Minutes - 1995 - City Council - 05/23/1995 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING
May 23, 1995
Pre Council: Sheriff's report: Lt. Dale Woodcook spoke about
Eagle Fun Days scheduling of the sheriff's deputies on duty that
day. Lt. Woodcook met with the principle of the new high school to
schedule a meeting with the high school students at the beginning
of the school year to discuss highway rules. They will follow this
up with high traffic patrol with warnings, followed up by actual
ticketing. The Eagle Nursery burglary was addressed.
P&Z report~ Mary Berent
Bill Cohen, Bench Valley Study Co~ttee, and Technical Advisory
Co~--ittee member addressed the study and introduced Dave Sztlett,
and Dave Butzier. Mr. Butzier displayed the different options
sited in the study and discussed them by priorities.
The Hill Road project was outlined by Dave Sztlett. The consultant
will be in this area on Tuesday or Wednesday if the Council wants
to meet with them. The consultants are, JHK and Associates, a
traffic engineering firm. The Council would like to meet with the
consultant on Tuesday, May 30 at 3:00 p.m.
The Eagle City Council met in regular session on May 23, 1995.
Mayor GUERBER presiding.
The following members were present: RICK YZAGUIRRE,
Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by MASNER to approve the minutes of
the May 9, 1995 meeting as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
Moved by MASNER and seconded by BASTIAN to move the new business
item lot split/Hodges for consideration at this time. ALL AYE:
LOT SPLIT: Bill Hodges addressed the use of the lot and requested
a lot split.
Moved by MASNER and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to approve the lot split
Ada County Transmittal 95-30-CU - Gipson/Boehm Corp. (Fox Tail Golf
Moved by YZAGUIRRE and seconded by MASNER to approve the Ada County
Transmittal subject to paving before or at the time of inclusion of
an 18 hole golf course. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
BOISE RIVER ORDINANCE: YZAGUIRRE introduced the ordinance to
Council. He recommended the ordinance be reviewed by the city
attorney and asked that to be authorized by Council. Moved by
YZAGUIRRE and seconded by BASTIAN to authorize attorney review of
the ordinance. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
The city attorney estimated the ordinance would cost $1,500 and
take approximately one month to 6 weeks to bring it back to
PUBLIC HEARING/Streamside Subdivision - Rezone, Preliminary Plat,
Floodplain (continued):
Mayor GUERBER announced that this was the time and place set for a
public hearing on Streamside Subdivision continued from the April
25, 1995 meeting.
Public Testimony:
Chuck Ferguson: questions on flood control access to maintain the
river channel.
Bill Selvage, authorized agent for the project, addressed the FEMA
portion of the development.
Public hearing closed at 8:10 p.m.
Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to approve the rezone,
and preliminary plat subject to the following:
1. conditions of P&Z.
2. the Eagle City Subdivision Conditions of Approval.
3. the final plat have depicted on it specific building envelopes
for future construction, and be established in such a way that the
riparian easement and that sensitive area is not adversely
PUBLIC HEARING/Hodges Rezone and Development Agreement (Eagle
Country Plaza):
Mayor GUERBER announced that this was the time and place set for a
public hearing on the Hodges rezone from Ri to C2.
Applicant: Bill Hodges/Western Realty Advisors
Proposal: Rezone from Ri to C2 proposing a retail center
adjacent to the 7 Mile Inn be rezoned for the purpose of a retail
center, including a country grocery store and restaurants.
Location: 3410 Chinden Blvd.--Adjacent to the current 7-Mile
Motel to the east.
Written testimony: Jan Castanada
Bill Hodges outlined the project and suggested the plan provides a
better and safer use of the property as a retail plaza. He
discussed the development agreement and suggested that he will
comply with the new design review standards when they are
He will design a decorative masonry wall 6 ft. tall on top of a 4
ft. berm at the backside of his project to protect the neighbor to
the NE.
Duane Didericksen: concerned about a time frame on the contract.
Also concerned with the landscaping and berms. This project will
have a negative impact on his property. This is a strip mall.
Jan Castaneda: written testimony suggests C1, specific lighting,
signage, landscaping, hours, noise restrictions and design of
Written testimony: petition of property owners in Banbury
concurring with Ms. Castaneda's suggestions.
Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to continue the public
hearing in order to have the attorney present a development
agreement and rezone ordinance at the next meeting. ALL AYE:
Overall review of the results of the hearing and requests made by
MASNER to be included in the development agreement.
1. change the zoning to C1
2. guarantee pedestrian traffic signals on the intersection
3. limit signage to 8 ft. high landmark. Any landmark features
will be on the building
4. limit signs not to be above the roof line of the building
5. prohibit noise levels to 67 dba
6. screening of roof top equipment
7. no gas station included in the plans without a CUP
8. berms, trees and walls would be completed first (the first
stage of the process)
9. adhere to all design review requests
10. elimination of 5.1 and 6.1 in the development agreement
Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law/Banbury Meadows -PUD,
Annexation, Zoning and Preliminary Plat:
Moved by MASNER and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to approve the findings
and conclusions as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
Boise City/Fall Creek Agreement: Moved by MASNER to have the city
attorney meet with the Boise city attorney. WITHDRAWN
The Council agreed to meet with the Boise City Council at a meeting
in Boise and focus on the amount of cost of the park and uses in
the park. The Mayor will arrange a meeting time.
Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by MASNER to dispense with the three
day ruling and to consider Ordinance 259 annexing Banbury Meadows
and zoning it R5. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by MASNER to adopt Ordinance 259 at
MAYOR'S REPORT ACHD: Can we get cleaning of streets done more
often? Is there money for small projects, sidewalks on Stierman,
Eagle Rd.
CITY CLERK'S REPORT: The City Clerk introduced to Council an
information form requesting information from the City records.
This form will include what is requested and the state laws as an
attachment advising the public that there is a legal charge and
stating there is a 3 day provision or, if need be, a 10 day
provision in order to supply the information requested. This has
been approved by Council as an inclusion to the Policy Manual some
time ago. The Council adopted the proposal on open records
proposal to require requests in writing.
COb~4ITTEE REPORTS: Sewer: Wants letter of support from City for
CUP through Ada County. Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by MASNER to
authorize the mayor to write a letter supporting Eagle Sewer
District expansion efforts. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
Seniors: The senior breakfast was the most successful to date.
Eagle Fun Days will be held June 10. Roberta Karpach requested
the street closed from 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. during the chile
cook off. The Council agreed to permit the closing of the street
during those hours only.
Library: Liz Horn will get information regarding a new library.
They would like to build into new budget money for library plans.
School: the high school opening date is August 28. The business
men need to meet to discuss what to do when students come to town
during lunch. 3 Traffic lights will be installed.
MAYOR'S REPORT: The Mayor is looking into a designated franchise
fee in order to build a library.
ENGINEER'S REPORT: ACHD has completed 80% of the Eagle Rd. design.
The lights and trees is as far south as ACHD is going to improve,
$80,000, most of which is lights. The sidewalks on 3 corners must
be replaced. The Mayor questioned the replacement of sidewalks
just installed on State St. and Eagle Rd. The Mayor would like to
see the improvements, sidewalks, trees, lights, etc. go to Floating
Feather Rd.
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: The Mayor is to write a letter supporting the
United Water service within the City.
to approve the claims as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted