Findings - DR - 2022 - DR-22-22 - Spring Valley Pump No. 1 - Common Area Landscaping Along Aerie Way BEFORE THE EAGLE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD
The above-entitled design review application came before the Eagle Design Review Board for their action
on April 28, 2022. The Eagle Design Review Board having heard and taken oral and written testimony,
and having duly considered the matter,makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law;
GWC Capital, represented by Eric Langvardt with Langvardt Design Group, is requesting design
review approval of the common area landscaping along Aerie Way within Spring Valley PUMP No. 1.
The 14.55-acre site begins approximately 1.07-miles east of State Highway 16 and 1.37-miles north of
the terminus of Hartley Road within Spring Valley PUMP No. 1 (Ada County Assessor parcel numbers
S0322141800, S0323110015,and S0323336000).
The City of Eagle received the application for this item on March 23, 2022.
Requests for agencies' reviews were transmitted on March 31, 2022, in accordance with the
requirements of the Eagle City Code.
On November 20, 2007, the City Council denied the applicant initiated comprehensive plan text and
map amendment(CPA-05-06).
On December 11, 2007, the City Council denied a zoning ordinance amendment application for this
On December 11, 2007, the City Council approved an annexation and rezone application with a
development agreement from RP (Rural Preservation — Ada County designation) and RR (Rural
Residential—Ada County designation)to R-1-DA(Residential One with a development agreement)for
M3 Eagle(A-14-06 & RZ-19-06).
On April 4,2022,the Planning and Zoning Commission approved a planning unit master plan(PUMP)
No. 1 for Spring Valley Planned Development(formerly known as M3 Spring Valley)(PU-01-21).
DR-23-22(common area landscaping along Big Gulch Parkway, Linder Road,and Aerie Way(East)).
DR-24-22 (community entry signage).
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Existing Foothills Residential R-1-DA(Residential one with Range Land
a development agreement)
Proposed No Change No Change Common area landscaping
along Aerie Way
North of site Foothills Residential R-1-DA(Residential one with Range Land
a development agreement)
South of site Foothills R-1-DA(Residential one with Range Land/BLM Land
Residential/BLM Park a development agreement)/PS
East of site Foothills R-1-DA(Residential one with Range Land/BLM Land
Residential/BLM Park a development agreement)/PS
West of site Public/Semi-Public RR(Rural residential—Ada BLM Land
County designation)
I. EXISTING SITE CHARACTERISTICS: The site is currently undeveloped and range or BLM land.
J. SITE DATA: 14.55-acres(633,798-SF)
No parking is required with infrastructure(roadways)development.
Number and Uses of Proposed Buildings: N/A
Height and Number of Stories of Proposed Buildings:N/A
Gross Floor Area of Proposed Buildings: N/A
On and Off-Site Circulation: N/A
Retention of Existing Trees and Preservation Methods: There are no existing trees.
Tree Replacement Calculations: N/A
Proposed Tree Mix(Species&Number): To be reviewed by the Design Review Board.
Street Trees: Street trees are proposed along Aerie Way within the property lines of the development.
Maintenance Provisions and Proposed Irrigation Methods: Automatic irrigation required.
Transition Zones:N/A
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Parking Lot Landscaping:N/A
The plans show the streetlight locations along Aerie Way and detailed cutsheets showing the height,
style, and wattage of the proposed streetlights has been received and complies with Eagle City Code
Section 11A-3-9.
No signs are proposed with this application. A separate design review application(DR-24-22)has been
submitted for the approval of signs proposed at the entries to this community.
No preliminary approval letter form Star Fire Protections has been received by the City to date. The
site is located within the City of Eagle Water service area and within the boundaries of the Eagle Sewer
Areas of Critical Environmental Concern-none
Evidence of Erosion-no
Fish Habitat-no
Mature Trees -no
Riparian Vegetation- no
Steep Slopes- no
Unique Animal Life-no
Unique Plant Life-no
Unstable Soils- unknown
Wildlife Habitat-no
The following agencies have responded and their correspondence is attached to the staff report.
Eagle Park,Pathway, and Recreation
Eagle Sewer District
Y. LETTERS FROM THE PUBLIC: None received to date.
Z. EAGLE CITY CODE 11A-13(B)(1)&(2): Required Findings for Design Review:
1. City Findings: The City shall make findings which address the following:
a. The ordinance and standards used in evaluating the application;
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b. The reasons for the approval or denial;
c. The actions, if any,that the applicant could take to obtain approval.
2. General Standards For Design Review: The Zoning Administrator, Design Review Board, or City
Council, whichever is applicable, shall review the particular facts and circumstances of each
proposed design review in terms of the following standards and shall find adequate evidence
showing that such design review at the proposed location:
a. Will function in conformance with the applicable strategies of the Eagle Comprehensive Plan
and is in accordance with the regulations of this Code;
b. Is of a scale, intensity, and character that is in harmony with existing conforming and planned
development in the vicinity of the site;
c. Is designed with adequate off street parking facilities in such a way as to not interfere with
ingress/egress to the site and will serve the intended use so as to not cause conflict with adjacent
uses as anticipated within the zoning district;
d. Will not interfere with the visual character, quality, or appearance of the surrounding area and
the City, and where possible, enhance the continuity of thematically common architectural
e. Will have facades, features, and other physical improvements that are designed as a whole,
when viewed alone as well as in relationship to surrounding buildings and settings;
f. Will not obstruct views and vistas as they pertain to the urban environment and in relation to
artistic considerations;
g. Will provide safe and convenient access to the property for both vehicles and pedestrians
through patterned traffic circulation and connectivity to abutting development;
h. Is in the interest of public health, safety, and general welfare promoting a pedestrian friendly
and walkable environment in balance with protecting a viable commercial center in the area;
i. Will have signs, if proposed, that are harmonious with the architectural design of the building
and the adjacent buildings,and will not cover or detract from desirable architectural features.
The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map (adopted November 15, 2017), designates this site as the
Foothills Residential
A unique combination of land uses within the Eagle Foothills that strives to balance residential, non-
residential, and open space (developed and natural) use to create unique hamlets of development that
place urban development within the natural environment without overcrowding or significantly altering
the natural features found on the site. The density for unconstrained lands in the foothills should be
approximately 1 unit per tow acres. Residential densities should be calculated to be commensurate
with the existing land conditions. Priorities for open space areas should be granted for areas located
within the floodway, slopes more than 25%,or sensitive/critical habitat. These areas should be sued as
open space. Units should be arranged in accordance with the transect plan as described in the Foothills
planning area.
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1.1 Conditions of Development. Developer shall develop the Property subject to the conditions
and limitations set forth in this Agreement. Further,Developer shall submit such applications
regarding design review, preliminary and final plat reviews,condominium plat reviews, PUD
and/or any conditional use permits,as and if applicable,and any other applicable applications
as may be required by the Zoning Ordinance, except as otherwise provided within this
2.1 Traffic& Circulation.
(a) Ada County Highway District; Idaho Transportation Department. Improvements
to the ACHD and/or ITD Traffic System, as applicable, within the Project shall be
provided at the direction of ACHD, ITD or some other legally-constituted entity with
jurisdiction over the ACHD Traffic System and/or the ITD Traffic System. Unless City
has such jurisdiction, City shall not be responsible for any approvals or access permits
required or construction or maintenance costs associated with the ACHD Traffic System
and/or the ITD Traffic System, within the Project.
(b) Regional Circulation Plan; Master Traffic Study; Master Streets & Circulation
Plan. Conceptual locations of major roadways within the Property and the North Eagle
Foothills Planning Area are provided in the Regional Circulation Plan, attached hereto
as Exhibit G. Developer is working with City, ACHD, ITD, BLM and adjacent
property owners to adopt a regional roadway network plan to serve as a template to
guide the Master Streets&Circulation Plan,to be developed based on the Master Traffic
Study,the Planning Unit Master Plans and construction of the arterials generally along
the alignments shown in the Regional Circulation Plan or as determined by the agency
having jurisdiction. Developer will work with the aforementioned agencies and others
to determine the appropriate funding mechanisms to provide future funding to mitigate
the proportionate impact of the development of the Property on the existing ACHD
Traffic System and/or ITD Traffic System. Developer and City shall cooperate to
achieve approval by ITD and/or ACHD of the circulation interrelationship between the
ACHD Traffic System and the ITD Traffic System, such as the location of highway
interchanges and/or roundabouts, as reflected in the proposed Master Streets &
Circulation Plan attached hereto as Exhibit H. The western primary entry may be
proposed as an interchange or roundabout on State Highway 16.
(c) ACHD Traffic System. Developer, with consultation with ACHD, will design,
engineer, construct, acquire, install, permit and dedicate the ACHD Traffic System
within and/or proportional to the Project's impacts in accordance with the Master Streets
& Circulation Plan, Planning Unit Master Streets & Circulation Plans and the Phasing
Plan and all planning and study documents of ACHD.
(d) ITD Traffic System. Developer, with consultation with ITD, will design, engineer,
construct, acquire, install, permit and dedicate the ITD System within and/or adjacent
and/or proportional to the Project's impacts in accordance with the Master Streets &
Circulation Plan, Planning Unit Master Streets & Circulation Plans and Phasing Plan
and all planning and study documents of ITD. City and Developer shall cooperate in
pursuit of funding from or authorized by the State of Idaho for the construction of
Developer's proportionate share of necessary improvements to the ITD System (which
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improvements may include, without limitation, interchanges, roundabouts, traffic
signals,turning lanes and frontage roads)required to implement this Plan.
(e) Planning Unit Master Streets& Circulation Plan. A detailed analysis of the ACHD
Traffic System within the Project and the ITD Traffic System within and/or adjacent to
the Project and the ultimate design and locations of streets and circulation improvements
shall be consistent with the Master Streets & Circulation Plan and further defined in
each Planning Unit Master Streets&Circulation Plan,which analysis shall be submitted
and approved by ACHD and/or ITD,as appropriate. Each Planning Unit Master Streets
& Circulation Plan shall be prepared by Developer and approved by City taking into
account the Master Streets & Circulation Plan, and any amendments thereto and the
recommendations of ACHD and/or ITD, as applicable. Each Planning Unit Master
Streets&Circulation Plan shall address any increase or decrease in traffic volumes from
other Planning Unit Master Plans and the particular Planning Unit being planned that
may occur as development progresses and densities and intensities are rearranged.
(t) Phased Construction. Developer and/or ACHD and/or ITD shall construct or arrange
for the construction of, in phases, and in accordance with the Master Streets &
Circulation Plan and the Planning Unit Master Streets & Circulation Plan: streets,
roadways and sidewalks to be used for motorized vehicular traffic for ingress and egress
to, through, within and from the Project; parking; pedestrian, bicycle and/or other
facilities to be used for non-motorized vehicular traffic for ingress and egress to,
through, within and from the Property; street lighting with underground electric service
distribution; all striping,traffic signals, street sign posts, street name signs, stop signs,
speed limit signs, and all other directional/warning/advisory traffic signage as may be
reasonably required. City shall not issue certificates of occupancy for any phase prior
to on-site roads being constructed to the capacity required for full build-out of that phase
in accordance with the applicable final plat or approved improvement plans.
2.6 Parks,Trails and Open Space.
(a) Master Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan. The Project will contain Open Space,
totaling a gross minimum acreage of 20% of the Project area with an overall goal of
providing 40%or more of the Project area as Open Space in exchange for Bonus Density
described in section 1.4, above. Each Planning Area shall contain a minimum of 15%
of its total gross acres as Open Space. A Master Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan for
the Project is shown on Exhibit I, which depicts the intent to link neighborhoods and
Planning Areas to various common areas and recreational uses. The pathways and trails
will be within and through Planning Areas and may be located along Open Space
corridors and near or adjacent to community streets and roads. Pathways and trails may
also utilize drainage ways and dry gulches between common areas and neighborhoods
or may be combined with the drainage system for the Project. The parks, trails and
Open Space Plan shown on Exhibit I will be either owned by the Owners' Association
City, or another entity, or a combination of all three. Developer will submit to City a
more detailed Master Parks,Trails and Open Space Plan concurrently with the submittal
of the first Planning Unit Master Plan or portion thereof.
(b) Planning Unit Master Parks,Trails and Open Space Plan. A Planning Unit Master
Parks,Trails and Open Space Plan shall be submitted as part of the Planning Unit Master
Plan that generally conforms to the Master Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan and will
address roadway crossings,habitat,trails within the Eagle Regional Park, ownership or
intent to dedicate park facilities if known at the time of submittal.
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(c) Eagle Regional Park and Willow Creek Open Space Corridor. City has applied to
acquire 1,915 acres of BLM Lands for the proposed Eagle Regional Park, which 1,915
acres are contiguous to the southern border of the Project. The purpose of City's
acquisition of BLM Lands is to create a regional park that would preserve Open Space
in the vicinity for trails and other recreational enjoyment,buffer neighboring properties,
and create and/or improve wildlife habitat by providing a wildlife mitigation corridor in
and through the vicinity. Subject to: (i)City completing City's acquisition of BLM
Lands on or before December 27, 2017; and (ii)failure of Developer to complete the
BLM Exchange as described below in section (d), immediately below, Developer may
donate approximately 800 acres of private land to City, as set forth in Exhibit K,which
when combined with City BLM Lands, would create the Eagle Regional Park totaling
2,715 acres. Those 800 acres contain important wildlife habitat and vegetative
communities and the 800 acres are planned for low-density residential neighborhoods
and Open Space. The two portions of the Park(that is the 1,915 acres and the 800 acres)
would be connected by Open Space at least 100 feet in width. Developer will create a
tract to be maintained by the Owners' Association of approximately 80 acres of private
land as part of the Willow Creek Open Space Corridor. Developer will work with and
assist City on City's planning of the Park and Open Space Corridor with such
improvements as trailheads,trails, lookouts and fencing along this boundary, including
providing, at no expense to City, underlying topographical data, planning data and
biological and wildlife studies. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, in the
event that City fails to complete the acquisition of the BLM Lands on or before
December 27, 2017, Developer shall have the right to develop and plat the 800 acres in
accordance with the terms of this Agreement and Eagle City Code Title 11.
(d) BLM Exchange. In an attempt to consolidate lands and prevent fragmentation of Open
Space, Developer has filed a request with BLM to exchange approximately 800 acres
of Developer's lands for 815 acres of BLM Lands. The exchange would be subject to
BLM designating the Spring Valley 800 acres as Open Space. The Parties acknowledge
the appraised value of the Developer-owned 800 acres may be less than the appraised
value of the BLM-owned 815 acres. In the event the BLM-owned 815 acres is appraised
at a higher value than the Developer-owned 800 acres, Developer shall include
additional,contiguous acres of Developer-owned land with such 800 acres to bring the
appraised value of the Developer-owned lands to roughly the appraised value of the
BLM-owned 815 acres as required by applicable law. In the event that the exchange is
completed,the 815 acres presently owned by BLM would become Additional Property
as defined herein and become a part of the Highway Mixed-Use/Business Park Planning
Area upon receiving the appropriate approvals from City. In the event that the exchange
does occur,Developer shall not receive any Bonus Density for such 800 acre parcel. In
the event that the BLM exchange is not completed within 10 years from the date of this
Agreement (that is, December 27, 2017), Developer may donate the 800 acres to City
for use as a regional park or develop the 800 acres as described in this Agreement.
Subject to:(i)City completing City's acquisition of BLM Lands on or before December
27, 2017; and (ii) in Developer's reasonable discretion, the BLM exchange is
proceeding on track toward completion, the Spring Valley 800 acres will be available
for public use during the pending exchange as if it were a part of the Eagle Regional
Park. City agrees that it will reasonably cooperate as necessary to accommodate the
exchange transaction.
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2.7 Planning Unit Master Environmental Design Plan.
(a) Landscape; Signage; Lighting. All development of the Property shall comply with
the landscape, signage and lighting standards of Eagle City Code Title 11.
(b) Habitat Mitigation Plan. A Habitat Mitigation Plan that addresses development within
Constrained Lands, as generally identified on Exhibit J as Habitat Areas of Special
Concern,has been prepared by Developer in cooperation with City. The City-approved
Habitat Mitigation Plan,attached hereto as Exhibit N,identifies areas where Mitigation
is required, the type of Mitigation actions, if any, required, and the rationale for such
actions. City and Developer may coordinate,cooperate,and consult with other agencies
in the application of the Habitat Mitigation Plan, but approval authority for the
application of the Habitat Mitigation Plan shall rest solely with City based on standards
commensurate with such Habitat Mitigation Plan(s) and based on findings that
demonstrate a rational nexus Nothing in the Habitat Mitigation Plan may be construed
as either incorporating state and/or federal standards and/or regulations that are not
applicable to the Property or otherwise conferring any approval authority for the Habitat
Mitigation Plan to any state or federal agency. Implementation and compliance with
the Habitat Mitigation Plan shall be on a Planning Unit by Planning Unit basis. A
PUMP shall not be approved if development is proposed and compliance with the
Habitat Mitigation Plan has not been approved or conditionally approved in accordance
with Eagle City Code Title 11.
2.8 Construction. To the extent Developer develops the Property, the Parties shall have the
right and the obligation, at any time after the commencement of the Term, to dedicate land,
subject to City's or other applicable governmental jurisdiction's acceptance,and/or construct
or cause to be constructed and installed any or all portions of the Public Infrastructure that
relates to the segments of the Property developed by Developer.
