Minutes - 1983 - City Council - 08/23/1983 - RegularPage 48 CITY OF EAGLE COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 23, 1983 The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, August 23, 1983, at Eagle City Hall. Mayor HALEY presiding. Roll call showed the following members present: WALKER, STOPPELLO, DECKER. Moved by WALKER and seconded by DECKER to approve the minutes of the August 9, 1983, as printed. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: DECKER, STOPPELLO, WALKER. Mayor HALEY asked for the councils approval of the appoint- ment of LeRoy Pearman to fill the vacant council seat. Moved by DECKER and seconded by STOPPELLO to approve LeRoy Pearman as the appointment for the vacant council seat. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: WALKER, DECKER, STOPPELLO. Motion carried. Councilman DECKER announced that he was moving to Boise, and submitted his resignation to become effective at the end of the month or at the Mayor's discretion. Ron Marshall, Chairman of the Board of the Design Review, again presented the application of Richard Smith, DR#4-83,for consideration. The Mayor called a recess to enable the Council to make a site inspection of the filling station that Mr. Smith is remodeling. The Council recessed at 7:45 p.m. and reconvened at 7:57 p.m. Moved by DECKER and seconded by WALKER to approve Design Review Application #4-83 provided that the sign conform to the Eagle sign Ordinance and that the Council review the Bat and Board issue within two years. Moved by DECKER and seconded by WALKER to amend the original motion to read; to approve the Design Review Application #4-83 under the following stipulations (a) The sign conform to the Eagle sign ordinance and (b) the Council review the Design Review Application #4-83 in two years to see that Bat and Board has been applied to the exterior of the building. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: DECKER, WALKER, STOPPELLO. Motion carried. Mayor HALEY presented to the council Ordinance #87 "AN ORDINANCE MAKING AN APPROPRIATION OF MONEY FOR ALL THE NECESSARY EXPENSES AND LIABILITIES OF THE CITY OF EAGLE, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING THE FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER, 1983, AND ENDING THE THIRTIETH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1984. THIS ORDINANCE BEING KNOWN AS THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION BILL, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY." Moved by DECKER and seconded by WALKER to dispense with the three reading rule according to Title 50-902, Idaho Code, and adopt Ordinance #87. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: DECKER, STOPPELLO, WALKER. Motion carried Page 49 The council instructed the City Clerk to draw up a resolution amending the Design Review F~e to a maximum of $75.00 or 10% of the remodeling, sign, landscaping, etc, or a minimum of $25.00. Mayor HALEY presented resolution #4-83 "A RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING A GENERAL CITY ELECTION, TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 8, 1983, DESIGNATING THE POLLING PLACES, DESIGNATING THE RE- GISTRAR AND DEPUTY REGISTRAR, AND ORDERING THE CITY CLERK TO GIVE NOTICE OF SUCH ELECTION." Moved by WALKER and seconded by DECKER to adopt resolution #4-83. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: DECKER, STOPPELLO, WALKER. Motion carried. Moved by DECKER and seconded by WALKER to approve the claims against the city. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: STOPPELLO, DECKER, WALKER. Motion carried. Councilman DECKER asked for unanimous consent to allow Mr. Wright to address the council in an informal mannor concerning the Middlebrook development. Unanimous consent was granted and Mr. Tom Wright, 1109 Main St., Boise, talked with the council about the present status of the Middlebrook development. Mayor HALEY adjourned the meeting at 9:00 P.M. Respectfully Submitted 'Cit~ Clerk & ~i~ance Officer Approved Mayo'~