Minutes - 2022 - City Council | Design Review | Planning & Zoning | Parks Pathways & Recreation Commission - 05/05/2022 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES May 5,2022 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: CITY COUNCIL: Present: GINDLESPERGER,PIKE,RUSSELL. Absent: BAUN. A quorum is present. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD: Present: GRUBB, SAYER, DUPERAULT, LINDGREN, MERRILL,MIHAN. ROLL CALL PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: Present: WRIGHT, GUERBER, MCCAULEY,MCLAUGHLIN,SMITH. ROLL CALL PARKS, PATHWAYS & RECREATION COMMISSION: Present: HUFFAKER, CROCKETT,DECKERS,ELWER,IVIE. Absent: STIRRAT,FAUSTINA. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: Authorization of use of ARPA Funds—IT Equipment: Staff is requesting Council approval of the dedication of ARPA funds in an amount not to exceed$33,000 for the installation meeting room scheduling system. The expenses will include cabling,display panels and software.Approved purchasing procedures will be followed for all expenditures. (DNG) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Pike moves to approve action item 4A Authorization of use of ARPA Funds—IT Equipment in an amount not to exceed $33,000. Seconded by Gindlesperger.GINDLESPERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; RUSSELL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Baun arrives at 3:10 p.m. 5. MUNICIPAL MEETING TRAINING: A. City Attorney, Victor Villegas to provide municipal meeting training to the City Council, Design Review Board, Planning & Zoning Commission and Parks, Pathways & Recreation Commission. Mayor introduces the item. City Attorney Villegas provides an overview of Idaho State Code and related City code pertaining to Idaho Open Meeting laws, the Quasi Judicial on land use applications, conflict of interest and bias of board/commissioners,and appropriate procedure for motions. General discussion. *6. EXECUTIVE SESSION(council only) A. Idaho State Code&74-206.Executive Sessions-- When authorized.(1)An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-05-05-22spmin.docx vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds(2/3)vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: (c) To acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency. Pike moves to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code§74-206 (c) regarding acquisition of real property not owned by a public agency. Seconded by Gindlesberger. GINDLESBERGER AYE;RUSSELL AYE;BAUN AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Council enters executive session. Discussion of acquisition of real property. Council exits executive session. B. ACTION ITEM: Action regarding acquisition of real property. No action. 7. ADJOURNMENT: Baun moves to adjourn. Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted: etatZlik. /64 CHARLOI-1'E HUBINGER Clerk of the Meeting APPROVED: PIERCE OR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-05-05-22spmin.docx 5/13/2022 2022 Joint Session 1. Open Meetings 2. Quasi Judicial Role 3. Conflicts of Interest& Bias 4. Motions 1 Open Meetings PREAMBLE The people of the state of Idaho in creating the instruments of government that serve them, do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies so created. Therefore, the legislature finds and declares that it is the policy of this state that the formation of public policy is public business and shall not be conducted in secret. §74-201 2 1 5/13/2022 Open Meetings (contd .) What is a "meeting"for purposes of the Open Meetings Law? *Quorum of the council, commission or committee. *meet for the purpose of Deliberating or making a Decision "Deliberation" means the receipt or exchange of information or opinion relating to a decision, but shall not include informal or impromptu discussions of a general nature that do not specifically relate to a matter then pending before the public agency for decision. I.0§74-202(2). "Decision" means any determination, action,vote or final disposition upon a motion, proposal, resolution, order,ordinance or measure on which a vote of a governing body is required, at any meeting at which a quorum is present, but shall not include those ministerial or administrative actions necessary to carry out a decision previously adopted in a meeting held in compliance with this chapter. I.C. §74-202(1) 3 Open Meetings —Group Emails *A group email of the council, commission or committee can constitutes a quorum and is subject to open meeting laws if it involves deliberation or decision *Not open meetings if no deliberation or decision but merely impromptu discussions of a general nature 4 2 5/13/2022 Open Meetings —Serial Meetings Definition: series of communications(written or verbal)among decision making body (e.g. council, commission,committee)that: less than a quorum outside the public leads to a developing concurrence on an action 5 Open Meetings —Public Participation Does public get to speak? It depends! *Public has right to attend meetings not necessarily allowed to speak on all matters *Public hearing/testimony (State law requirements) Examples: Prior to granting a special use permit,at least one(1) public hearing in which interested persons shall have an opportunity to be heard shall be held. I.C.67-6512(b) A governmental entity that seeks to consider adoption,amendment,or repeal of a capital improvements plan shall hold at least one(1) public hearing. I.C.67-8206 6 3 5/13/2022 Public Participation (contd . ) How Long Does public get to speak? *Due Process requires that public hearing be held at a"meaningful time and in a meaningful manner" *Idaho Supreme Court has previously held: 2 minutes may not be sufficient-Cowan v.Board of Com'rs of Fremont County,143 Idaho 501(2006)*** 4 minutes is sufficient-In re Jerome Cty.Bd.of Comm'rs,153 Idaho 298(2012) 7 Quasi Judicial Role Land Use(Rezones,Conditional Use Permits plats) -Decision maker must confine its decision to the record produced at the public hearing.See e.g. Idaho Historic Preservation Council v.City Council of City of Boise, 134 Idaho 651,8 P.3d 646(2000) • Staff reports • P&Z findings and recommendation to CC • Written comments from public and agencies • Public Testimony& Exhibits taken at the public hearing 8 4 5/13/2022 Quasi Judicial Role (contd ) Idaho Code § 67-6536 In every case in this chapter where an appeal is provided for, a transcribable verbatim record of the proceeding shall be made and kept for a period of not less than six (6) months after a final decision on the matter.The proceeding envisioned by this statute for which a transcribable verbatim record must be maintained shall include all public hearings at which testimony or evidence is received or at which an applicant or affected person addresses the commission or governing board regarding a pending application or during which the commission or governing board deliberates toward a decision after compilation of the record. Upon written request and within the time period provided for retention of the record,any person may have the record transcribed at his expense. The governing board and commission shall also provide for the keeping of minutes of the proceedings. Minutes shall be retained indefinitely or as otherwise provided by law. 9 Things to Avoid--Ex Parte Contact What is it? *Communications with the public or applicant on a pending application. *Communication between a quasi-judicial decision maker and one side, where the other side is not present. Disclosure: Any ex parte communication must be disclosed at the public hearing,including the identity of those involved and a general description of the communication. The purpose of the disclosure requirement is to afford opposing parties with an opportunity to rebut the substance of any ex parte communications. 10 5/13/2022 Things to Avoid--Site Visits; Research *Do not visit the site unless there is notice to all interested parties. *Independent research *It's all about Due Process/Fairness 11 Conflicts of Interest "A member or employee of a governing board,commission,or joint commission shall not participate in any proceeding or action when the member or employee or his employer,business partner,business associate, or any person related to him by affinity or consanguinity within the second degree has an economic interest in the procedure or action.Any actual or potential interest in any proceeding shall be disclosed at or before any meeting at which the action is being heard or considered.For purposes of this section the term 'participation' means engaging in activities which constitute deliberations pursuant to the open meeting act. No member of a governing board or a planning and zoning commission with a conflict of interest shall participate in any aspect of the decision-making process concerning a matter involving the conflict of interest. A knowing violation of this section shall be a misdemeanor."I.C.§67-6506 12 6 5/13/2022 Conflicts of Interest (contd,) Economic interest must be personal and direct,not general or derivative *Relationship to decision maker: You Employer Business Partner Business Associate Family:Spouse, Parents,Children Brother,Sister,Grandparent,Grandchild,Aunt, Uncle,Niece,Nephew, First Cousin and their spouses. 13 Conflicts of Interest (contd, ) If there is a Conflict of Interest follow I.C.§67-6506: 1.Disclose *Any actual or potential interest in any proceeding shall he disclosed at or before any meeting at which the action is being heard or considered. 2.Do Not Participate *No member of a governing board or a planning and zoning commission with a conflict of interest shall participate in any aspect of the decision-making process concerning a matter involving the conflict of interest 14 7 5/13/2022 Bias • Statements by a decision maker indicate unlawful bias if the statements show that the decision maker:(a) has made up his/her mind regarding the facts and will not listen to the evidence with an open mind,or(b) will not apply the existing law,or(c)has already made up his/her mind regarding the outcome of the hearing. • A decision maker is not disqualified simply because he/she has taken a position,even in public.on a police issue related to the dispute,in the absence of a showing that the decision maker is not capable of judging a particular controversy fairly on the basis of its own circumstances. • A decision maker must maintain an open mind and consider all the evidence presented before making the final decision. - 15 Motions & Discussion General Procedure for handling a Motion I. Member normally must obtain the floor by being recognized by the chair 2. Member makes the motion(clear and concise no explanation needed at this time) 3. Motion seconded by another member 4. Amendment 16 8