �''„ E,; .i, J Ivy v4.: J t o _ _fr : .. _., e C3:4U, ' 1JJJJ 31 0 r �Iµt J I t. •- -' J J J`/ JJ a4 l r � � - �_ � J. J J 1. �' 1 11, ` 'py � r vc,..aic,W.aEr ` $ .24' . A __` . . I 1 � to� � I f • Pathway and Sidewalk Plan . w f:.• -4 DHw-Noi so l�wa. w S -5 DMa[nnd G...IR fw �A •.0 Qa J "ts.w 32 16 10/17/2022 _....._ .-- ... .. -=.1...., . . .- •--• 'I i . ., . Ili - . 1 . 7L1---- '. . i.t.. ...“,r,r,•!..1.-z-, - I _.---- ... ----".=•. =•," .... i . . --• . . . 7: . 1 • , - iis"*"-..,... .----- I ' I :•:gURRf4iff,?:77„ .. - 'N -- • - . I :. , I s,i5z .b 57 .......... L,E La .. ,'!1 0 L. , : . , - II' '' +111111••• a z to ic' , co * , .. IP 1 ' .... .,... ""a1P6F4101M416.-A". PLAN L6 33 , . . : 1 1 i i .......,- ._..............., ,•-• 1 ____ o .1 I IF 1 is ii I I• I - . . . : M 1 •-.......„ __ /> -1 . i It i 1 1 I J ' il 1 ...... • / A.... 1 - ...... .',.. / ...,. • . I I s'. • ....... 34 17 10/17/2022 I Ia , . 1J4 t e51a11][ a y_- '-- : s® O p In S lilt' I • I a q .11 y i w wk O Rl ' 29 w w o_-0-.,...-I.,,.! e wwww4,0 w OQXX)000004} `a t; BENARI ESTATES SUBDIVISION ,_ r ,, EAGLE. IDAHO PRELIMINARY PLAT LANDSCAPE PLAN n.+4.Iwi :r_ez_ 35 PUNNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR NT n•w I. en eENAR PIKES UBD 510N su.. ,.,',,..�w�.;�,I uv.� r�— �..^ 'i I{,, 1 i RI \ Y I_ , :. ]� 1,4 j j ui3 S:a. i .II I ;� ; Ik1>Mlt f'A . i'.. , I I A 9 y - . 1 :• - - Ise •m E �. _ .. _ W o.,.. .1 AA � 1 w a o ,_ __..'_ mg _ 1 ....t I 3 ^ _ ... .,.., 4..aSM. w— PPl.O 36 18 10/17/2022 1 w; il d •� I ... Ic H! ! a IkIa. .+' I axis IIIIr � � 11 i ? !+ irl.l'�P'.s.4•^•.+:lr'.' F., ' j SQ W 1 1r eta • PPI.1 37 . s. emu M,I IIucuw w3 II I. I 1 I 27==.3./ I r - . Jl fie I F i 44-41 a ill . PP2.0 38 19 10/17/2022 Tree Mitigation: • 3 pecan trees: Sold by owner so no mitigation • Most other trees are not good quality (silver maple, cottonwoods) • A few pine trees trying to save and incorporate in the front landscape 39 20 10/17/2022 BENARI ESTATES PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT RZ-08-22/CU-08-22/PPU D-05-22/PP-05-22 Eagle City Council Public Hearing August 15, 2022 City Staff: Michael Williams,CFM,Planner Ill Phone: 939-0227 E-Mail: 1 I Project Summary Eagle 1, LLC, represented by Laren Bailey, is requesting: • Rezone with development agreement, conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Benari Estates Subdivision, an 88-lot (77-buildable, 11-common) residential planned unit development. • The 35.29-acre site is located at the northeast corner of West State Street and North Ballantyne Lane at 1770 West State Street. 2 1 10/17/2022 i.. . -••.., ' . • . • . „ ,...,,, . . :" Vicinity Map , .._, ,. .... . .,. ,. . _ - 4, - • -,' •• "7—1 • ' . ' ,'' 7—0 ' ,..:.• •'a"'"-: " "• ---'-t III '—I - • ' '. • •'-•. --'7 — : , . 11 . . . :. ..., ',... I ' 1 I I _.3.,..-L--.. . • -.: 4.........L ., ' . • -— -- . 1 t___-, „,,....,,,o,, , _i___ _ • . • , .. ' . . , . •,,,,,,, I-7 ; 1 4- •—!'.-_:.-.1,,7 LA-.' 1— • . •„. . 'T.1 '•.-1.-•' N4,••• ' 1-7 - '' .* •,:.,,, • . .I • •••\': • :......: •:''' il .:•-.A.I .,;.--, • ,„.. - - 1 ''''.'""''..'.'--:' ...•• . •-• ; ..1•-'1. . . i . -:' i •, , —,„...-.2';:-. kt- -- -' 1.'I;f - • -1-.. • '.1.•:.. -:., ,... .._.,__. . _,-_'\--__i V•'•---.55, I .., , ,.--' ,•-•• • .— I .-1...-, • 1 , .. .. .. .... L_ • , I -.-..... • - - -1 - . I =111111=1•111111••••• . — --- . - 0,14 1/11, . 3 , ,. .., _ . ._. .... .:...... . ... , .....,.„ . . ... , . ., ._. . .. . ,...„ ...._,,.....„......, ....,..,. .:. ' ..-., _,---.. . , .- ... .. ...., .... . ...-- ... , ,...- , Concept Plan ., ..,, , . . .. . ..., ..., --T-4.:-1-4------ „,..,- . ..;,-,7.1,. y,--sa--40—*4 '4*''''' 'j i.. ...,..,„-- ...r.o : 1 .." J— J .J J,.....4 ., • . ..... ...4 .1 01 • to. — ...... .4 ...! c, • , . .."..., „, , _, , , -': • Mir' ,","--'.'-1 . - . - i , , , ., • , ""- . . , • • . , -Z...,. . :. ,,.., .- • •,......„.„ .• 1 2 10/17/2022 Preliminary Plat scwsa csr.ns suws1swM �u,,�'.=... • • ® 1- • • / . • • ® _- • 5 Site Data Total Acreage of Site — 35.29-acres Total Number of Lots — 88 Residential—77 Commercial—0 Industrial—0 Common—11 Total Number of Units— 77 Single-family (detached)—77 Single-family (attached)—0 Multi-family—0 Total Acreage of Any Out-Parcels — 0 6 3 10/17/2022 Site Data Additional Site Data Proposed Required Dwelling Units Per Gross Acre 2.21 dwelling units per acre' 2 21-dwelling units per acre(as limited within the development agreement) Minimum Lot Size 10,640-square feet 10,000-square feet Minimum Lot Width 80-feet 70-feet Minimum Street Frontage 35 67-feet 35-feet Total Acreage of Common Area Open Space 7 18-acres 6.96-acres Percent of Site as Common Area Open Space 20 6% 20% Except that,according to ECC Section 9-3-8(C)the City may require additional public and/or private park or open space facilities in PUDs or in subdivisions with 50 or more lots. Ali Issues of Special Concern Identified During The Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing • Ballentyne Road connection • Side yard setbacks adjacent to Pine Ranch Subdivision. • Traffic calming devices along West Deadwood Street. • Fencing adjacent to the north property line at the terminus of the stub street. 106 • Fencing adjacent to the north and east property lines prior to construction of the street improvements during the first phase. 01°' 8 4 10/17/2022 Site Specific Conditions 4. The required setbacks shall be as follows: Front 31-feet living and side entry garage (20- feet from back of sidewalk) 36-feet front load garage (25-feet from back of sidewalk) Rear 25-feet 30-feet (Lots 22-29, Block 1 and Lots 3-7, Block 2) Interior Side 7.5-feet (first story),5-feet (each additional story) Lot 58, Block 1, 18-feet (east property line) Street Side 20-feet Maximum Lot Coverage 5040% 9 Site Specific Conditions 23.The applicant shall construct traffic calming devices(chicanes)along West Deadwood Street at the entrance to Van Engelen Estates Subdivision.The traffic calming devices(chicanes)shall be reviewed and approved .'.' by ACHD prior to installation. 24.The applicant shall install solid privacy fencing along the north property line at the terminus of the stub street.The privacy fencing shall he constructed prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. 25. The applicant shall construct the solid privacy fencing along the north and east property lines prior to the construction of street improvements during the first phase. 10 5 10/17/2022 Site Specific Conditions 4. The required setbacks shall be as follows: Front 31-feet living and side entry garage (20-feet from back of sidewalk) 36-feet front load garage (25-feet from back of sidewalk) Rear 25-feet 30-feet (Lots 22-29, Block 1 and Lots 3-7, Block 2) Interior Side 7.5-feet (first story), 5-feet (each additional story) Street Side 20-feet Maximum Lot Coverage 40% 18. Provide a revised fencing exhibit showing open style fencing located adjacent to the common area open spaces and on the street side of all corner lots prior to execution of the development agreement associated with the rezone (RZ-18-22). 11 Site Specific Conditions 13. Provide a revised preliminary planned unit development/preliminary plat with a preliminary engineering plan with a symbol in the legend noting stormwater facilities prior to submittal of final development plan and final plat applications.The applicant should also provide a revised preliminary planned unit development/preliminary plat with a new plat note which states, "A portion of Lot_ Block , is servient to and contain the ACHD storm water drainage system. The lots are encumbered by the certain first amended master perpetual storm water drainage easement recorded on November 15, 2015, as instrument no. 2015-013256 official records of Ada County, and incorporated herein by this reference as if set forth in full (the "Master Easement'). The Master Easement and the storm water drainage system are dedicated to ACHD pursuant to Section 40-2302 Idaho Code. The Master Easement is for the operation and maintenance of the storm water drainage system." The revised preliminary planned unit development/preliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal of final development plan and final plat applications. 12 6 10/17/2022 Plat note modifications 6. Provide a revised preliminary planned unit developmentlpreliminary plat with plat note#I revised to state."Lots 17,35,38,41 and 47,Block I Lot I,Block 2.Lot I,Block 3,and Lots I.6,and 9,Block 4 are common lots to be owned and maintained by the Benari Estates Community Association. The common lots are subject to blanket public utility,drainage,and irrigation easement. Driveways are prohibited across common lots.'The revised preliminary planned unit development/preliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal of final development plan and final plat applications. 7. Provide a revised preliminary planned unit development preliminary plat with plat note#2 revised to state,"A public utilities,irrigation,and drainage(PUID)easement shall be provided as follows: A. 10 feet wide adjacent to the subdivision boundary. B. 21 feet wide adjacent to die public right-of-way(10 feet behind sidewalk) C. 10 feet wide adjacent to all interior rear lot lines(10 feet in total) D. 10 feet wide adjacent to all interior rear lot lines' The revised preliminary planned twit development/preliminaiy plat shall be provided prior to submittal of final development plan and final plat applications.(ECC 9-3-6) 8. Provide a revised preliminary planted unit development/preliminaryry plat with plat note#3 revised to state,"Minimum building setbacks shall be in accordance with the City of Eagle applicable zoning regulations or as specifically approved. The revised preliminary planned unit 9 Provide a revised preliminary planned unit development/preliminary plat with plat note#8 revised to state Irrigation water has been provided by New Dry Creek Ditch Company in compliance with Idaho Code Section 31-3805111(b). Lots within the subdivision will be entitled to irrigation water rights and/or shares and individual lots will remain subject to assessments from the applicable irrigation entities,to be paid through fees assessed by the Benari Estates Coinmtmity Association.The pressurized irrigation system shall be owned and maintained by the Benari Estates Community Association,or its assigns."The revised preliminary planned unit development/preliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal of final development plan and final plat applications. 12. The applicant shall provide a revised preliminary planned unit developmentpreliminary plat with a new plat note which states,"'This subdivision is subject to the terms of ACHD License Aineement Instrument No. The revised preliminary planned unit development/preliniinary an im Tr plat shall be provided prior to submittal of final development pl final p15Tappluations.(ECC 9-4-1-2) 14. Provide a revised preliminary planned unit development'preliniinary plat with a new plat note which states,"This development recognizes section 22-4503 of the Idaho Code,Right to Farm Act,which states:No agricultural operation,agricultural facility or expansion thereof shall be or become a nuisance,private or public,by any clanged conditions in or about the surrounding nonagricultural activities after it has beep in operation for more than one(I)year,when the operation,facility or expansion was not a nuisance at the time it began or was constricted.The provisions of this section shall not apply when a nuisance results from the improper or negligent operation of an agricultural operation.agricultural facility or expansion thereof."The revised preliminary plat and planned Wilt development shall be provided prior to submittal of final development plan and final plat applications. 13 Staff Recommendation If the rezone conditional use permit, preliminary development plan and preliminary plat are approved, staff recommends the conditions of development on , site specific conditions of approval on of the Staff Report and standard conditions of approval on )acre r of the Staff Report. 14 7 10/17/2022 Planning Commission Recommendation On August 15, 2022, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission voted (5 to 0) to recommend of this application with the conditions of development, site specific conditions of approval and standard conditions of approval provided on page 15 of the Planning and Zoning Commission Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. End of Presentation 16 8 10/17/2022 ,.r Comprehensive Plan Map Designation & Zoning Map Designation COMP PLAN ZONING LAND USE DESIGNATION DESIGNATION Existing Neighborhood Residential A(Agricultural) Single-family residence and agriculture Proposed No Change R-3-DA-P(Residential with a development Single-family Residential Planned Unit agreement-PUD) Development 0:: North of siteLarge Lot A-R(Agricultural-Residential) Single-Family Residential Subdivision(Bakers Acres Subdivision) South of site Mixed Use R-9-DA(Residential with a development agreement proposed single-family attached subdivision [in lieu of a PUD])and MU-DA(Mixed Use with a (Kingfisher Estates Subdivision)and a single- development agreement[in lieu of a conditional use family residence and enclosed storage facility permit]) East of site Neighborhood Residential R-2(Residential) Single-Family Residential Subdivision(Van Engelen Estates Subdivision) West of site Single-Family Residential Subdivision Neighborhood Residential R-2-DA-P(Residential with a development agreement-PUD) (Countryside Estates Subdivision) 17 9 q/,27 Appeal to Eagle City Council for Matching Home Levels on the East Boundary of the Proposed Benari Subdivision 09/27/2022 City Council Meeting RE: Benari Estates Several residents along the western boundary of the Pine Ranch subdivision are requesting that City Council requires Benari home levels to match existing Pine Ranch levels along this boundary (block 2, lots 3-7) as a condition of the development agreement. Correspondence with the Applicant as well as items specifically identified in Exhibit F-PUD Request of the Application help provide support for Council's approval of this request. Item 1) Exhibit F - Preliminary Plat/Planned Unit Development/Comprehensive Plan Preliminary Plat application The Benari Neighborhood development application has requested an R-3 Zoning designation that is compatible with the current Neighborhood Residential Designation in the Comprehensive Plan.The proposed residential density of 2.1 DU/AC is well within is in line with the recommended density of 2-4 units per acre as illustrated in comprehensive plan figure 6.8,page 69,which describes the allowable residential densities. PUP Request This development through a PUD Request is proposing the following dimensional standards: • We are proposing to add additional rear setback requirements for the lots on our eastern boundary abutting Pine Ranch from 25'to 30'which is the largest setback required by any of the Cities residential • We are asking to have the maximum lot coverage increased to 50%from 40%.We are making this request in an effort to provide more single-story homes.The requirement of 40%in the R3 zone tends to promote two story homes. Item 2) 8/16/22 email correspondence, Pine Ranch HOA President: "After review of the Benari Estates application submitted to Eagle City P&Z, we noticed that 2 discussion points that you agreed to are not listed." Laren (Applicant representative)responded in green. 1. In writing within PUD Request: Lots bordering Pine Ranch- new house level to match existing homes (1-story or 2-story). What I agreed to was that if the neighboring properties would deed restrict their properties to always be single story, we would restrict our adjacent homes to single story. We are still willing to do that. Item 3) Per conversation with the Pine Ranch HOA president, there has never been an instance of a next level addition to any home in Pine Ranch in its 22+ years. It is highly likely that no next level additions will ever be made; therefore, affected Pine Ranch residents are asking Council to NOT require deed restrictions in the interest of avoiding unnecessary legal expenses and potential objections to any deed restrict language that the Applicant identifies that would further complicate matters following Council's pending approval of the application. If this request is disagreeable to the Applicant and denied by Council then Pine Ranch residents would ask that Council also deny the Applicant's variance request to build on 50% of the lot area. , sto .,,.. , „,,27-77:-..„..:_fi %.„-- -..„.„...:._-_-_ ,_____.„... __::::„_,_:-_ ___------- ... I et , ,%, ozy, i ,._ .1,40... .: ‘,,., ,.. ,--- -_-:__-_,„ _,:____..„_.. i---- - - rand I 31 deer [. �, Single ., 49 a4 I. °h Single —MD ' 1114 Ati 11 s 4► 01 iSingle w/ ,r _ �n .� _ _� .�_ - ,.