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Minutes - 1995 - City Council - 06/14/1995 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL
June 14, 1995
Ada County Commissioners Board Room
650 Main St.
Boise, Idaho
Those in attendance from Eagle: Mayor Steve Guerber, Council
members Bastian, Yza~uirre and Masner.
Those in attendance from Ada County: Vern Bisterfeldt, Roger
Simmons, Gary Glen, Jim Bennett and Bob Unger.
Discussion regarding the expansion of the Eagle Area of City
Impact included questions regarding the infrastructure. The
concerns of the Eagle Fire District establishing a fire station
within Echo Creek Subdivision, but on the fringe of the city limits
with east SH55 out of Eagle's jurisdiction.
The development on the east side of SH55, Eagle springs, was
discussed in connection with the services provided, which will come
from Eagle.
The suggestion to go to the west was initiated by MASNER.
The Corm~ission continued the meeting. The Commissioners are asking
delay in all area of impact negotiations because of the work they
are doing on the Ada County Comprehensive Plan, which they
anticipate passing at the end of summer. Mayor GUERBER suggested
there is nothing in the Ada County Plan that would be impacted by
these negotiations.