Minutes - 2016 - City Council - 08/23/2016 - Regular�4;V��� ��'hMmiwuoxwwry EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes August 23, 2016 The attached verbatim transcription of the August 23, 2016 City Council Meeting (as transcribed by Dawn Smith who was hired by the City) are the Official Minutes of the August 23, 2016 City Council meeting;. Respectfully submitted: --99A-ON K. BERG ANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER A STAN RIDGEWAY MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WWW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. CERTIFICATE OFTA I I Eagle City Council Meeting Dat t 23, 2016 The undersigned does hereby certify that she accurately transcribed the attached transcript to the best of her ability from the recording of the Eagle City Council Meeting that was recorded on August 23, 2016. Dated and certified this 3 Ay of August 2016 awn Smith (Documents by Dawn), Transcriber TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 1 of 52 Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Mayor: Stan Ridgeway SB: Stan Bastian NP: Naomi Preston BV: Bill Vaughan JK: Jeff Kunz MA: Mike Aho CS: Craig Soelberg C: Sharon Bergmann CM: Cherese McLain NB: Nichoel Baird -Spencer SN: Steve Nash UnkF: Unknown Female MB: Mark Butler All: All Council Members UnkM: Unknown Male Mayor: Mayor and Council Reports, Stan, do you have a report? SB: Nothing specific to report, no, I don't. Mayor: Naomi? NP: I do. First of all, I attended the Library Summer Reading Program celebration recently and I was pleasantly surprised. Is Steve here? No. It was a huge event. It took up the complete park and some of the inside, and kids got to pick a free book. And then outside there was everything from a dunk tank, to beading, to Legos, all kinds of fun things. And I think I heard Steve say that they had about 500 folks there and it was kind of like Eagle Fun Days for the little kid crowd. It was really cool. You know, we're always talking about how Eagle population skews older and this was nice to see a snapshot of the younger crowd -- parents with kids. It was really, really cool. So, I highly recommend next year anybody that's around to go because you'll really see a lot of folks. I was pleasantly surprised. It was beyond my expectations. Mayor: Good. NP: Do you want me to talk about that pond thing or not? Mayor: You can. NP: Okay. Recently I was approached by two Fish and Game folks, one, Art Butts, who's the Southwest Regional Fishery Biologist for Idaho Fish and Game and Evan O'Neal who's the Regional Conservation Educator, and, Mike, you were on vacation so I'll just let you know what we talked about. They brought me up to speed on the pond that's adjacent to Merrill Park, which has been stocked with trout since '03. In their words, it's quite a gem of a pond because it's deep and it has cold water therefore it can be stocked with trout. As I think lots of folks are aware that the agreement with the developer across the way -- they actually own the pond -- the agreement stated that the City could have a couple of platforms where fishing would be encouraged, spoke to Nancy Merrill a little about this and she said the idea of the platform was to enable handicapped kids and adults to be TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 2 of 52 able to fish there. The problem is with these platforms, at least the major one, is it is too far away from the water to make fishing possible. So their feeling was they know that the developer hasn't been interested in letting the City develop this a little more for fishing, but they were wondering if it was worth another try. They had let me know that -- are you wanting me to move faster? Mayor: No. NP: Okay. Mayor: Just keeping the beat. NP: You're just keeping the time, okay. Just don't turn on the red light, okay? Mayor: Okay. NP: Anyway, they had indicated that at one point when they had met with the developer he had indicated perhaps a willingness to indeed go a little further in terms of letting the City do a little bit more so, I don't know if you were involved in that, Mike, or if that was something just in the past. And they had spoken to some of the folks beneath this guy at the company and they were kind of excited about it and then it all just kind of -- SB: Fizzled? NP: Disappeared -- fizzled, yes, exactly. So, I know this is in Mike's court, but they did come to me and said this is a real gem of a pond and I guess it's up to City Council and the Mayor to decide do we want a fishing pond in Eagle? Are we willing to do anything to try to get a little more use out of that? I did go down there and there are some little pathways down by the water so people are fishing. I think the developer has chosen to turn a blind eye with it not being developed so, I just bring it as an issue and the powers that be will need to see what we think about it but according to these Fish and Game guys this really is a gem so it would be a shame if we couldn't utilize it in some fashion. And they've been stocking it since '03 they said, stocking it with fish is pretty expensive and if we don't think there's going to be much use then they'd just as soon stop stocking it, but it is evident that people are fishing there at some level. And that's it for me. SB: A question? Maybe Bill remembers. The developer is Charles something, isn't he from Phoenix? BV: Chuck Carlise (phonetic), yes. (Inaudible). SB: Carlise, yeah. BV: (Inaudible). SB: Yeah. BV: And John Schwartz (phonetic) is the local property manager. UnkM: All right. SB: So, if we get a hold of Chuck Carlise or the project manager that would be where we should go with it. TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 3 of 52 NP: They've had discussions with them and they just felt like they didn't have enough clout to maybe help something happen so, they were just wondering if the City were so inclined we could involve ourselves in some kind of discussion. JK: Were there any terms or conditions of approval that stipulated that the City had the right to put those platforms in? Is it separate -- NP: It's in the agreement. I've read the agreement and Mr. Vaughan has read the agreement. It talks about the two platforms. It kind of says discourage or encourage people to fish from those platforms, I believe. It doesn't say no fishing off the platform, but it encourages fishing on the platform. Is that how you read it, Bill? I could pull it up if -- BV: I read it a little more definitive as it related to they only wanted fishing from the platforms. And I recall the -- NP: They either used the discouraged or encouraged word, so. I was surprised when I read it that it wasn't more definitive, but. JK: But the point is, is we have a legally binding agreement or term that would allow us to insist on those platforms is that what I'm hearing? NP: We do. We do. Mayor: Part of the issue with the platforms is the platforms are on City property. JK: Yeah. Mayor: And the lake is on their property and Mike can weigh in, but I think it's virtually impossible to fish from those platforms and they were designated as platforms for people with disabilities, I think, or kids, so it's like you can't get there. JK: Well, the concern I would have, though, is if that if they're now saying if you don't do something with the platforms or people aren't interested in fishing we would discourage the use or they want to destock or quit stocking the pond altogether, correct? Didn't I hear you say that? NP: Right. If you want me to read the verbiage I've got it right here. Do you want me to read this? Mayor: Let me -- NP: Or not? Mayor: See if I can -- NP: Okay. Mayor: So, in the Development Agreement, the City was not allowed to fish from the bank of the pond. NP: Can I read what it says? TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 4 of 52 Mayor: But they did -- NP: Okay. Mayor: Allow us to have a platform that can be used for fishing so, a few months ago or a year ago sometime Mike Aho and the Fly -Fishing Association and I don't know if a Fish and Game person was involved went to the LLC and said can we improve the trails, can we allow fishing, can we build a dock? The fly-fishing group would agree to do it and the LLC said no. We have turned a blind eye to people fishing there, but we're not giving permission for people to fish there. So, the fly-fishing group, as I understand it, went down to Boise or Garden City and built a fishing platform so in order for us to get back involved I think we need to -- this is the right conversation. We need to see if the Fish and Game people think that they don't have the horsepower then maybe we need to have a meeting with the LLC and see if there's anything we can do, but Naomi has something she wants to read. NP: Oh, I was just read Grant of Easement; subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, the declaration, and the drainage easement Eagle River hereby grants the City a non-exclusive right to do the following on, under, over, across, and through the easement area as shown in Exhibit A. Expand the pond currently existing on the Eagle River parcel through a portion of the City parcel. Construct improvements defined in Section 3 adjacent to the pond for access to the pond for viewing and fishing purposes; but which discourage access to the pond other than over the viewing platforms. SB: So, the word discourage, but doesn't eliminate. NP: Exactly. I was surprised to read that word instead of -- JK: But more to the point, it says discourage access to the ponds. It doesn't say anything about fishing per se does it? NP: Right. It says, but which discourage access to the pond other than over the viewing platforms. JK: Right. NP: One -- SB: But not prohibit. NP: One of the things -- I talked to Nancy Merrill about this because I realized she was Mayor when this whole thing happened and she suggested it would be up to the Mayor and Council obviously, that if we did have some negotiations with them perhaps we could offer to take over maintenance of the pond. Obviously, that's an expense and I wouldn't even bring it to the table if it was just a run of the mill pond, but according to the Fish and Game guys this is a real gem and they would sure like to see it be a great kids' fishing hole in Eagle, so. I mean, it may be that we can't do that but they're kind of making this last ditch effort to make a plea and say hey, this is a real gem, is there anything we can do, so. It sounds like a lot's already been done, but perhaps with the right leverage maybe we can make it happen. I mean, it's right there at the park so it doesn't get any better than that to have access, and parking, and anyway. SB: I know Chuck Carlise and I think a personal contact with him might be able to initiate TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 5 of 52 some follow-up. I could give him a call. JK: Did Aho want to say something? MA: No. I'm just turning this off. NP: Oh. Mayor: And with all of that, we as a City and the City Council we need to decide do we want to take over the expense of maintaining a private pond and furnish a fishing hole for our kids and it comes back to budget issue, and a management issue for staff, and getting up to speed on managing those things and monitoring those so, it is a larger discussion. It's kind of like that developer who wanted us to take over that catchment pond and maintain it for their development. It's one of those issues. I wish we could buy the lake if we were going to have a lake, but I don't know. NP: And maybe we could. SB: Well, maybe the group would allow fishing and they still maintain the pond and if you have too aggressive fishing and you got a lot of people down there, and there's dozens of people all the time that would be too much. Mayor: Yeah. NP: It's obvious why they don't want fishing because their office buildings are right there and there's liability issues and then people running around the pond, and I agree, we don't want to overfish it, and I don't think that's Fish and Game's idea at all. I think they just want it to have a little better access and wouldn't it be cool if a handicapped person could fish from there, so. Mayor: If we wanted to pursue this we could have a couple of Council Members and maybe Bill and Mike meet with the owners and see what the real issue is. JK: Or maybe we ought to start with a one-on-one contact like Councilman Bastian -- NP: Uh-huh. JK: Recommended. SB: I can call Chuck and -- Mayor: Okay. SB: I think. It's been a while. There were times when Chuck was very supportive of my candidacy with the State Legislature and for City Council and I've kind of lost that contact as of late so, I don't know what my standing is with him, but. Mayor: Okay. NP: Set the bait out there. SB: There you go. TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 6 of 52 Mayor: Yeah. Okay. NP: That's it for me. Mayor: Thanks. Jeff? JK: ACHD did meet weekly. It was a very short meeting. Naomi and I also attended a Chamber function last week on Tuesday? NP: Correct. JK: And there were 15 businesses. I'm sorry, I forgot the title of it. NP: It was a Business Expo. JK: Excuse me. It was a Business Expo. NP: Business Expo and you're right I think there were about 15 businesses. JK: Yeah. NP: It was pretty well attended. JK: Yes, it was and it was very interesting. And so, I just wanted to mention and say thank you to the Chamber for hosting that. It was well attended in the several hours that I was there and so it was very worthwhile, very informative as well. That's all I have. SB: I was going to attend, it but I got (inaudible). CS: I don't have anything. I (inaudible) don't have anything. Mayor: Okay. Well, I was contacted by a member of the Chamber who does the ribbon cutting ceremony and asking us to attend more of those, and I had suggested we were getting the notices like the day of or -- NP: Uh-huh. Mayor: Whatever and asked that if we could get those further in advance because a lot of us are busy on certain times, but the next ribbon cutting ceremony I won't be here. It's September the 15th and it is -- let me think what that is. It's a new -- well, I can't think of the business now, but there is one on the 15th if someone or everyone wanted to attend that would -- NP: What time is that -- Mayor: That would be -- NP: Do you recall? Mayor: They usually have them around 5:30 something like that. NP: Okay. TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 7 of 52 Mayor: Right after work. JK: I will plan to attend that one. Mayor: Okay. Maybe in a few minutes the name of the business will come to mind, but it seems maybe the Chamber membership's growing a little bit so that's a positive thing. I think Naomi joined again -- NP: I rejoined. Mayor: So that's good. I don't have any word yet from Ada County. I think they might make a decision on our request this week. We'll kind of see where that goes. They did tell me that they are not interested in entering into a lease agreement with the City of Eagle because of past experience, but they are interested in maybe selling us 10 or 12 acres of property that would be a good deal for us and they are interested in the bathrooms and participating in that and they are pretty sure that granting us access for our new storage facility off their road, but they needed to vet those with their attorneys and they'll let us know something pretty soon. So, it was a pretty positive meeting from that standpoint although there was some discussion that wasn't very pleasant, but overall, I think it's okay. And -- JK: 1 have one more item. Mayor: Oh, Jeff. JK: I'm sorry, but I failed to mention something very important. Last week was Editor Frank Thomasons' last week as the editor of the Valley Times. It is now officially shifted to Melissa Upton and her team. The edition this week is the first edition under the new management and on the very front page there is a thank you and a photo of Frank Thomason, and along with a brief article. There are some copies out here on the Eagle's Council foyer if you're interested, but I just wanted to say congratulations to Mr. Thomason and his recent -- and Polly Peterson on their recent retirement and to Melissa Upton and her new team at the Valley Times. Mayor: Sharon, our budget was published in there. Will we have to republish that because some of the numbers were cut off, or do you think that will work? C: I don't know Mayor. I'll have to look at that. Mayor: Okay. C: It was the Appropriation Ordinance that was published. I have no idea why they published it the way they did, but I'll take a look at it. Mayor: Okay. Thank you. Any Staff Reports? Oh, I do have one other thing. Steve Nash, you guys all know that Steve's been working on this Purple Heart designation parking place and Steve has everything under control. He would like to designate the parking place right by the handicap parking out front and right across from our Fallen Soldier Memorial and we can pass this around, but he has the sign, he's done the legwork, and would like to paint that parking place and designate it, and then have a ceremony to have the Wounded Warriors here to look at it. So, if you guys don't have an objection we'll have Steve work with Mike and get the parking place designated and painted and there's another article here about it in some other cities that had done that so I really thank Steve TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 8 of 52 for getting that all together. JK: Thank you, Steve. Mayor: And I don't have anything else so how about Staff Reports. MA: Mayor, Council, just a couple of short things, quick things here. The Activity Guide just came today to us from the printer. I have copies here for you and it will be mailed sometime this week to all the households in Eagle and I wanted just to compliment Catlin Straubinger for doing this, she's a marvelous addition to the staff and she did a great job putting this together, fun to see all the activities that we have. It also includes some of our special events coming up and I wanted to talk briefly on those. The Night Market which will be starting September 8th. We'll have a Night Market this Thursday coming up with the Gazebo Concert Series which we've always had and that Night Market and the Gazebo Concert Series starts at six o'clock at Heritage Park. The Night Market in September, which will be every Thursday night in September starts at five o'clock and ends at nine o'clock so, we'll have a Night Market through September as well, and that's just kind of a test to see how that Night Market might work, how the vendors respond, how the public responds, and I think it's just going to be a wonderful addition to the community and so we're looking forward to doing that, so those three things, the guide, the Gazebo Concert Series this Thursday at six o'clock, and the Night Market starting in September. JK: Mr. Mayor? Director Aho, is there any word on how the Eagle High School Homecoming Block Party is progressing? MA: We have an application in from them -- a event application. We are now waiting on their insurance so we need to have that insurance policy from them for that event so that's where we're at at this moment in time. JK: Does it look like it's going to be doable at Heritage Park versus having to relocate it