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Minutes - 2022 - City Council - 04/26/2022 - Regular
EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 26,2022 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER, PIKE, BAUN, RUSSELL. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. ADDITIONS,DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: A. City Staff requests.:None B. Mayor or City Council requests.None 5. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: Gindlesperger reports on the Historic Preservation Commission. Baun states that Director Baird Spencer attended the Parks Pathways and Recreation Commission meeting and provided a report and update on bike/pedestrian bridge,the shoot range and the sports complex.It was very informative and went really well. B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: 1. City Treasurer,Financial Reports for March 2022 and Quarter Ending March 31,2022 C. City Attorney Report: 6. PUBLIC COMMENT 1: The Eagle City Council is taking both in-person and remote public comment via WebEx.Meeting login instructions are posted on https://www.cityofeagle.org/1698Nirtual-Meetings. If you just want to watch the meeting, without giving comment, please watch our livestream at https://www.cityofeagle.org/305/City-Agendas-Videos. This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time.This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter,land use application,or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Ed Kaufman 5396 W. Polsaski Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Kauffman lives near Beacon Light and Floating Feather and has been watching the growth and development.He has no real complaints,does have real concerns with the overall impact to infrastructure and traffic once all of the developments are at build-out.He has reviewed the City's Comprehensive Plan as well as some long range plans that Ada County Highway District has developed,but he still has concerns with the impact. Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects,Nichoel Baird Spencer discusses the transportation section in the Comprehensive Plan as well as the City's partnership with COMPASS,ACHD and ITD for the long-range projections and planning for these matters.The City is currently undergoing a review on the Comprehensive Plan and would be moving forward on a re-write soon. Mr. Kaufman is encouraged to become involved in that process. 7. ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA • Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor,a Councilmember,member of City Staff,or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion.Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-26-22min.docx • Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff,Planning&Zoning Commission,or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims against the City. B. Lyngsoe Systems Agreement with the Eagle Public Library: A service agreement between the Eagle Public Library and Lyngsoe Systems to provide service and maintenance for the Lyngsoe materials handling system.Agreement costs are for service dates of February 2022 to February 2025. (SJB) C. DR-06-22 — Office (Business and Professional) and Storage Building— Stefan Gleason: Stefan Gleason, represented by Andy Erstad and Nick Oelrich with Erstad Architects, is requesting design review approval to construct a 36,452-square foot two story (1st Floor = 23,412-SF and 2nd Floor= 13,040-SF) office (business & professional) and storage building. The 3.17-acre site is generally located at the southwest corner of East State Street and East Plaza Drive at 933 East State Street.(BAW) D. DR-08-22—The 148 Mixed Use Building—Glasgow Group Rentals,LLC:Glasgow Group Rentals, LLC, represented by Walter Lindgren with Lindgren:Labrie Architecture, is requesting design review approval for a 7,840-square foot,three story,mixed use building(two residential units and one restaurant).The 0.32-acre site is located on the north side of East State Street approximately 60-feet east of 1st Street at 132 and 148 East State Street.(ERG) E. FPUD-01-22 and FP-01-22 — Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Mosscreek Subdivision No. 1—5806 W State St LLC: 5806 W State St LLC,represented by Darcy Hart with Urban Solutions, LLC, is requesting final planned unit development and final plat approvals for Mosscreek Subdivision No. 1, a 36-lot (30-buildable, 6-common), residential subdivision.The 11.2-acre site,is located at the west terminus of West Escalante Drive,south terminus of North Tempsford Way,and 5806 West State Street.(MNB) F. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of FPUD-09-21 &FP-15-21— Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Mosey Hill Subdivision—Greg Hall:Greg Hall, represented by Kent Brown, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Mosey Hill Subdivision, a 58-lot (53-buildable, 5-common) residential planned unit development. The 28-acre site is located on the south side of West Beacon Light Road approximately 100-feet west of North Lanewood Road at 6001 West Beacon Light Road. (MNB) G. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of RZ-16-21 & PP-16-21 — Rezone and Preliminary Plat for Cadenza Court Subdivision — MJV Properties, LLC: MJV Properties,LLC—Mike Groff,represented by Jay Gibbons with South,Beck,and Baird, is requesting a rezone from R-4 (Residential) to R-6-DA (Residential with a development agreement)and preliminary plat approval for Cadenza Court Subdivision,a 14-lot(8-buildable, 5-common, 1-private street) residential subdivision. The 1.38-acre site is located on the east side of South Parkinson Street approximately 35-feet south of the intersection of South Parkinson Street and East Syringa Street at 540 South Parkinson Street. (MJW) H. Development Agreement Associated with RZ-07-21 & PP-09-21 — Kody Corner Subdivision: Staff is requesting approval of the development agreement associated with the rezone from R-4 (Residential) to R-6-DA (Residential with a development agreement). The City Council Approved the associated rezone and preliminary plat applications on February 8, 2022 (RZ-07-21 &PP-09-21). (MJW) I. Service Agreement Between the City of Eagle and John Stocke, Inspect LLC: A service agreement between the City of Eagle and John Stocke, Inspect LLC, to provide plumbing inspections for the City of Eagle. (SJN) J. Professional Service Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Big Sky Acoustics: A Professional Service Agreement between the City of Eagle and Big Sky Acoustics for the Environmental Noise Study for the Eagle Shooting Sports Park in the amount not to exceed $14,968.59. (NBS) K. Authorization of use of ARPA Funds — Record Repository Project, Phase 1: Staff is requesting Council approval of the dedication of ARPA funds in an amount not to exceed $61,000 for the initial phasing of a record repository project. Funds will be used for expenses Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-26-22min.docx associated with upgrading features of the current record repository,minor equipment purchases and expenses associated with the converting oversized paper documents into electronic format. Approved purchasing procedures will be followed for all expenditures. (TEO) L. Authorization of use of ARPA Funds — Office Furnishings: Staff is requesting Council approval of the dedication of ARPA funds in an amount not to exceed $25,000 for the purchase of miscellaneous office furnishings for City Hall. Approved purchasing procedures will be followed for all expenditures. (ELZ) M. Authorization of use of ARPA Funds — Fiber Project IT: Staff is requesting Council approval of the dedication of ARPA funds in an amount not to$150,000 for the purchase of IT equipment for the fiber project. Approved purchasing procedures will be followed for all expenditures. (DNG) N. Governmentjobs.com(dba:NEOGov)Subscription Agreement: Staff is requesting Council authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement with NEOGov for a 12 month subscription to governmentjobs.com, in an amount not to exceed $1,040. Staff is recommending the use of ARPA funds for this expenditure.(TEO) O. Authorization of use of ARPA Funds: Staff is requesting Council approval of the dedication of ARPA funds in an amount not to exceed$7,000 for the purchase of iPad devices to be used by Boards and Commissions in conjunction with the launch of the PEAK Agenda management platform. (TEO) P. Appointment to the Parks, Pathways and Recreation Commission: In accordance with Resolution 14-19,Mayor Pierce is requesting Council confirmation of the appointment of Dan Faustina to the Parks, Pathways, and Recreation Committee. Mr. Faustina will be serving a three(3)year term that will expire April 2025.(JWP) Q. Appointment to the Parks, Pathways and Recreation Commission: In accordance with Resolution 14-19, Mayor Pierce is requesting Council confirmation of the appointment of Crystal Ivie to the Parks, Pathways, and Recreation Committee. Ms. Ivie will be serving a three(3)year term that will expire April 2025.(JWP) R. Professional Service Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Range Design Services, LLC:A Professional Service Agreement between the City of Eagle and Range Design Services for the Live Fire Exercise associated with the Environmental Noise Study for the Eagle Shooting Sports Park in the amount not to exceed$2,935.00. (NBS) S. Service Agreement between the Eagle Public Library and Sparklight: A Service Agreement between the Eagle Public Library and Sparklight for fax and credit card phone lines to the printers within the library in an amount not to exceed$47.48 monthly.The term shall be for twelve(12)consecutive months. (SJB) T. License Agreement between the Eagle Public Library and World Trade Press:A License Agreement between the Eagle Public Library and World Trade Press for an electronic license right for public access databases(e-content)not to exceed$900 annually. The agreement shall expire May 1,2023.(SIB) U. Development Agreement Associated with A-02-21/RZ-02-21/RZ-23-07 MOD3/PP-03-21 — Terra View Subdivision: Staff is requesting approval of the development agreement associated with the rezone from RUT(Rural-Urban Transition—Ada County Designation)to MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement [in lieu of a PUD]). The City Council Approved the associated rezone and preliminary plat applications on January 25,2022 (A-02- 21/RZ-02-21/RZ-23-07 MOD3/PP-03-21). (MJW) Mayor introduces the item. Gindlesperger requests item 7D be removed. Baun requests items J,0,R and U be removed. Baun moves to approve consent agenda items A -U, excluding D, J, 0, R,U. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESBERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE; ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-26-22min.docx D. DR-08-22—The 148 Mixed Use Building—Glasgow Group Rentals,LLC:Glasgow Group Rentals, LLC, represented by Walter Lindgren with Lindgren: Labrie Architecture, is requesting design review approval for a 7,840-square foot,three story,mixed use building(two residential units and one restaurant).The 0.32-acre site is located on the north side of East State Street approximately 60-feet east of 1st Street at 132 and 148 East State Street. (ERG) Mayor introduces the item. Gindlesperger requests the City Code citation for the building height allowance in the Downtown Development Area in Eagle. Planner II,Emily Gero reviews Eagle City Code 8-2A-6-C(2)and stands for questions. Gindlesperger would like to discuss the height of the proposed building in relation to the neighboring structures. Discussion. Gindlesperger moves to approve action item 7D DR-08-22—The 148 Mixed Use Building— Glasgow Group Rentals,LLC. Seconded by Pike.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. J. Professional Service Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Big Sky Acoustics: A Professional Service Agreement between the City of Eagle and Big Sky Acoustics for the Environmental Noise Study for the Eagle Shooting Sports Park in the amount not to exceed $14,968.59. (NBS) Mayor introduces the item. Baun would like the noise analysis to take place on a Saturday to reflect a higher use pattern as opposed to the mid-week study.Discussion. Director Baird-Spencer states she has reached out to Big Sky Acoustics to see if they could accommodate this request. It is noted that will be four weeks from the time of the sound study for the final report. The four weeks takes into account time needed to obtain a third-party review of the sound study. Discussion. Baun moves to approve action item J. Professional Service Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Big Sky Acoustics. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESBERGER AYE; PIKE AYE;BAUN AYE;RUSSELL AYE;ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. O. Authorization of use of ARPA Funds: Staff is requesting Council approval of the dedication of ARPA funds in an amount not to exceed $7,000 for the purchase of iPad devices to be used by Boards and Commissions in conjunction with the launch of the PEAK Agenda management platform. (TEO) Mayor introduces the item. Baun seeks clarification on PEAK Agenda management platform. City Clerk, Tracy Osborn states that Council had previously approved the purchase of the PEAK agenda management software which will facilitate all Boards and Commissions operating in a cloud platform for agenda and packet materials. This expenditure is for devices that will remain onsite for Boards/Commissions to utilized during their meetings. Baun moves to approve consent agenda item 70 Authorization of use of ARPA Funds in the amount of$7,000. Seconded by Gindlesperger.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-26-22min.docx R. Professional Service Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Range Design Services, LLC:A Professional Service Agreement between the City of Eagle and Range Design Services for the Live Fire Exercise associated with the Environmental Noise Study for the Eagle Shooting Sports Park in the amount not to exceed$2,935.00. (NBS) Mayor introduces the item. Director, Baird Spencer requests this agreement be remanded back to staff to provide the opportunity to address matters that remain outstanding as of tonight's meeting. Baun moves to remand item 7R back to staff. Seconded by Pike. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. U. Development Agreement Associated with A-02-21/RZ-02-21/RZ-23-07 MOD3/PP-03-21 — Terra View Subdivision: Staff is requesting approval of the development agreement associated with the rezone from RUT(Rural-Urban Transition—Ada County Designation)to MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement [in lieu of a PUD]). The City Council Approved the associated rezone and preliminary plat applications on January 25,2022 (A-02- 21/RZ-02-21/RZ-23-07 MOD3/PP-03-21). (MJW) Mayor introduces the item. Baun seeks confirm that the Wildlife Fire Management Plan is a requirement associated with this development. Planner III, Mike Williams confirms that it is a requirement, it was part of the development agreement. Baun moves to approve 7U Development Agreement Associated with A-02-21/RZ-02-21/RZ- 23-07 MOD3/PP-03-21—Terra View Subdivision.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NONE 9. ALL PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS PUBLIC HEARINGS:Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m.The Eagle City Council is taking both in-person and remote public comment testimony via Webex. Meeting login instructions are posted on https://www.cityofeagle.org/1698Nirtual- Meetings. If you just want to watch the meeting, without giving testimony, please watch our livestream at https://www.cityofeagle.org/305/City-Agendas-Videos. • Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law.The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council.This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. • Public hearing testimony time limits:Individuals testifying are allotted three(3)minutes for non-repetitive testimony. • Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest. A. ACTION ITEM A-08-21/RZ-09-21/CU-06-21/PPUD-06-21/PP-11-21 — Annexation, Rezone with a Development Agreement, Conditional Use Permit,Preliminary Development Plan,and Preliminary Plat for Beaconwood Subdivision: Jane Suggs—Gem State Planning is requesting an annexation,rezone from R2(Low Density Residential—Ada County designation)to R-2-DA-P(Residential with a development agreement—PUD),conditional use permit,preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Beaconwood Subdivision, a 77-lot (72- buildable, 5-common) residential planned unit development. The 37.34-acre site is located on the southeast corner of West Beacon Light Road and North Lanewood Road. (MNB) Mayor introduces the item. Jane Suggs with Gem State Planning 9839 Cable Car Street Boise,Idaho reviews the application. Baun asks if the applicant would be willing to participate in the Conservation Education Program. Suggs states that as the conservation program is not in City Code,they did not plan for it with the Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-26-22min.docx development. Baun states that the code does require that the offset,so if there is another mitigation proposed for the offset of the loss of open space and farmland, etc. that the applicant wishes to propose,then that is fine,the CEP is just one option.Discussion. Planner II,Morgan Beesaw reviews the staff report and site specific conditions of special concern regarding mico-pathway size and the Marathon pipeline . Mayor opens the public hearing. No one choses to speak. Baun asks inquires as to the proposed fencing. Staff reviews the submitted landscaping plan and reviews the requirements. Mayor closes the public hearing. Discussion regarding pedestrian micro-pathways size . Baun moves to approve action item 9A A-08-21/RZ-09-21/CU-06-21/PPUD-06-21/PP-11-21— Annexation, Rezone with a Development Agreement, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Development Plan,and Preliminary Plat for Beaconwood Subdivision. Striking site-specific condition 22. Adding condition 3.14 An applicant developed mitigation plan for open space, ag land and habitat loss,that can either be CEP or an applicant developed plan due prior to final plan. And adding the recommendation by staff regarding the Marathon Pipeline as a condition of approval. [As staff slide: Marathon Pipleline LLC shall be granted use of the entirety of Common Lot#16 of Block 1 and Common Lot#12 of Block 4 for maintenance and may access from N.Fountainhead Way and W.Solway Ct.]Seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. ACTION ITEM PU-01-21 — Spring Valley Planning Unit Master Plan No. 1 — GWC Capital,LLC: GWC Capital,LLC,represented by Brook Cole,is requesting approval of Planning Unit Master Plan (PUMP)No. 1 for the Spring Valley Planned Development(formerly known as M3 Spring Valley). PUMP No. 1 consists of+/-1,005.91-acres, 2,200 residential units, 150,000 sq. ft. of non-residential uses, and 504.39-acres of regional and community open space. The 1,005.91-acre site is generally located 3,000-feet northeast of the intersection of State Highway 16 at Equest Lane (approximately 1 mile north of the Beacon Light Road and Linder Road intersection). The PUMP is an evaluation of preliminary development plans for consistency with the Spring Valley Development Agreement (Ada County Recording No. 114006036). The PUMP does not provide the applicant the right to develop the site; the applicant must submit a preliminary plat& grading plan for approval to begin development. The PUMP includes: topography, slopes, land uses, phasing, streets and circulation, potable water, wastewater, drainage, irrigation, utilities, parks, trails & open space, environmental design, constraints analysis, habitat areas of special concern, and public facilities (schools, library,police &fire/emergency service)for Phase No. 1 of the development. Pursuant to the Pre-annexation/Development Agreement all Planning Unit Master Plan applications will be forwarded to the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council for public hearings prior to approval by the City. (DLM) Mayor introduces the item. Director Baird-Spencer provides an overview of the history of the Spring Valley development which began in 2005. Brook Cole representing GWC Capital, LLC 730 N. 1500 W. Orem, UT reviews the application. Mr.Cole reviews phasing,topographical challenges associated with the development,architectural for commercial and residential structures, dedicated civic spaces (schools, law enforcement, fire department services),traffic impacts and patterns, open space/trails and water and sewer services. Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-26-22min.docx Discussion of the funding mechanism of the Community Infrastructure District for the construction of the infrastructure. Mayor calls a 5-minute break. Planner II, Daniel Miller provides an overview of project and staff report. Spring Valley is 6,017 acres and is comprised of five planning areas (PA)which are identified as: Highway Mixed-Use PA, Big Gulch PA, Southwestern Residential PA, Northern Residential PA, and Southern Residential PA. Pump No. 1 is comprised of 1,005.91 acres. Miller reviews the land use distribution,density and bonus density possibilities and open space and staff's tracking of the same. Planning and Zoning Commission deliberation is reviewed,as well as the Commission findings of fact and the site specific conditions of approval. The Commission recommended only one change to the site specific conditions,that condition 2 should read. "Comply with all requirements of the Ada County Highway District and the Idaho Transportation Department.All Planning Unit Master Plan maps shall be updated to be consistent with ACHD&ITD approvals,including,but not limited to,the Transportation Mitigation Agreement(TMA)."Underline indicating language to be added. The project is trending towards compliance Discussion regarding the school site and fire station and development agreement requirements. Mayor opens the public hearing. Tom Kress 5002 Highway 16 Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Cress lives on the property. Mr. Cress is excited about the project and appreciates the work that staff and the applicant has put it into the project. Mr. Schirmer 4430 N. Dabble S Lane Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Schirmer lives in close proximity to the first phase of the PUMP. Mr. Schirmer is concerned with roadway infrastructure, impact on wells and the location of the sewage treatment plant. He is also concerned with impact wildlife with the development of the property. He encourages Council to use wisdom in their decision. Asbery Rainey,testifies via telephone, is part of a family trust near the development. Mr. Rainey asks about the price point of the housing,are the homes custom built,will they be rentals,will there be affordable house or workforce housing? Brook Cole,states there will be a wide range of housing to accommodate a range of pricing. There will be both rentals and owners. It will be market rate for housing prices. Gindlesperger inquiries about a grocery store in the commercial portion. Mr. Cole states that it takes a large number of roof tops for a large box store,and they anticipate more of a neighborhood grocer. Baun inquires as to the alteration of the fire district boundaries to have the entire development fall within on district. Mr. Cole states that they have approached both regarding de- annexation, and neither districts are inclined to de-annex. They will comply the district requirements. Pike inquires about 55 or older sections,as well as medical facilities. Discussion. Mayor closes the public hearing. Pike states this has been a long process, spanning almost two decades. It shouldn't come as a surprise to the community. Baun inquires if you would be able to see this development if you are in Eagle looking north would you be able to see any of the development. Director Baird responds no, you would be able to see it from Highway 16, but not from downtown Eagle. Discussion amongst the Council. Baun moves to approve action item 9B PU-01-21—Spring Valley Planning Unit Master Plan No. 1—GWC Capital,LLC.,including the revised site-specific condition 2 from the Planning and Zoning Commission. Seconded by Russell.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-26-22min.docx 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEMS Ordinance 874 — Annexation and Rezone: An ordinance annexing certain real property situated in the unincorporated area of Ada County, Idaho, and contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Eagle, to the City of Eagle, Idaho; changing the zoning classification of said real property described herein from RR (Rural-Residential — Ada County Designation) and RUT (Rural-Urban Transition — Ada County Designation) to R-E-DA (Residential-Estates with a development agreement);amending the zoning map of the city of eagle to reflect said change; directing that copies of this ordinance be filed as provided by law; and providing an effective date.(MJW) Mayor introduces the item. Pike moves,pursuant to Idaho Code,Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that Ordinance#874 be considered after being read once by title only.Seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. Pike moves that Ordinance#874 An ordinance annexing certain real property situated in the unincorporated area of Ada County,Idaho,and contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Eagle,to the City of Eagle,Idaho; changing the zoning classification of said real property described herein from RR (Rural-Residential—Ada County Designation) and RUT (Rural- Urban Transition — Ada County Designation) to R-E-DA (Residential-Estates with a development agreement); amending the zoning map of the City of Eagle to reflect said change; directing that copies of this ordinance be filed as provided by law; and providing an effective date be adopted. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER: AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN: AYE; RUSSELL: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. 11. PUBLIC COMMENT 2: The Eagle City Council is taking in person and remote public comment via Webex. Meeting login instructions are posted on https://www.cityofeagle.org/1698Nirtual-Meetings.If you just want to watch the meeting,without giving comment,please watch our livestream at https://www.cityofeagle.org/305/City-Agendas-Videos. This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter, up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing and land use items. Comments regarding Public Hearing and land use items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s)in accordance with Idaho Code.At times,the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters(excluding Public Hearing and land use items)during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3)minutes. No one chooses to speak. 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Idaho State Code 474-206.Executive Sessions--When authorized. (1)An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds(2/3)vote of the governing body.An executive session may be held: (c) To acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency. (e) To consider preliminary negotiations involving matters of trade or commerce in which the governing body is in competition with governing bodies in other states or nations; (f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet Page 8 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-26-22min.docx being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement; Mayor introduces the item. Baun move pursuant to I.C. 74-206(1)that the City of Eagle convene an Executive Session for the purpose of(c) To acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency; (e) To consider preliminary negotiations involving matters of trade or commerce. (f) pendng and threatened litigation. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER: AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN: AYE; RUSSELL: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. Council enters executive session. Council discusses acquisition of real property; negotiations involving matters of trade/commerce, pending/threatened litigation. Council exits executive session. B. ACTION ITEM: Action regarding acquisition of real property. No action. C. ACTION ITEM Regarding Preliminary negotiations involving matters of trade or commerce. Baun moves to direct the Mayor to go into negotiations with Hardin relative to a contract. Seconded by Gindlesperger.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. D.ACTION ITEM: Regarding pending/threatened litigation. No action. 13. ADJOURNMENT: Gindlesperger moves to adjourn. Seconded by Baun. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted: 000000 CY S RN,CMC : O t a yS Q CITYCL F ��Q � ' .� • :v%v � • 0� APPROVED: ••..•.•• :•'�, * P •••. J S PIERCE OR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.C ITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 9 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-26-22min.dock C A CO CD V' CV N CO N IN IN CO CO CO O N NCO C 0 (D 00 (0 a N co co N N N (0 O) N 0) N 0) N- O C) (l) N 0) O (D Y C O O (,c, (O .- (+) 0) 0 co co) (V O) CO 0) co (f1 7 co CO 0) (A (n CO (n 0 N CO CO (0 N V' 0) 0 0 CO N o d) L CO.(O N t0 CO W N )- N H 11 H H 0 ¢ N N N 0 N N N G. Q C O Y a. C_ 0 0) a) C O) ❑ Q c_ (n E W co E N C a) N Z. L '0 co a) 'Ov N C N 3 O N c tq a) (0 y 3 3 N CO 0d 0- OH CO L (p -2 2 x o _V C N pO a m n 8 Q ' 'n O #n 7 0 c 3 v M n o) 0 n 0 E w > 0 o a m o c y m C= U '0 O a C L (0 n 0 N N O C U L m t v m i S d Q 82 "u w n d - 0 UN x n 3 m coi C .0 3 vc, 3 rn N 3 IL¢ ¢ U U (n w W CO a N COV D U U I- (n (n (n (n co Cr) (n CO (n CO N N 2 co N (n CC W W W W O J W al W W -I W 01 O W J J J Z W J J :5 __Iw -IN > Q. 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N—NC F F CV N 2 O - O 0 N N 3 N 0 N U N rU N N N za a,N Q q Q O N _ tL lL LL J 4 > a O F C7 U' U` O m 0 0 0 w = 0 0 c N o p a a a o_ cc a a 1-0 a a a a N _N = U a a a `_ a' 0 a a w M Q 2 2 UJ = 11) a W a W W = 0 m 0 Z U U N > > > 1- > (.7) > > m p w w w § Q w Q w w ✓ D a a a w 0 w a w w v� ( I- F F w H W a F- a Y Y U U L O O O 0 0 0 C U U C O O O O OM OtD 9 OMV O o O O O O O O co O OO QU (N N N (ON N 00 N NC v 01 O O O O O O O O O 0 o0) CV N N US N to (M t) N N m U 0 U -j U C..) 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O N r a-- .E O C C C a, C 2 2 O N v0) co co i 0 • O C (0 CO O C C .. 1 >, O 'E 0 0 N N O > > 5 Nas rn o U .00 d' )() to CN) (NO (N � (C)) CD a) Q) rn o) a, a,N) o) = E of N O) nO N. ,- N n N N. n U C Q coco (n M co coM M (M M (o Z n n n n N n °n) Fo- 0 N coCD -C-0 N co N co N N co co co .O N N ("o N N N N N C W CO U ° N ° N ° N O N N ° N N ° N ° (` F I- H I- F I- H U' Of nf N T 0 g a N 0 N N N en N Nu, N N cn O N N U N M O M O O nO O in M O MO co 2 a N al m t0 a O N Cl) (V • N — N O C N O di N N >. U N C N 4) (0 d CO m • O w rn N N Y Y U U Cl) .CL C U ' I I I 0 N I O 0 _m u N 0 0 0 U I R C) Q- C a, >. �` t0 w O U U g- Ki > Y to 0 cc EAGLE CITY COUNCIL April 22, 2022 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP Time is allotted on the agenda at the beginning and end of the council meeting. Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual. TESTIFY PRO/CON or NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL d fact-t,1401_0.11. 5 3 cc.la_S EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 26, 2022 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9A SUBJECT:ACTION ITEM A-08-21/RZ-09-21/CU-06-21/PPUD-06-21/PP-11-21 —Annexation,Rezone with a Development Agreement, Conditional Use Permit,Preliminary Development Plan, and Preliminary Plat for Beaconwood Subdivision: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL I of 2 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 26, 2022 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9A SUBJECT:ACTION ITEM A-08-21/RZ-09-21/CU-06-21/PPUD-06-21/PP-11-21 —Annexation, Rezone with a Development Agreement, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Development Plan, and Preliminary Plat for Beaconwood Subdivision: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 2 of 2 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 26, 2022 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9B SUBJECT:ACTION ITEM PU-01-21 —Spring Valley Planning Unit Master Plan No. 1 — GWC Capital,LLC TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) w ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 1 /' ?> wQ) 1 Lt I 4 A/`BL S 5 L' kc-) I L ^ S C0 1� - Y r� G r r- e r t � 2 I\104 ,J�K .S eep, 1 of4 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 26, 2022 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9B SUBJECT:ACTION ITEM PU-01-21 —Spring Valley Planning Unit Master Plan No. 1 — GWC Capital,LLC TESTIFY PRO/ CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 2 of4 4/29/2022 44111r x -4 Nio BEACONWOOD SUBDIVISION GLE IL�� O A-08-21/RZ-09-21/CU-06-21/PPU D-06-21/PP-11-21 Eagle City Council April 26, 2022 City Staff:Morgan Bessaw,AICP,CFM,Planner II Phone: 208-939-0227 E-Mail: 1 1 Project Summary: The applicant is requesting: • Annexation and rezone from R2 (Low Density Residential — Ada County designation) to R-2-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement — PUD) • Conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Beaconwood Subdivision, a 77-lot (72- buildable, 5-common) residential planned unit development. 2 1 4/29/2022 I 1, Vicinity Map: The 37.34-acre site is located Lschl Rd ., ow* .4 IIIIPS ,. - , . . .., „,, on the southeast corner of tr 1 . 1 'I. Ilk wimp ,.. West Beacon Light Road and i , 1111110 .I. , , atl North Lanewood Road. . _ 0,..„.. . r:.,--voim.).-01,c,,Alkormorp , r, ' I , / 0 ft ,, wi_......esj • _a . ta , x, MIii! , ,?•,, „,..4 1 ',4 71',.'71.' • r\ ''. PU/OSkt., ,A,4 .). ,111P7 '"""—^" — i1.1. 11101:li 411.1r -......, , " '‘ ,..4 ., kup ' , ,1 -• t,05'47`‘*".r," „).' „11 ,',7i t' , ''s, '' */ ,At) • ' ,,,, 1 , ,1 4/04, I_,, ia i fil A; W s .., ,..--,,-. - 01..' , , .., fr.,..,, 4 -,71,-.-i,.- MN 11.01111111=11100•11Mper 1 .„„ . „, „,. „..„-:.,t , :., .; _45 ..,17; ' „r irlPorgr• .-.... ,i'l' ,It :,c :44Pi. , , co 1 ,) . oii0 Ili 040 IC ,:.°1_1',' 4 1 3 Preliminary Plat BOISEMMIANC O N i ..,—• .... ........*.7., “*.",-....,-.-.. „.,.- & PUD• - - 44 ,...._, _ fr_ itl• roilicip-... IRE 44‘P' ,, .1., 'III , :,,,,..-.....-.......:ga.-..4,-.1.--•:-,An=.-a-..,----t•ur az.=r-7-•--- !II i 1 •--y,-...4.,r.--,---a-.4:-..---zr-v.--------- --- 0:4 1 EMI ----------- 11111.1111 Sr4p Mr e •= .1 III IMO " 111. 421- _, •--_- till. iii - ,..7.,......_,..—, riaTTEEFE.,1/24-7---- ioia. ivumber of Lots: 77 lir Residential-72 -..:.--........ III IIIIIIIII1 — I roas,,,, Commercial -00 103111.1W 6.01 kV W. '''''. — Industrial-00 Common -5 4 4 2 4/29/2022 Preliminary Plat & PUDpg. 2: ... _: -- - _ E ,II w , '.kl'i:_"r--:—_-4I.C.-1.'-,i1/i\/)ij 1,n,,-ii-,E 1.=':=7.—,.%,-.,—.-r11,. � ..(•f,••l,.,.`"...../I•I4.1".'."m.--'— LI I .1-, e411m l _ _ .-..•.,\//,,,/,,,\"...2,...,.2..,.\1:,1,,..,`:;\/‘.\\.,,\,,/,.,'.\,,..,.f.,l,\I\'\. t.A...„.6.*:\,,„.s,'. ; ..1 1111I2 1,:;!ill , ,1 7./\ ---.:, , i , _ . _ 1 ,,„,,,. . . I 1 Fv i I \ -- /� Ii If` t7P25,iW \ - - 'C'N. \ S ' 2,0 ytallit /\ .. \ '',.."/ .\,‘ . an, ,,,m, , „ .. .„. , _../., _ ,,\ . ,,, __:. N , :" . ,s•& PE.. 1 r. J� �. - f/ Mil PP-02 5 li 11l�ll '1f1�IIt1®el �i. ©a� �/ -�.s . Preliminary Plat 101 . .` �' L° . .. ., and P U D 3: �' ,- --/ ��. W a§-el, 11 ^ii f- e •I ram.. -�(—.r r i _1 --\ \ 41_ Ele[riff lll' �xx I1 I1 I _ 1_ r i 5‘4-- .`.`,t,1i _..i_ _l _1il _ II ilLT _•y tc- ��..a rx.n iox _. liEla IIIIE \ \'`'''' —',/' \\ r 71 —q , o ' Vir--7-- --'t,<\..________, .___ § 3 11 gg 1 -- sax 'T am. aster. °ia- _ .- _ ill W L..f W.. D II .. PP-03 6 6 3 4/29/2022 Preliminary Plat & . . PUD pg. 4: - _ . .m $ i simi 11 ' ',,,\•, , Rim -..r, . , FjèY1 ffiliis;-- L11�I , ` 1 I � o I 1 y,1 -. r4\V\ - i I Imo'i1r . . ''��%� ii ! .,,..: ' ' 1 - I till 1. \ #\ -," . ! in 1 1,, • i il"I4 i IIIIIIEEI di 11=1114 ==='- iMmol'----\ 4111kils\\' ,Z%\\ ,Illigi ' '..1'''''''' ': i Preliminary Plat & I ® Allirkklr .�� PUD pg. 5: �i - �_ �- i lli liii P ':. 'i---'-------- 4, 1 : i. x. ':. :''' _ I_ ,40 „.. . . „ 14 I IIUUimiEi1 / 1 IF 'I�I�IIl1111II1:1>s .n li I�Ij! adl „a \yc 2 rraari Lam Pt r2 w MOM DP-02 8 8 4 4/29/2022 Preliminary Plat & �. i .._..,_ PUD pg. 6: " • ..rat 4 IEgs I i 1111P® gay�4 II yyd ii ;. — _ :�. 4PH-01 9 Comprehensive Plan & Zoning Map Designation: tr, COMP PLAN ZONING LAND USE r' DESIGNATION DESIGNATION E Existing Neighborhood Residential R2—Ada County designation) Agricultural Ps opoced No Chmr,e R-2-DA-P(Rmidetal with a development Single-Family Residential Planned Unit Development ageeemet—PUD) North of site Large Lot with Transition Overlay RUT(Rural-Urban Transition—Ada County Single Family Residential and Agricultural designation) South of site Neighborhood Residential R-2-DA-P(Residential with a development Single Family Residential(Lanewood Subdivision) agreement—PUD) East of site Neighborhood Residential RUT(Rural-Urban Transition—Ada County Single Family Residential and Agricultural designation) West of site Neighborhood Residential R-2-DA-P(Residential with a development Single Family Residential(Mosey Hill Subdivision and agreement—PUD) Bmokway Subdivision 10 10 5 4/29/2022 1:111.1! 11!'14 Comprehensive Plan Designation: Neighborhood Residential Neighborhood Residential Large Lot ----- L_ Transition Overlay Neighborhood Residential Designation: • Suitable for single family residential. Densities range from 2 units per acre to 4 units per acre. „. Eagle is HOME Comprehensive Plan—Chapter 6—Land Uses 11 11 Site Data for the R-2 Zone Additional Site Data Proposed Required 1.93 dwelling units per acre 1.93 dwelling units per acer(as limited within the Dwdhng Units Per Gross Acre development agreement) Minimum Lot Size .9,212 square feet 17,000 square feet 75 feet 75 feet Minimum Lot Width 28.9 fret 35 feet Minimum Street Frontage 8.27 acres 7.47 acres Total Acreage of Common Area Open Space Percent of Site as Common Area Open Space 22.1% 20%(minimum) Except that,according to ECC Section 9-3-8(C) the City may require additional public and/or private park or open space facilities in PUDs Percent of Common Area Open Space as Active OS 3 3'Ye 15% 12 12 6 4/29/2022 Zoning Compatibility: ZONING COMPATABILITY MATRIX O ty DDN ING C{ASSIEICATIONS° Residential Districts Neighbor• Central Agricultural Residential timlted Commercial hood General Highway Business tight Industrial Heavy Extractive Public/Sens- Msed Agncultural Residential Estate R-Glo Office Airport Business Business Business District Industrial Park Industrial lndustnal Public Use EE1n1R LANDUSEDBSIGNATIOUSs A Aft IR-E R-1 R•2 R-3 R-a R.k R-10 L.0 C.A. C-I C-2 C-3 C80 M.1 MAI M-2 M. PS •cultural/Rural It X x FAIMMINEll®�1■1®11-•_ ®���I �� N<Ighbomood' iiee©©©�s��ia ���a© ���■iiiii©M MIIMM■ 11a© Neighborhood Center''Village/Communi `.' �■��iiiii©©©©tea©���i��a� �iiiii______■�------ ®��■■■■■����M1�����1- ��1■■■■■=M�11 ��®� ��■■■■■��EM���� ��— z Requires Annexation prior to development Eagle is HOME Comprehensive Plan—Figure 6.8 Zoning Compatibility Matrix is 13 I •� j I I III 11111111111...- _ l 'r Qi e sao vIH/L.aHacr n— � II a 0 I l rI I E 4 i I i'llill6.ga. ' 11101111111111111 I ., i as Pniu eismsammtstu Im.-. a_. , ... =aMOM aaN ® woe.roe vmnLra ® sCidVISIONlamarsec — L4 14 7 4/29/2022 Discussion : • The R-2 zone requires minimum lot sizes of 17,000 square feet.The applicant is requesting the minimum of which is 9,212 square feet, through the PUD. The application has taken this into account when providing open space and • The applicant is through the PUD as follows: Front(living) 30-feet Front(garage) 36-feet(front-load garage) Rear 30-feet Interior Side 10-feet(first story)5-feet(each additional story) u00 square fee"_ ee. Street Side 20-feet Lots less than 17.000 square fel. 0 feet Maximum Lot Coverage 40% * Due to the sidewalks being located within the individual parcels, an increased setback of 36 feet from. the front property line for garages shall be required to achieve the desired 25 feet from back of sidewalk: to the garage to allow for parking of vehicles. is 15 Discussion : rE �dii� ,44 • The site was reviewed by the Pathways, Parks and Recreation Commission on April 15, 2021 where ty 41 _ it 0 J p } , they made their recommendation for approval. • ° W. • City staff has worked with the applicant and if 0'4 ,3. Marathon Pipeline to make sure there can be a 20 i , ° �` •,; foot wide public access easement over the =- - 0O °o diagonal community pathway. ' ° • The preliminary plat and PUD delineates the it. •~• °� pathways within the development at 6-feet in . width. Pursuant to Eagle City Code Section 9-4-1- e ® .". 4 47 �, 6(D)(1), micropathways within subdivisions which ° ° 0 are designed for primary use by the residences of ..__._ the subdivision should be a minimum of 8-feet in width, however, in an area where low volume pedestrian traffic is anticipated,the Council may consider a reduction in the pathway width to 6-feet in width. 16 8 4/29/2022 Conditional Use Permit (CUP): 1. ECC Section 8-7-3-1 Exceptions or waivers of standards within Title 8 or Title 9, other than use, may permittedthrough throu h issuance of a conditional use permit. 2. ECC 8-5-2 Change Of Nonconforming Use: Any nonconforming use of a structure and land may, upon the issuance of a conditional use permit by the council, be changed to another nonconforming use; 17 17 Accessory Dwelling Units 1. The minimum lot size for the inclusion of an accessory dwelling unit is seventeen thousand(17,000)square feet or greater unless otherwise approved as part of a development agreement or PUD.Accessory dwelling units on lots of seventeen thousand(17,000)square feet or less shall count as a unit for the purpose of calculating development density. 2. The maximum size of the accessory dwelling shall be as follows: Lot Size Accessory Dwelling Unit Maximum Size 5 700 to 7 499 square leett 500 square feel 7 500 to 16 999 square teed 640 square feel 17 000 to 39 999 square feel 800 square feet Note. 40.000 square reet or greater t:17 sn„ero tent 1. See subsection US of this section. 3. Accessory dwelling units may only be located to the rear or side of the principal dwelling and shall not be located in front of the front plane of the principal structure unless otherwise permitted as part of a development agreement or PUD approval. 4. Accessory dwelling units must comply with all required setback and lot coverage limitations for the principal dwelling for the underlying zone. 5. Detached accessory dwelling units shall meet minimum building separation standards as described in the building code. 6. All accessory dwelling units require a zoning permit to be issued prior to the issuance of a building permit. 7. An existing principal single-family dwelling shall exist on the lot or shall be constructed and shall obtain an occupancy permit prior to or in conjunction with the accessory unit. 8. Only one accessory dwelling unit shall be allowed for each parcel. 9. Exterior design of the accessory dwelling unit will be compatible with the principal residence on the lot and not detract from the single-family appearance of the lot or obscure and confuse the front entrance of the principal structure. 10. Accessory dwelling units shall comply with the off street parking requirements for apartment and multi-family dwellings under section 8-4-5 of this title. 11. The entrance to the accessory dwelling unit shall not be permitted to face toward the street unless the accessory unit is located completely behind the rear plane of the principal structure. 12. The accessory dwelling unit shall not be sold separately. 18 18 9 4/29/2022 Conditional Use Permit Criteria : EAGLE CITY CODE 8-7-3-2 GENERAL STANDARDS FOR CONDITIONAL USES: The Commission/Council shall review the particular-facts and circumstances of each proposed Conditional Use in terms of the following standards and shall find adequate evidence showing that such use at the proposed location: A. Will,in-fact,constitute a conditional use as established in Section 8-2-3 of this title(Eagle City Code Title 8)for the zoning district involved,or section 8-7-3-1(C)of this chapter,or as may otherwise be established by this title; B. Will be harmonious with and in accordance with the general objectives or with any specific objective of the Comprehensive Plan and/or this title(Eagle City Code Title 8); C. Will be designed,constructed,operated and maintained to be harmonious and appropriate in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and that such use will not change the essential character of the same area; D. Will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or future neighborhood uses; E. Will be served adequately by essential public facilities such as highways,streets,police and fire protection,drainage structures,refuse disposal,water and sewer and schools;or that the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use shall be able to provide adequately any such services. r' F. Will not create excessive additional requirements at public cost for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community; G. Will not involve uses,activities,processes,materials,equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons,property or the general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic,noise,smoke,fumes,glare or odors; H. Will have vehicular approaches to the property which are designed as not to create an interference with traffic on surrounding public thoroughfares;and I. Will not result in the destruction,loss or damage of a natural,scenic or historic-feature of major importance. 19 Private Roads and Sidewalks: • Per ECC 9-3-2-5(6)(3), sidewalks shall be in accordance with Eagle City Code Section 9-4-1-6(F). • ECC 9-3-2-5, states no more than 10% of the lots within a PUD may take access from a private street. • The applicant requests a standard 2-foot (2 ft.) wide ribbon curb on both sides of the private road be used in lieu of a rolled/vertical curb, which is required by Eagle City Code Section 9-3-2-5(6)(2). The proposed ribbon curb design provides better drainage to the swales and reduces maintenance issues for snow removal. • Per ECC Section 9-3-2-5(E), the council may waive or modify any of the standards or requirements of this section when the private streets have been determined to be an integral element of the overall plan and scheme of the development or will serve to enhance the overall development. 20 20 10 4/29/2022 Planning and Zoning Recommendation : • On March 21, 2022, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission adopted findings recommenatng approva of this application with the following conditions of development. • Staff has had further conversations with the applicant and Marathon Pipeline and Marathon Pipeline LLC shall be granted use of the entirety of Common Lot #16 of Block 1 and Common Lot #12 of Block 4 for maintenance and may access from N. Fountainhead Way and W. Solway Court. 21 21 Conditions of Development: 3.1 The maximum density for the Property shall be 1.93 dwelling units per acre(72 single family lots). • 3.2 Owner will develop the Property subject to the conditions and limitations set forth in this Development Agreement. Further,Owner will submit such applications regarding floodplain development permit review,design review,preliminary and final plat reviews,and/or any conditional use permits,if applicable,and any other applicable applications as may be required by the Eagle City Code,which shall comply with the Eagle City Code,as it exists at the time such applications are made except as otherwise provided within this Agreement. • 3.3 The Concept Plan(Exhibit B)represents the Owner's current concept for completion of the project.As the Concept Plan evolves,the City understands and agrees that certain changes in that concept may occur.If the City determines that any such changes require additional public comment due to potential impacts on surrounding property or the community,a public hearing shall be held on any proposed changes in the Concept Plan,notice shall be provided as may be required by the City. • 3.4 The conditions,covenants and restrictions for the Property shall contain at least the following: (a)An allocation of responsibility for repair and maintenance of all community and privately owned landscaping,pressurized irrigation facilities, fences shown,and amenities.The owner shall provide an operation and maintenance manual including the funding mechanism as an addendum to the CC&Rs and the repair and maintenance requirement shall run with the land and that the requirement cannot be modified and that the homeowners association or other entity cannot be dissolved without the express consent of the City. (b)A requirement for all fencing to be installed as shown on the Fencing Plan(Exhibit C).All other fencing(i.e.dog-eared cedar fencing,chainlink) shall be prohibited. (c)A maintenance manual for the streetlight(s)requiring that the association shall have the duty to maintain and operate the light fixtures including the repair and replacement of the fixture,any associated electrical supply,and light bulbs,in perpetuity. (d)A requirement that in the event any of the CC&Rs are less restrictive than any government rules,regulations or ordinances,then the more restrictive government rule,regulation or ordinances shall apply.The CC&Rs are subject to all rules,regulations,laws and ordinances of all applicable government bodies.In the event a governmental rule,regulation,law or ordinance would render a part of the CC&Rs unlawful,then in such event that portion shall be deemed to be amended to comply with the applicable rule,regulation,law or ordinance. 22 22 11 4/29/2022 Conditions of Development: • 3.5 Owner shall place a 4'x8'subdivision sign(s)containing information regarding the proposed development.The subdivision sign(s)shall be located along each roadway that is adjacent to the Property.The subdivision sign(s)shall be located on the Property outside of the public right-of-way and remain clearly visible from the roadway. • 3.6 Owner shall submit a design review application showing at a minimum:1)proposed development signage,2)planting details within the proposed and required landscape islands and all common areas throughout the development,3)elevation plans for all proposed common area structures and irrigation pump house(if proposed),4)landscape screening details of the irrigation pump house(if proposed),5)useable amenities such as picnic tables, covered shelters, benches, playground equipment, gazebos,and/or similar amenities, 6)all proposed fencing throughout the development,and 7)street lights.The design review application shall be reviewed and approved by the Eagle Design Review Board and City Council prior to the submittal of a final plat application. • 3.7 A letter of approval shall be provided to the City from the Eagle Sewer District indicating that the property has been annexed into the Eagle Sewer District's service boundaries prior to the submittal of a final plat application. Owner shall comply with all applicable Eagle Sewer District's regulations and conditions prior to the submittal of a final plat application.Prior to issuance of any building permits,Owner shall provide proof of central sewer service to the proposed residential use. • 3.8 All living trees shall be preserved,unless otherwise determined by the City Council upon recommendation by the Design Review Board. A detailed landscape plan showing how the trees will be integrated into the open space areas(unless approved for removal and mitigation)shall be provided for Design Review Board approval prior to the submittal of a final plat application. 3.9 Owner shall construct the neighborhood amenities(tot lot and pedestrian pathways)at the locations shown on the Concept Plan(Exhibit B e• -or, to the signing of the first final plat. 23 23 Conditions of Development: • 3.10 The single-family dwellings shall be constructed in substantial conformance to the styles of architecture as shown in Exhibit"D". To assure compliance with this condition,the applicant shall create an architectural control committee(ACC)as a component of they t_ development's CC&Rs.Provisions regarding the creation and operating procedures of the ACC shall be included in the CC&Rs and shall reviewed and approved by the City attorney prior to the approval of the first final plat. The submittal of the building permit application to the City for each structure within the development shall be accompanied by an approval letter i( from the Architectural Control Committee.Building permit applications that do not have an approval letter attached will not be accepted. To assure compliance with the conditions of approval herein,the City reserves the right to deny,at its discretion,any building permit application that does not substantially conform to the design requirements as shown on the Exhibit"D".If a building permit is denied,the applicant shall r have the right to appeal the decision to the Eagle City Council in accordance with Eagle City Code Section 8-7-4-1. • 3.11 Owner shall not file a protest with the Idaho Department of Water Resources against the City of Eagle regarding water rights application(s)for the { construction of any municipal wells located within the City of Eagle water service area.Owner shall not apply for additional ground water rights associated with the Property irrigation system. • 3.12 The applicant shall be required to comply with the Eagle Parks,Pathways,and Recreation Commission's pathway recommendations(Exhibit E),as identified in the Trails and Pathway Superintendent's memo,dated April 21,2021. • 3.13 Owner shall provide a"Heavy Truck Traffic Plan"(Exhibit F)to be followed by any vehicle or equipment over 8000 GVWR.The plan shall show all designated routes and hours of operation.The heavy truck traffic routes shall maximize use of highways and major arterials while minimizing use of smaller residential streets. The plan will also cite that compression braking is prohibited everywhere in Ada County. Owner is responsible for communicating the approved plan to all sub-contractors and for monitoring compliance. 24 24 12 4/29/2022 Site Specific Conditions of Approval: Comply with all conditions within the development agreement for rezone application RZ-09-21. Comply with all requirements of the City Engineer. The applicant shall submit payment to the City for all engineering and legal fees incurred for reviewing this project, prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat and/or upon receipt of an invoice by the City,whichever occurs first. The developer shall provide shade-class trees(landscape plan to be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board)along both sides of all streets within this development. Trees shall be placed at the front of each lot generally at each side property line, or as approved by the Design Review Board. The trees shall be located withi an 8-foot wide landscape strip between the 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk and the curb. Any and all drainage swales and/or seepage beds shall be placed so as to not interfere with the required placement of street trees.Prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat the applicant shall either install the required trees,sod, and irrigation or provide the City with a letter of credit for 150% of the cost of the installation of all landscape and irrigation improvements.Trees shall be installed prior to obtaining any occupancy permits for the homes. A temporary occupancy may be issued if weather does not permit landscaping.Partial reduction of the surety may be permitted for any portion of the development that is completed, including street trees that have been installed. On-going surety for street trees for all undeveloped portions of the development will be required through project completion. To allow for the future installation of municipal fiber-optic cable,the applicant shall be required to install fiber-optic conduit lines along all streets in accordance with the City's Fiber Master Plan. Upon completion of the installation of the municipal fiber-optic conduit lines,the applicant shall provide GIS coordinates of the locations of the municipal fiber-optic conduit lines.The municipal fiber-optic conduit lines shall be installed,GIS coordinates provided,and the fiber-optic conduit lines shall be dedicated to the City prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. Any fencing located adjacent to common area open spaces and on the street side of all corner lots shall be an open fencing style such as wrought iron or other similar decorative style, durable fencing material.Specific buffer area fences and decorative walls may be allowed as otherwise required in ECC Section 8-2A-7(J). 25 25 Site Specific Conditions of Approval: The applicant shall provide a license agreement from ACHD approving the landscaping located within the public rights-of-way abutting and within this site prior to approval of a final plat.(ECC 9-4-1-2) Any fencing located adjacent to common area open spaces and on the street side of all corner lots shall be an open fencing style such as wrought iron or other similar decorative style, durable fencing material. Specific buffer area fences and decorative walls may be allowed as otherwise required in ECC Section 8-2A-7(J). The Beaconwood Subdivision shall remain under the control of one Homeowners Association.(ECC 9-3-8[D][4]) The applicant shall place a note on the final plat that the pressurized irrigation system and all common lots are to be owned and maintained by the Homeowner's Association. The applicant shall provide CC&Rs that the Homeowner's Association shall have the duty to maintain the pressurized irrigation system and all common landscape areas in the subdivision are maintained in a competent and attractive manner, including the watering, mowing,fertilizing and caring for shrubs and trees in perpetuity.(ECC 9-4-1-9[C][1]) All plat notes that are required on the preliminary plat shall be transferred to the final plat prior to submittal of final development plan and final plat applications. The applicant shall submit a revised preliminary plat showing all residential lots with a minimum of 35 ft. street frontage, prior to submittal of a final plat application. Plat Note 8 shall be modified to include reference to the instrument number of the recorded development agreement prior to submittal of the final plat application. A plat note shall be added stating"Lots shall not be reduced in size without prior approval from the health authority"prior to submittal of the final plat application. A new plat note shall be added stating "This subdivision is subject to the terms of ACHD License Agreement Instrument No. "prior to submittal of the final plat application. 26 26 13 4/29/2022 Site Specific Conditions of Approval: A new plat note shall be added stating "Irrigation water has been provided by in compliance with Idaho Code Section 31,-. 38505(1)(b).Lots within the subdivision will be entitled to irrigation water rights and/or shares and individual lots will remain subject to assessments from the applicable irrigation entities, to be paid through fees assessed by the homeowner's association. The pressurized irrigation system shall be owned and maintained by the Beaconwood Subdivision Homeowner's Association,or its assigns." '' Plat Note 7 shall be modified to include the following additional language:"The easement shall not preclude the construction of hard- I surface driveways,walkways,landscape,parking,fencing,or other such non-permanent structures." Plat Note 3 shall be modified to include the following additional language: "The common lots are subject to blanket public utility, drainage,and irrigation easements.Driveways are prohibited across all common lots." ., The applicant shall adhere to all conditions recommended by the Eagle Parks,Pathways,and Recreation Commission. The required setbacks shall be as follows: Front(living) 30-feet Lots 21-23,Block 1 20-feet Front(garage) 36-feet(front-load garage) Rear 30-feet Interior Side 10-feet(first story)5-feet(each additional story) Lots less than 17,000 square feet 7-feet(first story)5 feet(each additional story) Street Side 20-feet Lots less than 17,000 square feet 10 feet Maximum Lot Coverage 40% --. The applicant shall provide a revised preliminary plat and planned unit development plan which shows the pedestrian pathway locations within Lot 5,Block 2,the micropathways on Lot 16,Block 1,and Lot 6,Block 4,at a minimum of 8-feet in width.The revised preliminary plat and planned unit development plan should be provided prior to submittal of a design review application. 27 27 "`� BEACONWOOD SUBDIVISION la WAN N AP0111g1Of 00VEIMENT LOT 10f SECTION 2 `E — — TON1B1.10EAGLE,1 WEST KW MOM ""a' ! EAGLE,IDAHO B q� y 2021 Ei ...I I uE �® 'f 4 W t $ rrc.rrcr _ _ _ M _ _- .... A e ,, ,.., _ , 1,, ,,,..._ r. ____________ , Npliiiro. iminp-1- :::::;,2:;:rz:„,-„_.--:„---L.-..--,;-1:;;;..:,..:;:.:....-..,....---....-_,...-:..,.:- 1,liF :. liiiiii r- kik=p. # o,ma :.-::L.,r"::::::=::::.-z.......--:.--:::---._-L.,. cll.' / : . . r...: ',. ...:114'''jr..0".1;2:4771 7:4'1... '' III 1 I'II I. + 440.II I I "7:7„ :1z.....: l h #► ::E:..mil:17:74..Tm��.�-:::::,...2. :1:::::. 017.1 I r...::.." .Orf, 11111:moiligg..... • Lt.-4...... Etz its t PP-01 28 III 28 14 9 GWC . CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY PUMP NO. 1 WHO WE ARE Subsidiary of Clyde Companies. Inc. , MISSION STATEMENT Al- �.. - Building a Better Community '9111X • COMPANY VALUES . - tit,.., " � �� We Value People Our Word is Our Bond ,y � '_r'- ,.',. Give a Full Measure • �` _.._ ' Quality Products and w*, , '-�' f Services at the Best Value OUR LEGACY For nearly 100 years, Clyde Companies has continued its heritage as one of the strongest construction and building material supply service organizations in the Intermountain West and Great Plains regions. Clyde Companies currently has over 4,500 employees across more �T .—, than 70 locations. • 111 Combined annual revenue exceeded $2 billion in i • 2021 . � . �, ,; GWC REACH OF CLYDE COMPANIES 1110( GWC CAPITAL GENEVA READY MIX CONCRETE EARTHWORK SAND&GRAVEL .,. PIPELINES&DRAINAGE ROCK ASPHALT IHC SCOTT STRUCTURAL CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CONCRETE PAVING ASPHALT PAVING CONCRETE FLATWORK CONCRETE PAVING Performance as Promised ALTERNATIVE DELIVERY Build Better /� EARTHWORK i"`�._ ' r Cw cw�E CRUSHING&ASPHALT FLY PIPELINES&DRAINAGE BRIDGE 1 BASIC MATERIALS STRUCTURAL CONCRETE ;SOURCE y RECYCLED RESOURCES Tough Projects EARTH SHORING -.�..__._.—.__.....__ t STORAGE&LOGISTICS Innovative Solutions DEEP FOUNDATIONS Sustainable Sourcing READY-MIX CONCRETE OO E-MOD ANALYSIS SAND&GRAVEL SURETY BONDING 1 SU N ROC} ASPHALT BEEHIVE SAFETY RESOURCES CONSTRUCTION BUSINESS CONSULTING UTILITIES INSURANCE HR SERVICES Building Confidence MASONRY&HARDSCAPES More Than Just a Policy GROUP BENEFITS WMSER G W C SOURCING TRUSSES r� SITE DESIGN INSULATION ENTITLEMENTS [$uNPRO _... DOORS&MILLWORK PERMITTING G W C GARAGE DOORS Higher Standard IMPROVEMENTS Keep Building WINDOWS of Development PROJECT MANAGEMENT CAPITAL GWC CAPITAL Multi-Faceted Real Estate Development Services Focused on Highly Amenitized Communities INNOVATIVE , .P nn, . as ;e ., CREATIVE V' ...,R, I � ' GENERATIONAL `40' SUSTAINABLE 0 PROFESSIONAL J Currently Invested in and � .-- 1 developing over 20,000 1. r1,i7 , throughout the acres Intermountain West ro � -, Building a Better GWC r \ T Community CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT TEAM ALLIANCE CONSULTING WE LIVE IN NATURE'S BEST t{ ' WORK.Planng good prole/:Is begins wan otipr.`r er riov of the unique chhalkges and opportunities of the land.We ��\/r�A I LdJflF1L CM^ • g, listen to the land Muse it is a vital pad of erectility ueopke hp,9lly741.1Tertil�I01'5 TCATt and cn More,Our environment shapes t is.Good planning is a ff0100! vision that col-Irwin the skills and rescn rcas of people to the r r natural gilts of the land. WII L kill l., ALLIANCE CONSULTING 230314 CORAL CAMIf0 BLVO STE 201 We listen to the Client and create a vision of a thriving comma• v a 1 WASNBIOTON.UT 84780 nay developed from the skills and ail talents of a tea that I creates neighborhoods.Our product is quality living.Planning x. is a responsibility that includes undemanding the feeling of the sand shifting beneath your loot in the quiet rays of lirsl-alum• r�.'':•.••a.. `• ing light.We have a he Cage re opal space and endless sky. SOIJT H 0I r We believe good development is not a rfletuelly exdkSiva DEStern.The common ground between development and preser- 1. �`LATUT I P'F rr; SL:x"1ERT tAATDT,F.•3ThII2 valion is listening to the land and placing people in their natural 31.ki101b „` setting. er u We shape change.Our fmh specializes in large-land develop- .01111.111 meats that combine public and private interests to create Innovative design,1 to team returns results on challenges • time•tat'Arxs and iinderStands ntodrva cbaveopma t is about Upportl airy As a ran k we linderstand the t rile value of money,Engineenng is more than solving problems its about Cleat to possibility through gh accurate and t roily design,The "C A�A� K.y4 •� lean has extensive xpenel er n large land development 1 and SIENNA HILL 1 y(M • •l ; C i has t ie ed thousands of acres across southern Utah.The aL aI still ALI hi II f 41'i teen has n porienC n a Wide range of prhla:tn root ding Z ffN11N % 5, narks Municipal pia ring and design aviation design Vans 1 f I 1 i 1 I. - porta lion,and public utility projects.We take holistic • - 11I i,t,' approach and provide the client with recommendations to F I I G W C meet project Demands and open future opportunities. "M1,.. DEVELOPMENT TEAM LANGVARDT DESIGN GROUP Relevant Projects � Master Planned Communities L D • amllea Ranch. Silver Creek Merrill agPk Florence. • SITLA South Block-Desert Color.Si.George.Utah Huntsville Monastery Fbds,Huntsville.Utah walk • Victory Ranch,Wasatch County,Utah Resin and Recreation MayfPLANNING & LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SummitPcmderer Miner,Weber County. - Summer PParer Mounfein,Weber County.Utah Gbnwutl,Park City.Utah The Langvardt Design Group.LLC is a full-service Land Planning and Wohali Golf Club,Coalville.Utah .....". • Landscape Architecture firm located in Salt Lake City,Utah.Strongly The Canyons GOT Club,Summit County.Utah 'e maintaining a position at the forefront of the Resort,Recreational Willow Creek Perk,Park City,Utah - , and Residential Design industry by providing a broad range of Anthem Community Park,Florence Aloofly Park.Park Ciry.Utah design services including:Resod Wnde a Resrdenbal Community Master Man Planning,Park a Recreation Planning,Nero Urban Design,Detailed COY ^de Pen.Fawn Mopnlein Utah . Neighborhood 8 Site Specific Design,Landscape Design.Protect Residential Visioning 8 Graphics,Golf Course Design,and Entitlements. Willow Creek Estates,Perk City.Utah • The Colony at Write Pine Canyon,Park Gay.Utah - The Langvardt Design Group.LLC is led by Eric Langvardt Mr. • The Bridges at Wolf Creek.Eden,Utah _,,,y '.4kw-I Langvardt is a Registered Landscape Architect and Land Planner • Las Palmas de Punta M to Punta Mite Resat,Mexico ',• , w with over la n years I 0 with diverserange of clientsordand ® ,-a projects LOG employs small group ofskilled d experienced Lands then o and Landscape Architects nwith l lads run range sas M a the mounts O experience includes the full rorge of site planning and design from large scaleaster Nanning to _ _ -Y Detailed constructor documents including landscape architectural p� w ,.•Illr�•��m� - .. -�_ -��'��/ design for entry features parks,open spaces hardecepes.urban .1 °' 4- and suburban layout and design.With this diverse experience and expert knowledge base.the Langvardt Design Group,LLC is able to ••� y "' ;<;i� • +Y transform and guide a development from concept to reality. Design Focus ,. f The Langvardt Design Group,LLC specializes in the creation of high ... - quality Community Design,Resort Planning and Park 8 Recreation i - -'i'� -•:.T'T•es v ty". _ Planning These projects have been completed across the country end _ - around the world and range from two acre clubhouse sites to IS 000 •p� '" J• acre meager planned communities. -ate. • ... _ C_ Cur design rows is centered on the ee uty to understand the - .. „�. ej a Lndseepa and envision the unique potential for each site end '' _ 'r tl¢velopment while breaking crown the planning process to Its amplest - - - , "` 'a •4 s'"' x " forms.Designqualityby applying designles u A a v is achieved I g pnncip _ "• �„ w that have been developed through expel ence on some of the most ./ V W C exciting d diverse projects in the country The art of insuring mat - �- - •, .�' the planned I ong and working environment is suuessful is achieved • „. CAPITAL byintegrating the terrain. tit vegetal access,amenities a 1 culture,and natural features into each projectec c-era s _.. - SPRING VALLEY LOCATION AND STATUS • 2007 - Annexed into Eagle City • 2012 Spring Valley Community Infrastructure\)a, . _ I District ; .< Ji • 2014 - Amended and Restated Development *• / Agreement ( • 2014 Title 11 Spring Valley m ®;` Development Standards �� • GWC Capital purchased in If March 2021 i - �'' . . 4, G W C :' � , 'r, - .- - CAPITAL 1 SPRING VALLEY Comprehensive Master Planned Community Unique property provides an opportunity to create a comprehensive community inclusive of residential, mixed-use, and commercial uses interwoven with trails connecting residents and guests to the native open space areas, recreational amenities and parks. MASTER PLAN LEGEND _ - ---1 -------, �: I • 6,017 acres ' e I ‘C i ,,.AP ., • Eagle Comprehensive Plan for ` ) .' �`7' �; \ the North Eagle Foothill 3 Planning Area I ., ,f)... art it l ,„� s, ®---. • Utilize Special Design Standards ' - 4 • ', ;'1 \ to Accommodate Hillside -- 1s 41,R 1 - '1 Development ': • Amended and Restated ` `�� r — 1 Development Agreement (2014) _ _ � ,-. - - „. ,, 3008 Unit Base Density 1 _� rr` i • 7160 Unit Maximum Density �. i, r,,'., SPRING VALLEY • 245 Acres Non-Residential G W C Uses r: ��' � ,' GWC MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY PUMP No. 1 Planning Area This initial phase establishes the foundational pattern of land development by utilizing Neighborhood Centers and a mixture of residential product types in each neighborhood that are appropriate given the natural landform, preserves open space and habitat areas of special concern (HASC), provides regional trailway system, community parks, neighborhood parks, land for public facilities and recreational amenities. j CP3 ''• a , -, • 1,005.91 acres j �, i✓ e • Incorporates Eagle Comprehensive Plan for the North Eagle Foothill Planning Area �P2 guidelines .,. 1 • Adheres to the Special Design 1----1 ,} Standards Accommodating �� ,, , MAS1F_Rn,AN,MEND Hillside Development Ie 4/ " ,. - • Consistent with the Amended and A w_ LLI ` ` - Restated Development Agreement (2014) to include: ek • 2,200 Residential Units I / Oe SPRING VALLEY G W C o c PUMPNQ 2,,,OPMENTAREA • 150,000 Square Feet of Non- "" ' Residential Uses I i SPRING VALLEY PUMP No. 1 Planning Area , arnxovwur.nucrwxwxr Li �"r J6YM 1-- III 0 �__ Ii `� • HJ / 1 = 1 • 267.95 Not therm; PA ;��l�T� • 276.49 Biq GP', .. A2-PLANNING AREA VICINITY MAP ile A«,ANCECiISU1TIN #1 SPRING VALLEY G W C OWC PLANNING UNITMASTERaPLAN CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY Context and Vision —, ,..,, °t Context and Vision °� ri A • buildsSpring Valley on the small town heritage ,� I,.. and environmentally sensitive town building •µ approach established by the City of Eagle,ldaho.lt "♦ a la+,a w,. ;� is a new community complimentary to Eagle City's '� chararacter yet is distinctive in it own right and •~`' _:� provides enhanced access to rts natural foothill '"" S.a`tV setting. s A,' � • :i' A j e a a 4 . r }j r j ►.. • fT4 X.x fi j .' Apr ik 1 f 4,o ei - E: -. 1, GWC t r CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY A Complete Community Eagle's Comprehensive plan describes a vision for a 'Complete Community'that goes beyond a standard suburban development.Utilizing traditional town building principles that are financially sustainable, Spring Valley's design strives to balance residential, commercial,social,and recreational needs within an �..„ Integrated,a well-designed,high quality built y- environment that provides: _ . -employment t•- „�,� 6.. -shopping ti.. t'' -- -education 0a. : r. 1t , ..., -j -access to open space -recreation t,i... _ -. t i -transportation alternatives including ~ \:t'o walkable neighborhoods ;� r." 47?. r i "', extensive regional bicycle and pedestrian ><t : --.*4, gt Sa w. t' G * �, ;l pathways p " 4 r t i �� ;I )Future)transit connections K 1 11 r I ...I, as' 0'1,. ',. -housing choice y ' {(��/( i I -'' i�; f -ecological and environmental sustainability, It , -, Ma , /\, ,'.. 4 M +,p, _r a v ../ and a variety of amenities and potential - ,. I'.I ) A'.,. programming through which residents can create i -, ,. . r rh I1 d u# i f{�-a'�., .�I ' t '4' . k deep community connections. "sr ;� .,�,_ - 7(',;. ff'I i Spring Valley is place of distinction within the City r"" �•- •`"': -,.:y�- " R of Eagle and builds upon their Life Done Right motto sue, �, and become a benefit to the Eagle foothills region. 2 : ... .1 GWC ITAL SPRING VALLEY The Site's Existing Landform and Access • Generally Flat in the Central Big Gulch and Little Gulch valleys which run east to wes • Series of round ridgetines and broad valleys primarily in the northern half of the site • Primary/main access off SH-16 near Cell Tower (Aerie Way) with secondary access via Linder Road Extension (In compliance with ADA County Master Street Plan) C0/`4 BLM Lands ,do- Cell Tower M' farmers Union ._., "� Canal ` �, • r N. sy 76 1 0 Dude DeWalt G W C ,'•' Cellars C SPRING VALLEY Placemaking . At the heart of Spring Valley's design is a respect for the land Topography,natural features,and visually sensitive areas are • retained and celebrated;they guide the layout and placemer of the built environment,creating a community that is as f •• . .. unique as the land itself. a - 4 < • .I The Greenway is Spring Valley's central axis and forms its _ ;r- ' communal spine,connecting neighborhoods to Community a #GGt i I f ' Parks,the Village Center and to recreation and natural open R '�'"P v. `r h''s i a` ,f '� space beyond.The Greenwayis the heart of Spring Valley} { a P Y P B ` t 1 -' �� -� , M1 »y t serving as the'village green'or tfse community's'front door, fact !S$S ;;l i f� , 1 i� I1t it Spring Valley's Village Center is located on the Greenway. ' t ' . L ;* 7 - 4 '. ! r g The Village Center reflects the simple well-known pattern of -1��'"T�r ,_ _ "_ _ •� 1 ' � western settlement towns;a walkable,tree-lined main strew -,-.-v `` _ .- �t�i with unique commercial buildings framing vibrant civic spact " - ` y y It's retail street terminates at the Greenway,with a waterfroi .z._,,.___ walk continuing along its edge.Engaging plaza spaces with r :,...„, seating and shade overlook water features and the unique '�1, bridge that crosses to the Community Park where an /� : �w - r'.4_w amphitheater,and recreational lift are set within the hillside. ((�] J ^! s Spring Valley's neighborhoods offer a wide range of housing /'► W C choices,including walk-up rental flats,townhouses,single family cottages,and custom homes. CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY Overall Development Plan by Plan Type y I //1"=-----.' iks---i I m rlprt '� q 'v/e b.�s' S4m r.9. gstr. eti o DIMS,' — .... v. \fit-.ma.r I —————— I ..«. ....__ ..Irv. .... .... - '` �: n.+ m u -,,- r D1-OVERALL LAND USE PLAN O. �.' -i � ' ��� leSPRING VALLEY ALLIANCE CGNSULTING 0 G W C PLANNING UNIT MASTER PLAN#1 G Yr,•' C SPRING VALLEY Typical Neighborhood Layout SFA-SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED / 18 units per gross acre TYPICAL NEIGHBORHOOD r" ME l-- I . i IR II 1 _ IIII IIII "® I a „a....._..7g ....._..........._. 1�f� -1111111111141 �=r-Ili6 SFSL-SINGLE FAMILY SPECIAL LOTS aa units per gross acre !III _ ill . 4 r � A. 14 A Titro ., i , , QR.:4 -m --, SF .d Note:two of the seven SFSL layouts are shown here. VIM. a ��� All seven SFSL layouts are detailed in the document below cos ` I's•`� \ SF3-SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED N.S 3 sou nits per gross acre N err Pedestrian Paseo,connection to Regional _ L,___ ,1i- I 1 Trail&Open Space ) N— Regional Open Space-Greenway `w Regional Trail .._...... .._.._..._ _........_.y mot/ �1,. •• CAPITAL Community Open Space SPRING VALLEY Architectural Pattern r -,g InW., • y 4", - Hitt I J ! ' s o It•• The architecture of Spring Valley is inspired by the ,.... .. building traditions of the late 19th torrid-xoth century, ss►n+ _ when many of the towns and neighborhoods we now regard ailliS"''I'•` - as'Traditional'were built.Skilled craftspeople used quality Craftsman u•or materials to create the variety of building styles coming into vogue throughout the different periods,resulting in the rich variety and detail we appreciate in historic neighborhoods today. �- -- -. ___ Five architectural styles with local precedents have been I selected for Spring Valley: Craftsman _ ` a- I English Cottage _ _ Farmhouse _ - � Prairie Style Agranan•..m Farmhouse Agrarian Modern Spring Valley architectural patterns are an updated expression of traditional buildings,taking cues from =- "- -""`°.'t well-established forms,massing,and styling,with interior 1 I ' ' f.�,_�y a, spaces that fit today's lifestyles.They are intended to be _ �y„, broad and open-ended enough to allow for creative ii IIi iI ,. z .I Yrl1Lr�' application of a range of different architectural scales and � � building types. GWC a„,eSt F SPRING VALLEY Architectural Pattern -.: ., Craftsman If I Craftsman style is defined by its low-pitched gabled roofs with -=i% _._- �..-.I broad eaves,large front porches,and exposed wooden structural elements.What most distinguished the Craftsman « - Ir i l �' 1. {i ill, movement was its philosophical foundation based on the Arts 4 w, - �, and Crafts Movement that celebrated the use of simple forms and -�11111'IIIII I natural materials. A i t1Aillimulff The Craftsman style first became popular in Southern California. �^' • - The bungalow,with its large porch and a practical floor plan t, :., P. Alkly became part of growing neighborhoods in the east and ;, r ''awes Midwest as pattern books and mass marketed house plans became tI '`` , .., available in the early zgoos.The Spring Valley Craftsman has the `9e�. classic bungalow as its basic form with broad front porch and '' t ■ '��.. - exposed well-crafted structural elements.It can be one to two �' stories with asymmetric compositions of gables and dormers, $1 a tI .1 V S-`? 89 (� 1111111 allowing fora range of sizes and uses. n 9 r 1 11i TI��OP"' 1. e) Crafstman Elements: - • Shallow pitched roofs with deep overhangs,often gabled,with -' - "-r" the occasional hipped or shed fors • Deep broad front porches with expressive structural elements such as rafter tails,brackets,and columns --xl 'h' 3" • • Asymmetrical massing with horizontal proportions • Mix of stone,stucco,and wood shingle exteriors , • One to one-and-a-half stories generally,but sometimes two-story a � -. • Dominant chimney element with strong base and tapered stack '`� ® n > • Hand-crafted wood and/or stone work s r ' _ .. . ...._ .io ; — { • Large,rectangular from windows e'ih 0 0 �c • High quality workmanship e 4 uA I •l� Windows with divided lites ���...��JJJ/// JJJ - ill'. ! k Door and window trim is typically thick and constructed of .�......if �IIIii� -,rt ,.,t Front des G W C.., • Front entry door is typically stained wood with decorative �r f ''` panels and/or glazing CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY Architectural Pattern Craftsman i --- r i ■■• -� � ,, �� III0IY�, ikl � I1 11I I ifi • - •.. ., —_ - ri I r- ,,I i 0 g 0I l ,, e '� g - fir-- • 1r 1 H PROD P zs hail I-•; - ` V[f�]'S. - . ' sA a r.. i ‘,- :. UCE a fi,.. rx— , a _ -. _ - • ') ve - r - Tit.,.. it „ : G W Cfi,� - :� •— , . _ -_ _ SPRING VALLEY Architectural Pattern }. _ . r =` , English Cottage yw ttt+++t��, _�, V. English Cottage style in the United States is a re-invention of 4i- !Ef Medieval cottages,manor houses,and village vernacular L• � , houses.This style was enormously popular in the agzos and 3os F , ® • 1 as soldiers returning from World War I built houses influenced by Li+ ' `*•`- their tours in Europe.Characterized by simple volumes;front - fr ® 'M facing gables,heavy chimneys,steeply pitched roofs,parapets, -._ -ry'- •.2„_i - .- -. jkf-; v. and arched entries give these cottages their romantic charm. �_. _+s i„ Patterned brick,leaded glass,stonework,and elaborately carved .' .� iftt:k • wood detailing can be similar to Victorian and Craftsman flourishes popular at the time. y.t: a ^ In the West,the principle material for exterior cladding is .r St° stone or brick with stucco accents.Despite the P/' i •r ,i • ) — - 'Cottage'moniker,English Cottages range from elaborate � mansions to modest,beautifully articulated small homes. A. Bw 111...t f. . 'y - �i. 4 1 English• steeply Cottage Elements: q w. steeply pitched roofs s r+ f • Asymmetrical massing • ,. r _„�-- • Simple gable,hip and Dutch gable roof forms,accentuated with roof ;y f •• 'i dormers to break up massing R / ' -f • Flared roof treatments at the eave •• ,.: /'��'� Fxter or material combinations of brick,stone,stucco,wood r /�-- • Entry Is raised and covered by a porch or roof covering 1.. s �R��. • Detailed front entry doors y ��✓ - • One to one and a half stories 1 li . • oerwindows • Tight eaves and sh I hangs i -�j ' r'•' ,' • Arched and and radiused elements 0' 3 ■U ;$l • • Tall narrow windows with sdivided Ihes at I." `a'+ - `' • Landscape design and planting incorporated to create cottage -„y- aesthetic G W C .: _ __ '� f' CAVl1AL SPRING VALLEY Architectural Pattern English Cottage . ,5- . . it,4---g- It_,- \ - \ilk. .N.' a, --- I • ■i, -III-, i We.. , 111 ' i OM .i,, ..- ' - rn ' - - -.• • / ,,, .. ft, .,:,.... . : . . ,. ,,,, 1,.., all I.I ire Immo ti i �.W • • 1jjIr' .'! . . .°, 1'1. . ::--7•' Fv �t .. - i s i - _ „-tv...„, - G W C CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY Architectural Pattern gyp. «•A • • 1 -J I 'le " ,J� — . Farmhouse *•«' I+•I„ The Farmhouse draws its simple massing and practical design �t�,A.� '< _ "?r' from Western settlers who built homesteads before the age of l ' +:a - ¢. ' F railroads.Sometimes referred to as'Folk Victorian',these struc- t a • U r. tures were orderly,often symmetrical,square or L-shaped houses •�� r with little ornament.Variations in form and materials reflect ...� ey < �Allllil -!�_ regional styles,cultural preferences,and material availability. n r .,mf.,Cl - - `' As the railroads arrived in the Mountain West,decorative archi- I :,�,- tectural trim became available and was utilized to enhance the simple farmhouse form. The Spring Valley Farmhouse draws from the warmth and • simplicity of the early farmhouse architecture tradition. ;)` • /I Building massing is simple and predominantly symmetrical with ��nvv,....,,`„„ ` gable roofs and wood cladding.Low pitched roofs are II' .% t' e .IC le' � incorporated on the main level to provide shaded gathering t_s _ ��?/jt< . spaces,often wrapping a corner of the building. Interpretations ' r, may range from a clean modern expression with the focus on high L Y� L Ir W r In' quality materials,to subtle ornamentation that nods to the -;,'7 ''' 0-`` houses'long history and mix of influence and traditions. Farmhouse Elements: • Gabled roofs with standing seam metal roofing or asphalt shingle roofing • Wood cladding • Natural stone accents • Multiple stories,lofted spaces • Windows with minimal divided lites s� • Shallow eaves GK WOO ,i �. • Metal window mullions and exterior detailing •�••�) ii a , • Opportunities for Victorian ornament r✓ / :fil pY — • Square timber columns ,. 0 p r g • Window and door trim is modest and blends or coordinates r W C a-� -- "' with adjacent siding material CAPITAL �� SPRING VALLEY Architectural Pattern Farmhouse 0, , ,• y ■I 1i9. /\I r� �` • or ti • .�� T y ., ._.- ii•' ON nN NH Int 't; t -- . t _.. G W C :41. CAPITAL .. .. SPRING VALLEY Architectural Pattern v Prairie Style • Prairie Style was developed near Chicago by a group of young architects that included Frank Lloyd Wright.Prairie style melds the ideals of the Arts and Crafts movement with the desire to lam ` .ram create a distinctly American architectural style rooted in nature.The form and massing of these homes were designed in = response to the prairies of the Midwest.They are generally low • ' i and unimposing with a two-story central core and single story I wings reaching toward the landscape.Their low horizontal lines , are accentuated with brick patterns,ribbon windows,and accent material banding. Prairie style has been successfully interpreted and applied in the ^" t,PF` + Mountain West.The Spring Valley Prairie Style continues this w• r•'` � + exploration and tradition. 'Married to the ground'Prairie Style y��,,,.,��f, r —:+F forms gain a new dynamism when sensitively fitted to the ��a "'�1 '�s topography of Western landscapes.The horizontal banding i + expressed m brick patterns and stucco detailing in the Midwest r§ st ,r , can be re-interpreted with local stone and timber materials. '-'n�•^ Frank Lloyd Wright developed the smaller economical Usonian houses during the Depression using the Prairie Style • philosophy and vocabulary.They offer pattern elements for small e scale Spring Valley Prairie Style houses. a Prairie Style Elements: u w.. • Central primary mass with overlapping secondary masses • Rows of windows,clerestory windows R -i i, a ?S� - • Flat,low pitched or hipped roofines `�'' Large central chimneys00 1 _ _ J $ ri.i •I a I • Deep overhanging eaves ..+n nu. . a •• Porch entries with deep overhangs G /1 -' _i Connected indoor and outdoor spaces W C • Horizontal exterior detailing,banding • Brick,Block,and natural materials CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY Architectural Pattern Prairie Style s . Su • t ; i . riateit., i, ..4 ll -i • • r jillt • .t,I • GWC —.., -=`— -'-- `" CAPITAL r SPRING VALLEY Architectural Pattern Modern Agrarian Modern Agrarian architecture melds elements of modernism with traditional agrarian forms,resulting in a modern take on tradition and a rich juxtaposition of materials and forms. Agrarian traditions inform a deep connection to site and the sensitive use of materials. �'1tiIu This architecture has its roots in Northern California and the "-� _ ecological sustainability,or`Green Building'movement , I , beginning in the early tg7os with projects like Sea Ranch.The style has recently been refined inland at California wineries where architects and vintners have created immersion spaces and ` experiences inspired by landscape and connected to place. ,,in: 'Ill' - - - The style offers the opportunity and framework for Spring Valley home designers to draw from local vernacular structures, interpret site conditions,and compose modern interior t relationships to produce architecture that distinctly reflects Spring Valley. Modern Agrarian Elements: • Indoor-outdoor connection • Large windows with thin frames .y .,• 1,;:, • Strong relationship to the land " am. • Clerestory windows .y !\ �, • Mixed roofline types ��► • Natural materials ■ '. Ck j - • Deep overhanging eaves j I ' - -rSn s • Exposed structural elements sr• .'N. r a� _r�C � Window walls with large openings that connect to groundea �++, ( .. r a ?�. _.. .._, floor patios q sa • Lightweight visually thin vertical members-- ', L' v,� � 4, horizontal elements appear to'float' G C. - • Simple forms and masses in balanced compositions V \rl l",;• • Refined rusticity CAPITAL xi SPRING VALLEY Architectural Pattern Modern Agrarian .. :1111)-- 4 .. _it" ' .i ..14 • i ! i 7t- #F r f- ..,. .` G W C — .•'`s.r..�~.... w,+ CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY Landscape Pattern Sprng Valley's overall landscape approach is to sensitively transition from the natural arid foothills to the lush Greenway corridor,with site design and planting treatments culminating at . r�.,r�rw:._ the Community Club and Village Center. • "g"f ^, Gateways will be clearly marked with trees,perennials,and f . ti ornamental grasses.Areas of native grass will weave into the r planting design of major roadway corridors and landscape buffer areas.Residences located on neighborhood perimeters will transition to natural open spaces with the use of drought tolerant plants and seed mixes. 717'' ° Near the Greenway,landscape planting will become more diverse and layered,with larger native and adapted trees A, lining the streets,dense clusters of shrubs and turf lawns in — -^` -. - ` buffer zones and parks.The landscape transition from native .!`- _. ,•��. slopes to lush cultivated valley provides a rich visual sequence —='`am i-7 and strong sense of arrival. j. Spring Valley's soil and climate conditions also afford the opportunity for vineyards and a community farm to be located in a key location,adding to the breadth of outdoor experiences and healthy lifestyle Spring Valley has to offer. �:` lii ' GWC SPRING VALLEY Landscape Pattern WM NM, NI aa. InM is a. i9 �� ��� ��� � ,, - RESIDENTIAL II it - !I ! • .:� LANDSCAPES ' _ g Spring Valley's residential landscape design is guided by the a i ',.' - R cOre .-- •...d.t 1` development standards set forth by the Cityof Eagle. t 9 a✓ '� --`� � : '•� �� '^` Landscape design approach and standards for residential lots • are illustrated below in order to create high quality, .�. i`- - 3_. __ ., , ,i: �..:� comfortable,and visually engaging neighborhoods. t Y '"'` > r"�''' Residential landscape is thoughtfully planned to make and ' '` '�' �� frame outdoor spaces,highlight primary entries,and enhance • the architecture,street,and neighborhood.Within the Village s"E`., =" . E Center,garden expression has a more formal,structured,and .." x zi �.}.qj,.0 ornamental look and feel.Lots located further from the Village = ` Center will have less formal,more naturalized landscape that t Y prx frames and preserves views and seamlessly transitions into the „°. wr .,� Ape Y A.. h`n 7 ' +� ;. natural landscape. ,� ' l l Formal or naturalized,Spring Valley's landscape design -"7 T i i _ t 'i, gracefully compliments the specific architectural style of the ,yq.s �.1 li g f'`l M-- *f houses and will typify a harmonious balance of form,detail,and l i` ."rrt..`s- - � .:"n 'r+ ' .' F texture,to create a unified composition of planting,fences, - walls and paving materi101 als. 'ix �sr pjjjp +/0 Residential landscapes will use the native and adapted plant• s; Ill G W C `s- + a —� II'.- palette listed in Eagle Ordinance 7io uA-;•7.Y:Spring Valley ._ .. _... Plant List SPRING VALLEY Landscape Pattern Residential Landscapes L ,Y.r' r. ...„...:....„,:- -, ..... 1 4624 •, t R _ 7 �f i - ry t ei GWC. - • ... �. -'^� CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY Landscape Pattern Residential Landscapes p , .. . Yr• '.4.2" R Li ,., , � .. • a ‘� GWC IIIIIIIIII ... CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY Landscape Pattern streetscape Spring Valley's roadway design draws inspiration from the Automobile Parkway'movement of the early 20th century where '4 , highly designed landscapes and views created memorable •y �:. sequences along roadway rights-of-way. Broad landscaped buffers create and preserve views and protect neighborhoods from traffic impacts. w b. $ <`, Spring Valley neighborhood and Village Center streets are comfortable and welcoming.They support a vibrant pedestrian i ,e.. ,,;'� 1" experience and the safe use and activities of all residents and AiI - V ill 1 guests.Streetscape design elements Include ample sidewalks, d , .y' � �«- street trees,landscape planting,high quality furniture,artwork, + 'w ` pedestrian lighting,and opportunities for seasonal banners and - 1- displays.Space for active transportation infrastructure, - including bike racks and parking areas for bicycles and scooters, • s+ w' __ will be provided and clearly marked. - ... , ` In high traffic areas,and where trails cross streets,special paving '' treatments and lighting will enhance pedestrian safety. .. i of 9� ek - .,,.-- - , G W C SPRING VALLEY Community Features NEIGHBORHOOD MARKER - ''. .a Entry Monuments and Site Markers ! -,ii - y- roj The entry monument gateways to Spring Valley are located on Aerie Way �- dye \i I// .- � �f and Lander Road They area composition of large-stale stone wan planters ,may s, - inset into roadway side-slopes.The planting palette provides texture,height, iii11�'�r�I�� s'`� "`� .. and color to contrast with the walls. Each neighborhood is marked by a stone column and orchard-therned landscape composition. The entries area strong vertical marker In the landscape,signifying crossing the threshold Into the Valley.The landscape transition from native grassy SPRING VAL LEY GATEWAY hillsides to more cultivated planting within the Valley begins at the entryways. i,R.._ /err .. - L r t .a; '71v.sh, s t ot ', M l Ly , Y .� -lam../ r0 elif • .G_": ''r". r----- GCAPITAL r SPRING VALLEY PUBLIC FACILTIES - STREETS ?f, ,..:L-41. ....r.,=;,,,..., "Iy"...- -,74 iifff: - /*MN"IOW,Wm..Section POOP...w.-A,.,.iswoon "'.••••,ty••• Catheter sewer section Local Street Section Ordinance 710 Spring Valley Development Standards 111A-3-7) G-STREET SECTIONS IIL.� 0 MAP DATE ARIL MN AI ALLIANCE CONSULTING 1 LyL, G W C SPRING VALLEY G W C .�w .. _" �._� ,,._ PLANNING UNIT MASTER PLAN#1 CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY Community Features a"VPI .1 Our? " u .«} + ,,T. Trails a Spring Valley's comprehensive trail system connects neighborhoods a TYPICAL TRAIL CROSS SECTIONS to one another,and to parks,open spaces and to the Village Center. The system's three trail types,In combination with neighborhood a = +.w --•S. sidewalks serve most fitness levels and many recreational uses.The K •f f e site signage and mapping program pictured below will provide clear ,..- : i. wayfinding for the Spring Valley Trail System. I �� `' Parking,a cafe,general store,and bike service and repair facilities are ` '' offered at the Tradhead located at Spring Valley's Community Club. ' -1 ..''._ 7 Natural Trail 2-I native surfaces tr •.'-. \.: TYPICAL SIGNAGE AND MONUMENTATION ��yL�k 9 - * tt'''' • , _.4*;:a oarit. ° . s N < r. � �a 1 commanrtv rn l.a'wEe.p,.ee 1:i d b a t .. 1 i -111 aA J r - Stone Cokimn Markers T d imeaE and Directional- r V ona nz l ro•wu. e en n:.na n.me:a wnn ronc,eee oP 6 .. wnn all-weather slanaae G W C - CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY Community Features - Greenway The Greenway is anchored by a multi-use meandering trail throughout Community Open Space which will eventually run the length the of the Big Gulch from SH-16 to Willow Creek Road \ \ , APE,j'� ' /' j /' ! •. : 5. / �/ f ,711 �, k `'v..% ,.,4 :' /f it / N. 1� �t t \ \ / "� ss v' CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY Community Features - Greenway The Greenway yt1 .. , V' '4 r The Greenway spans the length of Spring Valley,along its course are parks,seating areas,lookouts,art pieces,bridges,and nodes with places t to discover,play,and relax-all connected by the Regional Trail. V °',� 4' A comprehensive signage and mapping program will direct residents and >,..1. } .1 ' visitors to points of interest,rest and service stops,and to the A n Nid i k n Community Club and Village Center. x� II - The Greenway provides critical ecological functions,including drainage t`T1I, s and storm water management.Ponds and water features,important elements of the water management plan,will be amenities for the use —,— +' _eta.,, of residents and guests.A variety of plant zones along the Greenway Rif • t such as riparian deciduous forest and terraced grasslands add to the landscape diversity,user experience,and overall beauty of the Valley. ti r,� �Y.. I I ir ew '4 ;. - s ff + - : y.- -- �. G W C ' 1' _- '' CAPITAL e SPRING VALLEY Community Features -Traithead The trailway recommendations as proposed by the Parks, Pathways and Recreation Commission dated February 23, 2022 are incorporated and acceptable by the Developer. /' �j LEGEND `,\ —- 10' Regional Trail ------ 8' Community Trail // J}1 2'-4' Natural Trail /,// • / ' r , J} . Public Trailhead if, \ • /' / • ' \ / �- ,l v, ...,, e4• e ::.iivivi �/ i�a rt..::::.• �p x T.ift-- . 7 ,, ...,,...:N•=,: lui 7.j alt ..,., ..f..«.1 : x ::: _�/ ifihn :',,S/ \•,., .• /' ✓�' i N GWC `�/ ' t CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY Community Features - Parks Numerous parks in a variety of sizes are located throughout the project and are interconnected through regional trails, community trails, and natural trails. All trails are open to public use and will be owned and maintained by the Spring Valley HOA. / LEGEND.. /� /'" . .++:.J J)� , O Nog hbahoodPah /'' it ) Gtteway ,/' ei?t (I7 / 'N ``\ 1 ; it i I ' \ ti . "'\ / FF i i.. it t \ l t 7t N / e � I.. • _ .,rr3r k IIIN /. ' • •,, • 0z - ,.% N ' � \ //'- :,-/ .,' / ` \ GWC\ / \ / > CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY Community Features - Neighborhood Centers Highest Intensity of residential uses/product types and mixed commercial/retail uses are centrally located within the Spring Valley overall community, which could be expanded to the eastward in the Big Gulch Valley in subsequent PUMP y,P4F'j'' 9 y., /'" �.` /" j�r /' / `�'_-, - \/' , .. . if I( /\, w \/ A J / \ ^. \ 14"",y „ .` n .. i SF 1 /r ..n 41a / \ " -^. ... / t \r /f `/ \ .. "N. , It° srw ;/,„,,.— \ W / `�\ / i _ .w v" b. •. _, ,tip z,�, hti44 ^-�}:•,os-:,x.- nyy' ,- ‘ypy t. 1 ,•••k ra•wyy ViILI AC,E VARK! 1 "/ , cd9.•'' ,,• 0 •:� POMMUNO : arilla AREA ARKAREA, 411;7f .q /" ._ .ie�i4 ', ., �y,,�t .M •/ !., St Y1Yfllllii g}a!5 _,r,,, / I' GWC \ /' `-> CAPITAL ' SPRING VALLEY Community Features 1 xr` rt •y i Community Park and Club 'w• 7t T The Community't Park and Club is S Valle tiv t ter located at the heat of the '' n Y pang Valley's ac V central � may'-� p, ,,. community and directly adjacent to the Greenway.Acentral clubhouse features dining al .� i. r ''::: and event space,with Iconic architecture that sets the standard for budding quality and detailing for the communty.A series of pools,spas,patios and lawns offer recreation * V\ j";; h - !' y and relaxation for all ages.Highly textured,immersive site design and lush landscape ��• , planting gives the club an exclusive resort look and feel that is accessible to all Spring ' , T 'sa- Valley residents and guests y �lis+f°� •^ •� - Parking,a general store,shade pavilions and plazas support the regional trailhead,Tennis �.- and pickdeball courts -.4....„4:Y�yy w/�IA�I �A �llMlltfrr ��y` or 3 GWC_. ej 43ir . . `. �'; =..;yam r= . - � . CAPITAL l,•- SPRING VALLEY Community Features Community Park and Club IL, • ut -41 • . ' ii .it "IIII �... CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY Community Features Community Park and Club y •, t . I 410, — f _ -.. .,,,. -. .„..„ : ., Tik ,,,tlipt,;. -• . • . •.!.f,,i ).‘ . .. ,,. i f3 -,:.,..4,-.5,,-•,4-,,;•i‘,f,-,,,. a , I ,- • .1 r ,,,, S. ,- ' t> 3 I. fir• il >s f '` i�,--"T a 0 /( GWC, �/ ""e <o.. CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY Community Features -. Village Center Park and Waterfront ,r V J '"� •t In Spring Valley's Village Center,retail,commercial,and restaurant uses open to a -.t}j,-{ vibrant pedestrian environment.Wide sidewalks and plazas overlook water features in the Greenway.Pedestrian-oriented architectural details,enhanced landscape materials, and festive lighting create an immersive outdoor environment to be enjoyed year-round. A custom pedestrian bridge crosses the Greenway to the Village Center Park where there 31 ' is seating,picnic areas,and an amphitheater.Activities including a lift to take mountain .. bikers and hikers to the trails in the summer,ice skating on the pond,and a magic carpet "..: serving a tubing hill in the winter.This is the community gathering space for seasonal holiday events and celebrations. r y, a < tlita 417 • 1t i ..t.< ` f , .. �1 ` • ,r��(f� 'ice•�/ K, ,�;;, GWC. CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY Community Features Neighborhood Parks "3 - r Neighborhood Parks are located throughout Spring Valley,each has a ,g*: _� distinct design that responds to existing landforms and Unique � ‘- '': amenitiesa serve the neighborhood in which they are located.d Consistently .-.� e ghnmquality ents fofor play and rrellaxation construction prow de engaging Pn n ro o *F .,w ' t ' "fi 4 `s -{ r -^ �c y'' ,� .ef., Program elements featured in Spring Valley parks •i; r,/ Include, • 111 e- <• • ' • recreation lawns r r • play mounds shade trellises/tree allees and groves "' • picnic tables 1 x movable chairs and tables 1k ite F }�l hammock posts :- � Mat ' c -.i •�I��c_._— playgrounds S .. �� . a Olt • climbing wall 1 ` ` • shad ecks i • bike • +,- - s _ yrlions r' fir/Pe • exercise equipment -< _.w_ u-"'. . CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY Community Features Neighborhood Parks " � t i,r T!_ c `ti .- • fti _I rI i, .. , A �1c 1r,,, Ali !M t.111. 1r 11 l times ,,��- GWC ,,,,. CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY Community Features Neighborhood Parks _Imo, , , , n .•x . ^v i. " @:'W/N..! . 1r.X., �,,, 1 •, s '' �, � • �, Ll�,enlr+r.. r e :: it. . _ ._ lk,s1 " ,' - 1'4 G W C SPRING VALLEY COMMUNITY AND REGIONAL OPEN SPACE Approximately 505.07 acres (over 50%) of land is designated as Regional Open Space exceeding the 40% required land designated as open space to meet density bonus targets. Open space areas include regional open spaces, community open spaces including preserving HASC areas, rehabilitating HASC areas, enhancing the riparian/floodplain corridor area, and community, neighborhood and pocket park areas. ®— I I I �\ I gym_ ...i �Li 4! ..- o---- " moo s.g� ------ a . g j'I, T�'—___t P-PARKS,TRAILSANDOPENSPACEPLAN G W C r7 ALLIANCECONSNL1I11 O Es Wl: PLASPR�NG NIT VAER LLEY NNING N#1 CAPITAL . SPRING VALLEY LOT ADJACENCY TO OPEN SPACE Lots adjacent to Open Space exceed the minimum 50°c, required for both lots <5,000 square feet (68.9°'I and lots <8,000 square feet (66.1%) Gz j , $ h`zC 7 c r I b 1 _ tall ts4I r- ' -' --II-�--' Qi-LOT OPEN SPACE ADJACENCY PLAN W 1 1 -`"' ALLIANCE CONSULTING SPRING VALLEY CAPITAL ^"' 1 / • ,m.•Y.L PLANNING UNIT MASTER PIAN Nl a. G W C .�^a..m,. SPRING VALLEY OPENS SPACE-HABITAT AREAS OF SPECIAL CONCERN PUMP No. 1 preserves 194.62 acres toward the overall project goal of 580 acres. The majority of HASC lands in the project (580 acres) are located east of Willow Creek Road and will be preserved through incorporation into the Foothills Regional Park ---_- -------� 'dam;- --I \l ( .-- ..<„,41,1001•7 /Mr', - 1 ..._. I 1 yr- Ift 'I=7-----—I U-HABITAT AREA OF SPECIAL CONCERN PLAN 1" 1 - / - ' e SPRING VALLEY G WC. L-, de ALLIANCE CONSULTING 0 C r- !T A L . "r / -=w .r.. G W C PLANNING UNIT MASTER PLAnq SPRING VALLEY PUBLIC FACILTIES PUMP No. 1 includes a Wastewater Treatment Facility, Two (2) public wells, Two (2) public water tanks, One (1) power substation, Two (2) potential Fire/Police Station sites, and One 12. 10 acre parcel available for an elementary school, library or other public or HOA facilities as needed. • West Ada County School „,,_ ' System existing student O- — , • generation rate is 0.5 I — ' ,—_Iper household. No need )�,11' 4. at this time for school I °tN ° site but will continue evaluate as the area is [ developed out -I /� 4 • Two sites for Star Fire ,_x,, �� �� ` ° — Protection District and j -1 - Eagle Police are �J available when needed c _n, ram: a F— " W-MASTER PUBLIC FACILITIES PLAN ALIIAN�E�R„S„,,,„� �1,.: SPRING VALLEY G W C R I:r -E--� -1 t �T - GWC PLANNING UNIT MASTER PLAN Nl CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY PUBLIC FACILTIES - STREETS Received response from 1TD and ACHD regarding PUMP No. 1's Traffic Impact Study (TIS) complies with their respective agencies master plans and policies. 1TD has issued a Traffic Impact Study Development Condition Memo with impact fees and timing acceptable to the Developer. ACHD will issue staff reports with ,-nndition' s needed in con; ''irtion w,,,, t,,,; „i;., ,,,,,-'n, THYI , a \ . Li------1) , - - ,-„...,2- I —"----1 -�'�. — o, II 10( "-- + -- LEGEND r• „ =mmn..nee,u�.mx.a.. itr.,ce. 00the kr .rt.W.W.I Collector Pao>wk. l Q le °"" "` - --- F-STREET AND CIRCULATION PLAN _11 rVZ.,,,l it INI; WC SPRING VALLEY GWC ° "'` row �wM_ —�a.y _Mr PLANNING UNIT MASTER PLAN#1 CAPITAL SCALE:1"=1500' Ada County Resolution 2324-"Exhibit A" 1Master Street Map w Slsy e Boise Downtown w Amended October 28,2020 µ Map Ada County Nigion with y Disdaa ot ya tad the Master Street !, Boise d IlndonM wIM Ada County and As lid to ban link land-use M transportation planning.TM M S t Map ta 4` .a q.p one Ida key elements of lM ACHDT •port and Lend U. •4Ir.grationPlan.TM Master Stint Map is a Imrq document and t landing on mem Commissions. Vi ,s tax Artemis O f ♦ e.,°, M System Kew Alem rt,• Mobility BEACON LILT.. 4 o a meows tN•wA4.nla. o'P n Cana.tVww..4m Y - / [N�'r leOwayAlewV ..OPIG RRD �\_ ' :FK_ __p rrrwMen...*M Nnawe m, ,` 0 _-Mann.a-nte CH ..�1Ievia I\ 1_` - ter p NCMILLAN RID__ 1� ry = Rural - • WSTICK RD _ \14iiP-e 6 .. Proposed Planned Cornmsfael I CNERRY LN FAIRVIEW.AVE ® \ -- r e n l 1 �� D PINEAVE I _ EMERALD ST _= pore 0.•edrwl• eornooe �M I' _w— FRANKLIN RDg lira . • �1' am se pore Towvanur �./•.r___ .-- I ^o- • 1OVEROSND RD I, �-r<,l 'oml+ 11 • O ra Ane o1( gp bpY y we) c •e' VICT"ORR--Y__RD •ti .g ft Ro under sum•r ¢ .I a •x i I£e�I _ ry RD �Ms',jr_c //////// w merpol ¢~x -•. AMI.TYRD .O-• ru • j.t • tAK-' IIRD 2O • LLI II COWENRo my r u rs .Qp CO• LDMOBIA RD •_• w• rod rr N•wwdrma Nr *O R�r•r O �cp "'"''''D ',' 4''Cam.._ O O O Collect..tywlwydran+en w e °. O OProposed Comm.., sa O O PLAT DD r' ',yy,.y'c,__, Proposed r dustruM �1 FC?^F ro se • ante J..M ,� KUNARD r FkgO ra ve To.n crow KING 0 —� . _ ,,,,,,co O0.EEN RtJ Propo PropopRureyrrowltygnyprapd.. II I 0 ^ ed paeeCamo pen.r Moo y...Nor ¢ NaN u ly UNA MORA RD Sgle tan lalublans ) •Rada.,Identified es state feclabis are only included to show st ....Motion Jr Jurisdictiong M on system as a ale:Mannino for these corridors a C' under Jurisdiction of Sue IdeM Transportation Department "Alignments of roadways identified as proposed collectors are subpct b development review. -.Roundabouts bathe may de adjusted to accommodate bpapnpnic COW.ta. SPRING VALLEY PUBLIC FACILTIES - STREETS • ,* ". '477-- . . . 474: ,,,,,,--...7101, -..0. ,-,01.. - .7,",:r T _ _r ,d.nil.4MeeM.,A,rnwa.c.., e Po..Minor Amrrmarndn lik,l, , .!vtr,...t rwuv e•rr rrvr Collector Street SectIon Local Street Section Ordinance 710 Spring Valley Devebpment Standards(11A-3-7) G-STREET SECTIONS {Lead tie ALLIANCE CONSULTING t LHl G W C SPRING VALLEY G W C PLANNING UNIT MASTER PLAN#1 CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY PUBLIC FACILTIES - POTABLE WATER The master potable water plan is consistent with the existing approved Spring Valley Water Facility Plan, The Preliminary Engineering Water Report (PER) has been approved by DEQ on September 27, 2021 and by Eagle City's engineer in letter dated December 23, 2021, Developer agrees with all conditions of approval ac .pled by each itirisdirtiala. P.,oiert 's s0,vired by IDWR Water permit Namher 6 93-32 5 73. l h Iq' r l err it i .° LEGEND tow ___ .--,k__Ct''' i ----" H-POTABLE WATER PLAN I"IrLJ * -COIlSutTING r(;� Gwc SPRING VALLEY C7WC .. s. LE r=isoc ti ,r^ _ PLANNING UNIT MASTER PLAN#1 m dddd r '' _, I .. P' ° F'A ♦� _ • �, cn���g t,a - _.+r.��4 s<III or 2-22-2016—Well development and aquifer test discharge using a circular 2-23-2016—Flow-meter registering 2,700 gallons/minute during first day of 80- orifice weir to measure flow. Ken Acuff and his staff of the City of Eagle hour long aquifer test of Spring Valley Municipal Well#1. At end of test, Water Department visit site during test. totalized flow matched the instantaneous readings and pumping time. . ...y.,. 4 .0 _ ' ilk L+i , I _ _..._ -:.7 ._.,- _ �" �� i ra rl w r yy1 11111 " a','; f a•,rc,.Jy-Vwtt--ate V s eD 2-23-2016—The M3 Eagle Kling Irrigation Pond full from discharging Spring 2-24-2016—HLI sampling equipment being used for field-measured water v Valley Well#I at 2,700 gallons/minute into pond for several hours. This pond chemistry parameters for IDEQ"New Source Monitoring"of SV Well#1 flows over into the Farmer's Union Ditch at this level. discharge water during 2,700 gallons/minute aquifer test. Figure 7. et ., ..„ ,g- , 4... .„, ..._. _ .. ... ill... la" 7-17-2016—Aquifer test discharge routed through—1,800'of10"Victolc claimed pipe 7-17-2016—Flow-meter registering—2,125 gallons/minute during second day of with seventeen 4"discharge outlets along pipeline spreading water over large areas to 4-day(96-hour)long aquifer test of Spring Valley Municipal Well#2. At end of prevent water from going to farmer's fields. the test,totalized flow matched the instantaneous readings and pumping time. Big Gu ch Creek =. r+ ` � `/ ( _. "A Y` P .,i 44* S 1 ..: 1/4 .. e `J - a ' IrQ r it l et 7-18-2016—Old,(normally dry)shallow,pond located between Spring Valley Well#2 7-17-2016—HLI sampling equipment being used for field-measured water and SVR Well#7 that was utilized to direct and temporarily divert/store some water chemistry parameters for IDEQ"New Source Monitoring"of SV Well#2 during the aquifer test. discharge water during 2,125 gallons/minute aquifer test. Figure 9. SPRING VALLEY PUBLIC FACILTIES - WASTEWAT The wastewater plan is consistent with the existing approved Spring Valley VA approved Preliminary Engineering Water Report (PER) by DEQon May 27, 202 ement W'' _.. _ 1 __ ..... t. �7 x ,�� / O, 1. I ��11 f IN_ e,rvo I ,. 4 , \... 9 ns, Q ':- F... W Water Treatment PlanPhasing �,—i `��' _— 'P 1 Lagoon Class C Effluent 10 to 2,200 Units) ['MP2 Med' o' l A E/auent(320M Unls)I I WASTEW, y, Q �`� 1,� ALIIANCECONSUL➢NG CIO we SPRING V/ ° 000 ID00 i000 0000 PLANNING UNIT MASTE SCALE.t'=_K10e' =- ti........ _, SPRING VALLEY PUBLIC FACILTIES - STORMWATER The star mwater improvements will be implemented as approved by Eagle City's engineer with conditions as noted in their Master Drainage Study Report letter dated February 28, 2022, Eagle City Floodplain Development Permit #FPDP-06-21 dnrrrl rVnrrh 1R ?R?,-, (rid HIP nnnreverl FFMA CLMOR plans. ;,!,,p o t, DAF Am e" _ yFc,T ___... t _ __ 511.35854 i g31521b e Onstructbn d.50Way < C p, , , I 4t, . .... a. 4 . , ,A„. . ... "...., ,, .., ,\",,,E__„, ,\, ... . , ,.., , .... \\ .,,, ,-.. . 1 lit �i�'; -jl LEGEND III r.4 - Pg1ningFFMA Flood plain Ij • �, N. ORD b..f.nM.�n '1I I —1 Olen en Ilt i f=. .. aefinewmm0 ad I} I,ilk t Sa��D 3 Channel Croffiryf BM Easement Area OmMonGY PIPMn .)jAmen lNwr Canal�. t P,owMPUNndry 1, Le ,c q -ie --- PUMP 41 buN p{1 W nwn...leNatur M-DRAINAGE PLAN cna�Dn PROPOSED ICJ 'I III,„,,,IZJ (ye ALLIANCE CONSULTING we SPRING VALLEY G W C. SCALE 1,15DD' �` - PLANNING UNIT MASTER PLAN#1 CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY PUBLIC FACILTIES - PRESSURIZED IRRIGATION The pressure irrigation plans are approved by Eagle City's engineer with conditions as noted in their letter dated February 28, 2022 and in the DEQ approved Wastewater Facility Plan and Preliminary Engineering 0 -T ,- t I / Iv- .. • JII' ( /C )' co r i e I ✓f 1 y will ' ,t LEGEND Pa' B"lg NetlaimeE Water IV IM.aiynP.Mf ) Oi (J . Regions!OVN.M 5) , i , 0 FannersMen 6nN _ x y -an ee Pm.der(r _.. emamry I' anKa �PUMP2 v f = YYY PUMPeiawm.y f ,/- ,11` igmonoo^. P_iwl i Wn Weeri Ne m f • o tsa son anng esoo s ® _ en N-PRESSURE IRRIGATION �a� ----- PLANNING UNIT MASTER PLAN#1 1, ALLIANCECCNSULTING �WC SPRING VALLEY G W C. , SCALE isoo .. . CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY PUBLIC FACILTIES - POWER AND GAS (JUC) ) P�'t II I . (S\\ B I `-Q1yJ� .. ;i � =�f l, c>>, l /f IL II, I r I °� lri --- I � LEGEND. •)� �, r�lr`�� � s ae,aee 3e10,roer _.._ uMerBrouM lace• Oven.130 IrV Vans f 1 a GBse B• e u Clwmn CrePipeline I\ � \.) Q Formula Unon Carol DrOpt rt,BouM, w r. 'I �\ 1 V I DUMD N1 BouMxy !/ems ' , Deavn rd. s 1u eeBwM O-POWER&GAS PLAN y) .4o.re.M=e: G W C o (R !LLIANCECHf♦SULHNL 'I,`, GWC SPRING VALLEY CAPITAL v BDo r ue '00D '600 PLANNING UNIT MASTER PLAN#1 -WE.- >.wa ltn caeamea: SCALE.1,1500' ,a..s�ar BB. SPRING VALLEY PUBLIC FACILITIES - PHASING PLAN Arterial/collector streets, potable water, wastewater, stormwater (including floodplain developmer CLMOR/LMOR), pressurized irrigation are anticipated to be completed by end of 2023. Power, gas anu communication infrastructure will he comnleted in phases as determined by each final plat. LEGEND 41114 WAY �IMEBT1 1� �M �._.._w I WASTE*MIN TIREAtIAMI RAM ARFAC 1 # �I +tiv%• ir•••••• 01.)" ., an -' ! ALLIANCE CONSULTING , ,. , = _ 1 w�_r ��..� wW I' e —. .Sheet G W C CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY RESIDENTIAL IMPROVMENTS- PHASING PLAN -, ;,c,-,_,,re out va CO as denoted will be subdivided in multiple phases. e-`F 1 LOT:, M 7 tor,._ ----- ,� !-_1 ---� h� o. ,, 1 , ail / i, ,„ lox..,•..x r�,bx•xo r \ % , pfo:"vao"rouoru,nes•xo r.•vu•oqusnoto ��- t6xpi nus r� I � � ��lor is of 0 LOT 24-- iaru \ 0 4 _ orne --- ) -fir tS 19.44 r w6 t 1�fo/ier---Liii/ Or'A tib. '', I / lore 'r>� \., ..—...-,e ....... . �� �� o,l, ,i 5 \ b � L. I pF vx•set \ 0)lors; ..,.. i 'oi - P T--�- I E-PHASING PLAN i j AWANCiCaNs��„H� a SPRING VALLEY G W C GWC PLANNING UNIT MASTER PLAN#1 CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY COMMUNITY AMENITIES - PHASING PLAN Trails, neighborhood parks and pocket park improvements located within a super parcel/large lot will be completed as part of the final plat improvements for that particular tot. The Greenway Regional Trail segments, Community Park #1 and Community Park #2 will be completed when surrounding super parcel/large lots are further subdivided and final plot improvements are completed. - - __ ., , ,_____4„. ,, , \ \ — i'. • , • __— I I -4 I I ® -Try y I I ram✓ c__I �� .._-_ yri-- --' a SPRING VALLEY G W C I GWC AMENITY PHASING / MAP JOCHERULE CAPITAL SPRING VALLEY STAFF REPORT AND SPECIFIC CONDITION L i • An Economic Impact Analysis cvs / update was completed by Zions Bank on July 21, 2021 — — N__,• — � incorporating the proposed r< ;%-- N2A i N residential and non-residential L______S 'N uses noted herein and current r values. a cPi�T 1-:-'•-- • The Spring Valley CID/Developer \" � � t�) ----- is providing all public PS) , infrastructure, land and funds for fire equipment as outlinedin _ n- MASTER PLAN LEGEND = the Development Agreement. __ a_ NP13! ..� ' � • Developer agrees with and will fit' a- Z.': comply with the PUMP No. 1 ! �' staff report's specific conditions f .., including City engineer E '"1" conditions of approval and wil ek l r - SPRING VALLEY 1 ® F VL OPMENTAREA comply with standard conditions G W C I I I GWC PUMP NO. DEVLE :Pr1- where applicable. CAPITAL 0 G W C THANK YOU 4/29/2022 tsy or ''' ,�r�t SPRING VALLEY PLANNED UNIT H 4,4 " MASTER PLAN (PUMP) No. 1 �GZE ���Q PU-01-21 Eagle City Council Public Hearing April 26, 2022 City Staff: Daniel Miller,Planner II Phone: 939-0227 ` ' E-Mail: = r• 1 Project History: Pre-Submittal—2005 Former landowner approach the City to inform the City of a pending planned Community Application with Ada County. Application was for over 12,000 units on 6,000-acres"similar"to the City's existing developed density. (Jri-,1 , ,.,i :)iiiitt ! s., ii 1 i,:i�_, (CPA,Annexation,Rezone with Pre-Annexation/Development Agreement,Conditional Use,and PUD) • Project was not contiguous to the City Limits at the time of application • Land was not in the City's planning boundary/Comp Plan City-Wide Plan Amendment—Adopted February 2007 • Opposed to a stand-alone amendment,the Council directed the City to complete the Foothills Subarea Plan(north of Homer Road and between SH-16&SH-55) • M3(previous developer)was allowed to retain their CPA application through the City's planning process. Approved Application—November 2007 City Council Approved the Pre-Annexation/Development Agreement(Establishing a process for the future annexation &rezone).The City denied the Comprehensive Plan Amendment designating the property as"Foothills Residential." "f!hi irlor!" Entitlement-Not approved to construct,additional work&studies to be completed to perfect the application. 2 1 4/29/2022 Necessary Project Specific Approvals - • FEMA CLOMR approval—February 2009 • Hillside & Grading Standards— November 2009 • Annexation & Rezone — November 2009 • Does not include 315-acres located along SH-16 at Arie Way • Habitat Mitigation Plan —January 2011 • ECC Title 11: Planned Developments Chapter A: Spring Valley—January 2014 • Included a Zoning Ordinance Amendment&Design Review Applications Development Agreement Modification —January 2014 • Recognized the master plan approvals • Recognized ECC 11A • Established the process for development 3 Planning Unit Master Plan (PUMP) "The guide to ouvelopment of all or a portion of the Planning Unit and includes, individually and collprtivply' • Planning Unit Land Use Plan; • Planning Unit Master Drainage Plan; • Planning Unit Master Street &Circulation Plan; • Planning Unit Master Potable Water Plan; • Planning Unit Master Wastewater Plan; • Planning Unit Master Pressurized Irrigation Plan; • Planning Unit Master Parks,Trails, &Open Space Plan; • Planning Unit Master Public Facilities Plan; and • Planning Unit Environmental Design Plan (The PUMP can be) -applicable to a particular Planning Unit or portion thereof, and wru�r , uevelopea based on, and consistent with the Project Master Plan" 4 2 4/29/2022 Whya PUMP? Recognizing the size and the extended build-out of the project and the number of potential developers, the PUMP is a check to ensure that each individual project within the larger "Spring Valley Planned Community" has current engineering and studies that are consistent with the requirements of the Development Agreement, and Eagle City Code. Has the "cloud" been lifted? A PUMP is not... • A comprehensive plan review—that was completed with the development agreement approval in 2007. - the development agreement clearly states the allowance and terms of development including density and uses. -The PUMP alone does not allow for the division of property. A preliminary plat is required. 5 11A-7-5 Procedures for Approval: The following procedures shall be used for the review and approval of a PUMP application: A. Action By Planning and Zoning Commission: 1. ...The planning and zoning commission shall either recommend approval, approval with conditions, or continue for further review, the PUMP application ... If the planning and zoning commission finds that the PUMP submitted does not reflect proportional progress of planning area requirements(such as density, open space, community and neighborhood centers, etc.) in comparison to the percentage of planning area already developed, the planning and zoning commission may still proceed with processing the PUMP if the commission finds that adequate conditions can be imposed on future PUMP applications to ensure reasonable progress toward completion of the planning area requirements. The Planning and Zoning Commission Recommended approval on March 21,2022 6 3 4/29/2022 11A-7-5 Procedures for Approval: The following procedures shall be used for the review and approval of a PUMP application: 2. Upon making a recommendation the commission shall specify in writing: b) The facts submitted with the application and presented establishes that: 1.The PUMP substantially conforms with: the PADA and subsequent amendments; this Title (11A); applicable master plans approved by the City;and/or other applicable information reasonably relied on by the City necessary to uphold the intent of the PADA and this Title: 2.Streets and thoroughfar, proposed are suitable and adequate to carry anticipated traffic, and increased densities,if any,will not generate traffic is such amounts as to overload the street network, 3.The "„ „.cial/non-residential development is justified at the locations proposed and is consistent with the PADA; 4.The information provided from the agencies having jurisdiction over public facilities needed for the site indicate that adequate public facilities exist, or are expected to be provided, to serve any and all uses allowed within the PUMP area. The Planning Unit will be served, or is conditioned to be served, by adequate public services. c) A summary of the current status of overall Planning Area density, Open Space, Community Centers, Neighborhood Centers, re-assignment of densities,and other adjustable factors as set forth in the PADA. 7 7 Paragraph 1.7 of the D.A. — Allocation; Density: ..other adjustable factors as set forth in the PADA. [The]developer shall also have the right to allocate residential density and/or Non-Residential Use acreage... from Planning Areas to other Planning Areas at any time and the Developer may allocate any unused acreage originally allocated to a Planning Area or Planning Unit to another Planning Area...provided such allocation: (i) Does not exceed the Maximum Planning Area Density; (ii) Does not exceed the Maximum Density for the Property; (iii) Does not exceed the Maximum Non-Residential Use Acreage allowed for the Property; (iv) Does Not allow a use otherwise prohibited; (v) Does not cause a material change to this Agreement... The allocation of residential density and/or Non-Residential Use acreage between Planning Areas is consistent with the City's planning efforts to encourage planning flexibility based on physical and market conditions while protecting private party rights. 8 4 4/29/2022 11A-7-5 Procedures for Approval: The following procedures shall be used for the review and approval of a PUMP application: B. Action By City Council: 1. ...Within forty five (45) days after receipt of the planning and zoning commission's recommendation,the city council may approve,conditionally approve,or deny a PUMP and shall specify in writing: a. The PADA and subsequent amendments to this title; applicable master plans approved by the city, and/or other applicable information reasonably relied on by the city necessary to uphold the intent of the PADA and this title; b. The reasons for approval or denial;and c. The actions,if any,that the applicant could take to obtain a PUMP approval. 2. Approval shall not be construed to endorse a precise location of uses or configuration of parcels. All conditions of the PUMP approval established by the city council in the adopted findings of fact and conclusions of law shall be reviewed and completed prior to or in conjunction with the final plat approval. 9 9 Trending Towards Compliance: PUMP No. 1 is a single piece of a large puzzle. n�,��'.\o.„1,;"'ua>rr�in ,(`;�llu Yaliiw,lctt/ �M1 ed �G/°n Il;,:"" ooarra(II,q: The goal,as this and subsequent PUMP ��N.tl(•,,,, , applications are processed, is to track uN,,l,,,•,1j;,, i y ,,., ,.,,,,,, the progress and developmental trends 'y;'< <11 A'';�Nap,,,,,.,ktp x°ter•." for compliance through numerous PUMP ;; ' rR, `""""^ �:;., „, submittals. " '9462 0 42.9%orp(',I,ll N,• 777' 1IjA.." Example: Pg. 8 of the P&Z Findings • �l.l�r"'" speaks on Constrained Lands and • HASC... PUMP No.1 If only looking at PUMP No.1, the preserves only 42.9% development would not meet the 50% of the current HASC required minimum, but knowing that area there are still—707-acres of HASC land Spring Valley could still forthcoming in future PUMP preserve up to 77.7%of the applications, the City can monitor trends ''n A., , total HASC area to ensure compliance. io 10 5 4/29/2022 Staff Will Stand for Questions 11 Project Summary: The applicant, GWC Capital, LLC, represented by Brook Cole, is requesting: • Approval of Planned Unit Master Plan No. 1 (PUMP) (PU-01-21) for Spring Valley. 12 6 4/29/2022 T, ow Vicinity a. .a st rSPRI G a, 0•' ly, VALLEY \ 1� G 1 1—� r-i q 0 . I J `--., _—1 I I PLANNING UNIT MASTER ��d _I — a *, PLAN#1 BOUNDARY -1.. __I i I� ��-' -`� .fA ` BEACON LIGHT RD. orW J U '-+4. It.: - HWY 26 .f - - .4*' , .,.._. v--..,...,,,, ... . ,,,.. . ., ...•,..•.. ..,., ,........ ,_.• .. , , 13 OVERVIEW: Spring Valley: 6,017.00 acres I NORTHERN PLANNING AREA I J Water Tank Power ss -- - j `--' BIG GUECH �` - --..._. r .` _IPtBIG ING GUCC REA Sub-Station I ` �` ,�1� SOUTHERN rPI9 TGnNE_J ti� -�/s/ PLANNING AREA HIGHWAY MIXED USE I rI ,_• -1 PLANNING AREA L 1 I ---f I I . _ l L I r- I 1 NP J ,o I I I I,_I — !SOUTHWESTERN r PLANNING AREA) W I r ,, r---- PLANNING AREA LEGEND I f �-� PIANNMG AREA AREA WrtHiN PUMP EI �-roLunO UNL � ' HIGHWAY WEEP USE ROAD OW ONLY IG GULCH . SOUTHWESTERN 907 93 ACRES NORTHERN .TSFS ACRES PUMP•I SUS.TOTAL 1.005.01 ACRES 14 14 7 4/29/2022 Spring Valley: 6,017.00 acres 1 L---I I I L...__ NORTHERN PLANNING AREA I • Water Tank v P wer 1 L IANNINGCAREA�> Su -StEti \ _ __ SOUTHERN w _.. I�- Sub-Station __ E' --% -A' PLANNING AREA PUIN NNG AREA L_ ,--J it• t HIGHWAY MIXED Utf ^--1 r- -' PLANNING AREA ` PUMP NO.1 I \ �r �� IAx11' �I ...I J .