Minutes - 1983 - City Council - 12/13/1983 - RegularPage 58 CITY OF EAGLE COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 13, 1983 The Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 13, 1983 at Eagle City Hall. Mayor HALEY presiding. Roll call showed the following members to be present: STOPPELLO, WALKER, PEARMAN. Moved by WALKER and seconded by PEARMAN to approve the minutes of the November 15, 1983 meeting as printed. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, PEARMAN. Motion carried. Mayor HALEY read a resolution "SUPPORTING ADA COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 124 PROVIDING FOR THE CONTROL AND PROHIBITION OF AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS FROM MOTOR VEHICLES ABOVE CERTAIN LEVELS AS DETERMINED BY THE ADA COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS". Moved by STOPPELLO and seconded by WALKER to approve the resolu- tion #6-83. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: WALKER, STOPPELLO, NAY: PEARMAN. Motion carried. Mayor HALEY read a resolution "RESPECTFULLY URGING GOVERNOR JOHN V. EVANS AND THE IDAHO TRANSPORTATION BOARD CHAIRMAN CARL MOORE AND MEMBERS, LLOYD BARRON AND ROY STROCHEIN, TO PROCEED WITHOUT DELAY, UPON COMPLETION OF THE HORSESHOE BEND HILL ROAD STUDY, TO SELECT A ROUTE, TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS AND SECURE FUNDS FOR RE-CONSTRUCTION OF THIS ROAD". Moved by PEARMAN and seconded by STOPPELLO to approve resolution #7-83. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, PEARMAN. Motion carried. Mayor HALEY presented the application for renewal of the 1984 beer and wine license for Kathy Ross DBA The Bank Club. Moved by STOPPELLO and seconded by PEARMAN to approve the renewal. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, PEARMAN. Motion carried. Mayor HALEY presented the application for renewal of the 1984 beer and wine license for Larry Leach DBA Eagle IGA. Moved by STOPPELLO and seconded by WALKER to approve the renewal. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, PEARMAN. Motion carried. Mayor HALEY presented the application for renewal of the 1984 beer and wine license for Gary Drown DBA the Way Station. Moved by STOPPELLO and seconded by WALKER to approve the renewal. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, PEARMAN. Motion carried. Mayor HALEY read an acknowledgement of the achievement of Emmy DeShazo and the acknowledgement is included in the minutes as page 59. Page 60 Mayor HALEY announced that this was the time and the place advertised for a public hearing on a Floodplain Development Permit for ESCO, INC.. Bart Smith, 2202 Hillway Dr., Boise, spoke in favor of the permit. There being no further testimony, Mayor HALEY closed the hearing. Moved by STOPPELLO and seconded by WALKER to accept the recommendation for approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission and approve the Floodplain Development Permit for ESCO. INC.. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, PEARMAN Motion carried. A proposal from Mountain Bell for the City to purchase the inside telephone wiring was presented to the Council by the City Clerk. Moved by STOPPELLO and seconded by WALKER to purchase the wiring instead of continuing to lease it from Mountain Bell. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, PEARMAN. Motion carried. The claims against the City were presented by the City Clerk. Moved by STOPPELLO and seconded by WALKER to pay the claims against the City. Motion resulted as follows; AYE STOPPELLO, WALKER, PEARMAN. Motion carried. Mayor HALEY adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully Submitted Bonnie Krasowski, City Clerk Approved: Carol Haley, M~'lor