to the high school? MA: It is from our point of view as long as we have that insurance in hand. JK: Okay. Thank you. MA: And as a side note on that, when we were discussing that event earlier I failed to remember that we were having a Thursday Night Market on that Thursday night as well so we're going to have an additional component to the homecoming event that Eagle High School's doing. We'll have the market going on at the same time and we're trying to coordinate all that. It's a lot more work than I thought it was going to be because of our market, but we'll make it happen. NP: It should be quite an event. MA: It should be. NP: I mean -- MA: Yeah. It -- NP: It could be bigger and better. TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 9 of 52 MA: Yeah. It should be a good event. There's just some coordination on our part that we make sure it happens. Yep. Mayor: I guess the only issue is that Thursday Market shouldn't have any alcohol because it's a - MA: Yeah, we -- Mayor: High school event and -- MA: We're working through that. Mayor: And although, we had talked about no road closures we might have to do some road closure on 2nd Avenue to be able to accommodate the market and that at the same time. So, but we won't be closing Eagle Road and we won't be closing State Street so both of those together creates congestion because it's limited space there so we're probably going to have to use 2nd Avenue for the market, so. MA: Yeah. And at this point it looks like North 2nd Avenue only. We talked to ACHD. South of 2nd Avenue causes a conflict with traffic flow. We would actually have to do some serious signage out on Eagle Road for detouring and that cost gets prohibitive so we'll be doing probably the north of 2nd and trying to figure out how else to fit everything in. I think we'll be able to do it. It's just a different challenge. Mayor: And a as side note, ABC Seamless Siding has volunteered their parking lot for any of our markets and if we need it people can walk down the alley and use their area too so, that might help if we need it. MA: Right. NP: I have a question -- Mayor: Yeah. NP: For director. So, I had a couple vendors just mention to me -- from the Saturday Market - - we haven't met for a while. I'm the liaison with that, but they also mentioned and I know Jenessa's been super, super busy, but we never did get a poster out for the Saturday Market so, I was just wondering -- I mean, it's August and the market started several months ago, so. I understand that we're testing an evening market, but I just want to make sure that the Saturday Market gets what they need as well, so. MA: Sure. Yes and we did put up the street banners and those have been up all year on the light poles all over town that say Saturday Market and then we do every week we put up a banner on the fence line there at Heritage Park, a large yellow, black lettering banner every week we put that up there. NP: Absolutely, yeah. Those are -- MA: (Inaudible). NP: Very visible. It just that -- TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 10 of 52 MA: (Inaudible). NP: You know -- MA: So, no, we did not do a poster this year. NP: A poster was promised and, I mean, it goes up in businesses and lots of events get publicized with posters so, I just want to make sure we're giving the Saturday Market everything that we said we would, so. Mayor: Any other questions? Thanks Mike. UnkM: Thank you. Mayor: Bill. BV: I have, I think, just three things. Just first, an update on the annexation process for the area along the Boise River between Island Woods and Merrill Park where we were having the hunting issue. We have to conduct a neighborhood meeting as the Code doesn't differentiate between a city -initiated application and a developer or applicant initiated -application so, we will be conducting the neighborhood meeting on August 30tH here. And then and once that's complete we will proceed with the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting on that annexation and rezone. The zone -- well, something that we hadn't discussed before was what would be an appropriate zone to classify that property as, and it's my suggestion, and that's what we put in the Neighborhood Public Meeting Notice, that Public -- PS, Public/Semi-Public would be a appropriate zone for that area. And then it'll go to the Planning and Zoning Commission in September and then likely to the City Council at the first meeting in November and I had emailed that timeline to Chief Calley. He was okay with that timeline as that is in advance of the hunting season for ducks and geese primarily and then was working with Mike Aho on being ahead of the curve in the creation of signs to post along that area indicating what the ordinance is, and the ordinance is already on the books with regard to the disallowance of discharge of a firearm within the City Limits. We just have to make that be in the City Limits. So, everything is scheduled to make it to where this hunting season isn't a problem for the residents in that area. Secondly, a question Council Member Bastian had asked about the -- and maybe you all were talking about that earlier, the draining swales along State Street that just a little bit further to the east on out to State Highway 55. When ACHD completed the -- it was called The Academy to Edgewood Sidewalk Project. They put some curbs and then the drainage swales and adjacent to the roadway and put river rock in as the aesthetic or well, it is an aesthetic issue, maybe a poor one, for the bottom of the drainage basins. As development occurs along that corridor you will see the staff making recommendations on those Design Review applications to change those rocks to sod, and the last one that we saw, the Westside Body Works application, there was in fact a condition of approval and a revised landscape plan submitted showing that area changing to the streetscape that's required along that portion of State Street, which is street trees every 35 feet and sod. So, we will hopefully see those change out over time as property develops. And then, thirdly, Council Member Preston, would you like to talk about the signage? The downtown wayfinding signage project at all as it relates to any information on it? NP: Yeah, I don't think so. BV: Okay. That's fine. Just wanted to -- TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 11 of 52 NP: We'll just -- BV: Make myself available for that and -- NP: Thank you. BV: I think those were the main things. I have a few other items to discuss with you, but those are relevant to items on the agenda this evening so I will address those later. And with that do you have any questions for me? SB: Mr. Mayor, a comment I'd like to make. I don't know if it's river rock or what, big rocks, along there -- cobblestones I suppose. Really was at variance with the kind of aesthetics we would like along State Street and the Council at that time was not encouraging the property owners or ACHD to put in landscaping with trees and the ability to put water in that area. So, as development comes along I would like to see us require the developers to put in the sod, and the grass, and the trees, and the Design Review Board, I guess, did require that and I'm glad because that was a question I was going to bring tonight as that sat before us what they had planned to do there, but thanks for the update. BV: Thank you. SB: I'd like to see that continue. JK: Mr. Mayor? Mayor: Yes. JK: Administrator Vaughan, is there any status update with respect to the Laguna Pointe trail and fence? SB: I can give you a status update because I ride it almost daily, if you'd like to know that. JK: The fence is in? SB: The fence is in. JK: Okay. SB: The metal posts, they have put a wooden post in front of the metal posts. They didn't take the metal posts out. And where they have the corner posts those are wooden posts. And the fence is a plain wire fence. I consider it a great improvement over what was there and I don't think there's much danger of people injuring themselves if they have a spill and go up against the fence. JK: So, the fence has been moved back in those places where it needed to be moved back? SB: That I cannot tell you because I don't know where there were places that needed to be moved back or not. It looks like the fence is currently in the position that the barbwire fence was in. BV: I can address all of that if you'd like. TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 12 of 52 JK: Please. BV: So, and, forgive me, I thought that maybe you and I didn't end up touching base on this a while back, but this issue I worked -- what's the right word? I'm trying to think of the right adjective. Diligently or significantly with Steve Peel (phonetic) this spring, late spring, early summer in going through the Conditions of Approval on the finalized Design Review application to make sure that the City achieved that pathway location in the location that was approved with the Conditions of Approval because the conditions had subsets that because we didn't have enough information, we never were provided a survey of the location of the pathway that was built in relation to where the easement was located. So, it took a lot of back and forth and he and I walking the pathway numerous times to do our best to identify where the easement location was up to and including me calling Toothman Orton Engineering to get additional documentation from them. Some survey work that they completed to better identify the location of the easements. So, for instance, right here on -- I think this is Lot 40, you can't see it. And if I go into too much detail and bore you I'm sorry. If you would like to come into the office someday and we can open up the file, I can walk all the steps through if you -- JK: If it's already been completed -- forgive me if I forgot or missed an update or something, but I don't remember hearing where the fence had been completed or not. Maybe it was just my lapse. SB: It has been completed. JK: Okay. BV: So, in this area right in here. When the City did the stop work order on the fence that was constructed it was generally constructed from about this point eastward. They set the wooden posts through the wetland area in here, but did not construct the wire. Those wooden posts stopped right here and then this was all open so, I knew it was extremely critical to make sure that before they set the posts that they were well off the easement area so we gained all the necessary information to where the easement was located. It got extremely tight in this area. You see that bit of water right there? And interestingly enough when we were down there this spring two very active beaver crossings across here into the stew area. It was quite neat to watch and see. I never did see the beaver though. Anyway, so we were able to move the fence onto the easement line in most locations and I was even able to encourage them and was successful in moving the fence back off the easement a little bit in this location because it was so tight in here. It is doesn't maybe full tight by looking at this picture, but when you're on the pathway it does. It is constricted in this area, but they legitimately had the path right on the edge of the easement. And then the fence continued and this part was fairly open through here. This is our bridge crossing. The fence was set back appropriately all the way through here. I verified the location of this there was a post on this very point right here that felt constricting when you were there, but it too was on the edge of the easement. They were not into the easement area at all. And then the rest of the pathway very much the fence was set back off the pathway edge on the easement line. One of the things, though, that once I got out of the wetland area I was able to go out and witness what the fence contractor when they started -- because the Design Review approval stated you had to use wood posts, but it allowed for the use of metal posts on the levy area where they could not drive wood posts in and they had a tractor out there with a hydraulic rim hooked to the PTO using that to drive the posts in and we went rounds and rounds and rounds on this before they started the fence construction and we finally agreed you just need to call me and I'll go out and do a site inspection when you get to a point where you can't get it TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 13 of 52 in. And I believe it was somewhere in this area where they were unable to -- they were just splitting the posts and mushrooming the ends because underneath all of this area was fill and significant like riprap and whatnot. Well, that ended up being the case almost back to where the wetlands area started so what we were able to do is they were able to face all of the metal T -posts with a wooden post. They were not required to do that on the levy area but through the process they elected to do so because Steve felt that that provided a consistent look through the whole area and it was win-win on that front and that even though they were allowed to use more T -posts than we originally contemplated they, I guess, maybe as a quid pro quo faced all of the posts along the main levy area which made for a more consistent look. Additionally, it wasn't required that they fix this 90 -degree corner yet they were willing to refabricate that H -brace in that or that corner brace there to a -- JK: Angle? BV: Yeah, to an angle. JK: Good. Okay. Good. BV: Though it's not a huge angle but it's a -- JK: But it no -- BV: At least it's not 90 -- JK: Longer comes to a point? BV: Right. SB: It allows the bicyclists to make the turn comfortably. BV: Then the fence comes -- or, pardon me, yeah, the fence and the pathway comes all the way down to the end of -- to the development down in here. So, this was wrapped up several months ago. I issued a Zoning Certificate for a Certificate of Completion on the fence and haven't heard from Steve since other than to talk with Steve Noyes (phonetic) about where to place trimmings as we go along and do maintenance along the pathway where to place the trimmings. JK: Thank you. SB: I could put on a camera on my bike and you could see. BV: Just for fun, from a Google Earth image you can see back on the pond issue here's one of the platforms here and then I believe there's another one up here and maybe from this image it doesn't seem very far, but the drop in elevation from the top of the pond to the elevation of this platform is, what, 20 or 30 feet maybe. And so when you're standing in this platform area it doesn't look like you would cast a line out and fish from this location. So, engaging them might be a good idea and I think that was it. Any other questions? Thank you. JK: Thank you. SB: By the way, if any of you are cyclists I would encourage you to take that trip up to Laguna TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 14 of 52 Pointe and go on up into Boise. It's a lot of fun. Mayor: Cherese, do you have anything? SB: Oh, and by the way, I have seen no one wandering on the other side of the fence. Mayor: Hmm. No one fishing? SB: Ever fishing or anybody. So, I don't think they have a whole lot to worry about. Mayor: Okay. Uh, Cherese, do -- did you have anything? CM: I do not. Mayor: Sharon, do you have anything? C: No. Mayor: Nichoel? NB: The only thing I have is just a reminder that you have (inaudible) Council on next Tuesday the 30th from 5:30 to 7:30 here at City Hall on Transportation (Inaudible). Mayor: Okay. NB: (Inaudible). Mayor: And I believe we have a Town Hall Meeting on Monday evening, right? So, Steve, do you have anything? SN: (Inaudible). Mayor: Okay. CS: Mr. Mayor? Mayor: Steve is also working on the Merrill Rooster Project and will probably have a report for us on that pretty soon. SN: I've got an update on that. Mayor: Okay. You want to give us that and then Craig? SN: Mr. Mayor, Council, yes, the Rooster Project. We had the initial drawing and basically it was a finished drawing of what it would look like when it was done. Basically, we have to decide on a design before they go forward and put the structurals together and we had our initial drawing done a couple weeks ago and I showed it to the Mayor and other than a few adjustments -- I don't have a picture with me. I wasn't ready for it, but other than I think the major change was both sides, the front and the back, are going to be able to display the rooster so anyone that wants to look at it can come from the front or the back. One side's going to have an access door to actually take it out so when we need it through Eagle Fun Days or whenever Mr. Aho needs it for any other activity it'll be able to easily be removed out of the cage. Today I went over the second drawing. I made those TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 15 of 52 changes where he's going to design it to have it open up from the front and back. And then there's going to be a weather vane, Sharon. That was the first thing I asked him to do. The question of the feeder, it looks like there's a little silo next to it that's supposed to feed the rooster in design. That's going to have to be custom made so who we're using design this is a local designer. It's called DRAFTECH and they actually handle about 60% of our residential plans here in Eagle. And Brendan and Michele, they're a couple that have been here since -- oh, gosh, I think 2005, and he was all about putting this together for us. And he's actually going to get this done at a very low, low, low, if any expense at all as long as we put a little placard on this little building telling the community that they are the ones that designed this so, we went for it and it continues. And after the next design that we approve then we'll get the structurals in and we'll get it going. And I'll put the contractors together and we'll just have a City -run project, so any questions on that? Sir, I wasn't sure, did you want me to go over the 208 Cares that we had last Friday? Mayor: Sure. Sure. That'd be good. SN: Okay. Last Friday I had a meeting with the Mayor and a gentleman by the name of Greg Hall. He's a President of this Treasure Valley non-profit organization called 208 Cares and what they do is they try to build a house for a veteran in need. And he came to us last Friday because they have a veteran, his name is Bradley Wells (phonetic), who had a very hard time. He had a few tours of Iraq, Afghanistan, and he lost his left leg and when he got out of the military because of his injuries he was put on very high painkillers and he got addicted. And from what we hear now, he's in a good recovery and he's doing well, but he wants to reside here in Eagle so, this company, 208 Cares, wants to build him a house right over there behind the Arts West project. I forgot the name of the subdivision, but what they're asking us to do is if we can waive some of the fees to help out this organization so, with the discussion of the Mayor we want to put this towards how we run the St. Jude's Home. St. Jude's, we've done four homes in the last six years here in Eagle. They really like to come to this town and what we do for them is we waive certain permit fees for them to help out the cost. So, the fees I have in mind right now are basically just City. The permit