-- J r ' u'_I I I x I-- N1.... I - PLANNING AREA LEGEND `4 PLANNING AREA AREA WITHIN PUMP 91 T-7-L _._..._._H1GH GULCH USE ROAD ROW ONLY NxuMOLANL ✓✓✓/ SOUTHWESTERN 30792 ACRES NORTHERN 27659 ACRES SOUTHERN I53.95 ACRES PUMP 61 SUB TOTAL 1 U63 91 ACRES 15 Spring Valley: 6,017.00 acres • Comprised of 5 Planning Areas NORTHERN PLANNING AREA I I J Water Tank ,'L -' —1 Power 1 "--� L�BIG GUECH \ 1 T I v^ NNING AREA Sub-Station L__ __ ___.1 _.._. f r SOUTHERN l PLANNING AREA PUNNING AREA If' HIGHWAY MIXED USE I - E -' II \ r J 'PiA�N IG AREA uxo -� ux1 L __J \_I ./ I I —I SOUTHWESTERN 2 i— _J PLANNING AREA, W F r---I uxo PLANNING AREA LEGEND 14 - 1 PLANNING AREA AREA WITHIN PUMP AI ALr-7---' HIGHWAY MIXED 2 USE ROAD 95 Y POLLARD NL -4j' SOUTHWESTERN57 ACRES NORTHERN 27649 ACRES SOUTHERN 153 SS ACRES PUMP/11 SUB TOTAL 1 001191 ACRES 16 8 4/29/2022 — �I 5 Distinct Planning Areas: Highway Mixed-Use PA NORTHERN PLANNING AREA I 1 I - o DIANNING AREA r_ ,...--1SOUTHERN I I SOUTHERN I \• �_� PLANNING AREA f,� PIANNING AREA L P HIGHWAY MIXED USE I �'-� �\-r' PLANNING AREA I --� -_ I61N�D L- n,I I� IAND - --J ii _J PLANNING ESTERNr -- S. 1- -1I o ,-- I—L: r--- PLANNINGAREA LEGENDR f y _� WITHIN PUMPSI .�T— HIGHWAY PANED USE ROAD ROW ONLY POLLARD ONE E/ 17 17 5 Distinct Planning Areas: Big Gulch PA NORTHERN PLANNING AREA 1 i 0 I --Y L I RIG GULCH <••S \ I _-__ I _IPIANWNG AREA L__ I , SOUTHERN I SOUT L` PLANNING AREA -PIANNINHERNG AREAI F'--_1 f, I HIGHWAY MIXED USE I r - -, s PLANNING AREA �, 1 L__—I I \-I LµD lino 3/ i E— r- rISOUTHWESTERNI 1 I_ PLANNING AREA) iP I NM rQ I----� PLANNING AREA LEGEND N TI'I •�_� PLANNING AREA AREA WITHIN PUMP 9L )LARD NN6 +T—, BIG GULCH 267 9S ACRES 18 18 9 4/29/2022 -J 5 Distinct Planning Areas: Southwestern Residential PA NORTHERN PLANNING AREA N I I - 1 f I r 1�`'�� L I BIG GULCH I _ 1 I-DLANNING AREA -_ __ _ / \ SOUTHERN PLANNIAREANG I ---,,,,,J 1 PLANNING AREA T' HIGHWAY MIXED USE IrI - PLANNING AREA _1 L--—I I \_I n �I J bo J UM J 1 �- 3 LSOUTHWESTERN 2 I_ _J PLANNING AREA W - --- PLANNING AREA LEGEND y r ��-, PUNNING AREA AREA TIIN PUMP RI NNWO LAW 1��- SOUTHWESTERN ]0192 ACRES 19 1 --� 5 Distinct Planning Areas: Northern Residential PA NORTHERN PLANNING AREA I \_ I 0 ---, L I BIG GULCH I I --—__-i _I_PIANNING AREA _ -SOUTHERN _.I I__ I ( %-I% SOUTHERN ��p.,� PLANNING AREA L-PLANNING AREA ,..1. I HIGHWAY MIXED USE L "- ' PLANNING AREA I— _1 -- I I \-I I l'IJ ° r—JI -� D - u -- 31 1 T SOUTHWESTERN 12 I- PLANNING ARTAJ W I r q I¢ Li --1 PLANNING AREA LEGEND UI ,`;_; PUNNING AREA AREA WITHIN PUMP RI pcir POLLARD LAST -41T NORTHERN 118 49 ACRES 20 10 4/29/2022 I - 5 Distinct Planning Areas: Southern Residential PA NORTHERN PLANNING AREA 1 I --� I I L I BIG GULCH JJ`` 1 I ' '') (PLANNING AREA V 1 1 I J L ` 1 SOUTHERN SOUTHERN ✓•✓ PLANNING AREA PLANNING AREAI -�J HIGHWAY MIXED USE I ,\ r-— r\s ryPLfNNING AREA unR I --� � L__ _ —_1 \— _ J J11j ... I -i � i/ SOUTHWESTERN ,_I (PLANNING AREA A II� MM ti r. L—____ PLANNING AREA LEGEND N \�•-� PLANNIN4 AREA AREA WITHIN PUMP RI POLLARD INie le/1 SOUTHERN 153 55 ACRES 21 Spring Valley: 6,017.00 acres PUMP No. 1: 1,005,91 acres El HIGHWAY MIXED USE E' PLANNING AREA T NO "I J = 2 ISDUTHWESTERN JPLANNING AAREAJr S t.Q 1; --- BP PLANNING AREA LEGEND \ -j PUNNING AREA AREA WITHIN PUMP Et Kt,.UNL BIG GULCH ...ACRES SOUTHWESTERN JOT S.ACRES NORTHERN 17S AS ACRES SOUTHERN 188.88 ACRES PUMP.(SUBTOTAL 1,008.81 ACRES 22 22 11 4/29/2022 Comprehensive and Zoning Map Designations: Comprehensive Plan Designation: Zoning Designation: Existing: Foothills Residential R-1-DA Proposed: Foothills Residential R-1-DA (No Change) (No Change) North of site: Foothills Residential RR(Rural Residential—Ada County Designation) (Ada County Designation) RP(Rural Preservation—Ada County Designation) No Change South of site: BLM Land PS(Public/Semi-Public) East of site: Foothills Residential RR(Rural Residential—Ada County Designation) RP(Rural Preservation—Ada County Designation) West of site: Rural Residential(Ada County Designation) RR(Rural Residential—Ada County Designation) RP(Rural Preservation—Ada County Designation) 23 Land Use Distribution: Planning Area: ECC 11A-2-4:Land Use District: Description: Southwestern PA Southern PA Regional Open Space 332.09 acres of Regional Open Space is proposed within PUMP No.1 Northern PA Big Gulch PA Southwestern PA Southern PA Community Open Space 172.98 acres of Community Open Space is proposed within PUMP No.1 Northern PA Big Gulch PA Village Center/Non-Residential Big Gulch PA Min.Lot Size:N/A 150,000 square feet of Village Center is proposed within PUMP No.1 Medium Density Multi-Family Big Gulch PA Max Density:28 units/acre (265)MF1 units are proposed within PUMP No.1(12.0%of units) S.V.Residential Lot Typologies: Southwestern PA Single-Family Attached RR—Rural Residential—1.0-acre min. Southern PA Min.Lot Size:N/A (488)SFA units are proposed within PUMP No.1(22.2%of units) ER—Estate Residential-0.3-acre min. Big Gulch PA Max Density:18 units/acre SF1—SF Detached—8,000 SF min. Southwestern PA Single-Family Special Lot SF2—SF Detached—6,000 SF min. Southern PA Min.Lot Size:3,000 square feet (317)SFSL units are proposed within PUMP No.1(14.4%of units) SF3—SF Detached—4,000 SF min. Big Gulch PA Max Density:12 units/acre SFZL—SF Zero Lot Line—4,000 SF min. Southwestern PA SFSL—SF Special Lot—3,000 SF min. Southern PA Single-Family 3—Single Family Detached SFA—SF Attached—No min.lot size Northern PA Min.Lot Size:4,000 square feet (651)SF3 units are proposed within PUMP No.1(29.6%of units) Big Gulch PA Max Density:10 units/acre MF1—Med.DensityMF-28 du/ac Southwestern PA Single-Family 2—Single Family Detached MF2—High Density MF-40 du/ac Northern PA Min.Lot Size:6,000 square feet (479)SF2 units are proposed within PUMP No.1(21.8%of units) Big Gulch PA Max Density:7 units/acre 24 12 4/29/2022 I -- PUMP No. 1: 41 Overall Land Use Map t ,,,,,,,,:i:::,::ote ir,...34'6‘ 1. I i 1.--X'' L__I :, Viv i r / 25 -------� cf t�j1 ,— PUMP No. 1 Units: I. 7:, f Total Proposed Units:2,200 Units 'l iiif.211,--- jr _ I I___ !':141'''..Z::?:::,;,Cr: I I \ ...: A „. . i ..,,...,,..; . _ _ ,., .,,. , , ,,,,,,, L1 _ ,,,„,..,t,,,,, /..„,..,,d --.-- .0 ( 26 13 4/29/2022 -� PUMP No. 1: , Street & Circulation Plan ti MP *),wet ," f �. N i t FUTURE LINDER ROAD EXTENSION tO �P l)r' - 1•1QO zr 4, qo t� �-- fleriliA-- ® � ROADWAY CLASSIFICATION LEGEND r FOOTHILLS PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL ---- FOOTHILLS MINOR ARTERIAL j� ` I ' --�--' EMERGENCY ACCESS CONNECTION COLLECTOR 1 i I 'i / TO EXISTING EQUEST LANE / __— LOCAL - SECONDARY ACCESS ROAD 27 = >> I \� >) PUMP No. 1: `z r` 40` Open Space Plan r f L/' Regional Open Space r I . '"1-‘---1 Community Open Space � t 11 �__ 'od '_- WWTP _J (2)Community Parks r ` 1 (4)Neighborhood Parks , (5)Pocket Parks ' I- r.../ 28 14 4/29/2022 Spring Valley: 6,017.00 acres ACREAGE• NORTHERN PLANNING AREA �l \I1 1-- BIG GULCH (I \ -- - // IPLA.NNING A0.EA �� L__ _ I r J �( \ SOUTHERN -SOWN- AN \J ••' . it PI SOUTH AREA ( PIANNNG ARF J I I HIGHWAY MIXED USE ( 1 ' 1 PLANNING AREA r-I L I \_I �NB B. 1 J -_I - 7-- Q� I , _I I3 (SOUTHWESTERN ,_ _J PLANNING AREA, 1 1 ( u�G F 1-1 ----! PLANNING AREA LEGEND UI ��_�r— CANNING AREA AREA WITHIN PUMP SI /4�—, BIG GULCH IXEO USE ROB 9 AC HIGHWAY ONLY RES 1.1.0 IA.1/ SOU ACRESTHwEeTERN BOT 61 NORTHERN 37899 ACRES SOUTHERN 15355 ACRES PUMP.1 BUB-TOTAL 1.00581 ACRES 29 29 Spring Valley: 6,017.00 acres 1 1 PUMP No. 1: 1,005.91 acres • +/-497 acres of Residential NORTHERN PLANNING AREA • +/- 150k Sq. Ft. of Non-Residential • +/- 505 acres of Open Space %"" BIG GULCH + J,, -- -- If ♦ I.__ iPLANNING AREA I __ __ II� —__.. `� '���„� ``<� PLANNINGSOUTHERN AREA i PLANNING URS J� ��� .... 1 i'1 HIGHWAYNING I 1 �' PLANNING AREA I I I I I I I _J 1� I -- I 3e r�� SOUNNINA 2 I ��PIANNINti:.... � I ' �.I PLANNING AREA LEGEND 77 PLANNING AREA AREA WITHIN PUMP PI vI ' -NxuxO U. �? , HIGHWAY MIXED USE ROAD ROW ONLY BIG GULCH Al ACRES 1//"1 SOUTHWESTERN SOUT 95 ACRES WE NORTHERN ST.ACRES SOUTHERN 150.55 ACRES PUMP.1 SUB TOTAL I.005.91 ACRES 30 30 15 4/29/2022 0�E-, :::: L I i si I BIG GULCH: .\ Total in SV:636.00 acres NORTHERN PA: > " �� Total in PUMP#1:267.95 acres -- _, Total in SV:2,760.00 acres BIG GULCH Total in PUMP#1:276.46 acres NORTHER ! —T-' 42.1%of PA acreage consumed in PUMP#1 I / 8.9%of PA acreage consumed in PUMP#1 L__� % __—I SOUTHERN PA: TH . Total in SV:2,114.00 acres UM SOUTHERN LB D Total in PUMP#1:153.55 acres SOUTHWESTERN PA: Total in SV:419.00 acres _ ��ii 7.3%of PA acreage consumed in PUMP#1 Total in PUMP#1:307.92 acres [SOUTHWESTERN I 73.5%of PA acreage consumed in PUMP#1 i— El BIM LAND of I r____ I/ V > 31 Spring Valley: 7,160 units, max. UNITS: ,___ _7 NORTHERN PLANNING AREA 1 I--"'- BIG GULCH (S I ----- , ' _IPLANNING AREA (! // tt\ SOUTHERN SOUTHERN 1 �, C` PLANNING AREA �\ PUNNING AREA HIGHWAY MIXED USE I ' -' L PLANNING UREA L 1 L_ \_I r NI i_A1 1 n— 3I I -1SOUTHWESITERN� _ Si,- PLANNING AREA) W I 9,1 ____ I LAND PLANNING AREA LEGEND ti ....T PUNNING AREA AREA WITHIN PUMP RI 1 HIGHWAY MIXED USE ROAD ROW ONLY POLLARD LAW T� BIG GULCH UDR RH ACRES fff / SOUTHWESTERN 30703 ACRES `/ NORTHERN 27649 ACRES SOUTHERN 133SS ACRES PUMP RL SUB-TOTAL 1.009.9L ACRES 32 16 4/29/2022 Spring Valley: 7,160 units, max. -I 1 _----1 • Base: 3,008 Units • Bonus: 4,152 Units, max. NORTHERN , PLANNING AREA 1 I I 0 I -_ -T I BIG GULCH \ 1 I-DIUINNING AREA L__ r J '�- / i I SNNIN N \-`p 1 PL SOUTH AREA �PUNNR4G AREn JI �1 ^ _ .\ I• I HIGHWAY MIXED USE .--T 4 I—PLANNING AREA 1 l I -r L__ I1 \_I n;ll L4uWi9 lr.J JD - --J I ,--- Q' _, 1 i/ 15WTHWESTERN 2,_ -J PLANNING AREA) Ir I rit r-----! PLANNING AREA LEGEND lt y -- PLANNING AREA AREA WITHIN PUMP Al 11 H, HIGHWAY MIXED USE ROAD ROW ONLY .aun°I.we V .GULCH 291.»ACRES SOUTHWESTERN 3H792 ACRES NORTHERN 278.49 ACRES SOUTHERN 133.SS ACRES PUMP Al SUB TOTAL I uas.91 ACRES 33 33 P PUMP No. 1 Units: 143 L--'1` Total Proposed Units:2,200 Units Li o'e!,AC��d "T' L 1I1f - J I LAND USE DISTRICT LEGEND LAND USE DISTRICT TOTALS UNITS BY PLANNING AREA 1 -- ln� SOUTHWESTERN SOUTHERN NORTHERN RIG GULCH I /T�� - gm VILLAGECENTER/NON RES. 150,000 SF 0 0 0 150,000 SF L--I / H�i -MEDIUM DENSITY MULT-FAMILY 265 UNITS 0 0 0 265 -plt,4, B SFA SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED 488 UNITS 86 73 0 329 ,74 f SFS 236 L SINGLE FAMILY SPECIAL LOT 317 UNITS 37 44 0 236 90 TLi, 1- SF3 SINGLE FAMILY 3 651 UNITS 192 75 122 262 SF2 SINGLE FAMILY 2 479 UNITS 135 0 300 44 ER ESTATE RESIDENTIAL 0 UNITS 0 0 0 0 I i / RESIDENTIAL TOTALS 2.200 UNITS 450 192 422 1136 I _ L„ I-- (IO REGIONAL OPEN SPACE 332.09 AC 12680 AC 9941 AC 4260 AC 632E AC Ire / COS COMMUNITY OPEN SPACE 17298 AC 33.47 AC 1549 AC 01.81 AC 4221 AC OPEN SPACE TOTALS 505.07 AC 160.27 AC 114.90 AC 12441 AC 10549 AC 34 17 4/29/2022 Bonus density is achieved at the time of City's approval of any PUMP as follows: • 2.5 units for each acre of Community Center • 10 units for each acre of Neighborhood Center • 1 unit for each acre of Regional Open Space ... over and above the 20% open space minimum requirement (NTE 1,250 units) • 0.5 units for each acre of Community Open Space ... over and above the 20% open space minimum requirement. • 10% of the total units for a Regional Open Space funding mechanism 35 Bonus density is achieved at the time of City's approval of any PUMP as follows: • 2.5 units for each acre of Community Center • 10 units for each acre of Neighborhood Center • 1 unit for each acre of Regional Open Space ... over and above the 20% open space minimum requirement (NTE 1,250 units) • 0.5 units for each acre of Community Open Space ... over and above the 20% open space minimum requirement. • 10% of the total units for a Regional Open Space funding mechanism 36 18 4/29/2022 Neighborhood Center: Planned to accommodate local retail uses such as grocery stores; drug stores; restaurants, neighborhood service tenants, and golf clubhouses as well as civic, institutional, residential hotel, and recreation uses. May contain a tight network of streets, wide sidewalks, uniform street tree planting, and buildings set close to the frontages. 37 PUMP No. 1 Bonus Density: Neighborhood Center:144.80 acres • Bonus Density Units:1,448 Units I � \ N I / /I )• NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER LEGEND Br PLANNING AREA SOUTHWESTERN BIG GULCH NORTHERN SOUTHERN HMU TOTALS L I I NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER 0AC 1180 AC 0AC 2680 AC 0AC 140.80 AC BONUS DENSITY @IWAC 0 1,180 0 768 0 1,418 f BONUS DENSITY LEGEND BY PANNING AREA J SOUTHWESTERN BIG GULCH NORTHERN SOUTHERNHMU TOTALS . OVERALL BASE DENSITY 209 318 1,380 1,057 44 3,008 r � I PUMP 1 DENSITY ..-. . 450 1 138 422 192 0 7,280 - DENSITY BONUS REQUIRED 241 818 0 0 0 1,058 I ! 1/ _ .. _.... ___ _.... �s�' NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER �1 B18 0 0 0 1,059 / DENSITY BONUS APPLIED NEIGHBORHOOD BONUS CENTER389 DENSITY BONUS REMAINING 38 38 19 4/29/2022 Spring Valley: 7,160 units, max. I PUMP No. 1: 2,200 units E — • Base: 1,141 Units Consumed NORTHERN PLANNING , • Bonus: 1,059 Units Consumed I_ '--• BIG GULCH ♦ 1 TANNING AREA L__ - - _ IRN 1—I �% %.`� PLANNING AREA —PIANNINGUTNEAREA I P , HIGHWAY MIX US) I r PLANNING NG AREA 3 / PL/ 2 IN AREA W r ,-y IG PLANNING AREA LEGEND �, PLANNING AREA AREA WITHIN PUMP.I MC-7_-1 HIGHWAY MIRED USE ROAD ROW ONLY wlliAep LANE I SI ACRES OUT SO UTHWESTERN EV H 267 99 ACRES NORTHERN NS AO ACRES SOUTHERN 155.5E ACRES PUMP RI SNB.TDTAL IDES SI ACRES 39 39 I BIG GULCH: 1 Total in SV:3,335 units NORTHERN PA: Total in PUMP#1:1,136 units Total in SV:5,917 units BIG GULCH 34.1%of total PA units consumed in PUMP#1 Total in PUMP#1:422 units NORTHERN T`= 42.1%of PA acreage consumed in PUMP#1 7.1%of total PA units consumed in PUMP#1 L__T �/ /� SOUTHERN PA: 8.9%of PA acreage consumed in PUMP#1 / . Total in SV:2,109 units BLM SOUTHERN�`LBAL o Total in PUMP#1: 192 units SOUTHWESTERN PA: Total in SV 450 units i 9.1%of total PA units consumed in PUMP#1 I 7.3%of PA acreage consumed in PUMP Total in PUMP#1:450 units I SOUTHWESTERN I #1 100%of total PA units consumed in PUMP#11--J 73.5%of PA acreage consumed in PUMP#1 II r RIM ___ LAND 40 20 4/29/2022 Table 1:Protect Summary Planning Areas South- Northern Southern western Highway Spring Valley Big Gulch Residential Residential Residential Mixed Use Community Center (2.5 unite/acre) (Acres&Units) 88 220 88 Y!0 Neighborhood Center(10 units/acre) (Acres&Units) 240 2240 120 1200 80 800 2b.8 268 24 240 SUBTOTAL UNITS 6509 1548 2331 1917 449 264 • Table 1 of the D.A. allows for a total of 240 acres and 2,240 bonus units associated with Neighborhood Centers. • If approved, PUMP#1 will consume 144.80 acres and 1,448 bonus units. • The applicant is proposing to relocate the 24 acres and 240 bonus units out of the Southwestern Residential Planning Area. All 24 acres, plus future Neighborhood Center acreage, as needed,will be moved to the Southern Residential PA as proposed in Exhibits D1 and D3, dated February 2022. 41 Spring Valley: 0.50 du/ac base DENSITY: • 3,008 base units/6,017 acres=0.50 du/ac I 1 I 1 NORTHERN PLANNING AREA I ..., L PCS NGGHA I I -_ __ .� I I ` -tin/r SOUTHERN PLANNING AREA F SOUTHERN IPUNNING AREA .` rs I HIGHWAY MIXED USE r L-� �'"' I PLANNING AREA L.-_I 1 __ II \_I ___I IANS , J Wp I _J If 3 (SOUTHWESTERN _ __JPUNNING AREA it'. I NP aPLANNING AREA LEGEND .-��- u PLANNING AREA AREA POTION PUMP PI Gr/�- HIGHWAY MIXED USE RGAO ROW ONLY N%�D�NI rLI- SOUTUHWESTERN T•]•A ACRES b]9:ACRES NORTHERN :TS.PS ACRES SOUTHERN ISS.SS ACRES PUMP PI SUBTOTAL I.SSSPI ACRES 42 42 21 4/29/2022 Spring Valley: 0.50 du/ac base • 3,008 base units/6,017 acres=0.50 du/ac L LI . Spring Valley: 1.19 du/ac max. NORTHERN ` PLANNING AREA ` • 7,160 total units/6,017 acres=1.19 du/ac I - \` -—i 1 r _ I`'-" IL� BIG GULCH �` \ I j .I LL IPIANNING AREA l NE -SOUTHERN \ -� Z PLANNING PUNNINGnEA1__... I HIGHWAY MIXED USE --' L �� PLANNING AREA L- _ 1 I \-I I l __I n;IJ ux0 r J • I- --J 3' I 1SOUTHWESTERN 1- _JPLANNINGAREAJ� c ,-1 r -- NB PLANNING AREA LEGEND y ,� PLANNING AREA AREA WITHIN PUMP.[ _-__.... F1C HIGHWAY M NLY POLLARD UNR =JC-1 BID G LCH INED ueE R 262 5 C ES 1-7 SOUTHWESTERN NORTHERN 276 NS ACRES SOUTHERN 15355 ACRES PUMP.SUBTOTAL 1.005.91 ACRES 43 43 Spring Valley: 0.50 du/ac base i • 3,008 base units/6,017 acres=0.50 du/ac I __ Spring Valley: 1.19 du/ac max. NORTHERN PLANNING AREA • 7,160 total units/6,017 acres=1.19 du/ac Current PUMP No.1: 2.19 du/ac I is • 2,200 units/1,059 acres=2.19 du/ac ;%' f-1 BIG GULCH 1111 `_`..�•,Pt NNINGAREA PLANNITHNG[ Overall PUMP No.1: 0.37 du/ac r'-+ .. • 2,200 units/6,017 acres=0.37 du/ac HIGHWAY MIXED USI I ���1 -"-' PLANNING AREA I I 3 •SOUTHWFSif RN� 2 I_ri I (PLANNING{AREAL AW r` 1 ;i �� .�J w PLANNING AREA LEGEND yI PLANNING AREA AREA W(THIN PUMP 01 �- 1 HIGHWAY MINED USE ROAD ROW ONLY RULURO IANF SI1 BIG GULCH 2er.95ACRES L SOUTHWESTERN 30792 ACRES NORTHERN 27669 ACRES SOUTHERN 153 55 ACRES PUMP.1 SUS.TOTAL 1005.91 ACRES 44 44 22 4/29/2022 _I BIG GULCH: Units in PUMP#1:1,136 units NORTHERN PA: ( , Acres in PUMP#1:268 acres Units in PUMP#1:422 units AA Max density:5.24 du/ac ;,-___� Current density:4.24 du/ac Acres in PUMP#1:276 acres � NORTHERN,/ BIG GULCH —T:: / Max density:2.14 du/ac (' Overall density: 1.79 du/ac Current density:1.53 du/ac �_\ / __ Overall density: 0.15 du/ac BLN' SOUTHERN Es o \ in SOUTHERN PA: r-- Units in PUMP#1:192 units SOUTHWESTERN PA: I SOUTHWESTERN Acres in PUMP#1: 154 acres Units in PUMP#1:450 units -f—► BLM Max density:0.96 du/ac Acres in PUMP#1:308 acres 1 __ LAND Current density:1.25 du/ac Overall density: 0.09 du/ac Max density:1.07 du/ac __� Current density:1.46 du/ac 7 -- , Overall density: 1.07 du/ac r , No future residential development shall occur in the Southwestern PA 45 PUMP No. 1: 505.07 acres total OPEN SPACE: - • 505.07 O.S. acres/1,005.91 acres=50.2% • Open Space Requirement for SV:20% NORTHERN L—, • Open Space Goal for SV:40% PLANNING AREA LII f 7 N ____-.. j �♦ •„LANN NG AREA ' 1..__ __ I ,J H` .` . ` SOUTHERN I PLANNINGSOUTHEAREA I ��„� PLANNING AREA ^f II_ON+ �% I HIGHWAY MIXED USE I `% -, PLANNING ARIA I I 11 \_ I/ 1 -I r�,� —.1 L___ I 3I a�., YSOUIHVLI' .'.�_I I,_I �PLANNINI:� 1 — PLANNING AREA LEGEND aIT` PLANNING AREA AREA WITHIN PUMP EI . 1I'Imo—1 HIGHWAY DOES USE ROAD ROW ONLY KKNPDUNE +' BIG GULCH RN 2•T 95 ACRES SOUTHWESTERN t/ ]D>SR ACRES NORTHERN VS AS ACRES SOUTHERN 153.55 ACRES PUMP AI SUS-TOTAL I.SDS 91 ACRES 46 46 23 4/29/2022 , 1 \,,,,,,,,, `_ r � I' El J PUMP No. 1 Open Space Total Open Space:505.07 acres 1 \, , Regional Open Space:332.09 acres ‘•-- 1 Community Open Space:172.98 acres I.__I it . P WWTP:31.63 acres I-- -- • Open Space%Proposed:50.2% • Open Space%Requirement for SV:20% -�-—1 • Open Space%Goal for SV:40% r / 47 u i ,, _ _1 BIG GULCH: O.S.in PUMP#1:105.49-acres NORTHERN PA: '1 �; 0.5.%in PUMP#1:39.4% 0.5.in PUMP#1:124.21-acres I J BIG GULCH O.S.%Req'd in PUMP#1: 15% O.S.%in PUMP#1:45.0% I NORTHERN / -r-= 0.5.%Req'd in PUMP#1:15% /y\/__J 36%Planned Open Space per D.A. BLM SOUTHERN But r---- SOUTHERN PA: 1 O.S.in PUMP#1:114.90-acres SOUTHWESTERN PA: SOUTHWESTERN I 0.5.%in PUMP#1:74.8% J O.S.in PUMP#1:160.27-acres —t—� Bann O.S.%Req'd in PUMP#1:15% O.S.%in PUMP#1:52.0% 1 r —r LAND O.S.%Req'd in PUMP#1: 15% „__i 25%Planned Open Space per D.A. V ' 48 24 4/29/2022 SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. 10. The applicant shall ra _ comply with the PPRC recommendations t 1. ... ., within the letter dated `--• February 23, 2022. to Ay' _i -r-"-s P-PARKS,TRAILS AND OPEN SPACE PLAN V �I , SPRING VALLEY �� (^ O G W C PLANNING UNIT MAST®$PLAN X 53 SUMMARY: The proposed PUMP No.1,as submitted(dated February 2022)and described in the written narrative (dated March 14,2022)is trending towards compliance per the following: • They are in substantial conformance with the development agreement and Title 11A; • They are in substantial conformance with Title 11A; • They are in substantial conformance with master plans approved by the City; • The proposed Streets and thoroughfares have been reviewed and applicable comments and reports were issued by ACHD and ITD; • Proposed commercial and non/residential development is justifiable at the proposed locations and are consistent with the development agreement; • Unit totals and density, neighborhood centers, re-assignment of densities,open space requirements, open space adjacencies, essential infrastructure and utilities, and habitat preservation and rehabilitation are consistent with the development agreement. 54 27 4/29/2022 Planning Commission Recommendation: On March 21, 2022, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4 to 0 (McCauley absent) to recommend approval of the application with the site specific conditions of approval on page 24 and the standard conditions of approval provided on ,3age zi of the Planning and Zoning Commission Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. 55 End of Presentation Staff Will Stand for Questions 56 28 4/29/2022 SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 8. The applicant shall be required to place a deed restriction and/or plat note on Lot 13, as identified within PUMP No. 1 Exhibit Dl — Overall Land Use Plan (dated February 2022) reserving it for dedication towards future public facilities and/or HOA amenities at the time of submittal of the plat associated with Lot 13. i 1 1 o 01 ��� �A SF2 4Assr�e•4v LOT 13 401i t*' %r�� PUBLIC FACILITY 51 51 SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 9. Exhibit W — Master Public Facilities Plan, dated February 2022,indicates a potential fire -16:t'station at this location. The applicant shall �,;. \-; work with the applicable fire agencies to determine the number and location of ` Lo P52 potential fire stations within the PUMP No. 1 '. and subsequent PUMP submittals. If no land ® `� —FINAL FIRI dedication for the purpose of developing a , FIR EDISTF RMU FIRE RMIt • I r SUSMITT! fire station within Lot 17 of is requested, the PLANNING AREA e/ applicant should provide a written statement 1 ti0F to the City from the applicable fire agencies > �a, �90� stating that no land dedication is requested o within Lot 17 at the time of the submittal of LOT 17 c'=e" ,,O,102 UNITS the preliminary plat application associated with Lot 17. Na, u 52 52 26 4/29/2022 SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 2. Comply with all requirements of the Ada County Highway District and the Idaho Transportation Department. All Planning Unit Master Plan maps shall be updated to be consistent with ACHD & ITD approvals, including, but not limited to, the Transportation Mitigation Agreement (TMA). 7. Deed restriction and/or plat note on Lot 1 (Waste Water Treatment Plant). 8. Deed restriction and/or plat note on Lot 13 (future public facilities and/or HOA amenities). 9. Fire Station at Lot 17. 10. Comply with the PPRC recommendation. 49 SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 7. The applicant shall be required to place a deed restriction and/or plat note on Lot 1, as identified within PUMP No. 1 Exhibit D1 — Overall Land Use Plan W ' (dated February 2022), reserving it for �;lllt.��� 'j dedication towards the Waste Water a„ : 111111111111 Treatment Plant at the time of 1 - ; submittal of the plat associated with a Lot 1. ,, BIM LAND • 1 50 25 �`01-T Lr.. "` Public Meeting Sign In Form *r '\ ,* Form used to provide remote public comment via WebEx for citymeetings c/f 1. 9 Important Notes: To provide remote public comment via Webex for city meetings please follow the instructions and complete the form below. You must submit the form at least 60 minutes before the meeting start time in order to receive a Webex invite via email to comment or testify at the meeting. Information submitted via this form is subject to Idaho's Public Records Act,in regard to both release and retention,and may be released upon request,unless exempt from disclosure by law. Note: If you have visual materials to display during the public meeting,you must email the materials in PowerPoint(.ppt)or PDF format to City of Eagle at least 6 business hours prior to the start of the meeting. Email files to:clerks©cityofeagle.org Once you have completed the Public Meeting Sign In Form(and indicated your desire to speak at the meeting),a Webex meeting invitation will be emailed(up to 30 minutes prior to the meeting start time)on the day of the meeting. If you don't see the invitation in your email inbox please check your junk/spam folder. Year* 2022 Your information First Name* Last Name* Asbery Rainey Physical Street Address* 45669 Barham Ave City* State* Zip Code* Lancaster CA 93534 Contact Phone Number*•:'% Email* 661-494-3665 arainey5@gmail.com * I understand that the WebEx meeting invitation will be sent to the email address entered above. I have reviewed the information entered above and confirm that the information provided is correct. Signature* Date 04/25/2022 02:36:10 PM Meeting Information Public hearing sign-ins are date specific.In the event that an agenda item is continued to a future meeting date,you will need to complete a new public hearing sign-in form in order to receive the WebEx meeting invitation and provide remote testimony on the new date. Meeting Type* City Council Date of Meeting* 04/26/2022 Select if Applicable I am here representing my HOA or Neighborhood Group I wish to speak at this meeting Do you have visual material to present?* Yes No I Want to Provide Feedback On* Agenda Item Other Topic Agenda Item Number* Please provide Item number/letter reference from Agenda(ex:9A) 9B Stance On Agenda Item* If selecting"Other"please provide clarification in the comments field below. Support Oppose Other Comments on Agenda Item Please provide any additional comments here. I'm apart of the RAINEY FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST,we've been hearing about the build. I have a few questions. Will the properties be offering ownership or rentals? What is the price point on the housing? Will the homes be built to suit or will model templates be used? Wail affordable,Market Rate,or workforce housing be included? 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The proposed access point from Highway 16 does not have the minimum sight vision required by lTD to the south. Our only access is off of Highway 16 across from the Winery,and the present volume of traffic makes our ingress and egress very dangerous. There have been 3 fatalities at the intersection of Beacon Light and Highway 16 over the last 4 years. 3. There is no public water in our area, so we all have individual wells. We are all concerned about the quantity of water needed to support the proposed M3 development and all of the other developments proposed for our surrounding area in relation to how that will effect us. 0?Caluf iDa4..e.-, it,e..,27v),-e--/ November 21, 2013 Schirmer Ranch Property 4430 North Double S Lane Eagle, Idaho, 83616 Subject: M3/Spring Valley ZOA -01-13 Objection to Spring Valley Development Standard 1 Arial photo of Schirmer property 2 Features of the M3 Eagle plan 3 Phase 1 Preliminary plat showing EQUESTRIAN CENTER 4 Phase 1 Preliminary plat showing WASTE WATER/SEWER TREATMENT FACILITY. It appears to be less than '/4 mile from my property. 5 Letter from neighbors May 3, 2005 Water Resources 2735 Airport Way, Boise, Idaho, 83705 I am a property owner Doris F Schirmer, 3708 Hwy 16, Eagle, Idaho, 83616. Parcel Number S0333110023 PAR #0023 of SW4SE4 Sec 28 & OF NE4 SEC 33 5N 1W #110022- B #97072330 Water Right 63-22899.. I have a domestic well and I am concerned about my water rights and the production and maintaining my present day water production. If Eagle is allowed to drill four large wells that will run year round, what can I do to protect my water rights. I am concerned about not only these well but any future development of water wells in the area that could adversely affect my well. I want to be on record as being concerned about this situation. Regards, Doris Schirmer BEFORE THE EAGLE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION ) FOR A PLANNED UNIT MASTER PLAN ) (PUMP)NO. 1 FOR SPRING VALLEY FOR ) GWC CAPITAL,LLC ) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW CASE NUMBER PU-01-21 The above-entitled Planned Unit Master Plan (PUMP) application came before the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission for their recommendation on March 21, 2022, at which time public testimony was taken and the public hearing was closed. The Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission,having heard and taken oral and written testimony, and having duly considered the matter,makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law: FINDINGS OF FACT: A. PROJECT SUMMARY: GWC Capital, LLC, represented by Brook Cole, is requesting approval of Planning Unit Master Plan (PUMP) No. 1 for the Spring Valley Planned Development (formerly known as M3 Spring Valley). PUMP No.1 consists of+/-1,005.91 acres,2,200 residential units, 150,000 square feet of non-residential uses, and 504.39-acres of regional and community open space. The 1,005.91- acre site is generally located 3,000-feet northeast of the intersection of State Highway 16 at Equest Lane (approximately 1 mile north of the Beacon Light Road and Linder Road intersection). B. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: This application was originally submitted on August 19,2021. Subsequent updates were made on December 1, 2021,and on February 2,2022. Final edits to the written narrative were provided to the City on March 14,2022. C. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Notice of Public Hearing on the application for the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission was published in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and the Eagle City Code on March 04, 2022. Notice of this public hearing was mailed to property owners within three-hundred feet (300-feet) of the subject property in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and Eagle City Code on March 03, 2022. Requests for agencies' reviews were transmitted on September 17, 2021, in accordance with the requirements of the Eagle City Code. The site was posted on March 11, 2022. The official affidavit of site posting from the applicant was returned to the city 7-days prior to the hearing on March 14,2022. D. HISTORY OF RELEVANT PREVIOUS ACTIONS: • The M3 Pre-Annexation Development Agreement (RZ-19-06), adopted by the city in November 2007,(herein referred as"PADA") • The Eagle City Council approved RZ-19-06 MOD1: M3 Hillside and Grading Standards on November 24,2009. • M3 received a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) from FEMA on February 17, 2009. An amendment was submitted in March of 2013 and was approved by FEMA on November 8, 2013. Page 1 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\2021\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#1\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No I PZF.docx • The overall project-wide Habitat Mitigation Plan was approved by the City Council on January 11,2011. • The Eagle City Council approved an amended and restated development agreement for M3/Spring Valley(RZ-19-06 MOD2)on January 14,2014, (herein referred as"DA") • The City council approved the M3/Spring Valley Development Standards on January 14, 2014 and by the adoption of Ordinance 710, established Eagle City Code Title 11 —Planned Developments,Chapter A—Spring Valley. E. COMPANION APPLICATIONS: None. Page 2 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\2021\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#1\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spting Valley PUMP No 1 PZF.docx F. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE MAP AND ZONING MAP DESIGNATIONS: Comprehensive Zoning Designation: Land Use: Plan Designation: Existing Foothills Residential R-1-DA Rural Residential/Large Lot Single Family(Gulch Ranch Estates Subdivision&Kling Estates Subdivision)/Vacant Land/ Limited Agriculture Proposed Foothills Residential R-1-DA (No Change) 12.15-acres MF1 (Medium Density (No Change) Multi-Family) 22.24-acres SFA(Single Family Attached) 32.34-acres SFSL(Single Family Special Lot) 111.16-acres SF3 (Single Family 3) 150.86-acres SF2(Single Family 2) 332.09-acres ROS (Regional Open Space) 172.98-acres COS (Community Open Space) 31.63-acres WWTP(Wastewater Treatment Plant) North of site Foothills Residential RR(Rural Residential— Rural Residential/Large Lot Single (Ada County Ada County Designation) Family/Vacant Land/Limited Designation) RP(Rural Preservation— Agriculture No Change Ada County Designation) South of site BLM Land PS (Public/Semi-Public) Vacant Land East of site Foothills Residential RR(Rural Residential— Rural Residential/Large Lot Single Ada County Designation) Family(Highlander Estates Subdivision)/Vacant Land/ RP(Rural Preservation— Limited Agriculture Ada County Designation) West of site Rural Residential RR(Rural Residential— Rural Residential/Large Lot Single (Ada County Ada County Designation) Family(Gulch Ranch Estates Subdivision&Kling Estates Designation) RP(Rural Preservation— Subdivision)/Vacant Land/ Ada County Designation) Limited Agriculture Page 3 of 32 K:\Planning Dcpt\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\2021\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP kl\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No I PZF.docx G. DESIGN REVIEW: Subject to ECC 11A-3 -Spring Valley Design Review H. GENERAL PUMP No. 1 DATA/DESIGN: 1. PUMP No. 1 Overall—Acreage*: (See 1.4 `Planning Concept"and Table 1:Project Summary in the Development Agreement) Total Acreage of Spring Valley: 6,017.00 acres Proposed Total Acreage in PUMP No. 1: 1,005.91 acres Proposed Residential Acreage in PUMP No. 1: 500.84 acres Proposed Non-Residential Area in PUMP No. 1: 150,000 square feet Proposed Open Space in PUMP No. 1: 505.07 acres a. Southwestern Residential PA Acreage*: Total Acreage of PA in Spring Valley: 419.00 acres Total Acreage of PA in PUMP No .1: 307.92 acres Residential Acreage in PA: 147.65 acres Non-Residential Area in PA: 0 square feet Open Space Acreage in PA: 160.27 acres b. Southern Residential PA Acreage*: Total Acreage of PA in Spring Valley: 2,114.00 acres Total Acreage of PA in PUMP No. 1: 153.55 acres Residential Acreage in PA: 38.65 acres Non-Residential Area in PA: 0 square feet Open Space: 114.90 acres c. Northern Residential PA Acreage*: Total Acreage of PA in Spring Valley: 2,76.000 acres Total Acreage of PA in PUMP No .1: 276.49 acres Residential Acreage in PA: 152.08 acres Non-Residential Area in PA: 0 square feet Open Space: 124.41 acres d. Big Gulch PA Acreage*: Total Acreage of PA in Spring Valley: 636.00 acres Total Acreage of PA in PUMP No.1: 267.95 acres Residential Acreage in PA: 151.00 acres Non-Residential Area in PA: 150,000 square feet Open Space: 105.49 acres e. Highway Mixed Use PA Acreage*: Total Acreage of PA in Spring Valley: 88.00 acres Total Acreage of PA in PUMP No .1: 0 acres Residential Acreage in PA: 0 acres Non-Residential Area in PA: 0 square feet Open Space: 0 acres *As proposed within the PUMP No. 1 application—Exhibit DI, dated February 2022 Page 4 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\202 I\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#1\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No 1 PZF.docx 2. PUMP No. 1 Overall Residential Units: (See 1.4 `Planning Concept"and Table 1:Project Summary in the Development Agreement) Maximum Allowable Units in Spring Valley: 7,160 units max.,total' Number of Units in PUMP No. 1: 2,200 units Remaining Units in Spring Valley: 4,960 units,max. Current Total Development Density: 0.37 du/ac Current PUMP No. 1 Density: 2.19 units per acre Maximum Density Spring Valley: 1.19 du/ac,max. +Including all applicable bonus densities or if developed per the D.A. a. Southwestern Residential PA Residential Units*: Maximum Allowable Units in PA: 450 units Proposed Units in PA in PUMP No. 1: 450 units Remaining Units in PA: 0 units Maximum Allowable PA Density: 1.07 du/ac,max. Current Total PA Density: 1.07 du/ac Current PUMP No.1 PA Density: 1.46 du/ac b. Southern Residential PA Residential Units*: Maximum Allowable Units in PA: 2,109 units Proposed Units in PA in PUMP No. 1: 192 units Maximum Remaining Units in PA: 1,917 units,max. Maximum Allowable PA Density: 0.96 du/ac,max. Current Total PA Density: 0.09 du/ac Current PUMP No.1 PA Density: 1.25 du/ac c. Northern Residential PA Residential Units*: Maximum Allowable Units in PA: 5,917 units Proposed Units in PA in PUMP No. 1: 422 units Maximum Remaining Units in PA: 5,495 units,max. Maximum Allowable PA Density: 2.14 du/ac,max. Current Total PA Density: 0.15 du/ac Current PUMP No.1 PA Density: 1.53 du/ac d. Big Gulch PA Residential Units*: Maximum Allowable Units in PA: 3,335 units Proposed Units in PA in PUMP No. 1: 1,136 units Maximum Remaining Units in PA: 2,199 units,max. Maximum PA Density: 5.24 du/ac,max. Current Total PA Densit y: 1.79 du/ac Current PUMP No.1 PA Density: 4.24 du/ac e. Highway Mixed Use PA Residential Units*: Maximum Allowable Units in PA: 500 units Proposed Units in PA in PUMP No. 1: 0 units Remaining Units in Spring Valley: 500 units,max. Maximum PA Density: 4.68 du/ac,max. Current Total PA Density 0.00 du/ac Proposed PUMP No.1 PA Density: 0.00 du/ac Page 5 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\2021\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#1\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No 1 PZF.docx • The number of dwelling units shall not exceed 7,160 dwelling units for the entire Project unless Additional Property is annexed into the City and made subject to the approved development agreement. • At no time shall the buildable lot total in any planning area exceed the allowable maximums as allowed through the development agreement. (See 1.4 "Planning Concept" and Table 1:Project Summary in the Development Agreement) • Upon approval of PUMP No. 1, the Southwestern Residential Planning Area will have consumed 100% of the units (450 of 450 max. total) allowed within the Planning Area, but will only have consumed 73.5% of the acres (307.92 of 419 max. total) of the Planning Area. No further residential development shall occur within the Southwestern Residential Planning Area. *As proposed within the PUMP No. 1 application—Exhibits Dl-D5, dated February 2022 3. PUMP No. 1 Bonus Density Allocation: (See 1.4 "Planning Concept"and Table 1:Project Summary in the Development Agreement) a. Spring Valley Totals*: Maximum Allowable Units in Spring Valley: 7,160 units max.,total' Total Units Consumed in PUMP No. 1: 2,200 units Maximum Remaining Units in Spring Valley: 4,960 units,max. +Including all applicable bonus densities or if developed per the D.A. b. Base Density*: Maximum Base Density Units in Spring Valley: 3,008 units Base Density Units Consumed in PUMP No. 1: 1,141 units Remaining Base Density Units in Spring Valley: 1,867 units,max. c. Community Open Space(COS)*: Total COS Bonus Units Allowed in Spring Valley: 161 units COS Bonus Units Earned in PUMP No. 1: 0 units COS Bonus Units Consumed in PUMP No. 1: 0 units Remaining COS Units in Spring Valley: 161 units,max. d. Regional Open Space(ROS)*: Total ROS Bonus Units Allowed in Spring Valley: 880 units ROS Bonus Units Earned in Pump No. 1: 0 units ROS Bonus Units Consumed in PUMP No. 1: 0 units Remaining ROS Units in Spring Valley: 880 units,max. e. Community Center(CC)*: Total CC Bonus Units Allowed in Spring Valley: 220 units CC Bonus Units Earned in PUMP No. 1: 0 units CC Bonus Units Consumed in PUMP No. 1: 0 units Remaining CC Units in Spring Valley: 220 units,max. f. Neighborhood Center(NC)*: Total NC Bonus Units Allowed in Spring Valley: 2,240 units NC Bonus Units Earned in PUMP No. 1: 1,448 units NC Bonus Units Consumed in PUMP No. 1: 1,059 units Remaining NC Units in Spring Valley: 1,181 units,max. Page 6 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\2021\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#l\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No I PZF.docx g. Open Space Funding(OSF)*: Total OSF Bonus Units Allowed in Spring Valley: 651 units OSF Bonus Units Earned in PUMP No. 1: 0 units OSF Bonus Units Consumed in PUMP No. 1: 0 units Remaining OSF Units in Spring Valley: 651 units,max. • 144.80-acres of Neighborhood Center area have been consumed for the property. Upon approval of PUMP No. 1, 95.2-acres of Neighborhood Center area remain for future use. • 1,141 Base Units and 1,059 Bonus Units (associated with the implementation of a Neighborhood Center) have been consumed for the property upon approval of PUMP.No. 1. • 389 Bonus Units (associated with the implementation of Neighborhood Centers) are unused in PUMP No. 1. These units shall carry over into future PUMP applications for future use. *As proposed within the PUMP No. 1 application-Exhibit Dl, dated February 2022 4. PUMP No. 1 Open Space Overall*: (See 2.6(a) "Master Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan" in the Development Agreement) Total Open Space: 505.07-acres Regional Open Space: 332.09-acres Community Open Space: 172.98-acres %Open Space: 50.2%(of 1,005.91-acres) Required Minimum Open Space: 20%(201.18-acres) Total Open Space Goal: 40%(402.36-acres) a. Southwestern Residential PA Open Space*: Total Open Space: 160.27 acres Regional Open Space: 126.80 acres Community Open Space: 33.47 acres %of Developable Acres: 52.0%(of 307.92 acres) Required Minimum PA O.S.: 15%(46.19 acres) b. Southern Residential PA Open Space*: Total Open Space: 114.90 acres Regional Open Space: 99.41 acres Community Open Space: 15.49 acres %of Developable Acres: 74.8%(of 153.55 acres) Required Minimum PA Open Space: 15%(23.03 acres) c. Northern Residential PA Open Space*: Total Open Space: 124.41 acres Regional Open Space: 42.60 acres Community Open Space: 81.81 acres %of Developable Acres: 45.0%(of 276.49 acres) Required Minimum PA Open Space: 15%(41.47 acres) d. Big Gulch PA Open Space*: Total Open Space: 105.49 acres Regional Open Space: 63.28 acres Community Open Space: 42.21 acres %of Developable Acres: 39.4%(of 267.95 acres) Required Minimum PA Open Space: 15%(40.19 acres) Page 7 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\2021\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#l\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No I PZF.docx e. Highway Mixed Use PA Open Space*: Total Open Space: 0 acres Regional Open Space: 0 acres Community Open Space: 0 acres %of Developable Acres: 0%(of 0 acres) Required Minimum PA Open Space: 0%(0 acres) *As proposed within the PUMP No. 1 application—Exhibit P, dated February 2022 5. PUMP No. 1 Total Units Adjacent to Open Space(O.S.)*: (See 1.4 "Planning Concept"in the Development Agreement) Total Number of Dwelling Units in PUMP No. 1: 2,200 lots Required Dwelling Units Adjacent to Open Space: 1,100 units(50%) Proposed Dwelling Units Adjacent to Open Space: 1,618 units(73.5%) a. Detached Units Less than 5,000 square feet*: Total Number of<5K SF Units in PUMP No. 1: 264 lots Required Number of<5K SF Units Adjacent to O.S: 172 lots(65%) Proposed Number of<5K SF Units Adjacent to O.S.: 182 lots(68.9%) b. Detached Units Less than 8,000 square feet*: Total Number of<8K SF Units in PUMP No. 1: 918 lots Required Number of<8K SF Units Adjacent to O.S: 459 lots(50%) Proposed Number of<8K SF Units Adjacent to O.S.: 607 lots(66.1%) *As proposed within the PUMP No. 1 application—Exhibit Q1, dated February 2022 6. PUMP No. 1 Constrained Lands and Habitat of Special Concern (HASC): (See 1.3 "Mitigation"in the Development Agreement) Total Pre-Mitigation Acreage in Spring Valley: 1,160 acres Total Post-Mitigation Acreage Required for Spring Valley: 580 acres (580 acres/1,160 acres) 50% Total Pre-Mitigation Acreage in PUMP No. 1: 453.36 acres Total Post-Mitigation Acreage in PUMP No. 1: 194.62 acres (194.62 acres/453.36 acres) 42.9%of PUMP No. 1 HASC (901.26 acres/1,160.00 acres) 77.7%of SV HASC Total Pre-Mitigation Floodplain Area: 147.01 acres Total Post-Mitigation Floodplain Area: 33.12 acres Total Pre-Mitigation Slopes>30%: 67.85 acres Total Post-Mitigation Slopes>30%: 10.48 acres Total Existing HASC Area: 453.36 acres Total Preserved HASC Area: 143.07 acres Total Riparian HASC Rehabilitation: 11.16 acres Total Upland HASC Rehabilitation: 40.29 acres Page 8 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\202I\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#1\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No I PZF.docx a. Southwestern Residential PA Constrained Lands and HASC*: Pre-Mitigation Floodplain Area: 90.02 acres Post-Mitigation Floodplain Area: 16.25 acres Pre-Mitigation Slopes>30%: 9.16 acres Post-Mitigation Slopes>30: 1.05 acres Existing HASC Area: 307.77 acres Preserved HASC Area: 93.97 acres Riparian HASC Rehabilitation: 16.25 acres Upland HASC Rehabilitation: 24.90 acres b. Southern Residential PA Constrained Lands and HASC*: Pre-Mitigation Floodplain Area: 7.61 acres Post-Mitigation Floodplain Area: 5.94 acres Pre-Mitigation Slopes>30%: 17.79 acres Post-Mitigation Slopes>30: 0.66 acres Existing HASC Area: 73.22 acres Preserved HASC Area: 27.83 acres Riparian HASC Rehabilitation: 5.94 acres Upland HASC Rehabilitation: 2.86 acres c. Northern Residential PA Constrained Lands and HASC*: Pre-Mitigation Floodplain Area: 0.00 acres Post-Mitigation Floodplain Area: 0.00 acres Pre-Mitigation Slopes>30%: 28.92 acres Post-Mitigation Slopes>30: 6.63 acres Existing HASC Area: 1.68 acres Preserved HASC Area: 1.29 acres Riparian HASC Rehabilitation: 0.00 acres Upland HASC Rehabilitation: 0.00 acres d. Big Gulch PA Constrained Lands and HASC*: Pre-Mitigation Floodplain Area: 49.38 acres Post-Mitigation Floodplain Area: 10.93 acres Pre-Mitigation Slopes>30%: 11.98 acres Post-Mitigation Slopes>30: 2.14 acres Existing HASC Area: 71.01 acres Preserved HASC Area: 19.98 acres Riparian HASC Rehabilitation: 0.00 acres Upland HASC Rehabilitation: 1.60 acres e. Highway Mixed Use PA Constrained Lands and HASC*: Pre-Mitigation Floodplain Area: 0.00 acres Post-Mitigation Floodplain Area: 0.00 acres Pre-Mitigation Slopes>30%: 0.00 acres Post-Mitigation Slopes>30: 0.00 acres Existing HASC Area: 0.00 acres Preserved HASC Area: 0.00 acres Riparian HASC Rehabilitation: 0.00 acres Upland HASC Rehabilitation: 0.00 acres *As proposed within the PUMP No. 1 application-Exhibits S, T and U, dated February 2022 Page 9 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\2021\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#l\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No I PZF.docx ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: The City contracted with independent economic consulting firm TischlerBise who provided an economic analysis of the proposed development. Their report was received and dated stamped by the City on May 11, 2021. In conjunction with the analysis provided by TischlerBise, the applicant provided an independent report completed by Zion's Bank Public Finance,whose report was received by the City on April 6, 2021 and later revised including the City's approved land values and Fiscal Impact Tool absorption category classification table was submitted to the City on July 21, 2022 as Exhibit A6 and Exhibit A7. The economic analysis is attached to the staff report and incorporated herein by reference. J. LAND USE MASTER PLAN: The applicant's justification of the compliance with the requirements of the Land Use Master Plan within PUMP No. 1 is addressed in the applicant's narrative received by the City on August 19, 2021 (updated on March 14, 2022) and the applicants Planning Unit Master Plan No. 1 Exhibit D1 —Overall Land Use Plan, in addition to Exhibits D2-D5, each dated February 2022, respectively,which are attached to the staff report and incorporated herein by reference. K. PHASING PLAN: The applicant's justification of the compliance with the requirements of the Phasing Plan within PUMP No. 1 is addressed in the applicant's narrative received and date stamped by the City on August 19, 2021 (updated on March 14, 2022) and the applicants Planning Unit Master Plan No. 1 Exhibit E — Phasing Plan, dated February 2022, which are attached to the staff report and incorporated herein by reference. L. STREETS AND CIRCULATION MASTER PLAN: The applicant's justification of the compliance with the requirements of the Street and Circulation Master Plan within PUMP No. 1 is addressed in the applicant's narrative received and date stamped by the City on August 19, 2021 (updated on March 14, 2022) and the applicants Planning Unit Master Plan No. 1 Exhibit F - Street and Circulation Plan and Exhibit G— Street Sections, each dated December 2021, respectively, which are attached to the staff report and incorporated herein by reference. The Ada County Highway District(ACHD)issued an email dated November 11,2021. The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) issued a letter dated January 24, 2022. Both are attached to the staff report and incorporated herein by reference. M. POTABLE WATER MASTER PLAN: The applicant's justification of the compliance with the requirements of the Water Facilities Master Plan within PUMP No. 1 is addressed in the applicant's narrative received and date stamped by the City on August 19, 2021 (updated on March 14, 2022) and the applicant's Planning Unit Master Plan No. 1 Exhibit H—Potable Water Plan and Exhibit I—Potable Water Plan with Pressure Zones, each dated June 2021, respectively, which are attached to the staff report and incorporated herein by reference. The City Engineer issued a letter of approval on December 23, 2021, which is attached to the staff report and incorporated herein by reference. Page 10 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\2021\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#l\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No 1 PZF.docx N. WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN: The applicant's justification of the compliance with the requirements of the Wastewater Master Plan within PUMP No. 1 is addressed in the applicant's narrative received and date stamped by the City on August 19,2021 (updated on March 14,2022)and the applicants Planned Unit Master Plan No. 1, Exhibit J - Wastewater Plan, dated June 2021. The location of the 32.19-acre wastewater treatment plant site for the effluent is identified on applicant's Planning Unit Master Plan No.1,Land Use Plan -Exhibit Dl —Overall Land Use Plan, dated February 2022,which are attached to the staff report and incorporated herein by reference. The Eagle Sewer District issued a letter on December 15, 2021, which is attached to the staff report and incorporated herein by reference. O. DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN: The applicant's justification of the compliance with the requirements of the Drainage Master Plan within PUMP No.1 is addressed in the applicant's narrative received and date stamped by the City on August 19, 2021 (updated on March 14, 2022) and the applicant's Planning Unit Master Plan No. 1 Exhibit K — Drainage Plan Existing, Exhibit L — Drainage Plan Proposed Overall, and Exhibit M—Drainage Plan Proposed, each dated June 2021, respectively, which are attached to the staff report and incorporated herein by reference. The City received a letter of approval from FEMA of the M3 CLOMR on November 18,2013. All development within Spring Valley PUMP No. 1 shall be reviewed and approved consistent with Eagle City Code Title 10: Floodways. P. PRESSURIZED IRRIGATION MASTER PLAN: The applicant's justification of the compliance with the requirements of the Pressure Irrigation Master Plan within PUMP No. 1 is addressed in the applicant's narrative received and date stamped by the City on August 19, 2021 (updated on March 14, 2022) and the applicant's Planning Unit Master Plan No. 1 Exhibit N -Pressure Irrigation Plan,dated June 2021,which are attached to the staff report and incorporated herein by reference. Q. POWER&GAS PLAN: The applicant's justification of the compliance with the requirements of the Power and Gas Master Plan within PUMP No. 1 is addressed in the applicant's narrative received and date stamped by the City on August 19, 2021 (updated on March 14, 2022) and the applicant's Planning Unit Master Plan No. 1 Exhibit 0-Pressure Irrigation Plan,dated June 2021,which are attached to the staff report and incorporated herein by reference. R. PARKS,TRAILS,AND OPEN SPACE PLAN: The applicant's justification of the compliance with the requirements of the Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan within PUMP No. 1 is addressed in the applicant's narrative received and date stamped by the City on August 19, 2021 (updated on March 14, 2022) and the applicant's Planning Unit Master Plan No. 1 Exhibit P—Parks,Trails, and Open Space Plan, dated February 2022,which are attached to the staff report and incorporated herein by reference. Exhibit P — Parks, Trails, and Open Space went before the City's PPRC for review. Their letter of recommendation is attached to the staff report and incorporated herein by reference. Page 11 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\202I\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#1\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No I PZF.docx S. LOT OPEN SPACE ADJACENCY PLAN: The applicant's justification of the compliance with the requirements of the Lot Open Space Adjacency Master Plan within PUMP No.1 is addressed in the applicant's narrative received and date stamped by the City on August 19, 2021 (updated on March 14, 2022) and the applicant's Planning Unit Master Plan No. 1 Exhibit Q1 —Lot Open Space Adjacency Plan, dated February 2022,which are attached to the staff report and incorporated herein by reference. T. ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN MASTER PLAN: The applicant's justification of the compliance with the requirements of the Environmental Design Master Plan within PUMP No. 1 is addressed in the applicant's narrative received and date stamped by the City on August 19, 2021 (updated on March 14, 2022) and the applicant's Planning Unit Master Plan No.1 Exhibits R and S — Environmental Design Plan, each dated February 2022,which are attached to the staff report and incorporated herein by reference. U. CONSTRAINED LANDS PLAN: The applicant's justification of the compliance with the requirements of the Environmental Design Master Plan within PUMP No. 1 is addressed in the applicant's narrative received and date stamped by the City on August 19, 2021 (updated on March 14, 2022) and the applicant's Planning Unit Master Plan No.1 Exhibit T — Constrained Lands Plan, dated February 2022, which are attached to the staff report and incorporated herein by reference. V. HABITAT AREA OF SPECIAL CONCERN PLAN: The applicant's justification of the compliance with the requirements of the Environmental Design Master Plan within PUMP No. 1 is addressed in the applicant's narrative received and date stamped by the City on August 19, 2021 (updated on March 14, 2022) and the applicant's Planning Unit Master Plan No.1 Exhibit U — Habitat Area of Special Concern Plan, dated February 2022,which are attached to the staff report and incorporated herein by reference. W. SUPER PAD/LARGE PARCEL MASTER PLAN: The applicant's justification of the compliance with the requirements of the Super Pad / Large Parcel Master Plan within PUMP No. 1 is addressed in the applicant's narrative received and date stamped by the City on August 19, 2021 (updated on March 14, 2022) and the applicant's Planning Unit Master Plan No.1 Exhibit V — Master Developer Parcel Inventory Map, dated February 8, 2022,which are attached to the staff report and incorporated herein by reference. X. PUBLIC FACILITIES MASTER PLAN: The applicant's justification of the compliance with the requirements of the Master Public Facilities Plan within PUMP No. 1 is addressed in the applicant's narrative received and date stamped by the City on August 19, 2021 (updated on March 14, 2022) and the applicants Planning Unit Master Plan No.1 Exhibit W—Master Public Facilities Plan, dated February 2022, which are attached to the staff report and incorporated herein by reference. Page 12 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\2021\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#1\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No I PZF.docx • Y. AGENCY RESPONSES: The following agencies have responded and their correspondence is attached to the staff report. Comments which appear to be of special concern are noted below: • City Engineer: All comments within the engineer's noted and dated below are of special concern: o Planning Unit Master Streets and Circulation Plan(letter dated February 28,2022) o Planning Unit Master Potable Water Plan(letter dated December 23,2021) o Planning Unit Master Wastewater Plan(letter dated February 28,2022) o Planning Unit Master Drainage Plan(letter dated February 28,2022) o Planning Unit Master Pressurized Irrigation Plan(letter dated February 28,2022) • City Trails and Pathways Superintendent: All comments within the Trails and Pathways Superintendent's memo are of special concern(letter dated February 23, 2022) • Ada County Highway District(email dated November 15, 2021) • COMPASS(letter date stamped by the City on March 18,2022) • Eagle Fire Department(letter dated October 6,2021) • Eagle Sewer District(email dated December 15,2021) • Farmer's Union Ditch Company,Ltd. (letter dated March 11,2022) • Idaho Transportation Department(letter dated January 24,2022) • Star Fire Protection District(letter dated January 7, 2022) • West Ada School District(letter dated October 29,2021) Z. LETTERS FROM THE PUBLIC:None received to date. AA. PROPOSED TIME SCHEDULE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SITE: Page 7 of Exhibit A6—Economic Impact Analysis,provided by Zion's Public Finance,outlines a tentative development schedule beginning in 2023 with an anticipated completion date for Spring Valley in 2037. The applicant's narrative, dated March 14, 2022, states, on page 2, item C, that the overall development will occur of a 20-to-30-year timespan. Exhibit E —Phasing Plan, dated February 2022, reflects the developer's anticipated progression of development within PUMP No. 1. BB. REQUIRED FINDINGS FOR A PLANNING UNIT MASTER PLAN: 11A-7-5A-2 -ACTION BY PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION: Upon making a recommendation the Commission shall specify in writing: a. The ordinances and standards used in evaluating the application; b. The facts submitted with the application and presented establishes that: 1) The PUMP substantially conforms with: the PADA and subsequent amendments; this Title; applicable master plans approved by the City; and/or other applicable information reasonably relied on by the City necessary to uphold the intent of the PADA and this Title: 2) Streets and thoroughfares proposed are suitable and adequate to carry anticipated traffic, and increased densities, if any, will not generate traffic is such amounts as to overload the street network, Page 13 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\2021\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#1\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No 1 PZF.docx 3) The proposed commercial/non-residential development is justified at the locations proposed and is consistent with the PADA; 4) The information provided from the agencies having jurisdiction over public facilities needed for the site indicate that adequate public facilities exist, or are expected to be provided, to serve any and all uses allowed within the PUMP area. The Planning Unit will be served, or is conditioned to be served, by adequate public services. c) A summary of the current status of overall Planning Area density, Open Space, Community Centers, Neighborhood Centers, re-assignment of densities, and other adjustable factors as set forth in the PADA. THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECEIVED AND REVIEWED THE FOLLOWING STAFF ANALYSIS PROVIDED WITHIN THE STAFF REPORT: A. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: See the Eagle Foothills Subarea Plan and the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of law for RZ-19- 06, including MOD 1 and MOD 2. These documents are incorporated herein by reference. B. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: 1.2 Planned Development: 2nd Paragraph: City hereby authorizes Developer to include in Planning Unit Master Plans the types of uses that are the same as or similar to (as reasonably determined by City's Zoning Administrator), and densities and intensities of uses equal to or less than, those set forth in this Agreement and/or Title 11. Development of the Property may include, without limitation, the planning, design, engineering, construction, acquisition, installation, and/or provision of improvements of any sort or nature, including private infrastructure and Public Infrastructure related to development of the Property, whether located within or outside the Property. City, having exercised City's discretion in approving this Agreement, shall cooperate reasonably in administratively-processing the approval or issuance of such permits, plans, specifications, plats and/or other development approvals of or for the Property as may be requested by Developer in order to implement the Project,and which are reasonably consistent with this Agreement. 1.4 Planning Concept: Starting at 2"d Paragraph: The Project is planned for a Base Project Density of 0.5 units per gross acre, or 3,008 dwelling units, and 245 acres for Non-Residential Use. Through the application of the Bonus Density provisions, the Maximum Density may be increased up to 1.19 units per gross acre,not to exceed 7,160 dwelling units,and 245 acres for Non-Residential Use. In the event that any of the Non-Residential Use lands within a Planning Area are developed as residential, Developer may allocate any unused acres for Non-Residential Use to another Planning Area as provided in this section 1. In the event Additional Property is annexed the process is set forth in this section 1. Bonus Density is achieved at the time of City's approval of any PUMP as follows: • 2.5 units for each acre of a Community Center shown on such City-approved PUMP. • 10 units for each acre of a Neighborhood Center shown on such City-approved PUMP. Page 14 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\2021\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#1\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No I PZF.doex • 1 unit for each acre of Regional Open Space shown on each City-approved PUMP and cumulatively for all prior City-approved PUMPs over and above the 20% Open Space minimum requirement not to exceed 1,250 units. • 0.5 units for each acre of Community Open Space shown on each City-approved PUMP and cumulatively for all prior City-approved PUMPs over and above the 20% Open Space minimum requirement. • 10% of the total units for a Regional Open Space funding mechanism as described further in Section 2.6(f)herein. To achieve Bonus Density in a PUMP, there must be a minimum Open Space of 20% in such PUMP, which Open Space shall be first calculated using Community Open Space. Bonus Density shall be re-calculated upon the submittal of each PUMP and/or plat. Spring Valley is being planned as five different Planning Areas, as set forth in Exhibit B and Exhibit(s)D, D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5; the density allocation planned for each Planning Area is summarized in Table 1 below. Each Planning Area represents a unique design based upon: (i) topography; (ii)location within the Development Plan; (iii)existing and planned transportation corridors; (iv)a balance of commercial, employment and residential uses to promote trip capture within the Project; (v) a wide array of housing and employment options to create a live/work environment; (vi)regional and community Open Space; and(vii) dedication or donation of public facility sites for schools,police and fire, library,parks,public and civic uses. Within all Planning Areas a minimum of 50% of all dwelling units, and 65% of all single-family detached lots less than 5,000 square feet, and 50%of all single-family detached lots less than 8,000 square feet shall abut some form of Open Space. 