� §bonus y`a 7 ..._._— c __ _ — ` 4 3 I. , ins, ' ill! A!I Single 1 - ,'`. - .` " . r * Single '•\ -. w jONE DRIVE �i i Single — --- -- w �- �•./ ' . I' It f. 4).• \ bonus? s s • , 0 3 ) " ) `,) 1.STATE STREET .--,- z=.�-..rr..wwrr...+..vow.� ft.,.. _ - - . Name Signature Address /1 i Or l�2-Li t i o r C.-F e � C S�2 w�� V ,t `,�•V.lac(, ter u — I N 4 k,'. e �,c r'r ( Di; 4 {s� �, her' ��- I� i CO; ��w err . >s� c .. « r'TS eel. :..,(.;4rnar � �/�, r /402 to.pnlldrJr- ,I 5- S'0 g iYow 14- i t ucc,PcUk 'e/1 - „.-L , / w , C ph✓� , Can// /IOU W f owpEg c fr Fri acilgilv SH-44 Grade Separated Crossing Pre-Concept Report September 2022 P ;:j.-:-. .erzrzzL...s, 01* THE CITY OF '11111N...., E AG L E II„ ..--......„ „ Life, Done Right. Ii COMPASS COMMUNITY PLANNING ASSOCIATION of Southwest Idaho x , ,x. T. - -`‘ .I'' ,��3,�' • •4• ..-� O7 V -Sk"1�f ii..--1 ..X:s.6.f..v.4. .,464... - BURGESS & NIPLE Engineers a Architects a Planners SH-44 Grade Separated Crossing Study Pre-Concept Report Table of Contents 1.0 Project Summary 1 2.0 Project Description 1 3.0 Project Constraints 4 4.0 Alternatives 5 5.0 Right-of-Way Needs 12 6.0 Environmental Scan Summary 12 7.0 Cost Estimates 12 8.0 Project Stakeholders 12 9.0 Public Involvement 13 10.0 Next Steps 14 List of Figures Figure 1: Study Area 2 Figure 2: Utilities in SH-44 Corridor 5 Figure 3:Alternative 1 8 Figure 4:Alternative 2 9 Figure 5:Alternative 3 10 Figure 6: Alternative 4 11 List of Tables Table 1: Project Design Criteria 3 Table 2: Summary of Project Costs 12 Table 3: Project Stakeholders 13 Table 4: Public Feedback Summary 14 Appendices Appendix A - Highway 44 Pedestrian Crossing Pre-Concept Report(The Land Group) Appendix B - Public Involvement Exhibits Appendix C - Cost Estimates Appendix D - Public Feedback BURGESS&NIPLE SH-44 Grade Separated Crossing Study j Pre-Concept Report 1.0 Project Summary The purpose of this study is to further investigate the feasibility of a grade separated pedestrian crossing of SH-44 between the Molinari Development and the Eagle River Business Park, in Eagle Idaho.The findings from a previous study of a crossing in the corridor were used to inform the selected alternatives for this study.The goal of this study is to determine if a crossing is feasible and desired and if so, what the recommended crossing type will be. Two bridge alternatives and two undercrossing alternatives were evaluated. Alternatives were evaluated based on costs, right-of-way impacts, utility impacts,floodplain impacts, and view shed impacts.These alternatives were presented to the project stakeholder group which included area business owners, representatives for Molinari and Eagle River, and public agency representatives. The alternatives were then reduced to two alternatives: one bridge and one undercrossing, which were then presented to the public. Based on alternative analysis, public comment and stakeholder feedback, it was determined that a grade separated crossing is desired by the public with an undercrossing being the preferred crossing style. However, based on feedback and site constraints, it was determined that the location of the crossing was not feasible. It is the recommendation of this study to no longer pursue a crossing at this location due to cost,floodplain impact, and right-of-way(R/W) impacts. As an outcome of this study, it is recommended that the City investigate an undercrossing at the intersection of Edgewood Lane and SH-44 which will have no floodplain impacts and limited to no R/W impacts. It is also recommended that the City coordinate with the Idaho Transportation Department(ITD)to investigate at-grade crossing improvements at the intersection of SH-44 and Eagle Road to improve pedestrian safety and comfortability. 2.0 Project Description 2.1 Purpose and Need Statement The purpose of this study is to evaluate grade separated pedestrian crossing facilities across SH-44 in Eagle, ID to improve pedestrian safety and connectivity in Eagle and throughout the Treasure Valley. The study area is shown below in Figure 1. 1 BURGESS&NIPLE SH-44 Grade Separated Crossing Study Pre-Concept Report i i . I I MIMI c 4 . . '� • H z � , _ . , _ , Moar - �rti y " — . / 4 . _• APO.ti 44 ' t ..., 1 . I''''i 7 . � .,.,, Rive Drive ., --irk- 4 � �r F r 0 :1. �� _ -_ - � _ a. Figure 1:Study Area + 2.1 Project Scope Burgess and Niple (B&N)was selected to evaluate four grade-separate crossing alternatives of SH- 44 at a previously identified crossing location in Eagle, Idaho. Additionally, B&N was tasked with developing a pre-concept report summarizing the study findings and recommendations. The intent of this study is to determine through conceptual engineering analysis, stakeholder coordination, and public outreach if a grade-separate crossing is desired and feasible at the location identified in the original study conducted by The Land Group.The original study is located in Appendix A. If the crossing is determined to be desired and feasible, a recommended alternative based on public and stakeholder comment will be detailed in the report. 2.2 Assumptions and Design Criteria It is assumed that the information related to existing site conditions,the environmental scan, existing utilities, existing safety concerns, the floodplain, and existing bike and pedestrian infrastructure detailing in the Land Group study is still accurate and applicable to the study. The design criteria used for this study and its source is detailed in Table 1 below: 2 BURGESS&NIPLE SH-44 Grade Separated Crossing Study I Pre-Concept Report Table 1: Project Design Criteria CRITERIA DIMENSION REFERENCE Design/ Posted 55 mph (SH-44) Posted speed limit signs in field Speed Multi Use Path Minimum 8', Maximum 10' AASHTO Guide for the Development of On Bridge - 14' Bicycle Facilities, Fourth Ed. Section In Undercrossing - 14' 5.2 Sidewalk Widths 5', minimum 4' Public Rights-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG), Section R302.6.1, Advisory R302.6.1 ADA Compliant 5% maximum longitudinal slope Public Rights-of-Way Accessibility Longitudinal Slopes 8%slopes allowable for 35' Guidelines (PROWAG), Section lengths with 2% landings R302.6.1,Advisory R302.6.1 Vertical Clearance 17'-0" Idaho LRFD BDM Section Under Bridge Bridge Width 10'-0" minimum AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design -Span Ratios Minimum Horizontal 32'-0" maximum Idaho RDM Section 565.00 and Fig. Clearance from Bridge 5-7 to Roadway Undercrossing Height 10'-0" AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, Fourth Ed. Section 5.2 Undercrossing Width 14'-O" AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, Fourth Ed. Section 5.2 Undercrossing 3'-O" Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Design Minimum Cover Guide Section 7 Fig. 7-18 2.3 Existing Conditions A detailed summary of the site's existing conditions can be found in the Land Group Study in Appendix A.There are several existing conditions to highlight that are important to this secondary study including the floodplain, existing utilities, planned developments, and the status of SH-44 construction. In regard to the floodplain,the south side of the crossing is in the 100-year floodplain.The Molinari development(north of the crossing) has worked for the past several years with FEMA to get their development out of the 100-year floodplain through a Letter Of Map Revision, or LOMR.Additionally, ground water is high (7' below ground surface) at the project location, and fluctuates seasonally, sometimes within a few feet of the surface elevation. There are numerous existing utilities in the SH-44 corridor that the project could impact. Water, sewer, irrigation, fiber optic, and storm drainage are all located in the corridor and will need to be relocated if impacted by the crossing. 3 BURGESS&NIPLE SH-44 Grade Separated Crossing Study Pre-Concept Report When the original study was conducted Molinari was still a planned development. Since then, Molinari has broken ground and has begun construction. Because of this,the crossing location was limited to an area adjacent to a proposed parking lot to limit site impacts.The Eagle River development to the south has developed several other parcels since their original study resulting in one available parcel for the crossing to impact. Lastly, in the original study, a half continuous flow intersection (CFI)was planned for the intersection of Eagle Road and SH-44.The CFI was not constructed and instead, SH-44 was widened to add additional turn lanes and through lanes to improve the intersection's capacity.The original concerns about impacting sight distance to the cross over signal is no longer a concern.The new intersection however has impacted pedestrian safety with longer crossings and no pedestrian refuge islands.The free-flow right turn movements have also been removed but driver conformance with this has been a challenge and has resulted in more frequent pedestrian and vehicle conflicts. 2.4 Regional Connections Besides improving pedestrian safety, one of the goals for this pedestrian crossing is to connect pedestrians and cyclists on the north side of SH-44 to the Greenbelt along the Boise River. The Greenbelt is a regional bike route that runs throughout the Treasure Valley. This connection will provide users with a safe, but not direct connection to the regional route. Users will still need to navigate local roadways in the Molinari and Eagle River Developments to get from other major trails and pathways to the Greenbelt. A summary of existing bike and pedestrian infrastructure in the Eagle area can be found in Appendix A. 3.0 Project Constraints The alternatives developed for this project were evaluated against several project constraints including: impacts to adjacent businesses, impacts to the Boise River floodplain, view shed impacts, utility impacts, and impacts to SH-44. The evaluation criteria for this project were developed with the project Stakeholders' input. impact to Adjacent Businesses The SH-44 corridor is a highly developed corridor with many existing Class A office spaces and even more planned for the future.The stakeholders have concerns that a bridge structure could be seen as an eyesore and negatively impact the ability to lease these highly desirable office spaces. Impacts to the Boise River Floodplain As stated earlier in the Existing Conditions section, the south half of the project (Eagle River Development) is located in the 100-year floodplain. North of SH-44 the Molinari development has expended significant time and cost working with FEMA to get a LOMR to remove their development from the 100-year floodplain. The introduction of an undercrossing alternative could potentially reconnect their development to the 100-year floodplain. To ensure that the floodplain is not reconnected, a dike or floodwall would need to be constructed around either or both entrances to the undercrossing so that floodwater does not inundate the north side of SH-44. Significant coordination with FEMA during design would be required if an undercrossing alternative was selected to prove the Molinari parcels were not being reconnected to the 100-year floodplain. 