fee itself, the review fee that's established with it, and I'll let you guys make the decision on this, but the parks fee. All the rest of the permit fees have to stay in place because they're contract -based. They're a pass-through so once they get through we pass it on to the inspectors that are contracted, but those other ones, it makes a significant contribution to this organization so, I'd like you to think about possibly letting me waive those fees when these plans come in. Mayor: And I think when we get the final idea together it will come back before the Council for approval just the way we did the St. Jude's House. SN: Yes, sir. And this would be a great thing for the City of Eagle because I always kind of copy what Councilman Bastian says, the City of Eagle is the jewel of the Gem State and I even put that on the letter to the Mayor about this and I think this would be a great thing for us because I haven't heard any other jurisdiction doing this yet so let's make the first step. UnkM: Cool. SN: If that's it, any other questions? All right. Thank you. Mayor: Okay. Craig, did you have something? TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 16 of 52 CS: Oh, I just wondered if we had time to knock out our Executive Session before the time, but probably getting too close to it. SB: I think not. Mayor: Yeah, probably. Probably too close. So you guys -- NP: Nice try. JK: (Inaudible). NP: Appreciated. JK: These appointments to the Library Board are on an amended Agenda already or does the -- Mayor: We have to amend it. We have -- JK: We have to amend it, all right. Mayor: And did you see the Eagle Senor Center one too? JK: No. When did this come out? Mayor: It should be in the packet. NP: What is that? JK: I had two, they were both Library Board. Mayor: No, it's just one of those. There's only one. JK: For Danny Mortensen (phonetic) and Nicki Hire (phonetic). Mayor: Danny, we can't do because (inaudible). NP: Thank you. JK: Oh, all right. Mayor: (Inaudible) 45 -day (inaudible). JK: Oh. All right. Mayor: You probably didn't (inaudible). JK: But I didn't get the Senior Center one. I don't know (inaudible). Well, I don't want to take your copy. Mayor: It's all right. I know about it. So, you guys want to take a 10 -minute break? Be back at 6:30? SB: Sure. TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 17 of 52 [Break] [Resumes] Mayor: Before we call the meeting to order we have Pastor Tim from the Eagle Nazarene Church to lead us in invocation. [Invocation] Mayor: So, I'd like to call the Eagle City Council to order. Our meeting of August the 23, 2016, and ask our City Clerk to call the roll. C: Kunz? JK: Here. C: Bastian? SB: Here. C: Preston? NP: Here. C: Soelberg? CS: Here. C: All present. A quorum is present. Mayor: Thank you. Would you join us in the Pledge of Allegiance. [Pledge] Mayor: This is the place on our Agenda for Public Comment of anyone who would like to comment on any Non -Agenda item please come forward and I knew you were going to raise your hand. You have three minutes and I will call time on you Mr. Butler. MB: Thank you for your time Mr. Mayor, Members of the Council. I've been out of town for quite a bit, but I've watched some of the Budget Hearings and I just want to say I appreciate all the work. I know how hard it is to get through the budget, but it sounded like you really grappled with I think it was $67,000 or $70,000 roughly. As Jeff knows I'm not real -- JK: $77,000. MB: Pinpointed on the numbers for the property tax increase and what I wanted to say is that in anything we do what's really important is a foundation. If you build a house, rebuild a house -- I've rebuilt a lot of the little places in downtown Eagle. The first thing I do is crawl underneath and see what kind of foundation there was. It's important to have a good foundation and when we look at our income sources many of them are from building permits and different types of things, but that one that is a solid foundation is that TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 18 of 52 income source from property tax. So, I think to just look at the $77,000 and say why do we really have to collect that from people, we have 10 million dollars for our budget, I think it's kind of missing the point that you want to really protect the City in the future and build that property tax foundation. For me as a property owner it's very little so I just wanted to put in my support for future years when you get to that 3%. Think about it as the foundation and the foundational income for the City so that if we do take dive at least over 5, 10 years, whatever it is between now and if there's another dive you've built that foundation for property tax base. The other thing, too, is I've been talking to Rachelle (phonetic) with Republic Storage. Boise City for their trash collection has something that we don't have it here and it's called premium pick-up. So, when you have a driveway that's up to 150 feet long you can pay an extra service and an extra fee, a monthly fee, and they'll come out and they'll go the extra distance to pick up your can and pull it up the driveway. Great for seniors or lazy people like myself who used to live on Washam Road and had a 200 -foot long road. Also great for these new types of developments that you're starting to see where the houses front open space. They don't front a street and they have a little alley in the back, and sometimes they're kind of dead-end alleys. This is something that Boise is doing a lot for their in -fills. I think you saw some of this in something that got modified recently off of Hill Road but this is a good thing that maybe you can consider in the future for your contracts for trash pick-up. Thank you so much. Mayor: Okay. Thank you. Any questions? Thank you. Is there anyone else who would like to offer public comment? Seeing none we'll move onto Additions, Deletions or Modifications to the Agenda. Do we have any staff requests? BV: Mr. Mayor, Members of the Council. Item -- JK: 8 A. BV: 8 A may be eligible for placing on the Consent Agenda if there is no public testimony here this evening for it. I've already had the opportunity to speak with the applicant and they are okay with placing this on the Consent Agenda with the addition of a Site -Specific Condition of Approval if you would give me a moment when the time comes to read that to you and if you agree perhaps you can include that in the application. It's in relation to an irrigation facility on the property that came up as it relates to New Dry Creek's need to work with the property owner to make sure that irrigation is provided through the property so we have a Condition of Approval that would solve the issue. SB: Mr. Mayor? Mayor: Yes, sir. SB: I would recommend that we put this on the Consent Agenda, but also reserve it as a separate item at the end of the Consent Agenda for final approval. Can we do that? BV: Yes. SB: Okay. Mayor: Okay, so in doing that we would approve the Consent Agenda or discuss this before we approve it? SB: Mr. Mayor, usually when you have a Consent Agenda if a Council Member desires to pull one item off then that is discussed the next item right after the vote on the Consent TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 19 of 52 Agenda. Mayor: Okay. SB: And what I'm saying here is we include this on the Consent Agenda, and then what I'm saying is I'd like to pull it off and be right at the end of the Consent Agenda. Mayor: Sounds good. BV: Thank you for that clarification. That was perfect. Mayor: Okay. JK: Because no one signed up (inaudible). Mayor: Okay, there's no one signed up. Is there anyone in the audience that would be here to testify for or against that would be in opposition to moving it to the Consent Agenda? Then seeing none, let's work through any other and then we'll vote on these one at a time okay. So, Council? JK: Do you want the other additions to the Consent Agenda? Mayor: Sure. JK: Mr. Mayor, I would move that we also add to the Consent Agenda the appointment of Nicki Hire to the Library Board as well as a not to exceed expenditure of $4,159.96 to pay for 128 folding chairs for the Eagle Senior Center, said funds to be paid by the City of Eagle. And then we've already discussed the Wallace Subdivision addition. Mayor: So, the appointment to the Library Board would be Item H? JK: H. Mayor: And the Eagle Center Senior would be -- JK: I. Mayor: I. JK: And J would be Wallace Subdivision. Mayor: And J would be Wallace. Okay. Any other suggestions? JK: Mr. Mayor? Mayor: Yes, sir. JK: I want to pull things from the Consent Agenda briefly. Mayor: Okay. JK: Mr. Mayor, I would request that we briefly pull Consent Agenda Item 6 E and F, the minutes from the August 9th and 16th meetings, for a very brief comment. TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 20 of 52 Mayor: Okay. Would you like to move those before J and discuss those or how do you want to deal with that? JK: Well, I have a couple of comments I would like to make with respect to both sets of minutes so I don't know if you want to discuss them and leave them on the Consent Agenda and discuss them or do you want to pull them off. I would like to pull them off, I think. Mayor: Okay. So, where would you like to move those? Under -- JK: Under J maybe. Mayor: Okay. Okay so we'll remove Item E and F. Let's just eliminate Items E and F and put those under J, which would be K and L. So, E would be K and F would be L. Okay. Any other changes? Seeing none, we would entertain a motion on the Consent Agenda with the changes. JK: Mr. Mayor? Mayor: Yes, sir. JK: I would move that we approve Consent Agenda Item 6 A through D, H, I, and J -- or, excuse me, G, H, I, and J. SB: With the -- JK: Or -- SB: With J being pulled off. JK: Being pulled off. Mayor: Okay. JK: So, I guess it would be only up through I, correct? Mayor: Okay. So, the motion is to approve Items A through I. SB: Second. Mayor: And we have a second. Is -- JK: Minus E and F though. Mayor: Right, minus E and F was pulled. So, we have a motion and a second. Is there any discussion? Then seeing none, I would ask the clerk to call the roll. Do we have a procedural problem we need to address? CM: Well, I was just trying to keep straight from what I heard which is why I was conversing with Sharon was that you had added some stuff to the agenda and I didn't hear a motion to approve the addition. I just heard the motion to approve the Consent Agenda itself so it just seemed we were jumping one procedural step and I was just trying to converse TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 21 of 52 with Sharon to see the minutes to see if I just didn't hear it. Mayor: I think you're right and if we could get the second and the maker of the motion to agree we could withdraw that. Add -- SB: I agree. Mayor: Add the -- JK: I'll withdraw the motion. Mayor: H and I so we need a motion to add H and I to the Consent Agenda? JK: So moved. Mayor: We have a motion and -- JK Are you not adding J? Mayor: It was already -- JK: You're not adding J? Mayor: Wasn't it already on there? JK: The Wallace Subdivision -- Mayor: Oh. JK: I thought we were going to add it but then -- Mayor: H, I, and J to the Consent Agenda -- we need a motion for that. JK: So moved. Mayor: And we have a motion, and a second? SB: Second. Mayor: We have a motion and a second, any discussion? Do we need a roll call for the addition? UnkF: No. Mayor: Okay. Is there any opposition to the additions to the Consent Agenda? Then seeing none, those are approved and now we are back to a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. SB: The motion has to be remade. JK: Mr. Mayor? Mayor: Yes. TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 22 of 52 JK: I would make a motion that we approve Consent Agenda Items A, B, C, D, G, H, and I. CS: Second. Mayor: We have a motion and a second. Is there any discussion? And seeing none, we'd ask the clerk to call the roll. C: Bastian? SB: Aye. C: Preston? NP: Aye. C: Kunz? JK: Yes. C: Soelberg? CS: Aye. Mayor: The motion is approved. Now, that moves us to Item K. JK: Mr. Mayor, in the draft minutes of the August 9, 2016, regular Council Meeting on page 1 we entered into an Executive Session. The Idaho Code section cited is 74-206F I believe it should be 74-2061 F. I believe there is a 1 missing there. The other reason I wanted to briefly discuss this is on page 5 under Item 7 L the minutes of the July 26, 2016 meeting the second paragraph is quoting me saying -- or, it says Kunz: I have made some corrections to the minutes. I would ask that the word made be changed to proposed so, the sentence reads I have also proposed some corrections to the minutes. The proposed corrections to the minutes affected some names in the minutes. They were quite minor, but I worked through a Deputy City Clerk to propose those corrections, all right. I did not make them directly. Mayor: Okay. And Item F -- former Item F, now L. JK: Just a minute. Uh-oh, where is my second set of ... in the draft minutes of the Special City Council Meeting from August 16, 2016, which was a public Budget Hearing on page one under Section 6 A the second paragraph reads Bob Van Arnem, his address, and then it says discusses previous comments he heard at the Budget Meeting. Mr. Van Arnem did indeed discuss previous comments he heard at the Budget Meeting, but he also went on to respectfully challenge certain claims and assertions that he had also heard during the Budget Meeting, but perhaps equally importantly he also discussed some budget concerns, specifically, how taxation and budgeting should be approached. He specifically gave an example of needs versus wants -based budgeting, and furthermore, he encouraged "spirited debate" with respect to some of his specific budget concerns and he listed at least three specific concerns that he had. I'm only going to mention two. The first one being significant increases in the park related budget since 2015. The second one being increases in personnel costs. The third one I believe related to the IT Department, but the audio was not clear so, with respect to that I would ask that Mr. Van Arnem's comments be summarized to include the idea that in addition to discussing TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 23 of 52 previous comments he heard at the Budget Meeting that he also respectfully questioned and challenged certain comments that he had heard and assertions that he had heard during the meeting, and that he also expressed some specific budget concerns. Mayor: Would you like his comments be added to the minutes verbatim? JK: No. I'm just asking that what I shared with you be summarized at a high level beyond what's currently there. Mayor: Okay. So -- SB: Mr. Mayor, with that being said, I think we need to have the summary before us before we can approve it. JK: All right, so, let me take a stab at it. Bob Van Arnem, address is given, discusses, and challenges previous comments and assertions he heard at the Budget Meetings. That he also discusses how taxation and budgeting should be approached with a specific example of needs versus wants -based budgeting. And he also encourages, "spirited debate" on two specific budget items or concerns in particular. The first one being significant increases in the park related budgets since 2015, and second increases in personnel costs. I did go back and watch the video of his testimony and I believe those summary comments are consistent with his testimony. Mayor: Okay, is that in form of a motion? JK: That is a motion. Mayor: It's a motion to amend the minutes as read by Mr. Kunz do we have a second? SB: Second. Mayor: We have a motion and a second, discussion? Because this is the Consent Agenda do we need a roll call? Okay, then if there's no objection then the changes to the minutes former E, #K and F letter L are approved. Now, does that move us to J? JK: I believe it does, yeah. Mayor: Okay, so now we're at Item J, which is formally A and I think Mr. Vaughan has some recommendations for us. BV: Thank you Mr. Mayor, Members of the Council. This item has been placed on the Consent Agenda and then removed from the Consent Agenda, and if you would consider adding the following conditional of approval with your motion to approve that would be great. It's Site -Specific Condition #11 and it reads the applicant shall comply with all requirements of the New Union Ditch Company in regard to any future relocation of the irrigation lateral located within the property. The applicant shall provide a license agreement and or user's agreement from the New Union Ditch Company for all irrigation improvements associated with the lateral prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. Mayor: Okay. SB: I so move, which means that we approve PP/FP-04-16 Wallace Subdivision, with the condition as read by Bill Vaughan. TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 24 of 52 JK: Second. NP: Second. Mayor: We have a motion and a second, any discussion? Seeing none, I think this requires a roll call vote, correct? SB: I'll request a roll call vote. Mayor: Okay. So, we request a roll call vote please? C: Bastian? SB: Aye. C: Preston? NP: Aye. C: Kunz? JK: Yes. C: Soelberg? CS: Aye. Mayor: Okay, thank you guys. It took a while, but we got through that. So, that moves us to Public Hearings and Mr. Vaughan, Item B ZOA-02-16 Zoning Ordinance Amendment, Ordinance #756. BV: Thank you Mr. Mayor, Members of the Council. This is a Zoning Ordinance Amendment. This evening is eligible for both your action on the ZOA and also your action and reading of the ordinance, Ordinance #756, following your action of ZOA, if you approve it. There's 51 pages in the proposed ZOA and I would like to go through each page and go through each change with you, which should only take an hour or two, or I can see A, if you have any questions from what you've read or if you would like me to walk through and maybe touch on some highlights. When I went through this with the Planning and Zoning Commission they didn't have any questions. They made a recommendation of approval and so, I thought many times throughout the day how to best go about this and I would defer to you, Mayor, in terms of how you would like me to proceed with this presentation. Mayor: Actually, I think we should have the Council decide. Preferences? JK: Mr. Mayor? Mayor: Yes. JK: I have looked through the proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendments otherwise known as Ordinance 756, the questions that I had I was able to contact Administrator Vaughan prior to this meeting and he was able to answer them for me, so I don't have any further TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 25 of 52 questions. CS: Mr. Mayor? Mayor: Yes. CS: I've had a chance to look over these as well and I'm in favor of moving to a motion to approve after the waiver. Mayor: So, what's your preferences? Do you have any? Okay. SB: I have to confess I'm a little lost of what item we're looking at right now. JK: 8 B. Mayor: It's 8 B. NP: 8 B. SB: 8 B, okay. I have it right then. I did have a question if I may. On page 44 of 51 there's an 8-2A-20 Maintenance and I'm just wanting to emphasize the fact that it's there. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to maintain in a competent and attractive manner in perpetuity all improvements made pursuant to the Design Review application approval including but not limited to all structures, site furnishing, fences, site and parking for lighting and street lighting, parking lots, parking lot striping, pathway lighting, landscaping, and drainage, and irrigation facilities. I think that particular sentence is key to the whole process and the other things that follow are on page 45 we can see that some things have been stricken and others added. And I have read through all of those, I agree with them and you can see on page 45 additional changes and those are basically 47, 48, and 49, basically make up the most of -- and 50, all the changes that are being made. The previous pages are just recitation of the existing ordinance. Mayor: Thank you. So, it looks like everyone's issues have been addressed and Mr. Bastian has pointed out some specific issues that I think are near and dear to his heart and very important. We have no one signed up for the Public Hearing. Is there anyone who would like to comment? Mr. Butler, please come forward. MB: Mark Butler, 1675 East Bishop Way, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Mayor, Members of the Council, I'm really excited specifically about one particular change. When my ex-wife and I moved here and family in '94, it was so cool to be an area where you can drive up to a little stand and people sold cucumbers, and watermelons, and there was a place we went to on Eagle Road where they sold lilies, and that kind of limited horticulture your ordinance helps that out and I just love that to death. I'm just really appreciative. There's some other language in here that helps people who have nonconforming homes. In case the home burns down there's some language in there that provides the City protection, but gives those people the ability to get a letter from the City or look at the Code and understand that they can get a loan, because that's been a real difficult thing for the City for many years. The only one question I had -- well, two things I wanted to bring up. You know your Home Occupation Section is changing so that what we as a previous Council approved for the outdoor dog training -- I don't have an opinion one way or another, but the outdoor types of uses on home occupations wouldn't be allowed. I just wanted you to be aware of that, like I said I don't have an opinion one way or another. But the only question I had was under the City Allowed Uses. I'm not sure if I have the actual TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 26 of 52 document you have. I've got page 30 of 50, but Live Entertainment Events for the City are permitted for City Sponsored events or permitted in PS, but you should be able to do it all over the place. If you want to do a parade you should be able to go through CBD, MU, R, so, my only thought is -- and it's not that big of deal, but page 30 of 50 on mine, it seems like live entertainment events City Sponsored should be permitted in all zones. Thank you so much for your time. Mayor: Thank you. Any questions? Seeing none, Mr. Vaughan, would you like to address that? BV: Certainly. The rationale behind creating the use Live Entertainment Event City Sponsored and by making a P in the PS Zone was prior to this when you read the definition of Park it didn't include the concept of having a concert, for instance. And we know that we promote concerts within the park so it was important to at least make it eligible for -- make parks eligible for City Sponsored type of events. From a belt and suspenders approach if we were to make that use P in all of the zones Mr. Butler's correct that it would be allowed -- I can understand more so in our commercial zones. In our residential zones I'm not sure that the City would go out and look to promote a commercial entertainment event in a AR Zone for instance, but certainly for instance on ... excuse me. Thanks for calling me (inaudible) giving me a chance to think about it. MB: I've been in Columbia for four months. BV: There's merit to his idea. What I wanted to look to see, for instance a Live Entertainment Event is a permitted use in the CBD already, and so whether it's an applicant initiated, property owner, or City it's permitted either way. Same with the C2 Zone, it's a Conditional Use in the Mixed -Use Zone, so if the City wanted to do a Live Entertainment Event in the Mixed -Use Zone it would have to obtain its own Conditional Use Permit. SB: Mr. Mayor, may I ask a question? Mayor: Yes. SB: We have two Live Entertainment Events lines. The top line indicates that permission in a variety of districts or zones and the City Sponsored one only deals with the parks or public zones. I think that suffices in my opinion because I don't think the City is going to be sponsoring stuff in these other zones. BV: Mr. Mayor, Members of the Council, I think I agree and for clarity though we know that Live Entertainment Event is already a permitted use in the CBD Zone. Somebody could argue -- this is silly, but this is how Code works -- Live Entertainment City Sponsored if we don't identify them as a permitted use at least in the Mixed -Use Zone and the CBD Zone, I would suggest, somebody could argue and say oh, you can't do a City Sponsored event in that zone because it's not identified as an allowed use. So, my recommendation after thinking this through would be to add under the Live Entertainment Events City Sponsored, make those permitted uses in the C1, C2, C3, CBD, BP, and MU Zones. It's already identified in the PS. Those would be the most likely zones that I could conceive of us doing some kind of a city promoted event. For instance on the East End Market Place I believe that's MU -DA and if they end up creating an area where they want to partner with the City and do some kind of an event that's a different zone, I.E. MU it would be nice to have that option. And so, and obviously, we have other zones, the CBD we have some C2 Zone property that have commercial uses that could potentially at some point in time in the future partner with the City on an event, so again, I would recommend adding a P under C1, C2, C3, CBD, BP, and MU with a P already being TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 27 of 52 under PS. Now, if that's okay I'll go to the next item under the Home Occupation Section, which is on page -- Mayor: So, before you move off of this so, Mr. Butler had mentioned like a parade wouldn't that be a permit through ACHD or the police department not necessarily through the City or is that controlled separately? BV: Certainly we would work with ACHD since they own the street to have a parade through there. The zone does extend across the street. I would need to go back and read through the list of defined uses to see if a parade is identified as something different then a commercial live entertainment event. It's never been raised as an issue or argued as an issue that we don't have a zoning right to do a parade in the community, but I don't perceive that as a problem as of now. Mayor: Okay. Thanks. BV: And if it is something that I need, I will be bringing another ordinance amendment back around to encapsulate changes that I didn't include in here as I think it would have been too voluminous and so, I will research that issue and include it in a future one if necessary. The goal with the changes on page 45 to the Home Occupation Section was to better quantify for staff's use the parameters of the home occupation allowances. On that page under Item 2 for instance, it states the use of the dwelling unit -- we added the word and garage, for the home occupation shall be clearly incidental and subordinate for the use of residential purposes by its occupants, et cetera. It was an interpretation in the past whether or not to allow the garage to include the 25% calculation area and I would like to add it in so as to make it clear that they are eligible to use that in the square footage calculation for the 25%. And one point of clarification, additionally we stated before that no significant traffic shall be generated by the home occupation. Trying to quantify that more I'm recommending the language which states traffic relating to the operation of the home occupation such as mail and parcel delivery shall be limited to a maximum of four vehicle trips per day (as defined in the most recent version of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual), and then having the issue become very measurable and less discretionary. Down below under #5, what Mr. Butler is referring to it states, no equipment process shall be used in such home occupation which creates noise, (inaudible), vibration, glares, fumes, odors, or electrical interference detectable to the normal senses off the lot, if the occupation is conducted in a single- family residence or outside of the dwelling unit -- I don't believe it was intended for this portion of the Code to allow a home occupation to exist on the property outside of the dwelling unit because you have to make the Finding that a maximum of 25% of the dwelling unit's area is for the use of the home occupation. The dog training facility that Mr. Butler was referencing was denied by staff and then appealed to the City Council and the Council approved the appeal for the use of the dog training facility, which is fine, but it wasn't measurable in the enumerated Findings that staff would make for a home occupation that it's within the 25% area of the home occupation. I think the intent was for offices and things like that could occur out of one's home. If you want to allow it to occur on the property and identify performance standards by which we can measure it, that's completely fine. That's your discretion. It's just not something that is typically needed or requested, and it would be potentially challenging to manage depending on how crazy something got, but it's something that we could look at or also not allow. And then if somebody it appeals it to you and you want to grant a waiver because you think it's an appropriate use then you're eligible to do that both through -- or primarily through a conditional use permit now, which Idaho Code states through your granting of a conditional use permit you can issue waivers to zoning standards. At this point, I think it's TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 28 of 52 very discretionary on your part in terms of whether or not you want to limit a home occupation to the structure on the lot or open it up to the outside. SB: Mr. Mayor? Mayor: Yes, sir. SB: I would like to see it tightly controlled as it is now with a calculation of percentage of square footage of the home and if there is a desire by someone to have something outside the home like dog training, let that be an exception, a waiver, that we could approve based on a case-by-case situation. CS: I agree. JK: I agree. NP: (Inaudible). Mayor: It sounds like everyone agrees. Yes. So, it's back to the Council for discussion, but I guess I should close the Public Hearing at this point. JK: Mr. Mayor? Mayor: Yes. JK: Can we get a procedural matter out of the way as far as the three reading waiver? Would it be appropriate to do so now? Mayor: Yes, that would be great, but I would also encourage us to have some discussions maybe -- JK Right, but can we go ahead and do this portion and then -- Mayor: Okay. Yes. JK: Mr. Mayor, I move pursuant to Idaho Code 50-902 that the rule requiring ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #756 be considered after being read once by title only. That title being Ordinance #756 an ordinance of the City of the Eagle, Ada County, Idaho amending Title 8, Zoning Chapter 1, Zoning interpretation and Definitions, Chapter 2, Zoning Districts and Map, Chapter 2, Article A Design Review Overlay District, Chapter 3, Performance Standards, Chapter 4, Off Street Parking and Loading, Chapter 5, Nonconforming Uses; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective Date. CS: Second. Mayor: I have a motion and a second, any opposition to waiving the three readings? Seeing none then those are waived. Discussion? SB: Mr. Mayor, I've read through the ordinance and I'm in agreement with it and what has been presented this evening. Mayor: Okay. TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 29 of 52 JK: You ready for a motion on it? Mayor: Sure. JK: Mr. Mayor -- Mayor: Yes. JK: I would move that Ordinance #756 be adopted with the following revisions that on page 30 the chart line item entitled Live Entertainment Events, City Sponsored that a P for permitted appear in the column C1, C2, C3, CBD, BP, and MU, in addition to the PS already shown and I believe that's it, correct? Stan, did you have any further? SB: I do not. Second. Mayor: Okay. We have a motion and a second, further discussion? JK: Did that cover all of the? Mayor: Did that cover everything? Okay. Seeing no discussion those in favor please signify by saying aye. All: Aye. Mayor: Those opposed. C: You need to do a roll call. Mayor: We need a roll call on an ordinance. Gee, I'm trying to get out of here earlier tonight -- okay, Madam Clerk, would you call the roll. C: Yeah. Kunz? JK: Yes. C: Bastian? SB: Aye. C: Preston? NP: Aye. C: Soelberg? CS: Yes. Mayor: Thank you. So, the next item on the Agenda is #9, New Business and Mr. Vaughan, I think you're on board. BV: Mr. Mayor, Members of the Council, this was a Zoning Ordinance Amendment item that was approved with the Lakemoor Development at your last meeting. And so, this TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 30 of 52 ordinance we're just placing it on your Agenda so that you may, if you so choose waive the three reading rule and adopt it. JK: Mr. Mayor? Mayor: Yes. JK: I move pursuit to Idaho Code 50-902 that the rule requiring ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with and Ordinance #753 be considered after being read once by title only. That tile being Ordinance #753, an ordinance of the City of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho amending Eagle City Code Section 9- 3-2-5 to limit the restrictions on private streets, to permit multiple connections of private streets to public streets where access is controlled as approved by the City Council, and to permit the City Council to waive or modify the standards and requirements of Section 9-3-2-5 in certain circumstances; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date. CS: Second. Mayor: We have a motion and a second. Those in favor of waiving the three readings rule please signify by saying aye. All: Aye. Mayor: Those opposed? So, we've waived the three readings, we're back for discussion on the ordinance. SB: I move that we approve Ordinance #753, an ordinance of the City of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho, amending Eagle City Code Section 9-3-2-5 to limit the restrictions on private streets, to permit multiple connections of private streets to public streets where access is controlled as approved by the City Council, and to permit the City Council to waive or modify the standards and requirements of Section 9-3-2-5 in certain circumstances; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date. JK: Second. Mayor: We have a motion and a second, discussion? Seeing none, Madam Clerk, would you call the roll. C: Kunz? JK: Yes. C: Bastian? SB: Aye. C: Preston? NP: Aye. C: Soelberg? TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 31 of 52 CS: Aye. Mayor: Thank you. And that brings us to Item B, Ordinance 754 Annexation and Rezone 4149 West State Street. Mr. Vaughan. BV: Mr. Mayor, Members of the Council, this was a land use item that was approved years ago. We identified that this ordinance was not adopted following the land use action on it so we're bringing it before you at this time to adopt the ordinance to effectively annex the property into the City. JK: Mr. Mayor? Mayor: Yes, sir. JK: I move pursuit to Idaho Code 50-902 that the rule requiring ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with and Ordinance #754 be considered after being read once by title only. That tile being Ordinance #754 -- SB: Mr. Mayor, point of order. Mayor: Yes, sir. SB: With this motion you don't need to read the ordinance title. We're just voting on the three reading. JK: No, we have to read the title as well. SB: We do? JK: Yes. SB: Legal opinion? CM: Well, if we're doing rights and wrongs, Councilman Bastian is actually correct. You just take the motion to waive the reading rule itself and then when you approve it you read it by title only. SB: Thank you. JK: Okay. Mayor: So, we have a motion to waive the three reading rule. CS: Second. Mayor: Do we have a second? CS: Second. Mayor: We have a motion and a second, those in favor of waiving the rule please signify by saying aye. All: Aye. TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 32 of 52 Mayor: And we're back to the discussion the Ordinance 754. JK: Mr. Mayor? Mayor: Yes. JK: I move that Ordinance #754 be adopted that the title being Ordinance 754, an ordinance annexing certain real property situated in the unincorporated area of Ada County, Idaho, and contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Eagle, to the City of Eagle, Idaho; changing the zoning classification of said real property described herein from RUT, Rural -Urban Transition, to MU-DA, Mixed-Use with a Development Agreement, amending the Zoning Map of the City of Eagle to reflect said change; directing that copies of this ordinance be filed as provided by law; and providing an effective date. Mayor: We have a motion do we have a second? NP: Second. Mayor: We have a motion and a second -- JK: Question. Mayor: Yes. JK: Administrator Vaughan, on the page 1 in the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 -- the 5th and 6th whereases cite dates and the year 2008, are those 2008 dates correct? BV: They are. JK: Okay. Mayor: Any other discussion on the ordinance? Then seeing none, Madam Clerk, would you call the roll. C: Bastian? SB: Aye. C: Preston? NP: Aye. C: Soelberg? CS: Aye. C: Kunz? JK: Yes. Mayor: Thank you. That moves us to 9 C Ordinance 757 Annexation and Rezone M. Lynn McKee. Mr. Vaughan. TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 33 of 52 BV: Mr. Mayor, similar in that you approved the land use item at your last meeting and you approved your Findings and Fact and Conclusions of Law this evening for this item and this ordinance would be eligible for your adoption at this time. JK: Mr. Mayor? Mayor: Yes, sir. JK: I move pursuit to Idaho Code 50-902 that the rule requiring ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with and that Ordinance #757 be considered after being read once by title only. SB: Second. Mayor: We have a motion and a second, any discussion? Any opposition to the motion? Then seeing none, the motion to waive passes and we're back to Ordinance 757 for discussion. SB: Mr. Mayor, I move that we approve Ordinance #757, an ordinance annexing certain real property, property situated in the unincorporated area of Ada County, Idaho, and contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Eagle, to the City of Eagle, Idaho; changing the zoning classification of said real property described herein from RUT, Rural - Urban Transition to R -E Residential -Estates; amending the Zoning Map of the City of Eagle to reflect said change; directing that copies of this ordinance be filed was provided by law; and providing an effective date. CS: Second. Mayor: We have a motion and a second, any discussion? Seeing no discussion, Madam Clerk, would you call the roll. C: Bastian? SB: Aye. C: Preston? NP: Aye. C: Soelberg? CS: Yes. C: Kunz? JK: Yes. Mayor: The motion passes, which moves us to Item D, Nichoel. NB: Mayor and Council, good evening. You are going through this so fast so I am going to try not to make this long, but I do need a few decisions out of you tonight as to how we address this roadway. So, we're going to talk about the Palmetto Avenue extension TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 34 of 52 between Plaza Drive and State Highway 44. This is the location of that roadway. If you remember correctly, Plaza Drive is designed to extend this way through the site and right about here to right about here there is to be the Palmetto Street extension connecting to State Highway 44 and the right in, right out. Just to give you an understanding we did meet on August 18th with ACHD and the landowner and in order for the curb cut, basically, the roadway cut to be made in the Plaza Drive extension to accommodate the Palmetto Street extension in the future we're on a very tight timeline to get a response back to ACHD about what that cross section looks like so how wide is that roadway going to be at that location. We have had a conversation with the applicant that there may be some delay in design. We're still working. We're hoping just to have it all happen together, but regardless we want to make sure that Plaza has the appropriate cut in the road. ACHD does have a prohibition on cutting into new pavement for five years so it's very important we get this curb cut in as part of this project. So, just to give you an understanding, this is the access point that was approved preliminary through a TIS with ITD. It is in alignment with the Palmetto Street extension in Eagle River and this is a piece of ACHD right of way that abuts Plaza Drive. The goal is to connect these two points with this roadway. This is the general alignment that we've been speaking of; there are some radius issues that will have to be worked through with ACHD. But just to kind of give you a feeling there will be this pork chop as we would call it to restrict the access to right in, right out, and then it would curve up to that point. So, this is the match line here. This is that same piece here. We would be looking at an access point in this location here, so this is Idaho Athletic Club. The current plan is to stripe new bike lanes on the north and south side off Plaza Drive as they come through. The questions we have for you tonight is how we deal with this within the collector cross section. Palmetto is identified by ACHD Master Street Map as a collector road and as such would be approximately 70 feet of right of way, 46 from back of curb to back of curb, that's a three - lane section with a bike lane on either side. Staffs concern and request are should Palmetto include a bike lane, provision of pedestrian facilities, should the road include a sidewalk on the east side of Palmetto adjacent to Idaho Athletic Club, is a 10 -foot multi- use pathway on the west side sufficient to provide connectivity for pedestrians from the Plaza Drive pathway to the regional pathway on State Highway 44. Should Palmetto have a landscape medium similar to Eagle River and how should we route the pedestrian crossing of Palmetto from the regional pathway. So, this picture kind of gives us a good understanding of what we're talking about. Currently, we have a multi -use pathway on the north side of the Plaza Street extension. In conjunction with this intersection we would stripe a crossing at this location and the question is would a 10 -foot wide pathway similar to what's on the north side of Plaza Drive be sufficient for local connectivity down to this regional pathway at this location. This pathway actually dead -ends here and then farther to the west at the Forum (phonetic) Building, so we would want to continue that pathway along 44, but would a single sided multi -use pathway that could accommodate both pedestrian and bikes be sufficient. Staffs concern is this Palmetto Street extension though it is a collector road really is an access road to the highway. We aren't going to see a lot of bikers using the bike lanes on the facility. It is a right in, right out. It's an uncontrolled right in, right out, so at this point in time we would really have concern about having vehicle and bicycle conflicts. So, staffs recommendation at this point in time is one that we remove the bike lanes from the cross section and that two we allow for a 10 - foot multi -use path to be developed at the time of this parcel to provide the connectivity between the multi -use pathway, that a sidewalk be allowed -- probably a 10 -foot sidewalk be allowed on the east side only to the place in which we can align a pedestrian crossing. As we talked about before there will be a pork chop and a median -- at least a concrete median, to control that left turn. And what our desire would be is to have a safer pedestrian crossing a little bit further up the roadway where it's actually at a better sight line for the road and for the pedestrians. And so this pathway wouldn't cross directly here TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 35 of 52 but it would come up and then cross wherever it could cross at an intersection if there's an intersection approved. Additionally, the question then becomes to design is the desire of the Mayor and Council as you've seen the Eagle River access point that has opened is a median separated roadway, is the desire for the Council for this roadway to be designed similarly. If we go back to the cross section would basically be this turn lane would be allowed to be a landscaped median and staff is neutral on that, so, is there any questions for us? SB: Mr. Mayor? Mayor: Yes. SB: I do have a question and that is, let's go back to the previous slide. When that is developed as a residential or commercial mixed-use development will we have a walkway along State Highway 44 from this road all the way to Eagle? NB: When a project is developed the regional pathway will need to be extended. SB: Okay. NB: Because there's a gap today if you drive it, it stops right there and starts back up at Eagle Plaza. SB: So, basically we're coming down to the intersection to State Highway 44, but just prior to that intersection if you go to the right there would be a pathway that will be eventually developed and connected to the other one. NB: Correct. SB: And so we would have the possibility of bicycle traffic going down and possibly using that pathway. Is that pathway currently there, is it typically used by cyclists like the greenbelt? NB: I've seen both pedestrians and bicyclists on it. It's not a well -used pathway today because it has that disconnect in the middle of it. It's kind of a pathway to and from nowhere. Currently you can't get to it. I went out to take photos of this access point location for our ITD access permit and it was a little bit climbing over some nasty barbwire, and some weeds, and goat heads, and so it's just not accessible today. SB: Is it a 10 -foot wide pathway? NB: It is. SB: Then I would recommend that we have a bicycle lane on both sides at least on one side. NB: Opposed to a multi -- SB: What's Plaza Drive going to have? Is it going to have a bike lane on both sides of the road or one side? NB: Plaza Drive has a bike lane on both sides and then the 10 -foot path on the north side. Staff is proposing no bike lanes on Palmetto, but a 10 -foot multi -use path to connect the 44 pathway to Plaza to the multi -use at pathway on Plaza. TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 36 of 52 SB: Personally, I would prefer a bike lane on both sides plus a sidewalk or a path for pedestrians. I think bike lanes and pedestrians don't mix real well. NP: May I ask a question, Mr. Mayor? Mayor: Yes. NP: I guess what Nichoel pointed out was that this little Palmetto extension is going into 44. Would we have a lot of bike traffic going into 44? SB: Mr. Mayor and Nichoel, I think as bicyclists come down Hill Road and extension to Plaza they may make a turn right there and want to go down to Highway 44, and turn right or left depending upon their destination -- where they're going, but I think there would be bicycle use of that. NB: At 44 just as a clarification -- at this juncture here they would be forced onto the multi -use pathway. There would be no option. Bicycles on the state highway are -- well, they do happen, but it's probably not the safest environment we want to promote. NP: Right. Okay. SB: Correct. NB: So, regardless of where bike lanes are on Palmetto at this location they would go onto the multi -use pathway. There's no crossing of the highway at this location so really at that point in time you want them to stay on that pathway system. Mayor: Any other questions? SB: Mr. Mayor and Council, I do think that an option would be to have a pathway on just one side for pedestrians and have bike lanes on both sides of the street because people going west on Highway 44 on a bike could make that turn up along the street and not have to cross the street and go up to Plaza Drive, and people from Plaza Drive could come down either side of the street depending upon which direction you're going, north or south. CS: Mr. Mayor, I'm sorry, I'm -- Mayor: Yes. CS: A little bit lost. Now, you can't ride bikes on Highway 44 right now, right? NP: Right. SB: That is correct you can't, but you can ride the bike on the pathway. CS: So, you're suggesting a bike lane -- SB: If I said Highway 44 1 was incorrect in my statement. I really meant the pathway along Highway 44. CS: Oh, okay. I understand what you're saying. So, I think I'm in agreement with what staff is saying just for this one section a 10 -foot pathway here, but in the road itself no bike lanes TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 37 of 52 because there's no bikes really going to be exiting off 44, and there's no bikes that will be connecting onto 44 -- if I'm seeing that right. Mayor: I think what -- BV: If I may Council and Mayor, you are legally allowed to ride on 44 on the shoulder. CS: Seriously? BV: It's just the interstate you cannot ride on it. State highway you're allowed to ride on shoulder. NB: You can ride on it. It's not an ideal condition. SB: Most people do not. NB: Most people -- UnkM: It sounds like suicide. UnkM: Yeah, it would be suicide. Mayor: I think what Nichoel had said earlier is that pathway coming down beside Highway 44 that they wanted a pathway extension on the east side of Palmetto down to a certain point where they would determine that they could cross to one is to -- it's going to be hard with that wishbone in the middle, and a person could go there and cross because there's not a sideway proposed on further, but you could get across and either go to Eagle or towards State Street either way. NB: Correct, Mayor. It may require some signage just in general, but I think that our desire is to make a safe crossing without having those vehicles coming from 44 going, which is 55 at that location, and into a left-hand turn situation onto this collector road. Mayor: And it's not for this discussion, but that exit coming out of Palmetto we've just had a issue with ITD down at Edgewood and people have a tendency -- will there be a stop sign here or? NB: There will be a stop sign on the one portion to 44 shall we say. They'll still be an acceleration ramp, but they'll actually have to stop, watch for the gap, and then proceed into an acceleration situation. But only -- Mayor: Oh. NB: Yeah, only on the ongoing to 44 -- the southbound. Mayor: Oh, I was under the impression that we couldn't have an acceleration lane there, I guess that's not right, huh? NB: There's been a lot of conversation. The preliminary design shows an acceleration ramp, but this situation has an acceleration ramp and a stop sign. Edgewood does not have an acceleration ramp. Mayor: Okay. TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 38 of 52 NB: And we can go through that in a minute if you want me to pull it up. SB: I'd still like to state my position that I'd like to see a bike lane on both sides of the street -- both east and west. JK: Mr. Mayor? Mayor: Yes, sir. JK: I just want to weigh in. First of all I think the pedestrian crossing on Plaza Drive on the west side of the Palmetto Drive extension is really important. Personally, I would favor either a 10 -foot multi -use pathway strictly on the west side, but the more I think about it the more I think a pedestrian pathway and a bicycle path strictly on the west side of the Palmetto Drive extension, in my opinion, would suffice, so that would be my thought on it. Either or. NB: So, you're just saying -- just to clarify, a bike lane on this side of the road and a multi -use pathway on that same side. JK: Options A and B. I would be indifferent between a 10 -foot wide multi -use pathway for both pedestrian and bicyclist traffic or alternatively a pedestrian sidewalk and a separated bicycle pathway strictly on the west side of Palmetto. SB: Mr. Mayor? Mayor: Yes, sir. SB: To argue a different point of view I think as a person's coming down the pathway along Highway 44 or even on Highway 44, if they were to make a right turn they have to make a right turn -- contrary to the flow of traffic they actually would be turning into the flow of traffic even though it's a bike lane and that's kind of confusing for bicyclists to go across the street and turn against the flow of traffic, and be riding north when the traffic is coming south, and I would recommend that that not happen. That you have a bike lane on both sides and the people who are turning north are on the east side, and the people who are turning south are on the west side. JK: What if we provided a bicycle path on the east side only so far as it was needed up Palmetto in order to connect safely with the one on the west side? Mayor: Well, part of the issue with that is the bikes flow with traffic and you would be forcing bikes to flow against traffic and possibly head-on with another bike, so it's -- SB: Yeah, it would be bikes coming and going, and traffic going south. NB: Yeah, the intent would be that if you were headed west on 44 on this pathway, there will be a pathway to the crossing, and then a crossing, and then the multi -use pathway moving north. So, you would be off system after that crossing-- you basically would be off system after that crossing. You would not be on the roadway if you were a bicyclist. SB: Mr. Mayor and Council -- Mayor: Let me see if -- TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 39 of 52 SB: I just think that it's confusing for a bicyclist if you're in a car you probably wouldn't go down the wrong way. If you're on a bike it's really kind of hazardous to go across the lane of traffic and then turn into oncoming traffic even though you're not going into the traffic you're off to the side in a bike lane. You also have bikes coming down the other side of that lane and so you have bikes flowing against each other. I just think that's too confusing and it creates a situation that could cause some accident and it's kind of dangerous. Mayor: So, to summarize, we have two different options I think, one is a 10 -foot pathway sidewalk basically on the east side that's being promoted, and then we have another option of the 10 -foot sidewalk plus bike lanes on the road going both north and south. NB: The only correction to that, sir, is the 10 -foot wide pathway on the west side of the roadway. UnkM: Right. Mayor: Oh, did I say east side? I'm sorry it's the west side and on the east side it would be just a short path to cross over. And what would the disadvantages from the width of the roadway be with bike lanes there? NB: The issue really is the right of way and being able to make this serpentine curve here. We already know that this most likely will need to move. This will have a straighter throat coming off of 44 and then have to swing over. When we add width to the road that makes our radiuses wider, and it creates much more of a challenge to meet this ACHD piece of right of way here, and the access point is approved by ITD. So, by narrowing the road we're able to narrow the curves and we're able to hopefully get the geometry of the road to meet ACHD's standards. There may still be some waivers to ACHD standards, but to really not make it a big S-curve as you're coming off the highway. Mayor: So, they're looking for a recommendation and we've had some really good discussion so, can we come to an agreement on what we will ask the staff to take back to ACHD and remember this is basically at this point for a curb cut, right? NB: Correct. Mayor: And the curb cut width is dependent on these options. NB: The curb cut width is dependent upon whether we can attach these sidewalks potentially, take out the planter strip, those are kind of all the things that play into it is how wide is the right of way to accommodate a sidewalk, a planter strip, a multi -use path, bike lane, and all of that. By eliminating bike lanes you take 12 feet off the roadway. By doing a multi- use pathway on one side you're reducing another 5 to 8 feet on the east side, so you're narrowing that right of way required for construction. NP: Mr. Mayor? Mayor: Yes, ma'am. NP: Can I ask a question about bike lanes. Is that the standard is 6 feet now because it seems like on other roadways in Eagle they're a lot smaller than that. TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 40 of 52 NB: This is the current adopted ACHD cross section for a collector with a median turn lane. It could be narrower based upon the age of the road and the available right of way that was given at the time in which it was constructed. NP: Okay. But at this point it's required 6 -foot. Okay. Wow. MA: Mayor, may I weigh in on -- Mayor: Sure. MA: As a experienced cyclist for years of commuting and riding what I would like to see in here is a potential right on the east side, a bike lane all the way down, and then on the west side a 10 -foot pathway all the way up. NB: On the east side -- MA: The east side a bike lane -- NB: A bike lane connecting from 44 to Plaza -- MA: All the way to Plaza, correct. NB: And on the west side be -- MA: A 10 -foot pathway. NB: 10 -foot south. MA: Right. Mayor: Would that give us a wider roadbed? NB: Well, what you would do is if we went to our cross section you would remove this section here, the 8 and the 5, but you would have some of this because at the throat you have to still have that pedestrian crossing. And then you would take 6 feet off of this side, and this would be done as part of development, is this 10 -foot on the other side. SB: Would we lose the tree -lined street or? NB: You will, yes. At least on the ... sorry, I'm just flipping through maps. From wherever that crossing is north you wouldn't have tree -lined street. You may because there is a piece of property here and here that through development we would eventually get it, but we wouldn't have it at the time of construction. I mean if you know the site very well Idaho Athletic Club this parking lot goes all the way to 44 -- it stops just short of 44, so ACHD and the landowners, we're going to have to be working with them to get land to build the road, and that increases the cost of construction and all of that. SB: Mr. Mayor? Mayor: Yes, sir. SB: I like Mike's proposal. That would work. Bicyclists can ride on the right and there's nothing to stop bicyclists from riding on the left on the pedestrian pathway either, so you TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 41 of 52 would basically have if they're coming south you would have the pedestrian pathway to ride on if you're a bicyclist and if you're coming north you'd have the bicycle lane to ride on, so that works. CS: Mr. Mayor? Mayor: Yes, sir. CS: I guess my opinion is I'm still really confused why we would have a bike lane going north because I can't see anybody coming off Highway 44 on a bicycle and needing a bike lane. And all I see is people coming off of Highway 44 going 55 miles an hour and slowing down to 30, and colliding with bikes, so I mean the bikes are going to be coming in on a 10 -foot pathway that's north of 44. If we can keep connecting them to a 10 -foot pathway I'd rather see them do that then jump off and get in a bike lane on Palmetto. So I just see it as like a safety hazard like 55 miles an hour coming off and I bicycle all the time as well, but there's a short period of time where you're on a 10 -foot pathway multi- use -- even on that multi -use pathway we could extend it to 12 feet and mark 4 feet of it as bike lane. I mean you can't go fast on it, but it would be an option. I just couldn't see anybody coming off of 44 going north on a bike. I just don't see it. Mayor: Well there is a -- SB: I don't think people would be coming off of Highway 44. 