Minutes - 1985 - City Council - 04/16/1985 - RegularPage 29 CITY OF EAGLE PUBLIC HEARING APRIL 16, 1985 The Council met for a Public Hearing on the Eagle Com- prehensive Plan (March 1985 Draft) amendment, on Tuesday, April 16, 1985, at the Eagle Primary School Multi-purpose room, at 7:30 P.M. Roll call showed the following members present: WALKER, STOPPELLO, MAILE, GUERBER. Mayor HALEY presiding. Mayor HALEY opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. and expres- sed the purpose of the public hearing and the procedure to be followed. Councilman STOPPELLO explained the differences in the current Comprehensive Plan, the Comprehensive Plan Draft that went to public hearing on October 30, 1984 and January 29, 1985, and the current March 1985 draft. Written testimony received prior to the meeting was read into testimony by the City Clerk. That testimony was from the following: Barry A. Watts, 2624 Ballantyne Lane, Eagle - favorable Gabe & Peggy Holmquist, 524 Hialeah Dr., Eagle - favorable Susan R. Keller, Rt 3, Eagle - favorable Oral testimony was received by the following: Wayne Crosby, 153 Idaho Street, Eagle - favorable with the ex- ception of the fire protection policies on Page 18. Lance Sallady, Attorney for the Eagle Sewer District - unfavorable, because the Urban Service Planning Area does not extend into the Eagle Area of Impact in order to accomodate additional growth for the Sewer Services. Jim Langley, 882 Steepleview, Eagle - favorable Warren Keller, Route #3, Eagle - favorable Tom Wright, 1412 Idaho, Bosie - recommended a larger Urban Service Planning Area. A1 Marsdon, 4870 Lakeview Place, Boise - proposed a larger Urban Service Planning Area. Ron Marshall, Eagle Business Association- he addressed several areas of concern and the written text is included in the minutes. Glida Bothwell, 642 Steepleview - favorable Page 30 Mike Horkley, 124 E. State, Eagle - voiced concerns about the zoning ordinance and Comprehensive Plan being in conflict. Mark Rabdou, Captain, Eagle Fire District - recommended a change concerning fire policies on Page 18 and asked the council to consider more areas for rental apartments. Mayor HALEY closed the public testimony portion of the hear- ing at 8:36 p.m. and put the matter before the Council. Moved by STOPPELLO and seconded by GUERBER that based on approximately three and one-half years of work, which consisted of many drafts of the plan, many public Planning and Zoning and City Council workshops with the public present and taking part in the planning process, public testimony taken at Planning and Zoning Hearings and public testimony taken at public Council hearings; a finding that a compliance has been made with State law under the model planning act; the fact that the existing Comprehensive Plan contains numerous errors and there have been substantial changes in the area that warrant a change in the exist- ing plan; I move that we adopt, by resolution, the Comprehensive Plan specified as the Eagle City Council Draft March 1985 and the accompan~ng Eagle Policy Diagram Map with the following changes: 1. Page 17, delete last two sentences which talk about "Unanticipated Brush-Fire Projects". Page 15, under the description of agricultural land within the city limits, the words "shall" changed to "may", the reason being that we cannot dictate to someone that his agricultural land shall change to these different uses. Page 18, we delete from the last sentence the words "in conformance with the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of Eagle", and that sentence should read new residential developments shall be required to in- stall fire hydrants. 4. Page 19, correct in policy #4 from ~8~8 to 1978. Page 9, first paragraph under "Land Use" last sentence, delete the word em~ after Industrial; and after the words (A) Open space and agricultural: insert a semi- colon and add (M) Mixed Use. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: WALKER, STOPPELLO, GUERBER. NAY: MAILE. Motion carried. Mayor HALEY adjourned the meeting at 9:35 p.m. APPROVED: Respg~tfully Submitted ~ Bonnie Kra~owski, City Clerk CAROL HALEY, MAY~