Minutes - 1985 - City Council - 11/12/1985 - RegularPage 53 CITY OF EAGLE COUNCIL MINUTES November 12, 1985 The council met in regular session at the Eagle City Hall, on Tuesday, November 12, 1985, at 7:30 p.m. MAYOR CAROL HALEY presiding. Roll Call showed the following members present: WALKER, STOPPELLO, MAILE, GUERBER. Motion made by STOPPELLO to approve the minutes of the October 8, 1985 meeting as printed. Motion seconded by WALKER. Motion carried. STOPPELLO moved to place on the agenda a discussion regarding the county's decisionuertainingtothe Comprehensive Plan. STOPPELLO then amended the moti6n to include that the discussion be placed on the agenda at the end of the meeting as Executive Session. Motion seconded by WALKER. Unanimous consent, motion carried.. STOPPELLO moved that Parks be placed on the agenda for over- all discussion, WALKER seconded the motion. Unanimous consent, motion carried. WALKER moved that he would like to have a short discussion regarding Cullen and his $2.00 bills. Motion seconded by STOPPELLO. Topic will be placed on .the agenda under Design Review, number 7-d. Public Hearing testimony portion of the hearing declared open by MAYOR CAROL HALEY at 7:.38 p.m. regarding Gunderson rezone. Mrs. Gunderson requests rezone of her property from residential to Commercial Speakers were: Mrs. Irene Gunderson, Vikki Stenberg (favorable), Orval T. Krasen (favorable). Those opposed submitted petition included as part of these minutes. MAY/1RCAROL HALEY closed the public testimony portion of the hearing at 7:41 p.m. STOPPELLO moved to deny the application, on the grounds stated in the petition dated November 7, 1985, that it would'have a detri- mental effect to residential dwellings in that area, and further based the motion upon page 66 of the zoning ordinance. Motion seconded by MAILE. WALKER called for the question, roll call on the motion resulted as follows: WALKER~ NAY; STOPPELLO, AYE; MAILE, NAY: GUERBER, NAY. Motion failed. Pace 54 page 2 Council Minutes November 12, 1985 Moved by WALKER and seconded by GUERBER to accept the Gunderson application as presented. Call for the question resulted as follows: AYE: WALKER, MAILE, GUERBER. NAY: STOPPELL0. Motion carried. ~'~ DESIGN REVIEW: For discussion only. WALKER brought into discussion a public statement of his views on the Cullen publicity stunt.that he estimates set the City of Eaqle back three years. GUY REEVES: Requesting approval to replace mobile home' on his property after destruction by. fire with like or similar mobile home. Motion made by MAILE to permit Mr. Reeves'request. Motion seconded by WALKER. Call for the question resulted as follows: AYE: WALKER, STOPPELLO, ~ILE, GUERBER. Motion carried. RESOLUTION 7-85, Resolution of Respect. Motion made by GUERBER to adopt the resolution, seconded by MAILE. Unanimous consent, motion carried. LIBRARY APPOINTMENT of Ada Costanz~. Motion made by WALKER for approval of the appointment, seconded by STOPPELLO. Unanimous consent, motion carried. ;'~ SUMMER YOUTH COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT discussed. It was decided to accept this project and investigate it further. .~ CANVASSING OF VOTES: STOPPELLO moved to approve the Tally List and Official Returns of the election. Motion seconded by WALKER. Unanimous consent, motion carried. PARK: Discussion only regarding the statements we have received on 'renovation work thus far. Contract regarding the park is to be signed by MAYOR CAROL HALEY and returned with the paid statements to PAT RECECI, City Attorney. It was advised that the shinny pole should be planted and the old netting be removed yet this year and that perhaps the scouts might aid with this project. CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY: Moved by STOPPELLO that Claims be approved, seconded by WALKER. ROi1 call resulted as follows: AYE= WALKER, STOPPELLO, MAILE, GUERBER. Motion carried. Motion made by STOPPELLO to go into Executive Session to consider advice with legal council regarding probable litigation. Motion seconded by WALKER. Unanimous consent, motion carried. Regular Council session closed at 8~40 p,m. Page 55 Page 3 Council Minutes November 12, 1985 Regular session of City Council reconvened at 9:36 p.m. STOPPELLO moved that he and the City Attorney draft a rough draft response to the County Commissioners letter of October 29, 1985 detailing the city's position in opposition to the position of the County Commissioners in the letter and this be done by this Friday, November 15, 1985, that all Council- members and the Mayor receive a rough draft of this letter. That if it meets with their approval it be immediately sent. This letter will include signatures of the Mayor and Councilmembers. Motion seconded by WALKER. Unanimous consent, motion carried. ~MAYOR CAROL HALEY adjourned the meeting at 9:45 p.m. Re s pe c t f~3~y~ Submitted Approved: by Pa~e 56 CITY OF EAGLE EXECUTIVE SESSION November 12,' 1985 Executive Session opened at 8:45 p.m. Those in attendance were MAYOR CAROL HALEY, WALKER, STOPPELLO, MAILE, GUERBER and PAT RECECI, City Attorney. MAYOR CAROL HALEY and Councilmembers discussed with City Attorney possible litigation in connection with Ada County Commissioners and the Middlebrook/Banbury project. Executive Session adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Respect ful~ubmitted ~ BARBARA MON~GOMER~ City Clerk Approved: by ~AROL HALEY Mayor