Minutes - 1984 - City Council - 12/11/1984 - RegularPage 40 CITY OF EAGLE COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 11, 1984 The council met in regular session on Tuesday, Dec. 11, 1984 at the Eagle City Hall at 7:30 P.M. Mayor HALEY presiding. Roll call showed the following members present: STOPPELLO, WALKER, MAILE. Moved by STOPPELLO and seconded by MAILE to approve the minutes of the regular council meeting of November 13, 1984, as printed. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, MAILE. Motion carried. Moved by WALKER and seconded by STOPPELLO to approve the minutes of the special council meeting of November 27, 1984, as printed. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER MAILE. Motion carried. Moved by STOPPELLO and seconded by WALKER to approve the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Carpenter Variance. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, MAILE. Motion carried. Mayor HALEY announced that this was the time and the place as advertised for a public hearing on a variance application submitted by Joseph Franks to build a garage fifteen feet into the rear yard setback. Mr. Franks presented~s request to the council and there was no public testimony against or in favor of the variance. Moved by WALKER and seconded by MAILE to accept the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and approve the application for a Variance by Mr. Joesph Franks. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, MAILE. Motion carried. Mayor HALEY announced that this was the time and the place as advertised for a public hearing on a Planned Unit Development/ Conditional Use Permit for Robert Deshazo to build seven townhouses consisting of twenty-eight units on property located at the North- east and Southeast corners of North Eagle Road and Ranch Drive, Eagle. James Gipson, architect for Mr. DeShazo, presented the request to the public and council. Testimony was received from the following people: Brad Herrick, 171 Northview, Eagle - favorable Larry Hayherst, 590 Mango, Eagle - favorable Robert Lavoie, 784 Fruitwood Place, Eagle - unfavorable Phil Hanson, 91 Springhill Dr., Eagle - unfavorable Joyce Hanson, 91 Springhill Dr., Eagle - unfavorable Jack Leavitt, 197 Springhill Dr, Eagle - unfavorable Gloria Schkrohowsky, 111 Springhill, Eagle - unfavorable Moved by STOPPELLO and seconded by MAILE to table the decision on the Preliminary Development Plan for the DeShazo Planned Unit Develop- ment until the meeting of December 18, 1984. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, MAILE. NO: WALKER. Motion carried. Page at 9:20 p.m. and the Council 41 Mayor HALEY call a recess meeting reconvened at 9:30 p.m. Design Review #11-84 - Auto Mart, for a sign, was presented by Ron Marshall, Chairman of the Design Committee. Moved by STOPPELLO and seconded by WALKER to approve the sign subject to the colors of beige and brown as recommended by the Design Review Committee. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, MAILE. Motion carried. Design Review #12-84 - Circle K Corporation, for a building and sign, was presented by Ron Marshall. Moved by STOPPELLO and seconded by WALKER to approve Design Review #12-84 subject to the following conditions: The traffic flow as shown on the application will be changed on State Street to reflect that the most eastern entrance closest to the intersection will not be allowed and the landscaping will continue, and the second entrance to the west will be increased to forty-five feet. 2. The landscaping on the corner of the intersection will be planted in such a way as not to create a visual problem. The sign will comply with Annex B, Section 4, Article A6, of Ordinance #83, "No more than twenty percent (20%) of any sign's exposed surface area shall advertise a brand name product", in this case Circle K. The fill openings for the underground gas storage tanks will be moved away as far as possible from the westerly adjacent property owners. A fire hydrant will be installed at the corner of State Street and Eagle Road before final approval of a building permit is given. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, MAILE. Motion carried. The Beer and Wine license for Eagle Beverage was reviewed. Moved by STOPPELLO and seconded by WALKER to approve the Beer and Wine license for 1985 for Eagle Beverage. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, MAILE. Motion carried. The Beer and Wine license for Go-Fer Mart for 1985 was reviewed. Moved by MAILE and seconded by STOPPELLO to approve the nenewal. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, MAILE. Motion carried. The Beer and Wine license transfer for the Bank Club and the application for the 1985 Beer and Wine license for the Bank Club was reviewed. Moved by MAILE and seconded by WALKER to approve the transfer and 1985 license for the Bank Club. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: MAILE, WALKER, STOPPELLO. Motion carried. The Beer and Wine license for Eagle I.G.A. for 1985 was reviewed. Moved by STOPPELLO and seconded by MAILE to approve the license renewal. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: MAILE, STOPPELLO, WALKER. Motion carried. Page 42 Ada County Transmittal 984-70-CU - Beagley, for a mobile home for a relative on a temporary basis. Moved by WALKER and seconded by STOPPELLO to approve the use on the basis that the mobile home be a temporary living quarters and that Ada County will check the use within one year. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: WALKER, MAILE, STOPPELLO. Motion carried. Ada County Transmittal #84-71-CU - Cord, for a beer tavern on Eagle Road was reviewed. Moved by STOPPELLO and seconded by MAILE that this proposed Conditional Use Permit does not violate the Comprehensive plan of the City of Eagle. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, MAILE. Motion carried. Moved by WALKER and seconded by STOPPELLO to approve the claims against the City. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, MAILE. Motion carried. Mayor HALEY adjourned the meeting at 10:40 P.M. Respectfully Submitted Bonnie Krasb~ski, City Clerk APPROVED: