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Minutes - 1987 - City Council - 04/02/1987 - Specialcrtv ('OUNCIL MEETING The City Council met in special session at the Eagle City Hall on Thursday, April 2, 1987 at 5:30 D.m. Those Councilmembers present were: GUERBER, MATLOCK, MINQW,RO~ERS. Mayor HALEY presiding. The meeting was regarding the Senior beain the project. called for the purpose of decision making Citizen/Community Building in order to Mr. Bri~s, o~ B&A Engineers introduced a letter from Council re6arding Treasure Valley Mobile Home park. The letter indicated that the land within the park designated for the Fire Department would be presented to the City and the City could use the land as it chose for public use purposes. Motion by MINOW, that when the property is conveyed from Five Star Concept ~or Public use, that the City in turn donate ic to the Eagle Fire District for use in their obtaining a qr~nt and buildin6 o~ a ~ire station~---~m~tion was seconded by ROGERS. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Motion by GUERBER to approve the authorization of siqnin~ of the contract as corrected and now presented by Mr. Brick,s re~ardinq the Senior Citizen/Community Building, as contract~n~ Engineer. Motion seconded by ROGERS. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Motiom on the Enqineerin~ contract regarding the non-grant and City Hall portion o~ the project aDDroval, moved by MATLOCK. ~'iotion seconded bv ~INOW. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Discussion on call ~or bids followed. It was established that it was not required to republish the bids but that each contractor be contacted that ~ave a bid at the time o~ publication before. Motion made by GUERBER to authorize the call for bids. Motion seconded by MATLOCK. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Motion made by ~ATL~%CK to ~ve Carlyle Brig,s authoriny to explore the possibi]itv ~f a second extent~on grant on the Senior Citizens/Community projc3t. Motion seconded by MINOW. ALI. AYE: MO~[ON CARRIED. Meet]n~ ,~djourned at 6:10 p.m. ApDroved: ~c~%ily submitted: