Findings - DR - 2017 - DR-52-16 - Multi-Tenant Retail/Restaurant Building W/Drive-ThroughBEFORE THE EAGLE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION FOR A DESIGN REVIEW FOR A MULTI -TENANT RETAIL/RESTAURANT BUILDING WITH DRIVE-THROUGH FOR HAWKINS COMPANIES FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW CASE NUMBER DR -52-16 The above -entitled design review application came before the Eagle Design Review Board for their action on December 8, 2016. The Design Review Board having heard and taken oral and written testimony, and having duly considered the matter, makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; FINDINGS OF FACT: A. PROJECT SUMMARY: Hawkins Companies, represented by Christian Samples, is requesting design review approval to construct a 10,620 -square foot multi -tenant retail/restaurant building with drive-through. The 0.98 - acre site is located on the east side of South Eagle Road approximately 800 -feet south of East Colchester Drive within Lakemoor Commercial Subdivision (Lot 1, Block 10). B. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: The City of Eagle received the application for this item on August 23, 2016. Supplemental application documents were received on September 9, 2016, November 10, 2016, and November 22, 2016. C. NOTICE OF AGENCIES' REVIEW: Requests for agencies' reviews were transmitted on August 26, 2016, in accordance with the requirements of the Eagle City Code. D. HISTORY OF RELEVANT PREVIOUS ACTIONS: On January 28, 1992, the City Council denied an annexation, rezone, and preliminary plat (A-91/ R2- 91/ PP -91) for Fall Creek Subdivision. On January 4, 1993, the City Council approved an annexation, rezone, and preliminary plat (A-91/ R2- 91/ PP -91) for a revised version of Fall Creek Subdivision. That preliminary plat approval has since lapsed. On July 22, 2003, the City Council approved a Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA -4-02) to change the land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map from Residential Two (up to two dwelling units per acre) to Mixed Use, an annexation and rezone (A-3-02 & RZ-5-02) from RUT (Rural Urban Transitional) to MU -DA (Mixed Use with Development Agreement) and a rezone from R-2 (Residential -up to two dwelling units per acre) to MU -DA (Mixed Use with Development Agreement) for this site for B.W. Eagle, Inc. On May 10, 2005, the City Council approved the preliminary plat for Lakemoor Subdivision a 178.52 - acre, 240 -lot (142 -residential, 53 -commercial, 45 -common) subdivision (PP -03-05). On February 28, 2006, the City Council approved the final plats for Lakemoor Subdivision No. 1 and Lakemoor Subdivision No. 2 for DMB Investments, Inc. (FP-13-05/FP-14-05). Page 1 of 17 KAPlanning DeptXEagle ApplicationADA2016WR-52-16 Multi -ten bldg 3 in Lakemoor drf.docx On June 19, 2007, the City Council approved a modification to the development agreement for DMB Investments, LLC, and Eagle Lifestyle Center, LLC, by amending and restating the original development agreement (recorded as Instrument No. 105048971) (RZ-05-02 MOD). On December 8, 2008, the City Council approved the final plat for Lakemoor Subdivision No. 3 for DMB Investments, LLC (FP -04-06). On December 15, 2009, the City Council approved a two (2) year extension of time for the final plat for Lakemoor Subdivision No. 3 for DMB Investments, LLC. The extension of time is valid until December 8, 2011 (EXT -21-09). On October 25, 2011, the City Council approved a one (1) year extension of time for the final plat for Lakemoor Subdivision No. 3 for DMB Investments, LLC. The extension of time is valid until December 8, 2012 (EXT -08-11). On February 26, 2013, the City Council approved a development agreement modification to convert two (2) commercial areas (Areas F and G) to single-family residential, address the setbacks within Areas F and G, remove a partner (Eagle Lifestyle Center, LLC) from the development agreement, and allow for an assisted living facility as a permitted use within Area E (RZ-05-02 MOD2). On February 26, 2013, the City Council approved a preliminary plat modification for a 330 -lot (231 buildable [82 attached, 149 detached], 39 mixed use, 59 common [5 private road], and 1 well lot) residential subdivision for DMB Investments, LLC (PP -03-05 MOD). On June 25, 2013, the City Council approved the final plat for Lakemoor Subdivision No. 4 for DMB Investments, LLC (FP -04-13). On June 25, 2013, the City Council approved the final plat for Lakemoor Subdivision No. 5 for DMB Investments, LLC (FP -07-13). On July 14, 2015, the City Council approved the final plat for Lakemoor Subdivision No. 6 for DMB Investments, LLC (FP -08-15). On February 23, 2016, the City Council approved a modification to the development agreement for William Shultz (RZ-05-02 MOD3). On April 12, 2016, the City Council approved the final plat for Lakemoor Commercial Subdivision for Hawkins Companies, LLC (FP -02-16). On August 9, 2016, the City Council approved a rezone with development agreement, development agreement modification, (development agreement in lieu of a PUD), and a preliminary plat modification for a 409 -lot (existing platted 223 residential, 14 commercial, and 21 common [7 private road]; proposed 117 residential lots [32 attached], 16 commercial lots, 18 common lots [3 private street lots and 1 utility lot]) for DMB Investments/B.W. Eagle, Inc. (RZ-03-16/RZ-05-02 MOD4 and PP -03- 05 MOD2). On September 13, 2016, the City Council denied a development agreement modification (development agreement in lieu of a PUD) for Hawkins Companies (RZ-05-02 MODS). On September 27, 2016, Hawkins Companies requested the City Council reconsider their decision to deny the development agreement modification (development agreement in lieu of a PUD). The City Council directed staff to provide public notice for a reconsideration public hearing regarding the development agreement modification (development agreement in lieu of a PUD) to occur on October 25, 2016 (RZ-05-02 MODS). On October 25, 2016, the City Council approved a development agreement modification (development agreement in lieu of a PUD) for Hawkins Companies (RZ-05-02 MODS). E. COMPANION APPLICATIONS: None Page 2 of 17 KAPlanning Dept\Eagle ApplicationADr12016\1311-52-16 Multi -ten bldg 3 in Lakemoor drf.docx F. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE MAP AND ZONING MAP DESIGNATIONS: G. DESIGN REVIEW OVERLAY DISTRICT: Not in the DDA, TDA, CEDA, or DSDA. H. EXISTING SITE CHARACTERISTICS: The site is undeveloped. Page 3 of 17 KAPlanning Dept\Eagle ApplicationADA2016\DR-52-16 Multi -ten bldg 3 in Lakentoor drf.docx COMP PLAN ZONING LAND USE DESIGNATION DESIGNATION Existing Mixed Use MU -DA (Mixed Use with a Lakemoor Subdivision development agreement) (Office, Commercial, and Residential) Proposed No Change No Change Multi -tenant retail/restaurant building North of site Residential Two (up to R -E -DA -P (Residential up to Laguna Pointe two dwelling units per one unit per two acres with a Commercial/Residential acre maximum) and development agreement, Subdivision, Planned Unit Mixed Use PUD), R -2 -DA -P (Residential Development (PUD) up to two units per acre with a consisting of Office, development agreement, Commercial, and PUD), and MU -DA (Mixed Lakemoor Subdivision Use with a development (Residential) agreement) South of site Mixed Use, Residential MU -DA (Mixed Use with a Lakemoor Subdivision One (up to one dwelling development agreement), R-1 (Office, Commercial, and units per acre maximum) (Residential) Residential, Single-family residences East of site Mixed Use MU -DA (Mixed Use with a Lakemoor Subdivision development agreement) (Office, Commercial, and Residential) West of site Residential Two (up to R-2 (Residential up to two Rural Residences & two dwelling units per units per acre) & R -2-P Banbury Meadows acre maximum) (Residential up to two units Subdivision per acre, PUD) G. DESIGN REVIEW OVERLAY DISTRICT: Not in the DDA, TDA, CEDA, or DSDA. H. EXISTING SITE CHARACTERISTICS: The site is undeveloped. Page 3 of 17 KAPlanning Dept\Eagle ApplicationADA2016\DR-52-16 Multi -ten bldg 3 in Lakentoor drf.docx I. SITE DATA: SITE DATA PROPOSED REQUIRED Total Acreage of Site 0.98 (42,688 -SF) 5,000 -square feet (minimum) Percentage of Site Devoted to Building Coverage 25% (approximately) 50% (maximum) Percentage of Site Devoted to Landscaping 28% (approximately) 10% (minimum) Number of Parking Spaces 61 -parking spaces 60 -parking spaces (minimum) Front Setback 115 -feet (East) 20 -feet (minimum) Rear Setback 149 -feet (West) 20 -feet (minimum) Side Setback 19 -feet (North) 7.5 -feet (minimum) Side Setback 100 -feet (South) 7.5 -feet (minimum) *Parking calculation notes within item J below. J. Gross Floor Area of Proposed Commercial Building: 10,620 -square feet Restaurants — 1/150 square feet 6,270/150 square feet = 41 parking spaces Restaurant with Drive-through — 1/200 square feet 1,600/200 square feet = 8 parking spaces Retail sales —1/250 square feet 2,750/250 square feet = 11 parking spaces • Eagle City Code Section 8-4-5 requires 1 parking space per 150 -square feet of gross floor area for restaurant without drive-through and 1 parking space per 250 -square feet of gross floor area for retail sales: Proposed Parking Spaces: 61 Required Parking Spaces: 60 (calculated based upon the above use identified in Eagle City Code Section 8-4-5: "Restaurants and Restaurant with Drive-through" and "Retail sales") K. GENERAL SITE DESIGN FEATURES: Number and Uses of Proposed Buildings: The applicant is proposing to construct one (1) single story building to be utilized as a multi -tenant restaurant/retail building. Height and Number of Stories of Proposed Buildings: The applicant is proposing single -story building with an overall height of forty-three feet six inches (43' 6"). Gross Floor Area of Proposed Buildings: The proposed multi -tenant retail/restaurant building is approximately 10,620 -square feet. On and Off -Site Circulation: A 25,399 -square foot (approximately) paved parking lot provides parking for vehicles using this site. Ingress/egress to the site is to be provided by three access points located off of West Colchester and East Eagles Gate Drive. Page 4 of 17 KAPlanning Dept\Eagle ApplicationADr12016MR-52-16 Multi -ten bldg 3 in Lakemoor drf.docx L. BUILDING DESIGN FEATURES: Roof: TPO single ply membrane (white) Walls: Faux Wood material (Wild Cheng), Brick Veneer (Albescent) Windows/Doors: Aluminum storefront (Benjamin Moore 1603 Graphite) Fascia/Trim: metal coping (graphite), fiber cement lap siding (Albescent), Steel coping (graphite), Steel coping (Albescent), Steel frame (graphite), rough sawn wood timbers, fiber cement panels and lap siding (Alexandria beige), fiber cement panels (graphite), barn door (sweet rosy brown) M. LANDSCAPING DESIGN: Retention of Existing Trees and Preservation Methods: There are no existing trees. Tree Replacement Calculations: N/A Proposed Tree Mix (Species & Number): To be reviewed by the Design Review Board. Street Trees: Street trees exist along East Colchester Drive and along East Eagles Gate Drive. Maintenance Provisions and Proposed Irrigation Methods: Automatic irrigation required. Transition Zones: N/A Parking Lot Landscaping: a. Perimeter Landscaping: Perimeter landscaping is proposed around the perimeter of the parking lot. b. Interior Landscaping: 10% interior landscaping is required, 10% is proposed. N. TRASH ENCLOSURES: One (1), 165 -square foot trash enclosure is proposed to be located south of the building within the southernmost parking area. The enclosure is proposed to be constructed of CMU walls and metal gates; all of which will match the materials and colors used in the construction of the building. O. MECHANICAL UNITS: The applicant is proposing to use roof mounted mechanical units. The roof mounted mechanical units are proposed to be screened from view by the parapet walls. In the event a tenant requires additional mechanical units, the applicant will use additional units that are screened by the parapet wall instead of using a larger mechanical unit. No ground mounted mechanical units are proposed and none are approved. P. OUTDOOR LIGHTING: A site and parking lot light plan showing location, height, and wattage is required to be reviewed and approved by the Zoning Administrator prior to issuance of any building permits. Q. SIGNAGE: No signs are proposed with this application. A separate design review application is required for the approval of any signs. R. PUBLIC SERVICES AVAILABLE: A preliminary approval letter from Eagle Fire Department has been received by the City. A water service approval has not been received to date. Approval of the water company having jurisdiction will be required prior to issuance of a building permit. S. PUBLIC USES PROPOSED: None. T. PUBLIC USES SHOWN ON FUTURE ACQUISITIONS MAP: No map currently exists. Page 5 of 17 KAPlanning DeptT.Agle ApplicationADA2016DR-52-16 Multi -ten bldg 3 in Lakemoor drf.docx U. SPECIAL ON-SITE FEATURES: Areas of Critical Environmental Concern - none Evidence of Erosion - no Fish Habitat - no Floodplain — yes — 500 year Mature Trees - no Riparian Vegetation - no Steep Slopes - no Stream/Creek - no Unique Animal Life - no Unique Plant Life - no Unstable Soils - unknown Wildlife Habitat - no V. SUMMARY OF REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PLAN (IF REQUIRED): Not required. W. AGENCY RESPONSES: The following agencies have responded and their correspondence is attached to the staff report. Comments, which appear to be of special concern, are noted below: Eagle Fire Department Idaho Transportation Department Tesoro Logistics NW Pipeline X. LETTERS FROM THE PUBLIC: None received to date. STAFF ANALYSIS PROVIDED WITHIN THE STAFF REPORT: A. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map (adopted February 10, 2015), designates this site as the following: Mixed Use Suitable primarily for a variety of uses such as limited office, limited commercial, and residential developments. Uses should complement uses within Downtown Eagle. Development within this land use designation should be required to proceed through the PUD and/or Development Agreement process, see specific planning area text for a complete description. An allowable density of up to 20 units per 1 acre. B. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: 3.7 The maximum height of commercial buildings shall be 50 -feet; non -habitable architectural elements shall be a maximum height of 60 -feet. Multiple buildings are permitted to be located on the same lot, provided however, that the maximum lot coverage requirements stated in Eagle City Code are not exceeded. 3.8 All development on Property shall be consistent with the Commercial Design Guidelines (Exhibit D), attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Page 6 of 17 KAPlanning Dept\Eagle ApplicationADA201RDR-52-16 Multi -ten bldg 3 in lakemoor drf.docx C. ZONING CODE PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-6: Design Requirements, Objectives and Considerations: General Objectives And Considerations: The following apply to the entire design review overlay district including the DDA, TDA, CEDA, and DSDA. Additional requirements for the DDA, TDA, CEDA, and DSDA are set forth in subsections C through G of this section and, to the extent there is a conflict with this section, the requirements for the DDA, TDA, CEDA, and DSDA shall control. The following, including the provisions set forth in the Eagle architecture and site design book, contains a listing of objectives applied to each application, and a listing of matters which shall be considered by the design review board. The objectives are separated into two (2) sections: site design and building design. Specific aspects of design should be examined to determine whether the proposed development will provide a desirable environment for its occupants as well as for its neighbors, and whether, aesthetically, the composition, materials, textures and colors meet the intent of this article. The design review board shall consider the following criteria in reviewing the application. • Eagle City Code Section 8-4-4-2: Additional Design and Maintenance Regulations and Requirements: A. Site And Building Lighting: 1. All parking areas shall be illuminated in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. 2. Any lights used to illuminate a site and building shall be arranged to reflect the light away from the adjoining property. 3. Except as noted in subsection A4 of this section, all site and building lighting shall be recessed or shielded to direct all light downward and the source of the light (including the lamp and any nonopaque material/lens covering the lamp) shall not be directly visible by a person of average height standing on the property line of any public right of way, or any private street, or on the property line of any residentially zoned parcel of land or parcel of land used for residential purposes. 4. When historic style light pole fixtures designed such that the portion of the fixture housing the light bulb is to be exposed as a design element of the light fixture (as identified in the EASD book) are approved, shielding shall only be required so the light is not directly visible by a person of average height standing on the property line of any residentially zoned parcel of land or parcel of land used for residential purposes. The light used shall be 3000K maximum LED (or approved equivalent) and the light fixture shall be provided with optics to direct light downward. 5. Light pole fixtures shall have a maximum height of: a. Twenty feet (20') for parking lots with less than two hundred (200) spaces; b. Twenty five feet (25') for parking lots with more than two hundred (200) spaces but less than five hundred (500) spaces; c. Thirty feet (30') for parking lots with more than five hundred (500) spaces; d. Fifteen feet (15') for any pole within fifty feet (50') of a property line of any residentially zoned parcel of land or parcel of land used for residential purposes. Page 7 of 17 KAPlanning Dept\Eagle Applications\DA2016\DR-52-16 Multi -ten bldg 3 in Lakemoor drf.docx 6. Except as otherwise permitted within this title, incandescent lights, two hundred fifty (250) watt maximum high pressure sodium lights, 3000K maximum LED lights (or approved equivalent) shall be the only type of site and building lighting permitted. 7. Metal halide lighting shall be permitted with the following additional conditions: a. Light wattage shall be a maximum of three hundred twenty (320) watts. b. The light fixture shall be no higher than seventeen feet (17'). c. The design review board shall make the following findings prior to approving metal halide lighting: (1) The lighting shall be harmonious with and in accordance with the general objectives, or with any specific objective of chapter 2, article A of this title; (2) The lighting shall be installed, operated, and maintained to be harmonious and appropriate in appearance with the existing and intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of the same area; and (3) The lighting will not be disturbing to existing or future neighboring uses. d. Historic style light pole fixtures designed such that the portion of the fixture housing the light bulb is exposed as a design element of the light fixture (as identified in the EASD book) shall not be permitted to have metal halide lighting. 8. Existing lighting, for a site which is a part of any application, shall be changed to comply with current city code. 9. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to supply power in perpetuity to all lighting, including streetlights located within the right of way, required by this title. 10. Lighting plans shall be reviewed and approved by the zoning administrator prior to issuance of a building/zoning permit. (Ord. 756, 8-23-2016) F. Off Street Parking Design And Dimension Tables: STANDARD VEHICLES Parking angle 45° 69° 90° Parallel of parking space _ F9 feet ----FWidth 9 feet 9 feet 9 feet Curb length per space 13 feet 10 feet 9 feet Fi3feet Length of parking space (measurement to be perpendicular from the curb or front of space if no curb is provided) 15 feet 18 feet 19 feet 23 feet Width of driveway aisle F, feet 17 feet 24 feet 12 feet Page 8 of 17 ].Planing Dept\Eagle ApplicationADA2016011-52-16 Multi -ten bldg 3 in Lakemoor drf.docx COMPACT VEHICLES Parking angle •F 45° — 69° 90° Parallel of parking space �Width 8 feet ff 8 feet 8 feet 8 feet i �_^ Curb length per space 11 feet 9 feet 8 feet19 feet Length of parking space (measurement to be perpendicular from the curb or 11 feet 14 feet 15 feet 19 feet front of space if no curb is provided) Width of driveway aisle 12 feet X15 feet 22 feet 12 feet H. Reduction For Planter Overhangs: When a parking space abuts a landscape planter, the front two feet (2) of the required length for a parking space may overhang the planter. (Ord. 309, 1- 27-1998) • Eagle City Code Section 8-4-4-6: Bicycle Parking: One bicycle parking space within an approved rack shall be required for each thirty (30) required automobile parking spaces or fraction thereof for office and commercial developments. Multi- family residential developments shall provide one bicycle rack space per each ten (10) units. Bicycle parking racks shall be in a well lit area, and shall be designed in accordance with the parking facility criteria of the 'Bicycle -Pedestrian Design Manual For Ada County" as prepared for the Ada County highway district with the exception that bicycle racks do not have to be covered unless required by the design review board, or planning and zoning commission or city council. (Ord. 309, 1-27-1998) D. DISCUSSION: The applicant is requesting design review approval to construct a multi -tenant restaurant/retail building within Lakemoor Commercial Subdivision. The applicant's justification letter, date stamped by the city on November 22, 2016, describes the design of the building as a "Modern Farmhouse" theme and states that the building complies with the standards set forth in the Development Agreement with the exterior building finishes, "Barn Frame" outdoor pedestrian gathering area, architectural elements, and lighting. The Commercial Guidelines within the Development Agreement states the overall color palette for the center will be "warm and earthy" in character and the overall design of the buildings will promote horizontal and vertical movement in the fagade planes to enhance interest and "sculptural feel." Staff defers comment regarding building design and colors to the Design Review Board. The site plan and landscape plans, date stamped by the city on November 22, 2016, show parking spaces throughout the site that are not in compliance with Eagle City Code Section 8-4-4-2(F) design and dimensions. In addition, the compact parking spaces are not labeled as compact. Based on staff's measurements there appears to be seven compact parking spaces which total I I% of the overall parking spaces. Eagle City Code Section 8-4-3(E) permits up to 30% of all spaces to be compact. The applicant should provide a revised site and landscape plan showing the width and length of all parking spaces to be in compliance with Eagle City Code and all compact parking spaces labeled as compact. The revised site and landscape plan should be reviewed and approved by staff and two members of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. • The landscape plan, date stamped by the city on November 22, 2016, shows a green screen Page 9 of 17 KAPlanning Dept\Eagle ApplicationADA201MR-52-16 Multi -ten bldg 3 in Lakemoor drf.docx located on the west side of the building; however, no cut sheets were provided. The applicant should provide a detailed cut sheet of the green screen showing the style, materials, color, height, etc., to be used on the east side of the building. The detailed cut sheets should be reviewed and approved by staff and two members of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. Sheet L1.01, date stamped by the city on November 22, 2016, shows concrete planter islands to be located within the patio area to the north of the building. The applicant should provide a detailed elevation of the concrete planter islands located within the patio area north of the building showing the style, materials, color, height, etc. The detailed elevations should be reviewed and approved by staff and two members of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. The site plan and landscape plans, date stamped by the city on November 22, 2016, do not show bicycle rack locations. Pursuant to Eagle City Code 84-4-6, one bicycle parking space is required to be provided for every thirty (30) parking spaces. The applicant should provide a revised site and landscape plan showing the location of two (2) bicycle racks and provide a detailed cut sheet showing the style, materials, color, height, etc., of the bicycle racks. The revised site plan and detailed bicycle rack cut sheet should be reviewed and approved by staff and two members of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. Sheet L1.50, date stamped by the city on November 22, 2016, shows a detail of the proposed fire pit to be located to the north of the building east of the patio area. Sheet L1.01, date stamped by the city on November 22, 2016, shows four rectangles surrounding the fire pit that appear to be benches; however, detailed cut sheets were not provided for any benches. The applicant should provide a revised landscape plan showing the benches noted on the plan, and provide a detailed cut sheet showing the style, materials, color, height, etc., of the benches to be located around the fire pit. The revised landscape plan and detailed cut sheets for the benches should be reviewed and approved by staff and two members of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. • The applicant provided detailed cut sheets of the building light fixtures and lighting; however, the cut sheets did not provide which model, height, wattage, color temp, etc., would be utilized out of the types listed. The applicant should provide a revised detailed cut sheet for the light fixtures identifying which model, height, wattage, color temp, etc., will be utilized on the building. Pursuant to Eagle City Code Section 8-4-4-2, the color temp should not exceed 3000 Kelvin. The revised detailed cut sheet should be reviewed and approved by staff and two members of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. STAFF RECOMMENDATION PROVIDED WITHIN THE REPORT: Based upon the information provided to staff to date, staff recommends approval with the site specific conditions of approval and the standard conditions of approval provided within the staff report. PUBLIC MEETING OF THE BOARD: A. A meeting to consider the application was held before the Design Review Board on December 8, 2016, at which time the Board made their decision. B. Oral testimony in opposition to this proposal was presented to the Design Review Board by no one. C. Oral testimony in favor of this proposal was presented to the Design Review Board by no one (not including the applicant/representative). Page 10 of 17 K1Planning Dept\Eagle ApplicationADt12016\DR-52-16 Multi -ten bldg 3 in Lakemoor drf.docx BOARD DECISION: The Board voted 5 to 0 (Schaffer and Koci abstained) to approve DR -52-16 for a design review application to construct a multi -tenant retail/restaurant building with drive-through for Hawkins Companies, with the following staff recommended site specific conditions of approval and standard conditions of approval with text shown with underline to be added by the Board. SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Comply with all applicable conditions of RZ-05-02 and all subsequent modifications. 2. Provide a revised site and landscape plan showing the width and lengths of all parking spaces to be in compliance with Eagle City Code Section 8-4-4-2(F) and in compliance with Eagle City Code Section 8-4-3(E) with a maximum of 30% of the parking spaces to be compact and all compact parking spaces labeled as compact. The revised site and landscape plan shall be reviewed and approved by staff and two members of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. 3. Provide a detailed cut sheet of the proposed green screen showing the style, materials, color, height, etc. to be used on the west side of the building. The detailed cut sheets shall be reviewed and approved by staff and two members of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. 4. Provide a detailed elevation of the concrete planter islands located within the patio area to the north of the building showing the style, materials, color, height, etc. The detailed elevations shall be reviewed and approved by staff and two members of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. 5. Provide a revised site and landscape plan showing the location of a bicycle rack and provide a detailed cut sheet showing the style, materials, color, height, etc., of the bicycle rack. The revised site plan and detailed bicycle rack cut sheet shall be reviewed and approved by staff and two members of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. 6. Provide a revised landscape plan showing the benches noted on the plan to be located around the fire pit and provide a detailed cut sheet showing the style, materials, color, height, etc., of the benches. The revised landscape plan and detailed cut sheets for the benches shall be reviewed and approved by staff and two members of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. 7. Provide a revised detailed cut sheet for the building light fixtures identifying which model, height, wattage, color temp, etc., will be utilized on the building. The color temp should not exceed 3000 Kelvin. The revised detailed cut sheet shall be reviewed and approved by staff and two members of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. 8. Submit payment to the City, at the time of building permit submittal, for all Engineering fees incurred for reviewing this project. 9. The applicant shall be required to comply with any applicable conditions placed on this application by the City Engineer. 10. Submit payment to the City for the Planning and Zoning plan review at the time of building permit submittal. 11. No ground mounted mechanical units are proposed with this application and none are approved. 12. Paint all electrical meters, phone boxes, etc. located on the building to match the color of the building. 13. No signs are proposed with this application and none are approved. Page 11 of 17 KAPlanning DeptTagle ApplicationsOA2016OR-52-16 Multi -ten bldg 3 in Lakemoor drf.docx 14. Provide detailed elevations of the trash enclosure showing the materials complement the materials used on the building. The elevations shall show that the height of the enclosure will screen the trash receptacle from Eagle Road. Provide a revised landscape plan showing plant materials around the base of the enclosure that have more height and year-round screening The revised elevation and landscape plans shall be reviewed and approved by staff and two members of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. 15. Provide a revised site and landscape plan showing the berm height and plant material at the drive- through area will screen the drive-through lane from Eagle Road The revised site and landscape plan shall be reviewed and approved by staff and one member of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a zoning; certificate. 16. Provide a revised site and landscape plan showing the concrete stamp pattern and color to be used in the common patio area proposed north of the building. The revised site and landscape plan shall be reviewed and approved by staff and one member of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. 17. Provide a revised landscape plan showing plant material at the base of the green screens that will grow/climb up the green screens. Provide detailed cut sheets of the green screens showing the materials, size, color, etc. to be installed. The revised landscape plan and detailed cut sheets shall be reviewed and approved by staff and two members of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. NOTE: In the event a Standard Condition of Approval conflicts with a Site Specific Condition of Approval contained herein the Site Specific Condition of Approval shall control. STANDARD CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Ada County Highway District and/or the Idaho Transportation Department, including but not limited to approval of the drainage system, curbs, gutters, streets and sidewalks. A letter of approval from the highway district having jurisdiction shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of a Zoning Certificate for this site. 2. Idaho Department of Health & Welfare approval of the sewer and water facilities is required prior issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. 3. All permits from Central District Health, Eagle Sewer District & Eagle Fire District shall be secured prior to issuance of building permit or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. 4. Written approval of all well water for any shared or commercial well shall be obtained from the Idaho Department of Water Resources shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. 5. Unless septic tanks are permitted, wet line sewers will be required and the applicant will be required to furnish the City Engineer with a letter from the sewer entity serving the property, accepting the project for service, prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. 6. The applicant shall submit a letter from the appropriate drainage entity approving the drainage system and/or accepting said drainage; or submit a letter from a registered professional engineer certifying that all drainage shall be retained on-site prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. A copy of the construction drawing(s) shall be submitted with the letter. 7. The applicant shall submit plans and calculations prepared by a registered professional engineer to handle the satisfactory disposal of all storm drainage on the applicant's site. Drainage system plans shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. Page 12 of 17 KAPlanning Dept\Eagle Applications0r\2016\DR-52-16 Multi -ten bldg 3 in Lakemoor drf.docz The plans shall show how swales, or drain piping, will be developed in the drainage easements. The approved drainage system shall be constructed, or a performance bond shall be submitted to the City Clerk, prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. The lot shall be so graded that all runoff runs either over the curb, or to the drainage easement and no runoff shall cross any lot line onto another lot except within a drainage easement. All design and calculations shall meet the requirements of Ada County Highway District. Construction of the storm drain disposal system shall be complete before an occupancy permit is issued. 8. No ditch, pipe or other structure, or canal, or drain, for irrigation water or irrigation waste water owned by an organized irrigation district, canal company, ditch association, drainage district, drainage entity, or other irrigation entity, shall be obstructed, routed, covered or changed in any way unless such obstruction, rerouting, covering or changing has first been approved in writing by the entity. A Registered Engineer shall certify that any ditch rerouting, piping, covering or otherwise changing the existing irrigation or waste ditch (1) has been made in such a manner that the flow of water will not be impeded or increased beyond carrying capacity of the downstream ditch; (2) will not otherwise injure any person or persons using or interested in such ditch or their property; and (3) satisfied the Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction. A copy of such written approval and certification shall be filed with the construction drawing and submitted to the City Engineer prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. 9. Encroachments including, but not limited to, landscaping, fencing, lighting, and/or pathways shall not be located within any easement or right-of-way for any ditch, pipe or other structure, or canal, or drain, used for irrigation water or irrigation waste water without the express written approval of the organized irrigation district, canal company, ditch association, drainage district, drainage entity or other irrigation entity associated with such ditch, pipe or other structure, drainage or canal. The applicant shall submit a copy of the written approval from the irrigation entity, drainage district, or drainage entity prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. 10. Street light plans shall be submitted and approved as to the location, height and wattage to the City Engineer (if applicable) prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. All construction shall comply with the City's specifications and standards. The applicant shall provide a recorded easement, acceptable to the City Engineer, for the purpose of installing and maintaining street light fixtures, conduit and wiring lying outside any dedicated public right-of-way, prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. Whether located inside or outside of the public right-of-way the perpetual maintenance of the street lights shall be the responsibility of the applicant, subdivider, business owner, homeowner, or homeowner's/business owner's association, whichever the case may be. The applicant shall pay applicable street light inspection fees prior to Certificate of Occupancy. 11. Parking lot light plan shall be submitted and approved as to the location, height and wattage by the City Engineer. All construction shall comply with the City's specifications and standards. Lighting is required in the parking area and shall be properly illuminated to avoid accidents. Any lights used to illuminate the parking lot shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from the adjoining property. 12. The parking area shall be paved and shall be maintained in good condition without holes and free of all dust, trash, weeds and other debris. 13. One set of building plans, for any non -single-family residential use, shall be submitted to the Eagle Fire Department for approval. An approval letter from the Eagle Fire Department shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs Page 13 of 17 KAPlanning Dept\Eagle ApplicationADA2016UA-52-16 Multi -ten bldg 3 in Lakemoor drf docx first. The letter shall include the following comments and minimum requirements, and any other items of concern as may be determined by the Eagle Fire Department officials: a. "The applicant has made arrangements to comply with all requirements of the Fire Department." b. The fire hydrant locations shall be reviewed and be approved in writing by the Eagle Fire Department prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. c. Minimum flow per hydrant shall be 1,000 gallons per minute for one and two family dwellings, 1,500 gallons per minute for dwellings having a fire area in excess of 3,600 square feet, and 1,500 gallons per minute for non-residential uses (i.e.; Commercial, Industrial, Schools, etc.). Flow rates shall inspected in accordance with all agencies having jurisdiction, and shall be verified in writing by the Eagle Fire Department prior to issuance of any building permits or certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. d. The proposed fire protection system shall be reviewed and approved by the Eagle Fire Department prior to issuance of a building permit or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. 14. Any recreation area, greenbelt area or pathway area along the Boise River, Dry Creek or any other area designated by the City Council or Eagle City Pathway/Greenbelt Committee for a path or walkway shall be approved in writing by the Eagle City Pathway/Greenbelt Committee prior to issuance of a building permit or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. 15. Conservation, recreation and river access easements (if applicable) shall be approved by the Eagle City Pathway/Greenbelt Committee and shall be shown on the final plat prior to issuance of a building permit or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. 16. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of the Eagle City Code, pertaining to floodplain and river protection regulations (if applicable) prior to issuance of a building permit or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. 17. The applicant shall obtain written approval of the development relative to the effects of the Boise River Flood Plain (if applicable) from the Corps. of Engineers prior to issuance of a building permit or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. 18. The applicant shall obtain approval of the development relative to its effects on wetlands or other natural waterways (if applicable) from the Corps. of Engineers and the Idaho Department of Water Resources and/or any other agency having jurisdiction prior to issuance of a building permit or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. 19. Basements in the flood plain are prohibited. 20. The Americans with Disabilities Act, Uniform Building Code, Eagle City Code, and all applicable County, State and Federal Codes and Regulations shall be complied with. All design and construction shall be in accordance with all applicable City of Eagle Codes unless specifically approved by the Commission and/or Council. 21. New plans, which incorporate any required changes, shall be submitted for staff approval. Staff may elect to take those plans to the Design Review Board and/or the City Council for review and approval. 22. Any changes to the plans and specifications upon which this approval is based, other than those required by the above conditions, will require submittal of an application for modification and approval of that application prior to commencing any change. 23. Any modification of the approved design review plans, including, but not limited to building design, location and details, landscaping, parking, and circulation, must be approved prior to construction/ installation of such changes. Failure to do so may result in the requirement to modify the project to comply with the approved design review and/or result in the inability to issue a final approval for Page 14 of 17 KAPlanning DeptTagle Applications\Dr\20l6\DR-52-16 Multi -ten bldg 3 in Lakemoor drf.docx occupancy of this project. 24. Any change by the applicant in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply with all rules, regulations, ordinances, plans, or other regulatory and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest advises the City of Eagle of its intent to change the planned use of the subject property unless a waiver/variance of said requirements or other legal relief is granted pursuant to the law in effect at the time the change in use is sought. 25. Approval of any Design Review shall expire without notice to the applicant on the date of expiration of the Design Review if construction has not started prior to that date, as stipulated in Eagle City Code (one year from the City Council approval date). 26. All ground -mounted accent lighting fixtures and monument sign lighting fixtures shall be screened from view with the use of landscaping (top of the fixture shall be no higher than the surrounding landscaping). The light source itself shall otherwise be screened as provided for within Eagle City Code. 27. The City's actions on the application does not grant the applicant any appropriation of water or interference with existing water rights. The applicant indemnifies and holds the City harmless for any and all water rights, claims in any way associated with this application. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: 1. The Board reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of this proposed design review application (DR -52-16) with regard to the Eagle City Code Title 8, Chapter 2, Article A, DR Design Review Overlay District, and based upon the information provided with the conditions required herein, concludes that the proposed design review application is in accordance with the Eagle City Code and the Eagle Comprehensive Plan, and the design guidelines established within the development agreement for the property. 2. The Board reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of the proposed design review in terms of Eagle City Code 8-2A-13, "General Standards For Design Review" and has concluded that the proposed design review: A. Will function in conformance with the applicable strategies of the Eagle Comprehensive Plan and is in accordance with the regulations of this code since there are no inconsistencies with the comprehensive plan and the multi -tenant retail/restaurant building with drive-through is permitted with the approval of a design review application within the development agreement provisions and MU -DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement) zoning district; B. Is not of a scale, intensity, and character that is in harmony with existing conforming and planned development in the vicinity of the site. Similar architectural elements are utilized on both the T -Sheets building and the multi -tenant retail/restaurant building with drive-through, however, there is a significant variance and sense of style between both buildings that do not transition and tie the buildings together; C. Is designed with adequate off street parking facilities in such a way as to not interfere with ingress/egress to the site and will serve the intended use so as to not cause conflict with adjacent uses as anticipated within the zoning district since 61 parking spaces are provided for this site; D. Will interfere with the visual character, quality, or appearance of the surrounding area and city, and where possible, enhance the continuity of thematically common architectural features and while the proposed building has similar materials as the nearby T -Sheets building, a significant contrast in the theme of architecture exists among the planned buildings. Although both buildings were approved under the same written design guidelines approved through a development agreement, the "sense of style" proposed within the exhibits approved through the most recent development agreement modification (RZ-05-02 MOD5, approved by City Council October 25, 2016) is a Page 15 of 17 KAPlanning DeptEagle ApplicationADA2016\DR-52-16 Multi ten bldg 3 in Lekem00r drf.docx contrast from the previous exhibits approved (RZ-05-02 MOD2) from which the T -Sheets building design was derived; E. Will not have facades, features, and other physical improvements that are designed as a whole, when viewed alone as well as in relationship to surrounding buildings and settings in that the building has some similar elements as the nearby T -Sheets building, however, there is concern with the transition between the two buildings and how they will complement each other. The two buildings are not harmonious with each other due to the contrast in design and style and both buildings will be very prominent within the development due to their locations and size. The multi - tenant retail/restaurant building has a "Modern Farmhouse" theme, whereas the T -Sheets building was approved through the "sense of style" (term used in the commercial design guidelines within the development agreement approved by City Council on October 25, 2016) that will promote traditional, contemporary, and transitional styles significantly different from the "Modern Farmhouse" style; F. Will not obstruct views and vistas as they pertain to the urban environment and in relation to artistic considerations since the proposed building is in conformance with the required setbacks and height restrictions noted within the development agreement; G. Will provide safe and convenient access to the property for both vehicles and pedestrians through patterned traffic circulation and connectivity to abutting development; H. Is in the interest of public health, safety, and general welfare promoting a pedestrian friendly and walkable environment in balance with protecting a viable commercial center in the area; and I. No signs are proposed. However, any proposed signs will be required to be harmonious with the architectural design of the building and adjacent buildings, and shall not cover or detract from desirable architectural features. 3. The Board reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of the proposed design review application (DR -52-16) with regard to the commercial guidelines set forth in the Development Agreement and has concluded the following: A. The architectural theme for this building is "Modern Farmhouse." B. The proposed design review complies with the commercial design guidelines (see Exhibit "A") set forth in the Development Agreement based on: height of the building, screening of roof mounted mechanicals, exterior building finishes to include: brick veneer, fiber cement lap siding, steel coping, and standing seam metal roof on the peaked roof elements, pedestrian connectivity, materials and colors for the parapet/window treatments/entryway elements, green screens, building lighting, and site lighting. C. The development currently has three (3) buildings proposed which include: the T -Sheets building (currently under construction), a multi -tenant retail/restaurant building, and a multi -tenant retail/restaurant building with a drive-through. The T -Sheets building was approved based on the same written commercial design guidelines, but different design exhibits (see Exhibit `B"). The T - Sheets building has positive architectural elements including: mansard roof, window treatments, entryway elements, architectural elements through articulated wall sections, concrete sills at various heights providing differentiation in wall massing and horizontal banding, and extended tower elements to improve the visual quality. Similar elements including: architectural elements through articulate wall sections, material variations to provide differentiation in wall massing, window treatments, and entryway elements are being carried over into the multi -tenant retail/restaurant building, however, it has not been demonstrated by the applicant how the styles, design, and similar materials and elements between the three buildings will work together and how they will transition throughout the site to guarantee the entire mixed use development has a cohesive architectural theme. Page 16 of 17 KAPlanning DeptTagle ApplicationADA2016MR-52-16 Multi -ten bldg 3 in Lakemoor drf.docx D. The commercial design guidelines refer to a "Sense of Style" stating the architectural treatment of the buildings will be eclectic in character, and, to diminish fatigue and to create a rich and visually stimulating environment, the Center will promote the co -existence of traditional, contemporary, and transitional styles in a harmonic composition. There is concern with the architectural style transition between the T -Sheets building and the two multi -tenant retail/restaurant buildings due to significant contrast in the theme of architecture among the three (3) buildings. The multi -tenant retail/restaurant buildings contain a "Modern Farmhouse" theme and are designed as two rectangular buildings with design elements to make the buildings appear as multiple different buildings. The two multi -tenant retail/restaurant buildings have exterior building finishes of brick veneer, fiber cement lap siding, fiber cement board and batten siding, decorative metal barn doors, and standing seam metal roofs on the peaked roof elements and are connected through the creation of a "Barn Frame" outdoor pedestrian gathering place built from rough sawn wood timbers in a natural color. The T -Sheets building does not have a theme per se, but fits within the combination of traditional, contemporary, and transitional styles. The Board determined that additional modifications should be implemented in the architecture of the proposed buildings to better create a more cohesive theme with the previously approved T -Sheets building, however, the Board felt that due to the previous City Council approval of the amended development agreement (and associated approved design guidelines) that they may not possess the autonomy to require such changes. E. The multi -tenant retail/restaurant buildings will be as prominent as the T -Sheets building along Eagle Road, will be one of the first buildings in view when entering the City of Eagle, and will set the theme for the entire development, therefore, significant consideration should be given to the architectural compatibility between the T -Sheets building and two multi -tenant retail/restaurant buildings. DATED this 12' day of January 2017. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD OF THE 'ITY OE EAGLE Ada C n , I o Robert Grubb, Chairman ATTEST: i Sharon K. Bergmann, Eagle City Cl Page 17 of 17 KAPlanning Dept\Eagle ApplicalionAD62016011-52-16 Multi -ten bldg 3 in Lakentoor drf.docz Exhibit A Exh0bit F 31®slign GuDdeflnee CommeraW (L' reae D & F.) 0 ntroduction It is the goal of Poag and hfcliwen to bring a high level of retailing and architectural sophistication to The Shops at Lalcemoor. It is their desire to make this project an urban landmark thatmill not only encourage the residents of Eagle to remain in the community, but %\ill also attract people from ;. neighboring areas. In addition to shopping. this Center is intended to offer dining and entertainment in a friendly and engaging environment. It mill serve as a catalyst of activity where people of all ages and gender will be able to interact with one another reinforcing the sense of belonging in the community. Guldeftes Objectives The goal of these Architectural Design Guidelines is to establish minimum quality standards for the 4icement, arrangement, materials and style of the ?cments that will form the built environment. These guidelines are not intended to prescribe any one particular design solution but rather to set an overall framework where a variety of creative solutions can coexist in a pleasant and harmonic setting. Design Philosophy some Go (pence The design philosophy for the project is to create a safe, exciting, friendly, and visually stimulating environment that becomes a center of social activity for the community. It is intended to convey an inviting sense of elegance, exclusivity, and sophistication. The design and placement of the buildings and public spaces will be arranged and choreographed into an eclectic and visually stimubling composition. This ar- gement shall elicit a posithe emotional sponse defined as "sense of place." Sense of place means a setting do just, feels right. Sense ofp1 a is whieved when the space meets the following teristics: o Sense of order o Sense of scale o Sense of mystery o Sense of enclosure o Sense of honest, c Sense of style Sense of Order The Shops at Lakemoor «il) have a clearly defined layout that will protide a sense of orientation and order. It %gill be inviting and comfortable and protide users vdth a sense of familiarity and security. The heart of the project, located at the center of the main vehicular dri%e, will offer congregational opportunities and it gill be clearly defined by the positioning of significant buildings. This space v ill be connected by a network of sidewalks and vehicular drives which %%ill be visually stimulating and provide a memorable experience for the users. In addition to these links, there will be a paseo that will provide convenient pedestrian flow between the shops and the parking areas located at the periphery of the Center, sense 01806110 o Relation to human scale o Clear understanding of proportions and relationships o Appropriate placement and dimensioning of elements The sizing of public spaces and the dimensioning of buildings, as well as the relationships in between them %ti ill careMy respond to the human scale. It mill be important that the spaces generated by the layout of the Center provide a variety of experiences for the users. Spaces that transition from narrow to Mule and open create dramatic effects that enhance the quality of the setting. Architectural elements that are tall in nature create a visually stimulating composition when they are positioned an low and limixorntl backgrounds. Some non occupied architectural features may exceed 40" in height to create focal destinations such as but not limited to: cupolas. finials, roof - ridge line, roof peaks and towers. Sense of Mystery o Development of a plot o Choreographing of elements e Sequencing vai lel}• of experiences The project is}rout and architectural treatment of the buildings ►►ill promote exploration and discovery. The properly choreographed placement of architecturally significant elements and public areas ►►ill stimulate the desire to stroll around and get acquainted -with the variety of experiences offered b) the Center. worse ®f WAc0®saore o Space rontainnsenl o Sense of being immersed i» a unique ermirarmrenl Q Sense of security For the space to encourage personal interaction, be cdrnfortable and safe, it is essential that there is containment and definition of its boundaries. The establishment of limits meets it basic human need. The definition of the space mill occur at various levels, from street edges defined by the large buildings to intimate spaces defined by umbrellas and canopies. sense of Honesty G AlWeri[rl selections Owural vs faux or ar tedal1 o AovkNedwal credibility The architectural forms as well as the materials selected for dee pwiect must be perceived as natural and authentic in the aeras that are in close contact ith die publk lois is especially true at side%%U- and areas of facades hom the ground up to 8-15 feet high. 2 Any architectural st}•le could potentially ft %Atkin the composition of the Center as long as the proportions, colors. and materials are consistent ,with that particular vocabulary. sense of style The architectural treatment of the buildings Hill be eclectic in character. To diminish visual fatigue and to create a rich and ,% isuall% stimulating environment the Center --ill promote the co- existence of traditional contemporary and transitional stiles in a harmonic composition. Good taste. individualistic expression. and appropriate building articulation %ill be more important than strict enforcement of any particular style. Una of Direct Unteraction Adding another distension to the architectural e -1-N elements. signage and environmental graphics -ch,...! be instrumental in establishing the character and identity of the design. Since the wast majority of the pedestrian movement occurs on the side%Wks, the interaction vdth the spaces and therefore the perception of the quality of the environment is stronger in that area. Design (OatagarQes In order to better identify the specific intent for all of the components that potentially --ill be part of The Shops at L.akemoor, these guidelines have been divided im design categories associated with the different t}pe of tenants. The folloMes is a list of such categories: o Anchor temmts c Spectalo,shops o Restawwnts o Sen'tee meas Exhoble F Anchors "@°enentss Large format retail can be defined as anchor stores t having prototype architecture on a regional or national basis. For the purpose of this document they %s ill be defined as Tenants of 20.000 SF or larger. The design criteria outlined herein is intended to provide design standards for large footprint buildings that need to be assimilated NAthin the context of the center %%ithout detracting from the scale, connecdA ity. traffic patterns, walk --ability and image of the project. i'14 o Facades shall be articulated to reduce ani massire scale or impersonal appearance_ o Buildings shall hme architectural features and patterns that provide visna/ interest. o Marlation in rooflines is encouraged. o Entt►yino, design elements shall give orietan on and be aestheticall)•pleasing. o Canopies or other rreather protection elements is -III be recommended at main entrances to articulate the destgn feattu ev of the favade. * Buildings may be tiro story based on need ,,and use regtiirements but cannot exceed 30' in height. SPOWelty chop s Smaller retail and senice-oriented establishments shall enharicethe Centers identity and provide the core'of shopping acth it to the public. Their .. ; presence shall gwe a, friendly and intimate appearance to the composition. Window displays should contribute;to;We -visual enhancement of exterior facades. The design includes Lthe -folio%%*: AppsW lately scaled entoivay feala es Including windoti}s, doors, portals;,arcades: reams. card ouerhantging projections Storefronts shall provided substantial hmrWwvnrcyfronr mde to kfeet high betrr�en piers 3 o Large expanses of blank iralls are unacceptable. o Favade materials shall be aestherieally pleasing and compatible rrith materials and colors used throughout the project. o All roof equipment must be concealed from the public Were. o Me parapet height for a one-stort, building shall be at a minimum to appropt lately screen roof equipment. o The ave of ELF.S. or easily damaged materials shall be discouraged beloir 6 foot abore grade R®staturan s Restaurants are an important component of the fabric of the Center. They provide indoor and outdoor activity and help activate the public realm enhancing the sense of place. Protoope ldentiq•for established restaurants Trill he embraced Senlce areas and rear facades shall be properly designed to maintain risual qualill: Outdoor seating areas and patios are permitted and shall be encouraged. 4 Unusual exhaust and mechanical apparatus shall be carefully incorporated into the architecture of the buildings. * Buildings may be tip o store based on need and use requirements but can not exceed 50' in height SOUVIG® Ap860 o Sen -Ice Courts it'll/ be treated with F-LPS., painted CAM or decorathme CMU Integrally colored to complement the Center palette. • nAereportions of the sercice court iraall(s) are exposed additional enhancements mill be Incorporated that are consistent with the requirementsfor buildtngfacades o All rogJPop HVAC equipment will be screened from public view: IL&Mble R 0996ami QuodeDones CornmerconB (tvzeas [.9 & m) Service Area — (c-.-9nUnue4) a Clay or colored concrete rooftiles P Adequate turning radli for trucks to ° Dimensional asphalt shingle roofing circulate idildn the development it ill be o Standing seam metal roofing pros ided. o S)whelle slate roof e Painted C Al U. (rralnt), for sen -ice areas) Mateoials The selections of materials for The Shops at Lalcemoor will be evaluated on their capacity to Perform under anticipated %vather conditions and also by their visual appearance as well as ability to create the desired architectural effect. As a general rule, the materials that are in close contact,.-dth the public (side%%%lks and the first eight feet of faVade treatment) nilI be durable and convey a sense of naturalness and authenticity. The following is a suggested list of acceptable materials for the facades exposed to view: Face brick Smooth fare, integaulb-colored concrete rnasorul• units (used mainly as fences screen it -ails tjpical) Smooth fpce concrete masour). rants Fluted or split ;face, integrally colored concrete ►masonry units c Fluted or spill -face concrete masonr)p iarits c Quik Bilk Design Brik (C. At U. that simulates brick) o Glass block o Poured Pre -cast, and colored -decorative concrete o Poured concrete c Cast stone and linnestone o Simulated cultured stone c 1 LF.S and Stucco o Stained wood o Glass (clear, colored, sandblasted, etchers; etc.) o Storefmat (aluminum. woad, steer etc.) c Metal panels c Decorative metals c G'ttrtain wall o Brick pavers, stamped and/or ceramic tile 4 ($Q89re The overall color palette for the center,%ill be "warm and earthy" in character. The majority of the buildings coloration will have a bias tonwds the ambers, tans, beiges, and vk m grey hues. These colors will be complemented with elements that mill show higher intensities of tone such as deep ambers. )cllo,.%-s, ochres, and oranges to create visual interest. In special situations there %ill be an introduction of greens; aquas, violets, and other colors that are not pan of the earthy spectrum. Elements such as awnings and signage laid add �^ color and intensity to the facades by using primtr colors such as blues, yello.%s and reds. Facades The architectural treatment of the facades that are exposed to be a combination of traditional, contemporary and trat►sitional styles. At strategic locations there hill be architecturally significant elements such as to«�ers or careN y articulated facades that ►gill help define public spaces, terminate -s•isual condors or become orientation points that %gill add a sense of order and mystery to the overall composition. In an effort to add authenticity to the composition, the architecture Hill enable "individualistic expressloW thus allow* retailers the ability to shouvase their image and brand. Elements such as storefi+onts, awnings and knee ma& %till be desigmed by the tenants with the developer's ap mvt to enrich the visual quality of the space. Exhobot IF Demon Ouldepones comuercuao Facades — (Conflnued) The overall design of the buildings «ill promote horizontal and vertical movement in the facade planes to enhance interest and ''sculptural feel'. The building's facades will be complemented with trellises. canopies. colonnades:; blade signs andwall mounted fixtures to create aWaccessorized look to the experience along the side%valks. Hardscap The hardscape treatment for the Center %i ill be designed to accerituate and define areas of activity and to enhance the architectural character of the space. A variety pf materials vv ill be used to add visual interest and richness to the environment. In plazas Where congregational opportunities are provided, special attention hill be given to the sculpting of the space. The introduction of 4 ements such as fountains. sculptures. gazebos. %,. ,,ating areas, lawns. etc. will help create a comfortable yet dynamic environment for the public. These elements will help encourage multi- generational interaction. The use of pavers and accent treatments like sidewalks, pedestrian crossings and plazas rill help create visual definition and embellishment to the pedestrian experience. Textural changes at vehicular traffic zones mill function as tra i€ic calming devices that %ill help create a safer environment for the users. Landscape Primary landscape materials,%ill be of quality. Shrubbery and ground covers -%ill prm-ide visual impact With the use of color and texture «stile also providing screening in needed areas. The landscape elements is general mill be used to highlight the architecture of the sta�rounding strncturea. Landscaping sad planting areas will be reasonably, spersed thuoughoufthe site. The interior endonsof any i*mftg area or any planting median most be sufficient to protect the landscape materials planted within and to ensm proper 5 growth vrith an attractive appearance. Plant material should be selected for type. size and quality on the basis of suitability to climate, setting. and compatibility with other plant material. Planting in public right of way to be considered. Tree replacement calculations ti%ill not be enforced in this situation. Parking areas have been designed to comply with the intent of the local code required landscape island spacing and density. Landscape terminal islands, perimeter islands as well as large landscape canoes -,%here placed within the site to be %%ithin 60' of a vehicle by measuring from either the front or rear of the vehicle, The large canoes provide a better breakdown of the parking lot was into smaller zones and provide better planting area for landscape materials. On Main Street we have included terminal islands at driti a entries and have designed raised Landscape Planters at 50' centers located within the sidenmlk transition zone for continuous street trees. All landscaping coN enants described above are referenced in the "Landscape Plan LS 10 01,10 02. 10 03,10 04 and 10 03 dated 411 VOT* drawings attached. LU�)htgng Lighting for the Center i%ill be divided into general illumination and specialty / accent lighting. General illumination shall include the following: a Parking lighting • Historic St),le Street poles o Wall packs Specialty / accent lighting may include the following: • Llecorath a it all sconces • Accent buddilgloOng • Landscape llghtbg • Lighted bollards General parking lot illumination %%ill be designed and installed so that the keel of illumination as meastned in foot -canes at grade provides a mirnimum oft foot-candles. Where possible on the _7eslan t uDdePines Commtrnmetrc6e0 Iftreas D Lighting -- (contenued) site and to nuintain acceptable light uniformity. a maximum to minimum light level d0sign goal is not to exceed a ratio of five to one. Light fixtures NNill be (HIPS) high pressure sodium and mounted on a maximum 30' high pole and base assembly. Accent building lighting shall be used to enhance entries, tower elements, and piers at prominent locations and shall be metal halide. Landscape lighting shall be udli2ed to accentuate the plantings at entrances, the plaza and at prominent landscape features and shall be metal halide. Historic style light standards dill tine the train arteries of the center and shall be illuminated %ith metal halide. (See attached dtmcings L-1 thtu 3 dated 6!7!07. ulUdOng 010tnntDn atDon building and canopy lighting may be high efficiency, low wattage metal halide fixtures to maximize Offect and color rendering. This includes equipment Uith inherently superior reflector light control and precision optics, eliminating glare and off-site light trespass. Some LEU sources could be utilized as well. Architectural lighting sconces sill be used at piers and entries for pedestrian orientation and safety. Low level recessed lights sill be utilized where necessary for supplemental safety illumination. A maximum 17= high historic pedestrian light pole «f ll be used in pedeshian areas and stted side Whicular parking Dations. High efficiency, low wattage metal halide fixhi es %%0 be employed as the principal light 80m ces in +oder to maximize effects and colot rendering. Special accent lighting of landscape elements and ater features mill be employed at !key locations to enhance the pedestrian experience. Both metal halide and LED Riumhmtwh Will be considered for longevity anti calor reliability. 6 Amenities The selection of architectural amenities shall be complementary to the architectural character of the center. The amenities shall convey a sense of warmth and comfort and be Asually appealing and properly integrated into the fabric of the center. The materials used for the selected amenities shall be durable and functional. The list of potential amenities shall include (but not limited to) the following: o Benches c Trash receptacles nch receptacles o Decoradre poles ulth fabric banners 0 Bike raabr m l:�inttulils o Gwebos o Tower strucaures c Pedestrian walbezo- 'trail tir m, e .tlrrsic s3stems a Flag poles o Plaques O Phone enclosures m Tables wnbmilas o Malet parking boodts e Clocks o Adivrtisingpanels e Carts mrd klosla o Customer senIce booths o !Paler fountains o ti"ndingmachines Graphics The graphics and the site signage for the Center dill serve to orient and facilitate the mowment of people around the center and to create an easily identifiable en%*onment. They sill al,SD help to accessorize the a diltectw a of the building and to highlight areas and zones ofspecial interest. The O%WM beling for the signage shall be compatible with t6 eclectic ftmar of the build'ntl A variety of•styles aiU be encouraged as long as 1h. 1 F Seen Ouldoulnes COMMOVOW (Fars ® & a) Graphics; — Qcaentlnuedj the signage meets the minimum standards of quality; elegance and sophistication established for the Center as a %hole. The character of the project and the tenant signage will be defined by specific "Sign Design Guidelinesn developed ky Nag d McEwen and their design consultants, as the project evolves. These guidelines will allow individualistic expression and respect to the various brands, but mill exercise control over the dimensions, locations. material and style of the signs. The Dev elopees group mill reserve the right to renew and modify any signage that does not comply xrith the directives of the pre -established standards. The following is a list of the potential (but not limited to) sign q pes that «ill be part of the project: o ,lfonuments The design of the signage at The Shops at Lalcemoor is an integral and important component of the overall design theme. It is imperative for the success of the Center and the tenants that an eclectic and «ide rage of signing be allowed. This signage program shall be submitted for appro%W to the City of Eagle. The program consists of the follwing categories that have been established to more clearly identify the types of signs to be use at The Shops at Lakemoor. Project Mentityslgnage (mgor onchor tenant not to exceed 72" In height, secondwy tenants not to exceed 36" in height both having a width ofno snore than 70%of the ternows space. 7 o .1lonunnent signs o Street signs c Banners o Temporar3- slVis o Directional signs o Pedestrian directionals o Mehicular directionals c Pedestrian directionals c Tenant signage a Fascia signs o 10ndoir signs o Blade sighs o Aianingc signs o Serrice area signs o Indkidual Internally illuminated plex,face channel letters Q Indiridual Internally- Illuminated back or halo lit letters o Externally illuminated signs e A'on lit signs e Open face channel neon letters c (See atlached a ample of allo» able sign apes) Vehicular directionals Pedestrian directionals o Directories c Street signs o Blade signs c Storefront o Tenant o Banner program The design of the signage at The Shops at Lalcemoor is an integral and important component of the overall design theme. It is imperative for the success of the Center and the tenants that an eclectic and «ide rage of signing be allowed. This signage program shall be submitted for appro%W to the City of Eagle. The program consists of the follwing categories that have been established to more clearly identify the types of signs to be use at The Shops at Lakemoor. Project Mentityslgnage (mgor onchor tenant not to exceed 72" In height, secondwy tenants not to exceed 36" in height both having a width ofno snore than 70%of the ternows space. 7 o .1lonunnent signs o Street signs c Banners o Temporar3- slVis o Directional signs o Pedestrian directionals o Mehicular directionals c Pedestrian directionals c Tenant signage a Fascia signs o 10ndoir signs o Blade sighs o Aianingc signs o Serrice area signs o Indkidual Internally illuminated plex,face channel letters Q Indiridual Internally- Illuminated back or halo lit letters o Externally illuminated signs e A'on lit signs e Open face channel neon letters c (See atlached a ample of allo» able sign apes) t 31 A 3J )1174'!3rT�- r:•. �'.�*/' � /, sir ' f�l1100 ii'! 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