Minutes - 1995 - City Council - 10/10/1995 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING
October 10, 1995
Pre Council=
Ada County Sheriff~ Park Lane, law enforcement and gangs were
Ballantyne Ditch Safety Issue~ Tom Ricks, ditch representative, was
asked to attend the meeting to answer concerns of the Council
regarding the tiling and not tiling of the ditch. Mr. Ricks
believes there is no danger because of screening required to the
entrance of the ditches. The Council requested Meridian City Code
regarding ditches.
Engineers Report~ Echohawk and Berkshire requested relax
requirement to include only common lots. The Farmers Union Ditch
Co. advised them that there are no additional water shares.
Berkshire should look into drilling an irrigation well in
partnership with Echohawk.
CFS Floodplain~ may not be beneficial with the amount of homes in
Eagle floodplain areas. Kestral Cove was discussed. A meeting is
set for Oct. 25. The question is who created the problem, the
developer or builder? It may be that both created the problem.
Mona was directed to file a com~laint with the court naming both.
P&Z~ report was given by Mery Berent
The Eagle City Council met in regular session on October 10, 1995
1995. Mayor GUERBER presiding.
The following members were present: RICK YZAGUIRRE, STAN BASTIAN,
Moved by YZAGUIRRE and seconded by BASTIAI~ to approve the minutes
of the September 26, 1995 meeting as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION
Moved by YZAGUIRRE and seconded by BASTIAN to add the Kings
property to the agenda under NEW BUSINESS, #F. ALL AYE: MOTION
Berkshire Estates - Final Plat Approval (continued)
The issue was addressed by Ted Hutchinson, who introduced a letter
into record regarding additional shares of water. As Stan reported
there are no shares available as per Farmers Union Ditch Co. Moved
by MASNER and seconded by BASTIAI~ to delineate the condition for a
pressurized irrigation water system on building lots based on the
fact there are no additional water shares from the Farmers Union
Ditch Co., but to require the system be used in common lots. The
conditions imposed by P&Z and the standard conditions apply with
that exception. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
Downtown Development Report: Joe Schreiber:
Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by MASNER to approve a budget up to
$10,000 for development of a downtown plan. Mr. Schreiber informed
the Council that the RFP's are out and the Committee will select a
choice to bring to Council. Mr. Schreiber wants to send a
complimentary note to the APA Director commending Ali Bonakdar's
aid with the Mayor's signature. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
Mayor GUERBER announced that this was the time and place set for a
public hearing on a Conditional Use Permit for a mobile home on the
Merrill property for parents.
Galen and Nancy Merrill
E. State St. (Merrill Egg Farm property)
Hardship - temporary use, until no longer needed,
of a mobile home for parents during the summer
months. Access to the property is already
Public Testimony:
Joe Cheney - in favor
Written Testimony:
Dolores Creed - in favor
Public hearing closed at 8:15 p.m.
Moved by MASNER and seconded by BASTIAN to approve the CUP subject
to the conditions of P&Z and for the Cheney's use only. The mobile
home is to be removed when no longer needed. ALL AYE: MOTION
Election Clerks & Judges: Moved by YZAGUIRRE and seconded by MASNER
to appoint Donna Leslie, Karen Wagner, and Carol Deckard as the
clerks and judge of the upcoming general election November 7, 1995.
Idaho Power Contract: The attorney asked for this issue to be moved
further into the agenda so she can review the document prior to its
approval. The Council agreed.
Vicar's Attic: Design Review: Robert Pederson, the applicant,
addressed the proposal to Council. He is remodeling the house next
to Zurcher Plaza into a gift shop following some of the guidelines
of the turn of the century feel. This is only phase 1, they will do
the curb, gutter and sidewalk in the next phase. Moved by MASNER
and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to approve the application as presented
with conditions recommended by staff. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
Lot Split/Lonnie Clarkson: Lonnie Clarkson addressed the Council.
They want to split the property and use the portion of it which
contains the existing home for an additional parsonage. The
remainder will be accessed by an easement to the back part of the
property. Moved by YZAGUIRRE and seconded by MASNER to approve the
application as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
Echohawk Subdivision Phases 2 & 3 - Extension of time: Mr. Fulton
said that phase 1 includes 37 lots, 7 of which are built out.
Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by MASNER to approve the extension of
one year as requested. All AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
Mr. Fulton advised the Council that the sprinkler system is in the
common area also he has built the berm on the new SH55 but is hung
up on it right now. He would like additional time until he works
something out with Berkshire Subdivision on the irrigation system
and to be on firm ground with the State Highway Dept. Moved by
MASNER and seconded by BASTIAN to grant the request regarding
delaying the building of the fence and completing the irrigation
system to the dates of completion of phase 2. ALL AYE: MOTION
Kings Dept Store Issue: Tom King addressed the issue to the
Council. Easement: Sudders owned the road, and a written agreement
makes it Eagle Glen Homeowner's responsibility to maintain the
road. The Kings now own the road, the Eagle Glen homeowners must
still maintain it. Mr. King agreed to bring the landscaping up to
the requirements made, by letter, on the May 10 meeting. Any
landscaping that dies will be replaced. Mr. King agreed to do the
planting necessary this fall or early next spring. The City will
check the October and April letters to see what the requirements
Mr. King said he complied with the condition that he install curb,
~utter and sidewalks to ACHD standards.
It was the conclusion of Council that the original recording tape
needs to be reviewed as to the conversation regarding the
conditions regarding the road. There needs to be an update given
to Council at the next meeting. The attorney for the town homes
and city attorney will need to meet to discuss the road. Mr. King
was asked whether he wants his attorney present. He was unable to
answer so was asked by MASNER to let us know so when the meeting is
set up he has the ability to participate. The Council asked for an
update for the next meeting. Mona does not believe the attorneys
will be able to meet in that length of time.
Idaho Power Agreement: Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by YZAGUIRRE
as amended by the City Attorney. Those amendments are as follows:
1. Page 1, #3: GROUNDS MAINTENANCE Eagle, or its contractors
will provide grounds maintenance on the Property, such maintenance
to occur typically at the same day or days that the grounds
maintenance is performed on the City Hall property.
2. Page 2, #4: BILLING - IPCo shall reimburse Eagle for the costs
of grounds maintenance, as determined by Eagle's contractor, plus
ten percent (10%) of said cost for administration,within thirty
(30) days of receipt of a billing from Eagle.
3. Page 2, #6: RELEASE IPCo acknowledges and agrees that Eagle
will not provide any security for damages to the Property and IPCo
releases Eagle and its contractor from any liability for any
vandalism, damage or loss ---.
4. Page 2, TERMINATION - IPCo ~ may terminate this Agreement
by thirty (30) days---
5. Page 2, #9 ATTORNEY FEES - delete
6. Page 2, #10 TRANSFER - should be #9
IRS report: Jo Bolen addressed the Council. The IRS brought a
representative into the office. That representative has issued a
report indicating there are penalties due since the building
inspector, city attorney, Mary Berent and the work Tracy Tilby did
as a contracted person are not accepted. The representative
indicates that all four are employees. The City Auditor, Jo
Bolen's, recon~nendation is that they handle this matter first. If
they cannot resolve the issue they will approach the supervision,
if that fails there will need to be an appeal filed referencing
Daunt and the City Attorney issue. Meanwhile the Planner and
Tracy's time cleaning, both under contract will have to be declared
employees and benefits extracted from their salaries.
MAYOR: Trautman Landscaping should go to formal bid. Property
insurance report from Tom Eason suggests Fred Mortenson Co. should
be selected as the carrier for the City due to the liability
coverage offered. The Council wants the report to go to the
individual companies and rescheduled at the next Council meeting.
Committee reports: Sewer: Citizens Cor~nittee will be formed for a
creative way to get rid of the water from the sewer system.
Seniors: There was a question as to what utilities the City is
agreeing to pay this year. The Council consensus is to pay the
heat and electricity this year. The contract needs to be amended.
New contract regarding the bus, driver and wages was discussed.
City Clerk: Speed limit signs on Floating Feather Rd. will be
installed. The passing lane on Floating Feather Rd. will be part
of the ACHD budget next year. Weeds on the right of way will be
removed by AC}{D, but only at the corners. The road cuts have been
done. The traffic signal at Park Lane is three weeks out.
The City Clerk asked for direction regarding the Banbury Meadows
letter. Steve Bradbury requested an ordinance change regarding
PUD's. The City Clerk indicated she has asked for a hard copy, but
has not received one. Is this an ordinance change the Council
wants to consider or is it the responsibility of the developer to
apply for the requested amendment? The Council indicated it should
be the developer's responsibility to make application to the City
for an amendment.
Trash licenses: Mona is working on it.
Attorney: Reported on the Brighton Suit, Wintry River and the Boise
River Ordinance. Mona said she would work with Barbara on letters
to Summers and Bevington.
Moved by YZAGUIRRE and seconded by MASNER to reconsider the motion
regarding LaRue Bevington - property cleanup and follow the City
Attorney's recommendation to write him a letter. ALL AYE: MOTION
Mona will check with John McFadden regarding the Boise Water
Company rates.
to approve the claims as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at
R pec ly ubmi t t e?4.~
11:00 p.m.