4 BURGESS&NIPLE SH-44 Grade Separated Crossing Study Pre-Concept Report View Shed Impacts A major concern of the project stakeholders was the potential impact to the view of the Boise Foothills from businesses in the corridor if a bridge were constructed. While the structure could be constructed to be aesthetically pleasing and branded with City signage, there was concern that the view of the foothills would be obstructed and that the structure could attract protesters, political or social signage clutter, and general graffiti. Utility Impacts A detailed discussion of the existing utilities in the SH-44 corridor can be found in Appendix A. Figure 2 below (from the Land Group study) provides a snapshot of the utilities at the proposed crossing location. It is anticipated that a bridge alternative could be placed so the abutments do not impact the utilities. An undercrossing however will impact all utilities. The only way to reduce utility impacts is to place the undercrossing under all the utilities which impacts the right-of-way area needed for ramps down to the undercrossing. A deeper crossing would also result in more ground water pressure and penetration that would need to be continuously pumped out of the undercrossing. Eagle Rr+rei Development Planned Mohnan Develcprnent _. 1r2one BoundaryClear Zone 8oun _ i. • 7.1' • Avg Depth to Water Table • 2 U 4' I - Awed Mood P weaDont.Line Storm Dwain N Ballantyne Carte Figure 2: Utilities in SH-44 Corridor(Image Source:Appendix A-Land Group Highway 44 Study) Impacts to SH-44 The SH-44 corridor is one of the most heavily traveled roadways in the State.This corridor expereinces over 32,000 average vehicle trips per weekday as provided by COMPASS.The study alternatives were evaluated based on how they impacted the SH-44 corridor.This was primarily reflected in the cost for temporary traffic control since traffic would need to be maintained during construction and general construction costs. The undercrossing alternatives had the most significant impact to SH-44. 4.0 Alternatives 5 BURGESS&NIPLE SH-44 Grade Separated Crossing Study Pre-Concept Report The project team was scoped to evaluate four alternatives for the crossing locations. Two bridge alternatives and two undercrossing options were evaluated. Each alternative is detailed below. Alternative 1- Prefabricated Steel Truss Bridge The first alternative evaluated was a prefabricated steel truss bridge.The structure would have a clear span over SH-44 and would be roughly 170' long.The abutments would be placed outside the SH-44 clearzone and outside the limits of all existing utilities and R/W in the SH-44 corridor. In order to limit impacts to SH-44,the structure would be fabricated off site and then would be assembled over limited nighttime closures.This alternative would not require the construction to be staged so that traffic could remain open on SH-44.ADA compliant ramps(approximately 500') in length will be used to access the crossing. In this alternative, the ADA ramp hugged the edges of the parcel line limiting impacts to the parcels and maximizing developable area. Since this is a bridge option, there are no anticipated impacts to the floodplain, however this alternative is expected to negatively impact the corridor's view shed with the large bridge structure and the long pedestrian ramps. This alternative will have the fastest construction timeline of all alternatives and is expected to have a lower cost than the undercrossing options. This alternative is also expected to have much lower on-going maintenance costs compared to the undercrossing alternatives. Figure 3 on page 8 depicts this alternative and its impacts. Alternative 2 - Precast Concrete Box Undercrossing The second alternative evaluated was a precast concrete box undercrossing. The structure would be constructed under SH-44 and would be roughly 200' long. The box would be approximately 14' wide and 10' high. Pumps would be required to continuously pump water out of the passageway due to high ground water at the crossing location. The passageway would also require pedestrian lighting. ADA compliant ramps(approximately 420') in length will be used to access the crossing. In this alternative, the ADA ramp hugged the edges of the parcel line limiting impacts to the parcels and maximizing developable area. A dike or floodwall will also be needed to prevent floodwaters from entering the passageway and flowing to the Molinari development.Staged construction will be required to construct this alternative. Lane closures and capacity reductions on SH-44 will be required to construct the passageway. Since this is an undercrossing, there are no anticipated impacts to the view shed. However, this alternative is expected to have a much longer construction timeline than the bridge alternatives and is expected to have the highest construction cost. Depending on the depth the passageway is placed, utilities in the SH-44 corridor will need to be relocated which will further drive up the project cost.This alternative is also expected to have significant on-going maintenance costs with the dewatering pumps and constant lighting. Figure 4 on page 9 depicts this alternative and its impacts. Alternative 3 -Steel Girder Bridge The third alternative evaluated was a steel girder bridge. Steel girder bridges are typically composed of rolled steel beams or welded plates with a concrete deck. The structure would have a clear span over SH-44 and would be roughly 170' long. The abutments would be placed outside the SH-44 clearzone and outside the limits of all existing utilities in the SH-44 corridor. In order to limit impacts to SH-44, the structure would be fabricated off site and then would be assembled over limited nighttime closures.This alternative would not require the construction to be staged so that traffic could 6 BURGESS&NIPIE SH-44 Grade Separated Crossing Study Pre-Concept Report remain open on SH-44.ADA compliant ramps(approximately 500') in length will be used to access the crossing. In this alternative a different ramp alignment was considered for the southern parcel. This alignment placed the ramps in the middle of the Eagle River parcel.This allowed for an alignment that tied in faster to the existing pathway along SH-44 but limited the development potential for the parcel. In order to limit viewshed impacts and costly retaining walls on the north parcel, the northern ramp alignment assumes that the shared use path in the Molinari development will be constructed with a raised profile, allowing the north ramp to tie in faster. Since this is a bridge option, there are no anticipated impacts to the floodplain, however this alternative is expected to negatively impact the corridor's view shed with the large bridge structure and the long pedestrian ramps. This alternative will have the second fastest construction timeline of all alternatives and is expected to have a lower cost than the undercrossing options. This alternative is also expected to have much lower on-going maintenance costs compared to the undercrossing alternatives. Figure 5 on page 10 depicts this alternative and its impacts. Alternative 4-Corrugated Metal Undercrossing The fourth alternative evaluated was a corrugated metal undercrossing. The structure would be constructed under SH-44 and would be roughly 200' long.The passageway would be constructed on- site by bolting together pieces of preformed metal sheets.This alternative costs less than the precast concrete box but has significant chance for water intrusion and corrosion issues and a need for on- going maintenance due to all the joints. Pumps would be required to continuously pump water out of the passageway due to high ground water at the crossing location.The passageway would also require pedestrian lighting. ADA compliant ramps (approximately 420') in length will be used to access the crossing. In this alternative a different ramp alignment was considered for the southern parcel. This alignment placed the ramps in the middle of the Eagle River parcel. This allowed for an alignment that tied in faster to the existing pathway along SH-44 but limited the development potential for the parcel. In order to limit viewshed impacts and costly retaining walls on the north parcel,the northern ramp alignment assumes that the shared use path in the Molinari development will be constructed with a raised profile,allowing the north ramp to tie in faster. A dike or floodwall will also be needed to prevent floodwaters from entering the passageway and flowing to the Molinari development.Staged construction will be required to construct this alternative. Lane closures and capacity reductions on SH-44 will be required to construct the passageway. Since this is an undercrossing, there are no anticipated impacts to the view shed. However, this alternative is expected to have a much longer construction timeline than the bridge alternatives and is expected to have the second highest construction cost. Depending on the depth the passageway is placed, utilities in the SH-44 corridor will need to be relocated which will further drive the project cost. This alternative is also expected to have significant on-going maintenance costs with the dewatering pumps and constant lighting. Figure 6 on page 11 depicts this alternative and its impacts. 7 BURGESS&NIPLE ..--- p. II I ila ..vui_ a g - i oc, E= 2 t , co 0 In ru . . ..F. 2.5. E-GE 0- < V , X , 1,-•"L'.r.=-"g E., / =,.0.a• -4,' cm . ....____ W : p 1 0 tt ^:--5. 6"?..9. •5 - > i Z 1 ri • _ t iirPN , ! -'". / ET, E. ' '-' - ,1 I 0 _ , lita .5c2 E *,t5 =.;: . a, 1 Ce 0 E w 2.= , . • i / i ' • it • - ' 4 i i 5. 7.7; .! iit%' ii. ____, Z E 2 0 II tm.ccusa 1- / ii-131- ,°, 6*, :t • A &6 l'' 3 2 f- 2 ' I it'lli-!1, ailliN ilk 3 Z F- w 1 ' 1 4ar, es3g. klEEZDelhi'S a e a : 3 2 ' 0 '} , , w 1 1 IIV- lit " --f... A ,, . st , , % , e 1 ...1 1 I t.. i I • , ' ...., i 41 , i . _ ... . 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X c w m m w 2-� o g 8 E%- W E y y n m N o 3 ' c 3 v F' sN tg oQ mL .-jof OV Jmo,Niv+.2 F- 'J <� '1 z= U x.,, D w d J F . / I . W f , 0 I / iI, i ; A / L :I. i- _ Z il . SIZ / aW '--• 3 I b..,, zcx J �r s Co! Mv �� J > > /J /i / ' lit) 0 Z v (I) W W o ;Poo t 1 / i , r NI OU , i . Q N Z a �QwQWZ oi fi N m 1- CZ a) ):14 Q t J- .. : , . o 0 Q to L. '1 � SH-44 Grade Separated Crossing Study Pre-Concept Report Final Alternatives The first four alternatives were presented to the Stakeholder group for feedback in order to determine what was presented to the public.After stakeholder review it was determined that prefabricated bridge alternative and the concrete box undercrossing alternative would be presented to the public. Stakeholders had concerns about the right-of-way impacts from the ADA ramps and asked that elevators and stairs also be considered. Appendix B shows the final alternatives that were shown to the public for comment. 5.0 Right-of-Way Needs Right-of-way impacts varied based on the access strategy to the crossing facility.ADA corn pliant access ramps impacted approximately 0.4 acres on the Molinari parcel and 0.46 acres on the Eagle River parcel. Elevator and stair access impacted approximately 0.1 acres on both parcels (0.2 acres total). This included the additional pathways needed to connect the crossing to the existing pedestrian infrastructure. Right-of-way costs were not determined. 