1 think they'd be coming off the pathway that runs parallel to Highway 44. CS: So, why wouldn't we just keep them on a 10 -foot multi -use pathway, which is what they're on right now, cross them across, and have them go north on that same pathway. I just can't see having them intersect with traffic there in any way or encouraging a bike lane on that path regardless of the cuts and all that kind of stuff. I just can't see it. SB: What's likely to happen is bikers are going to go up that right-hand side anyway. There's nothing in the law that prevents you from being on the roadway on a bike. CS: Yeah. Well, that's my opinion. JK: Mr. Mayor, can I ask a question? Mayor: Yes. JK: Staff was indifferent with respect to the 11 -foot turn lane in the middle versus a landscaped median did I hear. NB: Correct. In this location we need a left-hand turn lane to go onto Plaza as you're headed north, so at this location we already know that we're going to have a wider section. The question is the narrowing down of this section or the placement of medians, if possible, in that center island. As you know this development here in Eagle River that Palmetto it's a very straight road -- first off I'm going to tell you that, it's a very straight road. There is no access off of that road and it is a landscaped condition in which it has a median that's landscaped to separate the traffic. JK: Question -- NB: The question is do you want us to accommodate medians as necessary or as available TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 42 of 52 within this section of roadway? JK: My question would be is we know that fire trucks are going to be coming down that Palmetto Drive extension to get out onto State Highway 44 is there any advantage to having a turn median as opposed to a landscaped median in the middle? NB: I don't believe that's going to be an issue in the middle of the road. Certainly at the two intersections you're not going to have a landscaped median. You have a raised concrete pork chop at this location and you have an open turn lane at this location, so that radius where they're coming and coming onto this road it will be wide open for them. JK: Okay. NP: Mr. Mayor? Mayor: Yes, ma'am. NP: Director Aho, do you want to respond to Councilman Soelberg's point of view? MA: The only thing there is that Councilman Bastian is correct a cyclist will exit and you will go down that road. You will not crossover and go to a 10 -foot pathway. That is a real high- risk factor those two 90 -degree turns. So, as a flow factor as a cyclist you will go down that northbound and stay on that shoulder. Anybody coming off of that shoulder is going to ride that road, anybody. SB: Yeah, and it doesn't really matter whether there's a bicycle path or not. MA: Exactly, yeah. It almost doesn't need a bike lane. SB: Well -- MA: But it is safer. SB: For safety -- MA: Yes, it is safer. SB: It would be nice to have a bike lane. MA: Yes. NB: I think there's a difference and Mike can contradict me if he would like to, but between a commuting rider, someone who's out there trying to use it as a mode of transportation versus a recreational rider, and I think a recreational rider will probably stay on the pathway. That's what they're for, they're trying to just, you know, we're hanging out, we're going to go down and get an ice-cream cone or something. They're going to stay on the pathway. It's the commuter rider that is going to want the bike lane. SB: And one of the things we could do and you haven't proposed this and I don't know if it's an ACHD standard, but on Floating Feather Road you have bike lanes off to the side that are about 4 -foot wide. I don't think those are 6 feet and -- NB: We can ask ACHD. I just can't guarantee that they would grant a waiver to their TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 43 of 52 standard. I mean that could be something we consider as a narrow bike lane. SB: Yeah, a 4 -foot bike lane would be sufficient. NP: Plenty, yeah. CS: I changed my mind. I'll go with Mike's recommendation. JK: Could you -- SB: Bike lanes both directions? CS: Just on the right-hand side and then on the -- NP: On the right-hand side. SB: Oh, just on the right-hand side. NB: Do you want to propose a 4 -foot or a 6 -foot? CS: 6 -foot is fine. JK: Could you do a multi -use pathway on both the west and the east side of Palmetto? NB: You can. It increases your amount of right of way purchase and it increases your right of way purchase because we are going to have to deal with right of way from Idaho Athletic Club and it does in the remnant piece here -- JK: But I'm talking in lieu of a sidewalk and pathway -- bike pathway on both sides. NB: You still would be acquiring more right of way because you're taking a 10 -foot pathway and you're giving it a separation of your 8 -foot planter, and then 10 feet for a 6 -foot bike lane and maybe 8 -foot and a 5 -foot sidewalk. I mean it's just a tradeoff. And it's up to you. The issue is just at this point in time you have sidewalk here, and this is basically the end of your 10 -foot section of pathway for Plaza Drive and so it's a very good terminus for you to get people onto if you want to have a section to the south. It's very clearly a place to make that transition. But it's at the discretion of the Council I mean you can ask, you create more challenges the wider the right of way gets. JK: Okay. Mayor: So, should we do an Option 1 and Option 2? SB: Actually, I would like to see a proposal that the roadway is no wider than the Floating Feather roadway. You got 4 feet on either side and you got a middle turn lane, you got a lane on each side. That works well for bicyclists and its quiet safe. NB: This roadway is actually narrower than Floating Feather. SB: Is it? NB: Yes. TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 44 of 52 SB: Okay. Well, then I take that back, so. NB: You can ask for that, but they're already giving it to you. SB: I'm a friend of bicyclists and it shows in my argument here, but I think that the safest way is to have a bike lane on both sides of the road. Bicyclists are going to use the road anyway and to be safe you need to have a lane for them on each side of the road. CS: I change my mind I'll go with that. UnkM: Yeah. NP: Mr. Mayor? Mayor: Yes, ma'am. NP: But we could petition for a less wide bike lane? NB: Yeah, we can make a request to ACHD. NP: A request. NB: I mean bear in mind this is all a recommendation to ACHD. They certainly were the ones that came to us and you can request it there's no bike lanes on this roadway -- you can actually say that to us, because of the condition that it's an access road to the highway. We're just trying to accommodate the discussion so it can be planned for as part of that process. NP: Yeah. The only reason I mention that is you've already let us know that it's difficult with the curvature of that road so if that would help by reducing 2 feet on each side -- SB: That'd give you 4 feet. NP: Yeah, and then we could have it on both sides and save a few feet. SB: And that works. Mayor: So, how about this as a recommendation that we recommend a bike lane on both sides 4 or 6 whatever we can -- if they'll do 4, do 4, if they want then we'd take 6, and a 10 -foot multiple use sidewalk on the west side, and that would also include on the east side a short sidewalk with a crossing lane outside of the wishbone divider. NP: That sounds good. SB: I like that idea. CS: Yeah, sounds good. JK: Nichoel, Mr. Mayor -- NP: Medians? Mayor: Yes. TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 45 of 52 JK: Nichoel, what is the maximum cross section with available in the ACHD owned right of way onto Plaza Drive where the curb cut is going in, what is the maximum width of that channel? NP: Not this wide. I don't know the exact width. It's not this right of way. I believe they've tried as much as they can to get it within that, but you would not get the entire right of way. The development would have to deal with the pedestrian and it's just (inaudible) -- JK: So, if we adopt Mayor Ridgeway's proposal you're saying that will not fit completely within the ACHD owned right of way. NB: No. Mayor: Because the 10 -foot west side pathway would actually be up to the developer. NB: Yeah, most likely we would ask for ACHD to -- we would construct the pathway as part of any development project in that area. SB: That would require the developer to do that. NB: Correct. SB: Yeah. JK: And then would the rest of it fit within the ACHD owned right of way with that condition? NB: Sir, I couldn't tell you any more than I don't believe -- I still believe that there is still going to be -- I don't think there's going to be too much gap, but I don't know the exact distance of that piece of right of way right now. CS: And I'm in favor of landscaped medians to match the ones to the south. Mayor: Okay. Xeriscape. CS: Sure. Mayor: Okay. NB: So just as a clarification, bike lanes on both sides. We would be happy with a 4 -foot bike lane if ACHD is acceptable to that -- SB: I would say first position 4 -foot, but we would accept a 6 -foot as well. NB: 6 -foot would be standard so 4 -foot would be -- SB: 6 -foot would be our second choice. NB: A 10 -foot multi -use pathway on the west side to be developed at the same time as the property is developed. The east crossing there would be a continuation of the pathway on the east side to an appropriate crossing as identified by ACHD to provide a safe crossing for pedestrians. And medians are preferred if they can be fit into the right of way and work with the geometry of road. TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 46 of 52 JK: Non -landscaped medians in the middle. NB: Non -landscaped medians? JK: In the middle. NB: That's a question. Are you saying you want just stamped concrete or are you saying you want -- SB: I would like landscaped medians myself. NB: Similar to Hill Road? SB: Yes. CS: Yeah, me too. JK: I would prefer the turn lane. NB: You'll have a turn lane, sir, here. SB: The turn lanes will be at either end. NB: Currently it's just an alternative of what you do when you don't have a turn lane. Mayor: And the radius on the connection to Plaza Drive will be determined by ACHD and the fire department, right? NB: Yeah. Mayor: Okay. NB: That roadway cut we're just going to give them these parameters and ACHD will design the curb cut appropriately for that roadway connection. And they'll pave, I'll believe, it's up to 10 feet out of that so, just it's clear that that's -- and we'll have one of those beautiful jersey barrier signs. We are still working to hopefully get this constructed at the same time. We're just not convinced that we're exactly going to have it happen. We did hear from ACHD that they will be constructing this still in the spring, but most likely will not go to bid until January. And that has just to do with getting a better price on the bid going out in January versus November. But they still plan on -- Mayor: Okay. NB: An April construction date. JK: And final designs are due by November. NB: We were told all of this information needs to be in there no later than the first week in September because they've got to design to accommodate it. SB: Okay. TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 47 of 52 JK: Question. If ACHD concludes that they cannot design a curb cut to the width as currently proposed what is the City's position then? NB: That's not the issue. JK: So, they -- NB: The curb cut to the width is not the issue. JK: No, I mean if they cannot accommodate the width as proposed with the two bike lanes and everything else such that it becomes a non-viable design, what then? UnkM: Come back to us. NB: I don't know what to tell you. The geometry of the road is going to drive what can happen. Our understanding was the first thing that would be removed is a potential midpoint access point. JK: Mayor Ridgeway was proposing an Option 1 and 2, and so if this is our Option 1 I'm wondering if we want to try and derive an Option 2 that is somewhat -- NB: If necessary we could call a special meeting and have you discuss that or we can poll you as a Council to get that decision. Certainly our goal is to expedite this and provide ACHD as much input as they need as quickly as we have it. That was the reason for putting it on tonight's Agenda is that you won't meet again until the second Tuesday in September. SB: Mayor, if I may, as I understand it we're going to tell them what we would like to see in terms of the dimensions of the road, and the bike lanes, and the et cetera, and they're going to design it. NB: They and the landowner who's providing the right of way for it. SB: Yeah. UnkM: Can you live with that? Mayor: Okay. UnkM: Or do you want Option 2? JK: Unless it becomes non-viable, right, that's why I'm asking the question. There might be some advantage in deliberating on a narrower width Option 2, right? NB: And ACHD just met on this today and we have not heard back from them about the geometry of the road and the ability to do certain things. We can certainly talk to them and if you are comfortable leaving it at Mayor Ridgeway's discretion to adapt as necessary with the understanding of what the conversation tonight has been. The question really is do you want the road or do you want the road your way, I mean I guess that's the question because there maybe some -- UnkM: No, we want it our way. TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 48 of 52 NB: I mean there maybe some compromises to be made to facilitate the road's construction that may not be ideal, but the connectivity seems to be paramount of importance to the City. SB: We want it our way -- Mayor: Let's --- NP: The road. SB: Let the Mayor exercise discretion. Mayor: And what I would say is that if it comes to that I would have a conversation with everyone of the options and then we could go from there if we need to -- CS: Sound good. Mayor: Maybe we could have a special meeting before the URA Meeting if we had to take a vote. CS: Yeah, sounds good. JK: The URA is responsible for the engineering and design so, I feel they have some input here too, right? Mayor: I don't know. CS: On the road design within the (inaudible) -- Mayor: I don't think so. NB: The URA is not -- you're the project manager of the engineering and design work. And not to diminish that role, but as a four-party agreement as to the roads -- JK: Right. NB: Actual engineering and design as the -- JK: (Inaudible). NB: Land use authority we're usually the ones providing directive on roadway cross sections. Mayor: Yeah, and since we're all the same maybe we can -- NB: You want -- JK: (Inaudible) won't be. CS: (Inaudible). NB: So, any other questions for me? I think I have my direction and I will be in communication with ACHD tomorrow with the hope of having this information flowing very quickly and that we're not delaying it at all. TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 49 of 52 Mayor: And I would encourage you as you get information share it with the Council Members. NB: I'll keep you apprised. Mayor: Okay. NB: Thank you. NP: Thank you. SB: That was a brain twister. Mayor: That was a quick one. Okay, now we're to Public Comment on the Agenda, is there anyone here who would like to offer public comment? Then seeing none, that moves us to #11 Executive Session. JK: Mr. Mayor? Mayor: Yes, sir. JK: I move pursuant to Idaho Code Section 74-206 that we enter into Executive Session to C, conduct deliberations concerning labor negotiations or to acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by the public agency and F to communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigations, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. CS: Second. Mayor: And we have a motion and a second, any discussion? Do we need a roll call Madam Clerk? C: Bastian? SB: Aye. C: Preston? NP: Aye. C: Kunz? JK: Yes. C: Soelberg? CS: Yes. Mayor: Okay, we're in Executive Session do you guys want to take five minutes? C: (Inaudible). UnkM: She's not up yet. TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 50 of 52 C: It's slow. Okay. CS: Mr. Mayor, I'd like to make a motion for the Mayor to enter into a Professional Services Agreement. NP: Second. JK: (Inaudible). SB: Do we need to indicate the purpose of that or is that sufficient? CM: Well, details always better so, you know, professional services for real estate, services is fine. CS: Professional Services Agreement for real estate services. NP: Second. Mayor: Second. One of the things that we discussed was bringing that draft contract and bringing that back to the Council for approval, so could we amend your motion to add that? CS: Mr. Mayor, I'd like to restate my motion. I'd like to make a motion that the Mayor negotiate a Professional Services Agreement for real estate services and bring back a draft of that proposal to the City Council. JK: For review and approval. NP: Second— CS: For review and approval. Mayor: I have the motion and a second, those in favor please say aye. All: Aye. Mayor: Any opposition? JK: It's roll call (inaudible). Mayor: No, because we haven't authorized any money yet. JK: Oh. UnkM: Okay. Mayor: So. CS: Mr. Mayor, I'd like to make a motion to adjourn. NP: Second. TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 51 of 52 Mayor: I have a motion to adjourn, second, any opposition? Then we're adjourned. Thank you, guys. SB: All righty. NP: All right. Thank you. SB: Let's see I told my wife I'd be home at 8:00. I've missed it by now. Mayor: 50 minutes. It was you wanting that bike path that made it. Tell her it was you. NP: Yeah, you and your bike path. SB: It was all that bike stuff. Eagle City Council Meeting dated August 23, 2016, ends. TRANSCRIPT: Eagle City Council Meeting Dated: August 23, 2016 Page 52 of 52 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP ZOA-02-16 — Zoning Ordinance Amendment — (Ordinance 756) — Update to Eagle City Code Title 8 "Zoning" Chapters 1-5 — City of Eagle August 23, 2016 NAME TESTIFY PRO/ CON PLEASE PRINT ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP PP/FP-04-16 — Wallace Subdivision — John R. Jantz August 23, 2016 NAME TESTIFY PRO/ CON PLEASE PRINT ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL City of Eagle Report Criteria: Report type: GL detail Bank.Bank account "82007705" Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 1 Check Issue Dates: 8/10/2016.8/22/2016 Aug 22, 2016 01:27PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 20153 08/16/2016 20153 Brodart Co. 08/18/2016 20153 Brodart Co. 08/18/2016 20153 Brodart Co. 08/18/2018 20153 Brodart Co. Total 20153: 1 ch 06-0481-65-00 LIBRARY/BOOKS - ADULT & CHILD 1 ch 08-0481-65.00 LIBRARY/BOOKS - ADULT & CHILD 1 ch 06-0461-85-00 UBRARY/BOOKS - ADULT & CHILD 1 ch 08-0461-85-00 LIBRARY/BOOKS - ADULT & CHILD 29.07 9.92 1,207.50 4,830.00 29.07 9.92 1,207.50 4,830.00 6,078.49 20154 08/16/2016 20154 Cable One 1 ch 08-0481-52-00 UBRARY/UTILITIES 86.94 88.94 Total 20154: 66.94 20155 08/18/2018 20155 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 15-0453-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR GROUNDS 4.38 4.38 08/16/2016 20155 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 14-0468-02-00 COMP PLAN UPDATE 18.98 18.98 _-.