Minutes - 1987 - City Council - 04/21/1987 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 21, 1987 The City Council met in regular session at the Eagle Primary School on Tuesday, April 21, 1987. Mayor CAROL HALEY presiding. Roll call showed the followin~ members present: GUERBER, MATLOCK, ~INOW, ROGERS. Motion made by GUERBER to a~nrove the minutes of the March 10, 19~7 meeting, motion seconded by ~ATLOCK. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. ~.~otion made by GUERBER to approve the minutes of the March 17, 1987 meeting, motion seconded by MATLOCK. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. [~otion made by MINOW to approve the minutes of the March 31, 1987 meeting, motion seconded by ROGERS. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. ~otion made by GUERBER to approve the minutes o~ the April 2, 1987 meeting with a change to the last paragraph so that it reads"apply for an extention grant" rather than "explore the possibility of a second ~rant". Motion seconded by MATLOCK. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. AUDITOR'S REPO~T: Jo Bolen, from ~essuri, Bates & Gibbons, CPA for the City of Eagle, read into record the letter received from that firm. (Letter attached). It was determined that $16,290 entered into revenues was omitted from the expenditure side of the budget, and that amount would have to be made uD from another fund. It was also determined that that ~und should be Capital Improvements-Hndesigmated. It was stated by Ms. Bolen that the Library could keel) seperate books and bank accounts and the City could appropriate funds by means of a monthly transfer to the Library. ~y (TJEPRER BEER AND WINE LICEN~ I.: ~otio~ to ~lrant the request ~rom Rockin~ Horse Pizza dba Larry Rushton for a Beer License. ~.~t~on seconded by ALL AYE: ~[OTION CARRIED. JOSEPH O. JOZARK: A request for permission o~ the council to aoDrove sale and rental of utility trailers and fishing beefs on the property owned by Vir~il Anderson at the corner of Second and State. Mr. Jozark stated that he would use o~]~, a ~ortion of tb~ ~ro~erty, would not use the buildin~ except for storable and would fence in the portion that he would us~? =or public gaff, tv. Motion by MI~'c~W to approve the proooscd request,to use only the back half of the lot, to require a fence at least 5 ft. tall , that it b~~ a chain-link fence, and no signaqe would be permite(t. :10tion seconded by ROGERS. ALL AYE: MOTION CAr~RIED. City Council Meetin~ April 21, 1987 Page 2 RESOLUTION 3-87: Supporting the Investigation of a General Aviation Airport within the Impact Area of the City oF Eagle. Motion by ~UERBER to adopt the resolution as presented, motion seconded by ~4ATLOCK. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Motion made by GUERBER to add to the agaenda a zoning consideration of a small engine repair shop on State St., owned by James Sanchez. Motion seconded by MATLOCK. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. James Sanchez stated that he has been running a small engine repair business out of his home for about 2 years. He recently put up a sign "Tino's Repair". Mr. Sanchez' property is in a C-2 zone. GUERBER advised Mr. Sanchez to get a Design Review Application in to the Zoninq Administrator and that the application will hav~ further review. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: 1987 Eagle Comprehensive Plan. Motion by GUERBER to adopt the Findings of Fact as presented, motion seconded by MATLOCK. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. IMPACT AREA AGREemENT ~ISCUSSION: The letter and amendments received from Ada County reviewed. Amendment "A" and amendment "B" appear to be in conflict in that "A" reads The Eagle Comprehensive Plan ...... ali apply within the Eagle Area of City Impact, "B" reads Presently ~ned lands shall be allowed to develop in accordance with development standards contained in the Ada County Zoninq Ordinance. Fred Wilson, Chairman of P&Z cited the Idaho State Code 67-6526(A) 1-3. This section provides for 3 ways to re~ard an imDact area. The first provides for the application of the city plan and ordinances, the second provides for the County's aDDlication of county plan and ordinances and the third is a mutu~ily agreed upon plan and ordinances. The letter also requests an extension of time from the 45 day require- ment. Motion by MINOW TO Waive the 45 day notification in order to Droceed with the other matters re~arding the impact area brought up tonight. Motion seconded by RO~ERS. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR HALEY instructed that a letter be written to submit to Ada County at the public hearing on April 23, 1987 regarding the impact area. ~ATLOCK suggested a chan~e in section 9-2-2(A) of those amendments to read'~nnexation by the City of Ea~le shall be limited to those lands lying within or adjacent to ..." BANBURY: Letter to the Meridian Fire District regarding the Meridian/ Eagle Fire Departments area of service discussed. It was the general opinion of Council to write and request service of Banbury be out of Eagle not Meridian. City Council Meeting April 21, 1987 Page 3 ~ENIOR CITIZEN/CITY HALL: Drainage District Contract discussed. Motion by MATLOCK to r~tify the contract with the following chan~e: Page 3, first paragraph, to omit "or the latest structure using the most recent state of the art for removing pollutants;" Motion seconded by GUERBER, ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Motion by MINOW to allow the Mayor to approve the utility contracts for the Senior Citizen/City Hall project with the exception of a water contract. Motion seconded by MATLOCK. ROLL CALL ON THE MOTION RESULTED AS FOLLOWS: AYE: GUERBER, MATLOCK, MINOW, ROGERS. MOTION CARRIED. WATER COMPANY: City Attorney was asked to write the Eagle Ranch Water Company requesting a counter proposal regarding the City's request to purchase the water company. ~ was requested of Mr. Briggs to obtain the current, April 15, 1986,water report from PUC. COmmITTEE REPORTS: Miscellaneous: Mayor HALEY reported on the mesquito abatement for citizen involvement. Parks: Discussion with Dr. Peterson on trees in the parks. Motion by GUERBER to a~prove the expenditure of a faucett in Friendship park. Motion seconded by ~INOW. ALL AYE: ~OTION CARRIED. Motion by MINOW to approve a $100 expenditure for sign construction for Friendshi~ Park. ~otion seconded by ~ATLOCK. ROLL CALL ON THE ~OTION RESULTED AS FOLLOWS: AYE: GUERBER, ~ATLOCK, MINOW, ROGERS. MOTION CARRIED. There will be a dedication of the sign through the school. Library: no discussion. P&Z: no discussion APA: The topic of auto inspection as to air pollution discussed. Meridian did not support the program. The outcome of the discussion was that APA support a one yr. extension of the program and allow the Air Quality Board to make decisions on rates. Notion by GUERBER to accept the Claims Against the City as presented. Motion seconded by MINOW. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED AS FOLLOWS: AYE: GUERBER, MATLOCK, MINOW, ROGERS. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Approved: // · Mayor Carol Haley / ~ _/~bara Mof~t~omer~Cit~-~C~er~