6.0 Environmental Scan Summary A detailed summary of the environmental concerns and challenges of this project location can be found in Appendix A. The key environmental concern that has been discussed throughout this report is the potential impact to the 100-year floodplain and reconnecting the Molinari development to the 100-year flood plain. Otherwise, there are no wetlands or critical habitats are anticipated to be impacted by the proposed project. 7.0 Cost Estimates Preliminary cost estimates were developed for the two alternatives shown to the public. For the bridge alternative a cost estimate assuming elevator access and an estimate assuming ramp access was developed.Only elevator access was estimated for the undercrossing.A summary of the costs is shown below in Table 2. Full cost estimates can be found in Appendix C. It should be noted that none of the costs include on-going maintenance costs. The costs shown are just to design and construct each alternative. It should be noted that wile the cost to use ramps to access the bridge is more upfront than elevator access, the elevator access will be significantly more over time due to costly ongoing maintenance and electricity needs. Table 2:Summa of Pro'ect Costs Alternative Cost with ADA Ramp Access Cost with Elevator Access Bridge $6,000,000 _ $5,000,000 U ndercrossi ng N/A $10,000,000 8.0 Project Stakeholders The stakeholder group was comprised of area business owners,developers,City staff and local agency partners and are listed in Table 3.The stakeholder group vetted all alternatives prior to presenting any alternatives to the public and helped guide the final recommendation for the project. Three stakeholder meetings were held throughout the project and are summarized below. 12 BURGESS&NIPLE SH-44 Grade Separated Crossing Study ! Pre-Concept Report Table 3: Pro'ect Stakeholders Stakeholder Name Affiliation Nichoel Baird Spencer City of Eagle Mayor Pierce City of Eagle Ryan Head Ada County Highway District Greg McVay Molenari Brook Cole Molenari Tom Ferch Ada County Highway District Tom Bobo Eagle River Chad Hamel Eagle River Mark Wasdahl Idaho Transportation Department Jon Newland Pet IQ Steve Noyes City of Eagle Eric Ziegenfuss City of Eagle Toni Tisdale COMPASS Joey Scheuler COMPASS Meeting Number One The first stakeholder meeting was held on March 10, 2022.At this meeting the 4 alternatives detailed in section 4 of this report were presented to the stakeholders.Stakeholders provided comments which included adding elevators as an alternative to the ADA compliant pedestrian ramps to access the crossing facilities. The number of alternatives that would be presented at the public involvement meeting were also determined. Only alternatives X and Y would be presented to the public. Meeting Number Two Meeting number two was held on May 4th, 2022. The alternatives and materials drafted for the public involvement meeting were reviewed. Meeting Number Three The final stakeholder meeting was on August 11,2022.At this meeting,the group discussed the public comments and made a final recommendation for the project. At this meeting it was determined that the crossing was desired by the public but it was decided that the location studied was not feasible for a crossing due to flood plain impacts, right-of-way impacts, and cost. 9.0 Public Involvement One in-person public involvement meeting was hosted for this project on June 22, 2022 in conjunction with a month long online public comment period. For both the in-person and online public involvement meetings, the public was asked to provide feedback on if they desired a grade separated crossing or not, and if they did, did they prefer an undercrossing or a bridge. They were also asked to provide feedback on what influenced their decision the most (aesthetics, safety, view shed, or floodplain impact). 444 people participated in the public outreach process. Approximately 64% of respondents were in favor of the City moving forward with the project with the undercrossing being the preferred solution.Table 4 below summarizes the public feedback.Appendix D includes a full report of all public comments. 13 BURGESS&NIPLE SH-44 Grade Separated Crossing Study I Pre-Concept Report Table 4: Public Feedback Summa Alternative Preferred Factors That Impacted Decision Alternative Aesthetics Safety View Shed Floodplain Impacts No Build 28% 89% 58% 53% 4% Under Pass 46% 45% 62% 14% 100% Brid:e 26% 73% 52% 52% 37% 10.0 Next Steps Through coordination with the City and the project stakeholders, it was determined that the No-Build alternative is the recommendation for this crossing location. The undercrossing is the preferred crossing alternative but the impacts to the floodplain, costs, and right-of-way impacts have made the alternative unfeasible at the study location. The study team and stakeholders recommend that the City continues to move forward with a crossing, but at a different location. The recommended future crossing location is on the west side of the intersection of Edgewood Lane and SH-44. This location is completely outside of the floodplain and has ample right-of-way to facilitate the crossing.This location also directly ties into Eagle's existing pedestrian and bike path network. It also will provide direct access to a VRT bus stop and a senior citizen community. In addition to continuing to move the crossing study forward, the study team also recommends that the City continues to work with ITD to implement at-grade crossing improvements at SH-44 and Eagle Road in order to improve pedestrian safety today. 14 BURGESS&NIPLE