1.6 Planning Unit Master Plan(PUMP): Each Planning Unit Master Plan shall be based on the Planning Area plans set forth in Exhibit(s)D, Dl, D2, D3, D4 and D5 and the Conceptual Development Plan set forth in Exhibit E. The Conceptual Development Plan will be updated when necessary to reflect modifications or to refine phasing within the respective Planning Unit Master Plans. It is not necessary for Planning Unit Master Plans to encompass the same geographical area as a Planning Area. A Planning Unit Master Plan should reflect the area within the Project that the Planning Unit Developer is proposing to subdivide. The Planning Unit Master Plan may address a portion of one or more Planning Area(s) or Planning Unit(s), a complete Planning Area or Planning Unit, and/or more than one Planning Area or Planning Unit. The Planning Unit Master Plan shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator for review as to completeness and compliance with the application requirements of Title 11 of Eagle City Code and this Agreement. Thereafter, the Planning Unit Master Plan shall be reviewed by the Planning & Zoning Commission for recommendation to City Council in accordance with the notice and hearing procedures of Title 11 of Eagle City Code. If the Planning Unit Master Plan is substantially in conformance with this Agreement and Title 11 of Eagle City Code, the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council shall not unreasonably withhold approval. 1.7 Allocation; Density: This Agreement provides for a Maximum Density of 1.19 units/acre, or 7,160 dwelling units, as provided in section 1.4 of this Agreement, and a maximum of 245 acres of Non-Residential Uses within the Property. The number of dwelling units shall not exceed 7,160 dwelling units for the entire Project unless Additional Property is annexed into City and made subject to this Agreement. Developer shall also have the right to allocate residential density and/or Non- Residential Use acreage, and the Development Rights associated with such residential density and/or Non-Residential Use acreage, from Planning Area(s)or Planning Unit(s)to other Planning Page 15 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\2021\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#1\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No I PZF.docx Area(s) or Planning Unit(s) at any time, and Developer may allocate any unused residential density or Non-Residential Use acreage originally allocated to a Planning Area or Planning Unit to another Planning Area or Planning Unit in the event that the preliminary or final platting of a Planning Area or Planning Unit results in unused residential density and/or unused Non- Residential Use acreage, provided such allocation: (i)does not exceed the Maximum Planning Area Density; (ii)does not exceed the Maximum Density for the Property; (iii) does not exceed the maximum Non-Residential Use acreage allowed for the Property; (iv)does not allow a use otherwise prohibited; or(v)cause a material change to this Agreement without prior amendment to this Agreement and compliance with the notice and hearing requirements of Title 11 of Eagle City Code. The allocation of residential density and/or Non-Residential Use acreage between Planning Areas and Planning Units is consistent with City's planning efforts to encourage planning flexibility based on physical and market conditions while protecting private property rights. Developer shall deliver notice to City that an allocation of residential density or Non- Residential Use acreage shall be made from one Planning Area or Planning Unit to another Planning Area or Planning Unit and shall provide City with a statement of the number of residential units per gross acre and/or Non-Residential Use acreage being allocated. Any such allocation shall not necessitate a formal amendment to this Agreement, but shall be retained in City's official file for the Property. 2.1 Traffic and Circulation: (a) Ada County Highway District; Idaho Transportation Department. Improvements to the ACHD and/or ITD Traffic System, as applicable, within the Project shall be provided at the direction of ACHD, ITD or some other legally-constituted entity jurisdiction jurisdiction over the ACHD Traffic System and/or the ITD Traffic System. Unless Cityhas such jurisdiction,City Y Y shall not be responsible for any approvals or access permits required or construction or maintenance costs associated with the ACHD Traffic System and/or the ITD Traffic System, within the Project. (c) ACHD Traffic System: Developer, with consultation with ACHD, will design, engineer, construct, acquire, install, permit and dedicate the ACHD Traffic System within and/or proportional to the Project's impacts in accordance with the Master Streets & Circulation Plan, Planning Unit Master Streets&Circulation Plans and the Phasing Plan and all planning and study documents of ACHD. (d) ITD Traffic System: Developer, with consultation with ITD, will design, engineer, construct, acquire, install, permit and dedicate the ITD System within and/or adjacent and/or proportional to the Project's impacts in accordance with the Master Streets & Circulation Plan,Planning Unit Master Streets&Circulation Plans and Phasing Plan and all planning and study documents of ITD. City and Developer shall cooperate in pursuit of funding from or authorized by the State of Idaho for the construction of Developer's proportionate share of necessary improvements to the ITD System (which improvements may include, without limitation, interchanges, roundabouts, traffic signals, turning lanes and frontage roads) required to implement this Plan. (e) Planning Unit Master Streets & Circulation Plan: A detailed analysis of the ACHD Traffic System within the Project and the ITD Traffic System within and/or adjacent to the Project and the ultimate design and locations of streets and circulation improvements shall be consistent with the Master Streets & Circulation Plan and further defined in each Planning Unit Master Streets & Circulation Plan, which analysis shall be submitted and approved by ACHD and/or ITD, as appropriate. Each Planning Unit Master Streets & Circulation Plan shall be prepared by Developer and approved by City taking into account the Master Streets & Circulation Plan, and any amendments thereto and the recommendations of ACHD and/or Page 16 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\2021\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#I\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No I PZF.docx ITD, as applicable. Each Planning Unit Master Streets & Circulation Plan shall address any increase or decrease in traffic volumes from other Planning Unit Master Plans and the particular Planning Unit being planned that may occur as development progresses and densities and intensities are rearranged. 2.2 Water: (a) Municipal Water Right: Monitoring Plan: Pursuant to that certain Assignment of Application and Permit dated and filed with IDWR on June 13, 2011, which remains in effect and is applicable to this Agreement, Developer has conveyed to City ground water right no. 63-32573 (the "Municipal Water Right"), which is to be used to provide municipal water service to the Project for all of its municipal uses, including without limitation irrigation, storage, residential, commercial, industrial, and other municipal uses. The Municipal Water Right requires ground water monitoring in accordance with its Attachment B, which is a March 17, 2011 Technical Memorandum setting forth a water level/water production monitoring and reporting plan(the"Monitoring Plan"). Developer has been implementing the Monitoring Plan and is responsible for all costs of implementing the Monitoring Plan until a Completed Portion is conveyed to City. As Completed Portions are conveyed to City, City shall be responsible to pay its proportionate share of the total Monitoring Plan costs, its share being calculated as follows: total Monitoring Plan costs (A); multiplied by the results of the number of connections to the Water System by a "customer(s)" or "user(s)" as defined by Eagle City Code Title 6 Chapter 5 (B); divided by the total Project residential density of 7,160 dwelling units(C). (A x (B _C)). Nothing in this Agreement, or action taken pursuant to this Agreement, shall be deemed to convey or grant any interest in the Municipal Water Right to Developer. (b) Irrigation and Related Uses: The Irrigation System shall be effluent(including reuse) or other systems used for storage, delivery and the use of treated effluent on site, any water right or entitlement associated with ditch company shares, any surface water or ground water (excluding Permit # 63-32573 or any existing or future water rights held by the City) or any additional water right or permits that may be associated with irrigation, aesthetics, amenities, or open space purposes. Connection to the water system shall be consistent with paragraph 2.2(a) of this Agreement. Developer may provide additional water rights or entitlements for use on the Project, through Developer's own system or otherwise, for irrigation, aesthetic, amenity and/or open space use not served by the Water System within the Project, and shall make best efforts to provide for these uses with surface water, such as Farmers Union Canal Company or Re-Use Water or existing irrigation wells on the Property that are not part of the Water System. The method of providing water for irrigation uses shall be at the discretion, and under the control, of Developer so long as an adequate system and source of supply is provided, including a source of supply consistent with Sections 2.2(a) and 2.3 below. Any irrigation system shall meet the requirements of Eagle City Code Title 11. If Developer so requests, City will give good faith consideration to establishing a city irrigation system pursuant to Title 50, Chapter 18, Idaho Code, or otherwise, to deliver irrigation water to the Project. If City decides not to establish a city irrigation system, Developer may establish or contract with an irrigation or other special district, a canal company, or similar entity to serve the Project's irrigation needs consistent with the provisions of this Section. Nothing in this section shall limit water delivery from City to Developer at a wholesale rate during those times when such water is available under the Municipal Water Right if it is not needed to serve other municipal water needs in the Project, and Developer has not yet constructed the facilities or generated the re-use or other irrigation water necessary to serve such needs. Page 17 of 32 K:\Planning Dcpt\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\202I\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#1\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\.Spring Valley PUMP No 1 PZF.docx 2.3 Wastewater Treatment and Disposal: (a) Eagle Sewer District: Sanitary sewer collection, treatment and disposal shall be provided by Sewer District or some other legally constituted public or private provider allowed to operate in City. Developer agrees to annex to Eagle Sewer District and further agrees not to seek other sewer treatment services unless or until Eagle Sewer District refuses to serve the Project. City shall not be responsible for any treatment, maintenance or costs associated with sanitary sewer collection,treatment and disposal in connection with the Project. (b)Master Wastewater Study: Master Wastewater Plan: Developer has completed the Master Wastewater Study and Master Wastewater Plan which has been submitted to Eagle Sewer District for approval. The Master Wastewater Plan, to be developed based on the Master Wastewater Study provides general locations of the major wastewater infrastructure needed to provide service for the Property. 2.4 Storm Water Drainage: (a) Ada County Highway District: Post-development storm water management includes drainage collection, diversion, detention, retention, dispersal, use and discharge, which shall be provided by ACHD or some other legally-constituted public or private provider allowed to operate in City and having jurisdiction over the Drainage System. Unless City has such jurisdiction, City shall not be responsible for any approval, construction, collection, conveyance or maintenance costs associated with the Drainage System within the Project. (b) Master Drainage Study: Master Drainage Plan: Developer shall complete the Master Drainage Plan, based on the Master Drainage Study to describe pre-development drainage characteristics of the Property and a conceptual hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of the Property's existing and proposed Drainage System. In connection with such Master Drainage Plan, Developer determined the applicable 100-year floodway elevations for the Property and shall obtain from FEMA a Conditional Letter of Map Revision ("CLOMR") that adjusts the floodway boundaries. City shall use all good faith efforts to cooperate with Developer in connection with any of Developer's applications to FEMA to modify relevant flood maps to reflect actual conditions. 2.5 Public Facilities: (a) Police: City shall provide police protection services to the Property as developed on the same basis as is provided to other residents and businesses within City. Developer shall contribute 1 site (not to exceed 1 acre) for the construction of a police station in accordance with the Master Parks, Trails and Public Facilities Plan, attached as Exhibit I,which defines a general location. Police. City shall provide police protection services to the Property as developed on the same basis as is provided to other residents and businesses within City. Developer shall contribute 1 site(not to exceed 1 acre) for the construction of a police station in accordance with the Master Parks, Trails and Public Facilities Plan, attached as Exhibit I, which defines a general location. ib) Fire: Fire services are now provided to City by Eagle Fire District and Star Fire District (individually, the "Fire District" and collectively, the "Fire Districts"). Unless City becomes the entity responsible,City shall not be obligated to provide fire services to the Property. Fire water flows shall be provided by the Water System and all fire protection infrastructure will be designed and constructed in conjunction with each Fire District and in accord with all applicable governmental regulations and adopted uniform fire codes. Hydrant locations will be determined following consideration of, without limitation, accessibility, obstructions, building proximity, driveway entrances, signs and light poles. Developer, in consultation with the Fire Districts, has developed a wildfire management plan for implementation within Page 18 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\2021\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#1\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No I PZF.docx such Fire Districts. Unless otherwise agreed between Developer and Fire District, Developer shall contribute 1 site (not to exceed 1 acre of land per site and in addition to the fire station site combined with the police station site referenced in section 2.5(a) above) for construction of the fire station in accordance with the Master Parks, Trails and Public Facilities Plan, attached as Exhibit I, which defines a general location. The final location is subject to Developer, applicable Fire District and City approval. Such fire station shall be identified in connection with the applicable Planning Unit Master Plan or portion thereof. (c) Schools: Public education is provided by the School District. City shall not be obligated to provide public education service to the Property. Developer has, and shall continue to work diligently with School District to ensure that the educational needs of Property residents are met. In furtherance of meeting educational needs,Developer may participate with School District in enhancing the technology in one or more schools constructed by School District on the Property. Developer generally has identified potential school sites within the Project, as depicted on the Master Parks, Trails and Public Facilities Plan, attached as Exhibit I, to accommodate the needs of students generated as a result of the development of the Property using School District's student generation rates to determine the probable number of sites. The specific location, specific number of school sites and types of schools (i.e., elementary, middle and high schools) will be subject to approval by Developer and School District. The school sites will be shown as being dedicated to School District on an applicable Planning Unit Master Plan by Planning Unit Master Plan basis. The final number of school sites, the type of schools and their locations shall be identified in the appropriate Planning Unit Master Plan. (d)Library and Other Municipal Services: City shall provide library and such other municipal services to the Property on the same basis as is provided to other residents and businesses within City. Developer shall offer to City up to a four-acre site (subject to actual needs and based upon an approved site plan) for donation to City, with utilities stubbed, or to be stubbed, to such site to accommodate the development of the type of library and other municipal services necessary to serve the community at a location to be mutually agreed upon between City and Developer. If mutually agreed upon between City and Developer, Developer shall have the right to incorporate the space necessary to accommodate these uses into buildings built by Developer within the Property. It is planned that such site would be located within the Big Gulch Planning Area. Design of any library shall be consistent with the EASD and/or Title 11 of Eagle City Code and shall be reviewed for approval by Developer. 2.6 Parks,Trails and Open Space: (a) Master Parks. Trails and Open Space Plan: The Project will contain Open Space, totaling a gross minimum acreage of 20%of the Project area with an overall goal of providing 40%or more of the Project area as Open Space in exchange for Bonus Density described in section 1.4, above. Each Planning Area shall contain a minimum of 15% of its total gross acres as Open Space. A Master Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan for the Project is shown on Exhibit I, which depicts the intent to link neighborhoods and Planning Areas to various common areas and recreational uses. The pathways and trails will be within and through Planning Areas and may be located along Open Space corridors and near or adjacent to community streets and roads. Pathways and trails may also utilize drainage ways and dry gulches between common areas and neighborhoods or may be combined with the drainage system for the Project. The parks, trails and Open Space Plan shown on Exhibit I will be either owned by the Owners' Association City, or another entity, or a combination of all Page 19 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\2021\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#l\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No I PZF.docx three. Developer will submit to City a more detailed Master Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan concurrently with the submittal of the first Planning Unit Master Plan or portion thereof. (b) A Planning Unit Master Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan: A Planning Unit Master Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan shall be submitted as part of the Planning Unit Master Plan that generally conforms to the Master Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan and will address roadway crossings,habitat, trails within the Eagle Regional Park, ownership or intent to dedicate park facilities if known at the time of submittal. (f) Maintenance of Regional Open Space: Developer acknowledges the significance of the public Regional Open Space being created in the foothills and agrees to cooperate with City to establish an ongoing funding mechanism which is applicable to all residential and Non- Residential Use lands, homes or buildings within the North Eagle Foothills Planning Area and/or City limits. This funding mechanism shall be solely for the Regional Open Space associated with this Project and identified in Exhibit I of this Agreement. The funding mechanism requirement shall be met when Developer provides for funding of maintenance of Regional Open Space through an Owners' Association's CC&Rs and such funding mechanism is an obligation of all owners governed by such CC&Rs to fund the maintenance of Regional Open Space within that area of Spring Valley governed by such CC&Rs. In no event does the Density Bonus provision, in section 1.4 of this Agreement, apply until the funding mechanism is established by Developer in accordance with this Agreement. 2.7 Planning Unit Master Environmental Design Plan: (a) Landscape; Signage; Lighting: All development of the Property shall comply with the landscape, signage and lighting standards of Eagle City Code Title 11. (b) Habitat Mitigation Plan: A Habitat Mitigation Plan that addresses development within Constrained Lands, as generally identified on Exhibit J as Habitat Areas of Special Concern, has been prepared by Developer in cooperation with City. The City-approved Habitat Mitigation Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit N, identifies areas where Mitigation is required, the type of Mitigation actions, if any, required, and the rationale for such actions. City and Developer may coordinate, cooperate, and consult with other agencies in the application of the Habitat Mitigation Plan, but approval authority for the application of the Habitat Mitigation Plan shall rest solely with City based on standards commensurate with such Habitat Mitigation Plan(s) and based on findings that demonstrate a rational nexus Nothing in the Habitat Mitigation Plan may be construed as either incorporating state and/or federal standards and/or regulations that are not applicable to the Property or otherwise conferring any approval authority for the Habitat Mitigation Plan to any state or federal agency. Implementation and compliance with the Habitat Mitigation Plan shall be on a Planning Unit by Planning Unit basis. A PUMP shall not be approved if development is proposed and compliance with the Habitat Mitigation Plan has not been approved or conditionally approved in accordance with Eagle City Code Title 11. 3.1 Regulation of Development: (a) Applicable Rules: The ordinances, rules, regulations, permit requirements, development fees, other infrastructure fees, exactions, other requirements, and/or official policies however denominated, applicable to and governing the development of the Property shall be those that are existing and in force as of the Date of Application, as may be mutually amended by amendment to this Agreement; provided, however, notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, Titles 8 and 9 of Eagle City Code are not applicable to Spring Valley and have been replaced by Title 11 of Eagle City Code. Page 20 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\2021\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#l\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No I PZF.docx 3.2 Amendments: 2nd Paragraph: No moratorium, future ordinance, resolution or other land use rule or regulation imposing a limitation on the development or the rate, timing or sequencing of the development,of the Property or any portion thereof shall apply to or govern the development of the Property whether affecting land use permits, subdivision plats, building permits, occupancy permits or other entitlements to use issued or granted by City, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement. Nothing in this section shall prohibit City from withholding the issuance of Certificates of Occupancy for a structure to be occupied if the Public Infrastructure improvements set forth in this Agreement and Planning Unit Master Plans required to serve the applicable portion of the Property on which a structure to be occupied is to be located are not in place prior to occupation of such structure. B. PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS CODE PROVISIONS WHICH OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: 11A-7-1: PURPOSE, GOALS,AND OBJECTIVES: A. The purpose of the Planning Unit Master Plan is to ensure that the land uses and densities prescribe for development are consistent with the PADA and this Title 11A prior to subdivision; B. A Planning Unit Master Plan should reflect an area within Spring Valley that the Planning Unit developer is proposing to subdivide in the future; C. The Planning Unit Master Plan may address a portion of a Planning Area, a complete Planning Area,or more than one Planning Area. 11A-7-2: PUMP COMPLIANCE WITH PADA: The PUMP process is intended to demonstrate substantial conformance with the land use and infrastructure requirements found within the approved PADA dated January 15,2014.The PUMP does not provide or constitute approval(s)to construct or develop the site. An application for approval of a PUMP may be filed by a property owner or a person having an existing interest in the property to be included in the PUMP. 11A-7-3: OWNERSHIP REQUIREMENTS: The PUMP application shall be filed in the name or names of the recorded owner or owners of property included in the development. However, the application may be filed by the holder(s) of an equitable interest in such property. Documentation showing the approval by the Master Developer shall be presented at the time of application submittal. D. DISCUSSION: • Per Exhibit D2—"Southwestern Planning Area", dated February 2022,Lot 13 (located within the Southwestern Residential PA) 12.10-acres in size is identified for"future public facilities and/or HOA amenities",these amenities include a school site, police station,Library of other municipal services. The West Ada School District, in a letter dated October 29, 2021, has requested that the site be preserved for a future potential school site while the district evaluates their needs for a school within the Spring Valley development, as well as if this is the appropriate location within the project. Additionally, the City may accept a portion of the site to fulfill the obligation under paragraph 2.5 "Public Facilities", sections (a) "Police" and (d) "Library and Other Municipal Services"— it is at the Council's sole discretion to accept a Page 21 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\2021\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#1\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No I PZF.docx portion of this lot or provide direction to the developer as to the desired location for police, library, and other municipal services. In collaboration with the developer, the City should evaluate the lot for municipal use. Until such time as the City and school district determine a desire for the property the site shall be maintained and operated by the HOA as an amenity for the site, this includes open space or garden areas as determined by the developer. The applicant should be required to place a deed restriction and/or plat note on Lot 13 at the time of the preliminary plat submittal associated with Lot 13 stating that there is no further development potential for this lot and that it is reserved for dedication towards future public facilities and/or HOA amenities only. • The applicant is proposing to relocate bonus density units associated with Neighborhood Centers from the Southwestern Residential Planning Area to the Southern Residential Planning Area. Exhibit D4 "Southwestern Residential Planning Area - Uses/Design" of the development agreement states, "This Planning Area is also planned to have a 17-acre Neighborhood Center which may be part of a larger village center." Additionally, paragraph 1.4"Planning Concept,Table 1:Project Summary"of the development agreement reflects the inclusion of up to 24-acres of Neighborhood Center and an associated 240 bonus density units within the Planning Area. The Southern Residential Planning Area does not include any Neighborhood Center acreage or allotted bonus densities,however paragraph 1.7 "Allocation; Density" allows the developer the ability to allocate density and/or non-residential use acreage, from planning areas or planning units to other planning areas or planning units at any time. Upon approval of PUMP No. 1,the Neighborhood Center acreage and associated units should be transferred from the Southwestern Planning Area to the Southern Planning Area. At no time should the property exceed the designed 240-acres and 2,240 units of bonus density associated with Neighborhood Centers. • Exhibit D2-3 within the development agreement shows the Northern Residential PA to contain potential high school within Lot 22. As proposed in the submitted exhibit D-4 "Northern Planning Area Land Use Plan", dated February 2022, no high school site is included within the proposed design. Page 7 of the submitted narrative, dated March 14, 2022, clarifies that, due to the low studentgeneration rate of 0.5per household, the West Ada School District does not anticipate needing a high school site as was previously located. The developer should continue to work with West Ada School District and the City to plan for these needs in future PUMP submittals. • Exhibit D2-3 within the development agreement shows the Northern Residential PA to contain a golf course, HOA & Recreation Club, Clubhouse/Winery and Vineyards within Lots 24, 25, 26, and 28. As proposed in the submitted exhibit D-4 "Northern Planning Area Land Use Plan", dated February 2022, none of the aforementioned amenities are included within the proposed design. Page 6 of the submitted narrative, dated March 14, 2022, states the amenities associated with the winery and golf course are not included within PUMP No. 1, "but are still anticipated to be included within the overall project and will be located further to the north and east in the Northern Planning Area." • The development agreement requires that of the existing 1,160-acres of land designated as Habitat Area of Special Concern (HASC), that a minimum of 50% (580-acres) are preserved and/or mitigated. 