__99/1812018 2Q155 Horne Demi Credit $ervices 1 ch 16-0414-01-00 COMMUNITY PROMO/SPECIAL EVEN 36.86 38.66 08/18/2016 20155 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 80-0434-28-00 Tools & Equipment 11.36 11.38 08/18/2016 20155 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 60-0434-26-00 Tools & Equipment 12.70 12.70 08/18/2018 20155 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 15-0443-02-00 MAINT & REPAIR GROUNDS 18.88 18.88 08/16/2018 20155 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 80-0434-58.01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 19.45 19.45 08/16/2016 20155 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 15-0437-23-00 MISC MTNC/RPR GROUNDS 15.94 15.94 08/16/2016 20155 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 16-0454-06-00 REPAIR FENCE AROUND PARK 358.84 358.84 08/18/2018 20155 Home Depot Credit Services 2 ch 16-0437-20-00 GEN MTNC PARKS -PATHWAYS 42.42 42.42 08/16/2018 20155 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 16-0414-01-00 COMMUNITY PROMO/SPECIAL EVEN 22.27 22.27 08/18/2016 20155 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 60-0434-26-00 Tools & Equipment 124.67 124.67 08/16/2018 20155 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 15-0437-26-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 35.68 35.88 08/16/2016 20155 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 60-0434-26.00 Toots & Equipment 124.94 124.94 08/16/2018 20155 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 15-0437-25-00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 83.73 63.73 Total 20155: 908.88 20156 08/18/2018 20158 Idaho Child Support Receipting 1 ch 16-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENTS 150.00 150.00 Total 20158: 150.00 20167 08/16/2016 20157 Integra 1 ch 01-0413-19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 804.99 804.99 Total 20157: 804.99 20158 08/18/2016 20158 Key Bank - HSA 1 ch 13-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 100.00 100.00 08/16/2016 20158 Key Bank - HSA 2 ch 17-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 100.00 100.00 08/16/2016 20158 Key Bank - HSA 3 ch 09-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 100.00 100.00 08/18/2016 20158 Key Bank - HSA 4 ch 08-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 535.00 535.00 08/16/2016 20158 Key Bank - HSA 5 ch 16-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 385.00 385.00 Total 20158: 1,220.00 20159 08/16/2016 20159 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 07-0482-31-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 27.31 27.31 City of Eagle Check Register- Transparency Version Page: 2 Check Issue Dates: 8/10/2016 - 8/22I2018 Aug 22. 2016 01:27PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Titte Amount Amount 08/18/2016 20159 Staples Credit Plan 08/16/2016 20159 Staples Credit Plan 08/16/2016 20159 Staples Credit Plan Total 20159: 1 ch 10-0482-02-00 PUBLICITY - PRINTING 175.94 175.94 1 ch 07-0482-31-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 326.37 326.37 1 ch 07-0482-31-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2.35 2.35 531.97 21033 08/11/2016 21033 Brodart Co 1 ch 06-0461-65-00 LIBRARY/BOOKS - ADULT & CHILD 29.07- 29.07- 08/11/2016 21033 Brodart Co 1 ch 06-0481-65-00 UBRARY/BOOKS - ADULT & CHILD 9.92- 9.92- 08/11/2016 21033 Brodart Co. 1 ch 06-0461-52-00 LIBRARY/UTILITIES 66.94- 66.94- 08/11/2016 21033 Brodart Co. 1 ch 06-0461-85.00 LIBRARY/BOOKS - ADULT & CHILD 1,207.50- 1,207.50- 08/11/2018 21033 Brodart Co. 1 ch 08-0461-85.00 LIBRARY/BOOKS - ADULT & CHILD 4,830.00- 4,830.00 - Total 21033: 6,143.43- 21060 08/22/2016 21060 A Company, Inc. - BOI 1 ch 15-0448-06-03 SEWER 105.50 105.50 Total 21080: 105.50 21061 08/22/2016 21061 Ada County Assessors Office 1 ch 14-0413-23-01 SOFTWARE PURCHASE-MTNC 100.00 100.00 Total 21061: 100.00 21062 08/22/2018 21082 Ada County Sheriff's Dept. 1 ch 01-0416-09-00 LAW ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT 181,653.88 181,653.88 Total 21062: 181,653.68 21063 08/22/2016 21063 Ada County Weed, Pest & Mosqui 1 ch 15-0454-01-00 MAINT & REPAIR 129.54 129.54 Total 21063: 129.54 21064 08/22/2016 21084 Alsco 08/22/2016 21064 Alsco 1 ch 15-0442-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 1 ch 15-0442-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 83.20 83.20 83.20 83.20 Total 21064: 166.40 21066 08/22/2016 21085 Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 08/22/2018 21065 Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 1 ch 60-0435.56-00 TESTING -WKLY. MO, OTR, ANNUAL 1 ch 60-0435-56-00 TESTING -WKLY, MO, QTR, ANNUAL 64.00 84.00 16.00 18.00 Total 21065: 80.00 21066 08/22/2016 21066 Annie Lloyd 1 ch 01-0413-13-00 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 35.21 35.21 Total 21066: 35.21 21067 08/22/2016 21087 Association Of Idaho Cities 1 ch 12-0413-12-00 PERSONNEL TRAINING 100.00 100.00 Total 21067: 100.00 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number Payee Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 3 Check Issue Dates: 8/10/2016 - 8/22/2018 Aug 22, 2018 01:27PM Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Sequence GL Account Account Tttte Amount Amount 21088 08/22/2016 21068 B8L Idaho 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 7.81 7.81 Total 21088 7.61 21069 08/22/2016 21089 Baldwin & Associates, Inc. 08/22/2016 21089 Baldwin & Associates, Inc. 08/22/2016 21089 Baldwin & Associates, Inc. 08/22/2016 21069 Baldwin & Associates, Inc 08/22/2016 21069 Baldwin & Associates. Inc. Total 21089: 21070 08/22/2016 21070 Boise Office Equipment 08/22/2016 21070 Boise Office Equipment Total 21070: 21071 08/22/2016 21071 CDW Government Inc. 08/22/2018 21071 CDW Government Inc. Total 21071: 1 ch 14-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 1 ch 14-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 1 ch 14-0468-02-00 COMP PLAN UPDATE 32.94 43.87 90.02 123 42 13.88 32.94 43.87 90.02 123 42 13.88 304 13 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 507.00 507.00 1 ch 01-0413-23-00 Mtnc-Repair Equipment 23.10 23.10 530.10 1 ch 01-0465-18-00 SOFTWARE PURCHASE 445.87 445.87 1 ch 01-0465-19-00 IT HARDWARE REPLACEMENT 2,956.80 2,958.80 3,402.67 21072 08/22/2016 21072 Chris and Heldl Llen 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 61.51 61.51 Total 21072: 61.51 21073 08/22/2018 21073 Colleen and Scott Davis 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 2.64 2.64 Total 21073: 2.84 21074 08/22/2016 21074 Connect 4 Solutions, LLC 1 ch 09-0419-01-00 CAPITAL EXP EQUIPMENT Total 21074: 1,088.00 1,088.00 1,088.00 21075 08/22/2016 21075 Danielle Manwitl 1 ch 80-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 38.38 38.38 Total 21075: 38.38 21076 08/22/2018 21078 David & Kim Basye 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 4.11 4.11 Tota121076: 4.11 21077 08/22/2016 21077 De Lage Landen Financial Svc 1 ch 01-0416-24-00 EQUIPMENT LEASING Total 21077' 1,286.83 1,288.83 1,286.83 City of Eagle r Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 4 Check Issue Dates: 811012016.812212016 Aug 22, 2016 01:27PM Check Check Invoice tnvoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 21078 08/22/2016 21078 Dell Marketing L.P 08/22/2018 21078 Dell Marketing L.P. Total 21078: 21079 08/22/2016 21079 Eagle Water Co. 08/22/2016 21079 Eagte Water Co. 08/22/2016 21079 Eagle Water Co. Total 21079: 1 ch 01-0485-19-00 IT HARDWARE REPLACEMENT 1 ch 01-0485-19-00 IT HARDWARE REPLACEMENT 17.40 17.40 41.99 41.99 59.39 1 ch 15-0452-06-02 ELECTRICAL 168.13 188.13 1 ch 15-0452-08-02 ELECTRICAL 140.08 140 08 1 ch 15-0455-06-01 WATER 50.47 50.47 358.66 21080 08/22/2016 21080 Ferguson Enterprises 1 ch 15-0443-02-00 MAINT & REPAIR GROUNDS 122.32 122.32 Total 21080: 122.32 21081 08/2212016 21081 HD Supply Waterworks, LTD 1 ch 60-0434-58-00 RPRIMTNC-LINES-METERS-ETC 48.66 48.86 Total 21081: 48.68 21082 08/22/2018 21082 Holladay Engineering Co. 1 ch 60-0434-42-00 WATER/ENGINEERING 385.00 385.00 08/22/2016 21082 Holladay Engineering Co. 1 ch 60-0438-05-01 LINDER LOOP- CABRA CRK-N STAR 13,590 00 13,590.00 08/22/2016 21082 Holladay Engineering Co. 1 ch 01-0416-07-04 ParklRec Engineering Fees 490 00 490.00 Total 21082: 14,465.00 21083 08/22/2016 21083 Horton, Sheri 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 25.00 25.00 Total 21083: 25.00 21084 08/22/2016 21084 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0455-06-02 ELECTRICAL 10.21 10 21 08/22/2018 21084 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0454-06-02 ELECTRICAL 25 78 25.76 08/22/2016 21084 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0455-06-02 ELECTRICAL 7.66 7.66 08/22/2016 21084 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 80-0434-60-00 POWER 1,218.53 1,218.53 08/22/2018 21084 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0441-06-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 31.87 31.87 08/22/2018 21084 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0454-06-02 ELECTRICAL62.92 62.92 08/22/2016 21084 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0454-06-02 ELECTRICAL 28.91 28.91 08/22/2016 21084 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0449-06-02 ELECTRICAL 82.92 62.92 08/22/2016 21084 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0441-06-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 24.32 24.32 08/22/2016 21084 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0455-06-02 ELECTRICAL 10.65 10.85 08/22/2016 21084 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 60-0434-60-00 POWER 647.38 647.38 08/22/2016 21084 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 80-0434-80-00 POWER 1,324.77 1,324.77 08/22/2018 21084 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0452-06-02 ELECTRICAL 308.32 308.32 08/22/2016 21084 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0453.06-02 ELECTRICAL 8.87 8.87 08/22/2016 21084 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0455-06-02 ELECTRICAL 8.01 6.01 08/22/2016 21084 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0455-06-02 ELECTRICAL 5.25 5.25 08/22/2016 21084 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0460-02-00 UTILITIES 44.35 44.35 08/22/2016 21084 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 2 ch 60-0434-50-01 SHOP UTILITIES 22.18 22.18 08/22/2016 21084 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0441-06-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 103.08 103.08 City of Eagle Check Check issue Date Number Total 21084: 21085 08/22/2018 21085 InCom Total 21085: 21086 08/22/2016 21086 08/22/2018 21088 08/22/2018 21086 08/22/2016 21086 08/22/2016 21088 08/22/2016 21086 Total 21086: Payee K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance 21087 08/22/2016 21087 Kamco Enterprises -Rocky Mtn. To Total 21087: 21088 08/22/2016 21088 Kiley Shaw Total 21088: 21089 08/22/2016 21089 Unda and Brook Rice Total 21089 21090 08/22/2016 21090 Lustre -Cal Total 21090: 21091 08/22/2016 21091 Marie J. Schrillo Total 21091: 21092 08/22/2016 21092 Mark and Barb Wright Total 21092 21093 08/22/2016 21093 MCCI Total 21093 21094 08/22/2016 21094 Michael and Glory McAllister Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 5 Check Issue Dates: 8/10/2016 - 8/22/2016 Aug 22, 2016 01:27PM Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 01-0414-03-00 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT/CONTR 1 ch 15-0445-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 1 ch 15-0444-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 1 ch 15-0443-03-00 CUSTORIAL SERVICES 1 ch 15-0442-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 2 ch 15-0480-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 3 ch 60-0434-50-01 SHOP UTILITIES 1 ch 16-0414-01-00 COMMUNITY PROMO/SPECIAL EVEN 1 ch 09-0463-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 13-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 1 ch 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACTS -PERMITS 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 1 ch 01-0465-18-00 SOFTWARE PURCHASE 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS Invoice Check Amount Amount 391.31 81.20 1.710.00 730.00 1.125.00 80.00 40.00 35.00 3.951.98 391.31 391.31 81.20 1,710.00 730.00 1,125.00 80.00 40.00 3,748.20 35.00 35.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 28.82 607.89 28.82 26.82 807.69 607.89 420.00 420.00 420.00 18.96 18.98 18.96 4,746.96 4,748.98 4,748.96 40.82 40.82 r - City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 6 Check Issue Dates: 8/10/2016 - 8/22/2016 Aug 22, 2018 01:27PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 21094: 21095 08/22/2016 21095 MSBT Law 08/22/2016 21095 MSBT Law 08/22/2016 21095 MSBT Law 08/22/2016 21095 MSBT Law 08/22/2016 21095 MSBT Law 08/22/2018 21095 MSBT Law 08/22/2018 21095 MSBT Law 08/22/2016 21095 MSBT Law Total 21095: 40.82 1 ch 01-0418-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 3,833.27 3,633.27 1 ch 80-0434-42-01 WATER/LEGAL SERVICES 820.80 820.80 1 ch 01-0413-33.00 ATTORNEY FEE -CHARGE DEVELOPE 528.00 528.00 2 ch 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 1,403.47 1,403.47 1 ch 01-0413-33-00 ATTORNEY FEE -CHARGE DEVELOPE 49.50 49.50 1 ch 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 789.00 789.00 1 ch 01-0416-02-01 PARK/REC ATTORNEYS FEES 580.00 580.00 1 ch 08-0416-01-00 LEGAL - CITY ATTORNEY 1,712.00 1,712.00 8,516.04 21096 08/22/2018 21096 Norco Inc 1 ch 15-0437-25-00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 35.30 35.30 Total 21098: 35.30 _31097 08/22/2016 21097 Robert S. Bruce 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 2.87 2.87 Total 21097: 2.87 21098 08/22/2016 21098 Sabrina Bolo 1 ch 80-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 58.49 58.49 Total 21098' 58.49 21099 08/22/2018 21099 Safeguard by IBF -233439 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 107.28 107.28 Total 21099: 107.28 21100 08/22/2018 21100 Service Experts 08/22/2018 21100 Service Experts Total 21100: 1 ch 16-0416-07-00 HVAC MTNC CONTRACT 1 ch 16-0416-07-00 HVAC MTNC CONTRACT 437.50 437.50 723 44 723.44 1,180.94 21101 08/22/2016 21101 Shannon Mane Massey Polfer 1 ch 09-0463-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 150 00 150.00 Total 21101: 150.00 21102 08/22/2016 21102 Simply Graphic 1 ch 16-0413-06-00 PRINTING, DUPLICATION, PUBLISH 475.00 475.00 Total 21102 475.00 21103 08/22/2016 21103 Summer Lawns, Inc. 1 ch 16-0437-21-00 IRRIGATION REPAIRS 634 43 634.43 Total 21103 634.43 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number Payee Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 7 Check Issue Dates: 8/10/2016 - 8/22/2016 Aug 22. 2016 01:27PM Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 21104 08/22/2016 21104 The Idaho Statesman 1 ch 01-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADVERTISING/PUBLICATION 354.17 354.17 Total 21104: 354.17 21105 08/22/2018 21105 Trident Homes 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 21.79 21.79 Total 21105: 21.79 21108 08/22/2018 21106 USABIueBook 1 ch 60-0434-58-00 RPR/MI'NC-LINES-METERS-ETC 67.99 67.99 08/22/2016 21108 USABIueBook 1 ch 80-0434-59-00 CHEMICALS 642.00 642.00 Total 21108: 709.99 21107 08122/2016 21107 Valley Times 1 ch 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS 83.52 83.52 Total 21107: 83.52 21108 08/22/2018 21108 West Ada School District 1 ch 17-0423-03-00 FACILITY RENTAL 100.00 100.00 Total 21108 100.00 21109 08/22/2016 21109 Zayo Group, LLC 1 ch 01-0414-02-00 INTERNET SERVICES 764.64 764.64 Total 21109: 764.64 Grand Totals: 216,101.58 Dated: Mayor: City Council: C c- ,R=-3.4. MEMORANDUM DATE: August 22, 2016 TO: City Council Members FROM: Stan Ridgeway, Mayor RE: Amendment to the City Council Meeting Agenda for August 23, 2016 Appointment to the Library Board. Mayor Ridgeway requests the appointment of Danny Mortenson to the Library Board. Mr. Mortensen's term will begin October 1, 2016 and expire October 2021. Name: Address: 1 1 /'cam Request for Consideration of Appointment tic rJr --( (29. E-{/-1-vx A,,) ("0 /1'1 RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE 3Uh0p . ivic Lane File: Ea_,1r i)ai,.18:i_,4, Route); Phone: 208.939. 6813 Fax: 208.939.6827 www.c tyofeagle.org Phone: C -7G"- s �3 5-117 Y 11) Email: 14 oft o 2- > 1Jb f=CI? (ti o . G,o request consideration for appointment to the following: D Mayor ❑ City Council ❑ Arts Commission ❑ Design Review Board O Development Impact Fee Advisory Committee `l Eagle Library Board '❑ Historic Preservation Commission ❑ Industrial Development Corporation O Planning and Zoning Commission O Parks and Pathways Development Commission O Transportation Committee O Other 1. the undersigned. acknowledge that with the submittal of this request for consideration form 1 will: Follow all applicable ethics. conflict of interest and code of conduct laws. rules and policies of the City of Eagle and the State of Idaho. Com, C),-)/"?. 0 L Signature ( ) Date Return the following to: Eagle City Hall 660 E. Civic Lane Eagle, Idaho 83616 • Request for Consideration of Appointment form required • Letter of Interest required • Resume or curriculum vitae strongly encouraged, but not required more 00 reverse DANIEL MO }'iTENSEN 569 Stierman Way, Eagle, ID 83616 • 760-533-5677 • DanielRCMortensen@yahoo.com June 3, 2016 Eagle City Hall Attn: Eagle Public Library Board of Trustees 660 E. Civic Ln. Eagle, Idaho 83616 Re: Letter of Interest for Vacancy on Library Board Dear Eagle Public Library Board of Trustees: My name is Danny Mortensen, I am an attorney at a local firm, and I am a proud, although recent, resident of Eagle. I write to express my interest in the vacant seat on the Eagle Public Library Board of Trustees. As background, I am a married father of 2 girls (ages 4 and 2) and we are transplants from California. We relocated to Boise in June 2014 when I accepted a job with a Justice on the Idaho Supreme Court (1 year position). Our relocation, however, was no accident—my wife and I wanted to get out of California once we had kids and we were specifically targeting the Boise area. In July 2015, I accepted a position with my current firm and we bought a house in Eagle (our first house!). Eagle is exactly what we were looking for and we could not be more thrilled to call it home. Now that we have settled in, 1 want to get more involved with the community. In no time, my girls will be in Eagle schools, and we are already using the library, parks, and other wonderful amenities and open spaces the city has to offer. I see no better first step than channeling my efforts and energies into the library. In my hometown, the public library played an important role in my life. For my kids, the Eagle library is serving the same purpose. These public institutions promote early literacy and boost family engagement— crucial attributes of strong families and communities. Education was the mantra in my household growing up, and we are instilling these same values in my kids. Education is freedom. Public libraries educate, stimulate imagination, expand ambition, and provide access and support to their patrons—young and old. I'd like to be a part of that. Although I may be younger and have less life experience to offer than other candidates interested in this vacancy, I believe there is tremendous value in the perspective and voice of a young parent currently in the trenches of raising and educating children in Eagle. For that reason, along with my educational background and legal training, I think I can add a diverse and valuable perspective. I am a hard worker, quick learner, and team player. If given an opportunity, I will not disappoint. Thank you for your consideration. Yours truly. (Th Daniel Mortensen • 1. have you worked as a volunteer before? If so, tell us of your experience. 1\3 ,v (i Gn LL.5 S t t V o ( Q 1 �v-Z-, �v ►A�t-` `T3 -c 1 Fo u..0',.) i /v L 0 f-6 e 6 ("4-€4.S S 'r` -)C, t s.S S -n4 is s A C -A o 6-0 )\-) G sS o � l - ,..� v Gam G AS ►-� it,,•� IN S( k. -,/>-t_, -a,00 J t LL .SSA- 6R-- C,4\ C_ ® � IC U t`-' t o RAS AE- ✓h 1 S t oriv — t -o5 / "(E- L --e G S FR- LA -)L, Zoo `'t L._- �!�t i) C -4---t i\-)1. L • C�- (..., t.A..) E 2.1c 5 11-N G Ems,_ s 6-01)-(...),-r-1/4-( L-�o , i c 0 sv "_ rn - 2-0oc‘ bt STS 1 c -T €:_--( S Ur -Lc. 11 FA- L -t_ 2ca 4. 2. Why do you want to serve on a board Committee/Commission & w at ma es yo c—v4 the best candidate? 3. Additional comments. ccr 1-c 0 F (ATE[ 7— DANIEL MORTENSEN 569 Stierman Way, Eagle, ID 83616 • 760-533-5677 DanielRCMortensen@yahoo.com PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Andersen Schwartzman Woodard Brailsford, PLLC Boise, ID Litigation Associate August 2015 — Present • Represent businesses, organizations, and individuals in commercial litigation in federal and state courts. Draft pleadings, written discovery requests and responses, third -party discovery, substantive and dispositive motions, settlement agreements, and mediation/arbitration briefs. Assist in taking and defending depositions, including interviewing and preparing witnesses. Argue motions to compel and to dismiss. Participate in scheduling conferences. Coordinate exchange of information with experts and compliance with expert deadlines. Idaho Supreme Court Boise, ID Law Clerk to the Honorable Warren E. Jones August 2014 — July 2015 • For each assigned case, review the briefs and record on appeal, research legal issues, and prepare a prehearing memorandum that informs the entire Court of the issues raised on appeal, the arguments advanced by the parties, the applicable law, and the recommended disposition of each issue. Draft opinions, concurrences, and dissents. United States District Court for the Southern District of California San Diego, CA Law Clerk to the Honorable Karen S. Cranford (Magistrate) November 2012 — July 2014 • Research and draft bench memoranda and court orders on civil discovery disputes such as motions to compel, for protective order, and to enforce subpoenas. Assist in early neutral evaluation, case management, and settlement conferences. Prepare reports & recommendations to District Judges for habeas corpus petitions, dispositive motions in prisoner civil rights cases, and Social Security appeals. Procopio, Cory, Hargreaves & Savitch LLP San Diego, CA Staff Attorney March 2012 — November 2012 • Document review and general litigation support in a construction litigation involving the largest privately -funded ($9.5B) construction project in U.S. history (CityCenter Las Vegas), including legal research for supervisors in preparation for depositions and motion practice. Operate software for electronic document review and production. BAR ADMISSIONS State Bar of California, State Bar No. 280950 District of Columbia Bar, Member No. 1010763 State Bar of Colorado, State Bar No. 44609 State Bar of Idaho, State Bar No. 9139 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS • Associate, American Inns of Court No. 130, Boise, ID (September 2014 to Present) o Associate, American Inns of Court, Louis M. Welsh Chapter, San Diego, CA (September 2013 to June 2014) EDUCATION Pepperdine University School of Law Malibu, CA furls Doctor May 201 1 Rank: Top 26% (3.41 / 4.0 G.P.A.) Awards: Dean's Merit Scholarship; CALi Awards (highest grade in course) for Evidence, Constitutional Structure, and Negotiation Theory & Practice Journal: Editor -in -Chief, Journal of the National Association of Administrative Law Judiciary (J. NAALJ) Publication: California and Uncle Scnn's Tug -of --War Over Mary Jane is Really Harshing the Mellow, 30 J. NAALJ 127 Activities: Teaching Assistant, Legal Research & Writing; Member, Phi Delta Phi Pomona College Claremont, CA Bachelor of Arts in Politics: Minor in Philosophy May 2008 G.P.A.: 3.64 / 4.0 Honors: Pomona College Scholarship; SCiAC All -Academic Selection Activities: NCAA Varsity Football; NCAA Varsity Track & Field (Javelin); Washington, DC Program MEMORANDUM DATE: August 22, 2016 TO: City Council Members FROM: Stan Ridgeway, Mayor RE: Amendment to the City Council Meeting Agenda for August 23, 2016 Appointment to the Library Board. Mayor Ridgeway requests the appointment of Nikki Hyer to the Library Board. Ms. Hyer will be filling a vacant term expiring in September 2017. 1 � �Lutlt Request for Consideration of r)pointlllCttt Nitrol': ...r—` %1 1 r .\ddr•ess: • r -Y-1 Phone: _ •{ I•.rn:til: 660E. ( n tc 1 a Erle Idaho K3'f,lh !Thlr1.n 20ii 939 Oz, ;3 \\,.‘ c;tk ufea h ora 1, 1 I rcclu(st currsidei...:l ion for appointment to the fullo�ain�_: CITY pF EPGLrE \la�'ctr C City Council RECEIVED & FILED jlJN 2 2 0 t6 E \Cts i'ornr. mss cr. C Desu_n Revie ,. Board F11e: C !)� c',op mcnt I]rri aci I -c _\d isor� (omTntne' Rout° tn• Eaute Library Board C Historic i'ruse).vation Corr [mission C Industrial De\&opntent Crirporation Plarmin,(4 and Zo:L'nL' Commission C Narks and I'ath.,;ays Do. elop hent ssion C Transportation Committee C Ogler I the undc:rsiilned ac6::1n;'.Iccii4e. that ;Arta] the X11hrni:tai of this request for consideration form I will Fo11ov.v all applicable ethics. conflict of interest and code, of conduct imp s, rl:ics and policies olthe in, o' f ri; - nd the State of Idaho Date Return the foiloNsitt to: Eagle City Hall (((J E. (i; is lane F::t‘le. ld:alio 836I6 Request foi i or s!dL•:itlL7n Vl ' poo ntt]]ent form rL':fir11'Ncl • Letter of interesar,;i 'd • Resume or curriculem vitae .1n'r]?!.'Il' en&011?Y1g'L'dI, it! Mit let!!11?er! (170/V 141 ;•t s C;.4• Nikki A. Hyer 1 1 128 W Goldenspire Dr (208) 284-1486 nik hvei ieNahoo.com HUMAN RESOURCES PROFESSIONAL luman resources leader with strong capabilities in compensation, employee relations, compliance and 1-luman Resource Information Systems. Strong skills in problem solving and systems related setup and training. Committed to bringing value to the City of Eagle with my experience in all area of human resources, employee communication, problem solving. and attention to detail. ('ore Competencies include: ❖ Hiring & Staffing ❖ Managing & Measuring Work ✓ Time Management ❖ Conflict Resolution + Customer Focus ❖ Action Oriented PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE WinCo Holdings, Inc., 13oise, II) 3/16 — Present Manager, Employee Benefits Primary responsibilities include: managing the employee benefits program which includes health insurance and voluntary benefits; working with vendors to maintain benefit offerings and solve issues; researching and responding to employee complaints and appeals: implementing wellness programs; ensuring compliance with benefits laws: training and communication: supervising the Benefits staff. • Manage the operations. compliance. and strategy of WinCo's benefits which include health insurance and voluntary benefits. Monitor benefit trends. propose plan updates, and implement changes. • Work with vendors to maintain relationships, provide quality service. and implement desirable and affordable benefits. • Provide excellent customer service. Communicate with employees verbally and in writing to address exceptions and appeals. Educate employees on benefit offerings, eligibility. and more. • Designs and implements Wellness programs. • Partners with other departments to update WinCo's practices and systems. Western States Equipment Company, Meridian, ID 1/05 — 3/16 IIR/Pat roll Iliaiwger Primary responsibilities included serving as a consultant to managers and supervisors regarding employee relations issues, researching and responding to employee complaints. managing company compensation system and administering 401(k) program, compliance and training on 11R and benefit related topics and systems. supervising payroll administration. managing and maintaining Ultimate 1IRIS system and related modules (payroll. self-service. performance management and learning management). • Worked with Vice Presidents. Managers, and Supervisors daily on 1 -IR issues including employee relations. jobs, compensation, offers. and more. • Participated in projects that impact the whole company including the implementation of the Ultimate HRIS system. Employee and Manager self-service and 6 Sigma hourly time tracking. Found solutions that were economically feasible. streamlined processes. and allowed for future growth. Trained employees and supervisors on new s\ stems. • Oversaw Ultimate HRIS system. Managed configuration and setup. Oversaw Payroll Administrator. Provide backup as needed. No missed or late payrolls since 2005. • Managed company compensation program. Established formal grade structure. Reviewed and revised annually. Chaired Caterpillar Dealer's salary survey to focus on jobs specific to industry. • Coordinated and wrote HR communications including employee handbook, employee communications, policies and edit, design, and publish company newsletter. Took base Sharepoint site and created a site that houses all relevant HR, Training and Safety information. • Assisted with company benefits. Coordinated and conducted annual open enrollment process. Answered questions from employees and retirees on a regular basis about current benefit offerings. Management & Training Corporation, Centerville, UT 3/03 —1/05 Corporate Human Resource Manager Primary responsibilities included full cycle recruitment of new employees through onboarding, conducting annual compliance audits, salary surveys and recommending changes to the compensation structure, served as point of contact to supervisors/managers regarding all issues related to employee relations for assigned correctional facilities and Job Corp Centers. • Participated as a main team member in the start up of the Kingman, AZ correctional facility. Researched salaries, set pay scale, interviewed and hired employees. Met contract responsibilities and helped ensure the prison opened on time. • Provided corporate oversight to Job Corp Center and correctional facility human resources personnel. Advised human resource personnel on issues including policies and procedures, discipline, and employee relations. Filled in as needed. • Conducted salary surveys and recommended salary structures. • Responded to employee complaints and EEOC charges. Beneficial Life Insurance Company, Salt Lake City, UT 5/02 — 3/03 Human Resource Manager Primary responsibilities included the management of all Human Resource functions from hiring, benefits administration, and compensation. Supervised the Payroll Administrator and the payroll function. • Oversaw company incentive and compensation system. Researched salary data and prepared proposals for Job Evaluation Team meetings. Compiled and presented salary survey data for annual increase proposals • Audited by Internal Auditors on areas related to Human Resources. Provided data as requested with no major findings. • Counseled supervisors and employees on pay, leave, and discipline issues. EDUCATION Masters of Business Administration University of Utah • Salt Lake City, UT Bachelors of Business Administration, Marketing Major, Management Minor (Cum Laude) Gonzaga University • Spokane, WA CERTIFICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) • Dec. 2013 - Sept. 2016 SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP) • Jan. 2015 - Sept. 2018 Graduate of Western States' Leadership Academy • 2008 Southern Idaho Compensation & Benefits Association Member • Present COMMUNITY OUTREACH Junior League of Boise, current position Board Secretary • 2011 — present Idaho Humane Society • 2014- 2016 Idaho PiecemakerS Webmaster • 2010 - 2015 Big Brothers Big Sisters • 2009 — 2012 1470 E Lone Shore Dr Eagle, ID 83616 June 26, 2016 City of Eagle 660 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Attention Selection Committee: Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to apply for the Eagle Library. This opening is one I could not pass up. I am interested in applying for this position for several reasons. The first is because I moved to Eagle in February and this would be a great way for me to get involved in my new committee. The second is because I like to use my time and skills to give back. And third, the most important to me, is that I love the library. I am an avid reader that uses the library system to its full advantage by borrowing books and movies on a regular basis. The library was an ingenious concept when it started and it continues to be today by providing free resources to the public to enjoy at any age. Because of this, I would love to be a part of the Board that helps ensure that these resources continue for the residents of Eagle to enjoy. I graduated from Gonzaga University in 1995 with my Bachelors in Business Administration and graduated from the University of Utah with my Masters of Business Administration in 1998. In 2009, I became a Big Sister in the Big Brothers, Big Sisters program and spent 4 years volunteering as a Big doing service projects and fun activities with my Little. I joined the Junior League of Boise in 2011 where I have done a variety of volunteering with the Discovery Center, the Idaho Food Bank, building school gardens, and more. As a member of the League, I have served as Nominations Committee Chair and Northwest Exchange Chair, and I am currently Secretary of the Board. This opportunity sounds exciting. I hope that you will consider me for your position. I look forward to hearing from you soon. If I can provide you with any additional information or references, please let me know. You can reach me at (208) 284-1486 or at nikki_hyer@yahoo.com Sincerely, Nikki Hyer Enclosures 1. Have you worked as a volunteer before? If so, tell us of your experience. I have been a volunteer with the following organizations performing the following duties: Big Brothers Big Sisters, 2009 - 2012 - I was a Big Sister. I met with any Little on a monthly basis for activities. r Idaho PieceMakerS, 2010- 2015 - I was the group's webmaster. I maintained the website with current information and forms that changed on a regular basis in conjunction with the annual quilt show. Idaho I--lumane Society, 2014 - 2016 - I wrote cat and dog write-ups for the website on a regular, rotating basis until earlier this year. Junior League of Boise, 2011 -. present - The Junior League of Boise is a women's volunteer organization whose mission focuses on volunteerism. leadership, and training. I am currently the Board Secretary. In addition, I was chair of Northwest Exchange, a Western regional conference of Junior Leagues, that took place in March. 2. \A'hy do you want to serve on a Board/Committee/Commission & what makes you the hest candidate? I moved to Eagle at the end of February and have been looking for a way to meet people and get involved in the community. I saw the notice in the Eagle Informer and thought it would be a great opportunity as I love the library and the fact it provides services to all and allows free access to tons of information. I also value the library as I love to read and enjoy being able to have a book for a short time, give it back, and then move on to the next one. It is important to me to get involved in the community and give back. I enjoy serving on my current board and would like to expand my involvement in the community by being considered for the Library Board. I am the best candidate because once committed, it becomes my priority. That means I focus on providing input, being involved, and doing whatever I need to do to make the organization successful. This means going beyond my current duties if needed. In my current role as Board Secretary, I have assigned monthly tasks. Last year, our League came up in the rotation to put on the annual Western regional conference. As a past attendee of one of these conferences, I knew I needed to help. And, when a chair of the committee needed to be filled, I offered to do it because I knew I could give more than my current role required and because I wanted the event to be a success. The conference was a lot of work, but a great success! Most of the attendees felt the event was one of the best conference they attended. That meant a ton as the committee and I worked hard to make sure we had everything lined up for a good conference. I know that if appointed, I would give this same level of focus and commitment to the Library Board. 3. Additional comments. I think the Eagle Library is great. It has a great selection and was way ahead of the other libraries in terms of it checkout and email receipts prior to this new system all the libraries went to. The Sunday hours are a great convenience too. I would enjoy learning the inner workings of the library and the board, meeting new people, and lending my skills and abilities to the community. If I can provide any further information, please let me know.