Minutes - 2022 - City Council - 03/22/2022 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL
March 22,2022
1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER, PIKE, RUSSELL. Absent: A quorum is
A. City Staff requests: None
B. Mayor or City Council requests: None
A. Report given by Ada County Sherriff Clifford.
Sherriff Clifford provides an overview of what services Ada County provides. (PowerPoint
A. Mayor and Council Reports: None
B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports:
1. City Treasurer, Financial Reports for February 2022
C. City Attorney Report: None
7. PUBLIC COMMENT 1: The Eagle City Council is taking both in-person and remote public
comment via WebEx. Meeting login instructions are posted on
https://www.cityofeagle.or�,,/1698/Virtual-Meetings. If you just want to watch the meeting,
without giving comment,please watch our livestream at https://www.cityofea Ig eorg/305/City-
A endas-Videos.
This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or
comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda.
At times,the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during
this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter,
land use application,or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all
who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3)
No one in the public chooses to speak.
♦ Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion.
There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember,
member of City Staff,or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda
for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular
Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council.
♦ Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the
City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall
be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless
specifically stated otherwise.
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A. Claims against the City.
B. Minutes of February 22,2022. (TEO)
C. Professional Service Quote Between the City of Eagle and Ednetics:A professional
service quote between the City of Eagle and Ednetics for installation of new switches,
access points, licensing, and professional services in the existing City Hall and the
expansion in an amount not to exceed $38,496.34. (DNG)
D. Arbor Day Proclamation: A proclamation of the City of Eagle declaring April 20,
2022, as Arbor Day. (ELZ)
E. Minutes of March 8,2022. (TEO)
F. DR-52-21 — Terra View Park and Trailhead Parking — Terra View, LLC: Terra
View, LLC, represented by Jaime Snyder with T-O Engineers, is requesting design
review approval of Terra View Park and trailhead parking. The 11-acre park area and
8.2-acre trailhead parking area are generally located on the northeast corner of West
Beacon Light Road and State Highway 16 at 8040 West Beacon Light Road. (BAW)
G. DR-56-21 — Common Area Landscaping within Aventier Subdivision (aka
Eventyr Subdivision) — Adam Anderson: Adam Anderson, represented by Rodney
Evans with Rodney Evans& Partners, PPLC, is requesting design review approval of
the common area landscaping within Aventier Subdivision(aka Eventyr Subdivision).
The 8.11-acre site is located south of West Moon Valley Road, approximately 1,000-
feet south of the intersection of West Moon Valley Road and State Highway 44.
H. DR-57-21 —Monument Sign for Aventier Subdivision (aka Eventyr Subdivision)
— Adam Anderson: Adam Anderson, represented by Rodney Evans with Rodney
Evans & Partners, PPLC, is requesting design review approval of a subdivision entry
monument sign for Aventier Subdivision (aka Eventyr Subdivision). The 8.1 ]-acre
site is located south of West Moon Valley Road,approximately 1,000-feet south of the
intersection of West Moon Valley Road and State Highway 44. (BAW)
I. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of FPUD-11-21 and
FP-17-21 —Final Plat for Stags Crossing Subdivision No. 2—Cottonwood Creek,
LLC: Cottonwood Creek, LLC, represented by Darcy Hart with Urban Solutions,
LLC, is requesting final planned unit development and final plat approvals for Stags
Crossing Subdivision No. 2, a 54-lot (44-buildable, 10-common), residential
subdivision. The 32.10-acre site is located on the south side of West Beacon Light
Road and 1,750-feet west of N Lanewood Road at the terminus of North Arena
Avenue. (DLM)
J. FP-16-21 — Final Plat for Estrada Village Subdivision No.2 — G20, LLC.: G20,
LLC., represented by The Conger Group, is requesting final plat approvals for Estrada
Village Subdivision No. 2,a 55-lot(47-buildable, 8-common)residential subdivision.
The 8.85-acre site is located on the north side of East Hill Road approximately 1200-
feet west of the intersection of South Edgewood Lane and East Hill Road. (MNB)
K. Memorial Bench for Mary Cronin: Request for Council approval of a memorial
bench to be located at the Northwest corner of Merrill Park bridge. (ELZ)
L. Municipal Park Vendor Lease Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Jared
Black: A Municipal Park Vendor Lease Agreement Between the City of Eagle and
Jared Black, owner of Yeti Shack, LLC to lease space at the Ada/Eagle Sports
Complex. (ELZ)
M. Municipal Park Lease Addendum between the City of Eagle and Jeffrey Fackler:
A Municipal Park Lease Addendum between the City of Eagle and Jeffrey Fackler
owner of Snowie to lease space at Guerber Park. (ELZ)
N. Municipal Park Lease Addendum between the City of Eagle and Jacob
Velasquez: A Municipal Park Lease Addendum between the City of Eagle and Jacob
Velasquez owner of Treasure Valley Tropical Sno Dealership to lease space at Merrill
Park. (ELZ)
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O. Agreement Renewal for Eagle Fun Days with Outdoor Event Group for fiscal
year 2022: Approval of an Independent Contract Agreement Renewal with Outdoor
Event Group in the amount of$10,000 the City again desires to retain the services of
Contractor to organize and operate a parade for the City's Eagle Fun Days, to be held
July 9, 2022. (PT)
P. Council Action to Make Mayoral Salary Whole for Calendar Year 2021: Eagle
City Code 1-5-3 (A) states that the annual mayoral salary shall be $76,320. Due to an
error by staff, Mayor Pierce was under paid in the amount of$2,935.50 for calendar
year 2021. Staff is seeking Council authorization to issue monies to correct the error.
Q. Request to utilize ARPA funds for Return Air Units for Eagle City Hall: Council
had originally approved this expenditure on October 26, 2021, utilizing a different
funding source. Staff is seeking Council authorization to utilize ARPA funding for
this expenditure. (ELZ)
R. Phone purchase for Eagle Public Library: Staff is seeking Council approval of the
proposal from Apple Store for Government for the purchase of phones that will
operate as primary handsets at the Eagle Public Library in an amount not to exceed
$8,580. Staff is proposing to utilize ARPA funds for this expense. (DNG)
S. Purchase and installation of phones for Eagle City Hall: Staff is seeking Council
approval of the proposal from DWZ Technologies for phones in an amount not to
exceed $5,850, and installation costs not to exceed $17,766.41, This is a budget item
in the Capital Improvement Plan. (DNG)
Pike requests to remove items 8F and 8P from the Consent Agenda. A member from the audience
requests to remove item 8Q and 8R.
Gindlesperger makes a motion to approve items 8A-8S with the exception of F,P, Q,and R.
Seconded by Russell.Gindlesperger: AYE; Russell: AYE; Pike: AYE. MOTION CARRIES.
8F. DR-52-21—Terra View Park and Trailhead Parking—Terra View,LLC: Terra View,
LLC, represented by Jaime Snyder with T-O Engineers, is requesting design review approval of
Terra View Park and trailhead parking. The 11-acre park area and 8.2-acre trailhead parking area
are generally located on the northeast corner of West Beacon Light Road and State Highway 16 at
8040 West Beacon Light Road. (BAW)
Mayor introduces the item.
Director Baird Spencer discusses the phasing plan. Discussion.
Pike moves to approve consent item 8F-DR-52-21 —Terra View Park and Trailhead
Parking—Terra View,LLC. Seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE... MOTION
The Mayor calls a five-minute recess at 6:10 p.m. due to technical difficulties.
8P. Council Action to Make Mayoral Salary Whole for Calendar Year 2021: Eagle City Code
1-5-3 (A) states that the annual mayoral salary shall be $76,320. Due to an error by staff, Mayor
Pierce was under paid in the amount of$2,935.50 for calendar year 2021. Staff is seeking Council
authorization to issue monies to correct the error. (TEO)
Mayor introduces the item.
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Pike removed item 8P to clarify on the record that the Mayor was under paid for 2021 and asks
the Treasurer if it will get rectified this week. City Treasurer Rekow states that it will be corrected
this week.
Pike moves to approve consent item 8P that is Eagle City Code 1-5-3 (A) states that the
annual Mayoral salary shall be$76,320. Due to an error by staff,Mayor Pierce was under
paid in the amount of$2,935.50 for calendar year 2021. Seconded by Russell.
Gindlesperger; AYE: Russell; AYE: Pike; AYE. MOTION CARRIES.
Q. Request to utilize ARPA funds for Return Air Units for Eagle City Hall: Council had
originally approved this expenditure on October 26, 2021, utilizing a different funding source.
Staff is seeking Council authorization to utilize ARPA funding for this expenditure. (ELZ)
R. Phone purchase for Eagle Public Library: Staff is seeking Council approval of the
proposal from Apple Store for Government for the purchase of phones that will operate as
primary handsets at the Eagle Public Library in an amount not to exceed $8,580, Staff is
proposing to utilize ARPA funds for this expense. (DNG)
Mayor introduces items Q and R.
Keith Olsen, 5365 West Rosslare, Eagle, Idaho. Are there Federal strings attached to the Federal
money? His inquiry applies to both items Q and R.
Mayor Pierce states that there are not any strings attached to the Federal money.
Gindlesperger moves to approve items 8Q and 8R. Seconded by Russell. Gindlesperger:
A. ACTIONITEM.- Eagle Shooting Sports Park: Staff will provide the City Council an
update on the shooting sports park public participation and seek direction from the Council on the
next phase of the project. (NBS)
Mayor introduces the item.
Director Baird Spencer provides an overview of the survey results. Staff recommends conducting
a noise and transportation study.
General discussion amongst the Council. Gindlesperger clarifies that it is a conceptual park at this
Russell makes a motion to approve staff to continue with a transportation and noise study.
Seconded by Gindlesperger.ALL AYE... MOTION CARRIES.
B. ACTION ITEM- Avimor& Sage Water Service Agreement: An agreement to provide
water service to property located outside the Eagle City limits. (NBS)
Mayor introduces the item.
Director Baird Spencer provides an overview of the agreement.
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City Attorney for Avimor related-matters,Norm Semanko and the Council discuss water related
Gindlesperger makes a motion to approve Avimor& Sage Water Service Agreement: An
agreement to provide water service to property located outside the Eagle City limits.
Seconded by Russell.ALL AYE... MOTION CARRIES.
11. PUBLIC COMMENT 2: The Eagle City Council is taking both in person and remote public
comment via Webex. Meeting login instructions are posted on
https://www.ci ofea lg e.org/1698/Virtual-Meetings. If you just want to watch the meeting,
without giving comment,please watch our livestream at https://www.ciiyofeagle.org/305/Ciiy-
This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or
comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter, up to and
including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing and land use
items. Comments regarding Public Hearing and land use items need to be made during the
open public hearing for said item(s)in accordance with Idaho Code.At times,the City Council
may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters (excluding Public Hearing and
land use items) during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City
Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3)minutes.
Tammy Bromley, 8856 Silverspur Lane, Middleton, Idaho. In the pursuit of the gun range, she
believes that there needs to be a more extension effort to get input from citizens. The people being
impacted does not know about what is going on as it relates to the shooting range.
Kelly Koon, 2411 East Riverside, Eagle, Idaho. Koon is an equestrian user and boards her horse
near the proposed range location. She has concerns about the noise and is upset about losing the
riding space. She'd like to know why the other location proposed a year ago isn't being considered.
Lou Anne Gaskel, 2845 Duane Drive, Meridian, Idaho. Equestrian user and is frustrated that they
continue to lose trails. The gun range is suited for another location.
Brad Femler, 18454 N. McCloud Way, Eagle, Idaho. Femler is a representative of Avimor
Development. In their master plan there is a 200-acre equestrian section planned. He emphasizes
that there needs to be a safe way to shoot.