453.36-acres of HASC area are included within PUMP No. 1, of which 194.62-acres are to be preserved or be rehabilitated. The preserved/rehabilitated areas only Page 22 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\202 I\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#l\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No 1 PZF.docx equate to 43%of the total HASC area within PUMP No. 1 which is below the 50%minimum requirement for the overall project. However, when areas of the HASC that are outside of PUMP No. 1 are included within the calculations, the preserved or rehabilitated area is 72.5%. The City will continue to track development and mitigation in HASC areas in future PUMP submittals to ensure that the area to be preserved and/or rehabilitated remain above the 50%requirement. • Per Exhibit W—"Master Public Facilities Plan,"dated February 2022, Lot 1 is designated as a Waste Water Treatment Plant. If the location is approved,the applicant should place a deed restriction and/or plat note on Lot 1 reserving it for dedication towards the waste water treatment plant at the time of plat submittal. • Per Exhibit W — "Master Public Facilities Plan," dated February 2022, Lot 17 designates a potential Fire Station location within the Southern Planning Area. Additionally, dedication of land and financial support for the inclusion of fire facilities is required within the development agreement. At this time, neither the Eagle Fire District or the Middleton/Star Fire District have stated their intent to locate a fire station at this specific location. The developer should continue to discuss locations of potential fire station locations with the applicable fire districts in future PUMP submittals. The applicant should provide a written statement to the City from the local fire entities stating that no land dedication for the use of a fire station within Lot 17 is requested at the time of the submittal of the preliminary plat application associated with Lot 17. PUBLIC HEARING OF THE COMMISSION: A. A public hearing on the application was held before the Planning and Zoning Commission on March 21, 2022, at which time testimony was taken and the public hearing was closed. The Commission made their recommendation at that time. B. Oral testimony in favor of the application was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission by no one(not including the applicant/representative). C. Oral testimony in opposition to the application was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission by no one. COMMISSION DELIBERATION: Upon closing the public hearing,the Commission discussed during deliberation that: • The availability of water within the development is a concern and will remain a critical component of planning and design as the region and this development continue to grow. • The information presented by the applicant's engineering team regarding the existing aquifers and the on-going monitoring systems that are in place demonstrates that a high level of work and research into a complex subject was completed. • The aesthetic of the project presented, including the home styles and open space,was very appealing. • The Commission stated concerns with the phasing of the project as it relates to the implementation of commercial and retail land uses within the development. While it is understood that retail development requires support from a residential population base within a serviceable proximity, the planned population growth of this development that is anticipated to occur prior to the implementation of essential services within Spring Valley will increase the number vehicular trips onto the local street and highway network. • The Commission stated that it would have been beneficial to include a mechanism within the development agreement that would establish minimum retail building sizes within Spring Valley to Page 23 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\2021\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#l\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No I PZF.docx ensure that essential goods like neighborhood grocery stores would be required to be included within the development. Currently, nothing necessarily precludes the commercial uses to be anything more than small-scale specialty retail which would not greatly reduce vehicle trips outside of the development. • The letter provided by the West Ada School District citing student generation rates that are lower than what has been typically utilized by the school district speaks to the anticipated high cost of housing that is expected within Spring Valley which leads to general unaffordability by families with school age children. The Commission would like to see some aspect of affordability is integrated into the development. COMMISSIONS DECISION: The Commission voted 4 to 0(McCauley absent)to recommend approval of PU-01-21 for a Planned Unit Master Plan (PUMP) for Spring Valley with the following staff recommended site specific conditions of approval and standard conditions of approval with text shown with underline to be added by the Commission: SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. All PUMP No.1 Master plans, as approved or conditioned for approval, shall be used to evaluate and establish conditions of approval for any and all preliminary plat submittals within the Boundary of PUMP No. 1. 2. Comply with all requirements of the Ada County Highway District and the Idaho Transportation Department. All Planning Unit Master Plan maps shall be updated consistent with ACHD & ITD approvals, including,but not limited to,the Transportation Mitigation Agreement(TMA). 3. The applicant shall submit payment to the City for all outstanding fees (planning, engineering, and legal) incurred for reviewing this PUMP, prior to approval of a preliminary plat for the area contained within the PUMP. 4. No grading shall occur on the site, including the wastewater land application site, until the applicant has received approval from the City in accordance with the Spring Valley Grading and Hillside Development Standards. 5. The applicant shall comply with all conditions referenced within the City Engineer's letters below regarding the following PUMP No. 1 submittals, as summarized in the letter provided by the City Engineer dated February 28,2022: a. Planning Unit Master Streets and Circulation Plan(letter dated February 28,2022) b. Planning Unit Master Potable Water Plan(letter dated December 23,2021) c. Planning Unit Master Wastewater Plan(letter dated February 28,2022) d. Planning Unit Master Drainage Plan(letter dated February 28,2022) e. Planning Unit Master Pressurized Irrigation Plan(letter dated February 28,2022) 6. The applicant shall design the joint trench with fiber optic conduit at the time of preliminary plat submittal as is needed to ensure that all development within Spring Valley can be serviced with fiberoptic internet service as the service becomes available to the area. 7. The applicant shall be required to place a deed restriction and/or plat note on Lot 1, as identified within PUMP No. 1 Exhibit DI — Overall Land Use Plan (dated February 2022), reserving it for dedication towards the waste water treatment plant at the time of submittal of the plat associated with Lot 1. Page 24 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\2021\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#l\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No 1 PZF.docx 8. The applicant shall be required to place a deed restriction and/or plat note on Lot 13, as identified within PUMP No. 1 Exhibit Dl — Overall Land Use Plan (dated February 2022) reserving it for dedication towards future public facilities and/or HOA amenities at the time of submittal of the plat associated with Lot 13. 9. Exhibit W—Master Public Facilities Plan, dated February 2022, indicates a potential fire station at this location. The applicant shall work with the applicable fire agencies to determine the number and location of potential fire stations within the PUMP No. 1 and subsequent PUMP submittals. If no land dedication for the purpose of developing a fire station within Lot 17 of is requested, the applicant should provide a written statement to the City from the applicable fire agencies stating that no land dedication is requested within Lot 17 at the time of the submittal of the preliminary plat application associated with Lot 17. 10. The applicant shall comply with the PPRC recommendations within the letter dated February 23, 2022. 11. Big Gulch Parkway has been identified as an informal collector and shall be developed, landscaped and maintained as a collector consistent with PUMP No.1 Exhibit R—Environmental Design Plan, dated February 2022. 12. The applicant shall provide evidence that Spring Valley has contracted with a licensed operator for the wastewater transmission or proof of annexation into the Eagle Sewer District prior to the submittal of a final plat application within PUMP No.1. 13. The applicant shall provide to the HOA, any necessary entity, and/or operator any access easements to the reuse/land application site and sewer transmission lines prior to the City's issuance of a zoning certificate for the land application site. 14. The applicant shall submit a Design Review application prior to the submittal of an associated final plat application consistent with ECC Section 11A-3 for all signage, landscape, and common areas identified in Exhibit P — Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan dated February 2022) as part of the PUMP No. 1 submittal and in accordance with ECC Section 11A-7. 15. The applicant shall submit a Design Review application prior to final platting of the areas containing the facility for all public facilities (water pump houses, booster houses, sewage treatment plant, etc.) associated with PUMP No. 1. 16. The applicant shall be required to place a deed restriction and/or plat note on the Native/Undisturbed areas within the Habitat of Special Concern(HASC) areas identified to be preserved in Exhibit U— Habitat Area of Special Concern Plan (dated February 2022) at the time of final plat submittal. These preserved areas shall be identified to be managed and maintained as native and undisturbed areas and there shall be no alterations or modifications to these areas including, but not limited to, grading, drainage, landscaping, conventional maintenance. The specific wording shall be reviewed by the City Engineer and the City Attorney prior to approval of each final plat. Minor disturbance of the HASC areas for the sole purpose of the implementation and use of natural trails, as depicted in the PPRC letter dated February 23, 2022, shall be permitted. Any disturbance beyond what is required for the implementation and use of any natural trails shall be rehabilitated by the developer. 17. No development or permits shall be issued outside of the established boundary of PUMP No. 1 unless it is for an essential public facility (i.e. sewer, water, electrical, roads, or BLM access easements). These services shall remain subject to City approvals(i.e. grading, design review, and/or building permits). Page 25 of 32 K:\Planning DepPEagle Applications\Spring Valley\2021\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#l\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\.Spring Valley PUMP No I PZF.docx • 18. All land uses and lots shall comply with the following and shall be subject to ECC 11A-2 at the time of preliminary plat approval: PUMP ECC - No. 1 11A-2: Description: Max. Planning Land Use Density: Area: District: Regional Open Space: Regional Open Space is intended to serve the general public and may be adjacent to, or provide connection to, large scale regional open space within the City's North Eagle Foothills Planning Area. Regional Open Space may include many of the amenities provided in Community Open Space as well as active regional parks, SW regional trail corridors (such as the Big Gulch Regional Park, S Trail and Open Space Corridor), and large natural areas No N ROS planned for dedication as permanent natural open space as Residential BG part of an Eagle Regional Park and Willow Creek Road Open Density Space Corridor. Regional Open Space may be owned and maintained by the City, the Spring Valley Community Association, a land trust or other conservation group or entity. 332.09 acres of Regional Open Space is proposed within PUMP No. 1 Community Open Space: may include public, semi-public, and private recreational facilities, amphitheaters, golf courses,pathways and trails, landscape zones in and adjacent to major roadways including areas outside of a dedicated SW right-of-way, greenbelts, cultural, community, educational, and quasi-public facilities, equestrian centers and trailheads, No N COS as well as parks, playfields and natural open spaces. Residential BG Agricultural uses, such as vineyards, wineries and plant Density nurseries, are considered Community Open Space. Facilities and tracts of land owned by the Spring Valley Community Association are also considered Community Open Space. 172.98 acres of Community Open Space is proposed within PUMP No. 1 Village Center/Non-Residential: No minimum lot area. 4.0 Max. BG VC FAR* 150,000 square feet of MF1 is proposed within PUMP No. 1 Medium Density Multi-Family: Minimum open space is 20%of the site. 28 units per BG MF1 acre 265 MF1 units are proposed within PUMP No. 1 Table Continued on Page 8 Page 26 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\2021\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#1\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No I PZF.docx PUMP ECC No. 1 11A-2: Max. Planning Land Use Description: Density: Area: District: Single-Family Attached: SW Minimum lot area is not applicable. 18 units per SFA acre BG 488 SFA units are proposed within PUMP No. 1 Single-Family Special Lot: SW Minimum lot area of 3,000 square feet. 12 units per SFSL acre BG 317 SFSL units are proposed within PUMP No. 1 Single-Family 3—Single-Family Detached: SW Single-family detached units.Minimum lot area of 4,000 S SF3 square feet. 10 units per N acre BG 651 SF3 units are proposed within PUMP No. 1 Single-Family 2—Single-Family Detached: SW Single-family detached units.Minimum lot area of 6,000 N SF2 square feet. 7 units per BG acre 479 SF2 units are proposed within PUMP No. 1 SW=Southwestern Res. PA, S=Southern Res.PA,N=Northern Res. PA,BG=Big Gulch PA *FAR: Floor Area Ratio — A measurement of a building's floor area in relation to the size of the lot/parcel that the building is located on. NOTE: In the event a Standard Condition of Approval conflicts with a Site Specific Condition of Approval contained herein the Site Specific Condition of Approval shall control. STANDARD CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Ada County Highway District and/or the Idaho Transportation Department, including but not limited to approval of the drainage system, curbs, gutters, streets and sidewalks,where applicable. 1. Correct street names, as approved by the Ada County Street Name Committee, shall be placed on the plat prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. 2. Complete water and sewer system construction plans shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer and/or the applicable reviewing agency, as required. Required improvements shall include, but not be limited to, extending all utilities to the platted property. The developer may submit a letter in lieu of plans explaining why plans may not be necessary. 3. Idaho Department of Health & Welfare approval of the sewer and water facilities is required prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat(I.C. Title 50,Chapter 13 and I.C. 39-118). 4. Written approval of all well water for any shared or commercial well shall be obtained from the Idaho Department of Water Resources prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. 5. Wet line sewers will be required and the applicant will be required to furnish the City Engineer with a letter from the sewer entity serving the property, accepting the project for service, prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. Page 27 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Sprang Valley\2021\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#1\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No I PZF.docx 6. All homes being constructed with individual septic systems shall have the septic systems placed on the street side of the home or shall have their sewer drainage system designed with a stub at the house front to allow for future connection to a public sewer system. Any homes proposed to be serviced by septic systems shall be identified on the plat and a letter of approval from Central District Health shall be required prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. 7. Per Idaho Code, Section 31-3805, concerning irrigation rights, transfer and disclosure, the water rights appurtenant to the lands in said subdivision which are within the irrigation entity will be transferred from said lands by the owner thereof; or the subdivider shall provide for underground tile or other like satisfactory underground conduit to permit the delivery of water to those landowners within the subdivision who are also within the irrigation entity. See Eagle City Code Section 11A-13D-1-9(C), which provides overriding and additional specific criteria for pressurized irrigation facilities. Plans showing the delivery system must be approved by a registered professional engineer and shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. 8. The applicant shall submit a letter from the appropriate drainage entity approving the drainage system and/or accepting said drainage; or submit a letter from a registered professional engineer certifying that all drainage shall be retained on-site prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. A copy of the construction drawing(s) shall be submitted with the letter. 9. Drainage system plans shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. The plans shall show how swales, or drain piping, will be developed in the drainage easements. The approved drainage system shall be constructed, or a performance bond shall be submitted to the City Clerk, prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. The CC&Rs shall contain clauses to be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer and City Attorney, prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat, requiring that lots be so graded that all runoff runs either over the curb,or to the drainage easement, and that no runoff shall cross any lot line onto another lot except within a drainage easement. 11. No ditch, pipe or other structure, or canal, or drain, for irrigation water or irrigation waste water owned by an organized irrigation district, canal company, ditch association, drainage district, drainage entity, or other irrigation entity, shall be obstructed, routed, covered or changed in any way unless such obstruction, rerouting, covering or changing has first been approved in writing by the entity. A Registered Engineer shall certify that any ditch rerouting, piping, covering or otherwise changing the existing irrigation or waste ditch (1) has been made in such a manner that the flow of water will not be impeded or increased beyond carrying capacity of the downstream ditch; (2)will not otherwise injure any person or persons using or interested in such ditch or their property; and (3) satisfied the Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction. A copy of such written approval and certification shall be filed with the construction drawing and submitted to the City Engineer prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. 12. Encroachments including,but not limited to, landscaping, fencing,lighting, and/or pathways shall not be located within any easement or right-of-way for any ditch,pipe or other structure, or canal,or drain,used for irrigation water or irrigation waste water without the express written approval of the organized irrigation district,canal company,ditch association, drainage district, drainage entity or other irrigation entity associated with such ditch,pipe or other structure,drainage or canal. The applicant shall submit a copy of the written approval from the irrigation entity,drainage district,or drainage entity prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. 10. Street light plans shall be submitted and approved as to the location, height and wattage to City Staff at the time of Design Review application submittal. All construction shall comply with the City's specifications and standards. Page 28 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\2021\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#1\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No I PZF.docx The applicant shall delineate on the face of the final plat an easement, acceptable to the City Engineer, for the purpose of installing and maintaining street light fixtures, conduit and wiring lying outside any dedicated public right-of-way, prior to the City Engineer signing the fmal plat. Whether located inside or outside of the public right-of-way the perpetual maintenance of the street lights shall be the responsibility of the applicant, subdivider, business owner, homeowner, or homeowner's/business owner's association,whichever the case may be. The applicant shall pay applicable street light inspection fees on the proposed subdivision prior to signing of the fmal plat by the Eagle City Engineer. 14. The applicant shall submit cut sheets showing street lighting details for review and approval by the Zoning Administrator prior to the submittal of the final plat. The plans shall show how the streetlights will facilitate the"Dark Sky"concept of lighting. 15. The applicant shall provide utility easements as required by the public utility providing service, including fiberoptic internet conduit, and as may be required by the Eagle City Code,prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. 16. An approval letter from the Fire District who has jurisdiction over the platted area shall be submitted to the City prior to the City Engineer signing the fmal plat. The letter shall include the following comments and minimum requirements, and any other items of concern as may be determined by the applicable fire department officials: a. The applicant has made arrangements to comply with all requirements of the Fire District who has jurisdiction over the platted area. b. The proposed fire hydrant locations shall be reviewed and be approved in writing by the Fire District who has jurisdiction over the platted area prior to the City Engineer signing the fmal plat. c. Minimum flow per hydrant shall be 1,000 gallons per minute for one and two family dwellings, 1,500 gallons per minute for dwellings having a fire area in excess of 3,600 square feet, and 1,500 gallons per minute (i.e.; Commercial, Industrial, Schools, etc.). Flow rates shall be inspected in accordance with all agencies having jurisdiction, and shall be verified in writing by the Fire District who has jurisdiction over the platted area prior to issuance of any building permits. d. The proposed fire protection system shall be reviewed and approved by the Fire District who has jurisdiction over the platted area prior to issuance of a building permit. 17. Covenants, homeowner's association by-laws or other similar deed restrictions, acceptable to the Eagle City Attorney which provide for the use, control and mutual maintenance of all preserved and mitigated habitat areas, common areas, storage facilities, recreational facilities, street lights or open spaces shall be reviewed and approved by the Eagle City Attorney prior to the City Engineer signing the fmal plat. A restrictive covenant must be recorded and a note on the face of the final plat is required,providing for mutual maintenance and access easements. Appropriate papers describing decision-making procedures relating to the maintenance of structures, grounds and parking areas shall be reviewed and approved by the Eagle City Attorney prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. 18. Should the homeowner's association be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the storm drainage facilities, the covenants and restrictions, homeowner's association by-laws or other similar deed restrictions acceptable to the Eagle City Attorney shall be reviewed and approved by the Eagle City Attorney prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. Page 29 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\202I\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#I\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No I PZF.docx 19. The applicant shall submit an application for Design Review, and shall obtain approval for all required landscaping, common area and subdivision signage prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. 20. Any recreation area, greenbelt area or pathway area along the Boise River, Dry Creek or any other area designated by the City Council or Eagle City Parks and Pathways Development Commission for a path or walkway shall be approved in writing by the Eagle City Parks and Pathway Development Commission prior to approval of the final plat by the City Council. 21. Conservation, recreation and river access easements (if applicable) shall be approved by staff and the City Engineer and shall be shown on the final plat prior to approval of the final plat by the City Council. 22. The applicant shall place a note on the face of the plat which states: "Minimum building setback lines shall be in accordance with the applicable zoning and subdivision regulations at the time of issuance of the building permit or as specifically approved and/or required". 23. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of the Eagle City Code, pertaining to floodplain and river protection regulations(if applicable)prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. 24. The applicant shall obtain written approval of the development relative to the effects on the floodplain (if applicable)from the Corps of Engineers prior to approval of the final plat by the City Engineer. 26. The applicant shall obtain approval of the development relative to its effects on wetlands or other natural waterways (if applicable) from the Corps of Engineers and the Idaho Department of Water Resources and/or any other agency having jurisdiction prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. 27. Basements in homes in the floodplain are prohibited. 28. The Americans with Disabilities Act, Uniform Building Code, Eagle City Code, Eagle Comprehensive Plan, and all applicable County, State and Federal Codes and Regulations shall be complied with. All design and construction shall be in accordance with all applicable City of Eagle Codes unless specifically approved by the Commission and/or Council. 29. Any changes to the plans and specifications upon which this approval is based, other than those required by the above conditions, will require submittal of an application for modification and approval of that application prior to commencing any change. Any change by the applicant in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply with all rules,regulations,ordinances,plans, or other regulatory and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest submits application to the City of Eagle for a change to the planned use of the subject property. 30. No public board, agency, commission, official or other authority shall proceed with the construction of or authorize the construction of any of the public improvements required by the Eagle City Code Title 11A"Land Subdivisions"until the final plat has received the approval of the City Council (ECC 11A-13F-5(A)(2)). 32. Prior to submitting the final plat for recording, the following must provide endorsements or certifications: Owners or dedicators, Registered Land Surveyor, County Engineer, Central District Health Department, Ada County Treasurer, Ada County Highway District Commissioners, City Engineer,and City Clerk. 34. The applicant shall take care to locate and protect from damage existing utilities,pipelines and similar structures. Documentation indicating that "Digline" has performed an inspection of the site shall be submitted prior to the issuance of any building permits for the site. Page 30 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\2021\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#I\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No I PZF.docx 36. The applicant shall install at the entrance to the subdivision a 4' x 4' plywood or other hard surface sign (mounted on two 4"x 4"posts with the bottom of the sign being a minimum of 3-feet above the ground)noticing the contractors to clean up daily,no loud music, and no dogs off leash. 37. Owner shall provide a"Heavy Truck Traffic Plan" to be followed by any vehicle or equipment over 8000 GVWR. The plan shall show all designated routes and hours of operation. The heavy truck traffic routes shall maximize use of highways and major arterials while minimizing use of smaller residential streets. The plan will also cite that compression braking is prohibited everywhere in Ada County. Owner is responsible for communicating the approved plan to all sub-contractors and for monitoring compliance. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: 1. The Commission reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of this proposed Planned Unit Master Plan (PUMP) No. 1 (PU-01-21) and based upon the information provided concludes that the proposed PUMP application is in accordance with the City of Eagle Title 11A (Planned Developments): 1. The facts submitted with the application and presented establishes that: a. The PUMP substantially conforms with the PADA and subsequent amendments; this Title; applicable master plans approved by the City; and/or other applicable information reasonably relied on by the City necessary to uphold the intent of the PADA and this Title; b. Streets and thoroughfares proposed are suitable and adequate to carry anticipated traffic, and increased densities, if any, will not generate traffic is such amounts as to overload the street network; c. The proposed commercial/non-residential development is justified at the locations proposed and is consistent with the PADA because it will be centrally located within the development where topography is most suited for commercial uses; d. The information provided from the agencies having jurisdiction over public facilities needed for the site indicate that adequate public facilities exist, or are expected to be provided, to serve any and all uses allowed within the PUMP area. The Planning Unit will be served, or is conditioned to be served,by adequate public services. 2. A summary of the current status of overall Planning Area density, Open Space, Community Centers, Neighborhood Centers, re-assignment of densities, and other adjustable factors as set forth in the PADA is provided herein. Page 31 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\2021\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#1\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No I PZF docx DATED this 4th day of April 2022. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF EAGLE Ada County, Idaho II Trent Wright,Chairman ATTEST: Tracy E. Osborn, Eagle City Clerk Page 32 of 32 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Spring Valley\2021\PUMP Submittal Documents\PUMP#1\03-Working Files\03-Planning and Zoning\Spring Valley PUMP No I PZF.docx