Minutes - 1987 - City Council - 03/10/1987 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL March 10, 1987 The City Council met in regular session at the Ea~le City Hall, on tuesday, March 10, 1987. MAYOR CAROL HALEY presiding. Roll call showed the following members Present: GUERBER, ~ATLOCK, MINOW, ROGERS. Motion made by GUERBER to approve the minutes of the February 10, 1987 meeting subject to a change on pa~e 2, paragrah 1. The minutes should reflect that ROGERS abstained from votin~ on the motion to change the salaries of the Council for the forthcoming year. The minutes now reflect a aye vote from ~O~ERS. Motion seconded by ~ATLOCK. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Motion made by MINOW to a~prove the minutes o~ the February 16, 1987 meeting, motion seconded by ROGERS. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. COmmITTEE REPORTS: GENERAL REPORT/MAYOR HALEY: Ada County Highway regarding the road dangers on Stierman Way. APA will assist with the ~rid needed on the new addresses for Banbury. The project will provide Eagle addresses. Discussion regarding population figures. Discussion re~ardin~ Ea~le By-Pass and our request for priority ahead of widenin~ from Fairview to Chinden. LIBARARY/MINOW: Library Week will be the 2nd week in April. There will be open house at that time. Acqusition o~ new books will be posted and shelved. These books will have board approval prior to purchase. Motion made by MINOW that based on the workshop meeting we repeal the requirement of $100.00 maxiumum purchasing Dower and the Library and returned to the purchasin~ schedule previously used. At a future date the auditing Droceedures be accomplished ~or that purpose. Motion seconded by GUERBER. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. COMPUTORS/MINOW: Has several bids and would like to have acquisition and discussion at an executive session. Motion made by ~INOWto have an Executive Session re~ardin~ computors at the end of the reqular meetino. Motion seconded by GUERBEP. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. PARKS/ROGERS: Has bids on new park sign re~lecting the change o~ name to FRIENDSHIP PARK. The only bid she had a return reply on was $725.00. GUERBER requested a commarison bid. A volunteer from the audiance advised ROGERS that he would assist in obtainin~ a si~n and would enlist the aid of the Boy Scouts for a much cheaper amount. ROGERS will enlist his aid after the meeting. P&Z/MATLOCK: Request of P&Z to create a joint committee with the Ada County Commissioners re~ardinq the Airport and that that committee consist of citizens for and a~ainst the project. The committee will City Council ?L=etin~ ~rch 10, 1987 Page 2 study and implimentation of the airport. P&Z is asking for Council approval to approach Ada County in order to form this committee. MISCELLANEOUS: Motion made by GUERBER to write the Kuna Mayor in regards to the Visitor Center they wish to acquire for the Birds of Prey through a grant. Motion seconded by MINOW. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS: Pre-Annexation request made by Linda Duvalis. The parcel is a 20 acres parcel and is unsure of the R zone needed at this time. She will make a formal request at a later date. Generally met with Council approval. DESHAZO/EAGLE RANCH # II: Discussion reqardin~ the Droject in that the owner, Rally Jones, wishes to develope the lots pr~iously dedicated ~/~s a playground. Council advise is to take the problem to public hearing. WATER CO/DESHAZO: Council requests that the City Attorney supply Eaqle Ranch Water Co. with a letter to be sent by the following Monday March 16, 1987 asking the input of the water company to our offer in buying the company. It was also established that there will be a special "open to the public" meetin~ on March 31, 1987, reqarding that company, asking for public opinion in a city operated water company. That that meeting be put in the newspaper as a matter of public interest and that the general populous be informed by way of the postal service. FINDING OF FACT/COURTIAL: Motion made by GUERBER to approve as presented. Motion seconded by MINOW. ALL ~YE: MOTION CARRIED. CONTRACTS/SENIOR CITIZENS-COMMUNITY CENTER AND CITY HALL: Some of the points regarding the contracts from the Engineer and Architect were not acceptable to the City Attorney. It was established that there will be a special meeting on March 17, 1~7 regardin~ the revisions of the contracts and approval at that time. RESOLUTION 1-87/EAGLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 1987: Motion made by GUERBER to approve as presented, motion seconded by ROGERS. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION 2-87/FEDERAL SURPLUS. A request ~rom Federal Surplus ~rom the Eagle City Council in Resolution ~orm in order to remain on the suppliers list. Motion made by GUERBER to aQprove the Resolution, motion seconded by RO~ER~. ALL AYE: ~OTION CARRIED. FLOOD PLAIN ORDINANCE: Review only. Will ~o to public hearinG. CI~AIMS AGAINST THE CITY: Motion made by ~UERBER to approve the Claims as presented. ~otion seconded by MATL©CK. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. City Council Meeting ~rch 10, 1987 Page 3 Motion made by MINOW and seconded by CUERBER to adjourn the regular meeting and go into Executive Session re~ardinq Acquisition of Computors for City Hall. The time was 8:35 p.m. Executive Session was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. and regular session resumed. Motion by MINOW to purchase a AST 2-140 system and printer with the condition that alonq with it we are supplied with the amount of training time needed at the same price indicated on the bid. The training to be provided by Fred Wilson. Motion seconded by MATLOCK. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. The Eagle City Council meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. ~c~ubmi tted: Approved: Carol Haley, ~yor v/