Minutes - 1995 - City Council - 04/11/1995 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING
April 11, 1995
Pre Council report was given by ~ary Berent.
Lowell Vance and VelmaVance, addressed the Council regarding their
efforts to curtail the Purple Loosestrife Weed that infests the
Eagle Island Park and asked for City support to get the community
Kathy Shiflet, United Water System representative approached the
Council about a franchise agreement with the city. United Water
System has applied to the PUC for a certificate to operate a water
system in and around Eagle. This application establishes a service
territory. They will be able to serve Lexington and Trail Creek.
Filing of any water rights will come to the City Council prior to
any action by United Water. Discussion took place about water from
United Water System only being used in Eagle. It was noted that
wording would have to be such as not to restrict United from
serving outside the city. Ms. Shiflet asked for a letter from the
City advising DEQ that no CUP is required for property lease in
connection with the Crandlemire well. Mona discussed the issue
with Council and will write a letter for Council review addressing
the zoning issue for well sites.
The Eagle City Council met in regular session on April 11, 1995.
Mayor GUERBER presiding.
The following members were present:
Moved by EASON and seconded by MASNER to approve the minutes of the
March 28, 1995 meeting as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
PUBLIC HEARING/Grossman Subdivision
Mayor GUERBER announced that this was the time and place set for a
public hearing on Grossman Subdivision a combined preliminary/final
plat for a 3 lot subdivision.
Cliff Grossman
on E. State St. next to Bob's Trolley
3 lot corm~ercial subdivision
Public Testimony: Mary Gray - sidewalks on Edgewood
David Bailey, Pinnacle Engineers, outlined the project to the
Council. The access to 2 frontage lots will be a dual access off
State St. noted on the plat. John Cosner addressed the
landscaping portion of the plan.
Public hearing closed at 8:05 p.m.
Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by EASON to approve the preliminary/
final plat with the following conditions:
Eagle Standard Subdivision Conditions of Approval
Bonding required for curb, 9utter and sidewalk, street trees
and lights on State St. side
The additional 8 ft. right of way as shown on the plat
Bonding for curb, gutter and sidewalk on Edgewood Ln
Lighting will not interfere with the neighbors
To require Eagle Water Co. receive a water franchise for this
Ashland Acres Extension of time:
Moved by EASON and seconded by MASNER to grant a one year extension
of time to Ashland Acres Subdivision. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
Arboretum Paving Discussion: Phil Hull and Dave Koga were
present to represent the Eagle City Landscaping/Design Review
Committee. The discussion was regarding the bids for the paving in
the center of the arboretum and the sidewalks. The Committee
endorses pavers in the center rather than stamped concrete.
Moved by MASNER and seconded by EASON to accept the Eagle Landscape
bid for pavers in the center court in the amount of $4,975, for the
bid for the concrete walks in the amount of $4,011, and the bridge
in the amount of $1,500, with the understanding that if Pat Towne
is contacted regarding the bid for concrete, and does not want to
subcontract, Eagle Landscaping will complete the cement work along
with the bid for the bridge and pavers. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
Van Engelen Estates #1 - Final Plat approval:
Moved by YZAGUIRRE and seconded by EASON to approve the plat as
Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law/ChaumontAnnexation, Zoning
and Subdivision Preliminary Plat. Moved by EASON and seconded by
MASNER to approve the Chaumont findings as presented. ALL AYE:
Findings and Fact and Conclusions of Law/Elliott - CUP: Moved by
BASTIAN and seconded by MASNER to approve the findings and
conclusions as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
Impact Area Boundaries Zoning Amendment (continued): Boise's
attorney asked for additional time to talk to Mona. They will
counter-offer with an agreement patterned after Garden City.
ORDINANCES #258 - Annexation/Zoning-Chaumont Subdivision:
Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by EASON to dispense with the three
day ruling and to consider Ordinance 258 at this time. ALL AYE:
Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by EASON to adopt Ordinance 258
annexing certain real property situated in the unincorporated area
of Ada County, Idaho, and contiguous to the corporate limits of the
City of Eagle, to the City of Eagle, Idaho; established the zoning
classification of said real property; directing that copies of this
Ordinance be filed as provided by law.
MAYOR'S REPORT: The Hopkins Nursery complaint: A nursery has been
established within Lexington Hills Subdivision. The City Clerk is
receiving complaints about a business within this subdivision. The
building inspector, Daunt Whitman, went to the site and found a
building being used as an office for the business.
Moved by MASNER and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to put the business on
notice to discontinue immediately and to apply for a CUP through
the City. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. The City Clerk was asked to
notify the owners of the business.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: Sewer report: A public hearing was held
regarding servicing the LDS Seminary.
The Design Review Code amendment draft is being reviewed and should
be ready for public hearing shortly.
The Urban Renewal Agency Task Force will hold a town meeting on
April 13 and intend to make a decision Friday, April 14.
Transportation Task
1. Proceed with the
Force reconmaendation for the 2015 Plan is as
study of Hill Rd. from Stierman to Harrison
2. Maintain the current schedules for completion of Eagle Road
corridor including Eagle Road by-pass in 1995-97 and Highway 55
N. of State St. in 1996 and 97.
3. Improvements to the intersection at State St. and Park St. by
adding signals
4. Widen Eagle Rd. and add bike lanes between State St. and the
Eagle by-pass
5. Support the overlaying of State St. from Eagle Rd. to
Ballantyne in 1995, including re-stripping for turn lanes
6. Defer the improvements on Ballantyne from State St. to Floating
7. Evaluate the needs for traffic signals at Linden and Chinden
Blvd. and Linder and State St so that they can be developed in
a timely manner
8. Identify improvements in the long range plan to eventually make
Beacon Light Rd. a 5 lane Road from SH16 to SH55. In addition,
the Transportation Task Force recognized the possibility that
the proposed widening of Eagle Rd. between the Eagle by-pass
south to Chinden Blvd would be shifted due to lack of funding.
(This should be a high priority)
After discussion the Council authorized EASON to write a letter to
APA prioritizing the 2015 recommendations as submitted with the
following changes:
1. Number 1, the Hill Rd. study should be top priority.
2. Number 8, take the Beacon Light Rd to 5 lanes off the list and
prioritize Eagle Rd. improvement at the bypass.
Parks: A Council commendation was given to Carol West for her
involvement with the parks, the purchase and installation of new
park playground equipment.
Lights/Tennis Ct: Staff has been attempting to get bids for
lights. We have one bid but have not been able to get others.
Eagle Quest: Jim Boyd spoke regarding commercial projects. They
will do an inventory list for commercial sites for City Halll
Seniors: The seniors lost their bid for a grant.
They have
They have received bids for carpet and removal of books.
determined they need 12,000 sq. ft. for a new library
Engineer: Stan McHutchinson advised Council that Kestral Cove plat
speaks about a 10 ft. drainage easement which is to be maintained.
Sherri Sharp has complained about this not being done. He
indicated that the building inspector should make sure grading is
inspected prior to occupancy permit being issued. The Council
instructed the correction be accomplished with the $500 bond issued
by Kestral Cove and create the "swaile" necessary to eliminate the
problem. The building inspector needs to monitor the grading in
the building process.
The Beacon Light home/floodplain issue was discussed. The City
Engineer will check on the cost for excavation of soil and have it
moved out of the floodway. FEMA wants assurances but he doesn't
have any way to do that. He will bring the costs back to the City.
The Mayor will talk to the building inspector regarding those costs
and the responsibility of payment.
Wintry River: The proposal is now that they would like to meet
with the City and Developer for a settlement issue. They want the
City to purchase some of the land they do not want developed. Mona
Mack, City Attorney, will take the message back that the City is
not interested in acquiring land.
Comprehensive Plan: The amendments to the plan will go back to
P&Z. Mona indicated that at her request the portion speaking to
low cost manufactured homes be removed from consideration at this
time as earlier indicated by Council.
Brighton Corp: The City Attorney needs authorization to pursue the
matter. Moved by MASNER and seconded by EASON to vigorously pursue
this matter. The estimated cost of this action is approximately
$3,500 to $5,000 for the brief, which is not recoverable. AYE:
YZAGUIRRE added his vote is with hesitation.
Cowman ditch problem: Mona is filing for specific enforcement, a
preliminary junction for injunctive relief.
EASON added to his report a report on disposal companies. He asked
that the City ask the County to assist us in preparing a bid
proposal to submit to the two disposal companies in order to decide
which one should have a franchise. Moved by MASNER and seconded by
EASON to initiate a franchise with one of the companies. ALL AYE:
MOTION CARRIED. Mona asked the City Clerk to grant automatically
extensions of licenses for a 3 month period in order to allow
consideration of contracts. Moved by EASON and seconded by BASTIAN
to write a letter granting an extension. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
to approve the claims as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
There being no further busines~he~eting adjourned at 10:10 p.m.
Respectful~y submitted: ~ ~ ~