Flood Control - Flood Control Permit - S Bank N Channel Boise River - 9/8/1999HOLLADAY ENGINEERING CO. ENGINEERS • CONSULTANTS 32 N. Main P.O. Box 235 Payette, ID 83661 (208) 642-3304 0 Fax # (208) 642-2159 September 7, 1999 M. Gene Gibson Idaho Department of Water Resources Western Region 2735 Airport Way Boise, ID 83705-5082 Re: Joint Application for Permit Amendment #63-S-1434 City of Eagle: Ref No. 031197 Dear Mr. Gibson: Enclosed please find a copy of the Joint Application for Permit Amendment and the information for the referenced project. The project includes the repair and restoration of approximately 35 to 50 feet of river bank and the construction of two barbs to be located upstream to redirect the energy of the main flow back into the center of the channel and away from the damaged area. The majority of the revetment will be placed between the new pedestrian bridge in the area of the slough up to the main channel where it may be continued under a separate permit being forwarded by the Island Woods Homeowners Association or the developer, BW Inc. Construction is expected to begin in mid September to early November. A copy of this permit amendment has also been forwarded to Greg Martinez of the Corps of Engineers. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, HOLLADAZENINEERING CO. By: Vernon E. Brewer, Proj. Mgr. Enclosure 1:1 ENGRI IElEG10311971BR/DGEIGIBSON.CRl WATER 0 WASTEWATER 0 SOLID WASTE . PUBLIC UTILITIES 0 STRUCTURES * PLANNING 0 STUDIES HOLLADAY ENGINEERING CO. ENGINEERS • CONSULTANTS 32 N. Main P.O. Box 235 Payette, ID 83661 (208) 642-3304 • Fax # (208) 642-2159 September 7, 1999 Greg Martinez U.S. Corps of Engineers HC -33 Box 1020 Boise, ID 83706 Re: Joint Application for Permit Amendment NWW No. 922100690 City of Eagle: Ref No. 031197 Dear Mr. Martinez: Enclosed please find a copy of the Joint Application for Permit and the required information for the referenced project. The project includes the repair and restoration of approximately 35 to 50 feet of river bank and the construction of two barbs to be located upstream to redirect the energy of the main flow back into the center of the channel and away from the damaged area. The majority of the revetment will be placed between the new pedestrian bridge in the area of the slough up to the main channel where it may be continued under a separate permit being forwarded by the Island Woods Homeowners Association or the developer, BW Inc. Construction is expected to begin in mid September to early November. A copy of this permit has also been forwarded to Gene Gibson of the Idaho Department of Water Resources. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, HOLLADAY ENGINEERING CO. By: Vernon E. Brewer, Proj. Mgr. Enclosure eg10311971 bridgelmartinez.cr3 WATER • WASTEWATER a SOLID WASTE • PUBLIC UTILITIES 0 STRUCTURES • PLANNING • STUDIES U.S. ARiiY CORPS Of ENGINEERS SEPARAIE PERIIII PHISIOIIS IA)SI AND DE R[CEIVEI) 11101100111 III[ SIAI[ IDAHO DEPARiMERI Of WAIER RESOURCES or IOAIIO Ai1D iiIF CORPS Ur IDAHO DEPARiMENi Or LANDS mi"r[RS PRIOR io Sim or WORK the Deportment of the Army permit program Is authorized by Section 10 of the Rivers end "arbors Act of 1899 and Section 464 of the Clean Water Act. these laws require permits authorizing structures and work in or affecting navigable waters of the United States and the discharge of dredged or fill material into voters of the United States, Including their adjacent wetlands. State permits ore required under the State of Idaho, Stream Channel Protection Act (title 42, Chapter 38, Idaho Code) and the Idaho Lake Protec- tion Act, Section 58-142 at. seq, Idaho Code. this application will meet the requirements of the above agencies. 1. Corps of Engineers M 2. Stets of Idaho N Date Received sate Received '61-VA4C ' lV6C ono Potur 3. Applicant City of Eagle 4. Authorized Agent _ Holladay Engineering Co. Moiling Address 310 E. State St, Ilalllho Address P.O. Box 235 Eagle, ID 83616 Area Area Work Phone (208 939-6813 Nome ( ) fax Number 08) 375-6667 5. locatlon Idlern proposed activity exifits or Will occur,. Wnlerwny _ North Fork - Boise River Eaala Ala ID In/neer city or town County State 83616 City of Eagle Zip Code local jurisdiction (city or county) Payette, ID 83615 Area Area Work Phone Q08) 642-3304 home ( ) IrIkitory oil Boise River Ananfinnr'R hane7llnxiln.nr Uxilvinion, tot's n(n`cEc Nx.j *(See 1110luctions) NE SW 16 4N 1E, BM or /1�— section i;FM31Tp— Range UiH Coordinate Grid 6. Describe the proposed activity. Provide a general description of the proposed work including all discharges of flit material and any structures such as piers, floats, boat lifts, bulkheads, aril cofferdams. Repair and replace approximately 50 feet of the South Bank of a back water slough of the North Channel of the Boise River. Placement of barbs along South Bank of the North Fnrk of the Rnice River, about 200 feet, Total length of project 250 feet, Describe construction methods and equipments Riprap will be machi water line. list oil soil series located at project #It#, find lixilebte if any nre on the county's hydric sells list: "Notus_Soils"1 per map sheet #9, Soil Survey of Ada Counly Area,, Idgho/Sands, Gravel, and Length of project along the stream or extension into lake or ri•servoir: 250 fee t River Cobble Will material be placed waterward of ordinary high Neter markt Yes If yes, volume: (cubic yards) (both temporary and permanent) Will material be placed in wetlands? NO if yes, area: (acres) type and composition of fill msterlal: Basalt rock <I.e. send, ate.) Motorial source: Imported Will excavation or dredging be required? NO If yes, volume: (cubic yards) Composition Disposal site for excavated material: N/A Method of excavation: Stream gradient: 0.30 Method of controlling turbidity end/or sedimentation: Rock will be placed by excavator 7. Size and flow capacity of proposed bridge or culvert and area of drainage served (sq. miles). (Idaho Department of Water Resources requirement.) N / A NPV 304 IDWR form 3804-8 feb 94 (REV) Feb 94 (REV) ti. Prepataliur► of drawings. gnu set of uriyinal or good quality re reducible drawings Must be attached to this applicutioli. €i DRUt ilGS��.41 I!! __e.11� X 1Ll i!€ la�ll€� See tl►a instruction puaollat for Instructions and a checklist for completing the drawings. include photographs of the project site moulted on 8-1/2 x 11 sheets. 9. Purpose and intended use: Conuercial Pubtic-1_Private Other Describe Necessity and justification for project Needed to protect further erosion of bike path/greenbelt. 10. Proposed starting Date September. 1999 Estimated Duration 10 days 11. If any portion of the activity is complete, indicate month and year of eomptation N / Q Indicate the existing work on the drawings. 12. Names, addresses, and telephone numttars of adjoining property owners, lessees, etc., lrhose property also adjoins the waterway. Al Russell 1698 S. Curtis Road Boise ID 83616 376-3921 BW Inc./EI0 2505 Beechwood, Suite 120 Boise,.ID 83709 375-6556 Alen & Betty Fraizer 1223 S. Watermark P1. Eagle, ID 83616939-7199 Q Check here if the alteration is located an endowment laflde edwinistered by the Idaho Department of Lands 11. LEGAL OWNER If OTHER TIIAN APPLICANT CITY, STATE, _ NAILING ADDRESS ZIP CODE AREA AREA PHONE WORK(_) NONE() 14. list other applications, approvals, or certifications from other federal, interstate, state, or local agencies for any structures, constructions, discharges, depoirits, or other activates described in tate application. Issuing Agency Type of Approval identification No. pate of Application Date of Approval 15, line any agency denied approval for the activity deyl:ribet) harain Pr herein? Ten No (If "yes'$ explain) for any activity directly related to the activity described 16. Remarks or additional information: Amends permit No'. NWW No. 992100690 and has been reviewed by Chuck Fergusson, Boise Flood Control District at Qn-site meeting August 5th. It. AplAicutiu„ lu hurul+y noldu lur u puruilt ur puruiitu to ualhurlfo ilia acllvilisa damcribod haruin. I certify that 1 Ilia fulslliur with the Infurmallull cunt4inu$1 In this application, mix) 111119 to this host of my kne►flodge and belief, such (nforsurllon Is true, cuagilutu, and uccurato. 1 furlhor curtify that 1 pos6066 ilia authority to lmldurtake the proposed activities. I hereby grant to ilia agencies to which Ihls application Is m4dii, ills right to collla IV1 above-described location to Inspect ilio proposed ed complatod work. . � 9 _ ` Aft J6A__ Date Signattire of Appl ant (OR i TUBE REquIRED) 19. If an authorized agent is to be designated, Item 4 and the following Informatial s ld be completed. I hereby designate Holladay Engineering—Ca, Coco_ to act as my agent .in aiatters related his permit application. 1 understand IIIAC if a Federal permit Is Issued, I exist alga 9140 Pei -wit, s oats o lginsl signature o Atitl►or zed Agent Wvifw slant r of IPMPIieant �l�� la U.S.C. section► 1001 provides that: ulroover', in any awnnur within ilia Jurisdiction of any depurtmu or agency of ilia W►ited States knowir►gly falsifies, conceals, or covers tip by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact or• makes any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or repraserltatIons or atakes or uses any false writing or docutent knowing sa►ao to contain any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry, shall b9 fined not Moro than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than 5 years or both. Do not sent a Federal permit processing fee 4411h.9414 application. The appropriate fee will be assessed when a permit is issued. 00 NOT SEND fEDERAL'PROCESSING FEE WITH APPLICATION NPN forim 404 IDWR form 3804.8 full 94 (Rev) Feb 94 (REV) CU c— z O W U) 0 w m w W � J z r� J �1 wow M i WWib 2 aO w � tet- o �z`� Z �3 I Z :D ,�e oaa W¢ z 0 m m 'M .e4. .0 'S F m w F- ��-' o s 0 �., o _' Q zLLJ O Z 5 z w '0 V LL - 0 z O F ty O t Q W z �^ d z 3tJ� _ 1 I R600 ' t, • • _ FLOC 1�4, Il-. / oil �paurse " 1 ,•('' ,_•.,'.�` i `,� it it • • 1 .r j71 �.. �-'-�'•" i i;:� I��,j'L. �..._/;...-i�;j' .1: ',p{`� \-. _ 1. ` gle Gievel Pit An 4038 1 �' 0 • • ! ,-r 0 ,- ......... - 6p0 \i9 ' E BM \ `���__ ;._=..•fir . ; - _- ��t/K€__—,. 5., t.. L ���i�--' • ' r- =flume i 'eA KS \It� 2 � z540 -...:� -��`a •_ -'�"• • r ++ ,++: � � 1, �=A $3 i i=F=�==xeeaa i • . ' •:`; ; t t1) \ � + �'_ • ;; \ Ft. fir+ h -•-.� ' •. \ %2549 N t .7©rs •tl �r' C��. [8 , f16 017 le ;6 4836 — �.� �,y `T'�.,� b,Ql •�C ,� ''�( 25 rac__ " 4• NArfL 21 r. 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