All such construction performed by Developer shall be performed to minimize disturbance
to native and existing plant cover outside of areas being developed. Developer shall comply
with all applicable requirements, standards, codes, rules, or regulations of City and in
compliance with all applicable permit requirements,standards,codes,rules or regulations of:
(a)the State of Idaho; (b)the United States of America; and (c)other applicable
governmental agencies. Developer shall have the right, upon receipt from City (or other
applicable governmental jurisdiction,as may be applicable)of an appropriate encroachment
permit, to enter and remain upon and cross over any City-held (or other applicable
governmental jurisdiction, as may be applicable) easements or rights-of-way to the extent
reasonably necessary to facilitate such construction,or to perform necessary maintenance or
repairs of such Public Infrastructure, provided that Developer's use of such easements and
rights-of-way shall not impede or adversely affect City's use and enjoyment thereof and
provided that Developer shall substantially restore such easements and rights-of-way to their
condition prior to Developer's entry upon and completion of such construction, repair or
maintenance. To the extent permitted by law and subject to obtaining an encroachment
permit from City(or other applicable governmental jurisdiction),the prior dedication of any
easements or rights-of-way shall not affect or proscribe Developer's right to construct,install,
and/or provide Public Infrastructure thereon or thereover. City, as necessary to implement
the installation of Public Infrastructure, shall cooperate reasonably with and assist in: (a)the
abandonment of any unnecessary public rights-of-way or easements currently located on the
Property and not otherwise used or required by other members of the public; (b)the
acquisition of any necessary public rights-of-way or easements not currently located on the
Property and required to be consistent with the Planning Unit Master Plans or provide access
to the Property pursuant to the Planning Unit Master Plans except on lands currently filed
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with and under review by the City of Eagle for development approvals; and (c) submitting
requests or filing applications, or entering into intergovernmental agreements with
appropriate governmental entities regarding the abandonment or acquisition of public rights-
of-way or easements necessary to develop the Property.
11. Big Gulch Parkway has been identified as an informal collector and shall be developed,landscaped
and maintained as a collector consistent with PUMP No.1 Exhibit R—Environmental Design Plan,
dated February 2022.
14. The applicant shall submit a Design Review application prior to the submittal of an associated
final plat application consistent with ECC Section 11A-3 for all signage, landscape, and common
areas identified in Exhibit P—Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan dated February 2022)as part of
the PUMP No. 1 submittal and in accordance with ECC Section 11A-7.
15. The applicant shall submit a Design Review application prior to final platting of the areas
containing the facility for all public facilities (water pump houses, booster houses, sewage
treatment plant,etc.)associated with PUMP No. 1.
• Eagle City Code Section 11A-3-1: GENERAL APPLICABILITY:
This title applies to all proposed development located within Spring Valley and requires the
submittal of a design review application pursuant to this title and fee as prescribed from time to
time by the city council.
The following are specifically excluded from the requirements of design review: development of
an individual single-family detached dwelling on a single parcel, an individual duplex(2 dwelling
units), and an individual townhome consisting of a maximum of two(2)dwelling units.
A. Overview And Intent: The existing(nondeveloped) landscape character of Spring Valley, and
much of the North Eagle Foothills, is predominantly nonnative grasslands with some shrubs
and agriculture and is quite different from the rest of Eagle and the Boise River corridor which
contain dense plantings and large buffer areas along arterials and collector roadways, irrigated
pastures, and riparian woodlands. The intent of these standards is to provide a landscape
character that is appropriate to the foothills and balances aesthetics and livability with water
demands and availability. These standards promote water conservation through the use of
treated effluent for irrigation,efficient irrigation systems,and the use of native and other plants
that require little or no irrigation to survive. In addition, these guidelines shall be used in
conjunction with the grading guidelines and hillside development standards,habitat mitigation
plan and wildfire management plan.
The landscape concept for Spring Valley can be best described as a"foothills landscape". This
concept is based on the landscape of the Northern Rocky Mountain Foothills and high plains
prairie. Foothills landscape will be characterized by diverse layers of both deciduous and
evergreen shrubs and trees that will create interest through its broad palette of indigenous
material and other plants, including turf,utilized throughout the region.This concept also takes
advantage of soil and exposure conditions to develop potential vineyard groves throughout the
community with the rolling foothills as the backdrop.
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• Eagle City Code Section 11A-3-7(F): Installation And Minimum Standards:
1. Trees shall be planted in accordance with the city of Eagle tree planting specifications included
as an exhibit within the EASD book. Accepted nursery standards and practices shall be
followed in the planting and maintenance of landscaped areas.
2. Soil and slope stabilization must result after landscape installation. Soil and slope stabilization
measures shall comply with those contained in the Spring Valley grading guidelines and
hillside development standards. Manufactured slopes shall be revegetated within the first
planting season following completion of construction.
3. Revegetation of slopes and other areas intended to reestablish native vegetation shall use a site
specific,city approved upland revegetation seed mix consisting of plants contained in the native
open space and upland revegetation plant list contained in subsection Y of this section.Native
species are emphasized,but desirable nonnative species may also be used. Plugs, potted plants
and transplants and a variety of grasses,forbs and shrubs may be added to reestablish a diverse
stand of native or desirable plant species. Additional plants not on the list may be proposed,
but must be approved by the city on the environmental landscape plan of the applicable PUMP.
4. Class I, II and III trees planted with the ACHD right of way shall meet the following ACHD
minimum standards:
Class Offset Planter Width
I 5-feet 1,2 10 feet
II 5-feet' 8 feet3
III 5 feet' 10 feet
1. A 5 foot offset is required from the edge of sidewalk when the sidewalk is attached to the curb or 5 feet from
the curb when no sidewalk exists.
2. Class I trees shall be planted where they will not overhang the sidewalk or curb without pruning.
3. A 6 foot wide planter may be allowed with an ACHD waiver and a root barrier.
5. Only class I trees may be planted under or within ten feet(10')of any overhead line.
6. Conifers are prohibited as a street tree, but are allowed outside the right of way and vision
7. Trees of any type shall not be planted within ten feet(10')of any streetlight,storm drain facility,
drain inlet, structure of piping system, seepage bed, fire hydrant or utility box.
8. Root barriers shall be installed for all new trees planted adjacent to existing or proposed public
or private sidewalks and paving.Root barriers shall extend a minimum of eighteen inches(18")
below the subgrade on the sidewalk side and a minimum of twenty four inches (24") below
subgrade on the curb side. Root barriers shall extend two inches(2")above the ground and key
into the road feature. When trees are planted in formal patterns at consistent spacing along
curbs and straight sidewalks,barriers shall be constructed at the same time as the street and the
sidewalk. When trees are planted at minimum spacing,the barrier shall run continuously along
both the curb and sidewalk features which it is designed to protect. When trees are planted in
informal patterns at random spacing along meandering sidewalks, barriers may be installed at
the time of planting. All root barriers within or adjacent to the public rights of way shall
conform with ACHD and ITD standards.
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9. All landscaped areas adjacent to vehicular areas shall be protected with an approved curbing
10. The minimum acceptable size for deciduous trees shall be two inch (2") caliper, balled and
11. The minimum acceptable size for evergreen trees shall be six feet to seven feet(6' - 7') balled
and burlapped.
12. A maximum of fifty percent(50%)of the required shrubs in a project shall be one gallon.
13. A minimum of fifty percent(50%)of the required shrubs in a project shall be five(5)gallon
or larger.
14. Hydroseeding of plant material may be used in conjunction with container plants (shrubs,
vines and ground covers)or by itself for revegetating disturbed areas but may not be used on
the interior of commercial sites.
15. Wetland/riparian areas shall be established in accordance with the recommendations in the
habitat mitigation plan. A wetlands/riparian plant list is provided in subsection Y of this
16. Plant material selection shall be taken from the plant list in subsection Y of this section.
• Eagle City Code Section 11A-3-7(J):
Irrigation Required: An underground automatic irrigation system is required for all development,
as defined in section 11A-3-1 of this chapter,except as described below:
1. All required landscaped areas must be provided with an automatic underground irrigation system
except upland revegetation areas that are intended to be naturalized(consisting of plant species
that are indigenous to or compatible with the area and do not require permanent irrigation). An
aboveground system or hand watering may be used on a temporary basis until such areas are
established and stabilized.Such areas are considered established and stabilized when a minimum
of seventy percent(70%)of the revegetated area can exist without such supplemental watering.
2. The system shall be equipped with a reduced pressure backflow prevention device.
3. All spray irrigation systems shall be designed and constructed to provide one hundred percent
(100%) spray coverage.
4. Irrigation systems shall be circuited and zoned for exposure,topography and the varying water
requirements of the plant material.
5. Appropriate sprinkler heads shall be selected and placed as required to reduce direct and indirect
overthrow and overflow onto nonpervious areas(walks, drives,etc.).
6. Overhead or spray irrigation may be used to water turf,pastures, slopes and berms, flowerbeds
and hydroseeded areas.
7. Drip or subterranean irrigation shall be used to water trees (except those in turf areas), shrubs
and ground covers.
8. Use of nonpotable water(treated effluent or reuse water) for use in the irrigation of lawn and
plant material is required for public and common areas when available. Such systems may be
phased or transitioned from potable water as treated effluent becomes available over time.
Areas for transition shall be identified on the irrigation plans. Such public and common areas
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a. Landscape along arterial and collector roadways.
b. Parks and sports fields.
c. Golf courses.
d. Community gardens.
e. Lakes and ponds.
f. Slopes.
9. Reuse water may also be used for aquifer recharge and recovery subject to IDWR approval.
10. The master developer shall install the reuse system that is separate from the potable water
system and meets all applicable state and local regulations. Stubs shall be provided to
individual parcels to allow parcel developers to tie into the system as needed to irrigate common
areas within the parcel. Such system may initially be installed as a dry line system to provide
future connection to the reuse system when reuse water becomes available.
11. All nonpotable water access points shall be clearly and permanently labeled with markers
indicating that the water is not safe for human consumption.
12. Maintain all irrigation systems to ensure proper operation and water conservation.
• Eagle City Code Section 11A-3-7(K)(4):
Major Roadways: Residential developments within Spring Valley, including, but not limited to,
subdivisions and multi-family developments, shall be buffered from streets classified as collectors,
arterials, and state highways, as shown on exhibit 3-A of this section, or as determined by ACHD
or ITD,to protect residential communities from noisy,potentially dangerous,high speed roads.The
"buffer area" shall be defined as a common lot located between the residential lots within the
subdivision and the right of way line of the adjacent roadway. This buffer is required as part of the
common area open space owned and maintained by a homeowners' association. Any landscaping
proposed to be within the public right of way shall not be included as a part of the buffer area
required below. The height for berming/fencing, except as noted below, shall be measured from
the elevation of the final grade of the adjacent roadway (measured at the centerline) to the top of
the proposed berming/fencing. The required buffer area width, plantings, walls and fencing are
described in subsection L of this section.
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• Eagle City Code Section 11A-3-7(L):
Streetscapes: The following standards shall apply to Spring Valley internal and perimeter roadways
as shown on exhibit 3-A of this section. In all cases, any planting within public rights of way shall
be with approval from the public entity owning the property. (The rights of way widths and
pavement areas in the sections below are shown for illustrative purposes only.Actual rights of way
widths and lane configurations will be determined by ACHD and ITD as appropriate.)
1. Foothills Arterial Streets:
a. The landscape buffer for foothills principal arterials shall be thirty feet (30') minimum
except adjacent to single-family residential uses where it shall be fifty feet(50')minimum
(not including right of way). See exhibit 3-B of this section.
b. The landscape buffer for foothills minor arterials(not including Willow Creek Road which
is described below) shall be twenty four feet (24') minimum except adjacent to single-
family residential uses where it shall be thirty five feet(35')minimum(not including right
of way). See exhibit 3-C of this section.
c. A detached sidewalk shall be provided on both sides of the street at least eight feet(8')from
the back of curb. The sidewalk shall be a minimum of five feet(5') wide and may or may
not meander depending on the streetscape approved by the city with the PUMP. Sidewalks
may be attached to the curb in front of bus pullouts but shall be six feet(6')minimum width
in such locations. An eight foot(8')wide multiuse pathway on one side of the road may be
approved by the city within low density areas (1 acre lots and larger) or along roadways
adjacent to regional open space.
d. The following plant material shall be provided,at a minimum,within the limits of the buffer
area along arterial streets:
(1) Three(3)trees per one hundred(100) linear feet of street frontage on each side of the
street except next to single-family residential uses where there shall be four(4)trees
per one hundred(100) linear feet.
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(2) One shrub/ground cover per seventy five (75) square feet of buffer area (excluding
sidewalks, drives and other hardscape areas). Turf may be used in place of
shrubs/ground covers,but the amount used shall not exceed fifty percent(50%)of the
landscape area on a plat by plat or phase by phase basis.
(3) The landscape planting along Linder Road and the Highway 16 principal arterial
through BLM shall be determined in consultation with BLM and the city.
e. A minimum five foot(5')high,maximum eight foot(8')high, berm, decorative block wall,
cultured stone, decorative rock, or similarly designed concrete wall, or fence, or
combination thereof shall be provided within or at the limits of the buffer area adjacent to
single-family residential lots or at the property line of such lots. The maximum slope for
any berm, if provided, shall be three feet (3') horizontal distance to one foot (1') vertical
distance. If a decorative block wall, cultured stone, decorative rock, or similarly designed
concrete wall is to be provided in combination with the berm, a four foot(4')wide flat area
shall be provided for the placement of the decorative wall. Chainlink, cedar, and similar
high maintenance and/or unsightly fencing shall not be permitted. Walls or fencing are not
required adjacent to multi-family residential uses,except when necessary to provide a buffer
to enclose private outdoor living space, nonresidential uses or open space.
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7. Medians:
a. The minimum width of a median, if provided, that will support trees is eight feet (8') for
class II trees and ten feet (10') for class I and III trees. The minimum width of a median
that will support turf is ten feet (10'). The minimum width of a median that will support
shrubs and ground covers is four feet(4'). If a median or median nose is narrower than four
feet(4'),the area shall be filled with stamped concrete,decorative pavers or rock. Medians
will generally be provided on arterial, collector and urban streets.
b. The following plant material shall be provided,at a minimum,within the median:
(1) One tree per fifty (50) linear feet of median (a minimum of 2 trees are required in
medians over 35 feet in length).
(2) One shrub/ground cover per seventy five (75) square feet of landscaped area. Turf
may be used in place of shrubs/ground covers, but the amount of turf shall not exceed
fifty percent(50%)of the landscaped area on a plat by plat or phase by phase basis.
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(3) In the event a median is less than thirty five feet(35') in length, a single tree shall be
permitted. Shrub/ground cover and turf requirements(above)would apply.
8. Streetscape Design Concepts: Landscape along Spring Valley roadways shall be arranged in
formal or informal patterns, or a combination of both. Formal landscape patterns (exhibit 3-I
of this section) consist of plants arranged in consistent spacing and/or massing patterns while
informal landscape patterns (exhibit 3-J of this section) consist of plants arranged in less
consistent or random spacing and/or massing patterns. Straight sidewalks are usually associated
with formal streetscapes while meandering sidewalks are usually associated with informal
streetscapes. The street classification and Streetscape concept for each roadway shall be
consistent with the approved environmental landscape plan for the PUMP that contains that
Acceritilkwrenng ground cover as foreground to trees- Flowering accent trees •
freak up the scale of .
Shrub massng wnf vary et speaes and height to create interest l , larger trees Occurs
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Medium shrubs
Accent trees break up the scale of larger trees --.Large decrdrous shrubs
Occurs intermittently along roadway planting
Eons!Streetscape Prototype
• The applicant is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping along Aerie
Way within the Spring Valley PUMP No. 1. Aerie Way is a principal arterial that provides access
to the Spring Valley development from State Highway 16. Sheet L0.1 shows the entire length of
Aerie Way from State Highway 16 to the roundabout at Linder Road within Spring Valley PUMP
No. 1. Only a portion of the road shown is located on the property owned by the applicant while
the other areas are owned by the Bureau of Land Management(BLM),which the applicant will be
required to receive approval to locate and construct said roads on BLM property. The area of Aerie
Way located within the BLM property does not have water rights or irrigation available to this area;
therefore, after Aerie Way is constructed,the applicant will regrade the area and stabilize the soils
and replant the area with a native seed mix along each side of the road and within the center
landscape islands. Aerie Way, located within the property lines of Spring Valley, will be planted
with trees, shrubs, and a mix of upland revegetation seed mix, wildflower meadow seed mix, or
meadow lawn blend. The required number of street trees, shrub plantings, and planting within the
medians all comply with that which is required within Eagle City Code 11 A-3-7(L)(l). Staff defers
comment regarding the landscaping to the Design Review Board.
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Based upon the information provided to staff to date,if the requested design review application is approved,
staff recommends the site specific conditions of approval and standard conditions of approval provided
within the staff report.
A. A meeting to consider the application was held before the Design Review Board on April 28, 2022,at
which time the Board made their decision.
B. Oral testimony in favor of the application was presented to the Design Review Board by no one (not
including the applicant/representative).
C. Oral testimony in opposition to the application was presented to the Design Review Board by no one.
Upon completion of the applicant's and staff's presentations,the Board discussed during deliberation that:
• The Board is in favor of the proposed common area landscaping along Aerie Way and how the plant
material placement and pathways have been designed to be sensitive to the surrounding environment.
