Minutes - 1995 - City Council - 01/10/1995 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 10, 1995 Pre Council~ BanBury~eadows= Dick Phillips presented the concept of the plan to the Council. The patio home lots and the townhomes are designed with 0 lot lines. The Council asked them to proceed with the plans in order to go to public hearing. Clair Bowman, APA-County Wide Drainage= Came to seek an endorsement for the legislation regarding drainage bill now in the senate. Senator Cecil Engram will be carrying the bill. Mr. Bowman asked for a resolution of support. The Council agreed to support the bill. The Eagle City Council met in regular session on January 10, 1995. Mayor GUERBER presiding. The following members were present: STAN BASTIAN, MORGAN MASNER. RICK YZAGUIRRE, THOMAS EASON, Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to approve the minutes of the December 20, 1994 meeting as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING/Van Preliminary Plat Engelen Estates #2 Rezone/Subdivision Mayor GUERBER announced that this was the time and place set for a public hearing on the Van Engelen Rezone and Preliminary Plat. Applicant: Rick Roe & Craig Van Engelen Type of application: Zoning R4 & Subdivision Preliminary Plat (annexation completed in Dec. 94) Location: Approx. 1 mile West of downtown Eagle on South Side of State Hwy. 44 Proposed land use and zoning: 25.87 acres, 59 residential lots, 10 common lots & 1 well lot, 2.28 units per gross acre. Covered ditch concept for Ballantyne running east to west through the subdivision. The Chevron pipeline will become a public pathway. Public Testimony: Fred Kunkler not opposed, concerned about water and irrigation rights. Also concerned about the driveway access to his property. Gary Wagner - not opposed, concerned about water conditions also. Tom Ricks - wants the ditch covered (Ballantyne). Public hearing closed at 8:00 p.m. Moved by EASON and seconded by MASNER to approve the rezone and preliminary plat subject to the standard conditions of approval, Eagle Planning and Zoning recorm~endations and: 1. An agreement to pipe Ballantyne Ditch through the subdivision; 2. A pathway on the Chevron pipeline 3. Fencing on the exterior of the subdivision and maintenance of the fences are to be included in the CC&R's. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING/Custom Masonry-Rezone Mayor GUERBER announced that this was the time and place set for a public hearing on a rezone application for Custom Masonry. Applicant: Steve and Linda Hiatt and Lonnie Clarkston Type of application: Rezone from R5 to C2 Location: 1022 W. State St. & 964 W. State St. Eagle Proposed land use and zoning: An office facility, business and storage for same and parking area. masonry Stanley Crow represented the applicant and addressed the Council. He asked for Council consideration for a development agreement with a 5 year limitation to phase out the business. Public testimony: Kathy Horting-reviewed history of the business, opposes the rezone Bob Horting-siting the floodplain and comprehensive plan, opposes the rezone. Ruth Shaw-in favor of the business remaining at that location. Public hearing closed at 8:25 p.m. Moved by MASNER and seconded by BASTIAN to approve the rezone with a one year development agreement and provision with an option to appear before Council for a year extension; removal of the berm is required. AYE: BASTIAN, MASNER. NAY: YZAGUIRRE, EASON. The recommendations and provisions of the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission are effectively approved. (required super majority failed) Ada County Transmittal: 94-70-PDR/94-32-PR Teal Lake Estates Moved by MASNER and seconded by BASTIAN to approve the Ada County Transmittal with the conditions recommended by P&Z subject to yard lights required on each lot. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Moved by YZAGUIRRE and seconded by EASON to reconsider the previous motion on the Hiatt application. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Moved by MASNER for a development agreement for a 2 year period with an additional 6 months if the applicant comes before the Council and is granted approval. Motion failed for lack of a second. Moved by BASTIAN to modify the previous motion to a 2 year period with a year extension if necessary rather than 6 months. MOTION WITHDRAWN. Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by MASNER to continue the matter until the next Council session, with notification to the applicant, for further discussion and consideration of the issue. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. (NOTICE TO APPLICANT AND THOSE GIVING TESTIMONY) The Mayor asked that the City Clerk instruct the building inspector is inspect the Hiatt business site to alert Mr. Hiatt to any potential problems involving hazardous material that are not in compliance with the provisions of the flood code. La Rue Acres Subdivision-Final Plat: Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to approve the final plat with the standard conditions and including a requirement for bonding for development of the park. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS: Mayor GUERBER presented the appointment of Kayle Safely-Gebert to the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission for Council consideration. Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by MASNER that approval be given to the appointment Kayle Safely-Gebert to the Planning and Zoning Commission. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Mayor GUERBER asked for a letter to be circulated at the next Council meeting for Council signature regarding the long standing dedication of Ken Smith who retired from the Planning and Zoning Commission in December. Mr. Smith was the Planning and Zoning Chairman for 2 years. APPOINTMENTS: Proposed 1995 Council assignments presented by Mayor GUERBER: Council President: Rick Yzaguirre Council Liaisons: Rick Yzaguirre: Senior Citizens, Quest Pathways Com~aittee Chair, Eagle Stan Bastian: Library, School Board, Law Enforcement Tom Eason: Parks and Recreation Coordinator, Transportation Committee Chair, City Government Complex Coordinator Morgan Masner: APA Representative, Landscaping/Design Review Committee Sewer District, Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by MASNER to ratify the appointments as recommended. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR'S REPORT: The figures on the Community Fund Tracking was presented to Council. The Mayor, F~asner and ~4ary Berent will be part of the 2015 Plan Task Force. COM~4ITTEE REPORTS were given on the Library. Transportation: ITD requests a letter of support for the Eagle Rd. widening. They also ask for legislative support for a transportation amendment to be able to purchase the right of way ahead of time. Sewer: project. Discussion: Hoff annexation, Seminary hook-up, and Baker Senior: Jerome Mapp will present a grant proposal to Council. ACRID: enhancement project was discussed: The Council prioritized the projects. Stan McHutchinson will send the recommendations to ACHD. Attorney: An update was given on Wintry River and Brighton (Jan 24 summary judgement motion). CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY: Moved by EASON and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to approve the claims as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Respect f~ su~mi EAGLE CITY CLERK APPROVED: ~ ',~2 MAYOR STEVE GUERBER