Dave Schafer,452 West Hickus Lane,Eagle,Idaho.Schafer is concerned about the noise and traffic
safety with the shooting range. The day the testing is done for noise and traffic, the surrounding
neighbors should be notified.
Michael Frano, 6730 North Condor Lane, Eagle, Idaho. Lives across from this proposed area. The
issue is the proximity of the surrounding residential homes.
Jerry Neil, 6751 Condor Lane, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Neil does not support the gun range. He is
concerned about traffic, noise, and garbage. There are better places to put it.
Gail Siren, 1050 West Valley View Lane, Eagle, Idaho. Siren is a native Idahoan. She is opposed
to the shooting range. It is God's perfect place, and she hopes it doesn't get ruined.
Brian McNatt, 1085 W. Hoarder Drive. Expressed that he called City Hall and was advised that
there was not going to be public comment on this item,so he is not prepared to speak tonight.There
needs to be a better process for notifying surrounding neighbors.
City Attorney clarifies the difference between a Public Hearing and Public Comment.
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Peter Radic, 5747 West Rotherham, Eagle, Idaho. He does not support the shooting range.
Jamie Bontivitch, 5218 Decatur, Eagle, Idaho, is a local trainer. She does not support the shooting
range. She has concerns with the parking, noise and proximity of the equestrian trails.
A. Idaho State Code V4-206. Executive Sessions -- When authorized. (1) An executive
session at which members of the public are excluded may be held,but only for the purposes
and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session
shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session.
There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes.
An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds(2/3)vote of the governing body.
An executive session may be held:
(c) To acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency.
(f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal
ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet
being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal
counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement;
Pike moves pursuant to I.C. 74-206(1) that the City of Eagle convene in Executive Session
for the purpose of(c) To acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public
agency and (f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the
legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet
being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel
at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement. Seconded by Gindlesperger.
Council enters executive session.
Discussion regarding acquisition of real property and pending/threatened litigation.
Council exits executive session.
B. ACTIONITEM: Action regarding acquisition of real property.
Russell moves to authorize purchase of real property. Seconded by Pike. ALL AYE...
C. ACTION ITEM.- Action regarding pending/threatened litigation.
No action taken.
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Gindlesperger moves to adjourn. Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES
Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted:
kx- C
Ho113A. Csencsits
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Email the City Council
Send an email to all members of the Eagle City Council
*Indicates a required field
Name Erica Zamorano
Address 5701 willow creek rd
City Eagle
State ID
Zip Code 83616
Phone Number 2084513387
Email zamomail(og mail.com
Please enter your message I am not able to attend the meeting on 3/22 due to another
in the below box: conflict. However, I still wanted to express my extreme concern
for the Eagle Shooting Park project.
As a resident in Stilwell Estates, the addition of this park is
strongly undesirable. I ask that you respect the existing
property owners lifestyle and property value.
Willow Creek cannot sustain a great deal of traffic. In addition,
there is various wildlife on this road regularly. The residents
know exactly which twist and turn to slow down for, to avoid
deer and other animals. We have two family of deer that live on
either side of Willow Creek that regularly cross the road in a
few spots.
We all know that whoever funds a traffic or noise pollution
study can obtain any desired results. I encourage you to come
spend a day out here and see what our community is about,
north of Beacon Light. You will surely see this does not fit here.
In addition, most of us invested in this land for the semi rural
and quiet nature of our community. This type of project utterly
destroys that for us. It has the high likelihood of lowering our
property value with the noise pollution from the project and
I am saddened this is even considered. I would encourage your
to come speak with the homeowners and consider our desires
higher than people who live elsewhere! Please represent us
and make the right choice.
From: mark reis<markreiO3@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2022 5:24 PM
Subject:Shooting range
I'm writing after finding an article in BoseDev about a proposed shooting range 3 miles from Beacon
Light Road and Eagle Road. I live right next to this intersection and want to express my opposition to
this proposal.
I am not opposed to guns or gun ranges. What I am opposed to is something that is in proximity to
homes and farms where the noise will carry and be detrimental to the community. As you are probably
aware, noise carries very far in the valley and to put a gun range in a location that will impact families
and animals is irresponsible and will negatively impact the city of Eagle for a variety of reasons.
1. It will deter future residential development which ultimately will reduce revenue for the city.
2. It will create unnecessary stress for animals, both domestic and farm.
3. It will lower property values of any land owner impacted by this.
4. It will create additional traffic and add to an already overgrown intersection at Highway 44 and Eagle
5. It will negatively impact local businesses from a noise perspective. Who wants to sit outside having
coffee while hearing gun noise?
This has to be the most harebrained idea that I've seen and it makes no sense. The long term negative
aspects of this far outweigh any positive impact. If there is a need for a shooting range, it should be
much further away from any residential community or family farm. I can only imagine the impact to the
horses that live off of Beacon Light Road.
This is just wrong, shortsighted and frankly irresponsible. The city should never have even entertained
this proposal. Imagine the noise impact to those who recently moved to Eagle or are in the process of
purchasing new homes or developers building homes and the disruption this will cause to their lives. I
work from home and this will impact my work environment.
I expect that you will incur more legal fees from lawsuits than the shooting range will provide in
revenue. Don't destroy Eagle by doing this.
Please stop this from happening and if there is a need for a shooting range, put it farther away from
where people reside and work.
Mark Reis
From: lenbrown36@icloud.com<lenbrown36@icloud.com>
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2022 9:17 AM
To: Clerks<Clerks@cityofeagle.org>
Subject: possible shooting range
Good Morning-
My name is Lenora Brown and my husband and I recently purchased an equestrian property in Eagle.
We moved from Boise to get a quiet, country feel. We were dismayed to read in the Boise Dev today
that the City of Eagle is considering a shooting range 3 miles from our house. We live in Thornwood
Estates, basically at the Beacon Light Rd and N Eagle intersection.
We are deeply concerned about this and ask that the City think about the fact that this is an area where
families live, and many have horses/goats/chickens. It does not seem possible that the noise will not
We have 2 adopted rescue dogs that are terrified of loud bangs and in fact, we have to medicate them
prior to fireworks or during thunderstorms. In addition, we are in the process of adopting 2 horses that
were rescued from abusive situations and I can only imagine they too will struggle.
It is incomprehensible to us that this proposal is being considered so close to subdivisions,given that the
allure of Eagle (and the price tag) is the peaceful setting. Please note, we are not against guns or the
idea of a shooting range but, this is too close to home.
We beg you to reconsider and think about the impact to those of us,animals included, who live within
hearing distance of this location. We also request the City of Eagle to gather more input from residents,
as we suspect many do not know about it. As mentioned, we stumbled across a small article in Boise
Please feel free to reach out with any questions and thanks for your consideration.
Kind Regards,
Lenora Brown and Mark Reis
454 W Sutter Dr.
From:clan foutz<danielfoutz@gmail.com>
Sent:Thursday, March 17, 2022 6:05 PM
To: Clerks<Clerks@cityofeagle.or6>
Subject:shooting range
just saw this and wanted to again say please please please put in at least a 200 yard rifle target
distance. Otherwise I will still probably have to drive to Blacks Creek. Have no idea who decided on a
150 range, but no rifle shooter will take this seriously without a 200 yard range.
Thank you! Very excited for this to come about.
From: Rick Pasta (rpasta) [CONT-Type2-NSTAR GLOBAL SERVICES INC] <rpasta@micron.com>
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2022 7:37 AM
To: Clerks<Clerks@cityofeagle.org>
Micron Confidential
City of Eagle,
This is so exciting, what a perfect use of natural resources. I support this proposal 100%. 1 am not a
resident of Eagle but as a fire arm owner, hunter and Archer, a regulated outdoor shooting space is a
very welcome addition for our whole community. Thank you for considering and best of luck going
Thank you,
Rick Pasta
Project Coordinator
Micron Facilities/Construction
Cell 208-869-5449
Micron Confidential
Email the Clerk's Office
Send an email to the Eagle City Clerk
*Indicates a required field
Name Jerry Kleven
Address PO Box 1714
City Eagle
State ID
Zip Code 83616-9105
Phone Number 2087137179
Email quail mountain77(d-)protonmail.com
Please enter your message Attention city clerk; This e mail is per our coversation
in the below box requarding Eagal foothills shooting range. At the time of my
survey completion I beleived the proposed location would be
adjacent to the Foothills sport park off Horseshoe Bend rd. I
want to over ride the no decision on the survey and provide a
yes to the idea. Sorry for the inconvienance.
From: Nadia Novik<nadsnovik@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2022 9:52 AM
To: Clerks<Clerks@cityofeagle.org>
Subject:Shooting Sports Park
I am writing in response to the proposed Shooting Sports Park that is being considered for the land off
of Willow Creek Rd known as "Little Gulch"
I am against this proposed use of the land.This area has been used by recreationists, including hikers,
bikers and equestrians. By creating an area where there will be continual gunfire, it will no longer be a
recreational area for these groups of people. During my hikes in the area I have encountered plentiful
wildlife which will be forced to relocate if this plan goes into place.
Please consider another spot for this project.
Nadia Novik
From: Robert Wagner<bobwagneror@gmail.com>
Sent:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 5:03 PM
To: Clerks<Clerks@cityofeagle.org
Will the Eagle Shooting Range be ADA compliant with wheel chair access to shooting stations.
From: Dad Hominem <dadhominem@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2022 11:20 AM
Subject: Shooting Sports Park feedback
As an Eagle resident, I want to provide my enthusiastic support for a Shooting Sports Park in the
Eagle Foothills. Although I was unable to attend the public meeting on March 9, I did watch the
recorded session and I look forward to attending future meetings on this topic. I also completed
the online survey.
Given the lack of local structured, safe places in which to shoot in the Eagle area, I think this
Shooting Sports Park is absolutely needed—and this is the perfect time in which to develop it. I
want to offer my congratulations to those who have the foresight to put this plan together.
I would love to volunteer to help make the Shooting Sports Park a reality, if the opportunity
arises. I am a recently retired Information Technology Manager for a large, regional 9-1-1
Police/Fire dispatch center and I have many years' experience as a shooter, firearms instructor,
and shooting coach.
It is my sincere hope that we have a Shooting Sports Park in our (near) future. Thank you.
Michael Bowler
1178 N Foudy Ln
Eagle, ID 83616-6147
(208) 477-9735
From: Barry Roth<barryroth1237@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2022 9:58 AM
Subject: RE: Shooting Sports Park
After reviewing the latest information on the Shooting Sports Park, it seems that it is going to
be built. My concern is it is going to be built in an area where the last uncrowded and peaceful
public hiking and equestrian trails exist in the Eagle Foothills. For the past two years its trails
and excellent views have been a great place to get away from the noise and tensions of
the pandemic for many.
A meeting last fall also intimated that an ATV park would be opened across Willow Creek road
from this site further degrading the tranquility of the area.
I would like to know how the city plans to compensate the many hikers and equestrians that
currently use this area so they have a safe and peaceful place for their favorite activity. This is
something that seems to have been forgotten in the rush to build this Shooting Sports Park.
I would appreciate a reply, or better yet, a chance to discuss this with a decision maker who can
help the rest of us who are not gun enthusiasts.
Thank you,
Barry Roth
1237 W Sherington Ct.
Eagle, ID 83616
Cell: 925-260-4703
Email the City Council
Send an email to all members of the Eagle City Council
*Indicates a required field
Name Jerry Neal
Address 6751 Conagher Lane
City Eagle
State ID
Zip Code 83616
Phone Number 925-360-5629
Email jerrynea1214(a gmail.com
Please enter your message An email from the City of Eagle was just received, providing the
in the below box: survey results for the Shooting Park.
When you download them, there is no statistical breakdown.
It's a multipage document with each and every result and any
comments. It is odd that they did not just provide the numbers.
So, the results are:
Total Respondents-607
Against the shooting park- 346 (57%)
For the shooting park-261 (43%)
So,just in case you missed it, there are more people against
the park than for it. I encourage you to drop this disastrous plan
and move on with more important matters. There are several
parks already in the Treasure Valley and word is that they are
struggling to make ends meet. This shooting park will be a
nuisance for sure and will be challenged multiple times. This
park will create an environment that will destroy the equestrian
opportunities in that area, will put must more large truck traffic
on that road endangering cyclists, will create a lot of noise for
surrounding neighbors that will be a nuisance and with it's
location will be a target of vandals many times over. This park
is a disaster waiting to happen and I recommend you vote to
dismiss it. Jerry Neal
March 16,2022
Mr. Mike Williams
City of Eagle
660 E. Civic Lane
Eagle, Idaho 83616
Re: Revised Terra View Park Proposed Schedule and Cost Share Agreement
Dear Mr. Williams,
The Terra View Preliminary Plat and DA Modification was approved by City Council on January 25, 2022.
As part of this approval the Development Agreements includes;
Sections 3.7.1 Owner shall dedicate to the City the portions of the Property identified as"City Park" and
"Trailhead Improvements"on Exhibit C for pubic use,which parcels will include; A parcel of minimum of 11 acres for the future city park in the area designated as"City
Park"on Exhibit C. Owner shall develop the City park generally consistent with the proposed
City Park Concept Plan (Exhibit Cl) prior to recording the plat for the 150th single-family lot the
Owner shall dedicate the lot and bond for improvements. The city park shall be constructed and
accepted by the City Prior to recording the Plat for the 275th single-family lot.
Owner and City shall work together to enter into an agreement for partial City reimbursement
of the associated costs to develop the City Park utilizing restricted park impact fees,other City
capital funds,grants, or other sources of funding. Owner and City shall work together to enter
into an agreement for partial City reimbursement to develop the future trailhead utilizing City
capital funds,grants, or other sources of funding. The timing and costs associated with the
development of the City Park area and the future trailhead shall be determined prior to the
execution of a reimbursement agreement.
To help facilitate the formation of the reimbursement agreement we propose the following construction
schedule and estimated costs related to the city park only.
In order to utilize the funds within the City Capital Improvement Plan for the West Park as approved by
the City Council on January 25, 2022, Phase 1 shall be bid and under contract by October 2023 and
constructed by October 2024. Phase 1 includes mass grading of the site, irrigation system, landscaping
of green space (fields and plantings)and paved parking lot. Phase 1 estimated cost is$1.5 million. City
will reimburse up to$1.4 million in City funds to the construction of phase one.
The rest of the City Park will be completed in accordance with the Development Agreement section
All City Park Impact fees up to$656,043 ($1,115.72/unit) collected by the City within the Terra View
Development will be reimbursed to the Developer annually to offset the remaining park construction
Please let me know if you have any comments or would like to discuss these items. We look forward to
completing this cost share agreement and working with the City towards completion of the City Park.
T-O Engineers
David N. Sterling, P.E.
Phase Items Cost
1 Grading of Park Site $ 297,000.00
Gravity Irrigation Improvements $ 30,000.00
Irrigation Pump Station $ 220,000.00
Irrigation System (7.1 acres) $ 310,000.00
Landscape Green Space fine grading and seeding(7.1 acres) $ 170,000.00
Plantings(106 trees,247 shrubs) $ 90,000.00
Parking Lot(Includes curb, pavement,storm drainage) $ 180,000.00
Utility services(Power,water,sewer) $ 20,000.00
Trash Enclosure $ 24,000.00
Sidewalk along parking lot and Trail within park $ 180,000.00
$ 1,521,000.00
2 Concrete Flat Work $ 235,000.00
Restroom $ 270,600.00
Pavillion $ 523,300.00
Play ground $ 726,000.00
Cupola $ 188,400.00
Splash Pad $ 1,100,000.00
Benches,Trash cans,conc. Planters,seat walls,tables,area lights,etc. $ 150,000.00
$ 3,193,300.00
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