The Board voted 3 to 0(Grubb, Germano, Lindgren, and Merrill absent)to recommend approval of DR-
22-22 for a design review application for the common area landscaping along Aerie Way within Spring
Valley PUMP No. 1 for GWC Capital, with the following staff recommended site specific conditions of
approval and standard conditions of approval.
1. Comply with all applicable conditions of RZ-19-06 and PU-01-21.
2. Provide an executed copy of the Bureau of Land Management Right-of-way Grant for the construction
of Aerie Way through the Bureau of Land Management property prior to the construction of the
roadway. The executed copy of the Bureau of Land Management Right-of-way Grant shall be reviewed
and approved by staff prior to the issuance of a notice to proceed.
3. All landscaping shall comply with the Spring Valley Wildfire Management Plan.
4. All ground mounted transformers, cable, and phone boxes shall be screened by landscaping per Eagle
City Code.
5. The applicant shall submit payment to the City for all engineering and legal fees incurred for reviewing
this project, prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate and/or upon receipt of an invoice by the City,
whichever occurs first.
6. The applicant shall be required to comply with any applicable conditions placed on this application by
the City Engineer.
7. No signs are proposed with this application and none are approved.
NOTE: In the event a Standard Condition of Approval conflicts with a Site Specific Condition of
Approval contained herein the Site Specific Condition of Approval shall control.
1. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Ada County Highway District and/or the
Idaho Transportation Department, including but not limited to approval of the drainage system,curbs,
gutters, streets and sidewalks. A letter of approval from the highway district having jurisdiction shall
be submitted to the City prior to issuance of a Zoning Certificate for this site.
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2. Idaho Department of Health& Welfare approval of the sewer and water facilities is required prior
issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first.
3. All permits from Central District Health, Eagle Sewer District& Eagle Fire District shall be secured
prior to issuance of building permit or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first.
4. Written approval of all well water for any shared or commercial well shall be obtained from the Idaho
Department of Water Resources and shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of any building
permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first.
5. Unless septic tanks are permitted,wet line sewers will be required and the applicant will be required
to furnish the City Engineer with a letter from the sewer entity serving the property, accepting the
project for service, prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever
occurs first.
6. The applicant shall submit a letter from the appropriate drainage entity approving the drainage system
and/or accepting said drainage; or submit a letter from a registered professional engineer certifying
that all drainage shall be retained on-site prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of
Occupancy,whichever occurs first. A copy of the construction drawing(s)shall be submitted with the
7. The applicant shall submit plans and calculations prepared by a registered professional engineer to
handle the satisfactory disposal of all storm drainage on the applicant's site. Drainage system plans
shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval prior to issuance of any building
permits or Certificate of Occupancy,whichever occurs first.
The plans shall show how swales,or drain piping,will be developed in the drainage easements. The
approved drainage system shall be constructed, or a performance bond shall be submitted to the City
Clerk,prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first.
The lot shall be so graded that all runoff runs either over the curb, or to the drainage easement and no
runoff shall cross any lot line onto another lot except within a drainage easement.
All design and calculations shall meet the requirements of Ada County Highway District.
Construction of the storm drain disposal system shall be complete before an occupancy permit is
8. No ditch,pipe or other structure or canal, for irrigation water or irrigation waste water owned by an
organized irrigation district, canal company, ditch association, or other irrigation entity, shall be
obstructed,routed,covered or changed in any way unless such obstruction, rerouting, covering or
changing has first been approved in writing by the entity. A Registered Engineer shall certify that
any ditch rerouting, piping,covering or otherwise changing the existing irrigation or waste ditch(1)
has been made in such a manner that the flow of water will not be impeded or increased beyond
carrying capacity of the downstream ditch; (2)will not otherwise injure any person or persons using
or interested in such ditch or their property; and(3) satisfied the Idaho Standards for Public Works
Construction. A copy of such written approval and certification shall be filed with the construction
drawing and submitted to the City prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of
Occupancy,whichever occurs first.
9. Encroachments including, but not limited to, landscaping, fencing, lighting,and/or pathways shall not
be located within any easement or right-of-way for any ditch, pipe or other structure, or canal used for
irrigation water or irrigation waste water without the express written approval of the organized
irrigation district,canal company, ditch association, or other irrigation entity associated with such
ditch, pipe or other structure, or canal. The applicant shall submit a copy of the written approval from
the irrigation entity prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat.
10. Street light plans shall be submitted and approved as to the location, height and wattage to the City
Engineer(if applicable)prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy,
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whichever occurs first. All construction shall comply with the City's specifications and standards.
The applicant shall provide a recorded easement, acceptable to the City Engineer, for the purpose of
installing and maintaining street light fixtures, conduit and wiring lying outside any dedicated public
right-of-way, prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs
The applicant shall pay applicable street light inspection fees prior to issuance of any Certificate of
11. Parking lot light plan shall be submitted and approved as to the location, height and wattage by the
City Engineer. All construction shall comply with the City's specifications and standards.
Lighting is required in the parking area and shall be properly illuminated to avoid accidents. Any
lights used to illuminate the parking lot shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from the
adjoining property.
12. The parking area shall be paved and shall be maintained in good condition without holes and free of
all dust,trash,weeds and other debris.
13. One set of building plans, for any non single-family residential use, shall be submitted to the Eagle
Fire Department for approval. An approval letter from the Eagle Fire Department shall be submitted
to the City prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy,whichever occurs
first. The letter shall include the following comments and minimum requirements,and any other
items of concern as may be determined by the Eagle Fire Department officials:
a. "The applicant has made arrangements to comply with all requirements of the Fire Department."
b. The fire hydrant locations shall be reviewed and be approved in writing by the Eagle Fire
Department prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat.
c. Minimum flow per hydrant shall be 1,000 gallons per minute for one and two family dwellings,
1,500 gallons per minute for dwellings having a fire area in excess of 3,600-square feet,and 1,500
gallons per minute for non-residential uses(i.e.;Commercial,Industrial, Schools,etc.). Flow rates
shall be inspected in accordance with all agencies having jurisdiction, and shall be verified in
writing by the Eagle Fire Department prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of
Occupancy,whichever occurs first.
d. The proposed fire protection system shall be reviewed and approved by the Eagle Fire Department
prior to issuance of a building permit or Certificate of Occupancy,whichever occurs first.
14. Any recreation area, greenbelt area or pathway area along the Boise River, Dry Creek or any other
area designated by the City Council or Eagle City Park and Pathway Development Committee for a
path or walkway shall be approved in writing by the Eagle City Park and Pathway Development
Committee prior to issuance of a building permit or Certificate of Occupancy,whichever occurs first.
15. Conservation, recreation and river access easements(if applicable) shall be approved by the Eagle
City Park and Pathway Development Committee and shall be shown on the final plat prior to issuance
of a building permit or Certificate of Occupancy,whichever occurs first.
16. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of the Eagle City Code, pertaining to floodplain and
river protection regulations(if applicable)prior to issuance of a building permit or Certificate of
Occupancy,whichever occurs first.
17. The applicant shall obtain written approval of the development relative to the effects of the Boise
River Flood Plain(if applicable)from the Corps. of Engineers prior to issuance of a building permit
or Certificate of Occupancy,whichever occurs first.
18. The applicant shall obtain approval of the development relative to its effects on wetlands or other
natural waterways(if applicable)from the Corps. of Engineers and the Idaho Department of Water
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Resources and/or any other agency having jurisdiction prior to issuance of a building permit or
Certificate of Occupancy,whichever occurs first.
19. Basements in the flood plain are prohibited.
20. The Americans with Disabilities Act,Uniform Building Code, Eagle City Code, and all applicable
County, State and Federal Codes and Regulations shall be complied with. All design and
construction shall be in accordance with all applicable City of Eagle Codes unless specifically
approved by the City Council.
21. New plans, which incorporate any required changes, shall be submitted for staff approval. Staff may
elect to take those plans to the Design Review Board and the City Council for review and approval.
22. Any changes to the plans and specifications upon which this approval is based, other than those
required by the above conditions, will require submittal of an application for modification and
approval of that application prior to commencing any change.
23. Any modification of the approved design review plans, including, but not limited to building design,
location and details, landscaping,parking, and circulation, must be approved prior to construction/
installation of such changes. Failure to do so may result in the requirement to modify the project to
comply with the approved design review and/or result in the inability to issue a final approval for
occupancy of this project.
24. Use, or each use for multi-use/multi-tenant projects, shall be as defined within Eagle City Code 8-2-3,
"Schedule of District Use Regulations", and any use and subsequent change by the applicant in the
planned use of the property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to
submit a Zoning Permit application to the City and comply with all rules,regulations, ordinances,
plans, or other regulatory and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in
interest advises the City of Eagle of its intent to changes the planned use of the subject property
unless a waiver/variance of said requirements or other legal relief is granted pursuant to the law in
effect at the time the change in use is sought.
25. Approval of any Design Review shall expire without notice to the applicant on the date of expiration
of the Design Review if construction has not started prior to that date, as stipulated in Eagle City
Code(one year from approval date).
26. All ground-mounted accent lighting fixtures and monument sign lighting fixtures shall be screened
from view with the use of landscaping(top of the fixture shall be no higher than the surrounding
landscaping). The light source itself shall otherwise be screened as provided for within Eagle City
27. The City's actions on the application does not grant the applicant any appropriation of water or
interference with existing water rights. The applicant indemnifies and holds the City harmless for any
and all water rights, claims in any way associated with this application.
1. The Board reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of this proposed design review application
(DR-22-22) with regard to the Eagle City Code Title 11A, Chapter 3, DR Design Review, and based
upon the information provided with the conditions required herein,concludes that the proposed design
review application is in accordance with the Eagle City Code and the Eagle Comprehensive Plan.
2. The Board reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of the proposed design review in terms of
Eagle City Code 11A-3-13, "General Standards For Design Review" and has concluded that the
proposed design review:
A. Will function in conformance with the applicable strategies of the Eagle Comprehensive Plan and
is in accordance with the regulations of this code since there are no inconsistencies with the
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comprehensive plan and the common area landscaping is permitted with the approval of a design
review application within the R-1-DA (Residential one with a development agreement) zoning
B. Is of a scale, intensity, and character that is in harmony with existing conforming and planned
development in the vicinity of the site since the proposed common area landscaping is designed to
complement the general vicinity;
C. Is designed with adequate off street parking facilities in such a way as to not interfere with
ingress/egress to the site and will serve the intended use so as to not cause conflict with adjacent
uses as anticipated within the zoning district—Not applicable for a landscape plan;
D. Will not interfere with the visual character,quality,or appearance of the surrounding area and city,
and where possible,enhance the continuity of thematically common architectural features;
E. Will have facades, features, and other physical improvements that are designed as a whole, when
viewed alone as well as in relationship to surrounding buildings and settings—Not applicable for
a landscape plan;
F. Will not obstruct views and vistas as they pertain to the urban environment and in relation to artistic
G. Will provide safe and convenient access to the property for both vehicles and pedestrians through
patterned traffic circulation and connectivity to abutting development — Not applicable for a
landscape plan;
H. Is in the interest of public health, safety, and general welfare promoting a pedestrian friendly and
walkable environment in balance with protecting a viable residential center in the area; and
I. No signs are proposed with this application. All signs, if proposed, will be required to be
harmonious with the architectural design of the subdivision, and will not cover nor detract from
desirable architectural features.
DATED this 12th day of May 2022.
Ada County, Idaho
Robert Grubb, Chairman
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