Minutes - 1984 - City Council - 02/14/1984 - RegularPage 5 CITY OF EAGLE COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 1984 The Council met in regular session on Tuesday, February 14, 1984, at Eagle City Hall at 7:30 p.m.. Mayor HALEY presiding. Roll call showed the following members present: WALKER, MAILE, ESCALANTE. STOPPELLO, Moved by STOPPELLO and seconded by WALKER to approve the minutes of the January 10, 1984 meeting as printed. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, MAILE, ESCALANTE. Motion carried. Councilman STOPPELLO gave a report of the progress by the Planning and Zoning Commission on the ~mprehensive Plan. Mayor HALEY announced that this was the time and the place as advertised for the public hearing on the application submitted by Clarence Suiter on behalf of Robert DeShazo Builders for a Conditional Use Permit to construct six townhouses with four units in each for a total of twenty-four units, at the southeast corner of North Eagle Road and Ranch Drive. Mr. DeShazo presented the plans for the townhouses to the public and then the Mayor opened the hearing to public testimony. Guenter Schkrohowsky, 111 Springhill Dr., Eagle spoke against the C.U.P. Joseph Stinemates, 107 Ash, Eagle, spoke against the C.U.P. Susan Chandler, 198 Rooster Drive, Eagle, spoke against the C.U.P. Gloria Schkrohowsky, 111 Springhill Dr., Eagle, spoke against the C.U.P. E. James Fuchs, 204 Ranch Dr., Eagle, spoke against the higher density. Sandra Lavoie, 784 Fruitwood Pl., Eagle, spoke against the C.U.P. After the preceding testimony was given the Mayor announced that it was time for the question and answer period. Several questions were asked of Mr. DeShazo and then the Mayor closed the public testimony portion of the public hearing at 8:10 p.m.. It was moved by STOPPELLO and seconded by WALKER to deny the Conditional Use Request for Robert DeShazo Builders for the following reasons: 1. The request does not constitute a conditional use as established on the Official Schedule of District Regulations for the zoning district involved, changing the density is not allowed under a conditional use permit; The request would not be harmonious with the Comprehensive Plan as the higher density is not allowed in that area under the Comprehensive Plan. The use requested would be in contrast to the character of the general vicinity and would change the essential character of the same area with increased traffic flow and increased density. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, MAILE, WALKER, ESCALANTE.! Motion carried. page 6 Design Review 1-84 for Fabco was presented by Ron Marshall, Chairman of the Design Review Committee. Moved by WALKER and seconded by ESCALANTE to except the recommendations of the Design Review Committee and approve the Design Review 1-84 for Fabco. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, ESCALANTE, MAILE. Motion carried. Resolution 1-84 was presented to the Council by the Mayor. Moved by ESCALANTE and seconded by MAILE to pass resolution 1-84 "A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING ADA COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 130 PROVIDING FOR THE CONTROL AND PROHIBITION OF AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS FROM MOTOR VEHICLES ABOVE CERTAIN LEVELS AS DETERMINED BY THE ADA COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS". Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, ESCALANTE, MAILE. Motion carried. Mayor HALEY read a proclamation supporting Vocational Education Week that she had signed earlier in the month. The proclamation is on Page 7 as part of the minutes. The City Clerk was instructed to draw up a resolution supporting AdaCounty Resolution #387 and Boise City Resolu- tion #7787 concerning voluntarily restricting the use of wood and coal burning fireplaces during the winter months from November through February when air pollution levels exceed the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for carbon mono- xide concentration. The City Clerk was instructed to draw up a resolution amending resolution 1-76 concerning agenda cut off date. A Council workshop was scheduled for Tuesday, February 21st. Moved by STOPPELLO and seconded by ESCALANTE to rescind the spending freeze that went into affect August 9, 1983. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, ESCALANTE, MAILE. Motion carried. Moved by WALKER and seconded by ESCALANTE to approve the claims against the City. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, ESCALANTE, MAILE. Motion carried. Mayor HALEY adjourned the meeting at 9:15 P.M. Respectfully Submitted Bonnie Kr a~wski City Clerk Approved: ~ayor