Minutes - 1983 - City Council - 11/15/1983 - RegularPage 56 CITY OF EAGLE COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 15, 1983 The Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 15, 1983 at Eagle City hall. Roll call show~dthe following members to be present: STOPPELLO, WALKER, PEARMAN. Moved by STOPPELLO and seconded by WALKER to approve the minutes of the October 18th regular meeting and the minutes of the Special meeting on October 9th as printed. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, PEARMAN. Motion carried. Mayor HALEY read a letter to the council from Art Tackett, concerning the Community Development Block Grant for downtown water. The Council reviewed a resolution concerning a new high- way from Boise to the Northern part of the state of Idaho. The council decided to wait on their decision until a couple of meetings had been held on a statewide basis concerning the repair and construction of Horseshoe Bend Highway. The council instructed the City Clerk to draw up a re- solution for the City of Eagle supporting the emissions control program. Mayor HALEY announced that this was the time and the place advertised as a public hearing on the Subdivision Ordinance #88. " AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAGLE, IDAHO, PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION OF SUBDIVISIONS WITHIN THE CITY OF EAGLE; SETTING FORTH GENERAL PROVISIONS REGARDING ADMINISTRATION OF THE ORDINANCE; DEFINING CERTAIN WORDS AND PHRASES; SETTING FORTH A PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING APPROVAL OF A SUBDIVISION;.SETTING FORTH DESIGN STANDARDS, INCLUDING LOCATION AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREETS, INTERSECTIONS AND PEDESTRAIN WALKWAYS AND PRO- VIDING FOR PUBLIC SITES AND OPEN SPACES; SETTING FORTH IMPROVE- MENT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS, HYDROLOGIC CONTROLS; REQUIRING A SUBDIVIDER TO PROVIDE A FINANCIAL GUARANTEE IN LIEU OF ACTUAL INSTALLATION OF IMPROVEMENTS, PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR FAILURE TO COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION; ALLOWING AND PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT CERTIFICATES, INCLUDING HILLSIDE SUBDIVIS- IONS, PLANNED UNIT AND CONDOMINUM SUBDIVISIONS WITHIN FLOOD PLAINS AND SUBDIVISIONS WITHIN AREAS OF CRITICAL CONCERN; PROVIDING FOR VACATIONS, DEDICATIONS AND VARIANCES; PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES; PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENT PRO- CEDURES: AND PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND FOR AN EFFEC- TIVE DATE." Page 57 There was no public testimony for or against the Ordinance. Moved by STOPPELLO and seconded by PEARMAN that in accordance with the provisions of #50-902, Idaho Code, the rule requiring ordinances to be read on three different days, two readings of which are to be by title only and one of which is to be in full, be dispensed with and that Ordinance #88 be considered immediately. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, PEARMAN. Motion carried. Moved by STOPPELLO and seconded by WALKER that upon the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and the facts presented during the public hearing of the Planning and Zoning Commission, and the fact that no one has presented testimony against this ordinance, that in fact, Subdivision Ordinance #88 be adopted. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, PEARMAN. Motion carried. Moved by STOPPELLO and seconded by PEARMAN to renew for 1984 the beer and wine licenses for Baird Oil Co. dba Go-Fer Mart, and Richard Yzaquire dba Eagle Beverage. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, PEARMAN. Motion carried. Ron Marshall, chairman of the Design Review bard, presented DR#9-83, a sign for the "Hitching Post". Moved by WALKER and seconded by PEARMAN to except the recommendation of the Design Review Board and approve DR#9-83. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, PEARMAN. Motion carried. Mr. Marshall presented DR#10-83, a building design for ESCO Inc.. Moved by STOPPELLO and seconded by PEARMAN to accept the recommendation of the Design Review Board and approve DR#10-83 including the color designation and the siding of stucco. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, PEARMAN. Motion carried. The City Clerk presented the claims against the City and it was moved by WALKER and seconded by STOPPELLO to pay the claims against the City. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, WALKER, PEARMAN. Motion carried. Mayor HALEY adjourned the meeting ~at 8:35 p.m. Respectfully Submitted Bdnnie Kras~o~ski, City Clerk Approved: Carol Haley,V~or